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Case 0:09-cv-60723-AJ Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/15/2009

May 15, 2009




09-60723-C iv-J ORDAN/MCALI LEY

Florida not-for-profit corporation,




a foreign corporation, WESTCHESTER
COMPANY, a foreign corporation,



and pursuant to the
INC. ("RESIDENCES"), by and through its undersigned counsel

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, sues the Defendants, MT. HAWLEY INSURANCE




1. This is an action for declaratory judgment, including supplemental relief,

and breach of contract (actual cash value), breach of contract (replacement cost value),

and breach of the implied warranty of good faith and fair dealing, seeking judgment for

of $75, 000.00 exclusive of interest, costs and attorneys' fees.

damages in excess


250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900
Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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El-Ad Residences v. Mt. Hawley and Westchester

Page 2

2. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1332, this Court has subject matter jurisdiction

because the amount in controversy exceeds $75, 000.00, exclusive of interest, costs

and attorneys' fees, and there is complete diversity of citizenship between the parties.

3. At all material times, RESIDENCES was a condominium association and

not-for-profit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida,

and was authorized to do, and continues to do business in Broward County, Florida.

RESIDENCES has its principal place of business in Broward County, Florida.

4. At all material times, MT. HAWLEY was a foreign corporation and surplus

lines insurance carrier authorized by the State of Florida pursuant to a letter of eligibility

to transact insurance in Florida.

5. At all material times, MT. HAWLEY transacted business in Broward

County, Florida.

6. At all material times, WESTCHESTER was a foreign corporation and

surplus lines insurance carrier authorized by the State of Florida pursuant to a letter of

eligibility to transact insurance in Florida.

7. At all material times, WESTCHESTER transacted business in Broward

County, Florida.

8. MT. HAWLEY issued Policy No. MCP0140064, which provided property

coverage to RESIDENCES of $2 million per occurrence for the twelve month period

beginning September 07, 2005 and ending September 07, 2006. True and correct

copies of the declaration page and insurance policy (the "Mt. Hawley Insurance

Contract") are attached as Composite Exhibit "A".

250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900 Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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El-Ad Residences v. Mt. Hawley and Westchester

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9. WESTCHESTER issued Policy No. D35910177 001, which provided

property coverage to RESIDENCES of $8 million per occurrence in excess of $2 million

per occurrence for the twelve month period beginning September 07, 2005 and ending

September 07, 2006. A true and correct copy of the declaration page (the "Westchester

Insurance Contract") is attached as Exhibit "B"1.

10. The intent and purpose of both the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract and the

Westchester Insurance Contract (collectively the "Insurance Contracts") are to provide

commercial residential property coverage to the named insured, RESIDENCES, for

direct physical loss to the insured property from September 07, 2005 through

September 07, 2006, with MT. HAWLEY providing the first layer of coverage in the

amount of $2 million per occurrence and WESTCHESTER providing the second layer of

in of the first layer.

coverage in the amount of $8 million per occurrence excess

WESTCHESTER is liable for any covered loss, damages and/or judgment in excess of

the first layer of coverage.

11. The Westchester Insurance Contract adopts and incorporates by

reference, all terms and conditions of the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract to the extent

that its terms do not conflict with the express terms and conditions contained in the

Westchester Insurance Contract. With respect to the material provisions contained

within the Insurance Contracts that are relevant to this action, there are no conflicting

terms or conditions. WESTCHESTER has also, through the Westchester Insurance

Contract, expressly adopted and incorporated by reference, the separate "windstorm"

deductible contained within the Westchester Insurance Contract.

RESIDENCES has requested a copy of the Westchester policy from WESTCHESTER but has not
received it yet. WESTCHESTER has a copy of the policy.

KATZMAN GARFINKEL ROSENBAUM LLP *250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900 Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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El-Ad Residences v. Mt. Hawley and Westchester
Page 4

12. On or about October 24, 2005, Hurricane Wilma struck Broward County,

Florida, including RESIDENCES.

13. On or about October 24, 2005, RESIDENCES sustained significant

hurricane damages to its residential condominium property as a result of Hurricane


14. RESIDENCES timely reported the damages to the Defendants.

15. Following Hurricane Wilma, MT. HAWLEY and WESTCHESTER had an

opportunity to inspect the damages to the insured property.

16. To date, over three years after Hurricane Wilma, the Defendants have

failed to provide RESIDENCES with any estimate of the damages, and have failed to

adjust, pay, and/or settle RESIDENCES' claim for hurricane damage, despite their

obligations to do so under Section 627.70131, Florida Statutes, and the Insurance


17. Venue lies in the Southern District of Florida because, among other things,

the Insurance Contracts were entered into and provided insurance coverage for

residential property located in Broward County, Florida.

18. All conditions precedent to the filing of this action have occurred and/or

have been waived.


19. This is an action by RESIDENCES against MT. HAWLEY and

WESTCHESTER for declaratory judgment and supplemental relief, the subject matter of

which exceeds $75, 000.00 exclusive of interest, costs and attorneys' fees, pursuant to

Chapter 86, Florida Statutes.


250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900 Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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20. RESIDENCES realleges and reavers the allegations contained in

paragraphs 1 through 18 above, as if fully set forth herein.

21. RESIDENCES seeks a declaratory judgment: (a) that the Mt. Hawley

Insurance Contract is valid and enforceable; (b) that pursuant to the terms and

conditions of the Insurance Contracts, RESIDENCES has a valid and enforceable right

to coverage, and to a determination of the total amount of all damages sustained from

Hurricane Wilma notwithstanding MT. HAWLEY's and/or WESTCHESTER's failure to

timely adjust, pay and/or settle RESIDENCES' claim; (c) that the Mt. Hawley Insurance

Contract fails to comply with Section 627.701(a-b), Florida Statutes, and 627.701(4)(a),

Florida Statutes, and therefore, the provisions concerning co-insurance and a separate

hurricane deductible are void and unenforceable; (d) determining the total amount of the

losses and damages caused by Hurricane Wilma to RESIDENCES; and (e) awarding

RESIDENCES supplemental relief to fully compensate RESIDENCES for all of its

hurricane related damages under Chapter 86, Florida Statutes.

22. RESIDENCES also seeks a declaratory judgment that the provision

concerning a separate deductible of "3% of total values at risk Per Building (including

time element if applicable) at the time of loss for Windstorm or Hail" is vague and

ambiguous. The term "Windstorm" is not defined. The amount of the separate

deductible for Windstorm or Hail is not stated as a sum certain. RESIDENCES seeks a

declaratory judgment that the failure to define the term "Windstorm" renders the

of the separate deductible vague, ambiguous. Moreover, the failure to state

the deductible as a sum certain renders the amount of the deductible vague and

ambiguous. Because the separate deductible is vague, ambiguous, and otherwise

250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900 Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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El-Ad Residences v. Mt. Hawley and Westchester

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violates Section 627.701, Florida Statutes, it is unenforceable and/or should be

construed against MT. HAWLEY and WESTCHESTER. Plaintiff further and

alternatively seeks a declaratory judgment that, to the extent the amount of the separate

deductible can be ascertained, it must be construed to indicate that the maximum

separate deductible for Windstorm or Hail loss is 3% of the $2 million limit of coverage

offered under the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract because $2 million is all that is "at risk"

under the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract.

23. MT. HAWLEY's and WESTCHESTER's actions have raised doubt and

insecurity for RESIDENCES regarding: the validity, enforceability and scope of the

Insurance Contracts; the total amount of the covered damages RESIDENCES

sustained from Hurricane Wilma; MT. HAWLEY's and WESTCHESTER's duties to

timely adjust, pay and/or settle RESIDENCES' claim for all damages sustained from

Hurricane Wilma; the validity and enforceability of the co-insurance and separate

hurricane deductible provision of the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract; and, if determined

to be enforceable, the amount of the separate hurricane deductible to be applied in this


24. Paragraphs E.4 and 0.3 (form CP 00 17 04 02) as well as paragraph D

(form CP 01 25 06 95) of the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract, and the Westchester

Insurance Contract, together with Section 627.70131, Florida Statutes, require MT.

HAWLEY and WESTCHESTER to timely adjust, pay and/or settle RESIDENCES'

claims for the damages it sustained from Hurricane Wilma. MT. HAWLEY and

WESTCHESTER have failed to adjust, pay and/or settle RESIDENCES' claims.

RESIDENCES is entitled to a declaratory judgment that the Insurance Contracts and

KATZMAN GARFINKEL ROSENBAUM LLP *250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900 Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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Florida law require MT. HAWLEY and WESTCHESTER to timely adjust, pay and/or

settle RESIDENCES' hurricane damage claims.

25. RESIDENCES suffered extensive losses and damages from Hurricane

those losses and

Wilma and timely notified MT. HAWLEY and WESTCHESTER of

damages. MT. HAWLEY and WESTCHESTER have failed to adjust the claim and

determine the total amount of damages that RESIDENCES sustained from Hurricane

Wilma. RESIDENCES is entitled to declaratory judgment to determine the total amount

of its Hurricane Wilma damages and for supplemental relief to fully compensate

RESIDENCES for its Hurricane Wilma losses and damages.

26. The Insurance Contracts fail to comply with Section 627.701, Florida
Statutes, because the faces of the Insurance Contracts do not contain a

notice as is required. Further, the faces of the Insurance Contracts fail to contain a

separate hurricane deductible notice as required and/or fail to comply with the wording

and bold faced type size requirements set forth in Section 627.701, Florida Statutes.

27. RESIDENCES is entitled to a declaratory judgment that the co-insurance

separate hurricane deductible provisions of the Mt. Hawley Insurance

void and unenforceable because the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract does not comply

with the set forth in Section 627.701(1)(a-b), Florida Statutes, and Section

627.701(4)(a), Florida Statutes.

to the extent that the separate hurricane deductible is

28. Alternatively,

determined to be enforceable, RESIDENCES is entitled to declaratory judgment that the

element if applicable) at
language "3% of total values at risk Per Building (including time

the time of loss for Windstorm or Hail" must be construed so that the maximum


250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900
Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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deductible to be applied for all buildings combined is 3% of the $2 million limit of

coverage under the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract.

29. RESIDENCES, MT. HAWLEY and WESTCHESTER have present, actual,

adverse and antagonistic interests in the validity and enforceability of the Insurance

Contracts; the full amount of RESIDENCES' losses and damages from Hurricane

Wilma; the coverage provided by the Insurance Contracts; the validity and enforceability

of the co-insurance and separate hurricane deductible provision of the Mt. Hawley

Insurance Contract; and, the amount of the hurricane deductible to be applied in this


30. RESIDENCES' adverse and antagonistic interests are before this Court by

proper process. The relief RESIDENCES seeks is not the mere rendering of legal


31. RESIDENCES has a bona fide, present and practical need for a

declaration of its rights under the Insurance Contracts.

32. RESIDENCES has retained the undersigned attorneys to represent it in

this action and is required to pay them a reasonable fee for their services.

33. RESIDENCES is entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees

pursuant to Section 627.428, Florida Statutes, which provides in pertinent part:

Upon the rendition judgment or decree by any of the

of a
courts of this state against an insurer and in favor of any
named or omnibus insured or the named beneficiary under a
policy or contract executed by the insurer, the trial court or,
in the event of an appeal in which the insured or beneficiary
prevails, the appellate court shall adjudge or decree against
the insurer and in favor of the insured or beneficiary a
reasonable sum as fees or compensation for the insured's or
beneficiary's attorney prosecuting the suit in which the
recovery is had.


250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900 Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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El-Ad Residences v. Mt. Hawley and Westchester

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34. Alternatively, Section 626.911, Florida Statutes, provides in pertinent part:

In any action against an unauthorized foreign insurer, alien

insurer, or person representing or aiding such an insurer,
upon a contract of insurance issued or delivered in this state
to a resident thereof or to a corporation authorized to do
business therein, if the insurer or person representing or
aiding such insurer has failed for 30 days after demand prior
to the commencement of the action to make payment in
accordance with the terms of the contract, the trial judge
shall allow to the plaintiff a reasonable attorney's fee or
compensation and include such fee or compensation in any
judgment that may be rendered in such action.

35. RESIDENCES is further entitled to recover prejudgment interest pursuant

to Section 627.70131, Florida Statutes.

WHEREFORE, RESIDENCES requests the Court enter a declaratory judgment

MT. HAWLEY and WESTCHESTER (a) that the Insurance Contracts are valid
and enforceable; (b) that pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Insurance

Contracts, RESIDENCES has a valid and enforceable right to coverage, and a

determination of the total amount of all damages RESIDENCES sustained from

Hurricane Wilma; (c) determining the total amount of the losses and damages caused

Hurricane Wilma to RESIDENCES; (d) that the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract fails

to comply with Section 627.701, Florida Statutes, and therefore, the co-insurance and

separate hurricane deductible provisions are void and unenforceable; (e) that because

the provision concerning a separate "3% of total values at risk Per Building (including

time element if applicable) at the time of loss for Windstorm or Hail" is ambiguous, it is

and/or should be construed against MT.

unenforceable against RESIDENCES

HAWLEY and WESTCHESTER; (f) if determined enforceable, the separate hurricane

deductible is 3% of the $2 million limit of coverage under the Mt. Hawley Insurance

KATZMAN GARFINKEL ROSENBAUM LLP *250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Facsimile (561) 820-2542

Telephone (561) 653-2900

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Contract; (g) awarding supplemental relief to fully compensate RESIDENCES for all of

its hurricane related damages under Chapter 86, Florida Statutes; and, (h) awarding

RESIDENCES its reasonable attorneys' fees under Section 627.428, Florida Statutes,

or in the alternative, under Section 626.911, Florida Statutes, together with taxable

costs, prejudgment interest under Section 627.70131, Florida Statutes, and any other

and further relief the Court deems just, equitable and proper.

(Actual Cash Value)

36. This is an action against MT. HAWLEY for breach of the Mt. Hawley

Insurance Contract seeking damages in excess of $75, 000.00, exclusive of interest,

costs, and attorneys' fees.

37. RESIDENCES realleges the allegations contained in paragraphs 1

through 18 above, as if fully set forth herein.

38. In or about September, 2005, MT. HAWLEY offered to provide property

coverage to RESIDENCES for the twelve (12) month period commencing September 7,

2005 in consideration for a premium. In or about September, 2005, RESIDENCES

accepted MT. HAWLEY's offer of property coverage and paid the premium.

39. The Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract set forth the rights and obligations of

MT. HAWLEY to RESIDENCES with respect to its claim, including among other things,

the following pertinent terms and conditions:

We will determine the value of lost or damaged property, or

the cost of its repair or replacement, in accordance with the
applicable terms of the Valuation condition in this Coverage
Form or any applicable provision which amends or
supersedes the Valuation Condition.

250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900 Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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See Composite Exhibit "A", Paragraph E.4.a.

* * *

You may make a claim for loss or damage covered by this

insurance on an actual cash value basis instead of on a
replacement cost basis. In the event you elect to have loss
or damage settled on an actual cash value basis, you may
still make a claim for the additional coverage this Optional
Coverage provides...

See Composite Exhibit "A", Paragraph G.3.c.

40. Pursuant to the terms of the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract,

RESIDENCES has a right to coverage for property losses or damages caused by

Hurricane Wilma.

41. In or about October, 2005 through October, 2008, and continuing to the

present time, MT. HAWLEY has materially breached the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract

by failing to pay the actual cash value of the losses or damages to the insured property

caused by Hurricane Wilma.

42. In or about November, 2005, and at other times following Hurricane

Wilma, RESIDENCES made a claim for the losses and damages caused from

Hurricane Wilma and requested to be paid the actual cash value due under the Mt.

Hawley Insurance Contract.

43. Notwithstanding RESIDENCES' claim, MT. HAWLEY has not determined

the value of the lost or damaged property and has not paid RESIDENCES the full actual

cash value due under the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract. Instead, MT. HAWLEY

contends that the majority of the loss is under deductible and, otherwise, has denied the


KATZMAN GARFINKEL ROSENBAUM LLP *250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Facsimile (561) 820-2542

Telephone (561) 653-2900

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44. MT. HAWLEY breached the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract by failing to

accurately adjust RESIDENCES' claim and properly determine the value of its lost or

damaged property and by failing to fully pay RESIDENCES the actual cash value of the

lost or damaged property.

45. MT. HAWLEY further breached the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract by

failing to correctly adjust, fully pay or settle RESIDENCES' actual cash value claim and

in so doing, frustrated RESIDENCES' ability to make the repairs necessitated by

Hurricane Wilma.

46. As a direct result of MT. HAWLEY's material breaches of the Mt. Hawley

Insurance Contract, RESIDENCES has suffered millions of dollars in damages.

47. RESIDENCES has retained the undersigned attorneys to represent it in

this action and is required to pay them a reasonable fee for their services.

48. RESIDENCES is entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees

pursuant to Section 627.428, Florida Statutes, which provides in pertinent part:

Upon the rendition of a judgment or decree by any of the

courts of this state against an insurer and in favor of any
named or omnibus insured or the named beneficiary under a
policy or contract executed by the insurer, the trial court or,
in the event of an appeal in which the insured or beneficiary
prevails, the appellate court shall adjudge or decree against
the insurer and in favor of the insured or beneficiary a
reasonable sum as fees or compensation for the insured's or
beneficiary's attorney prosecuting the suit in which the
recovery is had.

49. Alternatively, Section 626.911, Florida Statutes, provides in pertinent part:

In any action against an unauthorized foreign insurer, alien

insurer, or person representing or aiding such an insurer,
upon a contract of insurance issued or delivered in this state
to a resident thereof or to a corporation authorized to do
business there, if the insurer or person representing or

KATZMAN GARFINKEL ROSENBAUM LLP *250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900
Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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aiding such insurer has failed for 30 days after demand prior
to the commencement of the action to make payment in
accordance with the terms of the contract, the trial judge
shall allow to the plaintiff a reasonable attorney's fee or
compensation and include such fee or compensation in any
judgment that may be rendered in such action.

50. RESIDENCES is further entitled to recover prejudgment interest pursuant

to Section 627.70131, Florida Statutes.

WHEREFORE, RESIDENCES demands judgment against MT. HAWLEY for

compensatory damages, together with interest, costs and attorneys' fees under Section

627.428, Florida Statutes, or in the alternative, under Section 626.911, Florida Statutes,

together with taxable costs, prejudgment interest under Section 627.70131, Florida

Statutes, and other such relief as this Court deems just, equitable and proper.

(Replacement Cost Value)

51. This is an action by RESIDENCES against MT. HAWLEY for breach of the

Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract (replacement cost value) seeking damages in excess of

$75, 000.00, exclusive of interest, costs, and attorneys' fees.

52. RESIDENCES reavers and realleges the allegations contained in

paragraphs 1 through 18 above, as if fully set forth herein.

53. The Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract sets forth the rights and obligations of

MT. HAWLEY to RESIDENCES with respect to its claim, including among other things,

the following pertinent terms and conditions:

* * *

We will determine the value of lost or damaged property, or

the cost of its repair or replacement, in accordance with the
applicable terms of the Valuation condition in this Coverage


250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900 Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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Form or any applicable provision which amends or

supersedes the Valuation Condition.

See Composite Exhibit "A", Paragraph E.4.a.

You may make a claim for loss or damage covered by this

insurance on an actual cash value basis instead of on a
replacement cost basis. In the event you elect to have loss
or damage settled on an actual cash value basis, you may
still make a claim for the additional coverage this Optional
Coverage provides...

See Composite Exhibit "A", Paragraph G.3.c.

Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Mt. Hawley Insurance


Contract, RESIDENCES has a right to coverage for property losses or damages caused

by Hurricane Wilma.

55. In or about October, 2005, and at other times following Hurricane Wilma,

RESIDENCES made a claim to MT. HAWLEY for the losses and damages caused from

Hurricane Wilma and has requested that MT. HAWLEY pay RESIDENCES the actual

cost values for its losses and damages, as provided by the Mt.
cash and replacement

Hawley Insurance Contract.

has not determined
56. Notwithstanding RESIDENCES' claim, MT. HAWLEY
and has not paid to RESIDENCES the actual
the value of the lost or damaged property

cash value and the replacement cost value due under the Mt. Hawley Insurance
Contract. Instead, MT. HAWLEY contends that the majority of the loss is

deductible and has otherwise denied the claim.

57. MT. HAWLEY materially breached the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract by

to determine the value of the

failing to adjust RESIDENCES' claim, failing

250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900
Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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RESIDENCES' lost or destroyed property, and by failing to pay RESIDENCES the

actual cash value and the replacement cost value of the lost or damaged property.

58. MT. HAWLEY further breached the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract, and is

continuing to do so by failing to adjust, pay and/or settle RESIDENCES' actual cash

value claim and, in doing so, frustrated RESIDENCES' ability to make the repairs

necessary for RESIDENCES to receive the reimbursements for its claim on a

replacement cost basis, which constitutes yet another breach of the Mt. Hawley

Insurance Contract.

59. As a direct and proximate result of MT. HAWLEY's breaches of the Mt.

Hawley Insurance Contract, RESIDENCES has suffered millions of dollars in damages.

60. RESIDENCES has retained the undersigned attorneys to represent it in

this action and is required to pay them a reasonable fee for their services.

RESIDENCES is entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees


pursuant to Section 627.428, Florida Statutes, which provides in pertinent part:

Upon the rendition of a judgment or decree by any of
courts of this state against an insurer and in favor of any
named or omnibus insured or the named beneficiary under a
policy or contract executed by the insurer, the trial court or,
in the event of an appeal in which the insured or beneficiary
prevails, the appellate court shall adjudge or decree against
the insurer and in favor of the insured or beneficiary a
reasonable sum as fees or compensation for the insured's or
beneficiary's attorney prosecuting the suit in which the
recovery is had.

62. Alternatively, Section 626.911, Florida Statutes, provides in pertinent part:

In any action against an unauthorized foreign insurer, alien

insurer, or person representing or aiding such an insurer,
upon contract of insurance issued or delivered in this state
to a resident thereof or to a corporation authorized to do
business there, if the insurer or person representing or

500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401

KATZMAN GARFINKEL ROSENBAUM LLP *250 Australian Avenue South, Suite
Telephone (561) 653-2900 Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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aiding such insurer has failed for 30 days after demand prior
to the commencement of the action to make payment in
accordance with the terms of the contract, the trial judge
shall allow to the plaintiff a reasonable attorney's fee or
compensation and include such fee or compensation in any
judgment that may be rendered in such action.

63. RESIDENCES is further entitled to recover prejudgment interest pursuant

to Section 627.70131, Florida Statutes.

WHEREFORE, RESIDENCES demands judgment against MT. HAWLEY for

compensatory damages, together with interest, costs and attorneys' fees under

627.428, Florida Statutes, or in the alternative, under Section 626.911, Florida Statutes,

together with taxable costs, prejudgment interest under Section 627.70131, Florida

Statutes, and other such relief as this Court deems just, equitable and proper.


64. This is an action by RESIDENCES against MT. HAWLEY for breach of

the subject matter of which exceeds

implied warranty of good faith and fair dealing,

$75, 000, exclusive of interest, costs and attorneys' fees.

the allegations contained in
65. RESIDENCES realleges and reavers

paragraphs 1 through 18 above, as if fully set forth herein.

is material term in
66. An implied warranty of good faith and fair dealing a

every Florida contract, including the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract.

67. The Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract does not specify the permissibility or

the express terms of the Mt. Hawley

scope of MT. HAWLEY's conduct in relation to

Insurance Contract and is unclear.

68. The Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract states:

KATZMAN GARFINKEL ROSENBAUM LLP 250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Telephone (561) 653-2900 Facsimile (561) 820-2542


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We will determine the value of lost or damaged property or

the cost of its repair or replacement, in accordance with the
applicable terms of the Valuation Condition in this Coverage
Form or any applicable provision which amends or
supersedes the Valuation Condition.

See Composite Exhibit "A", Paragraph E.4.g.

69. The Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract neither defines the standards

governing MT. HAWLEY's exercise of its discretion nor provides standards governing

the time-frame within which MT. HAWLEY must adjust or value a claim.

70. Although the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract does not specify the time-

frame within which MT. HAWLEY must determine the value of RESIDENCES' claim,

RESIDENCES reasonably expected MT. HAWLEY to exercise its discretion within a

reasonable amount of time given the nature of the loss and the attendant


71. Some three years later, through its delay and failure to adjust

RESIDENCES' claim, MT. HAWLEY continues to deprive RESIDENCES of the benefits

of the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract. Following Hurricane Wilma on October 24, 2005

and continuing to the present, MT. HAWLEY has breached the implied covenant of

good faith and fair dealing by delaying and failing to reasonably value the losses or

damage RESIDENCES sustained during Hurricane Wilma; delaying and failing to

reasonably determine the cost to repair or replace RESIDENCES' property that was

damaged or lost during Hurricane Wilma; delaying and failing to make reasonable

efforts to agree with RESIDENCES as to the value of the lost or damaged property or

the cost of its repair or replacement and failing to value and/or adjust the loss with

RESIDENCES promptly and reasonably given the attendant circumstances.

250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900 Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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El-Ad Residences v. Mt. Hawley and Westchester

Page 18

72. MT. HAWLEY's delay and failure to timely adjust RESIDENCES' claim

has frustrated the purpose of the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract and had disappointed

RESIDENCES' reasonable commercial expectations under the Mt. Hawley Insurance


73. As a direct result of MT. HAWLEY's breaches of the implied warranty of

good faith and fair dealing in the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract, RESIDENCES has

suffered general compensatory damages in the millions of dollars. RESIDENCES has

also suffered special damages, including, but not limited to, the expenses of defending

liens resulting from hurricane related roof repairs for which MT. HAWLEY unreasonably

failed to adjust, pay or settle.

74. RESIDENCES has retained the undersigned attorneys and is obligated to

pay them a reasonable fee for their services.

75. RESIDENCES is entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees

pursuant to Section 627.428, Florida Statutes, which provides in pertinent part:

Upon rendition of a judgment of decree by any of the courts

of this state against an insurer and in favor of any named or
omnibus insured or the named beneficiary under a policy or
contract executed by the insurer, the trial court or, in the
event of an appeal in which the insured or beneficiary
prevails, the appellate court shall adjudge or decree against
the insurer and in favor of the inured beneficiary a
reasonable sum as fees or compensation for the insured's of
beneficiary's attorney prosecuting the suit in which the
recovery is had.

76. Alternatively, Section 626.911, Florida Statutes, provides in pertinent part:

In any action against an unauthorized foreign insurer, alien

insurer, or person representing or aiding such an insurer,
upon a contract of insurance issued or delivered in this state
to a resident thereof or to a corporation authorized to do
business there, if the insurer or person representing or

KATZMAN GARFINKEL ROSENBAUM LLP *250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Telephone (561) 653-2900 Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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El-Ad Residences v. Mt. Hawley and Westchester

Page 19

aiding such insurer has failed for 30 days after demand prior
to the commencement of the action to make payment in
accordance with the terms of the contract, the trial judge
shall allow to the plaintiff a reasonable attorney's fee or
compensation and include such fee or compensation in any
judgment that may be rendered in such action.
77. RESIDENCES is further entitled to recover prejudgment interest pursuant

to Section 627.70131, Florida Statutes

WHEREFORE, RESIDENCES demands judgment against MT. HAWLEY for

compensatory damages and special damages, together with interest, costs and

attorneys' fees under 627.428, Florida Statutes, and such other relief as this Court

deems just, equitable and proper.

(Actual Cash Value)

78. This is an action by RESIDENCES against WESTCHESTER for breach of

the Westchester Insurance Contract seeking damages in excess of $75, 000.00,

exclusive of interest, costs, and attorneys' fees.

79. RESIDENCES realleges the allegations contained in paragraphs 1

through 18 above, as if fully set forth herein.

80. In or about September, 2005, WESTCHESTER offered to provide property

coverage to RESIDENCES for the twelve month period commencing September 7,

2005 in consideration for a premium. In or about September, 2005, RESIDENCES

accepted WESTCHESTER's offer of property coverage and paid the premium.

81. The Westchester Insurance Contract adopted and incorporated by

reference, the terms and conditions of the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract. Accordingly,

the following terms and conditions of the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract set forth the

250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900
Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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El-Ad Residences v. Mt. Hawley and Westchester

Page 20

of WESTCHESTER to RESIDENCES with respect to its claim,

rights and obligations

including among other things, the following pertinent terms and conditions:

We will determine the value of lost or damaged property, or

the cost of its repair or replacement, in accordance with the
applicable terms of the Valuation condition in this Coverage
Form or any applicable provision which amends or
supersedes the Valuation Condition.

See Composite Exhibit "A", Paragraph E.4.a.

You may make claim for loss or damage covered by this


insurance on an actual cash value basis instead of on a

replacement cost basis. In the event you elect to have loss
or damage settled on an actual cash value basis, you may
still make a claim for the additional coverage this Optional
Coverage provides...

See Composite Exhibit "A", Paragraph G.3.c.

82. Pursuant to the terms of the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract, as adopted

by the Westchester Insurance Contract, RESIDENCES has a right to property coverage

for loss or damages caused by Hurricane Wilma.

to the
83. In or about October, 2005 through October, 2008, and continuing

has materially breached the Westchester Insurance

present time, WESTCHESTER
to pay the actual cash value of the losses or damages to the insured
Contract by failing

property caused by Hurricane Wilma.

84. In or about November, 2005, and/or at other times following Hurricane

Wilma, RESIDENCES made a claim for the losses and damages caused from

Hurricane Wilma and requested to be paid the actual cash value due under the

Westchester Insurance Contract.

West Palm Beach, FL 33401



250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500
(561) 820-2542

Telephone (561) 653-2900 Facsimile

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Page 21

85. Notwithstanding RESIDENCES' claim, WESTCHESTER has not

determined the value of the lost or damaged property and has not paid RESIDENCES

the actual cash value due under the Westchester Insurance Contract. Instead,

WESTCHESTER, through its delay and failure to pay, has effectively denied the claim.

86. WESTCHESTER breached the Westchester Insurance Contract by failing

to adjust RESIDENCES' claim and determine the value of its lost or damaged property

and by failing to pay RESIDENCES the actual cash value of the lost or damaged


87. WESTCHESTER further breached the Westchester Insurance Contract by

failing to adjust, pay and/or settle RESIDENCES' actual cash value claim and in so

doing, frustrated RESIDENCES' ability to make the repairs necessitated by Hurricane


88. As a direct and proximate result of WESTCHESTER's material breaches

of the Westchester Insurance Contract, RESIDENCES has suffered millions of dollars in


89. RESIDENCES has retained the undersigned attorneys to represent it in

this action and is required to pay them a reasonable fee for their services.

90. RESIDENCES is entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees

pursuant to Section 627.428, Florida Statutes, which provides in pertinent part:

Upon the rendition of a judgment or decree by any of the

courts of this state against an insurer and in favor of any
named or omnibus insured or the named beneficiary under a
policy or contract executed by the insurer, the trial court or,
in the event of an appeal in which the insured or beneficiary
prevails, the appellate court shall adjudge or decree against
the insurer and in favor of the insured or beneficiary a
reasonable sum as fees or compensation for the insured's or

KATZMAN GARFINKEL ROSENBAUM LLP *250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900 Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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Page 22

beneficiary's attorney prosecuting the suit in which the

recovery is had.

91. Alternatively, Section 626.911, Florida Statutes, provides in pertinent part:

In any action against an unauthorized foreign insurer, alien

insurer, or person representing or aiding such an insurer,
in this state
upon a contract of insurance issued or delivered
to a resident thereof or to a corporation authorized to do
business there, if the insurer or person representing or
aiding such insurer has failed for 30 days after demand prior
to the commencement of the action to make payment in
accordance with the terms of the contract, the trial judge
shall allow to the plaintiff a reasonable attorney's fee or
compensation and include such fee or compensation in any
judgment that may be rendered in such action.

92. RESIDENCES is further entitled to recover prejudgment interest pursuant

to Section 627.70131, Florida Statutes.

fees under Section
compensatory damages, together with interest, costs and attorneys'

627.428, Florida Statutes, or in the alternative, under Section 626.911, Florida Statutes,

with taxable costs, prejudgment interest under Section 627.70131, Florida

Statutes, and other such relief as this Court deems just, equitable and proper.

(Replacement Cost Value)

93. This is an action by RESIDENCES against WESTCHESTER for breach of

cost value) seeking damages in
the Westchester Insurance Contract (replacement

excess of $75, 000.00, exclusive of interest, costs, and attorneys' fees.

the allegations contained in

94. RESIDENCES reavers and realleges

1 through 18 above, as if fully set forth herein.



250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900
Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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El-Ad Residences v. Mt. Hawley and Westchester

Page 23

95. The Westchester Insurance Contract adopted and incorporated the terms

and conditions of the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract. Accordingly, the terms and

conditions contained in the Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract set forth the rights and

obligations of WESTCHESTER to RESIDENCES with respect to its claim, including

among other things, the following pertinent terms and conditions:

We will determine the value of lost or damaged property, or

the cost of its repair or replacement, in accordance with the
applicable terms of the Valuation condition in this Coverage
Form or any applicable provision which amends or
supersedes the Valuation Condition.

See Composite Exhibit "A", Paragraph E.4.a.

You may make a claim for loss or damage covered by this

insurance on an actual cash value basis instead of on a
replacement cost basis. In the event you elect to have loss
or damage settled on an actual cash value basis, you may
still make a claim for the additional coverage this Optional
Coverage provides...

See Composite Exhibit "A", Paragraph G.3.c.

96. Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Mt. Hawley Insurance

Contract, as adopted by the Westchester Insurance Contract, RESIDENCES has a right

to property coverage for loss or damages caused by Hurricane Wilma.

97. In or about October, 2005, and/or at other times following Hurricane

Wilma, RESIDENCES made a claim to WESTCHESTER for the losses and damages

caused from Hurricane Wilma and has requested that WESTCHESTER pay

RESIDENCES the actual cash and replacement cost values for its losses and damages,

as provided by the Westchester Insurance Contract.


250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900
Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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El-Ad Residences v. Mt. Hawley and Westchester

Page 24

98. Notwithstanding RESIDENCES' claim, WESTCHESTER has not

determined the value of the lost or damaged property and has not paid RESIDENCES

the actual cash value and the replacement cost value due under the Westchester

Insurance Contract. Instead, WESTCHESTER, through its delay and failure to pay, has

effectively denied the claim.

99. WESTCHESTER materially breached the Westchester Insurance Contract

by failing to adjust RESIDENCES' claim, failing to determine the value of the

RESIDENCES' lost or destroyed property, and by failing to pay RESIDENCES the

actual cash value and the replacement cost value of the lost or damaged property.

100. WESTCHESTER further breached the Westchester Insurance Contract,

and is continuing to do so by failing to adjust, pay and/or settle RESIDENCES' actual

cash value claim and, in doing so, frustrated RESIDENCES' ability to make the repairs

necessary for RESIDENCES to receive the reimbursements for its claim on a

replacement cost basis, which constitutes yet another breach of the Westchester

Insurance Contract.

101. As a direct and proximate result of WESTCHESTER's breaches of the

Westchester Insurance Contract, RESIDENCES has suffered millions of dollars in


102. RESIDENCES has retained the undersigned attorneys to represent it in

this action and is required to pay them a reasonable fee for their services.

103. RESIDENCES is entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees

pursuant to Section 627.428, Florida Statutes, which provides in pertinent part:

Upon the rendition of a judgment or decree by any of the

courts of this state against an insurer and in favor of any

KATZMAN GARFINKEL ROSENBAUM LLP *250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900 Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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El-Ad Residences v. Mt. Hawley and Westchester

Page 25

named omnibus insured or the named beneficiary under a


policy or contract executed by the insurer, the trial court or,

in the event of an appeal in which the insured or beneficiary
prevails, the appellate court shall adjudge or decree against
the insurer and in favor of the insured or beneficiary a
reasonable sum as fees or compensation for the insured's or
beneficiary's attorney prosecuting the suit in which the
recovery is had.

104. Alternatively, Section 626.911, Florida Statutes, provides in pertinent part:

In any action against an unauthorized foreign insurer, alien

insurer, or person representing or aiding such an insurer,
upon acontract of insurance issued or delivered in this state
to a resident thereof or to a corporation authorized to do
business there, if the insurer or person representing or
aiding such insurer has failed for 30 days after demand prior
to the commencement of the action to make payment in
accordance with the terms of the contract, the trial judge
shall allow to the plaintiff a reasonable attorney's fee or
compensation and include such fee or compensation in any
judgment that may be rendered in such action.

105. RESIDENCES is further entitled to recover prejudgment interest pursuant

to Section 627.70131, Florida Statutes.


costs and attorneys' fees under Section

compensatory damages, together with interest,

627.428, Florida Statutes, or in the alternative, under Section 626.911, Florida Statutes,

with taxable costs, prejudgment interest under Section 627.70131, Florida


Statutes, and other such relief as this Court deems just, equitable and proper.


106. This is an action by RESIDENCES against WESTCHESTER for breach
matter of which exceeds
implied warranty of good faith and fair dealing, the subject

$75, 000, exclusive of interest, costs and attorneys' fees.

Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Facsimile (561) 820-2542
Telephone (561)
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El-Ad Residences v. Mt. Hawley and Westchester

Page 26

the allegations contained in

107. RESIDENCES realleges and reavers

paragraphs 1 through 18 above, as if fully set forth herein.

of good faith and fair dealing is a material term in

108. An implied warranty

every Florida contract, including the Westchester Insurance Contract.

109. Neither the Westchester Insurance Contract nor the Mt. Hawley Insurance

Contract as adopted by the Westchester Insurance Contract specify the permissibility or

regarding to the express terms of the Westchester

scope of WESTCHESTER's conduct

together this
Insurance Contract; therefore the contracts individual and construed on

issue are unclear.

110. The Mt. Hawley Insurance Contract states:

We will determine the value of lost or damaged property or

the cost of its repair or replacement, in accordance with the
applicable terms of the Valuation Condition in this Coverage
Form or any applicable provision which amends or
supersedes the Valuation Condition.

See Composite Exhibit "A", Paragraph E.4.g.

111. Neither the Westchester Insurance Contract nor the Mt. Hawley Insurance

Contract as adopted by the Westchester Insurance Contract defines the standards

exercise of its discretion the standards governing the

governing WESTCHESTER's or

time-frame within which WESTCHESTER must adjust or value a claim.

the Westchester Insurance Contract does not specify the time-

112. Although

frame within which WESTCHESTER must determine the value of RESIDENCES' claim,

RESIDENCES reasonably expected WESTCHESTER to exercise its discretion within a

nature of the loss and the attendant

reasonable amount of time given the



250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900
Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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El-Ad Residences v. Mt. Hawley and Westchester

Page 27

113. Some three years later, through its delay and failure to adjust

RESIDENCES' claim, WESTCHESTER continues to deprive RESIDENCES of the

benefits of the Westchester Insurance Contract. Following Hurricane Wilma on October

24, 2005 and continuing to the present, WESTCHESTER has breached the implied
to reasonably value the
covenant of good faith and fair dealing by delaying and failing

losses or damage RESIDENCES sustained during Hurricane Wilma; delaying and

cost to repair or replace RESIDENCES' property that
failing to reasonably determine the

lost during Hurricane Wilma; delaying and failing to make reasonable

was damaged or

efforts to agree with RESIDENCES as to the value of the lost or damaged property or

to value and/or adjust the loss with

the cost of its repair or replacement; and, failing

RESIDENCES promptly and reasonably given the attendant circumstances.

114. WESTCHESTER's delay and failure to timely adjust RESIDENCES' claim

has frustrated the purpose of the Westchester Insurance Contract and had disappointed

RESIDENCES' reasonable commercial expectations under the Westchester Insurance


115. As a direct result of WESTCHESTER's breaches of the implied warranty

of good faith and fair dealing in the Westchester Insurance Contract, RESIDENCES has

in the millions of dollars. RESIDENCES has

suffered general compensatory damages

also suffered special damages, including, but not limited to, the expenses of defending

liens resulting from hurricane related roof repairs for which MT. HAWLEY unreasonably

failed to adjust, pay or settle.

116. RESIDENCES is entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees

pursuant to Section 627.428, Florida Statutes, which provides in pertinent part:

250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401


Telephone (561) 653-2900
Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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El-Ad Residences v. Mt. Hawley and Westchester

Page 28

Upon rendition of a judgment of decree by any of the courts

of this state against an insurer and in favor of any named or
omnibus insured or the named beneficiary under a policy or
contract executed by the insurer, the trial court or, in the
event of an appeal in which the insured or beneficiary
prevails, the appellate court shall adjudge or decree against
the insurer and in favor of the inured beneficiary a
reasonable sum as fees or compensation for the insured's of
beneficiary's attorney prosecuting the suit in which the
recovery is had.

117. Alternatively, Section 626.911, Florida Statutes, provides in pertinent part:

In any action against an unauthorized foreign insurer, alien

insurer, or person representing or aiding such an insurer,
this state
upon a contract of insurance issued or delivered in
to a resident thereof or to a corporation authorized to do
business there, if the insurer or person representing or
aiding such insurer has failed for 30 days after demand prior
to the commencement of the action to make payment in
accordance with the terms of the contract, the trial judge
shall allow to the plaintiff a reasonable attorney's fee or
compensation and include such fee or compensation in any
judgment that may be rendered in such action.

118. RESIDENCES is further entitled to recover prejudgment interest pursuant

to Section 627.70131, Florida Statutes

WHEREFORE, RESIDENCES demands judgment against WESTCHESTER for

costs and
compensatory damages and special damages, together with interest,
this Court
attorneys' fees under 627.428, Florida Statutes, and such other relief as

deems just, equitable and proper.


RESIDENCES demands a trial by jury on all claims, defenses and issues so

triable in the entire case.

(Signature follows)

250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500 *West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900 Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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El-Ad Residences v. Mt. Hawley and Westchester

Page 29

DATED this/ 4(day of May, 2009.

Respectfully submitted,
Attorneys for Plaintiff
250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
(561) 653-2900; Fax (561) 820-2542
Email: drosenbaum(kgrlawfirm.com
Email: isiracusakqrlawfirm.com
Email: jlawrencekqrlawfirm.com
Email: mkeegankgrlawfirm.com
Email: rvaluntaskqrlawfirm.com

rid Bar No. 306(71
Florida Bar No. 159670
Florida Bar No. 155896
Florida Bar No. 503371
Florida Bar No. 151084


250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 500
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone (561) 653-2900
Facsimile (561) 820-2542

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Mt. Hawley Insurance Company

Peoria, Illinois 61615

Commercial Property Policy Declarations Page

Policy No. MCP0140064
Named Insured and Mailing Address: Agent/Broker and Mailing Address:
El Ad Residences At Miramar Lakes Swett & Crawford-New York
Condominium Association, Inc. Two Wall Street
7975 NW 154th Street Suite #200 New York, NY 10005
Miami Lakes, FL 33016

Policy Period: From 09/07/2005 to 09/07/2006 at 12:01 A.M. Standard Time at your mailing address shown above.
Covered Locations Listed Below:
2480 West Preserve Way, Miramar, FL 33025

CAUSES OF LOSS: Special including Earthquake excluding Flood


Total coverage (limit) applicable Limit$2, 000, 000, part of $2, 000, 000
The above limit applies to the following and is subject to any sublimits stated elsewhere in the policy:
Business Personal Property*
Business Income (without Extra Expense)
Replacement Cost Applies
Per Occurrence Loss Limit
At no time will we pay more than $2, 000, 000 for a loss due to a single occurrence or event.

Deductible(s): Refer to CPR 2218, Declarations -

Deductible Addendum
Forms Made A Part Of This Policy At Time Of Issue: See CPR 2150, Applicable Forms & Endorsements
PCA Fees
Inspection Fees $•
Total Premium
Amount Payable At Inception $

/0 101
Authorized Signature
PB 9/28/2005

FRPR 100 (02/02) COIAPOWE Page 1 of 1

31 of 109 EXHIBIT "A"

Case 0:09-cv-60723-AJ Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/15/2009 Page 32 of 59

Policy Number: MCP0140064 Mt. Hawley Insurance Company




The following deductible

wording is in addition to all other deductible wording found elsewhere in this policy. All other
deductible wording found in and made a part of this
policy also applies. Each claim for loss or damage will be adjusted

$10, 000 Per Occurrence for All Covered Perils, except:
3.00% of total values at risk Per
Building (including time element if applicable) at the time of loss for Windstorm or Hall
$50, 000 Per Occurrence for Earthquake



CPR 2218 (11/04)

Page 1 of 1
32 of 109
Case 0:09-cv-60723-AJ Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/15/2009 Page 33 of 59

Mt. Hawley Insurance Company

9025 North Lindbergh Drive, Peoria, IL 61615


Policy No: MCP0140064

Named Insured and Mailing Address
El Ad Residences At Miramar Lakes
Condominium Association, Inc.
7975 NW 154th Street Suite #200
Miami Lakes, FL 33016

If coverage for Certified Acts of Terrorism, as defined in the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002, is provided under the
terms of your insurance policy, losses caused by acts of terrorism is partially reimbursed by the United States under a
formula whereby the United States pays 90% of covered terrorism losses exceeding a prescribed deductible to the
insurance company providing for the coverage.

Portion of premium attributable to coverage for Certified Acts of Terrorism $ 19.689

Portion of premium attributable to coverage for Certified Acts of Terrorism

(fire only), as required by law $ Not Applicable

With respect to any one or more "certified acts of terrorism" under the federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002, we
will not pay any amounts for which we are not responsible under the terms of that Act (including subsequent action of
Congress pursuant to the Act) due to the application of any clause which results in a cap on our liability for payments
for terrorism losses.

CPR 110A (02/03)

33 of 109
Case 0:09-cv-60723-AJ Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/15/2009 Page 34 of 59

Policy Number: MCP0140064 Mt. Hawley Insurance Company



Location Coverage Declared* Description and Location

Number Type Values Valuation** of Property Covered

00001 - 001 Building $48, 200, 000 RCV Built: 2002, Masonry Joisted

2480 West Preserve Way

Miramar, FL 33025

00001 -

001 Business $250, 000 RCV Built: 2002, Masonry Joisted


Personal 2480 West Preserve Way

Property Miramar, FL 33025

00001 - 001 Business Income $1, 000, 000 ALS Built: 2002, Masonry Joisted

(withoutExtra 2480 West Preserve Way

Expense) Miramar, FL 33025

Total Insured Value $49, 450, 000

For Limit of Insurance please see Declarations page of this policy.
Indicate: ACV (Actual Cash Value), ALS (Actual Loss Sustained), FRC (Functional Replacement Cost), RCV
(Replacement Cost Value), SP (Selling Price) or SV (Stated Value).


CPR 2194 (10101) 1 of 1

34 of 109
Case 0:09-cv-60723-AJ Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/15/2009 Page 35 of 59

'. PolicylNumber: MCP0140064 Mt. Hawley Insurance Company




CPR-2218(11104) Declarations -Deductible Addendum

CPR-110A(02/03) Supplemental Declarations
CPR-2194(10101) Scheduled Locations Endorsement
CP-0010(04/02) Building and Personal Property Coverage Form
CP-0017(04/02) Condominium Association Coverage Form
CP-0032(04/02) Business Income (Without Extra Expense) Coverage Form
CP-1030(04/02) Causes Of Loss Special Form

CP-0090(07188) Commercial Property Conditions

IL-0017(11/98) Common Policy Conditions
CPR-2129(03/03) Minimum Premium Endorsement Percent of Premium

CPR-2155(01/04) Earthquake Extension

CPR-2212(03/02) Additional Named Insureds
1L-0415(04/98) Protective Safeguards
CP-0125(06/95) Florida Changes
CPR-2126(10/01) Limitation of Liability Endorsement Form B
CPR-2187(10/01) Exclusion of Certain Computer Related Losses-A
CPR-2221(02/03) Certified Terrorism Loss
CPR-2230(05/03) Terrorism Exclusion
CPR-2257(09/04) Conditional Terrorism Exclusion
IL-0255(07/02) Florida Changes Cancellation And Nonrenewal

RIL-099(01/01) Service of Suit Endorsement


CPR 2150 Page 1 of 1

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Policy Number: MCP0140064 Mt. Hawley Insurance Company



Various provisions in this policy restrict coverage. Read the entire policy carefully to determine rights, duties and what is
and is not covered.

Throughout this policy the words "you" and "your" refer to the Named Insured shown in the Declarations. The words "we,
"us" and "our" refer to the Company providing this insurance.

Other words and phrases that appear in quotation marks have special meaning. Refer to Section H — Definitions.

A. Coverage (a) Additions under construction, altera-

tions and repairs to the building or
We will pay for direct physical loss of or damage to structure;
Covered Property at the premises described in the
Declarations caused by or resulting from any Covered
(b) Materials, equipment, supplies and
Cause of Loss. within 100
temporary structures, on or
feet of the described premises, used
1. Covered Property for making additions, alterations or

Covered Property, as used in this Coverage Part, repairs to the building or structure.
means the type of property described in this
b. Your Buslness Personal Property located in
section, A.1., and limited in A.2., Property Not or on the building described in the Declare-
Covered, if a Limit of Insurance is shown in the
Declarations for that type of property. tions or in the open (or in a vehicle) within 100
feet of the described premises, consisting of
the following unless otherwise specified in the
a. Building, meaning the building or structure
described in the Declarations, including: Declarations or on the Your Business Person-
al Property Separation of Coverage form:

(1) Completed additions;

(1) Furniture and fixtures;
(2) Fixtures, including outdoor fixtures;
(2) Machinery and equipment;
(3) Permanently installed:
(3) "Stock";
(a) Machinery and
(4) All other personal property owned by you
(b) Equipment; and used in your business;

(4) Personal property owned by you that is materials services furnished

used to maintain or service the building or
(5) Labor, or or
arranged by you on personal property of
structure or its premises, including:
(a) Fire extinguishing equipment;
(6) Your interest as tenant in improve-
ments and betterments. Improvements
(b) Outdoor furniture;
and betterments are fixtures, alterations,
and installations or additions:
(c) Floor coverings;
(a) Made a part of the building or struc-
(d) Appliances used for refrigerating,
ventilating, cooking, dishwashing or ture you occupy but do not own; and
(b) You acquired or made at your ex-

(5) If not covered by other insurance: pense but cannot legally


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(7) Leased personal property for which you k. Property that is covered under another cover-
have a contractual responsibility to in- age form of this or any other policy in which it
sure, unless otherwise provided for under is more specifically described, except for the
Personal Property of Others. excess of the amount due (whether you can
collect on it or not) from that other insurance;
C. Personal Property Of Others that is:
I, Retaining walls that are not part of a building;
(1) In your care, custody or control; and
m. Underground pipes, flues or drains;
(2) Located in or on the building described in
the Declarations or in the open (or in a n. Electronic data, except as provided under
Additional Coverages Electronic Data.
vehicle) within 100 feet of the described

Electronic data means information, facts or

computer programs stored as or on, created
or used on, or transmitted to or from computer
However, our payment for loss of or damage
software (including systems and applications
to personal property of others will only be for
the account of the owner of the property. software), on hard or floppy disks, CD-ROMs,
tapes, drives, cells, data processing devices
or any other repositories of computer software
2. Property Not Covered
which are used with electronically controlled
Covered Property does not include: equipment. The term computer programs, re-
ferred to in the foregoing description of elec-
tronic data, means a set of related electronic
a. Accounts, bills, currency, food stamps or other instructions which direct the operations and
evidences of debt, money, notes or securities,
functions of a computer or device connected
Lottery tickets held for sale are not securities;
to it, which enable the computer or device to
receive, process, store, retrieve or send data.
b. Animals, unless owned by others and board- This Paragraph n., does not apply to your
ed by you, or if owned by you, only as "stock"
"stock" of prepackaged software.
while inside of buildings;
o. The cost to replace or restore the information
c. Automobiles held for sale; on valuable papers and records, including
those which exist as electronic data. Valuable
d. Bridges, roadways, walks, patios or other
papers and records include but are not Hmited
paved surfaces; to proprietary information, books of account,
deeds, manuscripts, abstracts, drawings and
e. Contraband, or property in the course of il-
card index systems. Refer to the Coverage
legal transportation or trade; Extension for Valuable Papers And Records
(Other Than Electronic Data) for limited cov-
f. The cost of excavations, grading, backfilling or
erage for valuable papers and records other
filling; than those which exist as electronic data.

g. Foundations of buildings, structures, machin- Vehicles or self-propelled machines

p. (including
ery or boilers if their foundations are below: aircraft or watercraft) that:

(1) The lowest basement floor; or Are licensed for public roads; or
(1) use on

(2) The surface of the ground, if there is no

(2) Are operated principally away from the
basement; described premises.

h. Land (including land on which the property is This paragraph does not apply to:
located), water, growing crops or lawns;
(a) Vehicles or self-propelled machines,
I. Personal property while airborne or or autos you manufacture, process or
waterborne; warehouse;

j. Bulkheads, pilings, piers, wharves or docks; (b) Vehicles or self-propelled machines,

other than autos, you hold for sale;

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(c) Rowboats or canoes out of water at will pay for debris removal expense is
the described premises; or limited to 25% of the sum of the
deductible plus the amount that we
(d) Trailers, but only to the extent provid- pay for direct physical loss or damage
ed for in the Coverage Extension for to the Covered Property that has sus-
Non-Owned Detached Trailers. tained loss or damage.

q. The following property while outside of (4) We will pay up to an additional $10, 000
buildings: for debris removal expense, for each lo-
cation, in any one occurrence of physical
(1) Grain, hay, straw or other crops; loss or damage to Covered Property, if
one or both of the following circumstances
(2) Fences, radio or television antennas (in- appiy:
cluding satellite dishes) and their lead-in
wiring, masts or towers, signs (other than (a) The total of the actual debris removal
signs attached to buildings), trees, shrubs expense plus the amount we pay for
or plants (other than "stock" of trees, direct physical loss or damage ex-
shrubs or plants), all except as provided in ceeds the Limit of Insurance on the
the Coverage Extensions. Covered Property that has sustained
loss or damage.
3. Covered Causes Of Loss
(b) The actual debris removal expense
See applicable Causes of Loss Form as shown exceeds 25% of the sum of the
in the Declarations, deductible plus the amount that we
pay for direct physical loss or damage
4. Additional Coverages to the Covered Property that has sus-
tained loss or damage.
a. Debris Removal
Therefore, if (4)(a) and/or (4)(b) apply, our
(1) Subject to Paragraphs (3) and (4), we will totalpayment for direct physical loss or
pay your expense to remove debris of damage and debris removal expense may
Covered Property caused by or resulting reach but will never exceed the Limit of
from a Covered Cause of Loss that Insurance on the Covered Property that
occurs during the policy period. The has sustained loss or damage, plus
expenses will be paid only if they are $10, 000.
reported to us in writing within 180 days of
the date of direct physical foss or damage. (5) Examples
(2) Debris Removal does not apply to costs The following examples assume that there
to: is no coinsurance penalty.

(a) Extract "pollutants" from land or Example #1

water; or
Limit of Insurance $ 90, 000
(b) Remove, restore or replace polluted
land or water. Amount of Deductible $ 500

(3) Subject to the exceptions in Paragraph Amount of Loss $ 50, 000

(4), the following provisions apply:
Amount of Loss Payable $ 49, 500
(a) The most we will pay for the total of ($50, 000 $500)

direct physical loss or damage plus

debris removal expense is the Limit of Debris Removal Expense $ 10, 000
Insurance applicable to the Covered
Property that has sustained loss or Debris Removal Expense Payable $ 10, 000
damage. ($10, 000 is 20% of $50, 000)

(b) Subject to (a) above, the amount we The debris removal expense is less than
25% of the sum of the loss payable plus

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the deductible. The sum of the loss pay- from loss or damage by a Covered Cause of
able and the debris removal expense Loss, we will pay for any direct physical loss
($49, 500 + $10, 000 = $59, 500) is less or damage to that property:
than the Limit of Insurance. Therefore the
full amount of debris removal expense is (1) While it is being moved or while tempo-
payable in accordance with the terms of rarily stored at another location; and
Paragraph (3).
(2) Only if the loss or damage occurs within
Example #2 30 days after the property is first moved.

Limit of Insurance $ 90, 000 c. Fire Department Service Charge

Amount of Deductible $ 600
When the fire department is called to save or
Amount of Loss $ 80, 000 protect Covered Property from a Covered
Cause of Loss, we will pay up to $1, 000 for
Amount of Loss $ 79, 500 your liability for fire department service
($80, 000 $500)

Debris Removal Expense $ 30, 000 (1) Assumed by contract or agreement prior
to loss; or

Debris Removal Expense Payable

(2) Required by local ordinance.
Basic Amount $ 10, 500
No Deductible applies to this Additional
Additional Amount $ 10, 000 Coverage.
The basic amount payable for debris d. Pollutant Clean Up And Removal
removal expense under the terms of
Paragraph (3) is calculated as follows: We will pay your expense to extract "pol-
$80, 000 ($79, 500 + $500) x .25 = lutants" from land or water at the described
$20, 000; capped at $10, 600. The cap premises if the discharge, dispersal, seepage,
applies because the sum of the loss migration, release or escape of the
payable ($79, 500) and the basic amount "pollutants" is caused by or results from a
payable for debris removal expense Covered Cause of Loss that occurs during the
($10, 600) cannot exceed the Limit of policy period. The expenses will be paid only if
Insurance ($90, 000).
they are reported to us in writing within 180
The additional amount payable for debris days .of the date on which the Covered Cause
of Loss occurs.
removal expense is provided in accor-
dance with the terms of Paragraph (4),
This Additional Coverage does not apply to
because the debris removal expense
costs to test for, monitor or assess the exis-
($30, 000) exceeds 25% of the loss
tence, concentration or effects of "pollutants."
payable plus the deductible ($30, 000 is But we will pay for testing which is performed
37.5% of $80, 000), and because the sum
of the loss payable and debris removal in the course of extracting the "pollutants"
from the land or water.
expense ($79, 500 + $30, 000 = $109, 500)
would exceed the Limit of Insurance
The most we will pay under this Additional
($90, 000). The additional amount of coy-
ered debris removal expense is $10, 000, Coverage for each described premises is
the maximum payable under Paragraph $10, 000 for the sum of all covered expenses
(4). Thus the total payable for debris re- arising out of Covered Causes of Loss occur-
moval expense in this example is ring during each separate 12 month period of
$20, 500; $9, 500 of the debris removal ex- this policy.
pense is not covered.
e. Increased Cost Of Construction
b. Preservation Of Property
(1) This Additional Coverage applies only to
If it is necessary to move Covered Property buildings to which the Replacement Cost
from the described premises to preserve it Optional Coverage applies.

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(2) In the event of damage by a Covered property, then the most we will pay under this
Cause of Loss to a building that is Coy- Additional Coverage, for that damaged build-
erect Property, we will pay the increased ing, is the lesser of: $10, 000 or 5% times the
costs incurred to comply with enforce- value of the damaged building as of the time
ment of an ordinance or law in the course of loss times the applicable coinsurance
of repair, rebuilding or replacement of percentage.
damaged parts of that property, subject to
the limitations stated in e.(3) through e.(9) The amount payable under this Additional
of this Additional Coverage. Coverage is additional insurance.

(3) The ordinance or law referred to in e.(2)

(7) With respect to this Additional Coverage:
of this Additional Coverage is an ordi-
nance or law that regulates the construc- We will not pay for the Increased Cost of
tion or repair of buildings or establishes Construction:
zoning or land use requirements at the
described premises, and is in force at the
time of loss,
(1) Until the property is actually repaired
or replaced, at the same or another

Under this Additional Coverage, we will premises; and

not pay any costs due to an ordinance or
law that: (II) Unless the repairs or replacement are
made as soon as reasonably possible
after the loss or damage, not to ex-
(a) You were required to comply with
ceed two years. We may extend this
before the loss, even when the build-
ing was undamaged; and period in writing during the two years.

(b) If the building is repaired or replaced at

(b) You failed to comply with.
the same premises, or if you elect to re-
Under this Additional Coverage, will build at another premises, the most we
(5) we
not pay for: will pay for the Increased Cost of Con-
struction, subject to the provisions of e.(6)
(a) The enforcement of any ordinance or of this Additional Coverage, is the in-
law which requires demolition, repair, creased cost of construction at the same
replacement, reconstruction, remod- premises.
eling or remediation of property due to
contamination by "pollutants" or due (c) If the ordinance or law requires relocation
to the presence, growth, prolifer- to another premises, the most we will pay
ation, spread or any activity of "fun- for the Increased Cost of Construction,
gus, wet or dry rot or bacteria; or subject to the provisions of e.(6) of this
Additional Coverage, is the increased cost
(b) Any costs associated with the en- of construction at the new premises.
forcement of an ordinance or law
which requires any insured or others not subject to the
(8) This Additional Coverage is
to test for, monitor, clean up, remove, terms of the Ordinance Law Exclusion,
contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize, to the extent that such Exclusion would don-
or in any way respond to, or assess flict with the provisions of this Additional
" "
the effects of "pollutants, "fungus,
wet or dry rot or bacteria.

The most will pay under this Additional (9) The costs addressed in the Loss Payment and
(6) we
Valuation Conditions, and the Replacement
Coverage, for each described building Cost Optional Coverage, in this Coverage
insured under this Coverage Form, is
Form, do not include the increased cost
$10, 000 or 5% of the Limit of Insurance attributable to enforcement of an ordinance or
applicable to that building, whichever is law. The amount payable under this Additional
less. If a damaged building is covered un-
der a blanket Limit of Insurance which ap- Coverage, as stated in e.(6) of this Additional
plies to more than one building or item of Coverage, is not subject to such limitation.

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f. Electronic Data (4) The most will pay under this Additional

Coverage Electronic Data is $2, 500 for

all loss or damage sustained in any one

(1) Under this Additional Coverage, electron-
lc data has the meaning described under policy year, regardless of the number of
occurrences of loss or damage or the
Property Not Covered Electronic Data.

number of premises, locations or comput-

of this Additional er systems involved. If loss payment on
(2) Subject to the provisions
the first occurrence does not exhaust this
Coverage, we will pay for the cost to re-
place or restore electronic data which has amount, then the balance is available for
been destroyed or corrupted by a Coy- subsequent loss or damage sustained In
ered Cause of Loss. To the extent that but not after that policy year. With respect
electronic data is not replaced or re- to an occurrence which begins in one
stored, the loss will be valued at the cost policy year and continues or results in
of replacement of the media on which the additional loss or damage in a subse-
electronic data was stored, with blank quent policy year(s), all loss or damage is
media of substantially identical type. deemed to be sustained in the policy year
in which the occurrence began.
(3) The Covered Causes of Loss applicable
to Your Business Personal Property apply 5. Coverage Extensions
to this Additional Coverage Electronic —

Except as otherwise provided, the following Ex-

Data, subject to the following:
tensions apply to property located in or on the

(a) If the Causes Of Loss Special Form

building described in the Declarations or in the
open (or in a vehicle) within 100 feet of the
applies, coverage under this Addition-
al Coverage Electronic Data is limit-
— described premises.
ed to the "specified causes of loss" as
defined in that form, and Collapse as if a Coinsurance percentage of 80% or more or, a
set forth in that form. Value Reporting period symbol, is shown in the
Declarations, you may extend the insurance pro-
(b) If the Causes Of Loss — Broad Form vided by this Coverage Part as follows:
applies, coverage under this Addi-
tional Coverage Electronic Data in-

a. Newly Acquired Or Constructed Property
cludes Collapse as set forth in that
form. (1) Buildings
If the Causes Of Loss Form is en- If this policy covers Building, you may
dorsed to add a Covered Cause of extend that insurance to apply to:
Loss, the additional Covered Cause
of Loss does not apply to the cov- (a) Your new buildings while being built
on the described premises; and
erage provided under this Additional
Coverage Electronic Data.

(b) Buildings you acquire at locations,

The Covered Causes of Loss include other than the described premises,
a virus, harmful code or similar in- intended for:
struction introduced into or enacted
(i) Similar use as the building de-
on a computer system (including
electronic data) or a network to which scribed in the Declarations; or
it is connected, designed to damage
(H) Use as a warehouse.
or destroy any part of the system or
disrupt its normal operation. But there
is no coverage for loss or damage The most we will pay for loss or damage
caused by or resulting from manipula- under this Extension is $250, 000 at each
tion of computer system (including
a building.
electronic data) by any employee, In-
(2) Your Business Personal Property
cluding a temporary or leased em-
ployee, or by an entity retained by you
or for you to inspect, design, install, (a) If this policy covers Your Business
Personal Property, you may extend
modify, maintain, repair or replace
that that insurance to apply to:

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in- b. Personal Effects And Property Of Others

(I) Business personal property,
cluding such property that you
You may extend the insurance that applies to
newly acquire, at any location you
Your Business Personal Property to apply to:
acquire other than at fairs, trade
shows or exhibitions;
(1) Personal effects owned by you, your offi-
Business personal property, in- cers, your partners or members, your
managers or your employees. This exten-
cluding such property that you sion does not apply to loss or damage by
newly acquire, located at your theft.
newly constructed or acquired
buildings at the location de- of others in your care,
scribed in the Declarations; or (2) Personal property
custody or control.
(Ill) Business personal property that The most we will pay for loss or damage
you newly acquire, located at the
under this Extension is $2, 500 at each de-
described premises.
scribed premises. Our payment for loss of or
The most we will pay for loss or damage to personal property of others will
only be for the account of the owner of the
damage under this Extension is
$100, 000 at each building.

does not
c. Valuable Papers And Records (Other Than
(b) This Extension apply to: Electronic Data)

(I) Personal property of others that is (1) You may extend the insurance that ap-
temporarily in your possession in plies to Your Business Personal Property
the course of installing or per-
to apply to the cost to replace or restore
forming work on such property; or the lost information on valuable papers
and records for which duplicates do not
(11) Personal property of others that is exist. But this Extension does not apply to
temporarily in your possession in valuable papers and records which exist
the course of your manufacturing as electronic data. Electronic data has the
or wholesaling activities,
meaning described under Property Not
Covered Electronic Data.

(3) Period Of Coverage

(2) If the Causes Of Loss Special Form

With respect to insurance on or at each applies, coverage under this Extension is

newly acquired or constructed property, limited to the "specified causes of loss" as
coverage will end when any of the defined in that form, and Collapse as set
following first occurs: forth in that form.

(a) This policy expires; (3) If the Causes Of Loss Broad Form ap-

plies, coverage under this Extension in-

(b) 30 days expire after you acquire the cludes Collapse as set forth in that form.
property or begin construction of that
part of the building that would qualify (4) Under this Extension, the most we will pay
as covered property; or to replace or restore the lost information is
$2, 500 at each described premises,
(c) You report values to us. unless a higher limit is shown in the
Declarations. Such amount Is addi- tional
We will charge you additional premium for insurance. We will also pay for the cost of
values reported from the date you acquire blank material for reproducing the records
the property or begin construction of that (whether or not duplicates exist), and
part of the building that would qualify as (when there is a duplicate) for the cost of
covered property. labor to transcribe or copy the records.
The costs of blank material and labor are
subject to the applicable Limit of

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Insurance on Your Business Personal The most we will pay for loss or damage
Property and therefore coverage of such under this Extension Is $1, 000, but not more
costs is not additional insurance. than $250 for any one tree, shrub or plant.
These limits apply to any one occurrence,
d. Property Off-Premises regardless of the types or number of items lost
or damaged in that occurrence.

(1) You may extend the insurance provided

by this Coverage Form to apply to your f. Non-Owned Detached Trailers
Covered Property while it is away from the
described premises, If it is: (1) You may extend the insurance that ap-
plies to Your Business Personal Property
(a) Temporarily at a location you do not to apply to loss or damage to trailers that
own, lease or operate; you do not own, provided that:

(b) In storage at a location you lease, (a) The trailer is used in your business;
provided the lease was executed after
the beginning of the current policy The trailer is in your care, custody or
term; or control at the premises described in
the Declarations; and
(c) At any fair, trade show or exhibition.
(c) You have a contractual responsibility
(2) This Extension does not apply to property: to pay for loss or damage to the
(a) In or on a vehicle; or

(2) We will not pay for any loss or damage

(b) In the care,custody or control of your that occurs:
salespersons, unless the property is
in such care, custody or control at a
(a) While the trailer is attached to any
fair, trade show or exhibition,
motor vehicle or motorized convey-
ance, whether or not the motor ve-
(3) The most we will pay for loss or damage hide or motorized conveyance is in
under this Extension is $10, 000.
e. Outdoor Property
(b) During hitching or unhitching opera-

tions, when a trailer becomes acci-

You may extend the insurance provided by
this Coverage Form to apply to your outdoor dentally unhitched from a motor vehi-
or motorized conveyance.
fences, radio and television antennas (includ-cle
ing satellite dishes), signs (other than signs The most we will pay for loss or damage
attached to buildings), trees, shrubs and (3)
under this Extension is $5, 000, unless a
plants (other than "stock" of trees, shrubs or h igher limit is shown in the Declarations.
plants), including debris removal expense,
caused by or resulting from any of the
( 4) This insurance is excess over the amount
following causes of loss if they are Covered due (whether you can collect on it or not)
Causes of Loss:
from any other insurance covering such

(1) Fire; property.

Each of these Extensions is additional insurance un-

(2) Lightning;
less otherwise indicated. The Additional Condition,
(3) Explosion; Coinsurance, does not apply to these Extensions.

Riot Civil Commotion; B. Exclusions And Limitations

(4) or or

Aircraft. See applicable Causes of Loss Form as shown in the


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C. Limits Of Insurance $ 60, 100

will pay for loss or damage in any one $ 59, 850 Loss Payable Bldg. 1
The most we

occurrence is the applicable Limit of Insurance shown

The Deductible applies once per occurrence and
in the Declarations.
therefore is not subtracted in determining the amount
The most we will pay for loss or damage to outdoor
of loss payable for Bldg. 2. Loss payable for Bldg. 2 is
attached to buildings is $1, 000 per sign in any the Limit of Insurance of $80, 000.
one occurrence.
Total amount of loss payable: $59, 850 + 80, 000 =

The limits applicable to the Fire Department Service $139,850.

Charge and Pollutant Clean Up and Removal Addi- No. 2:
tional Coverages are in addition to the Limits of Example
(This example, too, assumes there is no coinsurance

Payments under the Preservation of Property Addi- penalty.)

tional Coverage will not increase the applicable Limit
The Deductible and Limits of Insurance are the same as
of Insurance.
those in Example No. 1.
D. Deductible
Loss to Bldg. 1: $ 70, 000
In any one occurrence of loss or damage (hereinafter (exceeds Limit of Insurance plus Deductible)
referred to loss), we will first reduce the amount of
Loss to Bldg. 2: $ 90, 000
loss if required by the Coinsurance Condition or the
(exceeds Limit of Insurance plus Deductible)
Agreed Value Optional Coverage. If the adjusted
amount of loss is less than or equal to the Deductible, Loss 1: $ 60, 000
we will not pay for that loss. If the adjusted amount of
Payable Bldg. —

loss exceeds the Deductible, we will then subtract the

(Limit of Insurance)
Deductible from the adjusted amount of loss, and will Loss 2: $ 80, 000
Payable Bldg. —

pay the resulting amount or the Limit of Insurance, (Limit of Insurance)

whichever is less.
Total amount of loss payable: $140, 000
When the occurrence involves loss to more than one
item of Covered Property and separate Limits of Insur- E. Loss Conditions
ance apply, the losses will not be combined in deter-

mining application of the Deductible. But the Deducti- The following conditions apply in addition to the Com-
ble will be applied only once per occurrence. mon Policy Conditions and the Commercial Property
Example No. 1:
1• Abandonment
(This example assumes there is no coinsurance penalty.)
There can be no abandonment of any property to
Deductible: $ 250 US.

Limit of Insurance —
Bldg. 1: $ 60, 000 2. Appraisal
Limit of Insurance —

Bldg. 2: $ 80, 000 If weand you disagree on the value of the prop-
erty the amount of loss, either may make writ-
Loss to Bldg. 1: $ 60, 100 ten demand for an appraisal of the loss. In this
event, each party will select a competent and im-
Loss to Bldg. 2: $ 90, 000 partial appraiser. The two appraisers will select an
umpire. If they cannot agree, either may request
The amount of loss to Bldg. 1 ($60, 100) Is less than that selection be made by a judge of a court
the sum ($60, 250) of the Limit of Insurance applicable having jurisdiction. The appraisers will state sep-
to Bldg. 1 plus the Deductible. arately the value of the property and amount of
loss. If they fail to agree, they will submit their
The Deductible will be subtracted from the amount of differences to the umpire. A decision agreed to by
calculating the loss payable for Bldg. 1:
loss in any two will be binding. Each party will:

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a. Pay its chosen appraiser; and (8) Cooperate with us in the investigation or
settlement of the claim.
b. Bear the other expenses of the appraisal and
umpire equally. b. We may examine any insured under oath,
while not in the presence of any other insured
If there is an appraisal, we will still retain our and at such times as may be reasonably re-
right to deny the claim. quired, about any matter relating to this in-
surance or the claim, including an insured's
3. Duties In The Event Of Loss Or Damage books and records. In the event of an exam-
ination, an insured's answers must be signed.
a. You must see that the following aredone in
the event of loss or damage to Covered 4. Loss Payment
a. In the event of loss or damage covered by this
(1) Notify the police if a law may have been
Coverage Form, at our option, we will either:

(1) Pay the value of lost or damaged prop-

(2) Give us prompt notice of the loss or dam- erty;
age. Include a description of the property
(2) Pay the cost ofrepairing or replacing the
As soon as possible, give us a description
lost or damaged property, subject to b.
(3) below;
of how, when and where the loss or dam-
age occurred.
(3) Take all or any part of the property at an

(4) Take all reasonable steps to protect the agreed or appraised value; or
Covered Property from further damage,
and keep a record of your expenses nec- (4) Repair, rebuild or replace the property
with other property of like kind and quai-
essary to protect the Covered Property,
for consideration in the settlement of the ity, subject to b. below.
claim. This will not increase the Limit of
Insurance. However, we will not pay for We will determine the value of lost or
any subsequent loss or damage resulting damaged property, or the cost of its repair
from a cause of loss that is not a Covered or replacement, in accordance with the

Cause of Loss. Also, if feasible, set the applicable terms of the Valuation Con-
damaged property aside and in the best dition in this Coverage Form or any appli-
possible order for examination, cable provision which amends or super-
sedes the Valuation Condition.
(5) At our request, give us complete inven-
tories of the damaged and undamaged b. The cost torepair, rebuild or replace does not
property. Include quantities, costs, values include the increased cost attributable to
and amount of loss claimed, enforcement of any ordinance or law regulat-
ing the construction, use or repair of any
(6) As often as may be reasonably required, property.
permit us to inspect the property proving
the loss or damage and examine your c. We will give notice of our intentions within 30
books and records.
days after we receive the sworn proof of loss.
Also permit us to take samples of dam- d. We will not pay you more than your financial
aged and undamaged property for in- interest in the Covered Property.
spection, testing and analysis, and permit
us to make copies from your books and
e. We may adjust losses with the owners of lost
or damaged property if other than you. If we
pay the owners, such payments will satisfy
(7) Send us a signed, sworn proof of loss your claims against us for the owners'
containing the information we request to
investigate the claim. You must do this property. We will not pay the owners more
than their financial interest in the Covered
within 60 days after our request. We will
supply you with the necessary forms. Property.

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We may elect to defend you against suits (2) Buildings under construction or renovation
arising from claims of owners of property. We are not considered vacant.
will do this at our expense.
b. Vacancy Provisions
g. We will pay for covered loss or damage within
30 days after we receive the sworn proof of If the building where loss or damage occurs
loss, if you have complied with all of the terms has been vacant for more than 60 consecu-
of this Coverage Part and: tive days before that loss or damage occurs:

(1) We have reached agreement with you on

(1) We will not pay for any loss or damage
the amount of loss; or caused by any of the following even if they
are Covered Causes of Loss:
(2) An appraisal award has been made.
(a) Vandalism;
5. Recovered Property
(b) Sprinkler leakage, unless you have
If either you any property after loss
or we recover
protected the system against freezing;
settlement, that party must give the other prompt
notice. At your option, the property will be re-
(c) Building glass breakage;
turned to you. You must then return to us the
amount we paid to you for the property. We will
(d) Water damage;
pay recovery expenses and the expenses to re-
pair the recovered property, subject to the Limit of (e) Theft; or

(f) Attempted theft.
(2) With respect to Covered Causes of Loss
a. Description Of Terms other than those listed in b.(1)(a) through

As used in this Vacancy Condition, the b.(1)(f) above, we will reduce the amount
(1) we would otherwise pay for the loss or
term building and the term vacant have
the meanings set forth in (1)(a) and (1)(b) damage by 15%.
7. Valuation

(a) When this policy is issued to a tenant,

We will determine the value of Covered Property
and with respect to that tenant's
in the event of loss or damage as follows:
interest in Covered Property, building
means the unit or suite rented or
a. At actual cash value as of the time of loss or
leased to the tenant. Such building is
vacant when it does not contain damage, except as provided in b., c., d. and
e. below.
enough business personal property to
conduct customary operations.
b. If the Limit of Insurance for Building satisfies
When this the Additional Condition, Coinsurance, and
(b) policy is issued to the
the cost to repair or replace the damaged
owner or general lessee of a building,
building means the entire building. building property is $2, 500 or less, we will pay
Such building is vacant unless at least the cost of building repairs or replacement.
31% of its total square footage is:
The cost of building repairs or replacement
Rented to a lessee or sub-lessee does not include the increased cost attributa-
and used by the lessee or sub- ble to enforcement of any ordinance or law
lessee to conduct its customary regulating the construction, use or repair of
operations; and/or any property. However, the following property
will be valued at the actual cash value even
(ii) Used by the building owner to when attached to the building:
conduct customary operations.
(1) Awnings or floor coverings;

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(2) Appliances for refrigerating, ventilating, (1) Multiply the value of Covered Property
cooking, dishwashing or laundering; or at the time of loss by the Coinsurance
(3) Outdoor equipment or furniture.
(2) Divide the Limit of Insurance of the prop-
c. "Stock" you have sold but not delivered at the erty by the figure determined in Step (1);
selling price less discounts and expenses you
otherwise would have had.
(3) Multiply the total amount of loss, before
the application of any deductible, by the
d. Glass at the cost of replacement with safety
figure determined in Step (2); and
glazing material if required by law.
(4) Subtract the deductible from the figure
e. Tenant's Improvements and Betterments at: determined in Step (3).

(1) Actual cash value of the lost or damaged We will pay the amount determined in Step (4)
property if you make repairs promptly. or the limit of insurance, whichever is less. For
the remainder, you will either have to rely on
(2) A proportion of your original cost if you do other insurance or absorb the loss yourself.
not make repairs promptly. We will deter-
mine the proportionate value as follows:
Example No. 1 (Underinsurance):
(a) Multiply the original cost by the num- When: The value of the property is $ 250, 000
ber of days from the loss or damage
to the expiration of the lease; and
The Coinsurance percentage
for it is 80%
(b) Divide the amount determined in (a)
above by the number of days from the
The Limit of Insurance
Installation of improvements to the
for it is $ 100, 000
expiration of the lease.
The Deductible is $ 250
if your lease contains a renewal option,
the expiration of the renewal option period
The amount of loss is $ 40, 000
will replace the expiration of the lease in
this procedure.
Step (1): $250, 000 x 80% $200, 000=

(3) Nothing if others pay for repairs or (the minimum amount of insurance to
meet your Coinsurance requirements)
F. Additional Conditions Step (2): $100, 000: $200, 000 =

The following conditions apply in addition to the Corn- Step (3): $40, 000 x .50 =
$20, 000
mon Policy Conditions and the Commercial Property
Conditions. Step (4): $20, 000 —
$250 =
$19, 750

1. Coinsurance We will pay no more than $19, 750. The remaining $20, 250
is not covered.
If a Coinsurance percentage is shown in the Dec-
larations, the following condition applies. Example No. 2 (Adequate Insurance):

a. We will not pay the full amount of any loss if When: The value of the property is $250, 000
the value of Covered Property at the time of
loss times the Coinsurance percentage shown The Coinsurance percentage
for it in the Declarations is greater than the for it is 80%
Limit of Insurance for the property.
The Limit of Insurance
Instead, we will determine the most we will for it is $200, 000
pay using the following steps:

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The Deductible is $ 260 2. Mortgageholders

The amount of loss is $ 40, 000 a. The term mortgageholder includes trustee.

The minimum amount of insurance to meet b. We will pay for covered loss of or damage to
your Coinsurance requirement is $200, 000 buildings or structures to each mortgage-
($250, 000 x 80%). Therefore, the Limit of holder shown in the Declarations in their order
Insurance in this Example is adequate and no of precedence, as interests may appear.
penalty applies. We will pay no more than
$39, 750 ($40, 000 amount of loss minus the c. The mortgageholder has the right to receive
deductible of $250). loss payment even if the mortgageholder has
started foreclosure or similar action on the
b. If oneLimit of Insurance applies to two or building or structure.
more separate items, this condition will apply
to the total of all property to which the limit d. If we deny your claim because of your acts or
applies, because you have failed to comply with the
terms of this Coverage Part, the mortgage-
Example No. 3: holder will still have the right to receive loss
payment if the mortgageholder:
When: The value of property is:
(1) Pays any premium due under this Cover-
Bldg. at Location No. 1 $ 75, 000 age Part at our request if you have failed
to do so;
Bldg. at Location No. 2 $100, 000
(2) Submits a signed, sworn proof of loss
Personal Property at within 60 days after receiving notice from
Location No. 2 $ 75, 000 us of your failure to do so; and
$250, 000
(3) Has notified of any change in owner-
The Coinsurance percentage ship, occupancy or substantial change in
for it is 90% risk known to the mortgageholder.

The Limit of Insurance for Buildings All of the terms of this Coverage Part will then
and Personal Property at
apply directly to the mortgageholder.
Location Nos. 1 and 2 is $180, 000
e. If we pay the mortgageholder for any loss or
The Deductible is $ 1, 000
damage and deny payment to you because of
your acts or because you have failed to corn-
The amount of loss is:
at Location No. 2 $ 30, 000 ply with the terms of this Coverage Part:
(1) The mortgageholder's rights under the
Personal Property at will be transferred to us to the
Location No. 2 $ 20, 000 mortgage
extent of the amount we pay; and
$ 60, 000
(2) The mortgageholder's right to recover the
Step (1): $250, 000 x 90% =
$225, 000 full amount of the mortgageholder's claim
(the minimum amount of insurance to
will not be impaired.
meet your Coinsurance requirements and
to avoid the penalty shown below)
At our option, we may pay to the mortgage-
.80 holder the whole principal on the mortgage
Step (2): $180, 000 4- $225, 000 =

plus any accrued interest. In this event, your

$50, 000 x .80 $40, 000 mortgage and note will be transferred to us
Step (3):

and you will pay your remaining mortgage

debt to us.
Step (4): $40, 000 —

$1, 000 =
$39, 000
f. If wecancel this policy, we will give written
We will pay no more than $39, 000. The remaining $11, 000
is not covered,
notice to the mortgageholder at least:

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(1) 10 days before the effective date of can- the policy anniversary date, or any other
cellation if we cancel for your nonpayment policy change amending the Limit of In-
of premium; or surance, times

(2) 30 days before the effective date of can- (2) The percentage of annual increase shown
cellation if we cancel for any other reason. in the Declarations, expressed as a deci-
mal (example: 8% is .08), times
g. If we elect not to renew this policy, we will give
written notice to the mortgageholder at least (3) The number of days since the beginning
10 days before the expiration date of this of the current policy year or the effective
policy, date of the most recent policy change
amending the Limit of Insurance, divided
G. Optional Coverages by 365.
If shown as applicable in the Declarations, the fol-
lowing Optional Coverages apply separately to each
item. If: The applicable Limit of
Insurance is $100, 000
1. Agreed Value
The annual percentage
a. The Additional Condition, Coinsurance, does increase is 8%
not apply to Covered Property to which this
Optional Coverage applies. We will pay no The number of days
more for loss of or damage to that property since the beginning of
than the proportion that the Limit of Insurance the policy year (or last
under this Coverage Part for the property
policy change) is 146
bears to the Agreed Value shown for it in the
Declarations. The amount of increase
is $100, 000 x .08 x 146
b. If the expiration date for this Optional Cover-
÷. 365 = $ 3, 200
age shown in the Declarations is not extend-
ed, the Additional Condition, Coinsurance, is 3.
reinstated and this Optional Coverage Replacement Cost
expires. a. Replacement Cost (without deduction for de-
c. The terms of this Optional Coverage apply preciation) replaces Actual Cash Value in the
Loss Condition, Valuation, of this Coverage
only to loss or damage that occurs: Form.

(1) On or after the effective date of this Op- b. This Optional Coverage does not apply to:
tionai Coverage; and

(1) Personal property of others;

(2) Before the Agreed Value expiration date
shown in the Declarations or the policy
(2) Contents of a residence;
expiration date, whichever occurs first.
2. Inflation Guard (3) Works of art, antiques or rare articles, in-
cluding etchings, pictures, statuary, mar-
e. The Limit of Insurance for property to which bles, bronzes, porcelains and bric-a-brac;
this Optional Coverage applied will automati-
cally increase by the annual percentage "

shown in the Declarations. (4) "Stock, unless the Including "Stock"

option is shown in the Declarations.
b. The amount of increase will be:
Under the terms of this Replacement Cost
The Limit of Insurance that applied on the Optional Coverage, tenants' improvements
most recent of the policy inception date, and betterments are not considered to be the
personal property of others.

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c. You may make a claim for loss or damage cost which would have been incurred if the
covered by this insurance on an actual cash building had been rebuilt at the original
value basis instead of on a replacement cost premises.
basis. In the event you elect to have loss or
damage settled on an actual cash value basis, f. The cost of repair or replacement does not
you may still make a claim for the additional include the increased cost attributable to en-
coverage this Optional Coverage provides if forcement of any ordinance or law regulating
you notify us of your intent to do so within 180 the construction, use or repair of any property.
days after the loss or damage.
4. Extension Of Replacement Cost To Personal
d. We will not pay on a replacement cost basis
for any loss or damage:
Property Of Others

a. If the Replacement Cost Optional Coverage is

(1) Until the lost or damaged property is shown as applicable in the Declarations, then
actually repaired or replaced; and this Extension may also be shown as ap-
plicable. If the Declarations show this Ex-
(2) Unless the repairs or replacement are tension as applicable, then Paragraph 3.b.(1)
made as soon as reasonably possible of the Replacement Cost Optional Coverage
after the loss or damage.
is deleted and all other provisions of the
With respect to tenants' improvements and Replacement Cost Optional Coverage apply
to replacement cost on personal property of
betterments, the following also apply:
(3) If the conditions in d.(1) and d.(2) above
are not met, the value of tenants' im- b. With respect to replacement cost on the per-
sonal property of others, the following lirn-
provements and betterments will be de-
termined as a proportion of your original Ration applies:
cost, as set forth in the Valuation Con-
dition of this Coverage Form; and If item(s) of personal property of others is

subject to a written contract which governs

(4) We will not pay for loss or damage to your liability for loss or damage to that item(s),
tenants' improvements and betterments if then valuation of that item(s) will be based on
others pay for repairs or replacement. the amount for which you are liable under
such contract, but not to exceed the lesser of
e. We will not pay more for loss or damage on a the replacement cost of the property or the
replacement cost basis than the least of (1), applicable Limit of Insurance.
(2) or (3), subject to f. below:
H. Definitions
(1) The Limit of Insurance applicable to the
lost or damaged property; 1. "Fungus" means any type or form of fungus,
including mold or mildew, and any mycotoxins,
(2) The cost to replace the lost or damaged spores, scents or by-products produced or re-
property with other property: leased by fungi.

(a) Of comparable material and quality; 2. "Pollutants" means any solid, liquid, gaseous or
thermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke,
vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals and
(b) Used for the same purpose; or
waste. Waste includes materials to be recycled,
reconditioned or reclaimed.
(3) The amount actually spent that is nec-
essary to repair or replace the lost or
3. "Stock" means merchandise held in storage or for
damaged property.
sale, raw materials and in-process or finished
If is rebuilt at a new premises, the goods, including supplies used in their packing or
a building
cost described in e.(2) above is limited to the shipping.

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Mt. Hawley Insurance Company

Policy Number: MCP0140064


Various provisions in this policy restrict coverage. Read the entire policy carefully to determine rights, duties and what is
and is not covered.

Throughout this policy the words "you" and "your" refer to the Named insured shown in the Declarations. The words "we,
"us" and "our refer to the Company providing this insurance.

Other words and phrases that appear in quotation marks have special meaning. Refer to Section H. — Definitions.

A. Coverage (a) Additions under construction, altera-

tions and repairs to the building or
We will pay for direct physical loss of or damage to structure;
Covered Property at the premises described in the
Declarations caused by or resulting from any Covered (b) Materials, equipment, supplies, and
Cause of Loss. temporary structures, on or within 100
feet of the described premises, used
1, Covered Property for making additions, alterations or re-

Covered Property, as used in this Coverage Part, pairs to the building or structure; and
means the type of property described in this Sec-
(6) Any of the following types of property
tion, A.1., and limited in A.2., Property Not Cov-
contained within a unit, regardless of
ered, if a Limit of Insurance is shown in the Dec-
larations for that type of property. ownership, if your Condominium Associa-
tion Agreement requires you to insure it:
a. Building, meaning the building or structure
described in the Declarations, including: (a) Fixtures, improvements and altera-
tions that are a part of the building or
(1) Completed additions; structure; and

(2) Fixtures, outside of indMdual units, in-

(b) Appliances, such as those used for
eluding outdoor fixtures; refrigerating, ventilating, cooking,
dishwashing, laundering, security or
(3) Permanently installed: housekeeping.
(a) Machinery and But Buildingdoes not include personal prop-
erty owned by, used by or in the care, cus-
(b) Equipment;
tody or control of a unit-owner except for per-
sonal property listed in Paragraph A.1.a.(6)
(4) Personal property owned by you that is above.
used to maintain or service the building or
structure or its premises, including:
b. Your Business Personal Property located in
Fire extinguishing equipment; or on the building described in the Declara-
tions or in the open (or in a vehicle) within 100
(b) Outdoor furniture; feet of the described premises, consisting of
the following:
(c) Floor coverings; and
(1) Personal property owned by you or
(d) Appliances used for refrigerating, owned indivisibly by all unit-owners;
ventilating, cooking, dishwashing or
laundering that are not contained Your interest in the labor, materials or
within individual units; (2)
services furnished or arranged by you on

(5) If not covered by other insurance: personal property of others;

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(3) Leased personal property for which you j. Bulkheads, pilings, piers, wharves or docks;
have a contractual responsibility to in-
sure, unless otherwise provided for under k. Property that Is covered under this or any
Personal Property of Others. other policy in which it is more specifically de-
scribed, except for the excess of the amount
But Your Business Personal Property does due (whether you can collect on it or not) from
not include personal property owned only by a that other insurance;
I. Retaining walls that are not part of a building;
c. Personal Property Of Others that is:
m. Underground pipes, flues or drains;
(1) In your care, custody or control; and
n. Electronic data, except as provided under Ad-
(2) Located in or on the building described in ditional Coverages Electronic Data. Elec-

the Declarations or in the open (or in a tronic data means information, facts or corn-
vehicle) within 100 feet of the described puter programs stored as or on, created or
premises. used on, or transmitted to orfrom computer
software (including systems and applications
However, payment for loss of or damage
our software), on hard or floppy disks, CD-ROMs,
to personal property of others will only be for tapes, drives, cells, data processing devices
the account of the owner of the property. or any other repositories of computer soft-
ware which are used with electronically con-
2. Property Not Covered trolled equipment. The term computer pro-
grams, referred to in the foregoing description
Covered Property does not include: of electronic data, means a set of related
electronic instructions which direct the opera-
a. Accounts, bills, currency, food stamps or other tions and functions of a computer or device
evidences of debt, money, notes or securities, connected to it, which enable the computer or
Lottery tickets held for sale are not securities; device to receive, process, store, retrieve or
send data.
b. Animals, unless owned by others and boarded
by you; o. The cost to replace or restore the information
on valuable papers and records, including
c. Automobiles held for sale; those which exist as electronic data. Valuable
papers and records include but are not limited
d. Bridges, roadways, walks, patios or other to proprietary information, books of account,
paved surfaces; deeds, manuscripts, abstracts, drawings and
card index systems. Refer to the Coverage
e. Contraband, or property in the course of il- Extension for Valuable Papers And Records
legal transportation or trade; (Other Than Electronic Data) for limited cov-
erage for valuable papers and records other
f. The cost of excavations, grading, back filling than those which exist as electronic data.
or filling;
p. Vehicles or self-propelled machines (including
g. Foundations of buildings, structures, ma- aircraft or watercraft) that:
chinery or boilers if their foundations are
below: (1) Are licensed for use on public roads; or

(1) The lowest basement floor; or (2) Are operated principally away from the
described premises.
(2) The surface of the ground if there is no
basement. This paragraph does not apply to:
h. Land (including land on which the property Is (a) Vehicles or self-propelled machines
located), water, growing crops or lawns; or autos you manufacture or
I. Personal property while airborne or
waterborne; (b) Vehicles or self-propelled machines,
other than autos, you hold for sale;

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out of water at (b) Subject to (a) above, the amount we

(c) Rowboats or canoes
will pay for debris removal expense is
the described premises; or
limited to 25% of the sum of the de-
but only to the extent provid- ductible plus the amount that we pay
(d) Trailers, for direct physical loss or damage to
ed for in the Coverage Extension for
the Covered Property that has sus-
Non-Owned Detached Trailers.
tained loss or damage.

q. The following property while outside of We will pay up to an additional $10, 000
buildings: (4)
for debris removal expense, for each lo-
in any one occurrence of physical
1) Grain, hay, straw other crops;
or or
loss or damage to Covered Property, if
one or both of the following circum-
(2) Fences, radio or television antennas (in- stances apply:
cluding satellite dishes) and their lead-in
wiring, masts or towers, signs (other than (a) The total of the actual debris removal
signs attached to buildings), trees, shrubs, expense plus the amount we pay for
or plants (other than "stock" of trees, direct physical loss or damage ex-
shrubs or plants), all except as provided in ceeds the Limit of Insurance on the
the Coverage Extensions. Covered Property that has sustained
loss or damage.
3. Covered Causes Of Loss
(b) The actual debris removal expense
See applicableCauses of Loss Form as shown in exceeds 25% of the sum of the de-
the Declarations. ductible plus the amount that we pay
for direct physical loss or damage to
4. Additional Coverages the Covered Property that has sus-
tained loss or damage.
a. Debris Removal
Therefore, if (4)(a) and/or (4)(b) apply, our

(1) Subject to Paragraphs (3) and (4), will

we payment for direct physical loss or
pay your expense to remove debris of damage and debris removal expense may
Covered Property caused by or resulting reach but willnever exceed the Limit of

from a Covered Cause of Loss that oc- insurance on the Covered Property that
curs during the policy period. The ex- has sustained loss or damage, plus
penses will be paid only if they are re- $10, 000.
ported to us in writing within 180 days of
the date of direct physical loss or damage. (5) Examples

(2) Debris Removal does not apply to costs The following examples assume that
there is no coinsurance penalty.

from land Example #1

(a) Extract "pollutants" or wa-

ter; or
Limit of Insurance $ 90, 000
(b) Remove, restore or replace polluted Amount of Deductible $ 500
land or water.
Amount of Loss $ 50, 000
(3) Subject to the exceptions in Paragraph
(4), the following provisions apply: Amount of Loss Payable $ 49, 500
($50, 000 $500)

(a) The most we will pay for the total of

direct physical loss or damage plus Debris Removal Expense $ 10, 000
debris removal expense is the Limit of
Insurance applicable to the Covered Debris Removal Expense
Property that has sustained loss or Payable $ 10, 000
($10, 000 is 20% of $50, 000)

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The debris removal expense is less than b. Preservation Of Property

25% of the sum of the loss payable plus
the deductible. The sum of the loss If it is necessary for you to move Covered
payable and the debris removal expense Property from the described premises to pre-
($49, 500 + $10, 000 = $59,500) is less serve it from loss or damage by a Covered
than the Limit of Insurance. Therefore, the Cause of Loss, we will pay for any direct
full amount of debris removal expense is physical loss or damage to that property:
payable in accordance with the terms of
Paragraph (3). (1) While it is being moved or while tem-
porarily stored at another location; and
Example #2
(2) Only if the loss or damage occurs within
Limit of Insurance $ 90, 000 30 days after the property Is first moved.

Amount of Deductible $ 500 Fire

c. Department Service Charge
Amount of Loss $ 80, 000 When the fire department is called to save or
protect Covered Property from a Covered
Amount of Loss Payable $ 79, 500 Cause of Loss, we will pay up to $1, 000 for
($80, 000 —
$500) your liability for fire department service
Debris Removal $ 30, 000
Debris Removal (1) Assumed by contract or agreement prior
Expense to loss; or
Basic Amount $ 10, 500 (2) Required by local ordinance.
Additional Amount $ 10, 000
No Deductible applies to this Additional
The basic amount payable for debris re- Coverage.
moval expense under the terms of Para-
d. Pollutant Clean Up And Removal
graph (3) is calculated as follows: $80, 000
($79, 500 + $500) x .25 = $20, 000; capped We will pay your expense to extract "pol-
at $10, 500. The cap applies because the
sum of the loss payable ($79,500) and the lutants" from land or water at the described
basic amount payable for debris removal premises if the discharge, dispersal, seepage,
expense ($10, 500) cannot exceed the migration, release or escape of the "pot-
Limit of Insurance ($90, 000). lutants" is caused by or results from a Cov-
ered Cause of Loss that occurs during the
The additional amount payable for debris policy period. The expenses will be paid only
removal expense is provided in accor- if they are reported to us in writing within 180
dance with the terms of Paragraph (4), days of the date on which the Covered Cause
because the debris removal expense of Loss occurs.
($30, 000) exceeds 25% of the loss
payable plus the deductible ($30, 000 is This Additional Coverage does not apply to
37.5% of $80, 000), and because the sum costs to test for, monitor or assess the axis-
of the loss payable and debris removal tence, concentration or effects of "pollutants."
expense ($79, 500 + $30, 000 = $109, 500) But we will pay for testing which is performed
would exceed the Limit of Insurance in the course of extracting the "pollutants"
($90, 000). The additional amount of coy- from the land or water.
ered debris removal expense is $10, 000,
the maximum payable under Paragraph The most we will pay under this Additional
(4). Thus the total payable for debris re- Coverage for each described premises is
moval expense in this example is $10, 000 for the sum of all covered expenses
$20, 500; $9, 500 of the debris removal ex- arising out of Covered Causes of Loss occur-
pense is not covered, ring during each separate 12 month period of
this policy.

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e. Increased Cost Of Construction (6) The most we will pay under this Addi-
tional Coverage, for each described build-

(1) This Additional Coverage applies only to ing insured under this Coverage Form, Is
buildings to which the Replacement Cost $10, 000 or 5% of the Limit of Insurance
Optional Coverage applies, applicable to that building, whichever is
less. If a damaged building is covered un-
der a blanket Limit of Insurance which ap-
(2) In the event of damage by a Covered
Cause of Loss to a building that is Cov- plies to more than one building or item of
ered Property, we will pay the increased property, then the most we will pay under
this Additional Coverage, for that dam-
costs incurred to comply with enforce-
an ordinance or law in the course
aged building, is the lesser of: $10, 000 or
ment of 5% times the value of the damaged build-
of repair, rebuilding or replacement of
ng as of the time of loss times the appl
damaged parts of that property, subject to cable coinsurance percentage.
the limitations stated in e.(3) through e.(9)
of this Additional Coverage. The amount payable under this Additional
Coverage is additional insurance.
(3) The ordinance or law referred to In e.(2)
of this Additional Coverage is an ordi- (7) With respect to this Additional Coverage:
nance or law that regulates the construc-
tion or repair of buildings or establishes (a) We will not pay for the increased Cost
zoning or land use requirements at the of Construction:
described premises, and is in force at the
time of loss. (I) Until the property is actually re-
paired orreplaced, at the same or
Under this Additional Coverage, we will another premises; and
not pay any costs due toan ordinance or
law that: (ii) Unless the repairs or replace-
ment are made as soon as rea-

(a) You were required comply with

to sonably possible after the loss or
before the loss, even when the build- damage, not to exceed two years.
We may extend this period in
ing was undamaged; and
writing during the two years.
(b) You failed to comply with. If the building is repaired or replaced
at the same premises, or if you elect
(5) Under this Additional Coverage, we will
to rebuild at another premises, the
not pay for: most we will pay for the Increased
Cost of Construction, subject to the
(a) The enforcement of any ordinance or
provisions of e.(6) of this Additional
law which requires demolition, repair, Coverage, is the increased cost of
replacement, reconstruction, remod- construction at the same premises.
eling or remediation of property due to
contamination by "pollutants" or due (c) If the ordinance or law requires relo-
to the presence, growth, prolifer- cation to another premises, the most
ation, spread or any activity of "fun- we will pay for the Increased Cost of
Construction, subject to the provi-

gus, wet or dry rot or bacteria; or

sions of e.(6) of this Additional Cover-
(b) Any costs associated with the en- age, is the increased cost of con-
forcement of an ordinance or law struction at the new premises.
which requires any insured or others
to test for, monitor, clean up, remove, (8) This additional Coverage is not subject to
contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize, the terms of the Ordinance or Law Ex-
or in any way respond to, or assess clusion, to the extent that such Exclusion
" " would conflict with the provisions of this
the effects of "pollutants, "fungus,
Additional Coverage.
wet or dry rot or bacteria.

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(9) The costs addressed in the Loss Pay- on a computer system (including
ment and Valuation Conditions, and the electronic data) or a network to which
it is connected, designed to damage
Replacement Cost Optional Coverage, in
this Coverage Form, do not include the or destroy any part of the system or
increased cost attributable to enforce- disrupt its normal operation. But there
ment of an ordinance or law. The amount is no coverage for loss or damage
payable under this Additional Coverage, caused by or resulting from manipula-
as stated in e.(6) of this Additional Coy- tibn of a computer system (including
erage, is not subject to such limitation, electronic data) by any employee, in-
cluding a temporary or leased em-
f. Electronic Data ployee, or by an entity retained by you
or for you to inspect, design, install,

(1) Under this Additional Coverage, elec- modify, maintain, repair or replace
tronic data has the meaning described that system.
under Property Not Covered Electronic —

Data. (4) The most we will pay under this Additional

Coverage Electronic Data Is $2, 500 for

(2) Subject to the provisions of this Additional all loss or damage sustained in any one
we will pay for the cost to re-
Coverage, policy year, regardless of the number of
place or restore electronic data which has occurrences of loss or damage or the
been destroyed or corrupted by a Cov- number of premises, locations or corn-
ered Cause of Loss. To the extent that puter systems involved. if loss payment
electronic data is not replaced or re- on the first occurrence does not exhaust
stored, the loss will be valued at the cost this amount, then the balance is available
of replacement of the media on which the for subsequent loss or damage sustained
electronic data was stored, with blank in but not after that policy year. With
media of substantially identical type.
respect to an occurrence which begins in
one policy year and continues or results in
(3) The Covered Causes of Loss applicable additional loss or damage in a sub-
to Your Business Personal Property apply
sequent policy year(s), all loss or damage
to this Additional Coverage —

is deemed to be sustained in the policy

Data, subject to the following: year in which the occurrence began.

(a) If the Causes Of Loss Special Form

5. Coverage Extensions
applies, coverage under this
Coverage Electronic Data is

Except as otherwise provided, the following Ex -

limited to the "specified causes of

loss" as defined in that form, and Col-
tensions apply to property located in or on the
building described in the Declarations or in the
lapse as set forth in that form. open (or in a vehicle) within 100 feet of the de-
scribed premises.
(b) If the Causes Of Loss Broad Form

applies, coverage under this Addi- If a Coinsurance percentage of 80% or more is

tional Coverage Electronic Data in-

shown in the Declarations, you may extend the in-

cludes Collapse as set forth in that
surance provided by this Coverage Part as

(c) If the Causes Of Loss Form is en-

a. Newly Acquired Or Constructed Property
dorsed to add a Covered Cause of
Loss, the additional Covered Cause
of Loss does not apply to the cover- (1) Buildings
age provided under this Additional
You may extend the insurance that ap-
Coverage Electronic Data.

plies to Building to apply to:

(d) The Covered Causes of Loss include
a virus, harmful code or similar in- (a) Your new buildings while being built
on the described premises; and
struction introduced into or enacted

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at locations, (a) This policy expires;

(b) Buildings you acquire
other than the described premises,
intended for: (b) 30 days expire after you acquire the
property or begin construction of that
Similar use as the building de- part of the building that would qualify
(i) as covered property; or
scribed in the Declarations; or

Use as a warehouse. (c) You report values to us.

We will charge you additional premium for
The most we will pay for loss or damage values reported from the date you acquire
under this Extension is $250, 000 at each the property or begin construction of that
building, part of the building that would qualify as
covered property.
(2) Your Business Personal Property
b. Personal Effects And Property Of Others
(a) If this policy covers Your Business
Personal Property, you may extend You may extend the insurance that applies to
that insurance to apply to: Your Business Personal Property to apply to:
(I) Business personal property, in- (1) Personal effects owned by you, your offi-
eluding such property that you cers, your partners or members, your
newly acquire, at any location you managers or your employees. This
acquire other than at fairs, trade sion does not apply to loss or damage by
shows or exhibitions; theft.

(li) Business personal property, in- (2) Personal property of others in your care,
eluding such property that you custody or control.
newly acquire, located at your
newly constructed or acquired The most we will pay for loss or damage
buildings at the location de- under this Extension is $2, 500 at each de-
scribed in the Declarations; or scribed premises. Our payment for loss of or
damage to personal property of others will
(III) Business personal property that only be for the account of the owner of the
you newly acquire, located at the property.
described premises.
c. Valuable Papers And Records (Other Than
The most we will pay for loss or damage Electronic Data)
under this Extension is $100, 000 at each
building. (1) You may extend the insurance that ap-
plies to Your Business Personal Property
does not apply to: to apply to the cost to replace or restore
(b) This Extension the lost information on valuable papers

Personal property of others that is and records for which duplicates do not
(I) exist. But this Extension does not apply to
temporarily in your possession in valuable papers and records which exist
the course of Installing or per-
as electronic data. Electronic data has the
forming work on such property; or
meaning described under Property Not
Covered Electronic Data.
(ii) Personal property of others that is

temporarily in your possession in If the Causes Of Loss Special Form ap-

the course of your manufacturing (2) —

or wholesaling activities,
plies, coverage under this Extension is
limited to the "specified causes of loss" as
defined in that form, and Collapse as set
(3) Period Of Coverage
forth in that form.

With respect to insurance on or at each

(3) If the Causes Of Loss Broad Form ap-

newly acquired or constructed property, plies, coverage under this Extension in-
will end when any of the
coverage cludes Collapse as set forth in that form.
following first occurs:

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(4) Under this Extension, the most we will pay (1) Fire;
to replace or restore the lost information is
$2, 500 at each described premises, (2) Lightning;
unless a higher limit Is shown in the
Declarations. Such amount is additional (3) Explosion;
insurance. We will also pay for the cost of
blank material for reproducing the records (4) Riot or Civil Commotion; or
(whether or not duplicates exist), and
(when there is a duplicate) for the cost of (5) Aircraft.
labor to transcribe or copy the records.
The costs of blank material and labor are The most we will pay for loss or damage un-
subject to the applicable Limit of der this Extension is $1, 000, but not more
Insurance on Your Business Personal
than $250 for any one tree, shrub or plant.
Property and therefore coverage of such These limits apply to any one occurrence, re-
costs is not additional insurance.
gardless of the types or number of items lost
or damaged in that occurrence.
d. Property Off-Premises
f. Non-Owned Detached Trailers
(1) You may extend the insurance provided
by this Coverage Form to apply to your You may extend the insurance that ap-
Covered Property while it is away from the (1)
described premises, if it is: plies to Your Business Personal Property
to apply to loss or damage to trailers that
(a) Temporarily at a location you do not you do not own, provided that:
own, lease or operate;
(a) The trailer is used in your business;
(b) In storage at a location you lease,
provided the lease was executed af- (b) The trailer is in your care, custody or
ter the beginning of the current policy control at the premises described in
term; or the Declarations; and

(c) At any fair, trade show or exhibition. (c) You have a contractual responsibility
to pay for loss or damage to the
(2) This Extension does not apply to prop- trailer.
(2) We will not pay for any loss or damage
(a) In or on a vehicle; or that occurs:

(b) In the care,

custody or control of your (a) While the trailer is attached to any
salespersons, unless the property is motor vehicle or motorized convey-
In such care, custody or control at a
ance, whether or not the motor ye-
fair, trade show or exhibition. hide or motorized conveyance is in
(3) The most we will pay for loss or damage
under this Extension is $10, 000.
(b) During hitching or unhitching opera-
tions, or when a trailer becomes acci-
e. Outdoor Property
dentally unhitched from a motor ve-
hicle or motorized conveyance.
You may extend the insurance provided by
this Coverage Form to apply to your outdoor
(3) The most we will pay for loss or damage
fences, radio and television antennas (includ-
under this Extension is $5, 000, unless a
ing satellite dishes), signs (other than signs
attached to buildings), trees, shrubs and higher limit is shown in the Declarations.
plants, (other than "stock" of trees, shrubs or
(4) This insurance is excess over the amount
plants), including debris removal expense,
caused by or resulting from any of the follow- due (whether you can collect on It or not)
ing causes of loss if they are Covered Causes from any other insurance covering such
of Loss: property.

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The amount of loss to Bldg. 1 ($60, 100) is less than

Each of these Extensions is additional insurance un-
the sum ($60, 250) of the Limit of Insurance applicable
less otherwise indicated. The Additional Condition,
Coinsurance, does not apply to these Extensions. to Bldg. 1 plus the Deductible.

B. Exclusions And Limitations The Deductible will be subtracted from the amount of
loss in calculating the loss payable for Bldg. 1:
See applicable Causes of Loss Form as shown in the
Declarations. $ 60, 100
$ 59, 850 Loss Payable Bldg. 1
C. Limits Of insurance —

The most will pay for loss or damage in any one

we The Deductible applies once per occurrence and
occurrence is the applicable Limit of Insurance shown therefore is not subtracted in determining the amount
in the Declarations, of loss payable for Bldg. 2. Loss payable for Bldg. 2 is
the Limit of Insurance of $80, 000.
The most will pay for loss or damage to outdoor

signs attached to buildings is $1, 000 per sign in any Total amount of loss payable: $59, 850 + 80, 000 =

one occurrence. $139, 850

The limits applicable to the Fire Department Service Example No. 2:

Charge and Pollutant Clean Up and Removal Addi-
tional Coverages are in addition to the Limits of (This example, too, assumes there is no coinsurance
Insurance. penalty.)
Payments under the Preservation of Property Addi- The Deductible and Limits of Insurance are the same
tional Coverage will not increase the applicable Limit as those in Example No. 1.
of Insurance.
Loss to Bldg. 1: $70, 000
D. Deductible (exceeds Limit of Insurance plus Deductible)
Loss to Bldg. 2: $90, 000
In any one occurrence of toss or damage (hereinafter (exceeds Limit of Insurance plus Deductible)
referred to as loss), we will first reduce the amount of Loss Payable Bldg. 1: —

$60, 000
loss if required by the Coinsurance Condition or the (Limit of insurance)
Agreed Value Optional Coverage. If the adjusted Loss Payable Bldg. 2: —
$80, 000
amount of loss Is less than or equal to the Deductible, (Limit of Insurance)
we will not pay for that loss. If the adjusted amount
Total amount of loss payable: $140, 000
loss exceeds the Deductible, we will then subtract the
Deductible from the adjusted amount of loss, and will
E. Loss Conditions
pay the resulting amount or the Limit of Insurance,
whichever is less. Thefollowing conditions apply in addition to the Com-
mon Policy Conditions and the Commercial Property
When the occurrence involves loss to more than one Conditions.
item of Covered Property and separate Limits of In-
surance apply, the losses will not be combined
in de-
the De-
1. Abandonment
termining application of the Deductible. But
ductible will be applied only once per occurrence. There can be no abandonment of any property to
Example No. 1:

there is no coinsurance 2. Appraisal

(This example assumes

penalty.) if and you disagree on the value of the prop-


Deductible: $ 250 erty or the amount of loss, either may make writ-
ten demand for an appraisal of the loss. In this
Limit of Insurance —

Bldg. 1: $ 60, 000

$ 80, 000 event, each party will select a competent and im-
Limit of Insurance —

Bldg. 2:
Loss to Bldg. 1: $ 60, 100 partial appraiser. The two appraisers will select an
Loss to Bldg. 2: $ 90, 000 umpire. If they cannot agree, either may request

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that selection be made by a judge of a court (7) Send us a signed, sworn proof of loss
having jurisdiction. The appraisers will state sep- containing the information we request to
arately the value of the property and amount of investigate the claim. You must do this
loss. If they fail to agree, they will submit their within 60 days after our request. We will
differences to the umpire. A decision agreed to by supply you with the necessary forms.
any two will be binding. Each party will:
(8) Cooperate with us in the investigation or
a. Pay its chosen appraiser; and settlement of the claim.
b. Bear the other expenses of the appraisal and
b. We may examine any insured under oath,
umpire equally.
while not in the presence of any other insured
If there is an appraisal, we will still retain our right and at such times as may be reasonably re-
to deny the claim. quired, about any matter relating to this insur-
ance or the claim, including an insured's
3. Duties In The Event Of Loss Or Damage books and records. In the event of an exam-

done in
ination, an insured's answers must be signed.
a. You must see that the following are
the event of loss or damage to Covered
4. Loss Payment
law may have been a. In the event of loss or damage covered by this
(1) Notify the police if a
broken. Coverage Form, at our option, we will either:

(2) Give us prompt notice of the loss or dam- (1) Pay the value of lost or damaged prop-
age. Include a description of the property erty;
(2) Pay the cost of repairing or replacing the
(3) As soon as possible, give us a descrip-
tion of how, when and where the loss or
l ost or damaged property, subject to b.
damage occurred.
(4) Take all reasonable steps to protect the (3) Take all or any part of the property at an
Covered Property from further damage, agreed or appraised value; or
and keep a record of your expenses nec-
essary to protect the Covered Property, (4) Repair, rebuild or replace the property
for consideration in the settlement of the with other property of like kind and qual-
claim. This will not increase the Limit of ity, subject to b. below.
Insurance. However, we will not pay for
any subsequent loss or damage resulting We will determine the value of lost or dam-
from a cause of loss that is not a Covered
Cause of Loss. Also, if feasible, set the aged property, or the cost of its repair or re-
damaged property aside and in the best placement, in accordance with the applicable
terms of the Valuation Condition in this Cover-
possible order for examination,
age Form or any applicable provision which
(5) At our request, give us complete inven- amends or supersedes the Valuation Condi-
tories of the damaged and undamaged tion.
property. Include quantities, costs, values
and amount of loss claimed. b. The cost to repair, rebuild or replace does not
include the increased cost attributable to en-
(6) As often as may be reasonably required, forcement of any ordinance or law regulating
permit us to inspect the property proving the construction, use or repair of any property.
the loss or damage and examine your
books and records.
c. We will give notice of our intentions within 30
Also permit us to take samples of dam- days after we receive the sworn proof of loss.
aged and undamaged property for in-
spection, testing and analysis, and permit d. We will not pay you more than your financial
us to make copies from your books and interest in the Covered Property.

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e. We may losses with the owners of lost

adjust (a) When this policy is issued to a tenant,
or damaged property if other than you. If we and with respect to that tenant's
interest in Covered Property, building
pay the owners, such payments will satisfy
means the unit or suite rented or
your claims against us for the owners' prop-
leased to the tenant. Such building is
erty. We will not pay the owners more than
their financial interest in the Covered Prop- vacant when it does not contain

erty. enough business personal property to

conduct customary operations.
f. We may elect to defend you against suits
arising from claims of owners of property. We
(b) When this policy is
issued to the own-
er or general lessee of a building,
will do this at our expense.
building means the entire building.
Such building is vacant unless at least
g. We will pay for covered loss or damage to
31% of its total square footage is:
Covered Property within 30 days after we
the sworn proof of loss, if you have
(I) Rented to a iessee or sub-lessee
complied with all of the terms of this Cover- and used by the lessee or sub-
age Part and: lessee to conduct its customary
operations; and/or
(1) We have reached agreement with you on

the amount of loss; or the

(II) Used by building owner to
conduct customary operations.
(2) An appraisal award has been made.
(2) Buildings under construction or renova-
If you name insurance trustee, we will
an tion are not considered vacant.
adjust losses with you, but we will pay the
insurance trustee. If we pay the trustee, the b. Vacancy Provisions
payments will satisfy your claims against us.
If the building where loss or damage occurs
5. Recovered Property has been vacant for more than 60 consecu-
tive days before that loss or damage occurs:
If either youor we recover any property after loss

settlement, that party must give the other prompt (1) We will not pay for any loss or damage
notice. At your option, the property will be re- caused by any of the following even if
turned to you. You must then return to us the they are Covered Causes of Loss:
amount we paid to you for the property. We will
pay recovery expenses and the expenses to re- (a) Vandalism;
pair the recovered property, subject to the Limit of
Insurance. (b) Sprinkler leakage, unless you have
protected the system against freez-
6. Unit-Owner's insurance ing;

A unit-owner may have other insurance covering (c) Building glass breakage;
the same property as this insurance. This insur- Water damage;
ance is intended to be primary, and not to contrib-(d)
ute with such other insurance.
(e) Theft; or

7. Vacancy (f) Attempted theft.

a. Description Of Terms With respect to Covered Causes of Loss
other than those listed in b.(1)(a) through
(1) As used in this Vacancy Condition, the b.(1)(f) above, we will reduce the amount
term building and the term vacant have we would otherwise pay for the loss or
the meanings set forth in (1)(a) and (1)(b) damage by 15%.

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(1) Multiply the value of Covered Property at

8. Valuation
the time of loss by the Coinsurance
We will determine the value of Covered Property percentage;
in the event of loss or damage as follows:
(2) Divide the Limit of Insurance of the prop-
a. At actual cash value as of the time of loss or erty by the figure determined in Step (1);
damage, except as provided in b. and c. be-
low. (3) Multiply the total amount of loss, before
the application of any deductible, by the
b. If the Limit of Insurance for Building satisfies figure determined in Step (2); and
the Additional Condition, Coinsurance, and
(4) Subtract the deductible from the figure
the cost to repair or replace the damaged
determined in Step (3).
building property is $2, 500 or less, we will pay
the cost of building repairs or replacement.
We will pay the amount determined in Step (4) or
The cost of building repairs or replacement the Limit of Insurance, whichever is less. For the
does not include the increased cost attribut- remainder, you will either have to rely on other
able to enforcement of any ordinance or law insurance or absorb the loss yourself.
regulating the construction, use or repair of
any property. However, the following property Example No. 1 (Underinsurance):
will be valued at the actual cash value even
When: The value of the property is $ 250, 000
when attached to the building:
The Coinsurance
(1) Awnings or fioor coverings; percentage for it is
The Limit of Insurance
for it is $ 100, 000
(2) Appliances for refrigerating, ventilating, The Deductible is $ 260
cooking, dishwashing or laundering; or The amount of loss is $ 40, 000
(3) Outdoor equipment or furniture. $200, 000
Step (1): $250, 000 x 80%

(the minimum amount of insurance to

c. Glass at the cost of replacement with safety
meet your Coinsurance requirements)
glazing material if required by law.
$200, 000 .50
Step (2): $100, 000

9. Waiver Of Rights Of Recovery

We waive our rights to recover payment from any Step (3): $40, 000 x .50 =
$20, 000
unit-owner of the condominium that is shown in
Step (4): $20, 000 $250
- =
$19, 750
the Declarations.
We will pay no more than $19,750. The re-
F. Additional Conditions 250 is not covered.
maining $20,
The following conditions apply in addition to the Com-
mon Policy Conditions and the Commercial Property Example No. 2 (Adequate insurance):
When: The value of the property is $ 250, 000
The Coinsurance
I. Coinsurance 80%
percentage for it is
The Limit of Insurance
If Coinsurance percentage is shown in the Dec-
for it is $ 200, 000
larations, the following condition applies, $ 250
The Deductible is
The amount of loss is $ 40, 000
a. We will not pay the full amount of any loss if
the value of Covered Property at the time of
The minimum amount of insurance to meet
loss times the Coinsurance percentage shown 000
for it in the Declarations is greater than the your Coinsurance requirement is $200,
000 80%). Therefore, the Limit of
Limit of Insurance for the property. ($250, x
Insurance in this Example is adequate and no
Instead, we will determine the most we wili penalty applies. We will pay no more than
$39, 750 ($40, 000 amount of loss minus the
pay using the following steps: deductible of $260).

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b. If oneLimit of Insurance applies to two or d. If we deny your claim because of your acts or
more separate items, this condition will apply because you have failed to comply with the
to the total of all property to which the limit terms of this Coverage Part, the mortgage-
applies, holder will still have the right to receive loss
payment if the mortgageholder:
Example No. 3:
(1) Pays any premium due under this Cover-
When: The value of property is: age Part at our request if you have failed
Bldg. at Location No. 1 $ 75, 000 to do so;
Bldg. at Location No. 2 $ 100, 000
Personal Property at (2) Submits a signed, sworn proof of loss

Location No. 2 $ 75, 000 within 60 days after receiving notice from
$ 250, 000 us of your failure to do so; and
The Coinsurance
percentage for it is 90% (3) Has notified us of any change in owner-
ship, occupancy or substantial change in
The Limit of Insurance risk known to the mortgageholder.
for Buildings and
Personal Property at All of the terms of this Coverage Part will then
Location Nos. 1 and 2 is $ 180, 000 apply directly to the mortgagoholder.

The Deductible is e. If we pay the mortgageholder for any loss or

$ 1, 000
The amount of loss is: damage and deny payment to you because of
Bldg. at Location No. 2 $ 30, 000 your acts or because you have failed to com-
Personal Property at ply with the terms of this Coverage Part:
Location No. 2 $ 20, 000
$ 50, 000 (1) The mortgageholder's rights under the
mortgage will be transferred to us to the
extent of the amount we pay; and
Step (1): $250, 000 x 90% =
$225, 000
(the minimum amount of insurance to The mortgageholder's right to recover the
meet your Coinsurance requirements (2)
full amount of the mortgageholder's claim
and to avoid the penalty shown below)
will not be impaired.

Step (2): $180, 000 -:- $225, 000 = .80

At ouroption, we may pay to the mart-
Step (3): $50, 000 x .80 =
$40, 000 gageholder the whole principal on the
mortgage plus any accrued interest. In
this event, your mortgage and note will be
Step (4): $40, 000 —
$1, 000 =
$39, 000 transferred to us and you will pay your
We will pay no more than $39, 000. The re-
remaining mortgage debt to us.
maining $11, 000 is not covered. f. If we cancel this policy, we will give written
notice to the mortgageholder at least:
2. Mortgageholders
(1) 10 days before the effective date of can-
a. The term mortgageholder includes trustee. cellation if we cancel for your non-
payment of premium; or
b. We will pay for covered loss of or damage to
buildings or structures to each mortgage- (2) 30 days before the effective date of can-
holder shown In the Declarations in their or- collation if we cancel for any other reason.
der of precedence, as interests may appear.
g. If we elect not to renew this policy, we will give
c. The mortgageholder has the right to receive written notice to the mortgageholder at least
loss payment even if the mortgageholder has 10 days before the expiration date of this
started foreclosure or similar action on the
building or structure.

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G. Optional Coverages Example:

The applicable Limit of
If shown asapplicable in the Declarations, the follow- If:
ing Optional Coverages apply separately to each item. Insurance is $ 100, 000
The annual percentage
increase is 8%
1. Agreed Value
The number of days
a. The Additional Condition, Coinsurance, does since the beginning of
not apply to Covered Property to which this the policy year (or last
policy change) is 146
Optional Coverage applies. We will pay no
more for loss of or damage to that property The amount of increase
than the proportion that the Limit of Insurance is $100, 000 x .08 x 146
under this Coverage Part for the property i- 365 = $ 3, 200
bears to the Agreed Value shown for it in the
Declarations. 3. Replacement Cost

b. If the expiration date for this Optional Cover- a. Replacement Cost (without deduction for de-
age shown in the Declarations is not extend- predation) replaces Actual Cash Value in the
ed, the Additional Condition, Coinsurance, is Loss Condition, Valuation, of this Coverage
reinstated and this Optional Coverage Form.
b. This Optional Coverage does not apply to:
c. The terms of this Optional Coverage apply
only to loss or damage that occurs: (1) Personal property of others;

(1) On or after the effective date of this Op- (2) Contents of a residence; or

tional Coverage; and

(3) Works of art, antiques or rare articles, In-
(2) Before the Agreed Value expiration date cluding etchings, pictures, statuary, mar-
shown in the Declarations or the policy bIes, bronzes, porcelains and bric-a-brac.
expiration date, whichever occurs first.
Under the terms of this Replacement Cost
2. Inflation Guard Optional Coverage, personal property owned
indivisibly by all unit owners, and the property
a. The Limit of Insurance for property to which covered under Paragraph A.1.a.(6) of this
this Optional Coverage applies will automat- Coverage Form, are not considered to be the
ically increase by the annual percentage personal property of others.
shown in the Declarations.
c. You may make a claim for loss or damage
b. The amount of increase will be: covered by this insurance on an actual cash
value basis instead of on a replacement cost
(1) The Limit of Insurance that applied on the basis. In the event you elect to have loss or
most recent of the policy inception date, damage settled on an actual cash value ba-
the policy anniversary date, or any other sis, you may still make a claim for the addi-
policy change amending the Limit of tional coverage this Optional Coverage pro-
Insurance, times vides if you notify us of your intent to do so
within 180 days after the loss or damage.
(2) The percentage of annual increase shown
in the Declarations, expressed as a d. We will not pay on a replacement cost basis
decimal (example: 8% is .08), times for any loss or damage:

The number of days since the beginning (1) Until the lost or damaged property is ac-
of the current policy year or the effective tually repaired or replaced; and
date of the most recent policy change
amending the Limit of Insurance, divided (2) Unless the repairs or replacement are

by 365. made as soon as reasonably possible

after the loss or damage.

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e. We will not pay more for loss or damage on a this Extension may also be shown as applica-
ble. If the Declarations show this Extension as
replacement cost basis than the least of (1),
(2) or (3), subject to f. below: applicable, then Paragraph 3.b.(1) of the
Replacement Cost Optional Coverage is de-
(1) The Limit of Insurance applicable to the leted and all other provisions of the Replace-
lost or damaged property; ment Cost Optional Coverage apply to re-
placement cost on personal property of
(2) The cost to replace the lost or damaged others.
property with other property:
b. With respect to replacement cost on the per-
(a) Of comparable material and quality; sonal property of others, the following limita-
and tion applies:

(b) Used for the same purpose; If an item(s) of personal property of others is
subject to a written contract which governs
(3) The amount actually spent that is neces-
your liability for loss or damage to that item(s),
sary to repair or replace the lost or dam- then valuation of that item(s) will be based on
aged property. the amount for which you are liable under
such contract, but not to exceed the lesser of
If a building is rebuilt at a new premises, the the replacement cost of the property or the
cost described in e.(2) above is limited to the
cost which would have been incurred if the
applicable Limit of Insurance.
building had been rebuilt at the original H. Definitions
1. "Fungus" means any type or form of fungus, in-
f. The cost of repair or replacement does not in-
clude the increased cost attributable to en- cluding mold or mildew, and any mycotoxins,
forcement of any ordinance or law regulating spores, scents or by-products produced or re-

leased by fungi.
the construction, use or repair of any prop-
2. "Pollutants" means any solid, liquid, gaseous or
4. Extension Of Replacement Cost To Personal thermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke,
Property Of Others vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals and
waste. Waste includes materials to be recycled,
a. If the Replacement Cost Optional Coverage is reconditioned or reclaimed.
shown as applicable in the Declarations, then

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Mt. Hawley Insurance Company

Policy Number: MCP0140064



Read the entire policy carefully to determine rights, duties and what is
Various provisions in this policy restrict coverage.
and is not covered.
shown in the Declarations. The words "we,
Throughout this policy the words "you" and "your" refer to the Named Insured
"us" and "our" refer to the Company providing this insurance.

Other words and phrases that appear in quotation marks have special meaning. Refer to Section G. —

A. personal property in a vehicle, the described premises

include the area within 100 feet of the site at which the
1. Business Income described premises are located.

Business Income means the: With respect requirements set forth in the pre-
to the
ceding paragraph, you occupy only part of the site at
a. Net Income (Net Profit or Loss before income which the described premises are located, your prem-
taxes) that would have been earned or ises means:
incurred; and
a. The portion of the building which you rent,
b. Continuing normal operating expenses lease or occupy; and
incurred, including payroll.
b. Any area within the building or on the site at
For manufacturing risks, Net Income includes the which the described premises are located, If
net sales value of production, that area services, or is used to gain access
to, the described premises.
Coverage is provided as described and limited below
for one or more of the following options for which a 2. Covered Causes Of Loss, Exclusions And
Limit of insurance is shown in the Declarations: Limitations

a. Business Income including "Rental Value." See applicable Causes of Loss Form as shown in
the Declarations.
b. Business Income other than "Rental Value."
3. Additional Limitation —
interruption Of Corn-
c. "Rental Value." puter Operations

If option a. above is selected, the term Business a. Coverage for Business Income does not apply
Income will include "Rental Value." If option c. above when a "suspension" of "operations" is
is selected, the term Business Income will mean caused by destruction or corruption of
"Rental Value" only. electronic data, or any loss or damage to
electronic data, except as provided under the
If Limits of Insurance are shown under more than one Additional Coverage Interruption Of Corn-

of the above options, the provisions of this Coverage puter Operations.

Part apply separately to each.
b. Electronic data means information, facts or
We will pay for the actual loss of Business Income you computer programs stored as or on, created
sustain due to the necessary "suspension" of your or used on, or transmitted to or from computer
software (including systems and applications
"operations" during the "period of restoration." The
"suspension" must be caused by direct physical loss software), on hard or floppy disks, CD-ROMs,
of or damage to property at premises which are tapes, drives, cells, data processing devices
described in the Declarations and for which a Bust- or any other repositories of computer soft-
ness Income Limit of Insurance is shown in the Decla- ware which are used with electronically
rations. The loss or damage must be caused by or controlled equipment. The term computer pro-
result from a Covered Cause of Loss. With respect to grams, referred to in the foregoing descrip-
loss of or damage to personal property in the open or lion of electronic data, means a set of related

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electronic instructions which direct the opera- (a) Used in the construction, alterations
tions and functions of a computer or device or additions; or

connected to it, which enable the computer or

device to receive, process, store, retrieve or (b) Incidental to the occupancy of new
send data. buildings.

4. Additional Coverages if such direct physical loss or damage delays

the start of "operations, the "period of restor-
e. Expenses To Reduce Loss ation" will begin on the date "operations"
would have begun if the direct physical loss or
In the event of a covered loss of Business In- damage had not occurred.
come, we will pay necessary expenses you
incur, except the cost of extinguishing a fire, d. Extended Business Income
to avoid further loss of Business Income. The
total of our payment for Business Income loss (1) Business Income Other Than "Rental
and Expenses to Reduce Loss will not be Value"
more than the Business Income loss that
would have been payable under this Cover- If the necessary "suspension" of your "op-
age Form (after application of any Coinsur- erations" produces a Business Income
ance penalty) if the Expenses to Reduce Loss loss payable under this policy, we will pay
had not been incurred. This coverage does for the actual loss of Business Income you
not increase the Limit of Insurance. incur during the period that:

The Coinsurance condition does not apply (a) Begins onthe date property (except
specifically to such Expenses to Reduce Loss, "finished stock") is actually repaired,
but it is used as described above to de- rebuilt or replaced and "operations"
termine the total amount payable. are resumed; and

Civil (b) Ends on the earlier of:

b. Authority
We will pay for the actual loss of Business In- (I) The date you could restore your
come you sustain caused by action of civil au- "operations, with reasonable
thority that prohibits access to the described speed, to the level which would
premises due to direct physical loss of or generate the business income
damage to property, other than at the de- amount that would have existed if
scribed premises, caused by or resulting from no direct physical loss or damage

any Covered Cause of Loss, This coverage had occurred; or

begins 72 hours after the time of that action, _

and will apply for a period of up to three con- (ii) 30 consecutive days after the
secutive weeks from the date on which the date determined in (1)(a) above.
coverage begins.
However, Extended Business Income
c. Alterations And New Buildings does not apply to loss of Business In-
come incurred as a result of unfavorable

We will pay for the actual loss of Business In- business conditions caused by the impact
come you sustain due to direct physical loss of the Covered Cause of Loss in the
or damage at the described premises caused area where the described premises are

by or resulting from any Covered Cause of located.

Loss to:
Loss of Business Income must be caused
(1) New buildings or structures, whether by direct physical loss or damage at the
complete or under construction; described premises caused by or result-
ing from any Covered Cause of Loss.
(2) Alterations or additions to existing build-
ings or structures; and (2) "Rental Value"

or build- If the necessary "suspension" of your "op-

(3) Machinery, equipment, supplies
ing materials located on or within 100 feet erations" produces a "Rental Value" loss
of the described premises and: payable under this policy, we will pay for

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the actual loss of 'Rental Value" you incur in that form, and Collapse as set forth
in that form.
during the period that:
(b) If the Causes Of Loss Broad Form
(a) Begins on the date property is actual-

coverage under this Addition-

ly repaired, rebuilt or replaced and
tenantability is restored; and al Coverage Interruption Of Com-

puter Operations includes Collapse as

Ends the earlier of: set forth in that form.
(b) on

(c) If the Causes Of Loss Form is en-

(I) The date you could restore tenant
with reasonable dorsed to add a Covered Cause of
speed, to the level which would Loss, the additional Covered Cause
the "Rental Value" that of Loss does not apply to the cover-
would have existed if no direct age provided under this Additional
physical loss or damage had Coverage Interruption Of Computer

occurred; or Operations.
(d) The Covered Causes of Loss include
(ii) 30 consecutive days after the
date determined in (2)(a) above.
a virus, harmful code or similar in-
struction introduced into or enacted
Business Income
on a computer system (including
does not apply to loss of "Rental Value"
electronic data) or a network to which
it is connected, designed to damage
incurred as a result of unfavorable busi- or destroy any part of the system or
ness conditions caused by the impact of
the Covered Cause of Loss in the area
disrupt its normal operation. But there
is no coverage for an interruption re-
where the described premises are lated to manipulation of a computer
system (including electronic data) by
any employee, including a temporary
Loss of "Rental Value" must be caused by or leased employee, or by an entity
direct physical loss or damage at the de- retained for you to
by you or inspect,
scribed premises caused by or resulting
design, install, maintain, repair or re-
from any Covered Cause of Loss.
place that system.
e. Interruption Of Computer Operations The most will pay under this Additional
(4) we

Coverage Interruption Of Computer Op-

(I) Under this Additional Coverage, elec- erations is $2, 500 for all loss sustained in
tronic data has the meaning described
any one policy year, regardless of the
under Additional Limitation Interruption —

number of interruptions or the number of

Of Computer Operations,
premises, locations or computer systems
involved. If loss payment relating to the
(2) Subject to all provisions of this Additional first interruption does not exhaust this
Coverage, you may extend the insurance amount, then the balance is available for
that applies to Business Income to apply loss sustained as a result of subsequent
to a "suspension" of "operations" caused interruptions in that policy year. A balance
by an interruption in computer operations remaining at the end of a policy year does
due to destruction or corruption of elec- not increase the amount of insurance in
tronic data due to a Covered Cause of the next policy year. With respect to any
Loss. Interruption which begins in one policy
year and continues or results in additional
(3) With respect to the coverage provided loss in a subsequent policy year(s), all
under this Additional Coverage, the Cov- loss is deemed to be sustained in the pol-
ered Causes of Loss are subject to the icy year in which the interruption began.
(5) This Additional Coverage Interruption in —

(a) If the Causes Of Loss Special Form

Computer Operations does not apply to

applies, coverage under this Addition- loss sustained after the end of the "period
al Coverage Interruption Of Corn-

of restoration, even if the amount of
puter Operations is limited to the insurance stated in (4) above has not
"specified causes of loss" as defined been exhausted.

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5. Coverage Extension 1. Appraisal

If a Coinsurance percentage of 50% or more is If we and you disagree on the amount of Net
shown in the Declarations, you may extend the Income and operating expense or the amount of
insurance provided by this Coverage Part as loss, either may make written demand for an ap-
follows: praisel of the loss. In this event, each party will
select a competent and impartial appraiser.
The two appraisers will select an umpire. If they
a. You may extend your Business Income Coy- cannot agree, either may request that selection be
erage to apply to property at any location you made by a judge of a court having jurisdiction. The
acquire other than fairs or exhibitions, appraisers will state separately the amount of Net
Income and operating expense or amount of loss.
b. The most we will pay for loss under this If they fail to agree, they will submit their
Extension is $100, 000 at each location, differences to the umpire. A decision agreed to by
any two will be binding. Each party will:
c. Insurance under this Extension for each newly
acquired location will end when any of the a. Pay its chosen appraiser; and
following first occurs:
b. Bear the other expenses of the appraisal and
(1) This policy expires; umpire equally.
(2) 30 days expire after you acquire or begin If there is an appraisal, we will still retain our right
to construct the property; or
to deny the claim.

(3) You report values to us. 2. Duties In The Event Of Loss

We will charge you additional premium for done in
a. You must see that the following are
values reported from the date you acquire the
the event of loss:
(1) Notify the police if a iaw may have been
This Extension is additional insurance. The
Additional Condition, Coinsurance, does not broken.
apply to this Extension. Give us prompt notice of the direct phys-
B. Limits Of Insurance ical loss or damage. Include a description
of the property involved.
The most we will pay for loss in any one occurrence is
the applicable Limit of Insurance shown in the (3) As soon as possible, give us a description
Declarations, of how, when, and where the direct
physical loss or damage occurred.
The limit applicable to the Coverage Extension is in
addition to the Limit of Insurance. (4) Take all reasonable steps to protect the
Covered Property from further damage,
Payments under the following Additional Coverages and keep a record of your expenses nee-
will not increase the applicable Limit of Insurance: essary to protect the Covered Property,
for consideration in the settlement of the
1. Alterations and New Buildings; claim. This will not increase the Limit of
Insurance. However, we will not pay for
2. Civil Authority; any subsequent loss or damage resulting
from a cause of loss that is not a Covered
3. Extended Business Income; Cause of Loss. Also, if feasible, set the
damaged property aside and in the best
4. Expenses to Reduce Loss.
possible order for examination.
C. Loss Conditions
(5) As often as may be reasonably required,
permit us to inspect the property proving
The following conditions apply in addition to the
the loss or damage and examine your
Common Policy Conditions and the Commercial Prop-
books and records.
erty Conditions,

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Also permit us to take samples of dam- (c) Deeds, liens or contracts.

aged and undamaged property for in-
spection, testing and analysis, and permit b. Resumption Of Operations
us to make copies from your books and
records. We will reduce the amount of your Business
Income loss to the extent you can resume
(6) Send us a signed, sworn proof of loss "
your "operations, in whole or in part, by using
containing the information we request to damaged or undamaged property (including
investigate the claim. You must do this merchandise or stock) at the described pram-
within 60 days after our request. We will
ises or elsewhere.
supply you with the necessary forms.

with us in the c. If you do not "operations, or do not

(7) Cooperate investigation or
resume "operations" as quickly as possible,
settlement of the claim.
we will pay based on the length of time it

If you intend to continue your business, would have taken to resume "operations" as
you must resume all or part of your "oper- quickly as possible.
ations" as quickly as possible.
4. Loss Payment
b. We may examine any insured under oath,
while not in the presence of any other insured We will pay for covered loss within 30 days after
and at such times as may be reasonably re- we receive the sworn proof of loss, if you have
quired, about any matter relating to this insur- complied with all of the terms of this Coverage
ance or the claim, including an insured's Part and:
books and records. In the event of an exam-
ination, an insured's answers must be signed. a. We have reached agreement with you on the
amount of loss; or
3. Loss Determination

a. The amount of Business Income loss will be

b. An appraisal award has been made.
determined based on:
D. Additional Condition

(1) The Net Income of the business before

the direct physical loss or damage COINSURANCE
If Coinsurance percentage is shown in the Declare-

(2) The likely Net Income of the business if tions, the following condition applies in addition to the
no physical loss or damage had occurred, Common Policy Conditions and the Commercial Prop-
but not including any Net Income that erty Conditions.
would likely have been earned as a result
of an increase in the volume of business We will not pay the full amount of any loss if the Limit
due to favorable business conditions of Insurance for Business Income is less than:
caused by the impact of the Covered
Cause of Loss on customers or on other a. The Coinsurance percentage shown for Bus-
businesses; lness Income in the Declarations; times

(3) The operating expenses, including payroll b. The sum of:

expenses, necessary to resume "opera-
tions" with the same quality of service that
( 1) The Net Income (Net Profit or Loss before
existed just before the direct physical loss
income taxes), and
or damage; and

(4) Other relevant sources of information, in- (2) Operating expenses, including payroll ex-

cluding: penses,

(a) Your financial records and accounting that would have been earned or incurred (had
procedures; no loss occurred) by your "operations" at the
described premises for the 12 months follow-
(b) Bills, invoices and other vouchers; ing the inception, or last previous anniversary
and date, of this policy (whichever is later).

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Instead, we will determine the most we will pay using depletion — not percentage depletion; welfare and
retirement fund charges based on tonnage; hired
following steps:
1. Multiply the Net Income and operating expense No. 1 (Underinsurance):
the 12 months following the inception, or last Example
previous anniversary date, of this policy by the When: The Net Income and operating expenses
Coinsurance percentage; for the 12 months following the inception,
or last previous anniversary date, of this
2. Divide the Limit of Insurance for the described
policy at the described premises would
premises by the figure determined in Step 1; and have been $400, 000

3. Multiplythe total amount of loss by the figure The Coinsurance percentage is 50%
determined in Step 2.
The Limit of Insurance is $150, 000
We will pay the amount determined in Step 3 or the
limit of insurance, whichever is less. For the remain- The amount of loss is $ 80, 000
der, you will either have to rely on other insurance or
absorb the loss yourself. Step 1: $400, 000 x 50% = $200, 000

(the minimum amount of insurance

indetermining operating expenses for the purpose of to meet your Coinsurance requirements)
applying the Coinsurance condition, the following

penses, if applicable, shall be deducted from the total Step 2: $150, 000 $200, 000 = .75
of all operating expenses:
Step 3: $80, 000 x .75 =
$60, 000
I. Prepaid freight —
We will pay no more than $60,000. The remaining
2. Returns and allowances; $20, 000 is not covered.

3. Discounts; Example No. 2 (Adequate insurance):

4. Bad debts; When: The Net Income and operating expenses

for the 12 months following the inception,
or last previous anniversary date, of this
5. Collection expenses;
policy at the described premises would
have been $400, 000
6. Cost of raw supplies consumed
stock and factory
(including transportation charges); The Coinsurance percentage is 50%

7. Cost of merchandise sold (including transportation The Limit of Insurance is $200, 000
The amount of loss Is $ 80, 000
8. Cost of other supplies consumed (including trans-
portation charges); The minimum amount of insurance to meet your Coin-
surance requirement is $200, 000 ($400, 000 x 50%).
9. Cost of services purchased from outsiders (not Therefore, the Limit of Insurance in this Example is
employees) to resell, that do not continue under
adequate and no penalty applies. We will pay no more
contract; than $80, 000 (amount of loss).

10. Power, heat and refrigeration expenses that do E. Optional Coverages

not continue under contract (if Form CP 15 11 is
attached); If shown as applicable in the Declarations, the follow-

ing Optional Coverages apply separately to each item.

11. All ordinary payroll expenses or the amount of

payroll expense excluded (if Form CP 15 10 is 1. Maximum Period Of indemnity

attached); and
a. The Additional Condition, Coinsurance, does
12. Special deductions for mining properties (royal- not apply to this Coverage Form at the de-
ties unless specifically included in coverage; scribed premises to which this Optional Coy-
actual depletion commonly known as unit or cost erage applies.

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b. The most we will pay for loss of Business 3. Business Income Agreed Value
Income is the lesser of:
a. To activate this Optional Coverage:
(1) The amount of loss sustained during the
(1) A Business Income Report/Work Sheet
120 days immediately following the begin-
must be submitted to us and must show
ning of the "period of restoration"; or financial data for your "operations":

(2) The Limit of Insurance shown in the

(a) During the 12 months prior to the date
Declarations. of the Work Sheet; and

2. Monthly Limit Of Indemnity (b) Estimated for the 12 months immedi-

ately following the inception of this
a. The Additional Condition, Coinsurance, does
Optional Coverage.
not apply to this Coverage Form at the
described premises to which this Optional The Declarations must indicate that the
Coverage applies. Business Income Agreed Value Optional
Coverage applies, and an Agreed Value
b. The most we will pay for loss of Business must be shown in the Declarations. The
Income in each period of 30 consecutive days Agreed Value should be at least equal to:
after the beginning of the "period of restor-
ation" is: (a) The Coinsurance percentage shown
in the Declarations; multiplied by
(1) The Limit of Insurance, multiplied by
(b) The amount of Net Income and oper-
(2) The fraction shown in the Declarations for ating expenses for the following 12
this Optional Coverage, months you report on the Work Sheet.

b. The Additional Condition, Coinsurance, is

Example until:
When: The Limit of Insurance is $120, 000
(1) 12 months after the effective date of this

The fraction shown in the Optional Coverage; or

Declarations for this

114 (2) The expiration date of this policy;
Optional Coverage is
whichever occurs first.
The most we will pay for
loss in each period of c. We will reinstate the Additional Condition,
30 consecutive days is: Coinsurance, automatically if you do not sub-
$120, 000 x 114 = $30, 000 mit a new Work Sheet and Agreed Value:

lf, in this example, the (1) Within 12 months of the effective date of
actual amount of loss is: this Optional Coverage; or

Days 1-30 $ 40, 000 (2) When you request a change in your Busi-
Days 31-60 20, 000 ness Income Limit of Insurance

Days 61-90 30, 000

$ 90, 000 d. If the Business Income Limit of Insurance is
less than the Agreed Value, we will not pay
We will pay: more of any loss than the amount of loss
multiplied by:
Days 1-30 $ 30, 000
20, 000 (1) The Business Income Limit of Insurance;
Days 31-60
30, 000 divided by
Days 61-90
$ 80, 000
(2) The Agreed Value.
The remaining $10, 000 is not covered.

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Example (2) The date when business is resumed a

new permanent location.

When: The Limit of Insurance is $100, 000
The Agreed Value is $200, 000 "Period of restoration" does not include any in-
The amount of loss is $ 80, 000 creased period required due to the enforcement of
any ordinance or law that:

Step (a): $100, 000 .i- $200, 000 = .50

(1) Regulates the construction, use or repair,
$40, 000 or required the tearing down of any prop-
Step (b): .50 x $80, 000 =

erty; or
We will pay $40, 000. The remaining $40, 000 is
not covered. (2) Requires any insured or others to test for,
monitor, clean up, remove, contain, treat,
4. Extended Period Of Indemnity detoxify or neutralize, or in any way
effects of
respond to, or assess the
Under Paragraph A.4.d., Extended Business "pollutants."
Income, the number "30" in Subparagraphs (1)(b)
and (2)(b) is replaced by the number shown in the The expiration date of this policy will not cut short
Declarations for this Optional Coverage. the "period of restoration."

F. Definitions 4. "Pollutants" means any solid, liquid, gaseous or

thermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke,
have and
1. "Finished Stock" means stock you vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals
manufactured. waste. Waste includes materials to be recycled,
reconditioned or reclaimed.
"Finished stock" also includes whiskey and alco-
holic products being aged, unless there is a Coin- 5. "Rental Value" means Business Income that con-

surance percentage shown for Business Income sists of:

in the Declarations.
a. Net Income (Net Profit or Loss before income
"Finished stock" does not include stock you have taxes) that would have been earned or in-
manufactured that is held for sale on the premises curred as rental income from tenant occupan-
of any retail outlet insured under this Coverage cy of the premises described in
the Declare-
Part. tions as furnished and equipped by you,
including fair rental value of any portion of the
2. "Operations" means: described premises which is occupied by you;
a. Your business activities occurring at the de-
scribed premises; and b. Continuing normal operating expenses
incurred in connection with that premises,
b. The tenantability of the described premises, if including:
coverage for Business Income including
"Rental Value" or "Rental Value" applies.
(1) Payroll; and
3. "Period of Restoration" means the period of time
(2) The amount of charges which are the
legal obligation of the tenant(s) but would
otherwise be your obligations.
a. Begins 72 hours after the time of direct phys-
ical loss or damage caused by or resulting
from any Covered Cause of Loss at the de-
6. "Suspension" means:

scribed premises; and cessation of your business

a. The slowdown or
activities; or
b. Ends on the earlier of:
b. That a part or all of the described premises is
(1) The date when the property at the de-
rendered untenantable, if coverage for Busi-
scribed premises should be repaired,
ness Income including "Rental Value" or
rebuilt or replaced with reasonable speed
"Rental Value" applies.
and similar quality; or

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Policy Number: MCP0140064 Mt. Hawley Insurance Company


Words and phrases that appear in quotation marks have special meaning. Refer to Section F. —

A. Covered Causes Of Loss (2) Landslide, including any earth sinking,

rising or shifting related to such event;
When Special is shown in the Declarations, Covered
Causes of Loss means Risks Of Direct Physical Loss (3) Mine subsidence, meaning subsidence of
unless the loss is: a man-made mine, whether or not mining

activity has ceased;

1. Excluded in Section B., Exclusions; or
(4) Earth sinking (other than sinkhole col-
2. Limited in Section C., Limitations; lapse), rising or shifting including soil con-
ditions which cause settling, cracking or
that follow, other disarrangement of foundations or
other parts of realty. Soil conditions in-
B. Exclusions dude contraction, expansion, freezing,
thawing, erosion, improperly compacted
We will not pay for loss or damage caused directly soil and the action of water under the
or indirectly by any of the following. Such loss or ground surface.
damage is excluded regardless of any other But if Earth Movement, as described in b.(1)
cause or event that contributes concurrently or in
through (4) above, results in fire or explosion,
any sequence to the loss.
we will pay for the loss or damage caused by
that fire or explosion.
a. Ordinance Or Law

The enforcement of any ordinance or law: (5) Volcanic eruption, explosion or effusion.
But if volcanic eruption, explosion or effu-
sion results in fire, building glass break-
(1) Regulating the construction, use or repair
age orVolcanic Action, we will pay for the
of any property; or
loss or damage caused by that fire, build-
ing glass breakage or Volcanic Action.
(2) Requiring the tearing down of any prop-
erty, including the cost of removing its Volcanic action means direct loss or dam-
age resulting from the eruption of a vol-
cano when the loss or damage is caused
This exclusion, Ordinance Or Law, applies by:
whether the loss results from:

(a) Airborne volcanic blast or airborne

(1) An ordinance or law that is enforced even shock waves;
if the property has not been damaged; or

(b) Ash, dust or particulate matter; or

(2) The increased costs incurred to comply
with an ordinance or law in the course of Lava flow.
construction, repair, renovation, remodel-
ing or demolition of property, or removal Ail volcanic eruptions that occur within
of its debris, following a physical loss to any 168 hour period will constitute a sin-
that property.
gle occurrence.
b. Earth Movement Volcanic action does not include the cost
to remove ash, dust or particulate matter
(1) Earthquake, including any earth sinking, that does not cause direct physical loss or
rising or shifting related to such event; damage to the described property.

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c. Governmental Action g. Water

destruction of property by order of (1) Flood, surface water, waves, tides, tidal
Seizure or
waves, overflow of any body of water, or
governmental authority, their spray, all whether driven by wind or

will pay for loss or damage caused by

But we
or resulting from acts of destruction ordered
(2) Mudslide or rnudflow;
by governmental authority and taken at the
time of a fire to prevent its spread, if the fire Water that backs up overflows from a
(3) or
would be covered under this Coverage Part. sewer, drain or sump; or

d. Nuclear Hazard (4) Water under the ground surface pressing

on, or flowing or seeping through:
Nuclear reaction or radiation, or radioactive
contamination, however caused. (a) Foundations, walls, floors or paved
But if nuclear reaction or radiation, or radioac-
tive contamination, results in fire, we will pay (b) Basements, whether paved or not; or

for the loss or damage caused by that fire.

(c) Doors, windows or other openings.
e. Utility Services But if Water, as described In g.(1) through
The failure of power or other utility service g.(4) above, results in fire, explosion or sprin-
kler leakage, we will pay for the loss or dam-
supplied to the described premises, however age caused by that fire, explosion or sprinkler
caused, if the failure occurs away from the
described premises. Failure includes lack of
sufficient capacity and reduction in supply.
Dry Rot And Bacteria
h. "Fungus, Wet Rot,

But if the failure of power or other utility serv- Presence, growth, proliferation, spread or any
ice results in a Covered Cause of Loss, we rot or bacteria.

activity of "fungus, wet or dry

will pay for the loss or damage caused by that
But if "fungus, wet or dry rot or bacteria re-
Covered Cause of Loss.
sults in a "specified cause of loss, we will pay
This exclusion does not apply to the Business for the loss or damage caused by that "speci-
Income coverage toorExtra Expense cover- fled cause of loss."
age. Instead, the Special Exclusion in Para-
these This exciusion does not apply:
graph B.4.a.(1) applies to coverages.

When "fungus, wet or dry rot or bacteria
f. War And Military Action results from fire or lightning; or

(1) War, including undeclared or civil war;

(2) To the extent that coverage is provided in
the Additional Coverage Limited Cover- —

(2) Warlike action by a military force, includ- age For "Fungus, Wet Rot, Dry Rot

ing action in hindering or defending And Bacteria with respect to loss or darn-
against an actual or expected attack, by age by a cause of loss other than fire or
any government, sovereign or other au- lightning.
thority using military personnel or other
agents; or Exclusions B.1.a. through B.1.h. apply whether or
not the loss event results in widespread damage
(3) Insurrection, rebellion, revolution, usurped or affects a substantial area.

power, or action taken by governmental

authority in hindering or defending against 2. We will not pay for loss or damage caused by or

any of these. resulting from any of the following:

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includ- steam engines steam turbines results in fire

a. Artificially generated electrical current, or combustion explosion, we
will pay for the
electrical de-
ing electric arcing, that disturbs loss or damage caused by that fire or
vices, appliances or wires. We will also pay for
combustion explosion.
or resulting from
loss or damage caused by
But if artificially generated electrical current the explosion of gases or fuel within the fur-
will pay for the loss or dam- the flues or
results in fire, we
nace of any fired vessel or within
age caused by that fire.
passages through which the gases of com-
bustion pass.
b. Delay, loss of use or loss of market.
f. Continuous repeated seepage or leakage
c. Smoke, vapor or agricultural smudg-
gas from of water, or the presence or condensation
moisture or vapor, that occurs over
or industrial operations,
ing humidity,
a period of 14 days or more.

d. (1) Wear and tear; or molten mate-

g. Water, other liquids, powder
rial that leaks flows from plumbing, heating,
(2) Rust orother corrosion, decay, deteriora-
or latent defect or any quality
air conditioning or other equipment (except
tion, hidden fire protective systems) caused by or resulting
in property that causes it to damage or
from freezing, unless:
destroy itself;
(1) You do your best to maintain heat in the
(3) Smog; building or structure; or

(4) Settling, cracking, shrinking or expansion; (2) You drain the equipment and shut off the
supply if the heat is not maintained.
(5) Nesting or infestation, or discharge or re-

lease of waste products or secretions, by h. Dishonest or criminal act by you, any of your
insects, birds, rodents or other animals.
partners, members, officers, managers, direc-
ployees (including leased employees),
tors, trustees, authorized representatives
(6) Mechanical breakdown, including rupture the for
or bursting caused by centrifugal
force. anyone to whom you entrust property
But if mechanical breakdown results in el- any purpose:
evator collision, we will pay for the loss or
(1) Acting alone or in collusion with others;
damage caused by that elevator collision.
The following causes of loss to personal (2) Whether or not occurring during the
(7) of employment.
of atmosphere;
This exclusion does not apply to acts of de-
(a) Dampness or dryness struction by your employees (including leased
extremes of tempera-
employees); but theft by employees (including
(b) Changes in or
leased employees) is not covered.
ture; or

Voluntary parting with any property by you

entrusted the
(c) Marring or scratching. anyone else to whom you have
property if induced to do so by any fraudulent
But if an excluded cause of loss that is listed scheme, trick, device or false pretense.
in 2.d.(1) through (7) results in a "specified
cause of loss" or building glass breakage, we j. Rain, snow, ice or sleet to personal property
will pay for the loss or damage caused by that in the open.
"specified cause of loss" or building glass
k. Collapse, except provided below in the Ad-
ditional Coverage for Collapse. But if collapse
results in a Covered Cause of Loss at the de-
ta. Explosion of steam boilers, steam pipes, scribed premises, we will pay for the loss or
steam engines or steam turbines owned or damage caused by that Covered Cause of
leased by you, or operated under your control. Loss.
But if explosion of steam boilers, steam pipes,

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I. Discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, re- a. Business Income (And Extra Expense)
dis- Coverage Form, Business Income (Without
lease or escape of "pollutants" unless the
Extra Expense) Coverage Form, Or Extra
charge, dispersal, seepage, migration, re-
lease or escape is itself caused by any of the Expense Coverage Form
"specified causes of loss." But if the dis-
charge, dispersal, seepage, migration, re- We will not pay for:
lease escape of "pollutants" results in a

"specified cause of loss, we will pay for the


(1) Any loss caused directly or indirectly by

loss or damage caused by that "specified the failure of power or other utility service
cause of loss."
supplied to the described premises, how-
ever caused, if the failure occurs outside
This exclusion, I., does not apply to damage of a covered building. Failure includes
to glass caused by chemicals applied to the lack of sufficient capacity and reduction in
glass. supply.
m. Neglect of insured to use all reasonable
But if the failure of power or other utility
means to and preserve property from
service results in a Covered Cause of
further damage at and after the time of loss,
Loss, we will pay for the loss resulting
from that Covered Cause of Loss.
3. We will not pay for loss or damage caused by or

resulting from any of the following, 3.a. through

3.c. But if an excluded cause of loss that is listed (2) Any loss caused by or resulting from:
in 3.a. through 3.c. results in a Covered Cause of
(a) Damage or destruction of "finished
Loss, we will pay for the loss or damage caused
stock"; or
by that Covered Cause of Loss.
(b) The time required to reproduce "fin-
a. Weather conditions. But this exclusion only
ished stock."
applies if weather conditions contribute in any
way with a cause or event excluded in
This exclusion does not apply to Extra
Paragraph 1. above to produce the loss or
damage. Expense.

b. Acts or decisions, including the failure to act (3) Any loss caused by orresulting from di-
or decide, of any person, group, organization rect physical loss or damage to radio or
or governmental body. television antennas (including satellite
dishes) and their lead-in wiring, masts or
C. Faulty, Inadequate or defective: towers.

(1) Planning, zoning, development, survey- (4) Any increase of loss caused by or result-
ing, siting; ing from:

(2) Design, specifications, workmanship, re- (a) Delay in rebuilding, repairing or re-
pair, construction, renovation, remodeling, placing the property or resuming "op-
grading, compaction; erations, due to interference at the

location of the rebuilding, repair or re-

(3) Materials usedrepair, construction,
placement by strikers or other per-
renovation or remodeling; or or

(4) Maintenance; (b) Suspension, lapse or cancellation of

any license, lease or contract. But if
of part or all of any property on or off the de-
the suspension, lapse or cancellation
scribed premises.
is directly caused by the "suspension"
of "operations, we will cover such
4. Special Exclusions loss that affects your Business In-
come during the "period of restore-
The following provisions apply only to the speci-
tion" and any extension of the "period
fled Coverage Forms.

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of restoration" in accordance with the assumption of liability in a contract or

terms of the Extended Business In- agreement. But this exclusion does
not apply to a written lease agree-
come Additional Coverage and the
Extended Period Of Indemnity Op- ment in which you have assumed II-
tional Coverage or any variation of ability for building damage resulting
from an actual or attempted burglary
or robbery, provided that:

(5) Any Expense caused by or resulting

from suspension, lapse or cancellation of (i) Your assumption of liability was
executed prior to the accident;
any license, lease or contract beyond the
of restoration." and
loss. (II) The building is Covered Property
(6) Any other consequential under this Coverage Form.
b. Leasehold Interest Coverage Form
(b) Nuclear Hazard

(1) Paragraph B.1.a. Ordinance Or Law, "

We will not defend any claim or "suit,
does not apply to insurance under this
or pay any damages, loss, expense or
Coverage Form.
obligation, resulting from nuclear
We will not pay for any loss caused by: reaction or radiation, or radioactive
contamination, however caused.
(a) Your cancelling the lease;
C. Limitations
(b) The suspension, lapse or cancellation
of any license; or The following limitations apply to all policy forms and
endorsements, unless otherwise stated.
(c) Any other consequential
1. We will not pay for loss of or damage to property,
as described and limited in this section. In addi-
c. Legal Liability Coverage Form
tion, we will not pay for any loss that is a conse-
(1) The following exclusions do not apply to quence of loss or damage as described and lirn-
insurance under this Coverage Form: ited in this section.

Ordinance Or Law; a. Steam boilers, steam pipes, steam engines or

(a) Paragraph B.1.a.,
steam turbines caused by or resulting from

(b) Paragraph B.1.c., Governmental Ac- any condition or event inside such equipment.
But we will pay for loss of or damage to such
equipment caused by or resulting from an ex-
(c) Paragraph B.1.d., Nuclear Hazard; plosion of gases or fuel within the furnace of
any fired vessel or within the flues or pas-
(d) Paragraph 8.1.e., Utility Services; sages through which the gases of combustion
and pass.

War And Military b. Hot water boilers or other water heating

(e) Paragraph B.1.f., caused by or resulting from any
Action. equipment
condition or event inside such boilers or

equipment, other than an explosion.

(2) The following additional exclusions apply
to insurance under this Coverage Form:
c. The interior of any building or structure, or to

(a) Contractual Liability personal property in the building or structure,

caused by or resulting from rain, snow, sleet,
We will not defend any claim or "suit,
Ice, sand or dust, whether driven by wind or
or pay damages that you are legally not, unless:
liable to pay, solely by reason of your

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To Business Income coverage or to Extra

(1) The building or structure first sustains (2)
damage by a Covered Cause of Loss to Expense coverage.
its roof or walls through which the rain,
snow, sleet, ice, sand or dust enters; or 3. The special limit shown for each category, a.
through d., is the total limit for loss of or damage
(2) The loss or damage is caused by or re- to all property in that category. The special limit
sults from thawing of snow, sleet or ice on applies to any one occurrence of theft, regardless
the building or structure. of the types or number of articles that are lost or
damaged in that occurrence. The special limits
d. Building materials and supplies not attached are:
as part of the building or structure, caused by
or resulting from theft. a. $2, 500 for furs, fur garments and garments
trimmed with fur.
However, this limitation does not apply to:
b. $2, 500 for jewelry, watches, watch move-
(1) Building materials and supplies held for ments, jewels, pearls, precious and semi-
sale by you, unless they are insured un-
der the Builders Risk Coverage Form; or precious stones, bullion, gold, silver, platinum
and other precious alloys or metals. This limit
(2) Business Income coverage or Extra Ex- does not apply to jewelry and watches worth
$100 or less per item.
pense coverage.

e. Property thatis missing, where the only evi- c. $2, 500 for patterns, dies, molds and forms.
dence of the loss or damage is a shortage
disclosed on taking inventory, or other in- d. $250 for stamps, tickets, including lottery tick-
stances where there is no physical evidence ets held for sale, and letters of credit.
to show what happened to the property.
These special limits are part of, not in addition to,
f. Property that has been transferred per- to a
the Limit of Insurance applicable to the Covered
son or to a place outside the described prem-
ises on the basis of unauthorized instructions.
This limitation, C.3., does not apply to Business
2. We will not pay for loss of or damage to the Income coverage or to Extra Expense coverage.
following types of property unless caused by the
"specified causes of loss" or building glass 4. We will not pay the cost to repair any defect to a
system or appliance from which water, other lig-
killed uid, powder or molten material escapes. But
e. Animals, and then only if they are or
we will pay the cost to repair or replace dam-
their destruction is made necessary.
aged parts of fire extinguishing equipment If the
b. Fragile articles such as statuary, marbles, damage:
chinaware and porcelains, if broken. This re-
striction does not apply to: a. Results in discharge of any substance from an
automatic fire protection system; or
(1) Glass; or
b. Is directly caused by freezing.
(2) Containers of property held for sale.
However, this limitation does not apply to Bus-
c. Builders' machinery, tools and equipment iness Income coverage or to Extra Expense
owned by you or entrusted to you, provided coverage.
such property is Covered Property.
D. Additional Coverage —
However, this limitation does not apply:
The term Covered Cause of Loss includes the Addi-
(1) If the property is located on or within 100 tional Coverage Collapse as described and limited in

feet of the described premises, unless the

D. .1 through D.5. below.
premises is insured under the Builders
Risk Coverage Form; or

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The criteria set forth in 1.a. through 1.d. do
I. With respect to buildings: limit the coverage otherwise provided under this

down or Causes of Loss Form for the causes of loss listed

a. Collapse means an abrupt falling in 2.a., 2.d. and 2.e.
caving in of a building or any part of a building
with the result that the building or part of the With respect to the following property:
its intended 3.
building cannot be occupied for
purpose; a. Outdoor radio or television antennas (includ-
is in ing satellite dishes) and their lead-in wiring,
b. A building or any part of a building that masts or towers;
in is not con-
danger of falling down or caving
sidered to be in a state of collapse; b. Awnings, gutters and downspouts;
c. A part of building that is standing is not
c. Yard Mures;
considered to be in a state of collapse even if
it has separated from another part
of the
d. Outdoor swimming pools;
e. Fences;
building that is standing or any part of
d. A
building that is standing is not considered to
f. Piers, wharves and docks;
be in a state of collapse even if it shows evi-
dence of cracking, bulging, sagging, bending, g. Beach or diving platforms or appurtenances;
leaning, settling, shrinkage or expansion.
h. Retaining walls; and
2. We will pay for direct physical loss or damage to
Covered Property, caused by collapse of a build- I. Walks, roadways and other paved surfaces;
insured under
ing or any part of a building that is
this Coverage Form or that contains Covered if the collapse is caused by a cause of loss listed
insured under this Coverage Form, if in 2.b. through 2.f., we will pay for loss or damage
Property of the
the collapse is caused by one or more to that property only if:
a. Such loss or damage is a direct result of the
a. The "specified causes of loss" or breakage of collapse of a building insured under this Cov-
building glass, all only as insured against in erage Form; and
this Coverage Part;
b. The is Covered
property Property under this
b. Decay that is hidden from view, unless Coverage Form.
such decay is known to an in-
presence of
sured prior to collapse; 4. Ifpersonal property abruptly falls down or cavesofina
and such collapse is not the result of collapse
damage to
or vermin damage that is hidden from pay for loss
will or
c. Insect building, we

the presence of such damage is Covered Property caused by such collapse of per-
view, unless
known to an insured prior to collapse; sonal property only if:

d. Weight of people or personal property; a. The collapse was caused by a Cause of Loss
listed in 2.a. through 2.f. above;
e. Weight of rain that collects on a roof;
b. The personal property which collapses is in-
f. Use of defective material or methods in con- side a building; and
struction, remodeling or renovation if the col-
lapse occurs during the course of the con- c. The property which collapses is not of a kind
struction, remodeling or renovation. However, listed in 3. above, regardless of whether that
kind of property is considered to be personal
if thecollapse occurs after construction, re-
modeling or renovation is complete and is property or real property.
caused in part by a cause of loss listed in 2.a.
The coverage stated in this Paragraph 4. does not
through 2.e., we will pay for the loss or dam- and/or
age even if use of defective material
or meth- apply to personal property if marring
is the only damage to that personal
ods, in construction, remodeling or renova- scratching
tion, contributes to the collapse, property caused by the collapse.

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4. The coverage provided under this Limited Cover-

Collapse of personal property does not mean Limit of In-
cracking, bulging, sagging, bending, leaning, set- age does not increase the applicable
surance on any Covered Property. If a particular"
tling, shrinkage or expansion.
occurrence results in loss or damage by "fungus,
5. This Additional Coverage, Collapse, will not in- wet or dry rot or bacteria, and other loss or dam-
crease the Limits of Insurance provided
in this for the total of all loss
age, we will not pay more,
Coverage Part. or damage, than the applicable Limit of Insurance
on the affected Covered Property.
E. Additional Coverage Limited Coverage For "Fun-

And Bacteria
gus, Wet Rot, Dry Rot If there is covered loss or damage to Covered

1. The coverage described in" E.2. and E.6. only Property, not caused by "fungus, wet or dry rot or
when the "fungus, wet or dry rot or bacteria, loss payment will not be limited by the
bacteria is the result of one or more of the terms of this Limited Coverage, except to the ex-
tent that "fungus, wet or dry rot or bacteria
that during
occurs the
policy pe-
following causes
riod and
only if all reasonable means were used to causes an increase in the loss. Any such increase
save and preserve the property from further in the loss will be subject to the terms of this Lim-
damage at the time of and after that occurrence. Held Coverage.

"specified of loss" other than fire or

a. A cause
5. The terms of this Limited Coverage do not in-
lightning; or crease or reduce the coverage provided under

b. Flood, if the Flood Coverage Endorsement

Paragraph F2. (Water Damage, Other Liquids,
Powder Or Molten Material Damage) of this
applies to the affected premises. Causes Of Loss Form or under the Additional

2. We will pay for loss or damage by "fungus, wet or Coverage —

dry rot or bacteria. As used in this Limited
age, the term loss or damage means: 6. The following, 6.a. or 6.b., applies only if Business
Income and/or Extra Expense coverage applies to
a. Direct loss or damage to Covered
physical the described premises and only if the "suspen-

Property caused by 'fungus, wet or dry rot or sion" of "operations" satisfies all terms and condi-
bacteria, including the cost of removal of the tions of the applicable Business Income and/or
"fungus, wet or dry rot or bacteria;

Extra Expense coverage form.

b. The cost to tear out and replace any part of "
a. If the loss which resulted in "fungus, wet or
the building or other property as needed to
gain access to the "fungus, wet or dry rot
or dry rot or bacteria does not in itself" necessi-
bacteria; and tate a "suspension" of "operations, but such
"suspension" is necessary due to loss or "

c. The cost of testing performed after removal, damage to property caused by "fungus, wet
repair, replacement or restoration of the dam- or dry rot or bacteria, then our payment under

aged property is completed, provided there is

Business Income and/or Extra Expense is lirn-
a reason to believe that "fungus, wet or dry ited to the amount of loss and/or expense
rot or bacteria are present. sustained In a period of not more than 30
days. The days need not be consecutive.
3. The coverage described under E.2. of this Limited
Coverage is limited to $15, 000. Regardless of b. If a covered "suspension" of "operations" was
number of claims, this limit is the most we will pay
caused by loss or damage other than "fun-
for the total of all loss or damage arising out of all
gus, wet or dry rot or bacteria but
occurrences of "specified causes of loss" (other
tion of "fungus, wet or dry rot or bacteria

than fire or lightning) and Flood which take place "

in a 12-month period (starting with the beginning prolongs the "period of restoration, we will
of the present annual policy period). With respect pay for loss and/or expense sustained during
to a particular occurrence of loss which results in the delay (regardless of when such a delay
"fungus, wet or dry rot or bacteria, we will not pay occurs during the "period of restoration"), but


more than a total of $15, 000 even if the "fungus, such coverage is limited to 30 days. The days
wet or dry rot or bacteria continues to be present need not be consecutive.
or active, or recurs, in a later policy period,

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F. Additional Coverage Extensions b. We will pay for expenses incurred to remove

or replace obstructions when repairing or re-

1. Property in Transit placing glass that is part of a building. This

does not include removing or replacing win-
This Extension applies only to your personal dow displays.
property to which this form applies.
This Coverage Extension, F.3., does not increase
a. You may extend the insurance provided by
the Limit of Insurance.
this Coverage Part to apply to your personal
property (other than property in the care, cus- G. Definitions
tody or control of your salespersons) in transit
more than 100 feet from the described prem-
ises. Property must be in or on a motor vehi- 1. "Fungus" means any type or form of fungus, in-
cle you own, lease or operate while between cluding mold or mildew, and any mycotoxins,
points in the coverage territory, spores, scents or by-products produced or re-
leased by fungi.
b. Loss or damage must be caused by or result
from one of the following causes of loss: the following:
2. "Specified Causes of Loss" means

Fire; lightning; explosion; windstorm or hail;

(1) Fire, lightning, explosion, windstorm or
smoke; aircraft or vehicles; riot or civil commotion;
hall, riot or civil commotion, or vandalism,
vandalism; leakage from fire extinguishing equip-
overturn. Colli- ment; sinkhole collapse; volcanic action; falling
(2) Vehicle collision, upset or
sion means accidental contact of your ye- objects; weight of snow, ice or sleet; water
hide with another vehicle or object. It damage.
does not mean your vehicle's contact with
the road bed. a. Sinkhole collapse means the sudden sinking
or collapse of land into underground empty
(3) Theft of an entire bale, case or package spaces created by the action of water on lime-
by forced entry into a securely locked stone or dolomite. This cause of loss does not
body or compartment of the vehicle. include:
There must be visible marks of the forced
entry. The cost of filling sinkholes;
(1) or

c. The most we will pay for loss or damage un-

(2) Sinking or collapse of land into man-made
der this Extension is $5, 000.
underground cavities.
This Coverage Extension is additional insurance.
The Additional Condition, Coinsurance, does not b. Falling objects does not include loss or dam-
apply to this Extension. age to:

2. Water Damage, Other Liquids, Powder Or

(1) Personal property in the open; or
Molten Material Damage

(2) The interior of a building or structure, or

If loss or damage caused by orresulting from
property inside a building or structure,
covered water or other liquid, powder or molten outside wall of the
material damage loss occurs, we will also pay the unless the roof or an

cost to tear out and replace any part of the build- building or structure is first damaged by a

ing or structure to repair damage to the system or falling object.

appliance from which the water or other sub-
stance escapes. This Coverage Extension does c. Water damage means accidental discharge or
not increase the Limit of Insurance, leakage of water or steam as the direct result
of the breaking apart or cracking of a plumb-
3. Glass
ing, heating, air conditioning or other system
or appliance (other than a sump system in-
a. We will pay for expenses incurred to put up its related equipment and parts), that
temporary plates or board up openings if is located on the described premises and con-
repair or replacement of damaged glass is tains water or steam.

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Mt. Hawley Insurance Company

Policy Number: MCP0140064


This Coverage Part is subject to the following conditions, the Common Policy Conditions and applicable Loss Conditions
and Additional Conditions in Commercial Property Coverage Forms.


If we adopt any revision that would broaden the
This Coverage Part is void in any case of fraud by you coverage under this Coverage Part without additional
as it relates to this Coverage Part at any time. It is also premium within 45 days prior to or during the policy
void if you or any other insured, at any time, period, the broadened coverage will immediately
intentionally conceal or misrepresent a material fact apply to this Coverage Part.

1. This Coverage Part;

No person or organization, other than you, having
custody of Covered Property will benefit from this
2. The Covered Property; insurance.

3. Your interest in the Covered Property; or G. OTHER INSURANCE

4. A claim under this Coverage Part. 1. You may have other insurance subject to the
same plan, terms, conditions and provisions as
B. CONTROL OF PROPERTY the insurance under this Coverage Part. If you
do, we will pay our share of the covered loss or
Any act or neglect of any person other than you damage. Our share is the proportion that the
beyond your direction or control will not affect this applicable Limit of Insurance under this Cover-
insurance. age Part bears to the Limits of Insurance of all
insurance covering on the same basis.
The breach of any condition of this Coverage Part at
any one or more locations will not affect coverage at 2. If there is other insurance covering the same loss
any location where, at the time of loss or damage, the
or damage, other than that described in 1. above,
breach of condition does not exist. we will pay only for the amount of covered loss or

damage in excess of the amount due from that

C. INSURANCE UNDER TWO OR MORE other insurance, whether you can collect on it or
COVERAGES not. But we will not pay more than the applicable
Limit of Insurance.
If two or more of this policy's coverages apply to the
same loss or damage, we will not pay more than the
actual amount of the loss or damage.
Under this Coverage Part:

D. LEGAL ACTION AGAINST US 1. We cover loss or damage commencing:

No one may bring a legal action against us under this a. During the policy period shown in the Decla-
Coverage Part unless: rations; and
1. There has been full compliance with all of the b. Within the coverage territory.
terms of this Coverage Part; and
2. The coverage territory is:
2. The action is brought within 2 years after the date
on which the direct physical loss or damage a. The United States of America (including its
occurred. territories and possessions);

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2. After a loss to your Covered Property or Covered

b. Puerto Rico; and
Income only if, at time of loss, that party is one of
c. Canada. the following:

I. TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST a. Someone insured by this insurance;

b. A business firm:
If any person or organization to or for whom we make
payment under this Coverage Part has rights
to re-
(1) Owned or controlled by you; or
cover damages from another, those rights are trans-
ferred to us to the extent of our payment. That That controls you; or
do everything necessary (2) owns or
person or organization must
to secure our rights and must do nothing after loss to
them. But may waive your rights against c. Your tenant.
impair you
another party in writing:
This will not restrict your insurance.
1. Prior to a loss to your Covered Property or Cov-
ered Income.

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Mt. Hawley Insurance Company

Policy Number: MCP0140064


All Coverage Parts included in this policy are subject to the following conditions.


1. The first Named Insured shown in the Decla- 1. We have the right to:
rations may cancel this policy by mailing or deliv-
ering to us advance written notice of cancellation. a. Make inspections and surveys at any time;
2. We may cancel this policy by mailing or delivering b. Give you reports on the conditions we find;
to the first Named Insured written notice of can- and
cellation at least:
c. Recommend changes.
a. 10 days before the effective date of cancella-
tion if we cancel for nonpayment of premium;
2. We are obligated to make any inspections,
surveys, reports or recommendations and any
b. 30 days before the effective date of cancella- such actions we do undertake relate only to insur-
tion if we cancel for any other reason. ability and the premiums to be charged. We do not
make safety inspections. We do not undertake to
3. We will mail or deliver our notice to the first perform the duty of any person or organization to
Named Insured's last mailing address known to provide for the health or safety of workers or the
public. And we do not warrant that conditions:
4. Notice of cancellation will state the effective date a. Are safe or healthful; or
of cancellation. The policy period will end on that
date. codes
b. Comply with laws, regulations, or

5. If this is cancelled, we will send the first
Named Insured any premium refund due. If we
cancel, the refund will be pro rata. if the first 3. Paragraphs 1. and 2. of this condition apply not
Named Insured cancels, the refund may be less only to us, but also to any rating, advisory, rate
than pro rata. The cancellation will be effective service or similar organization which makes
even if we have not made or offered a refund. insurance inspections, surveys, reports or
6. If notice is mailed, proof of mailing will be suffi-
cient proof of notice. 4. Paragraph 2. of this condition does not apply to
any inspections, surveys, reports or recommenda-
B. CHANGES tions we may make relative to certification, under
state or municipal statutes, ordinances or regula-
This contains all the agreements between you
policy tions, of boilers, pressure vessels or elevators.
and us concerning the insurance afforded. The first
Named Insured shown in the Declarations is author-
ized to make changes in the terms of this policy with E. Premiums
our consent. This policy's terms can be amended

waived endorsement
only by issued by us and made a The first Named Insured shown in the Declarations:
part of this policy.
1. Is responsible for the payment of all premiums;

We may examine and audit your books and records 2. Will be the payee for any return premiums we pay.
as they relate to this policy at any time during
and to three years afterward.
policy period up

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be transferred to
Under This If you die, your rights and duties will
F. Transfer Of Your Rights And Duties but only while acting within
your legal representative Until
Policy the scope of duties as your legal representative.
not be your legal representative
is appointed, anyone having
Your rights and duties under this policy may in the of your property will have
transferred without our written consent except proper temporary custody
but only with respect to that
case of death of an individual named insured, your rights and duties

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Mt. Hawley Insurance Company

Policy Number: MCP0140064




This endorsement changes the CANCELLATION

condition in this policy to include the following:

of 35 % of the annual policy premium or $75, 804, which-

If you cancel this policy, a minimum premium
ever is greater, will be due and payable by you.
for us to cancel. If we can-
of premium will be considered a request by you
A. Your failure to make a timely payment
will be immediately due and payable;
cel for non-payment of premium, the minimum premium

at our discretion if:

B. Cancellation for non-payment of premium may be rescinded,
10 days of the effective date of
1. We choose to rescind cancellation, and you pay
us the full premium due within
cancellation; and
is in the same or better condition than at the time of
2. We have verification that the Covered Property
but after the
due is paid within 10 days of the effective date of cancellation,
If we rescind cancellation and the premium the date of cancella-
at our discretion, a lapse in coverage between
cancellation has become effective, there may be
tion and the date the premium is paid.



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Mt. Hawley Insurance Company

Policy Number: MCP0140064



The following is added to this policy:

A. We will pay for direct physical loss or damage due to:
seismic forces,
Earthquake, meaning any shaking or trembling of the crust of the earth caused by underground
by breaking and shifting of rocks beneath the surface.
2. Volcanic eruption, meaning the expulsion, result of natural causes, of molten rock, rock fragments, gases,
as a
of the earth.
ashes, mud, lava flows, and other natural substances through an opening in the crust
or vol-
All earthquake or volcanic eruption that occurs within any 168 hour period will constitute a single earthquake
hour period begins, however, will not pay for loss or damage occur-
canic eruption. You may decide when the 168 we
date of this for loss occurring after the expiration date of this policy.
ring before the effective policy, or any

B. We will not pay for direct physical loss or damage due to:

1. Earth movement including landslide, mudflow, earth sinking, earth rising or shifting unless directly caused by
earthquake or volcanic eruption.
2. Sprinkler leakage, meaning the leakage or discharge from an automatic sprinkler system, including collapse of a

tank that is part of the system, due to earthquake or volcanic eruption.

for Earthquake where
C. The Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations is a limit or amount per occurrence, except

annual aggregate applies. We will not, in any case, exceed this limit or amount in one disaster, casualty or event, no

matter how many locations are involved. This Limit of insurance applies unless a sublimit
is shown below:

Sub limit: $ 1,000, 000

be deducted
D. n/a % of the total values at risk at the time of loss or $ Refer to CPR-2218, whichever is greater, will
total value of prop-
from each adjusted claim due to earthquake or volcanic eruption. Total values at risk means the
at risk apply per location.
erty covered calculated in accordance with the provisions of this policy. Values
1. If this policy includes both property damage and business Income, the above limits will be the maximum amounts
collectible regardless of whether the loss involves property damage alone or both property damage and business
in this
2. If any insurance other than concurrent covers the property insured in this policy, the deductible specified
loss damage which would under the
endorsement will apply in full against that portion of any claim for or we pay
of to the contrary of other insurance.
provisions of this policy, regardless any provisions any

the following:
The provisions of this endorsement apply to all locations covered by this policy, except


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Mt. Hawley Insurance Company

Policy Number: MCP0140064




The following are added to this policy as Named insureds:

- El Ad Group Florida LLC

- El Ad Residences at Mirarnar Lakes LLC



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Mt. Hawley Insurance Company

Policy Number: MCP0140064




This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:



Protective Safeguards
Prem. Bldg.
No. No. Symbols Applicable
All "P-1" Automatic Sprinkler System
1 All

Describe any "P-9:"

Operational in all Units.
WARRANTED: Smoke Detectors

on this endorsement, will be shown in the Declarations.

Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown

Automatic Sprinkler System means:

A. The following is added to the:
a. Any automatic fire protective or extinguishing
Commercial Property Conditions
system, including connected:
General Conditions in the Farm Property (1) Sprinklers and discharge nozzles;

Farm Provisions Form Additional

Conditions, Definitions (2) Ducts, pipes, valves and fittings;
General Conditions in the Mobile Agricultural (3) Tanks, their component parts and sup-
Machinery and Equipment Coverage ports; and
Form mains.
General Conditions in the Livestock Coverage (4) Pumps and private fire protection
from automatic fire protec-

tive system:
are required
1. As a condition of this insurance, you
to maintain the protective devices or services list- (1) Non-automatic fire protective systems;
above. and
ed in the Schedule

2. The protective safeguards to which this

endorse- (2) Hydrants, standpipes and outlets.
ment applies are identified by the following
"P-2" Automatic Fire Alarm, protecting the en-
symbols: tire building, that is:

"P-1" Automatic Sprinkler System, including Connected to a central station; or

related supervisory services.

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b. Reporting to a public or

alarm station. FARM PROPERTY


"P-3" Security Service, with a recording sys- AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY AND

rounds MOBILE
tem or watch clock, making hourly
the entire building, when the EQUIPMENT COVERAGE FORM
premises are not in actual operation.
"P-4" Service Contract with a privately owned caused
We will not pay for loss or damage by or
fire department providing fire protection
from fire if, prior to the fire, you:
service to the described premises. resulting

"P-9" The protective system described in the 1. Knew of any suspension or impairment in any
Schedule. protective safeguard listed in the Schedule
and failed to notify us of the fact; or
B. The following is added to the EXCLUSIONS
of: 2. Failed to maintain any protective safeguard
Schedule above, and over which you had
in the
control, In complete working order.

BROAD FORM is shut off due

CAUSES OF LOSS Ifpart of art Automatic Sprinkler System

to breakage, leakage, freezing conditions

or opening
SPECIAL FORM will not be

of sprinkler heads, notification to us

necessary if you can restore full protection within 48


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Mt. Hawley Insurance Company

Policy Number: MCP0140064




This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:

paint water-
We will not include the value of
to the Standard
A. When this endorsement is attached material to determine:
CP 00 99 the term Coverage Part in proofing
Property Policy
this endorsement is replaced by the term Policy. Hail Deducti-
a. The amount of the Windstorm or

Coinsurance ble; or
B. The following provision applies when a

percentage is shown in the Declarations: applying

b. The value of Covered Property when
follows: the Coinsurance Condition.
Florida law states as

in this policy D. The LOSS PAYMENT Condition dealing with the

Coinsurance contract: The rate charged for covered
is based upon the use of the coinsurance clause number of days within which we must pay
the consent of the Insured. is replaced by the following:
attached to this policy, with loss or damage

of this
C. The following is added: Provided you have complied with all the terms
for covered loss or
Coverage Part, we will pay
is caused by or
If loss or damage to Covered Property damage:
exclusion ap-
results from Windstorm, the following
the sworn
plies in: (1) Within 20 days after we receive
proof of loss and reach written agreement
1. Broward County; with you; or

the sworn
2. Dade County; (2) Within 30 days after we receive
proof of loss and:
3. Martin County;
(a) There is an entry of a final judgment;
4. Monroe County; or

5. Palm Beach County; and There is a filing of an appraisal award

of the intra- with us.
6. Ali the areas east of the west bank
Coastal Waterway in the Counties
E. Sinkhole Collapse
a. Indian River; and of the
1. Paragraph A.10., SINKHOLE COLLAPSE,
Causes of
Causes of Loss Basic Form and the

b. St. Lucie.
Loss Broad Form;

Windstorm Exterior Paint and Waterproofing

Exclusion 2. Paragraph A.2.c.(8) Omis-
LOSS of the Mortgageholders Errors and
We will not pay for loss or damage to:, sions Coverage Form; and

of the
1. Paint; or 3. Paragraph A.3.h., SINKHOLE COLLAPSE,
Standard Property Policy
2. Waterproofing material;
are replaced by the following:
applied to the exterior of Buildings,

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Sinkhole Collapse, meaning loss or damage F. Paragraph F.1. of DEFINITIONS of the Causes of
caused by the sudden sinking or collapse of land Loss Special Form is replaced by the following:

into underground empty spaces created by the

action of water on limestone or similar rock forma-
1. Sinkhole collapse means the sudden sinking or
collapse of land Into underground empty spaces
tions. This cause of loss does not include:
created by the action of water on limestone or
similar rock formations. This cause of loss does
a. The cost of filling sinkholes; or
not include:

b. Sinking or collapse of land into man-made a. The cost of filling sinkholes; or

underground cavities.
b. Sinking or collapse of land into man-made
underground cavities.

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Policy Number: MCP0140064 Mt. Hawley Insurance Company



The following special terms and conditions apply to this policy:

A. The Limit of Insurance or amount of insurance shown in the Declarations page of this policy is a limit or amount per
occurrence, except for "earthquake" and "flood, if covered, where an annual aggregate applies. We will not pay more
than this limit or amount in one disaster, casualty, or event, no matter how many locations are involved.

B. The premium for this policy is based on the schedule or statement of values on file with us or attached to this policy. If
there is a loss under this policy, we will not pay more than the least of the following:

1. The actual adjusted amount of loss, minus the deductible(s) that applies;

2. The Limit of Insurance or amount of insurance per occurrence shown in the Declarations page of this policy or en-
dorsed onto this policy; or

3. The stated value for the specific property involved in the loss as shown on the latest statement of values on file
with us, minus the deductible(s) that applies.


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Mt. Hawley Insurance Company

Policy Number: MCP0140064




A. We will not pay for loss or damage, whether direct or indirect, to "electronic data processing equipment":

1. Arising from "computer virus" and/or "computer hacking";

covered location or your computer to a person or
2. Caused by the transfer or delivery of covered property from a but not lim-
on the basis of unauthorized or fraudulent instructions, including
place outside of a covered location not owned by you, or via any telecommunications trans-
ited to instructions transmitted by a computer, whether or
mission method;

research, replace or restore the information contained

on electronic or magnetic media;
3. Arising from costs to

of electronic recordings, or
4. Arising from electrical disturbance including electrical
or magnetic damage, disturbance
erasure of electronic recordings;

power surge, blackout, or brownout;

Arising from power supply disturbance including interruption power supply,

as a result of loss to your Web Site operation

whether or not
6. During the period when your business is interrupted
maintained or operated by you and whether or not located at
the described premises;

7. Arising from the failure, malfunction or inadequacy

a. Such "electronic data processing equipment" whether belonging to you or to others;

that directly or indirectly use or rely on, in any manner, such
b. Any products, and any services, data or functions to correctiy recognize, process, distinguish,
"electronic data processing equipment" due to the inability
interpret, or accept one or more dates or times.
An example is the inability of computer software to recognize
the year 2000; and/or

installation, maintenance, repair, replace-

8. Arising from any advice, consultation, design, evaluation, inspection,
ment or supervision provided or done by you or for you to determine, rectify or test for, any potential or actual
problems described in this endorsement.
event that contributes concurrently or in any se-
Such loss damage is excluded regardless of any other
cause or

quence to the loss or damage.

excluded by this policy results, then subject to all of its terms
B. However, if direct physical loss or damage not otherwise
loss or damage.
and conditions, we will only pay for the resulting direct physical

separate occurrence at each

C. Claims for resulting physical loss or damage at multiple locations will constitute a


data processing code or
1. "Computer virus" the introduction into
means a computer of any self-replicating electronic
other code that is intended to:

a. Result in the deletion, destruction, generation, or modification of data;

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b. Alter, contaminate, corrupt, degrade, or destroy the integrity, quality, or performance of data;

corruption of any hardware or process-

Damage, destroy, or cause malfunction, inadequacy, degradation,
with hardware; or
ing, recording, or storage media used
network or web site.
d. Deny access to or services from your computer, your computer
intrusion by an individual or group of individuals, whether employed
2. "Computer hacking" means an unauthorized
network that can:
by you or not, into a computer or computer
a. Result in the deletion, destruction, generation, or modification of data;

b. Alter, contaminate, corrupt, degrade, or destroy the integrity, quality, or performance of data;

c. Result in the scanning or copying of data;

d. Cause damage, destruction, inadequacy, malfunction, degradation,

or corruption of any hardware or process-

ing, recording, or storage media used with hardware;


denial of services from your computer, your computer network, or web site.
e. Result in the denial of access to or

3. "Electronic data processing equipment" includes the following items:

a. Computer hardware, including microprocessors;

b. Computer application software;

c. Computer operating systems and related software;

d. Computer networks;

e. Microprocessors (computer chips) not part of any computer system;

f. Any other computerized or electronic equipment or components; or

that directly or indirectly use or rely upon, in any

g. Any other products, andany services, data or functions
a. through f. above. This includes any advice, consultation, design,
manner, any of the items listed In items
evaluation, inspection, installation, maintenance, repair, replacement or supervision provided or done by you
with items listed in a. through f. above.
or for you to determine, rectify or test for, any potential problems



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CPR 2187 (10/01) Archive
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Policy Number: MCP0140064 Mt. Hawley Insurance Company



1. The following definitions are made a part of this policy.

A. "Certified act of terrorism" means an act that is certified by the Secretary of the Treasury, in concurrence with the
Secretary of State and the Attorney General of the United States:

1. To be an act of terrorism;

2. To be a violent act or an act that is dangerous to human life, property, or infrastructure;

3. To have resulted in damage:

a. Within the United States; or

b. To an air carrier (as defined in section 40102 of title 49, United States Code); to a United States flag ves-
sel (or a vessel based principally in the United States, on which United States income tax is paid and
whose insurance coverage is subject to regulation in the United States), regardless of where the loss oc-
curs; or at the premises of any United States mission; and

4. To have been committed by an individual or individuals acting on behalf of any foreign person or foreign inter-
est, as part of an effort to coerce the civilian population of the United States or to influence the policy or affect
the conduct of the United States Government by coercion.

B. "Certified terrorism loss" means loss that results from a "certified act of terrorism."

2. The "terms" of any terrorism exclusion or limitation in coverage that is part of or that is attached to this policy are
amended by the following provision:

This exclusion or limitation In coverage does not apply to "certified terrorism loss."

3. If the Secretary of the Treasury determines that the amount of "certified terrorism loss" has exceeded the maximum
annual liability as set forth by the Federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 or any amendments thereto, we will
not pay for any portion of "certified terrorism loss" that exceeds the maximum annual liability.

4. Neither the "terms" of this endorsement nor the "terms" of any other terrorism endorsement attached to this policy pro-
vide coverage for any loss that would otherwise be excluded by this policy under:
A. Exclusions that address war, military action, or nuclear hazard; or

B. Any other exclusion.

5. The absence of any other terrorism endorsement does not imply coverage for any loss that would otherwise be ex-
cluded by this policy under:

A. Exclusions that address war, military action, or nuclear hazard; or

B. Any other exclusion.


CPR 2221 (02/03) Page 1 of 1

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Policy Number: MCP0140064 Mt. Hawley Insurance Company



1. We will not pay for loss, damage, cost or expense caused directly or indirectly by "terrorism" or any action taken to
control, prevent, or suppress terrorism. Such loss, damage, cost or expense is excluded regardless of any other cause
or event that contributes concurrently or in any sequence to this loss.

"Terrorism" for purposes of this exclusion means:

A. The disruption or threatened disruption of financial, governmental, transportation, communication, computer or

utility services which appears to be for political, religious, economic, cultural, ethnic, ecological or racial ends;
B. The use or threatened use of force, violence or criminal conduct which appears to be for
political, religious, eco-
nomic, cultural, ethnic, ecological or racial ends;

C. The use or threatened use of force, violence or criminal conduct for the apparent purpose of or with the result of
harming or intimidating a civilian population;
D. The use or threatened use of biological, chemical or nuclear substances for the apparent purpose of or with the
result of harming or intimidating a civilian population;

E. Any act or threatened act of force, violence or criminal conduct by any person or persons acting on behalf of or in
connection with any organization with a stated goal of overthrowing or influencing the policy of any government,
whether lawful or otherwise; and/or

F. Any act or threatened act of force, violence or criminal conduct that has been labeled, identified or described as a
terrorist act by the executive branch of the United States government.
2. Fire Exception
The following provision applies only where relevant state law requires coverage for fire losses resulting from acts of
terrorism, and where a premium for such has been paid.

If an act of terrorism results in fire, we will pay for the loss or damage caused by that fire. This exception for fire applies
only to direct loss or damage by fire to covered property. This exception does not apply to coverage for loss of
earnings, extra expense, or fire legal liability.
3. Neither the "terms" of this endorsement nor the "terms" of any other terrorism endorsement attached to this policy
provide coverage for any loss that would otherwise be excluded by this policy under:

A. Exclusions that address war, military action, or nuclear hazard; or

B. Any other exclusion.

4. The absence of any other terrorism endorsement does not imply coverage for any loss that would otherwise be ex-
cluded by this policy under:

A. Exclusions that address war, military action, or nuclear hazard; or

B. Any other exclusion.


CPR 2230 (05/03) Page 1 of 1


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Policy Number: MCP0140064 Mt. Hawley Insurance Company



(Relating to the Certified Terrorism Loss Endorsement already on this Policy.)

Applicability of the provisions of this endorsement.

A. The provisions of this endorsement will apply on the date one of the following situations first occurs:

1. The federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Program ("Program") established by the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of
2002, terminates; or

2. The Program is renewed, extended or otherwise continued in effect without a requirement to make terrorism
coverage available to you and with changes that

a. Increase our statutory percentage deductible under the

Program for terrorism losses. (That deductible
determines the amount of all certified terrorism losses we must
pay in a calendar year, before the federal
government shares in subsequent payment of certified terrorism losses.); or

b. Decrease the federal government's statutory percentage share in

potential terrorism losses above such
deductible; or

c. Redefine terrorism or make insurance coverage for terrorism

subject to provisions or requirements that differ
from those that apply to other types of events or occurrences under this
The Program is scheduled to terminate at the end of December 31, 2005 unless
renewed, extended or otherwise
continued by act of Congress.

B. If the provisions of this endorsement become

applicable, CPR 2221 CERTIFIED TERRORISM LOSS is rescinded in
its entirety and will become void. Any other endorsements or
policy conditions pertaining to terrorism and a part of this
policy remain in effect until the expiration of this policy.
C. If the provisions of this endorsement do NOT become
applicable, any terrorism endorsement already endorsed to this
policy that addresses "certified acts of terrorism" will continue in effect unless we notify you of changes to that
endorsement in response to federal law.


CPR 2257 (09/04) Page 1 of 1

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Policy Number: MCP0140064 Mt. Hawley Insurance Company



This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:


A. Paragraph 2. of the Cancellation Common Policy (2) On the basis of filing of claims for partial
Condition is replaced by the following: loss caused by sinkhole damage, regard-
less of whether this policy has been the
2. Cancellation For Policies In Effect 90 Days Or subject of a sinkhole claim, or on the ba-
Less sis of the risk associated with the occur-
rence of such a claim. However, we may
a. If thispolicy has been in effect for 90 days or cancel this policy if:
less, may cancel this policy by mailing or

delivering to the first Named Insured written (a) The total of such property insurance
notice of cancellation, accompanied by the claim payments for this policy ex-
specific reasons for cancellation, at least: ceeds the current policy limits of cov-
erage for property damage; or
(1) 10 days before the effective date of can-
cellation if we cancel for nonpayment of (b) You have failed to repair the structure
premium; or in accordance with the engineering
recommendations upon which any
(2) 20 days before the effective date of can- loss payment or policy proceeds were
cellation if we cancel for any other rea- based.
son, except we may cancel immediately if
there has been: B. The following is added to the Cancellation Common
Policy Condition:
(a) A matorial misstatement or misrepre-
sentation; or 7. Cancellation For Policies In Effect For More
Than 90 Days
(b) A failure to comply with underwriting
requirements established by the a. If this policy has been in effect for more than
insurer. 90 days, we may cancel this policy only for
one or more of the following reasons:
b. We may not cancel:
(1) Nonpayment of premium;
(1) On the basis of property insurance claims
that are the result of an act of God, unless (2) The policy was obtained by a material
we can demonstrate, by claims frequency misstatement;
or otherwise, that you have failed to take
action reasonably necessary as request- (3) There has been a failure to comply with
ed by usprevent recurrence of damage
to underwriting requirements established by
to the insured property; or the insurer within 90 days of the effective
date of coverage;

IL 02 55 07 02 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 Page 1 of 2


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(4) There has been a substantial change in (a) Cancellation is for one or more of the
the risk covered by the policy; reasons stated in 7.a.(2) through
7.a.(7) above; and
(5) The cancellation is for all insureds un-
der such policies for a given class of (b) This policy covers a residential struc-
insureds; ture or its contents.

(6) On the basis of property insurance claims C. The following is added:

that are the result of an act of God, if we
can demonstrate, by claims frequency or NONRENEWAL
otherwise, that you have failed to take ac-
tion reasonably necessary as requested 1. If we decide not to renew this policy we will mail or
deliver to the first Named Insured written notice of
by us to prevent recurrence of damage to
the insured property; or nonrenewal, accompanied by the specific reason
for nonrenewal, at least:

(7) On the basis of filing of claims for partial a. 90 days prior to the expiration of the policy if
loss caused by sinkhole damage, or on
this policy covers a residential structure or its
the basis of the risk associated with the
occurrence of such a claim, if:
contents; or

b. 45 days prior to the expiration of the policy for

(a) The total of suchproperty insurance all other
claim payments for this policy ex- policies.
ceeds the current policy limits of cm-
2. Any notice of nonrenewal will be mailed or deliv-
erage for property damage; or ered to the first Named Insured's last mailing ad-
dress known to us. If notice is mailed, proof of
(b) You have failed to repair the structure
mailing will be sufficient proof of notice.
in accordance with the engineering
recommendations upon which any 3. We may not refuse to this
renew policy:
loss payment or policy proceeds were
based. a. On the basis of property insurance claims that
are the result of an act of God, unless we can
b. If we cancel this policy for any of these rea- demonstrate, by claims frequency or other-
sons, we will mail or deliver to the first Named wise, that you have failed to take action rea-
Insured written notice of cancellation, accom- sonably necessary as requested by us to pre-
panied by the specific reasons for cancella- vent recurrence of damage to the insured
tion, at least: property; or

(1) 10 days before the effective date of can- b. On the basis of filing of claims for partial loss
collation if cancellation is for nonpayment caused by sinkhole damage, regardless of
of premium; or whether this policy has been the subject of a
sinkhole claim, or on the basis of the risk as-
45 days before the effective date of sociated with the occurrence of such a claim.
(2) can-
cellation if: However, we may refuse to renew this policy

(a) Cancellation is for one or more of the

reasons stated in 7.a.(2) through (1) The total of such property insurance claim
7.a.(7) above; and payments for this policy exceeds the cur-
rent policy limits of coverage for property

(b) This policy does not cover a residen- damage; or

tial structure or its contents; or
(2) You have failed to repair the structure in
accordance with the engineering recom-
(3) 90 days before the effective date of can-
mendations upon which any loss payment
cellation if:
or policy proceeds were based.

IL 02 55 07 02 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2001 Page 2 of 2


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Policy Number: MCP0140064

Mt. Hawley Insurance Company

Peoria, Illinois 61615



It is understood and agreed that in the event of the failure of the

Company to pay any amount claimed to be due
hereunder, the Company, at the request of the Named Insured, will submit to the jurisdiction of a court of competent
jurisdiction within the United States of America. The foregoing shall not constitute a waiver of the right of the Company to
remove, remand or transfer such suit to any other court of competent jurisdiction in accordance with the applicable statutes
of the state or United States per-tinent hereto. In any suit instituted against them upon this contract, the
Company will
abide by the final decision of such court or of any appellate court in the event of an
It is further agreed that service of process In such suit may be made upon the Superintendent,
Commissioner, or Director
of Insurance or other person specified for that purpose in the statute or his successor or successors in office as their true
and law-ful attorney upon whom may be served any lawful process in any action, suit, or
proceeding instituted by or on
behalf of the Named Insured or any beneficiary hereunder arising out of this contract of insurance. The
Company hereby
designates Michael J. Stone, President,

Mt. Hawley Insurance Company

9025 N. Lindbergh Drive, Peoria, Illinois 61615 as the person to whom the said
Superintendent, Commissioner, or Director
of Insurance is authorized to mail such process or a true copy thereof, in
compliance with the applicable statutes governing
said service of process in the state or jurisdiction in which a cause of action under this contract of insurance arises.


RIL 099

(01/01) Archive Page 1 of 1

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Policy Number: MCP0140064



As part of our continuing effort to provide you with the best service available,
ALL CLAIMS under this policy are to be reported immediately to:

Mt. Hawley Insurance Company

9025 N. Lindbergh Drive
Peoria, IL 61615

Phone: (800) 444-0406

Fax: (309) 692-6796

Non-business Hours Emergency Phone: (800) 281-3580

R1L 2108 (05/99) 1 of 1


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Case 0:09-cv-60723-AJ Document 1-2 .f 50
E0erAoop Fb5p Docket 05/15/2009 Pag- A

--. -‘
) Policy Declarations

.1 IL
. T}A

Policy No. D35910177 001 Renewal of: NEW


El Ad Residences at Miramar
2480 West Preserve Way
Miramar FL 33025

Vhen Coverage Begins: 09/07/2005 12:01 A. M. Standard Time At Named Insured's Address

Vhen Coverage Ends: 09/07/2006 12:01 A. M. Standard Time At Named Insured's Address

INSURING COMPANY Producer's Name & Address:

Westchester Surplus Lines 10TH FLOOR
Insurance Company

Producer No: 65431W


Cc3 [ 11 1 Ta
MAY 12 2008

This policy is completed by the following: BB-5W58a (05/98) and forms and endorsements attached thereto.

Authorization Information
Countersigned by:


SLPD (4/03)

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) •

Common Policy Declarations
Company Name: Westchester Surplus Lines Insurance Company
SYM: FS Policy ID: D35910177 001
Named Insured & Mailing Address Producer's Name & Address
El Ad Residences at Miramar
2480 West Preserve Way 2 WALL STREET
Miramar FL 33025 10TH FLOOR

General Policy Policy Period: 12 months

Business Description: Condominiums
When Coverage Begins: 09/07/2005 12:01 A.M. Standard Time at Named Insured's Address
When Coverage Ends: 09/07/2006 12:01 A.M. Standard Time at Named Insured's Address

In return for the payment of the

premium, and subject to all the terms of this policy, we
agree with you to provide the insurance as stated in this policy.
The premium for this policy is indicated below next to the
applicable Coverage Form(s).
Coverage Form Premium
Commercial Property Excess Manuscript Coverage Part
55, 000.00

Total Premium: $ 55, 000.00

Minimum Earned Premium: $ 13, 750.00

Attached Forms See Forms Schedule CPfs2


Authorization Countersigned At:

Date: 10/25/2005
Authorized Agent:

These Declarations together with the Coverage

Declarations, Common Policy Conditions and
Page 1 of 1 Coverage Conditions (if applicable), Coverage Form(s) and Forms and Endorsements, if any, issued
Form BB-5W58a (12/95) to form a part thereof, complete the above numbered
106 of 109
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) t )


1. TITLE OF ASSURED: El Ad Residences at Miramar

(See ACE "A")

2. ADDRESS OF ASSURED: 2480 West Preserve Way

Miramar FL 33025

3. PERILS COVERED: Risks of direct physical loss or damage excluding

Earthquake and Flood and Earthquake Sprinkler
Leakage per Primary Policy (Mt. Hawley insurance
Company Policy No. MCP0140064) and forms and
endorsements attached to this policy.

4. PROPERTY INSURED: Buildings, Business Personal Property, Business Income

including Extra Expense and Rental Value per Primary
Policy (Mt. Hawley Insurance Company Policy No.
MCP0140064) and schedule on file with Westchester
Surplus Lines Insurance Company Policy No.
035910177 001.

5, PERIOD OF INSURANCE: 09/07/2005 To 09/07/2006

6. PREMIUM: $55, 000.00 subject to a minimum earned premium in the

amount of $13, 750.00.

7. PRIMARY INSURER(S): I) Mt. Hawley insurance Company

Policy No. MCP0140064

8. (A) PRIMARY LIMITS: $2, 000, 000 per occurrence and in the annual aggregate
as respects Windstorm


ALL PERILS EXCEPT: $10, 000 per occurrence



WINDSTORM: 3% per building for windstorm

9. EXCESS INSURER: Westchester Surplus Lines Insurance Company

Policy No. D35910177 001

ACE092 (05-99)

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10. EXCESS 'LIMITS: $8, 000, 000 per occur ce excess of $2, 000, 000 per
occurrence exce ^'.500, 000 p:r occurrence and In the
annual aggregate as: • -c Windstorm excess of
$2, 000, 000 per occurrence and In the annual aggregate
as respects Windstorm

11. NOTIFICATION OF CLAIMS TO: ACE Westchester Specialty Group

Post Office Box 100008
Roswell, GA 30077

ACE092 (05-99)

108 of 109
09-607e2a0C41164ORRANUMGALII-EY. Entered on FLSD Docket 05/15/2009 FIP-45W5016,350

c.JS 44 (Rev. 2/08) CIVIL" COVER SHEET

The JS 44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replace nor supplement the filing and service of pleadings or other papers as r May 15, 2009
is for the use of the Clerk szi
by local rules of court. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974, required
NOTICE: Attorneys MUST Indicate All Re-filed C



op?, 0 Fa Fj....A.
Plaintiff BROWARD County of Residence of First Listed Defendant
(b) County of Residence of First Listed


(C) Attorney's (Firm Name, Address, and Telephone Number)

Daniel S. Rosenbaum, Esq., Katzman Garfinkel Rosenbaum

250 Australian Ave. S., Ste 500, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Attorneys (If Known)
(561) 653-2900; [email protected]


II. BASIS OF JURISDICTION (Place an "X" in One Box Only) III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES(Place an "X" in One Box for Plaintiff

(For Diversity Cases Only) and One Box for Defendant)

0 I U.S. Government 0 3 Federal Question
Plaintiff (U.S. Government Not a Party) Citizen of This State cif 1 0 I Incorporated or Principal Place 46 4 0 4

of Business In This State

0 2 U.S. Government /3 4 Diversity Citizen of Another State 0 2,t1 2 Incorporated and Principal Place 0 5 l0 5
of Business In Another State
(Indicate Citizenship of arties in Item III)

4,47 CV 407a3
0 6

AtS Coinin Citizen or Subject of a 0 3 0 3 Foreign Nation o 6

Foreign Country



g 110 Insurance PERSONAL INJURY PERSONAL INJURY 0 610 Agriculture 0 422 Appeal 28 USC 158 0 400 State Reapportionment
0 362 Personal Injury 3 620 Other Food & Drug 0 423 Withdrawal 0 410 Antitrust
0 120 Marine 3 310 Airplane -

0 315 Airplane Product Med. Malpractice 0 625 Drug Related Seizure 28 USC 157 3 430 Banks and Banking
0 130 Miller Act
365 Personal Injury of Property 21 USC 881 0 450 Commerce
0 140 Negotiable Instrument Liability 0 -

0 150 Recovery of Overpayment 0 320 Assault, Libel & Product Liability 0 630 Liquor Laws I PROPERTY RIGHTS 3 460 Deportation
0 640 R.R. & Truck 0 820 Copyrights 0 470 Racketeer Influenced and
& Enforcement ofludgment Slander 0 368 Asbestos Personal
0 330 Federal Employers' Injury Product 0 650 Airline Regs. 0 830 Patent Corrupt Organizations
0 151 Medicare Act
0 840 Trademark 0 480 Consumer Credit
0 152 Recovery of Defaulted Liability Liability 0 660 Occupational
Safety/Health 3 490 Cable/Sat TV
Student Loans 0 340 Marine PERSONAL PROPERTY
0 370 Other Fraud 0 690 Other 0 810 Selective Service
(Excl. Veterans) 0 345 Marine Product
0 153 Recovery of Overpayment Liability 0 371 Truth in Lending I LABOR SOCIAL SECURITY 0 850 Securitics/Commodities/

0 380 Other Personal 0 710 Fair Labor Standards 0 861 HIA(1395ff) Exchange
of Veteran's Benefits 0 350 Motor Vehicle
Property Damage Act Lung (923)
0 862 Black 0 875 Customer Challenge
0 160 Stockholders' Suits 0 355 Motor Vehicle
720 Labor/Mgmt. Relations 0 863 DIWC/DIWW (405(g)) 12 USC 3410
0 190 Other Contract Product Liability 0 385 Property Damage 0
0 360 Other Personal Product Liability 0 730 Labor/Mgmt.Reporting 0 864 SS1D Title XVI 0 890 Other Statutory Actions
0 195 Contract Product Liability
0 196 Franchise Injury & Disclosure Act 0 865 RSI (405(g)) 0 891 Agricultural Acts

740 Railway Labor Act FEDERAL TAX SUITS 0 892 Economic Stabilization Act
0 (U.S. Plaintiff
870 Taxes 0 893 Environmental Matters
0 210 Land Condemnation 0 441 Voting 0 510 Motions to Vacate 0 790 Other Labor Litigation
Sentence 0 791 Empl. Ret. Inc. Security Defendant)
or 0 894 Energy Allocation Act
0 220 Foreclosure 0 442 Employment
Act 0 871 IRS Third Party 0
Habeas Corpus:

0 230 Rent Lease & Ejectment 0 443 Housing/ 895 Freedom of Information Act
Accommodations 0 530 General 26 USC 7609
3 240 Torts to Land
I I IMMIGRATION 0 900 Appeal of Fee Determination
0 245 Tort Product Liability D 444 Welfare 0 535 Death Penalty
Under Equal Access to Justice
445 Amer. w/Disabilities -
462 Naturalization
0 290 All Other Real Property 0 0 540 Mandamus & Other 0 . •

Employment Application
446 Amer. w/Disabilities -

463 Habeas Corpus-Alien
0 0 550 Civil Rights Detainee
465 Other Immigration 0
950 Constitutionality of State
0 440 Other Civil Rights 0 555 Prison Condition 0 Statutes

alto District
V. ORIGIN (Place an "X" in One Box Only) Transferred from Ikuprefro
ill 1 Original 0 2 Removed from Cl 3 Re-filed- n 4 Reinstated or n

- another district CI 6 Multidistrict
0 7 Maistratine
Proceeding State Court (see VI below) Reopened (specify) Judgment

a) Re-filed Case 0 YES,p NO b) Related Cases 0 YES 7 NO

(See instructions

Cite the U.S. Civil Statute under which you and Write Brief Statement of Cause (Do not cite jurisdictional statutes unless
are filing a

VII. CAUSE OF ACTION 28 USC 1332. There is complete diversity of citizenship and the amount in controversy exceeds $75, 000
exclusive of interest. costs and attorney's fees. CI
LENGTH OF TRIAL via 10 days estimated (for both sides to try entire case)
0 DEMAND $ CHECK YES only if demanded in complaint:


' '


May 14, 2009

IIIII6.... PA zmuri......
• : 0 FIC USE


109 of 109,

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