Presentation: Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

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Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Krishna Nand Prasad
Nodal Officer (PMGSY)
Venue: Sri Krishna Memorial Hall, Patna. Date: 29.04.08
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Programme Objective and Guiding Principles

100 % Central Government Funded Scheme launched on 25th

December 2000.

Main Objective of the Yojana to provide Connectivity, by way

of an All-weather Road to the eligible unconnected Habitations in
the rural areas

The aim is to provide connectivity to all eligible habitations.

Habitation is a cluster of population, living in an area, the location
of which does not change over time.
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Programme Objective and Guiding Principles Cont.

The population, as recorded in the Census 2001, shall be the basis

for determining the population size of the Habitation.

The population of all Habitations within a radius of 500 metres

may be clubbed together for the purpose of determining the
population size.

 The habitation with a distance of 500 meters from road is

considered as connected.
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Programme Objective and Guiding Principles Cont.

Core network forms the basis of road selection under PMGSY

A Core Network is that minimal Network of roads that is essential

to provide Basic access to essential social and economic services to
all eligible habitations through at least a single all-weather road

A Core Network comprises of Through Routes and Link Routes

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Programme Objective and Guiding Principles Cont.

Through routes are the ones which collect traffic from several
link roads or a long chain of Habitations and lead it to Marketing
centres either directly or through MDRs, SH or NH.

Link Routes are the roads connecting a single Habitation or

a group of Habitations to Through Routes. They generally have
dead ends.

The Yojana envisages FARM to MARKET connectivity.

Hence construction of link roads along with associated through
routs for up gradation is allowed.
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Programme Objective and Guiding Principles Cont.

Road work that is taken up under the PMGSY must be a part of

the Core Network.

Priority is to be given to roads covering 1000+ Habitations first,

500+ Habitations next.

Habitations within a distance of 500 metres from the road is

considered as connected in case of plain areas.
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Programme Objective and Guiding Principles Cont.

Only single connectivity is provided under this scheme. If the

habitation is already connected by some road, another connectivity
to that habitation cannot be provided through this scheme.

Rural Roads constructed under PMGSY will be in accordance

with the provision of the Rural Roads Manual (IRC:SP20:2002)
and specifications for Rural Roads, 2004, published by IRC.
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Comprehensive Planning under PMGSY

The District Rural Roads Plan and the Core Network would
constitute the basis for all planning exercises under the PMGSY

The District Rural Roads Plan indicate the entire existing road
network system in the District and also clearly identify the proposed
roads for providing connectivity to Unconnected Habitations.

The Core Network identifies the roads required to assure each

eligible habitation with a single all-weather road connectivity.

Thus, the Core Network consists of some of the existing roads as

well as all the roads proposed for new construction under PMGSY
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Comprehensive Planning under PMGSY Cont.

While proposing new alignment in DRRP, due weight age is given to

the priority spelt out by PRIs in consultation with Local MLA/MP.

Based on this, CNCPL, Comprehensive new connectivity

priority list and CUPL, Comprehensive up-gradation priority list is
prepared from the core network

CNCPL is prepared in following format.

.No. Name of road TR / LR Code in CN Length Population served Habs to be connected Present status (earthen track etc.) Name & no. of TR associated

Core network is approved by district Panchayat after incorporating

the views and suggestion of Member of Parliament of that area.
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

PMGSY under Bharat Nirman

Government of India, in Year 2005 launched “Bharat Nirman” - As a business
plan for rebuilding rural India.
Providing all weather road connectivity (through PMGSY) to all population
above 1000 by end of year 2009 is one of the six components of Bharat Nirman
Our Targets under Bharat Nirman
Length of Link Length of
Nos. of
Routes to be Through Routes
constructed to be upgraded
(Km.) (Km.)
Initial Target 13582 31307 8662

T aken up in Phase-I & II 1706 2197 0

T aken up in by NEAs 929 2373 3728

T aken up under State Plan & Other schemes 430 1137 2646

Present Target 10517 25600 2288

NEA’s DPR approved by NRRDA after
2421 5420 1363
30th June 2007.
T aken up under Missing Link 609 1135 0
Balance DPR to be prepared 7487 19045 925
Approx Cost (Cr.) 7618 370

Only NHPC, NBCC and IRCON data available

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

BRRDA – The State Executing Agency

Bihar Rural Road Development Agency, BRRDA, under the

administrative control of Rural Works Department, GoB is the
nodal agency to execute PMGSY in the State

BRRDA is having its programme implementation units (PIU)

in the field for execution of PMGSY. Presently, the works
division are working as PIUs with the divisional executive
engineers being the Ex-officio members of BRRDA.

The Departmental minister is the Ex-officio President

BRRDA, the Principal Secretary of the Department is the
Ex-officio Vice President and the E-in-C or Senior most
Chief Engineer of the department is the Secretary cum
Empowered officer of BRRDA.
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Project Proposal & its Clearance

DPR is prepared by PIU from the From CNCPL/ CUPL

(Core Network) as per the the technical specifications and
geometric design standards given in the Rural Roads Manual
of the IRC (IRC:SP20:2002).

The detailed estimates will be based on the State Schedule

of Rates (SSR) prepared using the Book of Specifications
and Standard Data Book prescribed by the NRRDA.

The cost of preparing DPR, including investigation, survey

and testing forms the part of the project cost and is met out of
the administrative fund provided by NRRDA
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Project Proposal & its Clearance Cont.

Bridges up to 25 meter falling on PMGSY roads, is fully funded

by Government of India under PMGSY.

Bridges / Culverts up to 15 meter length forms the part of road DPR.

But for the bridges greater than 15 meter and up to 25 meters of span
separate DPR is to be made submitted along with the road DPR.

For bridges of Span more than 25 meters, the cost is shared by the
State Government on pro-rata basis. Cost up to 25 meter is borne by
GoI, and the State Government bears the cost for the remaining length.
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Scrutiny of Project Proposals

Three Engineering Colleges of the State have been

designated as State Technical Agency (STA)

1. NIT Patna STAs have been

2. BCE Bhagalpur entrusted to provide all
technical support to PIUs.
3. MIT Muzafferpur

The DPRs prepared by PIUs are submitted to STAs which

scrutinizes their design an estimate and there after vets the proposal.

After vetting, the proposals are send to NRRDA for

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Project Proposal & its Clearance Cont.

 At Central level, the proposals received from State are

considered by the Empowered Committee.
 The Empowered Committee is the high level committee Chaired
by Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of

 If the proposals meet the programme requirements, they are

submitted to Minister of Rural Development for approval.

 After the ministry communicates the approval of the proposal

to the State, the change in length or project cost cannot be
changed by the executing agency
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Tendering of PMGSY Works

The tendering work is to be done through the established
procedure of competitive bidding.

The standard bidding document (SBD) for PMGSY (approved

by NRRDA) has to be adopted for all the tenders.

PMGSY places high emphasis on time and quality. The

tendering and contracting process and the time period has to be
strictly followed as per the relevant clauses of SBD.

Bidding is done in two packet system. To attract right

contractors and for healthy competition, packaging of two or
more road projects is allowed.
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Tendering of PMGSY Works Cont.

Excess / deficit in tendered amount has to be adjusted at the

district level under intimation to the NRRDA provided that in any
particular package the excess / deficit does not exceed 10% .

If the excess / deficient in tendered amount is not adjusted

within the district, the same can be adjusted at the State level at
BRRDA under intimation to NRRDA.

In case the value of tenders received is above the estimate that
has been cleared by the Ministry, the difference (tender premium)
pooled for the entire State has be borne by the State Government.
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Execution of PMGSY
The PIU has to executes the work falling in their jurisdiction.

As per the SBD of PMGSY, the time span for NIT to award of
work has been prescribed as 75 days which is to be strictly adhered.

The work has to be completed with in nine working month from

the date of award. In no case it should exceed 12 calendar months.

All PMGSY roads are covered by five year maintenance clause

and entered along with the construction contract with the same
contractor .

The fund for the maintenance is provided by the State Government.

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

NRRDA – National Rural Road Development Agency

NRRDA, under the Ministry of Rural Development, GoI, is a

lean professional body to provide Operational and Management
support to the programme.

NRRDA is headed by DG NRRDA with the organizational structure as:

Director General

Director Technical Director Projects-I Director Projects-II Director Projects-III Director Finance IT Cell

(Along with the support Staff)

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Quality Control in PMGSY

A three-tier Quality Control mechanism is envisaged under the
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

1st Tier – At the local level, involving the contractor and the supervisory
staff who is responsible for the quality of all the materials utilized and
ensuring the workmanship conforms to the prescribed specifications.

2nd Tier – An independent check of the quality through periodic checks

by State Quality Monitors, engaged by the State Government,
independent of PIU.

3rd Tier – Independent inspection of works by National Quality Monitors,

(NQM) engaged by Central Government out of experienced retired
engineers from the other States.
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Fund Flow in PMGSY

The SRRDA selects a bank with internet connectivity to maintain the Programme
Account, Administrative Account and maintenance account of PMGSY.

A tripartite agreement is signed between the Bank, State Government and the
Government of India wherein the parties agree to abide PMGSY guidelines.

Government of India directly credits the fund in the BRRDA Account at HQs. PIUs
do not have separate bank accounts.

Head of PIUs (Divisional Executive Engineer) are the authorized signatory for
issuing the cheques.

The Empowered Officer informs the name and furnishes the sample signature of
Authorised Signatories to the bank, for issuing cheques on the Agency’s bank accounts.

The bank issues a separate cheque book to each of the authorized signatory.
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Monitoring of PMGSY Schemes

 The On-line Management and Monitoring System (OMMAS) is the
chief mechanism for monitoring the programme

 The PIUs are required to furnish, On-line, all the data and information,
in the relevant module of the OMMAS.

 For effective on-line monitoring, PIUs are responsible for

uninterrupted maintenance of the Computer Hardware and internet

 Continued failure to update data on the OMMAS would stop the

release of funds from NRRDA.

 The national portal of PMGSY wherein all the information regarding

PMGSY is available is
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana


 PMGSY in itself is not the end goal. It is just a means to

achieve the better standards of education, health, rural incomes
etc. for the people living in the remote areas.

 PMGSY envisages a larger role of public participation through

Panchayati Raj Institutions, as it is the local community who is
the end users of these roads.
Thank You !

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