1 - Notice - of - Revocation - of - Election - ROD CLASS

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John Q. Public is attempting to revoke his status as a federal taxpayer and change his tax status to non-taxable by sending documents to the IRS.

The documents (Notice of Revocation of Election, Affidavit, and supplemental information) are intended to provide the IRS notice and instructions to change John Q. Public's tax status in IRS records and databases.

John Q. Public is attempting to revoke the IRS's presumption that he elected to be treated as a taxpayer and have his tax status changed to non-taxpayer or a similar non-taxable designation.

Revocation of Election for John Q.


John Q. Public
c/o Non-domestic Re: Social Security Number: ___________
123 Main St. assigned by a federal agency to
Anytown, State Republic JOHN Q. PUBLIC, nom-de-guerre,
USA [near 00000] vessel, securitized negotiable instrument

Date: ___________________

John Koskinen
IRS Commissioner
Internal Revenue Service
1111 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20224

IRS Service Center
City, ST 00000

as established by the Congress of the United States

Dear John and DIRECTOR,

Greetings! John Q. Public, a living man and Affiant, is contacting you herein to
give you Notice of his Revocation of Election, revoking his status as a federal U.S.
citizen “taxpayer.” Affiant will no longer be “volunteering” or “electing” to be
treated as a federal taxpayer or U.S. citizen or as a “surety” for any government
created entity connected to Form 1040 federal income tax “contributions.”

John Q. Public is acting in “good faith,” based on his understanding received from
others who have sent you similar Revocation of Election (ROE) documents, that
you are the IRS Officer charged with the authority and duty to expedite such
documents from American National men and woman and who administers the
appropriate “tax status” changes in all applicable IRS databases, records, and files.

If you are not the appropriate IRS Officer with the duty to expedite this matter,
please notify him immediately in writing and please forward this ROE to the IRS
officer who is responsible for making the required changes to his taxable status.
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Revocation of Election for John Q. Public

The enclosed documents, collectively referred to herein as his Revocation of

Election (hereinafter ROE), consist of the following three (3) documents:

1. Notice of a ROE authorizing you or your delegates to “revoke” and

“terminate” the IRS's previously presumed “election” of Affiant to be taxed
as a federal “U.S. citizen” and then to change his present tax status from a
“taxpayer” to that of a “non-taxpayer” or a similar “non-taxable” term;

2. AFFIDAVIT in support of and validating Affiant's right to said tax status

change and instructions for your use in executing the tax status change
required to be made by laws passed by Congress.

3. Supplemental information related to Affiant's American National status and

the laws passed by Congress affecting Affiant's “non-taxable” status.

The purpose of the three documents enclosed is to provide you Actual Notice,
instructions, and Affiant's consent to change Affiant's tax status by terminating the
IRS's “presumed” sub silentio voluntary election to be treated as a “taxpayer” and
to have you change Affiant's tax status within all relevant IRS databases.

Affiant's AFFIDAVIT is enclosed and incorporated here for the purpose of

explaining and verifying Affiant's tax status jurisdiction that lawfully qualifies him
to have his tax status changed to that of a “non-taxpayer” or any other similar non-
taxable designation.

Affiant believes in paying all taxes lawfully owed to support his country and he
presently pays various types of sales taxes, use taxes, and State taxes to perform
his civic duty to society. Affiant does not protest against any taxes lawfully owed.

From years of research pertaining to the IRC, Title 26 U.S.C. and various U.S.
Supreme Court and Appellate Court tax case rulings, it has come to Affiant's
attention that he has the qualifications to legally change his tax status to that of
someone who is neither “subject to” nor “liable for” federal income taxes imposed
by Subtitle A of the IRC.

According to the IRC, higher Court case rulings, congressionally passed laws, and
Affiant's foreign jurisdiction to the IRS's jurisdiction, Affiant has no legal
obligation to file a Form 1040 as an American National man not within (without)
D.C.'s foreign jurisdiction.
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Revocation of Election for John Q. Public

In particular, the title name of Form 1040 is: U.S. Individual Income Tax Return.
The definitions at IRC 7701(a)(1) and 7701(a)(30), and the implementing
Regulation at 26 CFR 1.1-1 make it quite clear that Form 1040 is intended to be
executed only by U.S. citizens and resident aliens domiciled in the “United States.”

Affiant is neither a federal “U.S. citizen” nor a “resident alien.” Because IRC 6065
requires Form 1040 to be executed under penalties of perjury, it would be an act of
felony perjury for Affiant to declare himself a “U.S. citizen” or “resident alien” by
signing a Form 1040 when Affiant belongs to neither class of people. “U.S.” means
“United States” which is legally defined in 26 U.S.C. to mean the District of
Columbia (D.C.) and Affiant is not a D.C. resident or an “Individual” and
therefore, is not legally qualified to file a Form 1040 and doing so would be an act
of perjury. Affiant cannot file a Form 1040 as that would be an illegal act of
“impersonating” a federal “U.S. citizen” or “U.S. person” in a foreign jurisdiction
to Affiant's.

Affiant has extensively reviewed the IRC, including many consultations with
professional accountants, tax attorneys and IRS agents, and Affiant has
unquestionably realized the truth that he has the inalienable right to lawfully
discontinue volunteering to file Form 1040, based on his “non-federal,” “non U.S.
citizen” and “not-qualified” status and it would be an act of felony perjury to sign
and file a Form 1040 (see 18 USC 911&912). Form 1040 is not meant to be filed
or legally required to be sent to the IRS by living men and woman American
Nationals or state Citizens of the union as they are not “federal” U.S. citizens.

No attorney, CPA tax accountant or IRS agent has ever been able to show Affiant
where in the IRC or 26 U.S.C it says he is personally “liable for” the “federal” U.S.
Individual income tax (unless one volunteers and “elects” to be treated as a federal
taxpayer even when the law says no tax liability is due).

Affiant discloses herein information related to the Chapters and sections of the
IRC, 26 U.S.C., the original Constitution of 1787 and tax case rulings of the U.S.
Supreme Court and other American Appellate Courts that substantiate Affiant's
findings and declarations in accordance with the “rule of law” that validate and
verify the herein required tax status change to Affiant's IRS files and records.

There are only two types of people related to individual income tax liability:
“taxpayers” and legal “non-taxpayers.” Affiant won’t quote all of the many court
case rulings on this distinction that you and the IRS should be well aware of and

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Revocation of Election for John Q. Public

there is a well-established fact in law that Congress does not have “exclusive”
legislative authority over the 50 states of the union and the living men and woman
who live in these states.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury defines the term “United States” in 31 U.S.C.
321 (d)(2) to mean only the National Government in the District of Columbia and
not the 50 states of the Union per 26 U.S.C 7408(d). Title 26 excludes any
reference to the Constitutional Republic where American National people live.


26 U.S.C. 6013(g)(4) addresses Termination of Election and 6013(g)(4)(A) deals

with Revocation of taxpayer, but this section is not the final governing law on this.

John Q. Public as Affiant, is a living American National man and not a “federal”
“statutory” U.S. “person”, and to the best of his knowledge, does hereby expressly
state his desire and intention to lawfully “terminate” and “revoke” his previous
“presumed” (by the IRS) “election” to be treated as a federal citizen “taxpayer.”
Effective immediately, Affiant has no further jurisdictional or contractual
connection to the IRS or a federal “Individual” Income tax liability.

Affiant is aware of and accepts the fact that he can never again make an “election”
to become a “taxpayer” in the future. Let the record be established by his testimony
herein for the express purpose of his Revocation of Election.

As an American National with no “statutory” connections to the “foreign”

jurisdiction of the IRS, and with the freedom from being compelled into
“involuntary servitude” to the statutory “United States” [D.C.], no federal
government may determine his “domicile” as that would amount to compelled
association in direct violation of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act as per 28
U.S.C. 1605(a)(2) and the Thirteenth Amendment related to “slavery” and more
importantly, his “inalienable rights” to exercise his free will to choose his
legislative, political, and jurisdictional affiliations.

Affiant does not derive any income that is effectively connected with the conduct
of a statutory “trade or business” within the District of Columbia and he has no
physical or statutory domicile within the jurisdiction of the District of Columbia.

The limited and localized “municipal law” of the foreign owned and controlled
municipal government in the District of Columbia, a foreign enclave state to his

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Revocation of Election for John Q. Public

domicile, has no power or legal authority to force or compel a state Citizen or an

American National to be domiciled within D.C.'s IRS jurisdiction unless they
knowingly and willingly contract with it and consent to the IRS's jurisdiction.

Affiant, as an American National man, revokes, cancels, and makes void, ab initio,
his power of appointment on any and all contracts and agreements, forms, or any
instrument which may be construed in any way to give any federal IRS related
agency any authority or jurisdiction over him unless he has first harmed or
trespassed upon their rights. Brady v. U.S., 379 U.S. 742 at 748 (1970):

“Waivers of Constitutional [protected] rights not only must be voluntary, they must
be knowingly intelligent acts, done with sufficient “full disclosure” awareness of
the relevant circumstances and consequences.”

John Q. Public hereby revokes, rescinds, and makes void ab initio, all powers of
attorney in fact or otherwise, implied in law or “presumed” by the IRS to exist that
are related to the social security number the government assigned to a nom de
guerre name spelled similar to his except in all capital letters (referring to an
“artificial person”). The all capital letter spelled name, similar to his birth name, is
not him, the living breathing man. As a living man, he does not have a social
security number and his name is not spelled using all capital letters.

“In the United States of America, there are two (2) separated and distinct
jurisdictions, such being the jurisdiction of the states within their own state
boundaries, and the other being federal jurisdiction (United States), which is
limited to the District of Columbia, the U.S. Territories, and federal enclaves
within the states, under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17,” Bevans v. United States,
16 U.S. 336 (1818).

State: The term “State” shall be construed to include the District of Columbia,
where such construction is necessary to carry out provisions of this title.” 26 U.S.C
sec. 7701. [with limited applicability to only federal citizens].

United States: The term “United States” when used in a geographical sense
includes [is limited to] only the States [the District of Columbia and other federal
territories within the borders of the states] and the District of Columbia, 26 U.S.C
sec. 7701.

According to RRA98 and the IRM, your Office is required to answer reasonable
questions within 30 days. There is only one question that requires a written
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Revocation of Election for John Q. Public

response from your Office;

Is there anything in the three (3) documents enclosed (including this one) that you
don't understand or would like additional information or clarification on pertaining
to Affiant's present “foreign” jurisdiction to the IRS's jurisdiction and his non-
taxable status? Your silence will act as your and the IRS's acceptance of Affiant's
non-taxable status.

John Q. Public looks forward to your response to this question so there is no

misunderstanding as to Affiant's established non-taxable tax status.

Please forward these Revocation of Election documents and instructions herein, if

necessary or required, to appropriate IRS management, operational database
personnel or to the IRS's Chief Legal counsel.

This Revocation of Election notice is effective immediately upon your receipt as

agents within the Internal Revenue Service, the Internal Revenue, and the IRS.

Congress in D.C. and all IRS related agencies, by statutory requirement must now
recognize and acknowledge John Q. Public's lawful “non taxpayer” (1040) status.

The IRS records and databases must reflect this Revocation of Election as it has
been legally established. All previous “presumed” to be taxable “elections” by the
IRS have been duly “terminated” with your receipt of this Revocation of Election.

Please make all necessary changes to the IRS's databases to expedite Affiants's
non-taxable tax status.


John Q. Public, a living man


2. Supplemental Information

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