Combustion Handbook 2 PDF
Combustion Handbook 2 PDF
Combustion Handbook 2 PDF
North American
Third Edition
ISBN 0-9601596-3-0(v.11)
North American Mfg. Co., is grateful to the users and builders of industrial
process heating systems for their widespread acceptance of earlier editions
of this handbook as their "bible." Also appreciated is the fact that many
universities, libraries, and training schools around the world have adopted it
as a textbook andlor reference.
Requests for more copies of this handbook after the first 77 000 copies
encouraged us to enlarge and improve it in this 2-volume edition, which includes
many updates, and five new parts (Heat Recovery, Process Control Optimization,
Pollution Control, Noise Minimization, and Oxygen EnrichmentlOxy-Fuel Firing).
We thank you for your patience and understanding during this major rework.
I and contributors Richard C. Riccardi, Thomas F. Robertson, Robert E.
Schreter, and Hisashi Kobayashi thank North American Mfg. Co, for the free-
dom and assistance granted us in the planning and preparation of this book. The
ideas, experience, and skills of many knowledgeable and loyal North American
employees are embodied in it.
preface ............................................................v
moduction ........................................................ 1
purposes of a fuel-burning system .................................... 1
primary functions of a burner ....................................... I
Solid fuel-burning equipment ......................................... 1
Burner Characteristics ............................................... 3
Flameshape .................................................... .. 3
Combustion volume ................................................. 6
Stability .......................................................... 6
Drive ............................................................ 8
Turndown ........................................................ 8
Burner Components ..................................................
GasBurners ........................................................ 12
Premix gas burners ................................................
Nozzle mixing gas burners ...........................................
Delayed mixing gas burners .........................................
Gas burners with Integral Heat Recovery Devices ........................ 27
Burners for Liquid Fuels .............................................. 29
Low pressure air atomizing oil burners ................................ 29
High pressure air or steam atomizing oil burners .......................
Oil pressure atomizing burners ....................................... 32
Centrifugal atomizing (rotary) burners ................................. 32
Sonic and ultrasonic atomizers ....................................... 32
Combination Gas and Oil Burners ...................................... 33
General-purpose dual-fuel burners .................................... 33
Modern special purpose burners ..................................... 35
Burners for use with preheated air ................................... 35
References and Additional Sources ..................................... 42
ControlValves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Sliding plug valves ................................................. 44
Rotaryplugvalves ................................................. 45
Butterfly valves .................................................... 46
AirlFuel Ratio Controls ......................... I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Area control of airlfuel ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Pressure balanced control of airlfuel ratio ............................. 49
Flow control of airlfuel ratio ......................................... 53
Pressure controls .................................................... 58
Pressure regulators ................................................ 58
Pressure controllers ................................................ 58
Automatic furnace pressure controls .................................. 58
Complete Combustion Controls ......................................... 69
Combustion Supervising Controls ....................................... 72
Automatic fuel shutoff valves ........................................ 72
Supervising valve system ............................................ 75
Flame monitoring devices ............................................ 75
Pilots and direct electric igniters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Burner management systems ......................................... 78
References and Additional Sources ..................................... 82
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117
Duct and pipe sizes for hot fluids ..................................... 117
Mechanisms of NOx formation ....................................... 158
LowNOxcombustion ...............................................161
Low NOx strategies and equipment ................................... 163
Modification of operating conditions .................................. 163
Modification of combustion system .................................... 164
Modification of burner internals ...................................... 167
Post combustion cleanup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169
On-going NOx reduction ............................................. 169
Carbon Monoxide (CO). Unburned Hydrocarbons. VOCs .......:............ 170
Why CO and other unburned hydrocarbons a r e problems ................. 170
Limiting CO and other unburned hydrocarbon emissions .................. 171
Sulfur Dioxide Emissions .............................................. 171
Why sulfur oxides emissions a r e a problem ............................ 171
Particulate Emissions ................................................. 172
Why particulate emissions a r e a problem .............................. 172
Causes of soot formation ............................................ 172
References and Additional Sources ..................................... 175
Fire has been known to man since the dawn of time, but for many ages,
it was only a thing of danger--as forest fires, volcanic eruptions, cooking
accidents -- because man could not control it.
Humans' first step in controlling fire was starting it; and the next was stop-
ping it. After people learned these two procedures, they began to make good use
of fire for heat and light. But many centuries passed before there was any
further progress in the art of burning fuels. A fire was simply a heap of wood,
a pile of coal, or a pot of oil. These all burned slowly -- at nature's own pace.
If man wanted more heat, he simply had to build a bigger fire. It was not
until fairly recent times that man learned to build a faster fire.
This matter of speed in burning was a new element of control that per-
mitted large amounts of heat output within a small space --not a simple trick.
It required a knowledge of the burning process and thoughtful design of burning
equipment: Although burning, or combustion, is really a chemical process,
practical control of it is mainly a matter of fluid dynamics and heat transfer.
The lessons learned through the years still apply. Continuing education is
As a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire,
the tongue is a small thing, but what damage it can do!
And the tongue is a flame of fire . . .
LIVING BIBLE, James 3:5,6
The following paragraphs discuss the state of the fast-changing art of solid
fuel burning in broad generalities, progressing in size from small particles to
large chunks, in heat release rates from fast to slow.
*Up to 50% through a % in. screen. Many of these "fines" burn in flight. Grate heat release
= 1 000 000 Btulhr ft2.A
t Grate heat release = 300 000 Btuhr ft2.A
*Grate heat release = 200 000 Btuhr ft2 for single retort stokers.
300 000 Btulhr ft2 for rnultipIe retort stokers.*
A Rates listed are for comparison. Individual designs vary considerably -- as the Trl-Fuel Boiler,
with a single retort underfeed stoker can be fired a t 400 000 Btu/hr ftz without exceeding
particulate carryover codes when using overfire air jets and at an input rate of 30 000 Btdhr ft3.
Figure 6.1. Coal size ranges for three types of stokers. The recommended limits apply to the
sizes of coal actually delivered to the stoker hopper, not that shipped from the supplier. It is
important to maintain uniform sizing across the hopper. Reproduced with permission from
Ref~rence6.a listed a1 the end of P ~ r 6.
B Headpin
(IFRF* Type I)
. C Ball
(IFRF* Type 11)
D Conical
E Flat (coanda)
G Long, lurn~nous,firehose - -
(IFRFCType zero) - -
H High velocity
t Dark gray represents blue flame; light gray represents yellow flame.
* International Flame Research Foundation. Idmulden, The Netherlands.
very high,
swirl number
minimal radial or swirled flow
contained by a
refractory shape
fast to avoid flame
impingement; to
enhance wall
radiation; to focus
refractory radiation
none none fuel jet velocity and air delayed, slow, for uniform
jet velocity equally low diffusion coverage in long
[laminar] -- buoyancy chambers; to add
controlled luminous radiation
swirl, (2) fuel and air streams crossing one another, (3) fuel and air streams
introduced to the combustion chamber at different velocities, or (4) bluff
bodies that form sheltered zones and back-flows. High pressure may tend to
throw the fuel farther away from the burner nozzle before it can be heated
to its ignition temperature and thus lengthen the flame.
Figure 6.2 illustrates eight common flame types. Types F and G emit more
flame radiation than the others, even when burning gas. Type E uses flame
convection to heat adjacent refractory; so it heats a furnace load primarily
by refractory radiation and is termed a radiant burner, radiation burner, or
an infrared burner. (See Figure 6,14.)
Combustion Volume. The space occupied by the fuel and the intermediate
products of combustion while burning (flame and invisible combustion) varies
considerably with the burner design, the pressures and velocities of the fluid
streams, the fuel, and the application. Gas burners with considerable refractory
surface and operating with very high mixture pressure and thorough mixing
may release as much as forty million gross Btulhr ft3of combustion volume.
The initial and operating costs are less where less compact combustion is
required. The combustion volumes of other types of gas burners range all the
way from the above-mentioned figure down to 100 000 Btulhr ft3.Light oils can
be burned at a rate of 100 000 Btulhr ft3 and heavy oils at 80 000 Btulhr ft3.
(Combustion intensities are discussed on pp 13-14 of Vol. I.)
In some cases, the application itself may limit the rate of heat release. In
applications where long luminous flames are required, the delayed mixing type
of burner probably will not release more than 40 000 Btulhr ft3. In boiler
furnaces, where continuous operation seldom permits time down for replacement
of refractory and boiler tubes, design heat release rates are usually limited to
20 000 to 40 000 Btulhr ft3.
Stability. This characteristic of burners is very important for safe, reliable
operation. A stable burner is one that will maintain ignition, even when cold,
throughout the range of pressures, input rates, and aidfuel ratios ordinarily
used. (No burner is considered stable merely because it is equipped with a pilot.)
Some burners will function satisfactorily under adverse conditions (particu-
larly, cold surroundings) only if the mixture is rich and if the flame is burning
in free air. With such unstable burners, it is necessary to keep the furnace doors
open from light-up until a stabilizing temperature develops in the combustion
chamber. If the doors are not open, the free air in the furnace will be used up
quickly, and an unstable burner flame will be extinguished. It is under these
conditions that the presence of a pilot may be a potential source of danger
because combustible gases will accumulate rapidly after the flame goes out and
they will be ignited explosively by the pilot as soon as a pocket of the mixture
in the combustion chamber enters the range between the flammability limits.
A problem that plagued burner users for years was that of burner instability
in cold and tight combustion chambers. In many cases, the only way to bring
such a furnace up to temperature was to operate at a low firing rate or with
a rich airlfuel ratio until the furnace reached about 1600 F above which
stability was attainable at full firing rate. In tight combustion chambers,
containing no oxygen other than that entering through the burner air connection,
rich operation soon uses up the available oxygen but a stable flame must
continue burning regardless of the surrounding atmosphere.
Tile-stable burners were developed that could maintain ignition in cold
chambers with the aid of nothing more than their own refractory tiles; but
a problem persisted in cold and tight chambers even when burners were
operated at stoichiometric or leaner airlfuel ratios. Cold products of complete
combustion were recirculating back into the burner tile and surrounding the
root of the flame with a cold atmosphere that was low in oxygen. By redesigning
burners to eliminate this peripheral recirculation by completely filling the
tile with air and fuel, combustion engineers were able to develop burners
that were not only tile stable in cold combustion chambers, but also atmosphere-
stable in tight furnaces. The burners of Figures 6.3d and 6.23 exemplify this
ultra-stable feature.
Stability or flame holding may be enhanced by bluff bodies (diffuser plate,
step, or ledge), jet tubes, swirl*, or staged air entry. All of these create
interfaces between streams of different velocities, producing small scale
(fine-grained) turbulence. At every point in a flame front, there is a balance
between the incoming gas velocity and the flame propagation rate. A refractory
tile surrounding the root of a flame helps by reradiating heat to the uncombined
fuel and oxygen. Recirculation of hot products of incomplete combustion
back into the flame center (induced by swirl) also helps provide ignition
temperature and added chemical activity.
On the other hand, cooling may be required with premix burners to prevent
flashback (a form of instability --see Flame Speeds, Part 1, Vol. I). A premix
flame may be positioned by quenching or cooling with a screen across the
mixture stream. To some extent the heat conducted away by the mass of
metal in a premix nozzle performs the same function.
* Swirl improves flame stability by forming toroidal recirculation zones that recirculate heat and
active chemical species to the base of the flame and thereby broaden the range of velocities in
which flame stabilization is possible. These toroidal zones form when the swirl number is greater
than about 0.6 Swirl number. S, is defined as the ratio
(axial flux of the angular momentum) - (Ma x V, x RJ,
[axial flux of the linear momentum). x [radius)
. 7 . . x VI) x [Rll'
which is dimensionless, where M is mass, V is velocity, and R is the radius of the exit port.
Swirl has two added benefits: it shortens combustion time by causing high rates of entrainment
of ambient fluids, and it provides quick mixing in the vicinity of the burner nose and along
the boundaries of recirculation zones.
Drive. This property of burners relates to the velocity and thrust of the jet
stream of hot gases that they throw into a furnace. Type H of Figure 6.2 is a
burner designed to produce high drive.
When fuel was cheap, excess air was used to aid temperature uniformity
within a furnace load by (1)reducing the hot mix temperature, (2) preventing
stratification, and (3) enhancing convection heat transfer. With high velocity
burners that induce recirculation of furnace gases, the recirculating gases
produce the above three benefits that formerly required excess air and there-
fore wasted fuel. The high velocity burners can push their hot gases into a loosely-
piled load (such as castings, or a hack of bricks) with greater velocities than were
possible with most of the older excess air burners; so forced convection is
improved to the interior of the load. Words such as pierce, punch, scrub, and
stir provide good mental images of the advantageous convection and agitation
from burners with "drive."
Another use for burners with drive is to reach and wrap around parts of a
load located at a distance from the burners. This reduces the heating time for
loads in furnaces with long dimensions parallel to the burner centerlines, and
for large pieces, the back side of which cannot be "seen" well by radiation or
"reached" well by other types of convection burners.
Turndown. The range of input rates within which a burner will operate is
specified by the burner turndown ratio. This is the ratio of the maximum to
minimum heat input rates with which the burner will operate satisfactorily. For
any burner with fixed air orifices, the turndown ratio is also the square root
of the ratio of maximum to minimum pressure drops across the orifice. For
example, if the maximum supply pressure is 13 in. of water and the minimum
is 0.25 in. of water, then the turndown ratio is q m = 7.22 (to 1). Limitations
on the fuel supply pressure may limit the fuel flow before the maximum air
capacity of the burner is reached.
Figure 6.3. Flame holding arrangements. Cases (a) through ( f j are various forms of bluff bodies
creating fine-grained turbulence in their wake. Cases (c) through (g) constitute air jets blasting
through a relatively quiescent volume of raw gas. Case [f) may be cylindrical, like a jet engine
burner, or trough-like.
(dl general-purpose burner I (hl radiant tube burner
The burner nozzle nose, or port may consist of single or multiple openings.
Their varieties are infinite, and will be discussed in more detail in connection
with specific burner types. The nose should be well cooled (a) to protect it from
thermal destruction by radiation from the flame and furnace, and (b)to prevent
flashback in the case of premix burners. Heat-resistant cast iron of generous
cross section assures sufficient cooling by conduction and natural convection
in some cases. Others require high temperature alloys, refractories, and/or
artificial cooling. The mechanical stress on a burner nose is usually low, but
metal scaling due to high temperatures can lead to serious problems.
The burner tile [quarl combustion block, burner refractory) is a refractory
shape with a conical or cylindrical hole (flame tunnel) through its center. The
tile is sold and shipped as part of the burner except for very large burners where
it is either handled separately or cast or rammed in the furnace wall. In addition
to serving as the insulating separator between the hot furnace and the cool burner
parts, the tile radiates heat into the incoming fuel and air, thus helping to
maintain ignition. Flames tend to be more stable over a wide range of inputs if
a burner tile is used. Proper installation of burner tiles is discussed in Part 8.
The major elements of the backworks of a burner are: a) the body or air
plenum, which may incorporate the air or mixture connection, swirl vanes, and
the nose; b) the mounting plate, which holds the body, tile, pilot, and flame-
monitoring device to the furnace shell in proper alignment; c) the gas connection,
gas tube, and gas nozzle often with a flame stabilizer; dl the atomizer, which
includes oil and atomizing medium connections, tubes, vanes, and nozzles.
Burners of the sealed-in or closed type usually supply all of the air for com-
bustion through the burner, whereas the open type may induce air flow into the
combustion space through the opening around the burner. Sealed-in type burners
permil accurate control of the airlfuel ratio, a wide range of furnace operating
pressures, and a wide range of input rates (good turndown]. Open burners,
however, permit greater capacities by virtue of their induced air. This increased
capacity is attainable only i1 a correspondingly larger fuel capacity is also avail-
able. An attempt is sometimes made using an air register shutter to control the
amount of induced air, but these usually track poorly if turndown is required.
A burner pilot is a small burner used to light the larger main flame. Figure 6.4
illustrates a typical gas pilot with spark ignition for ease of lighting. The
functiops of the various pilot accessories are explained later in the section on
gas burners. An interrupted pilot (sometimes called ignition pilot) burns during
the flame-establishing period andlor trial-for-ignition period, and is cut off
(interrupted) at the end of that period. An intermittent pilot burns during
"lighl-off" and the entire period that tho main burner is firing, and is shut off
with the main burner. A continuous pilot (sometimes called constant, standby,
or standing pilot) burns throughout the entire period that the furnace or oven
is in service whether or not the main burner is firing.
Figure 6.4. Pilot arrangement designed to operate with low pressure air and gas. Spark ignition
permits its use as an interrupted pilot. The swivel fitting simplifies piping to the pilot hole in the
burner mounting, which is usually at an odd angle. The pilot tip is a flame retention nozzle.
Observation r Pilot
Air valve
Most pilots are small premix gas burners with flame retention tips, designed
for natural gas or LP gas; but direct electric ignition or spark-ignited light oil
pilots are also used. Pilot systems are discussed in Parts 7 and 8.
Every burner should have an observation port for safety's sake; so that the main
flame, pilot flame, and flame rod (if any) can be seen by the operators. A tiny jet of
air connected to the side of the port will help keep the glass clean. For safety,
and to facilitate burner adjustments, an additional observation port through the
furnace wall, allowing a side profile view of the flame, is strongly recommended.
Industrial gas burners may be classified as premix, nozzle-mix, or delayed mix
burners, according to the position and manner in which the gas and primary
air are brought together.
Premix Gas Burners. In premix gas systems, the primary air and gas are
mixed at same point upstream from the burner ports by an inspirator mixer, an
aspirator mixer, or a mechanical mixer. The burner proper ("nozzle") serves
only as a flame holder, maintaining the flame in the desired location. Theo-
retically, if mixture velocity equals flame velocity, a flame will stand stationary
at any point at which ignition is applied, Actually, a relatively cool burner
nozzle (or port) is needed to serve as a flame stabilizer. If the flame advances
too far into the port as a result of a momentary reduction in mixture velocity,
the cool nozzle tends to quench it to prevent flashback.
Smull Port or Ported Manifold Burners. A great many types of burners may
be used in conjunction with premixers. One of the most common of these
consists of a manifold containing a series of small ports. Most domestic gas
burners are of this type. They are often called atmospheric burners because of
the very low pressure at which they operate and because they rely on a high
percentage of secondary air. Small port or ported manifold burners are usually
quiet. If the flame on one part of the burner is blown out, the flame from the
other part may act as a pilot to re-ignite it if the ports are close together. This
type of burner design purposely spreads the heat input over a wide area, which
is ideal for low temperature processes. Industrial use of this type is limited to
low temperature applications such as make-up air heating, varnish kettle heating,
drying ovens, baking ovens, food roasters, and deep fat vats. Figure 6.5 shows
examples of small port premix burners.
Large port or pressure type gas burners (blast burners, pressure burners)
permit a high rate of heat release within a relatively small space. This type
includes a multitude of designs for special applications, but is generally char-
acterized by a single mixture port (or nozzle)that produces a short, intense flame
(Figure6.6). They are often installed with a separate mixer for each port, although
several burners may be supplied by a single mixer with proper manifolding.
Large port burners may be of the open or sealed-in type. A rich mixture (only
partial aeration) is often supplied to open burners and nozzles, and induced
secondary air provides the balance required for stoichiometric combustion. This
practice saves on required blower capacity, but usually wastes fuel because the
airlfuel ratio cannot be controlled.
When used as a nozzle or open burner without a refractory tile, a large-port
premix burner often includes a flame retaining feature consisting of a number
of small bypass ports feeding into a recessed piloting ring encircling the main
nozzle. See Figure 6.7. These bypass ports have a greater resistance to flow than
the main port; so ihe velocity in their exit ring is lower, and consequently, the
tendency for the flame to blow off is greatly reduced. If any irregularity should
cause the main flame to be blown off, the ring of flame, fed by the bypass
ports, serves as a pilot to relight the main flame, Burners with bypass ports are
therefore referred to as flume retention burners or self-piloting burners. The
mixture jet issuing from the main port entrains some of the surrounding air.
The incoming air bends the pilot flames toward the base of the main mixture
jet. This allows richer primary mixtures, thereby making possible a greater
turndown ratio. Most pilot tips are flame retaining nozzles (Figure 6.41.
Figure 6.5. Small port premix burners. a is a continuous flame hurnor, which is more stable than
a drilled pipe or ribbon burner. A second and third row of ports a r e locaterl under the stainless
steel baffle strips. a is installed in a duct, as for heating make-up air or on a recirculating oven
or dryer. The burnermon b iirld c a r e blast tips.
When sealed-in with a refractory tile, large port burners are often referred
to as tunnel burners. See Figures 6.6 and 6.8. Large port premix burners have
been used in a wide variety of industrial applications, including kilns for por-
celain, tile, and brick, and furnaces for heat treating, forging, and melting.
However, most have been displaced by nozzle-mix burners because (1) premix
burners usually do not have wide range stability characterislics, (2) premix
burners cannot be adapted to dual-fuel configurations as well as noxzle-mix
burners, (3) nozzle-mix burners can be designed for a greater variely of flame
shapes, and (4) large manifolds of premixed air and gas can be dangerous.
Types of Prcmixers. Figure 6.7 shows an inspirator or gas-jet venturi mixer,
which utilizes the energy in Lhe gas to induce primary air in proportion Lo the
gas flow. This is the only type of mixer with which no air blower is required.
A similar mixer is used in the atmospheric burners on most domestic gas burning
appliances. Their percentage of primary air required in these applications is
small enough lo be induced by the low gas pressures available in domeslic lines.
Industrial applicalions usually require greater turndown and greater heal release
per unit volume; so inspiralors are used in induslry only where high pressure
gas is available. Good praclice dictates that industrial inspirators for manufac-
tured gas need at least 5 psi gas pressure, and for natural gas, at least 10 psi
gas pressure. Inspirators can rarely be used with propane or butanc gas in
industries because 25 to 30 volumes of air must be induced by one volume of
gas, requiring an oversized nozzle and undcrsizad spud.
Figure 6.6. Typical largc port premix burner flame such as from the burner of Figure 6.8.
The 12 in. long blue natural gas lla111e is releasing 296 000 Btulhr a1 8?hUwcmixlure pressure.
Figure 6.7. Inspirator (gas-jet) mixer feeding a large port premix nozzle (open burner). High
ve1ot:ity gas from the spud entrains and mixes with air induced in propurtion to the gas flow. Gradual
enlargement converts mixture vclocity to static pressure. The spring-loadcd pl~ingeris for cleaning
the spud orifice (for dirty gases). The lower half of the flamc-retaining nozzle is sectioned to show
the bypass ports that relight the main flame if it is blown out. An aspirator (air-jet] mixer [Figure
6.8) could also be used wilh this burner.
Figure 6.8. Aspirator (air-jet)mixer feeding a sealed-in large port premix tunnel burner. The step
between the nozzle and the refractory tile provides bluff body turbulence for flame stabilization.
See Figure 6.3b. Blower air enters at lower Icft. Gas from an atmospheric regulator is pulled into
the air stream from the annular space around the venturi throat in proportion to the air flow. A
V-port adjustable gas orifice, at top, is for initial setting of airlgas ratio.
Nozzle Mixing Gas Burners. As the name implies, the gas and combustion air
do not mix until they leave the ports of this type of burner. The two fluids are
kept separate within the burner itself, but the nozzle orifices are designed to
provide mixing of the fluids as lhey leave. The principal advantages of nozzle-
mix burners over premix burners are:
1)The flame cannot flash back upstream of the nozzle, because fuel and air
are not premixed. This not only adds to stability, but reduces explosion hazard
with larger burners. Premix delivery pipes and manifolds of schedule 40 pipe
or thinner may rupture in 4" and larger sizes,
Figure 6.9. Flame of conventional forward nozzle mixing burner [type shown in Figure 6.3d)
operating on correct airlgas ratio at 8 osi air pressure at a 250 000 Btulhr rate. Numerals mark
inches from the face of the rcfractory tile. The fuel is natural gas; the flame is blue.
Figure 6;10. Forward flame nozzle-mix burner on a fire tube steam generator. A choice of mixing
arrangements permits tailoring the flame length to the immersion-tube-like combustion chamber.
steam Flue
Insulated flue outlet
collector + i" "'
dual-fuel burn
Figure 6.11b. Flame of a high velocity burner. The inlernal design is the same a s for the burner
of Figure 6.11a. Use of this alloy mixing chamber instead of a refractory tile is more convenient
for applications such as high temperature air heating and for furnaces with thin-wall ceramic Iiber
Figures 6.11~ and 6.11d show larger sizes of high velocity burners, such as
used in aluminum melting furnaces and for dryingiprehoating large ladles. As
with the burner of Figure 6.11a, 10 to 60% of the combustion may occur inside
the nozzle, expanding the poc and as-ynt-unburned fuel and ojr, thereby producing
a very high exit velocity. Heat release rates are as high as 418 000 gross Htulhr
for each square inch of nozzle opening.
Figure 6 . 1 1 ~ . High Velocity Dual-FuelTMBurner. Two stage nozzle mixing permits n stable initial
resc:tion between the eight internal nozzles and the single final nozzle, with the balance of combus-
tion occurring in an external ~ieeclle-likeflame of intense pent?t~*atirig capability. See Figure G.lld.
An all metal version, wilhuut the refractory tile, is used for somc lower temperature drying operations.
distillate oil will1 60 F air. 5 million Btulhr (50%) distillate oil with 800 F air, 5 n~illionBtuihr [50%)
Figure 6.12. Immersion Tube Burner. Efficient convectioll heal lrallsfer and very high heal
release rates are made possible because the swirling flame scrubs off the stagnant (insulating)
gas film on the inside of the tube wall.
Radiation Burners. Where penetration or forward drive by the flame and hot
gases is to be avoided*, or when radiation heat transfer is to be
e&ancedt, radiation burners should be used. Figure 6.13 shows the flame of
the radiation Lype nozzle-mix burner of Figure 6.2 type E and Figure 6.14~.
(A few premix burners are also designed to produce similar flame shapes.)
This radiation type of burner actually heats its own refractory tile and the
refractory surface of a surrounding furnace wall or roof by convection from the
high velocity combustion gases thrown sideways from the burner. These hot
refractory surfaces then radiate heat to the furnace load. Figure 6.14 sketches
a variety of commercially available refractory shapes for radiation burners.
~ l but
l "e" utilize the Coanda effect. Where true radiant heating is desired, it
is jmportant that the hot gases have no final velocity in a direction toward the
work to be heated. Mosl of the radiation burners of Figure 6.14 also provide
some convection heating. In fact, the spreading feature of the flat flame type
(Figures 6.13 and 6.14~)has been used to fill more completely a very wide
plenum feeding hot convection gases through multi-tubular loads.
* A s when firing in closc proximity to a valuable container or a bank of tubes.
-f Thin, f l ~ tor
, rotatable loads; dry-hearth melting; top-fired liquid holding.
Delayed Mixing Gas Burners. Long luminous flames are created by this
special form of nozzle-mix burner. In some operations, direct flame radiation
over a large area is desirable. This is frequently the case in wide or extremely
long furnaces where poor heat distribution (that is, hot spots and cold spots) would
be obtained from conventional short clear flames, or where all burners must
be located a t one end. The ideal heating arrangement would probably consist
of thousands of tiny clear-flame burners positioned all around the load, but
that would not be practical. Luminous flames have a considerable length and
they can fill a large volume of combustion space with flames having little
temperature variation along their length. The uniform temperature throughout
the combustion space permits more effective use of the hearth area.
Long flames can be produced if the rale of mixing of Llle gas and air is very
low so that the two fluids travel a considerable distance from the burner before
complete mixing and burning. The flame is often termed a diJjusion flame
because tho mixing occurs a s the parallel laminar air and gas streams diffuse
into one another. See Figure 6.15 and flame type F on Figure 6.2.
Strong heating of the gas in the absense of air causes thermal cracking
(polymerization) of the fuel molecules into light and heavier molecules. The laller
become micron-sized soot particles. These opaque particles absorb heat from
the flame, become luminous, and emit radiant energy. Increasing concentrations
of particles radiate more energy.
It is difficult to produce a long gas flame that is not luminous or a luminous
gas flame that is not long. The airlfuel ratio of delayed mix burners cannot
be judged by the appearance of the flame. It is possible to supply considerable
excess air, producing a n undesirably oxidizing atmosphere while maintaining
what appears to be a rich reducing flame.
Figure 6.15. Delayed mixing flame, cross section. Burning is at the air-gas interface. See Figures
6.16 and 6.24.
Figure fi.16. Flame of a radiant tube burner. A Pyrex radiant tulle used for radial11 lube burner
development illustrates the premix-(hell-luminoi~sflame used to obtain ideal heat distribution for
efficier~lradia111 tube opttrntian. The burner is at the left. The flame is first lllue, then yellow.
Radiant tube burners constitute one of the most difficult design assignments
for combustion engineers. They not only crowd the flame into a very confining
cross section and need a long strung-out heat release, but they are tight
chambers and, on start-up, they are cold chambers. As a result of all these
requirements, their use, operation, and mainlenance are subject to more severe
limitations than with many burners. Doing all this with oil is doubly difficult.
Fuel DirectedmGas Burners. The nozzle-mix gas burners discussed previously
have been "air-directed"; i.e. the energy from the air supply produced the
mixing, stability, and flame shape and character, Very low gas pressure was
A new generation of industrial gas burners utilizes the energy from the
pressure of the fuel gas (3 to 20 psig) to do the mixing, stabilizing, and flame
shaping; so less air pressure is required. No vanes or turbulating discs are
required; so the burner throat is relatively open, the cantilevered gas tube
has fewer weighty objects to support, and there is less exposure of critical
components to damage from flame and furnace heat.
gtm = gas, tangential, modulated
grm = gas, radial, modulated
o = oil
gfm = gas, forward, modulated
gfj = gas, forward, jet
a) Type G flame from gfm and gfj. b) Type G long luminous flame.
e) Burner with grm modulated t o a low fire f) Type D flame, from gtm.
rate, and with gfj.
On new installations, the first cost of the combustion air blower is decreased
because lower air pressure is required. On retrofit and new jobs, the lower
power needed for low pressure air is a saving. The replacement energy comes
from the pressure in the fuel supply line, which is usually free and already
available with natural gas and with oil atomizers. Some other fuels may
require a pressure booster. In areas where there is to be a mix of furnaces
using high and low pressure fuel, added pressure regulators may be required.
The flame character of Fuel Directedmburners can be changed by adjusting
the fuel pressure, and by supplying the luel through any of several sets of fuel
pork, such as forward, radial, tangential. This allows a start-up setting attuned
to the combustion chamber's needs; or programmed changing of the flame
configuration. The latter may be in response to timers, temperature sensors, load-
ing swings, changes in load configuration [as a scrap pile melting down), or other
Figures 6.17a through f show some of many available designs of Fuel Directed
burners. A small jet of un-modulated fuel helps maintain the flame momentum
even when the burner is turned down lo a low input rate. Manipulating solenoids
in the separate fuel supply lines can change flame while operating.
Part 9 discusses heat recovery principles and systems; plus the reasons for
using integral burner-recuperators and integral burner-regenerators.
Burners for integral burner-recuperators must have (I) inlernal materials
capable of withstanding the high temperature air that flows through them and
(2) hot face materials that will not be damaged by the higher temperature flame.
High velocity burners are preferred to prevent short circuiting of the flue gases
to the nearby fluelrecuperator. It is best to avoid having a flue [recuperator
entry) directly above a burner because the low fire flame will short circuit to
the flue without transferring much heat in the furnace. In this condition, a
recuperator might be damaged by contact with products of combustion near flame
Integral burner-regenerators are best used with Fuel Directed type burners.
(Air-directedtypes would have their vanes or other stabilizing devices overheated
by high tbmperature air, and they add to the weight that must be supported in
the high temperature air stream by the cantilevered gas tube.) It is desirable
to keep the pressure drop across the burner air passage to a minimum, taking
most of the drop through the heat reclaiming matrix.
A compact burner-regenerator is shown in Figures 6.18a and b and discussed
in more detail in Part 9.
Figure 6.18a. Sectional view of an integral gas-burner-regenerator [Heat Reclaimer). Refer to Figure
G.18b to see how air and flue gas alternately flow through this unit. A bottom-dump and top halch
arrangement permits convenient removal of the bed material for cleaning or replacement. The high
surface area of the bed material results in higher heat transfer effectiveness than normally
practical in recuperators.
Reclamation Bed
Combustion airlexhaust
Oil and other liquid fuels must be vaporized before they can be burned. Some
small capacity burners accomplish this vaporization in a single step by direcl
heating of the liquid. Such burners are called vaporizing burners, Typical
examples of these are the blowtorch, gasoline stoves, wick-type kerosene
burners, and early domestic burners wherein oil was vaporized from a flame-
heated plate. Most large capacity industrial oil burners use two steps to get the
oil into combustible form -- atomization plus vaporization. By first atomizing the
oil and thus exposing the large surface area of millions of droplets (10 to 1000
microns diameter] to air and to heat, ntomizhg burners are able to vaporize oil
at very high rates.
Requirements for good vaporizalion after alomization are: 1) a large volume
of air musi be intimately mixed with the oil particles, 2) the air must be
turbulent and at high velocity to produce a scrubbing action for rapid mass
transfer from the surfaces of Lhe oil particles, and 3) heat from the flame should
be transferred into the incoming spray. 'This last requirement is the function of
the burner tile and recirculation. Functions (1) and [ 2 )may be accomplished by
blowing air through the oil, the air velocity being high relative to the oil, or by
throwing the oil through calm air at a high velocity relative to the air.
Low pressure air atomizing oil burners are 2-fluid atomizers that utilize air
at 1 to 2 psi as the nil atomizing medium. A well designed atomizing unit
Figure 6.19. Low pressure air atomizing oil burner. The principle of operation is similar to that
of thc gas burner of Figure 6.3d except that light oil is sprayed by the atomizing air in a cone of
vapor so that i t is interccpted by cight air jets. Some designs c ~ flow pressurc air atomizers can
vaporize heavy oils if their viscosity has been reduced to 100 SSU.
may use as little as 10% of the total air requirement for atomization. This is
equivalent to about 150 ftQf atomizing air per gallon of oil. These figures are
only approximate and may be considerably influenced by the design of the
atomizer and the viscosity of the oil. Low pressure air atomizers are usually
designed to handle oil of 100 SSU viscosity. The oil pressure at the burner is
usually 1 to 5 psi -- just enough for positive delivery and flow control. An oil pump
is necessary only to deliver the oil to the burner.
Figure 6.19 illustrates a low pressure air atomizing oil burner. Input through
this type of burner is controlled by a throttling valve in the air line. The
atomizing air must not be throttled, so it is delivered to the burner through a
separate atomizing air connection that by-passes the control valve in the "main"
(or "combustion"] air line. The main air flow may be shut olf completely for low
fire and for starting. The minimum firing rate and the turndown ratio are
determined by the atomizing air flow rate. The atomizing air pressure must
remain constant at all firing rates.
Figure 6.20 is a photograph of a typical flame of a low pressure air atomizing
oil burner. Low pressure air atomizing type oil burners are applicable to a greater
variety of uses than any other single type. Some of their advantages are: no high
pressures involved, relatively large air and oil orifices that minimize maintenance,
no intricate or delicate parts, simplicity of operalion and control, flexibility to
changes in loading or fuel, simplicity of installation, no moving parts, and
economical operation.
High pressure air or steam atomizing oil burners are 2-fluid atomizers that
use steam or compressed air to tear droplets from the oil stream and propel them
into the combustion space. The high velocity of the oil particles relative to the
air produces the scrubbing action required for quick vaporization. These burners
can atomize light to very heavy oils, sludges, pitch, and some tars. They are often
used for incineration of liquid wastes. See Figure 6.21a-d.
Figure 6.20. O i
l flame of a low pressure air atomizing burner firing at 1 785 000 Btulhr with
1 psi atomizing air and 1 psi main air. The white lines on the pipe above the flame indicate 1 foot
intervals. This forward flame (type A, Figure 6.2) is produced by the burner of Figure 6.23.
Figure 6.21a. External mixing oil atomizer uses steam or compressed air. Straight-through oil tube
is easily cleaned. It needs only low ail pressure controlled with a conventional oil regulator.
Burner backdate
Figure 6.21h. Internal mixing or emulsion atomizer has large openings (requires less clean steam)
and holds a backpressure on the oil, preventing vapor lock. It is limited to high firing rates, re-
quires high steam and oil pressure, and consumes mure steam per gallon of oil.
Centering spider
Emulsion tube
Figure 6.21~. Tip emulsion atomizer can be designed for a desired spray angle; it provides better
atomizing with lower steam pressure, and its sleam consumption is low. This model produces a
narrow spray angle lor a conventional forward flame --[type A, Figure 6.2).
Quick Burner
Steam or
compressed air
Figure 6.21d. Tip emulsion atomizer for a wide spray angle [type C or type D flame of Figure 6.2).
compressed ai
Steam or compressed air at pressures ranging from 5 to 150 psi is used. The
steam consumption may vary from 1 to 5 pounds per gallon of oil and air
consumption from 22 to 100 ft3 of stp air per gallon, depending on the design
and size of the atomizer and the oil viscosity. For the external mixing type, ail I
pressures of 5 to 10 psi are recommended at Lhe burner, but for emulsion Lypes I
(oil and steam or air mix inside the unit), the oil pressure must be about the same
as the steam or air pressure. The slim compact nature of these atomizers makes II
them readily adaptable for converting gas burners to combination gas-oil burners.
Oil pressure atomizing burners are 1-fluid atomizers, also referred to as I
mechanical pressure atomizing burners. When oil is permitted to expand through
a small orifice, it tends to break into a spray of fine droplets. Atomizers utilizing
this principle are usually designed to operate with 100 psi oil at viscosilies less
than 50 SSU. In some instances they will operate with pressures as low as
75 psi or with viscosities as high as 100 SSU. See Figure 6.22.
Turndown is poor on this type of nozzle, usually limiting its use to on-off
control -- as in domestic furnaces. This type probably has the lowest initial and
operating costs but relatively high maintenance problems and lack of flexibility
restrict its use. Large boilers utilize a number of oil "guns" that work on this
principle, but with hundreds of psi oil pressure. Their steady load, ability to turn
off some of the burners, and very high pressure, obviate the turndown problem.
Centrifugal atomizing (rotary) burners use centrifugal force to throw oil
from the lip of a rotating cup in the form of a conical sheet of Liquid which
quickly breaks into a spray. Low pressure air is admitted through an annular
space around the rotating cup. If the air velocity is high, it tends to blow the
spray into a narrow cone, but if the speed of rotation of the cup is high, this
tends to overcome the effect of the air stream, producing a wide angle spray.
Shape of the spray is also determined by the relative positions of the cup and
air orifice. Horizontal rotary cup burners are still used for boilers but not
for high temperature furnaces, because they have electric motors and other
moving parts immediately adjacent to the burner.
Sonic and ultrasonic atomizers usually use an arrangement similar to a
vibrating reed to produce a fog of minute oil droplets. Burners must be specially
designed to transport the fog to the combustion space and mix a high volume
air stream with it.
periodic changes in the fuel supply and price picture may sometimes
necessitate changing fuels. Burners that are capable of burning either gas or
oil are called combination burners.* There are probably as many types of
these burners as there are combinations of the different types of gas and oil
burners, but only the most common ones will be described here.
When a necessity for switching fuels arose in the past, attempts were made
at (a) adding some sort of atomizer lo an existing gas burner, or [b] adding a
gas ring around the nose of an existing oil burner. Either retrofit had to insure
entrainment, mixing, and positive delivery of Ihe fuel to the combustion
chamber by the main air stream.
As flame monitoring controls have been mandated, mosl engineers have con-
cluded that such do-it-yourself efforts should be abandoned in favor of
burners designed and tested for multiple fuel use. Some combination burners
can be purchased as stripped-down models that burn only one fuel; and in such
cases an afler-fit for a second fuel is practical by purchasing the omitted
General-Purpose Dual-FuelIMBurners. The burner of Figure 6.23 is a low
pressure air atomizing duabfuel burner that produces a type A flame (Figure 6.2)
with gas, light oil, or heavy oil.
Figure 6.23. General-purposecombination burner capable of burning heavy oil or any gas. This
burner can be operated over a wide range of airlfuel ratios and firing rates in cold and tight
combustion chambers. The gas tube and gas connection can be omitted and a shorter oil tube
substituted to make a less expensive straight oil burner. The low pressure air atomizer ca11 be
omitted and a blank backplate substituted on the gas connection to make a less expensive straight
gas burner. The metal tile support shown should be used only when the burner is installed in a
thin metal wall -- not when installed in a refractory wall.
Main air
" All North Arncrican comhinalion burners tire identified by the name "Dual-Fu;ucl."
Figure 6.24 shows an integral fan Dual-FuelTM burner which includes burner,
blower, blower motor, control valve, control valve motor, pilot, and atomizer
engineered together as a package. (Gas-only and oil-only models are possible by
omitting some components.) This burner's fuel-directed type internal design I
allows its flame shape to be adjusted to suit combustion chamber requirements.
Such pre-packaged assemblies are popular lor boilers (Figure6.10),dryers, ovens,
air heaters, incinerators, and process heaters, and other applicationswhere the I
purchaser may not have the manpower nor experience to select and assemble I
burner system components. Installation of such units requires only attaching the
burner to a refractory tunnel in the combustion chamber wall, connecting fuel,
electric power, and control lines.
Smaller packaged automatic burners are designed Tor on-off control using gas
or light (distillate) oil. Larger sizes have modulating control (responding to
temperature or steam pressure sensors), and can burn gas, light [distillate)oil,
or heavy (residual)oil. Such packages often include a control panel programmed
for light-up, shut-down, and monitoring procedures to meet the customer's
insurance requirements.
Figure 6.24. Integral Fan Ilual-FuelTM Burner. In addition to the 2 5 rnillicln gross Btdhr unit
shown (12 to 50 foot similar assemblies range from 30 to 200 rnillionBtdlr flame length), fuel-directed
internals permit a chrjice of flame characteristics.
Modern Special Purpose Burners. The days of the "universal," all purpose
furnace are almost gone. The necessity for saving fuel while doing a fast
uniform heating job has resulted in the development of tailor-made furnaces,
heating systems and heating machines. To facilitate these, burner manufacturers
have developed many special purpose burners.
Burners for Use with Preheated Air. Preheating the combustion air broadens
the flammability limits, increases flame velocity, elevates flame temperature,
and raises the available heat. These effectscombine to make burner flames more
stable, and to reduce fuel consumption markedly. Flames are shorter and
Depending on the materials of construction, burners intended for use with cold
air can usually be used with air preheated to 500 or 600 F without damage. With
cooling arrangements, a few have been used with 800 F air.
Rising fuel costs have justified smaller sizes of recuperators, regenerators,
and hot air burners (Figure 6.25). A traditional larger size refraclory-linedburner
is pictured in Figure 6.26. Most of the name types from Figure 6.2 are available
in hot air burners of either the fuel-directed or air-directed type. With very high
air preheat, all flame types tend toward higher luminosity because the hot air
polymerizes the fuel molecules before they burn.
Figure 6.26. Combination burner for use with air preheated up to 1100 F. The burner body is
lined with refractory. The flame-stabilizing disk that forms the annular air orifice may be refractury-
faced, or of very high alloy to protect it from furnace and flame radiation. By use of a variety of
orifice, disk, and atomizer configurations, it is possible to produce several of the flame types of Figure
6.2. The model shownuses low pressure air (2 psig) as an atomizing medium, but others have atomizers
designed to use compressed air or steam.
Hot air Refractory
Gas lining Refractory-faced
Observation and
lighting ports
With high temperature air passing through a burner, it needs (a) better
materials to withstand the higher air and flame temperature, (b)more capacity
to pass enough weight of oxygen to release available heat equal lo that with cold
air, and (c) temperature compensating airlfuel ratio control to correct for the
ever-changing air slream temperature produced by most air heating equipment.
Reasons (a) and (b) result in hot air burners being much larger than cold air
burners. The hot air piping to burners should be oversized and insulated.
It is not normal practice to preheat atomizing air, natural gas, nor low
viscosity liquid fuels. Compared with the main (modulated) air, they constitute
much smaller quantities; so the fuel saving from heating them would be small
compared to the added piping and equipment costs. However, preheating of the
fluid immediately surrounding a burner's heavy oil tube helps keep the oil
hotter, and therefore may aid atomizalion.
Adjustable heat pattern burners are used to set the heat release pattern in
a furnace upon initial light-up, or to automatically change flame shapes upon
the command of differential pyrometers, as in Figure 6.27, or as directed by a
Fuel DirectedBburners, mentioned earlier, are particularly adaptable to such
requirements. Other forms of adjustable heat pattern burners have either a large
number of manually adjustable vanes in the air passage, or a flipiflop valve that
deflects the air through alternate passages.
pisure 6.27. Adjustable flames. Temperature uniformity can be maintained at both ends of a long
one-way-fired soaking pit by using Fuel DirectedQ burners to achieve an adjustable heat pattern,
changing the flame shape from the long luminous type G flame of the top photograph to the shart wide
type C flame of the lower photograph.
Radiation Burners. Most oil burners emit considerably more radiant heat than
their straight gas counterparts. The conventional forward flame types heat by
both radiation and convection. Coanda and centrifugal effects used in many
radiation type burners tend to be counterproductive to thorough atomization,
making such burners more prone to sooting if not well tuned. Dual-fuel versions
of radiation burners are generally available for gas and light oil only.
Figure 6.28 illustrates a light oil or gas-fired radiation burner designed to thaw
hopper cars. It transfers heat to the undersides of the car hoppers by radiation
from lhe refractory trough, radiation from the glowing alloy covers, flame
radiation, and convection.
Figure 6.28. Radiation type hopper car thawing burner utiliziig the principle of most so-called
infrared burners -- venting combustion gases through a grid so that the grid becomes radiant.
Conveclion burners for dual-fuel operations fall into two broad classes -- high
velocity burners and large air-heating burners. Dual-fuel forms of both are
available for gas or distillate oils only.
High velocity (type H) flames can (a) penetrate into loosely-piled loads, such
as a latticework of bricks in a hack in a kiln, stacks of parts in a heat treat
furnace or oven, a load of scrap to be preheated or melted, (b] reach farther
than type A flames and drive hot gases around the back sides of loads or pillars,
and [c) stir furnace gases to provide more uniform heating, beller convection,
and more passes for improved efficiency.
Figure 6.29a. High velocity Dual-FuelTM burner with a spark-ignited pilot (right side) and an air-
cooled ultraviolet flame monitor. The dial-type rotary plug V-port oil valve on the back of the burn-
e r serves d u ~ functions
l -- a s a shutoff and a limiting orifice.
Figure 6.2915. Gas and oil flames of a Dual-FuelTM high velocity burner. Although the combina-
tion burner versions cannot generate as high a flame momentum a s the gas-only models (Figures
6.11b),their velocities are several times higher than those of conventional [type A) burners.
* Theoretically, such lean, low temperature use of fuel is inefficient. The ideal way to heat such
jobs is with waste gases from higher temperature operations.
Figure 6.30. Fume incinerating flame grids for use with gas as the auxiliary fuel. Sixcs to span
two duct sizes are shown, the larger with two small sections sel differently to show the adjustability
of the oblong fumc orifices.
Figure 6.31a. Oil-to-gas converter vaporizing system for burning light distillate oil through
existing small premix gas burners. The resulting flames have essentially the same char~cteristics
as when burning g ~ s .
- -
. -- ..zyum~L",
Insulated 6-=-=--% -
- - ,-
-- --
Blast tips
lnsilated hot air air valve
piping to burners
Oil-to-gas oil-to-gas small
air heater unit atomizer insert pressure burner
(see Figure below) or tunnel burner
Figure 6.31b. Close-up view showing compressed-air-oil atomizer inserted into the aspirator
mixer of a premix gas burner system for oil standby when gas is unavailable. Hot air aids
vaporization so that the hot-air-and-vapor-mix burns like a gas at the burner ports.
: To burners
Airloil ratio
Gas generated here
Burners for Oxygen Enrichment. Oxygen enrichment of the air for com-
bustion elevates the flame temperature and reduces the percentage of nitrogen
passing through the furnace, thereby lowering the slack loss and raising the
thermal efficiency. Whether oxygen enrichment produces any overall energy
saving depends on the cost of the oxygen.
Oxygen may be premixed with the combustion air or nozzle-mixed through the
burner but the higher heat release rales and resultan1 high temperatures may
not be compatible with existing burner materials. If the burner does not have
a connection designed for oxygen, the burner manufacturer should be consulted
to see if i l is practical to admit oxygen through the atomizing air connection,
or unused oil, observation, or flame supcrvisory connoctions. Oxygen must not
be premixed with fuel, There must be no possibility for oxygen back-flowing into
either fuel or air piping.
6.a Shore, D. E. and McElron, M. W.: "'Tuning Industrial Boilers, I1 --
Establish Excess Air Levels", vol. 121, no. 5, pp. 76-79, POWER,
May, 1977.
6.b Beer, J. M. and Chigier, N.A.: "Combustion Aerodynamics",
pp. 125-127, Applied Science Publishers Ltd., London, 1972.
Babcock and Wilcox: "Steam --Its Generation and Use", 39th ed., Babcock
and Wilcox Co., Barberton, OH, 1978.
Chiogioji, M. H.: "Industrial Energy Conservation", Marcel Dekker, Inc.,
New York, 1979.
IHEA: "Combustion Technology Manual", 4th ed., Industrial Heating
Equipment Association, Arlington, VA, 1988.
Lupton, H. P.: "Industrial Gas Engineering", vols. 1, 2, 3, North Western
Gas Board, London, 1960.
Palmer, H. B. and Beer, J. M.: "Combustion Technology -- Some Modern
Developments", Academic Press, New York, NY, 1974.
Singer, J. G . (ed.): "Combustion--Fossil Power Systems", 3rd ed., Com-
bustion Engineering, Inc., Windsor, CT, 1981.
Stambuleanu, A,: "Flame Combustion Processes in Industry", Abacus
Press, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, 1976.
flow rate above that at the end of the last step) is best suited to pressure conlrol
or flow control systems with wide-swinging pressure drops. Figure 7.1 shows
a range of characteristics that are possible with valves having adjustable ports.
An effect similar to partially closing the port of an adjustable port valve is
achieved with reduced port butterfly valves or by down-rating any valve so that
its 100% rated flow rate corresponds to less than its wide-open position. A
butterfly valve rated for 100% of flow at 90° open might have a characteristic
similar to the quick opening or fixed port curves; but when rated for 100% flow
rate at 60° open, its control characteristic will be similar to the lowest curve
on Figure 7.1. This underscores the folly of always selecting valves on the basis
of C, factor or flow per dollar.
Sliding Plug Valves. Sliding plug valves adjust the valve orifice size by moving
a plug axially along a valve stem as in an ordinary globe valve. The sliding
action may be produced by direct axial motion of a control motor or pneumatic
Figure 7.1. Characteristics of various control valve types. The st~lidlimes on either side of the linear
line suggest Lhe possible range of an ~ d j u s t ~ Mport
e valvc. Curves are based on a constant
pressure drop through each valvc. Valve characteristics that match the process on which they will
b~ used give best control.
20 40 60 80 100
Valve position, Oh of rated travel
Figure 7.2 V-port sliding plug gas valve used Figure 7.3. Rotary plug V-port oil valve.+ The
as the limiting orifice that comprises the parts on the left a r e the precision-ground
constant resistance in gas lines in pressure rotary shear plates, the right-hand one of
type airlfuel ratio control systems. The valve which has a V-port that exposes varying areas
of Figure 7.3 is used for the same purpose with of the off-center port in the disk. Internally
oil and a motorized version is for direct oil electrically heated versions o f this valve a r e
input control. used for heavy oil.
* It is sometimes possible to simulate a linear characteristic even thpugh it is not inherent in the
valve by using a linkage with a characteristic such that equal increments of movement of the
control motor will produce equal increments of flow.
t See SonsitrolTMin the Glossary.
Figure 7.4. Adjustable port rotary plug valvcs for low pressure air [left) and gas or oil [right].
An adjustable curtain is used to vary the width of the rectangular opening to producc a deviralile
system characteristic after a valve is installed. (See Figure 7.1.) Closing the curtain permits a n
adjustable port valve to approach a linear or a n equal perce~ltagecharacteristic.
Curtain Control
knob -
* For a discussion of airlfuel ratio controls for blower mixers and carburetor-type mechanical
mixers, soe Reference 7.a listed at the end of Part 7.
and variable areas. A simple mechanism can be used to cause the opening areas
of fuel and air valves to vary in proportion to one another. This requires
that the two valves have identical characteristics and that the mechanical
connection between them produce directly proportional movement. In other
words, if one valve is caused to rotate through a 4 5 O angle, then the other must
also rotate through a 45" angle, and if this movement causes a 25% change in
flow rate of one fluid, it must also produce a 25% change in flow rate of the
other fluid. If the valve characteristics are not the same, the fuel and air flows
will match at only a few points throughout the range. If the movement is not
directly proportional, the mixture may be lean at some firing rates and rich at
Two rotary valves on a common shaft may be used for area control, but a
side-by-side arrangement with a parallel arm or Z-type linkage is preferred
because it is sometimes possible to adjust the linkage to correct for different
characteristics in the two valves. One or preferably both of the valves should
embody manual adjustment of its opening (in addition to handle adjustment --
see Figure 7.4) for setting airlfuel ratio.
The valve control system requires an air blower with a constant pressure
characteristic and constant oil or gas pressure regulators ahead of the control
valve because the upstream pressures for both air and fuel must be constant,
In the case of fuel oil, the oil temperature must be constant at the valve because
variations in the oil viscosity would affect the flow rate.
Even though a pair of proportioning valves may have the same area
it is unlikely that they will have the same flow characteristics
because differences in the density, phase, viscosity, and surface tensions of the
fluids make them aerodynamically dissimilar, causing the airlfuel ratio to veer
off to rich or lean, or some of each, in various parts of the operating range. Some
more expensive arrangements have manually adjusted cams or electronically
adjusted schemes to attempt to correct for these effects. Adjustable linkages,
as shown in Figure 7.6, also facilitate correclion for such effects, but
require much experience on the part of the adjuster.
Pressure control of airlfuel ratio works on the assumption that the resistance
to flow downstream from the control valves is a constant in both the fuel and
air lines of any burner system. From the principles oullined in Part 5, Vol. I, it
is known that the flow through a constant resistance is proportional to the square
root of the pressure differential across that resistance. Therefore, if the fuel
and air pressure are kept equal [or proportional) then the fuel and air flow rates
should be proportional throughout the enlire range of firing rates. Whereas the
previously discussed valve control system worked on the principle of constant
pressures and variable areas, the pressure control syslem works with constant
areas and variable pressures. This is more accurate and adaptable to a wide
variety of arrangements.
In air primary systems (common for < 10 000 000 Btdhr], [Figure 7.7), the main
input control valve is in the air line and a ratio regulator is used in the fuel line,
the regulator being cross-connected to the air line. When burning gas, the ratio
regulator is a device that duplicates the air pressure in the fuel line. It consists
of a globe-type valve in which the plug is attached to and moved by a diaphragm.
The pressure on one side of the diaphragm is that of the air line, conveyed to
the space below the diaphragm by an impulse line (small pipe). The pressure
on the other side of the diaphragm is Lhe feedback pressure in the fuel line
downstream from the regulator. Thus, if the fuel and air pressures are not the
same, an unbalanced force exists on the diaphragm causing it to move. This in
turn moves the valve plug, adjusting the fuel flow, and thereby correcting the
downstream fuel pressure until the difference between Ule fuel and air pressures
is zero.
Use a short nipple between
Bleeder the bleeder's "A" connection
set for 50% R and the -controlled air pipe
10 pipe dia.
s ratio regulator
pring adjustment
Figure 7.8. A n airlgas ratio regulator (pressure type alf ratio control) produces an outlet gas
pressure equal to whatever pressure is exerted under its diaphragm. If the air line pressure is
piped to the lower chamber, gas and air pressures will be equal, and flows proportional. If the
lower chambcr is vented to atmosphere, the outlet gas pressure will always be zero, regardless
of flow demand.
Valve head swivel
Valve plug assembly
Valve sea
Gas i n
Y -Gas out
Balancing diaphragm cup 1
- ~ -
b ~ r e s s u r tube
,Balancing diaphragm
Gas diaphragm
Figure 7.8 shows a cutaway view of a ratio regulator used to control gas flow.
Note the small pipe connection below the diaphragm for the impulse line and
the pressure tube leading from the upper chamber to the downstream side of
the valve. If the impulse connection is left open to the atmosphere, the regulator
will produce zero gas for suction type mixers and premixing burners, The spring
below the shafi: counterbalances the weight of the shaft, plug, and diaphragm
assembly so that the diaphragm floats freely. The upstream gas pressure acting
on the underside of the valve plug might lift the plug; so a balancing diaphragm
is attached to Lhe shaft between the valve body and the diaphragm case.
In applications where the maximum available gas pressure is less than the
maximum combustion air pressure, the above system would fail to maintain
proportional fuel and air pressures at higher air flow rates; so it is necessary
to an impulse pressure less than but proporlional to the pressure in the
air line. This is accomplished by use of a bleeder, which permits a
certain amount of leakage from the impulse connection (Figure 7.7). The
opening of the limiting orifice valve may be set to give the desired airlfuel ratio
when the system is first put into operation, and thereafter becomes the constanl
area resistance in the gas line.
Air line
Cleanout or bypass
down to open)
* Scc RaliotrollMin the Glossary.
When burning oil in low pressure air atomizing burners, it is desirable that
the oil pressure be several times greater than the combustion air pressure, rather
than equal to it. This ratio is maintained by an airloil ratio regulator* such as
shown in Figure 7.9 in which the upper diaphragm has several times the area
of the lower diaphragm. The impulse air pressure pushes down on the upper
diaphragm, tending to move the valve shaft assembly downward (opening the
valve). The downstream oil pressure (feedback)pushes up on the lower diaphragm
(via the clearance space between the shaft and the body) tending to raise the
valve shaft assembly (closing the valve). The space between the diaphragms is
vented to the atmosphere. If the area ratio were 12:1, the oil pressure would
have lo be twelve times greater than the impulse air pressure for the upward
and downward thrusts to be balanced. Any unbalanced force on the diaphragm
moves the oil valvc until the proper pressure ralio is attained.
An adjustable tension spring balances the weight of the diaphragms, shaft,
and valvc plug. The spring can be adjusled for less lension to maintain a
leakage rale when no impulse is applied. This leakage should be equivalenl to
(he minimum air flow rate to the burner (usually the atomizing air rate).
Figure 7.10 shows a typical piping arrangement using such a ratio regulator.
The oil valve at the back end of thc burner can bo uscd for manual individual-
burner adjustmenl Ln scl Lhe airlfuel ralio Tor the desired furnace alrnosphere.
Thereafler it becomes the constant area resistance in the oil line.
Figure 7.10. Schematic piping for an airloil ratio regulator*. When cross-connected to the con-
trtrlled air line, airloil ratio regulators produce an oil outlet pressure that is some fixed multiple of the
impulse pressure (such a s 10 or 1 2 to 1).The manual oil valve on the back of each burner and air
orifices built into each burner constitute the constant resistances in each line that make it possible to
control airlfuel ratio by control of prclss~~rcl in the air and file1 lines. Jf the combustion chamber
pressure is not stcady, double cross-connections (including thc onc shown dottcd] must bc uscd.
never above
Figure 7.11. Pneumatic fully-metered or flow-balanced airlgas ratio control system. This 3rd
generation system balances pressure differentials with a &signal regulator whereas the 2nd
generation system balanced pressures with a 2-signal regulator. The upper diaphragm spaces sense
a pressure differential corresponding to the fuel flow; the lowest two diaphragm spaces, t h e air
flow. This is a n air primary arrangement. 'The limiting orifice valve serves dual functions: as the
gas flow metering device, and a s the airlgas ratio adjusting device.
I ,+pressure drop
I J I 2O"wc
f - ~ Valve
-1 10, +a+* -1
A per orifice mfgr's specs.
Air control
I Comparator I
systems, a temperature signal can automatically adjust the alf ratio. Addition
of such a temperature compensating system makes a fully-metered system a mass
flow control system.
The same principles a r e used for large gas mixing stations and for propane-
air mixing controls.
Figure 7.13. Effects of changes in combustion air temperature and humidity and in fuel gas gravity
on stoichiometry.*
0 1.0
- 0
8 2
;P 5
Ambient (combustionlair temp
I I I 1 I I I I 1
OC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80C
*From Reference 7.b listed at the end of Part 7. Other graphs therein show the effects of high
temperature air (recuperator or regenerator outlet) changes, fuel temperature, and fuel
calorific value.
Figure 7.14. Digital electronic flow type airlfuel ratio controller. This contains the comparator
that determines whether the ratio of air flow to fuel flow is off balance from Lhe setpoint ratio [e.g.
10:l lor typical natural gas), and if so, sends u correction command to n control motor in the air
line if fuel primary, or in the fuel line if air primary. The setpoint can be changed by keying it in
on this console. This unit has several other capahililies, which will he described on later pages.
The inputs to an electronic alf ratio controller can be any variables that can
be converted and transmitted as 4-20 milliamp signals; so flow measurements
are no longer limited to orifice plates which may consume considerable pump-
ing power because of the required pressure drops. They are not even limited
to other inferential (differential pressure) techniques such as annular orifices
and annubars, but can respond to a variety of flow measuring methods, includ-
ing anemometers, Doppler principle devices, magnetic counter systems, positive
displacement flowmeters, sonic and ultrasonic schemes, or vortex flowmeters.
The output of an electronic alf ratio controller can actuate electrically,
pneumatically, or hydraulically operated valves, dampers, eductors, or fan speed
More accurate and reliable sensors and controls are being developed every
year. As fuel cost and supply problems increase, better airlfuel ratio controls are
needed for smaller sizes of fuel-consuming installations. The use of preheated
air or oxygen enrichment can rarely be justified without first installing accurate
airlfuel ratio control. Then, the addition of preheated air or oxygen enrichment
necessitates compensating corrections in the automatic airlfuel ratio control.
Juslificationfor better airlfuel ratio controls can be calculated using formula
3/37, Vol. I, and available heat data from Parl 3; or by Figure 7.15.
See also the segment on "Complete Combustion Controls" later in this Part 7.
~i~~~~ 7.15. Required fuel for excess air and preheated air operation. Excess air should be
minimized by automatic aidfuel ratio controls or heal recovery equipment will have to be oversized
to handle the extra air.
Pressure controllers can perform either of the above functions, but use an
external source of power (hydraulic,pneumatic, or electric).Controllers are used
inslead of regulators for dirty gases and for larger line sizes. The furnace
pressure control systems discussed next arc examples of pressure-relieving
Maintaining a positive pressure in all parts of the furnace or kiln at all times
prevents cold air infiltration through leaks in the structure. This is important
in any operation where the burners are frequently on low fire while the furnace
is hot, creating a strong chimney effect. Preventing cold air infiltration not only
maintains the desired furnace atmosphere, but also improves temperature
uniformity by avoiding chilling of parts of the load, and saves fuel by not having
to heat infiltrated air,
The section on "flow of flue gases" at the end of Part 5, Vol. I, gives information
on evaluating pressures in furnaces, ducts, and stacks, and discusses the effects
of firing rate and configurations on furnace pressure. The general conclusion
is that a very slight positive pressure (such as + 0 . 0 2 " ~is~ usually
) the better
compromise between (a) and (b):
(a) high positive pressure, which ...causes stingers or fluing at doors and cracks,
blows sand or water from seals, adversely
affects furnace maintenance, and produces
operator discomfort.
(b]negative pressure, which..........induces cold air, adversely affecting furnace
atmosphere, chills the bottom of the load,
causing poor product quality, and costs
fuel to heat the cold air Lo restore desired
uniformity and production rate,
In high temperature furnaces, the cost of cold air infiltration caused by
negative furnace pressure (heating the air and chilling the load] is usually greater
than the cost of hot gas escaping as a result of a slightly positive furnace
pressure. See Figure 7.17.
Figure 7.17. Cost of additional fuel required for non-neutral furnace pressures. Based on: 60 t'
(16 C) ambient air, 1900 F (1038 C) exit gases, $4 per million gross Btu fuel cost. Courtesy 01
G. Rimsky, Loftus Div.. Thermal Electron Corp.
I I I I 1
- 0.03 - 0.02 - 0.01 0 + 0.01 + 0.02 +0.03
Furnace pressure. inches of water column
1 I I I I I I
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 +0.2 +0.4 +0.6
Furnace pressure. mrn of water
Figures 7.18 and 7.19 are helpful in evaluating the extent of the negative
pressure developed within a hot furnace, the air infiltration, and the extra fuel
input required to heat the infiltrated air.
Example 7-1.Find the cost of a ?hin. wide gap all around the charging door of a 1700 F
reverberatory furnace (Figures 7.20a and b) that is 6 ft x 10 ft x 5 ft
above the metal line, operating 6000 hours por year. Fuel cost is $1.75 per million Btu.
Figure 7.18. Negative pressure developed in a hot furnace, and Fuel input required to heat
infiltrated air. "Elevation difference" (left vertical scale) means the height between a cold air inlet
at the bottom (cwck, door opening] and a hot gas outlet at the top (flue,stack top, top of door opening).
;1.00 500
m .-
t m
0.80 400 2
0 Z
+ LC
-2 0.60
300 >
.+ z
b 0.40
200 :
E r:
0.20 loo 2
0, A?
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Average temperature, C
- 0.01751 I 4 O
-0.0150 - -120 ,
.- -0.0125 -
-a - 0.0075- o m
Figure 7.19. Cold air infiltration through furnace openings. Use this graph in conjunction with
Figure 7.18 as in Examples 7-1 and 7-2.
The bottom gap has 48 in. x % in. = 24 in.=with a 3 ft height for stack effect. From the
top curve of Figure 7.18 at 1700 F, read 0 . 0 1 1 " ~
per~ ft of furnace height. This creates
a furnace pressure (stack effect suction) at the base of the door of - 0.Oll"wclft x
3 ft = - 0 . 0 3 3 " ~ From
~ . Figure 7.19 a t - 0.033 in., read 250 cfh of air infiltration per
i a z . This x 24 = 6000 cfh.
The side gaps are 2 sides x 36 in. high x '/z in. gap = 36 in.2 with a mean height
of 1% ft. This produces a furnace pressure of - 0 . 0 1 1 " ~x~1'/2 = - 0 . 0 1 6 5 " ~ ~From
Figure 7.19, the cold air infiltration at the sides will be about 175 ~ f h l i n . ~x, 36 in.2
= 6300 cfh.
The total infiltrated air is therefore 6000 + 6300 = 12 300 cfh. As the furnace ages,
more and wider cracks will develop because continued fluing through the cracks
aggravates the situation. Considerable judgment is required to evaluate this effect;
but for this sample problem, estimate Lhat the average cold air infiltration over the
remaining life of the furnace lining will be 150% of the above calculated figure for the
present situation. Therefore, 1.50 x 1 2 300 = 18 450 cfh. Much of the infiltrated air
will go up a flue without reaching furnace temperature. In this case, estimate that the
equivalent of lh of the 18 450 cfh i s heated to 1700 F and the other half exits with no
temperature rise.
From the bottom curve of Figure 7.18, the unnecessary heat for infiltrated air is 60
Btu/ft3x 18 450 cfh x ?h= 554 000 Btulhr = 554 cfh gas or 4.1 gph of light oil. If the
flues were properly sized for a slightly positive pressure while the burners operated at
high fire rate, the negative pressure condition calculated above probably would exist only
during about % of the 6000 operating hours; so 554 000 Btdhr x 6000 hr/yr x '/3 x
$1.7511 000 000 Btu = $1939.00 possible fuel waste per year. Most of this money could
be saved by installation of automatic furnace pressure control to minimize air infiltration.
It is conceivable that air to the burners could be cut back to compensate for air
in-leakage. If burners could be adjusted to just the right degree of richness to utilize all
infiltrated air, zero money would be wasted. However, it would be difficult to achieve
such thorough mixing of infiltrated air with excess fuel as to produce a llue gas analysis
of 0% O2 and 0% combustibles at all flues; but use of automatic furnace pressure
control to minimize infiltration is a sure way to reduce the waste of fuel.
Figure 7.20a. Aluminum reverberatory fur- Figure 7.20b. Flow pattern through the % in.
nace of Example 7-1. gap all around the door of Example 7-1.
H o t gas out
Cold air in
Example 7-2. A car hearth forge furnace with dimensions as shown in Figure 7.21,
operates at 2300 F about 80 hours per week; and at an average temperature of 1200 F
(bring-up, cooling, idling) for about 60 hours per week. Fuel cost is 35Flgallon. or
$2.331million Btu. Estimate the fuel saving possible by adding furnace pressure control.
The high fire input will keep the furnace pressurized, but when at 1200 F, Figure
7.18 shows the furnace draft will be - 0.010"wclft x 7 ft = - 0 . 0 7 0 " ~ which,
~ from
~ . this furnace, 360 ~ f h l i n x. ~288 in.2 = 103 700 cfh.
Figure 7.19, induces 360 ~ f h l i n .For
In this configuration, it is estimated that an equivalent of % of the infiltrated air "short
circuits" to the flues without being heated. At 1200 F on the bottom curve of Figure 7.18,
the fuel input required to raise the infiltrated air to flue temperature is 30 Btulft"
1/3 x 103 700 cfh x 60 hrlwk = 62.2 million Btulwk. There will probably be more air
in-leakage around the door, as in Example 7-1.
In addition to the bad effect on product uniformity and the longer bring-up time, the
cold air infiltration could waste up to 62.2 million Btulwk x $2.33/miOion Btu = $145.00
per week.
Figure 7.22a. Furnace pressure control system. Better uniformity and constancy of temperature,
atmosphere, and input result from automatic control of furnace pressure. Placement ol the
pressure tap for most effective control at all firing rates is largely a matter of experience. A hydraulic
can be used to amplify the signal to a magnitude capable of moving heavy dampers.
pressure sensor
Figures 7.22b-i. Dampers, eductors, and variable speed induced draft fans can be used as final
control elements in automatic furnace pressure control.
Adjustable Cylinder
Weight A
(f-g) Cable-operated dampers
Clapper dampers are often used at the tops of tall stacks. All but one of the
moving parts is out of the hot gas.
Venturi stacks control furnace pressure by modulating flow of a cold air jet,
thereby avoiding moving parts in the hot gas stream. Control characteristics
are similar to those with a variable speed induced draft fan.
Air jet dampers eliminate the maintenance problems of moving mechanisms
in the hot flue gas stream for flues no wider than 18 inches (0.45 metres). The
operating cost of the blower air is minimal, and the first cost of the blower can
sometimes also be negligible if the required capacity can be "piggybacked onto
a combustion system blower. Care must be exercised in designing the air jet
manifold and flue arrangement so as to avoid air injection (back-feeding)into
the furnace, which may produce an excessive oxidizing atmosphere, particularly
when the burners are on low fire. See Figure 7.22a. The automatic furnace pres-
sure control needs to move only a small butterfly valve in the air supply line to
an air jet damper; so a light-duty pneumatic or electric operator can be used.
Electronic Equipment. A problem in the past with furnace pressure controls
has been the need for very large (16 in.) diameter sensing diaphragms necessary
to detect the very small furnace pressure changes. These, in turn necessitated
large pressure tap lines and incurred considerable time delay if the lines were
long. A spinoff from the space program has made available highly sensitive
diaphragm arrangements less than one-fourth the previous size with electronic
detection and amplifying circuitry. See Figure 7.23.
Figure 7.23. Furnace pressure control system -- electronically amplified. The transducer (I]senses
differentials from - 0.05 to + 0 . 1 5 " through
~~ taps (2) and (3), and the demodulator and pre-
amplifier produce a dc current signal that is linearly proportional to the input AP. 'l%isis compared
with the adjustable control point to determine the output control signal.
pressure ta
Level Motor
HF oscillator detector controller
( 1 ) Transducer capsule indicator
Figures 7.14, 7.25a, and 7.25b illustrate such controllers, which can be
configured to control the following: 1)aidfuel ratio, with options for lead-lag,
air preheat compensation (mass flow control), O2trim, 3 fuels simultaneously,
air plus oxygen simultaneously (enrichment); 2) furnace pressure; 3) input (as
sensed by temperature or steam pressure); and 4) communication with higher
level control systems.
For any furnace, process heater, kiln, incinerator, boiler, or oven that will
use (a) more than about 5 million Btdhr of purchased fuel, (b) two or more
fuels simultaneously, (c) preheated air, or [d) oxygen enrichment, a complete
combustion control system will save fuel costs and simplify control. If any of
situations a, b, c, d, or an appreciable rise in fuel cost, are anticipated in the
next few years, a complete combustion control system (such as shown in Figures
7.25a and b) will be a good investment because it will accommodate growing
into more sophisticated control schemes.
Figure 7.25a. Furnace with a typical complete combustion system controller. This type of control
is ready for fulure addition of air preheat, more fuels, or oxygen enrichment.
Supply voltage
120 V ac 60 Hz Retransmitted Oxygenlratio trim
Process 0r
Fuel flows
-1 remote temperature
drive outputs
are 120 V ac time
separate inputs)
(up to 2
Furnace pressure
actuator drive
7 Recorder outputs
rl--- (all outputs are 0-10 V dc)
- Process temperature
- Fuel 1
- Sum of fuel
- Ratio
Remote oxygeniratio
Remote temperature
Setpoint source
Sum of air
Furnace pressure
trim signal
automatically "resets" and reopens when power is restored. The manual reset
type is used wherever the presence of an operator is required to assure a safe,
low-firerelighting of the burners. Spring action closes the fuel valve when the
electro magnet is de-energized. Actuating the handle will not reopen a manual
reset valve until the eleclro magnet circuit is energized. When the valve is open,
the handle may be used to close it.
Automatic reset fuel shutoff valves are used only with programmed
relighting cycles that include automatic pre-purge and post-purge and purging
with a timed trial for ignition on a monitored interrupted pilot followed by
a monitored main flame. Except in very small sizes, such as pilot solenoid
valves, automatic reset type valves are designed to open slowly so as not
to damage regdating equipment or blow out pilot flames, and so as Lo provide
a smooth main flame light-up.
Figure 7.26a. Wiring for an automatic fuel shutoff valve. The circuit <:anbe arranged as shown
so that the valve will close upon failure of any of several interlocks of a combustion system.
Other possible interlocks might include such items as a circulating air flow switch, a conveyor
stoppage switch, and emergency pushbuttons at exits.
L, (hot)
All of the leak test methods consist of some sort of shutoff valve immediately
downstream from the fuel shutoff valves with provision for detecting pressure
build-up between the valves (as would occur if a fuel shutoff valve were
leaking). The simplest form of leak test utilizes a petcock with a rubber hose,
the open end of which is immersed in a beaker of waier so that one can observe
bubbles of fuel forming in the water if a leak exists. The most reliable leak
check system is a programmed automatic check device such as a "Double
Checker." It makes an automatic check after each closure of the fuel shutoff
valve, using a pressure switch and alarm.
Figure 7.26b. Gas train component arrangement should be in this order: 1) manual shutoff valve,
2) stepdown gas pressure regulator, 3) low gas pressure switch, 4) main automatic shutoff valvo.
A) leak test cock, 5) vent valve if required, 6) high gas pressure switch, 71 blocking valve, B) leak
test cock, 8) manual shutoff valve, and 9) airlgas ratio regulator if used.
Vent outdoors
to safe location
Current national standards do not require the use of a vent valve between
the main and blocking valves, but a few authorities insist that a vent valve be
used. Vent valves have occasionally stuck apen, allowing large volumes of fuel
to vent to atmosphere unnoticed. This could be extremely costly and may create
a hazard. Leak testing devices are not permitted on vent lines; so a more expen-
sive vent valve that contains a "proof-of-closure" switch might be justified.
A vent line pipe must connect the vent valve discharge to the outdoors,
peferably above a roof. The vent pipe cross-sectional area must be equal to
or greater than the venl valve port area. Vent lines must not be manifolded, nor
exceed 40' in length.
Supervising Valve System. When gas furnace explosions occur they often
happen during light-up because someone carelessly left one of the gas burner
valves open after the previous shutdown, thus allowing the furnace to be
filled with unburned fuel as soon as the main fuel valve was opened. The
supervising valve system reduces the probability of such light-up explasions.
A special supervising gas valve at each burner is drilled with a small
secondary passage located so that it is open only when the main passage is
closed. A checking pressure line is connected through the secondary passages
of all the gas valves so that a pressure switch at the end of the line cannot
close a circuit to the fuel shutoff valve unless all of the valves are shut. If
the operator finds that he cannot open the fuel shutoff valve because a
valve has been left open, he must not only close the valve but also he must
understand that the furnace is to be purged before he lights any of the pilots
or burners. Operator intelligence is necessary. The supervising valve system is a
start-permissive concept; whereas flame supervision is a run-permissive concept.
A system equivalent to the supervising valve system can be obtained by use
of end switches on the gas valves. The checking pressure line is thereby replaced
by an electrical circuit that is closed when all fuel valves are turned to the off
position. This method could easily be adapted to oil valves as well as gas valves.
For protection equal to that provided by the checking pressure system, the
checking circuit must be wired through pressure switches on the fuel line and
air lines.
A supervising valve system is not a substitute for a flame supervising system.
Burner management systems with programmed purge cycles will become more
universally used, obviating the need for supervising valve systems.
Flame monitoring devices are sometimes termed flame detectors, scanners,
sensors, eyes. Thermopiles and bimetal warping devices are limited to domestic
and low-input heating applications where fast cooling is assured upon flame
failure. Photocells (cadmium sulfide) are rarely used because they are too easily
"fooled" by light sources other than flames. Lead sulfide (infrared) cells are used
only with circuitry to detect the flicker of a flame.
Flame electrode or flame rod type detectors rely upon the ability of ionized
gases in the flame to rectify a n a c current. The point where the rod intersects
the pilot and main flames must be a point where the pilot can assuredly ignite
the main flame. Either flame alone can then rectify the current between the rod
and a ground. The ground, usually on the burner body, should have at least four
times as much area as the immersed portion of the flame rod. Flame electrodes
a r e used for gas flames only, and usually on smaller installations. Care must be
exercised to keep the electrode and its porcelain insulator clean and dry Lo avoid
nuisance shutdowns. Excessive temperature on the electrode may result in
drooping and system shutdown,
Pilots and direct electric igniters should be rigidly positioned so that the
pilot flame or igniting a r c intersects the main burner flame and can light it
a t any rate or airlfuel ratio expected to exist whenever light-up is necessary.
See Figure 7.27a. Similarly, a flame monitoring device should be positioned so
that it can detect the presence of a pilot* andlor the main flame a t any safe rate
or airlfuel ratio expected to be used during the entire period of burner opera-
tion. See Figure 7.27b.
Figure 7.27a. Pilot location relative to the main flame. A pilot must be capable of igniting
the main flame whether the feed stream through the burner is a high rate, low rate, rich ratio,
or lean ratio.
Lo fire Lean
Hi fire Rich
Figure 7.27b. Monitor location relative to the main flame. A flame monitoring device must be
positioned so that it will be capable of detecting the main flame regardless of whether the feed
stream issuing from the burner js a t high rate, low rate, rich ratio, or lean ratio.
1 bul
Lo fire
kwl Lean
Hi fire Rich
characteristics and adequate monitoring signal
a t all anticipated light-up and operating con-
ditions. See also Figure 8.7a.
Pilot I Monitor
to be shut off. An operator's attention is necessary before the next pilot flame
establishing period or trial-for-ignition can start. Because of this characteristic,
these systems are also termed nonrecycling flame supervising systems. These
systems must be used with other items to provide minimum standards of
Programming flame supervising systems are similar to nonprogramming
systems but they can also provide additional functions such as pre-purge,
post-purge, and automatic relight without operator assistance.
Approved flame supervising systems, either programming or nonprogramming,
have nominal flame-failure response times of 2 seconds, maximum of 4 seconds.
They may have flame-failure contacts that can be wired into alarm and signal
circuits. They usually have a built-in safe-start check to prevent light-up if
the flame-sensing relay is in the flame-present position due to component
failure within the flame supervising system, or due to the presence of actual
or simulated flame.
A typical programmed flame supervising system common to both pilot and main
flame and using spark-ignitedpilots, might include the following light-up sequence,
as illustrated in Figure 7.28.
11 Prove air flow; check that air pressure is above low limit; check that gas pres-
sure is above low limit; check that gas pressure is below high limit.
Figure 7.28. Burner lighting sequence. This generalization is for a common flame monitor
supervising either pilot flame or main flame. Different insuring and governing authorities may
require alternate trial-for-ignition times, air changes, and sequences.
Limits Fim"
complete Pmven
J. Purge
Burner safe
Start Start Start Flame
purge1 k?! Signal Check Flame must Failure
1 f be detected *
-5 ~ir-L(
-10-4 F~uel-Lf -+ +Shutdown
Changes* seconds Dependent in
Gas = 10 seconds 3 sec
Burner tight Oil = lo seconds ~ tsec
start Heavy Oil = 15 seconds
proven Trme
Air Valve
Direct Spark
2) Time delay for a minimum purge of 4* standard cubic feet of fresh air or
inert gas per cubic foot of heating chamber volume and flue passage. The
minimum required purge flow must be proven.
3) Energize (open) pilot solenoid(s) and energize electric ignition source.
4) Prove pilot flame and time out electric ignition source, allowing pilot flame
to continue burning. (If pilot is not proven within l o t seconds, de-energize
pilot solenoid and require manual reset before recycling is possible.)
5) Energize circuit to allow manual or automatic opening of the fuel shutoff
valve(s)t and automatic closing of the vent valve (if any) in a block and vent
6) Within lo* seconds after main fuel flow begins, the pilot valve(s) should be
de-energized to interrupt the pilots.
7) Prove the main flame.
8) Release control to the input control system.
Use offlame supervising systems is required on each operating burner on any
furnace, boiler, kiln, heater, or oven when below 1400 F (760 Cj. Even when such
combustion chambers are normally operated above 1400 F (760 C), it must be
remembered that they are not above this temperature level during start-up and
warmup, which is a particularly hazardous time. The above-mentioned 1400 F
furnace temperature level is a generally agreed upon minimum temperature at
which an industrial burner flame will be reliably ignited from the hot furnace
interior. For installations that run continuously above 1400 F for long periods,
it may be desirable to remove the flame supervising equipment to protected
storage, or to electrically bypass it after the furnace is above 1400 F. See
Reference 7.c at the end of Part 7.
The minimum temperature at which accidentally accumulated flammable gas
or vapor input might be ignited by the hot furnace interior, or by a standing pilot
or spark, and thereby cause an explosion, is the ignition temperature of the fuel
(Table 1.10 in Volume I) or of flammable volatiles or combustible niaterial being
heated (Table 5-2 in Reference 7.c at the end of Part 7).
There are innumerable standard and custom-designed wiring systems for
single- and multiple-burner and single- and multiple-zone flame supervising
systems. These simplify installation for the user. For installations having many
burners, where having more than one burner shut down at a time would
jeopardize a costly load, independent burner operation may be required. Such
a system provides separate flame supervision and fuel shutoff valves for each
burner. Thus failure of one burner will not shut down other burners in the zone.
* Some insuring authorities may require different timing or different numbers of air changes.
t Some program sequences automatically turn the input down to low fire rate for the main flame
lighting. If not automatic, it is advisable, and in many cases necessary, to manually turn the
input rate to low fire in order to satisfy a low fire interlock switch before the lighting sequence
* can be started.
10 seconds for gas or light oil; 15 seconds for heavy oil.
7.a I.H.E.A.: "Combustion Technology Manual", 4th ed., pp. 93-102, 202,
Industrial Heating Equipment Assn., 1901 N. Moore St., Arlington,
VA 22209, 1988.
7.b Marceau, W. D.: "Combustion Systems and Combustion Control",
vol, 36, pp. XLVIII-LI, Canadian Ceramic Society Journal, 1967. [Some
of the data in this paper is through the courtesy of Selas Corporation
and the Glass Container Industry Research Corp. Graphs from this,
plus additional data, a r e available in North American HBS 273.)
7.c N.F.P.A. 86: "Ovens and Furnaces", pp. 47 and 13, National Fire
Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269, 1995.
Refractory Tiles. Major causes of burner and furnace failures are refractory
expansion and leakage of hot combustion products into the supposedly cool areas
around burner mounting and between the furnace shell and refractory, Figures
8.1, 8.2, and 8.6 illustrate typical problems. Expansion joints are particularly
important in tall refractory walls with burners near the top. Figures 8.3, 8.4,
8.5, and 8.6 suggest construction delails for preventing tile damage. Burner tiles
must not be expected to support refractory above them--use spanner tiles or
a cast arch or slab.
Tiles should be supported by the refractory wall. Small lightweight burners
may be supported by their tiles, but the burner piping should have independent
support. In thin walls or walls of low strength materials, a heat-resistant metal
support should surround the tile or high temperature alloy expanded metal may
be cast within the tile, The opening for a burner in a ceramic blanket wall should
Figure 8.1. A tile failure in shear due to Figure 8.2. A tile failure in tension as a
unequal expansion of the refractory and shell result of bowing or buckling of the shell or
or unequal expansion between layers of refrac- brickwork. Prevent this by nsing more rigid
tory. Expansion joints in refractory brickwork sliell, buckstay, and bracing construction. Install
and a matrix arnund the tile can prevent this. a high temperature matrix to prevent "fiuing"
of gases through to the shell.
Burner Burner
Tile / Tile
be cut undersize and the excess material tucked in tightly around the supported
burner tile. Because of shrinkage after firing, periodic repacking with extra
ceramic fiber is advisable. Treat tiles tenderly -- support, contain, avoid strain.
A gap around a burner tile is not the only means whereby hot furnace gases
may reach and damage lower grade refractory or insulation or the furnace shell.
As shown in Figure 8.6, observation ports and other openings, even doors may
provide the passageway. A very tiny crack can "snowball" into a warped or
molten mass. One never knows when or where some pressure effect may
develop that could cause hot gases to flow within the wall; so it is wise to design
walls and ports to prevent the problem. All refractories should be anchored tightly
against one another and against the furnace shell.
Figure 8.3. Recommended method for installing a burner tile. Elevation section through a
vertical furnace wall.
Insulating refractory or 11lock insulation.
High temperature refractory. All refractory
must he tied securely to furnace shell plate.
Horizontal and vertical expansion joints must
be provided in surrounding refractory to
prevent pressure from being cxerted on the
burner tile.
Horizontal angles welded to furnace shell
plate between buckstays. Vertical anglcs
should also be welded to the shell plate on
each side of the burner.
Burner mounting bolts with heads welded in
Gasket -- may be used to provide better seal
between burner mounting plate and furnace
shell plate.
Anchor tiles tied back to angle {preferred to
- -
Fz), or
Stainless steel bent-rod anchors, mastic-
Castable refractory all around --minimum
thickness = 9 in. or Yz tile OD, whichever is
greater. Rammed refractory is a n alterna-
tive, but anchors then must be refractory
type. (Castable is preferred because its
entire mass sets up without firing.)
Waterproofing (all around) to prevent sur-
rounding refractory from absorbing water
from the castable refractory. Plastic sheel
is suggcstcd.
Shelf support angle. This and expansion joint
K prevent vertical pressure from being
exerted on burner tile. This construction is
especially helpful when burners are located
high in a wall.
Expansion joint, densely packed with refrac-
tory wool.
Figure 8.4. Suggested refractory installation around large burners for which no tile is supplied.
Expansion joints must be provided in surrounding refractory to prevent strain on the cast or rammed
burner tunnel section.
Rammed, cast, or
or % tunnel ID,
whichever is
@pendentlyrammed or
ast matrix section, not
Back-up insulation
Furnace shell plate
Figure 8.5. Section through a fiber-lined vertical furnace wall showing the generally recommended
method for installing a burner's refractory tile (2200 P maximum). Standard non-supported or non-
jacketed tiles are not suitable for long life in fiber-lined furnace.
Observation ports on burners and pilots are useful, and should be kept clean,
but additional and larger ports should be installed through the furnace wall
(a) to view the main flame from a location within reach of the adjusting valve,
and (b) to view into the tile.
All fuel oil systems must be laid out and installed in accordance with rules
of the American Insurance Association (85 John St., NY, NY 10038, tel.
212-669-0400),and Reference 8.b, as well as local and other governmental codes.
Consult local fire officials.
Fuel lines should be "black iron pipe" [steel, not coated]. The sulfur in fuels
will react with the zinc in galvanized pipe to form a sludge. Malleable iron or
welding fittings are preferrod for strength and to minimize the possibility of leaks
developing, Welding type fittings or fabricated connections can usually be
designed to offer less flow resistance. Soldered joints should not be used for fuel
lines because they could melt in the event of a fire. Drip legs should be
installed upstream of regulators, valves, and burners to protect them from dirt
and water. (Drip legs are often run all the way to the floor to help support the
piping.) See References 8.c and 8.d at the end of Part 8.
Air lines may be of almost any type of pipe, tubing, or duct material if it is
clean, airtight, and strong enough for the anticipated pressure and temperature.
Workmen often walk on horizontal air pipes; so they may need greater structural
strength than dictated by the flowing fluid. Piping must have its own support
brackets to avoid strain on burners, blowers, and accessories.
Manifolds. To minimize dripping when burners are not in use, oil and steam
headers (manifolds)should be located below the burner centerline. For oil and
dual-fuel systems, air and gas headers should be above the burners or piped so
that the air and gas connections are on top of the burners so that liquids cannot
drip into them. Similarly, for burners in vertical walls, the pilot and flame
monitoring device should be located above the centerline of the burner mounting
To avoid large pressure drops, care should be exercised to prevent excessive
contraction of fluid streams as they enter pipes of smaller cross section.
Uniform flow dislribution in the downcomers fed by a manifold is usually
enhanced by following the suggestions in Figure 8.7b.
Figure 8.7b. Manifold design suggestions for promoting uniform flow distribution and minimum
pressure loss.
- THlS
end feed
Longitudinal Cross
Section Section
Piping. Many local codes prohibit the use of reducing bushings because they
are more prone to leak than reducing couplings. They also cause more pressure
loss than reducing couplings, Holding the use of elbows and tees to a minimum
will result in less pressure drop. The ends of all pipe should be reamed before
fitting. Pipe should be inspected and blown or flushed out to avoid future
plugging of regulators, valves, and burners. Every section of pipe should be blown
out before and after assembly.*
*The need for frequent inspection of piping during installation cannot be overstressed. Banana
peels, apple cores, pop bottles, cloth, and paper have been found to cause expensive and time-
delaying start-up troubles.
Figure 8.8. Many otherwise sound combustion installations have failed to operate correctly
because of improper piping. Too often, the only cure has been extensive repiping, causing back
charges and lost production time.
Minimum run of straight unobstructed pipe,
LocationlExplanation in pipe diameters
t 10 straight unobstructed pipe diameters upstream and 4 downstream a r e sufficient for staying
within 2% flow error with 8697 Metering Orifices. For straight pipe requirements for installation
of orificcs (other than 8697) see Reference 8.a (at the end of Part 8).
burner for several minutes after the oil has been turned off. This tends to
remove dripping oil from the burner nozzle and tile to minimize carbon buildup.
Oil expansion in pipelines may seriously damage gauges, regulators, and other
apparatus. After a burner is shut off, heat from the furnace expands the oil more
than the pipe. The normal shutdown procedure ofien leaves a section of pipe
with closed valves at both ends. The expansion of oil in this section causes
a rise in pressure that may burst diaphragms, Bourdon tubes, or bellows.
Accumulators (bellows or bladder type expansion chambers) should be installed
to take up the oil expansion between pairs of valves in sections of line subject
lo heat.
Oil Piping Recommendations. Figures 8.10 through 8.16 are recommended
piping diagrams designed to provide the grealest reliability and convenience
of operation and maintenance. Sizing of the pipe requires use of the tables in
Part 5, Vol. I. Heat loss from pipes may be determined by lhe use of the tables
in Part 4, Vol. I. An oil handling system consists of three parts: 1) the storage
tank and associated equipment, 2) the main circulating loop, and 3) the branch
(booster) circuits.
Oil Storage Tanks. (See Figure 8.10.) Indoor storage is not recommended.
Insurance regulations and local safety codes should be consulted as to the depth
of earth andlor concrete required above an underground tan?., or the dike
arrangement around an aboveground tank. Such codes and regulations also
specify minimum distances from storage tanks to property lines, buildings,
and other tanks. The various elements of the storage tank and associated
equipment are discussed below. Unless otherwise stated, the following applies
to underground and aboveground tanks for light or heavy oil.
Table 8.9. Thermal expansion in 10 ft of pipe for a 10 degree (F) oil temperature rise.
Nominal pipe size, inches 'A "8 3/4 1 1 'A
Cubic inches expansion 0.063 0.115 0.183 0.320 0.519 0.898
The return line should contain a trap (liquid seal such as in any sewage drain)
so that it cannot act as a vent for oil vapors when the oil level in the tank is
low. The return line to an overhead tank should be fitted with a check valve and
a manual shutoff valve so that oil will not siphon out of the tank when the line
is opened.
The fill pipe should either extend below the level of the suction inlet or it should
contain a trap so that it cannot act as a vent. Fill terminals should not be located
inside buildings. They should be tamperproof, waterproof, and dirtproof. The
fill pipe should never be cross-connected to the vent.
Vent pipes should be arranged to drain to the tank. The lower end of the vent
pipe should not extend more than one inch below the uppermost point of the tank.
Vent pipes should not be cross-connected with fill lines, return lines, or other
vent pipes. They should be visible from the filling connection, weatherproof,
clogproof, and filtered, with flame arresters. If the tank is to be filled through
tight connections by means of a pump, the vent pipe size must be at least as large
as the pump discharge.
Tank Heaters. Heaters and insulation should be installed to keep all of the
oil in a Lank at least 20°F above the pour point to avoid separation of blends
or sludge formation. Thermoslatically controlled heaters are usually located
in the suction bell or thimble to assure pumpability. The temperature to which
the oil is heated in the tank depends upon the type of oil, the pump, and the
length and diameter of the delivery line, but heating to more than about 150 F
may result in distillation of lighter ends. See Figures 2.8 (Vol. I), 8.11, and 8.16;
Tables 2.9, and 2.10 (Vol. I).
Main Oil Circulating Loop. The main oil circulating loop is the section of the
oil handling system that delivers the oil from storage to the branch booster
circuit or (in small systems) to the furnace, the boiler, or the point at which
it is to be used. (See Figure 8.10.) It may be a large oil header supplying all
of the furnaces in an entire plant, or it may exist solely for the purpose of
transporting oil to a single boiler or furnace. Regardless of the size of the
system, this delivery loop should be a closed circuit, returning to the tank.
The use of a closed circuit facilitates quick air elimination, permits future
load additions to the line, and minimizes pressure fluctuations in the line
due to load changes. The various items of equipment in the main circulating
loop are discussed in the following paragraphs.
Figure 8.11. Bell arrangement for oil suction and return through the top of a horizontal
cylindrical tank. Small vent holes in the bell permit escape of returned air bubbles or accumulated
vapor. Returning the hot oil to a bell speeds warmup, minimizes oil heater energy consumption, and
minimizes distillation. Steam heaters a r e preferred for in-tank heating. If electric heater must be
used, redundant safety switches should be used to prevent a slicking contact from causing
overheating problems.
The oil filtcr or strainer prevents dirt, scale or other foreign matter from
entering the system. This filter usually contains a 20 mesh (about in.
perforation) or 30 mesh basket but finer ones may be used for light oil. The basket
is easily removed for cleaning. This provides an opportunity for observing the
foreign material in the system. For systems in continuous operation, use of two
filters in parallel permits one basket to be serviced while using the other. By
observing the growing difference in readings of gauges upstream and downstream
of the filter, maintenance personnel can develop an experience factor for
determining when the baskets need cleaning. Duplex strainers may be more prone
to letting air bubbles leak into the oil system than two simplex strainers, each
with upstream and downstream shutoff valves.
Piping. Suction line difficulties outnumber all other oil system problems. Air
in-leakage can cause burners to sputter and go out; or it can lodge in a down-
turning elbow and restricl oil flow capacity. Type K copper tubing may be used
for light oil suction lines. It is available in long lengths (minimizing joints) and
is less liable to be flattened. To protect it from dents, it is desirable to run it
inside protective conduit or tile. Wrought iron, steel, or brass pipe and their
standard fittings may be used, but must conform to all codes. Cast iron fittings
are not allowed.
Suction piping must be tested for leaks before connection to the pump. Tank
suction must be tested with 100 psi air pressure and not drop below 90 psi for
24 hours. (An alternate test consists of subjecting the suction line to a vacuum
of not less than 20" Hg for 24 hours without a noticeable drop.)
The pumps should be the positive displacement type. They deliver an
approximately constant volume of oil at all times and will develop whatever
pressure is necessary to accomplish this delivery. Spring-loaded relief valves
are usually built integral with the pumps to prevent the development of
excessive pressures in the system if all of the outlets are closed. The relief
valves act as short circuits around the pumps. They are for pump protection
only and are not suitable for loop pressure control. Duplicate pumps are
recommended to prevent shutdown when one pump needs servicing. Shutoff
valves should be located on each side of each purnp to permit its complete
isolation from the system. The pump lift (vertical distance through which the
pump must pull the oil on the suction side) should be as short as possible.
The vertical distance from the pump to the open end of the suction line plus
Example 8-1. As a general rule, the oil temperature at a burner should not vary more
than 1o0F or the viscosity will vary more than 25 SSU, affecting the quality of
atomization, and making it impossible to maintain a constant airlfuel ratio at all
firing rates. Figure 8.12 shows the burner spacing and piping for feeding 1 4 O API oil to
3 widely separated burners with a 1 in. oil circulating line insulated with 1 in. of
calcium silicate insulation. The lowest expected ambient temperature is 50 F and h,
is predicted to be 4 Btulft2hr O F . If burner B is to be turned on and off, will it be possible
to use a 90 gph circulating pump without causing more than 10°F change at burner C,
or will it be necessary to use the next larger (150 gph) pump?
The temperature drop in each section can be calculated by use of formula 4/6e, Vol. I.
From Table 2.3, Vol. I, a 14' API oil has 0.973 sp gr and weighs 8.106 lblgal. Evaluate
specific heat from formula 2/12 (Vol. I) using an estimated average oil temperature
of 230 F: c = [0.388 + (0.000 45 x 2 3 0 ) ] 1 =~ 0.498. ~ From Table 4.22, Vol. I,
I - M -
- 240 - 50
D = 0.498 x (224 gph x 8.106) x 4.08
= 15.007.
c x p x R
L x Af
+% 350 ft x 0.8668
+ %
Using this procedure, follow the method of solution by reading each horizontal line of
the following tabulalion consecutjvely.
A 150 gph pump is preferred because it allows only 219.4 - 213.9 = 5.5OF variation
a s oppnsed to 212.6 - 203.0 = 9.6OF variation with the 90 gph pump.
Booster heater A C
240 F outlet
Shutoff Switches. Provision should be made for stopping the flow of fuel in
the event of a main oil line break. Even small leaks, which are difficult to
detect by pressure switches, may spray fuel and feed a fire. T h s may best
be minimized by locating a number of manual electric switches [in series] at
convenient spots about the plant. These switches should close electric fuel
shutoff valves and stop pumps. Pressure gauges facilitate adjustment of relief
valve settings and location of trouble.
The diaphragm relief valve at the extreme point nf the main circulating loop
serves to maintain a constant pressure in the high pressure side of the loop. The
setting should be as high as possible without opening the bypass relief valve on
the pump. To make this setting, gradually raise the opening pressure of the
diaphragm relief valve. The reading of the pressure gauge will gradually rise
until the pump bypass relief valve opens, When the pressure gauge reading slops
rising, reduce the opening pressure of the diaphragm relief valve until the gauge
reading drops slightly below its previous maximum reading. This selting should
be made when all of the oil is being recirculaled to the tank; that is, when none
is being drawn off for use in the branch lines.
Take-off lines lo the branch circuits lead from tees in the high pressure
side of the main circulating loop. Figures 8.13a and b suggest configurations
for these take-off points. Return lines from Lhe branch circuits deliver to the
low pressure side of the main circulating loop. These relurn lines are not
necessary in light oil systems.
circulating loop
Figure 8.13a. Top take-off from an oil cir- Dirt and water
culating loop minimizes dirt entry into the
take-off line, but permits air to enter the same pipe size
take-off lie. To minimize air problems.
install a vertical standpipe with an air
bleed valve and a U-diverter so that regular Cap supporting
maintenance can tap off accumulated air piping from f
and catch the first slug of oil in a bucket.
To initiate circulation in the main circulating loop; (I) Turn on the steam
or hot water to the tank heater and tracers adjacent to oil lines. (2) Open
the shutoff valves on the suction and return lines to the tank. (3) Open the
valve to bypass the diaphragm relief valve. (4) Set the valves for one of the
two pumps and start that pump. (5) When warm oil is flowing through the
return line to the tank, close the valve that bypasses the diaphragm relief valve
and set the diaphragm relief valve inlet pressure to the desired value, as
described 2 paragraphs previously. This procedure may consume considerable
time if the lines are full of air or if the oil is very cold. After oil is flowing
through the main circulating loop, the branch circuits may be opened and
Much time is required to start up a heavy oil system; so it is suggested
that this be done early every autumn and that the system be left running until
late spring. This assures that lhe standby fuel system is truly standing by.
Later in this Part 8, schemes are suggested for substituting light oil, steam,
or air in heavy oil systems during summer shutdown in order to facilitate
faster start-up by eliminating heavy oil that would otherwise congeal in
the lines.
Branch Circuits for Light Oil. Figure 8.14 is a schematic piping diagram
for a light oil system with two control zones.
A main return line to the storage tank is important to flush dirt and air
bubbles back to the tank so they do not go through burners nor accumulale
within the oil delivery system.
A shutoff valve should be located at each branch circuit inlet so that it
may be isolated from the main circulating loop.
An oil filter should be located immediately upstream of each pressure
regulator to prevent clogging of the burner oil valve or excessive leakage
pressure due to dirt on the valve seat of the regulator. This oil filter should
contain a 40 mesh basket.
A pressure regulator reduces the pressure from that of the circulating
loop to the required inlet pressure for the ratio control system (25-30 psi for
an AirlOil Ratiotrol).
A pressure gauge should be installed for checking outlet pressure of the
pressure regulator.
A manual reset fuel shutoff valve should be used to prevent further admission
of oil to the branch circuit in the event of failure of flame, blower, or controls.
(See Part 7.) In the fuel trains, the components and their relative positions must
be approved by insuring authorities. Figure 8.22 shows a typical dual-fuel
combustion system with gas, pilot, and light oil trains.
Figure 8.14. Light oil system piping. Problems with air bubble elimination will be minimized if the non-recircdating sections (dead ends
to oil trains and burners) are kept short.
At least one ratio regulator (AirlOil Ratiotrol] should be used for each control
zone.? A control zone may contain one or more burners [and one or more ratio
regulators), but the capacity of each regulator must be equal to or greater than
the sum of the capacities of all pf the burners it supplies. If a control zone
contains burners on more than one level (more than one foot difference in
elevation), separate ratio regulators must be used for each level. Airloil ratio
regulators must not be above nor more than one foot below the centerline of the
burners they serve. The length of piping to the control zones should be kept to
a minimum to reduce the total length of dead end piping from which air must
be eliminated.
Startup return lines to the low pressure side of the main circulating loop are
used to facilitate air removal from long branch circuits. The shutoff valves
in such startup return lines should be closed as soon as the air has been
eliminated from the circuit. A 30 psi pressure gauge should be located on the
downstream side of the ratio regulator for the purpose of checking its adjustment.
An expansion chamber or accumulator is necessary to protect the ratio
regulator against pressure build-up due to thermal expansion of the oil in the
dead end of the line.
Each burner should have a shutoff valve, and an oil limiting orifice valve (for
setting airlfuel ratio).
To start flow through a light oil system: (1) start lhe pump and open valves
to allow circulation through the main loop and back to the tank; (2) open each
air and drain valve, one at a time, until a clean, bubble-free oil stream flows
into a bucket, then close the valves; (3) open one branch circuit shutoff valve;
(4) provide a downstream outlet by opening the line at a point near its extreme
end [or by opening the startup return line, if any) and providing a collecting bucket
for the oil; (5)permit oil to run through this outlet until all foreign matter is flushed
out, and until the flow is no longer interrupted by air bubbles, then close it;
(6) light one burner on low fire, watching it carefully until all air is forced out
of the dead end of the line; (7) light the other burners in the same manner, one
at a time, and set all burners at the desired rates and ratios; (8)repeat steps
3 through 8 until all branches are operating.
Branch [Booster) Circuits for Heavy Oil. Branch circuits for heavy oil differ
from those for light oil in that the oil must be heated and circulated within the
branch or booster circuit. For most burners, heavy oil must be heated enough
to reduce its viscosity to 100 SSU for atomization. If the oil were not continually
circulated past the burner, its temperature at the burner would change with the
burner firing rate, and the consequent variation of oil viscosity would have an
adverse effect upon the control apparatus and the degree of atomization.
Heat tracing and insulation should be applied to all heavy oil lines. Part 4
(Vol. I) deals with insulation. The purpose of heat tracing is to balance heat
loss from the line between the heater and the point of use. Heat tracing
cannot be expected to "melt out" heavy oil that has been allowed to get cold.
Heat tracing may be done electrically, or with steam. Figure 8.15 shows a
cross section of a steam-traced oil Line. The maximum steam pressure should
be the saturation pressure from the steam tables (Table A.4 in the Appendix)
corresponding to a saturation temperature equal to the design outlet temperature
from the oil heater. For example if it is determined from viscosity requirements
that 240 F oil is required at an atomizer inlet, the steam pressure regulator
for the booster loop heater and the steam trace lines should be set for about
1 0 psig maximum.
Figure 8.15. Suggested method for steam tracing heavy oil lines. Heavy oil must be traced,
insulated, and rccirculated to maintain temperature up to the burners and to help in starting up
a cold system.
Protective covering
Figure 8.16 shows a heavy oil piping diagram with two possible control
schemes. The top left scheme uses individual ratio regulators for each burner.
Each regulator could supply several burners, but that would increase the length
of dead end line. Heavy oil is actually circulated through the body of each i
regulator to minimize the length of dead end piping.
To start the burners of Figure 8.16, (1)turn on the steam to the tank heater
and main loop tracer lines: (2) close the light oil tank and crossover valves, open
the heavy oil return valve, start the main loop pump; (3) when heated oil is
circulating in the main circulating loop, open the warmup valves and set the 3-way
valves for the shortest possible circuit so that warm oil can force out air and
cold oil; (4) after a period of Lime sufficient to eliminate air from the branch
circuit, turn on the booster heater; [5) when hol oil starts to flow through the
return line, start the branch circulating pump and close the pump bypass valve;
( 6 )set the pressure regulator to produce an outlet pressure of 30 psi on the gauge
immediately downstream from the regulator (a pressure relief valve preveAts
the development of excessive pressure in the branch circuit due to heating of
the oil as it circulates in the closed circuitl; (7) as the system warms up,
gradually close the warmup valves, one a1 a time, and circulate warm oil into
the farthest sections of the system; (8) when the thermometer at the return to
the booster heater indicates the oil in the branch loop is up to atomizing
temperature, open the shutoff valve of the burner nearest the ratio controller
and light that burner; (9) light the other burners, and set all of the burners at
the desired rates and ratios.
Large oil systems supplied from a single storage area often need inter-
mediate circulating loops between the main and branch loops. A pumping and
heating unit at the tank(s] might heal the oil to 125 F and circulate it to a
number of buildings. An intermediate loop in each building might boost the oil
to 180 F and circulate it past branch circuits at each furnace, each with a
recirculating pump and heater for heating the oil to final atomizing temperature.
chambers =!
Distance between loops Z
lheavier lines) should G'?
return valve
Nozzle Mixing
AiriGas Ratio Regulator
t Any preheated air installation should incorporate provision for protecting the recupcrator or
regenerator from uverheating.
Figure 8.18. Airlfuel ratio control and recuperator protection systems for multiple zones of burners using preheated combustion air.
This is not necessarily a design suitable for general use -- each application should be reviewed by an experienced combustion control engineer.
gas Differential
Position when burner is
firing exhausting
Airlfuel ratio control systems for multiple fuels. Figure 8.20 is a photograph
of a tri-fuel boiler that is base-loaded with coal burned on an underfeed retort
stoker while a packaged automatic dual-fuel burner takes the load swings with
either gas or oil. Relatively simple controls can be used for this arrangement
because the changes are not wide nor fast. For larger inputs, it is advisable to
use an electronic airlfuel ratio control system with square root extractors so
that the impulse signals from the various fuels can be added and a resultant
air control signal generated. This was described in Part 7.
Figure 8.20. A tri-fuel fire tube boiler with underfeed retort stoker at left and combination
gis-oil burner at right. Overfire air jets and the gas or mil flame assure low parliculate emission.
An induced draft fan and electric draft regulator are at the upper right.
It is usually desirable to fire all burners in one zone at the same firing rate
so as to produce a uniform temperature throughout tho zone. A reliable method
for assuring equal flow to all burners in a zone utilizes an inexpensive but
accurate orifice in each burner gas line with pressure taps and a portable
manometer for measuring the pressure drop across that orifice. Figure 8.21 shows
the piping for gas and air metering orifices for multiple burners. The orifice plates
are calibrated; so measuring the pressure drop tells the operator the actual flow
to each burner. A limiting orifice valve in each burner fuel line can be adjusted
until the manometer indicates equal fuel flow to all burners.
Figure 8.21. Schematic piping for gas and air metering orifices for balanciag or graduating
burner firing rates. A singlo portable manometer can be used to check tho flow at each orifice.
If the gas flow or airlgas ratio at any burner needs to be corrected, the limiting orifice valve can
be adjusted until the manometer shows the desired flow. See Rcference 8.a [ai the end of Part 8).
Error may be as low as 2 % on North American Series 8697 Orifices with only 10D straight clean
pipe upstream and 4 D downstream.
A similar but larger set of metering orifices can be installed in each burner
air line for use with the same portable manometer.
For distillate oils of constant viscosity, variable-area, constant-head flow-
meters (rotameters) can be used to accomplish the same purposes for oil.
(See Figure 8.22.)
The orifice metering system has several advantages in addition to its
accuracy. It provides an actual measure of fuel consumed. It shows whether the
airlfuel ratio is rich, lean or stoichiometrically correct, and it makes it possible
to set the desired ratio. It provides a means for setting a graduated firing rate
down the length of a firing zone when that is desired.
Figure 8-22. Generalized schematic piping for a dual-fuel combustion system using natural gas and distillate oil. Specific installations
may req,re additional features and repositioning of components to comply with insurance regulations and applicable govermental codes.
Symbols used are those preferred by Industrial Risk Insurers.
pressure switch
Automatic air control valve
Flexible connection
Atomizing air
Main high pressure
Pilot air
Oil strainer
* See Figure 8.8.
Figure 8.23. Typical piping for a multi-burner dual-fuel system [gas and light oil). The two hum-
ers at Lhe left constitute one control zone; the burner a t the right, H second xonc.
Figure 8.24a. A prepiped and pre-wired gas train. Gas enters at lower right through a pressure-
reducing regulator; then flows through main and blocking fuel shutoff valves, rises and turns to
the right through a pneumatic fully-metered airlfuel ratio control system [Figure 7.1 1). The ilerns
on the top rack [left to right: flame monitor cabinet, pressure switches for interlocks, and EPICm
furnace pressure control) were custom enginoered into this unit, but are not normally considered
part of a packaged fuel train.
Figure 8.24b. Pre-piped, pre-wired oil train, NEMA 4. Flow is right to left. Top line is for oil; mid-
dle line is for atomizing medium (steam or compressed air); lowest line is for pilot gas. This special,
non-catalog train is shown to illustrate the great variety of combinations that a r e possible. A
dual-fuel train would consist of a gas train and an oil train back-tmback on a common mounting frame.
8.a Miller, R. W.: "Flow Measurement Engineering Handbook", McGraw-
Hill Book Company, New York, NY, 1983.
8.b NFPA: "Installation of Oil Burning Equipmcnt" [NFPA 31), National
Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.
8.c NFPA: "National Fuel Gas Code" (NFPA 54, ANSI Z223.1), National
Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.
8.d Walls, W. L.: "Liquified Petroleum Gases Handbook" (includes
NFPA 58 Standard for Storage and Handling Liquified Petroleum
Gases), National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park,
Quincy, MA 02269.
ADDITIONAL SOURCES of information relative to combustion systems
Gill, J. H., and Quiel, J. M.: "Incineration of Hazardous, Toxic, and Mixed
Wastes", North American Mfg. Co., Cleveland, OH, 1993
Momot, G.: "Principles of Turbulent Fired Heat", Gulf Publishing Company,
Houston, TX, 1985.
Remmy, G . Bickley Jr.: "Firing Ceramics", World Scientific Publ. Co.,
River Edge, NJ, 1994.
Thring, M. W.: "The Science of Flames and Furnaces", 2nd ed., John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1962.
Trinks, W. and Mawhinney, M. H.: "Industrial Furnaces", vol. 1, 5th ed.,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1961.
Trinks, W. and Mawhinney, M. H.: "Industrial Furnaces", vol. 2, 4th ed.,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1967.
The exhaust gases from most industrial heating processes contain con-
siderable heat. To conserve energy. it is important to try Lo recover as much as
possible of this "waste" heat, or, in other words, to usefully lower the final
exhaust temperature at which the products of combustion (poc) are released to
the atmosphere.
Actions to be taken as a result of these admonitions are: keep pipes and ducts
short and straight, and maintain very good insulation on them. The short, straight
lines will also help keep pressure loss to a minimum, which will save both first
costs and operating costs. If there is any choice in the matter, it is usually
preferable to minimize pressure losses on the hot flue gas part of the system
and make up for this by providing extra pumping power in the cold part of the
Insulation in hot poc ducts, hot air pipes, and hot air burners should be on
the inside because the insulation must not only reduce heat loss, but also keep
the containing wall cool enough that it will still have strength to support itself.
(Adding insulation to the outside of a hot pipe or duct increases its metal
temperature. Where it is not practical to insulate on the inside, it is usually
necessary to invest in more expensive duct and pipe materials that can
withstand higher temperatures.) Valves or other apparatus in the hot gas or air
lines must likewise be made of higher quality materials.
Duct and Pipe Sizes for Hot Fluids. The furnace heat input is proportional
to the weight of air, fuel, and poc -- not to their volume. Less weight of air and
fuel should be required, because the whole object of the heat recovery exercise
is to conserve fuel, but the ducts and pipes must be larger to convey the same
weight of less dense hot fluids.
Pipes and ducts will have much larger outside dimensions because of the
above-mentioned density effect combined with the necessity for insulation on
the inside.
Pumping Power. Extraction of heat energy from a waste gas stream neces-
sitates passing the gas over a heat transfer surface, and that requires pumping
power to create the pressure head to force the hot gases to flow over the
surfaces, such as the surface of the load being preheated, the surface of the
waste heat boiler tubes, the surface of the recuperator heat exchanger, or the
surface of the regenerator heat storage. Those few instances that recover heat
without added pumping power utilize existing available pressure drop, but they
may have minimal heat recovery effectiveness.
Condensation. When the higher or gross heating value [calorific value) of a
fuel is measured, the products of combustion are cooled to the temperature of
the air and fuel supplied to the burner. Heat recovery processes slrive to reach
this goal (lowest possible final poc temperature). As the final poc temperature
is lowered, it reaches the dew point of some of its component gases (vapors at
that condition].
As vapors condense to liquid, the latent heat of condensation is released to
the heat recovery device, making an appreciable increase in the heat recovered
(about 1096 with natural gas). That added heat recovery (the difference between
net and gross healing value) is very desirable, but it is always accompanied by
liquid condensate, which may be undesirable because of corrosion problems or
stream pollution. Even if there were no sulfur or other acid-forming ingredient
in the fuel, the condensate could be troublesome if heat recovery were done by
preheating a powdery load that might become pastelike, as in a lime kiln.
Dew points vary with the amount of 02,COz,Sot, SOs, NOx, F1, or C1 in the
poc, as shown in Figure 9.1. Figure 9.2 shows the effect of sulfur from a fuel
oil. The excess air curves are not equally spaced, because the extra oxygen tends
to produce more SOa,which has a catalyst-like effect in raising the dew point.
For example, in a case where the HzO dew point was only 110 F, 2 ppm SOs
resulted in dew points of 126 to 250 F, depending on measurement method. See
Reference 9.i.
In actual practice, most condensation appears to occur about 80 to 100
degrees (F)below the dew point. However, engineers usually apply some safety
factor, often designing for iinal poc temperature somewhat above the dew point,
especially where gases in slow-moving inside corners could encounter more
cooling than the bulk of the stream.
With the development of better corrosion-resistant materials, some heat
recovery devices are now intentionally designed to recover the heat of con-
densation. This may transfer some pollution problems from the stack gases to
the drain liquids.
Figure 9.1. Dew points of products of combustion of natural gas, adapted from data courtesy
of B.C. Hydro. Acid dew points may be appreciably higher.
Figure 9.2. Effect of sulfur and excess air on acid dew points fnr 10.12 degree API crude oil. Adapted
from C-E Natco. Even small collcentrations of SO3 in stack gas raise the dew point considerably.
2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Weight % sulfur in fuel oil
Reduced Cleanup Costs. First costs and operating costs of cleanup equipment
to remove pollutants from stack gases will be less if heat recovery has been used,
because the poc temperature at the cleanup point will be lower. The lower
temperature means that the gases will be less voluminous (more dense) and
therefore can be handled with smaller equipment (baghouses or scrubbers,
for example)and with smaller fans and piping. The smaller fans will also reduce
operating costs.
A secondary effect of heat recovery on the cleanup operation is that the
lower temperature will often allow purchase of less expensive components,
such as fans, bags, and piping.
Figure 9.3. Adding an unfired preheat vestibule and lengthening the conveyor on any tunnel-like
continuous furnace is an easy way to recover heat. No burners are added. No fuel is added. In
fact, less fuel will be used. The poc are prevented from exiting through the old flue; so must pass
over the cold load, thereby lowering their final exit temperalurc.
I +/ n u n
~@@@@00000i)OC)0030000000C000000O .-)
Added heat A
Old furnace \
Less fuel is required to heat the same amount of load. The final exit poc tem-
perature is lowered. This is a logical extension of the furnace, making it more
On batch furnaces, load preheating can be done, but it might be better to first
consider malung the process continuous. Figure 9.4 shows a preheating oven built
next to an aluminum melter, from which the preheated loads must be transferred
to the rnelter quickly to minimize cooling. Another way is to use a pair of batch
furnaces, with A's flue gases preheating the load in B; then B's flue gases pre-
heating the new cold load in A.
Figure 9.4. Aluminum sow preheater beside the melter. To eliminate the heat losses belween these
two units, it would be ideal to feed the cold sows through a long narrow insulated chute directly
into the melter - - a special form of dry hearth.
Furnace burner
cut out
Recovered heat can be used to supply needed utilities within a short distance --
steam, hot water, makeup air. There must be good load-related scheduling, i.e.
a double match between the time and extent of the need for the utilities and the
time and extent of the availability of the waste heat from process furnaces.
Waste heat boilers, either steam or hot water, or makeup air heat exchangers
can get their heat input from hot poc from the process furnaces; so they need
no burners, no fuel. See Figure 9.5. The interdepartmental accounting may be
more complex than if the heat recovery savings were fed directly back into the
furnace Lhal generated the hot poc (as with load or combustion air preheating).
Waste heat boilers are very safe because they are water-backed heat
exchangers; so are less likely to suffer from thermal expansion or internal fires
(and subsequent leaking) than are gas-to-gas heat exchangers. As with all forms
of heat recovery, hot waste gas ducts and steam, hot water, or makeup air pipes
must be short and well insulated.
Figure 9.5. Waste heat boiler installed above a bank of heat treating furnaces. An induced draft
fan provides pumping power, but uses f a r less energy than the boiler saves. This idea has been
used for many years with both fire tubc and water tubc boilers in the chemical process industries.
T ~ F u r n a c pressure
Figure 9.6a. Sankey diagram before addition of heat recovery equipment. Best possible
efficiency = 100% (available heat)l[gross heat input). Heat recovery reduces the required gross
heat input, a s shown in Figure 9.6b.
Flue losses
water loss
and/or conveyor
Figure 9.6b. Sankey diagram after heat recovery by preheating the combustion air or the load.
Energy extracted from the flue gas is recycled into the combustion chamber, reducing the amount
of gross heat input [fuel) required. Because this gross input i s less, the percent availal~leheat
(formula 9/31 is greater.
Flue losses
Formulas 911 through 913 review the significance of "available heat," which
can be seen in the Sankey diagram. In these formulas, the units can be per unit
of time, per unit of fuel, or per unit of load; but they must be consistent. Gross
heat is derived from the gross or higher heating value of the fuel, which may
be measured or calculated, but is usually available from the fuel supplier.
Net heat can be derived from the net or lower heating value of the fuel; or
from Formula 911 where the latent heat content of the flue gases, "latent flue
loss," is calculated by multiplying the weight of water vapor from combustion
of hydrogen in the fuel by the latent heat of vaporization (or condensation)oI
water at the partial pressure of water vapor in the Clue.
The sensible heat content of the dry flue gases is the summation of the heat
contents of all of the flue gas constituents except the water vapor. These heat
contents are tabulated in Table 3.7 in Volume I, or they can be derived from
polynomial expressions for specific heat of the flue gas components.
Formulas 911, 912, and 913 are generalizations applicable to a wide variety
of conditions, including excess air, hot air, oxygen-enriched air, and oxy-fuel.
Using subscripts "c" for cold air [assumed 60 F or 15.6 C), "p" for preheated
air, and "ow for oxygen-enriched air or oxy-fuel,
where preheated air heat content can be determined from a polynomial formula
for the specific heat of air, or from Table 3.7 in Volume I. See Figure 9.7, which
is based on recent data and supersedes Figure 3.15 in Volume I.
The % fuel saved by preheating combustion air can be calculated using read-
ings from Figure 9.7 via formula 917a.
Tables 3.16a, b, and c in Volume I list percents fuel saved for natural gas,
No. 2 fuel oil, and No. 6 fuel oil. These tables, Figure 9.7, and STOIC program
printouts relate to Figure 9.8. It is necessary to know (a) the fuel, (b) the flue
(not stack) gas exit temperature ts leaving the furnace, and (c)the air preheat
temperature t2 entering the burner. If the fuel andlor combustion air temper-
atures, tl, are appreciably different from 60 F (15.6 C), the results should be
modified accordingly.
Similarly, the % fuel saved by oxygen-enriched combustion can be calculated
using readings from Figure 13.4a or Table 13.4b via formula 9/7b, or consult
North American Mfg. Co.'s Handbook Supplement 276.
[9/7b] % fuel saved = 100% x [I - (available ht,lavailable ht,)]
Figure 9.8. Schematic diagram of a furnace with an air preheater (~ecuperntoror regenerator).
If t6 is the maximum safe inlet gas temperature for the preheater, the minimum required weight
flow rate of dilution air = (weight flow rate of combustion products) x [hPOCB - hpOI:5]-;
~ ] , hd, = dilution air heat content per unit weight, and h,,,, = poc heat c:cn~tent
- h ~ l ~where
per unit weight.
Exhaust Gas,
Air. t,
.AIR . ..-, .-.. -, .
Fuel, t, ---)
Example 9-la. US units. For a furnace with 2250 F flue gas exit temperature, burning
natural gas with 5% excess air, find (a) the fuel saving with 1850 F preheated air,
compared with 60 F air, and (b)the impact on NOx pollution if the burner emits 0.1 pounds
NOxlmillion Btu with 60 F air and 0.57 pounds NOx per million Btu with 1850 F air.
(a] Enter the bottom scale of Figure 9.7 at 2250 F flue gas exit temperature. Move
vertically to the 60 F combustion air curve for 5% excess air, thenleft to read 37% avail-
able heat with 60 F air.
Again, from the bottom 2250 F exit flue temperature, go up to 1850 F combustion air
preheat temperature; then left to interpolate 73% available with 1850 F air.
% fuel saved = 100 [l - (cold available heatlhot available heat)]
= 100 [I - 37/73)] = 100 - 50.7 = 49.3%.
This is 50.7% as much fuel and scf air.
(b) Comparing cold vs. hot emission rates, with cold air, (O.l#NOx) (100% input rate)
= 0.1 pounds NOxlunit time: with hot air, (0.57#NOx](50.7% input rate) = 0.29 pounds
NOxlunit time. (Lower firing rates because of higher flame temperature, and the heat
exchange effect will lower the net NOx effect even furlher.)
Example 9-lb. SI units. For a furnace with 1230 C flue gas exit temperature, burning
natural gas with 5% excess air, find (a) the fuel saving with 1000 C preheated air,
compared with 15.6 C air, and (b) the impact on NOx pollution if the burner emits 430
x lo-' kg NOxlMJ with 15.6 C air, and 2450 x lo-' kg NOxIMJ with 1000 C air.
(a) Enter the bottom scale of Figure 9.7 a t 1230 C flue gas exit temperature. Move
vertically to the 15.6 C combustion air curve for 5 % excess air, then left to read
37% available heat with 15.6 C air.
Again, from the bottom 1230 C exit flue temperature, go up to the 1000 C combustion
air preheat temperature; then left to read 73% available with 1000 C air.
% fuel saved = 100 [ l - (cold available heatihot available heat)]
= 100 [I - (37/73)] = 100 - 50.7 = 49.3%.
This is 50.7% as much fuel and scf air.
(b) Comparing cold vs, hot omission rates, with cold air, (430 x lou7 kg NOX/MJ)
(100% input rate) = 430 x lo-' kg NOxlunit time: with hot air, (2450 x lo4 kg NOxlMJ)
(50.7 input rate) = 1242 x 10" kg NOxlunit time. While this is not good, it is not a s
bad a s the initial 2450 x figure might have appeared. (Lower firing rates because
olhigher flame temperature, and the heat exchange effect will lower the net NOx effect
eve11 further.)
AirlFuel Ratio Control. The proportioning of air to fuel is often more critical
in situations wherc heat recovery is used. Above all, excursions into soot-
producing rich conditions must he avoided so as not to foul the heat transfer
Before heat recovery is even considered, i l is wise to upgrade airlfuel
proportioning controls, as a less expensive, quicker fuel-saving measure. The
range of acceptable lean-side airlfuel ratios should be narrower when using
preheated air. If one chose to stay at 25% excess air instead of, say, lo%, the
heat recovery equipment would have to be 1.2511.10 = 1.136 times larger.
If the combustion chamber pressure remains constant, any of the 3 generations
of airlfuel ratio control discussed in Part 7 [area control, pressure control, or
flow control) may be used with heat recovery equipment. However, if air
preheating is used as the heat recovery method, the rising air temperature in
the recuperator or regenerator will have a "choking" effect, adding resistance
to the air flow. This effect will change with throughput rate, upsetting airlfuel
ratio. If the air flow sensor, usually a pair of pressure taps on an orifice plate,
is located on the cold (upstream) side of the air preheater, the reduced air flow
caused by choking will be detected and the ratio of air weight to fuel weight
will not be changed by fluctuating downstream temperatures. See Figure 9.9.
With fully metered airlfuel ratio controls, all of the flow through the air flow
meter must be delivered to the burner and combustion chamber. If there is any
loss or diversion of a part of the measured air stream, the airlfuel ratio
controller will be "deceived" and unable to correct for the change. Unfortunately,
it is common for recuperators to leak because of thermal stresses; it is common
to install an intentional bleed to try to protect recuperators from overheating
during turndown conditions; and it is common to try to economize by using one
recuperator for several zones of control.
Figure 9.9. Cold side air metering for airlfuel ratio control when an air preheater is used. This
arrangement can be used only if there are no leaks and no bleeds between the air measuring orifice
and the hurner, and if there is only one control zone fed by the air heater.
1'1 -
Fuel metering devices
0--; I I Burner
I I zone 1
T controller
e m p e r 2 I I i
I Air
Air metering To other burners
device zone 1
If it is impossible to guarantee that all of the metered air will be delivered
to the burner, the air flow meter should be moved to the hot side of the
recuperator, and temperature compensation must be added. Most air flow meters
are volumetric; but the important flow factor for proper alf ratio control is the
weight rate of flow (actually mass rate of oxygen delivery Lo the burner).
'I'emperature compensation on a volumelric flow meter converts a fully metered
alf ratio control into "mass flow control." This is easily done with digital
electronic controllers. (See Figure 9.10.) If fuel-primary control were preferred
over the air-primary control shown, positions (or functions) of the ratio-acluating
valve and the temperature-actuating valve would be interchanged.
Figure 9.10. Hot side air metering for airlfuel ratio control when an air preheater is used. Air
temperature compensation Iiases air flow volume to maintain the samc ratio of air mass flow rate
to gas flow rate as when the air was at standard temperature.
T o other burners
zone 1
controller ,-.--.
To other burners
zone 1
To other zones
Parallel flow vs. counterflow. Figure 9.11 shows some LypicaI temperatures
for a double pipe (stack, radiation)type recuperator typical of those used on steel
mill reheat furnaces, except that these normally vertical recuperators have been
laid on their sides for easier graphics. Both of the selected cases start with the
same 60 F combustion air and the same 2100 F poc entering the recuperator.
There would be little gain from lengthening the parallel flow unit, because
the temperature difference at the exit end is approaching zero. The wider the
temperature difference between the heat source and heat receiver (hot waste
gas and cold combustion air) the greater the heat transfer rate. In contrast,
lengthening the counterflow unit would achieve higher air preheat temperature
and lower waste gas throwaway temperature. (This throwaway temperature is
the T, for which the available heat charts show a lower number to be desirable
for better fuel efficiency.)
The log mean temperature difference (LMTD) has a major effect upon the
total heat transfer. This was discussed in Part 4 of Volume I. Values of LMTD
are shown at the top of Figure 9.11, illustrating the efficiency advantage of
counterflow over parallel flow. If the recuperator were lengthened, the advan-
tage of counterflow would increase. A quick approximate comparison is possible
o 8 o
o j 'dual o
o o
m 0 LO 0 0
N N r c LO 0
50 7
0 0
8 0
g j'duel 8
0 0
Figure B.12. Two-stage recuperators combine the advantages of parallel flow (lower maximum
wall temperature at poc entrance) with the advantage nf counterflow (better heat transfer
efficiency). The flow pattern at left provides more hot air volume for the same pressure drop with
the same arnou111 of heat transfer surface; the flow pattern at right produc:cls higher air preheat
temperature (but more pressure loss, or less hot air volume) for the same amount of heat transfer
"Ot t + Hot
F I U gas
~ Flue gas
Figure 9.13. Cross-flow convection recuperator with inlet air stream split to utilize advantages
of both parallel and counterflow. Air stream a to c is cross-flowlparallel flow; air stream b to c
is cross-flowlcounterflow.Flue duct walls, W, and triatomic gases, G, radiate against recuperator
shock tubes, S, creating thermal expansion and leak problems.
Figure 9.14. Direct-firingintegral burner-regenerators. l'hese units arc used in pairs, one firing
while the other serves as flue and heat recovcry device. They nccd not be opposite one another --
many burner arrangements a r e possible for either two- or multiple-burner furnaces.
reclaims stored
heat A Exh
60 closed
Figure 9.15. Indirect-firingintegral burner-regenerators one pair of burners on opposite ends
of one U-type radiant tube. 'These can also be applied to straight and "W" (4-pass) radiant tubes.
Heat recovery makes up for the inherent inefficiency of indirect-fired operations. Only two pairs
of cycling valves are used in this arrangement because the clapper valve that shuts off the eductor
forces combustion air through the heat recovery bed and out the burner air nozzle.
Figure 9.16. Regenerators have higher heat recovery effectiveness than recuperators.
m r preneat temp., C
0 200 400 son 800 loo0 1200 1400
Integral burner-regenerators
/#980 c (1800 F)
9.a Bowers, J. D.: "Heat Reclamation on Aluminum Melters", Die Casting
Engineer, JulyIAugust 1988. Available as North American Handbook
Supplement 240.
9.b Bowers, J. D.: "New Savings from Heat Aluminum Melting
Furnaces", North American Handbook Supplement 246.
9.c Chemical Engineering magazine: "Process Heat Exchange", Section X.
Waste Heat Recovery, McGraw-Hill Publications Co., New York, 1979,
9.d Corneck, R. H.: "Compact Regenerative Burners on a Unit Melter", Glass
International, June 1987. Available as North American Application
Report R-G-1GA.
9.e Ellwood City Forge: "Car Bottom Forge Furnace...". North American
Application Report R-Fge-96.
9.f KiraIy, T. E. and Bugyis, E. J.: "Application of Regenerative Burners to
a Continuous Galvanizing Line", Iron and Steel Engineer, January 1989.
Available a s North American Application Report R-H-129.
9 .g Kondziela, James: "Catenary Furnace Annealing Stainless SLeel Strip",
North American Application Report R-H-128,
9.h Martin, R. R., Manning, F. S., and Reed, E. D.: "Watch for Elevated Dew
Points in SOs-BearingStack Gases", Hydrocarbon Processing, June 1974,
pp. 143-4.
9.i Maynard, Mitchell: "Twin Regenerative Burners Increase Energy
Efficiency on New Reheat Furnace at Marion Steel", Industrial Heating,
Dec., 1989. Available a s North American Handbook Supplement 252.
9.j McMam, F. C.: "Regenerative Heat Recovery Applied to Periodic Kilns".
Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Jan-Feb 1988.
9.k North American Mf g. Co.: "Application Report R-Steel-74".
9.1 North American Mfg. Co.: "Sheet 8480-2 --Recuperator Considerations7'.
9.m Poe, L. G.: "Ladle Preheaters --TwinBede vs. OxytFuel and Oxy Enrich-
ment". North American Handbook Supplement 241.
9.n Poe, L. G.: "Today's Ladle Preheaters and Dryers", North American
Handbook Supplement 25 1.
9.0 Reed, R. J.: "Future Consequences of Compact, Highly Effective Heat
Recovery Devices" in "Heat Transfer in Furnaces", ASME Heat
Transfer Div. Vol. 74, Book H00393. Available as North American
Handbook Supplement 235.
9.p Whipple, D. F.: "Barrel Furnace" [for heating steel billets). North
American Application Report R-Fge-99.
9.q Newby, J. N.: "TwinBedm Regenerative Burners", North American
Handbook Supplement 254.
Process control has moved from single loop analog controllers to digital,
software-based, instrumentation. This transition has resulted in low cost, easy-
to-use equipment that requires little maintenance. But the greatest benefit of
microprocessor-based equipment is the power to allow system designers to
focus on process interactions and optimization. The era of Personal Computers
is here, and is causing another change in the control world.
Much of our current control practice is based upon the process loop. The
process is monitored by a sensor [thermocouple for example) which reports to
a device (loop controller) that compares the actual value (process variable, PV)
to the desired value (setpoint).Any resulting error is processed to determine the
adjustment needed to bring the actual value to the desired value.
A control equation establishes the equipment response to an error signal. The
proportionallintegrallderivative (PID) algorithm is the mosl commonly used.
Equipment suppliers identify this equipment as "Three Mode", "PID", and "Gain,
Reset, and Rate". These names identify the three elements of the equation used
to establish controller output based on the setpoint and the process variable:
Output = Proportional + Integral + Derivative
where Error = Setpoint - Process Variable.
Proportional, = Error x Gain, is:
an output that is the product of error and gain and occurs with no time delay.
Large errors result in large outputs, and small errors result in small outputs.
Thus, as the error nears zero, the output nears zero, and the controller cannot
reach the setpoint.
Integral, = (Integration of Error) x Reset, is:
an output that increases in proportion to the time that the error is not zero; so,
while proportional control cannot reach setpoint, the integral term adds small
adjustments until the error is zero.
Derivative, = (Derivative of Error) x Rate, is:
an output proportional to the rate of change of the process variable. Therefore,
for rapid changes, the rate term increases the output, causing faster response
of the loop.
This is one of many loop implementations, but all share the common form of
including P, I, and D terms with a user adjustable factor for tuning the loop
Proper loop tuning is essential to system operation. While intuitive methods
can work, a more formalized process gives better results.
Several methods can be used to calculate the P, I, and D parameters. Each
method gives somewhat different results. Two of the methods are described here:
the Ultimate Period and the Process Reaction Curve. The parameters calculated
using these methods may be used as a starting point for further tuning, as
briefly described later in this section.
Both methods calculate parameters that produce a Quarter Decay Ratio, which
gives an initial overshoot to input changes, followed by decaying oscillation
around the control point (Figure 10.1). The decay rate is such that each cycle
of oscillation has an amplitude of one quarter that of the previous cycle.
Ultimate period
~ O ' : ; ; I I I I I : ~ ~ ; : ; ~ ~ :
1 5 10 15 20
Time. minutes
1) Stabilize the system at its normal operating temperature.
2) Set Rate and Reset to zero.
3) Set Gain to an arbitrary initial value.
4) Manually introduce an upset to the system by changing the setpoint.
5) Put the system into automatic.
6) Record the system response to the upset with a chart recorder. Adjust Gain
until the system oscillates at constant amplitude. If, after an upset, the
oscillation decays, increase Gain. If it grows, reduce Gain.
7) Use Table 10.3 to calculate the tuning parameters.
Process Reaction Curve Method. The preceding Ultimate Period Method may
require a number of test cycles to determine the values of K, and P, and it may
be undesirable to allow the system to oscillate as required to establish the
period. The Reaction Curve method may be used in these cases.
Process response to an input step change establishes the Process Reaction
Curve. It measures the open loop (without feedback) response of the process.
1) Stabilize the system at a temperature about 5% below the average oper-
ating point.
80 --
Slope R, (%/min) =
reaction rate
70 --
$ 60--
Step change started
---- -- -- -Baseline
- ! ! ! ! ! ! ! : : ! ! ! ! : : : ! : : : : : : ! :
5 10 15 20 25
Time, minutes
This method requires only one cycle to gather data and compule values.
However, in systems with shorl lag times, the measurement of L, may be difficult,
requiring a high chart speed to delermine lag time accurately.
Further Tuning. Although both methods described give Quarter Decay Ratio
Response (Figure 10.l], each provides different tuning parameters. Since the
response dcsired may be different from the theoretical, additional guidelinesmay
be useful in fine Luning the system.
When less overshoot than the Quarter Decay Ralio is desired, either Gain or
Reset may be lowered. However, reduced gain is the preferred method of over-
shoot reduclion.
Increasing Gain or Reset increases system response and overshoot, while
decreasing them slows response and increases stability. Adjust each for oplimum
In fast responding systems, Rate can be used to limit overshoot and increase
stability by allowing lower gain setlings. However, care must be used, since Rate
magnifies the effect of minor system fluctuations. Slowly responding syslems can
be operated with Rate set to zero.
Caution is advised in systems with large lag times. The effect of Rate may be
delayed and become out of phase with the system response, causing oscillation.
Both self-tuning controllers and external loop tuning software packages exist
and simplify the process.
I Prooess Temp
Air Valve Motor
Cascade Control. Many applications have a long process lag time, where the
measured variable responds slowly to a change in system input. Such systems
often require heating a large mass to a closely controlled temperature. Conven-
tional single loop control places a sensor on the work to control the furnace heat
input. Since the load responds slowly to a change in heat input, the long lag time
between an input change and detection at the work produces control overshoot.
This lag makes tuning of the loop difficult, because it may be easy to overheat
the work. Often maximum input must be limited during part of lhe heating
cycle, to prevent damage to the furnace, resulting in longer cycle times. Better
control can be achieved by using two loops in cascade (Figure 10.7).
The slower primary loop consists of a work temperature sensor that is
compared to the target work setpoint, with the controller output connected as
the remote setpoint of the faster second loop. The second loop monitors the fur-
nace heat input and compares it to the output of the primary loop, establishing
the furnace heat input. The result of this system is a self-limiting furnace input
that maximizes the rate of heat transfer to the work.
Setpoint 1
Controller Controller
Furnace temperature
rz=z-l lsecondarvl
I Work temperature
* Work
When the output of the primary loop is large, indicating a large deviation
between setpoint and actual work temperature, the secondary loop setpoint is
near its maximum. This provides the greatest heat input. As the primary
deviation decreases, indicating that the work is approaching desired tempera-
ture, the lower secondary setpoint reduces the heat input. This declining
temperature difference between the furnace and the work reduces the possibility
of overshoot, allowing closer work temperature control.
Cascade control is effective only when the inner or secondary process response
is faster than the outer or primary process response.
Distributed Control Systems (DCSs). The trend to the lower cost computing
power (that encouraged the growth of PLCs) allowed designers to distribute com-
puting power throughout the system. The controller is placed close to the process
and transmits information via a network to other controllers and operator inter-
face equipment.
This allows a building block concept where each element is installed and
debugged without affecting the remaining process elements. Tasks are con-
centrated at the lowest possible system level minimizing network communication,
and reducing the impact of catastrophic failure. Local devices can operate in
a "fall-back" mode that keeps the process running while repairs are made. The
elements located at the process provide stand-alone basic control, while com-
munication with a computer provides advanced strategies. This isolates the mini-
mum day-today control operation from the complex. Computer intensive activities
such as process graphics and data storage are focused at the top of this hierarchy.
Distributed control is moving even closer to the process with the advent of
"Intelligent" transmitters. Intelligent field devices can improve sensor perfor-
mance by correcting for temperature variations and linearizing transducer data.
Corrected data can then be transmitted to the control equipment. Industry
standard bus systems allow many field devices to transfor information over a
single cable [wire or optical), eliminating separate wiring between the control
equipment and each field device.
Personal Computers. Personal computers are common in the factory. High
production volumes, standardized hardware and availability of robust operating
systems have moved the PC from the office to the factory floor. With a graphical
interface package, they are ideal as supervisors in distributed control systems.
Standard configurable software allows manufacturing managers to gather and
analyze process data using factory floor personal computers. Industrially-
hardened personal computers are replacing PLCs in control applications.
At its simplest level, error analysis recognizes deviations from the expected
activity of a process. The deviation can contain clues to the problem and allow
the system to identify the potential cause. The system then attempts to bring the
process back into control or force it to a known safe state. For example, a
system can verify that the magnitude and rate of change detected in a process
variable is within reasonable limits, and within the physical ability of the
process. Digital circuits can be equipped with error correction algorithms, and
operator entry controls can check and limit entries to reasonable values.
In all cases, proper system design begins with a detailed understanding of the
process, While many procedures are available, most include the following basic
What are all costs associated with this equipment? Cost includes initial
purchase, maintenance, and repair.
Table 11.1. Units ofmeasurement of emission rates for trace species fall into 3 classes.
(See Appendix Tahle C.6 or the Glossary for equivalent units.)
Figure 11.2. A concentration measurement loses its meaning unless corrected to a standard-
ized % 0,.A generation measurement is not affected by oxcess 02.
\ \\
Furnace New
exhaust exhaust
For areas where the enforcement base is 3% O,, the above becomes:
The basic specification is for ambient conditions: e.g. on the sidewalk, where
people are exposed--at 0.053 ppm (by volume) NOx, or 100 micrograms per
cubic metre of air. This is an allowed average over a 24-hour period, not to be
exceeded more than once per year. [U.S. Natl. Ambient Air Quality Standard,
Table 11.3. Converting wet %0,, dry %0,, and % excess air; and multiplicrs* for
correcting NOx flue gas analysis readings to a 3% oxygen basis (per example 11-1) for
a typical natural gas.
% Excess oxygen OO
/ Excess air
dry wet Oh XSAir Multiplier
0 0 a 0.86
3 0.82 4.53 0.90
1.10 0.90 5 0.90
1.22 1 5.57 0.91
2 1.66 9.54 0.95
2.09 1.73 10 0.95
2.41 2 11.7 0.97
2.98 2.49 15 1.00
3 2.51 15.1 1.00
3.57 3 111 8 1.03
3.80 3.20 20 1.05
4 3.38 21.4 1.06
4.54 3.85 25 1.09
4.71 4 26.2 1.10
5 4.2fi 28.4 1.13
5.22 5.02 30 1.14
5.83 5 34.0 1.19
5.85 5.02 35 1.19
6 5.16 36.3 1.20
6.43 5.55 40 1.24
6.92 6 44.6 1.28
7.46 6.50 50 1.33
8 7.01 55.9 1.38
8.38 7.35 60 1.43
9.04 8 68.7 1.51
9.83 8.77 80 1.61
10 8.93 82.6 1.64
11 9.92 I 100 1.81
11.1 10 102 1.83
12 10.9 121 2.01
13 12.0 148 2.26
13.1 12.0 150 2.29
13.8 12.8 175 2.52
14 13.0
14.4 13.5
15 14.1
"These multiplicrs may he used to correct any volumetric gas concentration reading to a 3%
oxygen basis. They correct for dilution only, not for the effects of excess air on the chemical
kinetics phenomena.
Example 11-2.If the specified PSD level is 40 tons NOx per year, that is equivalent to
If you were considering adding heating equipment that emit 1 lb NOx per million Btu,
the maximum input that could be adcled would be:
9.13 Ib NOx/hr
= 9.13 million ~ t u l h r .
1 lb NOx/million Btu
But if a unit that emits only 0.25 Ib NOx/million Btu becomes available, then units
totaling 4 (9.13)or 36.5 million Btu/hr coulcl be added.
The last two columns of Appendix Table C.6 (Pollutant Concentration) give
conversion factors for six typical fuels, for changing ppm to lh NOx per million
Btu and for changing lb NOx per million Btu to ppm. All these conversion
factors are for ppmvd (of NO,, CEI,, CO, or SO,, at 3% 0, by volume dry); and
per million gross Btu.
If it should be necessary to determine such collversion factors for specific
fuels, North American Mfg. Company's Ha~lrlbookSupplement 248 and STOIC
Computer Prograrn provide help in making the calculations. It is first necessary
to ascertain the following from the fuel supplier: the analysis of the fuel
(volumetric for gases, by weight for liquids and solids), and the gross heating
value of the fuel. In some parts of the world, the lb NOx per million Btu is
based on net or lower heating value. When making comparisons, both should
be on the gross basis or both on the net basis.
Why NOx Emissions are a Problem. Nitrogen oxides, or NOx, emissions are
generated by combustion systems where nitrogen and oxygen are present within
a locally high temperature region of the flame. The abbreviation NOx is
chemical shorthand for the combined species of NO and NO,. These species of
emissions pose a significant health hazard in ambient air. Other detrimental
environmental effects of NOx emissions are photochemical smog and acid rain,
both found in industrial areas around the world.
In the lower atmosphere, NO reacts with oxygen in the air to form both NO,
and ozone, 0,. Ground level ozone is a health hazard, blocking air passages
and impairing respiratory performance. As a pollutant, ozone is far more wide-
spread than NOx, with over one hundred U.S. counties measured as out of
compliance by the EPA ambient air guidelines. In 1991, only Los Angeles county
was out of compliance for NOx emissions.
Figure 11.4. Equilibrium NOx emissiuns vs. gas temperature (poc = products nf combustion).
16 000
14 000
- Air, 20.9% O2
-..-..- poc, 2% 4
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Temperature, F
fact, at a time of 0.01 seconds, concentrations were still far short of equilihrium.
The extended times required for equilibrium indicate that NOx can be con-
trolled by reducing residence time.
'l'he slow reaction rates, low concentrations, and small effect on overall
product temperatures and concentrations allow the problem of NOx generation
to be decoupled from the other chemical reactions. Researchers such as Bracco
(Ref. 1l.e) and Williams (Ref. 1l.f)have used this fact to numerically model the
production of NO in flames. These same factors are extremely important in the
creation of a low NOx emission burner.
The two other pathways that can produce NOx emissions are the chemical
(or fuel) mechanisms, and the "Prompt" or "Fenimore" NOx mechanism.
Chemical NOx is created when nitrogen atoms are located in bonds within the
Iuel molecule, commonly referred to as "fuel-bound nitrogen." C-N and N-1-1
bonds are common in liquid and solid fuels and can produce significant
contributions to the total NOx emission level. During the reaction of these
compounds additional N atoms are released into the radical pool, i'ncreasing
NO formation. Prompt NOx is in some ways similar to chemical NOx, except
that the C-N bonds are created through the reaction
The HCN is then oxidized, potentially leading to increased NOx levels i n the
product gases. HCN generation in flames is strongly ratio-dependent, with peak
concentrations formed at sub-stoichiornetric or fuel-rich conditions where there
is reduced oxygen availability.
(z) x XXN x 10"
x conversion factor
- (0.2707) X %N X 10"
- x conversion factor
Low NOx Cnmbustion. The prcccding section described how NOx is formed
in conlbustion systems. Ilowevcr, the real issue is: How can the overall NOx
emission from a combustion process be controlled? When a fuel and air mixt~xcc
at a given ratio is burned, it produces prcdictahle levels of water vapor and
carbon dioxidc. 'This mixture must always have the same adiabatic flame
tc~nperature,primary product concentrations, and equilibrium NOx concen-
Why should the NOx emissir~nlevel be different for flames with the same
fuel and airffuel ratio? All product levels would be the same if combustion
were an equilibrium process. Hut fortunately for equipment designers,
industrial combustion is governed by nun-equilibrium and kinetic effects. In
industrial applications the primary goal of combustion is to heat some product
or load. The furnace where this heating takes place is maintained at a tempera-
ture significantly below the adiabatic flame temperature of the fired airlfuel
mixture. When chemical reaction takes place, products are both formed and
rapidly released into this "reduced" temperature environment. This allows the
NOx forming reactions to be qucnchcd, essentially "freezing" their concentra-
tions at levels far below equilibrium at flame temperature.
Reduced temperature greatly inhibits the rate of NOx fvrrnation. While the
time to equilibrium is short at flamo temperature, the time to the lower equilib-
rium concentrations at typical furnace temperatures can be hours, days, or even
years. The total gas residence time in an industrial furnace is only a few
seconds, after which gascs are released to the ambient atmosphere. 'I'hcrefore
the NOx producing mt:chanisms never reach oquilihrium, and concentrations
arc frozen at a much lower lovcl.
Figure 11.9. NOx reduction in natural gas flames for varying oxidant oxygen levels.
21 20 19 18 17 16 15
Oxidant oxygen, %
Unfortunately, the NOx reduction achieved with FGR is not without cost.
Quite often the addition of an FGR system will require larger burners, inlet air
piping, and combustion air blowers to accommodate the increase in oxidant
volume. Operating and maintenance costs typically increase when FGR is added
to a combustion system. Changes to the combustion air blower, or the use of a
separate FGR fan, increase power consumption and flue gas exit temperatures.
This results in a reduction of the system's thermal efficiency and increases
operating costs. Water condensation in the recirculation system can be corro-
sive, reducing the operating life of piping, valves, and burner internals. Also,
operation of thc combustion system with high levcls of FGR tends to reduce the
stability of the burner, potentially resulting in control difficulty and increasing
frequency of burner outages.
Many hidden costs of FGR can be avoided by using the largest "free" source
of FCR available, the furnace itself. Many types of burners develop in-furnace
recirculation zones that bring low oxygen, low* temperature gases directly into
the flame envelope. These gases again reduce peak flame temperature and
reduce local oxygen levels. High swirl burners, flat flame burners, and high
velocity burners typically have lower NOx emissions than other flame types
because of their ability to pull furnace gases into the flame.
* Altl~oughfurnace gases are not low temperature, they are significantly lower than typical flame
air air
Figure 11.11. Equilibrium NOx production vs. oxygen concentration and temperature.
12 000
10 000
.................,. 2000 F oxidant
f 8 000 -.n-qn--- 2400 F oxidant
6 000
E 4 000
2 000
25 20 15 10 5 0
Oxidant oxygen, %
When the air stream is split, the resulting syslerxi is referred to as air-staged.
Air-staged systems fire fuel-rich in the primary zone. Since little oxygen is
available there, very little NOx production occurs. The secondary air stream
completes combustion, burning out all the rich products horn the first stage.
Peak flame temperatures are avoided in both stages, again limiting NOx ernis-
sions. Air-staging is onc of the best lecliniques to reduce chemical NOx since
little oxygen is present when atomic nitrogen is liberated from the fuel.
Primary ' ' Secondary
Fuel supply combustion ) combustion
zone L zone
Fuel supply 7
' '
Air supply
- +
I \
The addition of dilute gas injection techniques to a lean premix primary core
can produce NOx emission levels below 15 ppm (on a 3% oxygen basis) for
burners firing at 10% excess air. Such a system provides NOx emissions below
nearly all regulated levels without any additional operating expense or combus-
tion system compromises. /
......- .........- .
gas in
elements gas inlet reaction region
While both are extremely effective in reducing the total NOx emissions,
several factors must be taken into account when weighing a decision to use
either SNCR or SCR. These systems tend to have extremely high capital and
maintenance costs. Good control is required to match reagent injection rate to
combustion system firing rate through all turndown conditions. Reagent "slip
streams" are regulated down to extremely low levels and improper injector
placement or deviation in the temperature window can cause NOx emission
increases. In addition to the high capital cost of catalysts, disposal questions
and potential catalyst poisoning by the fired process must also be addressed. A
complete economic analysis focusing on the cost of NOx reduction per pound
of NOx reduced should always be undertaken before implementing any NOx
reducing system on a particular furnace or application.
On-going NOx Reduction. This is not the end of NOx reduction technique
development. New methods, as well as combinations of the above techniques
and improved burner tuning, will provide continued reduction of NOx emis-
sions. Much attention is being paid to individual applications for simultaneous
improvement of process efficiencies and NOx emission levels. It is hoped that
these will meld into a general solution to the problems raised by combustion in
every industry.
* ot. vaporized
waste material with air. (Most liquid and solid wastes must be vaporized i n an
incinerator before they can bc burned.)
Why Sulfur Oxides Emissions are a Problem. Sulfur dioxide, SO,, and sulfur
trioxide, SO, [collectively "SOX"), will be preserit in the products of combus-
tion of any fucl containing sulfur or sulfur compounds. When such fuels are
burned, they are oxidized to sulfur dioxide, and to a much lesser extent, to
sulfur trioxide. Both contribute to smog and to acid rain.
The final production of SOX by the comnbustion process cannot be altered.
All sulfur bound within the fuel will be convcrtcd to SOX,unless the combus-
tion process is somehow bypassed. Condensation of sulfur-bearing product
streams can cause serious corrosion problems within the flue system of any
combustion process. Applications that use heat recovery systems should avoid
fuels with any appreciable sulfur content.
Causes of Soot Formation. Kich aidfuel ratio (excess fuel, rerlucing atrnos-
phere) combined with high temperature is the most common cause of soot
formation. Some processes, particularly metallurgical, require a reducing
atmosphere to protect the required metallurgical reaction from the efIccts of
oxidation. In such cases, an afterburner, scrubber, or other after-treatment may
be necessary.
* Air and gas parallel, laminar, and at equal velocities (type Y flame, see Figure , air and
f i . ~ )or
gas parallel with one fluid at much higher velocity than the other (type G flame). A more
cnmmon problem occurs when burners are turned down lo such low firing rates that their fuel
and air streams lack sufficient flow energy to accomplish reasonalilt: mixing.
Two common examples of quenched flames are: those that impinge on boiler
tubes, coating them with soot, and those in direct-fired air heaters where
relatively cool duct air chills the flame, producing pic (products of incomplete
combustion), usually aldehydes, and (rare) soot particles.
The solution for quenched flames is faster mixing. Prompt combustion pro-
vides more residence (burnout) time; and also raises the flame temperature,
thus minimizing the likelihood of locking in the soot particles.
Unsaturated fuels are often prone to soot formation because of their molecular
structure, which may have a higher CIH (carbon to hydrogen) ratio than that of
the saturated fuel. LP (liquefied petroleum) gas from a refinery source, rather
than from a natural gas source, may contain higher percentages of propylene
and butylene mixed with the propane and butane, and therefore produce a
sooty, smoky flame. This seemingly innocent substitution may present burner/
flame performance problems in some critical situations such as radiant tube
burners, some direct-fired air heater burners, raw gas fume incineration burners,
and atmosphere generator burners for special atmosphere heat treat furnaces.
a) 100 tons per year of flue gas results from z8 YOO Btulhr input (natural gas)
b) 1megawatt of power output corresponds roughly to 8-11 million Btulhr fuel. input;
1MW = 3.414 million Btulhr
C) 1% sulfur in heavy fuel oil yields 700 pprn SO, in the dry stoichiumetric products
of combustion
d) 20% opacity = Density HI - Kingleman tt1
: = Densily
Density #3
- "
80%) I,
= Density #4 - " #4
100%) " = Density #5 - " #5
c) zoo ppm = 0.02%
I0 000 pprn = 1%
i) For US EPA, NOx is always calculated as NO, even though it may be largely NO.
Similarly, combustibles are figured as though CH,.
1 l . a US National Archives and Records Administration: "Code of Federal
Regulations 40, Protection of Environment, Parts 1-799.5055 and
1500-1517.7", Washington, DC, 1989.
1 l . b Zeldovich, Ya. B.: Acta Physecochem USSR 21,557,1946.
1 l . c Glassman, I.: "Combustion", pp. 318-382, Academic Press, 1987.
l1.d Bowman, C. T. and Seery, D. V: "Emissions from Continuolls Com-
bustion SystemsJ', pg. 123, Plenum Press, New York, 1972.
1l.e Bracco, F.: "Nitric Oxide Formation i n Droplet Diffusion P'lames",
Fourleonth Combustion Symposium, pp. 831-842, The Cornbustion
Institute, 1972.
1l.f Williams, A. et al: "Predir:lion of NOx Emissions from Oxygen-Enriched
Low NOx Burners", International Co~lferenceon Environmental
Control of Colnbustion Processes, AFRC, 1991.
1l.g Johnson, Gregory L.: "Premixed High Velocity Fuel Jet Low NOx
Burner". Patent #5201650, April 13, 1993.
Figure 12.1. Sounds generated by (a) a loud speaker, (b] an oscillating flame front, (c) an organ
pipe, and (d) a siren.
Figure 12.2. Compression and rarefaction waves in an elastic medium (usually air) generated by
a moving piston or a vibrating surface, such as a speaker diaphragm or a flame.
-. .
.. . ,....
. .......
. .:..
? ....
. . . - .:
.. ..
. .
.. .. .. ... . ,.... .
Rarefaction Wavelength
[1211] X = Vlf
where X = wavelength, ft
V = velocity of sound, ftlsec
f = frequency, Hz
Low frequency sounds have long wavelengths; high frequency sounds have
short wavelengths. Understanding wavelength is important when making sound
measurements and in the design of noise suppression systems and attenuators.
Frequency of a sound is the speed with which its cyclical pressure variation
occurs, dpldt (the differential of pressure relative to time). It is simpler to
recognize the characteristic frequency of a pure tone such as the pure musical
"A" tone shown in Figure 12.3a, which has a frequency of 440 cycles per
second, or 440 Hz. (Most standards organizations have agreed on using "hertz"
or "Hz" in place of "cycles per second,") Many terms are used for frequency,
but the most common in acoustics is kHz or kilohertz, meaning thousand hertz.
Figure 12.3a. A pure sound wave, such as might be generated by a carefully-made tuning fork
struck lightly on a rubber block. The A tone, in the middle of a piano keyhoard, has a frequency
of 440 IIz and a period of 0.00227 second. At 60 F, the speed of sound in air is about 1117 ftlsec:
so the wavelength, A, is (1117 ftl~cc)1(440cycleslsec) = 2.538 ftlcycle, or 0.7742 metres.
-- 0.7742 metres
The time for the pressure to go through one cycle is called the period, or
periodic time, which is Lhe reciprocal of the frequency.
The frequency is often the result of a complex wave or waves made up of a com-
posite of different waves. An oscilloscope depiction of such a sound might look
like Figure 12.3b.
Figure 12.3b. Real sound waves are complex composites of a variety of frequencies andintensities.
High-frequency sounds are those with wavelengths of less than one foot and
frequencies of 1200 Hz to 20 000 Hz. These sounds travel in straight lines and
can be reflected much like light. They do not easily go around corners nor change
direction. High frequency sound is relatively easy to attenuate, especially through
High frequency sounds are included in the upper part of speech frequencies,
so loss in these areas can be significant to good hearing. Humans in midlife rarely
hear sounds above about 15 000 Hz.
Sound pressure level, Lp, is measured by most sound and noise instruments
in decibels, which are ratios, and are always relative to some base pressure
or pnwer, using a logarithmic function to reduce an otherwise burdensome long
scale. The current accepted base pressure for Lp is the threshold of human
hearing at 1000 Hz, which is 20 micronewtons per square metre (20 pN/rn2,or
20 micropascals (20 pPaj, or 0.0002 microbars (20 ,u-bars).This is discussed in
more detail two sections later, under "The Physics and Math of Sound."
Velocity of sound (or speed of sound] varies with the medium through which
the sound travels, and depends on the temperature and density of the medium
[unlike particle velocity, which varies with frequency). The speed of sound in
standard air (60 F, 14.696 psia) is 1130 ftlsec, or 344.4 mls. However, sound
velocity may be considerably different from this when dealing with combustion,
where the composition, temperature, and density of the gases are significantly
different from those of standard air, and change rapidly.
The ear is the sensory organ that permits us to detect the air pressure
variations called sound. The ear is the most sensitive organ in the human body.
It has the ability to detect microscopic pressure changes. On the low end of the
hearing range, the threshold of sound for humans is 20 micropascals, which is
equal to a sound pressure of 2.9 x 10- psi, which is far less than that created
by a fly landing on a sheet of paper.
The highest sound that the human ear can hear is unknown, primarily because
it would result in permanent ear damage, but the maximum level is assusmed
to be about 150 dB. The human ear's resolution of range of sensitivity is in
excess of 31 600 000 to 1 on a pressure basis. Any organ that sensitive can be
damaged easily without proper care and protection. The human ear has the ability
to detect an enormous range of sound intensities, and at the same time, it can
also discern a wide range of frequencies.. ,from as low as 10 Hz to greater than
16 000 Hz.
The human ear, coupled with the brain, has the amazing ability to discern tiny
changes in sound patterns that permit picking out one voice or sound from
thousands of similar sounds.
Burner and furnace operating personnel may incur selective hearing damage
from high sound intensity in the range from 100 to about 400 Hz, which is quite
broad and normally affects speech recognition. The hearing loss is permanent.
Even hoaring aids do not alleviate the condition.
The ear can tolerate more intense low frequency noise. It is most susceptible
to damage in the range above 3500 Hz.
The physical effects of intense sound or noise are not to be ignored. Exposure
to intense sound fields tends to cause increased blood pressure, headaches due
to dilation of blood vessels in the brain, dilation of the pupils of the eyes, increased
secretion of stomach acid, confusion, and the inability to think. It has been known
for years that watch makers or persons doing precise, delicate work, cannot
function in intense noise. People report problems relating to noise ranging from
inability to focus their eyes to difficulty concentrating on complex tasks.
The problems associated with not being able to communicate or hear also lead
to physical problems and danger. Failure to hear warning signals, machines
running, alarm horns, or vocal warnings by co-workers, all too frequently result
in accidents, and even loss of life.
Ironically, the psychological effects of deafness are far worse than the
physiological ones. As far back as recorded history, there has been a stigma
attached to being deaf.
The newly deaf person, or one who becomes hard of hearing, experiences
profound changes in his life, which frequently result in loss of friends and
social contact. Because he has difficultyhearing, he frequently misunderstands
or misinterprets what people are saying; so he tends to withdraw, become
suspicious, and associate only with those having the same disability (unless he
is able to correct his hearing disability). It is said that the deaf suffer even greater
impairment in life than do the blind,
Community response to noise. How do our neighbors and the community in
general respond to noise? What are the factors that cause the community to react
negatively toward noise and to those responsible for its production? The answers
to these important questions will show us exactly what must be done to avoid
a negative community or employee response to our projects. It is well known that
paying attention to a noise will often saiisfy the person complaining, but when
it is allowed to go unattended, a complaint to a public agency is far more difficult
to correct.
Some of the characteristic noise factors that play an important role in the way
the community responds to noise are:
1. Discrete frequencies and pure tones stand out from background noise,
These tones may even be of a lower intensity than the accepted back-
ground, yet they may be the primary cause of complaints.
2. High intensity noises.
3. Warbling noises -- fluctuating intensity. Beating noise with cyclical
intensity variations.
4. Sudden noises, such as blowoff of a high pressure relief valve.
5. Noise that would normally be acceptable in a metropolitan area will be
offensive in a secluded rural area where the ambient noise is low.
6. Low frequency noises or vibrations that cause resonant effects such as
rattling windows in local structures, or that communicate feeling to an
7. Noise of a frequency distribution that interferes with verbal communi-
8. Visual effects that convey to the viewer the idea that a plant or piece
of equipment is noisy, even though the noise level is at an acceptable level.
9. Other negative characteristics of the plant or equipment, such as appear-
ance, odor, or dust, which call attention to the equipment and to the noise,
will frequently result in a noise complaint even though they may not be
truly responsible for a noise problem.
Liability for noise reduction. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) is not concerned with ambient noise, but with the
exposure of workers to that noise. Their present standard limits an employee's
noise exposure to 90 dB as an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA). Employee
exposure to noise above the permissible exposure limit (PEL) must be reduced
by feasible engineering controls or administrative controls. Where such controls
cannot reduce employee exposure to within permissible limits, employees are
to be furnished with personal protection equipment.
The OSHA noise standard also requires that the employer administer a
continuing effective hearing conservation program if exposure exceeds the PEL
(85 dB). OSHA has interpreted this to require employers to provide audiometric:
lesting for those employees exposed above the PEL without regard to the use
of personal protective equipment.
The U.S. Bureau of Mines Mine Safety and Health Adminislration has powers
similar lo OSHA. Although their activities are generally limited to mining opera-
tions, they may, in some cases involve themselves in operations not directly
connected with mining. Details of current regulations should be checked with
local OSHA or Bureau of Mines offices to ensure compliance with the latest
The U.S. EPA is concerned with noise transcending property lines; not with
worker exposure to noise. The EPA has been active in writing model legislation,
and encourages the individual states to adopt, adapt, or write their own regula-
tions. Many states, cities, and towns have taken up the challenge, writing their
own versions of noise legislation. Some states have relegated the responsibility
for writing noise legislation to municipalities.
Table 12.4 shows a huge variation in sound pressure -- ten million to one. Few,
if any, scientific instruments are capable of linearly measuring seven orders of
magnilude, and it is difficult for the human mind to perceive such a broad span.
To obtain a manageable range of figures, acoustic engineers take the base 10
logarithm of the ratio of the actual sound pressure to some arbitrary standard
pressure. The formula for performing this mathematical manipulation is
[12/3a] dB = l ~ g , ~ ( A l B )
where dB = decibels
A, B = sound pressures (actual, base) with consistent units
The notations for sound readings have changed over the years. Because both
old and new forms appear in current literature, it is well to be aware of both,
as shown in Table 12.5.
Sound power, L, or PWL, is the total acoustic energy rate radiating from a
point source of origin of a sound, in watts. It may be thought of as the source
energy required to produce a sound.
IL is helpful Lo think of sound pressure level as the pressure, Lp, measured
at a distance "13" from a source of L, watts power. Sound pressure is whal is
actually measured by a microphone and sound level meter. See Tables 12.6a,
12.6b, and 12.9.
Ambient noise is treated as another source, and should be added to the equip-
ment sound level. If the difference between the ambient level and the equipment
level is zero, then the total noise level is 3 dB higher than either.
Table 12.6b. Ambient noise correction for sound level measurements. For a given dB
difference, subtract the dB error from tho total noise.
dB difference dB error dB difference dB error
0.6 10 6 1.25
1 6.75 7 0.93
2 4.25 8 0.72
3 . 2.95 9 0.55
4 2.17 10 0.46
5 1.65
When the total sound at a point has been measured, and L i is desirable to
isolate the sound level for specific equipment, this "dB error" is to be subtracted
from the measured total noise.
When the sound source is nondireclional and there are no reflections or
disturbances, the sound will propagate in a spherical pattern. All the energy
is radiated outward, so the intensity at any distance can be calculated by
dividing the watts of energy by the total surface of the sphere enclosing the sound
[12/4] I = w/s
where I = intensity, in wattslftZ
W = sound power, in walls
S = surface area of the sphere, in ftz
The intensity varies inversely with the square of the distance from the source
[12/5] I? = I, (rl/r,)
where r, = original distance from sound source
r1 = new distance from sound source
Figure 12.8. Response characteristicsof standard frequencyweighting scales for sound load meters
and of the human ear at threshold.
o rn
u -
r n .
rn c
:5 .30
w man ear "response" at threshold
-u .40. A I
K .501 I l l - J r J~~~~ a I , a a n t ,
I I 1 1 , 1 1 1 1
Tests have indicated that the human ear is less likely to be permanently
damaged by low frequency high intensities than by high frequency high inten-
sities. This damage risk is quite similar to the "A" network. Figure 12.8 shows
that the ear is less likely to sustain damage from a sound level 30 dB higher at
50 Hz than at 1000 Hz. Because of the similarity of the "A" network and the
damage risk criterion, agencies such as OSHA and NIOSH use the "A" network
for most sound testing.
These topics are too complex for thorough coverage in this handbook.
Readers are referred to vendors' literature.
High frequency sound travels in straight lines. It can be reflected much like
light and does no1 easily change direction, nor go around corners. It is relatively
easy to attenuate, and is attenuated by air. High frequency sound is the
principal offender in hearing loss.
After the noise source is identified and after its intensity at various wavelengths
is determined, the remaining task is to reduce the noise intensity to acceptable
limits. Numerous methods and combinations of methods can be used. There are
five basic methods for controlling noise. It can be: MOVED, ABSORBED,
Moving the noise source. The most obvious but most frequently overlooked
solution is to eliminate the noise source, or to move it. Table 12.8 shows how
the sound pressure level can be diminished by increasing the distance
between the source and the receiver.
Absorbing noise. Materials such as fiber glass, mineral wool, or cork felt
are good sound absorbers -- effectively reduce sound passing through them or
passing over their surfaces. Much of the incident sound energy is converted to
heat energy. Only a small percentage is reflected.
Sound barriers, reflectors, and enclosures must be designed for Lhe frequen-
cies to he controlled. A barrier that resonates in sympathy with the sound source
will act as a loudspeaker, retransmitting the sound energy that was to be blocked.
Similarly, reflector walls must effectively reduce the transmission of sound
through the reflector.
When sound passes through walls or barriers, its sound pressure level is
reduced. This type of sound reduction, "transmission loss," specified in dB, is
generally proportional to the barrier weight and density.
Resonators use a time delay to cause phase reversal and cancellation of all
or part of the original wave, A resonator acts like a capacitor, storing pressure,
then releasing it 180 degrees out of phase .with the original wave, thus causing
its cancellation. An application of lhis idea is the 114 wave tube, shown in Figures
12.10a and 12.10b.
A s the peak pressure passes the mouth of a quarter wave tube, the pressure
pulse travels 114 wave down the tube and reflects up the tube (another 114 wave
length), emerging lrom the mouth of the tube 180 degrees out of phase with the
original wave; so the resultant sound pressure is largely negated. Resonators
and reflectors use this phase displacement principle.
Figure 12.10a. Quarter wave tube ("Sprrok tube") applied to a radiant tube fired with a comprosscd
air and propane burner, wherein a n oscillating flame front may drive the tube into violent osc:ill;c-
tion a t a discrc:te frequency unique for an organ pipe of that configuration and length.
Figure 12.10b. Wave cancellation in a quarter wave tube, showing [from lup lo bottom) the
original wave, the reflected wave, and llle resultant wave.
Figure 12.11. Helmholtz resonator can be tuned by filling the jug with water until anti-resonance
occurs, or by replacing the bottom of the jug with a movable piston.
I V = gas volume of
chamber, ft3 I
- 7 % -I
Detuning is the best way to silence or reduce Helmholtz or organ pipe noise.. .in
much the same way that ac electrical resonant circuits are detuned. Resonance
occurs when the inductive and capacitive reactances are equal and resistance
is negligible. The impedance of the circuit approaches zero; so the current
approaches infinity.
To reduce the current, make a change that will give the impedance a finite
value, which will reduce the current. The easiest way to do this is to add
resistance to the circuit. Similarly, to reduce the sound intensity of a tuned
resonator, add impedance to the acoustic circuit. For example, n gas-fired
rudiant tube oscillating at its nuturul frequency can be detuned by simply
adding a restricting orifice (impedance) at either end of the tube or pipe. These
same theories can be applied to long air piping that tends to oscillate.
Reactive silencers, Figure 12.13, are among the most commonly used in air
flow systems. They are highly effective, relatively inexpensive, and readily
available in many sizes and shapes. They can be designed to filter out discrete
frequencies as well as broad band noise. They are most effective in the medium
to high frequency ranges. Although some are designed for low frequencies, they
are quite large and heavy.
Figure 12.13. Reactive silencers redut:t? noise by absorbent filler mnlcrial and by many miniature
IIelmholtx-like resonators.
Expansion chambers, Figure 12.14, make the sound pressure wave expand,
thereby reducing its intensity. The muffler shown also acts as a reflective silencer.
Figure 12.14. Expansion chambers [mufflers] allow sound pressure waves to expand and dissi-
pate their energy.
I 1. The diameter
-- -- -- ---- -- -7 - --
of the chamber
determines the
@ extent of noise
I- The length of the chamber
determines which frequencies
are controlled
Blocking the noise source. This method, Figure 12.15 encompasses anything
that would impede or eliminate the passage of noise from Lhe source to the
receiver.. .a source enclosure, a wall, or a receiver enclosure.
Figure 12.15. Blocking sound can be accomplished by a source enclosure, a barrier wall, or a
receiver enclosnra.
Figure 12.16. Flexible connections are necessary to isolate any sound transmitted by pipes, ducts.
or conduits passing through sound enclosures. Ventilation openings without connecting ducts should
be fitted with stub ducts to reduce direct sound radiation through the openings.
Cooling air
Stub ducts
reduce sound
The use of earplugs, or better yet, earphones, to block sound from workers'
ears is a variation on the receiver enclosure principle. This is a less desirable
solution, but it is acceptable when other solutions have been exhausted.
Reducing the noise source is the preferred method for abating noise. Some
methods of reducing noise a l its source include:
1. Substituting low-noise-level motors or machines for standard motors
or machines.
2. Balancing a machine to eliminate vibration, or installing vibration
mounts to prevent transmitting vibration in10 large surfaces that act
as sounding boards.
3. Redesigning air nozzles and jets to include a boundary layer (Figure
12.171, which will greatly reduce shear effects and turbulence with
ambient air, thereby reducing turbulence-generated noise.
Flow inducer 1
4. Introducing various mutes and silencers at the noise source can reduce
the transmitted noise.
5. Changing the size or length of resonating cavities and pipes to eliminate
or reduce resonant noises.
6. Separating large, high speed jets into a number of smaller jets can
significantly reduce gas jet noise.
7. Breaking large, high speed jets into a number of smaller jets to shift
the generated frequencies to higher frequencies, which are easier to
8. Adding damping material and web plates to large surfaces to increase
resonant frequency, making it much easier to attenuate the remaining
9, Reducing the size or reshaping rotating cavities can reduce siren-induced
types of noise.
10. Equipping large cylindrical surfaces, like chimneys, classically associated
with air-flow-generatedmoaning sounds, with an uneven spiral or other
eddy generators.
Whatever the method, every effort should be expended to stop the noise at
the source; or at least to shift its frequency to a range where it can be attenuated.
In the USA, OSHA permits exposure to sound levels in excess of 90 dBA, but
the time must be reduced in accordance with Table 12.18.
Equation 1219 is the source for Table 12.18, and can be used to calculate
exposure times at other sound pressure levels.
Sound power levels for fans are normally slated at full load. This level
varies considerably depending on the machine's efficiency. For most fans,
the efficiency curve shows wide variation from the rating point. Because sound
power level depends on efficiency, one would expect the level to depend on the
operating point as well as the rating point. One can assume that the sound
power level will remain reasonably constant within 10 to 15% of the fan's
full load rating because efficiency varies little in that range. Below that, sound
power levels can be expected to increase.
When the manufacturer's data is not available, sound power level can be
estimated by:
a) using sound data for a machine of similar design produced by the same
b) a mathematical method developed by J. Barrie Graham, consulting engineer
(Reference 12.a), or
c) using homologous fan information, compensating for different operating
If noise from other sources is transmitted through inlet and outlel ducts, it
may contribute to the noise radiated by the fan or blower housing.
Open fan intake and exhaust noise levels are equal for all practical purposes.
The individual sound power level of the intake or discharge will be about 3 dB
less than the sound power level of the machine.
Table 12.19. Correction for casing radiation ,L or PWL (from Reference 12.c)
Example 12-1.The total sound power of a blower fabricated with 10 gauge steel is 1 2 4
dB. The inlet and outlet arc connected to sound-insulated ducts. Using Table 12.19, the
sound power radiated by the casing will bc 124 - 19 = 105 dB.
Piping system noise. Resonance in fans, pipes, ducts. Acoustic surge, pulsing,
puffing, and pumping are terms frequently used to describe a phenomenon that
occurs in air systems. The rhythmic puffing generally happens in Iarge air
systems with long air conduits.
The magnitude of the surge may consist of barely perceptible pulsing that
creates little more than an annoyance. It may attain levels of such intensity that
it is difficult for workers to safely or legally remain in the area. Surging can
reach an intensity severe enough to flex the fan casing violently, causing fatigue
failure. The pressure pulsations can cause flexing and additional stress on the
wheel and blades, resulting in damage and failure.
The basic causes of surge in air systems are: a) blower or fan instability, and
b) duct, pipe, or cavity resonance.
Figures 12.20a and 12.20b show how pulsations happen in blowers as they are turned down to
lower flows. As the operating point moves from A to B to C to D, the downstream pressure in the
duct i s suddenly greater than the pressure at the blower c~ullet,causing a backflow. Thcn the
operating condition jumps hack to 3 or A. Pulsation is oscillation between the high flow and low
flow sides of the curve's peek.
7 D
0, cfm Q, cfm
The basic difficulty is not acoustic in nature, but one related to proper fan
selection or design. For details on fan design, see texts on that subject.
Simple textbook-type pipes are rarely encountered in actual practice. The more
complicated systems consist of many parallel or series branches with takeoffs
at many places. These complex systems can be handled much as one does the
computations in complex ac electrical circuits, by merely breaking the system
into a number of simple series and parallel circuits.
Pipe systems obey the same physical laws as musical wind instruments, and
resonance can be predicted based on those relationships. Several factors can
affect the frequency and intensity of oscillations.
A convenient way to figure the acfh of the poc (products of combustion) when
using natural gas is
where Btulhr = actual gross heat release of the burner(s) with exit resistance
in place
%XSAir = percent excess air
Example 12-2. A 3" ID tube is fired with 1000 Btulcf natural gas at 100% excess air.
The exit gas temperature is 410 F. By trial and error, the resonance was found to be
minimized when the exit was restricted to 3.60 square inches of open area (2.14" diameter
orifice, assume K = 0.7). If the burner input rate a t this new condition is 164 000 gross
Btdhr, what will be the pressure drop across the exit restriction?
This exit restriction may have actually reduced the flow capacity of the system, so care
must be taken to use an acfh in formula [12112a] that actually represents the new
restricted flow.
Immersion and radiant tubes present unique problems when a tube becomes
resonant. Because of its length, the tube can easily fall into low-frequency oscil-
lation. The heat at each oscillation drives the excursion, increasing its intensity.
The resulting pressure antinode, which occurs at the burner, can become so high
that it exceeds the gas pressure at the burner, momentarily shutting off the
supply of gas, and reducing or extinguishing the flame.
As the reflected wave subsides, gas flow is re-established. Because of the valve
inertia in the gas regulator, that flow may exceed the normal rate. The air-gas
mixture then re-ignites (from a continuous ignition system or the hot tube),
creating an explosion. Then the cycle repeals. The &be is usually strong enough
to contain the explosion, but exhaust systems, usually of lighter construction,
may not.
Air and gas jet noise is significant in most applications where medium or
high pressure gases are discharged into stagnant air. Jet noise is often a problem
in combustion applications using atomizers, inspirators, inductors, or high
velocity burners.
The higher frequencies of jet noise are generally caused by the shearing
action of a high velocity air or gas jet as it exits from the solid boundary of the
nozzle, creating turbulence in the adjacent low velocity gases. (Figure 12.17a
shows turbulence by an unconfined jet.) Buffeting large scale turbulence, gener-
ally further downstream of the primary jet, creates lower frequency sound.
Formula [12113] is useful in estimating a jet's sound power level dB. For other
than circular nozzles, the noise will increase in proportion to ratio of actual
periphery to the round periphery because the noise increases with the surface
area of the jet.
A free air or gas jet impinging on a solid surface increases the above normal
jet noise by an additional 7 dB. (See Reference 12.h.)
Figure 12.21 depicts the typical spectrum of combustion noise. The authors
of Reference 12.a classify four overlapping combustion noise sources in com-
bustion systems: 1)direct flame noise, 2) furnace response, 3) burner tile response,
and 4) flow noise amplification.
Figure 12.21. A combustion system noise spectrum, illustrating the complexity of identifying
combustion system noise sources.
roar spectrum \
60 /
25 50 100 250 500 1000 2500 5MM 10 000
Frequency, Hz
Designers of low noise burners should strive for slow mixing, approaching
that of a diffusion flame. Air and fuel passages must be designed with
little difference between their fluid velocities. Gas should be introduced
in the center of the burner to reduce its surface or mixing area. The
combining zone must have solid boundaries. To avoid creating vortices at
the interface of the streams and the ambient gas, the combining cone must
not permit jetting into a stagnant area. The burner designer's goal should
be orderly and complete mixing of air and fuel.
k) Aerodynamics of the ignition port and combustion chamber. The ignition
port (flame holder, burner nozzle), and combustion chamber have enormous
effects on the noise produced by a burner. Also to be considered is noise
generated by resonation in response to burner excitation.
The ignition port and combustion chamber, if used, are the primary means
for stabilizing the flame and providing the necessary reradiation to bring
the air-fuel mixture to the reaction temperature critical for complete
combustion. The shape of the refractory tile [quarl), or port provides the
aerodynamics that stabilize a portion of the mixture in a relatively quies-
cent zone, where feed speed is slowed down to equal flame speed, This
environment allows the mixture in that zone to come up to temperature
and provide piloting to the main stream. Other tile shapes cause toroidal
recirculation zones within the tile, thereby creating the necessary temper-
ature and piloting function. The combination of burner port and tile shapes
provides the basic piloting and stabilizing functions.
For low noise level considerations, the tile design must have stabilizing
regions that aerodynamically avoid zones of high or large scale turbulence.
Furthermore, the stabilizing region must itself be stationary, with little or
no movement. The tile and the combustion chamber must provide an
environment where the flame, beyond its stabilizers, does not tear or
separate from the main flame or main stream. The interface between the
stabilizing zones and the main stream must be such that the resultant flame
does not shed periodically. If shedding does occur, a periodic noise will
be generated having the same, or a multiple of, the shedding frequency.
Most of the many theories proposed for predicting sound power levels were
developed for specific types of burners and for a limited capacity range. When
one looks at the number of factors that affect sound power, it is not surprising
that no single formula or procedure permits computation of sound power levels
over a broad range of burner types, fuels, and capacities.
In the hope of finding a better way to predict sound power level, an analysis
was done of a large data base of information on low pressure air burners of
different sizes and types. The data was obtained from six different types of
burners, and four to five sizes of burners of each type, using oil, gas, or pulver-
ized coal as fuels. Burner capacities ranged from 100 000 Btulhr to 110 000 000
Btulhr (105.5 to 116 050 MJlh, or 32.2 to 32 230 kW). Noise levels were measured
for 100% and 30% firing rates.
Figure 12.22, Average sound power level data for a number of types and sizes of gaseous, liquid,
and solid fuel burners over two broad ranges of q' (corrected) firing rates.
Individual data points have been replaced with bands for clarity. It is not
possible to find one formula to cover all cases, but an approximation is possible
for nozzle-mix, low-pressure-air burners.
For Group 11, heat release from q' = 18 000 000 to 110 000 000:
where In q' means the natural logarithm of the value of q'. {Thenatural logarithm
is the log to the base e as opposed to common log, base 10, used in all prior sound
formulae in this Part 12.)
The geometry and types of flame holding, among other factors, arc distinctly
different for the small and large groups of burners. For any givon burner, noise
levels during turndown followed a slope parallel to the lines shown in Figure
Some other conclusions can be drawn from the data:
a) The slope of the turndown lines was similar for all burners within a homolo-
gous series.
b) For the four series of burners tcstcd, the slopes of the turndown lines were
reasonably consistent.
c) The individual burners were all operated through the same range of pres-
sure drops for the Group I burners, and at 1.5 times lhat drop for the Group
I1 burners. The flame patterns and flame characteristics and shapes were
different for each series oI burner.
d) Burners operating on natural gas were at 5% excess air.
e) Burners operating on distillate (#2) fuel oil were at 20% excess air.
f) Burncrs operating on powered coal were at 50% excess air.
g) Within a group, burners firing on natural gas generally had sound intensi-
ties 3 to 5 dB higher than when firing oil. Those operating on pulverized coal
had noise levels 2 to 3 dB lower than those on oil. In general, a higher
combustion intensity (shorter flame) resulted in a higher noise level.
h) The frequency of the combustion roar and the burner tile response shifted
downward as the burner capacity was increased.
i) Flow noise seemed relatively constant for different capacities, burner sizes,
and burner types. There were only minor variations from type to type. The
empirical data of Figure 12.22 is far from definitive, but it can provide an
approximation of sound power levels for use when precise data is not avail-
able, provided it is used with full understanding of its limitations.
Example 12-3. Estimate noise level for a moderate-to-high-intensity distillate fuel oil flame
from a nozzle-mix burner operating at 5 000 000 Btulhr capacity with 16 osig (1 psig)
air pressure drop and 14.7 psia + 1 psig = 15.7 psia air line pressure.
Calculate q' = 5 000 000 x [16/16)/15.7 = 318 500. This value of q' classifies the
burner in Group I. Enter Figure 12.21 at 318 500 on the scale across the bottom. Moving
vertically, one would normally turn left at the centerline of Group I because it is being
fired with fuel oil, but its moderate-to-high flame intensity suggests interpolating about
2 dB higher, a t a sound power level of 118 dB.
12.a Diehl, G. M.: "Machinery Acoustics", John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
New York, NY, 1973.
12.b Giammar, R. D. and Putnam, A. A.: "Guide for the Design of Low
Noise-Level Combustion Systems", American Gas Association Basic
Research Project BR-3-5, pg. 9, January, 1971.
12.c Harris, C. M.: "Handbook of Acoustic Measurement and Noise
Control", Chapter 41, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 3rd ed., 1991.
12.d Jorgensen, R. (ed.): "Fan Engineering", Chapters 4 and 16; Buffalo
Forge Co., Buffalo, NY, 1983.
12.e Putnam, A. A.: "Combustion-Driven Oscillations in Industry",
American Elsevier Publishing Co., Inc., New York, NY, 1971.
12.f Thurmann, A. and Miller, R. K.: "Fundamentals of Noise Control
Engineering", pp. 73-75; Fairmont PressIPrentice-Hall, Lilburn, GA,
12.g Vincent, S., Mills, J. S., and Petersen, A. C.: "Industrial Noise
Control Manual"; US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare;
Printing Office, Washington DC, Stock -017-033-00073, Catalog
1Z.h Rayleigh, B. and Strutt, J. W.: "The Theory of Sound"; vol. 2, pg. 322;
Dover Publications, New York, NY, 1982.
Air contains only about 20.9% oxygen, and the balance is primarily nitrogen.
See Table 13.1, repeated from Part 1 of Volume I of this handbook.
In combustion systems that use blower air a s their oxygen source, the large
nitrogen content of the air absorbs heat and increases the volume of the
furnace and flue gases. Oxygen enrichment, oxygen lancing, or oxy-fuel firing
is often used to improve combustion characteristics.
In oxygen enrichment, the oxygen concentration is increased above that of
normal air by blending commercial oxygen with the blower air to raise the
oxygen content of the mixed air-oxygen stream to 22% to 35%.
In oxygen lancing, a special form of oxygen enrichment, commercial oxygen
(typically 90% to 100% purity) is injected near a n air-fuel flame to improve the
combustion characteristics --higher flame temperature, and higher % available
heat. The most common reason for using oxygen enrichment is to increase the
available heat input to the load in the furnace. This can improve productivity
or fuel economy, or both.
Table 13.2. Comparisons of Oxygen Sources [Adapted from Reference 13.i at the end
of this Part 13.) (1 ton per day 1000 scfh for pure oxygen.]
O/o psig kwhlton*
typical oxygen dlvry power
Source capacity purity press reqd
Cryogenic 50-2000+ 70-99.5+ 3 230-250 Low cost for large
plant 250 350-400 volume users. Maybe
use of co-products.
Bulk 0-50 99.5+ 2501 700-800 Tank and vaporizer
liquid required. Best use
Pressure- 10-100 80-95 3-20 230-600 Generally more
swing economical than low
adsorption capacity cyrogenic.
Membrane 1-15 28-35 1 350-600 Limited purity. Very
simple process.
Formula [1311] gives the portion of the equivalent pure oxygen in the total
oxygen contained in a n oxygen-enriched stream.
Example 13-1.A 35% purity oxygen product from a membrane system would be valued at
Oxygen and air requirements, poc volumes. Formula [I3121 calculates the
required fuel flow rate, Ff, in scfh or m"1h.
[I3121 Ff = reqd gross heat input rate + gross heat value per unit fuel
= reqd gross Btulhr s gross Btulscf fuel, or
= reqd gross GJ/h i gross GJ/m3 fuel.
Formula [I3131 gives the % fuel saved by situation 2 over situation 1, using
% available heat figures, %AH, from Figure 13.4a.
Formula [13/4b] tells how to evaluate Frpo, the required volume flow rate of
pure oxygen, in scfh or m31h.
Formula [13/5] shows the volume flow rate of air-oxygen mixture, F,,.
By definition, %e, the volume concentration of pure oxygen in the tolal volume
of enriched mixture is
The 0.209 in this formula is the decimal equivalent of 20.9% oxygen in normal
air. Fa is the volume flow rale of blower air; F,, is the volume flow rate of
commercial oxygen. A prior engineering decision has usually been made as to
the desired value of e; so it is possible to solve formula [13/6a] for the ratios,
F,/FoC and Fao,/F,,, as follows:
The volume of the poc (products of combustion) is often important for sizing
stack gas cleanup equipment, or for determining adequate in-furnace circula-
tion for fast, uniform heat transfer. Formulas [I3171 and [I3181 calculate this.
The volume of stoichiometric poc, per unit volume of fuel,
Figure 13.3. Products of combustion for various percents of oxygen concentration in air-oxygen
mixes for Average Natural Gas -- plotted on both Cartesian and log-log coordinates. A curve fit for
the top left portion of the log-log plots (e = 20.9 to 50%] gives the approximate empirical formulas:
cf N,lcf fuel, with equiv. 10% excess air = 6501e1.433.
cf NJcf fuel, sloichiomctric (0% excess air] = 5601e1.4".
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -
Upper curve is volumes N,/vol. fuel wlequiv. 10% excess air
'Lower curve is volumes N,lvol. fuel wlequiv. 0% excess air '
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
e = % oxygen concentration in air-oxygen mix
Figure 13.4a. Available heat, expressed as a percentage of the gross heating value, for an "average natural gas," 1025 Btulft3,
5 % excess oxidant, with standard air, and with various degrees of oxygen enrichment. This data is applicable only if there is no unburned
fuel in the products of combustion.
Example 13-2.A furnace with a flue gas exit temperature of 1800 F requires 1 000 000
available Btulhr with an average natural gas (Vrp0lV~,,l = 2.025) and air (case a).
Consideration is being given to enriching the air to e = 35% (by volume)
concehtration of pure oxygen in the total volume of enriched mix (case b], or to all com-
mercial oxygen, no blower air (case c). The commercial oxygen available is 95% pure
FIND, for each of the three modes of operation:
i O/u available heat
ii required gross heat input rate, gross Btulhr (kk = million)
iii required fuel volume flow rate, scfh, Ff = [13/2]
iv % fuel savings (b over a , c over b, c ovor a )
v reqd pure oxygen volume flow, Frpo = [1314b]
vi resultant volume flow rate of enriched mixture, Faom = (13151
vii ratio of k', to Foc = [13/6b]
viii ratio of F,,,, to F,, = [1316d]
ix required commercial oxygen volume flow rate, F,,: = [13/6e]
x required air volume flow rate, P, = [1316fl
xi resultant poc volume flow rate, FpOc, = Nz + HzO + GOz[from Figure 13.31.
RESULTS of these example calculations are listed in the following table in US units:
Step Case a [e = 20.91 Case b [e = 351 Case c [e = 951
i 62.8 75.3
ll 1.59kk 1.33kk
iii 1550 1296
iv 100% x [I - (49.0/62.8)] c over b, 16.6%
= 22.0 for b over a ' c over a, 34.9%
[Fig. 13.41 1550 x 2.025 1296 x 2.025
= 3140 = 2624
vi [I3151 31401.35 = 8970 26941.95 = 2762
vii (.95-.35)1(.35-.209)
... [13.6b] = 4.255
Vlll [13/6d] 4.255 + 1 = 5.255
ix [13/6e] 879015.255 = 1710
The first three steps of Example 13-2 illustrate one of the many uses of the
available heat concept -- sizing combustion equipment. Another important use
of the available heat concept is for preliminary comparisons of a variety of ways
to achieve better fuel efficiency and better flame temperature. Such compari-
sons might be between cold combustion air with various percents of excess air,
or hot combustion air with various degrees of preheat, or oxygen-enriched air
with any amount of oxygen enrichment, or any combination of these. See Tables
13.5a, b, and c.
Formula 1313 can be used to derive % fuel savings for any pair of operating
conditions, using the ?havailable heat figures for that pair of conditions. The
derivation of formula 1313 is in Reference 13.m. Comparisons of fuel savings with
preheated air and with oxygen enrichment are tabulated inReference 13.1-1.Fuel
saved is only one of many factors that must be considered when comparing pac
and oec.
Table 13.5a. Comparisons of 010 available heat and adiabatic flame temperatures for
an average natural gas* with selected amounts of excess air, air preheat, and oxygen
phi = p = preheat e = % % Available heat+ Adiabatic
% XS O/O XS equiv temp, OZin 500F 1500F 2100F flame temp*
air O2 ratio F C a-0 260C 816C 1149C F C
- - - - - - - - - - -
5 1 0.95 60 16 20.9 61.03 56.95 41.16 3460 1905
5 1 0.95 60 16 35 84.21 68.15 57.54 4231 2333
5 1 0.95 60 16 100 87.25 78.91 73.29 5021 2772
5 1 0.95 1200 649 20.9 78.88 63.12 3946 2175
5 1 0.95 1600 871 20.9 71.48 4093 2257
5 1 0.95 2000 1093 20.9 80.07 4231 2333
10 2 0.909 60 16 20.9 80.67 55.68 39.31 3381 1861
10 2 0.909 60 16 35 83.99 67.38 56.43 4195 2313
10 2 0.909 60 16 100 87.17 78.63 72.88 5010 2766
10 2 0.909 1200 649 20.9 78.61 62.26 3905 2152
10 2 0.909 1600 871 20.9 71.01 4134 2279
10 2 0.909 2000 1093 20.9 79.98 4205 2318
25 4.55 0.80 60 16 20.9 79.52 51.66 33.41 3111 1711
25 4.55 0.80 60 16 35 83.30 64.98 52.88 4054 2235
25 4.55 0.80 60 16 100 86.93 77.76 71.61 4967 2742
25 4.55 0.80 1200 649 20.9 77.72 59.50 3748 2065
25 4.55 0.80 1600 871 20.9 69.44 3938 2170
25 4.55 0.80 2000 1063 20.9 79.64 4107 2264
* AVERAGE NATURAL GAS = 90% CI-14, 5% CzHa, 1%63Ne,4% Nz; 1025 gross Btulscf: 9.68 ft3
air/ft3fuel, 10.71 ft3poc/ft3fuel (with air); 2.025 ft3air/f13Iuel, 3.06 ft3poclft3fuel [with oxygen).
t with an assumed furnace exit gas temperature of.. .
*Flame temperatures for #2 and #6 oils are calculated using a n older program than used for
natural gas. 'I'emperatures from Tables 13.5b and 1 3 . 5 ~should not be compared with Table
13.5a. Comparisons within Table 13.5b and 1 3 . 5 ~a r e still useful.
Table 13.5b. Comparisons of % available heat and adiabatic flame temperatures for a #2
distillate fuel oil* with selected amounts of excess air, air preheat, and oxygen enrichment.
phi = p = preheat e = % O/o Available heat? Adiabatic
O/OXS % X S equiv temp, 0, in 500F 1500F 2100F flame temp*
air O2 ratio F C a-0 260C 816C 1149C F C
- - - - - - - - - - -
5 1 0.95 60 16 20.9 84.2 59.9 43.9 3443 1895
5 1 0.95 60 16 35 87.7 69.9 61.0 4081 2249
5 1 0.95 60 16 100 83.0 77.6 4615 2546
Table 1 3 . 5 ~ . Comparisons of O/o available heat and adiabatic flamo temperatures for a #6
residual fuel oil* with selected amounts of excess air, air preheat, and oxygen enrichment.
phi = p = preheat e = "10 % Available heatt Adiabatic
XS O/O XS equiv temp, O2 in 500F 1500F 2100F flame temp#
air O2 ratio F C a-0 260C 816C 1149C F C
- - - - - - - - - - -
5 1 0.95 60 16 20.9 85.9 62.3 46.9 3544 1951
5 1 0.95 60 16 35 89.2 73.7 63.6 4156 2291
5 1 0.95 60 16 100 84.8 79.7 4676 2580
5 1 0.95 1200 649 20.9 84.8 69.3 3934 2168
5 1 0.95 1800 982 20.9 82.2 4094 2257
10 2 0.909 60 16 20.9 83.2 60.9 44.9 3468 1909
10 2 0.909 60 16 35 89.0 72.9 62.4 4123 2273
10 2 0.909 60 16 100 84.5 79.3 4668 2575
10 2 0.909 1200 649 20.9 84.5 68.4 3891 2144
10 2 0.909 1800 982 20.9 79.0 4065 2240
25 4.54 0.80 60 16 20.9 84.3 56.8 38.9 3231 1777
25 4.54 0.80 60 16 35 88.3 70.5 58.8 4012 2211
25 4.54 0.80 60 16 100 83.6 78.0 4643 2561
25 4.54 0.80 1200 649 20.9 83.5 65.6 3761 2072
25 4.54 0.80 1800 982 20.9 80.9 3977 2191
* Flame stability means reliability: easy lighting, staying continuously burning without a pilot and
without pulsing or sputtering -- aver the whole range of expected operuting conditions.
Table 13.6. Ignition temperatures in air and oxygen for some gaseous fuels. [See also
Table 1.10 in Volume I.)
TEMPERATURE In Am (e = 21% O,] In Oxygen [e = 100% OZ)
Acetylene 612F(q) 350C[q) 565F(q) 296C[q)
Carbon monoxide 1128 F (dl 609 C (d) 1090F(l) 588C(I]
Ethane 882F(q) 472C[q) 842F(q) 450C(q)
( CzHs)
Ethylene 914F(q) 490C(q] 905 F (q) 485 C (9)
Hydrogen 1062F(d) 572C(d) 1040F(l) 560C[1)
Methane 1170F(d) 632C(d) 1033 F (1) 556 C [I)
Propane 919I;(l) 493C(l) 874F(l) 468C[l]
Letters in parentheses relate to References at the end of Part 13.
Flammability limits really relate to minimum ignition temperature and the heat
absorbing capability of inert molecules between "sets" of fuel and oxidant
molecules that are stoichiometrically proportioned so that they are ready to
burn. Higher concentrations of intervening inert material may absorb so
much heat that they prevent transfer of sufficient heat to the next eligible
"set" so it cannot be heated to its minimum ignition temperature. The inert
materials may be:
(a) excess air or oxygen, unaccompanied by fuel molecules;
[b) excess fuel, unaccompanied by air or oxygen molecules;
(c) products of complete combustion, such as COz, K O ; or
(d) intentional extinguishing (inert) gases such as nitrogen, steam, C02.
Flammability limits are measures of the magnitude of the heat absorbing
capability of the intervening inert materials relative to the minimum ignition
energies of the sets.
Flammability limits are also influenced by other factors such as the ease with
which molecular bonds can be broken.
Table 13.7. Flammability limits in air and oxygen for some gaseous fuels. (See also
Table 1.10 in Volume I.)
* % fuel in a n air-fuel mix or in a n oxygen-fuel mix. Example: For methane burning in air, the
lower explosive limit [LEL) = 5.3%, or 94.7 volumes airl5.3 volumes gas = 17.87:,1 airlgas
ratio. From page 5 of Volume I, the stoichiometric airlgas ratio for methane is 9.531. There-
fore excess air is 17.87 - 9.53 = 8.34 ft3 air/ft3 gas; so % excess air = 100% x 8.3419.53
= 87.5% excess air; which is a n equivalence ratio [+] of 0.5333...Appendix Table C.12.
t The lower flammability limit (LELJ for CO with oxygen is significantly higher whereas LEL with
oxygen is generally unchanged or slightly lower for other fuels. This is due to the catalytic
effects of Hz0 in CO combustion, which also affect the LEL of CO with humid air.
3. Flame Speed is also termed burning velocity, ignition velocity, flame propa-
gation velocity. Most references list maximum burning velocity and specify
the airlfuel ratio a t which the maximum occurs (usually at stoichiometric or
slightly fuel rich). The bell-shaped curves of flame speed variation with airlfuel
ratio are discussed in Reference 13.r a t the end of this Part 13. Table 13.8
lists velocity ranges and most probable flame speeds for a few fuels.
Table 13.8. Burning velocities in air and in oxygen for five gaseous fuels. (From
Reference 13.d at the end of Part 13.)
In Air (e = 21% 04 In Oxygen (e = 100Yo 02)
Most Range, Most Range,
probable, / of probable,
Oo probable, Oo/ "/a
Fuel ftlsec mls min , max ftlsec mls under over
Hydrogen 9.19 2.80 0.89 1.30 38.55 11.75 0.76 1.01
Methane 1.24 0.38 0.87 1.16 12.96 3.95 0.82 1.22
Propane 1.41 0.43 0.93 1.09 12.30 3.75 0.96 1.07
Butane 1.35 0.41 0.92 1.12 11.65 3.55 0.94 1.00
Acetylene 5.25 1.60 0.69 1.13 37.08 11.30 0.84 1.13
Example 13-3. From Table 13.8, the range of burning velocities fnr hydrogen in air is
C9.19 ftlsec x 0.891 to [9.19 x 1.301 = 8.18 to 11.9 fllsec, or
[2.80 mls x 0.891 to [2.80 x 1.301 = 2.49 to 3.64 mls.
Figure 13.9 gives a comparison of the effects of oxygen enrichment and air
preheat on flame velocity and flammability limits for methane gas. [Most natural
gases contain about 90% methane.) Flame velocity increases from about 1 to
11 ftisec a s the oxygen concentration increases from e = 20.9% to e = 100%.
For a flame to be stable, the feed speed of the oxidant-fuel mixture must equal
the flame speed. If feed speed exceeds flame speed, the flame will be pushed
away from the burner, causing a lift-off or blow-off, or moving the flame to a
new "detached" position, i.e. not in contact with the burner nozzle, and there-
fore more subject to instability caused by furnace currents.
If flame speed exceeds feed speed, the flame will move upstream. This may
cause a nozzle-mix flame to go out, or a premix flame to flash back, with
possible damage. See Part 1, Volume I. Many burners are designed to minimize
flashback by the quenching effect of the mass of a relatively cold nozzle and
a steep velocity gradient in the mixture's boundary layer.
The combination of higher flame velocity and wider flammability limits with
oxygen-enriched combustion improves flame stability and tends to create short
intense flames. The stability of a premixed flame is usually measured in terms
of the critical velocity gradients a t flashback and blowoff limits. As much as
100-fold to 1000-fold increases in flashback and blowoff velocity gradients a r e
measured with pure oxygen. With oxygen enrichment, the gradients are less,
but substantially more than with air. Extreme caution must be exercised when
oxygen enrichment is considered for premix combustion systems.
Figure 13.9. Effects of oxygen enrichment and air preheating on methane gas ftame velocity and
flammability limits. (From Reference 13.q at the end of Part 13.)
The flame speeds or velocities usually listed (including Table 13.8 and Figure
13.9) are for laminar flow, which exists in only a few industrial burners.
Turbulent flame speeds vary with temperature, Reynolds Number, and flame
configuration; but are estimated to be 6 to 8 times the listed laminar speeds.
Even these higher turbulent flame speeds are not enough to satisfy industrial
needs for high bulk throughput velocity across the nozzle. The feed speed = flame
speed requirement is met by creating recirculaling flows or low velocity
boundary flows or by flames stretching out like long cones, thus satisfying the
feed speed = flame speed requirement at right angles to the flame "surface."
As input changes, or flame speed changes (due to temperature changes, for
example], the cone length stretches or contracts.
High speed photography shows that most flame surfaces, particularly with
large burners, are not smooth cones, but consist of myriad small spurs of
flame (each a little cone) because of localized variable velocities, equivalence
ratios, and temperatures within the unburned feed. Liquid fuel flames
especially exhibit this characteristic because unvaporized fuel droplets behave
as tiny projectiles. For all of these reasons, burner design aerodynamics can be
very complex if a burner is to be flexible enough to operate with a variety of
input rates (turndown ratios), equivalence ratios, oxidants, and fuels.
Also available to industry are low NOx oxy-fuel burners using staged
combustion, or off-stoichiometric firing (fuel rich or oxygen rich], a s discussed
in Part 11.
* Theoretically, NO formation peaks in mid-rang0 between air and pure oxygen (as encountered in
some cases of oxygen enrichment), and NO formation falls to zero with 10010 oxygednitrogen
(as with oxy-he1 firing).
low velocity, high volume low temp. high momentum
low velocity, low volume high temp. low momentum
OXYGEN L > ~ ~ ~
high velocity
low velocity low temp
low volume high volume high momentum
The ultimate design goal of the doc method is to react fuel with an oxidant
stream containing the lowest possible oxygen concentration. Wet flue gas or
furnace gases are recirculated so as to dilute pure oxygen or air and thereby
provide an "oxidant" that is diluted with inert gases (preferably other than
As the recirculation (dilution)is increased, the oxygen concentration and the
flame temperature are slowly lowered (from the theoretical adiabatic flame
temperature with 100% oxygen]. With further increase in poc recirculation, as
O2concentration goes below about 40%, flame temperature falls off more and
more rapidly. For example: 3100 F at 25% oxygen and 2100 F at 15% oxygen,
for methane-oxygen combustion. Similar but (surprisingly] higher flame
temperatures occur with methanelair combustion.
Figure 13.11. Oz-air upstream-mixing is a simple and popular method for oxygen-enriching
for higher flame temperature and improved fuel efficiency, but it is not very flexible and the
enrichment level is limited. Some sort of directional air flow sensor should be used upstream of
the mixing point a s a safety interlock.
Air I,
Oxygen ---I
the poc will therefore increase. That assures more complete combustion and
increases heat transfer time, improving overall efficiency.
At furnace temperatures above about 1400 F (760 C), a great part of the
heat transfer comes from gas radiation and also by reradiation from the walls
and roof. The poc from a standard air-gas fired system contain about 26%
triatomic molecules, principally C 0 2and HzOvapor. The energy radiated by these
molecules varies with their concentration, thickness of the gas blanket, and
temperature. Figure 13.13, specifically for the GO, and H 2 0 concentration from
a typical natural gas burned with air, shows how the gas radiation varies with
temperature and blanket thickness.
Figure 13.13. Gas radiation heat flux rates from the poc of a typical natural gas can be
calculated from the formulas at the top of this graph if the gas temperature and blanket thickness
are known.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 f t
Gas blanket thickness
When burners are switched from air-gas operation to oxy-fuel operation, the
concentration of triatomic molecules increases from 26% to near loo%, thus
increasing the gas radiation heat transfer. This rise in gas radiation helps heat
transfer. For real furnace conditions with constant heat input, however, the gas
temperature tends to drop slightly. The added gas radiation apparently about
balances the lower temperature, luminosity, and convection. Depending on the
type of furnace, the gas radiation could aid temperature uniformity and provide
a modest increase in production.
Table 13.14. Industrial furnaces and kilns for applications of oxygen enrichment
Industry Furnaces /Kilns Primary benefits*
Aluminum Remelting 1, 2
Coke calcining 1
Cement Calcining
Chemical Incineration
Clay Brick firing
Copper Smelting
Glass Regenerative melters
Unit melters
Day tanks
Iron and Steel Soaking pits
Reheat furnaces
Ladle preheat
Electric arc melters
Forging furnaces
Petroleum FCC Regenerator
Claus sulfur
Pulp and paper Lime kilns
Black liquor
Higher flame temperature is not the only way to achieve a higher heat
transfer rate. Gas radiation from hot combustion products to the surrounding
refractory walls and re-radiation to the load constitute the primary modes of
heat transfer in many high temperature furnaces. The intensity of gas radiation
is a function of the gas temperature and the concentrations of C 0 2 , HzO, and
soot. With oxygen enrichment, reduced concentration of Nzin the poc means
the concentrations of triatomic gases will be higher; so the gas radiation will
be stronger.
In a radiation-dominant furnace with uniform temperature requirement. the
preferred method for productivity improvement is Lo increase the bulk gas
temperature in the furnace; not the localized flame temperature. Various
oxygen enrichment techniques are available to create intense high temperature
flames or low temperature high momentum flames, depending on the process
Fuel Savings. Both oxygen-enriched combustion [oec] and preheated air
combustion (pac] improve fuel efficiency. In Figure 13.15, fuel required to
provide one million Btu of available heat to a furnace is plotted as a function
of furnace flue gas exit temperature for ambient air combustion and three
different levels of pac and oec. As the flue gas temperature increases, more
fuel is required lo provide the same amount of available heat to the furnace.
With ambient air combustion, the fuel requirement increases sharply at high
temperatures. With 100% oxygen, the fuel requirement is much smaller than
with ambient air, and increases only slightly with flue gas temperature because
of the small flue gas mass and resulting small flue heal loss.
Figure 13.15. Fuel requirement to provide 1 000 000 Btu of available heat.
O2 in flue
> 6
Figure 13.16. Fuel savings and specific fuel savings from oxygen enrichment, based on natural
gas, with 2400 F flue gas temperature and 2% excess oxygen in the flue gas.
0" -
? 16-
Specific fuel savings
z 15-
60 - Fuel savings
$ 40-
0 , I 1
20 40 60 80 100
% Oxygen in enriched air
Figure 13.17. Specific fuel savings with 100% oxygen compared with various air preheat
temperatures. (From Reference 13.i)
300F 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000F
149C 316 482 649 816 982 1149 1316 1482 1649C
Flue gas temperature
If the cost of fuel and oxygen are $3 per million Btu and $30 per ton of equiva-
lent pure oxygen, the break-even specific fuel saving becomes
$30lton oxygen
= 10 million Btulton oxygen.
$3lmillion Btu
In the above example, oec resulted in a specific fuel saving of 15.2 million Btulton
02, or $3 x 15.2 = $45.6 savedlton Oz.Subtractingthe $30 cost of oxygen, shows
a net saving of $15.6 compared with ambient air. Compared with 1000 F
preheated air, ($3 x 5.1) - $30 = - $14.7, a net loss if oxygen were used.
Graphs are available in Reference 13.i for similarly checking the economics of
oec for a variety of fuels and combustion conditions.
Oec is not usually economical, fuel-wise, for boilers and other low temper-
ature processes, or those with good heat recovery devices. It may be economical
for some high temperature furnaces, particularly if the existing heat recovery
system is not efficient. Economic evaluation of oec for fuel savings compared
with other heat recovery options is usually very complex and site-specific,
because so many factors influence the retrofit costs and the cost of oxygen. The
true operating cost of oec is the cost of electric power for the oxygen source
system, The capital cost is included in the "oxygen cost."
The capital costs of oec and pac heat recovery systems increase with furnace
temperature. (With oxy-fuel firing, the same equipment is generally used
regardless of furnace temperature.)Maintenance and replacement costs increase
with more corrosive flue gases. The costs of flue gas handling and cleaning
systems (including stacks) are less with oec because of the reduced flue gas
In general, oec has a low capital cost and high operating cost as compared
with pac. Economically, oec is more favorable at high temperatures and for flue
gases laden with particulates, corrosive gases, and high NOx emissions. Glass
melting is an example where many furnaces have been converted to 100% oec
in recent years to attain the combined benefits of reduced NOx and other
emissions, furnace rebuild costs, and fuel consumption. Further information on
the economic aspects can be found in Reference 13.i.
References 13.m and 13.n predict fuel savings with combustion air preheat
(cap) and oxygen-enriched combustion (oec), These are based on 10% excess
air ( 2 % oxygen in the flue gas) with natural gas as the fuel; but savings will be
about the same with fuel oils. (Both references are derived from the same
enthalpy and dissociation formulas; so they give comparable savings. Use of
tables from different sources may give misleading results.) Fuel saved is only
one of many factors to be considered when comparing pac and oec.
NOTE: Oxygen is usually sold in units of 100 cubic feet measured a t 70 F; sometimes
by the ton (2000 pounds = 909.1 kilograms]. One ton of pure oxygen occupies 24 180
cubic feet measured at 70 F or 21 C, and 14.696 psia or one atmosphere. 'l'o
convert an oxygen price from $ per ton to $lft3, divide $Iton by 24 180 ft3/ton.
Example 13-4: Convert an oxygen price from $DOlton, to $/hundred cubic feet:
When oec or pac (preheated air combustion) is being considered for applica-
tion to a furnace, the effects on heat transfer and temperature uniformity must
be carefully evaluated. The selected burner type has a strong effect on both heat
transfer and NOx emissions; so careful consultation with burner experts is
advised. The number of burners and their placement may have to be changed.
Flame momentum may have to be increased to maintain the same furnace gas
recirculation ratio.
A very thorough analysis should be made comparing all costs. Safety costs
are difficult to evaluate, but must be considered. Handling oxygen may creale
some safety hazards; so il is important to utilize the judgment of an engineer
experienced in selecthg oxygen valve/control trains.
13.a Anderson, J. E.: "A Low NOx, Low Temperature Oxygen Burner",
1986 Symposium on Industrial Combustion Technologies, Gas
Research Institute, Chicago, IL, 1986.
13.b Bodurtha, F. T.: "Industrial Explosion Prevention and Protection",
pg. 21, McGraw-Hill Inc., New York, NY; 1980.
13.c Bornelburg, H. J.: "Efficiency Evaluation of Oxygen Enrichment
in Energy Conversion Processes", Report No. PNL-4917, for U.S.
Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., December 1983.
13.d Booker: Document F211ca150, International Flame Research Founda-
tion, IJmuiden, Netherlands, 1981.
13.e Browning, R. A. et al: "Recent Advances in Oxygen Combustion
Technology", CIM Conference of Metallurgists, Winnipeg, 1987.
13.f Coward and Jones: "Limits of Flammability of Gases & Vapors",
pg. 131, Bulletin 503, U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1952
13.g Glassman, I.: "Combustion", pg. 80, Academic Press, NY, NY, 1977.
List of tables and charts
APPENDIXA- Densities and thermal properties of air, steam, metals, various substances
Table A.l US Properties of air at elevated temperatures pages 247-248
Table A.2 Metric Properties of air at elevated temperatures 249
Table A.3 Factors for correcting gas volumes for pressure 250
Figure A.4 US High temperature psychrometric chart 251
Figure A.5 Metric High temperature psychrometric chart 252
Table A.6 US Properties of saturated air-water vapor mixtures 253-254
Table A.7 Metric Properties of saturated air-watcr vapor mixtures 255
Table A.8 US Properties of saturated steam 256
Table A.9 Metric Properties of saturated steam 257
Table A. 10 US Properties of superheated steam 258
Table A.11 Metric Properties of superheated steam 259
Table A.12 US Thermal properties of metals 260
Table A.13 Metric Thermal properties of metals 261
Figure A. 14 Heat contents of common metals at various temperatures 262
Figure A.15 Heat contents of lead, tin, zinc and their alloys 263
Table A. 16 US Dcnsity and thermal properties of various substances 264-276
Table A.17 Metric Density and thermal properties of various substances 277-289
Figure A 1 8 Absolute viscosities of gases and vapors 290
Table A. 19 US Properties of some heat transfer fluids 291
Table A.20 More properties of heat transfer fluids 292
Table A.21 Effect of humidity on oxygen content of air 293
Table A.22 Calorific (heating) values 294-299
Table A.23 Periodic table of the elements 300-302
List of tables and charts
APPENDIX E Miscellaneous
Table E.l US Sheet metal and wire gauges
Table E.2 Squares and square roots
Tablc E.3 US Areas, circumferences, and flow capacitics of circles
and drill sizes
Table E.4 US Approximate hardncss number equivalents for steel
Table E.5 Maximum temperature for scaling resistance of some
carbon and stainless steels and heat resistant alloys
Tablc E.6 US Full load current of electric motors
Figure E.7 Ringleman charts for estimating smoke densities
Table E.8 Percent volume full of horizontal cylindrical tanks
Table E.9 Carbon monoxide (CO gas) warnings
*$&p w d m o m o v m m o o o o m a v mot-mt-4
w m m w a L-r-r-mo mdat-m* m m a w m ~
+ - - d m mmmmmm mmmmm-
ese3 - - - - A
99999 9 9999 499499 999999
.g-grn3 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 rnr-oam m a m o m m + m m a m m w o t - s +
& tW- r -~t - w
wC O +W
W O ~ D N
m w w m m W
v v Fm Im ~m ~m ~ tC - R n ~ ~ d 0
s ssss s ssss s s s s s s ws mmmmm
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Table A.2 Metric. Properties of air at elevated temperatures
% Volume of Thermal
Temp- G, Volume Volume of Heat content of dry air water vapor Absolute conductivity,
erature, gas Density, expansion 1 kg dry air, in saturated viscosity, W.m
C gravity kg/m3 ratio? ms
kcallkg -
kcal/m3 air at 1 atm. centi~oise
t Volume of one cubic foot of dry stp air at the listed temperature, = 1/G.
Table A.3 US. Factors for correcting gas volumes for pressure
Listed below are multipliers for correcting the measured volume of any perfect gas (including
air) from the pressure at which it was measured to a base pressure of atmospheric pressure (zero
base) or to a base pressure of 6 ounces per square inch. These correction factors are based on an
atmospheric pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury. Use of this table is illustrated in Example 2-7.
When applied to air, the factors in the zero base column represent the gravity of the air relative
to air at standard atmospheric pressure.
Gauge Factor Gauge Factor
20 in. Hg (vac)
Zero base
0.331 7
6 osi base
0.323 5
1.068 0
Zero base 6 osi basc
1.041 4
19 in. Hg (vac) 0.365 2 0.356 1 2 psi 1.136 0 1.107 8
18 in. Hg (vac) 0.398 6 0.388 6 3 psi 1.204 1 1.174 1
17 in. Hg (vac) 0.432 0 0.421 2 4 psi 1.272 1 1.240 5
16 in. Hg (vac) 0.465 6 0.453 8 5 psi 1.340 2 3.306 8
15 in. Hg (vac) 0.498 8 0.486 4 6 psi 1.408 2 1.373 2
14 in. Hg (vac) 0.532 2 0.519 0 7 pfii 1.476 3 1.439 5
13 in. Hg. (vac) 0.565 6 0.561 5 8 psi 1.544 3 1.505 9
12 in. Hg (vac) 0.599 0 0.584 1 9 psi 1.612 4 1.572 2
11in. Hg (vac) 0.632 4 0.610 7 10 psi 1.680 4 1.638 6
10 in. Hg (vac) 0.665 8 0.649 3 12 psi 1.816 5 1.771 3
9 in. Hg (vac) 0.699 3 0.681 9 14 psi 1.952 6 1.904 0
8 in. Hg (vac) 0.732 7 0.714 4 16 psi 2.088 7 2.036 7
7 in. Hg (vac) 0.766 1 0.747 0 18 psi 2.224 8 2.169 4
6 in. Hg (vat) 0.799 5 0.779 6 20 psi 2.360 9 2.302 1
5 in. Hg (vac) 0.832 9 0.812 2 22 psi 2.497 0 2.434 8
4 in. Hg (vac) 0.866 3 0.844 8 24 psi 2.633 0 2.567 5
3 in. Ag (vac) 0.899 7 0.877 3 26 psi 2.769 1 2.700 2
2 in. Rg (vac) 0.933 1 0.909 9 28 psi 2.905 2 2.832 9
1 in. Hg (vac) 0.966 5 0.942 5 30 psi 3.041 3 2.965 6
0.8 in. Hg (vac) 0.973 2 0.949 0 32 psi 3.177 4 3.098 4
0.G in. Hg (vac) 0.979 9 0.955 5 34 psi 3.313 5 3.231 1
0.4 in. Hg (vac) 0.986 6 0.962 1 36 psi 3.449 6 3.363 8
0.2 in. Hg (vac) 0.993 3 0.968 6 38 psi 3.585 7 3.496 5
0 in. Hg 1.000 0 0.975 1 40 psi 3.721 8 3.629 2
I nsi 1.004 2 0.979 2 42 psi 3.857 9 3.761 9
2 osi I .008 5 0.983 4 44 psi 3.994 0 3.894 6
3 osi 1.012 7 0.987 5 46 psi 4.130 1 4.027 3
4 osi 1.017 0 0.991 7 48 psi 4.266 1 4.160 0
5 osi 1.021 2 0.995 8 50 psi 4.402 2 4.292 7
6 osi 1.025 5 1.000 0 52 psi 4.538 3 4.425 4
7 osi 1.029 8 1.004 1 54 psi 4.674 4 4.558 1
8 osi 1.034 0 1.008 2 56 psi 4.810 5 4.690 8
9 osi 1.038 3 1.012 4 58 psi 4.946 6 4.823 5
10 osi 1.042 5 1.016 5 60 psi 5.082 7 4.956 2
11osi 1.046 8 1.020 7 62 psi 5.218 8 5.088 9
12 osi 1.051 0 1.024 8 64 psi 5.354 9 5.221 6
13 osi 1.055 3 1.029 7 66 psi 5.491 0 5.354 3
14 osi 1.059 5 1.033 1 68 psi 5.627 1 5.487 0
15 osi 1.063 8 1.037 3 70 psi 5.763 2 5.619 7
16 osi 1.068 0 1.041 4 72 psi
17 osi 1.072 3 1.045 6 74 PSI
18 osi 1.076 5 1.049 7 76 psi
19 osi 1.080 8 1.053 9 78 psi
20 osi 1.085 0 1.058 0 80 psi
22 osi 1.093 5 1.066 3 84 osi
24 osi 1.102 0 1.074 6 88 osi
26 osi 1.110 5 1.082 9 92 psi
28 osi 1.119 0 1.091 2 96 psi
30 osi 1.127 5 1.099 5 100 psi
Figure A.4 US. High temperature psychrometric chart. Example: Find the air required
to dry 100#/hr of water from granular material that cannot be exposed to A50 F. The air input
to the once-through dryer is at 80 F DB (dry bulb temp) and 80 RH (% relative humidity) and is
heated to 250 F. Moisture added by burning H, from the fuel is 0.0037#H20/#da (dry air). All air
and flue gas exhausts at 220 F.
Solution: Plot the fresh air input, point 1at 80 DB and 80 RH. (Table below lists data from the
chart.) Add H,O from combustion and input air, 0.0037 + 0.0175 = 0.0212. Plot point 2 at; this
m, (absolute humidity) and DB, = 250 F. Assume the drying process is at constant total heat; so
find point 3, exhaust condition, at TH3 = TH2 = 87% and at DB, = 220 F; there read AN,=
0.0280. The moisture pickup is 0.0280 - 0.0212 = 0.0068#H2OI#da; so to rcmovc lOO#H,Obr
requires 100 + 0.0068 = 14 700#dalhr, or 14 700 x 14 ft3/#da = 205 800 cth air.
point DB, F RH, % AH, #H,O/#da TH, BtulHda ft3/#da Bold =&'en data.
Standard = answers for
1.air inlet 80 80 0.0175 38 14 problem tiom chart.
2. after heating 250 2% 0.0212 87% 18.6 ltalrcs = nther readings
3, exhaust 220 4 0.0280 87Y2 17.9 frurn chart.
moisture Saturation
Saturation content, weight density, Heat content,
humidity, of water vaporlcf weight of air plus Specific volume above 32 F
Saturation weight of water I
saturated water vaporlcf
pressure vaporflb dry air I mixture saturated mixture saturated saturated
mixture, mixture,
pounds grains pounds grains dry air, cfAb dry air, Btdb
Temp., F cab
psi 'Wg ' per cf
- - -- per cf per cf per cf dry air Btu/lb dry air
80 0.50689 1.0320
85 0.59588 1.2132
90 0.69816 1.4215
95 0.81537 1.6601
100 0.94926 1.9327
moisture Saturation
Saturation content, weight density, Heat content,
humidity, of water vaportcf weight of air plus Specific volume above 32 F
Saturation weight of water saturated water vaporicf
pressure vaporfib dry air mixture saturated mixture saturated saturated
mixture, mixture,
pounds grains pounds grains Iry air, cfilb dry air, ~ t d b
Temp., F psi '!Hg per cf p e r cf per cf per cf cab dryair Btdb dry air
-- - - -- 2
7.5109 15.292 0.01992 139.4 0.05023 351.6 16.127 32.984 35.607 783.08 b
8.3836 17.069 0.02207 154.5 0.04850 339.5 16.253 37.839 36.813 988.8 6
9.3392 19.015 0.02442 170.9 0.04667 326.7 16.380 44.935 38.019 1291.0 5
10.385 21.143 0.02697 188.8 0.04474 313.2 16.506 56.265 39.226 1775.0
11.526 23.466 0.02973 208.1 0.04270 298.9 16.632 77.102 40.433 2667.2 2
Table A7 Metric. Properties of saturated air-watervapor mixtures. Temperature range = 26.7 t o 99.4 C; pressure = 1.0
atmosphere. (Source = Zimmerman and Lavine, "Psychrometric Tables and Charts".) Abbreviations: a t m = atmospheres,
C = Celsius, da = dry air, kg = kilograms, kPa = kilopascals, m3 = cubic metres, sm = saturated mixture of water vapor and air,
wv = water vapor.
*Adapted by permission from Steam Tables by J. H. Keenan, Keyes, Hill, and Moore, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York,
j Pressure in psi absolute is pressure in psig plus 14.696.
Specific Heat
Saturation volume of Latent heat content of
Saturation pressure, the vapor, of vaporization, the vapor,
temperature mm H g m3/kg kcaVkg kcaVkg
C or atm (v,) (hfJ (hd
10 9.2077
15 12.7904
20 17.5383
25 23.7705
* Calculatcd from Steam Tables by J. H. Keenan, Hill, and Moore, published by John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1969.
Figure A.14. Heat contents of common metals at various temperatures
Temperature, F
Temperature. C
Table A.16 US. Densities and thermal properties of various substances. (See Part 2,1701. I) for more information on m
fuels; P a r t 4 (Vol. I) for insulations and refractories; Tables and Figures A.12-A.15for metals and alloys; Tables A.19-A.20for heat
transfer fluids.) Specific h e a t in B t d b '
Boiling Latent
Solid s t a t e Liquid state Gaseous state Melting point, F Latent h e a t of
Othera Temp Temp Temp (fusion) (at std h e a t of vapor-
classi- Normnl Density Specific r a n g e Specific r a n g e Specific range point barometric fusion ization
Name -Description fication
-- state --
lb/fts heat -- F F heat -- heat F
-- - F pressure) - -
Btuilb Btunb
Acetic acid (CqCOOH) 0 Liquid 65.8 0.487 32 0.51 32-212 - - 62.6 244.4 80.5 174
Acetone (CH,COCH,) 0 Liquid 49.75 - - 0.544 32-212 0.3468 73-230 -138.2 128-134 42 239
Acetylene (C,H,) 0,F Gas 0.0691 - - - - 0.64 59 -113.8 -118.8 - -
Air (see also Tables A.2 - Gas 0.0763 - - - - 0.2394 -22-+50 - -311.0 - -
and A.3) 0.2469 68-824
0.2562 68-1472
Alcohol, ethyl (CP,OH) 0, F Liquid 49.3 - - 0.648 104 0.4534 226-428 -173.2 172.4 46 369
Alcohol, ethyl (90%) and S Liquid 51.4 - - 0.718 - - - - - - -
Alcohol, ethyl (50%) and S Liquid 57.3 - - 0.923 - - - - - - -
Alcohol. ethyl (10%) and S Liquid 61.4 - - 0.99 - - - - - - -
Alcohol, methyl (CH,OH) 0, F Liquid 49.6 - - 0.601 59-68 0.33 260-440 142.6 150.8 29.5 480.6
Alcohol, methyl (90%) and S Liquid 51.4 - - 0.643 - - - - - - -
Alcohol, methyl (50%) and S Liquid 57.3 - - 0.846 - - - - - - -
Alcohol, methyl (10%) and S Liquid 61.4 - - 0.986 - - - - - - -
Alumina - see Aluminum - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Oxide. Alumina (fused)
refractory, high-alumina
Alumina (fused) refractory R Solid 153-181 0.20 60-1200 - - - 3390+
(see also high-alumina
iiluminum (see also Table M, E Solid 166.7 0.225 61-579 - - - - 1220
A.12 and Figure A.8)
Aluminum foil I Solid - 0.24 290 - - - - -
Aluminum oxide (alumina) - Solid 243.5 0.183 32-212 - - - - 3668
Ammonia (.XI,) - Gas 0.046 - - 1.08 -8.4t5 0.525 70-220 -103
Ammonium chloride (10%) S Liquid 64.4 - - 0.788 - - - -
and water
Ammonium sulfate[(NH,), - Solid 110 0.283 - - - - - 95sb
A = alloy, E = element, P = fuel or fuel component, I = insulation, M =metal, 0 = organic compound, R =refractory, S .- solution.
Table A16 US. Densities and thermal properties of various substances (continued)
Specific h e a t in B t d b O F
Boiling Latent
Solid s t a t e -- Liquid s t a t e Gaseous s t a t e ~ ~ l t point,
i F ~ ~ Latent h e a t of
Othera Temp Temp Temp (fusions (at s t d h e a t of vapor-
classi- Normal Density Specific r a n g e Specific r a n g e Specific r a n g e point barometric fusion ization
pressure) Btlvlb Btunb
Name- D e s c r i ~ t i o n fication
- - state -lb/fts - F
h e a t -- heat - ---F h e a t F F
Bronze (80 Cu, 20 Sn) A Solid - 0.0862 57-208 - - - - -
- - -
Aluminum A Solid 510 0.126 60-1922 - 1922
(see also A Solid 556 0.095 60-1832 - - - - 1832
Bell metal Table A.12) A Solid 540 0.100 60-1634 - - - - 1634
Gun metal A Solid 550 0.107 60-1850 - - - - 1860
Bhg A Solid 525 0.107 60-1625 - - - - 1625
Butane (C,H,,) 0,F Gas 0.149 - - 0.55 60 0.458 60 -210
Cadmium (Cd) E, M Solid 540 0.057 212 - - - - 609.6
Calcium (Ca) E Solid 96.6 0.170 32-358 - - - - 1560
Calcium carbonate - Solid 168-184 0.210 32-212 - - - - 151ib
Calcium chloride (CaC1,) - Solid 134 0.292 60 - - - - 1425.2
Calcium chloride (30%) S Liquid 78.7 - - 0.676 104 - - -
and water
Camphor (C,,H,O) 0 Solid 62.4 0.44 68-353 0.61 353-410 - - 353
Carbon (C) (graphite) E,F Solid 138 0.160 52 - - - - 6332'
Carbon bisulfide
(see carbon disulfide)
Carbon dioxide (CO,) - Gas 0.117 - - - - 0.2169 52-417 -
Carbon disulfide (CS,) - Liquid 79.3 0.467 1789 0.232 60 0.1596 187-374 -166
Carbon monoxide (CO) F Gas 0.0741 - - 0.0615 -82.6- 0.2426 79.388 340
Carbon tetrachloride (CC1,) - Liquid 98.8 - - 0.215 122 - - -9
Castor oil - Liquid 60.1 - - 0.434 - - - -
CelluIose - Solid 94.97 0.32 32-212 - - - - -
Cerium (Ce) E Solid 430 0.0448 32-212 - - - - 1184
Cesium (Cs) E Solid 118.6 0.0482 32-79 - - - - 83
Chalk - Solid - 0.215 32-212 - - - - -
Charcoal F Solid 18-38 0.165-0.25 75 - - - - -
Chlorine (Cl) E Gas 0.190 - - 0.229 -82 0.1125 61-649 -150.7
Chloroform (CHC1,) 0 Liquid 95.5 - - 0.23 32-212 0.1489 72-172 -85
Chrome refractory, burned R Solid 188 0.20 60-1200 - - - - 3580+
Chrome re&actury, R Solid 193 0.21 60-1200 - - - - 3580+
Chromite (chrome ore) R Solid 281 0.22 - - - - - 3956
a A = alloy, E = element, F = fuel or fuel component, I = insulation, M = metal, 0 = organic compound, R = refractor): S = solution.
Sublimes at -109 F, melts at -49.2 F under 5.2 atmospheres of pressure.
Table A16 US. Densities and thermal properties of various substances (continued)
Specific heat i n B t d l b OF
Boiling Lntent
Solid state Liquid s t a t e Gaseous state ~ ~ l tpoint, i F ~ ~ Latent h e a t of
Othere Temp Temp Temp (fusion) (at s t d heat of vapor-
classi- Normal Density Specific range Specific range Specific r a n g e point barometric fusion ization
Name Description fication state Ib/ft5 heat F heat F heat F F pressure) Btdb
- Btu~lb
Diphenylamine Liquid 576 45.4 -
Dolomite Solid
Dowtherm A Liquid
Earth (see also humus) Solid
Ebonite Solid
Ether, ethyl (C,H,,O) Liquid
Ethyl acetate Liquid
Ethyl bromide (CH,CH$r) Liquid
Ethyl ~odide(CH,CH,I) Liquid
Ethylene glycol (Cp,O,) Liquid
Fiberglas board Solid
a A = alloy, E = element, F = fuel or fuel component, I - insulation, M = metal, 0 - organic compound, R = refractory, S = solution.
Table A.16 US. Densities and thermal properties of various substances (continued)
Specific heat i n E t a OF
Boiling Latent
Solid s t a t e Liquid state Gaseous state ~ ~ 1 - point, F Latent h e a t of
OtheP Temp Temp Temp (fusion) (at std h e a t of vapor-
classi- Normal Density Specific range SpeciKc range Specific range point barometric fusion ization
Name Description fication state
- lb/fts
- F
------- heat F heat F heat F pressure) Btunb
- - Btunb
Gold (Au) Solid 1205 0.0316 32-212 0.034 - - - 1945.4 5380 28.7 29
(see also Table A.12)
Granite Solid 162-175
Graphite Solid 138.3
" A = alloy, E = element, F = fuel or fuel component, I = insulation, M = metal, 0 = organic compound, R = refractory, S = solution.
Table A.16 US. Densities and thermal properties of various substances (concluded)
Specific h e a t i n B t d b O F
Boiling Latent
Solid s t a t e Liquid state Gaseous s t a t e Melting point, F Latent h e a t of
Othera Temp Temp Temp (Fusion) (at s t d h e a t of vapor-
classi- Normal Density Specific r a n g e Specific r a n g e Specific r a n g e point barometric fusion izntion
Name -Description fication state Ib/ft3 heat F heat F heat F F pressure) Btuilb Btwlb
-- ----
Varnish (see resins) - - -
Vegetable fiberboard I Solid 14.4
Vermiculite (see mica) -
Vulcanite Solid
TVa'ater (H,Oj Liquid
(see also sea water)
(see Tables A.8 thru A.11:
Wood (see redwood bark) Solid
Wood fiber blanket Solid
("Bdsam iVooY')
Wood fiberbaard Solid
'iVood, oak Solid
Wood, pine Solid
'ivooood's metal Solid
126Pb, 13Sn, IZCd, 49Bi)
Wool (see also glass \vool, Solid
nineral wool, rocls wool,
lead slag wool, slag wool,
Xenon (Xe) Gas
Xylene Liquid
Yttrium (Y) Solid
Zinc (Zn) (see Table A.12) Solid
a A = alloy, E = element, F =fuel or fuel component, I = insulation, M = metal, 0 = organic compound, R = refractory, S = solution.
Table A17 Metric. Densities and thermal properties of various substances (continued)
S ~ e c i f i hc e a t i n c d e OC
Boiling Latent
Solid s t a t e Liquid state Gaseous s t a t e .weltisg point, C Latent h e a t of
Othera Temp Temp Temp (fusion) (at s t d h e a t of vapor-
classi- Normal Density Specific r a n g e Specific r a n g e Specific r a n g e point barometric fusion ization
Name-Description fication
- --
kg/m3 -heat - C
- heat - C - heat - C - C pressure) -
Bronze (80 Cu, 20 Sn) A Solid - 0.0862 14-98 - - - - - - -
- - - - -
Aluminum A Solid 8170 0.126 16-1050 - 1050
Bearing (see also A Solid 8907 0.095 16-1000 - - - - 1000 - -
Bell metal Table A.12) A Solid 8651 0.100 16-890 - - - - 890
Gun metal A Solid 8811 0.107 16-1010 - - - - 1010
Tobin A Solid 8411 0.107 16-885 - - - - 885
Butane (C,H,,) 0, F Gas 2.387 - - 0.55 16 0.458 16 -134
Cadmitun (Cd) E, M Solid 8651 0.057 100 - - - - 320.9
Calcium (Ca) E Solid 1548 0.170 0-181 - - - - 849
Calcium carbonate - Solid 2691-2948 0.210 0-100 - - - - ~ 2 5 ~
Calcium chloride (CaC1,) - Solid 2147 0.292 16 - - - - 774
Calcium chloride (30%) S Liquid 1261 - - 0.676 40 - - -
and water
Camphor (C,,H,O) 0 Solid 1000 0.44 20-178 0.61 178-210 - - 178
Cnrbon (C) (graphite) E, F Solid 2211 0,160 11 - - - - 3500h
Carbon bisulfide
(see carbon disulfide)
Carbon dioxide (CO,) - Gas 1.87 - - - - 0.2169 11-214 -
Carbon disulfide (CS,) - Liquid 1270 0.467 976 0.232 16 0.1596 86-190 -110
Carbon monoxide (CO) F Gas 1.1871 - - 0.0615 -63.7- 0.2426 26-198 -207
Carbon tetrachloride (CC1,) - Liquid 1583 - - 0.215 60 - - -22.7
Castor oil - Liquid 963 - - 0.434 - - - -
Cellulose - Solid 1521 0.32 0-100 - - - - -
Cerium (Cc) E Solid 6889 0.0448 0-100 - - - - 640
Cesium (Cs) E Solid 1900 0.0482 0-16 - - - - 28.3
Chalk - Solid - 0.215 0-100 - - - - -
Charcoal F Solid 288-609 0.165-0.25 24 - - - - -
Chlorine (Cl! E Gas 3.044 - - 0.229 -63.3 0.1125 16-353 -101.5
Chloroform (CHC$) 0 Liquid 1520 - - 0.23 0-100 0.1489 22-78 -65
Chrome refractory, burned R Solid 3012 0.20 16-649 - - - - 1971c
Chrome refractory, R Solid 3092 0.21 16-649 - - - - 1971t
Chromite (chrome ore) R Solid 4502 0.22 - - - - - 2160
a A = alloy, E = clcmcnt, F = fuel or fuel component, I = insulation, M = metal, 0 = organic compound, R = refractory, S s solution.
Sublimes a t -78.3 C, melts a t 56.5 C under 5.2 atmospheres of pressure.
Table A17 Metric. Densities and thermal properties of various substances (continued)
Specific heat i n caYg OC
Boiling Latent
SoIid state Liquid state Gaseous state ~ ~ l tpoint, i C ~ ~ Latent h e a t of
Othera Temp Temp Temp (fusion) (at s t d h e a t of vapor-
classi- Normal Density Specific range Specific range Specific r a n g e point barometric fusion ization
Name - Description fication state kg/mg heat C heat C heat C C pressure) caUg caYg
- - - - - - --- - -
Gold (Au) E, M Solid 19304 0.0316 0-100 0.034 - - - 1063 2971 16 16
(see also Table A.12)
Granite Solid 2595-2804
Graphite Solid 2216
a A = alloy, E = element, F = fuel or fuel component, I = insulation, M = metal, 0 = organic compound, R =refractory, S = solution.
Table A17 Metric. Densities and thermal properties of various substances (continued)
Specific h e a t i n caUg 'C
Boiling Latent
Solid s t a t e Liquid s t a t e Gaseous s t a t e Melting point, C Latent h e a t of
Othern Temp Temp Temp (fusion) (at s t d h e a t of vapor-
classi- Normal Density Specific r a n g e Specific r a n g e Specific range point barometric fusion ization
N a m e - Description fication state kdm" heat C heat C heat C C pressure) caVg
- - caUg
" A = alloy, E = element, F =: fuel or fuel component, I = insulatiox, M = metal, 0 = organic compuund, R = refractory, S = solulion
Table A.16 US. Densities and thermal properties of various substances (continued)
Specific heat in c d g OC
Boiling Latent
Solid s t a t e Liquid state Gaseous state ~ ~ l t point,
i ~ c ~ ~ heat
t of ~ ~ t
Othera Temp Temp Temp (hion5 -(at std h e a t of vapor-
classi- Normal Density Specific range Specific r a n g e Specific range point barometric fusion ization
Name-Descriotion -
fication state
- k-
-dml -heat - C
- heat - C
- heat - C - C pressure) -- caUg -caUg
Nitrobenzole - Liquid - - - 0.35 14 - - - - - -
Nitrogen (N,) - Gas 1.1871 - - 0.475 -197- 0.2419 20-440 -211 -195 6.17 47.6
Nitrous oxide (N,O) - Gas 1.874 - - - - 0.2262 16207 - -89 - -
Octane (C,H,,) 0, F Liquid 698 - - 0.52 16 - - - 130 - 70.06
Oil (see castor oil, coal tar oil, cottonseed oil, fuel oil, fuse1 oil, light oil, linseed oil, machine oil, oil of citron, oil of juniper, oil of orange, oil of turpentine, olive oil, parafiin oil,
petroleum, and Part 2,Vol. I.)
of citron - Liquid 852 - - 0.438 6 - - - - - -
of juniper - Liquid - - - 0.477 - - - - - - -
of orange - Liquid - - - 0.489 - - - - - - -
of turpentine - Liquid 860 - - 0.411 0 - - -10 160 - 102
Olive oil - Liquid 920 - - 0.471 7 - - 20k 300i - -
Osmium (0s) E Solid 22460 0.0311 20-98 - - - - 2700? 5482 - -
Oxalic acid (C$,O, - 2H10) 0 Solid 1663 0.338 -18 - - - - 189 160h - -
0.416 38
Oxygen (0,) E Gas 1.3569 - - 0.398 -66.7- 0.2175 13-207 -218 -182.7 3.32 50.9
Palladium (Pdl E Solid 11999 0.0714 0-1265 0.0714 - - - 1549 2 5 2200 35.92 -
Paper, expanding blanket I Solid - 0.349 64 - - - - - - - -
Parafm - Solid 865-913 0.622 35-40 0.712 60-63 - - 38-56 350450 35-39 -
Parafin oil - Liquid - - - 0.52 0-100 - - - - - -
Pentane n-C,H, 0, F Liquid 622 - - - - - - - 36 - 85.85
Petroleum F Liquid 753-881 - - 0.511 21-58 - - - - - -
Phenol (CP,O) - Solid 1070 - - - - - - 40.9 182 25.0 -
(see aldo resin)
Phosphorus (P) E Solid 1823 0.1829 0-51 - - - - 44.2 288 5.03 -
Pitch (coal tar1 F Solid 993-1298 0.45 16-100 0.35-0.45 - - - 30-150 163 - -
Plaster - Solid 1442 0.20 - - - - - - -
Platinum (Pt) E, M Solid 21387 0.0359 20-1300 - - - - 1755 5 5 4288 27.22 -
Porwlain - Solid 2291-2499 0.26 15-950 - - - - - - - -
Porcelain, refractory R Solid - 0.23 16-649 - - - - 1171-1649 - - -
Potassium (K) E Solid 859 0.170 -185- - - - - 62.3 760 14.6 -
Potassium chlorate (KC10,) - Solid 2323 0.205 50 372 - - -
" A = alloy, E = element, F = fuel or fuel component, I = insulation, X =metal, 0 = organic compound,R = refractory, S = solution.
I I ~ ~ I I I I I I II I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
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0- a a
Table A.19 US. Properties of some heat transfer fluids
T h e r m a l conductivity, Viscosity,
Max Pour Melt Sp. Ht. BtuAb "F B t u ft/ft2 h r OF centipoise
temp, point, point, Specific at at at at at at
F F F Gravity ?OF ( )F 70 F ( IF 70F ( )F
Ethylene glycol 325-400 - -60 1.12 0.625 0.710 0.167 - 20.0
(300) (300)
Polyalkylene glycols 400-565 0 to -45 - 0.99-1.08 0.44 0.64 0.099 to 0.095 to 90 to 1.5 to
(500) 0.121 0.099 (300) 320 1.85 (500)
Water 450 -
Aromatic base 425-850 -18 to -80 * 0.89-1.13 0.37 0.63 0.72 0.071 0.063 6.2 to 0.29 to
hydrocarbons 0.46 (600) 0.083 (600) 387 0.42 (600)
~ubstancda) Formula -
Vegetable Food Waste, 78m ar g
Vegetable Food Waste, 78m d g
Vegetable Food Waste, 78m daf g
Vinyl chloridelacetate copolymer daf g
Waste, Type 0, 5a, IOm ar g
Waste, Type 1, 10a, 25m ar g
Waste, Type 2, 7a, 50m ar g
Waste, Type 3, 5a, 70m ar g
Waste, Type 4, 5a, 85m ar g
Waxed Cartons daf g
Wax paraffin ar g
Wheat d g
Wood and Bark, 20m, 0.8a ar g
Wood and Bark, 20m, 0.8a d
Wood and Bark, 20m, 0.8a daf g
Wood, Balsam, Spruce, 74m, 1 a ar g
Wood, Balsam, Spruce, 74m, l a d g
Wood, Balsam, Spruce, 74m, l a daf g
Wood, bcech, 13m d g
Wood, birch, 11.8m d a
Wood, Demolition Softwood, 7.7m, .$a ar a
Wood, Demolition Softwood, 7.7m, .8a d g
Wood, Demolition Softwood, 7.7m, .8a daf g
Wood, Furniture, 6m, l a g
Wood, Furniture, 6m, l a d g
Wood, Furniture, 6m, l a daf g
Wood, oak, 13m ar n
Wood, pine, 12m ar n
Wood, Hotten 'limbers, 27m, 2a ar g
Wood, Hotten Timbers, 27m, 2a d g
Wood, Rotten Timbers, 27m, 2a daf g
Wood, Waste Hardwood, 12m, 0.5a ar g
Wood, Waste Hardwood, 12m, 0.5a d g
Wood, Waste Hardwood, 12m, 0.5a daf g
Xylene (av. o, m, p) (CHA,C,H, daf n
Zinc (to NzO) daf g
Actinium Ac 89
Aluminum A]. 13
Americi urn Am 95
Antimony Sb 51
Argon Ar 18
Arsenic As 33
Astatine At 85
Barium Ba
Berkelium Bk
Bcrylium Bc
Bismuth Ri
Boron B
Bromine I3r
Dysprosium DY 66
Einsteinium Es 99
Erbium Er 68
Europium Eu 63
Fermium Fm 100
Fluorine F 9
Francium Fr 87
Gadolinium Gd 64
Gallium Ga 31
Germanium Ge 32
Gold Au 79
Hafnium Hf
(Hahnium) (Ha)
Helium He
Holmium Ho
Hydrogen H
Indium In
Iodine I
Iridium Ir
Iron Fo
Krypton Kr
Osmium 0s
Ox~gen 0
Palladium Pd
Phosphorous P
Platinum Pt
Plutonium Pu
Polonium Po
Potassium K
Prascodymium Pr
Promethium Prn
Protactinium Pa
Radium Ra
Radon ltn
Rhenium Re
Rhodium Rh
Rubidium Rb
Ruthenium Ru
(ltutherfordium) (Rf)
Tantalum Ta
Technetium TC
Tellurium Te
Terbium Tb
Thallium T1
Thorium Th
Thulium Tm
Tin Sn
Titanium Ti
Tungsten (see Wolfram)
Uranium U
Vanadium V
Wolfram (Tungsten) W
Xenon Xe
Ytterbium Yb
Yttrium Y
Zinc Zi
Zirconium Zr
Dryden. I. G. C. (ed.): "The Efficiency Use of Energy", IPC Science and Technology
Press, Guildford, England, 1975.
Pohl, J. H.: "The Potential for Conserving Oil and Natural Gas Used in Industry",
Sandia National Laboratories, SAND 79-8290, September 1980.
Gas fired Gas fired OiI fired Oil fired Coal fired Coal fired
American Metric American Metric American Metric
~~~~~ units units units units units
1 Btu~lb= 0.002326 M J / k g
1 cal / g = 0.004 183 MJlkg
1 US gal =3.785L = 3.785dm3
hf = hg- hfg.Values of h, and hfg can be determincd from Tables A.8-A.11.
The (Btu) heat required to produce one ton of dried material (in driers with no heat recovery
equipment) is approximately
2000 x M
ton of dried matcrial 100 - M
where: M is the percent weight of water to be removed
b, is the heat content of the water vapor a s it leaves the drier in Btw'lb (from Table
A.10 US a t the vapor exit tcmperature)
is thc heat content of the liquid water in the matcrial entering the drier in Btutlb
= Tm - 32
c is the'specific heat of the dry material (from Table A.16 US)
Tn12 js the temperature a t which the dried matcrial leaves the drier, F
Tml is the temperature a t which the moist material enters the drier, F
Excess air is usually used, so the appropriate excess air curve from Figure 3.10 (Volume I) must
he used i n determining %J available.
For materials with a specific heat of 0.20 (most sands and slags) and for material entering the
drier a t 60 F, the above formula may be simplified to
Thc table below lists results from the formula imrnediatcly above for selected percents of moisture
removed, material exit temperatures, and vapor (flue gas) exit temperatures. Both formula and
table assumc thorough exposure of the material being heated to t h e products of combustion to
allow sufficient heat and mass transfer.
available heat
1000s of Btu
per ton of
1 150
Exit temperature of dried material, T%, F
200 250 300
150 200 250 200 250 300 250 300 350 300 350 400 350 400 450
The heat required to produce one metric ton of dried material (in driers with no heat recovery
equipment) is approximately
available kcal required - --1000 x M (h, - hr,) -I- 1000 c ('I'm2 Tml)
For materials with a specific heat of 0.20 (most sands and slags) and for material entering the
drier at 16 C, the above formula may be simplified to
The table below lists results from the formula immediately above for selected percents of moisture
removed, material exit temperatures, and vapor (flue gas) exit temperatures. Both formula and
table assume thorough exposure of the material being heated to the products of combustion to
allow sufficient heat and mass transfer.
21.5 21.7
34.3 34.7
47.0 47.6
59.8 60.6
72.5 73.5
85.3 86.5
Table 33.5 US. Heat requirements for direct-fired air heating i
The table below lists the gross Btulhr offuel input required to heat one standard cubic foot of air from a giveninlet temperature to a given
outlet temperature. I t is based on natural gas a t 60F, having 1000gross Btu/fta,910net Btu/ft3, and stoichiometric aidgas ratio of 9.4:l.
The oxygen for combustion is supplied by the air that is being heated. The hot outlet "air" includes combustion products obtained from
burning sufficient natural gas to raise the air to the indicated outlet temperature.
G r o s s Btu
o f fuel input O u t l e t air t e m p e r a t u r e , F
per scf of air 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
4.43 6.51 8.63 10.8 13.0 15.2 17.5 19.9 22.2 24.7 27. 29.7 32.2 34.9
4.04 6.11 8.23 10.4 12.6 14.8 17.1 19.5 21.8 24.3 26.7 29.3 31.8 34.4
1.60 3.64 5.71 7.83 9.99 12.2 14.4 16.7 19.0 21.4 23.8 26.3 28.8 31.4 34.0
1.20 3.24 5.31 7.43 9.58 11.8 14.0 16.3 18.6 21.0 23.4 25.9 28.4 31.0 33.6
0.802 2.84 4.91 7.02 9.18 11.4 13.6 15.9 18.2 23.0 25.5 28.0 30.6 33.2
Q 60 20.6
Example: Find the amount of natural gas required to heat 1000 scfm of air from 400 F to 1400F.
gross Btu 1000 scf air 60min
Solution: From the table, read 23.2gross Btulscf air. Then
scf air min ) 1000gross Btu = 1392cfh gas.
ft3 gas %
The conventional formula derived from the specific heat eauation is: Q = wcAT so B t d h r = w e i-p h a r x specific heat x temp rise
- scf X- 60min X-X0.076
-- - lb 0.24Btu x "rise = scfm x 1.1x "rise.
min hr ft3 Ib "F
The table above incorporates many refinements not considered i n the conventional formulas: (a) 8 available heat which corrects for heat
loss to dry flue gases and the heat loss due to heat of vaporization i n the water formed by combustion, (b) the specific heats of the products
of combustion (N,, CO,, and H,O) are not the same a s that of air, and (c) the specific heats of the combustion products change a t higher
For t h e example above, the rule of thumb would give 1000scfm x 1.1x (1400- 400)= 1100000gross Btuihr, whereas the example finds
1392 x 1000 = 1392000 gross Btufhr required. Reminder:The fuel being burned adds volume and weight to the stream being heated.
Work = Force x Distance (Work and heat are convertible forms of energy}
I. ft lb = work donc by 1lb forcc through a 1 ft = I .3558 joules = -----
1dyne cm = '* *s I newton q* 1cm = 1erg
1newton metre = 1 dyne 8, fa 1 m = lO7crg= 1joule = 1watt scc
Power = rate of doing Work (Heat flow rate can he expressed in the s a m e units)
1newton metre = 1watt = 1joule = - lp
1 k W = 1000 joule = 3413 Bthr = 860.4 kcalh
Converting units
Multiply a known measurement by conversion fraction. Make conversion fractions from the
equalities in Appendix Tables A.4, A.5 and A.G, putting numbers and units from each side of t h e =
sign above and below t h e fraction line. You can multiply anything by 111 = 1without changing its
value. All you have done is change its units. If you can't cancel out units (as you would cancel
fractions l/2 x 2/3 x 3/4 = l/4), t u r n t h e conversion fraction upside down. For example:
3413 B t h r 1kcal 1h r
10 000 kW x x x -= 2389 kcalls.
1kW 3.968 Btu 3600 sec
This illustrates the use of a known intermediate unit (Btu) to convert between units for which no
factor is readily available.
t Small pressures are often expressed in w c for water column, which is synonymous with wg for
water gauge or H,O. Larger pressures a r e often measured with a mercury column and
expressed a s "Hg or mm Hg.
Table C.4. Volume equivalents, rounded to 4 significant figures. SI unit = metre.
Table C.5. Pressure equivalents, rounded to 4 significant figures. SI unit = pascal.
" normal atmosphere = 760 tom (mm Ng, 0 C); a "technical atmosphere" = I kg/cm2 = 736 torr
1N-m/s = 1W = 1J/s 1BtuJhr = 0.2520 kcalk
= 0.001 341 hp = 0.7376 = 0.000 393 1hp
1kcaVh = 1.162 J/s = 1.162 W = 0.2931 W = 0.2931 cJ/s
= 3.968 B t u h r 1millio~lBtulhr = 1055 M J h r
= 0.001 thermiesh 1 hp = 33 000 ft.lh/min = 550 ft.lh/sec
1kW = 1000 Jls = 3412 Btu/hr = 1.341 hp = 7.15.7 W = 745.7 J/s
= 859.8 Ircalhr = 641.4 lrcalh = 2546 Stu/hr
1 MW = 3 412 000 Btu/hr = 3.600 G J h 1boiler hp = 33 475 B t d h r = 34.5 1b
steam/hr frnm and a t 212 F
1mm = 0.10 cm = 0.039 37 in. 1in. = 25.40 mm = 2.540 cm = 0.025 40 m
= 0.003 281 ft 1ft = 304.8 mm = 30.48 ern = 0.3048 m
1 m = 100 cm = 1000 mm = 39.37 in. I mile = 5280 ft;; 1nautical mile = 6076 fl
= 3.281 d = 1.094 yard 1micron = 1pm = m = 1 micrometer
1k m = 0.6214 mile = 10 000 A
1Angstrom unit = 1 A = 10-lom = lo4 pm
lN.m/s= l W = l J / s 1Btu/hr = 0.2520 kcalh
= 0.001 341 hp = 0.7376 = 0.000 393 1hp
1kcaVh = 1.162 J/s = 1.162 W = 0.2931 W = 0.2931 J/s
= 3.968 Btu/hr 1million Btulhr = 1055 M J k r
= 0.001 thermiesrh 1hp = 33 000 = 550 ft-lblsec
1kW = 1000 J/s = 3412 Btuhr = 1.341h p = 745.7 W = 745.7 J/s
= 859.8 kcaVhr = 641.4 kcalh = 2546 Btu/hr
1MW = 3 412 000 Btu/hr = 3.600 GJ'/h 1boiler hp = 33 475 B t h r = 34.5 lb
steam/hr from and at 212 F
1mm = 0.10 cm = 0.039 37 in. 1in. = 25.40 mm = 2.540 cm = 0.025 40 m
= 0.003 281 ft 1ft = 304.8 mm = 30.48 cm = 0.3048 m
1m = 100 cm = 1000 mm = 39.37 in. 1mile = 5280 ft; 1nautical mile = 6076 ft
= 3.281 ft = 1.094 yard 1micron = 1pm = lod m = 1micrometer
1km = 0.6214 mile =; 10000 k,
*For fuel specifications, scc Tables and of Volume I of the North American Combustion
1 = 0.001 kPa = 1.00 Pa 1in. H,O* = 0.2488 kPa = 25.40 mm H,O
1mm H,O= 0.0098 kPa = 1.866 rnm IIg = 5.198 lb/ftz
1rnm Hg = 0.1333 kPa = 13.60 mm H 2 0 = 0.002 54 kg/cm2 = 2.540 g/crn2
= 1torr = 0.019 33 Ib/in.2 1 in. Hg= 3.386 kPa = 25.40 mm Hg
1 kdcmz = 98.07 kPa = 10 000 kg/m2 = 345.3 mm H,O = 13.61 in. H 2 0
= 10 000 mm H,O = 394.1 in. H,O* = 7.858 o ~ / i n=
. ~0.491 I b / i ~ ~ . ~ p
= 735.6 rnm Hg = 28.96 in. Hg = 25.4 torr
= 227.6 oz/in.* = 14.22 lblin." 11bIin.h 66.95 5kPa = 6895 N/mz
= 0.9807 bar = 703.1 mm H,O = 27.71 in. H,O
1bar = 700.0 kPa = 1.020 kglcm2 = 51.72 mm Hg = 2.036 in. Hg
= 10 200 mm H,O = 401.9 in. H,O = 16.00 ozlin."
= 750.1 mm Hg = 29.63 in. Hg = 0.0703 kg/cm" 70.31 g/cmZ
= 232.1 ~ z h n=. ~14.50 l b / i ~ ~ . ~ = 0.068 97 bar = 0.068 07 atm
= 100 000 N/m2 1 ~ z / i n=. ~0.4309 kPa
latm =101.3kPa = 43.94 mrn H,O = 1.732 in. H,O
1g/cm2 = 0.014 22 lb/in.2 = 3.232 mm Hg
= 0.2276 o ~ / i n . ~ = 0.004 39 kg/cm2 = 4.394 g/cm2
= 0.3937 in. H,O 1ft of head (water) = 12 000 milinch
* 1"wc = 1"wg
t Normal atmosphere = 760 torr (mm Hg a t 0 C)--not a "technical atmosphere", wliich is 736
torr or 1 kglcm2.Subtract about 0.6 Ib1i11.~ far each 1000 ft above sea level.
Tablc C.6. Unit equivalents (continued)
VISCOSITY, absolute, y: (See also pp 28-30 of Vol. I or Appendix Tables E . l , E.2, E.3 of North
American's Incineration book.)
0.1 Pa.s = 1dyne.s/cm2 = 360 kg1m.h 1lb mass/hr.ft = 0.000 008 634
= 1poise = 100 centipoise lb force-sec/ftz
= 242.1 1b mass/ = 0.413 centipoise
= 0.002 089 lb force.sec/ft2 = 0.000 413 Pa.s
1kg/m.h= 0.672 Ib/hr.ft = 0.002 78 g/cm.s 1lb force.sec/ft2 = 115 800 l b mass1ft.h~
= 0.000 005 8 1 1b force.sec/ft2 = 47 880 centipoise
= 47.88 Pa.s
1reyn = 1 lb force.sec/in."
= 6.890 x lo6 centipoise
t At stp (60 F and 14.7 psia or 15.6 C and 760 mm Hg). (continued)
1m3 = 1000 L = 1 000 000 cm" 1 USgal = 3785 cm;' = 0.003 785 m3
= 61 024 in." 33.31 ft" = 3.785 L = 231.0 in."
= 220.0 Br gal = 0.8327 Br gal = 0.1337 f13
= 6.290 bbl = sp gr x 8.335 Ib
= 264.2 USgal = 8.334 lb of 60 F (15.6 C) water
= 1.308 yd" = 1/42 barrel (oil)
1Br gal = 277.4 in.3
= 0.004 546 m" = 4.546 1,
= 1.201 USgal
1bbl, oil = 9702 in." 5.615 ft"
= 0.1590 m" = 159.0 L
= 42.00 USgal
= 34.97 Br gal
$ Volume equivalents are for the same temperature and pressure in both sets of units.
A standard cubic foot or scfh is measured a t 60 F and 29.92" Hg.
A standard cubic metre or sm3/h i s measured a t 15 C and 760 mm Hg.
A normal cubic metre or n m 7 k is measured a t 0 C and 760 mm Hg.
2460 1349
14 2548 1398
15 2GO6 1430
2 El
22 11 2361 1294 2399 1315 41 3578 19704
12 2383 1306 2419 1326 42 3659 20154
Courtesy of Edward Orton, Jr., Ceramic Foundation, 9-64.
2 Determined a t the National Bureau of Standards by H. P. Beerman (see Journal of t h e American
Ceramic Society, vol. 39, 1956),except those marked "4".
During the last several hundred degrees of temperature rise.
Iron-free cones have the same deformation temperatures a s the red equivalents when fired a t 60°Ch
in air.
millivolts J W6 R 8 B
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.262 0224 0,176 0.U06 0.059 0.024 0.024 41.001
0.391 0.591 0.507 0.397 0.054 0.055 -0.002
5: 60 0.611 0.924 0.791 0.619 0.026 0.211 0.086 0.087 -0.002
.?.% 70 0.834 1.259 1.076 0.843 0.118 0.119 -0.003
2'80 1.060 1.597 1.363 1.068 0.050 0.365 0.150 0.152 -0.002
YO 1.288 1.937 1.652 1.294 0.184 0.186 -0.002
100 1.518 2.281 1.942 1.520 0.079 0.522 0.218 0.221 -0.001
Thermocouple metals and ISA lettter designations
Part b. copper chrome1 iron cirromel
constantan constantan alumel WM26 W5M26 Pt/Pt 13% P e t 10% PtWPt30
E J K W W6 R S B
32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0
62.3 67.3 77.0 385.6 158.8 293.0 295.5 841.2
120.5 91.8 102.0 121.0 573.4 274.3 496.8 507.8 1176
161.7 120.7 136.1 164.5 707.6 382.6 680.5 702.9 1435
4 2U1.3 148.9 169.8 207.9 834.1 485.9 853.4 889.3 1661
For metering with 4"wc differential and P of 0.7, use the following for maximum capacity:
cold air ....................................................................40 fps
natural gas ............................... slightly less than 60 fps
coke oven gas .......................... slightly more than 60 fps
Table D.1. Dimensions of ANSI malleable threaded pipe fittings, Class 150
and 300 (perANSI B16.3-1977)
thread length'
Table D.3. Thread engagements and lengths of pipe nipples. For all other
nipples, specify length x pipe size.
Temperature, C
Temperature, F
Temperature, C
Temperature, F
3.Wav I
Norm. Norm.
Open Hydraulic
Actuated -ls$-s& manual
Valve 4 ~ W a yValve Solenoid Valves Pneumatic Valves
Manual Aux. Diaphragm Gas Pressure Regulator
Pneumatic Electric Reset Switch Operoted or
AiriOil Ratiotrol
Supervisory Cocks Manual Reset Shutoff Valves GaslAir Ratio
~ C I I - Q - I I + Inspirator Check
Valve Orifice Flanged Screwed
4S0 Reducer
90° Tee
Aspirator Mixer Union Union Elbow Elbow
Nozzle-Mix Premix
Gas Burner Gas Burner
Tee Sirliplex Duplex
Filters or Strainers
Pipe Center.
line Heater Pump or
Metering Orifice
w i t h Manometer,
Shutoff, and
By-Pass Valves
fly:;:': (7 Blowers w i t h Flexible
Discharge Sleeves
Color Color
Classification of field of letters
Fire quenching materials
water, foam, CO, RED WHITE
The above codes are so general that it is difficult to distinquish the many fluids
involved in combustion systems; so North American Mfg. Co. has established the
following specific pipe color code for its own laboratories:
Even with pipe color coding, FREQUENT USE OF STICK-ON LABELS, with large
easy-to-read type, is recommended to minimize the chance that someone will open or
close the wrong valve. Multiple applications of stick-on FLOW DIRECTION ARROWS
are also advised.
The multitude of fluids piped around process plants may necessitate use of different
shades of the above colors or spiral striping, for example, to distinguish cooling water
from boiler feedwater, producer gas from natural gas, recirculated flue gas from air,
hot air from cold air, main loop oil from individual furnace loop oil.
In all cases, pipe color coding should be accompanied by many stick-on labels identi-
fying the fluid so that all personnel can easily learn the code.
Table E.3 US. Areas, circumferences, and flow c:apacities of circles and drill
Drill size Flow, c f h ~ i t h
or Diameter, Circumference, Area, Area, Ap = lt'wc, K = 1.0
diameter inches inches in.z natl gas
air -
80 0.042 41 0.000 143 0.000 000 9 0.238 0.306
79 0.045 65 0.000 165 0.000 001 1 0.274 0.354
l/~'! 0.049 09 0.OOD 191 0.000 001 3 0.317 0.409
78 0.050 27 0.000 201 0.000 001 4 0.334 0.430
77 0.056 55 0.000 254 0.000 001 8 0.422 0.545
76 0.062 83 0.000 314 0.000 002 2 0.522 0.673
75 0.065 97 0.000 846 0.000 002 4 0.575 0.742
74 0.070 69 0.000 398 0.000 002 8 0.660 0.851
73 0.076 40 0.000 452 0.000 003 1 0.751 0.969
72 0.098 54 0.000 491 0.000 003 4 0.816 1.061
71 0.081 68 0.000 531 0.000 003 7 0.881 1.137
70 0.087 96 0.000 616 0.000 004 3 1.022 1.318
69 0.091 73 0.000 670 0.000 004 7 1.112 1.434
68 0.097 39 0.000 755 0.000 005 2 1.253 1.616
l/r2" 0.098 18 0.000 765 0.000 005 3 1.277 1.647
67 0 100 53 0.000 804 0.000 005 6 1.335 1.722
66 0.103 67 0.000 855 0. DO0 005 9 1.420 1.831
65 0.109 96 0.000 962 0.000 006 7 1597 2.060
64 0.113 10 0.001 018 0.000 007 1 1.690 2.179
63 0.116 24 0.001 075 0.000 007 5 1.785 2.302
62 0.119 38 0.001 134 0.000 007 9 1.883 2.428
61 0.122 52 0.001 195 0.000 008 3 1.983 2.558
60 0.125 66 0.001 257 0.000 008 7 2.086 2.691
59 0.128 81 0.001 320 0.000 009 2 2.192 2.827
58 0.131 95 0.001 385 0.000 009 6 2.300 2.9136
57 0.135 09 0.001 452 0.000 010 1 2.411 3 109
56 0.146 08 0.001 698 0.000 011 8 2.819 3.636
3/64" 0.147 26 0.001 73 0.000 012 0 2.868 3.699
55 0.163 36 0.002 12 0.000 014 7 3.525 4.547
54 0.172 79 0.002 38 0.000 016 5 3.944 5.087
53 0.186 93 0.002 78 0.000 019 3 4.616 5.953
'/16" 0.196 35 0.003 07 0.000 021 3 5.093 6.569
52 0.199 49 0.003 17 0.000 022 0 5.257 6.780
51 0.210 49 0.003 53 0.000 024 5 5.853 7.548
50 0.219 91 0.003 85 0.000 026 7 6.388 8.240
49 0.229 34 0.004 19 0.000 029 1 6.948 8.961
48 0.238 76 0.004 54 0.000 031 5 7.531 9.713
%4" 0.245 44 0.004 79 0.000 033 3 7.952 10.257
47 0.246 62 0.004 84 0.000 033 6 8.034 10.362
46 0.254 47 0.005 15 0.000 035 8 8.554 11.033
45 0.257 61 0.005 28 0.000 036 7 8.767 11.307
44 0.270 18 0.005 8 1 0,000 040 3 9.643 12.437
43 0.279 60 0.006 22 0.000 043 2 10.398 13.320
42 0.293 74 0.006 87 0.000 047 7 11398 14.700
* Numbera above 429 are for a tungsten carbide ball. Nwlbers 81-429 are for a standard, Hultgren, or tungsten carbide ball.
* Numbers above 429 are for a tungsten carbide ball. Numbers 81-429 are for a standard, Hultgren, or tungsten carbide ball.
Table E.5. Maximum temperature for scaling resistance of some carbon and
stainless steels and heat resistant alloys
Temperatures are approximate limits for reasonably long service without destruction
by scaling in an oxidizing environment. These limits do not apply to reducing atmos-
pheres or atmospheres contaminated by sulfur compounds or other impurities. that
may accelerate scaling.
Design of parts for elevated temperature service should consider all engineering
properties of a n alloy; scaling resistance alone is not a guarantee of satisfactory
Maximum temperature
for scaling resistance
Continuous cxposure Intermediate exposure
% 310 Stainlcss
3 410 Stainless
416 Stainless
Figure E.7. Ringleman charts for estimating smoke densities. The charts below
are proportional reductions of standard charts issued by the U.S. Bureau of Mines. These charts
are used in the following manner: Make observations from a point between 100 and 1300 ft from
the smoke. The observer's line of sight should he perpendicular to the direction of smoke travel.
Place the below charts approximately 15 ft in front of the observer and as close as possible to his
line of sight. (Standard ASME or U.S. Bureau of Mines charts should be placed 50 f t from the
observer.) Open sky makes the best backgourld for observations. Compare the smolre density
with the charts (which, a t 15 ft, are shades of gray instead of individual lines) and classify the
smoke according to the Ringleman chart number. Ringleman Nos. 0 and 5 are 0% and 100%
black, respectively. Charts for these are solid white and black (not shown).
% of level
Definitions listed herewith are for the purpose of conveying a better under-
standing of the meanings of the terms used in this handbook. They are not
necessarily legal definitions. Some of these definitions are abstracted from the
following references:
Explanations listed below are for the purpose of conveying bcttcr understanding of the meanings of
the terms used in this handbook. They are not necessarily legal definitions. Some of these defini-
tions were abstracted from other references, listed at the end of this glossary, or from:
absolute humidity = weight of water vapor per unit weight of dry air.
absolute pressure (abs press) = gauge pressure plus barometric pressure. Absolute pressurc can be
zero only in a perfect vacuum.
absolute temperature (K & R) = the temperature relative to absolute zero. Molecular motion stops
at absolute zero, which is -273.16 Celsius or -459.69 Fahrenheit. Absolute temperature scales are
Kelvin and Rankine. See Tables C.6 and C.7 for conversions.
absolute viscosity (abs visc) = by definition, the product of a fluid's kinematic viscosity times its
density. Absolute viscosity is a measure of a fluid's tendency to resist flow, without regard to its
density. Sometimes termed dynamic viscosity. Usually designated p (mu) in poise, lb masslsec A,
or Pascal seconds. [By contrast, see kinematic viscosity.)
absorptivity = ability of a surface to absorb radiant energy, expressed as a decimal compared to the
ability of a black body, absorptivity of which is 1.0.
acid rain = a condition resulting from complex atmospheric and chemical phenomena, often far
from the original sources, i n which emissions of sulfur and nitrogen compounds and other
substances are deposited on the earth as rain, snow, or fog.
acoustic absorptivity = the ratio of sounri absorbed by a surface relativc to the incident sound.
acoustics = the study of sound -prodiir:tion, control, transmission, reception, and effects of sourlcl
and of hearing phenomena.
adiabatic flame temperature = a theoretical flame temperature calculated fnr a condition with no
heat loss. See flame tenlperature.
adjustable port valve = a special kind of rotary plug c:ontrol valve, most commonly used for auto-
matically contmlli~~g input to a funlace. One dilllension of the rectangular port opening in the
rotary plug is nlanually adjustable, permitting on-site optimizing r~fthe valve's resistance relative
to that of the entire pipeline i n which it is installed.
aeration = addition and mixing of air, % aeration compares actual aeration with the stoichiometri-
cally correct amount, e.g. 60% primary aeration on a premix nuzzle means that 60% of thc
stoichiometric air rcquirernent is supplied though the mixer and nozzle and 40% from secondary
air surrounding the nclzzle.
alfratio = airlfuel ratio. For gaseous fuels, usually the ratio of volumes in the same units. For liquid
and solid fuels, it may be expressed as a ratio of weights in the same units, but it is often given in
mixed units such as fi' airlpound or fP airlgallon, alf ratio is the reciprocal nf fla ratio. See Table
agglomerating characteristics = the tendency of a coal to bind together into a larger mass when
air-directed burner = a burner in which the flow or pressure energy of the air supply stream is used
to control the aerodynamics of air-fuel mixing and flame formation, thus needing higher air
pressure, but less fuel pressure than a Fucl Directed@burner.
air-flow proving switch = a device installed in an air stream which senses air flow or loss thereof
and electrically transmits the resulting impulses l o the flame supervising circuit.
aidfuel ratio = the proportion of air to fuel = the reciprocal of fuellair ratio, both expressed in
volumcs for gaseous fuels, but more often in weights for liquid and solid fuels.
air-jet mixer (aspirator) = a mixer using the kinetic energy of a stream of air issuing from an orifice
to entrain the gas required for combustion. In some cases this type of mixer may be designed to
entrain some of the air for combustion as well as the gas.
primary = a system of fuellair ratio control in which the demand for heat adjusts the air flow to
the combustion system, and the automatic ratio control then makes a colresponding adjustment in
the fuel flow.
air register = a type of burner mounting that can admit secondary air to the combustion space
through openings around the burner. Also used for primn~yair in windbox burners.
air-setting refractories = con~positionsof ground refractory materials that develop a strong bond
uIlon drying. These refractories includc mortars, plastic refractories, ramming mixes, and gunning
mixes. They are available in both wet and dry condition, the lattcr requiring addition of water to
develop the necessary consistency.
air shutlcr = an adjustable shutter on a burner air register by means of which the amount of air
induced into the furnace through the register can be controllcd.
ait = autoignition temperature = t at which a substance ignites spontaneously fro111 the heat of its
environmcnt. See also minimum ignition temperatures, 'I'able 1.10, Volume I, and "Industrial
Explosion and Protection," McGraw-Hill, 1980.
A1 = aluminum.
aldehyde = a class of organic compounds containing the CHO radical. Examples: acetaldehyde
(ethanal), benzaldehyde (almond oil), formaldehyde, furfural. A product of incomplete combus-
tion (pic). Aldehydes have been known to cause eye irritation, headaches, and nausea near ovens
when recirculating air quenches the burner flames.
alt = altitude.
alumina (A1,0,) = the oxide of aluminum having a melting point of 3720 F (2050 C). In combina-
tion with H,O, alumina forms the minerals diaspore, bauxite, and gibbsite; in combination with
SiO, and H,O, alumina forms kaolinite and other clay minerals.
ambient noise = the total of all sounds associated with a surrounding area.
amplitude = the magnitude of a wave's variation (such as sound pressure or electrical current).
anneal = to remove internal stress by first heating and then cooling slowly
annular orifice = a flow-measuring device used in a pipe where the velocity profile may be non-
symmetrical; cnnsists of a circular 'target' plate centered in the pipe by supporting spider-like
mounts; as opposed to a cur~ceritricorifice, which has a hole in the center.
Apachi = a commercial gas mix, the major c:onstituenl 01which is propylcnc, C3H6.
API = American Petrnleum Institute; Washington, DC. A scale adopted by thc Amcricnn Petro-
lcurn Institute to indicate the specific gravity of a liquid. API gravity readings art: higher for less
dense l i g ~ i d sTherefore
. the API gravity for a liquid rises as its tcmperatare rises. See also gravity.
Water has an APT gravity of lo0; #2 h e 1 oil, about 35" API.
arumatics = unsaturated hydrocarbons typified by a benzene ring stnicture, such as benzene (C,He).
toluene (C,H,CH3), xylcnt: [C,H4(CH,),]. Aromatics are chemically active, and relatively heavy, hav-
ing a high cart~onlhydropenriitiu. Cracked oils contaillillg aromatics tend to smoke or form soot
when burned.
arrangement factor, Fa = a decimal expression of the portion of theoretical radiation flux that is
actually "seen" by a receiving surf;ic:e as cc~rrlparedwith the rrraxirr~ur~~
that a surlace of the same
at~sorptivitycould receive in the ideal positioning configuration. See Table 4.9 and formula 411 in
Volume I.
artificial fuels = man-made fuels, including all manufactured and by-product fuels. Examples are
water gas, I)lasl furnace gas, and coke.
ASHRAE = American Society of Heating, Refrigeratiun, and Air Cunditiuning Engineers; Atlanta,
ASM Intl., was American Society for Metals; Materials Park, OH.
atmosphere [atm) = refers to a mixture of gases (usually that within a hrnace). Also a unit of
pressure equal to 14.696 lb per sq inch nr 760 mm of mercury. Another meaning = the mixture of
gases within a furnace, e.g. reducing (rich) atmosphere, oxidizing [lean) atmosphere, prepared
atmospheric pressure (atm press) = the pressure exerted upon the earth's surface by the weight of
the air and water vapor above it. Equal to 14.696 psia or 760 mn Hg at sea level and $5" latitude.
atmospheric (ratio) regulator = also called a zero governor. A diaphragm type regulator that main-
tains gas pressure at at~nosphcricor "zero" pressure.
atmuspheric system = apparatus for airlgas proportioning and mixing, using energy of a jet of low
pressure gas (c14"wc) to entrain part of thc required combustion air from the atmosphere.
atom = the smallest part of an element that retains the properties of that element. Sornetii~lesused
as an abbreviation for atomizing, as in atom air or atom steam.
atomizing air = that part of the air supplied through a burlier (usually about 10%)that is used to
break the oil stream into tiny droplets. The atomizing air is also used for r:orrll~ustio~l
alter it has
tlroken up the nil stream.
autogenous = stdf-gc~lernting,cxothormic;.
automatic control an arrangerrlent by w1iic:h ;I systcm reacts to a change or an imbalance in one
of its variables and c : o i ~ ~ ~ ~ t l ~ li s~nyiidjlisting
tes the other variables to restore the systeln to t h e
desired balance. For example, a system for automatic control of airlfuel ratio wllcrcin a change in
the com1)ustioii air inpul results in a c:orresporlding change in the fuel input.
automatic fuel shutoffvalve = a valve for stopping the flow of fuel automatically when a dangerous
situation develops. The valve is closed by a spring force of at least 5 pounds which is tripped by
de-energizing an electric or pneumatic hold-open mechanism when any connected interlock senses
a dangerous contlition. Set? automatic reset and manllal reset automatic fuel shutoff valves.
automatic reset fuel shutoff valve = an automatic fuel shutoff valve that automatically rcopcns as
soon as a normal operating condition is restored.
available carbon = carbon not combined chemically with oxygen in any way, and therefore avail-
able for combustion.
available hydrogen = hydrogen not chemically combined with oxygen in any way, and therefore
available for combustion.
background noise = the ambient noise level above which signals must be presented or noise sources
bagasse = the fibrous material remaining after the extraction of the juice from sugar cane. IJsed as
a fuel.
bag wall = a refractory baffle in a kiln for the purpose of channeling the course of the flame and
ball clay = a highly plastic, very fine-grained, refractory bond clay that has a wide range of vitrifi-
cation and burns to a light color; oftcn high in carbonaceous matter.
ball valve = similar to a plug valve except that tile rotatable eIement is spherical.
barometric damper = a b~i1;incedair valve placed so as to admit air to the Hue pipe i n ordcr to
maintnjn ;I constant amount of clraft tbrr~irgha hrnacc. A minimum dwft hiis the advantage of
reducing the heat loss through the flue.
barometric prcssure = the atrnosphcric pressure at a specific: place according to the c:urrent reading
of baromctcr. Standard barr~metrir;pressurc is l4.696 psia, 29.92 in. Hg, or 760 rrirIi Hg.
barrel = the unit by which petroleum prr)ciucts are sold. 1barrcl (11111)= 42 US gallons
base pressure = a standarcl t c ~which nieasurcments of ;lvolumc of gas are referred. This and base
temperature should be defined in any gas measurement contract.
base temperature = a standard to which measurements of a volume of gas are referred. The stand-
ard value in the llnitcd Statcs is 60 F for natural gas (per AGA h4easurcment Manual).
basic refractnries = refractories consisting esscritially of magnesia, lime, chrome ore, or forstcritc.
or ~llixturesof these. (By contrast, acid refractories contain a substantial proportion of free silica.)
batch-type furnace = a furnace shut down periudically to remove one load and arlti ;I new charge,
as opposed tn ;1 c:onli~~uous
type furnace. An "~II-arid-out"
furnace, a "periodic" kiln.
"BaumB = a scalc for cxpressing specific gravity of liquids, designed to provide a lirlear scale on
hydrometers. Nearly the same as the modern API. (1"Bi: = l0API.) Named for Antojne Baurlit'!(1727-
1804),a French h he mist widely known for his improvements in technical processes, but best known
for his invention of the hydrometer which bears his name.
beat = periodic vibration resulting from interference of two sound waves of different frequency.
beehive kiln = a periodic downdraft kiln with a circular hearth and dome-like roof [crown).
bellows = a metallic accordian-like cylinder or box that can be compressed or cxpanded mechani-
cally or with fluid pressure (likc a spring), and which will return to its normal shape when the
pressurc is released. Bellows are used in oil expansion chambers, in some high pressure fuel shutoff
valves in place of a diaphrag~rl,and in pressure sensitive instruments and regulators.
benzene (C&Ifi) = a highly combustible liquid derived from the distillation of petroleum. Its flash
point [closed cup) is 12 F (-11 C). Also known as benzol.
Bernoulli theorem - conservation of energy in thc stcady flow of an incompressible, inviscid fluid.
bhp = boiler horsepower (see definition in this glossary). The abbreviation bhp is also used for
brake horsepower, which has another meaning and anrlther value.
booster heater = a heater used to raise the temperature of oil from that requircd for pumping to that
required for atomization. The booster heater is usually located close to the atomizer.
boundary layer = the portion of a fluid flowing in the immediate vicinity of a surface. The boundary
layer has a reduced flow due to the forces of adhesion and viscosity.
Bourdon tube = a metallic tube of elliptical c:ross section, shopcd into an arc or spiral with one end
attached to an indicating, recording, or controlling device. It is used in industry to measure
pressures. A pressure within the tube tends to make it less elliptical and more nearly circular,
straightening its arc or unwinding its spiral, thus actnating the attached device.
Boyle's Law = Mariotte's law = the product of the volume of a gas and its pressure is a constant at
a fixed temperature.
branch circuit = a secondary circuit leading from the main oil circulating loop to a burner or group
of burners; a booster circuit or loop.
bring-up time = the tirnt: recluiretl to raise a cold furnace, and its charge if any, to operating tempcr-
British thermal unit (Btu)= the quantity of cncrgy required to herit one pountl u l water fro111 59 F
to 60 F at stantiard barometric pressure, = 0.252 kcal = 0.000 293 kwh.
bsw = hnttom sedirne~itand water. Impurities ant1 foreign rni~teriillsfound in Puel oils, Part 2 , Vol. I.
bulk density = the wctight 01 unit volume of a substance. The volume includes the volume of
pores in the material, and the volume between particles, so the bulk density of a substance is
usually lower t14an the absolute density of the substance.
bunker B, bunker C = two designations for heavy fuel oils. Now becoming obsoletc. Both now fit
the #6 classificatinn, 11i1tI~ur~ker
B was somewhat lighter and less viscous.
bunker oil = a heavy fuel oil formed by stabilization of the residual oil remaining after the cracking
of crude petroleum.
Bunsen-type burner = a gas burner consisting of a straight tube with a gas orifice at one end.
Primary air is entrained through adjustable openings around the gas orifice. The gas-air mixture
burns with a short intense flame as it emerges fro111the tube. Those that operate on low pressure
gas are called atmospheric burners. Named for R. W. Bunsen (1811-1899), who proved that fur-
naces of his day wasted 50% to 80% of the fuel heating value through the exhaust gases.
buoyancy controlled flame = diffusion flame in which the aspiration of combustion air into the
combustible gas is controllcd by the buoyancy of hot gases.
burble = a separation or breakdown of laminar flow past a body; eddying or turbulent flow result-
ing from this.
burn = the degree to which desired physical and chemical changes have been developed in the
firing of a c:eramic material. A batch of ceramic materials subjected to the firing process. To heat
ceramic materials so as to change their properties.
burner = a device that positions a flame in the desired location by delivering fuel and air to that
location i n such a manner that continuous ignitio~lis accorriplisiled. Some burners include
atomizing, mixing, proportioning, piloting, and flame monitoring devices.
burner refractory =refractory block with a conical or cylindrical hole through its center. The block
is i~lountedin such a manner that the flarne fires through this hole. The brick helps to maintain
ignition, and reduces the probab~lityof ilashl~ackor blow-elf. Also callcd a burner block, burner
Me, combustion tile, combustion block, refractory tile, refractory block, or quarl.
burner tile, refractory, block, q u a d = a part of a burner that serves as a primary combustion cham-
ber, often helping to determine the flame position, character, and stability. Usually constructed of
high temperature refractory ceramic ~naterial.
burning (firing) = the final heat treatment in a kiln to which ccranlic materials arc subjected in the
process nf manufacture, fur the purpose of developing bond and other necessary physical
and chemical properties.
butane (C,H,,) = a gaseous hydrocarbon fuel of the paraffin scries. Often a component of LPG or
1)ottle gas. A by-product of refinery anti gas wcll operations. Comrnerr:i;ll bubiric: is a ~rlixtureof
easily liquefiable hydrocarbon gases (consisting principally of butane) which is sold as "butane."
by-product coke oven gas = gas given off during the process of making coke from coal. It consists
(:hiefly of hydrogcn and rnethano.
C = Celsius (formerly centigrade), temperature level, e.g, watcr frcczes at o C; c;oulomb (G unit of
electrical charge), one ampere second; carbon.
calcining = roasting, a process of hcating mincral materials to a temperature below their melting
point for the purpose of ririving off moisture or other volatiles, reducing volume, oxidizing, or
Calorie (Cal) = large calorie = kilogram calorie = kilocalorie = kcal = 1000 cal = the energy required
to heat one kilogram of water (at standard atmospheric pressure) through one degree Celsius =
3.968 Btu.
calorie (cal) = gram calorie = small calorie = the quantity of energy required to heat one gram of
water fiom 4 C to 5 C. A kilogram calorie is one thousand times as large.
calorific value, cv = the amount of heat chemically released by combustion of a unit weight or
volume of a fuel: heating value.
cap or crown = the arched roof of a furnace, especially a glass tank furnace.
carbon deposition = the deposition of amorphous carbon, resulting kom the decomposition of
carbon monoxide gas into carbon dioxide and carbon within a critical temperature range. When
deposited within the pores of a refractory brick, the carbon may build up such pressure that it
destroys the bond and causes the brick to "bloat" or disintegrate.
carbon dioxide, ultimate O/u = the percentage of carbon dioxide that appears in the dry flue gases
when a fuel is burned with its chemically correct fuel/air ratio. The theoretical maximum %CO,
carbonhydrogen ratio = the weight of carbon in a hyrlrocarbon fuel divided by the weight of
hydrogen. Aromatics, for example, have higher carbon/hydrogen ratios than paraffins. Also see
car1,on residue and hydrocarbon.
carbon monoxide, CO = a product of incomplete [:ombustion (pic); a colorless odorless gas harm-
ful to llu~nansif inhaled at a concentration >400 pprrl fur Inore than one hour.
carbon residue = the amount of carbonaceous material left from 3 sample of oil heated or distilled
in the abscnce of air; on indication of carbonlhydrogen ratio; of most importance i n donlestic appli-
catinns using #I or #2 oil. Industrial burner systerrls me generally capable or handling oils with any
normal carbonlhydrogen ratio, although somctimes special precautimns must be taken to nlil~inlizc
formatior1 UT soot. Carbon residile is measured by: (1)thc Conradson test with an open tlamc heat-
ing thc distillation apparatus; or (21 the Ramsbottom tcst with the boat i~ppliedindirectly through a
mOlte1~bath. ?'he two methods (lo not agree exactly, but a conversion table is available.
car bottom fiumace = car hearth furnace = bogic hearth filmace. A batch-type! furnace in which the
loat1 is placed on piers on a refractory-covcrcd r:nr which call be loaded outside the hlrnacc and
rollcd into the furnace (to constitute its floor), a door being closed behi~ldit. This type of furnace is
very ve~satilein types of loads it can handle and it saves tirr~ebecause the car and load can be roller1
out for quicker cooling. Somc "shuttle" types have 2 cars with doors at both ends.
CAS number = Chemical Abstract Scrvicc's assigned number used to identify a material
catalyst = a substance that can alter the rate of a chemical reac:tiori, without itsell entering into the
reaction products, or ur~tierguinga chemical change. 1
Celsius (formerly centigrade) = temperature scale. Named for Andres Celsius, a Swedish astronomer
who devised the centigrade scale i n 1742.
centipoise = a unit for measurement of absolute viscosity = one hundredth of a poise. The absolute
viscosity of water at 20 C is approximately one centipoise.
centistoke = a unit of measurement of kinematic viscosity = onc hundredth of a stoke. The kinematic
viscosity in centistokcs times the specific gravity equals the absolute viscosity in centipoise.
centrifugal atomizing oil burner = a burner in which oil is thrown by centrifugal force from a
rotating cup into an air stream, causing the oil to break into a cone of spray.
centrifugal blower = a mechanical device for moving air by using the centrifugal force from a
mtating fan, squirrel cage, or paddle wheel, to increase the air pressure in a collecting scroll. "Fan"
usually implies a lower prcssure than does "blower" (4 to 44 ounces per square inch, or 200 to
1900 mm of water column).
ceramics = "Products made of inorganic materials by first shaping thcm and later hardening
them by fire." -F. Singer. Originally, only ware formed from clay and hardened by the action
of heat, or thc art of making such ware. Now understood to include all refractory materials,
cement, lime, plaster, pottery, glass, enamels, glazes, abrasives, electrical insulating products,
and thermal insulating products made frtlrr~inorganic nonmetallic mineral substances.
cermet = a product consisting of a mixture of ceramic material and finely tiivicieci metal; alsu
referred to as ~ : R ~ H I I ~ R I S .
cf or cu ft = cubic foot.
CFC = ChloroPluoroCarbons.
CH, = methane, first in the paraffin series of hydrocarbons: C,H, = ethane; C,Hn = propane; C,H,,
= butane; C,H,2 = pcntane; C,H,, = hexane; C,H,, = heptane; C,H,, = octane; C,H,, = nonane; etc.
C,H, = acetylene
Charles' Law = Gay-Lussac law = for a constant mass of gas the volume varies directly with its
absolute temperature if the pressure is constant; and absolute pressure varies directly with absolute
temperature if the volume is constant.
checkers, checkerworks = refractory in furnace regenerators to recover heat from outgoing hot
gases, and later to transmit the heat to cold air or gas entering the furnace; so-called because the
brick are arranged in checkerboard patterns, with alternating brick units and open spaces.
check valve = a valve to prevent reverse flow, usually closed by reverse movement of the iluid.
circular mil = a unit for measuring the cross sectional area of wircs; thc area of a wire having a
diameter of one mil, or one thousandth of an inch (0.001").
circulating loop = the main loop in which oil is circulated from the oil storage tanks to the branch
circuits and then back to thc storage tank.
closed burner = ii sealed-in burner which in mnst cases supplies all the air for combustion through
the burner itself.
closed circuit oil system = a system in which oil may be pumped completely through the circula-
ting loop and back into the oil storage tank.
closed impeller = ;I l~lowerimpeller with cover plate discs attached to the sides of the blatiev to
minimize short-r:ircuiting. (An open impeller consists of a series of rotating blades or vanes similar
to an old-fashioned paddle wheel. The blades rotate bctwccn the stationary walls of the blower
housing, these walls channeling the air so that nlost of it flows out through the tips of the blades.
Some air short circuits back to the impeller inlet.)
cm = centimetrc(s), n unit of length in the cgs systcm of units, nut rccommcncic:d in tho 81 system;
c m L square centimetrels); c m b cubic centinietre(s) or cc; = 0.01 metre.
CO = carbon monoxide. ["C.O.gas" is oc.c:;lslonally used for coke oven gas, but it is suggested this be
spelled out to ilvoid r.onfusion with carbon monoxida gas.] CO, = carbon dioxide.
Coanda eeeect = the tendency uf a fluid issuing fro111 a jet to follow the wall contour even where the
wall's curvature is away from the axis of the jet; a characteristic utilized in the operation of fluidic:
elements; after a French engineer and inventor, born in 1885. A type E burner (Figure 8.2) is some-
times termed a Coanda burner.
coefficient of discharge = a factor useti in figuring flow tliruugh an c~rific:ti.It takes into R ( : C ~ Uthe
facts that a fluid flowing through an orifice will contract to a cross sectional area smaller than that
of the orifice, and that there is some dissipation of energy due to turbulence.
co-firing = using a small portion of natural gas along with other fossil or waste fuels in utility,
industrial, and waste-to-energy boilers to mitigate adverse environmental emissions from com-
bustion (NOx, SOX,particulates, dioxins), and to improve operational flexibility and performance.
coke (general) = the solid product, principally carbon, resulting from the destructive distillation of
coal or other carbonaceous materials in an oven or r:losed chamber. In gas and oil combustion, the
carbonaceous material formed due to abnormal circumstances.
coke oven gas = gas saved for use as fuel when coke is made from coal in by-product ovens. Chiefly
llydrogen and methane.
combination burner = a burner capable of burning either gas or oil. (Dual-Fuel'" is the North Ameri-
can Mfg. Co. trademark for combination burners.)
combined carbon (or hydrogen) = carbon (or hydrogen) chemically combined with oxygen and
therefore unavailable for combustion.
combustion air =main air. All of the air supplied through a I,urner other illall that used for atomi-
zation. May or rnay not illclude air induced through the burner register by a negative pressure in
the (:ombustion chamber.
combustion intensity = volumetric rate of combustion. The ratio of the file1 energy input to thc
flame volume.
cumnbustion products =matter resulting from combustion, such as flue gases, water vapor, and ash.
combustion roar = flarrie noise. The driving force that sets resollallt cavities (such as 11unlertiles)
~ 1000 Hz, a combustion
into resonance, further amplifyi,ng the original noise, e.g. on Figure 1 2 . 2at
roar of almost 80 dn resorlilles In a burner tile Ln product allllost 90 LIB.
compound = a distinct substance formed by the [:hemica1 colnbillatio~lof two or more elements in
definite proportions.
compressed air air generally at a pressure of 5 or more pounds pcr square inch above atmo-
compressible flow = flow of high pressure gas or air which undergoes a pressure drop sufficient to
result i n a significant reduction of its density.
condensible hydrocarbon content = the fraction of a gas that may condense as the gas is cooled.
Natural gasoline is a condensible hydrocarbon present in raw natural gas.
conduction = the transfer of heat through a material by passing it from molecule to molecule.
continuous furnace = a furnace operated on an urlirlterrupted cycle, in which the charge is being
constantly added to, moved through, and removed from the furnace; as opposed to a batch-type
controller = a device that detects a change in a process variable, and then automatically uses an
external source of power to amplify the detected signal and ta energize a mechanism that will
correct the deviation in the process variable until it returns to a preset value. [Not the same as
control zone = that section of a furnace within which temperature is controlled by one temperature
sensing device and one set of valves or regulators (one each for air and each fitel).
convection = transfer of heat by moving masses of matter. Convection currents are set up in a fluid
by mechanical agitation (forced convection) or because of differences in density at different tcm-
peratures (natural convcction).
convection burner = a l~urnerdesigned to produce a flue gas stream with considerable velocity,
enabling convection heat transfor.
copper strip corrosion = an oil test standardized by ASTM as an indic;~tionof sulfur in the oil.
Generally applied only to light distillates and gasoline.
corbel = a supporting projection of the face of a wall; an arrangement of brick in a wall in which
each course prtijer:ts l~eyondthe one immediately 11elowit to form a support, shelf, or baffle.
corebuster = device inserted insicle H heat transfer tube to t~lrbulatethe flow and increase velocity.
cp = specific heat at cnnstarlt pressure, ollen simply writtcn c and assumed to be at constant pres-
sure unless otherwise spec:ifietl.
Cr = chromium.
cracking = the process of breaking hydrocarbon molecules so that they recombine into both lighter
and heavier molec~ilcls.Therrnal cracking involves the use of high temperatures in the ahsence of
air. Catalytic cracking uses lower temperatures and pressures in the presence of a catalyst. Catalyti-
cally cracked distillates are more stable than straight run or thermally cracked distillates, and they
have a higher carbonlhydrogen ratio.
creosote = a light fuel produced by the distillation of coal tar. Limited fuel use.
critical flow (sonic flow) = fluid flowing through an orifice at a velocity equal to the velocity of
sound in the fluid. Under such conditions, the rate of flow may be increased (supersonic) by an
increase in upstream pressure, but it will not be affected by a decrease in downstream pressure.
Also, the (much lower) rate of flow at which the flow changes bom the laminar to the turbulent form.
critical Reynolds number = the point where there is a radical change in the character of the flow.
Below this number the fluid flow is laminar. Above this number, turbulent flow (irregular eddying
and mixing motion) occurs.
cross-connected = a term used to describe two pipes or systems of flow connected to each other to
provide an equalization or interplay of prcssures, or to provide an impulse to a regulator for this
cross-connection = a low pressure pneumatic sensor signal line, usually conveying a burner air
input pressure sjgnal to an airlfuel ratio control regulator. Usually 318" or lzger tubing tapped intr)
the side of an 8d (minirrk~~r~~)
straight air line. Also called an "impulse line".
crown = a furnace roof, espnc:ially one which is dome-shaped; the highest point of an arch.
crown drift = kiln gases flowing frr1111the firing zone toward the entrance of a tunnel kiln (counter-
current to product travcl). Cases flow due to pressure differential between firing zone and entrance.
Most of the volume flow occurs between the top of the load and the crown.
crude oil = petroleum ;is it c:ornCs out of the grouncl. C:rudcs vary cnnsiderably in make-UII,quality
and appcarancc--so~nethin and light, others heavy and viscous. Crudes arc sr,nietimes used as
fuel, after suitable cleaning and preheating.
CU = copper.
d a = dry air.
damping (of sound] = dissipation of vibration within a vibrating body to make it an efficient
acoustic radiator.
Darcy friction factor = Weisbach friction factor = a factor used in determining resistance to flow of
fluids in pipe. See formulas 5117a and b, Figure 5.13a, Table 5.13b. The Darcy friction factor = 4 x
the Fanning friction factor, and Darcy friction factor = 8 x the Stanton (Biasius) friction factor.
dB(A) = decibels, A-weightcd scale. (Also dBA.1 A unit of sound intensity, or sound pressure level
taking into account a distribution of frequencies sirnilar to the characteristics of the human ear.
dc = dense castable.
dcp = dry combustion products--sar~leas dfg unless them is a recul)arnLr~ror other heat recovery
dead end of a line = the end of a pipe line that does not lead back to an oil storage tank, so that the
oil in that end of the line cannot be recirculated.
dead end system = a11 oil system that does not contain a return line to an oil storage tank; therefore
the oil cannot be pumped around in a closed circuit.
dead weight relief valve = a valve in which the unrelieved weight of the plug is the: force which
tends to koep the valve closed. Tlie valve opens when the pressure i~tcrcasessuffir:ieritly Lo lift the
plug against the fnrcc of gravity.
deci, abhrcviated d = prefix for sull~r~lultiple
decibel = dB = a measuro of sound intensity, a unit of sound pressure level = the ratio of a measured
sound pressure to that at a11 arbitrary base. A l s o a uilil oP sound power level. Sex: equations 1213
deficiency of air = a supply of tiir which is inadequate for complete combustion of a fuel. This is
the same as an cxccss of fuel.
delayed mixing = a process in which the fuel and air leave the burner nozzle unmixed, and
thereafter mix relatively slowly, largely through diffusion. This rcsults in a long, luminous flame,
called a diffusion flame, luminous flame, or long flame. (Type F, Figure 6.2.)
density = the weight of a unit volume of a substance, usually designated p (rho), in 1b/ft3. Also
called specific weight.
detonation = an exothermic chemical reaction that propagates with such rapidity that the rate of
advance of the reaction zone into the unreacted material exceeds the velocity of sound (Mach
number >1.0)in the unreacted material; that is, the advancing reaction zone is preceded by a shock
dew point = the highest temperature at which vapor condenses from a gas-vapor mixture tlint is
being cooled.
dfg = dry flue gas. This abbreviation is peculiar to the combustion industry and may not be widely
recognized in other fields.
diaphragm = the thin, flexible material separating the various chamhers in pressure sensing devices
such as pressure regulators, pressure switches, gauges.
diaphragm burner a burner which utilizes a porous refractory diaphragm at the l ~ o r so
r;ombustion takes place over the entire area of this refractory tliaphrag~n.
t that the
diatomaceous earth = a hydrous form of silica which is soft, light in weight, and consists mainly of
mic:rost:opic; shells of diato~llsor other marine organisms. widely used for furnace insulation.
diatomic molecule = a molecule having two atoms--such as N,, I),, and Hz.
diffusion flame = a long luminous flame created by the slow diffusion mixing (delayeti 111ixirlg)oP
parallel fuel and air streams in laminar flow; or, in a broad sense, any flame in which combustion
follows from the gradual rr~ixingof air and combustibIe gas after these have been introduced
separately into the combustion region.
diffusivity = a measure of the rate with whic:h heat diffuses tlln~ugha ~naterial,evaluated as kicp,
c:onduclivity divided by volume specific heat.
DIN = De~~tsches
Irlstitut for Norrnung (German stantlartls organization).
direct-fired heater = a heating device in which direct radiation and convection contact the load--
n o muffle or radiant tube separating the poc from the prt~duc:tbeing heated.
direct spark ignition = direct electric ignition, use of an electric arc, as from a spark plug or other
igniter, to light the main flame of a burner without the use of a gas or oil pilut as all intermediate
step. See pilot.
discharge coefficient = a factor used in figuring flow through an orifice. It takes into account the
facts that a fluid flowing through an orifice will contract to a cross sectional area smaller than that
of the orifice, and that there is some dissipation of energy due to turbulence.
dissociation = the breaking up of combustion products into combustibles and oxygen (or com-
pounds containing less oxygen), accompanied by absorption of heat. This usually occurs at high
temperatures, and is one of the factors limiting the maximum temperature of a flame.
distillate = an oil obtained by condensation of hydrocarbons that have been vaporized by hcating,
usually in a fractionation or distillation column.
distillation = the process by which an oil [crude) is vaporized by the application of heat, and in
which the products are selectively cnndensed sn as to result in oils or fiiels with desirable proper-
ties. Straight run distillation of crude oil results in the collection of gasoline, naphtha, kerosene,
and #Z distillate oil (in order of increasing gravity or molecular weight). The residuals, reduced
crude, or #5 and 86 fuel oils, or residuum, are collected from the bottom of the c:olumn.
distillation temperature = distillate fuel oils arc specified, partialIy, by means of distillation
temperatures; i~ltitialboiling point, 10% point, 50% point, 90% point, and end point. Thesc fig-
ures are obtained within a standardized test, with a closely controlled rate nf heating. Used in fuel
oil specification.
draft = a difference of pressurt: that causes a flow of air or gases through a filmat:n or chimney.
dry hasis = flue gas arlalysis by an analyzer that scrubs or drics the sa~nplebefore analysis; or an
analysis in which all wet basis readings [except water vapor) have bee11 divide11by (I- summation
of all dry gas pcrcentages/100%).
dry bulb temperature, DB = tempcrature of air. (By contrast, see wet bulb temperiture.)
dry flue gas (dfg) = gaseous protfucls of comb~~stion exclusive of water vapor. Separation of the
vapor from the flue gas (a practical impossibility) is a theoretical concept used in combustion
Dual-Fuel'" Burner = the North American Mfg. Co. trademark for combination gas-oil burners
designed for rapid and convenient conversion from one fuel to the other by simply opening and
closing valves.
Dutch oven = a combustion chamber built outside and connected with a furnace.
e = emissivity or emittance. See definition of those terms. Also, a measure of the degree of oxygen
enrir:hment, varying hom 20.9% to 100%.
EDR = the rate of heat transfer (11y both radiation and convection) from a radiator or convector. The
equivalent direct radiation is expressed in terms of the number of squarc fcet of surface of an
imaginary standard radiator that would be required to transfer heat at the same rate as does the unit
in question. One square foot of EDR gives off 240 Btulhr for steam heating units, or 150 Btuihr for hot
water heating.
effective area of furnace openings = the area of an opening in an infinitely thin furnace wall thai
would permit a radiation loss equal to that occuring through an actual opening i n a wall of finite
thickness. The effective area is always less than the actual area because some radiation always
strikes the sides of the opening and is reflcctcd back into the furnace.
effective chimney height = the height above that necessary to overcome the pressure drop caused
by the friction of gas flow.
efficiency = the percentage of gross Btu input that is realizcd as usehi1 Btu output of a furnace.
EGR = FGR = exhaust gas recirculation = flue gas recirculation.
EJC = Engineers Joint Council; New York, NY.
element = one of the 11-1311asic substances of which all matter [compn~intisand mixtures) is
cmissivity = a measure of ability of a material to radiate energy = the ratio (expressed as a decimal
fraction) of the radiating ability of a given material to that of a black body. (A "black body" emits
radiation at the maxirnum possible rate at any given temperature, and has an emissivity nf 1.0.)
Assumed to be total hemispheric cmissivity (all wavelengths, all dircctions) unless otherwise speci-
fied. By contrast, see emittance.
emittance = the ability of a surface to emit or radiate energy, as compared with that of a "black
body", which ernits radiation at the maximum possil~lerate at any given temperature, and which
has an emittance of 1.0. (Emissivity denotes a property of the bulk material independent of geom-
etry or surface condition, whereas emittance refers to an actual piece of material.)
emittance factor, F, = the combined effect of the ernittanccs of two surfaces, their areas, and rela-
tive positions. See Table 4.9 and formula 411 in Vululne I.
enclnsed combustion burner = a burner that confines the combustion in a small chamber or minia-
ture furnace and only the high temperature, completely cornbusted gases, in the form of high velocity
jets or stre;lrris, are used for heating.
endothermic reaction = a chemical reaction that absorbs heat.
end point = upper temperature limit in the distillation range of crude oil. IBP is the initial boiling
point and EP is the end point.
equilibrium = as applied to a furnace, the condition that exists when its walls have absorbed all the
heat they can bold at a specific furnace temperature, so that any further tlnw of hcat to the walls
results in an equal amount of heat being transferred to the outside.
equiv. = equivalent.
equivalence ratio, 9 = a means of expressing airlfuel ratio = the actual amount of fuel expressed as
a decimal ratio of the stoichiometrically correct amount of fuel. (See Table C.10 in the Appendix.)
equivalent diameter = the diameter of a circle having an area equal to the area of the shape being
considered = 4 x hydraulic radius.
equivalent inches of firebrick = the thickness of firebrick having thc same insulating valuc as the
material being considered.
equivalent length = the length of straight pipc that would produce the same pressure drop as a
fitting or valve of the same pipe size.
equivalent pure oxygen = a measure of the dollar value of various conlmercial oxygen purities. See
Example 13-1.
equivalent thickness = for refractory walls, thc term refers to the thickness of firc11ric:kwall that has
the same insulating capability as a wall of nther refractory materials. See Figures anti 'I'al~los4.5 in
Volume I. For pipe insulation, this term refers to an imaginary pipe thickness that sinlplifies pipe
heat loss calculations by relating all calculatiorls to the outside surface area as in formula 4/6d.
ethane (C,H,) = hydrocarbon gas used as a fuel, frequently a component of natural gas.
Bvasd = a diffuser or divcrging section of a duct, fan or stack. The diverging tail section of a venturi.
A flow passage in which kinetic: energy is corlverted to static pressure. (Pronounced aye-vaaz-aye.)
excess air, abbreviated XSAir = the air remaining after a fuel has been completely I)urrie~l,or that
air supplied in addition to the quantity required for stoichiometric cunlbustion. A lean airifuel
ratio. Equivalence ratio less than 1.0. (See Table C.10 in the Appendix.]
excess oxygen, like excess air, is an indication of how lean or how oxidizing the combustion reac-
tion is. For most fuels, the "/o excess oxygen in the flue gas is about 113 of the % excess air (up to
about 3% oxygen or 15% excess air, above which point the ratio is progressively less than 113).
excess pure oxygen = a measure of degree of oxygen enrichment above pure air. For example, with
25% oxygen concentration instead of 20.9, the "excess pure oxygen" would be 25 - 20.9 = 4.1%.
See Part 13.
exothermic reaction = a chemical reaction that liberates heat, such as the burning of a fuel.
extrusion = a process in which plastic material is forced through a die by the application of pres-
F orO F = Fahrenheit (temperature level, e.g. water freezes at 32 F). This is in contrast to " or O F
which indicates temperature change or difference, e.g. the drop across the wall is 355"F, or the air
temperature rose 60°F between dawn and noon.
f = .friction factor.
fla ratio = fuellair ratio. For gaseous fuels, this is usually the ratio of volumes in the same units. For
liquid and solid fuels it may be the ratio of wcights in the same units. f/a is the reciprocal of a/f
ratio. (See Table C.10 in the Appendix.)
fan mixer = an air blower in which fucl gas is admitted to the inlet to be mixcd with air.
Fanning friction factor = a factor used in dctcrmining resistancc to flow of fluirls in a pipe = 114 of
tho Darcy or Weis1~;it:hfriction factor (formulas 5117a and b, Figure 5.13a, 'hble 5 1711in Volurnc I).
fb - firebrick.
feedback a sensor message, in a.11 automatic control system, that measures a result of the control
action ant1 re-c:orrsc:ts il as necessary.
feedforwaril = a sensor message, in an automatic control system, that anticipates the need for a
fg= flue gas--same as combustion products unless there is a recuperator or other heat recovery
; flue gas desulfi~rization.
film coefficient, h, = convection heat transfer coefficient = the reciprocal of the boundary layer
film resistance = the rate of heat flow per unit arca (hcai flux) for cach dcgrcc of tcmpcrnturc
difference between the surface and the bulk of the fluid stream.
filter = a porous mass used to remove particles suspended in a fluid. An oil filter is actually a wire
mesh strainer, but is frequently called a filter.
firebox = a combustion chamber. If external to the furnace or kiln, also called a Dutch oven or
fire point = thc minimum oil temperature at which a flame is sustained for at least 5 seconds. By
contrast, see flash point.
firing (burning of ceramic materials) = the final heating process to which ceramic shapes are
subjected for the purpose of developing bond and other necessary physical ant1 chernic:al properties.
firing rate = the ratc at which alr, fuul, or a fuel-air mixture is supplied to a burr~er,r)r f11rnar:e. It
may be expressed in volume, weight, or heat units sopplietl per unit timc.
firing zone = that portion of a furnace, usually a continuous [urnace, through which the load passes
and which is at or near the maximum process temperature.
flame blow-off = the phenomenon that occurs when a flarne moves away konl a burner. This often
results in the flame being extinguished. A flame blows off when the fuel-air mixture leaves the
burner at a velocity greater than the velocity with which tho flnn~ekont progresses into the mixture.
flame character = thc naturc of a flame, e.g. length, size, shape, color, luminosity, vclocity--usually
determined by the design of the flame holder and refractory quarl, and by pressures, velocities, and
directions of fuel jets and air jets.
flame front = the plane along which combustion starts, or the root of a flamc.
flame holder = burner nozzl(:. ;I pwt of a 11urnt:r that positions the flame, deternlines the character
of the flame [length, shape, luminosity, veloc:ity), anti provides f l a ~ r ~ht~1)ility.
flamc noise = see combustion roar and superturbulent combustion noise. See Part 12
flame retaining nozzle = any burner nozzle with built-in features to hold the flame at high mixture
flamc retention burner (flame retaining nozzle] = a burner whose nozzlc is surrounded with small
ports that act as pilots to relight the 11liiiri flame i l it blows off. The velocity through the small ports
is less, so the flame almost never blows off. Also called a stick-tight nozzle.
flame speed = the rate at which a flame propagates through a con~bustiblenlixture. See flame
flame supervising system (formerly combustion safeguard) = a safety control responsive directly
to flame properties, except where supplemented by the words "gas analyzer type". It senses
tlle presence of flame and causes fuel to be shut off in the event of flame failure. See "Supervising
Controls" in Part 7.
flame temperature. Theoretical flame temperature is calculated in the same way as hot mix
temperature, but usually for stoichiometric airlfuel ratio. It may or may not be corrected for
dissociation. See also hot mix temperature.
flame velocity = the speed at which a flame progresses into a mixture relative to the speed of the
mixture. Also called flame speed, ignition velocity, rate of flame propagation. The latier sometimes
refers to flame front movement in a tube whereas the other forms usually rcfcr to measurements in
quiescent mixtures or in perfectly streamlined (laminar) flames. The turbulence encountered in
the tube measurements usually results in velocities about twice as great as by the other methods.
flammability limits = the maximum and minimum percentages of a fuel in a fuel-air mixture which
will bur11. Sonletimes called limits of inflanlmability.
flange taps = pressuro taps that are 1 in. upstrearn and downstream from a thin mctoring orificc.
Standard flanges can be purchased with these taps already drilled.
flashhack = the phenomeno11 thal occurs when a flarr~efront moves back through a burr~ernozzle
(and possibly back to thc mixing point). Flashback occurs I)ecanse i h e flarr~evelocity exceeds the
fucl-air mixture velocity through the burner nozzle.
flash heat = refers to an application of heat to an objcct in a very short time pt:riod, utilizing dircct
flame impingement or a high thermal head.
flashing (brick] firing a kiln under reducing conditions to ol~tairlcertain dcsircrl colnrs. May he
cfft:c:t[:tl by adding maganese, salt, or zinc.
flash paint = the temperature at which enough of an oil is vnporizetl to a flash nf burning
oil vapor when ignited by an external flame. Flash point and fire point are obtainr:tl (1)by the
y Cleveland, open cup. By ~ o ~ ~ t r sce
Pcnsky-Martens; or tag, r:ltisntl (:up, a11d (2) l ~ thc a s t fire
, point.
flat arch = a furnace roof in which both outer arid inner surfaces are horizontal p1ant:s. Formed of
spccial tapered 1)ric:ka11t1linltl i r ~plnc:c? 1)y their keying actiorl. A jar:k ilrch.
Flat Flame"' = North American Mfg. Company's trac1em;lrk for a Qpe E flame that spreads radically
wross the adjacent furnace wall. In scientific lilerilture, a flat flame is onc formed t ~ yn slut-like
fkw coellicient = a correction factor used for figuring volume flow rate of a fluid througll an orifice
(K in formula 5/37). This factor includes the effects of contraction and turbulence loss (covered by
the coeIficient of discharge), plus the con~pressibilityeIIe(:t,and the effect of an upstream velocity
other than zero. Since the latter two effects are negligible in nlany instances, the flow coefficient is
often equal to the coefficient of discharge.
flow noise = that portion of burner noise produced exclusively from the flow of fuel and air through
the burner, irrespective of combustion.
flue gas = all gases, combustion gas, products of combustion [poc] that leave a furnace by way of a
flue, including gaseous products of c.ombnstinn, water vapor, excess oxygen and nitrogen. Exit gases
from recuperators, wastc hcat boilcrs, rcgcncrators, and other heat recovery deviccs ore tcrmcd
"waste gases" or "stack gases".
flue gas analysis = a statcmcnt of thc quantities of thc various compounds of a sample of fluc gas,
usually expressed in percentages by volume.
flue gas loss = also called stack loss. The sensible heat carried away by the dry flue gas pIus thc
sensible and latent heat carried away by the water vapor in the flue gas.
fluid = any liquid, vapor, or gas or their mixtures. The terms fluid bed and fluidized bed refer to
solid particles activated into a fluid-like condition by forcing a gas u p through them.
flux = rate r)f flow of heat or fluid across a unit area. See also fluxing.
fluxing = addition of a substancc (flux) to promote fusing of minerals, metals, glass, enamels, and
refractories, or to prevent oxide formation.
foot valve = a check valve at the bottom end of a suction line in a tank to prevent the oil system
from drair~ir~g11iic:kinto the tank when the pump is not operating.
forced draft = the difference in pressures that blows air into a furnac;e, usually produced by a fan
located in the inlet air passage to the fiirnace.
fph, fpm, f p s = feet per hour, feet per minute, feet per second; American or English foot-pclulld-
secnnti system units for veloc:ity.
fractional distillation = the process of heating, evaporating, and condensing r:ruclr: oils into various
grades (or fri1c:ticrns) of oil. This is accomplished in a fractionating tower with the lightest materials
(thosc with the lowest boiling points] such as gasoline and naphtha condensing at the top, and the
heaviest materials (those with the highest boiling points) such as the heavy gas oils condensing at
the I~ottorn.The haction that docs not evaporate, the? residual oil, is also collected in this process.
free field = an area in which the boundaries Irive no effect on noisc measurements.
frequency (of sound) = the speed with whic:h its cyclical prcssurc variatinn or:c:urs, dp/dt (the
differential of pressurt.: rclt~tiveto time). Frequency = the reciprocal of pc:riodic lime. (See also
low-frcquont:y sounds, and high-frequency sounds.)
fi-iction bctor = a factor uscd in calculating ioss of pressure due to friction of a fluid flowing
through il pipe. See Llarcy and Fanning.
fi = foot (or feet]; ftZ= squme foot (or feet); ff" = cubic foot (or feet).
fuel = any substant:e used lur combustion as a heat source.
fiteyair ratio = the ratio of the fuel supply flow rate to the air si~pplyflow rate when both rates are
measured in the same units under the same conditions; the reciprocal of airlfuel ratio. [These
terms are often used interchangeably in qualitative discussiur~s.)
Fuel-Directed@burner = the North American Mfg. Co. trademark for a burner in which the flow or
pressure energy of the fuel supply stream is used to control the aerodynamics of air-fuel mixing
and flame formation, thus needing higher fuel pressure, but less air pressure than an air-directed
fuel NO = nitric oxide kern N atoms in the fuel in forms other than N,, i.e. from fixed nitrogen.
fuel oil = a petroleum product used as a fuel. Conlmon fuel oils are classified as:
#I = distillate oil for vaporizing type burners.
#2 = distillate oil for general purpose use, and for burners not requiring #1.
#4 = blended oil intended for use without preheating.
#5 = blended residual oil for use with preheating facilities. Usual preheat temperatures are
120 to 220 F.
H6 = residual oil, for use in burners with preheaters permitting a high viscosity fuel. Usual
preheat temperatures are 180 to 260 E
fuel shutoff valve = any valve for stopping the flow of fuel, but this term is frequently used to mean
an automatic fuel shutoff valve, which is spring loadcd and tripped by de-energizing an electric or
pneumatic hold-opcn mechanism when any connected interlock senses a dangerous condition.
Automatic rcsct fucl shutoff valvcs rcopcn as soon as a normal operating condition is restored.
Manual reset automatic fuel shutoff valves must be reopened by hand after the dangerous condi-
tion is rectified and the hold-open mechanism re-energized.
fuel train = the fuel handling system between the source of fuel and the burner. It may include
regulators, shutoff valves, prcssurc switches, flow meters, control valves.
fully-metered flow control = use of volumetric flow measuring devices to control airlfuel ratio, as
opposed to the simpler prsssure-balanced alf ratio control or linked valvcs (area control).
fundamental frcqucncy = thc lnwcst frcqucncy at which o crllumn of gas or a body vibrates. Alsu
called the first harrnoriic:.
fi~rnace= an enclosed space in which heat is intentionally released by combustion, electrical
dcvic:es, or nuclear reat:tion.
furnace pressure = the gauge pressure that exists within a fur11at:e cnrnbustion ~ h a m l ~ eThe
furnace pressure is said to be positive if greater than atmospheric prcssurc, ncgativc if less than
atmospheric pressure, and neutral if equal to atmospheric pressure.
Furul, Saybolt = a scale used for measuring the vist:osity of heavy oils. The instrument has a larger
orifice and is used at a higher temperature than the Saybolt Universal instrument used for lighter
fusion = a state of fluidity or flowing, in consequence of heat; the softening of a solid body, either
through heat alone or through heat and the action of a flux, to such a degree that it will no longer
support its own weight, but will slump or flow. Also the union or blending of materials, such as
metals, upon melting, with the formation of alloys.
fusion point = the temperature at which the solid and liquid states of a substance can exist together
i n erpilil~riu~ri;
also designated the melting point or freezing point of a substance.
G = gas or density of a gas relative to that of standard air. See SGA and SGW; giga--see below.
g = gram(s) = 0.00220 pound avdp; acceleration of gravity = 32.2 ft/sec2 or 0.908 m/s2.
gas = in broad general terms, any substance that is not a liquid or a solid--air, for example. A perfect
gas is one that conforms to Charles' Law, and the characteristic equation of a perfect gas, pV = mRT.
(By contrast, see vapor.) See also the following types of gases: blast furnace, blue (water), butane,
carbureted water, coke oven, high pressure, liquefied natural, liquefied petroleunl, low pressure,
natural, producer, propanc, synthetic, water.
gas gravity = the ratio of the weight of a given volume of a gas to the weight of an equal volume of
air (0.07fi5 ll]lft3). Sorr~ntirnescalled specific gravity.
gas-jet mixer (inspirator) = a mixer using the kinetic energy of a jet of gas issuirlg from an orifice to
cntrain all or part of the air required for combustion.
gas mixer = any device lor mixing gas and air, such as a fan, aspirator, or inspirator,
gas oil = a heavy distillate oil; a product of straight run distillation, slightly heavier than #2 fuel oil.
gasnline = a fuel lor interrlal cornl~ustionenginas. A distillate lighter than kerosene. May be straight
run, cr;lckt:d, blended. Molecular weight is similar to octanc, C,H,,.
gauge pressure = thc diffcrcnce between atmospheric: pressure and the pressure the gouge is
measuring. Also writtcn gage pressure.
glass = an inorganic product of fusion that has cooled to a rigid condition without crystalizing.
glost fire = the process of kiln-firing bisquc warc to which glaze has been applied.
gph, gpm, gps = gallons per hour, gallons per minute, gallons per set:ond.
grades o f fuel nil = voluntary commercial standards recommended by the ASTM for different
classifications of fuel oils, based on several characteristics among which the most ilnportani are
specific gravity and viscosity. See listing under "fuel oil".
gravimetric analysis = an analysis based upon the weights of the compound parts.
gravity, specific = a measure of the density of a liquid relative to that ul water (62.43 lblft3]. By
contrast, see gas gravity.
gravity, standard = g, the standard accepted value for the force of the earth's gravity. A gravita-
tional force that will produce an acceleration equal to 32.17 feet per second, or 9.80 metreslscc'.
The actual force of gravity varies slightly with altitude and latitude. The standard was arbitrarily
established as that at sea level and 45 degrees latitude.
greenhouse gases = principally carbon dioxide, metharie, CFCs, nitrous oxide, and ozone, all of
which are opaque to reradiation of inhared heat from earth to space. (They are transparent to the
wavelength of solar radiation--hence the thermal build-up as in a greenhousc.)
gross heating value = higher heating value = the total heat obtained from conlbustion of a specified
amount of fucl and its stoichiornetrically correct amount of air, both being at 60 F when conlbus-
tion starts, and the combustion products bcing coolcd to 60 F before the heat release is measured.
Also called higher heating value. By contrast, see net or lower Heating value. Calorific value. Heat
of combustion.
grout = a suspension of mortar matcrial in water, of such consistenr:y that whe11 it is poured upon
horizontal courscs of brick masonry, it will flow into vertical open joints.
h = enthalpy = heat content, usually in Btullb; or h = heat transfer coefficient--a film coeflicient for
convcction or a surface coefficieilt for radiation = ratt: nf heat flow per unit area (hcat flux) for c:nt:h
degree of lenlperature difference bctwccn thc surface and the heat rcccivcr (fliiiclstrnarr~in the case
of convection or anc~thcrsurface in the case of radiation); or h = hour[s).
h, = heat transfer coefficient for convection; also called film cocfficicnt, h,, = h,, = the coefficient
on tho (Jutside surface; hGi= hi, = the cnefficient on the insidc surface.
head = the pressure difference that causes the flow of a fluid in o systcrn. Whcn applied to liquids
it is usually rnc;lsurt:ci in height of liquid column. See also vclocity head.
header = in piping, manifold or supply pipe to which a nu~nberof branch pipes are con~iected.In
bric:kwt~rk,a brick laid flat with its longest dimension perpendicular to the wall face.
heat cnntent = the sun1 total of latent and sensible heat stored in a substance minus that contained
at an arbitrary set of conditions chosen as the base or zero point. It is usually designated h, in Btu
per pc)un[i,but rmay also be expressed in such units as Btu per gallon and Btu per cubic foot if the
pressure and temperature are specified.
heat exchanger = any device for transferring heat from one fluid to another without allowing the
fluids to mix.
heat flux= q = QIA = the rate of flow of heat through a unit area, in Btulhr It2.
heat of combustion = the heat released by cor~hustionof a unit quantity of a fuel, measured in
calories, joules, or Btu. Heating value. Calorific value.
heat of fusion = the heat given off by a unit weight of a liquid fieezing to a solid or gained by a solid
melting to a liquid, without a change in temperature.
heat of vaporization = the heat given off by a unit weight of vapor condensing in a liquid or gained
by a liquid evaporating to a vapor, without a change in temperature.
heat transfer = flow of heat by cundnction, convection, or radiation. This term is often used to
mean heat transfer rate.
heavy oil = a term denoting residual oil, as opposed to light or distillate oil. Fuel oils #4, 5 , and ti
and "Bunker C are "hcavy oils".
heptane = C,H,,.
hexane = C,H,,.
hf = change of heat content (or enthalpy] during vaporization of 1 lb of liquid; lateut heat of
H-fuel = a by-product liquid fuel, containing heptane, similar to naphtha, sold by Sun Oil Co. CII1
ratio = 5.3. Gravity relative to water = 0.70. Higher heating value = 119 000 Btulgal. Distillation:
5's at 147 F, 50% at 185 F, 90L'/oat 225 F, EP = 290; recovery = 98%.
"tIg = inches of mercury column, a unit used in measuring pressure. One inch of rr1ert:ury c:olumn
equals a pressure of 0.491 psi. See Table C.5 in the Appcndix.
"Hg absolutc = total pressure, including atmospheric, measured in inches of mercury colurrin. Orie
inch of 1rierc:ury colurrin equals a pressure of 0.491 psi. Standard barometric pressure is 29.92
inches of mercury column.
"Fig vacuum = a scale for rnet~suringpressures less than atmospheric. A reading o f zern indicates
atmospheric pressure, while 29.92 would indicate no pressure, or a perfect vacuum.
hg = hcat content (or enthalpy) of 1 lb of saturated vapor, i.e. vapor at tile builing point. Inclutles
heat t:orite~~t
of the litluitf plus latent heat of vaporization.
HHV or hhv = higher heating value, gross heating value. (See below.)
hi = heat transfer coefficient on the inside = hi, + hi,, whcrc hi, = convection or film coefficient on
the inside, and hi, = radiation or surface coefficient on the inside.
high-duty fireclay brick = fireclay brick which have a PCE not lower than cone 311/z or above 32%-33.
higher heating value = gross heating value = the total heat obtained from combustion of a specified
amount of fuel and its stoichiometrically correct amount of air, both being at 60 F when combus-
tion starts, and the combustion products being cooled to 60 F before the heat release is measured.
By contrast, see net or lower heating value. Calorific value. Heat of combustion.
high fire = a relative term rncaning that the input rate to a burner or combustion chamber is at or
near its maxirnunl.
high frequency sound = high-pitched (soprano) sound as from the right cnd of a keyboard instru-
ment. (See also frequency.)
high pressure air system for gas-air proportioning and mixing (air pressure = 5 psig or higher] =
a system using the momentum of a jet of high pressure air to entrain gas, or air and gas, to produce
a combustible mixture.
high pressure switch = a device to monitor liquid, steam, or gas pressure and arranged to shut
down the burner at a preset high pressure (normally closed).
HiRam@,HiVamm = North American Mfg. Company's trademarks for large high velocity [high
momentum) burners.
H,O = water.
"H,O .:"wc = inches of water gauge = inches of watcr column = a measure of pressure. 1 . 7 3 2 " ~ ~
= 1 osi. See Table C.6 in the Appe~ldix.
11, = heat transfer cocfficicnt on tho outside = h,, -c h,,, where h,, = convection or film coefficient
on the outsitle, ancl h,, = radiation or s11rf;lce coefficicnt on the outside.
horscpowcr (hp) = a unit of power equal to 550 foot pounds pcr second, or :i3 000 foot pounds pcr
minute. In c:otitrast, see boiler horsepower.
hot mix temperature = a theoretical average temperature of ail products of c:o~l~l~ustionof a file1
with air, including excess air assuming n plug flow reaction with no heat loss. Sometimes called
flame tempcraturc, hut fl;lme temperature illore often i~nplicsan actual or mcasurt:d temperature.
See also flame tempemt~lre.
hp - horsepower.
HPG = a commercial gas mix, the major constituerlt of which is propylene, C,H,.
h r = hour(s]. See h.
h, = heat transfer coefficient for radiation; also called the surface coefficient. See formula 4/2,
Volume I. h,, = h,,. = the coefficient on the outside; hri = hi, = the coefficient on the inside.
ht = heat.
hydraulic radius = the cross sectional area of a flow path divided by its perimeter.
ignition temperature = the Iowcst tcmpcrature at which n filel-air mixture can proceed as llilrne
with an oxidation rate that releases heat faster than heat is lost to the surrounclirlgs. S c c T ~ b i c1.10,
Volilme 1.
ignition ve1ut:ity = flame velocity--scc that definition.
impact tube [Pitot tube) = a tube with an open end immersed in a strei~rn,a n d pointed upstream.
Tho other end of the tube is connected to a pressure gauge, which thcn indicates the total pressure
due to the "ra111effer:t" of the flow.
impeller = a 1)lower impeller consisting of a series of rotating blades or varies, similar to an old-
fashioned paddle wheel, the purpose of which is to import velocity to air or a gas.
impulse line = a small diameter pipe or tube used to convey pressure from a piping system to a
diaphragm or hellows-operated mechanism. (See cross-connected.)
in. = " = inch(s); in.2= square inch(es); in.3= cubic inch(es). 1"= 0.02540 m.
inches of mercury column = "Hg = a unit used in measuring pressures. One inch of mercury
column equals a pressure of 0.491 psi. See Table C.5 in the Appendix.
inches of water column "wc= a unit used in measuring pressures. One inch of water colurnrl
equals a pressure of 0.578 osi. See Table C.5 in the Appendix.
incomplete combustion = combustian in which fuel is only partially burned, and is capable of
being further burned under proper conditions. An exarnplt: is the case of carbon burning to form
CO. With more air, it would burn to CO,.
indirect-fired heater or dryer = a heating device in which the poc do not contact the load being
lleated--separated 1)y a muffle or radiant tube.
induced air = air that flows into a furnace through openings because the furnace prcssurc is less
than atmospheric pressure. Also air brought into a furnace by entrainment in a high velocity strea~n.
induced draft = gas flow r:aused by a furnace exit pressure less than the furnace pressure. It may be
produced by natural or artificial means.
induced draft fan = a fan or blower that produces a negative pressure in the combustion chamber
either by taking its suction from the combustion chamber or by inductio~i~nt:;~ns.
industrial heating = the direct application of heat to an industrial process, such as in the
metallurigical and ceramic industries; as opposed to domestic, space, process, and power heating.
incared burner = a radiation type humer. This tarrn is most corllrr~urilyapplied to ceramic grid or
alloy mesh gas burners for low temperature ovens or people-heating by direct radiation instead of
"space" heating, but Figures 6.13, 6.14, and 6.28 show industrial type infrared burners.
input controller = firing rate control = a system that automatically determines when more heat is
needed and automatically opens a valve or valves to nleet that ~ieetl.Usual!y temperature-achiated,
or pressure-actuated as in the case of a steam boiler.
input rate = the qiiantity of hedt, fuel, cir air su~iplintlper unit time, measured in volumc, weight,
or heat units.
inspirator = inspirator mixer = gas-jet mixer, a mixer using the kinetic energy 01a jet of gas issuing
from an orifice to entrain all or part of the air required for combustion.
insulating firebrick = ifb = a refractory brick characterized by low thermal conductivity and low
heat c~lpncity.
insulation = a material that is a relatively poor transmitter of heat. It is usually used to reduce heat
loss fr-orti;l given space.
interface = a surface regarded as the comnlon boundary between two solitls or fluitls, as in c:onlpcls-
ite furnace walls, or between air and fuel streams from a humer.
interlock = an ~1e(:trit:al,
~ l l l e u l ~ l a t0i1~. ~lle(:~lal~ic:ill
, <:o~ir~et:tion
between elements of a control
system that verifies conditions satisfactory to a proper operating sequence; and which commands
a shutdown of the system when a dangerous or unwanted condition develops. Examples: excess
furnace temperature limit, low gas pressure limit.
interrupted ignition = same timing and function as "interrupted pilot", but may be direct electric
ignition or a pilot flame. See pilot.
inviscid fluid = ideal or non-viscous fluid; flows without energy dissipation; supports no s h e a ~
ifo = inputloutput.
IR = infrared.
J = joule(s) = u n i t of energy, work, or heat = 1 N.m = 0.000 948 Btu = 0.239 cal
jamb = a vertical structural member forming the side of an opening in a furnace wall.
kaolin = iiwhite-bunling clay having kaolinitc as its chicf constituent. Specitic gravity = 2.4 to 2.6.
Thc P(:E of most conlinercia1 kaolins rangcs from conc 3 3 to cone 35.
kerosene = a light liquid petroleulll fuel, inos~lynonane, CnHz0.A constituent in #I and #2 fire1 oils
and jet propulsion fuels.
key = in furnace construction, the uppermost or the closing brick of a curved arch.
kg/m3 = kilograms per cubic metre, a measlire of ilensity. 1 kg/rri3= 0.002 4 3 ll~/ft".(See Table C.6 in
the Appendix.)
kiln = a heated chamber used for the burning, hardening, and/or drying stage of an industrial
(usually ceramic) process.
kilocalorie (kcal) = 1000 calories = the energy required to raise one kilogram of water one degree
Celsius. (See Table C.6 in the Appendix.)
kilowatt-hour (kwh) = a unit of work or heat, equivalent to that resulting from the use of electricity
at the rate of onc kilowatt for one hour. It is equal to 3412 Btu.
kinematic viscosity (kin visc) = the relative tendency of fluids to resist flow; equal to the absolute
viscosity divided by the density. Usually designated v (nu) in stokes, ft2/sec, SSU, SSF. See Table
2.6 and Figure 2.7, Volume I.
knot = 1 nautical mile per hour = 1.15 statute miles per hour.
L = litre = dm3.Also length or thickness of a conduction path, also dcsignateri X in some tcxtbonks.
Scc formulas 4/3 oncl 4 6 , Volunle I; = length of pipe, ft, corresponding to tirop D.
ladle = a refi-actory-1i11sdvessel used for the temporary storage or transfer of molten metals.
laminar flow = streainlincl flow = viscous flow = the flow of a viscous fluid i n w1iic:h the particlcs
of fluid movc in straight lines pitrallcl to the clirection of flow.
large port burner = a burner chardcterized by a single large discharge opening or nozzle.
latent heat = heat allsorbed or given off by a substance without changing its temperature, as when
melting, solidifying, evaporating, condensing, changing crystalline structure.
latent heat oL'fusion = heat given off by a unit weight of a liquid freezing to x solid or gained t)y a
solid melting to a liquid, without o change in temperature.
latent heat of vaporization = heat given off by a unit weight of a vapor condensing to a liquid or
gained by a liquid evaporating to a vapor, without a change in temperature,
lb/fi3 = pounds per cubic foot = a rneasure of density. 1 1b/ft3= 16.02 kg/m3.(See Table C.6 in the
L-D process = a process for making steel by blowing oxygen upon or through molten pig iron,
whereby most of the carbon and impurities are removed by oxidation.
lead-lag control = control scheme to prevent going rich when changing firing rate--via crossover
network or stepwise limits.
lean mLxture = a mixture of fuel and air in a premix burner system in which an excess of air is
supplied in relation to the amount needed for colnplete combustion.
lean ratio = a proportion of fuel to air in which an excess of air is supplied in relation to the amount
needed for complctc combustion of the fuel.
led = light-emitting diode. A solid state diode that emits light when forward biased.
lining = blow-off of a flame because fuel stream velocity exceeds flame velocity.
light fuel oil = a term designating a distillate fuel oil, gcncrolly grade #1 or #z.
lilniting orifice = a flow restriction, clften a very sensitive adjust;il~levalve as a V-port, for restrict-
ing the flow r~fa fluid. Specific:ally for initial setting of airlfi~elratio 11ylirrliti~~g
the fuel flow.
limiting orilice valve = a h c l flc~wcontrol dcvicu, usually manually adjustable, for setting fi~el/air
line burner = il burner whose flamc is ;I "line" from onr: end to the other.
lintel = i~
supportirlg rncmbcr spanning a wall opcning.
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) = 'bottle gas" = propanc andlor butane (often with small amounts of
propylene and butylenel sold as a liquid in pressuri~edc:ontainers. Usually a by-prr)(lu(:Lof natural
gas or gasoline pmc,essing.
litre, formerly liter (L) = o measure nf volume in the old cgs metric: system, not recommended in
the new S1111etricsystem = 1000 cc = 0.001 m3 = 0.2642 US gallons. See 'l'able C.6 in the Appendix.
In,loge = natural logarithm, logarithm of the base e , where e = 2.718. Bxampla: "ln 2 = 0.69" means
the power to whic:li e must be raiser1 to produce 2 is 0.69, or e U G G
LNI = low NOx injection system using nozzles for feeding air, oxygen, or fuel around the periphery
of a flame to reduce NOx emissions, as in fuel-staging or air-staging. (Please note that the nozzles
do not inject NOx.)
load, boiler = the quantity of steam a boiler must produce, usually measured in Ib per hr.
load coupled combustor = a combustion chamber in which the combustion zone and the load
share a common wall and are close together so that there will be appreciable heat transfer from
the combustion zone.
logarithmic mean temperature difference (lmtd) = a term used in evaluating heat exchanger per-
forma~lce;defined in formula 418, Volume I.
low Btu gas = a fuel gas of low calorific value, such as producer gas.
lower heating value (lhv) = net heating value (nhvl = net calorific value. The gross heating value
minus the latent heat of vaporization of the water vapor formed by the combustion of the hydrogen
in the fuel. For a fuel with no hydrogen, net and gross heating values are the same.
low fire = a relative term meaning that the input rate to a burner or combustion chamber is at or
near the minimum.
low-fie start = the firing of a burner with fuel controls in a low-fire position to provide safer oper-
ating conditions during light-off.
low frequency sounds = the low-pitched [bass) sounds, as £ram the left end of a piano keyboard.
[See also frequency.)
low pressure air = air generally at a pressure less than two pounds per square inch gauge pressure.
Produced by a centrifugal blower or a turbo blower.
low pressure air atomizing oil burner = a type of burner that uses a relatively large amount of air
at a pressure between 1 and 2 psi to atomize the oil.
low pressure air system for gasiair proportioning and mixing (air pressure up to 5 psig) = a systcm
using the momentum of a jet of low pressure air to entrain gas to protluce a combustible mixture.
low pressure switch = a device to monitor liquid, steam, or gas pressure and arranged to shut down
the burncr if the pressure falls bclow a preset low pressure limit (normally open).
Lp = SPL = sound pressurc level, dB.
M (prefix, pronounced mega] = millions, x 10' (formerly, thousands as per the Roman numeral MI.
m = metre; (as a prefix, pronounced milli) = thousandths, x 1w3;measure of length; m3 = cubic
#m = pounds mass, as opposed to the more common meaning of pounds, which is force.
mA = milliampere.
main air = combustion air = the air supplied through a burner, but not including that air used for
main circulating loop = the section of an oil handling system that delivers the oil from sZorage lo
the branch circuits and returns the unused oil to the storage talk.
makeup water = watcr added to a boiler, tank, or some other container to replace water which has
been vaporized, thus maintaining the proper water level.
manifold = header = a supply pipc from which a number of branch pipes are fcd. (Scc also ple-
manometer ::a U-shapcd tubc, with liquid in the bottom of the U, used for measuring gauge pres-
sure or pressure differences of fluids. The U-tube is partially filled with a liquid of c1t:nsity different
from that of the fluid being measured. Wheri (liffererit pressure lines arc connected to the two ends
of the U-tube, the liquid level rises in thc low pressure side, and falls correspondingly in the high
prcssllrc sidc. Thc diffcront:c in hr:ight of the two licluiti r:olumns is proportional to the difference
in pressure, and is measurer1 in inchcs or n~illimctrcsof liquid cnlumn.
manual ignition = the lighting of a burner by use of a manually applied portable gas torch, or gas
pilot. (The terms manual and rriii~~~~tllly
do riot iiecessarily ir~lplythat the pilot is hand-held--but
that it is not automatically ignited.)
manual reset automatic file1 shulolTvalve = rni~r~unlreset valve = M-R valve, a file1 shutoff valve that
automatically closes by spring action when its hold-open rnuctlanisrn i s eIec:tric:ally rlr pneumatically
tripped by any connecleil irlterlock sensing a dangerous condition. It must bc rcopcncd by hand
aftcr thc dangerous condition is rectified arld the 110111-openmechanism re-energized.
manufactured gas = arly gas made artificially on a large scale for usc as fuel.
Mapp gas = stabilized methylocctylcnc propadiene. A fuel patented by L)ow Chemical Co., origi-
nxlly as a sul~stitutefor 3c:etylene. See Table 2.12, Volume I.
mass flow airlfuel ratio control = fully metered airlfuel ratio control with temperoturc compcnsa-
tion to correct volumetric metering to weight flow metering.
max = maximum.
mean stack temperature = the average temperature of flue gases in a chimney, sometimes approxi-
mated by measuring the temperature of the gases at a point midway between the breeching inlet
and the top of the chimney.
mechanical mixer = a device that uses mechanical means to mix gas and air, and compress the
mixture to a pressure suitable for delivery to its pc~intof use. These utilize either a centrifugal fan
or mechanical compressor with a proportioning device on its intake.
mechanical pressure atomizing burner = a burner in which oil under pressure is permitted to
expand through a small orifice, causing the oil to break into a spray of fine droplets. (The same
principle as in a garden hose nozzle.)
mesh = mesh size, a size of scrccn or of particles passed by a screen in terms of the number of
openings per linear inch.
methane (CH,) = a gaseous hydrocarbon fuel. It is a principal component of natural gas, marsh gas,
and sewage gas.
methanol = methyl alcohol = wood ali:ohol= CH,OI-I, a poisonous, colorless, volatile, water-soluble
liquid produced by distillation of wood or incomplete oxidation of natural gas. Its liquid form has
a specific gravity of 0.793; its vapor furin, a gas gravity of 1.1052. Reid vapor pressure is 4.5 psi.
Viscosity at 20 C is 0.0593 centipoise, 0.748 centistokes. Heating values are 64 000 grnss Rtu/gal,
56 000 net Btulgal. Open cup flash point is 52 to 60 I?. Coefficient of c:ubical expansion is 0.0012/
"C. Corrosive to aluminum and lead. See Tables 1.8, 1.10, 2.1, Volume I and Table 8.9, Volume 11.
metre (m), formerly meter = SI unit of length. Scc Table C.6 in the Appendix.
m3/hr = cul)ic metres per liour = a rrleasure of vi)lurne flow rate. 1 m3/hr = 0.5887 cfrn = 4.4133 IJS
gpm. See Table C.6 in the Appendix.
micron (p) = one thousandth of a millimetre (0.001 mm) = one millionth of a metre.
millilitre = 0.001 L = 1 cc. See litre. (See Table C.6 in the Appendix.)
~ n i n= minimum.
mineral = a natural inorganic substance sometimes of variable chemical composition and physical
characteristics. Most minerals have a definite crystalline structure; a few are amorphous.
mineral matter = inorganic elements or compounds found in a natural state. As far as combustion
is concerned, mineral matter, water, inert gases, and oxygen cor~~prise
the uon-combustible parts of
fuels. Thus all ash is mineral matter.
minimum firing rate = the lowest input rate for a burner or a process.
minimum ignition temperature = the lowest temperature at which combustion of a given fuel can
start. (Sometimes shortened to "ignition temperature".)
mixer, gas = a device used to mix gas and air before delivery to a burner; an aspirator, an inspirator,
or a fan mixer.
mixture, lean - an air-fuel mixture containing too little fuel or too much air for perfect combustion.
mixture, rich = an air-fuel mixture containing too much fuel or too little air for perfect conlbustion.
Mn = manganese.
modulating control = proportional control, hut sometimes used lo r e h tu any systeri~of autu~rrutic
control that providcs an infinitc number nf contrul positions, as opposed to systems with a finite
number of positions such a5 two-positiurl corltiol
modulus of elasticity = a measure of the elasticity of a material; the ratio of stress [force] to strain
(dcformation) within thc elastic limit.
mol= mole = pound mol, the inolecular weight of a substance expressed in pounds, e.g. 32 pounds
of 0, constitute 1pound mr11of oxygen (or 3 2 grams of 0, constitute 1gram mol). For perfect gases,
a pound mol occupics 379 ft%t stp; a gram mol, 22.414 litres at 32 I: and 760 rrirrl Hg.
rnol fraction = mol pcrccnt, or volu~netricanalysis for a gas
molecular weight = thc sum of the atonlic weights of the atorns forming one mrdec:ule of a suh-
moleculc = the smallest part of a compound that retains the properties of that compound.
momentum = mass times velocity; or (oftcn with gascs) density times velocity.
monolithic lining = n furnace lining without joints, formed of material which is rammed, cast,
gunned, or sintered into place.
morlar (refractory) = a finely gruund material that becomes plastic when mixed with
watcr, and is suitablc for usc in laying refractory brick.
muffle = an enclosure in a furnace protecting the load from the flame and products nf ct>mbustinn.
N, = molecular nitrogen.
naphtha = a term applied to many petroleum, coal tar, and natural gas liquid by-products, usually
to a narrow boiling range fraction somewhere between kerosene and gasolinc. For one sample, the
minimum ignition temperature was 531 F or 227 C. For another sample, the molecular weight was
YR and the dew point was 150 F. See H-fuel. Many special purpose naphthas have narrow ranges of
specifications for use as solvents in particular industries. Although usable as a fuel, it is ~lifficullto
pump bccrtuse of vopur luck and lack of lubricity. (Naphtha is not a naphthenic hydrocarbon.]
naphthenes = saturated hydroc:arbons having a cyclic, or ring structure wit11 Llln general formula
C,HZn, such as cyclopropane (C,H,], cyclohexane (C,H,,). Naphthenlcs are cht:mic:nlly stable and
offer no unusual combustion proble~ns.
natural draft = a differe111:ein pressure resulting from the tendency of hot gascs to rise up a chim-
ney, thus creating a partial vacuum in the furnace.
natural gas = any gas f0un.d in the earth, HS opposed lo lnanufacturcd gas.
NC = numerical control.
nc = normally closed.
net heating value = lower heating value, the gross heating value minus the latent heat of
vaporization of the water vapor forr~ledby the conibustion of the hydrogen in the fuel. For a fuel
with no hydrogen, net and gross heating values are the same.
neutral atmosphere = an atmospheric condition in firing a furnace or kiln that is neither oxidiz-
ing nor reducing.
nhv = net heating value = lower heating value. (See those definitions.)
Ni = nickel.
nine-inch equivalent = a brick volume equal to that of a standard 9 in. x 4% in. x 2% in. straight
brick; the unit of measurement of brick quantities in the refractories industry.
NIOSH = United States National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
nm3 = normal cubic metre, a measure of gas volume at a pressure of 760 mm of mercury column
and temperature of 0 C. sm3 = standard cubic metre is measured at 15 C and 760 mnl Hg. scf [US
standard cubic foot) i s measured at 60 F and 29.92"I-Ig. 1 nm3 = 1.06 sin' = 35.31 scf.
NO = nitric oxide = nitrogen monoxide, formed in flames, electric arcs, and many other places;
colorless gas, readily reacts with oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide.
NO, = nitrogen dioxide, formed from NO in the presence of sunlight anrl VOCs; red-brown gas,
causes smog, acid rain.
no = normally open.
nonane (CJI,,) = a major constituent in kerosene, diesel h c l , #I fuel oil and #2 fuel oil.
nonoxidizing = not capable of oxidizing. Usually refers to the atmosphere in a furllace or kiln. Also
used to describe a burner flamc when insufficient 0, is present to complete combustion (reducing).
normal thread engagement = effective thread length = t h e amount of overlap, usually measured in
inches, ncccssary to ellsure a tight connection between thrt:acled pipes and fittings. (Sce Tablc D:l
in the Appendix.]
NOx - NO, = nitrogen oxides, specifically defined by the USEPA as NO plus NO,.
nozzle = an opening, port, orifice, or jet tube through which a fluid flows. For a burner, the part that
delivers air, fuel, or an air-fix1 mixture to a combustion chamber.
nozzle mixing burner = a burner In which the gas and air are kept sep;lr;~to
until disr1l;lrgctl fiom
the burner into the combustion chamber or tunnel. Generally use11 with low pressure g3s (lip to lh
psig or 14"wc) and low pressure air (up to 5 psig).
NTIS = National Technical Information Service, US Dept. of Commerce; Springfield, VA, USA.
null balanced system = a rnuthod Ior c:ontrolling a variaI)Ie by balancing it against a reference
quantity. The control is such that the difference between the variable and the rcfcrcncc is held to
O = atomic oxygen.
0, = oxygen (molecular).
oil pressure atomizing burner = mechanical pressure atomizing burner, a burner in which oil
under pressure is allowed to expand through a small orifice, causing the oil to break into a spray of
fine droplets.
oil temperature limit switch = a device that monitors the temperature of oil between preset limits
and shuts down the burner, by clnsing an automatic file1 shutoff valve, should improper oil tem-
peraturc bc detected.
oil-to-gas converter = a device used to vaporize distillate oils. The vaporized oil-air mixture can then
be burned through premix gas burners. The system consists of an oil-fired air heater, atomizers,
and ratio controls.
oil train = a fuel train for oil. It may include heating and recirculating systems for hcavicr oils.
olefins = unsaturated hydrocarbons with the general formula C,II,,, such as propylene (C,FI,),
butene (C,H,). They tend to polymerize. They occur in large amounts in cracked fuel oils.
on-off control = a control scheme that turns the input on or off, but does no proportioning or
throttling of the flow rates as is the case with a modulating control.
open port burner = open-type burner = open burner = a burner that fires across a gap into an
operiir~gin the Iurnace or coillbustion chambcr wall and is not scaled into the wall. Soilletimes
surrounded by an air register through which controlled secondary air or tertiary air can enter the
combustion chamber. By contrast, see sealed-in burncr.
optimwn air supply = the quantity r ~ airf that gives greatest therrnal efficiency under actual condi-
tions. With perfect mixing of fuel ant1 air, the r~ptirriurriair supply is equal to the chelllically correct
(stoichiometric) amount of air.
orifice = literally, any opening, but used in this book to dcsignatc a deliberate cnnstn~ctinnin a
passage, circular in shape unless otherwise spccificd.
Orsat analyzer = an absorption apparatus uscd to dctcrminc the pcrccntagc (by volume, dry basis]
of CO,, O,, and CO in flue gases.
OSHA = Occupational Safety and Health Administration, a part of the U.S. Department of Labor.
overall boiler efficiency = the ratio of the useful heat in thc delivered stcam to the gross heat in the
fuel supplicd, cxprcssed as a %.
overall cocEcient of heat transfer, U = the coefficient relating the heat transferred from onc point
to another, to the terriperature difference between the two points and the cross sectional area o f
heat transfer, and including the combined effects of several resistances in scrics as in composite
walls with surface and film resistances. See formula 415, Volume I.
overfiring = a hcat trcatmcnt that causes deformation or bloating of ceramic products, or damages
any product.
ovcrload of motors = excess amperage drawn by an electric motor resulting from application of a
torque greater than that for which it was designed. This slows the motor, and the excess current
breaks down the insulation, resulting in a burned-out motor.
overrate firring = operating a boiler or furnace at an input rate in excess of its rated capacity. The
rated capacity of a boiler is based upon its heat transfer surface area.
oxidizing atmosphere = a furnace atmosphere with an oversupply of oxygen, thus tending to oxidize
materials placed in it.
oxidizing flame = oxidizing firc, a lean flame or fire; that is, one resulting from combustion of a
mixture containing too much air and too little fuel. This kind of flame produces an oxidizing
Oxy-fuel combustion = a system for operating a burner with 100% oxygen instead of air.
Oxygen-enriched combustion = oec = oxygen enrichment =burning fuel w ~ t ha mixture of air and
pule oxygen [anywhere between e = 20.9% and 100% i~xygen)t o irnprt~veefficiency or to prncluct:
a higher flame temperature. Thc dcgrec of oxygcn cnrichmcnt is dcsignatcd by the % oxygcn con-
centration in thc air-oxygen mixture.
oxygen process = a mcthod for making steel in which oxygen is blown upon or through molten pig
iron, whereby most of the carbon and impurities arc rcmovcd by oxidation.
Oxygen trim (0,trim) = an airlfilel mtio c:ontrol syste111t11;it uses a11 oxygen sensor in the flue gas
as a fecdback signill to control tho amount of excess oxygen (excess air).
oz = nunce(s1, (avdp).
P = pressure.
pac = preheated air combustion [as opposed to nec) = h~lrninga file1 with air that has been hwateil
(upstrearrl of the burner) to an elevated temperature, as by a recuperator or regenerator, for the
purpose of improving fuel efficiency or raising the flame temperature.
PAC = polycyclic aronlatic compound (a pollutant), containing four or more closed rings, usually
of the benzenoid type.
paraffins = straight chain or branched, saturated hydrocarbons with the general formula C,H, ,, +
such as methane (CH,), propane [C,H,), octane (C,H,,). Paraffinic fuel oils are stable and easy to
1ia11dleand burn.
PCE = pyrometric cone equivalent, the temperature corresponding to the sagging point of a ceramic
conc of prescribed shape.
pentane = C,H,,.
percent air = thc actual amount of air supplied to a combustion process, expressed as a percent-
age of the amount theoretically required for complete combustion.
percent excess air = thc pcrccntagc of air supplicd in excess of that rcquired for complctc combus-
tion. For example, 120% air equals 20% excess air. See ideal combustion. (See Table C.10 in the
perfect cnmbustion = the combining of the chemically correct proportions of Fuel and air in
c:ornbustion so that both thc file1 and oxygen are totally consumed.
perfect gas = any gas for which the quantity PvIT is a constant over a wide range of conditions
(where P is the absolute pressure, v is the specific volume, and T is the absolute temperature].
There is no "perfect gas," but many gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen, nhey this law
very closely over a wide range of temperatures and pressures, and so are oftcn callcd perfect gases,
as opposed to vapors which do not obey Boyle's law so closely.
periodic dryer = a dryer in which ware is placed, dried, and then removed; in contrast to a
continuous dryer.
periodic timc (in acoustics) = poriod = rcciprociil of frequency = time for one cycle.
permeability = thc property of porous materials which permits t11e pirssage of gases and liquids
under pressure. The permeability of a body is largely dependent upon the number, size, and shtlpc:
of the open connecting pores, and is lneasured by the rate offlow of ;1stnn~lortlfluitl unrler tiefinite
photocell flame detector = a device that generates or rcctifics an clcctric currcnt while exposed to
the Iight fro111 a flame. Failure c~ft11e c:urrent or lack of rectification may be used to close an auto-
matic fuel shutoff valve.
pic = products mf inr:ornplete combustion, such as CO, OH, and aldehydes. As usually used, the pic
also include some poc.
pilot = a small flame used to light a burner. An interrupted pilot (sometimes called ignifion pilot) is
automatically spark-ignited each time that the main burner is to be lighted. It burns during the
flame-establishing period andlor trial-for-ignition period, and is automatically cut off (interrupted)
at the end of the main burner flame-establishing period, while the main burner remains on.
Interrupted pilots are usually preferredlrequired for industrial heating operations.
Two types of pilot control not suitable for industrial furnaces, ovens, kilns, incinerators, nor
boilers are:
A continuous pilot (sometimes called a constant pilot, standby pilot, or standing pilot) burns
without turndown throughout the entire time that the burner assembly is in service, whether or not
the main burner is firing.
An intermittent pilot is automatically ignited each timc thcre is a call for heat, and maintained
throughout the entire run period. It is shut off with the main burner at the end of heat demand.
pipe burner = any burner made in the form of a tube or pipe with ports or tips spaced over its
pitch = rarcly-uscd fuel products by distillation of coal tar. Very heavy, with a high carbonlhydrogen
Pitot tube = impact tube, a tube with an open end immersed in a stream, and pointed upstream.
The other end of the tube is connected to a pressure gauge, which the11 indicates the total pressure
due to the "ram effcct" of thc flow. Namcd after a French physicist, Henry Pitot (1695-1771).
plasma jet = ionized gas produceti by passing an inert gas thrt~ugha high-intensity arc, causing
lemperatures up to tcns of thousands of degrees Celsius.
plastic refractory = a blend of ground refractory materials in plastic form, suitable for ra11111li1lg
into placc to form monolithic linings.
plc = pressure loss coefficient = pressure loss ratio = AP net orifice loss affer recovery aAP,n,, at the
vena contracts.
~ l e n u n ur
i ~ l e n u mchamber = windbox = part of a ducting or piping system having ii cross
sectional area considerahly larger than that of any connecting pipcs or openings so that the
vclocity prt:ssurc within such section is essentially zero. (Velocity pressure is largely converted
to static: pressure.) A rrlarlifol[l should be generously sized to serve as a plcnum so that flow
distribution will be equal among all of its downcomers.
plug fan = a high temperature recirculating fan that is inserted through the roof of a kiln or furnace
to rccirculi~tng;ises within the chanlber.
plug flow ::a reaction situation in which the products are pushed, as a plug, ahead of the raw
reactants without rnixing or reacting with the inconling products or those in the reaction zone.
Thcorctical opposite of a well-stirred reaction.
plug valve = a gas valve = a device for qhutting off the flow of a fluid (not for throttling control),
consisting of a rotatable cylinder or conical element with a passage through it to pennit flow in one
position but block flow when rot~teclto other posiiions.
PM-10 = particulate emissions less than 1 0 microns i n size (1 micron = 1 millionth of a metre
= 0.000 039 4").
poise = a metric unit for measuring absolute viscosity. One poise equals one dyne-second per
square centimetre, or one gram per centimetre sound. From a physicist named Poiseuille who, in
1842, laid the groundwork for the deduction of coefficients of viscosity.
polynuclear aromatic (pna) = a petrochemical compound, usually gaseous, the molecule of which
consists of three or more benzine rings. Also known as a polycyclic hydrocarbon.
ported manifold type burner = a burncr in which a manifold supplies fucl to a number of small
ports, as for examplc thc burners in domestic gas stoves.
positive displacement pump = any type of pump in which lcakngc or slip is negligible, so that the
pump delivers a constant volume of fluid, 1)uilding up to any pressure necessary to deliver that
volurr~e(unless the motur stalls or thc pump breaks).
potential flow = a rtlovutnent of fluid, heat, or electrical change, the rate of which is dircctly pro-
portional to the net driving force and inversely proportional to thc rcsistancc. For example, per
Ohm's Law fclr electricity, I = EIR; for hcat transfer rl = Q/A = ATIR or 1JAT; alld pcr the Bcr~loulli
- -
equation for fluids, flow rate per unit arca, QIA = K ~ Z ~ , . A P (K
/ ~ and
. U are measures of conduc:-
tance, wllich is the reciprocal of resistance.)
pouring-pit refractory = a refractory associatetl with the transfer or flow colltrol of molten stccl
betwccn filmace ant1 mold.
pouring temperature = the custunlary temperature at which molten metals xre pourer1 in indus-
trial proccsses.
pour point = the lowest temperature at which an oil will flow when cooled and examined under
conditions spccificd in ASTM test method D 97.
preheated air = air heated prior to its use for combustion. Frequently the heating is done by hot
flue gases.
preignition purge = pre-purge, an acceptable method for scavenging the combustion chamber,
boiler passes, and breeching to remove all combustible gases before the ignition system can be
premix gas burner = usually, a burner (nozzle) supplied with gas and air from a11 upstream mixing
device, as rjpposed to a nozzle-mix burner. Sornetir~les,a burner within which the gas and air are
mixed before they reach its nozzle.
premixer = a device used to rnix gas and air bcforc delivery to a burner, such as an aspirator, an
inspirator, or a fan mixer.
pressure-balanced a/f ratio control = system using regulators or pneumatic controls to automati-
cally control airlfucl ratio.
pressure burner = blast burner = a premix burner dolivering a combustible mixture under pres-
sure, normally above 0 . 3 " to
~ the
~ corrlb~~stion
pressure control = a system for control of airifuel ratios by proportioning the pressures in the air
and f i ~ csupply
l lines.
pressure drop = thc diffcrence in I,rc?ssure between any two points along the path of flow of a fluid.
pressure-relieving regulator = pressure relief valve, a device used to maintain a constant pressure
in a fuel supply line regartileus of flow by t~leetiingnff some file1 to atmosphere or to return to a
primary air = the first stream of air to mix with fuel at a burner, butsee secondary air.
primary element = the first system element that responds quantitatively to the measured variable
and performs the initial measurement nperation. A primary element performs the initial conver-
sion of measurement energy.
producer gas = an artificial fuel gas of low Btu content made by passing a mixture of air and steam
through a hot bed of coke or coal.
propane (C,H,) = an easily liquefiable hydrocarbon gas of the paraffin series. Propane is one of the
components of raw natural gas, and it is also derived from petroleum refining processes. A major
component of "LPG", liquefied petroleum gas.
proportional control = a mode of control in which there is a continuous linear relation between
value of controlled variable and the position of the final control element.
proportioning valve (pv) system for airlgas prnportioning and mixing = a system using separate
control of air and gas both of which are under pressure. The valves, controlling the air and gas
flows are usually mechanically connected.
propylene (C,H,) = a hydrocarbon fucl similar to and usually associated with propane. 1f over 5%
propylene is found in propane, ponr combustion with some soot and carbon formation may occur.
psf = pound(s) per square foot. (See Table C.5 in the Appendix.)
psi = pounds per square inch. (See Table C.5 i n the Appendix.) psig = psi gauge pressure, psia
= psi absolutc prcssurc = gauge prcssurc + 14.695 psia (barometric pressure).
psychrometry = the science or techniques of measurement of the water vdpclr content of air or
othcr gases.
pulse combustion = ram-jet-like combustion that proviclcs pressure, flow, and high convection heat
transfer in limited configurations for domestic and commercial applications invulving large
numbers of identical heating units.
pulse-controlled firing = a control schenle for furnaces with multiple i11dustri;ll burners wherein
all burners nra clperaled on/oPf or high tc~very low, and rnodlllatnrl by varying their ratio of timc:
on to timc off. This enhances convcction hcat transfer because burners operate only at lull fire.
Individual burncr cyclc timcs arc lisually "stcppcd" to start at slightly different times so as to
increase furnace temperature uniformity. See Step-Fire"'.
pump lift = the net vertical difference in elevation between an open liquid surface and the suction
side of a pump.
purge, post = an acceptahlt! method for scavenging the combustion chamber, boiler passes and
breeching to rcmovc all combustible gascs aftcr flnmc failure controls have scnsnd pilot and main
burner shutdown and file1 shlltoff valves arc? closed,
purging = eliminating an undesirable substance from a pipe, piping system, or furnace by flush-
ing it out with another substance, as in purging a furnace of unburned gas by blowing-air through
purple peeper = (slang for) ultraviolet flame detector, a device illat energizes a n e1ec:tronlr: c:irt:i~it
when it "sees" the small amount of ultraviolet radiation that is present in all industrial burner
pv = proportioning valves, a system for airlfuel ratio control using air and fuel valves that are
opened and closed in proportion to one another by a common shaft, a mechanical linkage (some-
times cam-biased), or an electronic "linkage".
PV = process variable.
pyrometric cone equivalent (PCE) = the number of that Standard Pyrometric Cone whose tip would
touch the supporting plaque simultaneously with a cone of the refractory material being investi-
gated, when tcstcd in accordance with the Method of Tcst for Pyromctric Conc Equivalent (PCE)of
Refractory Materials (ASTM) Designation CZ4.
Q,, Q,= fluid flow rate [volume) at concfiiions 1 and 2 , or heat transfer rate at conditions 1 and 2.
quarl angle = tile angle, usui~llythe inc:luded angle, bul it is l~etterto always specify "qilarl in-
c:lutied angle" or "quarl half angle '.
quenching of flames = the process in which the reactants in a flame are rapidly cooled. This
usually prevents the reiiction from reaching r:nmpletion in the localized area where quenching
occurs. Large scale quenching may result in incomplete combustion.
quenching of metals = a hedt treat~nerltof riletal wherein the heated piece is rapidly cnoled by
it in water or oil fc~rtile purpose of hilrdening the material.
R or "R = Rankinc or dcgrccs Rankine (absolutc tcmpcrature level = F + 460); or resistance, the
reciprocal of conductance. (See formulas 415 and 416, Volume 1.)
radiant burner = radiation burner = infrared burner, a burner designed to transfer a significant part
of the cornbustion heat in the for111 of radiation from surfaces of various refractory shapes or alloy
radiant tube burner = a burner designed to operate inside a tube, which heats the load indirectly
by radiation, or by air or gas convection.
radiation = a mode of heat transfer in which the heat travels very rapidly in straight lines without
heating the intervening space. Heat can be radiated through a vacuum, through many gases, and
through a few liquids and solids.
radiation burner = infrared burner = a burner that heats its load primarily by radiation--either by
long burner flame, or by convection transfer to a surface that becomes a radiant emitter.
ramming mix = a ground refractory material mixed with water and rammed into place for patch-
ing shapes or for forming monolithic furnace linings.
rangeability = the ratio of maximum operating capacity to minimum operating capacity within a
specified tolerance and operating condition.
ratio regulator = a proportional control device that regulates the downstream pressure in the
pipeline in which it is located to maintain proportional pressures in fuel and air lines in a prcssurc
control system, thus producing proportional flow of fuel and air.
Ratiotrol'"' = North American Manufacturing Company's trademark for an aidoil ratio regulator.
recirculating type oil system = a closed circuit oil system in which the oil not used at the burners
i s returned to the storage tank. It is good practice to use only a relatively small proportion of the oil
pumped, st] that turning on additional hurners will not cause an excessive tirtip in pressure or
reclaimed oil = motor, cutting, rli~eric:liing,or trallsformcr oils that havc been trcatcd for use as
fuel oil. (;cnerally satisfactory substitutcs for heavy fuel oils, but somctimcs requiring unusual
recuperator = a piece of equipment that rnakcs use of hot flue gases to preheat air for com-
bustion. The flue gases arld air flow are in adjacent passageways so that beat is transferred from
the 1101 gases, through the separating wall, to the cold air.
reducing flame = reduc:ing fire, a 'ich flame or fjre; that is, one resulting fro111 combustion of a
mixturc containing too much fuel and too little air, producing a reducing atmosphere.
refractories = highly heal resistant materials used to line furnaces and kilns.
refraclory block = refractory tile = burner block = burner tile = combustion tile = combustion
block = burner refractory = a piece of refractory material molded with a conical or cylindrical
hole through its center. The blrlc:k is ~rluuntedin such a manner that a burner flame fires ihrough
this hole. Thc block helps to maintain continuous combustion, and reduces the probability of
flashback and blow-off with premix l~urners.
refuse = the ash and unburned fnel remaining after combustion of a solid fuel; any solid waste.
regenerator = a cyclic heat interchanger which alternately receives heat from gaseous combustion
products and transfers heat to air before combustion.
regulator = a device that detects a change in a process variable, and automatically energizes a
mechanism that will correct the deviation in that variable so as to return it to a preset value. A
controller is externally powered, but a regulator uses energy from the system that it is regulating. In
current practice, a controller is sometimes called a regulator.
regulator, gas pressure = a spring loaded, dead weighted or pressure-balanced device that can
maintain the ghs pressure to the burner supply line withi11 210% of the operating pressure at any
one rate from maximum to minimum firing rates, with variations in inlet pressure of *40% of the
rated inlet pressure.
relative humidity, r h = the partial pressure of water vapor in air divided by the vapor pressure of
liquid water at the same temperature, expressed as a percent. For other liquids, the term "'%
saturalion" is used.
relief valve = a valve that opens at a designated pressure and bleeds a system in order to prevent a
build-up of excessive prcssure that might darnogc regulators and other instruments.
residual oil = residuum = heavy oil, the heavy portion of a cruds oil remaining alter distillation
and cracking. As rcfining methods incrcasc yiclds of gasoline and distillate oils, thc rcsidual oil
becomes heavier and more difficult to pump and atomize.
resistance = (as applied to fluid flow) the opposition to flow that makes it inevitable that there will
be o pressure drop whcn a fluid is flowing.
resonance = maximum vibration or sound--occurs when the frequency of the forcing vibration is
the same as the natural frequency of a column of gas or solid body on which it is impressed.
Sometimes referred to as "response".
return line = the low pressure side of a main circulating oil loop or branch circuit. That is, that part
of an oil circulating system through which the unused oil flows back to the storage tank after
having passed the burners.
reverberation = the sound that persists at a given point after the initial sound source has stopped.
Reynolds number = the ratio nf inertia forces to viscous forces i n a flowing fluid. When Reynolds
number has becn calculated, the friction factnr may he determined.
Ri =&in ftLhr OFIBtu, the heat transfer resistance of the film or boundary laycr on thc insidc of
a pipe.
ribbon burlier = a burner having many small closely spaced ports usually 111adeby pressing corru-
gated metal ribbons into a slot.
rich mixlure = a mixture of fuel and air in a premix burner system in which an exc:ess r~fhiel is
supplied in relation to the amount needed for complete combustion. Morc prcciscly, a fuel-rich
mixture, or an air-lean mixture, or oxidant-lean ratio.
rich ratio = o proportion of fucl to air containing too much fuel or too little air for complete com-
bustion of the fuel. More precisely, a fuel-rich ratio, or an air-lean ratio, or oxidant-lean ratio.
riddle tile = refractory tiles usuaIly 9 to 1 2 in. thick used to make up hearths in periodic kilns. Tile
shapes permit flue gases to travel down fi-om the kiln to flue collection chambers.
ring burner = a form of atmospheric burner made with one or more concentric rings; or a form of
burner used in firing boilers consisting of a perforated vertical gas ring with air admitted generally
through the center of the ring. Combustion air may be supplied by natural, induced or forced draft.
rise of an arch = the vertical distance between the spring line and the highest point of the under
surface of an arch.
rotary cup oil burner = centriiiigal atomizing burner, a burner which throws oil from a rotating cup
into an air stream, breaking the oil into a fine conical spray.
rotary dryer or kiln = an inclined rotating drum usually refractory lined and fired with a burner at
thr? lower end. Used to dry loose materials as they roll through by gravity, sometimes lifted, mixed,
arid exposed by flights or shelves attached to the inner wall.
rotary plug valve = a type of valvc in which a ported sleeve or plug is rotated past an opening in t h ~
valve body.
rowlock course = a course of brick laid on edgo with thcir longcst dimensions perpendicular to thc
face of a wall.
RPM flange = a low pressure pip: fln~igedesign standardized by the Riveted Pipe Manufacturers.
s = second(s).
sagger = a fired ceramic container to hold ware during firir~gand tu protect ware G.UIII Ll~eflames.
Sankey diagram = a pictoral method for analyzing how heat is spent in a furnace, boiler, oven,
kiln, i~lcinerator,heater. See Part 3, Volume I and Part 9, Volume 11.
saturated air = air containing all the water vapor it can normally hold under existing conditions.
saturated steam = steam at the boiling point for water at the exisiing pressure.
saturation pressure = the pressure at which a vapor confined above its liquid will be in stable
equilibrium with it. Below saturation pressure, some of the liquid will change to wpor, and
above saturation pressure, somc of thc vapor will condense to liquid.
saturation temperature = the boiling point of a liquid for the existing pressure.
Saybolt Furol = a scale used for measuring the viscosity of heavy oils. The instrument has a larger
orifice and is used at a higher temperature than the Saybolt Univcrsal instrument used for lighter
Saybolt Universal = a scale used for measuring the viscosity of oil, expressed in seconds rcquircd
for a specified amount of oil to flow through a n orifice; hence the larger the number of seconds,
Sayl~nltIJniversal (SSIT), the rrlole viscous the oil.
schlieren = strata of air having densities sufficiently different from surrounding air to permit flow
pattern studies by refracted light.
secondary air = the second stream of air to mix with fuel at or near a burner. (See also tertiary air.)
In an air atomizing burner, the atomizing air might be considered to be primary air and the main or
combustion air to be secondary air. In an open burner, all air through the burner [atomizing and
main) may be considered to be primary and all air through the register to he secondary.
semimuffle furnace = a furnace with a partial muffle, in which the products of combustion can
eventually contact the load, but the temperature uniformity is improved by protecting the load
from intense direct hcat transfcr from the flames.
sensible heat = heat, the addition or removal of which results in a change in temperature, as
clpposed to latent heat.
Sensitrol" = North American Mfg. Company's trademark for a limiting orifice oil valve that is also
usable for manual shutoff.
sg = specific gravity with respect to water with both substances at 60 F. (This abbreviation is
peculiar to the combustion industry and may not be widely recognized in other fields. "sg" and
"sp gr" are also used for specific gravity of a gas relative to air, a term identified as "gas gravity" in
this book.)
SGA = specific gravity relative to standard dry air (0.076 32 lb/ft30r 1.222 kg/m3).
SGW = specific gravity relative to water at 39.2 F or 4 C (62.4 lb/ft3 or 1000 kglm3).
shaft furnace = a vertical cylindrical heating chamber, such as a cupola or blast furnace, in which
lump materials are heated by convection of a rising stream of hot gases.
shaft kiln = a furnace for heating lump material, consisting of a vertical refractory-lined shaft.
shape factor = the fraction of radiation from one surface that falls upon another.
shielded cable = a single wiye or multiple conductors surrounded by a separate conductor (the
shield) to minimize the effects of outside electrical disturbances.
shock loss = if in converting fluid velocity to static pressure the fluid is stopped or slowed too
rapidly, some of the energy of fluid velocity is converted to usclcss heat instead of the desired static
pressure. This is called shock loss.
SI = Le Systenle International d'Unitbs, the international system of units, the new metric system.
Si = silicon.
silicon carbide = a cornpound of silicon and carbon; formula, Sic, used for making refractories that
are good heat conductors.
simultaneous gas-oil hurner = 3 burner that burns gas and oil at the same time.
single port burner = a burner having only one discharge opening or port.
sintering = a heat treatment that causes adjacent particles of material to cohere at a temperature
bclow that of complete melting.
skewback = the course of brick, having an i~iclincdface, from which a n arch is sprung.
sl = sen level.
slagging of refractories = destructive chemical action between refractories and external agcnc;ir:s :~t
high te~nperatures,resulting in the formation of a liquid.
sludge = heavy materials found at the bottom of fuel oil storage tanks, including oil-water emul-
sions, heavy chemicals, oxidation products, dirt; also sewage sludge.
small port burner -- ported manifold burner = a manifold containing many small holes through
which an air-gas mixture flows, and outside of which the mixture burns, such as a domestic gas
stove burner.
SME = Society of Manufacturing Engineers; Dearhorn, MI.
Sn = tin.
SNCR = selective non-catalytic reduction.
SNG = substitute natural gas or synthetic natural gas, usually made from coal or petroleum
products. Trade names include hi-gas, bi-gas.
snubber = any device or method for slowing or easing a reaction, as a brake on a drum, a dampen-
ing device on a spring, or an orifice in a pneumatic signal line.
SO, = sulfur dioxide.
SO3 = sulfur trioxide.
soak (soaking) = to hold the load in a kiln or furnace at one temperature for a time to allow equal-
ization of temperature throughout the load.
sound = any cyclical pressure variation in a n elastic medium (gas, liquid, or solid) that is
perceived and interprctcd by the ear.
sound absorption =conversion of sound cncrgy into another form of encrgy, usually heat, when the
sound enters an acoustic medium.
sound pressure level, SPL = Lp = ratio of a mcasured sound pressure to that at somc arbitrary base,
usually in decibels.
sound power level = L, or PWL, is the total aconstic: nnelgy rate radiating from a point srlurce of
origin of ;l sound, in watts.
sour gas, sour oil = fuel containi~lga large propc>rlion of sulfur or sulfur compounds. Low sulfur or
trcatcd fuels are termed swcot g a s , sweet crude.
space heating = hcating large volumes of air to the temperatures desired for hunlan occupancy or
spalling of refractories = the loss of fragments (spalls) from the face ofa rcfractnry struc:turc, through
r:riic:king and rupture, with exposure of inner portions of the original rcfroctory mass.
spanner tile
- a piece of refractory that bridges an opening--as to providc support above a burner
spark-ignited pilot = an electrically-ignited small flame used to light a main burner. See pilot
specific gravity of a gas = gas gravity = the ratio of the density of the gas to the density of dry air at
standard temperature and pressure.
specific gravity of a liquid = the ratio of the density of the liquid to the density of water. ("sp gr G O /
60 F" means specific gravity when both the liquid and the water are at 60 F.)
specific heat = the amount of heat required to raise a unit weight of a substance through one degree
temperature risc. 1Btu/lb O F = 1 cal/,m "C.
specific volume = the volume occupied by a unit weight of a substance under any specified condi-
tions of temperature and pressure; the reciprocal of density; ft3/pound or m3/kg.
sp ht = specific heat.
spring line or spring o f a refractory arch = the line of curltact belween the inside surface of a n arch
and the skewback; usually used to specify the height of an arched refractory chamber.
sprung arch = a curved structure supported only by abutments at the side or ends.
spuds = a gas orifice, a small drilled hole for the purpose of limiting gas flow to a desired rate; a
flame holder; a small-port prernix nozzle.
stcady state = a condition in which the variables of a process are constant with respect to time.
StepFireTMsystem = North American Mfg. Company's trademark for its pulse-controlled firing
system which converts the temperature demand input signal to the on-time and rotational-time of
burner group firing.
Stephan-Bolzman law = total cncrgy radiated from a I)cldy is proportional to the 4th power of its
absolute temperature = 4th power law.
std = standard.
steam atomizing burner = a burner that uses high pressure steam to tear droplets of oil frrlrri an oil
stream and propel them into the combustion space so that they vaporize quickly.
stoichiometric combustion - See stoichiometric ratio.
stoichiometric ratio = chemically c:orrect ratio of air to fuel, or oxygen to fuel, that will leave no
unused file1 nor oxygen after combustion.
stoke = the cgs unit of kinematic viscnsity. One stoke equals one centimctrc squared per second.
From Sir George Gahriel Stokes (1819-19031, Rritish nr~thctrnaticianand physicist who is noted for
his work on the tiiction of fluids i n motion.
stp = standard temperature and pressure (60 F and 14.696 psia or 15.56 C and 760 mm Ng].
stp flow rate = the rate of flow of a fluid, by vulurne, correcterl to standard temperature and pres-
stp volume = the volumci that a quantity of gas or air would occupy at standard tempcraturc and
strainer = a fine mesh scree11or filter used to separate foreigri particles from an oil or steam stream.
street elbow = street ell = a 90 degree pipe fitting wiul a 111aIe thread on one end and a female
thread on the other. Not recommended because of higher pressure drop than a standard elbow with
female threads on both ends.
stretcher = a brick laid flat with its length parallel to the face of the wall.
sublimation = change of state directly from solid to gas, or fiom gas to solid.
suction line = that part of an oil circulating system between the oil storage tank and the first pump.
suction type mixer = aspirator mixer, a n airlgas proportioning device that uses the venturi prin-
ciple to cause the combustion air to induce the proper amount of gas into the air stream. It is used
with low pressure air and zero gas.
superduty fireclay brick = fireclay brick having a PCE not lower ihan cone 3 3 , and that meets
certain other requirements outlined in ASTM Standard C 27-58T.
superheated steam = water vapor at a temperature above the saturation temperature for the exist-
ing pressure, e.g. at 250 F and 14.696 psia. The water vapor in the atniosphere is superheated
(above the saturation temperature for its partial pressure) and changes from superheated to satu-
rated when lowered to its dew point.
supervising gas valve = supervising gas cock = a valve that sends a signal indicating that its main
passage is closetf. When such a signs1 is receivcd kom all fuel valves on a furnace, the operator
may proceed to purge the furnace and then light the pilots. See Supervising Valve System, Part 7,
Volume 11.
surface coefficient = hr = radiation heat transfer coefficient = the rate of heat flow per unit area
(heat flux) for each degree of temperature difference between the emitting surface and the absorb-
ing surface. (See formula 4/2, Volume I.)
surface tension = molecular attraction or cohesion of molecules on the surface of a liquid, which
gives it the appearance of having an elastic skin.
suspended arch = a furnace roof consisting of refractory shapes suspended from overhead support-
ing members. By contrast, sco sprung arch.
swirl = spinning or spiral motion of a fluid; usually an aid to combustion stability. See Burner
Characteristics, Part 6, Volume 11.
swp = steam working pressure.
synthetic gas = any man-made gaseous fuel; substitute gas; manufactureti gas; usually made from
coal, petroleum by-products, or waste materials by complex molecular reforming processes.
taconite = a compact formginous chert or slate in which the iron oxide is so finely dispersed that
substantially all of the iron-bearing particles are smaller than 20 mesh. Typical analysis of the ore
grade shows 32.0% total Fe.
take-off lines = pipelines leading from the high pressure side of a main circulating oil loop to the
branch circuits.
TAPPI = Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry; Atlanta, GA.
tc = tlc = T/C = thermocouple = temperature of casing or cold face.
TEFC = totally enclosed fan cooled; refers to electric motors.
temp = temperature.
Tempest@= North American Mfg. Company's trademark for small high velocity (high momentum)
tera, abbreviated T = prefix for multiple
tertiary air (pronounced turl-she-ary) = a third supply of air introduced downstream from the
secondary air.
TH = total heat (psychrometric chart).
THC = total hydrocarbons, or total hydrocarbon emissions.
theoretical air = stoichiometric air = on-ratio air = correct air, the chemically correct amount of air
required for complete combustion of a given quantity of a specific fuel.
theoretical draft = the calculated difference between the pressure in a furnace and the atmospheric
pressure (causcd by buoyancy of hot gases in thc furnace and chimney). This does not include the
effects of Mction or nonstandard conditions.
theoretical flame temperature = adiabatic flame temperature. See also hot mix temperatwe.
thermal conductance = the amount of heat transmitted by a material divided by the differ-
ence in temperature of the surfaces of the material. Also known as conductance. Where heat is
transferred by more than one mechanism through a structure of mean cross sectional area Am,
conductance, C = gross rate of heat transfer divided by temperature drop between its faces. C
= CqIAt = KmAm/X.
thermal conductivity, k = the ability of a material to conduct heat, mcasured in flow of Btu per hour
through a square foot of crnss sectional area and one foot (or inch) of thickness with 1°F of tempera-
turc difference across this thickness. The rehactory and insulation industries use Btu in./ft2 hr O F .
Most others use Btu ft/ftzhr O F .
thermal de-NOx = an after treatment to remove nitrogen oxides kom products of combustion,
using NH, (ammonia), or urea, with or without catalysts. See SCR.
thermal expansion = an increase in volunle and linear dimensions resulting when a substance is
thermal NO = nitric oxide funned by temperature effccts as opposed to that formed by fixed nitrogen
fiom the fuel (fuel NO).
thermal shock = a sudden temperature change
thermie (French therm) = 1000 kcal.
thermistor = semi-conductor elements that have a large negative temperature coefficient of resis-
tivity.These arc convenient for measuring temperature changes over short spans very accurately,
thermopile = many thermocouples assembled in series to provide a signal strong enough to actuate
a valve without amplification by an external power source.
throttling valve = a valve used to control the flow rate of a fluid. A throttling valve docs not
necessarily provide tight shutoff.
thrust controlled flame = turbulent diffusion flame in which aspiration of combustion air into the
combustible gas is controlled by thrust forces.
TIC = temperature indicating controller.
tile - See burner tile.
timed trial-for-ignition = that eriod of time during which the programming flame supervising
controls permit the burner fuervalves to be open before the flame sensing device is required to
detect the flame.
T/I transducer = a device to convert a temperature signal to electric current.
T/I transmitter = a transducer that converts the millivoltage from a thermocouple to an electrical
current signal.
TLV = threshold limit value (highest allowable concentration).
totalizer = a counter that totals or accumulates a total count, such as an odometer. Like a positive
displacement gas or oil meter, its reading must be dividcd by elapsed time to determine rate.
Sometimes erronoeously called an "integrator". Not to be confused with a "summer", which adds
two or more flow ratcs.
total pressure = impact prcssurc = stagnation pressure, Lhfl pressure lneasured by an impact tube,
the sum of static prcssure and velocity pressure. The total pressure of a motionless fluid is equal to
its static pressure.
town gas - city gas, artificial gas (usually madc from coal, as prt~dric:e~
gas, or low Btu gas).
transducer = an element or device whicli receives illformation in the form of one physical quantity
and converts it to information in the for111 of the same or another physical quantity, e.g. pressure
to milliamps.
transmitter = a dcvice that conveys information born one location to another,
triatomic gases = gases having three atoms in each molecule, such as CO,, H,O, SO,. These gases
are capable of gas radiation.
tunnel burner = a burner sealed into the furnace wall in which combustion takes place mostly in a
refractory tunnel or tuyere which is part of the burner.
tunnel kiln = a tunnel-shaped furnace through which ware is pushed o n cars passing through
preheating, firing, and cooling zones consecutively, enabling continuous operation.
turbo blower = a centrifugal blower in which the air leaving the blade tips passes through a narrow
slot into a large volume chamber, thus efficiently converting velocity energy to static prcssure.
turbulence = a state of being highly agitated. 'hrbulent flow is fluid flow in which the velocity of
a given particle changes constantly both in magnitude and direction.
turndown = the ratio of rnaxir~lumto minimum input rates; turndown ratio, abbreviated tld = high
fire ratellow firc rate.
tuyere (pronounced tweer) = a rcfractory shape containing one or more holes through which air
and other gases are introduced intu a furnace.
TwinBed@= North American Mfg. Company's trademark for its integral burner-regenerator system.
UV = ultraviolet.
VA = volt-ampere.
vac = vacuum.
valve control = a system for control of airlfuel ratio by mechanical linkage of valves having the
same characteristic.
vanadium = a metal, the oxide of which appears in the ash resulting from the combustion of fuel
oils. Vanadium oxide has a destructive effect on refractories.
vapor = a gas that is near the condensing or liquid state, whose molecules are so close together that
the forces between them significantly affect their behavior so that P,v,/T, r P,v,/T,.
vaporizing oil burner = a burner in which the oil is vaporized in a single step by direct heating of
the liquid.
vapor lock = an obstruction to the flow of a liquid i n a pipe caused by vapor from the liquid, or by
vapor pressure = the pressure of the vapor of o liquid or solid in cquilibrium with the liquid or
velocity head = velocity pressure expressed in feet of column of the flowing fluid.
velocity pressure = the diffcrcncc bctwccn total pressure and static pressure; that is, the difference
1)c:twecn the pressure which a fluid flowing in a pipe exerts upon the upstrcam facc of an obstruc-
tion in the pipe and the pressure which it exerts upon the walls of the pipe.
velocity protile = a diagram of vcctor arrows (Icngth proportional to velocity) superimposed across
a sectional view of a duct or pipe.
vena contracts taps = the pressure taps (located upstream and d o w n s t r e a ~of~ ~o thin 111eteririg
oi-ifice) positit~~led
t t ~give Lhe highest possible plessure differential readings
venturi = a sec:tiorl in a pipc or pilssilgoway that corlvcrges to a narrow constrjction, then smoothly
flares out again. Named for thc Ititliiln physicist C. B. Vcnturi (1762-18221,who first noted the effect
of constriction.
visc = viscosity = the tendency of a fluid to resist flow. A measure of resistance to flow. Vcry
significant in design and sclcction of oil burncrs and oil handling systems. See kinematic viscosity
and absolute viscosity.
viscosity, absolute = dynamic viscosity = a measure of a fluid's tendency to resist flow, without
regartl to its density. Absolute viscosily is kinematic viscosity rriultiplied by density or specific
viscosity, kinematic = the relative te1111enr:yof ;l fluid to resist flow, including the effect of the
fluid's density. Kinematic viscosity is equal to absolute viscosity s density or specific gravity.
viscous friction = resistance to flow of fluids caused by energy dissipation and generation of stresses
by distortion of fluid elements; flow resistance; internal ftiction.
vitrification = a process of permanent chemical and physical change (reduced porosity] at high
temperatures in a ceramic body, with the development of a substantial proportion of glass.
VOC = volatile organic compound = any of a group of hydrocarbons that react in the atmosphere
with nitrogen oxides, heat, and sunlight to form ozone; thus aggravating smog and global warm-
ing proble~ns.Some enforcement agencies exclude CO, CO,, carbnriir: acid, carl~nnates,~netalliccar-
bides, and methane from their definition of VOCs.
vol = volume.
volume, combustion = the spacc occupied by thc fuel while it is actually burning, inclu[Iing both
the flame and invisible combustion zone.
volume flow rate = the quantity [measured in units of volume) of a fluid flowing per unit of time,
as cubic feet per minute or gallons per hour.
volume, specific = the volume occupied by one pound of a substance under any specified
conditions of temperature and pressure.
vortex shedding = in the flow of fluids past an object, the eddying or formation of alternating
whirlpools downstream of the object. A form of burble.
wall loss = the heat lost from ;1 furnar:e or tank to or through its walls.
warmup time = bring-up time = the time required to bring a h~rnaccand its c:h;lrge, if any, u p to
operating temperature.
waste gases = by-product fuel. See discussion under poc and flue gases
water and sediment = bsw (bottom sediment and water). Impurities and foreign materia! found in
fuel oils. Sec Part 2 , Volume I.
water (blue) gas = an artificial fuel made by forcing steam over incandescent carbon to form a
mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. C + H,O CO + H,.The gas is poisonous because of its
high C.0 content.
water column = the leg[s) of a manometer that uses water as the measuring fluid for pressure or
pressure drop. The difference in height of the two water columns is usually stated in inc:hes or
millimetres of water column. See "wc below, and Table C.5 in the Appendix.
watt density = a measure of the concentration (in relation to surface area) of heat input, particularly
critical in electrically heated oil heaters. Usually measured in watts per square inch, abbrcviatcd
watt-seconds = a unit of work or heat equal to that resulting kom the use of electricity at the rate of
1 watt for one second. One watt-second equals one joule.
wavelength (A, lambda) = the distance traveled by a sound as its pressure wave varies through one
complete cycle.
wax = the large hydrocarbon molecules that precipitate out of a liquid fuel when it is gradually
cooled. This is the major factor controlling the pour point of a fuel oil.
weight flow rate = the quantity (measured in units of weight) of a fluid flowing per unit of time, as
pounds per second.
well-stirred reaction = a chemical combining of atoms or compounds in which the products of the
reaction are thnrn~~ghly mixed with the incoming raw reactants. Theoretical opposite of a plug
flow reaction.
wet basis = flue gas analysis by an analyzer that docs not scrub or dry the sample before analpis;
or an analysis in which all dry basis readings have been multiplied by (I - O/omoisturc/l~~"/o).
wet bulb temperature, wb = the temperature indicated by a therrnometcr, the bulb 01which is
covered with a w ~wick;
t the temperature at which hcat and mass transfer are in equilibrium. "Wet
bulb depression" is the difference between wet bulb and dry bulb readings. Wheil the wl) depres-
sion is zero, there will be no evaporative cooling, and the relative humidity will hc 100%; that is,
the air is saturated with all thc water vapor that it can hold.
wg = water gauge. When prcccdcd by inches or millimetres, a measure of pressure. (See "wc.)
"wg = "wc. (See 'l'able C.5 in the Appendix.)
Wobbe Index = Wobbe Number, a n index used to show fuel interchangeability. Wobbc index
= gross heating value in Btu/ft3 divided by d m . See Irtterchangeability of Fuels in Part 2,
Volume 1.
wt = weight.
XSAir = excess air; usually measured in % excess above the stoichiometrically correct amount of
xylene (C,H,,) = a colorless, flammable, toxic liquid of tlie benzene series. Obtained mostly from
coal tar.
zone, control = that section of a furnace within which temperature is controlled by one tempera-
ture measurement (and usually with one control valve).
p (beta) = d/D = ratio of orifice diameter to inside diameter of a pipe (both in same units).
l', Ap, AT.
A (delta) = differential, difference in, change in, increment. See A
AP = pressure drop, differential, or loss in any consistent units, but sometimes used for Ib/ftz (ps4
to differentiate from Ap in lb/in.2 (psi).
Ap = pressure drop, differential, or loss usually in psi, but sometimes osi or "wc.
E = (epsilon) = absolute roughness, ft. (Relative roughness, e/D is used on Figures 5.13a and 5.14.)
h = (lambda) = wavelength.
p (rho) = density.
-t plus.
- minus.
+ divided by.
measured by.
congruent to.
parallel to.
infinity, infinite.
degrees. (Used only to specify the size of an angle or a temperature difference or tempera-
ture drop--not a temperature level; e.6. the temperature drop through a wall is 250°, from
310 I: io GO E)
pound(s), or number.
Airloil ratio control systems, 108, (figure) 54 Annunciator, 8 1
Airloil ratio regulator, 51 Anti-seize compound, 90
control zones, light oil system, 101 Apachi, definition 368
I (figure) 51 Application-specific control systems, 151
piping arrangement, (figure) 52 Area control of airlfuel ratio, 46, 48-49
I Airloil llatiotrol
cr~ntrolzones, light oil system, 101
cost-effectiveness of, 4 9
on dual-fuel l~urrier,(figure) 48
piping, (figure) 89 Argon-oxygen decarburizing (a-od), def. 368
Air operation Aromatics, definition 368
preheated, Cue1 requircmcnts, (figure) 57 Arrangement factor (Fa],definifion 368
Air-oxygen mixture (a-0 mix), def. 368 Artificial hels, dcfinition 368
percent oxygen concentration in, Aspirator mixer, 16, (figure) J 5
(figure) 216 gas pilot, [figure) 11
Air pipes, hot, insulation, heat recovery, 1 1 7 Atmosphere (atm), definition 368
Air plenum, burner l~ackworks,11 Atmosphere-stable burner, 7
Air preheat, 165 Atmospheric burner, 1 2
effects on flame velocity, (graph) 226 Atmospheric fluidized bed combustion
eCCects on flammability, (tat~le)223 (afbc), definition 366'
Air preheater, cold side air metering for Atmospheric pressure (atm press), def. 368
ratio control, (figure) 128 Atmospheric (ratio) regulator, definition 368
schematic diagram, (f~gure)126 Atmospheric system, definition 368
hot side air metering for ratio control, Atom, definition 369
(figure) 128 Atomic nitrogen (N), definition 402
Air primary system, dcf. 367, 49, 53-54 Atomic numbers, weights, (table) 294-299
arrangement, (figures) 50, 53 Atomization, definition 369
Air-ramming, definition 367 rcquiremcnts for vaporization after, 29
Air register, definition 367 Atomizer, burner l~ac:kwnrks,11
Air-setting refractories, definition 367 sonic, ultrasonic, 32
Air shutter, definition 367 Atomizing air, definifion 369
I Air-staging, 167-168 Audiometric testing, 185
Air systems, acoustic surge in, 199-200 Austempered ductile iron (adi), def. 366
Air valve, gas pilot, (figure) 11 Autogenous, definition 369
Aldehydes, definition 367 Autoignition temperature (ait)
products of incomplete combustion, 170 definition 367, 369
11 Alloys, scaling resistance, (table) 358 Automatic burner, 34
Alternating current (a-c), definition 365 Automatic control, definition 369
Altitude (alt), definition 367 Automatic fuel shutoff valve, definition 369
Alumina (A1,0,), definition 367 Automatic furnace pressure controls
Aluminum (Al), definition 367 58-69, [figure) 65
benefits of oxygen, (table) 235 downdraftlupdraft flue arrangement, 64
Aluminum melters Automatic reset fuel shutoff valve, def. 369,
application-specific control systems, 152 72-73
Aluminum reverberatory furnace, 61-63 wiring, (figure) 73
flow pattern through gap, (figure) 63 Available carbon, definition 369
Ambient air pollution standards, 155 Available heat*, definition 369,
Ambient noise, definition 367, 187 124-125, 217-221
correction, (table) 187 and adiabatic flame temperature*
Ambient temperature, definition 367 217-221, (figure) 125
Available heat* [continued) Blower air, volume flow rate of, 215
fuel requirement to provide 1000 000 Btu Blower, noise, cu~nponents,198
of, (table) 336 control of, 198
file1 savings and, 124-125, 217-221 pulsations in, [figure) 200
Available heat concept, percent, 122-123 suuntl power level, 198-199
(formulas) 124-127 Blowersh, 91
Available hydrogen, definition 369 Blow-off*, definition 371,10
Avoirdupois (avdp), definition 369 Blue (water) gas, definition 371, 426
"A" weighted network factor, 188-189 Bldf bodies, definition 371,
flame stability, 7
Background noise, definition 369 Body, burner backworks, 11
Bagasse, definition 30'9 Bogie hearth furnace, def~nition371
Bag wall, definition 369 Boiler, furnace hcat rclcnse, (table) 309
Balancing orifices, 111-112 load terms, data, (table) 309
Ball clay, definition 36.9 preheating load, 120
Ball flame, (figure) 4-5 tri-fuel fire tube, (figure) 111
Ball valve, definition 370 waste heat, hot products of combustion,
R ar, definilion 370 121 [figure) 122
Barometer, definition 370 Boiler horsepower (blp], definition 370, 371
Barometric dampcrs, definition 370, Booster circuits, for heavy oil, 101-104
65, (figure) 66 Booster heater, definition 371
Barometric pressure, definition 370 Bottom sediment and water (bsw), def. 372
Barrel (bbl), definition 370 Boundary layer, definition 371,
Base pressure, deJnilion 370 for noise c:ontrol, 196
Base temperature, definition 370 Bourdon tube, definition 371
Basic oxygen furnacc (boo, definition 371 Boyle's Law, riefinilion 372
Basic refractories, definitiorl 370 Branch circuits, definition 372
Batch furnace, preheating load, 120 oil systems, 101-104
Batch-type furnaces, defi~~ition 370 coking, temperature, vaporization, 102
high turrldown ratio, 10, (figure) 68 light oil systems, 99-101
"BaumB, definition 370 schematic piping diagram for, (fig.) 100
Reat, definition 370 main oil circulating loop, 98
Beehive kiln, definition 370 Branch piping, (figure) 89
Bell arrangement Breeching, definition 372
for oil suction and return, (figure) 95 Bring-up time, definition 372
Bell crank dampers, 65, (figure) 66 Brine11 hardness equivalents, (tabte) 356-357
Bellows, definition 370 British (Imperial] gallon (BR gal)
Benzene (C,H,), definition 370 definition 372
Bernoulli theorem, definition 370 British thermal unit (Btu), definition 372
Beta ratio, definition 370 Bulk density, definition 372
Bimetal warping devices, 75 Bulk liquid system supply, 212, (table) 213
Bisque, definition 371 Bunker 3 , C, definition 372
Black body, definition 371 Bunker oil, definition 372
Black body radiation, definition 371 Bunsen-type burner, definition 372
Blast burner, definition 371, 12-14 Buoyancy controlled flame, definition 372
Blast furnace gas, definition 371 Burble, definition 372
Blast gates, def. 371, as shutoff valves, 91 Bureau of Mines, noise reduction, 185
Blast tip, definition 371 Burn, definition 372
Bleeder, definition 371, 51, (figure) 50 Burner, definition 372
in ratio control system, 204, 106, (fig.) 107 Burner block (see Refractory tiles)
Blending, definition 371 Burner design, 3, 12
Blocking, of source, for noise control, Burner flame stability, 222-226
195-196, (figure), 195 Burner for integral burner-recuperatorst
Blocking valve, definition 371 regenerators, 27
Inches of mercury column ("Hg), dej. 394 Jet noise, causes of higher frequencies of,
Inches of water column ("wc), definition 394 combustion systcms, 202-203
Incineration, starved air principle, 2 high velocity, (figure) 196
Inclined damper, 65, [figure) 66 sound power level, [fr~rmula)202-203
Incomplete combustion, definition 394 Jet tubes, (figurc) 9
Indirect-fired compact burner-regenerator, 137 flame stabiliiy, 7
Indirect-fired heater or dryer, definition 394 Joule(s) J, definition 396
Indirect-firing integral burner-regenerator,
133, (figure) 135 Kaolin, definition 396
Induced air, definition 394 Kerosene, rkfinjtion ,796
Induced draft, definition 394
Ketone, definition 396
Induced draft fan, definition 395 Key, definition 396
Industrial cornbustion, pollution control, 153 Kiln, definition 396, 1
Industrial flame types, (figure) 4-5 application-specific control systcms,
Industrial furnaces, applications of oxygen flarne supervising systcm, 80
enrichment, ( t ~ l ~ l 235
t?) 1 Ierresh[~ff,2
Industrial heating, definition 395 Kilocalorie (kcall, definition 396
Industrial process burner, 1,(figure) 9 Kilogram (kg), riefinilion 396
Industrial process temperatures (table) 303-308 Kilohertz (kHz),179
Inerts, definition 395 Kilowatt, tiefiniliorl 397
Infiltrated air, fuel input to heat, 233, (fig.) 61 Kilowatt-hour (kwh),definition 3.06
Infrared burner, definition 395, 6, (figure) 23
Kinematic viscnsity (kin visc), definition
Infrared detectors, 75 Knot, definitjon 397
Input controller, definition 395
1n;ut rate, clefinifion 39.5
Inspiratur mixer, definition 395, 14-16 Ladle, definition 307
Insulating firebrick (ifb), definition 39.5 Laminar flow, definition 397, 226
Insulation, definition 395 Large port gas burncr, definition 397, 12-14
heat loss reduction, 117 Large pnrt premix nozzle, (figure) 15
heavy oil line, 102-103 Latent flue loss, (formula) 124
Intake noise, 198 Latent heat, definition 397, (tables) 256-257,
sound power level, (formula) 199 260-261
Integral air-preheater burner, 133 Latent heat of fusion, definition 397
Integral burner-recuperator, 27, 133 Latent heat of vaporization, definition 397
heat reclaimer advantages, 336 Lazy flame, (figure) 4-5
Integral burner-regenerator, 27-28, 134-137 L-D process, definition 397
alf ratio control, (figure) 110 Ldn (Day-night sound pressure), (table) 186
direct-firing, (figure) 134 Lead lag control, definition 397
effectiveness vs. recuperators, Lead sulfide cell, 75
(figures) 28, 134-136 Leak test, Double Checker, 74
Integral fan Dual-FuelTM burner, (figure) 34 Lean, premixing, 168
Interface, definition 395 Lean mixture, definition 397
Interlock, definition 395 Lean ratio, definitjon 397
Intermittent pilot, 11 Ledge bluff bodies, flame stability, 7
Interrupted ignition, definition 395 beq (Equivalent sound pressure), [table) 186
Interrupted pilot, 11, 72, 78 Lifting, definition 398
Inviscid fluid, defi'nition 395 Light emitting diode (led), definition 397
Light fuel oil, definition 398
Light oil system, branch circuits, 99-103.
Jamb, definition 396 control zones, 99-101
Jet, boundary layer, for noise control, 196 difference from heavy oil system, 101-104
Jet description, flame, (figure) 5 schematic piping diagram, (figure) 100
Jet flame, (figurc) 4-5 starting flow, 101
TEFC (totally enclosed fan cooled), def. 421 Time-weighted average (TWA),
Teflon pipe thread sealing paste, 90 noise reduction, 185
Teflon tape, 90 Tip, 1
Temperature, branch circuits in heavy oil T/I transducer, definition 422
system, 102 T/I transmitter, definition 422
combustion air, changes in, 54-55 TLV (threshold limit values), definition 422
dividing wall, parallel vs. counterflow toe, definition 422
recupcrator, 131, (figure) 130 Tonne, definifion 42.3
effect on NOx, 161-162 Ton, short, delinition 422
intlustrial process, (table) 303-308 Torque, definition 423
measuring minimum ignition energy, 222 TORR, definition 423
oil pour point, 92 Total heat content, moist air, (figures) 251-252,
resistance, [table) 358 (tables) 253-255
Temperature scale conversions, Totalizer, definifion 423
(tables) 319-326, (figure) 327 Totally enclosed fan cooled (TEPC), dej: 421
Tempest@, definition 421 Total pressure, definifion 423
tera, abbreviated T , definition 421 Town gas, definition 423
Tertiary air, definition 421 Trains, file], light oil systems, 99
Thenretical air, rlefinition 421 Tramp air, definition 423
Theoretical drafi, defjnition 421 Transducer, definition 423
Theoretical flame temperature, 222 Transmitter, definition 423
Therm, definition 421 Triatomic gases, definition 423, (figure) 132
Thermal conductance, ilefinitiorl 422 'hi-fuel fire tube boiler, (figure) 111
Thermal conductivity (k), definition 422 TSC (two-stage combustion],
air, (tablcs) 247-249 burner, NOx control, 167-168
Thermal de-NOx, definifion 422 Tubes, immersion or radiant, resonant, 202
Thermal expansion, definition 422 -el burner, definition 423, 14, (figure) 15
piping, (tal~les)92, 3 3 7 large port, (figure) 1 5
recuperators, 132-133 Tunnel kiln, definition 423
Thermal NO, definition 422 'Ihnnel premix burner,
Thermal NOx, 158-159, 163, 167 flame holding arrangement, (figure) 9
Thermal shock, definition 422 T k b o blower, definition 423
Thermie, definition 422 Turbulence, definition 423, 3, 6
Thermistor, definition 422 Turndown, definition 423
Thermocouple, definition 421 as burner characteristic, 8, 1 0
millivolt tables, 329-330 oil pressure atomizing nozzle, 32
process monitor, 141 Turndown range, of burners, 1 0
Thermophysical constants, (table) 315 co~ltrolvalve, 43
Thermopiles, definition 422, 75 Turndown ratio, 8, 1 0
Threaded manual butterfly valve, (figure) 47 Tuyere, definifion 423
Threaded pipe fitting dimensions, (table) 333 TWA (time-weighted average),
Thread engagement lengths, pipe, (table) 336 noise reduction, 185
Three mode, control equipment, 141 TwinBedQ, definifion 424
Threshold limit values (TLV), definition 422 TwinBedD regeneratorhurners, (figure) 28
Throttling valve, definition 422 'Itvo-staged combustion (TSC) burner, 167-168
Thrust, jet strearn of hot gases, 8 Two-stage recuperators, using advantages of
Thrust controlled flame, definition 422 parallel and counterflow, (figure) 132
Tight combustion chambers, 7
Tiles (see also Burner tiles; Refractory tiles)
as burner component, 1 0 Ultimate analysis, definition 424
Tile-stable burners, 7 Ultimate %CO,, definition 424
Time, forlnula, 180 Ultimate Period Method, calculation of
reduction of exposure, for noise control, 197 proportionaliintegrallderivative algorithm
Timed trial-for-ignition, definition 422 parameters, 142-143