Alternity 2e - Core Rulebook PDF
Alternity 2e - Core Rulebook PDF
Alternity 2e - Core Rulebook PDF
Stephen Schubert
Stacey Janssen
Alternity is a registered trademark of Sasquatch Game Studio LLC. Sasquatch Game Studio
and the Sasquatch logo are trademarks of Sasquatch Game Studio, LLC. All characters and the
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Sasquatch Game Studio LLC. © 2018 Sasquatch Game Studio, LLC.
“At its best, science fiction stimulates imagination and creativity. It gets
reader and writer off the beaten track, off the narrow, narrow footpath of
what ‘everyone’ is saying, doing, thinking — whoever ‘everyone’ happens
to be this year.”
—Octavia Butler
Welcome to tomorrow! You’re holding in your hands (or perusing on
your screen) a game engine you can use to build just about any sci-
ence fiction roleplaying campaign you can think of. Scavenging for
survival in a nuclear winter? Venturing to mysterious planets around
distant stars? Rebelling against oppressive authorities in a dystopian
future? Searching time portals in alternate Earths to hunt down alien
invaders trying to steal our history? If you can imagine a sci-fi story,
you can build an Alternity game to explore it.
In an Alternity game, one player takes on the role of Gamemaster
(or GM), creating a challenging adventure or scenario for the other
players to experience—for example, exploring a dangerous ruin on an
alien planet or tracking down a killer android in a crowded asteroid
city. The other players create heroes (sometimes called player charac-
ters or PCs) to participate in the GM’s adventure: bold starship pilots,
tough mercenaries, brilliant scientists and so on. What happens next
depends on how the players decide their heroes meet the challenge.
Your first step is to collect a group of players and choose a GM.
Being the GM means doing a little more work to prepare adven-
tures, but you have the best part to play in the Alternity game: You
get to build universes for your friends to explore.
There are an infinite number of worlds: Choose your favorite, and
get ready to have some fun!
4 Introduction
In a roleplaying game, you don’t win or lose. Sometimes the char-
acter you’re playing defeats a terrible alien monster and saves the
day; sometimes the alien monster destroys your character, or maybe
even all the characters. The point is participating in a story and exer-
cising your imagination. It’s a type of entertainment, but you get to
make the decisions because your character is the hero of the story.
Like any roleplaying game, Alternity is first and foremost a toolkit for telling stories.
This rulebook provides you with a system for creating heroes suitable for taking on
adventures in just about any kind of modern-day to far-future sci-fi setting you can
imagine. What kind of hero you play and what kind of adventures you experience are
up to you and your Gamemaster.
Let’s begin with a few definitions:
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Got it? Good. We’ll take a closer look at how the game works
soon, but before we do, let’s look at something even more import-
ant: What kind of sci-fi game do you want to play?
8 1: System Basics
How far away is the future you’re creating? Science fiction ranges
from modern-day technothrillers or alien conspiracy stories to
galaxy-spanning empires thousands of years in the
future—or even “end of time” tales set on a nearly
unrecognizable Earth billions of years from now. TECH ERAS
Setting stories in the modern day requires less The Alternity game
world-building; you don’t have to explain to your describes the range of
players what a McDonald’s is or how a 9 mm pistol future technology as
works. In fact, the juxtaposition of aliens or fantastic “tech eras.” We live in
super-science with a world the players otherwise TE 6, the Modern Era.
see around them every day can be a powerful sto- Your game might be set
rytelling tool. But there’s no doubt voyaging across in TE 7 (Solar Era), TE 8
the stars to visit strange new worlds in each adven- (Stellar Era) or TE 9 (the
ture makes for an awesome sci-fi game, too. It’s just Galactic Era). You can find
a matter of what appeals to you most. out more about technol-
ogy eras in Chapter 4
and Chapter 7.
How far does your future extend? Are the heroes of the story
dealing with villains and threats on Earth, on Mars or on Altair IV?
Naturally modern-day or near-future stories are likely to be more
Earth-centric, but that’s not necessarily the case—imagine running a
1960s campaign based on a secret science foundation using myste-
rious stargates hidden in Earth’s ancient ruins to send explorers to
other planets. A near-future “hard” science fiction campaign might
present the other planets and moons in our solar system as lonely
scientific outposts or grim industrial facilities, but in the far future,
extensive terraforming might transform ice moons into water worlds
or asteroids into inside-out bubble worlds. It’s really a question
of whether the heroes’ next adventure is in the next city, the next
planet or the next star.
Campaigns of truly interstellar scope naturally demand answers Want to test your
to a couple big questions: “How do the heroes travel between the improv skills? Let the
players warp to any
stars?” and “Are humans alone in the universe?” “Realistic” interstel-
planet in the galaxy.
lar travel probably involves decades or centuries of travel time, so
are the heroes hibernating through those flights? Or are the heroes
just minds stored in computers who download themselves to artifi-
cial bodies when they reach their destination? If there are aliens out
there for us to meet, are they behind us in technology, or are they
peers? Are they ahead of us or vastly ahead of us? If so, why do
they care about us at all?
Last but not least, what’s the unique characteristic or “hook” in the
future you’re creating? What’s the one thing about your Alternity
game that isn’t true about all the other stories and TV shows and
movies that tread on similar ground? Think about how elements
such as the Prime Directive, the Force or the Three Laws of Robot-
ics color the stories in which they appear. It’s a characteristic that
isn’t simply a date, a technology level or a type of FTL travel that
works—it’s something that enables the kinds of stories the author
or filmmaker wants to tell. To put it another way, what makes your
future yours?
10 1: System Basics
Sometimes the GM simply incorporates your decision into the
narrative and then describes what happens next. In situations where
failure and consequences are a real possibility—for example, failing
to stop a ship from crashing or losing a gunfight—the narrative can’t
go forward until you find out whether a hero succeeds or fails in the
scene by rolling dice and making a check.
The great majority of checks in an Alternity game are ability
checks or skill checks. Ability checks are a test of a character’s
raw natural aptitude or characteristics. Skill checks are much more
common and test a character’s overall competence at some task
by combining natural ability with relevant training. (In fact, an ability
check is just a skill check at a skill you don’t happen to have any
training in.)
To make a check, roll a d20 (the base die) and compare it to
your character’s relevant skill score. If the result of your die roll is
equal to or higher than your target for that task, you succeed. For
example, if you’re trying to shoot an enemy with a pistol, it’s a test of
your character’s Firearm skill, so you’re trying to equal or beat your
Firearm skill score.
Factors that make a check easier or harder than normal are
represented by adding a difficulty die to your roll (see The Difficulty
Die, below). This is another polyhedral die. The Alternity game
uses the same polyhedral dice found in other RPGs: 4-sided (d4), High Rolls, Low
6-sided (d6), 8-sided (d8), 10-sided (d10),12-sided (d12) and 20-sided Skill Scores
die (d20). An extra d20 of a different color is handy to have. A highly skilled
character has a low
skill score—in other
FIGURING YOUR SKILL SCORE words, it’s easy to
pass the skill check.
Your skill score measures how good you are at a particular task. You want high
The two components are your natural ability (as measured by your rolls and low skill
scores when you
ability score in the key ability for that skill) and the amount of train- make checks!
ing and practice you’ve had at that task (as measured by your skill
points). Add your key ability score and your skill points together to
get your total skill modifier. Your skill score for checks with that skill
is equal to 20 minus your skill modifier (key ability + skill ranks).
Example: Your character has a Strength score of 5 and 4 skill
points in Athletics. Her Athletics skill modifier is (5 + 4), or 9, which
means her Athletics skill score is (20 – 9), or 11. Whenever you make
an Athletics check for your character, you’re trying to roll an 11 or
better to succeed.
When you fill out a character sheet for your Alternity character,
you’ll figure out the skill scores for your ability checks and the skills
you’re trained in (since those are the ones you’re most likely to use).
It helps the game run faster and smoother if you note your scores
ahead of time.
+2d20 +6 Nearly
+ Automatic
+d20 +5 Piece of
d4 + Cake
+d12 +4 Extremely
+ Easy
d8 — 0 Ordinary
–d4 –1 Moderately
- Hard
–d6 –2 Hard
d12 -
–d8 –3 Very Hard
–d12 –4 Extremely
- Hard
–d20 –5 Brutal
–2d20 –6 Nearly
- Impossible
12 1: System Basics
Usually it’s not worth rolling the dice on checks easier than +6
steps. If the task is that easy, the GM can just rule that you succeed
at it (although you should still roll if the skill check is an attack of
some kind). Likewise, checks harder than –6 steps almost always
fail. If you need more than 6 steps, just add (or subtract) additional
d20s for the difficulty die, one per step.
When your check result exceeds your skill score by a wide margin,
you not only succeed—you succeed with better than normal results.
• If your check result is lower than your skill score, your check
is a Failure.
• If your check result is equal to or better than your skill score,
Often shown in game
text as Av/Ex/St. you achieve an Average success.
• If your check result is at least 5 more than your skill score,
you achieve an Excellent success.
• If your check result is at least 10 more than your skill score,
you achieve a Stellar success.
The exact effects of Excellent and Stellar success vary with the
skill you’re using. If you’re attacking, a better grade of success
usually results in more damage. If you’re working your way through
some kind of challenge scene, a high success level might mean you
make better progress in whatever it is you’re trying to do.
2 When the blaster bolts start flying, it’s
important to know who shoots first.
Alternity measures time using the
7 action round, which lasts about 15 sec-
onds. Eight impulses (about 2 seconds
3 each) make up an action round. The best
way to think of the action round and the
impulses is like a clock; after you com-
plete impulse 8 of one round, you begin
6 impulse 1 of the next round.
4 Actions usually require 1 to 5 impulses.
5 Chapter 5 gives you all the details, but here are
the most common actions:
14 1: System Basics
Your adversaries use the same impulse track you do, and you
generally know when they act next. If it’s your turn on impulse 5
and the bad guy acts on impulse 8, you know you’ve got time to
run down the hallway (2 impulses) and still get another turn (during
impulse 7) before the bad guy can shoot you.
As an additional wrinkle, you can voluntarily use action modifiers
to make your action take longer for an additional benefit. The two
most common action modifiers are aiming (your action costs one
extra impulse, but you get a step bonus on your attack check) and
evading (likewise costs an extra impulse, but enemies who attack
you before your next turn suffer a step penalty).
We suggest putting an impulse track in the middle of your play
area. Then you can use tokens to keep track of when each charac-
ter or adversary gets his or her next action in the combat scene.
When you take damage, mark off a box depending on how Remember, "up" is
more severe and
severe the wound is. If you take a 7-point laser blast, for example, "down" is less severe.
you mark off a moderate wound box because the moderate wound Up bad, down good.
row is 7–9. Then you suffer whatever penalty is listed for that row. In
this case, you’ll take a –1 step penalty on all checks. When you mark
your highest wound box, you’re defeated.
The wound system has two key wrinkles. First, if all the boxes
on that row are already marked, you have to move up the track and
mark the first open box of higher severity. Second, you only suffer
the penalty for the highest (and worst) wound you have, even if the
lower rows are full. Once you have a sucking chest wound, that
sprained ankle isn’t bothering you anymore.
16 1: System Basics
Nimon Zhan-Deneb
____________________________ Survivor
Name Archetype
1 Hero points: _____
Level: _____ 1 Initiative: _______________________
12/17/22 +1 step Speed: ______
20m Encumbrance: ______
AGILITY ___ 5 4
WEAPONS ___________________
weapon range speed damage special
Academics (Int) ___/___/___ 3 12/ 17 /22
Hand to Hand (Str/Agi) ___/___/___
Acrobatics (Agi) 3 12/ 17 /22
___/___/___ Heavy Weapon (Str/Int) ___/___/___
Armor Training (Str/Int) ___/___/___ 4
Influence (Per) ___/___/___ 12/ 17 /22
Athletics (Str) ___/___/___ Mechanics (Int) ___/___/___
Awareness (Foc) 3 14/ 19 /24
___/___/___ Medicine (Int) ___/___/___
Coercion (Per) ___/___/___ Melee (Str/Agi) ___/___/___
Computer (Int) ___/___/___ Misdirection (Per) ___/___/___
Culture (Per) ___/___/___ Performance (Per) ___/___/___
Deception (Per) ___/___/___ 5
Piloting (Agi/Int) ___/___/___10/ 15 /20
Driving (Agi) ___/___/___ Primitive Wpn (Agi/Foc) ___/___/___
Dodge (Agi) 4 11/16 /21
___/___/___ Profession (any) ___/___/___
Empathy (Foc/Per) ___/___/___ Resilience (Vit) ___/___/___
Endurance (Vit) ___/___/___ Science (Int) ___/___/___
5 10/ 15/20
Energy Weapon (Agi/Foc) ___/___/___ Security (Agi/Int) ___/___/___
Engineering (Int) 4 10/ 15 /20
___/___/___ 4
Stealth (Agi/Foc) ___/___/___ 11/ 16 /21
Extreme Sports (Agi/Vit) ___/___/___ Survival (Vit/Foc) ___/___/___
Firearm (Agi/Foc) ___/___/___ Willpower (Foc) ___/___/___
Your Alternity Character
©2018 Sasquatch Game Studio. Permission granted to reproduce for personal use.
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
“The thing about a hero, is even when it doesn’t look like there’s a light
at the end of the tunnel, he’s going to keep digging, he’s going to keep
trying to do right and make up for what’s gone before, just because that’s
who he is.”
— Joss Whedon
For everyone but the GM, your hero (also known as a player
character, or PC) is the way you interact with the other players
and the game as a whole. Fundamentally, it’s who you’re pre-
tending to be. You might be a down-on-her-luck freighter captain,
an alien curious about human society, or a maverick cop who
doesn’t play by the rules—and who you’re pretending to be will
change as the story advances. Your character grows in compe-
tence as you explore a science fiction setting and develop bonds
with the other characters in the story—some of whom are in the
hands of other players at your table. Your hero succeeds, fails,
sets new goals, suffers setbacks and lives the complex life of a
sci-fi protagonist.
Let’s start, though, with practical matters. Creating an
Alternity character requires this book, a character sheet (go If you want more
ahead and photocopy the one in the back) and about 30 min- detail, check online
utes—much of which can be spent away from the book, mulling for fancier character
sheets in PDF form.
over the central question: “Who is my character, really?”
To create a hero, follow these steps:
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
20 2: Character Creation
big, important likes/dislikes and smaller personality-revealing likes/
Dramatic Archetype. We’ll get into the gameplay archetypes
below, but think of how you’d summarize your character’s place in
an ensemble action drama. Are you the brains of the bunch? The
muscle? The wild card?
Whatever technique you use, just get a sense of your character’s
present identity, then move on to your character’s past and future.
That’s the thing about the present—it never lasts very long.
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
22 2: Character Creation
A key conceit of most Alternity campaigns is that characters start the game
with a high degree of competence. You aren’t some wet-behind-the-ears farm-
er’s child—or at least you aren’t just that. You are decidedly above the human
average, and you have the ability scores and skills to prime you for success in
life. At least until the plot starts careening sideways, that is.
To put it in 21st-century terms, a 1st-level Alternity character is the equivalent
of a college athlete, an elite academy footballer, a recent graduate of a military
academy or a gifted grad student. You’ve faced adversity before, you have at
least a measure of grit, and you’re capable of great things. To extend the analogy,
10th-level Alternity characters are greatest-of-all-time Olympians, Nobel Prize
winners, Medal of Honor recipients and the sorts of people who get cities and
planets named after them. If future historians refer to the “[your character name]
Dynasty,” you’re probably a 10th-level character.
Now that you’ve defined who your character is in the dramatic
sense, it’s time to start defining that PC in the gameplay sense.
Fundamental to every character in Alternity are six ability scores
that represent the character’s raw aptitude and natural ability in six
• Strength: Raw physical power and basic athleticism. It’s
good for hand-to-hand combat as well as climbing, running,
jumping and other physical challenges.
• Agility: Hand-eye (or manipulator limb-visual sensor) coor-
dination, balance, reflexes and flexibility. Useful in ranged
combat and anything where precise, not forceful, physicality
is key. Also handy for getting out of the way when things
start exploding around you.
• Vitality: Overall health, endurance and resistance to injury.
Your Vitality score contributes to your overall durability and
your ability to endure hazards such as toxins, atmospheric
decompression and radiation.
• Intelligence: A blend of your raw reasoning ability and
the education you’ve received before the start of your first
Ability Scores 23
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
24 2: Character Creation
• Gonzo Point Buy: As above, but you start with 15 points. Or
hell, 18. This changes the Alternity game from “assumed
competence” to “assumed eliteness,” but for the campaign
you’re envisioning, that might be OK. After all, it’s not like
the GM is going to run out of deathbots and void aliens to
throw at you.
Ability Scores 25
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Alternity aliens are more than just humans with animal heads
or prosthetic ears. They have physiologies and outlooks that are,
well, alien.
In some campaigns—including many modern-day, post-apocalyp-
tic and solar-era settings—humans will be the only available species
choice. In galactic-era Alternity games, there might be dozens of
species to choose from. Ask your GM for guidance, then choose a
species for your character.
Regardless of your choice, Alternity species are intentionally
Future Alternity straightforward mechanically. You’ll obtain a few species-specific
sourcebooks will
introduce more advantages and disadvantages, and you may get access to a talent
species, and you constellation unique to that species. If there are powerful species
can invent your benefits, you’ll make talent choices to unlock them (talents are
own as well.
explained later in this chapter).
Ability Requirements: As you look at the species descriptions
below, take careful note of the ability score requirements. If you
have your heart set on a nesh character, for example, make sure
you’ve got a Focus score of at least 4.
“We are humans from the planet Earth. We come in peace. No, really.
Hey now, quit laughing. I’m serious!”
In many campaigns set in the present day or near future, this is the
only species available. (To be fair, most of the players at your table
are baseline humans.) If you’re playing a baseline human, move
on to the heroic archetypes section and start picking talents and
skills. Humans are the baseline for a reason; the other species have
advantages and disadvantages compared to the human standard.
Game Rules: Humans are the baseline character choice. You
have no ability score requirements, special advantages or unusual
Human Variants: In more futuristic settings, humans have
employed gene therapy, pharmaceuticals and other techniques to
adapt themselves for low- and high-gravity environments. If you’re
running a game set in the Solar Era or later, consider the following
two human variants in addition to baseline humans.
Adapted for microgravity environments, elaphromorphs (called
“laphs” in slang) look like particularly tall, skinny humans. From
before birth, they’ve received treatments to counter the pernicious
26 2: Character Creation
effects of microgravity on the human body, and now they’re as com-
fortable in zero-g as baseline humans are on Earth.
Game Rules: Elaphromorphs function like other humans, with the
following exceptions.
Referred to colloquially as “barrels,” baromorphs are broad, stocky
humans who’ve received therapy throughout their lives to enable They aren't
necessarily short, and
them to withstand sustained exposure to heavy gravity. The they don't necessarily
high-gravity environments in the solar system are inhospitable for have beards.
other reasons (temperature, pressure), so baromorphs exist mostly
in Stellar Era and Galactic Era games that have reached out to
nearby stars.
Game Rules: Baromorphs function like other humans, with the
following exceptions.
Species 27
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
“We are the machines you cannot stop tinkering with, the servants
who anticipate your every need and the toys that endlessly amuse.
We are the creation that supplants the creator, the never-living yet
immortal and your descendants yet never your children.
“Whence came these paradoxes? Look in a mirror. Every contra-
diction within us is an inheritance from you.”
28 2: Character Creation
Game Rules: Your artificial nature gives you significant advan-
tages and disadvantages.
Species 29
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
It’s one briith, two Sample Names: Mariya, Adam Fourteen, Shelley Navigator.
briith. Collectively, Depending on the setting, androids may take on ordinary human
they’re “the briith,”
names, have only a personal name or have a numeric or occupa-
and they have
briith objects. How tional designation instead of a surname.
easy is that?
“We have no interest in empty words. Deeds are the measure of the
briith—do not talk, DO. Share our work and share our dangers if
you want to call us your friends. We will do the same for you.”
30 2: Character Creation
Hulking bipeds native to a high-G world,
briith are strong, hardy creatures with a
well-deserved reputation as brawlers and
mercenaries. Briith like a challenge, espe-
cially a physical one, and rarely shrink from
combat or other forms of danger. While many
humans see briith as short-tempered and violent,
that’s an unfair interpretation of briith directness.
Briith often demonstrate incredible patience and can
be very deliberate in their decision-making. Most briith
won’t do anything until they know what the stakes are
and how they’re getting paid, but once a fair deal has
been struck, they’ll follow through on their part or
die trying.
Physical Description: The average briith stands
almost 2 meters tall and weighs over 120 kilos, with
a tough, pebbly hide that ranges in color from pale
blue or dark mustard to a mottled purple. They have
four-fingered hands and four-toed feet, crag-like
chins, heavy brows and small, deep-set black eyes.
In place of hair, they have wiry tendrils on their
heads; males often have tendrils around the
jaw and cheekbones like human beards or
sideburns, while females have longer, finer
tendrils that cover more of their scalps.
Game Rules: Briith are strong and tough,
but slow. They make excellent battlers and revel in close combat.
Species 31
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
slower than the warships of other races. Briith power plants and pro-
jectile weapons are especially well developed, and in some cases
exceed the performance of similar human systems.
If the briith themselves do not have space travel, individual briith
(or sometimes briith companies) often seek work as soldiers-for-
hire, enforcers, deckhands or engineers on the ships of other races.
Briith have no problem working for someone else, as long as it’s a
fair deal.
In non-starfaring settings, briith sometimes show up as geneti-
cally engineered soldiers or laborers; their strength and hardiness
make them well-suited for both heavy labor and war.
Culture and Outlook: Briith trace family relationships to dis-
tant cousins several times removed. Families in turn hold gener-
ations-old alliances or feuds with each other, competing to place
their scions in the best trade guilds or companies. Briith society is
highly egalitarian; some families are certainly wealthier and more
influential than others, but the idea of aristocracy or royal houses is
completely foreign to them.
Briith tend to be practical, focused and not terribly curious about
things that don’t immediately concern them. That doesn’t mean
they’re stupid—it means they’re single-minded in the pursuit of
their chosen profession and regard anything else as a waste of
their time. They are a direct and pragmatic race who tend to speak
plainly and stand by their word once given. In return, briith expect
people of other races to be forthcoming with them, and they are
deeply annoyed by evasiveness or failure to follow through on
Quirks: Some ideas for making your briith character distinctive:
32 2: Character Creation
“We greet you in the name of the All-Tree. Ever may it grow and It’s one nesh, two
nourish the motes of brilliance in the blackest of night. Though you nesh. Collectively,
they’re “the nesh,”
lack rapport, like seeds that cannot germinate, we greet you as and they have
friends, fellow gardeners in the Endless Grove.” neshi objects.
Species 33
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
34 2: Character Creation
Culture and Outlook: The nesh strive to live according to the will
of the All-Tree—but the All-Tree communicates on such a slow scale
that the nesh have heard nothing coherent in centuries. And when
the All-Tree provides new insights, it’s not with a discrete broadcast,
but with a slowly dawning telepathic awareness that all nesh share.
What are the mystic beliefs and practices of the nesh? That’s
up to the nesh player and the GM to decide—preferably over time.
We imagine the nesh as contemplative warrior-monks who gently
proselytize about the “wonders of the All-Tree” but see themselves
more as scouts and ambassadors than as converters. It isn’t difficult
to imagine a more sinister All-Tree, however, keen on transplanting
the nesh and their beliefs across the galaxy.
Quirks: Some notes to make your nesh character distinctive:
Species 35
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
to steal other beings’ genetic codes and adapt them to create new
life that combined the advantages of both species.
In the Xayon system where this hybrid species emerged, no
trace remains of either the human explorers or whatever creature
served as the xayons’ other “parent.” The hybrids were isolated on
the planet Xayon for almost two decades before a second human
ship landed and discovered how the original explorers had been
subsumed into a new life form. At first, the xayons were taken from
their planet in captivity, but they demonstrated intellect, curiosity
and self-awareness at least equal to their human captors. After inter-
minable legal battles, they won their freedom, and now the xayons
live as an oppressed, often misunderstood subculture wherever
humans can be found.
Ordinary humans Description and Physiology: Xayons are six-limbed creatures
can't shake how that show signs of their human heritage, but they are decidedly
"twisted," "protean"
alien. Their limbs are arranged to look a bit like Earth’s mythical cen-
or "just plain creepy"
xayons look. taurs, but the torso between the middle and hindmost legs is much
shorter and more catlike than equestrian. The front-most limbs
are used for manipulation, the hindmost limbs for locomotion and
the middle limbs can be used for either. Xayons ordinarily walk on
their hind limbs, but when they need to run, they can achieve great
speeds by employing their middle limbs to sprint like quadrupeds.
Xayonic limbs and joints are also uncommonly flexible with a wide
range of motion and the ability to stretch in length—sometimes by
20 percent or more.
Most xayons have hair only at the extremities: top of head and
forelimbs. They breed as humans do (though multiple births in
“litters” are far more common), but external sex organs are difficult
to discern at a distance. Most humans can’t tell male and female
xayons apart.
While some humans regard xayons as “gene-thieves” and freak-
show abominations, the species breeds true and displays none of
the adaptive genetics of whatever alien parent combined with their
human ancestors.
Game Rules: Xayons are nimble, elusive and aggressive, though
they aren’t feral as human hate groups make them out to be.
36 2: Character Creation
• Quadruped Sprint: As a 2-impulse action, you can drop
into a quadruped stance, alter your middle knee joints and
extend your middle limbs to make you a fast runner. If you
do, you lose the use of those arms to hold or manipulate
objects, but your speed increases to 30 meters per move
action. It takes another 2-impulse action to return to a
bipedal stance with four working “arms.”
• Limited Ambidexterity: When in a bipedal stance, a xayon
can use any of its four arms to hold and manipulate objects.
Xayons have no inborn talent for multitasking, however, and
can generally concentrate on the action of only two limbs
at a time.
• Nearsighted: Xayons have poor depth perception and suffer
a –1 step penalty on all ranged attacks and Awareness
checks against targets more than 10 meters away.
Species 37
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
38 2: Character Creation
With ability scores and species
settled, it’s time to get to the
meat of character creation:
deciding what your char-
acter knows how to do.
You begin by select-
ing a heroic arche-
type, which provides
the basic framework
of knowledge and training your
character possesses. When you
choose an archetype, you’re
essentially saying, “In terms of
gameplay, this is the style of
character I want to be.” In many
ways, it’s the gameplay parallel to
the dramatic concept you came up
with when you started this character.
This chapter presents five heroic
archetypes: the battler, the expert,
the leader, the striker, and the survi-
vor. Your choice of archetype guides you in selecting the exact skills
and talents that your character knows when you begin adventuring,
and provides you with a couple of archetype bonuses that help you
throughout your career.
• Talents are special edges that set you apart from every-
one else. You choose three talents when you create your
character. Talents are presented in groups called constel-
lations; naturally, you must begin with the first talent in the
• Skills reflect your training and education. When you assign
skill points to a skill, you improve your skill score, making
it easier to succeed at checks against that skill. Skills fall
into five broad types: attack, defense, technical, social and
• Archetype bonuses include minor advantages such as
bonuses on initiative checks or bonuses on your checks
with specific types of skills. They reinforce your archetype
by making you better at the things you’re supposed to
be good at.
Heroic Archetypes 39
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Battlers dish out tons of damage in combat, and they don’t mind
receiving their fair share in return. In battle, they tend to opt for the
straightforward and the brutal, but their tactics are no less effective
for it. The battler suspects other archetypes complicate matters
unnecessarily. What matters is you can stand long enough to unload
a planet of hurt on the enemy.
Beyond the battlefield, battlers bring the same “prove you can
stop me” attitude toward many challenges. There’s nothing wrong
with a brute-force approach to cryptography, for example, if it gets
you into the database. What they call “elegant solutions,” you call
“wasted effort.” To their friends, battlers are steadfast and reliable. To
their rivals, battlers are stubborn and incapable of nuance.
When you choose the battler archetype, you gain:
40 2: Character Creation
• Mandated Skills: Choose one skill in each of the following
categories: attack, defense, technical, social and environ-
mental. Assign 4 skill points to each skill you select.
• Discretionary Skills: You have 15 more skill points to spend
If Alternity were an
on additional skills and improve your mandated skills. You MMORPG, battlers
can’t begin play with a total of more than 5 skill points in any would be the tanks.
individual skill. Alternity has a lot
more non-combat
• Defensive Skill Bonus: You have a +1 step bonus on skill challenges than
checks with defensive skills you are trained in (have at least the typical video
1 skill point assigned). game, though.
• Extra Durability: Treat your Vitality as 1 higher than your
actual score when you determine how many wounds you
can withstand (see Durability).
Experts know what the right device for the job is, and they’re adroit
at manipulating that device—sometimes beyond its intended use.
To an expert, a weapon is a tool like any other, and different tools
suit different jobs. Whether it’s a heavily customized assault rifle,
a remote turret, a surveillance drone or a dune buggy with flame-
throwers, the expert is the quintessential gun nut and gearhead.
Because they see the world in terms of tools and tasks, experts
break down non-combat problems to a series of discrete tasks,
then solve each one in turn. They can be capable hackers, pilots,
mechanics or saboteurs—just give them the gear and they’ll get
right to work.
To their friends, experts are a font of knowledge and a source for
borrowed equipment. To their rivals, experts drone on about point- The expert is
less gear specs, and they’re always trying to get machines to do the Alternity’s nod to
skill-monkey classes
work for them. in other game
If you want to be an expert, you gain the following: systems. They shoot
a gun as well as
• Mandated Talent: Choose Drone Expert, Gearhead, anyone, mind you.
Gunner or Medic.
• Discretionary Talents: Choose two more talents. These
two talents cannot be from the same constellation, but one
of them can be from the same constellation as your man-
dated talent.
• Mandated Skills: Choose one skill in each of the following
categories: attack, defense, technical, social and environ-
mental. Assign 4 skill points to each skill you select.
• Discretionary Skills: You have 15 more skill points to spend
on additional skills and improve your mandated skills. You
can’t begin play with a total of more than 5 skill points in any
individual skill.
• Initiative Bonus: You have a +1 step bonus on initiative checks.
Heroic Archetypes 41
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Leaders focus on the success of their team, and they’re aren’t sat-
isfied until each team member is usefully contributing to the overall
goal. They relish opportunities to make other people better, whether
it’s by suggesting tactics, performance coaching or doing the less
glamorous tasks that enable others to shine.
A leader is a leader whether the bullets are flying or not. In a
crisis, leaders gather suggestions from the group and synthesize
them into a plan—and then they help the team get their various jobs
done. A good leader is a “force multiplier” for a team, making them
collectively more effective than they’d ever be individually.
To their friends, leaders have a listener’s ear, a shoulder to weep
on and a head for good advice. To their rivals, leaders are bossy
fussbuckets who cling to their precious plans long after the situa-
tion’s gone to hell.
When you decide to be a leader, gain the following:
In a tabletop RPG,
Enterprise captains
are good models
• Mandated Talent: Choose Alertness, Closer, Commander or
for leader behavior. Gunslinger.
Watch how often • Discretionary Talents: Choose two more talents. These
they solicit input from two talents cannot be from the same constellation, but one
their staff and how
rarely they bark out of them can be from the same constellation as your man-
direct orders. dated talent.
• Mandated Skills: Choose one skill in each of the following
categories: attack, defense, technical, social and environ-
mental. Assign 4 skill points to each skill you select.
• Discretionary Skills: You have 15 more skill points to spend
on additional skills and improve your mandated skills. You
can’t begin play with a total of more than 5 skill points in any
individual skill.
• Initiative Bonus: You have a +1 step bonus on initiative checks.
• Social Skill Bonus: You have a +1 step bonus on skill checks
with social skills you are trained in (have at least 1 skill point
Strikers understand you don’t control the battlefield until it’s clear of
enemies, so eliminating them with maximum speed and efficiency
is the ultimate goal. To that end, there’s no caliber too big and no
barrel too long … though magazine capacity sure could see some
42 2: Character Creation
Away from a fight, strikers maintain that “maximum impact in min-
imum time” attitude. Why build a network of informants within the
sinister megacorp when you can just kidnap the board of directors
and intimidate them into giving you the info you need?
You guessed it. In a
To their friends, strikers are known for getting the job done, often video game, these
in the nick of time. Their rivals think they’re overly focused on their guys would be
individual goals, though, losing sight of the big picture. straight-up DPS.
If you want to be a striker, you gain the following:
Survivors persevere despite the longest odds, but unlike battlers,
they do it in a low-observable sort of way. The sniper who’s patiently
downing enemy officers from a safe distance, the skirmisher who
plants the grav-mines in the tree line and the messenger who sum-
mons the proverbial cavalry are all survivor archetypes. They care
little for the glamour and prefer not to be noticed, preferring the If you’re
contemplating a
silent self-satisfaction of a job well done. one-player game or
That quiet subtlety extends to other aspects of the survivor’s have a player with
life as well. The leaders might like an efficient division of labor, spotty attendance,
the survivor’s self-
but survivors prefer self-sufficiency. If we can all do a bit of
sufficiency may be
everything, the survivor thinks, no one is irreplaceable, and the just what you’re
work always gets done. Survivors tend to be patient and favor the looking for.
long-term solution.
The survivors’ friends know the survivor will get the job done
without complaint or requests for assistance. Their rivals tear their
hair out when a survivor goes it alone for the umpteenth time
in a row.
Heroic Archetypes 43
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Some characters defy labels, and some players love tinkering with
character build after character build. This freeform system is for
them. It’ll produce a character just as flexible and just as powerful as
one made with one of the archetypes above, but your choices are
almost entirely unconstrained.
If you want to go beyond archetypes and make something
unique, a freeform character begins with the following:
44 2: Character Creation
Talents are the unique tactics, tricks, or techniques you’ve mastered.
Each talent is a way you can “break the rules” a bit, performing an
action faster, better or more efficiently than other characters. Each
time you gain a level, you can choose a new talent.
We’ve arranged talents in constellations: groups that indicate Some constellations
which introductory talents lead to more advanced talents later on. branch into multiple
Constellations are referred to by the name of the first talent in the talent paths, too.
constellation, so the constellation beginning with the Gunslinger
talent is referred to as the Gunslinger constellation.
You can find the list of specific talents and their descriptions in
Chapter 3. The constellations presented there include:
Talents 45
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
When you gain a new talent selection, you can either start a
new constellation or advance along an in-progress constellation.
A few talents have special requirements beyond the structure of
the constellation—you’ll find any such restrictions in the talent
Your skills are simply areas of study that could be relevant to your
heroic career. The amount of training you have in a particular
skill is measured by the number of skill points you assign to it.
The more skill points you assign to a skill, the more training you
have, and the easier it is for you to succeed on a skill check. As a
beginning hero, you can assign up to 5 skill points to a skill. When
you gain a level, you gain 5 more skill points, and the maximum
number of skill points you can assign to a skill increases by 1 (to a
maximum of 10).
If you have 0 skill points in a skill, you’re untrained in it. However,
Being untrained is you can often fall back on your natural aptitude and attempt a skill
extra motivation
check based on your ability score alone. You might not have any
to seek out those
step bonuses. special training in Acrobatics, but when you’re trying to balance on
top of a moving car you might have enough raw Agility to pull it off
despite your lack of training.
Skills are divided into five types:
46 2: Character Creation
Attack Defensive Technical Social Environmental
Energy Weapon Armor Training Academics Coercion Acrobatics
Firearm Dodge Computer Culture Athletics
Hand to Hand Endurance Engineering Deception Awareness
Heavy Weapon Resilience Mechanics Empathy Driving
Melee Willpower Medicine Influence Extreme Sports
Primitive Weapon Profession Misdirection Piloting
Science Performance Security
What’s a great sci-fi action hero without a trusty ray gun at her side?
A paranormal investigator without recording gear? A star marine
without powered armor? You aren’t ready for adventure until you
equip yourself with the arms, armor and high-tech tools you need
for whatever mission the GM plans to send your way. Before you
start picking out your favorite energy weapons, ask your GM about You can find all
sorts of advanced
the tech era of the setting and whether you should pick out your weaponry and
own gear. useful tools in
You can assume your character has mundane possessions that Chapter 4: Gear.
everybody in the setting would have. For example, in a modern-day
setting you can assume you’ve got a variety of clothing from work-
out gear to a nice suit, a shaving kit or cosmetics bag, a cell phone,
an ordinary car, a credit card with a moderate limit, an apartment or
modest house and so on.
If you don’t know where else to start, assume you’re in TE 7 (the Most Alternity
Stellar Age) and choose one weapon, one armor, one tool and three games are set at
“anything” picks for selecting extra weapons or tools you think you TE 6 to TE 8.
might need. You’ve also got $500 in your pocket.
At this point, you’re just a few game-isms away from a completed
Your initiative measures how quickly you can assess danger, spot
opportunities and react when seconds count. Usually you make an
initiative check at the beginning of an action scene to determine
Gear 47
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
when you get to take your first action—maybe you’ll get the first
shot off, or maybe your opponent will.
Your initiative score looks a lot like a skill score, and making an
initiative check works a lot like making a skill check. However, you
can’t spend skill points to improve your initiative score. Instead,
determine your initiative score as follows:
Most heroes have a speed of 20 meters. However, if you wear bulky
armor or carry a heavy load (see Encumbrance, below), your speed
may be reduced.
All heroes begin with one wound box each in the graze, light wound,
moderate wound, serious wound, critical wound and mortal wound
severity levels, as shown here:
Wound Severity Boxes Bonus Wound Boxes
Mortal wound (16+) —
Critical wound (13 to 15) (Vitality 5+) (Vitality 10)
Serious wound (10 to 12) (Vitality 4+) (Vitality 9+)
Moderate wound (7 to 9) (Vitality 3+) (Vitality 8+)
Light wound (4 to 6) (Vitality 2+) (Vitality 7+)
Graze (1 to 3) (Vitality 1+) (Vitality 6+)
In addition, you gain a number of bonus wound boxes equal to
your Vitality score. Your bonus wound boxes are added to the dura-
bility track, one bonus box per severity level, beginning at the graze
level and filling “up.” For example, if you have Vitality 3, you have
two wound boxes at the graze, light and moderate wound levels,
and one box each at the higher levels.
Don’t add a second wound box to the mortal wound level—if
you have Vitality 6 or more, leave mortal at one box and add a third
wound box to graze (and fill “up” from there if needed for additional
wound boxes).
48 2: Character Creation
Under planetary gravity conditions, there’s a limit to how much you
can carry—and in zero-g, the mass you carry with you affects your
ability to move around. We want to limit bookkeeping, however, so
we’re keeping your carrying capacity simple.
Under Earth gravity, you can carry up to 10 kg (that’s 22 pounds)
without it slowing you down or hampering your ability to fight. Add
an extra 2 kg for each point of Strength you have above 3 and each
point of Vitality you have above 3. That mass value is your encum-
brance value; write it down on your character sheet.
Finishing Touches 49
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders,
cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure,
program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Special-
ization is for insects.”
—Robert A. Heinlein
Your character is basically a collection of skills and talents—the
unique combination of things you know how to do, and special
edges you possess.
The exact level of training or experience you have in any particular
skill is measured by the number of skill points you assign to it. If you
have at least 1 point in a skill, you’re considered to be trained in that
skill. As long as you’re trained, you can handle any routine tasks
associated with the skill. A character with 1 rank in Piloting isn’t just
barely able to fly; she can take off, navigate, deal with some rough
weather and land without any drama at all. It’s only when she’s in a
challenge scene dealing with a heroic problem that her relative lack
of advanced training might become an issue.
At 1st level, you have 35 skill points to assign; your archetype
description tells you how to assign your initial skill points. Each
time you gain a level, you gain 5 skill points to increase the number
of skill points assigned to your existing skills or begin training in
new skills.
Maximum Skill Points: As a beginning hero, you can assign up
to 5 points to a skill. The maximum number of skill points you can
have in any one skill increases by 1 each time you gain a level, to a
maximum of 10—at that point you know all a human can know about
that skill.
Talents are more idiosyncratic than skills. Lots of people have some
training in the Firearms skill, but true fast-draw experts or trick-shot
artists are few and far between. Some talents make you better at
using your skills, some let you do things with a skill check that other
characters trained in that skill just can’t do, and some provide spe-
cial benefits that have nothing to do with skills at all. At 1st level, you
choose 3 talents.
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
This section presents skills as they relate to the typical RPG chal-
lenge or encounter. It’s not really feasible to describe everything a
hero can do with one of these skills, so don’t treat these descrip-
tions as complete and exclusive—characters often use skills in
unexpected ways. (That’s where common sense and GM discretion
come into play.)
Skills share some common terminology.
Key Ability: The ability your skill score is based on. If two are
listed, you can use whichever is better to determine your skill score.
For example, if you have Agility 4 and Focus 5, you can use your 5
as the basis for a Firearm check.
Type: The skill’s category (see Chapter 2). Type is important
when selecting your mandatory skills during character creation. In
addition, some heroic archetypes provide a bonus to using certain
types of skills.
Notes: Other useful information about skills.
Skill Descriptions 55
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Intelligence; Technical; cascades
Social sciences such as psychology, anthropology, sociology, history,
archeology, economics, law, management, political science and
linguistics are all part of this catch-all skill. (The natural sciences
and mathematics are covered by the Science skill below, and most
liberal-arts fields are part of Culture.) In far-future settings, it also
covers fictional sciences like Asimov’s psychohistory, which com-
bines statistics, history and sociology to predict future cultural and
political trends.
This skill cascades. For every odd skill point you spend in Aca-
demics, choose a specific academic discipline. You have particular
training—equivalent to an advanced degree—in that discipline and
gain a +1 step bonus when that field is relevant to your skill check. If
you want to be hyper-focused, you can choose the same academic
discipline twice and get doctoral-level training and a +2 step bonus
in that field.
You can: Surmise an NPC’s motivations after observing behavior,
anticipate market trends to find high-demand interplanetary trade
routes, identify a culture by the ruins it left behind, identify the root
Skill Descriptions 57
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
causes of civil unrest on the planet you’re visiting and defend your-
self in a court of law.
Typical modifiers: Aliens are involved (–1 to –3 steps), unfamiliar
society or planet (–1 step), access to an academic library or equiva-
lent (+1 step), plenty of time to study and calculate (+1 step), access
to colleagues or expert AI systems (+2 steps or more).
Agility; Environmental
This skill broadly covers precise, graceful body movements that
place a premium on balance and flexibility. It includes perform-
ing arts and sports such as gymnastics, tightropes and trapeze
work, plus gentler practices such as yoga and stunt movements
like parkour.
In many far-future settings, Acrobatics is also the general-pur-
pose skill to check when making difficult maneuvers in light- or
zero-gravity environments. Otherwise, the trickier the feat you’re
attempting, the higher the difficulty:
Ordinary (+d0): Rolls and somersaults, rope/trapeze/bar swings,
traversal and round-off vaults.
Hard (–d6): Handsprings on ground or vault, full-rotation tra-
Someday, Olympic peze/bar swings, rope-to-rope traversals, “sticking the landing.”
gymnastics will Extremely Hard (–d12): Aerial flips and saltos, rope/trapeze
assess degree of flips, entry vaults, bar release/flight moves, adding twists/flips to
difficulty using step
You can: Vault over a fence, swing on a chandelier, run along the
ceiling of the derelict space station and slide underneath the hangar
door just before it closes.
Typical modifiers: Fluctuating gravity (–2 steps), slippery surfaces
(–1 step), good running start (+1 step), grip patches or other good
surfaces (+1 step), chance to practice beforehand (+2 steps), assister
jets (+2 steps).
Strength; Environmental
You’re adept at running, climbing, jumping, swimming, throwing
and generally applying bodily force to your environment. Athletics
covers many of the events you’d see at the modern-day Olympics,
plus situations that come up in action scenes like holding a pow-
ered door open, hanging onto the helicopter’s landing gear, and
Skill Descriptions 59
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
leaping from the hover-cycle to the maglev train. This skill also
covers organized sports common to far-future cultures unless
another skill (probably Acrobatics or Extreme Sports) more obvi-
ously applies.
Unlike other environment skills, Athletics includes an attack com-
ponent. It’s the relevant skill for thrown weapons—everything from
bolas to javelins to grenades.
You can: Run for speed, swim through the sapient goo-oceans of
Rachos IV, throw a drone-erang and infiltrate the building by climb-
ing through the HVAC ducts.
Typical modifiers: Oppressive gravity (–2 steps), bad weather
(–1 step), specialized attire or equipment (+1 step), chance to train
beforehand (+1 step), effective coaching/scouting staff (+1 step), per-
formance-enhancing drugs or cyberware (+2 steps).
Jumping, Swimming,
and so on are all part How well you jump depends primarily on your Strength and your
of the Athletics skill, Athletics check.
not separate skills Standing Long Jump: You can jump 1 meter, no check needed.
On an Av/Ex/St check result, you can increase that to 1.5 m/2 m/2.5
m. Add 0.5 m if you’re willing to land prone, and add 0.25 m for
each point of Strength you have above 3.
Running Long Jump: You can jump 2 meters, no check needed.
On an Av/Ex/St check result, you can jump 3 m/4 m/5 m. Add 1
m if you’re willing to land prone, and add 0.5 m for each point of
Strength you have above 3.
Running High Vault: You can clear 1 meter, no check needed.
On an Av/Ex/St check result, you jump over or atop an obstacle
1.3 m/1.6 m/1.9 m high. Add 0.2 m if you’re willing to land prone, and
add 0.1 m for each point of Strength you have above 3. Subtract
0.2 m if you don’t want to touch what you’re vaulting over (like a
laser beam or other security apparatus).
Running Reach Jump: You can reach 2.4 meters, no check
needed. On an Av/Ex/St check result, you jump up with arms over-
head to grasp a ledge or object 2.6 m/2.8 m/3 m high. Add 0.2 m for
each point of Strength you have above 3.
How fast you swim over short distances (less than 400 meters) is
likewise a function of Strength and Athletics. You can swim 4 meters
in a move action, no check needed. On an Av/Ex/St check result,
you swim 5 m/6 m/7 m with each move action. Add 1 m of distance
for each point of Strength you have above 3. You take a –2 step
penalty on the Athletics check in choppy water.
Your base speed covers running under ordinary circumstances;
even in street clothes, zigzagging between obstacles, you can
manage a 20-second time in the 100 meters. Under the right condi-
tions (straight path, good running surface) you can go faster with an
Athletics check when you take use the move action. On an Av/Ex/
St check result, add 3 m/6 m/9 m to your base move. Increase your
bonus by 3 m for each point of Strength you have above 3.
Sprinting tires you out: After you sprint, you’re weakened (see
Status Effects in Chapter 5) until the end of your next action.
Distance Running: If you’re running more than a kilometer
under controlled conditions, your speed is a function of Vitality and
an Athletics check. You can run 1 kilometer in 6 minutes, no check
needed. On an Av/Ex/St check result, reduce that time to 5.5/5/4.5
minutes. Subtract 30 seconds for each point of Vitality you have
above 3, and impose an appropriate step penalty for hills or other
tough terrain.
Climbing is likewise a function of Strength and Athletics, though
unlike jumping, swimming and running, it’s possible to make no Real-life rock
progress in a given action. On an Av/Ex/St Athletics check result, climbers have an
you ascend 2 m/4 m/6 m using a 2-impulse move action. Add +1 m entire point system
that boils down to a
to the move for each point of Strength you have above 3, but only list of step penalties.
if you succeed (a Failure still means no progress). You may have a
significant step bonus or penalty depending on the availability of
This is almost entirely a function of raw Strength, but form matters,
too. You can deadlift (ground to hips) 125 kg plus an additional
60 kg for each point of Strength over 3. Under controlled conditions
(a gym with proper equipment), you can eke out a little extra weight
(5/10/15 kg) with an Athletics check. You can snatch (ground to over-
head) half as much as you can deadlift.
Skill Descriptions 61
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Focus; Environment; usually passive
This skill covers your ability to perceive and assess the environment
around you. It can be used both passively (when you’re just going
about your business and the GM asks you for an Awareness check)
or actively (when you suspect there may be a threat or something of
interest in your immediate environs).
One key thing Awareness doesn’t cover: the ability to perceive
and assess the behaviors, emotional state and motivations of NPCs.
That’s covered by the Empathy skill, described below.
You can: Notice the trench-coat-clad agent who has been follow-
ing you, spot the false floor in the cargo hold and discern which of
two bridges seems sturdier.
Typical modifiers: Overwhelming distractions (–2 steps), effective
camouflage (–1 step), extra time to observe (+1 step), infrared gog-
gles or other high-tech gear (+2 steps).
Personality; Social
This skill is the mean older cousin of the Influence skill; it covers
getting what you want in a social setting by inciting anger or fear in
your target. Coercion covers basic “gun to the head” intimidation,
but it also covers intimidation that isn’t based on violence or physi-
cal threats, such as “Do it or I’ll tell the board of directors” and “Do it
or I’ll release the videotape.”
Chapter 6 has rules Naturally, there’s overlap between Coercion and Influence. Many
for interrogations. Go a negotiation includes nods to both carrot and stick. Work with your
there now, or else... GM and adjust your roleplaying to emphasize carrot (Influence) or
stick (Coercion), then make the check accordingly. If an attempt to
coerce is based largely on false pretenses (the gun isn’t loaded or
the videotape doesn’t exist), it’s a Deception check.
Negotiations of all sorts are covered in Chapter 6. When you’re
using Coercion, you’ll flip the risk part of the equation on its head,
using the same modifiers. The guard might be fired for letting you in
(–3 step penalty), but you’ve got a gun to his head (+5 step bonus),
so that’s a 2-step swing in your favor.
You can: Convince the mysterious stranger to hand over the
briefcase, get the HR-fearing security guards to let you pass, make
the alley thug back down and taunt your grav-ball rival into making
a key mistake.
Typical modifiers: Target has heard it all before (–2 steps), no
visual evidence of threat (–1 step), threat tailored to the target
(+1 step), prior demonstration of threat (+2 steps).
Skill Descriptions 63
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Personality; Social; cascades
You have a deep knowledge in the language, customs, art, leisure
and social norms of a particular living culture. This skill cascades; for
every odd skill point you spend in Culture, choose a specific culture
(generally a nation in modern-day settings and a planet in future set-
tings). You speak their language fluently, and your understanding of
their culture provides a +1 step bonus when it’s relevant to your skill
check. If you want to be hyper-focused, you can spend a skill point
to choose a subculture within a culture you’ve already picked, such
as “Sicilian organized-crime families” or “Blyrinian priestly orders.”
You get a +2 step bonus when you’re making a check relevant to
that subculture.
Extinct cultures or linguistic riddles are covered under the Aca-
demics skill.
You can: Look suave at the Admiral’s ball, speak fluent Canton-
ese, determine whether disturbing old ruins would provoke mild
disapproval or frothing rage, join the chant at a Haraadasite funeral,
match a Dorexian drink for drink.
Typical modifiers: Culture is profoundly alien (–2 steps), you’ve
already committed a cultural taboo (–1 step), you have a native
guide (+1 steps), this is a ceremony you’ve encountered before
(+2 steps).
Agility; Defensive; passive, enabler
Dodge represents your ability to get out of harm’s way with quick,
almost instinctive movement. It’s a passive skill that determines For more on
whether you’re able to avoid the many dangers exploding near you, action modifiers
falling atop you or careening in your direction. and evading, see
Dodge also has a second function; it’s an enabler that improves a Chapter 5.
game function everyone has a lesser version of. In this case, it pro-
vides bigger penalties to enemy attacks when you use the evade
action modifier. You don’t make a check with the Dodge skill when
you evade. Your enemies just suffer a penalty on attempts to attack
you, as shown below:
Skill Descriptions 65
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Agility; Environmental
The skill is called Driving for simplicity’s sake, but it covers all con-
veyances that operate primarily on the ground: cars, motorcycles,
hovercraft, tanks and dune buggies with saw blades attached. It
even covers riding animals, whether they’re Earth horses or exotic
alien beasts.
Driving is a skill where the GM will often “bracket” success and
failure, as described in this chapter’s introduction. Routine driving
around the megalopolis shouldn’t even require a check—and if you
do make the check, it’s because failure means you’re stuck in traffic
for 10 minutes, not that you wrecked the car somehow.
You can: Use that conveniently parked car-carrier trailer as a
ramp, lose your pursuers in rush-hour traffic and evade the artillery
shells as your tank traverses no-man’s-land.
Typical modifiers: Vehicle is badly damaged (–2 steps), you’re
Just for fun ... also firing a gun out the window (–1 step), a hacker ally is manipu-
if the car is red: lating traffic signals on your behalf (+1 step), you’re driving an [insert
+1 step.
name of your favorite drool-worthy sports car here] (+2 steps).
Personality or Focus; Social; sometimes passive
Empathy is the social equivalent of the Awareness skill. You’re
attuned to body language, facial micro-expressions, eye movement
and dozens of other subtle cues that suggest someone else’s emo-
tional and mental state. If someone is trying to mask an emotion or
pretend to be someone they are not, your Empathy may be able to
unmask them. It also provides insights into behavior and motivation
that can earn you bonuses on future Influence, Coercion or Decep-
tion checks, because you have some sense of what makes your
target “tick” and what will overcome their social defenses.
Vitality; Defensive; passive
The ability to persevere under brutal conditions and function at
the limits of exhaustion is at the heart of the Endurance skill. Like
This is a good
Dodge and Willpower, Endurance is a rarely used skill in the active skill to have when
sense. You’ll most often encounter it when your GM says, “You’re life support is
going to keep going? OK, make an Endurance check.” running low...
Marathon running, distance swimming and sustained physical
labor are all part of this skill, but it also covers surviving hazard-
ous weather and challenging environmental conditions. If there’s
something persistent in your surroundings that you’re just trying to
physically withstand, Endurance is probably the governing skill.
You can: Win the Valles Marineris triathlon, shake off the
effects of tear gas and make a (brief!) EVA without a functioning
space suit.
Typical modifiers: Heavy gravity (–2 steps), cum-
bersome/inadequate clothing (–1 step), plenti-
ful healthy food/water (+1 step), blood doping
or other pharmaceutical aid (+2 steps).
Agility or Focus; Attack; specialized
This skill covers high-tech personal ranged
weapons: laser pistols, blasters, ray guns and other
staples of the science fiction genre. The exact weap-
Admit it; you skipped
ons available depend on the tech era of your Alternity campaign;
ahead to this one.
the weapon chart in Chapter 4 shows typical weapons available in
each era. While it’s primarily an attack skill, Energy Weapon includes
the ability to maintain and repair personal weapons.
Skill Descriptions 67
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
This skill can be specialized. When you assign your first skill
point to Energy Weapon, choose pistols, rifles or assault weapons.
You gain a +1 step bonus when you use a weapon of that type. You
can buy additional specializations for 2 skill points each
when you level up; these skill points don’t improve your
skill score.
You can: Set your phase pistol to stun, shoot the
bounty hunter first, and watch your c-beams glit-
ter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.
Typical modifiers: See Attacks in Chapter 5.
Intelligence; Technical
Engineering is all about applied technology, especially
the configuration, operation and modification of
complex systems. This skill cascades—for every
skill point you spend in Engineering, choose a
specific specialty such as cybernetics, electronics,
infrastructure, life support, manufacturing, mining,
power systems, propulsion or robotics. You gain
a +1 step bonus when that field is relevant to
your skill check. If you want to be hyper-focused,
you can choose the same specialty twice and
get doctoral-level training and a +2 step bonus in
that field.
Engineering shares some tasks with Mechanics,
which is focused more on repair and maintenance.
That’s intentional—in many cases, it’s a better story
if the university-trained engineer and the grizzled
mechanic are both adept at a particular job.
You can: Reverse the polarity on the ship’s
disruptor beams, set the reactor to melt down in
Agility or Vitality; Environmental
You’re an athlete in a particularly death-defying sport such as dou-
ble-diamond snowboarding/skiing, hang gliding, big-wave surfing,
BASE jumping, wingsuits or their futuristic equivalents. This also
covers stunt work and daredevil performances, because the skill set
(balance, strength, body-position awareness and risk assessment)
applies there, too.
You can: Jump off Olympus Mons, grav-pogo through the can-
yons of Carahn IV, paraglide to the top of the Empire State Building.
Typical step modifiers: Jury-rigged equipment (–2 steps), you’re
being shot at (–1 step), scouting the terrain ahead of time (+1 step),
expert coaching and support staff (+2 steps).
Agility or Focus; Attack; specialized
This skill covers weapons that fire ballistic projectiles—anything that
uses bullets or similar ammunition. Any gun from roughly the 19th
century to the 21st is functionally a firearm, whether it’s shooting
low-tech silver bullets or high-tech flechette rounds.
This skill can be specialized. When you assign your first skill point
to Firearm, choose pistols, rifles or assault weapons (submachine
guns and shotguns, basically). You gain a +1 step bonus when you
use a firearm of that type. You can buy additional specializations
for 2 skill points each when you level up; these skill points don’t
improve your skill score.
You can: Blow past dozens of computer-generated guards in an
Other skills that
office lobby, gun down a desperado in a graveyard or out-snipe a specialize include
sniper in the ruins of Neuville. Hand to Hand,
Typical modifiers: See Attacks in Chapter 5. Heavy Weapons,
Energy Weapons
and Medicine.
Strength or Agility; Attack; specialized
You can fight unarmed at close quarters using fists, feet, elbows,
knees and whatever other striking surfaces you’ve got. Combat
techniques employing small hand-held weapons (knives, brass
Skill Descriptions 69
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
knuckles, power gauntlets) are similar and use this skill as well,
although the Melee skill covers swords, axes and larger weapons.
This skill can be specialized. When you assign your first skill point
in Hand to Hand, choose brawling, knives or grappling. You gain
a +1 step bonus when you use that style in an attack. You can buy
additional specializations for 2 skill points each when you level up;
these skill points don’t improve your skill score.
You can: Demonstrate the “Dim Mak” death-touch technique,
throw haymakers at Nazi airmen, and deck an alien while saying,
“Welcome to Earth.”
Typical modifiers: See Attacks in Chapter 5.
Strength or Intelligence; Attack; specialized
This skill covers the rocket launchers, machine guns, mortars and
other high-tech BFGs of the battlefield—a disparate set of weap-
ons united by their unwieldy nature and destructive power. Heavy
Weapon always covers the big guns you carry around (with diffi-
culty) and similar weapons emplaced within fortifications. In a cam-
paign where vehicle and starship combat is relatively rare, it covers
the vehicle-mounted equivalents as well.
This skill can be specialized. When you assign your first skill point
in Heavy Weapon, choose heavy energy, heavy ballistic or indirect fire
weapons. You gain a +1 step bonus when you use that sort of weapon in
If your Alternity an attack. You can buy additional specializations for 2 skill points each
campaign has a when you level up; these skill points don’t improve your skill score.
heavy emphasis You can: Blast xenomorphs with your harness-mounted neutron
on starship travel,
other skills cover cannon, launch mini-nukes from your shoulder and electrify the
shipboard weapons. enemy with your shock rifle.
See the Shipyard Typical modifiers: See Attacks in Chapter 5.
for details.
Personality; Social
With the Influence skill, you can convince others to see things your
way—whether you’re facing them in the boardroom, courtroom
or bedroom. It’s not Coercion (which plays on anger and fear) nor
Deception (which relies on lies). Influence is a combination of savvy
negotiation, personal charisma and an understanding of what moti-
vates others’ behavior.
See Interaction in Chapter 6 for more information on how Influ-
ence can improve the attitudes of the NPCs you meet. Influence
tends to emphasize the reward part of the equation, making even
minor or vague rewards seem more prominent in the NPC’s mind.
Intelligence; Technical; cascades
Maintenance, repair and construction of devices ranging from simple
machines to vehicle engines and the moving parts of structures are
all under the umbrella of the Mechanics skill. In higher-tech eras
(anything modern-day or beyond), the Mechanics skill includes some
basic knowledge of chemistry and electronics as well, because
those talents are necessary to work on devices of those eras.
Mechanics is a cascading skill. For every odd skill point you
spend in Mechanics, choose a specialty such as demolition, electri-
cal systems, environmental systems, repair, vehicles or salvage. You
gain a +1 step bonus when that field is relevant to your skill check. If
you want to be hyper-focused, you can choose the same specialty
twice and get doctoral-level training and a +2 step bonus in that field.
Once you see the
Mechanics is also the go-to skill when you’re building something set design "props" in
from scratch, jury-rigging a device to serve another purpose or Chapter 7, you'll see
improvising something out of spare parts MacGyver-style. the importance of
You can: Build a nitrous injection system into your getaway car,
sabotage a power conduit so it electrifies your enemies, and fashion
a primitive blunderbuss out of bamboo and mineral deposits.
Typical modifiers: Only random junk to work with (–2 steps), poor
tools (–1 step), a working machine shop (+1 step), a far-future fabrica-
tion chamber (+2 steps).
Intelligence; Technical; cascades
This skill covers your ability to assess the cause of injury and dis-
ease, then treat it to return the subject to wellness. It includes both
a diagnostic/investigative component (what caused this?) and a ther-
apeutic aspect (how do I make it better?). What’s possible with the
Medicine skill, given the right tools and supplies, varies greatly by
tech era. Radiation exposure that would be fatal in the Modern Era
can be treated with an ongoing pharmaceutical regimen in the Solar
Era or eliminated with a one-time retrovirus cure in the Galactic Era.
This is a cascading skill. Whenever you assign an odd skill point
in Medicine, choose an area of emphasis: first aid, forensics, pathol-
ogy, surgery, treatment, cybermedicine or pharmaceuticals. (First aid
Skill Descriptions 71
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
and treatment both apply when you use battlefield medicine; first
aid helps you stabilize mortally wounded characters, while treat-
ment helps you treat their wounds.) You gain a +1 step bonus on skill
checks relevant to that aspect of Medicine.
You can: Keep a comrade from bleeding out, determine what
killed the Pratakian ambassador, figure out what’s causing the out-
break of Venusian shake-flu.
Typical modifiers: Contagion-ridden or toxic environment (–2 steps),
medkit supplies depleted (–1 step), treating your own wound (–1 step),
access to labs/diagnostic assistance (+1 step), full hospital care (+2 steps).
You can make a Medicine check as a 3-impulse action to quickly
treat a wounded creature or stabilize a dying creature, staving off
death. Usually you’ll need to be adjacent to the creature you’re
treating, and neither of you can move away until you finish. The
creature receiving the treatment is distracted and slowed (assuming
it’s not just incapacitated by a mortal wound).
Treat Wound: Battlefield treatment is a complex skill check (see
Chapter 5) that allows you to uncheck a wound box when you
succeed. Each time you make a Medicine check, you tally 1/2/3 suc-
cesses on an Av/Ex/St result; the number of successes you need to
clear the wound box depends on your medical gear and the severity
of the wound you’re treating (see the table below). For example, if
you have a med pack and you attempt to treat a serious wound, you
need 3 successes to clear the wound box.
Before you begin treatment, decide which wound box you’re
trying to clear. The more severe the wound, the more time-consum-
ing and difficult the treatment.
At normal lethality, If you fail on a Medicine check to treat a wound, you fail to make
mortally wounded progress. You can try again later in the scene, but if you accumulate
characters die if 3 failures before you succeed in the skill challenge, you “fail out”—
they don’t tally
3 successes on you can’t treat that specific injury with the tools you have at hand.
Resilience checks (You may be able to help by performing surgery after the combat
before failing scene ends, though.)
three times.
Stabilize: If a creature is mortally wounded, the Medicine skill is
literally a matter of life and death. Make a Medicine (first aid) check;
on an Av/Ex/St check result, you grant the injured creature 1/2/3
successes on its Resilience check to avoid death.
If you aren’t in the middle of a battle, you can perform surgery to
remove all an injured creature’s wounds at once, or at least reduce
their severity. Surgery is a complex skill check (see Chapter 5); you
make one Medicine check per hour, earning 1/2/3 successes on an
Av/Ex/St check result. Your success goal for the complex skill check
is 1 per moderate wound, 2 per serious wound and 3 per critical
wound. For example, a patient with two serious wounds and a criti-
cal wound requires 7 successes for a complete surgery. Emergency
surgery requires only 10 minutes per check, but you take a -2 step
penalty on your Medicine checks.
The surgery ends when all the patient’s wound boxes are clear,
or you’ve failed three times. If you aren’t in a facility with spe-
cialized trauma equipment, failing three times kills a patient who
had a critical wound. Otherwise the patient isn’t fully healed, and
must recover the remaining wound boxes through rehabilitation
(described below).
When the surgery ends successfully, give the patient a single
wound one level less severe than the worst wound you treated;
that represents general post-treatment weakness that’ll have to be
cleared through rehabilitation. Grazes naturally heal
at the end of a scene,
and light wounds at
MEDICAL REHAB the end of the day.
Natural healing is mostly the province of the Resilience skill, but the
Medicine skill can speed the process along. If you’re helping your-
self or someone else to recover from a wound, make a Medicine
check at the end of the rehab period. Add a bonus of +1/+2/+3 steps
to the patient’s Resilience check on an Av/Ex/St check result.
Strength or Agility; Attack; specialized
High-tech laser rifles are great, sure, but sometimes the bad guys
just need to be clonked in the noggin. That’s where the Melee
skill comes in. If you’re swinging or thrusting with a handheld
weapon bigger than a knife, you’re using Melee for that attack
roll, whether it’s a riot truncheon, a vibro-blade or a saber made of
coalesced energy.
Skill Descriptions 73
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
This skill can be specialized. When you assign your first skill point
in Melee, choose a category of weapon: bladed, blunt or energized
weapon. You gain a +1 step bonus on skill checks made with that sort of
weapon. You can buy additional specializations for 2 skill points each
when you level up; these skill points don’t improve your skill score.
You can: Carve up enemies with a chainsaw bayonet, win an
energy-sword duel, brandish a cricket bat studded with rusty nails.
Typical modifiers: See Attacks in Chapter 5.
Personality; Social; sometimes passive
If you want to fit in with the crowd, blend into the background, and
avoid detection in social settings, Misdirection is the skill for you.
You can quickly observe and imitate the social cues around you to
give off the demeanor of an utterly ordinary subject on at utterly
routine errand.
Misdirection has a second use—technically unrelated, but they’re
fun to play with together. With the Misdirection skill, you can employ
sleight of hand and other techniques of stage magic. By directing
someone’s attention away from your hand (or sleeve), you can make
small objects appear and disappear from pockets or other hiding
places. Roll high enough, and those pockets might not even be your
pockets, making this the relevant skill for would-be pickpockets.
It’s important to keep a solid boundary between the Misdirection
skill and its cousin, Deception. Misdirection is essentially “social
stealth”: your ability to avoid notice and remain unobtrusive. Decep-
tion covers active attempts to lie, bluff and disguise yourself as
someone you’re not.
You can: Hide a flechette pistol up your sleeve, blend into the
mob outside the embassy walls, and observe starport security with-
out being noticed.
Typical modifiers: Everyone else is an alien (–2 steps), observers
have your description (–1 step), you have confederates covering for
you (+1 step), you had time to alter your looks or clothing (+2 steps).
Agility or Intelligence; Environmental
If it moves in three dimensions, be it airplane, rocket, grav-sled, jet-
bike or ornithopter, Piloting is the skill that governs its use. Routine
flights are, well, routine, and thus the GM won’t even ask you to
make a check. But when you’re chasing someone, being shot at or
setting your controls for the eye of the hurricane, your Piloting skill
is what separates you from a crater on the planet’s surface.
Piloting includes basic navigation and an understanding of a
vehicle’s propulsion, sensor, communications and defense systems.
In an Alternity campaign where the PCs are rarely in peril while See the Shipyard
sourcebook for
flying from place to place, Piloting is the skill for flying a starship— new skills that
though in many cases, the ship’s computer is doing the bulk of supplant Piloting in
the work. a campaign where
You can: Steer in the grav-wake of a rogue asteroid to avoid starship operation is
the focus.
detection, evade the homing missiles launched by the enemy inter-
ceptors, and fly your starship so fast they measure it in parsecs.
Typical modifiers: Enemy boarders have seized Engineering (–2
steps), unfamiliar controls (–1 step), computer-assisted navigation/
evasion (+1 step), ship possesses components from a higher tech
era (+2 steps).
Skill Descriptions 75
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Agility or Focus; Attack; specialized
This skill covers ranged weapons used prior to the advent of
gunpowder, such as the bow, sling or crossbow. Fair warning: in
See Robert most campaigns, this skill is rarely used because the weapons just
Sheckley's short
story "The Gun aren’t as good as their bullet-firing and laser-emitting counterparts
Without a Bang" for in higher tech eras. But when you’re marooned on an undiscovered
the importance of planet, that improvised javelin might be what turns a dangerous
this skill. predator like the raigath into a tasty meal.
This skill can be specialized. When you assign your first skill
point in Primitive Weapon, choose a specific weapon: bola, bow,
crossbow or sling. You gain a +1 step bonus on skill checks made to
attack with that weapon. You can buy additional specializations for 2
skill points each when you level up; these skill points don’t improve
your skill score.
You can: Shoot an apple off your son’s head, kill a giant with a
slingshot, hit a flying lizard with a black arrow.
Typical modifiers: See Attacks in Chapter 5.
Varies; Technical
Profession is a catch-all skill for a specialized livelihood that exists
in the campaign setting but comes up so rarely it doesn’t merit a
dedicated line on the character sheet. If you want your character
to be an accountant, contract attorney, insurance agent, interstel-
lar trader, plumber or used-rocket salesman, put some skill points
in Profession and collaborate with the GM on what the key ability
score should be (Intelligence for an accountant, for example, and
Personality for the rocket salesman).
It’s worth noting that many white-collar and technical profes-
sions are covered by other skills: Academics, Science, Engineering,
Computers, Culture and Performance, for example. You’ll need
Profession only for something off the beaten path in terms of heroic
You can: Launder the proceeds from your space smuggling, fix
the clogged commodes on Level Fourteen, and get that middle
manager into a low-parsec rocket that’ll make the orbital com-
mute a breeze.
Typical modifiers: You don’t have the tools or reference materials
handy (–2 steps), time pressure (–1 step), able assistants (+1 step),
prior successes at this exact task (+2 steps).
With a successful 3-impulse Resilience check, you can reduce the
penalty for a wound you’ve suffered. You reduce the penalty by 1/2/3
rows on an Av/Ex/St result; for example, if you’re suffering a serious
wound and you get an Excellent success on your Resilience check,
you can treat it like a light wound for purposes of dealing with the
wound penalty. You don’t get to clear the wound box (that’s what Med-
icine is for), but you can lessen the penalty for the rest of the scene. If
you’re wounded again, the normal penalties apply for those injuries.
You can succeed at a Resilience check to ignore pain only once
per scene (but if you fail your check, you can keep trying until
you succeed.)
When you suffer a mortal wound, your Resilience check (and per-
haps the Medicine skill of your friends) is the only thing between
you and death. Even though you’re unconscious, you make a
Resilience check every 3 impulses. You collect 1/2/3 successes
toward stabilizing on an Av/Ex/St check result. If someone is using
the Medicine skill to help you, you get a bonus on your Resilience
checks (see the Medicine skill for details).
After you achieve 1 success, you need only make a Resilience
check once per minute. After you’ve tallied 3 successes, make a
Resilience check every hour, and after you’ve tallied 5 successes,
you’ll check every day. Keep making the Resilience checks until one
of three things happens:
Skill Descriptions 77
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
While the Medicine skill can treat wounds, you naturally heal over
time, too. Your recovery speed depends on the severity of the
wound; at the end of the specified time interval, make a Resilience
check to reduce a wound by one severity level. You can recover
from multiple wounds at the same time.
Light activity (walking, desk work) counts as rest, but interrupted
sleep or participation in any action means you didn’t rest that day; it
counts as only half a day for rehab timing.
Intelligence; Technical; cascades
This skill covers the hard sciences: physics, chemistry, biology,
astronomy and planetology (a combination of geology, meteorology
and environmental science), plus mathematics and fictional sciences
such as chronogy (the study of timeline manipulation).
The hardest part This skill cascades. For every odd skill point you spend in
of chronogy is Science, choose a specific field of study from among those listed
getting the verb
tenses correct.
above or ones relevant to your campaign. You have particular
training—equivalent to an advanced degree—in that discipline and
gain a +1 step bonus when that field is relevant to your skill check. If
you want to be hyper-specialized, you can choose the same field of
study twice and get doctoral-level training and a +2 step bonus in
that field.
You can: Predict the course of the rogue comet, record the anom-
alous energy readings from the monolith, or determine how the
aliens are communicating with the mother ship.
Agility or Intelligence; Environmental
The Security skill covers operating and bypassing physical and
electronic locks, alarms, cameras and other surveillance systems.
(Players being players, it’s generally used more for bypassing than
operating.) There’s some overlap with Computers, which covers
the alarm signal, keypad combination or security-cam footage away
from the site of the security device. Security is what matters when
the lock, camera or alarm is right in front of you.
You can: Disable the lasers that crisscross the hallway, crack
open the briefcase without destroying the plans inside, and
vandalize the security camera’s gimbal so it doesn’t cover the
leftmost door.
Typical modifiers: Installation is already on alert (–2 steps), impro-
vised tools (–1 step), schematic of the security network (+1 step),
confederate on the enemy security team (+2 steps).
Agility or Focus; Environmental
You can remain unseen, employing low-observable techniques
including camouflage and silent movement to traverse an area
without drawing attention to yourself. This skill also includes training
in the strengths and vulnerabilities of high-tech surveillance gear,
Skill Descriptions 79
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Vitality or Focus; Environmental
You know how to survive in the wild, whether it’s Earth’s backcoun-
try or an untamed frontier world. Building shelter, acquiring food
and water, and avoiding the environmental hazards of terrain and
atmosphere are all key tasks that use this skill.
Physical privation in the narrow sense is the purview of the
Endurance skill; Survival is relevant when you’re employing knowl-
edge and instinct before the point where you’re hungry, thirsty, cold
or slowly asphyxiating in the alien atmosphere.
You can: Build moisture wells to obtain water on a desert world,
track a roving pack of symbiont wolf-creatures, recognize the early
signs of hypoxia and seek out more breathable air.
Typical modifiers: World’s dominant biology isn’t carbon-based
(–2 steps), inclement weather (–1 step), quality backcountry gear (+1
step), regimen of tailored pharmaceuticals (+2 steps).
Focus; Defensive; passive
The third of the passive “saving throw” skills (along with Dodge
and Endurance), Willpower represents your mental fortitude and
resistance to mind manipulation. When something is trying to
Talent descriptions are much terser than skill descriptions because
they are intended to be specific and exclusive—in general, you can
only use a talent for exactly what it says it does.
Talent constellations are organized under their entry talents
(marked with ★). You must choose the entry talent as your first pick
when you begin a talent constellation. You cannot select a talent
marked with a right arrow (↪) unless you already have the talent
immediately preceding it.
Talent Descriptions 81
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
★Closer: You have a natural instinct for sealing the deal, gaining
It's ABC.
a +1 step bonus on Coercion and Influence checks when you’re A: Always.
interacting with someone who is untrained in Coercion or Influ- B: Be.
ence (whichever one you’re using). A NPC is considered to be C: Closing.
trained in a skill if it appears in a Skill entry in the adversary stats
or if the NPC description includes the skill.
Character Study: You gain a +1 step bonus on Empathy
checks if you’re interacting with an NPC you’ve met previously,
either in a prior interaction scene or in a conversation lasting
at least 30 minutes.
↪Seductive: You gain a +2 step bonus on Influence
checks to attract the romantic attention of someone
inclined to be interested in your species, gender and
other factors (as applicable; the universe is a big place).
Degrees of success are highly situation-dependent, but
as a general guideline, an Average success yields only
a brief romantic interlude, and an Excellent success lays
the groundwork for an ongoing relationship. A Stellar
success sets up a “contact with benefits” arrangement
(as described in the Contacts section of Chapter 6; the
quality of the contact depends on whom you seduced).
Chameleon: When you adopt an identity other than your
own (such as a disguise or cover story), you gain a +1 bonus
on Deception and Misdirection checks if you had a model to
Talent Descriptions 83
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Talent Descriptions 85
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Talent Descriptions 87
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
★Gunner: When you use the aim action modifier with a heavy
weapon, you do not add a 1-impulse delay to your next action.
When you use the full auto action with a heavy weapon, delay
your next action by 1 impulse, not 2.
Cover Destruction: When you attack a target behind cover,
you can choose to reduce the value of the target’s cover by
2 steps for this attack. If you do, reduce the damage of the
attack by 3.
Dakka Dakka: You take no penalty for using full auto on your
first autofire attack. Subsequent attacks still have a –2 penalty.
Forward Observer: You gain a +1 step bonus when making an
indirect fire attack.
↪Shockwave: Pinpoint accuracy and precise timing make
your explosions more effective. When you fire a heavy
weapon with a blast radius, creatures that take damage
are also knocked back away from the blast origin a dis-
tance equal to the blast’s primary blast radius unless an
intervening object like a wall prevents further movement.
↪Blast Shaping: When you shoot a heavy weapon with
This talent preserves
a lot of friendships. a blast radius, you can angle and target it so it deals
only half damage within a 1-meter square you designate
inside the affected area.
Suppressive Fire: Make an improved autofire attack action
and roll damage for an Average hit. Enemies at medium range
or closer within a 45-degree arc whose armor is lower than
your damage roll automatically take a 1-point wound unless
they are prone or behind cover. Whether they’re hit or not,
enemies within the affected area take 1 extra impulse for their
next action if they act before your next action.
↪Unleash Hell: Your suppressive fire attacks automati-
cally deal damage equal to your damage roll to targets
not prone or behind cover. Enemies avoid damage
completely if they’re someplace where it’s completely
ludicrous that a round would reach them.
Strap It Down: When you’re carrying a heavy weapon, only
half its mass (including ammunition/power supply) counts for
encumbrance purposes.
Talent Descriptions 89
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Talent Descriptions 91
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
★Melee Expert: You gain a +1 step attack bonus when you use the
charge action modifier to attack with a melee weapon.
Lunge: You can make melee attacks against enemies 4
meters away from you.
↪Overwhelming Lunge: When you charge an enemy, you
can make a shove attempt (which the enemy can block
or sidestep) immediately after you resolve the melee
attack. If the attack hits and the enemy either sidesteps
or loses the opposed check to block, you can continue
moving up to the usual limit of 15 meters.
Melee Combo: When you achieve an Excellent or Stellar suc-
cess with a melee attack, you may make a free melee attack
with a –1 step penalty against the same target after you’ve
resolved the first attack. That follow-up attack doesn’t trigger
additional combo strikes.
↪Melee Whirlwind: Your follow-up attacks do trigger addi-
tional melee combo attacks if you achieve an Excellent
or Stellar success, and follow-up attacks can target other
enemies if you like. Your attack penalty increases by –1
step with each subsequent follow-up attack.
Parry: When you’re armed with a melee weapon, and an
enemy makes an unarmed or melee attack against you,
you can use a reaction to parry. Make a Melee check as an
opposed check against your attacker’s result to counter the
attack success. If you’ve already taken a reaction to parry, you
can’t make another parry until you act again.
★Rugged: Gain bonus wound boxes on the graze and light wound
rows of your durability table.
Extra-Rugged I: Gain a bonus moderate wound box.
↪Extra-Rugged II: Gain a bonus serious wound box.
↪Extra-Rugged III: Gain a bonus critical wound box.
Roll With It: Once per scene, you can use a reaction to
reduce a wound you suffer by one severity level, to a mini-
mum of Graze.
↪Take It on the Armor: You can use Roll With It twice in a
scene. You can reduce a wound by two severity levels
when you Roll With It, but if you do, your armor becomes
damaged. Its resistance is reduced by 3 until it can be
repaired. You can Take It on the Armor only if you are
wearing armor that provides resistance against the
damage from the attack in the first place.
Shake It Off: You can make Resilience checks to reduce
a wound’s penalty as a 1-impulse action instead of a
3-impulse action.
↪Inured to Pain: You can reduce wound penalties with
Resilience checks twice per scene, not just once.
↪Suck It Up: When you are wounded, you can add +1 to
+3 impulses to any action you take. If you do, reduce the
step penalty for being wounded by the same number
of impulses you added. Step penalties from other
sources cannot be reduced this way—just step penalties
from wounds.
★Sniper: If you aim with a rifle, you gain a +2 step bonus to your
attack instead of a +1 step bonus.
Controlled Breathing: If you take 2 impulses to aim, your
attack bonus improves to +3 steps.
Talent Descriptions 93
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
★Trooper: You can attack with ranged weapons when you use The charge action
the charge action modifier. You take a –1 step penalty to ranged modifier is covered in
Chapter 5.
attacks while charging.
Controlled Burst: Gain a +1 step bonus when you make an
attack using burst autofire.
↪Focused Bursts: Subsequent bursts against the same
target gain an additional +1 step bonus. The bonus
expires if you or the target moves.
Deadly Reply: When an enemy hits you, you gain a +2 step
bonus on your next attack against that enemy.
Imposing Threat: When you attack an enemy in melee or at
close range, that enemy has –2 step penalty on their next
attack unless it’s against you.
Over the Top: You can use the charge and evade action
modifiers at the same time (delay your next action by
1 impulse, not 2).
Spray and Pray: Gain a +1 step bonus when making full auto
autofire attacks.
↪Covering Fire: Make a full auto autofire attack. Enemies
at medium range or closer within a 45-degree arc you
designate must make Willpower checks; those that fail
cannot attack until after your next action. Those that suc-
ceed can attack, but it takes 1 extra impulse to do so.
Stopping Power: When you deal 10 or more damage with
an attack, the target must make a Resilience check or be
knocked back 2 meters and fall prone.
↪Rock Steady: Requires Strength 5+. You treat pis-
tols or assault weapons with a Speed of 4 as if they
were Speed 3.
You can’t select species talents or advanced talents unless you
meet the requirements.
Talent Descriptions 95
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
After a while, telling ★Limb Articulation (Xayon): You can change into or out of quadru-
the GM what stance ped stance as a 1-impulse action.
you're in will be
second nature. Ambiloader: When you’re in bipedal stance, you can draw
and reload pistols and assault weapons without taking an
action to do so—that’s what your extra hands are doing.
↪Dual Weapons: You can wield two weapons at the same
time and attack with both in the same action. Resolve
each attack separately. Each attack takes a –2 step pen-
alty. Your next action is determined by the speed of the
slowest weapon +1 impulse.
↪Triple Weapons: You can wield three one-handed
weapons at once, as described in Dual Weapons. You
can make three attacks and each attack takes a –2 step
penalty. Your next action is determined by the speed of
the slowest weapon, +2 impulses.
Feral Wrestler: You gain a +1 step bonus on Hand to Hand
checks to start or escape a grapple.
Flurry of Blows: You can use all six limbs to defend yourself.
As a 4-impulse unarmed attack, you can attack twice, with
both attacks suffering a –1 step penalty.
↪Feral Flurry: When you make a 4-impulse unarmed
attack, you attack twice at no step penalty.
Swift Quadruped: When you’re in quadruped stance, your
base speed is 40 meters.
★Self-Improvement (2nd Level+): Increase an ability score of your If you want a human-
choice by +1. only constellation,
Self-Improvement is a
Improved Strength: You must be level 6 or higher to select good choice.
this talent. Increase your Strength by +1.
Improved Agility: You must be level 6 or higher to select this
talent. Increase your Agility by +1.
Improved Vitality: You must be level 6 or higher to select this
talent. Increase your Vitality by +1.
Improved Intelligence: You must be level 6 or higher to select
this talent. Increase your Intelligence by +1.
Improved Focus: You must be level 6 or higher to select this
talent. Increase your Focus by +1.
Improved Personality: You must be level 6 or higher to select
this talent. Increase your Personality by +1.
Talent Descriptions 97
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
4: Gear
“A weapon is a device for making your enemy change his mind.”
—Lois McMaster Bujold
Laser pistols? Personal force fields? Handheld analyzers, powered armor or recon
drones? Advanced tools and armament are staples of the science fiction genre,
especially in the sort of action-focused stories that make up the majority of Alternity
campaigns. On the other hand, a modern-day setting might limit you to a 9 mm pistol,
a cell phone and a bulletproof vest—the same sort of gear any plainclothes police
officer carries—while a hero in a primitive, post-apocalyptic setting might have to
make do with a crossbow and a leather jacket.
Gear consists of weapons (melee, ranged and heavy), armor and tools. In each
category, gear is further defined by tech era, class and restriction level.
Class 1 $100
Class 2 $500
Class 3 $2,500
Class 4 $10,000
Class 5 $50,000
• Restriction Level describes how tightly the item is controlled
by whatever authorities exist. Grenades are cheap, so their
equipment class is low, but they’re really illegal, so they have
a high restriction level.
To equip your character, ask your GM which tech era the game is set
in, whether any item restrictions apply and which method of choos-
ing starting gear he or she prefers: Quick and Easy, Pay as You Go,
Standard Issue or some other house rule.
Everyday Stuff: You need to purchase or select only combat gear
and special tools. You can assume you have anything else a typical
person would have: several changes of clothing, an overnight bag
or suitcase, an apartment or small house, personal transportation (a
car or motorcycle), a cell phone or its equivalent and so on. If you’re
currently living aboard a spaceship, your apartment’s back on your
base planet and your car’s in storage.
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Your Ship: Your GM may put a ship of some kind at your team’s
disposal. You and your fellow heroes might be the crew of a ship
owned by some corporate or government master, or the ship might
be the collective property of the team or registered under the name
of one specific hero in the party. Regardless of the details, you don’t
buy a ship—the GM assigns you one if it’s important for the campaign.
In some scenarios your personal funds aren’t important—what’s
important is what the Star Marine Quartermaster Corps chooses to
issue to you. Usually this includes one weapon of Class 3 or 4, one
armor of Class 3 or 4 and three anything picks of Class 1 or 2. You
can’t take the Class 3 or 4 stuff with you when you’re off-duty, but
the Class 1 and 2 stuff is yours (or easy to take with you, anyway).
You also have $500 in your pocket.
100 4: Gear
Having $100,000 in the bank doesn’t mean you can easily buy
a shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missile. Weapons like Stingers
and 9K32 Strelas are kept under strict military control in all but the
most lawless and chaotic situations. When you’re equipping your
Alternity character, check with your GM before selecting any item
with the following access levels:
G (General): If an item doesn’t
have a restriction level noted in its PISTOLS OK, RIFLES PROBLEMATIC
price, it’s generally available and can For most Alternity campaigns, it’s safe
be purchased without restriction. to assume the heroes can carry pistols
There might be some local licensing or melee weapons without too much
or regulatory controls for items such trouble. Either the permits aren’t hard
as handguns or drones, but you can to come by, or the setting is rough-and-
jump through those hoops or ignore tumble enough that it’s not unusual for
them without too much trouble. people to be armed. In some places (like
R (Restricted): These items are airports or courthouses) weapons might
not widely available for civilians. To not be allowed, but otherwise you can
get your hands on a restricted item, go about your business armed.
you need to secure expensive spe- Rifles and SMGs are a different
cial licensing, be equipped by some animal. Walking around with long arms
sponsoring organization allowed to or automatic weapons is obvious and
use the gear (such as a corporation provokes alarm in civilized areas—the
or a government agency), or wan- police investigate, criminals assume
tonly break the law by purchasing they’re about to be attacked, bystand-
the item from an illegal provider. ers get out of the area or close up
Even if you’re willing to buy the shop. You’ll need to decide if the extra
special license or break the law, firepower is worth the trouble.
there’s no guarantee the item you
want is available for purchase at any
price—check with your GM before
you equip your hero with a restricted-grade item.
M (Military): These items are illegal for private citizens. You
can’t just apply for a special license—you can acquire these items
only through a sponsoring organization such as a government
agency or a corporation powerful enough to make its own rules.
You might be able to buy military-level gear from a highly illegal
source, but anyone who sees you with that item knows immedi-
ately you’re breaking many laws. Of course, in a lawless area, that
might not matter much. Check with your GM before choosing a
military-grade item.
X (Experimental): These items are not generally available for
anybody, not even corporate problem-solvers or government
agents. You just can’t buy an X-grade item, but you might acquire
one as a reward during an adventure or be assigned one for a spe-
cific mission.
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Does your hero carry a 9 mm pistol, a laser pistol or a disintegrator
ray? It depends on the technology era he or she comes from. It’s
quite possible for different planets or areas within a campaign to
possess different levels of technology—heroes on a starship might
carry laser pistols but find themselves on a planet whose primitive
natives attack them using spears and swords. Tech eras are a little
“fuzzy”; the Tommy gun came into use in the 1920s (TE 5), but we
call submachine guns TE 6 weapons.
Tech eras are described in more detail in Chapter 7, but here’s a
quick summary:
102 4: Gear
In general, technology “lingers” for a while after newer items
become available. You can buy items 1 TE behind the era of your
campaign at normal cost. Items 2 or more TE behind the campaign
era are harder to find—they’re now antiques. Increase the cost of
antique items by 1 class.
Conversely, some devices may be available a little before their Firefly is an example
proper tech era. Usually the cost is increased by 2 classes (or dou- of a TE 7 setting, but
the guns are mostly
bled, if that exceeds class 5), and the item has X restriction level. TE 6 and the ships
Check with your GM before you choose an item over your TE. have TE 8 artificial
gravity inside.
Armor and weapons from lower technology levels are less effective
against armor and weapons from higher technology levels. This is
represented by tech superiority.
• If you attack a target wearing armor from a tech era lower
than the tech era of your weapon, reduce the target’s armor
resistance value by 3.
• If you attack a target wearing armor that has the “tough” spe-
cial ability using a weapon from a lower tech era, increase
the target’s armor resistance value by 3.
• If both weapon and armor are from the same tech era, nei-
ther side has tech superiority.
For example, FBI agent Erica Bell steps through a time portal
and finds herself in the Middle Ages. When a knight in TE 3 plate
armor charges her, Agent Bell shoots the knight with her TE 6 light
pistol. Normally plate armor has resistance 6 to physical damage,
but the difference in tech means the plate armor’s resistance value
is reduced by 3, to an effective 3. It turns out plate armor isn’t great
against bullets.
It’s a dangerous universe out there. Combat is a common occur-
rence in the sort of action-based stories that the Alternity game is
designed to portray, and every Alternity hero begins play with at
least a few basic weapon skills. Even if you hope you never need
to use it, you should carry a sidearm or a small melee weapon for
personal protection.
Weapons are divided into five groups that correspond with the
key combat skills: melee and hand-to-hand weapons, primitive
ranged weapons, firearms, energy weapons and heavy weapons.
Weapons 103
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
When you’re choosing your weapon, start with the table that corre-
sponds to your best combat skill.
104 4: Gear
Special: Most weapons have one or more special properties.
Some are helpful, and some are significant drawbacks. See the
ability descriptions below.
Weapons 105
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
106 4: Gear
TE Weapon Class Skill Type Spd Damage Special
* Unarmed — HTH brawl 3 1d4+0/2 physical nonlethal
1 Club 1 Melee blunt 3 1d4+0/3 physical nonlethal, +1 dmg if
1 Spear 1 Melee bladed 3 1d6+1/5 physical two-handed
2 Knife 1 HTH bladed 3 1d4+1/4 physical
2 Short 2 Melee bladed 3 1d6+1/5 physical
3 Polearm 1 Melee bladed 4 1d6+1/5 physical two-handed, AP 1
3 Long Sword 2 Melee bladed 3 1d6+1/5 physical +1 dmg if two-handed
3 Mace 1 Melee blunt 4 1d6+0/4 physical +1 dmg if two-handed
4 Bayonet 1 Melee bladed 4 1d6+1/5 physical two-handed
5 Combat 1 HTH bladed 3 1d6+1/5 physical
5 Tactical 1 Melee blunt 3 1d4+0/4 physical nonlethal
6 Stun Gun 2 Melee powered 3 1d6+0/2 energy stun, nonlethal
7 Shock 2 HTH brawl 4 1d6+2/3 energy stun, nonlethal
7 Vibroblade 2 Melee bladed 3 1d6+1/5 physical AP 2, +1 dmg if two-handed
7 Chainsaw 2 Melee powered 4 1d6+2/7 physical bleed, two-handed
8 Forcespike 2 Melee powered 3 1d6+2/7 physical AP 1, two-handed
8 Diskos 3 Melee powered 4 1d8+3/9 physical AP 3, two-handed
8 Power 3 HTH brawl 3 1d8+1/5 physical +1 step when grappling
8 Force 3 Melee powered 4 1d8+2/7 physical minor blast 3 (except you);
Hammer two-handed
9 Nega-glaive 3 Melee powered 4 1d12+3/9 energy irradiate, two-handed
9 Star Sword 4 Melee powered 3 1d10+3/9 energy +1 dmg if two-handed
Weapons 107
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108 4: Gear
Guns of various types are the
weapons of choice in most tactical
situations. Bullets hit harder than
almost any muscle-powered weapon
around, and the development of mag-
netically accelerated projectile weapons in the
Solar Era and beyond ensures that firearms remain competi-
tive far into the future.
The development of various directed energy weapons in the Solar
Era and beyond increases the already frightening lethality of the
pistol and rifle.
Weapons 109
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
110 4: Gear
High Capacity: Your weapon has a mag rating 50 percent
higher than it’d otherwise be.
Intimidating: Who says aesthetics don’t matter? This gun
looks particularly menacing and grants a +1 step bonus on Coercion
checks when brandished.
Magnification Scope: When aiming, you can also reduce the
range penalty by one step.
Silencer (TE 5+): Enemies suffer a –2 step penalty when
trying to identify the source of a shot from this gun—unless it’s
patently obvious.
Biometric Lock (TE 6+): The gun can be fired only by its owner.
Cracking the biometric lock requires a Security check, and takes 1
hour/1 minute/3 impulses on an Av/Ex/St result.
Grenade Launcher (TE 6+): Rifles only; you add an under-bar-
rel grenade launcher that functions like the heavy weapon except Anyone who's
that it holds only one grenade at a time and is Reload 2. watched action
Laser Sight (TE 6+): Grants a +1 step bonus against targets at movies knows that
the red dot of a laser
close range unless they’re actively dodging. sight grants a step
bonus to Coercion
checks, too.
Refer to the weapon tables for tech era, stats and special traits of
each weapon.
Assault Rifle: A modern-day military rifle such as a FN FAL, M4A1
or AK-74M, capable of burst fire or full auto fire. Civilian versions
are not capable of autofire, but are otherwise similar. A magazine
typically holds 30 rounds. Mass: 3.5 kg.
Bayonet: A long knife designed to be fixed to a musket or rifle,
converting the weapon into an effective spear for close-quarters
combat. Mass: 1 kg.
Bayonet, Chainsaw: Originally a brush-clearing tool for recon
soldiers, a chainsaw mounted under the barrel is unwieldy but deliv-
ers grievous wounds. Mass: 2 kg.
Bayonet, Forcespike: Bayonets famously make aiming more
difficult by adding weight to the far end of the rifle. The high-tech
solution? Generate a short blade of kinetic force only at the moment
the bayonet is needed. Mass: 0.5 kg.
Bolas: A simple weapon consisting of two or three weights linked
by a short length of tough cord, the bolas are only effective when
thrown. When you hit a medium or smaller target with bolas, the target
must make an opposed check (Dodge to counter your attack success).
If you win the check, the target falls prone and can’t stand until it suc-
ceeds on an Acrobatics or Athletics check to free itself. Mass: 2 kg.
Bolt-action Rifle: A repeating rifle such as a Springfield Model
1903 or a Mauser Gewehr 98. Lever-action rifles such as the Win-
chester Model 1873 are essentially the same (if a little more difficult
to use in a prone position). A 5-round magazine is typical. Mass: 4 kg.
Weapons 111
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112 4: Gear
Gauss Rifle: The gauss rifle is a magnetic slug-thrower that fires
a veritable rain of small, needle-like projectiles at a very high rate of
fire. It can be used only in autofire mode (full auto). The magazine
is a sturdy, side-mounted plastic hopper holding 100 rounds. The
weapon also requires a power cell. Mass: 8 kg (magazine 2 kg).
Gravity Render: The render generates rapid gravitational pulses
that shake apart the target. Its magazine is a power cell usually
good for 50 shots or so. Mass: 6 kg.
Grenade Launcher: This weapon stores 5 grenades in a rotating
cylinder. The effect of its attack depends entirely on what kind of
grenades are loaded (usually frag grenades in battlefield situations).
The price includes a box of 10 grenades of your choice, as appropri-
ate for your tech era. Mass: 5 kg (maga-
zine 1 kg).
Grenade, Concussion: A weapon ANY WEAPON CAN BE LETHAL
that relies on the concussive power of According to the weapon table, a
its charge instead of deadly shrapnel, knife inflicts a maximum wound
the concussion grenade is favored in of 8 points, but it takes a 16-point
situations where it’s important to contain wound to kill the typical hero. So
collateral damage. Mass: 0.5 kg. why aren’t knives more deadly?
Grenade, EMP: This grenade produces First off, most people aren’t heroes.
a powerful electromagnetic burst. Living They have only one or two wound
creatures take no damage from an EMP— boxes, with lower damage thresh-
it damages only mechanisms (machine olds than a hero’s wound track;
creatures such as robots) and vulnerable knives are plenty dangerous to
equipment. Mass: 0.5 kg. them. Second, most weapons can
Grenade, Frag: The fragmentation gre- be used to execute a helpless crea-
nade causes injury by producing a deadly ture, checking off a mortal wound
shower of shrapnel. Mass: 0.5 kg. box regardless of the damage roll.
Grenade, Null: The null grenade If a villain’s holding a knife to your
creates an instantaneous flash of energy throat or a gun to your head, don’t
that breaks down atomic bonds, releasing assume that you can just soak up
a great amount of energy (and generally the hit and walk away.
disintegrating anything small or lightly
built). Mass: 0.5 kg.
Grenade, Smoke: This device produces a dense cloud of smoke
in a 4-meter radius from its origin. Visibility in the smoke is very
poor (see Visibility in Chapter 5), and the smoke blocks line of sight
through the cloud. Mass: 0.5 kg.
Grenade, Swarm: This smart grenade divides into dozens of
submunitions to attack every target in a wide area. Swarm grenades
can be programmed to avoid attacking creatures wearing or car-
rying a special “safe” signal device; any safe creatures in the blast
area ignore the blast. Mass: 0.5 kg.
Grenade, Thermal: The thermal grenade produces an especially
energetic blast that can easily ignite anything flammable in the area
(and a few things that aren’t especially flammable). Mass: 0.5 kg.
Weapons 113
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
114 4: Gear
Plasma Hurler: The plasma hurler generates a white-hot ball of
plasma confined in short-lived magnetic fields and lobs it down-
range. When it hits, the magnetic fields fail, creating a spectacular
plasma explosion. Mass: 7 kg.
Plasma Pistol: The iconic weapon of the Stellar Era, the plasma
pistol fires a bolt of densely compressed incandescent plasma
encased in a magnetic field. It hits faster and harder than a bullet
and adds a severe burn to the impact energy. The magazine is a clip
of cartridges, each containing the cool plasma mixture and a tiny
power cell to generate the bolt. Mass: 1.5 kg.
Plasma Rifle: The plasma rifle uses a larger cartridge than the
pistol, generating a hotter bolt with a longer lifespan. The magazine
holds 20 plasma cartridges. Mass: 3.5 kg.
Polearm: Combining the useful features of a spear and a two-
handed axe, the polearm often serves as a ceremonial weapon long
after its battlefield utility ends. Mass: 4 kg.
Power Gauntlet: Often included as part of high-tech powered
armor, this metal glove includes servomotors to assist its wearer’s
gripping and punching strength. Mass: 4 kg.
Rail Rifle: This massive weapon uses an electromagnetic charge
to throw a quarter-kilo tungsten slug downrange at ridiculous veloc-
ity. The magazine holds 20 rounds, and the weapon also includes a
heavy-duty power cell. Mass: 15 kg (magazine 3 kg).
Razor Gun: The razor gun fires a stream of small, spinning,
hyper-sharp disks. The razor disks often cause wounds that inflict
the bleed condition. The razor gun needs both a magazine (holding
50 rounds) and a power cell. Mass: 4 kg (magazine 2 kg).
Razor Pistol: A razor pistol is the personal, non-autofire version
of the razor gun. It requires a power cell and a magazine, which
holds 20 rounds. Mass: 1 kg.
Revolver: A medium-sized repeating pistol such as a .32, .38
or .40, a revolver usually has six rounds in the cylinder (although
in some models you should load only five for safety). Reloading a
revolver can be tedious—you load only 1 round per 1-impulse action
spent reloading, although if you have a speed loader (a small frame-
like device that holds six cartridges) you can reload all six with a
single reload action. Mass: 1 kg.
Rocket, Antitank: A light, one-shot weapon intended for use
against vehicles or bunkers, the AT rocket creates a minor blast in
a 2 m area around the primary target. The blast deals 1d8 energy
damage (the primary target isn’t affected by the blast). A tough plas-
tic crate with four additional rockets is included in the price. Mass: 7
kg (rocket 3 kg).
Shock Glove: This gauntlet delivers a powerful electric jolt that Be careful with
can stun the target. The glove has a small power cell that serves as those post-battle
high fives.
its magazine. Mass: 1 kg.
Weapons 115
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
116 4: Gear
Vibroblade: A power cell within the grip makes the blade on
this sword vibrate several hundred times per second, adding to its
cutting power. Mass: 3 kg.
Z-Missile Launcher: The Z-missile is a lightweight, semi-au-
tonomous weapon not much larger than a grenade. Warheads for
Z-missiles include any available grenade type; the launcher holds 10
Z-missiles at a time, and you can choose which missile to launch if
you mix-and-match the types you load. The price includes a box of
10 Z-missile grenades of your choice, as appropriate for your tech
era. Mass: 4 kg (magazine 1 kg).
118 4: Gear
Many types of armor and defensive devices possess one or more
special properties.
Ablative: Each time an attack deal-
ing 10 or more damage hits this armor,
reduce the armor’s resistance value
by 1 after applying the previous resis-
tance value to the damage.
Bonus Resistance: You can
add the resistance values of this
defense to the resistance value of
your armor.
Cover # (limited/all): Instead of
adding to your resistance value,
this device makes you harder to
hit by providing you with cover.
Enemies attacking you “across”
your cover take a step penalty
equal to your cover value on
their attack roll. (Usually, cover
devices work only against attacks
originating in front of you.) If the
cover value is limited, it works only
against hand-to-hand, melee and
primitive ranged attacks. Otherwise,
the penalty applies to any attack
against you. Cover devices don’t stack
with terrain cover—just use the best
cover value available to you.
Cover devices require one arm, so most
humanoids are limited to pistols or one-handed melee weapons
while using a cover device.
Deflect #: Like cover, the device penalizes your enemy’s attack
roll when he or she targets you. The attacker takes a step penalty
equal to your deflect value. Deflect devices don’t care about the
direction of the attack and do stack with other forms of cover.
Life Support: This armor has its own air supply and protection
against extremes of cold and heat. You can wear it comfortably
in a vacuum.
Poor Coverage #: The armor system mostly protects the center
of mass and not the extremities, which means that many attacks
that hit the wearer encounter no armor at all. When you’re hit by an
attack, roll a d10 and compare the result to your armor’s Poor Cover-
age rating. If your d10 roll is equal to or less than the Poor Coverage
value, the attack misses your armor entirely, and your armor’s resis-
tance value is 0 against this hit.
120 4: Gear
• The power supply can maintain any defensive screen you
wear—as long as the suit has power—or recharge small
devices or tools as needed.
The on-board power cell and life support systems have an endur-
ance of 48 hours. Mass: 200 kg.
Battlesuit, Raider: A lighter (and cheaper) version of the assault
battlesuit, the raider battlesuit offers the same benefits with the
following exceptions: Your effective Strength is 10, your unarmed
damage is 2d4 + 0/4 physical, you have 3 weapon storage points
and your suit’s endurance is 24 hours. Mass: 120 kg.
Breastplate: A steel cuirass and helmet that covers the wearer’s
torso and head. Mass: 10 kg.
Bronze Cuirass: Ancient armor consisting of a breastplate,
helmet, greaves and a skirt of studded leather, such as that worn by
Greek hoplites or Roman legionaries. Mass: 30 kg.
Carbon Fiber Plate: This heavy Solar Era armor is designed to
dissipate impact through fracturing. Powerful hits degrade its value,
to a minimum 3 physical/0 energy. Mass: 12 kg.
Chain Mail: A medieval armor made from interlocked rings of
iron, bronze or steel. Mass: 25 kg.
Decelerator Belt: This experimental device generates a kinetic The decelerator belt
transfer field that slows down projectiles and particles before is kin to the Holtzman
they strike the wearer. Its power cell is good for two hours of use. generators used in
the Dune novels.
Mass: 2 kg.
Displacer Unit: This small unit clips to your belt or slips into a
pocket. When activated, it surrounds you in a spatial distortion field.
The first time an enemy targets you with an attack in a combat scene,
the attack automatically misses by 2d4 meters in a random direction
(like a miss with a blast attack). Subsequent attacks targeting you
take a –2 step penalty. The power cell is good for four hours of use.
DuraWeb Coat: A long coat of sturdy synthetic material, the
DuraWeb’s flexible internal circuits redistribute energy over the
whole body in order to prevent a burn-through at the point of con-
tact. It’s available in a variety of styles and doesn’t have to look like
armor. Mass: 2 kg.
Exoskeleton: The first practical version of powered armor, the
exoskeleton combines sturdy alloy plates with magnetic actuators
and a powerful on-board battery cell with an endurance of eight
hours. It increases your effective Strength to 9. Your unarmed
damage increases to 1d8 + 0/3 physical, and you gain a +2 bonus to
damage if you wield a melee weapon (your attack skill is still based
on your normal, unimproved Strength score, though). Mass: 80 kg.
Flak Jacket: More of a vest than a jacket, this consists of tough
synthetic fibers with small manganese steel plates. It can stop a
low-velocity bullet or shell fragment, but isn’t much help against a
high-velocity bullet. Mass: 5 kg.
122 4: Gear
Shield: This is the ancient warrior’s defense: a personal bulwark
of wood, metal or thick hide. You can deflect hand-to-hand, melee
and primitive ranged attacks as long as they originate from in front
of you. Mass: 8 kg.
Stealthsuit: A tough, tight-fitting bodysuit equipped with adaptive
camouflage panels, a stealthsuit allows you to become effectively
invisible against static backgrounds. The more you move and the
more things move around you, the less effective the camouflage.
In addition to its armor and environmental systems, the stealth-
suit makes you invisible to normal vision at any range if you’re not
moving, or invisible at medium and longer range if you are moving.
Otherwise, it provides a +4 step bonus to your Stealth checks. The
suit has an endurance of eight hours. Mass: 15 kg.
Tactical Armor: Heavy body armor intended for military use, this
armor includes metal or ceramic plate inserts sandwiched in a tough
synthetic fiber and covers a much larger area than the standard
bulletproof vest. Mass: 15 kg.
Vacuum Armor: Designed specifically for combat in space, Most military
vacuum armor includes a self-sealing inner liner that prevents the starships have extra
suits of vacuum
suit from being holed by routine combat injuries; you still suffer the armor stowed near
wound, but you won’t have to worry about decompression. The airlocks and turbolifts.
suit’s boots are magnetized (see Tools), and its built-in thrusters
allow you to fly at a speed of 20 m in zero-g or microgravity. Life
support endurance is 24 hours. Mass: 30 kg.
Warsuit, Hussar: Like the legendary knights for whom it’s named,
the Hussar warsuit features wings of striking appearance. These,
however, are functional: They deploy (or stow) with a 1-impulse
action, providing powered flight at a speed of 200 meters per move
action. The suit is otherwise similar to an assault battlesuit and
includes similar systems and capabilities. Mass: 100 kg.
Key Skill: Tools usually just work; they do what you expect them
to. If you’re not sure whether you would know how to use it, how-
ever, or if you need to repair it or push its capabilities, this is the skill
that applies.
124 4: Gear
Most of the tools described here come
in a wide variety of models from many
different manufacturers; if you want a
special feature or design, it’s probably available
somewhere at a modest increase in price.
Analgesic Spray: A potent painkiller, analgesic spray comes in a
small can containing 3 doses. It’s simple enough that anyone can use
it regardless of medical training. A dose of analgesic spray reduces the
subject’s penalty for being wounded by 1 step. You can’t “double up” to
reduce penalties by more than one step. Applying the spray requires a
3-impulse action, and a dose lasts for four hours. Mass: 0.5 kg.
Analyzer: This handheld sensor unit includes electromagnetic
and radiation detectors, a chemical sniffer and a spectroanalysis unit.
If you need to sweep an area to find a source of a particular phenom-
enon or study an object to determine its composition, the analyzer is
the first tool you reach for. Its onboard sensors have extreme range
for EM phenomena, medium range for chemical detection and close
range for determining object composition or fine details. Mass: 1 kg.
Antirad: This inhalant delivers radiation-resistant nanobots to the
bloodstream, helping to fight off the effects of radiation exposure.
After you inhale a dose of antirad (a 3-impulse action), you gain a
+3 step bonus on Endurance checks to resist radiation damage and
hazards for the next eight hours. Antirad comes in a small blister
pack containing three doses. Mass: 0.5 kg.
Automed Sled: This is essentially an automated emergency room
in the form of an anti-grav stretcher. Get an injured person onto the
sled, and the automated stabilization and treatment routines take
over. The sled has a Medicine skill score of 10/15/20. It automatically
stabilizes a creature with a mortal wound. It can treat wounds of up
to serious severity at no penalty, or critical wounds with a –2 step
penalty (see Healing in Chapter 5). Treating a patient depletes the
onboard supplies, so treatment checks on each patient after the first
suffer a cumulative –1 step penalty until the supplies are replenished
(which takes 10 minutes and access to advanced pharmaceuticals).
126 4: Gear
Flare Pistol: This pistol launches a bright red flare about 300 m
into the air. The flare burns brightly as it drifts down beneath a small
parachute, remaining visible for about 30 seconds. It can be seen as
far as 40 km away under ideal conditions (a clear night on flat ter-
rain). If you shoot someone with it, treat it as a Firearm (pistol) attack
with a –2 step penalty for accuracy; the flare deals 1d6 + 0/3 energy
damage. The pistol comes with three flares. Mass: 1 kg.
Goggles, Starlight: Military-grade night-vision gear drastically
amplifies available light. When you wear starlight goggles, you can
see in darkness as though it were daylight, as long as there is at
least some small amount of ambient light. You can’t see quite as
well as normal, so you take a –1 step penalty to Awareness checks
while wearing the goggles. Mass: 0.5 kg.
Grapnel Gun: This device consists of a rocket-propelled grap-
pling hook, 100 meters of tough wire that can support 200 kg in a
dead hang, and a small but strong motorized reel that can lift 100 kg
at 5 meters per impulse. The grapnel’s hooks can snag branches,
pipes, low curbs and so on, or its point can pierce 10 cm of brick,
wood or soft stone. A magnetic head for use on metal hulls or sur-
faces is included in the kit. Mass: 3 kg.
Loader Harness: A heavy, powered exoskeleton that turns you
into a walking forklift. The harness gives you an effective Strength of
12, allowing you to pick up and carry objects weighing as much as 2
metric tons. Your speed in the harness is reduced to 6 meters, and you
are now a large creature. If you want to punch or grab someone with
the loader harness, you can do so by making a Hand to Hand (brawl)
attack at a –5 step penalty (it is not remotely fast). You deal 1d8 + 2/7
physical damage, armor piercing 3. The harness power cell lasts for 10
hours of heavy labor. Versions optimized for excavation, construction
and building demolition might also be available. Mass: 500 kg.
Mass Negater: Attach this disk-shaped device to an object of up
to 10 metric tons and activate it, and you render the attached object
weightless. You can lift or push the neutralized object with a bit of
effort, or you might find more creative uses—for example, turning a
wrecked car into a sailboat or a concrete slab into an elevator. The
negater’s power cell has an endurance of 10 hours. Mass: 2 kg.
Med Pack: A computer-assisted Solar Era medical kit. You gain a Most starships,
+2 bonus on checks to stabilize mortally wounded characters. You military bases and
public buildings have
can treat grazes, light wounds and moderate wounds with a +2 step wall-mounted med
bonus, you can treat serious wounds at no penalty, and you can treat packs in high-traffic
critical wounds with a –2 step penalty. If you are not trained in Medi- locations.
cine, the med pack allows you to make untrained skill checks with the
same bonuses. See Healing and Recovery in Chapter 5. Mass: 3 kg.
Medical Kit: Basically, a corpsman’s pack or well-stocked doctor’s
bag of WW2 vintage. You can attempt to stabilize mortally wounded
characters at no penalty. You can treat grazes and light wounds at
no penalty, and you can treat moderate wounds with a –2 step pen-
alty. See Healing and Recovery in Chapter 5. Mass: 5 kg.
Padlock: A high-grade heavy-duty padlock with a key. You can
pick a padlock with a Security check (–2 step penalty) or smash it
open with a heavy tool like a sledgehammer or crowbar and a suc-
cessful Athletics check (–4 step penalty).
No, the fabricator Portable Fabricator: Descended from the 3D printers of the
can't fabricate a early 21st century, the portable fabricator can produce a variety of
copy of itself. machine parts, simple tools or even relatively complex instruments
or weapons, provided a fabrication plan is available. It can produce
single parts or objects weighing up to 10 kg and requires one hour
per kg (or half that time for simple or low-quality objects). You must
supply it with a dense liquid metal-polymer mix equal in weight to
the size of the object you’re fabricating. The fabricator comes with
20 kg of mix; each 10 kg of additional mix is a Class 1 purchase.
Mass: 30 kg (not including the mix).
Portable Generator: Need to run your power tools or computer
equipment when you’re off the grid? The portable generator is a
small, gasoline-powered unit that runs for eight hours on 4 liters
(about 1 gallon) of gas. The unit’s tank holds 8 liters. Mass: 20 kg.
Power Unit: About the size of a small waste bin, this device con-
tains a compact, fail-safe, cold-running fusion generator. It produces
enough power to run a small machine shop or recharge a couple
groundcars after a day of routine use, and not even an idiot could
make it explode. The power unit runs for 30 days on 1 liter of a spe-
cial fuel mixture; the price includes 4 liters (an additional liter of fuel
is a Class 1 item). Mass: 15 kg.
Resurrection Pod: The ultimate in life-saving technology, the pod is
a coffin-sized automated medical device. Living creatures in the pod
heal 1 wound box per hour, beginning with their least severe injury. A
dead creature placed in the pod is restored to life in 24 hours with all
its injuries repaired. The subject must not have been dead for more
than seven days. If the brain was severely damaged or destroyed
before the subject could be treated, the subject wakes up as an amne-
siac with no more than dreams or feelings about her prior identity,
skills and talents (a new 1st level hero, in other words). Mass: 200 kg.
Rope, Synthetic: A high-quality climbing rope, 100 meters long,
capable of holding 1 metric ton in a sudden impact or 2 tons in a
static hang. Mass: 5 kg.
Satellite Com Kit: Need to get on the Internet from anywhere on
the globe? This portable transceiver can get you online. Be warned:
The data rate is highway robbery. Mass: 10 kg.
Sentry Gun: This system consists of a central control pylon and
a number of small gun drones (see Chapter 7 for details). It comes
with a command bracelet and 10 additional “safe” bracelets. As long
as you’re wearing the command bracelet, you can verbally program
the sentry gun to fire on specific types of creatures, creatures that
128 4: Gear
enter a specific area, anything that moves and so on. Mass: 25 kg
(case with control pylon and 12 gun drones).
Sonic Viewer: This device is a fist-sized transducer that you place
against a wall or object. It produces an inaudible sonic pulse that reveals
what’s in or behind the exterior, which you can view on any linked
tablet or smartphone. Basically, it turns your tablet into an X-ray viewing
screen. The pulse reveals anything within 10 m of the surface, but all you
really see is density and rough outline—you can tell how many humans
are in a room and whether they have guns, but you have no idea who
they are. Some sensitive sensors can pick up the transducer’s pulse,
which might warn enemies in the area you’re viewing. Mass: 1 kg.
Survival Knife: A medium-sized utility knife with a magnetic
compass in the pommel and a hollow hilt containing 10 matches, a
fishhook, and 50 meters of fishing line. It also serves as an effective
knife in a fight. Mass: 0.5 kg.
Thruster Belt: This consists of two hip-mounted thrust units
and a sturdy, stabilized harness and control unit. The thruster belt
allows you to fly up to 60 meters as a 2-impulse move, but you fall
if you don’t finish your flight on solid ground at the end of the move.
In microgravity or zero-g, the thruster belt allows you to fly with a
speed of 60 meters. The belt’s power cells have an endurance of
20 impulses of thrust. Mass: 4 kg.
Torch, Acetylene: The torch kit includes a two-tank backpack car-
rier, an oxygen tank, an acetylene tank, a short hose, a cutting head
and a welding head, thick working gloves and welder’s goggles.
The torch is good for both cutting through a few centimeters of most
metals and routine welding work. Dealing with heavy armor requires
a much bigger cart-mounted torch. Mass: 20 kg (with full tanks).
Trauma Kit: A modern-day EMT kit. You gain a +1 bonus on
checks to stabilize mortally wounded characters. You can treat
grazes and light wounds with a +2 step bonus, moderate wounds at
no penalty and serious wounds with a –2 step penalty. See Healing
and Recovery in Chapter 5. Mass: 5 kg.
Vacuum Collar: This soft, rolled tube is worn around the neck This device is the
like a neck gaiter or neck warmer. If you suddenly find yourself in real reason that
vacuum, you can pull it over your head into a soft hood and mask future fashion favors
ridiculous collars
and plug it into a belt-worn oxygen supply that will keep you alive and headgear.
for about an hour. In combination with a typical shipboard jumpsuit
or crew uniform, the vacuum collar serves as a reasonable emer-
gency spacesuit. Mass: 1 kg.
Virtual Tablet: This is a Solar Era portable computer. You use it
for the same sort of things you’d use a laptop or a tablet for today,
but you wear the device on your sleeve or in your clothing, and
it produces a holographic screen that serves as your display and
interface. Set it for privacy mode and you’re the only one who can
see or hear it (although you’ll need to wear a light headset with an
optic piece for that). Mass: 0.5 kg.
Duration is how Drone operation is described in chapter 5. Here are some com-
long a drone can
monly available drones, but they just scratch the surface of what
remain active. Once
a drone uses up its PCs can build, buy or “acquire” themselves.
energy supply, it
generally takes half
its duration to charge HELICOPTER DRONE
it back up again. Tech Era 6; Gear Class 2
Range 5 km; Duration 1 hr.
Senses video, audio
Speed fly 40 m
Commands Observe, Patrol
Defense small (–1 step to attack); Durability (1+ dmg): destroyed
Attack none
Tech Era 6; Gear Class 2
Range 2 km; Duration 4 hr.
Senses video, audio
Speed 20 m
Commands Observe, Patrol, Fetch
Defense small (–1 step to attack); Durability (1+ dmg): destroyed
Attack none
Other Manipulator arms are effective Strength 1.
130 4: Gear
Defense armor 2 physical, 1 energy; Durability (1 to 3 dmg): cos-
metic damage; (4 to 6 dmg): weapons and video out; (7+ dmg)
Other Manipulator arms are effective Strength 1.
Tech Era 7; Gear Class 3(M)
Range: 10 km
Duration: 2 hr.
Senses video, low-light, thermal, audio
Speed fly 40 m
Commands Observe, Patrol, Attack, Track, Evade
Laser 4 impulses; Long 1 target; Attack 14/19/24; Damage 1d6 + 0/6
energy (accurate)
Defense armor 2 physical, 1 energy; Durability (1 to 3 dmg): cos-
metic damage; (4 to 6 dmg): weapons and video out; (7+ dmg)
Tech Era 7; Gear Class 4(M)
Range 15 km; Duration 4 hr.
Senses video, low-light, thermal, audio
Speed fly 40 m, “whisper mode” fly 20 m with Stealth 13/18/23
Commands Observe, Patrol, Attack, Communicate, Track, Evade, Link
Flechettes 4 impulses; Medium autofire; Attack 13/18/23; Damage
1d6 + 1/5 physical (Brutal)
Defense small (–1 step to attack); armor 2 physical, 1 energy; Dura-
bility (1 to 3 dmg): cosmetic damage; (4 to 6 dmg): weapons
and video out; (7+ dmg) destroyed
Other The drone has internal ammo capacity sufficient for only one
autofire attack.
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Success Goal
3 Mildly complex (a process of several steps)
6 Moderately complex (a process of many steps)
10 Highly complex (a process with steps and obstacles you can’t foresee when you start)
20 Extremely complex (a process of complex processes you can’t foresee when you start)
1 action A task you can fail or finish within a minute
1 minute A task you can fail or finish within 10 minutes
10 minutes A task you can fail or finish within an hour
1 hour A task you can fail or finish within a day
1 day A task you can fail or finish within a week
(more) Tasks that require months or years
Short-term checks require more or less constant effort to make
A normal working progress; if you take a few actions off from climbing the cliff, you’re
pace also allows for not going up during those actions. Depending on the task, failing to
interruptions in the
form of wandering continue to work on it might spell automatic failure. During longer
aliens, meteor challenges, you can assume you’re working at a normal working
storms, etc. pace with brief breaks to eat meals, answer email, sleep eight hours
and so on.
Example: The heroes are stranded on a desert island, but
they find an old wreck on the beach. They decide to try to make it
seaworthy to escape. The GM decides that repairing the hull and
fashioning a mast and sail is a pretty complex Mechanics skill chal-
lenge, and might take a few days—the heroes are going to need
to improvise ropes, glue and canvas as well as patching the holes.
She decides the heroes need to achieve 10 successes and assigns
a time interval of one day per check.
In some complex skill checks, failing one check simply means a
lack of progress during that time interval—you were searching the
jungle for the crash site, and you just didn’t find it. In others, failing
one check might be catastrophic; you cut the wrong wire when
defusing the bomb. When the GM sets up a complex skill challenge,
she’ll usually include a “fail out” condition that describes what failing
means for this check.
One fatal slip ruins everything: You fail the complex skill check
if you fail a single skill check before you accumulate the successes
you need. This is good for delicate work with no second chances,
like gem cutting or defusing a bomb.
Failure is possible, but one misstep isn’t fatal: You fail the com-
plex skill check if you fail 3 skill checks before you accumulate the
successes you need. A difficult repair job or arguing a tough court
case would be a good use of this type of failure.
You can keep trying as long as you like: You can’t fail out of the
complex skill check—a failed check just means that you failed to
make progress during that time interval. This model is best for races
against the clock, like getting a vault open before the security sys-
tems come back online.
Some complex skill challenges represent the repetitive use of one
specific skill—if you’re climbing an epic cliff, you’re going to make a
lot of Athletics checks—but sometimes a few different skills might
be useful for a particular obstacle. For example, crossing an alien
desert might involve Survival checks to find your way and find water,
Science checks to identify edible plants and Mechanics checks to
keep a jury-rigged engine running. If you can make a good case
for how a particular skill can meet a particular challenge, your GM
can allow checks against your secondary skills to contribute to the
complex skill challenge.
Finally, some complex skill checks aren’t about completing a task— "The xenos come
they’re about measuring how much progress you make in the time out at night—we
you’ve got. In an open-ended check, you don’t have a specific better fortify until
then" situations are
success goal; you just want to see how many successes you can perfect for open-
accumulate by devoting effort to the task. Make a check for each ended checks.
time interval you spend engaged in the complex skill check, and
keep track of the number of successes you accumulate.
Successes Result
1 Minimally successful; it works, but at a penalty
3 A satisfactory effort; you get what you expected
6 An excellent effort; you get more than you needed or a small bonus
10 A stellar effort; you get a lot more than you needed or a large bonus
Some skill challenges create a direct contest between one charac-
ter who’s trying to do something and an adversary who’s trying to
resist that action or affect the target at the same time. The classic
example is when two characters engage in a tug-of-war or struggle
for control of a gun, but an opposed check might involve something
like two characters issuing conflicting commands to a crewman or
trying to outdo each other in a rap battle.
At the beginning of a combat scene (or a challenge scene where
seconds matter), the GM asks all players in the scene to make an
initiative check. (The GM makes one check for each separate group
of NPCs or adversaries that are also in the scene.)
Your initiative score is equal to 20 minus (Agility + Focus). It’s like
a skill score, but it uses two ability ratings and you can’t spend skill
points to improve it. Rolling initiative works just like making a skill
check—you roll a base d20, and add or subtract the appropriate
difficulty die (if any). This provides you with a Stellar, Excellent, Aver-
age or Failure result for your initiative roll.
If you succeed at your initiative check, you can take your first
action of the scene in impulse 1. Characters and adversaries act in
order of initiative success on impulse 1 (so a Stellar result goes first,
then an Excellent result, and then Average results). In subsequent
impulses, take your turn as described below. If you fail on your initia-
tive check, take your first action for the scene in impulse 2.
It’s not unusual for multiple characters from either side in the
scene to have an action available in the same impulse. When this
happens, characters take turns as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6
Round Initiative begins in Impulse 1 in order of success
Ends level (Stellar, then Excellent, then Average).
Combatants that fail their initiative checks first
8 act in Impulse 2.
Each action requires a number of impulses,
moving your next action that many spaces
clockwise around the track. Ends
6 5 4 3 2 1
Quickly interact with an object or area. Some examples of things
you can do with an interact action include:
Move up to your speed (20 meters for a typical human hero). See
Movement later in this chapter for more details on moving. This
action refers to moving on foot; if you’re driving a vehicle or riding a
mount, some different rules apply.
Usually you can’t move and make skill checks at the same time,
but if some obstacle or situation complicates your movement, you
may need to make a skill check to get where you want to go. Acro-
batics, Athletics, Extreme Sport, Stealth and Survival can sometimes
be used while you’re moving.
Adjust your position in some way. Choose one of the following:
move up to 2 meters; drop to a prone position; stand up from a
prone position; get into or behind some nearby bit of cover.
Attempt to fight off or break free of some condition affecting you.
For example, you can use the resist action to pull free of an enemy
grabbing you, recover your senses when you’ve been stunned by
a shock glove or recover your stability when knocked off-balance
in zero-g. The exact type of check you need to successfully resist
depends on the condition. Sometimes you need multiple successful
checks to resist a tough-to-shake condition.
You don’t have to act when your next action comes up. You can
always do nothing—just delay your next action 1 impulse. When your
turn comes up again, you can decide to act or continue delaying.
Some special actions modify other actions you’re taking—for exam-
ple, aim, charge and evade. These provide you with some extra
tactical flexibility at a small time cost. You can use only one action
modifier at a time.
• Evade: You duck and dodge to avoid getting hit while you’re
performing any other action. Enemies attacking you suffer
a –1 step penalty on their attack roll (or more, if you’re
highly trained in Dodge), but you delay your next action by
1 impulse.
Some character talents or situations give you the ability to react
to the actions of other characters. Most reactions are resolved after
the triggering action takes effect. If you have a talent that says you
can react to being hit by attacking the creature that hit you and
the attacking creature actually knocked you out with its attack,
sorry—you’re already unconscious, and you can’t use your reaction.
However, some reactions actually interrupt the triggering action,
and might in fact reduce or cancel its effects.
When you use a reaction, delay your next action by 1 impulse.
When you try to punch, stab or shoot an adversary, you’re making
an attack. An attack is basically a skill check using the skill appro-
priate for your weapon. Making a Firearm check (or other relevant
weapon skill) is often referred to as “making an attack roll.”
Your target’s defensive ability or situation is measured by modify-
ing the difficulty die of your attack check. A target that’s small, well-
covered or dodging effectively is a tough shot and might subtract 3
or 4 steps from your attack roll. A target that you’ve had a chance to
zero in on or that you catch completely off-guard is easier to hit than
normal, so you might add a step or two to your attack roll.
Because the Damage: If your attack succeeds, make a damage roll to deter-
degree of success mine the severity of the wound your attack inflicts. (Your weapon’s
influences damage, damage can be found on the weapon tables in Chapter 4.) Wounds
a higher attack
roll implies both
and their effects are covered in Damage, later in this chapter, but
accuracy and the two basic things to know are that 1) the higher the success level
lethality. of your attack, the better your damage roll, and 2) the higher your
damage roll, the more likely you are to take out your target.
In a combat scene, you might find yourself in a knife fight against an
opponent within arm’s reach, or you might be able to pick off targets
with 500-meter rifle shots. Personal weapon range is described by
Any colonial marine six range categories:
knows that 6
meters or less is
inside the room. • Adjacent (2 meters or less)
• Close (3 to 20 meters)
Lots of factors might make an attack easier or harder, but the most common
ones fall under the happy acronym SCAR: size, cover, activity, and range.
Attacks 145
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
One of the best ways to stay alive in a firefight is to put something
bulletproof between you and the people who are shooting at you. If
you can’t find something bulletproof, something that obscures your
position—smoke, brush, light office furniture—can still make it harder
for an enemy to hit you.
Cover is rated by how much of your body it screens against
attack—25, 50 or 75 percent. Soft cover that conceals you without
actually stopping incoming fire is treated as one step less effective
than hard cover.
Cover generally applies to ranged attacks only. If you’re close
enough to throw a punch or stab, you’re close enough to strike
around the obstacle providing cover.
Total Cover: If a target is completely protected by whatever it’s
hiding behind, a direct attack isn’t possible—the attack automati-
cally misses.
Cover and Dodging: If a target is both dodging and behind
cover, don’t stack the attack penalties. Just use the best one that
applies. Either you’re trying to hide as much of your body as possi-
ble behind the cover, or you’re trying to keep moving to avoid being
an easy target. You can’t really do both at the same time.
People as Cover: It’s not very heroic, but you can use people
around you as protection of a sort. If there is someone standing in
the line of fire between you and your attacker, you gain 50 per-
cent cover against the attack. If the attacker misses you, there is a
50 percent chance that he must instead roll an attack against the
person in the line of fire.
Some firearms and energy weapons are capable of automatic fire
(or autofire). Autofire uses up ammunition or weapon charges fast
but allows you to attack several targets at once (or one target multi-
ple times).
Burst: You can use a weapon with autofire to unleash a burst of
shots at a single target. Firing a burst delays your next action by 1
impulse, and doubles the penalty for the range to the target. If you
hit, your attack deals an extra box of damage. Roll damage normally
and subtract the target’s armor; if the hit deals at least 1 damage,
Some hand-to-hand or melee weapons can be thrown. When you In most cases,
throw a knife, spear or similar weapon at a target, make a normal throwing a melee
Martial Arts or Melee check. Yes, you’re actually attacking at range, weapon is also
a successful
but your training with that weapon covers all the ways you can use disarm attempt ...
it. The weapon descriptions in Chapter 4 spell out which weapons against you.
can be thrown and their range category as thrown weapons.
Grenades: Throwing a grenade (or a lit stick of dynamite or a
Molotov cocktail or whatever) works a little differently than a thrown
melee weapon. The maximum distance of your throw is 4 meters
× your Athletics skill modifier for standard grenades, or 2 meters
× your Athletics skill modifier for heavy or improvised grenades.
(Remember, your skill modifier is your ability rating plus your
skill points.)
Your Athletics check is your attack roll with a grenade. However,
most grenades produce blast effects (see below). If you miss, your
grenade might still land close enough to cause damage.
Attacks 147
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
The blast origin is the center of the blast—the exact spot where
a grenade or mortar bomb lands. When you attack with a blast
weapon, your attack roll (usually a Heavy Weapon check, or
Athletics for a thrown grenade) determines just how close to your
intended target point you get:
Attack Success Indirect Fire Blast Origin Direct Fire Blast Origin
Excellent or better Exactly on target Exactly on target
Average 2 meters from the target Exactly on target
Failure 2d4 meters from target 2d4 meters from target
If a blast weapon lands off target, roll randomly to determine
the direction of the miss (a d12 and “clock face” works well, with
12 o’clock being an “over” and 6 o’clock as a “short”). Depending
on the blast, a failed attack might still get close enough to damage
the target.
The area affected by a blast weapon is referred to as the blast
radius. Blast radius depends entirely on the type of weapon used—
for example, a concussion grenade has a blast radius of 3 m (6 m)
for its primary and secondary blast, while a fragmentation grenade
has a blast radius of 4 m (8 m). Targets within the primary blast
radius suffer the primary blast effect, and targets within the second-
ary blast radius suffer the secondary blast effect.
Note that a Creatures threatened by a blast can use a reaction to make a Dodge
successful Dodge check. A successful check increases the creature’s distance from
check moves you, the blast origin by 2/4/6 meters on an Av/Ex/St success. If you’re
even though it's not
your turn. now out of the area of the blast, you take no damage. It’s possible
to dodge from the primary blast area into the secondary blast area,
reducing the damage you take without avoiding it altogether.
If you successfully dodge out of the area or take damage from
the blast, you’re now prone. If you’re in the blast but take no
damage, you’re still on your feet.
Hard cover also protects against blasts. If you have hard cover
between you and the blast origin, you gain a +1, +2, +3 or +5 step
bonus on your Dodge check (for 25 percent, 50 percent, 75 percent
or 90 percent cover). Success increases your effective distance
Gas grenades, EMP bursts and similar weapons don’t create The Endurance
explosions—they simply threaten an area with a specific effect. check counts as a
"resist" action, not a
Usually, you’ll make an Endurance check instead of a Dodge check "use a skill" action.
to resist the weapon’s effect, and you aren’t knocked prone if you
take damage.
Sometimes heroes find themselves at the mercy of villains who don’t
have any or who decide that a defeated enemy is too dangerous to
leave alive. If you attack a helpless target (unconscious or completely
restrained) and take an impulse to aim, you automatically score a
Stellar success on your attack and deal maximum damage with your
weapon. If the victim has no armor or other defenses, you instead
inflict a mortal wound automatically (see Damage, later in this chapter).
Attacks 149
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Modern firearms and futuristic energy weapons are quite deadly,
but sometimes you don’t need to kill your opponent—or you don’t
have a weapon handy. Anyone can use these special attacks, but
whether they’re effective or not depends entirely on the target.
Most melee combat in Alternity is based on strikes: punches, knife
stabs, chainsaw bayonets, force-projection swords and so forth. But
sometimes you want to grab and hold an enemy to apply sustained
leverage and pressure. That’s where grappling comes in.
When we say "one If you have at least one hand free, you can grapple another
hand free," note character so your opponent can’t move away from you. Make
that tentacles, an opposed check, using your Hand to Hand skill against your
manipulator claws,
and amorphic
opponent’s. If you win, your target gains the grappled condition
extrusions (cannot move away and suffers a –1 step penalty on all skill checks
also suffice. that require physical motion except for Hand to Hand checks
against you).
You can try to grab something another character is holding. As a
3-impulse action, make an opposed check using your Hand to Hand
skill against the target’s skill with the weapon she’s using (or the
Hand to Hand skill if it’s not a weapon). If your opponent is on guard
against you (and most people holding weapons in combat are),
your opponent gains a +2 step bonus on the opposed check. If your
opponent is holding the object in both hands, that’s an additional +1
step bonus for her.
If you win the opposed check, you now hold the item; if you
tie the opposed check, you’re both holding it, and neither of you
can use it. You’ll need to make another grab object attempt to
get sole possession of the item you’re fighting over—and so will
your opponent.
You can let go of something you’re grabbing any time you want
(no action required). If you and an enemy are both holding an item,
neither of you can move without letting go of it first.
Attacks 151
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
You can move through someone else, shoving them backward. You
can attempt to shove as part of a move action. Your opponent can
choose to block or use a reaction to sidestep.
Block: If your opponent stands his ground, make an opposed
In zero-g
Athletics check. If you win, you shove back your opponent by 2
the shove might meters for each level of success you beat him by, and your oppo-
extend beyond nent must make a Dodge check or fall prone. If you don’t win, you
just 2 meters. stop moving. You gain a +1 step bonus on your check if you move
at least 4 meters before trying to shove someone and a +1 step
bonus if you’re significantly bigger than your opponent (at least 50
percent heavier).
Sidestep: To use this reaction, there must be someplace to
stand out of your path but within 2 meters. As with all reactions, this
delays your opponent’s next action by 1 impulse. You continue your
movement as you wish.
In high-tech settings, Issuing a command to a drone is ordinarily a 3-impulse action. The
a vehicle AI will drone itself acts during the same impulse in which you issue the
respond to some command or in the first impulse after it finishes its current command.
or all of these
commands as well. Under ordinary circumstances, you and the drone act in the same
impulse. You can also issue a command to a drone while it’s carrying
out its current instruction, and it’ll undertake the new command in
the first impulse it’s available to act.
Here are some of the commands you can give a drone, subject
to the tech era and the drone’s software.
Observe (TE 6+): The drone moves to a designated point within
its range and broadcasts what it sees and hears to the drone oper-
ator and others the operator designates. The drone also records
what it observes. The drone remains in place until its duration nearly
runs out (saving enough power to get back to the operator) or until
the operator recalls it with a command.
Patrol (TE 6+): The drone moves along a path its operator des-
ignates. Straightforward paths can be programmed as part of the
3-impulse action, but elaborate paths require several minutes to
program. The drone can continue on a looping path until its duration
nearly runs out or perform the patrol once. While patrolling, it broad-
casts and records what it sees and hears.
Attack (TE 6+): The drone attacks according to its targeting crite-
ria. It performs this action only once; sustained attacks are some-
thing only full-fledged robots can do.
Fetch (TE 6+): The drone moves toward a designated object,
grasps it with manipulator arms and delivers it to a point designated
by the operator.
Combat scenes aren’t stationary. Heroes constantly adjust their If the PCs aren't
positions to take advantage of cover, get to a clear line of fire, close moving around, use
in for hand-to-hand attacks or get out of dangerous spots. Their the Props for Your Set
enemies likewise move to make attacks or avoid danger. Challenge section of Chapter 7
to "encourage" them.
scenes might not include enemies trying to get at you, but you
might have to deal with hazards such as blazing fires, falling debris
or unpredictable energy discharges. Standing in the wrong spot can
be a fatal mistake!
All creatures capable of movement have a Speed statistic, which
represents how far a creature can move on foot by spending 2
impulses to use the move action. For most human heroes, Speed
is 20 meters. You can use as much or as little of your speed as you
want when you use your action to move (although if you’re moving
only a meter or two, you might want to use the reposition action
instead). You can also move a short distance while using actions
such as attack or use a skill.
Terrain such as mud, shallow water, deep snow, heavy brush, badly
cluttered furniture or loose rubble impedes your ability to move fast.
Each meter of slow terrain you cross counts as 2 meters of your
movement. For example, if you have to pick your way through a
4-meter wide patch of thick mud, you must spend 8 meters of move-
ment to get through it, leaving you 12 meters of normal movement
available for the rest of your move action.
Movement 153
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
You can include activities such as climbing, jumping or swimming
in your move action. Any distance you move in these ways counts
against your Speed for that move action (so if you run 18 meters
and then start climbing a tree, you can’t get more than 2 meters up
the tree no matter what kind of success you get on your Athletics
check to climb).
Some creatures (or heroes with the right gear) might have access
to other types of movement, such as teleporting or flying.
If you decide to use miniatures and a grid, hex map or other such surface to
represent tactical positioning, we recommend a scale of 2 meters to a square
(or hex). For ease of play, make 2 meters the base size for human-sized heroes
and creatures—if you’re in a square, enemies can’t move through it. (It’s a
little big, but it isn’t crazy.) Most ranges, speeds and areas in the game are
given in multiples of 2 meters, so it’s easy to cut the values in half to find out
how many squares (or hexes) a creature can move in a move action or how
many hexes a blast affects.
If you need to know exactly how much space a creature or object
takes up, you can assign it a base size—a circular area that a crea-
ture effectively controls. Humans aren’t really meter-wide cylinders,
but a hostile human can easily block a meter-wide passage and
keep you from moving past him or her.
Usually the exact composition of an energy attack doesn’t matter: lasers,
flamethrowers, cold rays and lightning guns all just deal energy damage, and
armor energy resistance works the same against any of them. However, a few
unusual aliens or pieces of gear are especially resistant (or vulnerable) to spe-
cific types of energy. Here are the energy types you might see:
• Acid
• Cold
• Electricity (EMP grenade, shock glove, shock rifle, stun gun, taser)
• Fire (flamethrower, thermal grenade, plasma weapons)
• Gravity (gravity render)
• Laser (laser, phase weapons, star sword)
• Radiation (matter beam, neutron cannon, nega-glaive, null grenade)
• Sonic (sonic bore)
In addition, you might run into poison and psychic attacks. They aren’t
“energy” so they don’t interact with armor.
Your armor reduces incoming damage, potentially turning a mortal
wound to a light one, or a light wound to no injury at all. Subtract
your armor resistance from the damage of the incoming attack
to determine the actual severity of your wound. For example, if
you’re wearing a ballistic vest that has a resistance of 3, and you
get hit with a rifle shot for 8 damage, your armor reduces the injury
to 5 damage.
If an incoming attack has no damage type or a damage type
other than physical or energy, your armor’s resistance does not
apply—your powered plate armor doesn’t help much against an
alien’s mind blast or the poison already in your bloodstream.
When you take damage, mark off a wound box that corresponds
to the severity of the wound. When a wound doesn’t specify sever-
ity, you can choose which open box to mark off (usually you choose
your lowest available wound box). Wounds may also impair your
ability to keep fighting by penalizing your skill checks; see Effects of
Wounds, below.
Your durability is the number and type of wound boxes you pos-
sess at full health; Vitality and talent selection influence your wound
track. A typical hero has two wound boxes in each wound type in
the lowest three rows and one box in the highest three rows. Adver-
saries might have as few as one wound box of any kind or wound
boxes for damage much heavier
than heroes can sustain.
Wounds Escalate: If you don’t
have a wound box available for
a new wound of a given severity,
you instead suffer a wound of
the next-worse severity with an
open wound box. For example, if
you normally have 2 light wound
boxes but you’ve already sus-
tained two light wounds, the next
light wound you sustain becomes
a moderate wound instead—and
if you were out of moderate
wound boxes too, that light wound
would escalate all the way up to a
serious wound.
You suffer negative effects from taking too much damage. If you
have a moderate, serious or critical wound, you suffer a check pen-
alty that applies to every skill check you make. If you are suffering
from multiple wounds, only the worst check penalty applies—your
wound penalties don’t stack. A hero can usually shrug off a few
small hits, but too many small hits—or one solid shot from an
enemy—can seriously affect your actions.
Incapacitated: When you lose your mortal wound box, you’re
incapacitated. You fall unconscious and can take no actions. What
happens next depends on the lethality of the game—think of it as
the difficulty level selected by the GM.
When you lose your mortal wound box, you remain unconscious
until you receive medical attention. If medical attention is not avail-
able (for example, because all your allies
are dead or because you’re drifting off into
LETHALITY RULES CAN VARY space and no one can reach you), make a
Resilience check after four hours. On a suc-
Some campaigns might feature
cess, you awaken on your own and reduce
special rules for death and
your mortal wound to a critical wound (or
dying. For example, death in a
the most serious available wound box). On
post-singularity setting might be
a failure, you gain one “strike.” You die if
instantaneous ... but the charac-
you accumulate three strikes before waking
ter quickly returns to life after a
up, or if you take any more damage while
brief period of regeneration and
mortally wounded.
repair or awakens in his or her
data cache with a new body a
few moments after “dying.” STANDARD LETHALITY
When you sustain a mortal wound, you’re
in imminent danger of dying. You immedi-
ately fall unconscious, and begin a special skill challenge on your
next action: You must achieve 3 successes on Resilience checks
before you accumulate 3 failures, or you die. Each Resilience
check takes 3 impulses, and you can use the skill even though
you’re unconscious. On your first success, you stabilize for the
rest of the scene, and the time interval for your Resilience checks
becomes one hour; on your second success, the time interval
becomes eight hours. If you succeed in your Resilience challenge,
you wake up on your own and reduce your mortal wound to a crit-
ical wound (or the most serious available wound box). You recover
normally after that.
In the context of the Alternity game, stabilizing a wounded character
The Resilience skill
means keeping a mortally wounded character from dying. To stabi- (described in Chapter
lize someone, you must be adjacent to them and you must spend 3) covers efforts to
an action to use your skill. Your Medicine check counts as 1, 2 or 3 self-stabilize.
successes on an Av/Ex/St result toward the target’s Resilience checks
to keep from dying. You can continue to aid the victim, although once
the interval of the Resilience checks moves to one minute or one hour,
you must devote the appropriate amount of time to aiding the victim.
If you don’t have a medical kit or supplies on hand, you take a –2
step penalty to your Medicine check. High-tech gear may grant you
a bonus on your Medicine check or allow you to resuscitate a victim
who just died.
To actually repair a wound and “uncheck” the wound box, you must
treat the victim. You can treat grazes and light wounds during an
action scene without any specialized equipment. To treat moderate,
serious or critical wounds during an action scene, you must have
medical equipment that specifically allows you to. You can’t treat
mortal wounds during an action scene—first you have to stabilize
the victim and convert the mortal wound to a critical wound, at
which point you can attempt treatment if you have the right gear.
Using Medicine for treatment is a skill challenge; see the Medi-
cine skill description in Chapter 3 for details.
Each wound you treat is a separate challenge. You must be adja-
cent to the injured person. Failing a treatment check doesn’t hurt the
victim—it just means you didn’t make progress during that check.
Most surgery leaves Surgery is a slower alternative than treatment, but it allows you to
the patient with treat multiple wounds at the same time and address severe wounds
a serious wound, that you might not be able to fix with a quick treatment. Performing
which heals normally.
surgery is a Medicine skill challenge with a time interval of one hour
per check (normal) or 10 minutes per check (emergency surgery,
–2 steps on your skill checks). See the Medicine skill description in
Chapter 3 for details.
Living creatures (and artificial beings with self-repair systems) nat-
urally heal up over time. Minor wounds improve automatically, but
wounds of moderate severity or higher require a successful Resil-
ience check to heal. If you’re receiving medical care during your
recovery, the character helping you can make a Medicine check to
add +1, +2 or +3 steps to your Resilience check to heal up during
that time period.
Heroes run into all kinds of troubles during adventures. In addition
to the risks posed by bullets, blades and energy beams, you might
fall prey to effects like being stunned, blinded, poisoned or tempo-
rarily driven insane. These sorts of special conditions are known as
status effects.
Status effects might hinder you for an impulse or two, or they might
last for hours; refer to the specific hazard or weapon creating the
effect for details on its duration. Common durations include the
# Impulses: The effect lasts for a certain number of impulses
from the moment it begins to affect you. Place a marker on the
impulse track in the last impulse of the effect so that you remem-
ber when it ends. This type of status effect might instead affect
your next action; for example, a stun effect usually delays your next
action by 3 impulses.
Resist, Active: The effect lasts until you resist it by using the Usually an average
resist action and succeeding at the skill check noted for the effect. success is sufficient
For example, a flash grenade blinds you until you succeed at a to clear the effect.
Dodge check to resist the effect. (No, you don’t clear the spots out
of your eyes by leaping around. We just figure if you’re good at
Dodge, you were a little more likely to look away when the grenade
went off.)
You don’t have to use your next action to start making resist
attempts, but it’s usually in your best interest to clear the effect as
quickly as you can.
Resist, Passive: Some ongoing effects may end without requiring Passive resist effects
active action on your part. At the end of each round, after impulse work best for slow-
acting poisons, thin
8 but before the next round begins, you may make a skill check to atmospheres, etc.
resist the effect. If your check succeeds, the effect ends. You can’t
take the resist action to end the effect early—you can only check at
the end of the round.
Common status effects include the following:
Blinded: You can’t see. Enemies gain a +2 step bonus on attacks
against you, and your speed is reduced by 50 percent. You suffer
a –5 step penalty to hand-to-hand and melee attacks unless you’re
already grabbing or holding the target. You can’t target anyone
with a ranged attack unless you first fix your target’s location, which
requires a successful Awareness check. Even if you do fix a target
location, you take a –5 step penalty to your attack.
Damage Over Time: An ongoing effect that continues to cause
damage until you end it. At the start of each round at the beginning
of impulse 1, if the DoT effect has not yet been dealt with, you suffer
1 wound box of damage of the specified damage type.
Usually you fight off DoT with active or passive resistance, but
some types of DoT allow your teammates to help you—for example,
by making a Medicine check to treat you for DoT (bleeding). Typical
methods for resisting DoT effects are as follows:
An Alternity PC is already a cut above the average person in
the world. Your ability ratings provide you with some noteworthy
strengths, your skill points and talents mark you as highly compe-
tent, and you often have access to top-grade gear that ordinary
citizens just can’t get their hands on. But, more important, you’re
a hero. You’re the protagonist of the story, the star of the action
movie, the individual who can step up and make a difference in a
dangerous situation. To measure this otherwise intangible quality,
you’ve got access to one additional resource no one else does:
hero points.
Hero points represent extraordinary luck, resilience or perse-
verance. When the situation appears to be unwinnable, you have a
knack for finding your way through; when anyone else would die,
you somehow pull through. This special resource gives you, the
player, a chance to reach into the game and, just maybe, change
defeat into victory.
6: Running the Game
“Don’t say where we are! Once we know where we are, then the world
becomes as narrow as a map. When we don’t know, the world feels unlimited.”
—Liu Cixin
A roleplaying game is basically an interactive story or a movie where you can choose
what the characters do next. In Chapter 5, we covered the mechanics of combat and
challenge scenes. In this chapter, we take a look at how to move from one scene to
another, how to begin new scenes, and how to incorporate interesting environments
and supporting characters (or NPCs) into your Alternity game. But before all that,
let’s begin with two rules every GM needs to know.
If something comes up that the rules don’t cover, the GM’s allowed
to use plain common sense to make a ruling and move on. Can
a hero fire a laser pistol through the cockpit window of a starship
without melting a hole in the glass? It’s your call. Low-power lasers
pass through ordinary windows pretty easily, so you’d have good
reason to say yes. High-power lasers melt things, and there might be
enough interaction with the glass to transfer energy to the window,
so you also have good reason to say no.
Try to be consistent with your rulings; if you decide lasers melt glass
in one game session and they don’t in the next session, your players
won’t have a fair chance to predict the consequences of their decisions.
Other than that, use common sense and keep the game moving.
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Is someone using violence to solve a problem? Then it’s a combat
scene. Combat scenes follow the rules presented in Chapter 5, so
they’re fairly simple to run: Just roll initiative and decide which action
a villain or hungry alien takes when its turn comes up. Combat scenes
usually end when one side is wiped out, runs away or surrenders.
However, you might find that a combat scene transforms into an
interaction if the heroes manage to convince their enemies to stop
shooting and talk instead. (Usually that involves someone using an
action to use a skill such as Culture, Influence or Misdirection instead
of attacking, or an NPC offering the heroes a persuasive argument.)
Retreat: To end a combat scene by retreating, move far enough
away to break contact (or break line of sight). If your enemies
choose not to follow you, you successfully retreat. If your ene-
mies wish to pursue after they can no longer attack you, escaping
Most intelligent becomes a challenge scene. Depending on the setting, you may
creatures expect
be able to outrun your foes with opposed Endurance checks or
enemies to drop their slip away unseen with Stealth checks. If you fail to escape, a new
weapons and hold combat scene begins when your pursuers reestablish contact.
their positions. Surrender: To surrender, use your action to signal that you’re
surrendering. Proceed through all combatants’ next actions; if no
one else attacks, the combat scene ends (and an interaction scene
might begin, if you’ve got some bargaining to do). The conse-
quences of a surrender or a negotiated ceasefire depend greatly on
the circumstances.
Many adventures feature decision points where the players
choose what they’re going to do next. Sometimes that involves
choosing which way to go next or which lead to follow, and
sometimes that involves spending time or resources to prepare
for a challenge. If the heroes are under significant time pressure
(for example, they’ve got mere minutes to come up with a plan to
impress a criminal warlord) you can put the players “on the clock”
and give them five or ten minutes of table time to arrive at a deci-
sion. Otherwise, it’s just a matter of how long the players want to
spend talking about their choices.
Decision scenes also cover making choices about preparations
or gear purchases within the heroes’ control. If the players tell you
“we go buy five sets of scuba gear” and there’s no reason to think
that scuba gear might be hard to find, you can resolve the scene by
saying something like, “OK, it takes a few hours to find a dive shop
and it costs you $500 each to buy decent used gear, but you get
your scuba equipment.”
Any time the heroes are talking to an NPC, it’s an interaction scene.
Some interaction scenes are skill challenges based on “talky” skills
such as Influence or Misdirection, while other interaction scenes
don’t use any skill checks at all—sometimes the NPC just has some-
thing to tell the heroes, and no special skill is needed to get the
information. See NPCs later in this chapter for more information on
NPC attitudes and cooperation.
To determine starting positions, first decide whether the scene has a
set starting range. If the enemies kick in the door, you already know
where everyone is when the scene opens. If the PCs need to get
into Engineering and there’s a sentry robot guarding the hatch, let
the PCs decide where they want to be before they open fire.
If the situation doesn’t have an obvious starting range—for
example, the heroes are driving across a wasteland and a gang of
marauders is searching for them—you’ll need to figure out how far
away the groups are from each other when they can first begin to
interact, and whether one or both sides are trying to not be seen.
Contact 171
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
You can see large objects from much farther away if the terrain is
open and the conditions are good. Very large objects such as trucks
or small buildings can be spotted at double the normal range; large
buildings or medium starships can be seen at 10 times the given
distance. (Detection range between ships in space is covered under
vehicle combat.)
Contact 173
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Ignore: You carry on with your business. If you fail to detect the
other group (see Stealth and Detection, above), you automatically
choose this option. Unless the other side attacks you or interacts
with you, the encounter is over.
Wait: You hold your position and see what the other side does. If
both sides wait, choose again.
Naturally, some behaviors are more likely than others in different
situations. On a crowded city street, you ignore 99 percent of the
people you pass by, and they ignore you. In game terms, you have
an encounter only if it’s likely to lead to a significant scene in the
story the GM is weaving.
Mysterious alien ruins, derelict spaceships, lawless cities, strange
planets … heroes spend a lot of time searching through areas
they’ve never visited before to find people, places or things import-
ant to the current narrative. Sometimes you know what you’re look-
ing for; you might be searching a jungle for the wreckage of a plane,
trying to track down a criminal hiding in the atmosphere plant of an
asteroid city or searching an alien shrine for the legendary Jewel of
Narlok. Sometimes you have no idea what might be waiting for you,
and you’re truly exploring the unknown to satisfy your curiosity (or
perhaps strike it rich).
Regardless of your motivations, exploration follows the same
basic process all RPGs use: the GM tells you what you find, you tell
the GM what you want to do next and the GM tells you the results
of your choices, which often lead to a new area or possible paths of
Travel Speed
Time Unit 5 kph 25 kph 80 kph 200 kph 600 kph 25,000 15 million kph
(foot) (bike, ship) (car) (helo) (plane)
kph (orbiter) (interplanet
1 minute 80 m 400 m 1 km 3 km 10 km 400 km 250,000 km
10 minutes 800 m 4 km 10 km 30 km 100 km 4,000 km 2.5 million km
1 hour 5 km 20 km 80 km 200 km 600 km 25,000 km 0.1 AU
1 day 50 km 200 km 800 km 2,000 km 6,000 km 250,000 km 1 AU
The distances given on the table don’t account for good or bad
conditions (see below). They’re also approximated for GM con-
venience. Don’t be afraid to substitute better numbers if they’re
available; if you know the heroes’ aircar can hit Mach 2 (about 2,500
kph), then they go 2,500 kilometers in an hour of travel.
Speed in space is a complicated question: It’s really how much For ideas on how
acceleration you have available and how long you choose to space travel works
accelerate. The figures given for an orbiter are typical near-planet in your setting, see
Chapter 7.
“working speeds,” while the interplanet transport represents a typi-
cal velocity achieved by a ship that can pull 10g acceleration during
a voyage from Earth to Mars. Ships that can travel faster than light
are much, much faster; if your ship can hit 10c, you can get to Mars
in just a minute or two.
Terrain: Superhighways are easy going for drivers; mountains
can drastically slow down characters traveling on foot. Terrain falls
into four general categories:
Exploration 175
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Max Visibility: This is the distance at which you can make out
creatures or details in your surroundings. You can discern very
large objects (buildings, mountains or starships) at much greater
distances if your vision is not actually obscured by fog or smoke,
but all you can see is a dark outline. You can also detect objects or
creatures showing lights in dark but otherwise clear conditions as if
the visibility is good.
Effect: This is the combat effect on creatures whose vision
is limited.
Flashlights, suit lights or other sorts of artificial illumination provide
fair light level to the range given in the item description and poor
light level to twice that range. Of course, artificial lights can be seen
from much farther away (several kilometers, usually) and can’t help
much with thick smoke or fog. If you make a ranged attack against
someone you can see only by the light they’re carrying, you take a
–1 step penalty to your attack roll.
Street signs, map apps or system charts are often hard to come by
in remote areas. Heroes venturing into unexplored territory with no
idea of where they’re going stand a good chance of getting lost. At
best, getting lost causes delay and wasted effort, but getting lost in
dangerous terrain can be a fatal mistake.
You may need to make a skill check to determine your location
or travel in the direction you intend to go; Academics (for historical
sites), Culture (for sites in a foreign country or alien system), Survival
(for wilderness orienteering) or Piloting (for setting a course or stay-
ing on it) are all appropriate. Usually, just one character makes the
skill check—it’s up to the players to decide which hero is choosing
the team’s course.
Following a Path: If you have something to follow such as a road, In higher tech
a river, a good set of directions, the signal of a homing beacon or eras, vehicles
even a distant landmark to aim at, you’ll eventually get to wherever with autopilot can
navigate for you ...
your trail leads, no skill checks needed. Whether the path leads to in settled areas.
someplace you want to go is an entirely different question.
Finding a Point: Sometimes you don’t have a path to follow—
you’re looking for something, even if it’s just “the fastest way out of
Exploration 177
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
The rule of three: Heroes have a habit of finding reasons to venture into dangerous
fit humans can places and situations. Wounds caused by bullets and laser beams
survive 3 minutes
without air, 3 hours
are bad enough, but there are plenty of other ways the universe can
without shelter in the do you in: starvation, exotic diseases, a few hours of winter in North
cold, 3 days without Dakota without a coat. In this section, we’ll take a look at the sort of
water, and 3 weeks environmental dangers Alternity heroes run into from time to time.
without food.
Debility: Debility is a special sort of damage that measures
the slow breakdown of the body from slow-acting environmental
causes, as opposed to bullets or fangs. Debility is measured in
levels; you gain levels of debility when you fail Endurance checks
to resist the effects of dangerous environments. The effects of
debility depend on how many levels of debility you have and your
Vitality score:
We cover other
If you have a moment to prepare, you can automatically hold your
asphyxiation breath for 2 minutes (or 8 action rounds); otherwise, you can hold
scenarios in the your breath for 1 minute (4 action rounds). After that, you must make
Poison and Vacuum an Endurance check at the end of each action round (or 15 seconds)
sections below.
to continue holding your breath. Your first check is at a +3 step
bonus, but each subsequent check reduces the bonus by 1 step
(and imposes a worsening penalty by your fourth check). When you
fail the check, you become incapacitated and drown.
If no one aids you, that’s it for you. If you are rescued within
10 minutes of drowning, you’ve at least got a chance. Reviving a
drowning victim is a complex skill challenge: Medicine, time interval
1 minute, 3 successes to revive, –2 step penalty for 5 minutes or
more of submersion, victim dies after 3 failed checks.
Dangerous cold or dangerous heat are not uncommon on Earth,
but on alien worlds, climate extremes may easily exceed the worst
extremes that our own arctic regions and deserts can dish up.
Characters who don’t have protection from the elements must make
Endurance checks; each time you fail a check, you gain 1 level
of debility.
Cold Water: Immersion in cold water is not good for you. Water
temperatures below 10° C are dangerous, water temperatures below
5° C are very dangerous, and water temperatures at or below the
freezing mark (unusual, but possible) are extremely dangerous.
Dry Heat: Arid conditions are much more tolerable than humid
conditions. You gain a +2 step bonus on your Endurance checks to
survive hot temperatures if the humidity is low, although you’ll need
to drink lots of water (otherwise, you do not receive the bonus).
Earth-normal gravity (or g) isn’t all that common in the universe.
Heroes might visit massive planets with extremely heavy gravity or
find themselves on derelict spaceships with zero gravity. Remember,
gravity is acceleration—if you’re in a ship boosting at 5 g and you’re
not in an acceleration couch, you’re going to be glued to the floor.
For our purposes, gravity comes in six levels: zero-g, micro, low,
standard, high and extreme.
Venomous animals, poisoned arrows, chemical weapons ... poisons
of various sorts pose a significant threat to heroes. In the Alternity
game, poison comes in two basic types: fast-acting poisons that
deal damage over time in combat situations or slow-acting poisons
that kill over hours or days by inflicting debility on the victim.
Delivery: Poisons can be introduced into your body through
several different mechanisms. If the delivery method succeeds (you
drink the poisoned wine, the poisoned arrow inflicts a wound and so
on), you are now poisoned.
deal lots of damage quickly, while slower poisons might deal only
one wound per round.
Effect: A secondary condition of the poison. Secondary effects
begin after the onset and last until you end the poisoned status by
succeeding at the required number of Endurance checks to resist
the poison (or until you receive an antidote).
# Resist: The number of times you must succeed at an Endur-
ance check to fight off the poison’s effect. You resist poison pas-
sively at the end of the round, not actively by using the resist action.
Fail: The effect of failing an Endurance check to resist a poison.
Poison Delivery Onset over Time Effect #Resist Fail
Chloroform Inhaled 1 round none Impaired 1 Incapacitated
1d6 × 10 min.
Cyanide Ingested Instant 2 wounds Incapacitated 3 Death
Gas, Chlorine Inhaled 1 round 1 wound Distracted 1
Gas, Mustard Contact 1 minute 1 wound Impaired 1
Gas, Nerve Contact Instant 1 wound Blinded, slowed 6 Death
Sedative, strong Ingested 10 minutes none Impaired 1 Incapacitated
1d6 hours
Tranquilizer Injected 1 round none Impaired 3 Incapacitated
1d6 x 10 min.
Venom, Injected 2 rounds 1 wound Distracted 1
Venom, strong Injected 1 round 2 wounds Impaired 3
Venom, lethal Injected Instant 2 wounds Impaired, slowed 3 Death
Dangerous radiation is a common hazard in science fiction set-
tings. Heroes might find themselves facing damaged power plants,
irradiated ruins, radiological weapons and cosmic phenomena such
as solar flares or pulsars. Radiation injury is a pretty complex topic,
but we’ll reduce it to a relatively simple “game hazard” so you won’t
be tracking rems or enforcing decontamination procedures on
your players.
need about 4 liters (or 4 kg) of water per day. Characters without
stores of food or water might be able to forage or hunt for food and
find local water sources if a planet is reasonably Earthlike; see the
Survival skill.
After two days without water or two weeks without food, you
must begin to make Endurance checks to avoid gaining 1 level of
debility. Continue to make checks for each
day without water or week without food until
you either improve your supply situation
While you don’t explode in or succumb.
vacuum, you can easily get
blown out into space if some-
thing puts an unexpected hole in VACUUM
your ship or station. Air escaping Sooner or later, you’re going to find yourself
through a large hole creates a outside your ship without a spacesuit, and
powerful wind “blowing” out. In that’s not where you want to be. Contrary to
zero-g or microgravity, you’re popular depiction, you generally don’t freeze
picked up and swept along; at in vacuum—it’s hard to lose heat without
the end of each impulse, you’re any sort of matter in contact with you. You’re
carried 20 meters closer to the also not going to explode, but you can suffer
hole unless you find something lethal injury if your lungs rupture.
to hold onto. If you’re actually Initial Exposure: Make a Resilience
blown out through a large hole, check. On a failure, you sustain a mortal
you’re now drifting away from wound. If you have a moment to ready your-
your ship at the speed of 20 self—your suit leak is slow or you’re choos-
meters per impulse. ing to open the airlock—you can empty your
If the area now exposed to lungs of air, and you don’t need to make the
space is small, it can empty out Resilience check.
very quickly. A large hole in a Acting in Vacuum: You’re distracted. At
small room means that room the end of each even-numbered impulse,
is immediately emptied of air, make an Endurance check; you have a
becoming a vacuum. A large cumulative –1 step penalty for each check
hole in a large room, or a small after the first. On your first failed check, you
hole in a small room, causes the become impaired. On your second failed
room to depressurize over the check, you fall unconscious and start to
course of 2d6 action rounds asphyxiate.
(or more, if the area venting is Asphyxiation: The combination of asphyx-
really big). iation and ebullism (your body fluids boiling
in low pressure) finish you off in a couple
minutes. Mercifully, you’re unconscious by
this point. At the end of each minute you’re unconscious in vacuum,
make an Endurance check. On a failure, you die. You have a cumu-
lative –1 step penalty for each check after the first.
If you need to describe an object in game statistics, use the follow-
ing characteristics:
Size and Mass: The object’s size and weight; handy for figuring
out how hard it is to target with an attack or shove.
Objects 187
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Durability: The number and type of wound boxes the object pos-
sesses. Size, redundancy, quality of construction, compartmentaliza-
tion or plain physical toughness all influence the object’s durability
track. Think of durability as “how many shots can this thing take
before it’s wrecked.” Use the table below as a guide:
Just like wounded characters take a penalty to their actions,
objects with significant damage may not work as well as they’re
supposed to. For example, trying to operate a reactor console that
has suffered critical damage means you’re taking a –3 step penalty
on your Engineering checks. (We advise running at that point.)
Object Size/Toughness
Wound Box Type Tiny Small Average Large Huge
Total (destroyed) 7+: 10+: 13+: 16+: 20+:
Critical (–3 steps) 1–6: 1–9: 10–12: 13–15: 16–19:
Serious (–2 steps) 7–9: 10–12: 13–15:
Moderate (–1 step) 1–6: 7–9: 10–12:
Minor 1–6: 1–9:
Shift 1 column to the left if the object is fragile for its size.
Shift 1 column to the right if the object is tough for its size.
Many scenes in adventures fall into the category of social interac-
tions: The heroes are trying to negotiate with an NPC for something
they want or convince an NPC to treat them differently than usual.
Scenes that revolve around the heroes talking with NPCs are gener-
ally referred to as “interaction” scenes or encounters—and if it’s not
clear whether the heroes can get what they want from someone, an
interaction skill challenge may be called for.
Automatic Success and Failure: While a hero with a winning Per-
sonality and a bunch of skill points in Influence or Misdirection can
talk his way out of quite a lot of trouble, the GM should begin inter-
actions with a strong bias toward common sense. You don’t have to
succeed at an Influence check to get the cashier at a fast-food joint
to sell you a hamburger; that’s the cashier’s job. (You might need to
make an Influence check to persuade the manager to fix you a ham-
burger if they’re closing for the night or if they’re saving the ham-
burger for someone else, though.) Routine interactions for ordinary
stakes should just succeed.
Likewise, some interactions don’t succeed regardless of skill
checks. If the GM determines a spaceport security chief is incor-
ruptible, no attempt to bribe that NPC is going to work, regardless
of check results. (However, convincing the honest security chief
that your cargo is one thing instead of another might be possible.)
People don’t just give valuables to strangers or take insane risks
for them on a whim; you’ll need to create the right conditions first
by winning the target’s confidence, which takes time and may
involve extensive research and a Misdirection skill challenge in its
own right.
Interaction 189
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Most NPCs you interact with in an Alternity adventure begin with
an attitude appropriate for their role. A xenophobic alien tribe is
hostile to off-worlders and attacks any humans they see, unless
they’ve learned to fear human firepower ... in which case they might
flee, hide or quietly track the team looking for chances to ambush
stray or unaware heroes. A conscientious security guard does her
job, doing her best to protect the facility she’s assigned to, while a
disgruntled security guard does the absolute minimum she needs to
do to avoid getting fired.
Attitudes fall into five basic categories:
Check required to
Initial Attitude improve by 1 category 2 categories
Hostile Excellent Stellar
Suspicious Average Excellent
Indifferent Average Excellent
Helpful Excellent —
Friendly — —
A failed check either leaves the NPC’s attitude where it is or
worsens it by one category, depending on the situation and the
stakes involved.
Improving an NPC’s attitude by more than two categories gen-
erally requires an extended skill challenge. In this case, an Av/Ex/
St result tallies 1/2/3 successes, and it takes 3 successes for each
Sometimes, players hit upon the exact right thing for their characters
to say in the exact right situation. If the GM feels the players, speak-
ing for their characters, found the exact right argument or induce-
ment to convince an NPC to do what they want, there’s no need to
roll the dice. Your reward for engaging with the story and thinking
hard about how your character can change someone else’s mind—
or buy them off with an offer they can’t refuse—is you automatically As long as your
succeed at the interaction scene. table is consistent,
Alternity works just
If your argument or inducement is strong but the GM feels it’s fine whether you’re
not a sure thing, the GM can simply award you a bonus on your skill more of an “act it out”
check. A bonus of +1 step for a point well made to +3 steps for a type or a “roll the
dice” sort.
compelling case would be appropriate; anything more probably falls
into the realm of automatic success.
If a skill check is called for, a negotiation ranges from a single check
for a simple decision to a lengthy skill challenge for a complex or
time-consuming decision. Brokering a peace deal between warring
planets isn’t the sort of thing you do with one roll of the dice. The
three biggest components of a negotiation challenge are commit-
ment, risk and reward.
Commitment: How much effort are you requesting from the NPC
you’re dealing with? Convincing villagers to delay an unimportant
hunt by a day is not too hard, but convincing them to never again
hunt a rare prey animal that represents an important rite of passage
for their warriors is a much tougher sell.
Interaction 191
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
take only a moment for her to buzz you in—she’s likely to say no.
Risk imposes a penalty depending on the potential consequences
to the NPC:
Reward: What’s the upside for the NPC? Minor rewards include
It doesn’t matter
a gift equal to a few hours’ pay, a good word with a supervisor or
if you can really a chance to spend time with someone the NPC finds congenial or
provide the reward attractive. Major rewards are things like a few month’s pay, a promo-
to the NPC; the NPC tion or the promise of a serious relationship with the right person.
just has to believe
you’ll live up to your Extreme rewards include gifts of “quit your job” money, promotions
end of the deal. of several steps and so on. Rewards provide bonuses to your nego-
tiation skill challenge (+1 to +5 steps).
If the heroes capture an important NPC who has information
they want, you can play out the interrogation as a negotiation as
described above. The key aspects of commitment, risk and reward
still apply. But for less important interrogations (the quintessential
“find out what the guard knows” situation), you can use a more
streamlined technique.
Set Success Categories: Decide what the NPC reveals with each
category of success:
Interrogation subjects tend to view their “should I talk or not?” deci-
sion through two lenses: the consequences for resisting the heroes’
interrogation versus the consequences for cooperating. As the GM,
you have the best insight into how the NPC would initially weigh
those competing consequences; decide on a step bonus or step
Once you’ve figured out your categories for success and set an
overall step bonus/penalty for the consequences of resistance
versus cooperation, it’s time for the players to engage in the actual
interrogation. Depending on your table’s style, this can fall any-
where on the act-it-out to roll-the-dice spectrum (described in the
Roleplaying section above).
Good Cop/Bad Cop: Players love using this interrogation tech-
nique, and they should—it’s fun! To quickly adjudicate this approach,
give the “good cop” PC and the “bad cop” PC each a turn to role-
play their part of the interrogation, then have one make an Influence
check while the other makes a Coercion check. The PCs collectively
gain the benefit of the better result.
False Confederate: Another trick is to convince the interrogation
subject that you’re really on their side. That’s a matter of Deception
checks, with a significant step bonus or penalty depending on how
plausible the ruse is.
Technological Aid: Law enforcement agencies of TE 7 or higher
have access to sensors that function as more reliable versions of
modern-day lie detectors. At TE 7 they’re hard-wired into inter-
rogation rooms, but portable units emerge by TE 8. Treat the
presence of those sensors as a step bonus (generally +1 or +2) for
an interrogation. They can be hacked like other high-tech devices,
and they don’t work on alien physiologies unless they were built
to do so.
Finally, some TE 9 settings have thought-reading sensors that not The psionic
only detect lies, but make it hard or impossible for the interrogation techniques
subject to reveal the truth. Using such mind probes grants a +3 or in Appendix 1
are useful in
higher step bonus on the interrogation, but the consequence for interrogations, too...
failure might be a brain-dead subject, not just a silent one.
Interaction 193
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
That doesn’t mean you should put the dice away entirely, though.
When the heroes are being interrogated or negotiated with, there
are all sorts of things they can be doing:
An NPC’s role is simply the reason he or she is in the adventure.
Is the NPC a faceless adversary the heroes battle in one combat
scene, a helpful bystander with a key piece of information or a
master villain with a world-threatening plot? NPC roles include allies,
contacts, extras, professionals and villains.
Sometimes, a team of PCs needs a little help. An NPC ally is an
additional hero character under the GM’s control. An ally may be a
temporary addition to the team for a single episode or adventure—
for example, extra firepower the heroes’ employer assigns to help
with a tough mission—or a faithful sidekick who sticks with a hero
through many adventures. For ally NPCs, some
skills are more useful
Allies are “full” characters with ability ratings, archetypes and skill than others. You'll
point assignments. Allies are usually a level or two lower than most almost never roll
heroes in the party (the game is about the heroes, after all). Allies an NPC-vs.-NPC
Influence check,
might join the team for a fair cut of the job’s proceeds or dividends,
for example.
because some higher authority assigns them to the team for a while,
or as sidekicks acquired by heroes who choose the sidekick talent.
The GM designs the ally character and controls the ally during
action scenes (although most GMs allow players to control their
own sidekicks and only overrule the players’ decisions if it seems
clear a sidekick wouldn’t do what the player wants the sidekick to
do). Allies generally don’t take suicidal chances or meekly tolerate
NPCs 195
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Most of the people the heroes pass by on the street are average
in all respects—they’re literally extras (in the cinematic sense) who
are present only to create the illusion of a realistic world. When
you touch down at an outpost on a distant world, you could meet
Sometimes, it pays to just hire a pro. A professional is an NPC
you hire because they’ve got a skill you need—for example, a
doctor for an injured character, an engineer to repair a dam-
aged ship, or a lawyer to get an injunction slapped on the
megacorp before they remove artifacts from the alien tomb they
think they own.
Professionals come in three grades:
NPCs 197
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Most adventures feature a villain—an NPC who serves as the pri-
mary driver of the plot, and the center of resistance to the heroes’
efforts. Villains come in all shapes and sizes; many are very formi-
dable adversaries who can singlehandedly take on a whole team of
heroes while others throw hordes of thugs or soldiers in the heroes’
path. Still others pose no physical threat to the heroes at all—they’re
dangerous because they can use authority or misdirection to
stymie the heroes. The important thing is that a villain has a place
in the narrative: She’s trying to do something the heroes need to
stop, or she’s trying to stop the heroes from doing something they
need to do.
Villains generally require a “full” character or creature design; the
GM needs to know what happens if the heroes confront them, even
if the villains in question have no particular desire to shoot it out
with the good guys. However, villains don’t have to be built on the
same chassis as a PC. Many villains are aliens or monsters of some
sort and don’t have an archetype or full skill selection. Even human
villains rarely need to be constructed like evil heroes.
When in doubt, Villains and Hero Points: Just as heroes have hero points to help
save that last "hero" them shine at dramatic moments in an adventure, important villains
point for a getaway
... or at least to also have hero points. Villains spend their hero points defensively
keep them from to reduce the success of hero attacks (especially Excellent or Stellar
finding the body. successes). They can also spend hero points to succeed at an
important skill check that isn’t a direct attack on one of the PCs—for
example, a Piloting check to vanish into a nebula or an Engineering
check to sabotage a ship’s power plant and create a new problem
for the heroes to deal with.
The Alternity game isn’t a “zero to hero” system—a beginning
character is already a competent hero and a cut above most of the
people in the universe. Even so, characters definitely grow over the
course of their careers, learning new skills and mastering old ones.
In some campaigns, highly experienced heroes also gain access
to better gear and more powerful weapons. A suit of powered
assault armor is never going to be something you just wear all the
time, but as you approach 10th level, it might be something you can
keep stashed on board your ship or easily requisition from the local
authorities when you need it.
Heroes level up when the GM decides it’s appropriate for them to
do so; this isn’t an XP or kill-point system. We recommend awarding
a new level to the heroes at the completion of two to three short
adventures, or one medium-sized one (an adventure of about a
dozen scenes). To put it another way, heroes should level up once
every three to six game sessions.
When you gain a level, you can learn a new talent. You also gain 5
skill points. The maximum number of skill points you can assign to
a skill is equal to 4 plus your new level, topping out at 10 skill points
by the time you’re level 6. (Later in your career it may be useful to
take up some new skills and expand your horizons a bit.)
In higher tech eras, Over the course of your career, you might find that some element of
retraining may your early training just isn’t relevant anymore and refocus on skills
involve directly
or talents that are more useful to you. When you gain a level, you
rewiring the heroes'
brains or altering can “forget” a talent and learn a new one in its place. You can also
their memories. remove up to 2 skill points from one existing skill and spend them
on different skills. You can’t choose to remove talents or skill points
that are requirements for a different talent you still have.
In fantasy games, heroes gain ever-more powerful magic swords
and magic armor as they gain levels. There’s a limit to just how
believable this is in a sci-fi RPG, but it’s still possible to improve your
combat ability with weapons and armor or to obtain a kit that helps
you succeed at difficult skill challenges with non-combat skills. You
If you’re the gamemaster of your RPG group, you get to take the lead in choosing
what kind of future you’re going to explore in your game. Revolution in a far-future
dystopia? Galactic exploration? A series of special forces ops to prevent time-trav-
eling aliens from changing the past? It’s all up to you. But that means you’ll need to
know how to create interesting and well-balanced adventures for your players to
participate in.
If you don’t know where to start, we recommend downloading some of the free
Alternity adventures available at sites such as Read through a
couple; you’ll see what sort of scenes, decision points and adversaries an adventure
needs. Now here’s the most important advice: You don’t need to write thousands of
words to create an adventure. We write a lot because we don’t know who’s going
to try to run the adventures we create, and we want to provide all the necessary
background so you’ll know how the story ought to change as the players move
through the plot. But if you’re creating an adventure you’re going to run yourself, all
you really need to do is go scene by scene and jot down enough notes to:
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Combat scenes in Alternity should be both relevant to your story
and a significant enough challenge to merit rolling initiative. Setting
the difficulty of a combat scene is equal parts art and science. The
foes the PCs fight are part of the puzzle, but so is all the set design
(we cover set design later in this chapter).
Adversaries are described in more detail in Chapter 8, but for
purposes of this discussion, here’s what you need to know. Adver-
saries have a threat rating (or TR) describing what level of heroes
they “match up” best against. In addition, you
might find them in big mobs or as tough solos;
GEAR AND COMBAT in order of increasing power and decreasing
DIFFICULTY numbers, adversaries include minions, stan-
Heroes armed with Class 3 dards, champions and bosses.
weapons and defenses are Guidelines for adding adversaries to your
effectively one level higher combat scene are as follows:
than their actual level for A combat scene of average difficulty pits
purposes of Combat Difficulty. a team of heroes against an equal number
Heroes armed with Class 4 or 5 of standard adversaries of their level. You
gear are effectively two levels can substitute a champion in place of two
higher. Likewise, heroes limited standard adversaries or a boss in place of
to Class 1 gear are effectively four. You can also replace a standard adver-
2 levels lower than their sary with three minions of the same level.
actual level. If you know you’re So, for example, your scene might have two
going into a tough fight, get standards and one champion, or one cham-
your hands on some serious pion and six minions. This sort of encounter is
firepower! not usually deadly for the heroes, but it serves
to deplete their resources.
As you build the set for the scene, you’ll quickly get a sense for
where the heroes will arrive (generally an obvious entry door, hall-
way or outdoor path). Conversely, if NPCs are arriving to confront
the PCs, you know where they’ll be. Make sure there’s a reason for
the arriving group to move away from that entry point and for the
“home team” to move around within the set as well. Alternity is
Door Type TE Breakage Res. Durability Penalty
Light interior door 1+ +2 steps 2 1–9: ; 10+ –1 step
Ordinary door 1+ +0 steps 2 1–6: ; 7–9: ; 10–12: ; 13+ –2 steps
Sturdy door 2+ –2 steps 3 1–6: ; 7–9: ; 10–12: ; 13+ –2 steps
Fire/security door 3+ –4 steps 5 1–6: ; 7–9: ; 10–12: ; 13+ –3 steps
Glass door 4+ +4 steps 0 1–9: ; 10+ –1 step
Ordinary metal hatch 4+ — 7 1–6: ; 7–9: ; 10–12: ; 13+ –3 steps
Armored metal hatch 4+ — 10 1–6: ; 7–9: ; 10–12: ; –4 steps
13–15: ; 16+:
Garage door 5+ –3 steps 5 1–6: ; 7–9: ; –2 steps
10–12: ; 13+
Vehicle door 5+ –4 steps 4 1–6: ; 7–9: ; 10–12: ; 13+ –3 steps
Autoslide 6+ +1 step 2 1–6: ; 7–9: ; 10–12: ; 13+ –2 steps
EVA airlock 7+ — 8 1–6: ; 7–9: ; 10–12: ; 13+ –4 steps
Docking collar 7+ — 10 1–6: ; 7–9: ; 10–12: ; –5 steps
13–15: ; 16+:
Landing bay 8+ — 10 1–6: ; 7–9: ; –5 steps
10–12: ; 13–15: ; 16+:
Forcefield door 9+ — 14 1–6: ; 7–9: ; 10–12: ; –5 steps
13–15: ; 16+:
Teleportal 9+ — 3 1–6: ; 7–9: ; 10–12: ; 13+ —
In general, an Average success with the Security skill opens a lock
but breaks it, makes it obvious it has been picked or triggers a
security alert. An Excellent success gets the lock open, leaving only
miniscule forensic evidence behind. A Stellar success is undetect-
able and (if it’s a high-tech lock) allows future bypasses to automati-
cally succeed.
Surface Effect
Broken glass –2 m speed; take a graze wound if you go prone
Light underbrush –2 m speed, +1 step on Stealth checks
Mud/snow half movement
Rubble/debris half movement
Cluttered furniture half movement; enemies attacking you suffer –1 step cover penalty
Shallow water half movement
Heavy underbrush half movement, +2 steps on Stealth checks
Heavy rubble Athletics check required to move; enemies attacking you suffer –2 steps
cover penalty
Toxic goo half movement; when you enter, you begin damage over time (acid)
Lava half movement; when you enter and at start of even impulses take 2d8 energy
damage begin damage over time (fire)
For the effects of damage, you can either choose a row from the
table below or determine randomly what happens (useful if it’s just
d20 cosmetic significant nonfunctional
1 harmless sparks flash of light (–2 steps electrical arcs (1d6 energy damage
Awareness for 1 rd) within 2 m every even impulse)
2 wisps of smoke smoke (poor visibility within 4 m)dense smoke (very poor visibility within
4 m, blocks line of sight)
3 ominous hissing dangerous vapor (1d4 damage toxic vapor within 2 m (poison damage
within 2 m every even impulse) over time)
4 paneling falls off broken glass within 2 m light debris within 2 m
5 popping/clanking explosive boom (–1 step ear-splitting screech/roar
sounds Awareness for 1 round) (–2 step Awareness for 1 round)
6 small puddle of slippery puddle (rough terrain) toxic goo (see Floor section above)
leaking fluid within 2 m within 2 m
7 crackling sounds heat/fire (1d4 energy if touched) fire spreads (floor is effectively lava
within 2 m)
8 alert tones/chimes computer voice warns of computer voice announces shutdown
9 sporadic jets of floor is slippery (see Floor floor is slippery and 1d4 energy from cold
escaping coolant section above) within 2 m if touched
10 device enters low- device reboots or powers off/on device briefly flickers back to life
power mode
11 maintenance panel device enters device tries to repair itself
pops off maintenance mode
12 leak of effluent/ sludge is effectively mud sludge is effectively toxic goo
sludge (see floors) within 2 m (see Floors) within 2 m
13 device changes device performs elaborate but device slowly ... stops ... working
language random function
14 parts fly off minor explosion; fragments major explosion dealing 1d8/2d6 physical
harmlessly, land deal 1d6 physical within 2 m in an 8 m/4 m blast
within 10 m (Dodge to avoid)
15 alarm/voice 1d6 energy and irradiate 1d10/2d10 energy and irradiate
announces within 2 m within 8 m/4 m
radiation leak
16 device becomes device is painfully hot parts of device melt and leak out
warm to the touch
17 device goes dark device flickers back to device goes dark again,
normal function humming ominously
18 device rattles device shivers and device falls apart (debris within 2 m)
shakes in place
19 device functions device goes into overdrive device hisses and dies
autonomously but
20 device vibrates device falls over/ device moves 1 m in random direction,
breaks moorings then falls apart (debris within 2 m)
Weapon emplacements occupy a middle ground between devices
(described above) and adversaries. To use a weapon emplacement
in one of your sets, choose an enclosure, a weapons system and
one or more target criteria.
Like devices, enclosures have three damaged states: cosmetic,
damaged (–2 step penalty on attacks) and nonfunctional.
At its heart, a weapon system is just a weapon and an attack score.
Weapon emplacements act last in a given impulse, and they just
attack; they cannot dodge, aim or delay. More primitive weapon
emplacements attack only once and must be manually reset.
Advanced models have internal magazines or are connected to a
power supply.
As technology advances, designers of weapon emplacements
develop more sophisticated ways of telling friend from foe.
Physical Trigger (TE 2+): Stepping on a pressure plate, opening
a door or pulling the idol off its pedestal instructs the weapon
system to attack whomever is standing in the designated spot.
Visual Camera (TE 6+): The camera knows (in general terms)
what friendlies look like. Its effective Awareness is 18/23/28, or
16/21/26 for advanced models.
Transponder IFF (TE 7+): In addition to a camera, the weapon
emplacement has a receiver tuned to short-distance
broadcasts from a keycard or other small object
possessed by friendlies. Its effective Awareness is
15/20/25, but there’s a –3 step penalty on both Aware-
ness and attack rolls if the friend-or-foe data doesn’t
match what it observes through its camera.
AI-Augmented IFF (TE 8+): The system visually identifies
friends and foes as a human might and learns as it goes. It has
an effective Awareness of 13/18/23. Some advanced models are
capable of basic conversation; social skills like Influence may
convince them friends are foes or vice versa.
Some heroes undertake missions with no expectation of reward,
and sometimes heroes find themselves caught up in adventures
in which the only reward is survival. But most heroes like to get
paid for their work or at least win some well-deserved recognition.
When you design an Alternity adventure, you’re not finished
until you establish the rewards the heroes stand to gain for
their work.
Adventure rewards are an important part of character improve-
ment over the course of a hero’s career. They provide a tangible
motivation for heroes to risk their necks in dangerous circumstances
and take on challenges other people don’t want to face. Rewards
also help to reinforce the “realism” of the narrative—your players
naturally think about what their heroes want, and it builds their
engagement in the campaign when they see opportunities for their
heroes to get it, whatever it is.
Rewards fall into three categories: hero progress, gear or wealth,
and story rewards.
In a campaign spanning multiple adventures, heroes naturally grow
and learn over time. While even a 1st-level Alternity hero is a
competent protagonist in his or her adventure, high-level heroes
continue to advance their skills, learn new talents and generally
become tougher and more capable. An Alternity adventure can
account for this in the following ways:
Rewards 217
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Heroes can gain better gear in a number of ways. They might find
a valuable piece of gear in a location they’re exploring or take
something useful from an adversary they defeat. The NPC hiring the
heroes for their current mission might issue the improved gear at
the start of the adventure to make their job easier, or the improved
gear might be a specifically negotiated payment for a successful
mission. A hero might even gain improved gear in recognition for
valor or exceptional service.
New or Upgraded Gear: A gear reward can either be a piece of
brand-new equipment of a specific item class (say, a Class 3 suit of
armor), or an opportunity to upgrade an existing piece of gear (for
example, a +1 Class upgrade to a Class 2 pistol). They’re roughly the
same—a Class 2 weapon with a +1 Class upgrade is roughly equal to
a Class 3 weapon. In general, pistols are Class 2, rifles are Class 3
and heavy weapons are Class 4—so if you want to stick with pistols,
you’ll find it easier to choose a good weapon upgrade than a brand-
new Class 3 weapon.
An upgraded weapon might represent a normal model “tricked out”
with a fancy accessory or a custom-built version of exceptional quality.
Most weapon upgrades are permanent, but some special ammu-
nition is considered consumable and is priced separately. At the end
Like weapons, armor upgrades might represent field modifications
to existing gear or a brand-new suit of exceptional quality.
Environment-Capable: This armor gains the life support trait.
Upgrade +1 Class.
Extra Toughness: This armor gains the tough trait.
Upgrade +1 Class.
Hardened: Made from advanced alloys, this armor shrugs off
many armor-piercing attacks. Reduce the attacking weapon’s AP
value by 3 (to a minimum of 0). Upgrade +1 Class, any armor with
Rewards 219
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
The tool category covers a lot of territory, and some items proba-
bly aren’t worth upgrading; it’s hard to see why you might need an
upgraded rope, for example.
Fast: Due to excellent ergonomics or high-powered internal
processors, this device lets you get results quickly. When you’re
engaged in a skill challenge, each check after the first requires 1
fewer impulse than normal (usually, this means every check after the
first takes 2 impulses, not 3). Upgrade +1 Class.
High-quality High Quality: The device is well made and works better. You
medical gear of the gain a +1 step bonus on skill checks you make using this device.
appropriate tech
era saves lives. Upgrade +1 Class.
When that step Automated: The device is automated and can activate or deploy
bonus matters, it with minimal effort on your part. After you use an action to start the
really matters.
device, it can continue executing the program or conducting the
operation you instructed it to. For example, an automated tablet
running a decryption program could carry out the skill challenge for
you while you do something else, or an automated med pack could
treat a wounded character. The device takes a –1 step penalty on
checks it makes for you when you’re not actively guiding it. The GM
is free to rule that some devices can’t be automated, or are auto-
mated already (for example, the automed sled). Upgrade +2 Class.
Superior Quality: The best version of the device you can find.
You gain a +2 step bonus on skill checks you make using this
device. Upgrade +2 Class.
One or more heroes on the team earn an important new contact Giving heroes a
(see Contacts under NPCs in Chapter 6). The level of the contact shared contact
as a reward can
you gain is determined by the level of the special reward, so an build around-the-
Excellent special reward should result in an Excellent contact. table cohesion.
You rescued the Premier from the terrorists and disarmed the fusion
bomb planted to destroy the colony dome? Guess what, you made
the evening news. Fame is fickle and it presents problems such
as paparazzi, stalkers and the chance of being recognized when
you do something illegal, but it has its advantages: You can get
audiences with NPCs who otherwise might ignore you, command
the attention of a lot of people with a public statement or get an
invitation to an exclusive event. The level of your fame dictates how
well known you are (the planet, the quadrant, the whole galaxy) and
provides a bonus to interactions with people who are likely to be
impressed by celebrity: +1 step for Average, +2 steps for Excellent or
+3 steps for Stellar.
Someone’s willing to bend the rules for you, just this one time.
Average: Select or purchase restricted gear; get a pardon for
an ordinary crime; have a lost or destroyed personal item replaced;
gain access to sealed files or a confidential intelligence report.
Rewards 221
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Sometimes you find equipment that If you’re a member of an organization, gain-
isn’t up to snuff. The good news is ing status and authority can be a very useful
junk-level gear is usually 1 class reward. A high rank means fewer people
lower (and cheaper) than normal, can order you to do things you don’t want
so it’s a way to get your hands on to do and makes it easier to commandeer
something you otherwise couldn’t the organization’s people and resources for
afford. Junk gear possesses one or causes you think are important. You can’t
more of these traits: completely bypass the chain of command,
Bulky: When you use this item but personnel of lower ranks are strongly
to make a skill check, it takes 1 inclined to act on your orders and don’t ask
impulse longer than normal. questions unless you’re instructing them to
Inferior: You take a –1 step abandon their current duties or do some-
penalty to skill checks requiring thing that seems questionable.
this item. Average: You’re equal to a mid-ranking
Jam-Prone: If the base d20 officer, such as the commander of a Marine
in your skill check comes up 5 company, a small scout ship or a local
or lower, the item jams or stops research station.
functioning. You must use a Excellent: You’re equal to a high-rank-
3-impulse action to restart the ing officer, such as the commander of a
item or clear the jam before you regiment, a major warship or a planetary
can use it again. research facility.
Underpowered (weapon): The Stellar: You’re equal to a flag officer,
weapon takes a –1 penalty on all such as a general, an admiral or the
damage rolls. vice president of a major division in a
Mostly this is about bragging rights and the comfort level of your
retirement, but you might find ways to make use of real estate,
investments or luxury items during an adventure. Property of Aver-
age value includes a high-end condo, a sports car or investment in a
prosperous local business. Excellent property includes a penthouse
suite or vacation spread, a top-end sports car or investment in an
important regional business. Stellar property includes such con-
spicuous consumption as a private island (or asteroid), a yacht or a
multi-millionaire’s stock portfolio.
Adventure Gear Class or Pay (per Hero) Special
Level 1 2 3 4 5 Pay Rewards
1st 1* 1 $3,000 Average
2nd 1* 1 $4,000 Average
3rd 1* 1 $10,000 Average
4th 1* 1 $15,000 Excellent
5th 1* 1 $20,000 Excellent
6th 1* 1 $30,000 Excellent
7th 1* 1 $40,000 Stellar
8th 1* 1 $50,000 Stellar
9th 1* 1 $70,000 Stellar
10th 1* 1 $100,000 Stellar
* Consumable Item
Gear: If you use a “quick and dirty” gear system, you can simply
assign bonus gear selections of specific class or quality as shown on the
table. For example, heroes engaged in a 3rd-level adventure stand a
good chance of gaining a Class 4 item (or an upgrade to a Class 3 item).
If you prefer to use a pay-as-you-go gear system, the pay (or loot) for the
mission should be something close to the value given under the Pay
column. Note that these rewards are per character—if you’re running a
game for a three-hero team, you’ll need to make sure the total pay for
the adventure is three times the figure given or that three Class 4 items
are present in the adventure for the heroes to requisition or find.
Consumable items include medical supplies (such as analgesic Ordinary
spray or wound gel) or limited-use weapons such as grenades or ammunition
and power cells
special ammunition (see Weapon Upgrades). If you find a consumable don't count as
item, you usually find enough for three uses (one full can of analgesic consumable
spray or three actual grenades). Most adventures provide at least a rewards. They just
few of these sorts of items regardless of which gear acquisition system enable an object's
baseline function.
you use in your campaign.
Rewards 223
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
You can run a regular Alternity game as a succession of unrelated
adventures that feature different PCs and different flavors of science
fiction. However, many GMs prefer to run their game as a campaign:
a persistent setting that lasts for several adventures and invests the
players in the ongoing story of the heroes. Creating a campaign
setting provides you with a wonderful opportunity to exercise your
creative muscles and decide on the sort of sci-fi stories you’d like to
tell with your Alternity game.
You can create a campaign by modeling your universe after
your favorite movie, TV series, book or video game—after all, if you
and your friends love those stories, why not make up some adven-
tures to play in that universe? Or you can create a campaign “from
scratch” by thinking up your own sci-fi setting: stellar exploration,
alien invasion, dystopia, post-apocalypse, human transcendence—
whatever you like. We can’t possibly provide thorough directions for
such a creative endeavor, so this section simply walks you through
some of the big decisions you might want to consider:
For TE purposes, Technology Era (or TE) is a rough measurement of a civilization’s tech-
look more at ends nological progress. It’s shorthand for describing whether you’re playing
than means. A a modern-day game set on Earth or a far-future game that spans the
steampunk society
might be functionally galaxy. Progress can vary wildly from place to place within a setting—in
TE 6, even though a starfaring campaign, the heroes could easily discover uncharted
they're still relying on worlds with Stone Age tribes, alien species that still haven’t mastered
coal for everything.
gunpowder or electricity, or super-advanced societies whose godlike
powers put the heroes’ fusion plants and jump drives to shame.
Technological advances are rarely as uniform as the descriptions
below suggest. It’s entirely possible to find areas that excel in one
aspect of progress—say, medical science—but lag behind in others,
like high-energy physics or heavy industry. You can create societies
such as those by simply noting “TE 5 planet (TE 6 for medicine)”
or “TE 7 city (TE 6 for power)” if you need to describe them briefly.
Welcome to the Stone Age. Weapons and tools are made from
stone, wood or bone. Some groups can domesticate animals or
engage in simple agriculture or fishing. People know how to use fire
and have a reasonably advanced language, but writing is still a long
way off. Simple canoes and rafts are the most advanced vehicles
available. Prehistoric settings tend to be places the heroes visit, not
the main setting of the campaign.
The Ancient Era marks the beginning of civilization. Metal weapons
and tools come into use—first copper, then bronze, then iron. Cities
become possible, supported by widespread agriculture, writing,
laws and armies. Simple machines like mills or catapults come into
use; vehicles include animal-drawn carts or chariots and oared gal-
leys. Whatever it is, if the Babylonians, Egyptians or Romans could
do it, a TE 2 society can probably do it. Like TE 1, TE 2 settings are
usually places heroes visit, not live in.
There isn’t much difference between the Ancient Era and the Medieval
Era. Metal use, animal power, stone fortifications, sailing ships—they’re
all fairly similar. But your players will notice a significant difference
between a “Roman Empire world” and a “knights and castles world”
just in terms of look and feel. Metallurgy improves with the devel-
opment of early steel, more complex machines such as crossbows,
watermills, trebuchets and printing presses come into use, and seafar-
ers develop sailing vessels capable of crossing oceans. The first prim-
itive guns appear at the end of this era. Shogunate Japan, Norman
England or Renaissance Italy are good examples of TE 3 societies.
The Age of Reason marks the beginning of the transition away from
muscle-powered technology. Simple, cheap and reliable firearms
transform warfare, although swords and pikes remain useful enough
to linger for centuries. The development of the scientific method and
the spread of the printed word leads to an explosion of literature,
philosophy and science. Steam engines begin to replace animal power
in simple applications. Large, sturdy sailing ships chart the globe and
make intercontinental trade possible. The France of Louis XIV, Revolu-
tionary War America or Qinq Dynasty China are examples of TE 4.
Steam engines replace animal power and sail in the Industrial Era;
fuel sources move rapidly from wood to coal to oil. Advanced steel
and mass production techniques lead to repeating firearms such
as revolvers and bolt-action rifles, followed by the introduction of
machine guns and personal automatic weapons—this is the age of
the gun. Railroads, airplanes, submarines, the automobile, electricity,
radio, germ theory, anesthesia ... it all shows up in this era. It’s easier
to list the things we have in the present day that aren’t available in
TE 5: computers, television, the Internet, jet travel, satellites and
manned space exploration. Anything from the American Civil War to
the end of World War II falls into TE 5.
Want to set your Alternity game in the modern day? This is the era
for you. We assume we don’t need to explain this to you, although
we’ll note that a “retro” game set in the 1960s or 1970s might not
have things we take for granted, like the Internet or a cell phone in
everybody’s pocket.
Imperfect examples: Move ahead 50 or 100 years from the Modern Era, and you’re
Firefly, the Expanse. into the Solar Era—so named because humankind now maintains
colonies on other bodies in the solar system and significant space-
borne industry in places such as the asteroid belt. Firearms are still
common, but more advanced weapons such as lasers and mag-
netically powered rail guns have finally dethroned gunpowder as
king. Fusion power and electric vehicles have replaced the internal
combustion engine; advanced genetic therapies defeat many dis-
eases and prolong human lifespan (at least for the rich). Computer
systems now feature virtual reality and AI; some people spend
almost their entire lives in virtual jobs and entertainment. Space-
ships powered by fusion drives can reach any of the inner planets
within a few weeks, or the outer portions of the solar system in a
couple months. The nearest stars remain many years away, but
with hibernation technology and massive investment, it’s just barely
possible to send humans in search of a new home.
Imperfect examples:
Star Wars, The advent of faster-than-light travel leads to a golden age of
Battlestar Galactica. exploration and settlement. If there are other intelligent species
Just as the Medieval Era is like a grander version of the Ancient Era, Imperfect
the Galactic Era is like the Stellar Era—but bigger in every regard. examples: Star Trek,
Culture novels.
FTL drives are so powerful and reliable that a ship can reach any
corner of the galaxy in a matter of weeks—which means that a trip
to a world around a star just a few light-years away is no more than
a day or two of travel. Interstellar commerce is routine; worlds can
easily specialize as industrial planets, agrarian planets or resort des-
tinations. Real-time FTL communications permit conversations with
people in different star systems, although the range or bandwidth
might be limited in some way.
Militarily, energy weapons continue to improve; personal energy
defenses such as force shields and deflector belts become com-
monplace. Power plants fueled by antimatter or other exotic forms
of matter provide virtually limitless amounts of energy. Medical sci-
ence can restore life to the dead, provided the brain has not been
badly damaged.
Many Alternity campaigns feature FTL (faster than light) travel
How fast can your
heroes travel? The between the stars. It’s a classic of science fiction; who doesn’t want
best answer is the to visit strange new worlds and boldly go where no one has gone
speed of plot. Most before? The type of FTL drive you choose for your campaign comes
adventures happen
at destinations, not
with ready-made universe-building implications and fascinating
in transit. adventure opportunities.
Even if your universe doesn’t accommodate FTL drives, humans
might still reach the stars someday. The best options are either
You catch a break
“sleeper ships” in which the passengers are frozen for the trip, or
from time dilation if “generation ships,” in which the original passengers don’t reach
you’re traveling close their destination—instead, their descendants do.
to the speed of light. A generation ship is a campaign setting in and of itself. Imagine
At 99 percent c, you
age 1 day for every a dark dystopia between the stars, or barbarian heroes who learn of
7 days of “actual” their world’s true nature when the ship reaches its destination.
travel time.
In some settings, you might not need a starship to reach another
planet. A planetary gate is a device that teleports a traveler on foot
to a matching gate on some other world. Gates of this sort provide
the GM with a wide variety of tools for controlling and steering the
heroes’ explorations; after all, you can only go to a spot that the
gate connects to.
Planetary gates also invite the question of who built them and
why. If humans are building gates, how are we establishing new
gates on planets we haven’t visited yet? If aliens built the gates, are
they friendly or hostile? Are they still around, or are they long gone?
The jump drive is basically a teleportation device. You carefully plot
the coordinates you want to teleport to, and when you activate the
drive, you disappear from your origin and appear at your destina-
tion. A jump doesn’t have to be instantaneous; you might spend
Are we alone in the universe? Exploring that question is a classic
element of science fiction. If aliens do exist in your campaign, where
are they? Do humans venture into the distant frontiers of space to
meet them, or do they come visit us on Earth? Aliens don’t have
to be from distant stars; you can build a campaign in which aliens
come from alternate realities or dimensional doorways accessible
from Earth—or perhaps as time-travelers from a distant era. For that
matter, “aliens” could even be the result of genetic experimentation
that creates radically different branches of homo sapiens.
Interested in a campaign built around modern-day espionage or
near-future technothrillers? You might not want to include aliens in
your game at all. Plenty of outstanding action movies work quite
well by using terrorists, criminals or Nazis as bad guys.
Aliens could easily be separated from human civilization by vast
expanses of time as well as space. In this scenario, the heroes don’t
run into any alien adversaries, but they might explore alien ruins or
discover alien artifacts. Some of the most important mysteries in the
setting could revolve around who the Builders or the Gatemakers
or the Terraformers were, why they did what they did, and whether
they’re really gone forever.
The heroes work for someone—a government, a corporation or per-
haps a private foundation—and their superiors assign them to mis-
sions. Agents could be spies, investigators, law keepers, soldiers or
even straight-up bug-hunters. Any campaign in which you go where
you’re told to go and do what you’re told to do fits this model.
It’s a sci-fi staple: Find new worlds, meet interesting aliens, discover
amazing wonders. Your hero team could be the crew of a small
survey ship operating on their own, or an elite first-contact team
supported by the resources of a large and well-equipped ship.
The obvious model for an explorer campaign is “the planet
of the week”—each adventure brings the heroes to a new
world. So, who are the heroes exploring for?
What are they likely to find out there?
Freelance heroes sell their services to
anyone who can afford them. One mission
might involve recovering stolen property, the
next could revolve around providing protection
to a scientist visiting a dangerous planet, and the
one after involves salvaging a wrecked ship from a
pirate-controlled asteroid belt. The challenging part of being
a freelancer is finding your next paycheck.
It’s a big galaxy, and you can make a fortune by selling
people what they want. In the trader campaign, the heroes
are star-traders with a ship of their own and a keen eye for
opportunity. The fire-gems of Wulreth II are worth a fortune
to the jewelers of Iado Station, the laser rifles you can buy
on Iado will fetch a pretty price from the rebels on Klaarth,
and you can sell the thoator furs you collect on Klaarth to
the miners of Wulreth II for fire-gems. The typical trade
adventure involves tracking down new commodities, finding
a market for goods you already have or doing something
dangerous to acquire goods to sell.
Just like PCs, adversaries have initiative scores, movement speed, In this chapter,
some sort of durability track, and various forms of attack. How- "creature" includes
anything alive or
ever, adversary stats are not derived from skill selections or talent
artifically animated,
choices. Adversaries are not PCs. You don’t need to know how including humans,
many skill points an alien ursoid has invested in its bite attack—you robots and weird
just need to know what its attack score is. alien lifeforms.
The creature’s ability ratings, expressed as shorthand skill scores
for Average success; for example, Str 16+, Agi 15+, Vit 13+ and so
on. Creatures can get Excellent or Stellar successes on their ability
checks by achieving a check result 5 or 10 higher than the score
given, so if a creature with Vit 13+ gets an 18 on its check result,
that’s an Excellent success.
In general, adversaries don’t have specific skills. They default to Active social skills
ability checks against the key ability for a skill. We can’t imagine why are particularly rare.
you might need a security goon to make an Academics check, but if Influence doesn't
work on PCs for
it comes up at your game table for some reason, just have that NPC example, and it's
make an Intelligence check instead. rarely worth it to use
If you need to know the actual ability rating instead of the check dice to adjudicate all-
NPC interactions.
score, just subtract the shorthand score from 20 (so a Strength
check of 16+ means a Strength rating of 4).
Intelligence: In addition to a skill score, the Intelligence ability
notes whether a creature’s basic intellect is instinctive, animal, pro-
grammed or sentient.
This section describes the actions the creature typically takes in
combat. The most common entry here is some form of attack. Attack
actions list the speed (impulse cost), range (melee or ranged),
targets (usually 1) and attack score for the attack form, followed by
the damage inflicted by an Average hit or an Excellent/Stellar hit and
any special effects. Damage is given as either physical or energy; if
the damage has no type, it bypasses armor.
Special traits and characteristics not described elsewhere are
noted here. If a creature actually has some amount of skill points
in a specific skill, it’s listed here, along with its shorthand skill score
for an Average success. Standard gear or valuables might also
appear here.
This chapter presents 20 pre-designed adversaries suitable for use
in a wide variety of Alternity campaigns. You may find it useful to
“re-skin” creatures to create new adversaries for the heroes; for
example, take away the wings, and a chiirth is a reasonable facsim-
ile of a particularly vicious pack-hunting wild dog.
TR Creature Template
1 Android Worker Minion
1 Human Gangster Minion
1 Human Guard Standard
1 Robot Floating Eye Standard
2 Chiirth Minion
2 Human Enforcer Champion
3 Android Agent Standard
3 Psuur Boss
4 Robot Explorer Probe Champion
4 Human Assault Trooper Minion
5 Marzog Warrior Minion
5 Marzog Berserker Standard
5 Raigath Standard
6 Energon Boss
6 Human Operative Standard
7 Arachnoid Champion
8 Robot Jägerbot Standard
9 Android Exterminator Boss
10 Human Armored Marine Standard
11 Behemoth Boss
Androids appear human, but their innards are mostly feats of
electronic and mechanical engineering, not biology. Depending on
the culture, they may have a distinctive eye or skin color or obvious
tattoo to signify their artificial nature, or they might blend in with the
human populace.
TR 1 Medium Minion Mechanism
Senses normal; Awareness 17+
Initiative 14/19/24; Speed 20 meters
Str 13+ Agi 16+ Vit 15+ Int 16+ (sentient) Foc 17+ Per 17+
Improvised Weapon (Tool) 3 impulses; Melee 1 target; Attack 16/21/26;
Damage 2/5 physical.
Mob Attack 3 impulses. Five androids within 10 meters of each other acting
at the same time can make a mob attack. Instead of making attack
checks, the androids threaten all targets adjacent to at least one member
of the mob. Each threatened creature must make a Dodge check with a
step penalty equal to the number of adjacent mob attackers or suffer one
Average hit from an improvised weapon.
Defensive Cower 1-impulse reaction. When missed by an attack, android
goes prone and begins evading.
Armor: 1 physical, 1 energy
(1+ dmg) incapacitated Announces system failure
Skills Technical skill of your choice 12+
Minion Attack This creature’s attack deals one wound of the lowest sever-
ity if its damage overcomes the target’s armor.
Gear Tool such as a wrench or heavy screwdriver, basic datapad
TR 3 Medium Standard Mechanism
Senses normal; Awareness 16+
Initiative 12/17/22; Speed 20 meters
Str 13+ Agi 16+ Vit 15+ Int 16+ (sentient) Foc 16+ Per 18+
Laser Pistol 3 impulses; Medium 1 target; Attack 14/19/24 (+2 steps);
Damage 1d6 + 3/6 energy.
Surprising Strength 4 impulses; Melee 1 target; Attack 14/19/24 (+1 step);
Damage 1d4 + 1/3 physical, and target must make Resilience check or be
knocked off balance.
Skills Athletics 12+, Resilience 13+
Gear Laser pistol with biometric lock
TR 9 Medium Boss Mechanism
Senses normal, low-light vision, thermal vision; Awareness 16+
Initiative 12/17/22; Speed 20 meters
Str 11+ Agi 14+ Vit 13+ Int 16+ (sentient) Foc 16+ Per 18+
Dual Wielded Lasers 4 impulses; Medium 1 or 2 targets; Attack 14/19/24 (–1
step, attack twice); Damage 1d8 + 7/11 energy.
Grab 3 impulses; Melee 1 target; Attack 8/13/18 (+1 step); Damage 1d8 + 3/7
physical, and target must make Athletics check or be grappled.
Robo-Crush 3 impulses; Melee 1 grappled target; Attack 8/13/18 (+4 steps);
Damage 1d8 + 7/11 physical.
Android Escalation 2-impulse delay when android receives the first box of
damage in a new row; this android gains a step bonus when damaged
(reflected in table below).
Stun Resistant Stun effects on the android are treated as daze effects
Armor 2 physical, 2 energy
(16+ dmg) incapacitated “Termination… incomplete...”
(16+ dmg) +2 step bonus to Organic layer destroyed
(13 to 15 dmg) +1 step bonus to checks Robotic parts begin to show
(1 to 12 dmg) Stares at you dispassionately
Skills Athletics 10+, Resilience 10+
Gear Two laser pistols (or other guns; this android is strong enough to dual-
wield long arms and look cool doing it)
A horrible, spider-like alien predator the size of a large horse, the
arachnoid is driven by its voracious hunger to try its luck on any
potential prey smaller than itself.
TR 7 Large Champion Animal (Alien)
Senses thermal vision; Awareness 15+
Initiative 10/15/20; Speed 30 meters
Str 12+ Agi 15+ Vit 13+ Int 19+ (instinct) Foc 15+ Per 19+
Web Net 3 impulses; Close 1 target; Attack 11/16/21; Effect target grappled
(resist action to escape, opposed by trapper’s Agility 15+).
Drag 1 impulse; 1 target grappled by web net; opposed check (arachnoid
Str vs. target Athletics; arachnoid gains +2 steps vs. smaller targets). If
the arachnoid wins, the target falls prone and the arachnoid drags it 10
meters closer.
Mandibles 3 impulses; Melee 1 target; Attack 8/13/18 (+1 step, or +3 steps
vs. grappled target); Damage 2d4/2d8 physical.
Spiny Legs 1-impulse reaction. When hit by an attack, move up to 2 meters
and make the following attack: Melee 1 target; Attack 8/13/18 (+1 step);
Damage 1d4/1d4 + 3 physical, and target must make a Dodge check or be
knocked prone.
Large Enemies gain +1 step bonus to attack the arachnoid.
Stun Resistant Stun effects on the arachnoid are treated as daze effects
Armor 3 physical, 3 energy
(16+ dmg) dead Collapses in twitching legs
(16+ dmg) Can no longer use reactions Spurt of dark ichor, shrieks
(13 to 15 dmg) Releases grappled targets Leg shot away, clacking
(10 to 12 dmg) Distracted until next action Hisses at attacker
(1 to 9 dmg) Ignores the injury
Whether genetically engineered for war or the product of evolution
run amok on some savage world, the behemoth is a living armored
assault. Worse yet, the creature possesses powerful bioelectric
organs that shock anyone nearby when the behemoth is provoked,
which is just about any time it sees another living creature.
TR 11 Huge Boss Animal (Alien)
Senses normal, electrosense; Awareness 12+
Initiative 11/16/21; Speed 30 meters
Str 5+ Agi 17+ Vit 8+ Int 18+ (animal) Foc 14+ Per 18+
Rampage 5 impulses. The behemoth moves 20 meters and makes up to three
Gore attacks against different targets at any point in its move. It can move
through the spaces of medium and smaller creatures during this action.
Gore 3 impulses; Melee 1 target; Attack 5/10/15 (+1 step); Damage 2d6/1d12
+ 8 physical, armor piercing 3, and a large or smaller target must make an
Athletics check or be pushed 6 meters and knocked prone.
Shock Aura Resolve at end of impulse 4 and impulse 8. Effect all targets
within 6 meters must make Endurance check or suffer 2d6 energy
damage (electricity) and be stunned (3 impulses).
Huge Enemies gain +2 step bonus to attack the behemoth.
Stun Resistant Stun effects on the behemoth are treated as daze effects
Armor 5 physical, 3 energy
Immune damage and effects caused by electricity
(16+ dmg) dead Falls with earth-shaking thud
(16+ dmg) uses Rampage as a Bellows and goes berserk!
(16+ dmg) knocked off-balance Jolted to one knee, roars
(13 to 15 Distracted until next Maddened by pain
dmg) action
(1 to 12 dmg) Roars and stomps the ground
Electrosense The behemoth detects creatures within close range by their
bioelectric fields.
Electroheal The behemoth heals 1 wound box when hit by an attack or
effect that would deal at least 5 energy (electricity) damage before its
armor. Its own shock aura does not count.
Chiirthi are small, scaly, winged creatures about the size of a goose
or pelican. They’re skittish and elusive as individuals, generally
avoiding larger foes, but chiirthi are rarely found alone. They’re pack
hunters that greedily swarm to attack anything resembling prey.
TR 2 Small Minion Animal (Alien)
Senses normal, echolocation; Awareness 14+
Initiative 9/14/19; Speed 20 meters, fly 50 meters
Str 16+ Agi 13+ Vit 16+ Int 17+ (animal) Foc 16+ Per 18+
Swoop 3 impulses. The chiirth flies up to 30 meters and attacks at the end
of its move; Melee 1 target; Attack 14/19/24; 2/6 physical, and target
Gnaw 3 impulses; 1 grappled target; Attack 13/18/23 (+1 step); 3/7 physical,
and target suffers damage over time (bleeding; passive resist Endurance
or Medicine treatment ends the effect).
Small Enemies suffer a –1 step penalty to attack the chiirth.
Armor 3 physical, 0 energy
(1+ dmg) dead flaps, thrashes, croaks, dies
Swarm Attack The chiirth gains a +1 step bonus with its swoop attack
for each other chiirth swooping at the same target in this impulse, to a
maximum of +3 steps for 4 chiirthi
attacking the same target.
Minion Attack This creature’s
attack deals one wound
of the lowest severity if
its damage overcomes the
target’s armor.
Echolocation Chirrthi
can detect crea-
tures and objects
at medium range
even in total
TR 6 Medium Boss Enigma (Alien)
Senses normal, energy sense; Awareness 12+
Initiative 5/10/15; Speed fly 30 meters
Str 20+ Agi 12+ Vit 14+ Int 15+ (sentient) Foc 13+ Per 16+
Plasma Lash 3 impulses; Melee (6 meters) 1 target; Attack
10/15/20 (+2 steps); Damage 1d8 + 2/6 energy, and target
must make a Dodge check or suffer damage over time (fire).
Drain Charge 2 impulses; Close 1 target item with power cells;
Attack 10/15/20; target’s power cells lose 50 percent of their
full charge if equipped or 20 percent if carried, and the ener-
gon heals 1 wound box, or 2 wound boxes on a Stellar success.
Shock Bolt 0-impulse reaction when a creature within close
range takes an action of at least 3 impulses; the energon
attacks the acting creature. Close 1 target; Attack 10/15/20;
Damage 1d8 + 0/4 energy.
Insubstantial Physical attacks against the energon suffer a –5 step penalty;
energy attacks suffer a –2 step penalty.
Stun Resistant Stun effects on the energon are treated as daze effects
Armor 0 physical, 3 energy
Immune fire, grapple, knocked prone, poison, push
(15+ dmg) dead (see Death Burst) Explodes!
(15+ dmg) shock bolt now 1-impulse energy discharges slow
reaction down
(12 to 14 dmg) loses insubstantial for 1 briefly flickers into
impulse solidity
(9 to 11 dmg) weakened until end of next crackling aura dims a
action little
(1 to 8 dmg) FZZZT.
Death Burst The energon explodes upon death. Blast 4 m (8 m); Primary
Damage 2d6 energy and target stunned (3 impulses); Secondary Damage
1d8 energy; successful Dodge check reduces damage by 5 and negates stun.
Energy Sense The energon detects all devices that store or generate
energy within long range.
Most humans do their best to stay out of dangerous situations such
as gunfights with teams of trained killers. However, heroes have an
unusual talent for finding foes who think it’s their job to take what
the heroes have or stop them from getting what they want.
Punks, hoodlums, goons, criminals—whatever they’re called in a
particular setting, they’re trouble, especially on their home turf.
Gangsters carry a variety of weapons: 25 percent have only a knife,
50 percent have a knife and pistol, and 25 percent have a knife
and SMG (and happily attempt burst attacks if they have a good
TR 1 Medium Minion Humanoid (Human)
Senses normal; Awareness 18+
Initiative 14/19/24; Speed 20 meters
Str 16+ Agi 16+ Vit 17+ Int 17+ (sentient) Foc 18+ Per 17+
Knife 3 impulses; Melee 1 target; Attack 16/21/26 (+1 step); Damage 3/8
Pistol 3 impulses; Medium 1 target; Attack 16/21/26; Damage 3/8 physical.
SMG burst 4 impulses; Medium 1 target; Attack 16/21/26 (+1 step); Damage
3/8 physical.
Cheap Shot The gangster gains a +1 step bonus to attack a distracted or
unaware opponent in addition to the normal bonuses.
Minion Attack This creature’s attack deals one wound of the lowest sever-
ity if its damage overcomes the target’s armor.
Skills Acrobatics 14+, Athletics 14+, Stealth 14+
Gear weapon, $50
Many guards are just civilians with a flashlight and maybe a stun
gun, but this guard is a trained member of an armed security staff.
The guard’s most dangerous weapon is the radio—one quick call,
and every guard in the place is on alert.
A typical police officer in an ordinary city could also use these
game stats.
Skills Athletics 14+, Medicine 15+, Security 15+
Gear ballistic vest, combat baton, light pistol, two clips, comm device, $100
There are criminals, and there are killers. The enforcer is a compe-
tent and ruthless gun for hire. Some enforcers sell their services as
bodyguards to major crime bosses, some work as mercenaries and
some lead bloodthirsty crews of pirates or raiders.
TR 2 Medium Champion Humanoid (Human)
Senses normal; Awareness 14+
Initiative 12/17/22; Speed 20 meters
Str 15+ Agi 16+ Vit 16+ Int 17+ (sentient) Foc 16+ Per 17+
Twin Pistols 4 impulses; make two heavy pistol attacks each with –1 step
Heavy Pistol 4 impulses; Medium 1 target; Attack 14/19/24 (+1 step); Damage
1d8 + 1/5 physical.
Brawl 2 impulses; Melee 1 target; Attack 14/19/24 (+1 step); Damage 1d4
+ 0/3 physical, and target must make Resilience check or be knocked
Return Fire 1-impulse reaction when wounded (once per scene). The
enforcer makes a heavy pistol attack against the creature that wounded
him or her.
Armor 2 physical, 1 energy
Stun Resistant Stun effects on the enforcer are treated as daze effects.
Improved Cover The enforcer improves the defensive effect of any cover
he uses by 1 step.
(11+ dmg) incapacitated sinks to ground, groaning
(11+ dmg) –2 step penalty to all checks staggers, clutching wound
(8 to 10 dmg) –1 step penalty to all checks roars in anger, blood dripping
(5 to 7 dmg) winces and snarls a curse
(1 to 4 dmg) “Is that all ya got?!”
Skills Acrobatics 14+, Influence 13+, Security 13+, Stealth 13+
Gear ballistic vest, two heavy pistols, two clips, comm device, $500
Disciplined, professional and unquestioningly loyal, assault troopers
are rank-and-file infantry often employed as base garrisons or in
counterinsurgency operations. They lack the powered armor and
firepower support of armored infantry, but they’re more than capa-
ble of handling local unrest and insurgents.
Minion Attack This creature’s attack deals one wound of the lowest sever-
ity if its damage overcomes the target’s armor.
Skills Armor Training 14+, Athletics 14+
Gear Carbon enamel armor, plasma carbine, two concussion grenades,
TR 6 Medium Standard Humanoid (Human)
Senses normal, low-light vision; Awareness 12+
Initiative 11/16/21 (+1 step); Speed 20 meters
Str 16+ Agi 15+ Vit 17+ Int 15+ (sentient) Foc 16+ Per 15+
Laser Pistol 3 impulses; Long 1 target; Attack 11/16/21 (+2 steps); Damage
1d6 + 1/6 energy (1d6 + 4/9 energy vs. a wounded, distracted or unaware
Martial Arts 3 impulses; Melee 1 target; Attack 12/17/22 (+1 step); Damage
1d4 + 0/3 physical (1d4 + 3/6 vs. a wounded, distracted or unaware
Armor 2 physical, 2 energy
Defensive Martial Arts Melee attacks against the operative suffer a –1 step
Holo Displacer Ranged attacks against the operative suffer a –3 step pen-
alty (does not stack with cover effects).
(15+ dmg) incapacitated spins away from blow and collapses
(12 to 14 dmg) –2 step penalty to all checks hisses in pain, looks for a way out
(9 to 11 dmg) –1 step penalty to all checks “Argh! Damn you!”
(1 to 8 dmg) “Seriously?”
Finisher Gains a +3 damage bonus when attacking a wounded, distracted or
unaware target (included above).
Skills Acrobatics 11+, Computers 11+, Misdirection 11+, Security 11+, Stealth 11+
Gear hardmesh suit, laser pistol, comm device, low-light contacts, $1000
The most heavily armed and armored troops anywhere in space, the
Armored Marines are an elite outfit of powered-armor specialists trained
for extreme space-to-ground operations. On rare occasions they’re
called upon to deal with problems no ordinary troops can handle.
Jump Attack 5 impulses. Jump up to 60 meters horizontally or 30 meters verti-
cally and make a rail rifle or Z-missile attack at any point during the move.
Rail Rifle 4 impulses; Extreme 1 target; Attack 6/11/16 (+1 step); Damage 1d8
+ 5/10 physical.
Z-Missile 4 impulses; Very Long blast; Blast 6 m (10 m); Primary Damage
2d8 energy, armor-piercing 5; Secondary Damage 1d10 energy. Successful
Dodge reduces damage by half.
Punch 4 impulses; Melee 1 target; Attack 6/11/16 (+1 step); Damage 2d4 +
0/4 physical, and medium or smaller target must make an Endurance
check or be stunned.
Thruster Jump 2 impulses. Jump up to 100 meters horizontally or 40 meters
Armor 5 physical, 5 energy
Life Support Immune to most environmental conditions.
Grav Deflector Physical attacks against the marine suffer a –3 step penalty.
Energy attacks suffer a –1 step penalty.
(16+ dmg) incapacitated Pieces of armor go flying, collapses
(16+ dmg) –2 step penalty to all checks Armor rocked, shower of sparks
(13 to 15 dmg) –1 step penalty to all checks CLANG! “Damn! Taking fire!”
(1 to 12 dmg) “Getting some rain on the roof.”
Skills Athletics 6+, Armor Training 6+, Mechanics 14+, Security 13+
Gear Centurion V assault battlesuit powered armor, three Z-missiles,
tactical net
Hulking, bloodthirsty and utterly fearless in battle, marzogs are the
primitive denizens of an alien world. They hate all other sentient
species and furiously attack any offworld travelers who make the
mistake of landing on the marzogs’ home planet. While their Stone
Age technology might seem laughable at first glance, the marzogs’
sheer strength and reckless savagery makes them very dangerous
at close quarters. Worse yet, they understand small beings with fiery
weapons and metal chariots aren’t gods and can die just like any
other creature.
Every marzog from early adulthood to the end of its life considers
itself a warrior. Marzog tribes organize themselves into great hordes
of spear-wielding maniacs, who eagerly hurl themselves into battle
with single-minded ferocity. If their initial attack fails, warriors are
willing to reorganize their efforts for ambush and stealthy arrows
from the forest shadows.
Minion Attack This creature’s attack deals one wound of the lowest sever-
ity if its damage overcomes the target’s armor.
Gang Up The warrior gains a +1 step bonus to its melee attack if at least one
other marzog is adjacent to the target.
Skills Athletics 12+, Stealth 14+ (10+ in forest or jungle), Survival 14+
Gear bone armor, bow, spear, 12 arrows
The strongest and most fierce of a strong and fierce species, ber-
serkers are battle-scarred champions of a hundred tribal skirmishes.
Their sheer ferocity enables them to ignore terrible injuries, fighting
through seemingly critical wounds as if they were mere grazes.
TR 5 Medium Standard Humanoid (Alien)
Senses normal; Awareness 15+
Initiative 10/15/20 (+1 step); Speed 24 meters
Str 13+ Agi 15+ Vit 14+ Int 17+ (sentient) Foc 15+ Per 17+
Berserk Charge 4 impulses; move up to its speed and make an axe attack
(replaces charge action modifier).
Axe 3 impulses; Melee 1 target; Attack 12/17/22 (+1 step); Damage 1d8 + 3/7
physical, and the target is pushed 2 meters and knocked prone (Athletics
check negates).
Fierce Will 1-impulse reaction. When the berserker is hit by an attack, it
can attempt an immediate Resilience check (+2 step bonus) to reduce the
damage by 5.
Armor 2 physical, 1 energy
Blood-Crazed The berserker gains a +1 step bonus to attack if it’s wounded.
Skills Athletics 11+, Stealth 13+ (9+ in forest or jungle), Resilience 12+,
Survival 13+
Gear bone armor, axe
Sly and secretive, the psuur is a degenerate descendant of a
once-technological species that haunts the ruins of its long-van-
ished civilization. It is a scuttling horror that looks a little like a
50-kilo centipede with a head crowned by lashing tendrils. These
barbed tendrils house invasive neural filaments to take over the vic-
tim’s nervous system and hold it motionless while the psuur feeds.
TR 3 Medium Boss Animal (Alien)
Senses normal, thermal vision; Awareness 12+
Initiative 7/12/17; Speed 30 meters
Str 15+ Agi 13+ Vit 14+ Int 16+ (animal) Foc 14+ Per 15+
Tendril 2 impulses; Melee (8 meters) 1 target; Attack 13/18/23 (+1 step);
Damage 1d6 + 0/3 physical. If the damage results in a wound, the target
must make a Willpower check or be stunned (3 impulses) and become
grappled. The target can resist the grapple with an opposed check
(Willpower vs. psuur’s tendril skill). The psuur can’t use this action if it’s
already grappling three targets.
Neural Control 2 impulses; 1 grappled target. The target must make a
Willpower check. On failure, the target uses a 1-impulse reaction to attack
the closest creature other than the psuur with whatever weapon it has in
hand (–2 step penalty to the attack).
Feed 3 impulses; 1 grappled target; Attack 13/18/23 (+3 steps); Damage 1d8
+ 0/4 physical, and the target is impaired (resist Endurance to end the
impaired effect).
Human Shield 1-impulse reaction. If the psuur is targeted by an attack while
it is adjacent to a creature it is grappling, one such creature becomes the
target of the attack, and the psuur releases that creature.
Armor 1 physical, 2 energy
Camouflage +4 step bonus to Stealth checks to hide in its native
A vicious, clever pack hunter, the raigoth specializes in hit-and-run
attacks designed to weaken and herd its prey into the teeth of its
waiting packmates.
TR 5 Medium Standard Animal (Alien)
Senses normal; Awareness 11+
Initiative 8/13/18 (+1 step);
Speed 30 meters
Str 14+ Agi 14+
Vit 15+ Int 18+ (animal)
Foc 14+ Per 17+
Hamstring Rush 4 impulses;
move up to its speed,
make a bite attack and
move another 10 meters. If
the bite attack inflicts a wound,
the target is impaired (resist
Bite 3 impulses; Melee 1 target; Attack 11/16/21
(+1 step); Damage 1d8 + 1/5 physical (1d8 + 3/7
vs. a prone target), and the target must make an
Athletics check or be knocked prone.
Elusive 1-impulse reaction. When targeted by a melee attack, the raigath
can attempt a Dodge check. If it succeeds, it moves up to 6 meters and
the attack automatically misses.
Armor 4 physical, 2 energy
(14+ dmg) dead Dies, snapping at the air
(11 to 13 dmg) slowed, loses Lamed by deep wound in flank
hamstring rush
(8 to 10 dmg) knocked prone Knocked over on its side, thrashing
(1 to 7 dmg) Screams and snaps at you
Savage Inflicts +2 damage vs. prone targets
Skills Dodge 11+, Stealth 11+, Survival 11+
First becoming generally available at TE 7, robots quickly become
ubiquitous, built with nigh-infinite configurations and capabilities. Use
the following examples as a launching point for your own designs.
A basketball-sized security robot powered by hover-jets, the floating
eye is armed with a stunner that is supposedly nonlethal. It’s com-
monly used to monitor medium-security areas and patrol areas that
are hard to monitor with fixed security systems.
TR 1 Small Standard Mechanism (Robot)
Senses normal, weapon detector (2 m range); Awareness 16+
Initiative 12/17/22; Speed fly 25 meters (hover)
Str 16+ Agi 16+ Vit 17+ Int 17+ (programmed) Foc 18+ Per 20+
Stunner 3 impulses; Close 1 target; Attack 16/21/26; Damage 1d4/2d4 energy,
and target must make an Endurance check or be stunned (3 impulses).
Tactical Update 3 impulses; the robot reports to its networked security
Evasive Flight 1-impulse action when targeted by a ranged attack; Make a
Dodge check and move 4 m if the check succeeds, causing the attack to
Small Enemies suffer a –1 step penalty to attack the floating eye.
Life Support
Armor 1 physical, 1 energy
(10+ dmg) incapacitated sphere clanks to ground
(7 to 9 dmg) –2 step penalty to checks smoke emerges from chassis
(4 to 6 dmg) –1 step penalty to checks panels pop off, sparks fly
(1 to 3 dmg) “Hostile action detected!”
A rugged, tracked robot the size of a refrigerator, the explorer probe
is designed for extended autonomous activities on hostile planets.
It’s equipped with defense systems to drive off local lifeforms that
interfere with its mission.
TR 4 Large Champion Mechanism (Robot, Amphibious)
Senses normal, low-light, thermal; Awareness 15+
Initiative 12/17/22; Speed 20 meters
Str 13+ Agi 16+ Vit 14+ Int 17+ (programmed) Foc 18+ Per 20+
Manipulator Arms 4 impulses; Melee 2 targets; Attack 13/18/23 (+1 step, or
+2 steps vs. prone target); Damage 1d8 + 3/7 physical, and target must
make an Athletics check or be knocked prone.
Sonic Emitter 3 impulses; Close spread; Attack 13/18/23 (+1 step); Damage
1d8 + 3/7 energy, and target must make an Endurance check or be
stunned (3 impulses).
Flamer 4 impulses, once per scene; Medium 1 target; Attack 13/18/23 (+1
step); Damage 2d6/2d10 energy and ignite (minor blast 4 m, 2d6 energy).
Pressor Shield 1-impulse reaction when targeted by physical ranged attack;
make an opposed Strength check to counter the attacker’s check result.
Large Enemies gain +1 step bonus to attack the probe.
Stun Resistant Stun effects on the probe are treated as daze effects
Armor 3 physical, 2 energy
Life Support
(13+ dmg) incapacitated smoke pours out, humming stops
(10 to 12 dmg) –2 step penalty to humming sound gets louder
(7 to 9 dmg) –1 step penalty to robot emits low, throbbing hum
(1 to 6 dmg) “Investigating anomaly.”
Skills Dodge 15+, Science (planetology) 15+, Survival 15+
Sturdy, all-terrain robots fitted with multiple legs and a powerful
laser, jägerbots are cheap and effective replacements for human
infantry. They’re often used as heavy garrison forces because
of their good firepower or sometimes as disposable “first-wave”
assault assets.
TR 8 Medium Standard Mechanism (Robot)
Senses normal; Awareness 18+
Initiative 12/17/22; Speed 20 meters
Str 16+ Agi 16+ Vit 16+ Int 18+ Foc 18+ Per 19+
Laser Cannon 4 impulses; Long 1 target; Attack 9/14/19 (+1 step); Damage
2d10 + 0/4 energy.
Restraint Arm 3 impulses; Melee 1 target; Attack 9/14/19 (+1 step); Damage
1d4 + 1/6 physical, and target must make an Athletics check or be
Reflective Shield 2-impulse reaction when targeted by energy ranged
attack; make a Dodge check to counter attacker’s check result. If
opposed check results in a miss, attack instead reflects to a target of the
robot’s choice within medium range. Original attacker attacks the new
target at a –2 step penalty.
Life Support
Armor 2 physical, 2 energy
(16+ dmg) incapacitated collapses in heap of wires and
(14 to 15 dmg) –2 step penalty to checks hitches and jerks when it moves
(11 to 13 dmg) –1 step penalty to checks fluids leak from servomotors
(1 to 10 dmg) “Engaging defensive protocol”
Skills Dodge 13+
The adversary’s attack skill score, defense skill score, hit boxes
and basic damage range are listed for each level.
Attack: The creature’s target number for an Average success
with an attack. As with all attacks, exceeding this number by 5 or
more results in an Excellent hit, and exceeding it by 10 or more
results in a Stellar hit.
Defense: The creature’s skill score for a defense roll (for exam-
ple, a Dodge check to get out of a blast area).
Wounds: The creature’s wound boxes, with the damage num-
bers required to inflict a wound of that severity. The “last” box in
the critical column serves as the creature’s mortal wound box (if
there’s only one, that’s both the critical and mortal wound for the
Damage: The expected damage the creature deals with a
successful attack, listed with both Average and Excellent damage
results. While the damage listed is a flat number, you should
create a damage expression that approximates the target. For
example, a level 1 standard foe deals 5 damage on an Average
hit; that could be 1d6 + 2 or 1d4 + 3. On an Excellent hit, that crea-
ture deals 9 damage, which could be 1d6 + 6 or 2d6 + 2.
Example: Steve is building a mutant bear-monster and decides
it’s a TR 4 champion. He refers to the Champion Adversary Tem-
plate. The mutant bear’s skill score for its attacks should be
13+ (or 13/18/23), and its attacks should deal 8 damage on an
Average hit. Its skill score for defensive checks such as Dodge
should be 15+. Finally, reading across the wound categories,
the mutant bear should have 2 light wound boxes, 2 moderate
wound boxes, 2 severe wound boxes and 2 mortal wound boxes,
arranged as shown:
Minions are a special category of adversary. These are the simple
grunts and cannon fodder. Individually, they aren’t much of a
threat to most heroes, but they are dangerous in larger numbers.
Because they are intended to be used in large numbers, they have
special rules for attacks and damage.
• Minions have one hit box. Any hit that penetrates armor
defeats a minion.
• An Average hit from a minion’s attack overcomes armor
equal to 1 plus half its level. An Excellent hit overcomes
armor equal to 5 plus half the minion’s level.
• When a minion hits a target and overcomes the target’s
armor, that target takes a 1-damage wound.
• Stellar hits from minions deal only one wound, not two, but
they ignore armor.
Minions have suggested attack and defense values, just like When you use
other adversaries. However, they don’t need durability or damage minions, include
entries. Instead, they have the following characteristic: something with an
area effect in your
Armor Penetration: This is the resistance value of armor the set design; see
minion’s attack overcomes. Chapter 7.
A creature’s type describes its basic nature: Is it an animal that
evolved on some world, a human (or human-like alien), a mechanical
creation like a robot, or something else altogether? Type determines
a creature’s innate vulnerabilities and resistances—for example,
animals need to breathe, and mechanisms don’t.
Animal: Animals are living creatures that move, eat, and respire.
They are not sentient and don’t use tools or weapons. Most animals
have Intelligence scores of 0 (instinct only) or 1 (animal), resulting in
a check score of 20+ or 19+ respectively.
Enigma: An enigma is alive, but has bizarre or nonorganic life
processes. It is immune to effects that work on ordinary biochemis-
try (poison, for example) and may not need to breathe.
Humanoid: A living creature reasonably close to human in intelli-
gence, tool use, and ability to communicate.
Mechanism: Artificial beings that are not alive. They do not need
to breathe and are immune to effects that require living biochem-
istry, but they require power in the form of fuel, charge cells, or
internal generators.
(Alien): This descriptor is added to a creature that is not
descended from Earthly lifeforms. Characters unfamiliar with its
native ecosystem take a -2 step penalty to interact with the creature.
Mental powers such as telepathy, ESP, telekinesis and other strange abilities are
commonplace in some settings, rare in others and completely absent from many
more. Heroes armed with psionic abilities can be perfect spies, undetectable assas-
sins or near-omniscient directors and controllers. No secret is safe from a spy who
can read minds; no VIP is protected from an enemy who can compel a bodyguard to
fire a weapon with a mere thought.
Mental powers aren’t part of every Alternity game. They’re a great fit for
a wide-open space opera with hundreds of potentially psionic alien races or a
modern-day conspiracy campaign touching on paranormal situations, but they
might seem out of place in a post-apocalyptic or hard sci-fi environment. Deciding
whether to include psionics is an important point of world-building for the GM.
A character’s psionic ability consists of psionic skills and psionic
talents. Any character or creature that has at least 1 skill point in a
psionic skill or possesses a psionic talent is considered psionic; all
other characters and creatures are nonpsionic. Powerful psionic
characters have a lot of skill points and talent selections invested in
psionic options, while characters with little ability—say, occasional
premonitions of danger or an uncanny knack for sensing a lie—
might have only a handful of points in a single psionic skill.
To use a psionic ability in a combat or challenge scene, you need
to make a skill check against the appropriate psionic skill. If your
check succeeds, you activate or perform the psionic action you are
attempting. (The things you can do with psionic skills are covered
in the skill descriptions.) If your check fails, you can’t successfully
initiate your psionic power.
You can use psionic skills as often as you like, but some uses
of your ability require exceptional effort and might lead to psionic
fatigue (see below).
Psionic attacks fall into two broad categories: psychokinetic attacks
and telepathic attacks.
Psychokinetic attacks are real manifestations of physical force or
energy. The target’s armor (if any) resists psychokinetic attacks nor-
mally—a telekinetic punch deals physical damage, while a pyrokinetic
burst deals energy damage. Psychokinetic attacks are invisible; no
visible energy connects the attacker and target. However, a charac-
ter launching an attack is clearly concentrating on something at the
moment of the attack, and the effects on the target may be obvious.
Psychokinetic attacks can pass through any medium unless stated
otherwise, but the attacker must have line of sight to the target.
Telepathic attacks are intangible strikes of projected thought and
can affect only living creatures. They are not physical and directly
affect the target’s consciousness. Like psychokinetic attacks, they
are invisible and can pass through any medium. The attacker must
have line of sight to the target or otherwise be able to perceive the
mind of the target (for example, a live video connection to a target
who is close enough to be within range of the attack or hearing
someone speak on the other side of a door).
Wounds inflicted by telepathic attack work just like wounds inflicted
by other attacks and force the target to mark off wound boxes
normally: You can defeat a badly wounded target with your mind
blasts more easily than you can defeat a fresh foe. However, you
can choose whether your psionic attack is lethal or nonlethal after
you roll for damage.
Some psionic attacks inflict harmful conditions as well as damage—
for example, temporary insanity or paralyzing fear. You can attempt to
recover from a psionically inflicted condition by spending 1 impulse to
make a Willpower check unless stated otherwise by the effect.
Four skills serve as the gateway to psionic powers: ESP, Mind Over
Body, Psychokinesis and Telepathy. These skills work like other
skills in the game, except you can’t attempt a skill check with a
psionic skill if you’re not psionic.
Extra-sensory perception allows you to perceive things you
shouldn’t be able to perceive: distant people or places, psychic
impressions left behind by past stress or trauma, or glimpses of
the future. When you assign a skill point to ESP, choose one of
the following specialties: premonition, psychic history or remote
viewing. You gain a +1 step bonus to ESP checks in your field of
Premonition: You can make an ESP check at the beginning of an
adventure to determine the strength and usefulness of your premoni-
tions. At any point during the adventure, you can “spend” your premo-
nition as a free action to gain a bonus on a check you make or inflict a
penalty on a check an opponent makes against you. The value of the
premonition bonus (or penalty) depends on the success of your ESP
check: 3 steps (Average), 4 steps (Excellent) or 5 steps (Stellar).
You can tie your premonition to another character who is well
known to you, in which case you decide when to grant that char-
acter the premonition bonus (or penalty to someone acting against
that character). However, you must be able to convey a quick warn-
ing to the subject of your premonition to grant the bonus, so they
must be able to hear you, and you can’t be unconscious when the
moment arrives.
You can expend effort to continue a premonition after you use its
bonus or penalty. In effect, spending effort buys you a second (or
third or fourth) use of the premonition bonus. You can also expend
effort to create a new premonition in an adventure after you use up
the original one.
Psychic History: Use ESP to read a place or object for psychic
impressions. You must physically handle the object or be in the loca-
tion you’re examining to make a check. In general, impressions are
created only when people experience intense emotion in a place
You must be familiar with the site you are attempting to view
or able to make an informed guess about it. For example, you can
attempt to view “the bridge of that starship over there” because you
know it has a bridge, but you can’t view “whatever’s on the other side
of this hatch” because you don’t know what might be in that com-
partment. You can view a spot you’ve seen a picture of (for example,
a postcard) or even a town you know just by a name on a map. You
gain a +2 step bonus if you are very familiar with the target, and a –2
step penalty if the only thing you know is a name. You can’t target
people; you have to target a site you know something about (so you
can’t try to view “Tyrant Gannel’s secret hideout, wherever that is.”)
Remote viewing works at extreme ranges: close range is 10 kilo-
meters, medium is 100 km, long is 1,000 km, very long is 10,000 km
and extreme is 100 AU (a star system).
You can move distant objects with the power of your mind. You can
levitate objects far heavier than you could normally lift, turn a small
object into a dangerous missile, or seize your enemies with invisible
force and hold them motionless.
Psychokinesis observes the normal range categories and pen-
alties; it’s easier to pick up something close to you than something
far away. In addition, you can affect multiple targets at once with a
penalty of –1 step for each additional object. At the GM’s discretion,
a number of small but similar objects (a drawer full of silverware or
a pile of gravel) count as just one object as long as you’re moving
them together. You can operate devices with complex moving parts
(for example, aiming and firing a gun you’re levitating) with an addi-
tional –2 step penalty to your Psychokinesis check.
If you try to grab something another creature is holding, make
an opposed check (your Psychokinesis versus your opponent’s
<1 kg +2 steps
1–10 kg +1 step
10–100 kg no modifier
100–250 kg –1 step
250–500 kg –2 steps
500–1,000 kg –3 steps
1–2 tons –4 steps
2–5 tons –5 steps
Missile: Pick up something close by and hurl it as an attack at
a target within long range. The missile must be 10 kg or less and
within 10 meters of you. Your Psychokinesis check is your attack
roll (normal range penalties apply). Your missile inflicts 1d6 + 0/4
physical damage if your attack succeeds; you can expend psionic
effort to increase damage to 1d6 + 4/8. Some missiles might have
additional effects—you can “throw” an armed grenade much further
than you could with arm strength alone, or you can stick a hypo-
dermic needle into a distant foe. At the GM’s discretion, very soft or
delicate objects might deal half damage or no damage at all when
used as missiles.
Restrain: Make a Psychokinesis check to seize a creature or
small vehicle with telekinetic force until your next action. The
success level of your check determines how firmly you’re holding
the target:
Massive targets are difficult to restrain; see Lift (above) for check
modifiers based on the target weight. You gain a +1 step bonus to
continue restraining a creature you are already restraining.
You can communicate with other creatures via direct mind-to-mind
contact, read their thoughts or compel them to act as you direct.
When you assign a skill point to Telepathy, choose one of the fol-
lowing specialties: contact, probe or suggestion. You gain a +1 step
bonus to Telepathy checks in your field of specialization.
You can use Telepathy only on living creatures. You must be
within range of the telepathic discipline you’re using, and you must
have line of sight to the target or be able to perceive its existence
(for example, by engaging in a video conversation or hearing some-
one nearby).
You can affect multiple targets at once with a penalty of –1 step
for each additional creature.
It’s difficult to interact with creatures whose minds are very differ-
ent from yours; you take a –1 step penalty to interact with a creature
with an Intelligence of 1, and a –2 step penalty to interact with an
Intelligence 0 creature. Truly mindless creatures such as plants or
jellyfish just don’t have nervous systems that harbor a mind, and
you can’t use Telepathy on them at all. In addition, minds that are
very alien (GM’s discretion) inflict an additional –2 step penalty to
your check.
Contact: Make a Telepathy check to establish mind-to-mind
communication with a creature you know or that you can see or
perceive. The success level of your check indicates the clarity of
your communication:
Your mind is your weapon. Your special gift makes you a prized
asset for governments and corporations ... or a deadly threat to the
powers that be. Whether you use your powers to enrich yourself or
place them at the service of people who uphold the law and defend
society, you are the object of fear and misunderstanding. Choose
your friends wisely, because many people are eager to make use of
your abilities, and their purposes may not be yours.
If you want to be a mentalist, make the following choices:
Most psionic talents are available only to psionic characters.
However, at the GM’s discretion a nonpsionic character can select
Mental Block (in settings where psionics are commonplace, training
to resist telepathic attack is likewise common).
the operator acts. If you can jump 6 meters and the marauder’s buggy
is 5 meters away, you can board it. If your weapon has a range of 200
meters and the marauder is 220 meters away, it’s too far away to hit.
Relative Distance: Relative position is deliberately imprecise. All
that matters is the “cinematic” distance between the key vehi-
cle (generally the heroes’ vehicle) and each of the other vehicles
involved in the scene. Relative position is described as immediate,
near, or far.
If a vehicle gets farther than Far from the key vehicle in the
scene, it’s no longer part of the scene—either it escaped, or the key
vehicle did.
The exact distance represented by immediate, near, and
far varies with the kind of vehicles involved in the scene. For a
modern-day car chase, it might be 5 meters, 100 meters, and 300
meters. In an asteroid-field starfighter duel, those distances could
be 1 kilometer, 5 kilometers, and 20 kilometers. Characters with
personal weapons can take shots at enemies in a car chase, but
pistols won’t be terribly effective unless you’re right on the other
guy’s bumper … and if you’re in jet fighters screaming along at
supersonic speeds, personal weapons are pretty much not a factor.
Most vehicles need someone at the controls to direct the vehicle’s
movement. You must keep a vehicle under control, or it becomes
uncontrolled. To control a vehicle:
• Use the control action and make a skill check (usually Driv-
ing or Piloting, depending on the kind of vehicle), or add the
maintain control action modifier when you take a differ-
ent action.
• You must use the control action and make the skill check
at least once every other action (in other words, half the
actions you take in the scene must be the control action).
• Your vehicle becomes uncontrolled if you do anything other
than use the control action or an action combined with the
maintain control action modifier, take a second consecutive
action other than control, or fail the appropriate skill check.
If a vehicle is uncontrolled, everyone in or on the vehicle suffers
a –1 step penalty to Driving and Piloting checks and any attacks.
This condition lasts until an operator gets at least an Average suc-
cess to regain control (or the vehicle crashes into something and
becomes halted).
If a vehicle is halted, it’s not moving. If you’re using relative posi-
tion, other operators gain a +5 step bonus on checks to increase or
decrease distance. If you’re using absolute position, then the halted
vehicle’s speed is 0. This condition lasts until an operator takes a
control action to get the vehicle moving (whether the skill check is
successful or not). Its ability to regain speed is limited to the acceler-
ation given in the vehicle description.
Momentum: If you’re using relative position, the system already
accounts for an uncontrolled vehicle continuing forward while
it swerves, veers, or drifts. If you’re using absolute position, an
uncontrolled vehicle continues on its existing course and speed
every third impulse, subject to common sense and the prevailing
terrain. When the vehicle contacts something sizable, it crashes
and becomes halted.
If a vehicle reaches zero range (or immediate distance in relative
position), its operator can ram another vehicle by attempting a
Driving or Piloting check at a –2 step penalty. Doing so deals
damage to the target vehicle equal to the ramming vehicle’s ram
damage, and the ramming vehicle takes damage equal to the
target vehicle’s ram damage, –3. If the operators of both vehicles
were trying to decrease range (and it’s thus more of a head-on col-
lision), then the ram deals double damage boxes to both vehicles.
On a Stellar success with a ram attack, the target vehicle
takes double ram damage—or triple ram damage if it’s a head-on
Once you’ve decided on absolute or relative position, then answer a
second fundamental question: Where is the scene taking place?
The key to a satisfying action scene with vehicles is creating
a dynamic environment that changes as the heroes traverse it.
Your description of the passing landscape each round makes the
action scene seem more real. Tell the players what kind of build-
ing their characters are driving past, what sort of starship debris
they’re maneuvering around, and what the holo-billboard they just
careened through was advertising.
It’s useful to think of the vehicle environment like you would the
set design for a ground combat scene. Just as empty rooms and flat
plains are boring for Alternity ground combat, featureless deep
space or empty highways aren’t interesting for vehicle combat.
Heroes need environmental elements to move through or around:
asteroids, rush-hour hovercar traffic, dust clouds, or even a nearby
gas giant (and its attendant gravity well) to provide a little challenge.
In general, a vehicle-based action scene begins with an environ-
Try to make roughly
mental challenge at the start of the scene and changes to a new
half the results
enable stunts, challenge each round after impulse 8. Typically the challenge gives
and half punish operators a chance to attempt stunts or imposes extra difficulty or
uncontrolled vehicles. complications for all participants.
To determine what environmental challenge matters for the next
round, choose or roll 1d10 on a table created for the encounter.
Designing the table is the equivalent of doing the set design work
for a ground-based action scene. Once you’ve done that, define
immediate, near and far distance bands for relative movement.
To give you some ideas, here are tables for two quintessential
vehicle scenes: a car chase through a present-day city and a dogfight
that’s part of a wider engagement between two massive starfleets.
Most Alternity campaigns feature setting-specific vehicles—and
the more specific, the better. Give your vehicles makes, models and
reputations just as real-world cars and airplanes have. The following
sample vehicles are just as jumping-off points for your own designs.
Tech Era 6
Speed Max 200 kph (330 m per action); accel/decel 50 m per action
Capacity 1 driver, 10 kg cargo
Cover None
Ram Damage 1d6 physical
Armor 4 physical, 2 energy
(7+ dmg) destroyed
(4 to 6 damage) –1 step penalty
(1 to 3 damage)
Features Nimble handling (+1 step on Driving checks for control
Reward Class Average
Tech Era 6
Speed Max 190 kph (320 m per action); accel/decel 40 m per action
Capacity 1 driver, 1 passenger, 50 kg cargo
Cover Medium (–2 steps to enemy attacks)
Ram Damage 2d6 physical
Armor 5 physical, 2 energy
(16+ damage) destroyed
(13 to 15 damage) –3 step penalty
(10 to 12 damage) –2 step penalty
(7 to 9 damage) –1 step penalty
(1 to 6 damage)
Features Nimble handling (+1 step on Driving checks for control action),
performance suspension (+1 step on Driving checks for stunts)
Reward Class Excellent
Tech Era 7
Speed Max 250 kph (415 m per action); accel/decel 30 m per action
Capacity 1 pilot, 7 passengers, 500 kg cargo
Cover Heavy (–3 steps to enemy attacks)
Ram Damage 2d8 physical
Armor 5 physical, 3 energy
(16+ damage) destroyed
(13 to 15 damage) –3 step penalty
(10 to 12 damage) –2 step penalty
(7 to 9 damage) –1 step penalty
(1 to 6 damage)
Tech Era 8
Speed Max 6 g accel in space, max 3,000 kph in typical atmosphere
(4,800 m per action); accel/decel 400 m per action in atmosphere
Capacity 1 pilot, 1 gunner
Cover Total unless canopy opened; then Medium (–2 steps to enemy
Ram Damage 2d10 physical
Armor 8 physical, 5 energy
(16+ dmg) destroyed
(16+ dmg) –3 step penalty
(13 to 15 dmg) –2 step penalty
(10 to 12 dmg) –1 step penalty
(1 to 9 dmg)
Features Autopilot, communicator, computer linked to global data
network, life support for 3 days, neutron cannon, z-missile
Reward Class Stellar
An Alternity ship is transportation, but it’s so much more than
that. Whether it’s a tramp freighter, a stealth cruiser, or a vast capital
vessel, a ship is also a resource, a set for all sorts of scenes, and
quite probably the heroes’ home base for the campaign.
For the heroes, the ship isn’t just a means of transport. It’s a pur-
veyor of goods and a dispenser of information, too—a sort of
Batcave where the PCs can do research, build high-tech gear, store
artifacts and mementos from their adventures. At a minimum, any
ship capable of a long voyage has certain basics:
Consider the various incarnations of Star Trek’s Enterprise. The
bridge was a set used in almost every episode, even though full-
fledged combat engagements were relatively rare. Likewise the sick
bay, engineering and a scattering of other locations were key sets
for decision, interaction and challenge scenes.
When a ship becomes prominent in your ongoing game, give
extra attention to describing the setting for these scenes. The
heroes should feel at home and be able to easily imagine them-
selves in various places on the ship. When the players are talking
among themselves, a simple “Where on the ship are you guys
right now?” snaps them into imagining the fictional world as they
You can also use the ship as the set for an action scene, but if the
players have a sentimental attachment to the ship, do so sparingly.
Boarding actions can be riveting scenes, but some players don’t
like being attacked on their “home turf.” If your table is amenable,
though, use the set dressing elements described in Chapter 7 to
define the basics, like how the hatches function, where the gravity
controls are, and what happens when someone vents the crew
quarters out into space.
Ships 281
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
A ship-versus-ship battle, where the PCs are on the bridge operat-
ing various systems in concert, is beyond the scope of this book.
Those action scenes—plus the rules for building your own ships—
are covered in the Shipyard sourcebook. If you want to run the
occasional scene where the PCs’ ship is essentially the key combat-
ant in a battle, use the following guidelines.
Lean on the vehicle rules presented above. Set up the ship like
you would a vehicle, with damage boxes, speeds, weapons, and rel-
evant features like autopilots and systems that grant the characters
step bonuses for certain actions.
Set the scene in a dynamic environment. Deep space is not
OK! Even a gas cloud or derelict space station gives the heroes and
their enemies something to maneuver around. Create a dynamic
environment with new challenges every round, just like the vehicle
environments described in that section. Everyone likes dodging
asteroids, lurking in nebulas, coming at enemies out of the sun and
blasting the wreckage to clear a path ahead.
Nobody sits it out. Make sure every character has something
to do every round. Firing weapons, performing sensor sweeps
to find enemies and grant bonuses to the gunners, and flying
the ship are just the start. Someone can operate the damage
control system and make Engineering checks to “heal” the ship
mid-battle. Another character can take control of the power
plant and reroute power from shields to weapons or vice versa
to make their ship hit harder or survive an enemy barrage. Every
Alternity character has some technical skills—this is the time to
put them to use.
Tech Era 8
Hull 600 tons
Drive 4 g reactionless sublight drive, jump drive with 15 ly range, 3
ly/day speed, 1 day recharge.
Modules Medium bridge, officer cabins ×6, passenger cabins ×6,
galley, wardroom, medbay, passive sensor suite, active sensor
suite, vehicle launch bay, plasma turret, grav-mine launcher, 200
tons of cargo.
Features Adaptive cargo modules, atmospheric maneuver thrusters
Tech Era 9
Hull 5,000 tons
Drive 1000c warp drive (milspec)
Modules Large bridge, officer cabins ×15, common crew ×85, galley
×3, wardroom, medbay, milspec sensor suite, encrypted ansible,
vehicle launch bay, drone launch bay, dynamic milspec shields,
dorsal matter beam, forward torpedo launcher ×4, rear torpedo
launcher ×4, hostile boarding apparatus, tractor beam (1,000-ton
capacity), 200 tons of cargo
Features Milspec anti-piracy suite
Ships 283
A B Devices and Machines
Ability Scores 23 Baromorph 27 214
Assigning 24 Base Die 11 Dice and Checks 10
Academics 57 Base Size 155 Die Step 13
Acrobatics 58 Battler 40 Difficulty Die 12
Action Modifier 141, 143 Behemoth 241 Disease 179
Aim 143 Blasts 147 Distracted 163
Autofire 143 Evading a Blast 148 Dodge 65
Charge 143 Blinded 162 Doors 209
Concentrate 143 Briith 30 Downtime 170
Evade 144 Driving 66
Maintain Control 274 Drones 130, 152
Action Rounds 14, 133, Drowning 180
139 Durability 48, 157
Ceilings 212
Adjacent 155
Check Result 12
Advanced Characters
Chiirth 242
201 E
Choosing Skills 51
Advancement 200 Elaphromorph 26
Climbing 61, 154
Aiding Other Heroes 135 Elevators 211
Coercion 62
Alien Contact 230 Empathy 66
Combat Difficulty 204
Android (Adversary) 238 Encumbrance 49
Complex Skill Checks
Android (Hero) 28 Endurance 67
Arachnoid 240 Energon 243
Computer 63
Archetypes 39 Energy Types 156
Contact (Encounters) 171
Area Effects 147 Energy Weapons (Gear)
Contact (NPC) 196
Armor 156 109
Contesting a Check 139
Resistance 156 Energy Weapon (Skill) 67
Control (Action) 273
Armor (Gear) 117 Engineering 68
Countering a Check 139
Armor Special Abilities ESP 262
Cover 146
119 Executions 149
Culture 64
Armor Upgrades 219 Expert 41
Customizing Weapons
Armor Training 58 Exploration 174
107, 110
Athletics 59 Exposure 180
Attack (Action) 141 Extreme Sports 69
Attack Modifier 145
Autofire 146 D
Burst 146 Damage and Wounds
Full Auto 147 155
Improved Autofire 147 Damage Over Time 162 Falling and Impacts 181
Automatic Failure 134 Damage Type 156 Fight or Flight 173
Automatic Success 134 Dazed 163 Firearms (Gear) 109
Average Person 199 Debility 178 Firearm (Skill) 69
Awareness 62 Deception 65 Floors 213
Defining Failure 54 Freeform Characters 44
Detection 172 FTL 228
284 Index
Gear 99 Leader 42 Performance 74
Gear Class 99 Lethality 158 Piloting 75
Gear Rewards 218 Light 212 Poison 162, 183
Restriction Levels 101 Locks 210 Position 155
Starting Gear 99 Powerlifting 61
Grab 151 Primitive Weapon (Skill)
Grappled 150 M 76
Grappled Condition Profession 76
Machine Damage 215
150, 163 Prone 164
Marzog 248
Gravity 181 Psionic Combat 261
Mechanics 71
Grenades 110, 147 Psionic Effort 260
Medical Rehab 73
Psuur 250
Medicine 71
Psychokinesis 264
Battlefield Medicine
H 72
Hand to Hand 69 Melee 73
Healing 159 Mentalist 268 R
Heavy Weapon (Gear) Mind Over Body 264 Radiation 162, 184
110 Minion 257 Raigath 251
Heavy Weapon (Skill) 70 Misdirection 74 Range 144
Hero Points 164 Move (Action) 142 Reactions 144
Human (Adversary) 244 Movement 153 Ready an Action 142
Human (Hero) 26 Moving Through Recovery 78, 159, 160
Baromorph 27 Creatures 155 Reposition (Action) 142
Elaphromorph 26 Tight Fit 154 Resilience 77
Resist (Action) 142
Retreat 168
I N Rewards 217
Fame 221
Ignoring Pain 77 Navigation 177
Favor 221
Impaired 163 Negotiations 191
Gear 218
Impulse 139 Nesh 33
Reward Pacing 223
Incapacitated 158, 163 Next Action 142
Robot 252
Influence 70 Nonlethal Combat 149
Initiative 47, 139 NPC Attitude 190
Initiative Check 139 NPCs 195
Insane 163 Contacts 196, 221
Interact (Action) 141
Interaction 169, 189
Objects 187
J Off-Balance 163
Jumping 60, 154 Opening Range 171
Junk 222
ALTERNITY: Core Rulebook
Scenes 133, 168 Tackling 150 Walls 211
Science 78 Tactical Surprise 141 Weakened 164
Security 79 Talents 45 Weapons 103
Self-Stabilizing 77 Restricted Talents 95 Energy Weapons 109
Shafts 213 Talent Descriptions 81 Firearms 109
Shove (Special Action) Technology Era 102, 224 Heavy Weapons 110
152 Tech Superiority 103 Melee Weapons 106
Size 255 Telepathy 266 Primitive Weapons
Skill 51 Template, Adversary 108
Adding New Skills 81 234, 255 Thrown Weapons 147
Maximum Skill Points Terrain, Slow 153 Weapon
51 Threat Rating 234, 255 Emplacements 216
Skill Categories 23 Time 174 Weapon Special
Skill Check 52, 134 Tools 123 Abilities 105
Complex Skill Tool Upgrades 220 Weapon Upgrades
Checks 135 Total Defense (Action) 218
Group Skill Checks 143 Willpower 80
138 Travel Speed 175 Wounds 15, 73, 157
Open-Ended Turn Order 14 Severity 156
Checks 137 Type, Creature 234, 259 Stabilizing 72, 159
Opposed Checks Animal 259 Treatment 72, 159
138 Enigma 259 Wound Check Penalty
Taking Your Time Humanoid 259 157
138 Mechanism 259
Skill Descriptions 55
Skill List 56 X
Skills, Choosing 51 U Xayon 35
Skill Score 11
Unarmed Combat 149
Slowed (Condition) 164
Use a Skill (Action) 143
Slow Terrain 153
Species 26 Z
Speed 48, 153 Zero-G 154, 182
Spotting Range 171 V
Sprinting 61 Vacuum 186
Starting Gear 99 Vision 176
Starting Positions 171
Starvation 185
Stealth 79, 172
Striker 42
Stunned 164
Success Levels 14
Sucked Into Space 186
Surgery 72, 160
Surprise 141
Surrender 168
Survival 80
Survivor 43
Swimming 60, 154
286 Index
____________________________ ____________________________
Name Archetype
Level: _____ Hero points: _____ Initiative: _______________________ Speed: ______ Encumbrance: ______
Academics (Int) ___/___/___ Hand to Hand (Str/Agi) ___/___/___
Acrobatics (Agi) ___/___/___ Heavy Weapon (Str/Int) ___/___/___
Armor Training (Str/Int) ___/___/___ Influence (Per) ___/___/___
Athletics (Str) ___/___/___ Mechanics (Int) ___/___/___
Awareness (Foc) ___/___/___ Medicine (Int) ___/___/___
Coercion (Per) ___/___/___ Melee (Str/Agi) ___/___/___
Computer (Int) ___/___/___ Misdirection (Per) ___/___/___
Culture (Per) ___/___/___ Performance (Per) ___/___/___
Deception (Per) ___/___/___ Piloting (Agi/Int) ___/___/___
Driving (Agi) ___/___/___ Primitive Wpn (Agi/Foc) ___/___/___
Dodge (Agi) ___/___/___ Profession (any) ___/___/___
Empathy (Foc/Per) ___/___/___ Resilience (Vit) ___/___/___
Endurance (Vit) ___/___/___ Science (Int) ___/___/___
Energy Weapon (Agi/Foc) ___/___/___ Security (Agi/Int) ___/___/___
Engineering (Int) ___/___/___ Stealth (Agi/Foc) ___/___/___
Extreme Sports (Agi/Vit) ___/___/___ Survival (Vit/Foc) ___/___/___
Firearm (Agi/Foc) ___/___/___ Willpower (Foc) ___/___/___
©2018 Sasquatch Game Studio. Permission granted to reproduce for personal use.