E - Banking

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Meaning of Literature Review

• Provides an overview and a critical evaluation of a body of literature relating to a

research topic or a research problem.
• Analyzes a body of literature in order to classify it by themes or categories, rather
than simply discussing individual works one after another.
• Presents the research and ideas of the field rather than each individual work or
author by itself.

A literature review often forms part of a larger research project, such as within a
thesis (or major research paper), or it may be an independent written work, such as a
synthesis paper.

Purpose of a literature review

A literature review situates your topic in relation to previous research and illuminates
a spot for your research. It accomplishes several goals:
• provides background for your topic using previous research.
• shows you are familiar with previous, relevant research.
• evaluates the depth and breadth of the research in regards to your topic.
• determines remaining questions or aspects of your topic in need of research

Relationship between a literature review and a research project

Academic research at the graduate level is always part of a dialogue among
researchers. As a graduate student, you must therefore indicate that you know where
your topic is positioned within your field of study.

Therefore, a literature review is a key part of most research projects at the graduate
level. There is often a reciprocal relationship between a literature review and the
research project for which it is written:
• A research project is often undertaken in response to a literature review. Doing the
literature review for a topic often reveals areas requiring further research. In this way,
writing the literature review helps to formulate the research question.
• A literature review helps to establish the validity of a research project by revealing
gaps in the existing literature on a topic that offer opportunities for new research.
Rakesh H M & Ramya T J (2014)
In their research paper titled “A Study on Factors Influencing Consumer Adoption of
Internet Banking in India” tried to examine the factors that influence internet banking
adoption. Using PLS, a model is successfully proved and it is found that internet
banking is influenced by its perceived reliability, Perceived ease of use and Perceived
usefulness. In the marketing process of internet banking services marketing expert
should emphasize these benefits its adoption provides and awareness can also be
improved to attract consumers’ attention to internet banking services.

Amruth Raj Nippatlapalli (2013)

In his research paper “A Study on Customer Satisfaction of Commercial Banks: Case
Study on State Bank of India”. This paper present Customer satisfaction, a term
frequently used in marketing, is a measure of how products and services supplied by a
company meet or surpass customer expectation. Customer satisfaction is defined as
"the number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose reported
experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings) exceeds specified
satisfaction goals."Banking in India originated in the last decades of the 18th century.
The first banks were The General Bank of India, NOW which started in 1786, and
Bank of Hindustan, which started in 1790; both are now defunct. The oldest bank in
existence in India is the State Bank of India, which originated in the Bank of Calcutta
in June 1806, which almost immediately became the Bank of Bengal. This was one of
the three presidency banks, the other two being the Bank of Bombay and the Bank of
Madras, all three of which were established under charters from the British East India
Company. For many years the Presidency banks acted as quasi-central banks, as did
their successors. The three banks merged in 1921 to form the Imperial Bank of India.

Mr. Vijay Prakash Gupta & Dr. P. K. Agarwal (2013)

In their research paper “Comparative Study of Customer Satisfaction in Public Sector
and Private Sector Banks in India”. This paper gives with the introduction of
liberalization policy and RBI's easy norms several private and foreign banks have
entered in Indian banking sector which has given birth to cut throat competition
amongst banks for acquiring large customer base and market share. Banks have to
deal with many customers and render various types of services to its customers and if
the customers are not satisfied with the services provided by the banks then they will
defect which will impact economy as a whole since banking system plays an
important role in the economy of a country, also it is very costly and difficult to
recover a dissatisfied customer. Since the competition has grown manifold in the
recent times it has become a herculean task for organizations to build loyalty, the
reason being that the customer of today is spoilt for choice. It has become imperative
for both public and private sector banks to perform to the best of their abilities to
retain their customers by catering to their explicit as well as implicit needs. Many a
times it happens that the banks fail to satisfy their customer which can cause huge
losses for banks and there the need of this study arises. The purpose of this research
article is to examine the customer satisfaction among group of customer towards the
public sector& private sector banking industries in India. Study is cross-sectional and
descriptive in nature. The researcher tries to makes an effort to clarify the Customer
Service satisfaction in Indian banking Sector. Descriptive research design is used for
this study, where the data is collected through the questionnaire. The information is
gathered from the different customers of the two banks, viz., PNB and HDFC Bank
located in the Meerut Region, Uttar Pradesh. Hundred bank respondents from each
bank were contacted personally in order to seek fair and frank responses on quality of
service in banks. The service quality model developed by Zeithamal, Parsuraman and
Berry (1988) has been used in the present study. The analysis clearly shows that there
exists wide perceptual difference among Indian (public sector) banks regarding
overall service quality with their respective customers, when compared to Private
sector banks. Whereas the said perceptual difference in private banks is narrow.

Ms. Nisha Malik & Mr. Chand Prakash Saini (Jul 2013)
In their research titled on “Private Sector Banks Service Quality and Customer
Satisfaction” A Empirical Study two Private Sector Banks”. This research paper is an
effort to examine the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction of
two private sectors bank of India. Service quality has been described as a form of
attitude that results from the comparison of prospect with recital (Cronin and Taylor,
1992, Parasuraman et al, 1985). Gronroos 1982) argued that customers, while
evaluating the quality of service, compare the service they expect with perceptions of
the services they actually receive. Since financial products offered by various banks
are similar by nature then why any particular bank of product of any bank is preferred
than others a matter of interest for academician as well as banking industry. They may
be difference between customers of public and private sector banks, but why are two
banks of one sector being preferred differently by customers. This research study is an
effort to find out the answer of these questions.

Vijay M. Kumbhar (2011)

In his research paper “Factors Affecting the Customer satisfaction In E-Banking:
Some evidences Form Indian Banks”. This study evaluates major factors (i.e. service
quality, brand perception and perceived value) affecting on customers’ satisfaction in
e-banking service settings. This study also evaluates influence of service quality on
brand perception, perceived value and satisfaction in e-banking. Required data was
collected through customers’ survey. For conducting customers’ survey liker scale
based questionnaire was developed after review of literature and discussions with
bank managers as well as experts in customer service and marketing. Collected data
was analyzed using principle component (PCA) using SPSS 19.0. A result indicates
that, Perceived Value, Brand Perception, Cost Effectiveness ,Easy to Use,
Convenience, Problem Handling, Security/Assurance and Responsiveness are
important factors in customers satisfaction in e-banking it explains 48.30 per cent of
variance. Contact Facilities, System Availability, Fulfillment, Efficiency and
Compensation are comparatively less important because these dimensions explain
21.70 percent of variance in customers’ satisfaction. Security/Assurance,
Responsiveness, Easy to Use, Cost Effectiveness and Compensation are predictors of
brand perception in e-banking and Fulfillment, Efficiency, Security/Assurance,
Responsiveness, Convenience, Cost Effectiveness, Problem Handling and
Compensation are predictors of perceived value in e-banking.

Pooja Malhotra & Balwinder SINGH (2009)

In their research paper “The Impact of Internet Banking on Bank Performance and
Risk: The Indian Experience”. The paper describes the current state of Internet
banking in India and discusses its implications for the Indian banking industry.
Particularly, it seeks to examine the impact of Internet banking on banks’
performance and risk. Using information drawn from the survey of 85 scheduled
commercial bank’s websites, during the period of June 2007, the results show that
nearly 57 percent of the Indian commercial banks are providing transactional Internet
banking services. The univariate analysis indicates that Internet banks are larger banks
and have efficiency ratios and profitability as compared to non-Internet banks.
Internet banks rely more heavily on core deposits for funding than non-Internet banks
do. However, the multiple regression results reveal that the profitability and offering
of Internet banking does not have any significant association, on the other hand,
Internet banking has a significant and negative association with risk profile of the

International Literature Review

Shaza W. Ezzi (April 2014)

In their research paper titled “A Theoretical Model for Internet Banking: Beyond
Perceived Usefulness and Ease of Use” tried to inquired different types of electronic
banking like ATM’s, telephone banking, and electronic funds transfer, Internet
banking like has evolved from consumers’ needs to have superior access to banking
services clear of most banks teller-staffed, normal operating hours. Additionally,
Internet banking has grown swiftly from the recent and the span increases in e-
commerce. Internet banking (IB) continues to govern the landscape of electronic
banking as consumers continue to use IB to complete schedule banking transactions in
addition to conducting on-line sales and purchasing. This study presents a theoretical
model considered to help researchers and practitioners better understand the
acceptance and adoption of Internet Banking. The proposed model maybe particularly
useful in developing nations where consumers are loath to use Internet Banking even
when the services are available. However, a review of several studies that have
investigated consumers’ acceptance of Internet banking services from a multiplicity of
perspectives have not reached a clear consensus of the factors that contribute to
overall consumer acceptance and adoption. The paper concludes with discussions of
the managerial implications and avenues for future research.
kartikeya bolar (2014)
In their research paper “End-user Acceptance of Technology Interface In Transaction
Based Environment “This paper presents Creators and investors of technology need
information about the customers’ assessment of their technology interface based on
the features and various quality dimensions to make strategic decisions in improving
technology interfaces and compete on various quality dimensions. The research study
identifies the technology interface dimensions as perceived by the end-users in a
transaction based environment (viz. Internet banking) in India, using exploratory
factor analysis. The influence of these dimensions on the utility of technology
interface and hence the usage is examined by Structural Equation Modeling. The
moderating role of user demographics and technology comfort is also tested.
Managerial implications are discussed.

Dorra Gherib (2014)

In their research paper titled “Adoption and diffusion of internet banking: case of
Tunisian banking sector “tried to observe the embracing of Internet banking in the
Tunisian banking industry. The aim is to make out factors that accelerate or slow
down the implementation process. The literature review enables identifying a set of
variables: organizational, individual and structural. The research methodology used
within this study is the case study. Five case studies in banking sector were executed.
The sample is shaped by banks that adopted the Internet Baking as a modernization.
The analysis allowed the willpower of the related dimensions of the aforesaid
variables (competition, perceived benefits, and organizational compatibility). Indeed,
this research has exposed some variables that hamper the implementation of
technological innovations.

Nabil Hussein Al-Fahim (2013)

In his research titled “An tentative Study of Factors distressing the Internet Banking
espousal: A Qualitative Study among Postgraduate Students” tried to find out the
factors that affect the internet banking espousal among postgraduate’ students in
International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).Approach- Semi structured
interviews with eight informant; four adopters and four non-adopters on postgraduate’
students were conducted to explore this issue. The results revealed that adopters and
non-adopters realized that internet banking (IB) has quite a lot of benefits and
amenities. However, non adopters were concerned about some factors like trust, ease
of use, awareness and security. The results also showed that adopters had positive
influence on use of online banking and they did not have problems with these factors
because they had sufficient knowledge and experience in using online banking. The
findings are important to enable bank Executives to have a better understanding of
clients’ perception to adopt internet banking. This will help banks’ managers and
owners formulate strategies that could significantly affect IBA among their

Anil Kumar and Manoj Kumar Dash (2013)

In their research paper “Constructing a Measurement in Service Quality for Indian
Banks: Structural Equation Modeling Approach”...The aim of this paper is to
construct a measure in service quality for Indian banks and establishes a causal
relationship of service attributes performance with customer satisfaction. The
SERVQUAL model is used. The quantification of service quality led to the attempt to
construct an index. The index is constructed using Structural Equation Modeling
(SEM) and American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) as the underlying
frameworks. The analysis is based on data of 200 bank customers from the Delhi-
NCR. An adapted ACSI is enhanced and improved to accommodate two exogenous
constructs. The results indicate that service quality variables are important
antecedents of customer satisfaction and retention. These antecedents of service
quality have a positive significantly relationship with customer satisfaction. The study
concludes with an analysis of how different dimensions of service quality
performance attribute impact on customer satisfaction and retention. Such a
framework should provide valuable insights to the bank manager to identify key
service performance indicators and to design more effective and efficient marketing
and management strategies to satisfy their customer.

Shilpi Khandelwal (2013)

In his research titled on “E Banking: Factors of Adoption in India” This paper present
the last decade has witnessed a drastic change in the economic and banking
environment all over the world. With the economic and financial sector reforms
introduced in the country since early 1990s, the operating environment for banks in
India has also undergone a rapid change. Increasingly, more and more people are
switching to electronic platforms for executing financial transactions. Internet banking
has brought about a 360 degree change in the entire banking industry. The wider
usage of cell phone and internet certainly seems to be playing a role in blurring
physical boundaries, and unlocking a whole new world of opportunities for banks in
tapping newer customer segments and in recording greater volume of transactions.
For the banks, technology has emerged as a strategic resource for achieve in higher
efficiency, control of operations, productivity and profitability. For customers, it is the
realization of their anywhere, anytime, anyway banking dream. This has prompted the
banks to embrace technology to meet the increasing customer expectation and face the
tough competition. This research paper is focused on what are the drivers that drive
consumers towards adoption of E banking. How consumers have accepted internet
banking and how to improve the usage rate were the focus of research area in this

Donnelie K Muzividzi, Rangarirai Mbizi & Tinashe Mukwazhe (2013)

In their research paper “An Analysis of Factors That Influence Internet Banking
Adoption among Intellectuals: Case of Chinhoyi University of Technology“. This
paper investigate the adoption on internet banking has remained sluggish despite the
efforts by banks to promote the technology. The purpose of the research project was
to identify the factors that affect the adoption of internet banking in a bid to construct
ways to salvage the situation. The research focused on intellectuals who better
understand technology than the general public. Data was collected using
questionnaires and interviews from the population of 5000 students and academic
staff at Chinhoyi University of Technology. A sample of 450 students and staff were
selected from the population. The research identified various factors that impose
barriers and enhance adoption of internet banking. Chief among these were
compromised security of transactions and marketing exposure. It also unearthed the
impact of demographic on internet banking adoption. Two hypotheses were tested, the
first one which was meant to determine if there exist any relationship between age and
internet banking adoption. It was concluded that there is a negative relationship
between age and internet banking adoption. The second hypothesis assumed an
association between internet banking and level of education. Education was deemed a
prerequisite in enhancing the smooth adoption of internet banking and hence one
should have a significant level of education to take up the technology. In waging a
protracted war against low levels of internet banking adoption the research concluded
banks should rather concentrate in promoting the product (internet banking). Bank
should also institute measures to guarantee the security of transactions to internet
bank users as this remains the stumbling block to many potential customers.

Ankit Kesharwani & Gajulapally Radhakrishna (2013)

In their research paper “Drivers and Inhibitors of Internet Banking Adoption in
India”. This paper research on different banks is on condition that e-banking services,
as this would revolutionize their profits. Since internet banking in India is still in its
nascent stage, it is essential for e-banking institutions to enhance reception and usage
of internet as a banking channel by their customers. This paper has reviewed the most
of seminal studies in the area of diffusion of innovation and makes an attempt to do an
experimental research that looked into the factors that drives and inhibits internet
banking usage in India. An investigative factor analysis followed by a positive factor
analysis has been applied on 362 internet banking users. Findings resulted in seven
factors – perceived benefit, hacking and fraud risk, performance risk, computer self-
efficacy, technology intricacy, social influence, and pricing concerns. The results
suggest that acceptance and usage of internet banking services can turn into a
fundamental concern for future research, as the drivers overcoming the inhibitors over
time at an influencing rate. Moreover, this study also compares the findings with
extant diffusion of innovation literature and identified several additional factors that
can affect internet banking adoption in India.

Ms. Fozia (2013)

The purpose of this paper is to determine the customer’s perception toward the e-
banking services. A total of number of customer taken for the study is 196. Analysis
of variance technique is employed to study the significant relationship between the
occupation and customer perception of e-banking services and significant relationship
between the age and customer perception of e-banking services. The result of the
study clearly shows that different age group of customer and different occupation
group of customers have different perception toward the e-banking services. The
results also propose that demographic factors impact significantly internet banking
behavior, specifically, occupation and age. Finally, this paper suggests that an
understanding about the customer’s perception regarding the e-banking services of
public and private banks it will help to the banker to understand the customers need in
better way.

Jayshree Chavan (2013)

In his research paper “Internet Banking- Benefits and challenges in an Emerging
Economy”. This study presents New Information technology has taken imperative
place in the future expansion of financial services, especially banking sector
conversion are affected more than any other financial provider groups. Increased use
of mobile services and use of internet as a new division channel for banking
transactions and international trading requires more concentration towards e-banking
security against deceptive activities. The development and the increasing progress that
is being experienced in the Information and Communication Technology have
brought about a lot of changes in almost all facets of life. In the Banking Industry, it
has been in the form of online banking, which is now replacing the traditional banking
practice. Online banking has a lot of benefits which add value to customers’
satisfaction in terms of better quality of service offerings and at the same time enable
the banks gain more competitive gain over other competitors. This paper discusses
some challenges in an emerging economy.

Yitbarek Takele & Zeleke Sira (2013)

In their research paper titled “ Analysis Of Factors Influencing Customers’ Intention
To The Adoption Of E-Banking Service Channels In Bahir Dar City: An Integration
of Tam, Tpb And Pr “ tried to search factors that sway customers’ intention to adopt
e-banking service channels in Bahir Dar city. A theoretical framework was developed
by integrating six variables from theory of premeditated behavior, technology
reception model and previous studies. The findings discovered that attitude, subjective
norm, supposed behavioral control, supposed usefulness and perceived ease of use
and supposed risk were significant in affecting users’ intention to use e-banking
service channels. The construct perceived behavioral control emerged as a overriding
factor followed by attitudes and professed usefulness in predicting an individual’s
intention to adopt e-banking service channels. Finally, attitude is jointly predicted by
professed behavioral control, apparent usefulness, seeming ease of use and superficial
risk while perceived ease of use contributed more for the dissimilarity in attitude.
Bahram Meihami, Zeinab Varmaghani & Hussein Meihami (2013)
In their research paper “The Effect of Using Electronic Banking on Profitability of
Bank“ This paper deals with Electronic banking is the use of electronic means to
transfer funds directly from one account to another, rather than by check or cash.
Through reducing bank costs, electronic banking can increase bank incomes. In this
research the role of electronic banking (i.e. automated teller machines, bank card,
internet bank, telephone bank, point of sale) in increasing bank incomes is studied.
The statistical society of this research is the private banks staff of Kurdistan province.
Based on Cochran formula, the research sample size was estimated 147. The research
data was gathered through financial statements, a questionnaire contains 42 questions,
and interview. The gathered data was analyzed through descriptive statistics (i.e.
diagrams and frequency distribution tables) and inferential statistics (i.e. ANOVA
test, T test, multiple regressions, Scheffe's test, T Thutong). The research findings
shows there is a positive and strong relationship between electronic banking and its
five components (i.e. automated teller machines, bank card, internet bank, telephone
bank, point of sale) with bank incomes. According to the research findings, the
correlation between independent variables (five components of electronic banking)
and dependent variable (bank charges) is 0/817 and 0/63 of the dependent variable
changes are explained by independent variables. Finally, the research findings shows
automated teller machine (ATM) has the maximum influence on bank incomes
(Beta=0.407) and telephone bank has the minimum influence on bank incomes

Rifat O. Shannak (2013)

In their research paper titled “KEY ISSUES IN E-BANKING STRENGTHS AND
uses mixed method. Research about e-banking has been conducted from different
angles on different topics by a number of researchers. The paper aims to scrutinize the
current status of Jordan’s e-banking industry, make out its strengths and weaknesses,
and use the findings in formulating future recommendations to make a donation to
knowledge in the chosen area. The choice of the topic was informed by previous
studies and experiences of the researcher and his former students from different
countries but currently focuses on the e-banking industry in Jordan. The methodology
used to achieve the research objectives included carrying out interviews with two
local banking executives, a direct opinion poll for banking customers, and the review
of the extant literature. The research commenced by formulating four hypothesis that
address the positive impact of e-banking for both the banks and their patrons.
However, an inadequate size sample was selected due to research boundaries. The
point of reference of the paper turned out to be explanatory and in the direction of
being a case study within the Jordanian context. This exploratory research therefore,
focused on three main magnitude of e-banking in Jordan namely; Infrastructure
readiness, behavioral influences, and the regulatory coverage. The findings indicated
that while the infrastructure is advanced in comparison to some of the other regional
examples, it was still below the Western standards. It also has been established that
the Jordanian e-banking is still not trusted enough by the individual clients. Finally,
the legal or regulatory coverage in Jordan was found to be not fully satisfactory yet,
although not very unusual from what exists in some of the most sophisticated country
examples that it was benchmarked with. Some important recommendations to
enhance the e-banking industry are presented, such as; focusing more on the mobile-
functionalities and services for being more advanced than internet services in Jordan,
enhancing the broader e-commerce regulations that are weakening the more advanced
local e-banking regulations, and launching local awareness and familiarization
campaigns which could be undertaken by Jordanian banks.

Basweti Ogachi Kevin, Masese Chuma Benard & Dr. Martin Onsiro Ronald
In their research titled on “Impact and Challenges of Information Communication
Technology Adoption in the Tanzanian Banking Sector” The banking sector across
the globe is embracing ICT technologies and using as part of business strategy for
expansion, revenue increase, extension of customer network and creating competitive
advantage among banking institutions .This paper is an effort to investigate the
impacts and challenges of ICT adoption in the Tanzanian banks. The population is
forty eight respondents, four managers were selected from twelve banks and out of the
48 questionnaires distributed, 42 were collected i.e. 87.5% response, purposive
sampling was used and the data collected was analyzed using SPSS, the researcher
employed use of mean and standard deviation. The study found out that there is a
need for bankers to educate public in the use of online banking products, invest more
into ICT infrastructure and the government to reduce tax of ICT gadgets. This study
recommends that individual technologies need to be investigated, impact of adopting
other individual technologies, profitability and performance issues should also be
investigated to open up and clear the way for policy and business decisions.

Neeli Prameela, Dr. B. Abdul Azeem & K.V. Geetha Devi (2012)
This study is a challenge to Owing to the high costs occupied in increasing the current
client base, one of the main goals of banks and other monetary services providers,
which operate through the internet, should be to develop customer allegiance in order
to improve the results. To achieve this aim, these companies face most imperative
challenge in providing and maintaining service quality. Service quality is an input of
customer trust which becomes satisfaction and lead to loyalty as an output. But the
research in the development of e-loyalty is scarce and partial. This paper attempts to
accumulate invented story in order to understand the overall structure of the formation
of e-loyalty. The literature reviewed provides underlying patterns of relationships
between e-banking loyalty and its influencing factors. Such understanding is relevant
for academicians and researchers for furthering the work in this field. The insights
into the previous studies, considered for this paper, are discussed and suggestions for
future research are provided.

Dr. G S Gireesh Kumar, Bijoy A P and Ajimon George (2012)

In their research paper “Effect of Service Quality Dimensions on Adoption of Internet
Banking–An Empirical investigation of Customer’s Perspectives in Kerala”. The
purpose of this research is to examine the interrelationship between the IB service
quality dimensions and adoption of IB by customers in Kerala. Using a structured
questionnaire, primary data were collected from 240 IB users from both public sector
banks and private sector banks, identified randomly from various parts of Kerala. It is
quite evident that adoption of IB by customers is a function of various service quality
dimensions and extent of adoption is determined by the level satisfaction on various
elements. Multiple regression was used to study the interrelationship between
dependent variable (Adoption i.e., Years of IB use) and independent variables (web
security, reliability, responsiveness, fulfillment, efficiency and privacy). The findings
indicate that the strongest predictor based on Beta values is website security followed
by privacy and responsiveness. The banks should take appropriate strategies and
tactics to empower and delight customer force to popularize and penetrate IB services
since it is cheap, convenient and easily accessible. Findings of the study may assist
banks immensely in addressing the user problems and understanding their perceptions
influencing adoption decision.

Alhaji Abubakar Aliyu, Sayf M. D Younus & Rosmaini Bin HJ Tasmin (2012)
In their research paper “An exploratory study on adoption of electronic banking:
underlying consumer behavior and critical success factors. Case of Nigeria” This
paper investigates the factors that pressure the consumer adoption of Electronic
banking in Nigeria and found that there is a need to conduct research on Electronic
banking espousal behavior. The experimental data were collected from a
questionnaire survey of 125 from Bayer University Kano (BUK), in northern Nigeria.
This study examines the relationship between Electronic banking adoption and the
determining factors for critical triumph of Electronic Banking in Nigeria. Hence, the
results show’s that the relevant factors single-minded the adoption of Electronic
banking in Nigeria include the level of its six factors, namely awareness, ease of use,
security, cost, reluctance to change and accessibility. The results of this study show
that four factors examined are significantly important to the espousal of Internet
banking in Nigeria. However, identify ease of use and reluctant to change are found to
be insignificant in determining its adoption. This study provides insightful
understanding of academic staff and non academic staff awareness about Electronic
banking adoption in their banking transactions. Banks and other private sector in
Nigeria that are interested in promoting Electronic Banking might find these findings
helpful in guiding their efforts.

This paper investigates the factors that influence the consumer adoption of Electronic
banking in Nigeria and found that there is a need to conduct explore on Electronic
banking adoption behavior. The experimental data were collected from a
questionnaire survey of 125 from Bayer University Kano (BUK), in northern Nigeria.
This study examines the relationship between Electronic banking adoption and the
determining factors for critical success of Electronic Banking in Nigeria. Hence, the
results show’s that the relevant factors determined the adoption of Electronic banking
in Nigeria include the level of its six factors, namely wakefulness, ease of use,
security, cost, reluctance to change and accessibility. The results of this study show
that four factors examined are significantly important to the results of this study show
that four factors examined are significantly important to the adoption of Internet
banking in Nigeria. However, perceive ease of use and reluctant to change are found
to be insignificant in determining its adoption. This study provides insightful
understanding of academic staff and non academic staff perception about Electronic
banking adoption in their banking transactions. Banks and other private sector in
Nigeria that are interested in promoting Electronic Banking might find these findings
helpful in guiding their efforts.

Neetu Jain & DR. Pooja Malhotra (2012)

in their research paper “Demographic Factors Affecting the Adoption of Internet
Banking in India” .The goal of this paper to find out the demographic factors affecting
adoption of electronic banking in general and Internet banking in particular in India.
The data for this study is based upon a survey of bank customers using a convenience
sampling technique with the aid of a structured self-administered questionnaire. The
survey was conducted during the period of April 2012. The results of this study
indicate that age, education, income, and profession are the most influential
demographic variables affecting Internet banking usage. Using a mailed questionnaire
with a response rate of 38.9 per cent, it was found that 40 per cent of the Indian
consumers who responded to this survey were already using Internet banking services.
The results of this study provide interesting additions to knowledge of electronic
banking and contribute to our understanding of Internet banking users as well as

RIMPI KAUR (December 2012)

In her research titled on “An Impact of IT on Branch Productivity of Indian Banking
in the Era of Transformation” It can research on banking all over the world witnessed
changes during last decade, which perhaps it did not see during its entire history. The
changes are not only confined to developed countries, banking in developing
countries like ours has also witnessed drastic changes. It is due to liberalization of
economies and related policies, globalization of world markets especially because of
increasing interdependence of different developed and developing countries. In this
context of changing environment, the new financial services have been provided with
the support of Information Technology such as transfer of funds across and beyond
the national boundaries. Financial institutions, including banks, all over the world are,
therefore, crucially dependent on information technology and consequently, it has
become imperative to evaluate the performance of banking industry. The present
paper analyzes the impact of IT on branch productivity and concludes that IT along
with other factors, improving the productivity at an excellent rate and fully IT-
oriented banks are the most beneficiaries whereas partially IT-oriented banks though
proved increase in productivity in the post-e banking period but still not harmonized
with fully IT-oriented banks. The paper also suggests some measures to improve the
branch performance along with better utilization of IT.

Bindiya Tater, Manish Tanwar, and Krishna Murari (2011)

In their research titled on “CUSTOMER ADOPTION OF BANKING
perception of Indian customers towards the use of technologies with respect to such
factors as convenience, privacy, security; ease of use, real time accessibility and
accurate record of varied transaction that enable customer’s adoption of Banking
Technology. Other factors such as slow transfer speed, technical failure, frauds and
unawareness among customers that make hindrance in adoption, are also tested. The
results show that demographic variables such as gender, age, qualification and income
play a positive role in adoption of banking technology. All the banks are using
information technology as a strategic vehicle to stay competitive against other players.
There is no significant difference between adoption rates of banking technologies by
the customers of different private banks. The paper also shows that banking
technology helps in increasing customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, improvised
growth, and performance of the banks.

Muhammed s. Alnsour & khalil al-hyari (2011)

In their research paper “Internet banking and Jordanian corporate customers: issues of
security and trust”. This paper research on the reception behavior of technology is
sizeable, yet it is relatively assorted and fragmented in the context of developing
economies like Jordan. The paper tries to offer insights about two critical factors in
acceptance behavior of Jordanian customers, namely, security and trust. This editorial
puts together an integrated conceptual model for acceptance behavior of Jordanian
Corporate customers that includes these two significant issues. Hypotheses are
developed from present literature; these indicate possible associations among the
constructs of the model. Based on input received from 353 corporate customers, the
proposed model is empirically tested using structural equation modeling. Of the
hypothesized associations examined, five were found to be statistically momentous
and in the right direction. The results confirm most of the findings of previous
research on the subject, while some fresh insights on the interrelationships of the
constructs used are also revealed. The results of the study have serious implications
for bankers, corporate online users, and business educators, who may use the
empirically tested model as a diagnostic and monitoring tool in explaining the
acceptance behavior of Jordanian business users of online banking. This paper
concludes that safekeeping and trust should be integrated to alleged usefulness and
alleged ease of use in explaining acceptance behavior of corporate customers.

Syed Ali RazaandNidaHanif (2011)

In their research paper “Factors Affecting Internet Banking Adoption Among Internal
and External Customers: A Case Of Pakistan”. This study investigate the determinants
which be a magnet for the customers to adopt internet banking in Pakistan by
employing internal and external customers, on the sample size of 210 for internal and
151 for external respondents through using the examination research instrument
survey. The assenting factor analysis with multiple regressions practice has been
applied. The result of regression analysis shows that Perceived Usefulness (PU),
Information of Internet Banking (INF), Perceived Risk (PR), Security and Privacy
(SP) shows more influence to increase the purpose of external customers to adopt
internet banking services while Government Support (GS) provide more sway for the
internal customers in adoption of internet banking services. This study proves that
external customers can be more give emphasis to, if they believe expedient in
adopting the services. It is recommended that, bank should take some consideration to
apply internet banking by delivering the information in an easiest way, provide more
usefulness and benefits and also minimize the fraud as providing more security and
solitude. This will helps the bank to increase their profit by dropping its cost, time
saving and hold on to more potential users.
Dr. Renu Arora and Dr. Surabhi Singh (2011)
In their research paper “Service quality of online banking services in public, private
and foreign banks in India” This paper present recent developments in information
technology have led to major changes in service providing organizations such as
banks. Every bank realizes that they must use information technology to survive in
this era. Through information technology, banks can better maintain the relationship
with customers as customers tend to interact more with provided services through
information technology. The emergence of new technologies is enabling new
competitors to enter the financial services market quickly and efficiently. Therefore, it
becomes imperative for service providers to meet or exceed the target customers’
satisfaction with quality of services expected by them. This paper presents customers’
perception of quality of online banking services in terms of its constituent factors in
public sector, private sector and foreign banks. A five point continuum scale was
prepared for measuring customer satisfaction with the service quality of online
banking services. The scale was prepared on the basis of five factors of service
quality, i.e., tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Mean
scores were also calculated to find out mean difference between factors affecting
service quality of banking services and three types of banks. Overall evaluation
showed that private and foreign banks were performing better than the public sector
banks with regard to five factors.

Elisha Menson AUTA (2010)

In his research paper “E-banking in developing economy: empirical evidence from
Nigeria”. This paper empirically examines the impact of e-banking in Nigeria’s
economy using Kaiser-Meyar-Olkin (KMO) approach and Barlett’s Test of Sphericity
which supports the use of factor analysis in order to extract independent variables
associated with e-banking. The paper explores the major factors responsible for
internet banking based on respondents’ perception on various e-banking applications.
It also provides a framework of the factors which are taken to assess the e-banking
perception. Due to emergence of global economy, e-business has increasingly become
a necessary component of business strategy and a strong catalyst for economic
development. E-banking has become popular because of its convenience and
flexibility, and also transaction related benefits like speed, efficiency, accessibility,
etc. The results of this study show that e-banking serves several advantages to
Nigerian banking sector. The customers (respondents) perception is that e-banking
provides convenience and flexible advantages. It also provides transaction related
benefits like easy transfer, speedy transaction, less cost and time saving. However, the
study shows that the Nigerian customers have security, access, and no enough
knowledge regarding e-banking services rendering by banking sector in Nigeria. The
study suggest that critical infrastructure like power and telecommunication should be
provided and with high level of stability to ensure the application of e-banking in
Nigeria. Also, the relative skewed nature of banks location mostly in urban area
should be addressed to ensure spread and accessibility by rural dwellers.

Kubasu Alex (November 2010)

In his research titled on “FACTORS AFFECTING THE ADOPTION OF
This paper study for focused on factors affecting diffusion and impact of internet
banking. It was based on the theory that when a cost-saving innovation, such as
internet banking, is initially introduced, large banks have an advantage to adopt it first
and enjoy further growth in size. Over time, due to environmental changes (demand
change, technology progress and banking deregulation); the innovation diffuses into
smaller banks. As a result, the aggregate bank size distribution increases
stochastically towards a new steady state, and there exists important interactions
between the IB adoption and the average bank size. In 2006, 96 percent of banks with
assets over Kshs 24 billion had a website, compared to only 51 percent with assets
under Kshs 8 billion. These observations raise an important question: what explains
these variations in adoption of IB. To answer the research questions, an empirical
study of banks adopting technological innovation was conducted. The study applied a
descriptive survey design. A structured questionnaire was administered to all financial
managers in all 46 commercial banks with a response rate of 70%. The SPSS was
used to run simultaneous-equation regressions on data. Factors driving adoption of IB
include increase average bank assets, non adopters imitating early adopters and loan
specialization in consumer lending. Factors hindering IB adoption include
competition among banks and average age of a bank. The study recommends to
enhance IB adoption, banks should; strive to increase their average assets size, non
adaptors to carefully study early adaptors, specialize in consumer lending, feed off
competition by forming strategic alliances finally it’s cheaper and convenient for new
banks to install internet banking technology in a package with other computer
facilities compared to old banks. The study is important because banks have been
blamed for not adequately satisfying demand for financial services. The research
contributes to the debate on how to enhance access to financial services in Kenya

Mary Waithira Maitha (2010)

In his research titled on “The Effects Of E-Banking in Commercial Banks in Kenya in
Promoting International Business” The essential role of banks in international and
national economies is to is to connect those who have capital (such as investors or
depositors), with those who seek capital (such as individuals wanting a loan, or
businesses wanting to grow) which is the general definition of banking (Macesich
(2000)). Banks are a fundamental component of the financial system, and are also
active players in the financial markets. With continuing technological innovation and
competition among existing banking organizations and new market entrants has
allowed for a much wider array of electronic banking products and services for retail
and corporate banking customers. Hence the introduction of E-Banking services
which include telephone banking, online banking, SMS Banking, Mobile Banking and
Interactive TV- Banking. From the research project the Banks that were offering E-
Banking Services only offered limited E-Banking services. The main benefits were
also captured which included cost savings, reaching new segments of the population,
efficiency, better customer service and satisfaction. Basing on these facts the study’s
main objectives was to identify effects of E-banking services on the commercial
banks in Kenya on promoting international business while establishing how its
adverse effects are mitigated.

Xina Yuan, HyungSeok Lee and Sang Yong Kim (2010)

In their research titled on “Present and Future of Internet Banking in China “, tried to
find out several objectives. First, it illustrates the history and explosive growth of
Internet banking services in China. In general, the development of Internet banking
services is still in its nascent stages in China, with a considerable quantity of potential
customers. Second, we discuss the characteristics of Internet banking in China. We
have determined that Chinese Internet banking transactions tend to be comparatively
business-related, and that current Internet banking users skew young, highly-educated,
and wealthy. Additionally, there is a regional difference in adopting Internet banking.
Third, this study discusses the potential market for Internet banking services in China,
and three factors that may influence the development of Chinese Internet banking.
Finally, we propose two marketing suggestions regarding the expansion of the
Chinese Internet banking market.

Hernan E. Riquelme & Khalid A. Mekkaoui (2009)

In their research titled on “Internet Banking Customer Satisfaction and Online
Service Attributes” .The purpose of the study was to (a) identify which customer
service and online attributes predict overall satisfaction, (b) to determine if satisfied
customers use more online banking features than less satisfied customers and (c) to
identify characteristics of less satisfied customers. The sample was drawn from one of
the main banks in Kuwait, the Middle East. Multiple regression and discriminate
analyses were used to analyze the data. The findings suggest that satisfaction can be
generated through improving courtesy, content, timeliness and product and services
offered. The latter being the most important factor in driving internet banking
satisfaction. The findings suggest that the majority of the customers in the sample are
satisfied or very satisfied with the service and online systems attributes. The
investigation does not support previous findings that more satisfied customers tend to
use more product and services or that using internet banking for a longer period is
associated with higher levels of satisfaction. It appears that companies that offer a
wide product portfolio and relevant website content accompanied by prompt and
courteous response create satisfaction online.

John O. S Wilson, Barbara Casu, Claudia Girardone &Philip Molyneux (2009)

In their research paper “Emerging Themes in Banking: Recent Literature and
Directions for Future Research”. This paper presents a review of the recent literature
in banking around the core themes of performance, risk and governance of financial
institutions. We write this review against the backdrop of the recent financial crisis
and the major changes it caused to banking sectors in many countries. There are
several themes emerging from this review, but the overarching issue relates to the
need to better understand bank risk taking incentives and the implications for systemic
stability. There is a need for more work on the role of safety net subsidies and how
these are linked to systemic risk; financial innovation and the adoption of new
products and processes and the linkage to risk-taking, market returns or contagion.
There is also a need to better understand the relationship between competition and
risk, and understand the interconnections between capital, profitability, liquidity and

Rita E. Ochuko, Andrea J. Cullen, Daniel Neagu (2009)

In their research paper “Overview of Factors for Internet Banking espousal”. The
study presents the major factors for Internet banking embracing and compares the
levels of adoption transversely countries, in order to make out more easily what
factors to consider most while only if banking services over the Internet. Based on
preceding studies, web security, Internet usage, economy status, high branch
concentration, competition, government prioritization regulations, and literacy level
were acknowledged as the major factors affecting Internet banking adoption. This
study uses fuzzy inference systems (FIS) to define the adoption rate. Our
experimental results show that sanctuary is the most important factor because no
matter how high government prioritization, literacy level, Internet users, and
antagonism among Internet service providers are, as long as there are low security
levels, the adoption rate will be at the lowest level. We terminate that, overall, the
banks-specific factors are the main drivers for Internet banking adoption.

Rajesh Kumar Srivastava (2007)

In his research paper “Customer’s perception on usage of internet banking” This
paper present to Internet banking is still at infancy stage in the world. Many studies
focused on usage of internet banking but many factors on non-usage were overlooked.
This research was carried out to validate the conceptual model of internet banking.
The causes were identified and researched through correcting the causative factors so
that internet banking can bused by more people. This will help the banking operations
to be more cost effective. The research is focused on what are the customer’s
perceptions about internet banking and what are the drivers that drive consumers.
How consumers have accepted internet banking and how to improve the usage rate
were the focus of research area in this study. Qualitative exploratory research using
questionnaire was applied. 500 respondents were selected for study after initial
screening. They were all bank customers. The study revealed that education, gender,
income plays an important role in usage of internet banking. Not much researches
been done on these areas as they were focused more on the acceptance of technology
rather than on people. The research corroborated the conceptual framework stating
that if skills can be upgraded there will be greater will tousle internet banking by
consumers. Inhibitory factors like trust, gender, education, culture, religion, security,
and price can have minimal effect on consumer mindset towards internet banking.

Pete Babick (1992)

In his research titled “Customer Satisfaction-How good is good enough” tried to find
out the importance of customer satisfaction in terms of market share and profitability.
The research concluded that customer satisfaction has a direct and linear relationship
with profits. More the satisfaction, higher will be the profits for the service

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