Mathematics SL Notation List PDF

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Notation list

Of the various notations in use, the IB has chosen to adopt a system of notation based on the
recommendations of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This notation is used in
the examination papers for this course without explanation. If forms of notation other than those listed
in this guide are used on a particular examination paper, they are defined within the question in which
they appear.

Because students are required to recognize, though not necessarily use, IB notation in examinations, it
is recommended that teachers introduce students to this notation at the earliest opportunity. Students
are not allowed access to information about this notation in the examinations.

Students must always use correct mathematical notation, not calculator notation.

the set of positive integers and zero, {0,1, 2, 3, ...}

the set of integers, {0,  1,  2,  3, ...}

 the set of positive integers, {1, 2, 3, ...}

the set of rational numbers

the set of positive rational numbers, {x | x  , x  0}

the set of real numbers

 the set of positive real numbers, {x | x  , x  0}

{x1 , x2 , ...} the set with elements x1 , x2 , ...

n( A) the number of elements in the finite set A

{x | } the set of all x such that

 is an element of

 is not an element of

 the empty (null) set

U the universal set

 Union

52 Mathematics SL guide
Notation list

 Intersection

 is a proper subset of

 is a subset of

A the complement of the set A

a|b a divides b

1 th
a1/ n , n
a a to the power of , n root of a (if a  0 then n
a 0)
 x for x  0, x 
x modulus or absolute value of x , that is 
 x for x  0, x 

 is approximately equal to

 is greater than

 is greater than or equal to

 is less than

 is less than or equal to

 is not greater than

 is not less than

un the nth term of a sequence or series

d the common difference of an arithmetic sequence

r the common ratio of a geometric sequence

Sn the sum of the first n terms of a sequence, u1  u2  ...  un

S the sum to infinity of a sequence, u1  u2  ...


i 1
i u1  u2  ...  un

 n
  the rth binomial coefficient, r = 0, 1, 2, …, in the expansion of (a  b)n
r 
n! n(n  1)(n  2)   3  2 1

f :x y f is a function under which x is mapped to y

Mathematics SL guide 53
Notation list

f ( x) the image of x under the function f

f 1 the inverse function of the function f

f g the composite function of f and g

lim f ( x) the limit of f ( x) as x tends to a

x a

the derivative of y with respect to x

f ( x) the derivative of f ( x) with respect to x

d2 y the second derivative of y with respect to x

dx 2

f ( x) the second derivative of f ( x) with respect to x

dn y the nth derivative of y with respect to x

dx n

f ( n ) ( x) the nth derivative of f ( x) with respect to x

 y dx the indefinite integral of y with respect to x

 y dx the definite integral of y with respect to x between the limits x  a and x  b

ex exponential function (base e) of x

log a x logarithm to the base a of x

ln x the natural logarithm of x , log e x

sin, cos, tan the circular functions

A( x, y) the point A in the plane with Cartesian coordinates x and y

[AB] the line segment with end points A and B

AB the length of [AB]

(AB) the line containing points A and B

 the angle at A

CAB the angle between [CA] and [AB]

54 Mathematics SL guide
Notation list

ABC the triangle whose vertices are A , B and C

v the vector v

 the vector represented in magnitude and direction by the directed line segment
AB from A to B

a the position vector OA

i, j, k unit vectors in the directions of the Cartesian coordinate axes

a the magnitude of a

 
| AB| the magnitude of AB

vw the scalar product of v and w

P( A) probability of event A

P( A) probability of the event “not A ”

P( A | B) probability of the event A given the event B

x1 , x2 , ... Observations

f1 , f 2 , ... frequencies with which the observations x1 , x2 , ... occur

  number of ways of selecting r items from n items
B(n, p) binomial distribution with parameters n and p

N(  , 2 ) normal distribution with mean  and variance  2

X ~ B(n, p) the random variable X has a binomial distribution with parameters n and p

the random variable X has a normal distribution with mean  and

X ~ N( , 2 )
variance  2
 population mean

2 population variance

 population standard deviation

x mean of a set of data, x1 , x2 , x3 ,...

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Notation list

z standardized normal random variable, z 

cumulative distribution function of the standardized normal variable with
 distribution N(0, 1)

r Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficient

56 Mathematics SL guide

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