Alternity Player's Handbook

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The document provides an overview of the development and goals of the Alternity science fiction roleplaying game system, which was meant to cover a wide range of science fiction genres.

The core rules were built specifically to handle science fiction and provide a framework for any type of science fiction story. However, it was also inspired by the AD&D system. The philosophy was to create new and dynamic rules while following the model of support used in other TSR product lines.

Characters can develop abilities related to attributes, skills in areas like computers, sciences, technologies, and social skills. They can also gain ranks in classes like Athlete or Soldier that provide additional benefits.


Sclena! Fiction Roleplaying Gllme
I ,.

Rules for modern to far-future

roleplaying games

by Bill SllnIIc_k and Richard Baker


ASIA. PACIfIC. & LAt,IN AMERICA Wizard. of the CQai:1.llEtlglum
Wizards 01 the Coast. /nc. RB.34
P. O. Box 107 2.300 Turnhout
Renton WA 980S7-Ul07 Belgium
.. 32- 14-4 4 ~4
Visit Our websi te o:t
As we write th is, the final pieces ollhe ALTIllNITY Science fiction Roleplllying Gome (lTe coming to+
gether in grand fashion. To be honest we're ex tremely excited and terribly proud 01 the work we've
done. Ma n y. many people poolad their eHarts to help us p roduce this new roleplay ing game. Some. like
Lester Smith and Jim Word. had moved on long belore the final product took shape. O thers. whose
names appear in the credits below OUIS. added their own special touches to m(lke the AL'IllIMITY game
what it is. We'd especially like to thank OUf edilors. Kim Mohan and David Eckelberry, who helped
tum raw text into th is exciting package.
We 01110 owe a debt 01 gra titude to the subscribers to the ALTEHNITY In terne t mailing Itst. Many of
them spant 0: lot of lima examining the Limited Edition Players Handbook thol was released last Au·
gust. Their suggestions helped 10 fu rther improve Ihis final version 01 the book
Wcry bock at the beginning 01 this project. our lundamental approach to designing a new roleplay·
ing game Iyltem for TSR, Inc. was sjmple~ We looked back 01 what has made Ihis company the giant
of the roleplay ing game industry and bonowed the besl parts. 01 course, that meant examining the
company'lIflagship line-the ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS"" game.
Just as the AD&D" game provides the lramewor k lor playing grea t fan tasy roleplaying adventures.
we set out to make the AI,TERNITY game do the lame thing for modern 10 lar· future roleplaying cam·
paigns. From the beginning, we dedIcated our resources and energy to dellgnlog a game that would
cover 011 aspec1s 01 science lichon in two hardcover rule boob. This is the fi rst ollhose books, wllllen
especIally lor players. To these core rules, we'll add vorious campaign settings. accessories. and ad·
ven tures as lime goes on, following the model of support provided in all of the AD&D producl lines.
However, we were also dedicated to creating a new, dyna mic set 01 rulel buil t specifically to han·
die science liction-and we lucceeded. The A LTERNITY game isn't the AD&D game with spaceships
and rayguns, It's brand new
Our philosophy, at its core. was to provide a set 01 game mechanics that ollow you to play any type
01 science lichon story, from contemporary technothrillers to for· future space opera and everything in
between. The rest is up to you. We hope you hove as much fun playmg the ALTt:IINITY game as we had
creating it. [t's been 0 blaBtl
Bill Siavicsek. Richard Baker
January 21. 1998
Errata 1.0 & 2.0
entered 6/6/22 JAS
Design: Bill Slavicsek and Richard Baker
Development: Kim Moban
Editing: Kim Mohan and David Eckelberry
Typesetting: Angelika Lokotz
Illustrations: rk post. Todd Lockwood, William O'Connor, Dennis Kauth. Rob Lazzaretti
Graphic Design : Dee Barnett
Graphics Coordination: Dawn Murin and Paul Hanchette
Cartography and 3-D Art: De nnis Kauth and Rob LazzaretU
Spaceship Design: Dana Knutson
Advice: Wolfgang Baur, lim Butle r, Monte Cook, Bruce Heard. Sean Reynolds
Special Thanks: lim Fallone, Dori Hein, Lester Smith, James M. Ward, David Wise,
Ronald C. Bedison. Martin L. Shoemaker, Dare n McCormick, Steve Ba rtell
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flnll'ri...u.v Aprill.
INTRODUCTION ..........................................•.. ........ 4 CHAPTER 8: ACHIEVEMENTS .......... .124
The Point System .............................................................. .125
CHAPTER I: FAST·PLAY RULES ..............................................8 Using Skill Poin ts ............................................................... 125
The Playe,·s Role ...................................................... 9 Achievement BeneJi ts ................................. 126
Key Conce pt s .......................................................................... 9
Science Fiction Heroes .................. . ..• 10 CHAPTER 9: GOODS & SERVICES ........................•........... 126
Playing the Came ..................................................... 11 Equipping a Starting Hero ................................................ 129
Progress Levels .......... .130
CHAPTER 2: HERO CREATION .................... 18 Equipment Descriptions ........... 133
Whatlsa He .o? ..................................................................... 19 ServiCils ....................................................... 147
I " Develop CI Hero Concept .............................................. 19
2 " Choose a Species ....................................... 20 CHAPTER 10: COMPUTERS.. ..150
3" Choose a Cmeer ................. ............ ........... 30 Us ing Compu ters ............... 151
4 " Pick CI Profession .......................................................... 30 TbeCompu ter ltsel! .......................................................... 151
5" Assign Ability Scores .................... 32 Computers Through the Ages .......................................... 152
6 .. Skills ................... .34 ComputerOescriptions ..................................................... 153
? .. Select Perks & naws ............................................ ..36 Periphemls ................................. ... 1:)5
S" Choose Attributes ..........................................................36 The Grid ............................................................................... 156
9 " Complete the Hero Sheet .....................................36 Progroms ............................................................................. 159
Artilicialln telligence .................... ... 167
CHAPTER 3: HEROES IN ACTION ......................................... 42 Robots ..................... .................... ... 169
The Gam .. Environment ••. ..... .44 SpaCilship Computers .....................................................169
Rolling DiCil ............. .47
Pedo.mlng Actions ..............................................................49 CHAPTER I] : WEAPONS &: ARMOR .. ... 170
Damage •...•...•.......................................................................... 51 Melee WS<lpons .....171
Recovery .. .................................................................•..... 54 Ranged Weapons ..............................................• .174
Combat Actions ........................•....................................... :)5 HeavyWeaponG ............................................................ 181
Impact Damage ..................................................................... 58 Armor........ ..ISS
Surprise... ............................................. 58
Lost Resort Poi nt~ ........................... 59 CHAPTER 12: VEHICLES . ..................................... 192
Typos o f Situations .................... ................ 59 Vehicle Descriptions. ................... 193
VehIcle Combat. .•. 198
CHAPTER 4: SKILLS ........................................... .... 60 Wha!"s in a Spaceship? .................................................... 205
Broad 'Is. Specialty Skills ..................... 61 Space Vehicle Combat ...................................................... 209
Skill Points ................................................ .................... .61
Skill Scores ......................................... ..... 61 CHAPTER L3: MUTANTS ... .................... 2]2
Strength Skills ..........................................................63 Mutant Heroes .................• ................................. 213
Dexterity Skills ..............................................70 ~termining Mutations ..................................................... 214
Constitution Skills ..................................... 76 Advantagec.u$ Mutalian Descriptions ..... 216
Intelligence Skills ................................................ 78 Mutation DfOwoocks ........................................ ..... 222
Will Skills .•.. .................................. ....................................93
Penwnality Skills .....................•....................................96 CHAPTER 14: PSIONICS ........................................................ 226
Mindwnlker Heroes .......................................................... 227
CHAPTER 5: PERkS & FLAWS ..................... 102 Using MenIal Abilities ..... 228
Perk Descriptions ......................................................... 103 Psionic Skill Descriptions ................................................ 226
Flaw Descriptions ................••. .......................... .... 107 Mindwalker Care<lrs ........................................................ 236

CIiAPTER6:SAM.PLtCARttRS ....................................•. Il(} CHAPTER IS: CYlIERTECH ......•.......•........ 238

Comoot Spec Careers ..................•.......•...............:............ 111 Installing Cyoor Gear ..................• .............. 239
Diplomat Careers ..........•.......•........................................... 114 Cyoor Geal Descriptions .............................. ....... 242
Free Agent Careers ..........................................•.......•........ 115
Tech Op Careers ......................................................... 116 COMPIlED TABLES ................................................................ 246

CKAPTER7:ATTIUBUTES ....................•...• 118 INDEX ........................................................................................ 249

Molivalion.. . .............................. 119
Moral Attitude ..................................................................... 121 HERO SHEETS ................. 253
Choracter Traits .................................................................• 122
plaJLnIl gtlmfI 01 (lU I\rne---(wo hard- On. member ollhe group OCtl 01 ,h. rulel boob .ol;l8 tor play.rI .efe..... or Gomemasrer. Thi' pereon
ClOd one lor g4me 1'9'-",81 {called u _ the rules 01 th. game alanll
GalaemClltt,l in U. ALTDINITY gam.). wilh hil judllment tn decide the out-
thaI combine to cntal" a compiete come ol ... very hero's actionl. usually
and dyna rnie: rolepiayinll-lla(ll •. by applying the results of dice roll l
or by gauging the heroet;' reacllon.
10 'P"Cilic situations.
~I. The GomemOiler sets up the aver'
........leylng1' all plot 01each .tory. also oolled on
Uyou·... s-lliar with olh eI roleplay- adventure. This includes creating
the background. developing the
ing _ O l b ' " AD&cD'tgame).
Joa ..... _tlOaktplotheMId chara<:ter. who moke up the .upport-
Metloa. ".IkJhpla'yl,ng Altematt Tc:>- ing 0011 and villains, planning key
UlOR'O ••• ·!Mo:ruie _ 're a bout to eventl thClt propel the story lorward,
prowide a quldr o:rr.rvl.w of what a and e.'ablllhing the opening_na
rolepk:ryInggome iI.1I you're new to that gets the action moving. From
U. bobby. get ready to entel' o n e:.- thot paml on. th ... Gomema"er a cls
cillng new world, much (II the dirac lor 01 a movie or
RellWm~r when you u..d to play the narrator in a novel. s howing the
MaIN! hll&.e. when you pretended he rGel lhe world around them and
10 be ~ Cop" (Inc! Rooben or "Cow-
d8lcribing the action as it unfolds.
boyl and lndlcm."? Fora lew hOW'l The Gomemalter is Ih ... person in
on 0 suTlUft.r aft8fDOO<1, you pkly..:l charge of Ihe game. He gell it I tort -
)Ibe- the role 01 a police oflioer 01 a cow- ad a nd keep' il going. When a slm·
bar at some oIber hero tram comic pie gome 01 Make Believe com.... 10 a
boob..ot 1.leVlrioD, You created ha lt. it'. ulually because the playerl
props and I8ttl.I:Ig'II from four lmag;' couldn', OIlr_ on whot JUIt hap-
na!lol\, and you @Ii your lrIends pened CIT what wOl going to happen
made up IIffIriM that .veryone COD- neat That dill<lgr... ment doe.n't
trib\rted 100 11_lots ollun. buill occur In 0 roleplaying game. be-
I. WCtl edto totullthee-Iorm.-ther. cause the Gamemaster has the Iinal
say In any situation thai iso't cov-

_,.011 rules '" rptCk 01. and some ·
...",. eroo by t he rules.
l i _ dl...rp_numl. cropped up
e nded (lQUJD'" belole a lull s tory However. the Camema.ter doesn'l
diclate everything that happen •. Un-
'""'" be >old Uke the characters in a nov... l or a
Mi;ik. BeUe.e hOI com e (I long
way. It has~azx:ldev. 1oped mo.le. the playe,s' heloet; don't ju,1
Into IIlOdMD rolepltrying'garoelslX:b do .. hat an author decides tbey will
_ . . . . OQ8. Ira (I roleplaying gom .... do. The playerllake an active role.
AVe ry ploy• • I(l\r;;es on lhe role of an dellCl'iblng haw their heroe" react 10
1~IDQry charoet. r. These p lo:yer Ihe even ls going on around them
C~actcl m ... th. herOM olthelto ry
the glOup Ie collectl.ely Ol)I.D,lilto len.
When play""s, chamcterl. plate.
rulel. and imaginations get together. 5
Ihe rnulhng Iwlrl 01 Interaction and Roll!playing Gamemo.!!e' Guide oollMct'Onl on
panicipalion il rolled roleplaYing. C11KItmg alternate tomonoWIi. keep-

..... Th.ough roleplaying. the group telll

a IItory that'lI lIta,ted by the Gam .....
:z::: mas ter and expanded on by the
The ALTUlNn'Y gome is 0 compre hen-
Ing a campa ign olive and growing.
and creating good adventures.

Getting !i~arted
= players-a group .!fOry. These group
IItorie. =n be more fun and reward
sive roleplaying game that hall a
Chap'" I of this book-which you
I - - ing than the .tatic 8to.ies found in foundation 01 core rules that con be
used in 0 vo.lely of I18tting8. Each of 8hould read right a lter finishing this
books and oa the big SCreen because
they're inleracliv_veryane panic·
the"" sellings i, relened tOOl an 01-
lernate tomorrow. Your Gamemall'
inlIoductlon---olle' lI a HI offallt-play
rules. The chapter plovid88 on Over'
ipates in their creatlon. ler's c:o:mpaign might .evolve o .ound view 01 the game. teachell the basics
of the gome Iystem. ond givel you 0
I-- heroes in a modern-d.ay world who
:z::: Who Can Play? work 01 high·tech espionage 01 on· I18lectlon 01 heroell to use In ploying
Anyone c:o:n play the ALnlufm game, tltenorll t agenll. Or il might be set thlough youl first adventure. Each
though the recommended slorling SIX) yea .. in Ihe future. when 'your lucceedlng chapter f~ on one
age I. 10. In addition to the heroes n-plore the galaxy in vell5elll port 01 the core rules aod n-plains it
GamemaSlel. 01 lew alone and 011 oopable 01 croning the vast d •• - completely.
many as ten player. con participate. tancell 01 space In relatively . hort Even If you're experienced wilh
but game selslonl work beSI with spans 01 HOle. Both ol lhese settings roleplaying games. we recommend
groups 01 lour to ,Ix playe rs. oon be used for on ALTERNITY gome. thot you nol skip ovel Chaptel I. It's
but they lake p lace in vastly diller- in the last·play .ule .. thallhe lunda-
How Do You Win? ent alternate tomQITOW$. mental concepts and the _ntial
Roleplaying games aren'l about win· The Gamemo,,!er Guide includel III.uclure of the AL'!UlNm game rue
nlng and lOlling The gO(lI of a role- instructions for Cleating your own 01 - introduced-i l you don't learn what
playing adventure 18 to create a ternote tomorrow campaig n. or you those ba.ies are. you might have di l·
group story. In on AlTERHITY game. c:o:n use one 01 the ollielal oompaign licully understonding 8()me 01 the
the Gamemaltel doe",'1 try to deleot H"ings specUlcolly designed lor the male rial In Ihe la ter chapterl.
the playe..· heroel (a lthough he will AL'!UlNfTT game.
put challeng"" belore them). and the Adding De~all.
ployerll don't try to outdo one anoth· Allel the lirst chaptel. Ihls book goes
eT. Inltead. they Inleract 10 advanee
Ihe story and 10 8()lve the problems
How TO U!iE into mOle detail about each of the
game'l concepts and adds more
or myslerie. the GClmemaster sell up THI!i BOOK lui,s 01 needed. Keep In mind that
at the beginning 01 each adventule. The Al.TUlNrTY Play""" Handbook III you only need to use the rules you
Technically. a roleplaying game specific:o:lly delligned lor playe .., and your Gamemaliler wont. Some
doesn't 00" toend. At long as the providing all the rul"" needed to c.e - g .oupl wan t more detail in their ad-
participants are enjoying them- ate helOOI and 10 roleplay Ihose he- ventules. and lor them th e detai lll
..Ivell. the gam. oon continue over roes in ony AlTUL.NfTT campaign. A'e ore hete. OthergrOUpileel lhot too
any number 01 picrylng sessions. aI/the rules in here? No. Some have many ruic", get in th e way of th .. ir
Each of the Gamemaster's adven- been res ... rved lor the Gamemoster. roleplaying.
lure. oon be a I tOry In itsell. with no and the.. can be lound in the other The At'!UlNfTT gam,', modular lor-
connection toothor adventurell. or hall 01 the rule. packag_the mot allows you to add as much de-
Ihe adventures can be tied togelher Gamema.,e. Guide. But you'll dis· toil as you're comfortable with. once
In an ongoing story. which is al8() Ie· cove. that the Player;" Handbook you've learned how the fundamental
lerred to all a compaign. If a single doesn't keep too many secretlirom COnceptli are u&ad ond how the basic
episode 01 a TV IIhow i, an a dven· players when lt comes to the all-Im- game mechonic wOlh.
tute. for exomple, then the entire run parlan t matter 01what he.oe. con do Toword the back 01 thlt book ore
01 episodes is a compaign. During a and what happens to them all the 'e- thr ..... chapte rs that we deline a. op.
campaign. chalOC'te.. grow and IIUIt of their aclions. tional rulell: a set 01 ,ulel lot mu-
change. The players' he roes learn II you Intend 10 be a plcryer in a tanll. another one for pI,onlr;1l. and a
from their expelienc:el and bec:ome campaign that's run by IJOmeone third Ht lor c:yoometir;1l.ln the larger
oble to handle tougher challenges. else. you only hove to concern you .- ....n... howeve •. many 01 the rules in
lithe heroel achieve BOrne 8()rl 01 ""If with what's In Ihis volu me.1l you the bont ol lhe book are optionol as
ultimate succellS (defea ti ng the also wont to t,y running the gome. well: tor Instance. il your Gamemos-
orchvillain and saving the world). you'll need a copy of the Gamemo.!- ter dO'Hlm't wanl to allow heroes to
that success could mark the end 01 rer Guide 01 well. Bear in mind that hove pelksand Ilows(ond you ond
the cunen t serle. 01adventuree--but much ollhe malerial in the Gam.. YOUI fellow playerll don', object). you
1111IlI'1the end 01 the gome il you mas!er Guide illn't meant to be can all enjoy the gome jUlt as much
don't wont it to be. II everyone in Ihe shared with ployel. (o!t hough they without that set 01 rules In place.
gloup wants to keep playing. all you migh t discover 8()me bits of Inlorma- The Gamemosre. Guide has addi-
hove to do Is StOTt tresh with 0 new lion during 0 campaign). and 0 lot of tionollnlormotiOn on way s 101 each
ser ies of adven lures (and perhaps 0 it isn't much use to them anyway. In playing group to tailor the ALTERHm
group 01 newly crea ted heroe •. II you a ddition to rules designed on ly 10 be game 110 thol the rules do exoctly

6 want to try roleplaying a dillereot

k,nd 01 character).
lrnown by the Gamemmrter, Ih. whot everyone wanls them 10 do--
not too much and not 100 lillie.
Tables and Sidebars
10 oddl tion to regulu, text (like what
you',. reading Tigh t now), thlIJ book
mclud" twooth., typeIJ 01 informa-
tion: lobles ond lidelxl'Il,
Tobl... mOilI of which Ole mude
up prlmurilv ot number., are un eUi,
tlent wuy 10 provide a lot of , lulls lice =
Ina format thol maketl each pl_ 01
iII!ormahon ealY to hnd; you'll_ =
= we mean when you start com- c->
Ing octau tobl.,. UI you read the --<
ruIeI. Muny tubl.,. thot you'll ..onllo
.eie. IOdunng play ore ccllecled and
.tpnnted on sa~ pog.,. near the
8IId of the book, sa you don't olway,
henre to leollhrough the book to hnd
the intOfmalion you n.eed

It's All About Fun

Above all, the A1.1'DI1i1TY game ie de·
SllJI!ed 10 thot vou cen have fun ere·
crting and pla ying adven tures ..t In
(l1I.rnol. tomorrows Ihal range Irom
thecu.rrent day to Ihe fur fu lure.
Don't become C<:Iugh\ up In IrVing to
play It exoctly IlII!"a wrlllen, II thut
11"\$ LO Ihe way 01 havi ng a good
Hme. Thillsn't 0 ccllege textbook.
oDd ther.·, no test woihng 101 you
when yClU've ti niahed reading It
Take who!"1 presented here. adopl ii,
IDQke rt work lor your group and YOU I
play-ing .eyle. and Just hove lunl
That', what roleplayrng II all about.
Tum the page ond Ie!". getaloTledl

The DCt:lon . n.n. now! 7

al~m "nlloned ~olhercharac len: Comba l Spec, Diplomat, Free Agent,
iAcludl~ 1M h emee' friends and e n· ond Tueh Op--(n e in troduc:eclln
eml.., a . """II a a any otber c horoc· theae fost ·play ruie.,
Ie •• lhe heroes come Into contact .. Ab fWI .., All c haroct"" (heroes'. Important to understa nd ond memba" 01 the l upportlng cost)
fram th" I tort that although the h.. have l ix Abilitie •. Thele are
roel are the ator. of the s how, it'l Streng th, Dexte rity, Con.Ut ulion, In.
pouible lor member. 01 the support· t eUlgen~, Will , a nd Pe raonolUy.
Ing 0051 to be jus t a l po""erful as tb e .. M Ull, Sco,.a: Eac b Abili ty I.
heroefl-()t aometim.. " ven more expreaaed 01 a nu mbe r, called the
powerful. Ability Score. Eoch p rofeulon hOB
• ~tIDg, The Al.TDtNm rul .... can two Abili ties o..oelo,ed wlth!t To
t>. uNd loereal" ad ..e ntures In a ny be long to a profe ..lon, CI h".o mu~ t
mod"m to Im·fllum. "",mng, PICI}'1I" meet Ih" minimum IJeQre. ln that
and Go~ma~tll"8 need to decide protelsion's re1,,"ont AbiliU.. ,
• wbat I~ of "",Iting th"y want to .. S1111.. Who t'. you r he ro good 01
play in before the players' be.oes ore doing? Thill q ueallon i. an. we red by
cr.."led. A .. tling can be a modern the . kills be pea....... Every Ability
technothrtller, a darlcly siniste r near· a nd every p rofession has .kill. relot ·
!utur. mYlllery, o Im·futllI9 pealcrpoe· ..::I to il. A hero'. prohciency with a
.... h~ alyptlc haged" or any other type of ":ill ill"ned.,. a number,
<he fCienoe liel ion environment you can known o. the skill KOre
Imogln". .. Actlena: When a hero wClnts 10
Cauldron Simian, tb" fall'play ad· U89 o ne 01 hi. s kilill or one 01 hb
Yerllure JrnOHnted In Cb..ple r 1 01 the other characte ris lics 10 accomplish
GomemOllter eulde, takes p i(l(:8 on a .ame thing. he attem pts on action.
• Iraqga and dongera us plone t in a There a le d iffe.e nt Iypes of act ianl .
lor-future s~ opera selt ing. each Inva! .. ing the u.. of dillelenl
.. -'dYenlu,.. A _ nario in wh ich . kill, and cha racteristics,
the her~s Interael with the supper! ' .. Di<;e: Whe n the outc:ome of an
ing call 10 <;reate a gloup I tory. Ev· action Is In doubt, or whe n the
ery ad~nture Is built mound a litu· Go memaste r needs to meollurs CI
allon Itypiarlly a problem Ihe heroes character', ol ,ucce.., dl~
familiar need to solve), and it ends wh e n the ore rolled , Th e ALTll'IN!Tr gClme UIIGI
beroes have elth'r s ucceeded in two klndl 01d ice: a li ng le control die
achieving their goal or foiled 10 do ond si luCltle n die:. o f ..OrlOUI lizes.
w. The con trol d ie and CI , itua tion die
.. Prot..lon: Evury hero in the AL· are lolled together 10 determine the
'" TEIlNITT game II buill around a p ro- outcome of on action.
leAlon, A proteulon is on ove ro rch· • Note: Th e/o""er Ihe ral/, the bel·
ing oa:upation under which speclUc ter the cho nca thot the be ra . u«aa<b
emeer. Ole grouped. lt'l the linl In ""ha l h. triel 10 do. Mo.e In /orma·
daliA1ng concepl aaaodcned wll b a lion on how to U89 Ibe dice I. gl ..en
baro. Tba lour boeir; prot_ioo_ in · Playlng the Gu me" on pcrge ! I. g
1 !il:IENl:E i! .... Naml! InteIJigene. 1C(l•••• dividing the sum
by 2(roundlng down!. then adding a
..... FICTION Though each charaC'le' t.mplat. hOI
been prepered in odvanee, yQI.Iltill
protessian bonul. This has alrocdy
been don. on the templates.
.,... HEROE!i get to seleel a nom. lOT you. h. ro, Marginal, O rdinary, Good, and
Use the lOBI-play mlas In tbis chapt ... YOUI h.lo can be mol. or t.mole, and Amazing ale th. 01 SUC<;il"
-' you can ouign any perBonali ty you
10 learn Ihe key concept. of th. game.
After you gel the hang of things, use choose, Th. nom. you se lect can •• -
Ilectth.', penwnolity 01 cOlee,
attainable on a n action check. How
w.1I you IUcceed wh.n making on
the full rules. OB p.",..,nIOO in Ihe re- action chock d.t.rmin •• how ICOn
momder 01 the PIay<!/$ Handbook. (such as -Hunter" to. a Free Agent).
0.11 can be the completa 0Pp08i1. at
you r can toke on action.
Th. actions ~f fOUnd Dumber is
s:::>- iI (,uch 01 -Brui... ·lo. a Diplomat). based on the h.lo'. ConsmUlion and
o 1 ..... Profi!!i!iion
foul distinCl hero proleuions are
01 ceur.., you can alway' u.. a leas
delCt'ptiv. name, or even give your
Will flOOr.,. and hos already boten 10' you.
= avallabla in IhaHlosl-ploy rules . hero you r real nome if you want.
.. Com bat SpftCl (short lor special· 5 ~ Durabilit:y
biB) ore warriors who •• ly on physi- 3 ~ Ability
col power and endurance to supple- The "Durabillty- section 01 each
ment their training in the loctie. and
§corl!!i chruact.1 template provides a
techniques of battle. Ev.ry h •• o hal six Abi lities. means for keeping track at any dam·
~ Dlplomo ts are negotiators. man- ~ Strength (STR,) delin •• a h•• o', age your hero m,ght sustain Over th.
I;IgO'., deo:l-make ••. merehgo!s. cler- phyllcol pew.r and prowea course 01 an adventure. Your hero's
gy. or any others who U M interaction ~ De .... '.rily (DElO meaSUI •• the stun and wound .atlng. 0 •• equal 10
,kill. and personal .allO[vII \0 oecom- quolily of a'. agility, coordlno- his Constitution acOfe. Your's
pllih their jobs. tion, and r.II.~.s. morlal raHng I, equol to ana· half
... f ree Agen t. orll troub le.hooters ~ COll8f1tu lion (CON) describe' a this acor., rounded up .
o. Held operatives who rely on agUi· hero', ov.rall physicallitn.a and As your suflers damage d UI'
ty.lnteraclLon ,kill., and natu,," in- toughn .... ing on adv.n tur., mark all open box-
de~ndence to get a jab do .... ~ Intelligence (INn indicat" a ., to keep 11(1(;k 01 how much dam
They're agen!.s who may be cps lor hero'. m.nlal quickness and loam· age h. has sUllalned and how much
hlr., Or they may hay. tI.s loa spe- ing ability more he can allonl lo take. Th. n •• 1
dtie gOY1llrnm.nt Or orgonilation, bUI ~ Will (WIL) gauge. a', m.n· aechon. ·Playing Ih. Game: has In-
In g.n.ral thoy work belt.r In small tallortitud. and intuitive oopoelty. formation about the .ffects at dam-
groups than as m.mbers at a larg. ~ Pe,..ono ll ,y (PER) indicet •• a age ond .ecovering from damage.
forco.'. social abHlties a nd charisma
~ Teeh 0".. (technical operativos) The la.t-pl ay tiYSlem featu".. s only
human heroe., Human. hove Ability
6 ~ !ikill..
a •• skilled in th. us. 01 pertlcula r
equipmenl or hovo been specially Scor" ronglng Irom 4 to !<I,. Each charact., '.mplo'. has a selec·
trained to creal. Or maintain high- Untrained: The ~Unlrained· .,;ore lion 01,kllllpnntedan iI There or.
tech equipment. They •• ly on notuml i. equaltoon.·half ol th. tull lM:Ofe. Iwo kmd. 01 skill., brood .kills and
rounded down. Use Ihis KOTe wh.n specia lty siriUs. Specialty slrill. are
g.nlul. agility, ond .xpert troining \0
accomplish tbeir goall.
Plclr a profassion that tits the kind
your he ro ott.mpts on action that
quir •• a .lrill he doesn't posse..
r.· printed m Italic type todillerentiat.
th.m from brood .kills.
of h.TO you want to pl ay, thon .select R•• l"" anc. Mod ifie rs, R•• istance A cliaract.r mus t a broad
on. at the corr.spondi ng tost·ploy modifi.r. altect the type of dice your sk ill to 01110 po8sess a ,peclalt y skill
charact.r tem plates on pog.s 14, 15,'s opponenlS roll wh.n cenlron t. W1lK)Ciated with II,
16, and 17. Note that th.r. are Iwo ing YOUl hero. P06itive modifiers 11 a wonts to try IIOmelhlng
diU.r.nt examples of occh proles- (such 01 + lllepl are good for you r but doesn't hay. th. ploper skill, h.
sian. giving you diltinct choieeto lor h.,O, because th.y provide a penalty mu£t use hi. untrained IICOr. for Ih.
the kind 01 he.o to play to Ih. oppon.nt: a negoliv. modifier asacciated Abilily.
Th. t.mplat.s w••• d.signed to (such as -I lIeplls bod, beeaUH it Broad skills have KOr.s equal to
be used with Cauldron Station, the mak •• lt ea.i.r 10. your ho ro', oppo. th ... associated Ability Senr"s. Each
10lt·play odventu.e presenled in n.nt to .ucceed. specialty skill hal a ronk (a numbor
Chapter I ollhe Gamemo8fer Guide, • [xample: A chruact.r with a reprosenllng a measure ollmprov•.
How.v.r, they can be used (or modi- Dexterity KO •• of II has a .11I.p I.- menl), which I, added to tha broad
fied) 10 luil =y oth.r purpose you .istane. madill •• lor that Ability, It .kill flOOr. 10 g.1 the K'Cre lor Ihal
might lind tOt them. ITh. "Baclr· an oppon.nt fir" a pistol a\ h.r, thaI .pecialty skill. Th. three numbe.. 101
ground" aeelion 01each template + I step is applied <1$ a penalty 10 the each .ntry in th. ~Senre· column on
m.ntions the Nebula Bounty. Thll oppon.nt's chance at succellJltully Ihe characte' templates rep •• sent
happenlto be th. nom. 01 the h.· hitting his larget. th. lull IICO<. lor Ih. skill in qu •• tion,
•.,..' lpec.ship in the Couldron Sto· hall lhollCCr•. and on.-quarter that
"on adv.ntur•. You can. of, gee, •• Thi. th" numbe ..

chang. this 10 any oth.r you p.e l.r

4 ~ Action Check needed 10 O.dinary, Good,

10 insleod.) A'. oelion check. t:CQr.l. delor.

mined by odding his Dextorily and
Or AmOlling .uccesses.
• example: A skill ICCr. 0112ISI:J
- mean. thaI a roll 01 1201 lowe. rep-
reIoenlS an Ordinary S\lCC8I1S, 6 or
lowe. (I Good ..ueee ••. oad 3 or lowe.
on Amcning succe...

Skill Descript.lons
the tO lgal. a, e",plalned in the
Gamema"'er GUIde Fast·Play Rules
(01 well as in Chopte. 4 ollhi. hoolc:l.
"Type" lefef1l tolhe kmd 01dam-
og. a weapon inlllcts, eit her low im-
pact (L1). hi g h impacl (HI), Or energy
The Cont.rol Die and
!ilt.uat.lon Dice
The ALTERllffT game uses Iwo kInds 01
dice: a COni/oJ die and a si.uotion
die_ Wheneve! the Gamemaltor coUs
lor a roll, you .011 one con trol die and
one situation die. Th. numbelsthal
Tbillol' ·ploy rul"" chap'e' doesn't for armor, the d,e ranges pIeced come up combine 10 .ndlcote a suc-
a:mtO'R detail, of whOI a particular Ing "U: "HI." and "En" indicole the c_ o. a lailur •.
skill ""obi"" a hera \0 do. Thoae de- amoun t 01 damage the annor s tops When you roll lhe dice. m game
llu!. CII8 provided in Cho pter 4 of when the weare. Is hi! bya weapon terms you're making a cheek lor your
this book. and you',e certainly free \0 thaI does this type 01 damage." a hero-in elfoel, "cheeking' to I . .
look ... p oay "kill you' ,., in teres ted in subtract ion !rom a die roll produce. how the dlc:e .oll compcuos to one ot
and read about i t a .esult less than I, tbe armor failed your he.o's scoles_
Howeve.,lo. the purpose of leam~ to block a ny damage on Ihot attack_ .. II you're comparing Ih •• 011 10
iIIghe .. l he game system works (and your helo', oc:tion check .co.e 10 ...
!of p"Uing heroelllh.ough thll iost- bow IIOOn he ge" 10 allempt hIS next
play odvenlure in the Gomemosre' PLAYII\IG THE oClion, the IOllts an aclion check
.. II your horo uses a skill (com
Guide). comp lete skil l dellCrip1ioos
Il/tIn', needed. You oad your Come- IiAME paring the roll to his skill score), this
~ter lhould have little uouble de- Th. basic: rule at the loundotion 01 loll is a stW chock_
'..-mlning when (I certain skill might ,he ALTDINITT game Is a simple on._ .. \I you're checking agoinlt one
c:ome inlo p loy. You. ha,O has .orne importanl game o! his Ability then the roll is a
tn mony OOJIeI, Ih. nome ot a skill slatistics, inc:1udlng Ability Scou.s, teo, cheek
.. a p,ant strong clue to when and, and hi, action cheek In ony caM. you're looking to get
how the "kill can be uwel. For ex- score. In many cases, when you. as low a r.. u lt 01 possible-Ih.
ample, (I helo wilh the Resolve broad hero attempts to accomplish some- lowe r .he roll. Ih e be lle . Ihe chane.
nill hala form of inner 11rength that thmg, the Gamemoster asks you 10 Ihal your hero IUcCflld~ 01 whal he •
....,bI.. him or he. \0 wilh'I<md Or •011 dice. You then try to roll a num- 'tying /0 do.
sbNg: 011 hardahipe that olher herOOll ber Ihot's equollo or less .han Ih. .. The cannol die i. alway' a 20-
might succumb to, eitber 01a physi- appropriate 1JOO'8.11 you roll b,gbe. sided dlO (d20).
ad 01' a mental natur •. A bero wilh tban you r hero'l .co.e, you. hero .. The sll ualLon die fa. any partic:-
the Manipula tion brood skill i. ta l· 10111. Whenever a hero tries to do ular cheek ia one 01 Ihe 1011 owing: a
tnted at performing actlonltbat re- aomelhing thai mlghtloil, tbis dice lou.·sided die (d4), a six-sided die
qulle (I high degree 01eye· hand co· ,oll determinel if he ",uec:eeds. (d6), an eight-sided die (dB), a 12-
ordination. such as pic:ldng a lad:. sided die (dI2). 01 a 2O-sided die
Above aU. don'l gel bogged down (d20}. There', 01.0 a dO, a place-hold-
ID delall. at tb is point What's impor-
Rulling Dicl! el lorepreaent the lituationdi81na
l(1)1tll lo learn bow Ihe game works .. The MO.Ilimporlo n t Rule: Not case where success is deterrmned by
and to have lun playing a hero. every action ,equi re. a d ice rolll only the roll of Ihe control die.
The Gamemoste! will only co1l10. fu rther. the situo lion die on ony
dIce rolb in d ramatic s it uations ,o cbeck il designated as either a plu~
7 ~ Equipment: determine Ihe IUcc.U 01 On aclion die 01 a mmu .. d ... A plu. die. luch
Each ehOlGcler template includH a whose outcome;1 in doubl, or when as +<14, is bad 101 the roller. beoouse
.Jec:tion 01 equipment the hero hoos be or she needs to judge the degree it tendl to produce a higher .esult. A
access to-one or mo.e weapons, 01 a n aclion's IUCC'U. minus die, such as-d6, is good 101
lQme type 01 armo., and other gear. fa. instance. if your hero wonts to the roller, boeause it helps to ochieve
Th, game data given 10. weapons walk a cros. a stree t o. corry a Imall o lowe. result
alld armor is e"plalned below pack, nodice roU. are necessa.y, But Add o. subt.oct the situation die
The numbe.s on the Hne idenlity· if he want. 10 c:rou lhe ,Ireel while lrom theeontrol dte as instructed by
IfI5I a weapon indicote how muc:h carrying a wounded campanion. be- the GomomOller_lIlhe .HUlt il
damage the weapon inllic:ts on on ing sh61 0\ by ",nipe.s, and targe,ed &quol to or leu than lhe score "lot-
o.dlnary, Good, Or Amazing success. by insane molori.II, Ihen the slt ua· ed 10 tbe hero's action, Ihe aetlon
ThUi dam age is eilbe r atun (a), tlon is 0 dramotlc one, and dice succeeds. II the .esult is greoter than
wound (wJ. or mortal em) damage. s hould be rolled. the score, tbe act.on lails. The de-
On the ne"I line. "Range" gives A pi lot bero trained to fly 0 .pace· g.ees ollucceu are explained on
thedil!(ln<:e at which a weapon can c:ral! and .ead Slar chorts dOOlIn', the ned page.
llrikeo torgel. eithel "Per.anol" il need to make 0 dice .01110 perlorm • ("ompl., Your hero wonll to
pbYlical con tact is neeeuary, Or a the normal duties assoc:iated with make a quick repair to his molorcy- 01 numbe.s .ep.eMnting her a rea 01 expertise. Bu t when these cle SO he can stay on the troi l 01 th"
loortimediumIJong range Un metanl) acli ons go beyond the cal l of duty fleeing criminals. Th.s ac:1ion IS a
fe. a weapon tha i lir.. plojeetiles or ond livel ho ng in the Ixllance (orat _kill cheek uling your hero's Teehn!-
IntIgy IMoams. The .onge 01 whicb a lealt during dramatic situations), cal Scieno::e--Ju.yrig skill score. The
wecrpon ia used olten hOi an effect
on the anacker's chance 01bltting
dice should be roiled. Gamemasler tells you to 101ltbe con·

~ IroJ die and II -<14 (the situation is in
-d4 +dO +d4 +d6

die produces a Critical Failure. Gen-


encounter BOOne lasts uom the mo-

your hero's lavor. SO the d 4 roll is
---II arally. this mOOnS that bad luck ha s ment characters meet 10 when the)'
~ BubtractlKi trom the d20 roUl. Your oo fallan the hero, and no ma il er how part company. A challenge scene
~ hero's juryrig skill score is 13. high his s kill Bcore or Ability Score lasts OR long as il tokes the herO(lsto
You roll the dice, getting a 14 on is. th is action doesn't succeed. identily the challenge, and then
the control die and (I 3 on the si tua- A result greater than Ih e score is a overcome it or ba de leated by it.
tion die. The result is 11 (14 -3 _ II), Failure: equal 10 Or less than the
which IS lower than YOUl hero's jury- score is an Ordinary succeSB; equal
fIg score. The aelion succeeds-bul In or less than Ihe second numoor is Action Rounds
note that if the situation die had a Good success: and a result ,qual For Ihe purpose of determining who
been +d4. or even +dO, the 14 on the to or leas than the smallest 01 the acts when In a scene, avery scene is
contro1 die would hove made Ihe out- three numoors produoos on Amazing divided inlo action roullds. During
eome II Failure. because 14 is grooter success. an action round, every hero performs
than your hero's score. On the character templatas, the one or more actions. number on the' Action Check A round iB divided in to lour phas-
!iit:uilt:ion Die Step§" Score" line represents a Marginal re- es. Each pha'IEI relates to One of tha
The Situation Die Steps: Scale has sult. A hero can't get a Failure Or a deglOOB OlsucceSB that rue achiev·
bean designed 10 help you quickly d ..... Criticol Failure outcome when he able on on action check: Amazing,
termine whot situation die to roll wilh makes an aclion chec k: if the dice reo Good, Ordinary, and Marginal. in
the control die. Irs printed on the top sult is greater than his action cheek order from Ihe lirst phase to tha lasl.
ollhia page. ood (I smaller version scare. the "Failure" is considered to A hero can a Hempt only one action
appears on the character lemplotes 00 a Marginal result instead, in a pha.....
later in this chapter_ To detarmine who acts first in a
Your Gamemoster tells you whot round, every participant makes an ac-
bonus or penalty applies when you
§cenes tion check by rolling a d20. The lesult
roll to see if your hero can perform a Every adven ture yom Gomemosler dete.mines the earliest pha .... in
certain adlon. sets up is built out 01 scenes. A scene which a choractercan act. So. if a
A + 1 slep siluation penally megDl; is a distinct episode that has a clear hero rolls a Good action check, the
you Slarl wilh your hero's base situo· beginnIng and ending. The thra.e earliest phose hecan act in is the
lion die (see Ihe sidebar On Ihis types ol8C6nes macomOOt. encoun· second. or Good. phase.
page) and move one s lep in the "Pen' reI. and cbal1enge, All actions in a phase are consid-
aHy' diredion to lind tha die you'lI A combat scene lasts lrom the ered to occur simultaneously, with
00 rolling. For instance. if your hero's stmt 0 1 a battla 10 its conclusion. An the results olth03e actions being ap·
base si tuation die for on action is plied at the end 01 the phase.
.d4. then a .1 step situation penalty YOUI hero can act in as many
changes the die \0 +dS. phases as his numoor of adions per
A -2 s tep situation bonus means rouod. But if an action chock raault
you find your hero's base situation indicotes that your hero can't oct
die on the scala and mova two steps until the Marginal phase. Ihen he
in the -Bonus- dilection. For ex- =n only oct once in the round (in th e
ample. if your hero's base siluation Marginal phose).
die lo. an action is .d4. then 0-2 • example: Your hero has on ac-
slep situation bonus changes the die tion check SCOre 01 ] I and two actions
to-d4. per found. At the beginning of a
round. the Gomemaster calls lor ac-
Degrees or Success tion checks. If I'QU roll a 5 (a Good
Every dice roll has one of live pos- success for a score olIn Ihe oorliast
sibla results: Critical Failure. Fail- pho"" in which you r hero can act is
ure, O.dinary success. Good success. the Good phose. Since he has two ac-
Or Amazing sucooss. The lower your tions. ha can oct once in the Good
dice roll. the greater the degree of phase and onoo in the Ordinary
success your hero achieves. phase. Or he can !KIve his !!eCOnd ac-
The three numoo rs associated tion for tha Marginal phase.
with every ski!! SCOre and action 11 you roll a 13 (0 Marginal result),
cheek score (the base SCOre and two your ho.o can't act until the Marginal
smaller numoors) represen t the di- phase (the lost phase 01 the round).
viding points ootween Ihe degrees 01 In this cose, he oon only act once.
success. 108ing his second action '-:ause he
didn't reaCI quickly enough.
12 Regardless of Ihe result 01 tbe si t-
uation die, a roll of 20 on the control
Damage age. For evely 2 points at wound
damage in tl lcted on you. hero in 0
Hem.. Lead challenging and some-
tima dangerou. lives. Eventually.
fOUl he,o i. going 10 .uUer damage.
M indkoted on Ihe characte r lem-
.ingle oUgck, he allKl receives I
point of .tun dgmage (round down).
... Kn adau/; When all 01 his o r he.
How your hero I«oyers lrom dam-
age dependll on hill condition (con
sciou. 01 knocked out) ond the type
01 domogl hi has sulle.ed
wound bo"e. are marked, your hera
plat... damage In the fa.t-play sy .... ~ Slun. ore lI_ting. Thil damoge
i. knocked out and can perform no
tem<:OlDe"llln three form" stun, actions unlil h. tecove ... disappeoTII 01 the end of 0 IlCene. II
WDtInd. and morlal con be repaned during a seene by
MortHl DilHlage Ihe u.. of Knowiedge-lirsl aid, Med,
!!itun Damage Mortal damage i. the mO$I seve re icol Science, or BOrne other lorm of
Stun damage II the li ghle.t type of torm 01do moge. It represents mos- medlcollreatment.
damage your hero can lulliain. It slve InJ urle. to vllol body parts. .. Wound. remain unlil h...,led
rep' .... nts ,hockl a nd brui....s that When your hero receives morlal with ' 011 andlor medical allenlion.
IClltle a helo but don't re.ul! in last- ~ Morlal damage requires the uN
damoge. mo.k off one mortal box 10.
ing lajulles. When your helo sulters ...,ch point of morlol damage she oi the Medlcol ScienCG-$Ulgery ,kill
"WI oomage. ma.k all one stun box .u.tained in the pha"" that just ond e"lenslve medical attention to
b.ach POInt 01 'Iun damoge .he re- ended repair
an"", in the pho.. that jusl ended. ~ Secondo'T Damage; Mortal
... Kn oclroul: In the lost'play rules
.. Jl"noctau/; When all 01 her stun damage cou... se<:ondary stun dam- 'Yltem.if er hero is Irnocked out from
bant;a.e mod,ed. your hero is age and wound damoge. For every 2 Ilun domoge. he remoins unCOn-
kncx:Qc1 oul ond con perform noac· poln tlol mortal damage inllicted on scious fat the resl 01 the round In
Iio:as unlil Ihe recovelll. your hero. ,he also r&cflives I poin t which he wall knocked oul and oil of
01wound and I point 01 stun damage th. followlOg round. At the stall 01
Wound Damage (round downJ. the round alter that. he recoverB I
Wound damage II more seriOUB Ihan ~ Daled: Mortal do moge takes a
"un poi n t a nd a wakens.
stun damage. It repreHntslnjuries toll on a hero immediately. for every It (t chOlocter IB knocked OUI from
!hCIICQu" k"t1ng horm 10 the body morlal box marked. your helO .e- wound domoge. he can't gwoken
When your he ra recelvel wound c.lv8$O ... llIep litugt ion pengity to unlll (tt leaBt I poinl of his wound
damage. mark all one wou nd bo" for ony octionl,he a 1tempts, damage Is healed
_h PO;lLnt of wound damoge he sus- ~ Dtroth: When all 01 your hero',
II you cIon't wont to toke the time
taraed In Ihe pho.. that just ended. mortal ha"". are ma rked a ll. Ihe righ t (twoy to read Ihe complete ,kill
.. Steondory Damage; Wound diGl. delK"riptiQnI lor f"SI aid and Medicol
ckrtnav'C"Ou," MOOndary slun dam· Scienc.. Chapter I 01 the Camemas,
ler GUIde has bnel information on
how thOM skills are used.

II you've read through Ihis chap ler
and didn't hovo (tny problems undo.-
lIand ing ho w the bosic structure of
th. ALTDlHIT'f game worh, you"e
ready to Nnd your hero Into action
You and the rest of your playing
group might Ilart by gOlOg Ihrough
the loll-plery (tdventure presented in
thl Camema",Ie, Guide, but if your
Golt\lmD.llter hD.II e"perienc. in de-
lignlng origina l odvlnlutG1l, he or
sh" may have somethi ng dillerent
planned 101 you.
I, there something Iho l doesn'l
188m 01 clear 01 it should? Some-
times you con solve a problem by
.imply rlrloding Ihe section 01 texl
that'l giving you trouble. An even
eoller way loclear things up i, to
jump right in_it clown with you.
Iriendl, get an adventure under woy.
and Iton rolling dic; won't be
long before you're ready 10 Ito,1 odd-
ing the leolu"'1 thot gre presented ID
the rell of thi. book.
.... SciencE! Fiction Roll$laylng Science Fiction Roleplaying

I a;,;a;c~
t e~
, ~~
~ e
I ,"~p~,~a~tJeI~~~~~I
Omracter Template

. . " Hero"s Name I I Pfa!jel' I Hero's Nafne PI~r

~ Profession [ Combal Spec I CMeer I Soldillr I
Prof~lon I
Combal S pec I I
Cl.lreet" Spac:eha nd

T l
UntraiOE!d Re!> , Mod.

:j 01
. 1

<=>- o InlE!lIIg~nce

10 5 0

Will Will B '" a

Actlorno per round: 2



9 4

Act/CJffli per round: 2:

Milrgl .... ' . ".. Ordinary 13 Goad 6 A ..... :r.'ny:'l Margln .. 1 13. Ordinary Iii!! 600d 6 Ama~.ny:3

Stun 10 10000000[ Stun 11 om J( 'JOODD
MOrlill 5 00000 Mortal 6 DUOUUO
Athletlc§ 12 / 6 /3 Athletlc'!i 14 / 7 /3
Climb 14 / 7 /3 Cllmh 15 / 7 /3
Meh:.oe Wlmpoll§ 12' 16 /3 Umtnned At.luck 14 / 7 /3
Po.WYed "'I!ilpOIl 14 / 7 /3 Bra",' 15 / 7 f3
Modem Ran~ Weapon!i 11 15 12 ModelTl RHnge<! Weapons 8 /4 / 2:
Rffle 2 13 16 / 3 PI'!i(Ol 1 9 /4 / 2:
VehiCle Opefi'llion 11 15 12 Vehicle Dperallon 8 /4 / 2:
l._KI veI,/cle I 1216 13 Space wm/cle 1 9 /4 / 2:
St.""I"a 1015/2 Stamina 11 / 5 / 2:
Endurance 1115 / 2 lNT
lNT Knowledge 10 15 / 2:
Knowledge 9 / 4 / ii!!: Computer operation 12 / 6 / 3
First aid 1015 / 2 System Df',Ieratlon 101512
Wll Engineering 11 / 5 / 2:
Awareness 10 / S / 2 Technlcol SCience 1015 I ii!
PerceptJan 11 1512 Juryrlg 12 / 6 / 3
InteracUon 8 /4 /2 Awareno:.."!i!i 8 /4 / 2
Intimidate 10 / 5 12 PER
Interaction 9 / 4 / i!
lImm c hltl"ge rille d6+lw I d6+3w I d6+lnl T_' IO f 5 / i!

Rm"JC 15/MI\.): B0f160140D T~"', iii Wei.llpOOS

Gravmace d8+i!:!i I dli+i2.'w I dB+i2.'w l1mm charge pistol d't+i!w I d6+i!w I d't+lm
R .... '!ll': Pt.!l1!i<.Inal Type, U n<ln~ 15IMi1...), I~ T!.lI»! ' iii
Unarml.>d (untrained) d4+1!i I d4+2!ii I tJ4+3'!i Unarmed Ibrawl! d't+2!'i I d't+3!'i I d't+4!'i

Armor Armor
BattleJ<:!Cket d6-1 ILl I, d't+ 1 IHIl. d4-IIEnl Battle Ve'!il 1.16-3 ILiI. dfi....2 IHIl, r.H--i!! lEn)
Gear: cornlll gear. flashlight. lucky coin 6ear: c omm gear. fla§hllght. toolkit
BitCkground: This navy vete.dO '!ilgned on a§ a Background: Part owner of the Nebula Bounty.
member of the crew of the Nebula Bounty thl'!i '!ipilCehl!!lnd I~ the vessel and ~r1I;'!i
lifter mU§tenng OUl. !'ioeIVlng a§ the mU'!iCle for overtime to kl!ep It In good condilion .
the !'imall-t.lme trading DpE!rllItion.

14 "'~_,"'g_" ! ~_ ~ "T.SI'."".'''_''''''''AI!",,,,
""',. .... ... _>0<1 .. """""""' ..... _ ....... _ _
__ ........... I o Q , . . - . . I " _. ...... IDo.Cl _ _ _ ... AII ...... . - -
_ _ _ 'od .. _ ..... _ .. ...-1_
HenJ'§ Nome.
Character Template

Science Fiction Roleplaying

Diplomat I
I Player 1
Career Llii!!!talne ,=:J
J Hero'!'i Name
Profes!ilon I
Science Fiction Roleplaying
CharflCter Template

I Player I
I Coreer I Trod ...r
I ..,.,
AB ILITY Untrained Reo;. . Mod . AB ILITY SCOrR Untrained Re!O . Mod .

Strength 7 0 Strength B 0

i +....
m =
Dellterlly 9 0 Dexterity B 0
[0I1!'ititullon B Constitution
., =


ActJOIJ!'i per round: i!
. 1


Actions per roullc): ii!
.1 =


M!lrQlnlll Ii!~ Ordinary 11 Good 5 AlllnLing if! Marginal Ii!.. Ordln'try 11 Good 5 Am .. ·L I"y i!
Stun B 5tun B L l[in[lnO
Wound B Wound a lUL!uIIDO
Athll!lUcs 7/311 Athletics B/"f / ii!
Jomp 1 B / "f / ii! Throw 1 9 / "f /ii!
Acrobatics 9 / "f / i! Modern Himged Weapons B / 4 / ii!
Movie stunl§
Modem Ranged Weapons
II / S / ii!
9 / 4 / i!
IO / S / ii!
Vehicle Operation
Space I/eIl/Cle
ID /S/ ii!
B / 4 1ii!
9 / "f / ii!
Vehicle Dperdtlon 9 / 4 / ii! CDN
Land ,<etJlc le 1 IO /S/ ii! 5tcwninCl B / 4/ ~
CON Endlffi.KJCe 1 9 / 4 1ii!
Stamina 8 / 4 / i! 1m
Ii! / 6 /3
""Knowll..'dge II /S/ ii!
Small tJwilflL>SS 3 1517 /3


" 13/6/3

1115 I i!
Computer O(.II!ri1l1cJII
5ystem Oper.. UlH.
1i! / 6 /3
13 /6/3
lii! / 6 / 3


" 1316/3

14 / 7 /3

" 1"f / 7 /3

Iii! / 6 /3
810(( 13 / 6 /3
Enterti.lllllnt:.> nt
16 / 8 14
14 17 /3
17 / 8 / "f


li! / 6 / 3
Int.e~tlon 14 /7/3 Bargain 3 15 / 7 /3
0"""",,, 1 15 / 7 /3 Ch~ 1 13 / 6 /3
WeillpOl"l!i Leadership Ii! /6/3
SWller pistol WealJens
RlI"'.J{! ]5JMiLI , 6/12130 TUiJe ' II 9mm c h arge pistol rI<f+lw I d6+ 1w I d4m
Uni:'!rnmd luntral..,edl d4s I d4+ls I d4+ii!s R"'IlgC ]5IMIl.1 , 1l/161l1O Typ"' : HI
Armor Uni1rmc<l IUl1tralnedl lHs I rI<f. l s I d4+ii!s
CF long coat d4 ILiI . d4 JUII . d6-i! JEnl A~'
6eiIr: comm gear. 30 aUlJloIVh:Jeo pl<lYL'" (F long CDi'l t rI<f ILiI . d4 tHO. d6-i! IEnl
Background: ThIs hero has taken 1'1 break from 6ear: cllfTlm gear. data slate. credit !iC8n
30 !itl'lroom to re!iearch .,nd wote iJ !iCrlllt
Back!Jround: ~ller tlnd cilpt<lln of the NetJ..
about the IIdventures of iJ tradIng ves!ii'!1 iJOd
ulil Bounty. this trader a lWilYS looks to ITlHke
has p<lld iJ hefty swn to !iiign on <t5 a tetl1jlO-
the be!'it deal .
-"-_ .~

.... " ... _
... l3lI.Io<'
.... _ ..... _
I nil I... AII .., ... _
... po • •1.
..... A, , ..... "~'...- _ _ ... T$II,1o<
"".. _ - ' " " to " ' - dol.
,.TM '"" AD ........ _
_lot ""'-'_ 15
1 AI...TERNITv4'
5clence Fiction Roleplaying
Science Fiction Roleplaying
..... Hero"s Name
[haracter Template

I I PI"yel' I Hero'!I NiIfTle [

Character Template

I Player I
Prore§!Olon I fl U Agent I Career I Explorer Prorl!!i!ilon I Fr. . "genl I Career I
ABILITY 5c~ UntrDlned Re§ . Mod. ABILITY 5core Untnllned ReoIi . Mod.

Strength 10 o Strength B o

~lt."'lty II .1 De",t.erlty Ii! .1
(orn;;UtuUon 8

CDfl!itllution 9
Intelligence 10 o Intelligence 10 o
Will II Will 11 .1
Per!ionHlity 9 Personality It

ACTION (HECK SCORE ACTION (HEO< §CORE ActlDt1!i per round, 2

MlIrgln .. ' 13.. Ordinary Ii! 600d 6 Amazing 3 M .. ~yln ... 1 14. Drdhu.ry 13 Good 6 Am,,".( ll1g 3

Stun 9 00000000[, St.un 8 Jooo( 100
Wound 9 I"JDDDDDDDC Wound a 00000000
Mortlll 5 !JOODO Mortal '" JOOn
Athletic!> 10 /5/2 Athleti CS 8'4/~
Climb 1 11 1512 Thro,y 1 9'4/2
Melee Weapon5 10 /5/ 2 Unarmed Attack 8 / 4/~
Ol~ 1 11 l S I ;;!! B,-m,,', I 9 /4/ ~
Modem Ranged Weapons 11 / 5 / 2 Manipulation 1216 /3
Rlne 1 lii! / 6 /3 I 13/6/3
VehiCl e Operation 11 15 12 Modem Ranged Wei!JlXlO!i 1216 / 3
Space ~hlc:le I 1216 / 3 Pistol I 13/6/3
CON Vehicle Operation 12/ 6 13
Stamina 9 14 12 <ON
Endurance 10 / 5 / 2 5tDnlIno 8 14 12
Knowledge !O IS/O!! Knowledge 10/512
Flniit illd 11 /512 System Oper"llon 10 /5/2
5y!Olem Operation IO /S/it! WIL
WIL Awarene5S II / S / ~
A~rene!!iS 11I5/ i! Perception 1~ / 6 /3
'ntu/tlon 1216 / 3 PER
Perception 12 / 6 / 3 Oeceptlon 11 15 12
11 15 12
1216 / 3
1316 /3
II /S/ t!
PER Bargain 1216 /3
Inter-clCUon 9 14 12 C""'"' 12 / 6 /3
Weapons WeHIpUIlS
Render ririe <l6+1!i I d6+1w I d4+lm Ma!i!i pl!itol d6w I d6+~w 1 d6m
R .. "y~ fSIMIL) : SOIIDDI2S0 T!JPl': En RiJf9' 15IMIl.1 , i!I6I'Ii! Type, En
Curnbul knife d4+lw ' d4+~w 1 d4+3w Unarmed (brawl) d+-i' d4+15 1 It<k25
R .. ro91l, ~n .. 1 Type, LI Armor
Unllrmed luntralned) d+-i 1 d4+hi 1 d4+2!i CF short coat d4-1 ILiI. d4-1 IHII. d6-3 (Enl
Annor Gear: com m ge<tl". cards, electroniC lockplck
CF short coat <:14-1 IU] . d4-1 IHI) . d6-3 lEn)
BlII:kground: The gambler joined the crew of
6e.,.., comm gear. dat:lI tiline. blnoc:ulani the Nebula Bounty to l!!iCiIpI! n ml!iUnder-
Background: Copilot of the Nebula Bounty. this standing at the Ve!)it§ Prime !ipaCe !itatlon.

explorer enjoys trips that take the c rew to the
less popull'lted reglorl§ of kno"," !!iipi.'tC1! .
tsIl Lo;
Iod"'~' ....
In_fIIl_ All , ...... , - . . 1
Now the gambler helps negotiate deal!i Clnd
make contllC[§ wherever the crew goes.
A.>...,."... .. " _ _"fill
. .. ,. .
-..,.".,-_ ... ....--
""'-C'.fIIl .... AU ........ _ ....
Science Flct.ion Roleplaying Science Fict.lon Roleplaying

Hero·!I Name
Charact:el" Template

I I Player I Hero·... Name

[hal"ac1:el" Templat.e

I I Player I
I ~
Prof~... lon I TachOp I Career I Piiol Profe!islon I Toch Dp I (<lreer I Doclo r I ~

ABILITY 5c~ Untrained Re!i . Mod. AB ILITY core Untrained Re!!i . Mod. -<

Strength 9 o Strength o -c

ne",terlty .1 Dexterity
•• =
.,o [on!!>tltutlon
••o =
ACTION CHECK SCORE ActIons per round: 2 ACTION CHECK SCORE ActIons per round: ii!
Mllrglnlli '4 + Ordlnllry 13 Good 6 Am .. zlng 3 M .. rgln .. t 1S+ Ordln .. ry t"l 600d 7 Am .. zlng 3
Stun 9 000000000 5tun 8 00000000
Wound 9 000000000 Wound 8 00000000
Mortnl 5 00000 Mol"UIl 4 DODD
Athletics 9 /4 /2 Athletics 8 / 4 / i!

Modem RangE!d We<IIPDnS
P/!!Itol 1
MooE!m Ranged Weapon!i 1316 /3
13/6/3 PI!itol 1 14 / 7 /3
VE!hlclE! Operl!ltion 12/6 /3 Vehicle Opemtlon 13 / 6 /3
5pac;e vehIcle 2 14 / 7 / 3 Land vehIcle 1 14 /7/3
5tnmlnn 9 14 12 Stamina 8 14 12

CumputE!r operoUon 2
1216 /3
14 / 7 /3
Computer Science
Hm;klng 2
15 / 7 /3
Nnvlglltlon 12 / 6/3 Knowledge 13/6/3
Drll.lf!!iPi'Ce O§trogatlon 2 14/7/3 Medlcnl Science 13/ 6 /3
5ystem lfstrogatlon 2 14/7 /3 Surgery 2 15 /7/3
System Operntion 12 / 6 / 3 TrfUlttnent 2 15 /7/3
Wleapons 2 14 / 7 /3 WIL
WIL AW8rene!!i'" 10 1512
Awan!t1es'!!1 91412 Perception 1 111S/i!
f%!rceptlon 2 11 /5/2 Resolve 10 /5/2
Interl!lCt.lon 9 /4 / 2 Interaction 8/4/2
5educe 1 1015/2 Charm 1 9/4/2
Leadenohlp 91412 IntervIew 9/ 4 / 2
Weaporl!J Weapon!!>
Laser pistol d4+lw 1 d6+lw 1 d4m Stutter pistol d6+2s 1 d8+2s 1 dB+4s
R""9'! ISlMlLI: ii!0I401i!OO Type, En Rftf'"IOe (5IMJL) : EiI1ii!l3C Type : LI
Unarmed (untrnlned) d4s 1 d4+ls 1 d4+2!i Unarmed (untrained) d4s 1 d4+1!!> 1 d4+ii!!i
","0' Armor
BnttleJacket d6-1 ILiJ. d4+1 (HI). d4-1 lEn] (F long coat d4 ILl). eM IHII. d6-2 (En]
Gear: comm gear. data slate 6ear: CDmm gear. medical gauntlet. !!>urgery
kit. medlCld kit
Background: As pilot nnd nnvlgator of the
Nl!bullJ Bounty. thl!!i hE!ro fllE!!!i thE! ship Into Background: A!i doctor and re!ildent hacker of
lind out of hot !ipDtl!Ii throughout the gala"y. the Nebula Bounty. thl!i hero keep!i the crew
In good repair Hnd helps when [he tenm need!;;
e:l<perl computer I:Ild.
"'-'-"' IS 0 'ogloM...! ..."10",,,,0 oIl"SII. ID<. cia TSII. ID< AU .",h ..
.-,..d Al.."..,.,.,.g'og .......!nodo....... 1'SlI. ..... " ' !I:IITSR.1D< All".... ",........
"*.._g=.1OCI ... ~"""_ . . I * - ' _ 17
.. hot m(II, •• fOU com. bac k 1o the on his Or her lir.t (l(:\venture. 1f you
A campaign . . . k alter week-to _ wan t to go fur ther, or If your Game-
w bot'. going 10 boppen 10 the heroes. mastor instructs you to do IKI, tho
Gamemaslel Guide haa information
on how to creote a chCllocter who's
The Hero !iheet: more e xperienced than a starling
The enannal record 01 your he ro', hero. But bafore you talte that exira
eapabiliU.. and charoctertstiCIIl1 s tep. familiarize you rself with the
roulained o n hi s he ro sbeet. A b lonk basic process. beginning with ...
bero ,heet (whleh you may photo-
copy!O< your ptrKlOCli u ..) con b.
found on tbe 101' page allhi. book 1~ DEVELOP A
A. yO\l rnov. through eac h s te p 01
the be.ocreation proceu. lili th. opo HERO Col\ICEPT
proprlcne apace on the hero aheet A hero concept I. a general ideo 01
wi th tb, le"::" \ho:! you have jUl t de· the hero you wan l to crea te and play
ferminM!. or decided. Of CO\l!1jo(l, you in an ALTDltlfTY campolgn. A good
ccm 01110 UN a sepa rate &bee' of concept SI(lIts with a lew dellCriplive
paper \o)ot down 8"en mOl. detoib lags and then e:rpand. a. much as
about your creallon. Or e ve n w rite a you leel is necusal)' be lore you
nort b iography But when you·.. lln- move on to the n8lft Ilep. (Note thaI
~ witb tb, bero creation prootu. the hero shoot does not have a place
It.. hero aheet (and the l upplemen ta l 10 wri te down a eoncept; in-
&heel, II your campaign i . us ing ony . tead . the concept 01 your hero w!ll
al lha optionol rul •• lor mu tants . pli' ultima te ly be de fined by a collection
emle., or cybeTtech J will contain of other entries on the hero aheet.
"ery piece ol lnl ormotion you need .uch al "Profession," "Cmeer: ond
toroleplC'}' your hero In an M1llOO1T "Attribut"".;
advenlure. Sta rl with a concept that revolves
ClroUlld what kind of hero you want
to pkry. Pick 0 character tram your fa-
!it:IqI by !it:ep vor ite novel or movie to use as a
Tho beloc •.o;llon p roceull pr.H nl - basis, or start by deciding what your
ad below In stepa thol tI'"~ Iy to he ro i. going to be good Cl I. Do you
10110... (Then . tep!! are &umm a rized want to playa tough tlghter·type or 0
in the Sid ebar on page 20. w b.ich you s teolthy agent, a respected negotia-
may want toviance 1;11 now to get an tor or on engin.. r with a IKIlution lor
overriewof whalthe prOCHS In- evel)' problem? Forming a concepl
volVH.J Takell(J(:h . te p one at a time .t(lIt. with answering the queatlon
WIlli the sys te m become. dear; tben "Whal doe. my hero dar
you1i be able 10 b uild characters Anothe r a pproach II to stan with
without too mucb time or trouble. the quaRtion "What I, my hero like?"
Nole: Th. rul •• In this chapter
alia.. you to creoto a sta rling hero-
IIOII180ne who Isju. t about toemlxuk
This sort of concept builds on 0 per-
IKInCility type ins tead 01 CI job choice. 1g
A"ign a de$C.iptive term IQ your
h"O, lIuch 01 brave, ooutiou •. curl-
au •. rash, logical. 01001. or triendly.
You can alao develop II eQneept by
an.waring both que.nons. 10 Ihat
= you Itart with a brave pilot. a cow-
ardly marine, a Ilubborn dOC:lor. or 0

curious ,rod.r.
The goal ilia come up with a con-
cept lor a hero who', both fun. and
compelling to ploy. There', no Inict
= formula lor lhi •. Some playe •• have
thel. chmacte.1I weU lormed In th.i.
mind. right away, and thOM heroes'
= conceptI emerge almost fully fleshed
out O1h ••• need to think about ii,
oping quHUons lu.cb as "Whal don
my hero do lor a living?" and ~How
does my hero behove?" The onlWOfS
Io,m the oo,ilol your hero concept.

Your Gam.moster willie' you know
II oil heron In Ih. compaign must be
human.. Or II you can choo.. to make
your hllrOQ membct. 01 one oj Ihe
nonhuman ,peele_lroa!. machalu.,
...heyan, t'aa, and weren-that We
pal1 01 the ALTERNm game, II any 01
the alien lpeelel are available. you
may want to look over the follOWing
Inlonnatlon before deciding what
Ipedel your hero belongs to,
Beyond that. II'I a good Idea 10 be
generaily lamiliar wIth the entire
he ro creation procell belCHe you "go
aUen: because you'll need to be
aWare of the waylln which allen he-
roel are d ilierent from human her.,..
In game terms (1M the "Allen Ablll·
ties and Skille" lidebar).
[n addiUon,lr._p In mind 01 you
read the de.alpHonl of the allen
lpecies IhatllOme of them (:tre better
lulled for c.rtain prolellionl and ca·
uteflthat make Ihe belt u.. 01 their
abllitiee. For instance. weren heroel
are good candida te. lor cor"'1 Ihot heavily on phy,lcal,killl. On
the olher hand, 10001 heroea a le rela-
tively beller .uiled for careerl lhal
emphalbe mental.klll •.
Not.; II your Gam.mael.r is al-
lowing Ih. ule 01 the optiona l rul ...
lor mul(:tllonl (01 given in Chapler
13: Mutontsl and you want 10 creal. a
hero who hal mUlalloOl. thai hero
must be human; allen herOllI can't
be mutant., Some 1n1,1 not •• con-
c.rning humane appear allh. end 01

20 thlll;9C'llan, following the dellCrip·

!lons of Ihe !Lve aHen specie •.
011 ... and peacetul. the Iraal (pro-
_need "bahl")appear ca lm and
campased in even the mQllt chaotic
.ituattonl. Averaging about 1,5 me-
t.... IQll, Ihe lraal are Ihin human-
oid. with large eyell: pale, olm<ltl \ lu-
minou illdn: and swept-back ear..
Whl" many are bald, .orne have
wi"P" Ql l ilver_ white, Or pale yellow
bail atop their large, .ound he<Idl.
lIldJ'O"iduall.aal oon be SO thin 01 to
appeo.r p,actico.lly weightlell, but
IIIOIt weigh about SSkilograml. Even
the youngnt lraa! adults have an
ttnctenl, wl~ened look Ihat can be al
intimidating to human l alit II dll-

Froal aren't phyeicaUy inclined.
Tbe.,lend to develap their minds in·
llead 01 their bad.iel, working as
Mindwalkerl, Tech OPI, or Diplo-
Ill(lUi rather than in the Free Agent or
Comlxrt Spec plOiessions_Th ey are
thlnkell and phllosophe.. w\lh a
deeply I plrituo] notu.e. BecaUH
they area lang-lived species, the
Iroal have a patient attitude thol
_ 1m.. onnny. humans. Theil
Iplrlluallty centers around mind·
walkmg, the study and appllootlon
oj pilonici. To them, the powell 01
the mind have almost rellgiou. lig·
nitironce; they leel thaI all ,peelel
ron lind cammon ground by touching
thought. ond sharing Inne . peace.
Fronl alen'l pacifistl. bulthey be-
ooe thaI violence should be thelolt
r..or! 01 an lntelllgen\. civilized
lpe<:ieI, They can ..... m cold a nd dl.-
lant, but that's because they don't
hav, a. wide 0 ranga of emotion. 01
humane do-ond the emot ional
range they do passess doeln'l ,hilt
III .apldly Or unp.edictably a. hu·
III(Inl' e motions dQ.
p.,g..\ovlng and inteU..,;:tual.
hcmJ a.e natural builders and acho\·
or_IOIeve. working an c rea li ve 01
Iden!llic endeavQrs. building Or
mending relotionships (both per.on-
al ond poUtlcal), and adding to their
pool 01 knowledge simply 10' the
lake oIlsorning .

5peclal Abilities
~ I',lorrlc Powers: 8y their natwe,
frog! have extrao.dinary menta!
powe ..., krrown as psionic •.
_hieh other chctlacters in the
ALn:Jl~1TI' game may not
b.ropoble 01 p""' ....ssirrg. (T..,;:hni· Fra al Imilil e & female) 21
, cally, the rule. in Chapter 14; PsioD- Human •. It III primitive but demon· IOnalendl_ Government agencies .
./ iC'$ an. optional. bul il youl Game- Itra ling g .eat potential. were begin· oorporations. media moguls. cnd
mOSIer datermines thol Iraal exist in ning la Ipread out from the gea- othe'l seek to unlock Ihe visitors' roe·
his or her campaign letting, then at grophic cradlel that spawned them ctet, lor profit, OIl t of curiaeity. Or to
lG<l$llI(lme althese optional rules by the lime the froal arrived. Meet· gcin power and prestige.
should aiM) be incOl'pololoo inlO Ih.
ing. betwllHln the two species led to
the birth 01many of Earth's greatest
In this type 01 campaign. one 01 two
Iraal join forCIMI wilh Ihe haloes. hop-
Even II membeI$ 01 other species
also have ae<:eSll to psionic skills.
legend!. Unfortunately. such meet-
ings roTely went well for the visitors.
ing to lind 0 way to bring Ihe two lOCi-
elles together. The rood to peace and
frool oJe extremely proUden! in Ihia
orll(l-Gble to uSA more palonic PQw-
Though the lraal tried to join hu·
man ltOCiely Irom the momentlhey
a better tomorrow Itands before them,
ilthey can WOIk together to ItHr Ihe
= ar than any other chalacters. A froal arrived in the region. they kept 'Un' two species In the right direction. This
who il (I lalenl. Or One who I. a Dip· ning into problems. Primitive hu·
mans dl,played great fear when Ihe
II a lrogile tIme. and only great herp..

= lomat w'lh Mindwalke, 01 hI. 1Je<;-

ondory prof.laion. has psionic enel- 1'001 approoched.looking upon Ihe
Ic, and 1000itude can keepeven l' from
tearing Ihe world aport.
gy points equal to his Will acore aliens as magical creatures, spiri ts.
(inslood 01 one-holf Will lor other or even godl. A, humonity ad· Near-Fu'ture Campaign
luch chorocten). A lrool who IMIlects vanood. making con lo:>ct didn't get A campaign eel In tbe n&ell luture d.
the Mindwalker plOIGSlion haa psi- ony easier. Fear turned to distrust lCTibes a world where the exillence
onic energy points equol to his Will and hatred. and humanity'. violent ollhe iraol is an occepted lac!. gnd
SOOt. X 1.5 (instead 01 Will x fl. nglure was too much 10' Ihe peacelul Ihe visitor. and humans valigntly
Note that all Iroal receive the psi· Iroollo deal with. Eventually. they wo.k together to conque. the Ita ...
onic broad _kill Telepathy 0:1 one of withdrew and wenl into hiding in Nocorner of the solar syllem II all
their free skill •. Sine. Cllolent can't other part. 01 tha IKIlor ,y,tem. lim"s to the humans Or their allen
have more than one broad Ikill. a watching humanity Irom alar and pa.tne.s; colonies. research Ita lions.
Ir(lc:d who il 0 talent il obliged to wailing for the proper moment to re- and industrlgllacilities can be lound
purchase hil lpecialty ,kill,lrom vealthemselve •. AUempil made by as near as Earth's moon and Ollar
thia CCltegOI)' the hogl in the 20th century r&lulted away as Sa tu rn. Thi. is a time of sci·
In tales 01 IlylnlllIOuce.. and alien entllic exploration as the two lpecies
Hi!!li'tDry abductlonl. but lit tle else. II they struggle to unlock the secre" of
The Iroal are nomadic lIarlare rs who were capoble of the emollon. the lalter·than·lIght (FTL) travel-a tech·
came to Earth more than IO.m years Iraol would have begun to deSpair, nology wha.e origin lies in the com·
ago. A lalge group 01 exploreTltrav- At same Icter point in humcn hLS' bingtion 01 human and fraol .cience.
eled in thrllHlalow-movtng colony tal)'. however, a meeting of the minds In thiltype of (:(Impoign. the Iroal
IhLp!!, cmtLllng the void 01 apace over Unally took place. As hW1lonlty put are everywhera. They work with
the course 01 many centu ries. The aside its own h<)l;tile no lure to cr&elle every friendly government (or with
trip waa plagued by one disaster C world of peace, Ihe anelent visi tors the world government. if one exills).
olter another. though . .a Ihat by the revea led themselves. The fraol helping civi hlQlLon reach to the very
lime these colony ship' reached Ihe joined 10.0::.. wilh the bumans. help- IIm\" of lhe .a101 system. Thl, II an
Sol system, contact wLth the irCJO\ Ing to leoti humonily to Ihe nexl exciting time, a time of new diKOv-
homeworld had been 1000t.ln oddi· great ploteau. A free exchonge 01 eriel. new challanges, and new tech·
tion, damage 10 the .hip', compu teTl knowllKige and Idea! advanced both nologies wailing to be developed lor
resulted In the 1011 01 much vital in- ,ocleties in numerous ways. One of the good 01 all
format ion,including .ame techno- the lrool's mOlLI signi licant gilts
logIcal know-how and mOlLt hlltori· spawned a leap In technology that Far-Fut:ure Call1palgn
col and .cholarly recordlt-Omong paved the wcy lor lrue faste.-than- The fasler-than-light technology
these the location 01the Iraal hom. light travel. Both sides prospered. born from the merging of human and
world. The IImlmer. were CUI off. and Ihey loon me.ged to become a Iraal science has opened the storllo
i.alated Irom their place 01origin. united ItOClety both species. Humans and their lroal
and unaware oltheif ollginol mis· companionl have estgbli.had a
.ion.lndMd. they weren't even lure Cont:emporary galactic ltOCialy. though the age-old
if Earlh wa. the de~tinolion they had Campaign p.oblems 01 &O::IIlh remain to (:(lIt a
been haveUng to reach. Or lor what in g campoign.set in contemporgry shadow Over every thi ng that hos
purpose. Tha nks to eonl 01 lost limes. the Iroal are the first alions to b&an accomplished. New gllen spe-
knowledge gnd countle.. mechan!· moke contact with Earth_ Thi. II a ciel have been diKOvered. ond
col breakdowns. occident., and trav- time 01 peugnoio ond SGCrecy, with mony 01 these toke their ploo::. along-
el·related mishaps. Ihese Iraal_re vOliou. powerl wOlking to keep the Iide the original human ond Iraal
truly alone. truth out of widespread circu lat ion. explorers. Bllt humans like to draw
lnilially. the up In.tallo- Initially. the aliens gre fea.ed and lines and establish nationl. and
tions on Earth. building bases in illO- few believe in their ex istence, but a. lOOn war and the threett 01 war hin-
iated regLan. local materiols the campaign unfolds the truth be· derl even greo-tar prog.ess.
and oomponents II<Jlvaged from their comel more cnd more apP(lfent, Of Still, there are no limit. on where
colony ship •. From the.. hidden COU ' I;e. in thi . period ol li ..1contact. the human spirit (:(In go Or whot e<:rn

22 basel!. the Vilitorl! set OUI to explore

the plgnet ond meel it, Inhabitants.
there are mOl'e than enough humans
who want to exploi t the fraal lor per·
be dilKXlve.od. In this type 01 com·
poign. the "001 can remaIn behind
tohelp guide humanity out of its lot -
n t criSis, or the spe<;:ies can build
rTL ships and head out in a new di-
Tection- perhops in Booreh 01 the
homeworld they lost so many millen -
nia ago . .

llec:ause of the basic resemblance
betwOlH:ln the two species, a mechalus
ipronolLneed "meek-ah-lus") can be
mistaken for a human if the viewer
only ootehes a glimpse or if the area
Is shadowy. Averaging aboul \.8 me-
letS loll and weighing around 90
kilograms, the mechalus has tbe shape and 91~e of a human.
Ondoser inspection, however, the
limilarili911 are quickly outdistonced
by tho difference.. Voins 01 circuitry
weave w'th flesh and blood to farm a
totally synthesized lxxly. Tho mech -
al~s'5 bair i ~ a oombination of pro-
tem strands and filamenta of cable
and wire. Even the skoletan bas been
reinforced with super-strong synthet·
ic:material. and bony protective
plates OOn be seen benoo:th the bio-
organic flesh at the shoul ders and
=068 the chest.

Mechalua have the same range 01
Imolions as humans. though
they tend to try to downplay
hClSlileor aggressive ema-
tlollS. They were once re-
,ponsible lor the annihilation ef an-
oth\!r species. and sinC$ then they
have made a oonsclous and constant
effort to suppress or regulate their
~tive emotions.
Perhaps the hardest aspect 01
mecbalus lor humans to get used to
ilrbeir ability te merge with comput-
er 81'ste,"". While the mechalus con
ealllyemploy standard oomputer
,nterlaces, they bave the unique
ability to personally connect to
computer systems. Filamen ts ex·
tend born fingers. snoke into the
compILter in question. and form a
solid link between bcdy and ma-
chine. Th is link givlls the
mechalus speed.aHhought ac·
te$SIO the oomputer system,
and more precise control than
any manual interface oon provide.
With a natural affinity for technol-
ogyand computers. mechalu9 make
nwll,tnl Tech Ops. They aren'l limit-
ed to this profession, however. and
con be found filling the ranks 01 a
varutty of careers_ 23
The macholu. have very ordered ne\lC devices deacribad in Chapter came mare sedate and Ie.. inclined
mindl, which hon&lates in to a strict· IS. A macholus horo eqUIpped with toward hOfitility (0' ot laost toward
Iy It.uctu,ed society ond on equolly cybar gaor il notlubject to the showing thei. h081ilily). They ,e-
OIgoni-t outlook on li le. Although chance 01 the cybernetic equipment solved that never again would Ihey
they think with the p'ecilion and being .ejected by his body. and the U!le violence unneceS8o.ily ogolnst
= logic 01 a mochine. they ore highly
emotional people who wo.k exceed
limit to the omOunt of t")'berne tic
goar he can have is based on his
Consti tution 1(;0. . . .4 in"~ of
onother sen lien t species.
Some Aleerlns took thll new attl-

= ing ly hard to promote their positive

emotions and subdue their negative simply his Constttution lICOIe (as i, an ext.eme; 0 splinter g roup
composed at pacili". and tech-
= one •.
In a tense or dangerous siluation.
the case for heroes 01 other 'pecies). nocro t, rose up, taking the position
that incorporating circuitry into flesh
= m..:halu. <ne likely to ,emaln calm
and logical; if, not dillicult lor them
to .uppress all th eir emotions when
The planet Aleer, on Eollhlike world
.elatively claM (on a cosmic scale) to
was nOI going lell enough along the
technological path. ·Creatures 01
flesh are by thel. natu.e oggreuive
they deem such action appropriate the Sol system, gavfl ri .. to on inlel- and lalhble. Th.y cannot 'Hi" the
or ~ssary. But In a climate ol.fI- ligent humanoid species that would Impul.. to do harm to othe ••: the
laxation 01 celebration, their emo- someday be coiled the machalus by leader 01 the group proclaimed.
tional pendulum can swing to the humans (who hove a penchant lor "Only by completely shedding our
oth••• xtrem_lo humans. it seems pulling their own name. to every· !lesh can w. achieve the next level
as though they ore making 0 special thing they encounler). The early his- in OUr flvolu tionory dflv.lopment."
eftOIl to appear cheerlul or jubilant. tory 01 the Aleerin. follows much thl Th. splinter g.oup conducted ill.
The machalu. don·t consider their same path as that experienced by gal experiments in transleIIing liv-
behavior ot such limes to b. exag- Earth·s human_primitive tool-mak· ing minds into computers_In Ihe end.
gelated; Itrong displays 01 positive ers eventually built great c1viliur- the compute.s that held the living
emotion. when the situation permits, Iton •. with periods 01enlightenment minds were placed into lpacelhipl.
are simp ly their way 01 crudely punctuated by episodes 01 and the splinter group lell Aleerln
lng \10 themselves all well a. mem- brutal warfare_ Eventually, the devel- SpaCfl to find Its Own dHtiny. To date,
bers 01 othfl' lpecies) that mechalu. opmflnl 01 technology led to the in- nothing turlhe. 01 these h .. ing com-
a .e more than IUlt machines en- vention of computers-ond this is puters has hflen heard.
cased In biological badles. where thfl technological evolution of Shortly after that time, humans
AI .... rlns ODd humans sharply di- encoun tered the Aleerins (renaming
Special Ablllt.le. vflrged. SuidH in medicine (fnd ge- them 'hfl machalusl. and Aleerin
.. Computer Operation Skill nfltic engineering. coupled with their space was pulled in to the ever-ex-
Bonul: Mechalus receive a I step computer know-how and th eir lasei· pandlng human galactic community.
situotlon die bonus whflnever they nation wi th 01\ things mechanical.
u!Stlth. Knowledge-compwe. ope.a- gave the AI .... rin. the means to biG- Cont.emporiJl'Y Dr
tion 01 Computer Science-hocking flngineer their species. Cybernetic Near-Fut.ure Campaign
skills. To gain this bonuI, the mech- implan ts perlormed on a molocular II the mochalu8 are introduced into
alus must me.g. with th. computer. level-producflCi a synthells oillesh One 01 the!StltYP'" of campaigns,
lorming a bond th.ough the liIa- and circuitry tha t now pervade. the then it should be in the form of lirst
menll thotfl.tend from his hngelS It en tire speciel- they o.e born with contact-the mechalul travel to
takos one .ound to complete Or dis- cyberbionici. Earth OrOne 01 the solar-system
engoge a merge_ It wos about this time that the caloni.._Afte. on initial .elationlhip
.. CTbemelfc Enhonc.m.nt., By species also developed space tr(fv.1. betweon humans and mechalul is
their n(fture. macho Ius have elec- Within a lew generations. they had established. the alieni will either
tronlc technology integ.ated into totally .... ttled their solar .y.tem- join humanlty·s quest to explore and
theh phY8iology_ (Technically, the but this braokthrough hod its sham. understand the galaxy (providing
rules In Chapter 15: are lui side. Aleer,ns had always hflen a technological help along thfl wayl. a.
optional. but II your Gamlmaste. warlike speclH. and this behavior become an enflmy at thfl aggressive
determines that mechalull exist in wos never mar. evidlln t than when human expansion. In the loiter caH.
his campaign .oiling. thfln at least they mode contact with the Mntient machalus heroes could be Involved
some of th_ optional ,ule. should but primitive notive801 another in hfllping human heroes lind a woy
0110 be incorporated in to th. cam- pionllt in the SYltem. in re,panse to Q 10 ming the two lpe<::iH togillher.
paign.) Machalu. have two hostile reception tram these crea-
dato ,lot. that allow them to use tUTel. who were barely able to d. Filr-Flrt.ure campaign
computer prog.ams, on In te.nal lend themselves. the Aleerlns used The machaius 0'. among the lirst
procelsor that Is equivalent to a their heavily ,hip, to obHtflr- alien spo<:ies encountered 08 the hu-
Good quality nanocom pute r (see ate the population oj the plonet. mons explore the sto,.. They align
Chap'fI' 10: CompUfe.5 lor deta ils). Almost immociiately thereaUer. on themselvH with the humgn commu-
and blo-arganic circuitry thai func- emotional bac.lo:lgsh Bwept th.ough nity and the name bet;towed
tions !ike a reflex device. the entire Aleertn cultu.e when the upon them as a gift from their new
At thfl Gamemaste,·s dllcretion. a membe.s of the lpecie. raollzed col- friends. Mechalu. computers and
mechalus he.o moy be equipped lectlvely what thflY hod donfl In a space vessels a.e among the belt in

24 with. at may be able to acquire at a

lotfl' date. some of the othfl. cyber-
chonge of characte r that was essen -
tially unanimous. the Aleerlns be-
the valaX)', and their in-Iyltem ell-
plorer shipl. lIansports. and Imoll

bottlecrofl are stat" of the art. The
mechalus Can easily be considered
equal partners in humanity's push to
expand Ihe galactic community.

Sl~nding approximately 1.7 meters
t~ll and weighing a mere 40 kil.,.
gmms. SElsheyans (pronounced "se-
shay'un") are humanoid only in
lb. broadest sense of the
WOld. A bulbous head en-
tirded by eigh t small eyes
and copped by large, pointed &<lIS
Hows inlo a light. muscular frame.
Powerful wings that extend to a 6·
meter spaa spread from the &a.
Iheyan', bock. and a long tail with
CIt expandable fan-shape<:! tip P''''
yid.. stabilization while in flight.
TIuo winga can be lolded
tightly against the
creature's upper bock when they are
IlOl in use. Though they walk with a
hunched, labored gail when an the
ground, sesheyans exhibil a grac.-
fulneu while airborne thai is
ma1ched by lew ather crealurel! co-
pableol flight.

Sesheyan heroes Ono UlI1GIIg the
small numberol their species who
hove stepped into the galactic com-
munity thanks to th .. opporlunitiee
presented by humans and their s tar-
Iarlng .hip~,
Because of certain physical diffel-
fllCefl. such as their multiple eyes
muI.t:range heod shape. the flesh-
ey!lllsare the most "alien" 01 the
nonhuman spe<:i(l8. Once they be·
lie.ed they were the highest form
of lif9 in the world they knew_
!hey were hun ters ond shamnns of
great J'Klwer. Now that they have
_n the "magic" althe spoo;eioring
speci"_ their !allh has been rocked .
Thetyplcol ....sheyan hunter main-
tainl an outward appe<lronoo of can-
~denceand power, hut inside he
rllUgglas 10 slcy brave In the face 01
lD!!\(Iny frightening. s trange. and
_mingly magiooi things.
M08t humane can'l help feeling
une<lsy in the presence of a "eshey'
CIIl. ThiB aUitude comes Irom hu·
mankind', innate fearof the dark
and the crea tures that inhabit it.
Even the most primitive sesheyan
bnds thl' reaction mildly amusing.
Though a sesheyan III a born hunter.
b. a being who might seem
ccld and aloof but oclually has a 5esheynn (f'emale Iii malel 25
p.olound .espect 10. all HIe and hi. penahi.. 111.01 apply 10 olhe. speci.. vines and branchel. and even the
place in ill n<rl""al eyde. In liluationl oj low ilIuminatLon. mLst·hlled ai. WI Ihe ..sheran·s
Technology is new and alien 10 se- Night vi, ion doesn', function in lotal home. lor hi. wmg. give him aQC888
shyana. They can learn to use high· darkne ... such CUI il lound in a com· 10 placellandbound creatur.. can
tech equipment. bUI many 01 them pletely II9(Iled room. and il doesn', never reoch. With ey.. built to lunc·
= never become complelely comlon· worlr when a Besheyan is wearing lion in minimolilluminalion and
able with it. and 80medeeply re li- protective goggles to protect agalnsl eo,s ..nsitlve to Ihe alig htest noise.

gloua ...hey<:rns .eluse to have any·
thing to do with it, Sasheyan heroes
light itivity (soo below).
.. Llghl Sendli"ily, Be.;:auM M·
theM crecrturel have unparalleled
hunting ,kills in obscu.ed Or low·
to.long to the small g.oup 01 ..•
Iheyo ... who have ove.come Ihei.
Iheyonl evolved on a world wi thout
bright light, nounalsunshine and il·
light conditions,
Away from thelow·intensilY light
dillnclinalion toward Uling high· h.minotion bolhers their lenailive of tbei. homeworld. _heya.,. must
tech equipment Ihey'll opera te a eyes, In lighl of Ordinary intensity woo.. p.otective goggl .. to shield

= compuler, or a slolion on a apace-

Ihlp, ilthey have 10. but 111.01 doesn't
(sunllgh. on a cloudy day. a moder·
ately illuminated .oom). a ,..aheyan
Ihei. senei!ive eyes.

moo.n they have to like it. performl a ll actions with a +I I t.p FiI ... -Fu~ure Cilmpillgns
Sa.heyons make excellent Free penally.ln Good illumination (lull Bocau .... of Ihe level of technology on
Agents. serving 01 spi•• , lICOuta, Or sunahlne, a brightly lit room) Ihe the homewodd. Ihis spe·
even bounty hunters when Ih.y enter penally Is.2 steps. and in Ama%lng cies can'l to. inc luded in a campaign
galactic lIO<:io ly. A smaller number ligh t (halogen lampa.llar9l) Ihe pen· ",nleu it'l one In which humans
toke up the prol.8$ion of Combat alty i. +3 atepa. Special goggle. (_ have vehicl" capahl. of Joste,·than·
Spec. and I.w.r still are Diplomats. page 1:J.t in Cherpler 9: Good.. & Set· lighlllovel. Once difK:Overecl, the ..·
Except lor hemes who have over· vices) negate Ihis penalty. sheyans 011 a 1pec:I.s willslruggle to
came thei. naluml d istrull 01 tech· maintain their Individuolity and cus·
nology, ..sheyo n Tech Opa are 01· Hi!'it:ory tom., while c.rlaln memba .... 01 the
malt unhoard of. The ...heyans emerged from Iheh sped•• wlll welcome visitors and
prehistory only a Bhort time ago. seek to loo. rn evetrth ing they can.
Speclill Ablll~le!i They or. in til.. aboriginalltage 01 From omong this Imaller group
II> FlIght, SoBh.. yane have dev.lopment. keeping amI hislo,les come ..aheyan he,oes. thQll9 who
lIylng obilily. which they can employ and working wilh tools nO more com· a.e willing to expand hunt be·
in ony eovironm.nt wilh olignili· plicoled Ihan s lono hlades ond yond Ihe limill of twilighl-e.w.raud·
cant atmospheric pr...u.e (one·hall wooden .pea ... Ev.rylhing il mysli· ed Sheyu. The.. 0 •• the CUriouI, Ihe
that 01 Eorth, or greoter) and gravity col ond mag-leallo the &elheyans. explore.. , the _ke .. 01 advanced
equal 10 or I.u than Earth normal. and mOlt 01 th.i. cult", re is orgo· leurning, who-no merUer how much
In I1Ight. sasheyans us. the Acrobat. nlzed Into tribes heuded by ellh.r time Ih.y lpend In t.ractlng with
iea brood skill to makellying cheeks. the best hun t.r Or the mOl t pow. d ",1 mare advan<;ee;l civilizations-non.·
They can purchase til.. flight special· shaman. thele.. remain r.latively primit ive
ty 11<111 to Improve their ability to They call their world ·Sheya." compared to ma.l oth.r membe.. 01
move in tho air. .... hich means limply 'huntlng lond" the galactic community
II> Ze/"O'\1 TraInin g: Beco-u.. of their in longuage. "So.heyane-
natural familiarity wi th Ireefoil con· mea ... "hunle.s of til.. land." In Ihe
aesheyon pain t 01 view, th. world
dltlons. aesheya.,.l",nction In
w.ightless or near·weight less condi· was made to provide its children Even when Itonding
tlons a. Ihough they have the Ac.o· lustenance, ond the hunte •• ate the still-something tho t'a almost impOlt·
batica-ze,o·g ',oining Iklll at rank I. undl.pu ted of that world , Bible for Ihe crea ture to do-o \"so
A ..shey<:rn who actually purchasea When human liar ves.. l. reach (pronounced "t·soh") conveytl on 1m·
Ihalllkill is beUer at performing ac· Ihe ..sheyon homeworld. they lind p.ession oi llpeed .•harp reflex...
lion, in UfO gravily Or light grav;ty luper8titioUi hun lers still locked in ond constont actlvily. Standing I 4
than cha.acter .. 01other spedel;_ the lIone ag •. Though many ....h.y· me teI1llall. a flO illighlnlng·quick,
the I8100g training skil1 d8l(;ription ani mGy decide to travel the slG1I OS with a lallt mind 10 match hi.lam t
In Chapter 4 lor detoill. alii.. olthe galac tic community_ body. Sleek. wLth a reptilian form
.. falling' Am long as 0 ..sheyan most .emaln plon.lbound, lleadlaat· ond the legs 01 a runne •. a flO hal a
III conscious and obi. to use hil ly clinging to their old bellefl and lin. covering ollnte.locking scalel
wings, he n.ver sutle rs Impact da m· trad itionl, tha t p.ovlde a modicum of nolu.a1
age hom a fall.lns tQOd, he limply A .... heyan·.loo.lh.ry tle.h cam.s protection. Moat humans lind t'lO.
tokes Uigh t o. glides IO tely to the In ahadellhal loll within the human with their upr... iv•• ye .. and child·
ground. 11 he con'l use hil wings. he ran~ o l lkin tone. but h. is obvious· like exuberance, to to. extremely
luffe ... lram impact domog. (_ 1ya crQOIU •• olth. night. Se.heyons likeable.
page.[)B in Chapler J: He.oes in Ac- ore buill to function in darkne.. wllh
han) like any oth.r cha racter. mote p.e<;iaian and grace than h",· Roleplilylng
.. Nigh t Vision: A "lIheyun's .yes manl demonstra te ev.n in broad A t'so hal a curiosity and on
are d.signed to inten'lfy ombien t dayligh t. In the perpel",a l·t wlllght oflinity 10' ollthingR lechnologicol
light. thUR allow ing them to _ .ven jungles of Sheyo, th. sash.yon.' He'. a conlummote tinkerer, disos·

26 in nea. 10101 dOflrness.. Thil ability

enoble. a sesheyon 10 Ignore any
len ... se.v. them w.ll, The g round.
the groo.l trees with their tangl.1 of
sembling device .. to discover how
they work ond to find ways to im·
prcve them. Tsa have an undeserved
reputalion among humans lor being
overly naive. due to their inlectious
rsa companions ore a boon to any
ad.enim ing group. Their cheerlul- =
nOl$llond good will never lolte.,.. and
lhairdesire to knew every se< can =
berontogious- though this behavior
<XI" (llsoget a t"sa into aU kinds 01
nouble. Onoo a t'sa joins a group. he
atays with it through thick and thin .
usu(llly bonding with at leest One
member as (lli leloog friend.
Everything a t"so does. he does
quickly. He's always on the move. 01 -
"ors osking que stions. always seek·
ing onswe.s. Although he's ellen
misunde.Slood. 0 roo is nonetheless
eoger to please ond mokelriends.
roo make great Tech Ops. doing
especiolly well as eng ineers and in-
.... nloTII. This species oon also be
found in lair abundonce within the
rree Agent. Diplomol, and Mind-
wolke. professions. hut I"sa very sel -
dom oapire to be Combot Specs. be-
cause it isn't in their nalure to be
'lielanlOI physically 10rceluL

Special Abilit.les
~ Aclion Check Bonu s: Dueto
their nolurel quic knells, 011 rao he -
roes l!!<:eive a - I IItep situation die
bonus to Iheir action checks. This
makeso raa's base oelion check die
-dt instead 01 the usuo l.dO.
~ JuryriIJ Bcnll" Whenever a I"so
makes a Tec hnical Science-jury,ig
I bll check. he .eceives a - I slep s it -
uation die bonus. This ma kes a rso's
base situation die lor Ihese checks
-d4 inslead of ~ dO.
~ Body Armor: All ..SO possess
naluml body armOr that p.ovides
pmt""tion al d4+1 (LI), d~ (HI). d4- 1

Ri5ing born a world thallesembled
F:anh's prehistoric era. except that
dinosou.s were never .eplaced by
mommals as the dominant spe<;ies.
the 1"80 evolved into on intelligent
lpeCies. Their history hod ups and
downs, high periods and low. but
tventually the fso developed a tech-
nalogitol society. Spurred on by nat -
urolcurioslty and on undeniable
lock 01 palience. the t"so compiled a
lubstontiailist 01accomplishmen ts
and even established 0 s tar-span·
By the time humans discovered
mtaHh"n-lighll ravel , the t"so hod T', a (male & f'eJnalel 27
...2 on with the" el[plolalion 01 the gal· They have no e.lraordinory lalent as
axy. O!he,... come to evaluate the hu· ftee Agents. Mindwolker., 01 Tech
mons. working with thorn In on ellort 0pl. however. and lew weren he.oos
to understand them and decide il punue tho88 profession •. Indeed .
they me worthy of ioinlng tho T"s;o weren jUlit con't get the hong 01 any
= Cluster technology beyond their own level of
advancement. and even mOlt of
0- Far-Fut:ure Campaigns tllole living In on advanced society
When human. Iplead out in 8&(In:;h can't use such Items wilhout pe nalty.
<= 01 new worldl to Httle and ellplore.
Special Abilities
'-' they lound many intelligent lpeeies
waiting lor them. Few were o ••,mul-
toneoully excited and unimpreslied
.. Superior Du/"CIbilily: A weren i,
beller able to withstand physico!
~ damage than memben of otller
by humanity a. Ihe t'sa. TheRe small
= being. had their own Ilellorempire speciel. When dete rmining a
in place and their awn accomplish· weren's durability rating. UII8 the
ments to be proud of when humanity chorocte"s eonsUtulion ICOre )I I,:)
encountered them, 110 the I'.o.ow nO (rounding down if neceSlOry to pro-
reason to lawn all over the humonl. duce a whole number).
The t'sa were curiaul. hawever_x- .. No/ural Wotapon ; A w8len has
tremely cu rloul, retractahle clawl at the end 01 hI.
The faa conlider their clulter of ormsthat can be used In combal if
worlds to be an independent entity. the ch<lTOcter makes a luccen!ul Un-
and Ihey've appealed to the app.o- armed Attock-b.awl or power mal-
priote authority lor lu1\ membe.ship lIa/ aIlS skill check. The clows do
rights in humanlty's galactic commu· damage 01 d4wld4+2w/d4m (UfO),
nlty. Thoy ...... k to plovide humans plul any Strenglh bonus Ihat migbt
with help and good will. and to make apply.
the galallY a bett" plr,lI:e th.augh the .. Camouflage: A W8len'SIUI lhim·
joining a! the two socielle•. men and changes color to match h is
lu"oundingl, making it hcnd to _
him in naturolterraln. Even In on
WEREI\I u.bon selling. this nolurol camou-
You can't miu a weren (pranoune«l ttoga causes the weren 10 hlend Inla
"wear-enn"). He slonds 2_2 meters Ihe background. Cloo;e up, the weren
already 1000ndeci a stellar empire. toll and weigh. in at a hel ty 180 kilo- Isn't hard \0'" unless he's perfectly
Consisting 01 hVII stm Byatems in rel- grams. Covered in thIck tur, he has a s tili and in natura! lerrain. The bene-
atively close pro:rimily \0 each otller, powerlullorm ond wicked claws Ihat lit mOlt ohen comes into ploy when
the TIKI Clu.ter bustles with the en make him a formidoble opponent obBerven are at a distance: the
.rgy of billion. of t'1K! doing wholev- even when he'. not carrying 0 weop- weren is hard to pick out against the
81 ,\ ill t'.a do-<md doing II quickly on. A g.eol mane 01 hoir limes from background. giving opponentl 0 + 1
They have bequn to expand beyond his head, and his lur ranges from s tep penalty 10 .anged weapon at·
this domain, but they aren'l on og- black to Ihade. a! gray to almost tacks aimed ogaln8t him.
g,ossLve specles_ They ore motiv(lled white. .. Primm.e Cullure: Becou5e wer'
by a Blmpledesire 10_ whatlietl in en come from a primitive culture ond
the next BIOI Iyllem rathe, Ihan by Roleplaying are less adaptable than other
91t>ed. power. or eICpon,lonlBm. Weren approach life with amairing species when it comes to high tech-
Intensity. When they embrace a new nology. Ihey receive a +2 ltep penal·
l\Ieilr-Fut:ure idea or belief. tlley become zealats_ ty when using any tec:hnologicol
campaigns They prole.. the lenel, of IhOl8 be- Item from Progreu IAIvel4 or hlgher_
1I1he"so are mlroduc..t Into a near- lieb with word, deed, dow. and war (Chop/OJ 9: Good. & Services hos def-
future compaign selling. then they mOe<:!. Though they're built tor bollle, initions 01 Progl9sslAlvell ond de-
a.rive to make Ii... t contact with th .. weren also love 10 talk and shore lICTiplions 01 equipment.)
humonB of Earth and the .alar sys- ideo._ Not every di6Cu..lon leods to a A beginning hero can reduce this
tem colon I... Many humona will at- light, and mOil weren won'l battle penalty \0 +lltep for a price 014 skill
tempt 10 ... ploillhe t'sa. but olha ... thoee weaker Ihan themlelves unle&IL points, and the penolty can be elimi-
willne them 10' th"friendly. good- they are left wIth no cholce_ They nated altogether hy poying 4 more
naTured bemgs they or •. The two have strict codes concerning honor. .kill points when the character at·
speciel can aid each olhe. immanl!(!' combal etiquette. and noble acts. tains 6th level or higher. Optionally.
ly. provided evil humana aren"t al· Most weren are fierce wallio's. a weren hero con endure the lull +2
lowed to ruin the opportunity before embrocing the Combol Spoc proles- step penalty to I tart wilh. and then
it cornel to IrulHoo_ lion. though a lew make strides os spend 8 skill points to remove II all
Tsa hOlo.ll ......1t to leorn hom D,plomats alone aarl or anothe., es· at once when the CharOcl81 attainl

28 their human componion. and are

quite eagor to help the humans get
pecially 0.8 clergy of a humnn laith
or shaman. ollheil own cuI lure,
6th level or higher. (Chapler 8;
Achievements contains Ihe rules fa.
.. hen It'e poutble 10' cho.aclers to
11M d:iIl pointe to .emove a liaw.} 2
The homeworld 01 the weren ia
known al Kurg. When human 110'-
shiplr80ched Ihe planel. Ihe we.en
danl we.e d..ply involved in their
..mld'i vertlion 01 the Renaissance. [I
.. as a gleal time 01 l.arning, debate.
and speculation about the nature 01
m,. The prinling the SCientific
IJIelhod, Ihe fllnl lock-all these and
IDOle con be found In weren sociely
aI Ihil lime. But Ihil age of enlight·
flII!1ent did not dele. Ihe we.en
cmtinuing to p\I..\le Ihei. 11\1e 1011e:

AlllIe lime enco\ln-

terOid the lpec;iea. the amallakif-
mllhn thert were er conatant way 01
bl. fa. 1M we.en herd escalated 10 a
point whe •• Ih. enti.e plernet was
.mbrolled In er .oging Waf. This
.Iate of oUaire eerved 10 lreep
them sharp. baule-ready, and
at Ih. pealr 01their ergg ' e,'

despite t
IDOnl and
..Iigloosleadera to teach them
o mare peacelul way 01 life.
PbilOlOphe.-warrlOrti. we.en erpo
I"''' lobe a dichotomy 01 enlight·
ned Kholala and noble savergGli.
They have combln.dlhe two ways 01
hfewell, eUortleuly debating with
wOIdlone moment and with claws
or fHntlocke the next. Considered
primitive by Ihe atandards 01 the
9OIoctic communlty land mostly
uDwilling to use high-tech
equipmenl onywoy}. we ren o.e nev·
Irtbelell KIUght·ahe, componiona
(II humana ap •.ad 0\11 larthe. inlo

tho! r.gionl 01 the unlrnown.

Far-Ftrt.ure Campaigns
Welen can't appear in on ALlUINlTT
campaign until humana achieve
laltel·than·llght t.ervel and discover
this eme.ging SOCiety. Although they
dun't have any hlgh·tech gadgets of
IMi. own. we.en will gladly boa.d
lIolshlplln order to leorn mOle
o:bout the galaxy. They a,e
mimics. embracing new Idea. and
DfI" rallglo ... whll. never lorsaking
!be lOt"iety that raised Ihem.
While thla hta ... lIh the we.en·,
pbiJo.ophlrol nal\J,e. th .... i,
true wb.n 11 romel 10 technology.
They ju.1 ron't gel thel. minds
ltfOUnd gadgeta and t<:>ois beyond
tbtirown prDgreulevel. which Weren Ima le & fi!male1
l,an"lot .. 10 a limitation concerning
AI we'en loin th. ga lacti c commu-
nity. they ,ake tb, rol.s of soldier$, ___ Minimum Ability Scorr - -
mef(:~morie •• bodyguard., or even 5TH DEX CON INT WIL PEn
=- heavy laborers. M(III:t bumans or.
= glad 10 have them .ervlng in 'bOM
Combat Spec
11 9
9 11
capacilie_provlded tbey romaio on
the humolll" side. Frue Agent 11 9
Tech Op 9 11

- "
HUMAN Mlndwalher' 9 9
• Detailed In Chapter '4: P.donlc~
In Ihe ALDllllm game, membeul 01
Ihlt human lS!)9Cies come in 0 vgriely
of "heldM. li7.eS, ond body typel. bUI with It. are detailed In Chapter /of:
they all look l ik e ' he peoplo a round ::I ~
In Older 10 quality to. inclu.lon In
"' I:AREER a protellion. a he lo mUll meet mini·
Special Ablllt.les A COleel exp._s the sum 01 a mum .equlrement,in cerloin Abllily
~ SkU/Bonus: A" a by-puxluet of h,rl,l'. tolenlS and training In a one- Sco.e •. Th_ nocella.y LICOrel ale
thel. anotom lcol versatili ty and their a. two-wo.d labe l. Corea •• Include su mm arized on T"sIX PI: PRon:s.<llOH
cul1ulol diversity. humons in the A1' ,uch desclipti"e litle .. a. bouu ly RooulllDlDml. When you commit you.
tt:IINtTY gome begin with 5 mo••• kill hunter. medtech. ambauador. and he,O 10 being 0 member 01 a prole.·
point. thon members of o ther me.cenary. sian. you must be willing to abide by
spe<:io- do, and are allowed to slor\ III most co.... II II s ynany· Ihese requi remen ts during Ihe nex t
with one mO.e b lood ,kill. TAilLf. PS: maul with a he.a·, d.ama tic occupa · "tep of Ihe hero aeation process (01'
H£Ro STAIITING SmL Potrrn; on page 34 tIon (whol he doe. when h,·.ln- signing Ability Sco.n).
give. the number 01 " kill point. (lod .. ol.. ed in on a d ventu.e). Chapler 6: Each protelsion ollelll .pecio.!
the mo"imum number of broad "kill. Sample Co,ee •• provid81l BOrne pOI' benefitl to its members. In mOIl
tha I a . tarli ng hero con have. baaed Ilble choices. but you',e nOllimited COBes. you will need to reler back 10
on hi" or her intelligenCi! I~re. For a 10 the caree.s Ihat are b riefly de· Ihe deBCtlplions 01 the ... benefil. nl
human he.o. \nclecll" Ihose numbell .aibed Ihe .t). You cao aeate on or1g. BOme lOler paint In the herOCleollan
by ~ and ] . ..... pecti .. e]y Inal co.eer. 01 long alII meelS the proceu; lor Insto~. your be.o·, ac·
app.o .. al of youl Gamemalle r. lion check BCOTe iuc.oose i. loken
Hls1:ory In the comp lete hero crootlon Inlo account aiter his action chec k
The hillory 01 humanity,~ well docu- p.ocess. chaa.i ng a COlee. doe,n't IOOTe is determined 1_ page 38).
menled and d.,..n·1 need 10 be .... diClale Ihe exa ct skill. you mUll as· When you· .. e decided whal p.ofes·
peoled here. For Ih' purpoae. ollh,,, . Ign 10 your he.o. The coree .. d .... lion you. hero belongllo. wrile Ihat
.dence fiction rolep laying game. scribed in Chapter 6 ~nlaln skill iniolmat ion in the opp.oprlote space
twO event~ will ~me to pan in hu- .uggell;ons that 0 '03 app.oprlate for neal the top of the hero sheet.
man it y·. futu.e: The .peeie. will de- the co.eer ~ncepl. But you make al l
..elop Ih, me<:m. 10 elqxmd beyond the linal choices 0" 10 wh ich skills
it" bomeworld and colonize Ih.lOlo. your hero has. as explained la ter in COMBAT !iPEC
system And evenlually it wll\ be- the creali on p.acen. ComOOI Specs .ely on phYlical pow
come capable oltloveling beyond When you· .. e .atlled on a word or e. ond endu.ance to , upp]emenl
lhe BOJar ~Ylliem and 81IlabH"hing a short ph.o.. Ibal de-=rlbes your their training in battl, tochnlque •.
~mmuomes 01 human. in ather Ih:u helo·. C(1Teer. write that inlormalron TheM walTio'" are walking a .... na1.
system •. in the appropria te " pace neol the lap who emp loy both lechnology o ud
of the heta s heet. their own bodlell os weapo"" In the
Filling Out: purllult 01 their chosen p.oleuton
t.he Hero !iheet. 4~ PICK A Special Benefits
After you· .. e decided what speeies .. ActIon Check Score Increa .., A
your hero belongs to. write Iha t
PROFE!i!iIOI\l Comba t Spec's action check scale 11
name In the appropriate p]or::e near Once you've aSSLgned a career to incteasecl by 3 points.
the lap of tbe hero Iheel.1I you r hero you. hero. you need 10 tigure out .. Siluotlon Bonus: Choose one
i. a member of on alien .. peele •. whicb p.otession Ihat belongs specia]ly s kill bom among those lisl'
move dawn to Ihe ~Gome DoIO~ box to. All of listed in Chop· ed under these b.ood 'kills: Armor
noo. th' baltom ol lhe shea l and jet ter 6 a re cloolly grouped under one Operallon. Unarmed Attack, Heavy
down BOme notes obau l your hero's of the lou. basic proto..lons: Combat Weapons. Modem Ranged Weapons.
special obililiell m the ~pace pro.. id- Spec. Diplomat. Free Agenl. ond Melee Weaponl, and Primitive
ed. The,,'s nol eno.ugh room to go Tech Cp. ThelG p .olenions are ex- Ronged Woopons. Thot Gp8Ciolly
in to a ]01 of detail. bUI the .. nolOIl p\olned below. (The Mindwolker p ro· "kill's baH situ allan die im pro .."

30 willlGrve as .eminder •. tes~ion. and BOme C(lTeell asroocia too from +dO 10 -<14

DipLomal' are negotiator., polihool
6111'1_, managerl, d~l·makeIS, and
CUI)' others wha UN inlelachon skills
cmd. pellOnal resolve to OCC(lmplish =
\beil jobs. They specialize in gelling
tblllgidone through bargaining.
"-cIted di8CUsaion. and IVen guile.

Special Beneflbi
Check Score Increase: A
I> A~tfon
Diplomot'. action chec k &core is in-
creosed by I point.
• Con tQ~t. or Re.ourees: A Diplo-
ZD<II,tol ls with contact. Or leSOUI<;es
QI delCJibed In the Gumemastel
GUIde. Your Camemaster will inform
JOUf;>! Ih.e detaiitl of Ihi. benefit.
I> Secondary Prof.... ion: All Diplo-
_ have a knQCk forleaming olher
l1ill.,o Itdl back on when dilCWl-
sian and negotiation lail. Select a
IICOnd prol",ion, YOUI hero can
purc:holle ,kill.lrom tha t profession
lor list plice I In.tead ollis! plica.
(See "?urchaae Skill." on page 34 lor
mo.e InlormQlion.J

free AgElnll arlllroubleshOOlers or
fieLd operatIve. who rely on agility,
IIltuilkm, and their natural resolve 10
gtI 0 job done They may hove ties to
Q lpacific government or organize·

tiDD, bUllhey work betl er alone or in

110011 group. than thllY do 01 units in
a Iolge Iorce.

Special Beneflt:s
I> ACllon Chile" Scorll lnctoKl'se: A
fr.. Agent'. action check learll i, in·
tr.aMd by 2 polnll.
I> Relb!Qnce Bonus: Choose one
Ability cmd Improve ill resillionce
~iliel by latep. For example. if
JOIIcbao&e Will for your hero who
lmo Will KOleol I I.thot Ability',
_Ionce modifier lmpravellirom +1
st.p(the penahy on any opponent's
IX1lonlogaln,1 him) 10.2 Bteps.
" LQ.t Relort 80nuI: FUNI Agent
beree.ltart ploy with a numbe r of
laJt rOllOrl poin t, buaed on their Per·
_nllty KOrel, but their maximum
it increc.oo by I ·60 that a Flee
Agent hero with 0 PER KOle of 12
baoo maximum of 310lt resort
pOlnlllnltead 012. Also. a Flee
Agent con lpend 2101' resort paints
1001101 on oction inllead 01 the
1lIII011 point

Tech 0.,. OrO operative, {or "0"'"'0<
Ihort) accomplished in the " .. 01
!ier (lOCI TABU: P2: Rc!Isr<\.lolCE MODI-
1lERS) is appJ\4OtI 10 the action of an
opponent who tries to target a hero
with 0 melee weopon or an unarmed

high-tech equipment or • .-claUs's
= hained to t:rlKlle Or maintain high-
Strenglh, along wilh Dexlerity. d.
t8(:h equipment. They .ely On natural
termine, a hero', combat movement
genius. ogililY. and expert !Ioinlng,
a. well ollhe benelit. 01 their tech. rate. (See TABU: P8: COMBAT MOVDtOlT

nologlcal deYi~B. E:rompiel 01 Tech
Op ca'ee" include technleian •. -ei-
HAns and Ihe aCcompanying texl on
page 39.)

= enti'lt. pilot., ond m&diool doc101'I.

AI.a, 0 hero's Strength acore hili a

5peclal Beneftu
dirfICI booTLng on how 10. he COn
throw objects; _ poge ';)7 in Chapter
= II> Aerlon ehed Score ' ncrea•• , A
3: HerON in Action.
Tech Op', action check .core illn.
crooaed by I point. Dexterity (DEX)
II> ACl;elen::rled Leorni ng' Every
Dexlerity indicates a hero', physical
lime (I Tech Op hero l&<lehes a new
agility, coordination, and reflexes.
Qchievement level. h.e receive. the
ThislCOre ..rves as the basis for 011
ulual numbarol.kill pointa pl"a
Dexlelity-bgaed skills.
elCira ,kill po,nts depending on Ih.
Dexlerity. along wilh Inlelllgenc.,
level he JUI' .eachad:
affect. a hero's action check ICOr•.
(See "Action Check" on page 38.1
Skill Polnta
Dexlerity, along with Strength, de.
termlne. a he .o·1 cambat move men'
2-S 1 tate. (See T.uu: P8: CoMBAT Movl:M£N'T
&-10 2
HAns and the accompanying text on
11-15 3 poge 39.)
21. •
A hero's Dexterity resistance mod.
lfier (lOCI T.uu:: P2: RESl$TAIICE MODI-
llERS) il applied to the action of on

5 ~ A!i!illil\l opponent who trIes 10 aUoclr a hero

wilh 0 heavy weapon Or a ranged
ABILITY weopon.

Every hero (and overy other charac-
ter in the compaign setting! hn. lix
Abilitl... Tluee a! the~tumgtb, Conl.ilution Is an indicotion of a
Dexter ity, and Constitution_lep... hero'l physlcol !ltne.. and generol
Hnt a bero's physical nature, ond health. Thl. ICO •• HrvH as the basil
tbe other, Will, lor ali Con.Utulion_balWKi skill •.
and Persanallty-descrlbe biB men. ConstitutIon. along with Will, de·
to! makeup, termines the number 01 aclions a
In this s tep 01 the hero creoUon hera con perform In a round. (See
proceu, you will assign a number 10 TAflI£ P7; AC110IIS P£R flOUlIDand the
each Abilily. The higbe. his Ability accompanying lext on page 38.)
Score, the more proficient a he.o il This sear. also Indicates a hero'.
when uling that Ability or when durability: A h.racon withstand a
using skilll associoled with it. number of poin1l a! .tun and wound
damage equal 10 hi. Can.titution
scare. and a number of points 01 mar.
!itrength I!iTH) 101 and fatigue damage 9qU(lI to half
St.englh mealures a hero's phy slcol his Consli tu1ion ~ r e. rounded up.
power. This acore serves as the bg,il Constitu1ian doesn', have a resis.
for all Strength-based s kills. tance modlfl.r, 01 mOlt other Ability
A high Slrength score provldel a Score. do. InSlead. Constitution Is
benulto the damage a hero In mctl used actively, allowing heroes to
when making an unormed attack, make foot ch.,h and Ilkill checks to
using a melee weopon. or using a reSist harmful eUeets.
thrown weapon. (See TABU: P9:
Snu;r<(lTIl AND DAMAGr: on poge 40.)
32 A hero's Strongth resistance modl-
Hero's _ A b i l i t y "iO:lIn'! ........

Frillal 4-11
4-10 9 -IS
9 _ lIi
4 - 14
4 _ 15 =
Meo:halus 8-14 4_14 6 -14 7-15 6 -Ii! 4 -Ii! ..-.
!iesheyan 6 - Ii! 7 -15 4-10 4 _Ii! 9_15 4 _ Ii!
4 -Ii!
B -Iii
4 -131
4 -Ii!
4 -131
4 - Ii!
In1:I!lIigl!ncI! (ll\In Personality Examples of' Ability
(PERl Score Assignment
InleUigence is an Indicator of a hero'"
• Example I; Dave creates a
mental quiclmeBH and loorning abili- Personality indicates a hero's social human Free Agent hero with the fol-
ly, This SCO.e .... rv,," aB th" basis 10. abilities and charisma. This soore lowing scores: STR 9, DEX 12. CON
alllnlelligence·bas9<l skills. serves as the oosis lor all Pe.sonaH· IO.INT 12. WIL 9, PER 9. This hero 101·
Intelligence is particularly impor· ty-oos9<l skills. lows all the rules.
lant to eve.y he.a be<;ouse it deter· Personality determines how many • Example 2: Michele creates a
minelthe number 01 b.oad skills last resort points a hero starts play mecholus Tech Op he.o with the 101·
lind specialty skllls he begins his 00' with. and how many he can have at lowing scores: STR 7. DEX 9, CON 6.
IBer wilh, and how many points he any time thereafter. (See TA81.E 1'6' INT IS. WIL 13. PER 10. This hero
receives with which to L.o.sT RE:soRT PoINTS and Ihe accompa- meets the prolessian requirement.
Ihose skllls. (See "Purchase Skills' nyinq lext on JXlqe 38. plus "Lasl Re· bUI violates Ihe mechalus species
lin page 34.) sort Poin ts' on page 59 in Chopre' 3, limits fa. Strength and Will.
Intelligence. along wilh Dexlerily. Heroes in Action.) No/e, The Gamemosler Guide pro-
all&cts a hera's action check score. Personality doesn't have a .esis- vides guidelines lor alternale meth·
!See "Action Check" an page 38.) ta nce modifier. as most other Ability ods 01 he .o creation. including difler-
A helo'sln lelligence resistance Scores do. Instead. Pe rsonality is ent ways 01 de termining Ability
modifier (Gee TA8LE P2: RE:SISTANCE us9<l aclively. perhaps in an allempl Soores.
Moorm:JlS);s applied to the action of 10 befriend a would·be enemy before
onopponent who tries 10 deceive or that character can harm or hinder a
Irick Ihe he.a (by using the Decep- hero. Sa ... Determine
bon skill alone of ils specialties). Options
Determining If you . Gamemaster allows you to
Will (WILl Ability §cores use the optional rules for crDOting
Will measures a hero's mental fortl- mutant heroes. and you wanl to have
tude and intui live capacity. This To determine your hero's Abilily such a charaeler. refer to Chapter 13:
ICOr" serves as the basis for aU Will- Scores. you assign points to each Mutants and follow the steps de·
boMdsktlls. Ability. You gel a total 0160 points to scribed the.e for determining your
Will. along with Constitution. de- divide among the sil< SCOreS, hero's mulations.
tormines Ihe number 01 actions a A few rules apply when aSSigning If any of thOll8 mutations have a
hero con perlorm in a round. (See points to Abilities. as detailed below. permanent efleet on your hero's Abil-
T.uu:P7: ACTIONS Pf:II ROUND and Ihe ity Scores, increase or decrease the
IIccompanying text on page 38.1 Profi!sslon Minimums affected scares now belore proceed-
Your hero's soores must conform to ing with Ihe resl 01 the hero creation
A hero'. Will reSistance modiller
(&ee TOLE P2: RE:S~TAtlCE MOD!F1El\SJ is
the minimum for Ihe profes- process. (As el<ploined In Chapter 13.
applilKi to the aclion 01 an opponent sion you've select9<l. These mini· it is possible fa. a mutant hero to
mums are given in TABLE PI: PltOF'ES- hove Ability Scores thai go beyond
who tries 10 use II men tal auack
againsl him (soo Chopret 14: Psion· BION RooutREMOfTS On page 30. the minimums and maximums lor
icrl. or who tries to employ certain humans.)
I'Ilr""naHty-basad skills such as En-
Species Limits LIkewise. if you are allowed to use
!enainment. Interaction, and Leade.· For human heroes. every Ability the rules forcybemetics. reler 10
ship. Thi. resistance modiHer also Seo.e must be assigned a value no Chapre! 15: Cyberrech and determine
lower than 4 and no higher than 14. whether your hero will be equipped
helpll a hero loil a ttempts to use Ihe
Stealth skill against him. The minimums and mal<imums for with cyber gear 01 the Slort 01 his ca-
alien he.oes are ohen different from reer. (As explained in Chapter IS. il
Ihis lange. II you are creating On is possible for (I hero with cyoor gear
alien hero. you must abide by the installed 10 have Ability Scores Ihol
ranges given 10. that speci"s on go beyond the minimums and maxi-
TABU: P3: ABILITY ScoRE LIMITS. mums for his species.) 33

..... H .. ro' .. Related Ability SCOrl!

!Opec I .. '!!!
Vehicle Up
Wit P'R
A",'arene!'l'!!l Int .. rartion
Fraal Vehicle Up Knowl .. dg .. "',,,,arcnes!'! Interaction

........ Mechalu5 Athletics Vehicle Up 5umlna Knowledge

An .. renelOs

Comp o '!iel .

= S .. sh .. yan M ..I.,..,. Wpns Acrabath: s 5tamlna Knowtedg .. A'. " .. ren ...... Interaction
T's .. Athleth: .. Manlpldat:lon Stamina Knowledge Awarenes!I Interaction

Were" Athletil::s 5tamlna kno,,,"ll!'dge A."'ilrene .... Interaction

Unanned Attack

The aupplemenla l .... ro .h"1. you'll 0110 need to .eler to Chaprer II> The pUlchase 01 a specialty
printed just ahead 01 the hero ,heel J4; Psionic", whore the Mindwalker skill gives U hero a rank 01 I in that
Clilhe back 01 thia book. i8 d ... lgned profeulon and the varioul psionic s kill. Tod.'ermine a specialty skill
to hold allth .. impQrlanl in format ioD skills are described. score, add Ihe skill runk 10 Ihe <UIIIO-
oboU1 a hero who ia created using elated Ability Scor. (Ability Sco.e •
any 01 the optional rulea. ,kill rank. skill scole).
Obt:ainlng §km!i II> At. nown on T.uu: P19: SIIU.l..tsT
FIlling Out: All heroes receive s i. broad skill. for In Chapter 4; Skill. (pages 64 and 65),
the Hero Sheet free; these are listed on TABLE P4: every skill hOB a proles.ion code Ihat
Aller you've de<:lded. what all 01 your fR£E BROAD SklU.$ FOIl Hf.IIO[S lor each Identifiel which prolession(I)lhe
he.o'l Ability Scoral are, writ. down type 01hero, humon o. alien, you can skill is mOllt closely lelaled 10, and
the numberlln the "Score" column. creale, (Note th at one of the free defines how many poinls a hero of a
Divide each ICOre in hall (rounding brood ,lrill. lora Iraoi hero i" Telep- c.rlaln profossion must poy 10 PUI-
down if n_nary) and wrilelhol athy, a psionic ,kill thai'. described chose it. five proleulon codal are
number in Ihe 'Untroined" lperce. in Chaple. 14,J used on the skill1!sl: one jor BOch of
Then lind Ihe resistance modUler lor To determine how many poin" the fOUl ba"lc prolesaions, plul an
each ICOr. on TABIL P2: RlS/$'TANC£ you, hero receiVal to purcha... addi- Open category. Some 11<1111 have
MOD/f1tI\S and put that ;n the appro- tiona l skills, lind youl hero's Intelli· mOre Ihan one prolall;;on code: lot
priat. space beneath "Res. Mod: gence ICOle on TABLE P5: HEllO SrART-
ING SXIU. POll~1l'I. Thi" table IhOWI the
number of skill point" a Itart ing hero
6 ~ PURI:HA.!iE is a lLowed 10 'pend and the maxi- TABLE PS:
mum number of broad "kUl" a Ita'l- HERO !iTARTINIi
!iKILL!i ing helo may purchan, based on hil !iKILL POINT5
Thl. II the mo.t lime-consuming Intelligence SCOre. (He can purchase
I tep in the hero creation procell,
and In many ways the mO!lllmpor'
tant one. AI you go through thil
s"p, you will need to refe . ollen 10
fewer brood 'k ills Ihan Ihe ma.l-
mum number it desired, free broad
skilll don'I count against Ihi. rna"i·

Chapter 4: Skills, where you'll lind Other ,ule. concerning the pur- 5 ~o ~
lull informa ti on an how skills are chan of skills fOI a starling hero are 6 ~5 3
uaed, whal sorlS ol lkills a begin· asfollowl: 7 3D 3
nlng helo o:;zn obtain, ond how ~ A human hero receive,S more
many points your hero must pery to skill poin ls Ihon the numbe r given B 35 4
acquire a certain skill. This is also on Table PS, and is allowed 10 pur- 9 40 4
,h. chapter where the s kills or. de- chaM one mar. broad ,kill Ihon the 10 45 5
sc ribed , 10 you can read about th e slated mo.imum. 11 50 5
benefitl a Ikill provides belo.e de- II> A hero mUllt purchase a broad 55
1~ 6
ciding whether 10 acquire illor your 'kill before he con seleet any of Ih.
specIal ly 'kill, rela lecllo I\. (free
13 60 6
JI your Gamemalter i. allowing brood skills are considered to have 14 65 7
Ihe use 01 the optional rulel lor psi- been purchased. 10 a hero can selecl 15 70 7
onles and you are creating a charac- any 01 the llpeclal ly IIkilllrelated to 16 75 B
34 ter who has spe<:ia l mental abilities, them.)



,"ample, the Survival broad .kl11 \s because Ihe "kill illle Laled 10 the Ihe lisl p,ice -/, beeau.. the ape-
.. Ioled to both the Combat Spec and Free Agent proleulon). cially akl ll i8 01,0 re lated to the Free
F, profoBBiollll. Then he buy. rank 3 in th e Aero- Agent profession), 5 poln tl 101 I(lnk 2
.. The coel 01 a skill in the Open balics-de/en.ive marlial atl. ape- (liSI ptice -/ plu a 1 additional poinl
cmegory. 01 a skill thaI's not .elated dally Iklli. ooleulaling Ihe Call 0.11 lot the curren t ronk 01 I), and 6
IOJOUf lwuo', profession, I. the num- followa; <I pomtl 101 .ank I (thia 1.11 poln ta lor rank 3 (lilt ptie. _I plus
'*' lIhown on the skill list. Thielarlt-
ImOO taos the /isl price.
.. The cot! ci (I skill thot IS related
klJOU. hero'. profauian il equal \0 1
",int lell than the number shown on
!be .klll USI. Thill is mlerr8d 10 08 Ihe
Iirlpflce-I .
.. A 1I0iling bero can pUfcha .. as
mony 01 three ranks in 0 sp.-ciolty
ibn The coello. Ihe.....:ond ronk I.
"1""110 the list pllce- or Ihe lis' ptice
-I plu.!he akill'. cunent rank. So.
tMCOIIl 10 purchase a skill 01 rank 2
itlbe .onk I pike (/isr Pllce 01 lis'
prke -I) plua I (the skitl'. (umlnt
rankl The eol' 10 purcholle CI ,kill ot
rtmI: 3 il tbe rank 2 price (I,.t P'lc:e
_20111.\ price .1 x2} plu. 2 (the
skill'lcurren t rank) .
• C%tfrnpJe: Dave wanls hi. bu-
llIOn rr" Agent hero(aee ••(lmpl, I
owIer "Examples 01 Ability SeQ., A,,-
r!jjnment" on page 33) to be a maaler
alt~ morlla! arlB.
filsi he purchases the Aerobatics
broad Ikill ior 6 poin la (list p'ice -I,
an additional 2 pOint. fa. the CUT-
ten! rank).
Next he pich up Unarmed Atlack.
an Open .kill, lor S points. and h.
lini.he.lbi. part 01 hi •• kill ..lee-
lion by pun::hollng ran k:1 in powe,
malllal orIs lor another IS pointe (~ +
eventl thol O<:cUr during the caur..
of 0 campaign.
.. Every perk hoe a OOfIt in .kill
poin l. Ihal mUll be paid. either with
tha Ikill poinl. a hero rec.ival baHcI
on hillntelligence ICOre. Or with th.
poinl. ha receivel by lal&<;ling a
5 + 6, the Borne ollar defensive mar-
fioJ o.r. because lhilspecialty 01.0
flaw (... below).
fla~ are dillOdvanlagu tbat con
hoi (J Ii" price of Sand il rela ted 10 enhance roleploylng and give Ihe
the Free Agen t prol...ion). Gomemostar s lory Ideal tor your
= Purchoaing Ihe •• skill. lot hi. ha.o. Full detail. on flowl are given
hero hOI 00tI1 41 o f the 60 poi nt. Dave in Chapter 5; Pe,'" &: fI~. The 101·
lowing rule. apply 10 lIaw.:
= hal avaUable. but h. ronald,"1t (I
line Investment-Ihi' hero i .. (II good • A hero con be given up to three
a t mart ial arts 01 a beginning char- !lows olthe lime of cha racter cre-
acter oon be, and .UIl has 19 points. at ion. The Gomemaller may 0110 aa-
left to uae lor other .kills. .ign !law. 10 0 hero a.. Ihe compoign
Filling Out • Selecting a !law doasn'l COil 0
me Hero 5heet: hero any ,kill pointl. Instead, each
Init;cdly.lfs a good Idea to use a sep- now carri.. wilh It 0 number of be>-
arot••heet of papfl' 10 jot down the nua Iklll pointlollOCialed with It II
skill, you wonllO purch.... cmd the a toke, a Ilaw. he receivellhe
COIJI of each one. because you may appropriata number 01 points to
find you".U chongi ng you r mind a spend during chafoctar croolion. in
few lime. during ,hi. slep. addition to tha poinl. ha .eceive. as
When you're flnlahed deciding 11"1 not necelllO"ry to. you to imme- a re.ull at hilintelligence lCOle.
everylhing. u .... Ih. back aid. at Ihe dia tely uN every Ikill POlDt Ihat .. Roleploying a flow con 0110
hero .heet to record your hero'•• klU your he.o Is enlliled to spend. Be earn a hero bonus OChlavemanl
score. and the rank he possel..S in aware. however. that you con only pointl 01 the and at sama adventures
ooch .peclolly skill he hal acquired. .pend .to.ed .kill painll between (sae Choprer 8; Achievements).
(Note thai the "Ronk- column only adven tu •••. ond ofte. your hero her.
contalnsspac.. to be liUed in lor oitoined 0 n.w achiev.m.nt I.vel: Filling Out
specially skills. because b,OOd skills you COn'l decide 10 give YOUT he.o 0 t:he Hero Sheet:
don't have ronkl.) new skill while an adventure III When you·v. decided whal parh
The lpace in.ide bracketl oppa- going on and flows (if ony) your hero hal. mt
lite .ach Ikilil. meant to hold three outlhe oppropriate IPOCes iMide th.
numbera. From lell to righl. th..e "Gome Doto" box near the battom oj
are: 7~ !iELECT the he.o Iheet. ln addition to tb.
• The hero'l skllllCOre. For a
brood IkllI. Ihil number II equal 10
PERK!i &. name 01 each park or now. you may
olsa have loom 101 lOme .hort note.
the allocialed Ability Score. Fa. a FLAW!i aboul their game elfectl.1l you don't
specialty skill. this numbe r ill Ihe pick enough perkl and flawllo uae
Pe rka ond Ilawl p.ovid. advontog.1
sum 01 the assocloled Ahilily Score up thl. IpaCO. you may want 10 pUI
ond disodvon tages to lhe hero they're
and the hero', rank In Ihat skill. lOme other information here In.,eod.
• The IIldlllCOre divided by 2 outgned to. No hero il required to
purchase a pa.k or salect 0 tlaw.
(rounded down).
.. Th. skill score divided by 4 Ped" are advantagel that can .n-
hance roleplaying and give lpacial
(rounded down).
Iniormotion on how these
bonusas. Full details on perks Ofe ATTRIBUTE!i
given in Chapte.S: Pert, &: r1aw.s.
numbera cue used wos given in RolaplaYLng ottrlbulel help lurlh • •
Chaprer I: Fost·Play Rules and is The following rul •• apply to perks: define and develop a haro. providing
• A pl ayer can purchale up to
01110 delolled 01 the beginning 0 1 plenty of inspi'ation \01 good role·
th r.. perk. for hi. hero at the lime at
Choprar J: Heroes in Action. playing. Good rolaploying 01 these
character creation. If you elect not to attrlbutal lhould be a gool of every
Skill Polnbl Spent purchase 0 perk Or perh fa. your ALTE:P.Nm playar. ond ,uch ploy can
hero ot Iha lim e ot creat ion. you will
and Stored Ilill have on oppotlunity to pu.cho1l9
avan earn bonus achlaveman t points
Two places o.e provided on rhe irani from time to lime (_ Chapter 8:
cortoin perks o. your chorac lar 01-
01 Ihe hero sheel for you to .eco.d the Achievements). Th. varioullypea at
number of .kill poiDI. you've .pent toinl hlghe. ochiavemant lavall. 01 al1ribules a.e daacribed in Choprer
d..cribed in Chapte' 8: Achieve-
.n cr8CIting or improving your hero. 7: Arrdbules; each cotagory I, brleny
ments. II"I oleo po8sibla. at the
and the number ol lkill points your discussed balow.
GomemoSlar'l discrallon. lor your
36 helo hOI earned thot haven't yet
been lpent.
hero to receive a perk becauae ai
Malivgtion i, a hero', defining pur-
pose, the reaSOn he does whal he
does. A hero may have any number
mlesser mollvallons. and other mati-
ootians will ceTlainly develop as a
oompaign progresses. but every hero =
DeedS n primary motivation 10 build
Think 01 your hero's primary moli - ~
.atian as the purpose he's dedicated
his life la, nr an incidenl in his past
thai hns shaped his outlook and be- =
havior 10 Ihis point. It you can incor-
porate this mOlivali(m inlo the play
of your hero, the Gamemaster may
(lword your hero bonus achievement
points atlhe end 01 On adventure.
Every hero 5hould select a motiva-
tion during the creation process.
There's no coe\. bu t only One should
be ChOlien.

Moral Attit::ude
Moral altitude rellecta a hero's per·
I0Il01 valuee-what he believes and
tho way in which he tries to live his
life. A moral altitude isn"t a rigid
code of conduct; it's a benchmark for
plg:y. Becaur;e a hero represents a
perllOJl with free will. a moral atti-
tude oon somettmes be benl or set
aaids as the situation demands,
IIowever. a hero who never follows
bis moral altitude Or blatantly and
Olnstantly 0<;t8 against it risks los-
lag ochievement points that otber-
wise would have been earned during
an adventure. Converr;ely, incorpCI-
lilting Ihis roleplaying attribute into
the play of your hero can earn you
bemUB achievement points at the end
01 lOmB adventures.
Every bero should select a mOlal
attitude during the character crea-
tion pror;eu. There's no cos\. but only
(ln8 should be chosen.

[harartl!r Trait::s
Character troils further define a
hero', personality through the use 01
dHCriptive labels. These labels are
m&ant to provide direction as to how
!h. hero is roleplayed, not to limit a
hero', actions. Incorporating a hero's
!rollllnto play can earn bonus
Qchtevement points at the end of
$Ollie adventures.
Every hero may select up 10 two
cillIlOcter traits during the creation
p!ocen, There's no cost for selecting
charader traits.
Tech Up Heroes 37
3: Heroea in Actran lor lull detgi\s).

2 Filling Out

....= 'the Hero Sheet: TABLE P6: LAST The r"uit of on aClion check deler-
Mohvalion. moral attitude. and cben- mine, when a hero geilia act in a
aete, IrOlla me all meant 10 be re- lound, The hlghe' a hero's a cllon
corded in ,h. "Attributes" apoe. neo r
PER Ma. CO_, chock ~ore. the gleatel his potentiol
10 oct quickly
= the lop 01 the hero sheet. You may
7 Dr le§!I a To tlgure OUI your hero's aCllan
have to UI" a shortened lorm 01 your
hero's motivation il you doo', ha ve
enough loom \0 write oul everything
•• •• check 1IC(lr6, lollaw these &'e~'
.. Add your hero', Delllerily and
Inlelllgence KOre. ond divide by 2
<= In lull. 13-14
'--' 15. 4 (rounding down!.
.. Add the achon lCOle increa...
for you r hero', profe.. lan to the reo
~ On Ihe lable, Ihe "Max" column sull. Thil il you r hero'. ocrion check
= THE HERO gives the bighesl number qllalt ,e-
IIOrl points a character wllh a celtain
.. On Ihe hero 6htNtt write Ihls
SHEET Personality IJ(:Ore can have 0 1 any number in Ih e "Ordinary" space be·
The important decision-maki ng ia time. This is alllO Ihe numbel oll r_ nealh Ihe wornl -Action Check
out althe W<;I)' al lhis point, but your IgBI relOll polnls thaI a hero begins Score." In the "Cood" space, write
hero shoo! atill hO I a lot 01 plm::.. wllh, The "COB' " colum n lisls the Ihe numbor divided by 2. ond In thll
.hal need \0 be filled in Proceeding number 01 skill poinls a hero co n -Amazing-space. wlite the number
rough ly from lOp to bottom and lell ' o spend between gdvenlures to buy a dIvided by 4 (rounding down In both
right, he.e Clle guide linn and In- last 'e,orl poinl to reploce one he co,,"), To the left ol lhe plu. ,Ign in
s tructions for Ihe Ipc,,;eathat remain. has uaec\. the "Marginal" spoce, wrile the num-
On the herosheel, write lhe ma:ti· ber Ihat'. I g rea ler than your helo's
mum numoo, lor yom hero in lhe action chock acore. In Ihe Bpace 10'
Hero'!i Name Ipxe immediately following "La.1 Re- beled "Die: write "-d4- if yO\lr hero
What', in a nom.? In fiction. (I char-
acter's name lell, (I 101 about the
torts," The small bolles 10 the lighlar<;l is a'·so. Dr" .dD" olhlltwlse,
rneanllO mdicate how mcmy 1a sl reo Who! these number. mean was
character and help. establish a men- .an points your helocullenl]y has brilltly discussed in Chapter I; ralTl'
tal pic'u,. of him. For example. nom- «veri lable, (Five bou.a re provlded, Ploy Rul .... and IS covered in detail in
ing (I hero -Lizard" mg.kes you think beam.. II's ponib]e foro Free Agent Chaprer 3; Heroes in AClion,
of od}eelives oaaocioted wit h luch hero .0 have thaI many ](1);1 resort
creatu.ea-quick. dea dly, emotion· poin t.,) Blacken any boxes that doa'i
\e ... slimy, sneaky, untrustwor,hy, apply, and put chock marks in Ihe Actions per
Kary, Naming a hero "Wa ll" has dlf· open boxes whenev~" your hero uses a Round
leren! conno!ollons-nobl., hunter. lost retlOrt poinl; WJe a pencil here, so A helo·. number 01 (lcllans per round
wild, le ral. SWllt you con erase a check mark when a Is on Indica,or of how of len he con
The name you apply,o your hero new lo:st resorl point i, purchgeed. attempllodo differenl things In a
mlghl teU olhers something a boul "Last Re.or! ea.,: 01 cour .... wwhere given period 01 lim., Todetermine
thai characler, However, your hero's your hero', cael number is moonl 10 go, Ihi' numbe" add your hero'. Consti-
name doesn' t have 10 be a deSGrtp· Baslcolly, laBt resort point. are tution and Wlilacore._ Find the Ie-
live term-cr "normal" name is pel' used when g he ro wanl' 10 Iry 10 suit on TAIll.£ P'1: ACTIOfG Pet RoulCO
lect]y line, ilthal's what you preler ovoid a bod eve nt Or make it more and wrile the numbe r , ha wn In Ihe
like ly thot aomelhing good lor him appropriate lpace on Ihe he,o .h.... t
will occur See "laS! Resort Points"
Player's Name on page ~9 in Chapter 3; Heroes in
How to UI8 this numoor was
briefly discussed in Chaptet); fOSl'
Your nome 11081 on thi s line, so 'hat Acrion lor male \n fo rma tlan. Plc;ry Rules and is covered In detaillD
everyone knows who this hero be- Chapler 3: Heroes rn Action,
IOnQ1l l0, You don't have to give thl.
one much tho ug hl, since you're prob- §etting
ably .,uck wilh the name you were The Gamemaller delermines who!
born wllh letting you. hero play. in Wllte the
name 01 the selling here. TABLE P7:
Gender ACTlol\Is PER ROUND
II your hero male o r femo;\e7 W,lle Gamernaster
your choice on thIs line Write in Ihe nome 01 the Gamemas· CON Action!>
ler who run. the e<>mpalgn your hero • WIL pll!r Round
isa pall 01. B-IS I
Last Re!iorts
11i-i!' e
A hero's Personality 1IC(lle dictates
how many last resort poinl s he has
g t Ihe s ,ort 01 his careel, QJ!l s hown on
Action Check
Every liluation a hero tinds himself

••• •

38 T...w P6'WT R£SORT Poorrs, in i, mode up 01 round. (see Choprer





Autumatlc weapon. can be hazillrdou§ to .OIlleDne el.e'. health

Combat. grell6ion of situotion die Iileps thot Durilbilit:y

makes up the foundation 01 the basic
Muvl!IDent Rates ALTtl1NITY game me<::hanic. How to
How tough is your hero? How much
When 0" hero is engaged in combat use this inlormation wos brieJJy cov- punishment can he Buffer before he
or in any othe r aClivily when time is ered in Chapter I; Fas/-Play Rules lolls unconscious? Hnw much dam-
rneosu,ed In rounds. he uses oombal and islully detailed in Chaplet 3: age does it lake to kill him? These
mcvl!men! 10 get around. There are Heroes in Action. are important questions lor any hero,
""ven diUerenl modes of combat A heto can su Uer lour types of
movement as shown on TAlll.E P8:
To determine your hero"s move·
ment rOles. add his Strength and

De~!erity scOles together ond lind
the appropriate line on the table. 5TR Easy
EDler those number. in to the appro- + OEX Sprint Run Walk 5wlm Swim Glide Fly
priate spaces on the hero sheet. If '-7 •• 4
• 1
• ••
your hero doesn't hove the ability \0
!ly. leave the "Glide" and "fly"
spaces blank.
• -9
1i!-13 .. 10


• .. ..••

......., ..••,. ....

Comba t movement 19 further de-
tailed in Chcrptel 3: Heroes In Acrion.
14-15 14 lD 4 • 4 14
16-17 I. 10 4
• 4

.. ..
Also see the description! althl! ...vim
and /light specialty skills in Chapler 18-19 4
• 4 36
4: Sj,i!ls lor mOTe information on
those modes 01 movement. i!i!-i!3 14
•• 4
.D 4D

!iit:uat:ion Die
.-.5 .4 I. •• 3 6 .4 40

... .. ..••
'~7 I. 3 6 .6

§t:I!PS "'-"9 .0 10 6 3 6 .0 56
This section 01 the hero .hoot doesn't 30-:,11 3D 0 4 0 3D 6•
have spaces that need 10 be filled in. 0 4 0 64
Irs a graphic illuslralion of the pro-

damage d".lng Ihe <,(lUU" of an ad- to y01.l1 hero's "Unarmed" attack AcroOOticll-defensive marfla/ ar,_
venture: .tun, wound. motral. and Ig· form.lMK:au .. all herael hove the specialty IkUI. ".dO" goes he le.
Ugue. All do:mage ill aueued In ability to mcrke on crttcrck withou l .. 11 your hero is a Combat Spec
point., whio;h ore ,ubt'Qcled hom usIng a weapon. In the "Score" col- with on Unormed Attack specla]ty
Ihe numbar 01 point. your characler umn on the "Unarmed" line, write skill. and he has chosen Ihat .kill to
hOI ovO'lJoble, (See ChapleT 3: Heroes down three numbo,s: receive his Ipeciaisituai!on bonus .
in Action lor lull dotoil, on damage .. II yout hero has the Unolmed "-<14" goes he re.
(lad healing.) Attcrck brocrd ,kill and either 01 the .. 11 n ..ilher of the above condi·
... Stun: A hero'. number olllun specialty skill. relcr ted to it (blowl or tlonl i. true, ".d4" goes here
point •• (11110 known as hllllUn .ating. powe/ rno/ticrl ausl. use this spoce to The '"Type" column contalnl the
I. equal to hi. Constitution .core. rllCOrd you. h.rO·llICore. In the spe- entry "LIIO: "U" "ands lor "low im-
Write that number in the .pace next cialty .kill, IUlt crl they are wrillen pact: This foct Is used In conjunc·
to "51\111." Th, boxe8 be"lde this on the back side 01 the hera sheel. tlon with armor rolings (1180 below)
number aT. uaed to record domoge .. II your hero has the Unarmed to determine whether a (orgel's
.uUnreel during an adventure_ See AUcrck brood .kill but doe.n·t have ormor .m.orba crny of the damage
"How 10 Record Du,ablllly: above, either of the lpecialty skllll, put hi. tha!"s caused hy a succesaful attock.
and blacken the unneeded ooxas on Unanned Attack in thll space. "0· stands/or "Ordinary,~ which Is 0
the Itun Hne. .. II )'(lur hcrs neilh.rolthose dellCription of how ellective the ot-
... Wound A hero's number of skills. put his untrained Strength tack form i. again.t objects tho!
wound poinl. (h;s wound ,oring) is ISCOre here and Ilnish the line as you have a certain amount 01 durability.
01110 equal 10 hil Constitution IICOre. did earlier lor ,kill SCOres. (More informa tIon Is given in Chop-
Write thot number In the .pace and In the "80.. l);e" column, write lel II, Weapon. & Alma•. )
blacken Ih. unneeded boxeR. one of three entries: To lill In the "Damage Rating" col-
... Morral, A hero's number 01 mQl- .. If your he.a has either 01 the Un-",! 'efer to TABU: P9: STFU:IIGlH
tg] point" (hi. morlol raring) I. equal armed Attock .pecicrity .kill. or the ,t./W OAMAG&. find the number that
to half 01 his Constitution -=Ole corresponds to your hero's Strength
(rounded up), W.ite thai number in lSCOIe and keep it in mind. Then wri!e
tho spoce nex110 "Mortal" and black- TABLE pg: down one of three sets 01 ligures:
en the unneeded hoxes.
.. fot/9ue' A hero'. number nl fa·
§YREI\IGTH & .. If your hero hos the power ma,-
lia/ arf~ ~peclolly skill, the boH fig-
Ugue points (hi. fatigue lorin9) is DAMAGE ures that go here are "d6.: ~d6.2s:
01150 equglto hall 01 hla Con.titution crnd "d4w: reading Irom ]eft 10 right
score (rounded up). Write that num- 5TR Damage To these figures. add Or subtraclthe
ber In the spoce next to "I'otigl.le" 5r:1lW"e Adju"'ltm~nt ap propria!8 number from TABU: P9:
and blacken the I.Inneeded boxes. 3-6 -1' STFU:IIGnt "tiD O"M"G&' FOI example.
the damage .atlng lor a !Iero with a
Attilck Form!i
II-Iii! .,
Strength lCOIe 01 13 who boa this
specialty skill I, d6.2s1d6.4s1d4.2w.
This il the spoe. that contains balic 13-14 .~ .. II he doesn't have that specIalty
Informollon on the weapon. yol.l' 15-16 .3 Iklll. the 00.. ligures are "d41:
hero 1. carrying. as well os the lig- 17-18 .4 ~dh]s." and "d4.2a." Agcrin, add or
ures you'UI.I8O when hera de-
cides (or Is lorced) to mok. on (lttcrck '9.
• To a minimum of 1
.5 subucrct the appropriate number
Irom T"B!L P9: STl'I.£NGT1I -'tiD OAJUG£

40 using only hil fiSIS.

The fir.t hne has t>.en allocated
to get your hero's damage rating.
.. If your hero is a weren, the bow
figures ruo "d4w: "d4+2w; and stufl.ln such a ca se, this space on in. This is where you keep track oj
'd4m: plus ony Increaso becauso of Ihe hero sheet mighl best be used 10 how many ochievement points he
hlgh slrength as described above. hold 0 lisl oj only those items he has hos earned. and what achievement
on his person 01 any given time. level he has atlained. De tails about
Weapons Ihe Achievemenl Track are provided
All part ot the process ot oUlfitting
PE!r!ional Data in Chcrptel 8: AchIevements. =
fOO l hero. you will most likely want
ICprovido him with 01 least one Space is p rovided in this sec1ion for
You'rE! Done!
woapon. The rules lor acquiring recording some brief bils of personal <"""">
"I"ipmenl are glvo n in Ihe filst parI
oIChapter 9: Goods & Services, and
intormo1ion about your hero. The 10-
bels here ore more or leu self-ex-
Now your hero sheel is filled Oul crnd
your hero is ready 10 begin his ad- =

game statis1ics lor tho various weap-

0" available in the ALn:RtlITY game
plano lory (ask your Gamemasler il
you need clarificotion).
venturing COleel. As time goes by.
SOme of the entries on your in; t; <ll
appear in Choprer I I : Weapons &
Arlllor_ After oxominlng this inlormo-
... Age; Allhough Ihere ore no lirm
rules lor how old a slorting hero has
hero sheet may be<;Qme obsolete, os
your hero U808 achievement painls
lion a nd obtaining a weapon. wrlto to be. you should assume that your he hos earned to pu,chase mare
lhe name 01 the weapon in tho "At- hero is a young adull (unless youl skills. 10 improve existing skills, or
IIXk Forms" column and fill In tho Gamemasler lells you olherwise).lf even 10 improve his Ability Scores.
appropriate in formation lor Ihe item. you're having 1T0ubie coming up As a resull at theso changes. you
Urour hero's weapon is one Ihal with a specific number 10 put in Ih is may wanl to fill oul a !resh hero
11M. ammunition, use tha Hna near space. tho Gamemcrslel Guide can· sheet overy once in cr while. To ollow
!he bottom of tha "Game Data" box to loins in!ormalion Ihol your Game- for thai possibili!y. don't write direct-
ktep track of the number of clips. Or mcrsler can use to help you out. lyon the original hero sheel Ihat"s
bWlets, Or chargos, your hero has. printed at Ihe back oltbi", book.
How weapons are used was briol- Now if. time \ 0 lind out more
1y~lscussed in Chopler I: Fasr-Play
AchiE!vE!ment obout what your hero Can do wilh tho and is explored in detail in Track abilities and skills and char!J<:teris-
C.laprer J I: Weapons & Armor. Your hero earns achievement polnls tics that make him whal he Is. Thrn
for every adventure he participates the page and keep going wilh Chap-
Armor ter 3: Heroes in Actloll.
lila world whar.. most of a
belo·, oppon~nts are likely to have
"A:,Ipons. it's almost euential for
hlm to wear soma IIOrt of armor.
hoilabla armor i, described near
thtend of Chapter II: WIKWOIlS &
Armor. If your hero Is oudilted with
arm<lr. write th .. n<lme of the <lrmOr
here <lnd!iIl in the "U." "HI," <lnd
'En' spaces wilh the appropr\ateHg-
wei for Iho t armor.
The benelits of armOr wore brieUy
del«ib&d in Chapler /: Fcrst·Play
/!Ules and are fully detailed in Chap·
I!r II: Weapon s & Armor.

lnadd!tion to weapons and annor (\l
bepossesBBs such thingsl, your hero
Ilan_ his coreer with some equip-
ment thai will enable him 10 do his
jolI(or perhaps simply enable him to
Slayalive). Full informa tion on how
raur hero acquires equipmenl is giv-
!n in Chapter 9: Goods & Serv;C1.IS,
along- with descriptions 01 the gool
tho;!", ovoi!able. Use Ihe <lppropriate
Ipoce on the hero sheet 10 lisl lha
items thai belong to your hero.
h your halO pUr$ua8 his coreer,
be will obtain more equipment. <lnd
500ner or loler you·ll need 0 sepalate
_beet at paper to keep tr<lck of all his A typica l were" greeting 41
quulion ~Wbal do you do?" is the Iinl lOI gllling In lorIO(llion ocrau
GClme JII(J".r's way 01 <:ailing the hI- ond odva nclng Ihl siory. bu t it Ii n't
lOb to acllon , 10 let them know Ihat a s Involving Or Int imate a. actiag
it's their tum 10 influen<;O:l th l grou p ou t. He re's an e :rampll of no n at ion:
stgry In .orne clIver, interesling, 01 "My hero. lack Eversla r, duch be-
IInuY\lCJ1 mannel, He roes in roleplay· hind a toble ond as ks tbotbroo ten·
ing gu.m .. perform Oellons that ha ve Ing th ugs ll ihey know who he Is.
me<lning, odva nce the plOI, and ge t He'. hop ing to use his c.lebrity sla ,
!bing' done, So, how do you u.llSWe r tU I as a famoul holofilm It en to
the GClmema stl r'1 question? mo kl the th ug. less bOlllile. H. ten,
Th. quick ,npon$fl\a: Any way Ihl m he'll give them oach an auto-
you wan l 10. A hero can do a lmOilt graphed holocube with 0 seene from
<mylhing you can hnagloe. Depend· Loaf Weren in Space il they11 s lop
ing on Ihl s Uuation, il might be logi. lhooti ng ond lei him go,~
col la hon. your b.lro talk, move, u.. Acting out a _ne useaa I lyleof
a skill. operatl a piece 01 equipme nt , loleplayl ng in which a player ,pec ka
u&e a speelol ability, or do anything 0 1 hil hero speah, playing aul 0
.Iae yO\l c<rn thin k 01 tbat_ms a p· scenl "in character," He corrles on a
pl'oprlote a t l hl lime, monologue whe n telling Ihe Game·
For I ..a mpll.l t's appropriate lor a maste r wha t his hero i. doing, and
hera loelng Ilx heavily armed thugs lalk. to Ihe other players' heraelln
10 dive 10 1 CO\l'er, run away, pull his Ihe voice o f his hero. Bul acting out a
s ilu- owa weapon and atla.:k, or eVln try _ne'1 involve 0 player ge l·
to ta lk his way oul 0 1 thl s ituation_It ling up a nd moving around. I t'. all
lln 't a ppropri(lte lor him to n cbang. done at the gaming la ble. a. pari of
phone numbers witb the thllgl, burst Ih. gene ral dilCUlliion and . Ia ry·
ink) IOUII', or IgnOre the tbreat the IlllIng. A playerccm .peak In hi.
thug' paNnt -Wll... thafs a part 0 1 he ra', voice whi le u l ing hi s own
Ibll hero', perlOl'lalily. or thl playe r voice, or hI eon change hi s voice il
has an un us ual p lan in mind. he'llC Incli ned to make it a litt le d il
ferlot when he's playing hi. hero.
Thi. Ityl. gets eve ryone into Iho
What: Do You Dol' Itory but Is ha rder to keep going 10'
Stylel long period. of lime, Here's an ex-
The MCOnd o ipeCI of this quoslion a mple o f acting out a seene:
deedl with you rolher than your hero. "[ duck be hind a lable and call oul
YOU'VI decided on a cour.. of oello o In my bel t pUblic appearance voice,
lor your bi ro. Do you narrate the ae- 'Dem't you people knowwholam?
tlon. or do you ocr oul the scene? I' m lack Eveilio l l ['VI wan Iwa holo-
NarrohoD u ... a style 01 roleplay· li lm awards, and my lasllhr"
Ing In .... blcb 0 p layer IIlb the mavin broke earniog records a ll
GClJnllDOSlel and th. other playel. around the salOl .pteml Hey, how'd
.... hat his he ro II doing, insload 01
. bowlng them. This s tyle wOI'h jus t
you lOCh like to have 0 halocube
WLth .cenol lrom We.en in 43
Space? I'll even autograph them lor The next. and decisions mode by he.
youl So why don't you put down tho THE IiAME roes carryon with each un folding
charge pistols and let me go?'"
The best roleplaying game .....s·
EI\JVIROI\JMEI\JT adventure.
The Gomemaster determines up
sionslnclude both of these methods Your Gomemaster &als his AL1T.!lNJTY
= of play. II all depends on what you're game in a spe<;lfic environment. A lot
front what specific subgenre 01 sci-
ence fiction his oompoign fits into.
comfortable dOing. and how the of things go in lO making thiB envi· This tells the players a lot about the
Gamemaster and other players want ronment, including the specific sub- kinds 01 heroes they oon develop and
= to approach the game. To roolly genre 01 science fiction, the mood
and tone 01 the campaign, and the
the adventures they Can expect to
= make the most of roleplaying. how- play. Science fiction is a specific
ever. it's best to atloost deliver YOUT
he ro's lines as you think your hero
details 01 the setting. F'or th e mast
part, this moterial isleltto Ihe dis·
cretion of your Gamemaster and is
genre that deals with · what if,,: It
usually e ncompasses the lut ure, but
would say them. Jl's1ike that old say-
<= ing. "Showing is better than telling." covered in detail in the Gomemasrer
it cQU ld be set in the modern doy by
postula ting on ama~ing break-
~ A roleplayer shows action by speak- Guide. Howeve r, there are a h,tw through in technology. Here me a
= ing in his or her character's voice. points that players should keep in
mind that will help them develop
lew examples of SF' subgenres.
.. Combat SF: This Bubgenre spot-
their heroes mare fully and direct lights Ihe future of warfare. The
Playing Roll!s or their s tyl e of ploy. Eart h/solar system/galaxy is at war,
Rolling Dice? and every hero has the latest weap·
The great debate rages on. Should a Campaign ons with which towage it. Ccmbat
roleplaying game emphasiUl role' SF' is usually hard , grim. and some-
playing over dice reiling, or vice A oompaign is the world your Game- what realistic. where the heroes seek
versa? A lot depends on yQUr style of master develops Ie set a dventures to simply survIve while they try to
play. but the ALTERIllTY system en· in. Every odventure your hero experi- win the bailie of the day.
courages a balanced combination of ences helps add mare detail and .. Exploration Sf.. Whether In the
the two. depth to the ongoing campaign. «On- noor future Or the f= future, humani-
Some players preler to experience going" means that the world grows ty hOB a yeaming to boldly step into
each adventure in charac ter. role- and advances each time the players' the unknown. In exploration SF: thl l
playing the entiro story with li tt le or heroes visit it, and that the heroes, search is expedited by wondedul
no dice rolling involved. Other play- supporting oost, a nd even ls are space veuels or amaziog time-travel
ers don't wont to be bothered with linked from game session to gome machines. Heroes work together to
thot roleplaying stuff, They just want session, In othe r words. even ts in see what lies beyond the horIzon or
to rell dIce and mow down rOwS 01 one adventure have consequences in past the next slar, This Can be the
enemies w,th the best weapons the ir most wide-ranging oompaign set·
heroes can aequire. ting, as heroes might be called upan
The point el any AL1T.!lNITY game is to fight, negetiate, or solve a mystery
for players and the Gamemaste r te in order to completely explere the
come together te tell a satisfying newest planet Or region of space.
story while having fun a t the same .. Horror Sf . From the s hadowy
lime. The Gamemaster brings a pl ot concrete jungles of the modern city
and the supporhng cost to the game. te the silent darkness of distant
It's up te the players to provide Inter· space, horror SF presents a chilling
esting heroes and lots of interaction challenge to heroes forced to con-
(including witty banter, intriguing lIont th e terrors 01 the unknown. A
solutions, and engaging character monster crooted in a laborolory OOn
development). Everyone should ploy esoope to terrorize a modern city. or
their loles to the best of the ir abili· an alien Cloo tu re can slip aboard an and help advance the story. isolated spoceship to systema tically
Don't rely on the dice and your destroy the CleW. Even the bright
hero's skills to such on ex tent that ligh t el the future oon't obliterate the
you ignore ideas as they come to fear 01 the unknewn that is on inna le
you. At the Bame time, don't &at Ihe port 01the human psyche,
dice aside sa that the game be<;omes .. TechnOlhrlller Sf. This sub.-
nothing mare than talking hoods. genre is set closet to the present day.
The dice provide on element 01 with heroes involved in espionage.
chance. a potentiol for terrible disas- law enlorcement. or antiterrorist ac-
ters 01 amazing triumphs_special- tiv ity. What makes it SF are the god·
ly when used in dramatic situations. gets and weapens available to the
heroes-the latest computers. high·
tech woopons, and surveillance
equipment lrom th e cutting-edge
labora tories 01 major corporations
44 ond pawerlul governments. The plots
in this subge nre tire usuolly lorger,
IIfonde •. and wide r in .cop". 01 vil·
lams_It to rule (01 destroy) the
world. and only the berOH COD hope
10 stop them.
No malle' whalllubgen •• the
GamemQlt.r dec:ldes on. II does n't

3 he co.o neve. b the rules 01
tbe lubgen •• or throw the playe"
= ~
WId he'O&llol (I loop by cta.aing
subgen.... In general. though. you
know whal to expe<:l Irem Huion \0 =
_Ion, Ea<:h l ubgen •• hO I a mood =
end tone 01 itl own. for example. a ~
comba t compaign is chorocteliwd
by stork sellingl, g rim 1111,101;001. =
WId flKlHl lic drama. A hOllor cam-
JXlign. on the olher hand. plesents
iIlnlcalic s ituations then or. shroud·
ed In shadow. mystery. ond (I tone 01
E.a,. The detail. 01 a oompaign's Mil·
tlDg will be diU•• en! depending on
the lubgenre the co:mpaign is lied \0.
I'The Gomem(J$ler Guide contains
mOre inlo. mollon on this lub~t .l
What does this mean to the play-
er? The oompOlgn Hlling and Ihe
palomelerl ollhe l ubgenre dele r-
mIni who l Iypel at heroel are luil-
obt., lhe Ptogreu lAvel lor equip-
ment and lechnology, and which
optional rulea are available Ittl play
iplionic powerl, cybernetic technolo· A !lpncl!lIihlp pll(rt. cOnlpll!tl!. orbiting nli'lneuOIl!r.
'1'/. mulationl, and .a lorth).
Th e heroel hove a number 01 op-
Type!i of' §CE!ne!i Han., but the,r Mllic deciSion boils
Advent.ure Every adventure II mode up of down to one 01 th ree choices;
Eaeh game Huion preHnla heroel ICIInfl, A _ ne ia a d,.tinct ad ,n I. They can try to vucote the Clrea
Wllh .iluallonl. problem l. and goall the adven1Ure that haa ils own be- quietly, so thal lhe IIOldiOl& don't be·
that nm 10 be ac:oompl!lhed. Each ginning and ending A s hort adven· come a .... ure 01 the'. presence. Thll
IptcitiC ItOry II ool!ed on adventure. tu.e, lor e xumple, might conaist of may nol be ealy. &lOce the alley con·
An adventu re oon be completed in a th .... acenel. Longer odven lurea con talnlloll 01 obIrtrucuans.
WIgle game ...aion. nr It could un- be mode up 01 01 many acenes 01 2. They con get the atlention of the
told over a 191;el at leillonl, de- necllllOry to raach the conclus ion, .oldiell and try to communicote .... ,th
ptnd!og on III complexity and the MOIIt sce nes $Iart by p.ftHnllng them. By p .etend ing to btl .ympa·
ac1lonl of th. heroel. the he roe s with a lituation tha t re' thetic to the enemy couse, lhey may
Think 01 an adventure 01 a multi· quirelsome 11011 01 dec Ision Whgl be able to lind outllOmething about
part cornie book . tttl)'. a t.levilion you dete rmine that your hero decIdes the mi lling b' ieka ......
miniserlea. or e ven a novel. Each ....ill olleel the COUl19 01 the story, 3. They can moveiorward and try
game_aion COve'" oDe ialu., sending It down one path instead of to engage lhe ""Idle,s in combel '
episode. or chupter In the unlolding anolher possibl. path. The oplions Whollhe h.roe. decide to do will
alary, The Gumemol tel provide. th. opan to a he .o a.e 100 numerous to determine wh ich type 01 acene IS
potential 01 the adventure in the lial, b ut here's an example 01 how about to un lold. ChOice numbe, I
bm 01 plot. bo<.:kglound, _nery. your hero's inilla l decllion (and will pul them In to a challenge Kene;
(lad supporting COlt. The playerB, thou 01 your companiona) oon ailac! choice numbel 2 bnngs about an en·
Ibrough their herON. provide the a c- the course g acene takeB. count., lcene: and chOIce number 3
tIon that un loch the potential a nd .. The rltuallon, You and your leads into a combol scene. weh 01
g ... t.. on exci ting. dyncrmie I tory, oompanionl o, eexplO"ng a rubble- these_nos II deacribed below
[very adve nture hal a beginning. SI,ewn alley, looking lor a br;
II middl., and un ending. In btltween, olltolen computer chips thaI wall
1\1 mode up at acen .. ond action Bupposedly atalhed he.e. Suddenly
ChallengE! !icene
roundl. ThftH di,tinct units give an a squad 01 enemy .aldie.. appllOl1I Trying not 10 mote a sound, you
adventure cohesiV<!Onelll, oa well 01 from around a corner u p a head, You sneak YOUI w(f)' carefully thlough the
00 envilonmentln whic h hefoea oon
00 .. hal they do beat-take actionl
oon _ them, but they don't notice
you right Clwny. WhUl dayou do?
debris to the olley If you can .emOin
undetected fOI a I",le whjle langel, 45
you con gel 10 a place tnots $hj~lded bomb's rnechoniams. During thl.
3 from Ihe eye. of rhe enemy. Or ... atep. the hero disco"el" that there
apy from Ihis dork-haired beauty.
"Can I buy)lOu (I drint?" he (Ish.

..... Th. bomb ill "cling. jls digital

leaorout ar /;16 and counhng down /0
are lour wire_r&d. white. blue. and
yellow The third step involves (Jet,,-
fla$hing his dazzling smile and lel-
Img Ihgl seductive tWinkle br/gh/en
h,. dorli: b,own eyes. Or
0:00. You have ILlSl ovel a mmute /0
gel po.' th. plo/e<:tion dev,,,,,s and
diaarm il before it elfplodes! Or .
ally disarming the bomb. Thi•• tep
requires lour successes. [n tolal. Ihl_
c:b(Jllenge ,equires Q minimum at
The ,.ode. was good.; your bero
her. to grant hIm rhol. He knew how
<-> The comp,,!e. vi.lI:' is spreading. throe actions and .i>: suo::eSOlea to /0 haggle. and he knew he hod some-
= sys'lemoticolly de!llroying dOlO as i/ di aable the bomb. Ihlng 01 real value In Ihor magnel·

Winds irs way Ihrough Ihe network.
11"5 a faat. Insidious bug. cleared by a
master programme •. You must stop ir
In acme acenel, the Gamerna&ta'
rni"hl throw mo.e Ihan one chal·
lenge a r rhe heroes. For example. he-
S«lled eonlClIner. "I..ook.. your hero
says, "f know whar you've gol Ihela.1
know that f need H, and f know rhor
quickly befole it deslloys all ai/he ro.l In a apace vessel might have to you have no idea what it really ••. So
research and wipes OUI yeal. of 1m·
po.tonl work!
deal w,lh a number of cholleng. . .i·
mul.oneaualy. The piio. musl navl·
lef. cut the lun shorl and get down to
serious business. What', it going 10
= Th_ are jusl .h.~ ",:ramples of
the poulble challenges thor will
gale through on asteroid held while
lwo Tech Op heroes work to repair
toke /0 dow Ibis deal?"
Heroes mu.t talk 10. trade .n.ul"
fa.:. you. he.oa. hi. adventures un- the .hip·, ,tardrive and the copilot with. cajoole. Hduce. negotiate with.
fold. A challenge acene revolve, tries to pLot a course toescapa On':' charm. beg. bribe. intHnidate. and
around a lMI.o·, Itruggle against rhe the COrmlS bock on hne. otherwiN in leract with the suppo.t·
lorees 01 narure. a man-made hazard, The Gamemaste. can also corn- ing cast all the lime. When the th",.t
a. the fa. an on.w.... ln the.. bi ne challenge. with either combal of a lII;ene i•• oleplaylng. advancmg
acenes. your hero use. skill. wilhout o. encounte. scen..s. For ..:ramp le. the pial. and enhancing the story.
dlrecrly mteracting with or compe' . lhe heroes on the spac.. vessel have then the heroes are involved In an
ing against analher character. all those challenges 10 deal with encounlor $cene.
Every cha llenge conlli"t" oj a .e· when the Go momaster de-cides to An encounter scene can rUm Inlo
ries ol.kill checkathat form a chal· add more troub le 10 Ihe mbo;. An a challenge ~ne or a combat acene.
lenge palh. Your hero must succeBS- enemy ve_1 appears behind them. bur it alway. sta rts wi th the heroes
tully negotia te this Ixnh (by making firing 01 theII aheady damaged .hlp. Ollempting to communicate wlth th.
.ucceufulakill checks) 10 ove rcome Then, when things don't look like aupporting ca.1. EncounleralnO{(llvl
the chcrllenge. Only the Gamemaster they can get any worse. the heroea heroea .mployiog InlelHgenc._ Will,
knows Ihe ,.ocl details of a cha l- notice another ahip laking posit ion and especially Persona lity .kill, to
lenga path Aa a player. ifa your job in front ollhem beyond the oateroid get whalrhey want or .imply make it
to evaluate the aituation and make fieLd. Thl. ahip demands the heroea' through tho IICene withoul having
deci.lonalor your hero. immediate surrender. th' a,luation tum ugly.
How long I. a challenge path? Now some heroe8 need 10 handle There really i.n·t a set Mquence oj
Thor dependa On tho scene and the the combot 6Cene elements ap, play for an encounter scen", and no
challenge In queltion. A simple prcaching from the rear. and others checka need to be made to _ who
challenge. luch as crossing a chasm. need to deal with the encou nter actl when. An encounler scene II on
usually requirel one .kill check-Ihe acene eleme nts in fron t 01 them. Plu •. opportuni ty 101 p laye, ~ and the
he.o either .uccelSfully loops aCrOSS there are alill the challenges inside GomemaSier 10 use their roleplaying
lho open apoce or he doesn't. More the .hip to deal wil hl tolenl.; the Gamemaster presenr. a
compllcoted challenges might ,e" AI you can see, a cherllenge acen, situa tion and lets the hernel and
quire Ih. use of 1Ia, IOI.Is skills and can range Irom a simple situation 10 aupporting oost inle' act lor 01 long
even multiple luccess-ea to overcome ern intricate. multilaceted situation o. the .tory i. rno-ving ond overyone
.hem Each step in the path requires Expecllo _ all kinda 01 chcrllenge, i. having lun. Skill checks are coiled
the .... 01 a d,m. and it mighl take a. your horo progresses through a lor only lparingly. to augment rhe
several,uCCft18S before you can CQmpalgn. player.' roleplaying and to deler-
move on 10 the ne. I step. Checks are mine the reactions ollhe .upporting
mod. ot intervals USing wherrever COl\. When the discus. Ion endl. so
lime units the Garnemasler d .... m. !icene does Ihe encoun ter ~ne
approprlale' phase., rounds, min· Ailer putting on you, ch.... riest smiles More information on encounter
ule •. houra. and 80metimea even and mo/clng su,e your weapons are skills appears on poge 'ir1 in eh<rpter
daya or wook •. tucked into YOUl r;oats. you cal! out 10 4: Skills. and in the de&Criptions of
Here', an example 01 a cha llenge /he laldiels ahead of you. '·Hello. the various .kills.
path In which dlflerent skills come Irlendsl May we impose upon you 101
into play Your hero needs to disarm aasif/once?" When the soldie.)! don',
a bomb before it e:rplodes .n 4 <reI h03li1e righ/ away, you s/erl//o Combat. !icene
round. (16 phON.). The lirsl slep in move .Iowly 'award them. Or fighlrng rhese »old,ers isn't going 10
the path require. lhe use of Ihe Mo· Your hero wmls unlil Sordov help you lind the b,iefcaM,
nipulahon lockpick drill to remove leaves the bar. Then he W(llhoverlo but you/rgule 1/"5 belter 10 be on the
rhe bomb'. outer cove,. The second Ihe young woman Sordov was ralk· olfenslve here Ihan 10 pul youlself rn
step m tho path require. a Demoli- rng ro jusl moments belole. Relymg o vulneroble position by Irying /0

46 liona--disa.m or a Knowledge-de·
duce ,kill "heck to evalual.. the
011 hi. natural "harms. he hopes to
leam .-omething about the eluflve
"'/:10k away Ol pretending 10 be
halmless and Iriendly. So. you ,eody

you. weapon. and begin sp.eadlng
our inro an alrad lo.morion. Or
You. he.o didn'r want if to come ro
rbis, bul rhe brllisets or rhe door
orHn~ g,vlng him a choice, Ho needs
IOger in ro see Go.den. the clime =
lelld 01 Po.r Orgen. If Ihese bruisers
"""r 10 do th,s Ihe hOld way, heir =
IIIOle lhon up 10 Ihe job, ~You know.·
YOUI heroaays. "/ really didn'r wonr
IOlI'Olk upa sweal today, This IS all
JOUI Inul'-~ Wrrh rhat. he cha.geslhe =
bruiJelS. moving loro/ and hirring =
IIclld as lhe siruation rUIll. Inloo --<
brawll 0 •. ,
The quiet of rhe mghr hOI your =
&e,oon edge. Somerhingir gomg 10
happen, he oon fe.f .,. He choch hIS
clxllge Iille. making "Ule fa. Ihe
rirrh lime Ihar Ihe clIP i.locked and
loaded, He 510.1"'0 walk Ihe »enme·
Ie. 01 Ihe romp again when Ille cI(J(;k
010 weapon .e50lInd$ Oul of .he
nighr and something 1051 and hal damage tha t result s hom those ac- "Penal ty" modi!!el, Remember, pen·
bw:zes pasr his Jell ecn "' hale lire· tions il opplied at the end 01the alties ore positive nl,lmbers C.. I Btep,
Irgills in the da.k," he murrers. bllng· phase In which Ihe aClion took place. lor example).
in9 hilt weapon liP to beal and look The IlCene conti nu el phase by phase, The allow pointing up ,haws that
illg 101 n Inlger. round by round, unlil one side or the you count steps in that direcllon
He.oes gel involved In combat nil other II de leated or manages to when Ihe GamemaBle. giyel yol,l a
the lime. It', not olwcys Ih. besl so· break conlacl with the olher s ide, "Bonus" modifie •. Remember, bonl,ll'
luMn, but sometimes heroel have In a combal scene, mast aclions es are negallve numbers C- 2 .teps,
IIDchQi<:1l bUI to ger Inro a knock· involve an attack or delense of One lor example).
down. light with the bad kind Or onather, bul heroes ore only All of Ihe possible 'ituotion dlee
~J'S. When this happens, Ihe aCllan rest.icted by Ihe imagina hons of or. displayed In order on the chari.
iakK plo<:1l in a combor _ne, thei r ploye" and Ihe pellamelers 01 ranging Irom .3<120 (an extremely
Combal involves heroel using 01- Ihe sill,lalion high penalty) 10-<120 (a very fovo.·
lad mood skills and lheir specialty abie bonus). Each line an the chart
skills-Heavy Weaponl. Melee represents a step As you idenlify Ihe
Wmpons, Unarmed Allack, Modem ROLLING DICE factors Ihat affect your hero's ability
Bcmged Weapons. Primillv. Ranged 10 lucceed m a eerlc"n achan. you
When Ihe Camemasler wants tode-
~. Vehicle Operalion. a. Syl' mave I,Ip and down along the steps
Itm Opera liaD-agalnll olh.r char·
termine II a hera can IU<Xe$~fully ac·
compHlh an oetion in a certain situ- as Iheliluotion modilie'l direct you
_raluaually members of Ihe IUp- until yol,l determine Ihe actuoll.rUO-
porting oos'). Also, heroes use the a lion. OJ how well the hero il able 10
perform, he calls lor a dice raiL Dice hon die to roll
Ath!etic.--fhrow Ikill when they wanl How do you do rhl,? Storr by lind·
tohr.ul knivH, racks, or grenadel at p.avlde a mothod for measuring a
hero', IUcceSS (IJld for determimng ing Ihe oo$lll.,tuolion die 10. rhe ac-
,.my largels. Of COI,I.... not every lion youl hero Is attempting. Then
""ad skill i, appropriate in all s ilu random oulcomel when succeSs is
not guaran leed col,ln r Ihe stepl lo. each li/ualian
atrons.1I a hero doesn·t have a vehi· modifiel. eithel In rhe "penalty" or
cl., then Vehicle Ope.ation won't "banus" direction. Ihalthe Game-
belp him in Ihat particular light. !iit~ation Die master aSllgns to the aclion. Whe.e
Combal scenes are the mOllt rigid- Modifier!i you end up IndlCO"1 the ,lll,Iatlon
ly slructured sc.nes In an adven- die you need to roll to attempt Ihe ac-
IUr_w hen lives are 01 Btake, It'l Because every action in every situa' lion. See"Finding Ihe Righi Silualion
";lIeoi to know exactly when every tian is di llelent , the game syslem Die" on page 49 10. an example 01
OIl .. is performing acllonl and whal uses a sliding scale to delermine how this is done.
the Immediale oonsequences 01 which s itua lion d,e you .011 with the
Much more detoil about the diUef
!be netions are. diD, This scale uses steps. as
ent types of litua tian modilier.11
The procedure for making (lCllan shown on the ·Situation Die Steps"
contained within rhe nur few pages.
checks, as described. on page 12 m chart on the following page. The
If Ihere'l some.hing about rhe oon-
Cboprer I, l'osl·Play Rules. alwayl stepl a.e also Pllnled on your hero
eepl .hat you lind diUlcult to under-
btglns a oombal scene, The.ealier, Ih"\. Here', how 10 read Ihe chart:
Iteroes and supporling 0011 loke
lheiractions In Ihe phasel when
The arrow pointing dawn shaWl
.hol you countllepe In thaI direction
srond SO lor, dan't worry--by Ihe lime
you finish ,eoding about the typel 01
actianl a hera con attempt. yal,l
lIwr're enllliad 10 do so, and any when the Gamemaster gives you a
3 .hou.ld have a dear pictUIe 01how to
handle any aitU01lon that may (Ili ..

..... during the gClrn •.

A Simpler !iolut:Jon
= Sevefallla't ol.ituotion die modi-
fiera gre pre.anted throughout thl ,
<-> book and in the GamemO$ler Guide.
= Depending on th. level 01 detail you
= lock 101 In (I roleplaying game, you
can molle use 01 all these Usia. Or,II
cr.> you and you, Gclmemcaler pre Ie.
thing, I . . . complicated. you 0011 UM
what we 0011 the -eyeball approach:
In.lead alldenti fying every t UUO-
= lion modilie, and having you move
up or down the lable 10 account for
each one. your Gamemo.!., wlll
rome up wllh (I general asses.menl
01 th ••iluation--.yeballing" it in-
steod ol •• amining It In deloil-and
limply direct 10\110 use a particulor
.Huolion die.
On Ih. "Situation Die Step" chait
the column labeled "Situation De-
acription"la Ipedtically deBign.c. \0
help yourGamemaster when he's
using the eyebQ:lL approach. All he
has toOo i, pick CI deBCIiptive term
that basically dlHlCr~ the lituCl-
tion, 000 the .tep penalty or step
bonu. that applies to your hero's ac·
tion is inltanlly determinGd.
Especially alter you become ac·
customed 10 the Idea of what BOTt, 01
lactors qualify al Iltuation die modi·
lierl. you may lind thClI the eyeball
approach t. aCC\lI(:ne enough 10 meet
your needs-and the activity of the
adventure will mo"e along a little
more brilkly boK-ouea you aren't
stopping to do all the caleulationl.

Other Dice
Roiling Rules
In addition to the balle rules eo".,·
ing the \1M 01 the eontrol die and tb,
situation die, the ... are trun more
rules to k..p In mind when playing
the AL11l\tlm game:
.. When you roll dice, BOme re-
sults indicate aulomCltic succeu a.
Clu lomCltlc I(lilure, regClrdleas 01 what
the combined result altha eontrol die
(lnd the sltua tlon dials.
~ It', possible 10 have (I ,Ituatloa
die thClt gael beyond the ertremMI1I
either end 01 the .Ituotion die ,Ieps

Aut;omill~lc SUCCI!!iS
No molter the odd s. a hero usuCllIy
48 has a chane. 10 IUcceed at an actloe.

maKler can decide to roUth. die. ill
secrel to determine degrees 01 .uc· 3
ceiS. so thai it a 20 does com. \lp. Ihe
players don't know 1\. .....
Beyond the Extremes =
In most ca.... heroes lIIUsituallon
dice that IoU belween Ihe Iwo ex-
treme. 01--d2Oand +3d20. What hap· ~
pens when modille •• build up that
take the &iluatlon die beyond the.. =
On the bonul IIde. a --d20 sllua- =
tioll die Ihould help mOlit heroessuc· --<
ceed 01 the lalk at halld, and thaI's
the mostlavorable situation die a
Gamemo.ste. should allow.
AI the olhe. IJ: treme. modifier.
thai pUBh a ,ltualion di'" beyond
.3d20 indicate that the task at hOlld
I. getting erhout 01 dose to im~
sible as it can get-but for a hero. no
aellon h. tak.. that can be reeolved
by 0 dlce roll Is a\l!omatically impas'
sible. So. lor every penalty .tep be-
yond thi., another . d20 is erdded. If.
conooivobl.lor a eharaeter to herve
to roll a oonllo] die plus a penalty 01
+4d20 or more to accomplish a
dilticult lask .
• £/Cam pl., Mad Dog Morgan de-
ddel to leap ae ro.. the empty ,pan
between two buildings to escope a
Therefore, In most litllotlons,lf a I his hero and th. control die oome. '011'11111' lire. He hallo dodge explo-
com.. \lp on the control die, Ihe hero \lp 20, IJOmethlng bad happens. ,loni and lalilng debris as h •• a~
lIICCMds, Even II tbe combined r.. When this occurs on an attempted lor the roor. edge. all the while car-
",It 01 the control die and the sit\lO' action that can be lolled, the 20 indio rying his wounded and un<;()llllelou.
tioD die would normoily Indicole a cot" a Crlt icol Failure TIIUIt. Thil buddy, Z\lg the mercenary. Add to
Fallllr., the I on the cont.ol die turns means that the allempt lails in Ih. Ihat the bad guy. who areliring
a Foilur...sult Into an Ordinary woril possible manne.-a gun jam., .hots from a hover\IIg aircar, and
.~s, a key b recke, a lriend wanders into a the Gamemaster determines that
The Gamemosler always has the hero', hoH 01 bullets, a oomputer p.o- this is a Nearly Imposa:ible task (.7
opIlon 10 declme a slruation too dilli- gram freezel. and so lalth. penalty) and decide. that the eheck
rult to allow an automatie SU<;C8IU1. [f a Failu....1\llt can't happen on Is tied to Mad Dog's Athletics IkllL
It a hero attempts an action with a this at1empt. then the 20 indicat.. Merd Dog hal a Ikilllleore 01 13 and
lituation die of .d20 0. higher, the bad luck. The al1emptlucceeds, bllt a bose situo lion die of +d~. The +7
automa tic: s\lceelUl '\lle doesn't apply. it'l tainted by something negative. penalty pUlhes the lituerlion die 10
Aemember, not every acllon reo Thil negolive oonsequence doesn't +~d2O, so Merd Dog needs to roll 13 or
quuel the roll of dice. When some· have to OCCII. immediately, but on In· I..s on ~20 (0011\'01 d ie .4d20) to
IhiIIg II to easy Or routine as to not eldent 01 bad luek .hould come into sueceed. He hers er ehanee at making
lIqul .. a ,kill eheck. then that's con- ploy in the neo. fut\lle and be al It 10 sofely, but In this case it su ••
udered on automatic IU<;C8IU1, too. least indirec:tly auoc:lated with the doesn't look good lor o\lr heroes
action thaI spawned it.
[rltlesl Failure and Making the "bod luck" rule work
the Bad Luek Rule .equires a bit 01 .oleplaying on the PERFORMING
Sometimes. no matte. how ,killed 0
...0 I., things don't work out There's
part QI playe.s. Yo\l know Ihat a con-
lro! die roll at 20 indlcat... that bad
alwoya a ehance lor an action to loll Iud is on the ho.Iwn, but you. he.o The process 01 making action ehecks
or for aomething nega tive tOQCCUr daMn't. Until the ;neldent of bad Iud and th'" structure 01 an action rO\lnd
.. henever a hero tries to do IIOme-- hall paned, you ne4ld to .oleplay were explained III Chaplllf J.- fa.!-
thing beyond the 1le0pe 01 the TO\l- your hero withou t making dedsions Play Rule$. The delails p ....nted
bOI.ln the ALTDINITT game, this pos. fa. him based on knowledge he he.. d"'lIeribe how to hondle some
IlibiUty i, represented by the ~bad daMn't have. ullusual circ\lmstances. and expand
luck" rule: When a player rolls 10. In certain lituations. Ihe Game· the scope 01 what heroes can do In
an action round.
o.skul both achieved Good lue<::ell'

3 " on their action checks. Thi, moon.

they can bolh oct in the Good phose.
Mad Dog decidu 10 awing hi'
choinsword 0\ hi. opponen t, So. De."
kul counte •• with a blow from his
= gravmace. Both IK'(Ire hitl. Damage
t:; i, opplled be fore th. next phose he-
Heroes who haven"t yel taken an
action in the phase always get \0 ocl
ahood 01 her""'l who've al ready
~ taken one or more (II;tionl,1f twoor
more heroes get the acme degree 01
auccen on their action check. and

= ir. important to know which player

roll. dl~ Ii,at, the heroes take their
octiona In order 01 thei, action check
ICOleB- higheat 5COIe IirBt. loweat
.co'e 101t. The lone exception 10 Ihl,
rule i, a hero whose action check I.
a Critlool,ailure; he gae, laal in tM
Marginal phaae, IIagardlen 01 any
other octlon check reault •.

Sometlmea characters wanl 10 help
each other accomplish a talk. A hero
oon au;lt another hero'a act ion a a
long a a the Camemoate, agroollhgt
the taak il one igr which aa.i8ton~
oon be given and aocepted, all 01 the
participating charactera have gn ac·
tion in the IIOme ph aae, and the Chol'
octe' a ore all working loward Ihe
IIOme gaol. For example, it one hero
wanta 10 help another one ligure au'
how to dlllOrm a bomb (Ul lng the I)e.
molitionl . kim, or add hia persuo·
I lvenell to an attempt to get a guard
to accept a b ribe (Uling the Decep·
tion akill). Ihe coorocter. oon oom,
bine their actiona into a alngle akill
One 01 the he.oea working toge lh·
er ia selected to be the lead charac·
ler in an ani sled aclion, Thia ia usu·
ally th, charac ter with Ihe best &cole
In the akill being u&ed. bul playe'l
are Iree \0 se lect whomever Ihey
want to be the lead character. Firat.
all ot the helper. make Ikill checkl.
The reaulta Ihey achieve provide
bonu... 01 penclti .. to the lead
characte". Bkill check: Cri tical Foil·
The resul t at each (:haracter's ocHon ure, +2 step penolty: Foi lure, .1 atep
Who liol!!!i First? in (I phose I. applied 01 the end 01 penalty: Ordinary, - latep bonu. :
All actions in a pha.. are considered the these r.lults impose Good. - 2 Itep bonua; Amcning . ...J
to occur simultaneously. •egordlan penalties on (l ch=acler. Ihon pen- . tep bonul.
01 the order in which Ih. ploye.. ,oll alli •• lake afleet (lIthe starl allh. Th l. modilier II oppliad to the
dice 10. their heroel and ."",o,dllt•• next pho, •. lead chorocle,'a I kill check. in addi·

50 of when the Gamemoll ter rolls die.

lor the chclrocte... he", repreaenling .
• Exampl.: Mad Dog CInd So. tlon to any ethe. modifiera tha t moy

opply,!f the task being performed re-
quires a <:omplell skill check (see TABL£ PIO: §KILLS & RESISTANCE MODIFIER§ 3
page 62 in Chapter 4: S.l:ilIs), than tha
modiliar lor the helper is applied to
the portion of tha <:omplell skill check
Acting Character's §klll .•.....••• Re5isting Abilit:y .....
thaI's prasently being undertaken. Decep'tlon ••••••.•••.••••••...••••...••....• Int:elligence
Entertainment: ...•••....••••••••••.. In'telligence Dr Will
rer as long as he continuas to assist. =>
the helpe r must make skill checks on
...,ch ottampt to complete tha com-
Heavy Weapons ...•....••••..•••.....•....• Delll:terity
Int:eraction •••.•••...•••.....••....•••.•••••..••• Wlll

ple% skill check, just as the lead

Leadership ....•••..•••••••••••• •••••••••••..•••• Will
character does.
To nsslst. a character must pos- Melee Weapons •••....•....••••..•••.....•• StrE!ngth
sess at least the brood skill being Modern RangE!d Weapons .•••....•....• DE!lII:terlt:y =
1ISSd_An untrained character can'l PrimitiVE! Ranged Weapons •••••••.•• Delll:terity
assist in an action. but a trained
cbarocter can try to CQ(Ich on un-
Psionic Skills •••.•...•••.....••...•••••..•••...••Will
St:ealt:h ..•••....••.....•••••••••••••.•••..••••...•• Wlll
trained charactar through an action
St:reet Smart ••..•.•.....••••..••••.. lntelllgE!nr:e or Will
(the pilot on the ground giving in-
struction" by radio to an unskilled Unanned Attack .•.••......••...•••.....•. 5Irength
passenger who's trying to land 00
he so desires, and oon lake one Or
mare other actions later in the round DAMAIiE
PO!itponing as long as he is normally entitled to Damage rep.e .... nts injury to an ob-
an Action take two or more actions per found, ject (such as a character's body)
In some situations. a character may on attock or some other occurrence
decide to postpone an action and Two Action!i tha t weakens Ihe object. The lour
toke it later in the round. He may types 01 damage are stun damage.
at Once wound damage, mOl/a! damage. and
wont to react to another character'"
adlon or just wait to see how a par- In general. a cha.actercan perform fatigue damage.
ticular situation develops. or maybe one action in a single phase. Howev- Most forms 01 Qttack (weapon$.
he wants to help someone e lse per- er. the Gamemaster might rule that fists, grenade ellplosions. and so
form a task (_the preceding sec- sometimes a character can use a lorth) have damage ratings, indicat -
hOO). There isn't any situation die single action to perform two related ing tha t they are oopable of inflict·
penalty Or bonus lor postponing an physical activities in One phase. ing three possible degrees 01 dam·
action. However. a character who In such a co ..... the p,ima,y action age: Ordinary. Good. or Amazing.
dOHll this runS the risk of losing one (the one that the playe r considms The of damage is usually tied
01 more of the actions he's entitled to more important) receives a +2 step to the ol.uccess the attackllr
during the round (but see below). penalty. The secondary action re- achieves on his skill chock.
for ellample. a character who has ceives a +4 step penalty. Separate for ellampie. a weapon has this
two actions per raund gets an Amaz- action checks are rolled to resolve damage .al1ng: d4s/d4w/d4m. 11 the
ing rasult on his action check. In- each a\lampl. These penalties are check for the attack results in on
stead 01 acting right away in the cumulative with any other situation Amazing success, thllthird part 01 phase. he decides to wait die modifiers that might apply. the rating (d4m) is used. II the result
until the Good phose to use his first Same ellamples 01 related physi- is Ordinary. then only the first part of
o(:\ion. If he hod decided to wait cal actions: the rating (d4s) applies .
until the Marginal phose. he would ... Attacking with a weapon in
each hand (which is covered ;n its
take one action then and lose his
own section on page 57). !it:un Damage
IIOCQnd action as the round ends,
There's one other way to postpone ... Attacking while perlorming Stun damage Is the lightest type 01
an action. This is used when a char· SOme kind 01 stunt. such as leaping damage a hero oon 8ustain . It .epre-
octer really wan ls 10 go first in the Over a chasm and firing a weapon sents bumps and bruises and mild
~ext round. To do this. he must get 01 (but see "Combat Movement" on abrasions that con rattle a character
least an Ordinary action chock in the page 55 10. the basic rules concern- but don't rllSUIt in laBtlng Injuries.
current round and then spend all 01 Ing moving and attru:king). for every point of stun damage your
bisavailoble actions doing nothing ... Balancing atop a p'&C<Irious hero receives. mark off one boll on
IlIlt waiting. Befare the _tart 01 the perch while making on attack. thll stun rating linll 01 your hero
oext round. when other characters ... Using the Unarmed Attock skill sheet.
"Ie making action checks. the char· against two opponents at once.
acter who postponed his action i~ In all ooses, the Gamemaster has Optional Rule: Dazed
treated as though he rolled an Amaz- complete diac,etlon over the u .... 01 If your Gamllmaster IIlects to use this
iIIg action check- he's entitled to act two actions in the some pha ..... and optional rule, stun damage begins to
ollead 01 all other charactel'fl in the
Amo:zing phase 01 the nellt round II
he has the right to pile on penalties
for any stunt that's elltremely com-
plex and detailed.
takll Its tall as soon as your hero sui-
fersenough damagll to u.... up more
than hai! 01 his stun points. Your
3 he.o i. da...d, ond every 8ubaequent
acllon he oUempl1 lecelvel (I .. \ step
penalty unlll enougb 11un damage i,
....... healed 10 leov. CI\i<t(lll1 hall of hi.
Blun boxes unmmked.
= KnockDut.
>- II all 01 your hero'. I lun bo".,. ore
= marked all. he I, Imm.diotely

knocked oul. Your i. uncon-
Kioul and oon', perform any a<;1ions
until he regain. eon.,;;ioulne..,

= Heavy !it.un
~ Atle. all 01(I hera', Itun bo,,"
= boNn morked all, additionalltun
damage become. wound domoge.
For every 2 addllionol polnta oi llun
damage a knocked-out Bulle..
in a lingle attack. h. Or Iha luffer.!
point 01 wound domo:ge (dl.regard
th.l.ltover poin t olltun damage. if

Wound Dilmage
Wound darnogell mora ..rloul Ihon
stun damage. [t rep.",,,nt,lnjuri.,
thaI oou.. lolilog hClfln to the body.
Buell 01 .evere lacerations and bro-
ken bon.,., (Note, however, thgt the
IYltem doesn't talre Into gco;ount the
effectl of different typel of wound
oomgge,) For every point 01 wound
oomage your hero ,.eeI"'I, mer.1r of!
one boll on the wound rerting line of
your hero Iheet

Secondary Damage
Dcrmgge thert inflictl woundl o.lsa re-
lultlln secondary Itun dermerge , Fa.
every 2 polnllol wound dgmerge a
helo luflell in a lingle attaclr, he
alsa lullerl I point ol.,un dermage
(dilIega,d the leltover point of
wound darncrge, If applioohleJ,

Dpt.lanal Rule: Dazed

II you. Germemalter elect. to uN this
optional rule, wound darnerge begin.
to talre ill tall allOOn erl YOUI hera
sullers enough derrnage to ule up
mare than hall of hil wound point.,
You. hero II dazed, a nd every .ubse,
quen t aetion he attempt. recelvel a
.1 s tep penally until enough wound
damage II healed 10 leave ert leerlt
hall 01 his wound bo"" unmarked,

II all of your hera's wound boxes are
marked of!, he II knoclred oul. Your
hero il unoonsc:lou. and oon't per-

52 larm any aelions until he 'egainl

Heavy Wound
Atler oil 01 0 hero's wound boxee
haye blten morl.e<! oil, addilioncd
wounds are applied al mottal dtull- For every 2 a ddit ional point. 01
"QUnd damage luUe.ed in a single
(rtt(J(:k by a hero with no remaining
wound box.., he 01 .he .ullen I

pomt 01 mortal damage (disregard <-">

Ih, leltover point 01 wou nd damage.
if appllooble). =
Mortal Damage --<
Mortal damage is the mosl severe =
bm 01 trauma a body ea.n endure, it
rapresent. such injuries a~ a severed
".tery o. the rupture 01a mtljor a rgon with e ffects 0 1 desc ribed tlbove. II into play.) Every check for ccntinuous
(although the game syllem doe. not the victim i. helped by the appllca' ochvity alter the hrsl one reeeive. a
dillmgui.h t.lween rhe elleetl 01 tion 01 Knowledge--fil.f' old or Med- cumulative .1 .tep pentllty-the.-c-
dtl!e.en t types 01 mo.tol damage). ical Science-tleatment, the interval and check]. made with a +Islep
Fa. every poinr 01 mortal damoge between Stamina~ndlliance cheeks penalty, lh e third check with 0.2
JOUr hero •.eelve., mark 011 one boll is increc::rsed h om one per hour 10 one .tep penalty, and 80 on. Any other
011 the mCl.lttll rating line of you. he.o penolt ie. or bonuses thot might
per day.
apply are cansldered a s well. In ad-
!ieconda.-y Damage
[f all of a victim's mortal boxes are
marked 011. he die •. dition. the Gamemasler can OJIIlgn
penalti.. lor moving whil. carrying
FOT every 2 point ~ 01mortal domage a hec::rvy load or e ngaging in .trenu·
a II9ro sulfe. lln a lingle attack. he Fat.igue Damage ou. a ctlvily In poor ~ndi hons. The
olIO tokn I point 01wound domoge Fatigue damage repreMnls exhous' eUeets ol latigue damage are d ..
g:nd I point of It un damage (dille- lion a hero . ulle fs Qua to extreme eK- scribed below
gard tbn leltover point of mortal ertlon. When a hero .ngagel in a 10-
damage. il applicable). Thi. wound tigue-oousing activity. he must make Dazed
damoge doel not ol.acauae sec- a Stomina endUlance cheek. The Fatig ue damage take. a toll on a
ondary slun damage, o. described in cheek is mode after the activity toke. he.o immediately. for every latigue
the ·Wound Damage" section. place. or at inlelVtlll a. deliCribed boll mark~. tI chwacte. receive. a
below. A Crltical Ftlilure result indl- .1 Ilep penally to ailiubsequent a c'
Dazed ca tes that the he ro lu ll erl 2 points 01 tions he attempts.
Manol domoge lokes a toll on a hero latlg ue damage; a Failure resuh in-
Ullmedialely. For every poin' 01 mOl- dicates I point of fatigue damag •. KnockDut
IIIldamage you. hero sutler., he r.. Any succ... lndicate.that no la' When all 01 a he ro'. latlgue boxes
ceiyes 0 ~ I s tep penahy 10 a!! subM' tigue damage occurl a. a result 01 or. marked all. he mUlt immediately
quent aC1ion. he a ttempts. (Thl. Ih. a ctivity JUII oomplet~, Po,nall\el make tI BucceSJIful Reso]v&-physical
penalty i.cumulaliv.....-a penalty 01 oon be alligned to thl. cheek, as de- ,esoJve skU! cheek to avoid lolling
.2.'eps I0l 2 point. 01 marltll dam- K ribed below. unconscious due to exhaustion.
age, and 80 forlh.) Activiti e. that require oltltigue (Chamclerl who don't have the Re-
check Include movement mealured solve .kill make this check using
Dying and Death In houri (wa]k ing.•wlmmi ng. or lIy- thei r untrained Will score.) lIthi.
Acharacter who sulfen any tlmOlln i ing). heavy labor loran ex tended cheek succeeds. the hero can contin°
ot mortal damoge is oonslde.ed 10 be length 01 lim e (l Ominutel or mo.e). ue 10 engoge in octivhy lor at lec::rlt
dying. AI the end 01any _oe In .Kercise or other .tr.nuou. activity one more lime unil-but the ne'"
.hlCh 0 choracter hOllUllered mor- (10 minut .. 01 more). 01 .ulfering tim. be lulle. s ony lollgue damage.
101 damage. the morlally wound~ wound 01 mortal damage in a Ke ne he become. knocked out and can't
character mu st moke a Stamlna-en- (even it the damage was healed dur- perlorm ony lurther actions uotll he
dulance check. The result ollhls ing the cau .... 0] the scene). regains consciousn •••. determines il the victim'. cop, fatigue checks are made right
dllion wo..ens! On 0 Critical Failure olter the activity (or ahe r the &cene
tuu lt, he .ullers 2 additionol points e llds. in Ih e case 01wound or mortal
Dazed Penalt:ie!i
01 mortal damage; on 0 failure, he damage) o r once pel hour 01 activity Th. penalti.. that oorne with .ufl.r-
lillie.. I a dditional poin t 01 morIa] The Gomemalter oon change Ih i, ing any type 01 damage a pply 10 all
damage; on any .ucc.u result. hil ber.1e lime umt, dependmg on the Bi l- cheeks Ihot must be made by 0 dam-
c;Ondillon remains unchonged.
Until the victim r.,;eives m~ical
IIlC1tmenl. he must make a new 5ta-
ua tion. (The Gamem(Uler Guide ~n'
tainl mOle informatioo on bandling
.ituations in wbich fatigue ~m..
aged choracter. Including skill
cheeks. act ion cbecks. leal check..
and any other dice .on. made 10 de-
mina-endulaoce check every hour.
3 tennine whether
eeed. (It something.
(I <;haro<:ler IUC-

..... All penahiea for being dated (I' e

cumulative. so that (I chO.octllU who
:z:: ilwound
dazed h om .Iun damage and
damage and al.a haa 2
pointa of mortal damage ope rote,
<-> with ( I ' " penally. in addition loony
other penohi811hat may apply.

= How YOUI hero recover. h om detm-
age depend. on hi_ condition (con-
lICioUI or knocked ou l) and tha type
= of damage he hal .uflared

5tun Recovery
Allah,n damage II lLeet;n". I! dilKlp·
pea,. at the end 01(I lICena, regard·
lei' 01 how much atun domage a
choracter hal .ulfared. [I eon be""
paired during (I lJCane by the UN 01
Knowledg&-li,~ r old. Medical Sci-
ence, or some other form 01 m&dleol
A he ro who il knocked out foil
s tun boxea filled) can be revived by was knocked out and all of the next lIOive-physico/le30i"'e checu In an
medical oid-or moy be obi. to r., round. Starting in the round after attempt to bring hlmllllif out of it. On
cover notu rolly, 08 follows: that. when all conscious character. a C'lIicol follu.e o. a failure result.
H. lemaine unconadoua for the re- are making act ion checke. an uncon· he .ray. UnCOnkiou •. On on Ordi-
moinder of the round In which he scious character begin. making Re- nary IUCCetl, he regain. 2 stun
points; on a Good IUece ••. he gets
back 4 .'un point,: on on Amazing
,uece... he .ecovers Sltun point.
(but C<ln't lecover more than hi. ttl(IZ-
Imum number of "un poiD"J. On any
succeu. the chalactel b&eomet COD-
aciolUl but con" attempt any other
actions In the upeoming round.

Wound Recovery
Wound damage doeln', go oway by
ilseli. II affects a cha racter until he
receives medical old Or un' il he resta
long enough 'a heal the damage not_
uraUy (He "Natural Healing").
It a character;1 unconsclou. be-
caUIIII all of his wound boxea hav,
been marked 011. he con', .egain can-
aciouane.. untn at lea" I point of
that wound damage;. healed

Mortal Recovery
Not even a long rei' will help a chat.
octet who hal luHered mortal dam.
age-In tact, ,esting without being
trea ted wllle ...entually couse his
condition to wo... n
Mortal damage con only be ,e·
poired ,hraugh Ihe use of the Moo.-
lcal Scienc.-cu.g•• y ,kill. A dying

54 character (one who has otleall I

point of mortal damage) will remain
in lhal condlUon unli!lhe damage I.
nopaLl.::\ or unlll he dies.
In &ome oose •. a character might try
10. sprint.
Combat mavemenl (as opposed to
Fat.lgue R ecovel1J all-out movement, d...::ribed below)
Fahgue damage oon only he recov· works essentiCllly like any ather ac·
ered when CI chCllacte r i. in CI com· tian. DLlring 0 .ound. whenever a
plete.tote 01re.t-e leeping. 01 ,it· character ha. Cln avallClble action.
tmg quietly and not moving ohout. he can move lor a .ingle phClS9 at hia
The amoun t 01 damage recover.::\ i. listed rale. Howeve •. ira also pos.
tied to. Ihe relult 0.1a character". Re· sible for him to move and perlorm
IOlve-phyaiooJ .esolve skill check IIOme other action in the IIOme phase_ =
Cnl~l Failure, no iatigue po.nla re·
covered; Ma.gino], I point recovered;
That odditional action lduaUy re·
oo ivos 0 lituotian die penalty. 0.. =
Ordmary. 2 point. recovered: Good, 3 shown on TABLE Pit : COMBAT Movr:· ~
polnla; A.mazing. ~ pointa.
Fatigue r&COvery checks are made
MENTErn:cTS. Notelhol a character
who is using hl a IIwim movement
0IlC8 per bour 0.1 camplele rest. but rate can't move and Cltlempl another
lb. Go.mema.le. con alter Ihe lime actian in the IIOme phON, and 0
unit from hours to &ome other inter. character who. mOv" at 0. walk can
taL depending on the siluallon. Any perlnnn anather action with no
ptr,li<,:a1 o.c:llvily negoteR the benelU penally
01 .HI the choracter has occumulClt· The movement rat" lar eaay
loCI during the curtent time unil. awim and glide are provided 10'
those times when a hero is in waler
or airborne and simply wants 10 hav-
[OMBAT el without covering distance all
quickly as pos.lble.
ID a combat scene. heroes a .e liable All-out Movement.
10 auempt certain action. thot don't II all a character wanl. to do ia cover
often come into ploy 0 chal· a lot 01 d.atane. aa quickly as poll'
lenge acene 01 on encounte. scene .ible. he can elect to. engage in all·
Tbeu ·combat actions· CIIe de· out mavemenl. When doing 110, he
laihed belaw. moves 0 number of metorll per phase
equa l to his movement rClte for Iho
type 01 mavome nt hes employing-
Combat: IIprint iI he. on land.•wim if ho'lI in
Movement wotor, and fly If hell ai,homo-and
III a combat ICene, most character. he keeps moving in every phalle for
_ by walking or running If a as long CI. he ill oble 01 willing 10 do
marocter hoa the ability to fly (either 110. He con't per/arm Clny action. OJ['
IWllurally a. a rtiliciCllly), IhClt aptian cept movemen t. though he con stop
might be available. It the scene or duck behind COver whenever he
lakeR place in water. a choructer ,'&aches a suitable ploco.
might have to Iwim to move around To LI se this lorm 01 movement, a
character must declare his inlention
10 do so during a pha.. in which he
TABLE Pl1: hall on octian In that phCl!le and
COMBAT Mo\fEMEI\IT every phoae thereafter until he s taps.
the character doe. nathlng but move.
EFFECT§ After he decide. to stop, he con do
nathing else for the remamder of the
Type af Restrictions curre nt round.
Move & Penalt:les Theoretically, a hero con LIse ClII·
AII·out No action .. out movement as aften (lnd for 01
§prlnt +3 .. t.,.ps long as he wonts. Reolisticolly. how·
Run +2 step ..
ever. if. probably not possible for
lK>lIIoone to. use all-OUl movement lor
Walk Nop.,.mdty
more than a lew rounds before ad·
Ea ..U §wlm +i! ..tep5 verse effecl ...t in. The Gomemaster
§wim No actions will decide II 0. hero i. abusing the
611dl" +1 S1:l"P ·privilege· of all-out movement. and
FOy +2 step .. may assign penalt ies or assess tCl'
Iigue damage accordingly.
Danger In t he d e ptl1_ 55
3 TABLE P1i!:

= load Muve Penillty
= '!iTR x ii!'
§TR x 4
= 5TR x S 50% ••
= 5TR x 6 . .%

Moving While
= While it might seem !ike a good idea
lor your chcm::l(:ter to be able to carry
everything from (I plasma gun to (I
portable workshop. most people
can't pulup with sllch a huge load
lor long. II your Gomemaster choos-
es to enforce (I more re(llishc game.
she may lequire you 10 kaep track of
your charo-=ter's encumbrance-the
10101 weight of all gear at one time.
Keeping trock of ent'urnbrom;e
isn't always ne<::essory. If your chor-
acter owns (I storshlp. it's reasonable
10 assume thai he leaves a lot 0 1 his
personal poIlS9ssions slowed in (I
loo:;ker and only retrieves items as he
needs them. On the other hand, II
your character has just be@n ma-
rooned in tho middle 01 an arctic
waste and has to hike out, it's quite
reasonable for the GomemasteT to
ask you to decide which items your
choracter wants to tak9,

Effects of
Any choract9r can cany a lood 9qual
to twice his Streng th SCOre in kilo-
grams without feeling any odv,.lroo
affects, for 9xample, a human with a
Strength 01 10 con carry 20 kg worth
lilt mare weight than si~ times his reduced by 1.11 he can dump hi"
01 ttquipm9nt without losing a step,
Strength scale in kilograms (SBe the backpack belore getHng into a light,
A choroct91 toting 9quipment that
discussion of Strength leats on page his load drops to 22 kg, which puts
weighs mare than twice his Strength
63 in Chapler 4: Skills). STRx6 is the him under the STRx2 limltand
score in kilograms suff9rs P9nolties:
limit that a character can carry while means thert he con move and lighl
see TABlE P12: E/lCUMBRANCE. The re-
sHIl retainIng the abllity to move at with no penally to any of his actiono.
duction in movement rate applies
on appreciable speed.
both to combat movement and over-
• example: Grimes is wearing at-
land movement, The penalty applies
tack armOr (15 kg), carrying weapons Operat:ing in
to all aclions related to Strength,
and sensors totaling 7 kg, and WOOr- Zero liravit:y
and Oe~lerity-baood okills, as well
ing a backpack "lulled with supplies Light gravity, or no gravity at all, can
as the character'l!; Strength and Oe~'
and survival gear that totals 26 kg. be difficult for characters to dool
terity resistance modiliers, (for ex-
His totollood is 48 kg, and h9 hos a with ilthey aren't accustomed to it Or
ampl9. a chamcter with a ,I DeXt9rl-
Strength score of 12. The lood weighs don't have some sort 01 assistance.
ty resistance modilier who is loaded
STRx4. sa Grimes is slowed to 75% Any physical action a character at·
down with gear weighing Jive times
01 his normal movement mte, has a lempts while he's in a zero-gravi\y
his Strength score has his resistance
... 1 step penalty to th9 use of Strength environment carries a +3 step penal·
modifier r9duced to - I lor as long as
and Dexterity skills, and his lesis· Iy in addition 10 any other modifiers
S6 he remains encumbered.)
Although it's possible lor a hero to
tance modifiers In those Abilities ore that might apply.
In a light gravity environment
{oomparable to being on the Moon.
!oJ instance}. the ponalty is + I &tep_
These penalties m e lessened for a
here> who has the
lraining skill: see the skill descrip-
lion on page 71 of C hapter 4. AIBO. a
_heyon characte r has an innate
advantage when operating in zero
grayityor light gravit y: this Informa-
tion i. C<lntai ned in theze/O-g lIaia- po rk: see Chopler 5: Perks & Flaws. due to their explosive radius. In olh-
;"9 .kill description. Attacks with two weapons are er words. you need to know exactly
II Ihe optional rules lor mutants considered simultaneauS-lhat is. where a grenade lands. since il
(see Chapler 13) aTe used. iI's pos- they both OCcur in the some phase- doesn't have 10 hit its larget 10 inflict
SIble for a hero to obtain a mutation provided Ihat the Gamemas ter is al- damage. There are two types of
that enables him to lunction belter in lowing cha racters to pe rform two ac- grenades in the ALTUINITY game sys-
lighl gravity. tions at once (see page 51), tem: standard and gun-launched
grenades. (Chapter II: Weapons &
Armo. has descriptions and statis-
Aiming Thrown Weilpons tics fOI all available grenade&.)
Acharacter making an o Uack wi lh a How for a hero can throw an object Standard grenades are any of the
ranged weapon or a direct fill, heavy depends on his Strength IICOre. Short normal lragmen lalion. concussion.
weapon can spond an aclion aiming range is equal to the hero's Strength or energy grenades that are manual-
to increase hie chonce 01 success. score in mete rs; medium range is ly lossed 01 a tal get. A hero can toss
This provides a - I step bonus to his STR x 2 meters: and long range is a standard grenade a distance equal
0011 attock. p rovided he ma kes the
STR x 4 meters. These dista nces ap- to his normal throwing distance. He
attack in Ihe next phase in which he p ly ior throwing small. light obje<:ts. uses his Athlelics- thlow skill, Treat
isentitled 10 ac\. such as balls. grenades. rocks. Or a grenade as on object designed to
For example. a hero who gets two si milar items. Obje<:ls that Ole sig- be thrown for purpoSQs 01 determin-
acIions per round mokes a Good ac- nificantly larger Of heavie r can't be ing si tuation modifiers. Coyer modi-
tion check. He uses one action in the thrown as lor. fiers are applied to Ihe throw silua-
Good phase to aim at his torget. In Weapons designed to be thrown lion die if such coyer protecls from
the Ordinary phase. he uses his sec- indude knives. daggers. spears. the blast.
ond action to make the ranged at- hand axes. javelins. and shuriken. Gun-launched grenades are fired
tad. with a -I bonus for aiming. [Descriptions 01 these weapons can out of grenade launchers_ This re-
!f the hero spends the Marginal be found in Chapter 11: Weapons & quires the use of the Heavy Weap-
phase aiming. the -1 bonus is ap- Armodln addition. heroes might try ons-indilecllire skill. Ronges de-
plied in Ihe next phase in which the to hur l balls. ball-Ilzed rocks. bricks. pend on the grenade launcher being
hero can act (depe ndi ng on the ac- or even em pty guns 01 opponents. used_
tion check he makes in the next Damage adjustments Jar Strength Refer to TAI!t.f: P20: ACCURACY BY
round). 0 1 courS9. it the target moves apply to any attack mode with a RA"G~ on page 67 in Chaprel 4: Skills
0\1101 sigh t before the hero can oct. th rown weapon. and the accompanying text in the de-
the aiming bonus is IOGI. TABU: P14: THROW SITUATIOII Moot- scription 01 the throw skill to deter-
rims summarizes the difficulty of mine how lor a g renade lands hom
using a thrown weapon based on the its intended targel,
Attacking with type 01 object and the ronge of the If It's impor1anl to know Ihe dire<:-
Two Weapons target. As shown on tha t table. a tion of the miss from the target. a
hero actually gets a situation die simple random determination might
Acharacter can a rm himself with
bonus when trying 10 hit a talget al sullice: Roll d4. assigning each ollhe
IWO weapons. SO long as each weap-
short range with an object tha t is de- possible results to the lour basic di -
on il On obje<:t thai can be wielded
signed to be thrown. Obje<:ts Iha t Ole re<:tions (ahead of the target. behind
wilh one hand. These weapons Can
small and relatively light (weighing the target. to the lelt_ to the right).
be 01 a ny type. up to 3 kg) but alen't designed for The Gamemasler Guide has more
I! a character tries to attack wi th
throwing cause the hero 10 receive a detailed inlormalion on how to deter-
both weapons a t tho Borne time. the
penalty. even at shari range. For mine exactly where a grenade lands.
penalties describe<.! earlier in ~Two
heavy obje<:ts (weighing mare than 3
Actions at Once" apply to the a t-
kg b ut no mo,e Ihan one-hall 01a
tempt: Any attock a chorocler makes
character's Strength score in kilo- Holding Your
with the weapon in his all hand (the Breath
grams. rounded down). Ihe penally is
ODe he normaUy doesn't use) re-
+4, and no heavy objecl can be Any character con hold his breath for
""iyes a +4 step penalty. and any at-
tossed beyond short range. at least a nu mber 01 rounds equal 10
tock wi th the weapon in hi. Bkmed
hand receives a .. 2 s tep penalty. one-hall of his Constitution score
lirenades (round down). II he trios to keep hold-
These penalties are reduced il a
G re nades need to be treated a little
charac ter hos Ihe Ambidextrous
differenlly Irom other thrown objects
ing his breoth longer than that. he
mUSI make a Siomina--endutance 57
3 check at the .tar' 01 every subse·
quent round.. with a cumulative .1 IMPACT ily them Earth. reduc:. th" di ..ance
lallen by One g.ade (med ium be·

..... .tep penalty on each check alter tb •

Hrst One. On a Critical Failure relult.
he 5uffeI~ 4 poin'- oislun damage.
He",,., , have a habit 01 getting to
comes Ihort. lor example). On world,
with heavier gravity than Earth. in·
croose the distance lallen by one
= on a Failure THull 3 points. on on Or· ve.y high place•. engaging In lOme
kind 01 b.eathtaking light acene, and
grade (medium becomellong).
dlnory suceeu 2 point •. and on a
0-- then lolling all Thi .. ulually results Using Parachut.E!
<-> Good sUoceM I polnl. it

= II he get. a failu ... or (I Crilicol in a miracuioul rescue or 0 plunge to

the g.ound below, As the old laying
Th .. be.t way 10 take a quick trip ino
= failure , ... 0111 on a S.amlna-i!nduf·
once check. or if he loses all his lllUn goes. -[t Isn't th .. laU that gell you,
downward difection Is with a pala·
chute Itrapped to your back-but
or.> points, he ia unconscious and in don - but the sudden .top at the end: there'. still no guarantee that the
ge' of drowning. He make. a Staml- II a he.o wlndl up lolling Irom a landing won't cause damage.
= no-endurano:e c;:heck in every round
thereaUer. morking all wound point.
high place. he lu fle .. damage when
he hitlthe ground 01 lOme othel
Making a para<:hut" jump only ••
quires a check (usmg the Aaobatics-

= alter all hisltun point. ar .. gone and

then marking off mortal PQint .. when
hard object. a. described below
Whe n 0 falllng hera linally hits
oo,edevJI,killj if the 'ftuation
makes It a high·risk activity. Night
all his wound point. cue used up. II bottom. his play.., make. an Acro- jump,. jumping hom buildings and
h .. isn't rescued belo,e his 1as1 mOl - batics-loll skill check (or a Dexterity cliffl.low-oltitude jump•. and jumpi
tal point ia 10$1. Ih .. character dIe•. lea t check. if he doesn't have the loll made In high winds or bad woothe.
• E.. ample, !gel< Everslm ia ,-.:.Uy speciol1y nill). [)omage. a. shown or" hlgh·.i.k SlIuations. Alsa, any
In over hi. head this time-shackled on TABLE PIS; ''''PACT DAMAGI:. Is deter· parachuting attempt by a character
toa concrete bloo;k that happenllo mined by th" .esul t 01 the skill check untroined In th.. Acrobatica-da,e ·
be allh .. bonom 01 Cllok",. Hi. o;om· or leat check and the distance laUen: devil.kill is considered high·risk.
panions are looking for him. but Ex relefll to an ext.emely Ihort fall On any high·ri ak jump. a Criticol
don't know exacll y where he 18. With (a distance 01 less than 3 meters) or a Fallure Indicate. that Ihechute
a Cons1itutiou of 9. Jock hOH no prob· collision with a vehicle traveling no doe.n't open and th e cha lacte•• ut·
lem holding his breath for •• ounds. mOre than 20 kilometer. pe. hour. Ie .. damoge acco.ding to the full
At the stort 01 tbe nalrt round, he getl S i, fa. (I .hort loll (3 to 10 meter.), dIStance he lell. (See TAlIl.E PIS: iM·
a C"hcol Failure on hiIlStamina-en· or the equiY(Jlent of a collision with a PACT DAMAGt.) On 0 Foilu", result. t"-
dUlan,,", check and thus lose, 4 stun vehicle traveling 21to 60 kph parachutist .ulle.s damage a. 10' a
po,nts. One round later. he makes M Is for a medium fall (II to 30 m..· Short lall. and even an O.dinary suc-
his next end,"anc:e check with a .. 1 ters) Or a collision with a y.. hicle cels COUseS damage as 101 an fJe·
penalty and gets on Ordinary IUC' traveling 61 to 120 kph. t.emely Short loll. (The characte.
.,._2 mo.e I tun pointllost. L i. lor a lang loll (31 to 60 metersl makel on Acroboti<;llall.kill check
His next endurcrnce check II mode or 0 collision with a vehicle travel· immediately, and the lelult i, ap-
wLth cr .2 pelKJlty, and Ja<:k gets a mg 121t03OOkph. plied to Table PIS to determine how
Failur.. r..sult. He lose .. 3 mare pointl T I. lor a 1011 in which the victim'. much Impact damage h" s ullers.)
01 damog_hi.last 2 stun poin t$. body opproac:he& terminal veloci ty (0 On any othel result. the parachut·
which immedlalely r.. nders him Un' distance of 61 meters Or g.eater). Or a 1st lands without Injury. and the d&
conHCious. and I wound point (Iince collision with a vehicle traveling at gree ol.uccesB may have an effect
all his stun point. or.. now used up). more than 300 kph. on how accurate the jump wa •.
lack can Itilliurvive il he losel1 On the table, cross·.elerence the
mO.e wound points ond 3 of hil 4 luceesl achieved with the proper
mortal point •. But th .. penalty on hi. cotegory toderermine what kind of §URPRI§E
endu.ance check. gets worse each damage the victim sutiel •.
The Gamemaster can apply other Sometimes one side or the other get.
.ound-+3. then .~. and so on. He', the jump on its opponent. Surprise
probably going to be chalking up a modiILe.. based on the situatlon and
the action. 01 the characte... as well occur. when One .ide waitl in hiding
lot 01 Failur..... uff .. ring 3 point. 01 to ambush the other.• uccellliully
damage each lime. II his pal. don't as on the lubstance lallen upon
(.pi k.....ocks). Ineo.b up on the othel. or otherwi ....
hnd him soan. Jad: Is a goner. 10k" an opponent unawarftl.
Nore' On worlds with lighter gray·
At the It art 01 a acene. If one lide
o. the other is in a position to Sur·
prise its opponent. the Gamemaste.

col1,lor AwareneS.-inru,rion checks.
Severity of Impart
[n some .ituations bath sides con t.
equetlly .urprised. in which case
I:rit. Failure d6w d6+~_
• M
bath Iidel make intuition checks.
Th" Gamemaster a .. lgn. penalties
Failure d4w d4+~~" d4+~rn dS+~m d.~+6m to this check if the characters are oc·
Ordinary d6. d4w 114+1 ... d6+i!m dS .. 6m cupled o. in a rush. Bonuses can be

d ...
d4+~ .. dS+~ ......
d6 .. 4m
dli!+6 ....
a ... igned lor being cau tious or using
lOme type 01 sensor

Being Prepared check. changi ng Ihe degree 01 'uc. tween adventures. up to the charac·
On Ihe olher hand. a group con be
cess by one grade. A he.o who wan"
to improve his succa.. con spend a
ter'. maximum.
putpared 101 on encoun ter. th us gaIn-
Ing a bonus 10 ovoid being surpri sed.
point to change a Good result into an
Amazin g le,ult. or a hero who want. TYPE!i OF ......
ror characters to be prepared.
they need to fullm two requirements.
to hinder an opponent con chan".
!iITUATlOI\l!i =
QI outlined below;

a. nme to prepare: Heroes can'l

the opponent's Good reSUll into an
OrdInary result. Someti mes a Gamemaster assign. a =
oyoid .urpri se while they' re rushing Heroes and members of the su p_ lavel of quality to a s1luollon. This ~

polling cost con have last rasa.t ~

down a corridor a. when the si tua- categorlzotion can r.le. to such lao·
points. The Gomemaster Guide has
tion suddenly changes. They oan
detolls oa how lost rHOlt poin ts are
tUles as the rority of goods. tho pr....
po_pare II they lind a s uitable loca-
tion todele nd. If they move slowly
a ..lgned to the luppalling ca.o;1.
enes o . at..ence 01 light and sound.
the nol u.e 01 the d.cumstoncee. Or
some combina tion of these factors.
and routlous ly. or \I they have reo-
IOn to think an attock is im minent
a. Focus: Heroes con't be olerl lor
Rules "for U!iing
La!it Re!iDrt!i
a. Good. and Ilems: Ordinary
iteml ale common. everydoy object, =
sudden o Uach \I they're busy doIng Ihat have volue and worth. Exam.
lOIrlelhing else. To be prepa:ed 10 .e- • Only one 1011 re8011 poinl con pIe. include common load and dnnk.
lilt 'u'p rise. Ihey mUlt concen trate be spent to alter a .kill check 01 ac· run-ol·the·mill 9quipment, ond
011 . toying alert and wa tch luI. lion check. (Membe rs 01the chaop lodgings.
• Awarene" cbee'" I! a hero Agenl prolession can spend:1. point• Good Items o ra of high quolity
_I, the above two requirements. to alter the degree ol luccess by two and therefore mOle 8Jrpensive. Ex·
!wi ployer makes on Awatenela-per. grades. If Ihey 110 choose.) ampl... Include lour·.tar re.'aurants.
aPpiion check with a -1.·2. or-3 • !.aSI 'HOtIS co n't be used to aU- designer c\othing, top-of·the-line
bonUI based on th e quality of his set eac h othe r. Once a 1011 resort is equipment. and stylish lodgings.
preparedness. Any dugree 01suo;esa decla. ed on an aclion. no olher \ost Amazing items a.e .ore. extraordi_
iDdlroles that he con't be liurprised .asort. ca n be used on that OClion nary. and very expensIve. auch 01
III the presen t situation. a. The use olla.t resort points i. goulmel lood, exotic and unique
declared in orde r. stort ing with the equipment. and luxury IOOgmgs.
chalocter who gOI th. beat act ion • Ligh t and Sound: The amount 01
Effect!i Df' check. In the ca se 01a tie. use die light or lIOund prese nt in a he.o·,
§urpri!ie rOlllto see who gootl Ii,sl. vicini ty can a Ueci the luc:cell8 01 on
• The use 01 0 lastlesort point oct ion h.ottempIR.
Allh•• tart 01 a lleene in which 01
mUSI be declared alter dIes a .e Ordinary ilIuminalion is equivo·
1ea.1 one characler lailed hi. Awar..
.olled but be lore ony .esults are ap· lent 10 normal daylight. Ordinary
_check. a .peclal.urpri.... phase
ocans. Any characte r who iSn'llur_ plied. For axam pl e. II a villain roll. sound II normal bockglound noise.
priMd can take o n action in lhi, an Amaz ing attack. the hero must de· Good lIIuminollon I. sim ilar to the
cla.e his last resort use to change it brightness of 0 sunny day. or the in-
pbr.rM. When all unaurprlsed charae.
len have Oded. the surprise phase
to a Good resu lt belore the villain side o f a well·1iI room Good .aund il
calcu lates damage. loud enough to moke normal COnve.-
tcds and nonnal oC lion rounds .10l1.
a. Only a character direclly ia. solion ditlicult.
valved In an oclion can spend a last A ma~ing Illumination is equiva-

LA!iT RE!iORT reeort point on tha t acllon. For ex. lent 10 looki ng directly 01 the sun. or
omp l•. o hero <Xln spend a 108t .ellOrt a high'in tensity light bulb. Amazing
POII\IT!i to a lter his own skill Of action check. lIOund drown. ou t everything else in
01 to olte. 0 Hill check whose relu lt the olea.
When a hero f<lCes •• treme don"er.
dir&ctly ollecls him. These cotegorizotions can also be
"hen great injury or even dealh
_m Inevitable. or whan a ha.o iuat ... Loll reso rts can't be usoo to oc· a pplied to conditions of low illumi.
compllah whal would ot herwise be notion. ronging Irom Slight (0 night
bas to pull 0 mira cle out of thin air in
impouible.if the Gamemaster de ter. .ky unde. moonlight) to Extreme
1O'00r to aave the day. he may have
mines tbot the.e·, no way to s~ (total dolkn ..... such os in.lde a win·
!beopportunity to use 0 last rHOlt
poinl. at a parilculor oction. Ihen a 10lt reo dowless room or 0 deep cove).
Like skill points. losl reBort palma
sort can't be used to lurn a railure ... Cj~"m3 tonceS: Slight ci.cum-
inlO an O.dlnory .ucee... stance. a re .traighllorward. with a
<'lin be "O. ed ond apen t The rules
lor how mony lasl rHOrt points a
a. A last resort .penl on a Critical mndicum 01 dil!icully ond an air of
Failure olte" the outcome too Fail_ routine to them.
d.;rrocter can hove ore on page 3B In
ure. Bad luck is oven ed. but tbe ac- Moderate circum.tances have a
Cbopre. 2: He.o Creotlon.
tion I till doesn't .uc:caad. (A Free mnderote degree of dilliculty and On
Agent. able to spend two 108t .esori oi r 01 tensIon ossociated wi th tham
Eff"ct!i Df' La!it points at once. con chango a Critical Ihat makes these lICenes more dra-
Re!iDrts Failur. intoan O .dlnory sueee...) ma tic.
• Last .eaort point. con be pur· Extreme circum.tonces hove a
Aloat rHOlt poinl can be .penl 10 chased with sto.ed ,kill point •. A high degree 01 dillicuJty and an in·
nlte. the result of any s kill or acllon hero con buy last ' eSOT! points be. 'ansity that make these scenes cli-
mactic and 01key Importance. Sg
..... IIraed Skill. acte' la n ..... r obliged 10 .pend ,kill
hJy bela NCeivltll ,II Iree moad polntl. and may clwoM to 10 ... 110m.
,kiU, allbe beginning 01 bla COIMI. or cd! of Ih. poinillhe eamlln orde,
mau: PC' f'ilE£ BIIOAD SIm.l.S f'OI\ HE-
IIOEB all pap 34 in Chapter 2: Helo
Cno1lon lill' the ,\rille available to
.ac:b bero al;COldlng to his speclel.}
to be obi. to pu,chaae a .kill or a
benellt thaI hOI 0 higher COIIllaler

Cost: o f' Skills

SKILL POII\ITS The mllhod fat determining how
many palnl. a character must spend
s.ery beginning helo receivel an 01- 10 obtain a Ikill or to acbleve a high·
1otmetI10i akiU point, baaOO on the
I ! rank In a specialty Hill. I. de·
cbaructeralntelUgencv KOIe, and I,
lolled in the ·PurchOM SkiUI" II!C'
_tilled to u.M thOH points to pur-
lion on page 341n Chapter 2: Hero
c:ba8e <I eeriuin number 01 additional
Creation. To lummarlze:
brood 0111. and _pedolty ainU. be-
~ The cost to purchase a b rood
10M ttQrtlng hercat..r. TAILE PS:
_kill or rank 1 In a specialty Ikill 'I
HDO STAImtfG SlnJ. PoIImI On page 34
either Ih.lIst pI!~, a$ given on T,,1Il.E
In Chapter 2: Hero Creation summa-
P19: &lu. J..tST (pagel 64-65), or Ihe
Iiaa the nwnNI 01 points and .kill,
Il$t prlc. - I. A character paYlli,t
available according 10 a charac;ter',
price -I il he or _he il a member 01 a
lntellipDCe. Additionally, a begin-
proi.. ,lon mentioned. in Ihe "Pr_« col·
lliAg bero may ehlctto"caah in" one
umn lor that l!rlll_
or more 01 he, II .. broad Uill$, fa-
~ The eoatlO pun.:ha.. a highll
c.lnng 3 more skill pointl for each
runIr in a ,peclalty skill is either Ihe
broad pill ,be ChOO68B to !orego.
/i,' price Of .hell., price -I. plus a
ffbll rellllqullhmg 01 inHI broad
number 01 polntl equcd to the char-
abUI con't N dODeallera hero
acter'a eUfien l rank in the skill.
atmt, ber ca ...,. A character may
caah in one or more of h., free broad
akill. and then ptueho .. the lame
akllIrs} later on.)
AI a hero pUIBueB her C([T(Ier, ,h. A chol'(lcter'1 obUily 10 perform an
I_Iv.. achievement poinl& hom aellon related to a Ikill is indiool ed
lb. G<:un.maller as rewardllor IUC· by 1111 'killscor•. For a blood . klil .
ces.fui com pillion 01 mb.lona and thll number it! th.lOme 01 the relal·
atlammenl 01 gooll. When lIhe oh- ed Ability Score; 11 nelrOr changlll.
loins enough oehl_menl polnll to unl... th. Ability Score itself i,
qua!Uy lor blgh.r achieve· .arnehow increaled or decreased
lnentl.vel. the.. pointa gre convert· For a lpeclalty Ikill a choroeter'1
ed Into akill paints gOO may th.n be aoorell equcd to the assoc;lated Abil-
UMd to purcllose new 1lrl1ls or other lIy Scor. pllll the character'l cunenl
ben.fitl_ (See COOp/IIIB: Achi"........ rank in the Ikill
mentllOI mor.inlormo1lon.J A cbo t-
such a case. a specific number of
successes must be achieved to com·
plete the task. Mast 01thll timll. the
Gamernoster won't tell you how
m(lny successes your hero needs;
you'U lind this out only alter the task
is linlshed.
which is referred to freque ntly
throughout the rest ollhis chapter-
identifies the factors that influence (I
complex skill check. The conditions
under which a hero is operating can
!ikill Check.. and other lactors. as specified in a skill provide a modilier to the situation
de>;<;riptl,,m oros directed by 1,lIe
!iit:uat:ion Dice Gamemaster.
die, ranging from +4 steps lor a Criti·
cal situ(ltion (worst for the hero) to ~
A skill check is used to determine the Modiliers \0 the situation die gen-
sleps lor a situation that i8 Ama~ing·
outcome 01 an aelian directly lelated emily mnge from an Extreme penal-
ly favorable. The complexity 01 the
\0 thai skill. To make a skill check. a ty (.. 3 slepa) 10 an Amozing bonus (--3
task is reflected in how many suc·
player rolls a d20 ((he con hol die) steps), as shown on TASU: P16: SITUA-
cesses the hero needs to finish the
pluB a situation die thai varies ac· TION DIE MODlf1D!S. Many 01 the skill
job. On ony indivldual di"", roll dUJ'
oording to the ditliculty 01 what's descriptions in this chapter provide
ing a camplex skill check. on Ordi·
being allempt9'd. The check suc- examples of various situation die
nary result counts as I SUCr:(lSII; a
ooeds it the result 01 the dice roll is modifiers that playeru and the
Good result counts as:1. successes;
eq,I<11 to or less than the character's Gamemaslercan use to help them and an Amrnring rellult counlS as 3
skillsC(lre. determine how easy or dillkult il is
The base situation die lor all to succeed at a skill check under var·
Each of these individual dice rolls
broad skills is .. d4. and the base sit- ious conditions. Ex~pt when other·
Is one portion of a complex skill
uation die iorall spedolty skills is wise indicatoo, situation die modi·
check. In the best case. a complex
+dO. The situation die lor any portic- fiers are cumulative: II a condition
skill check can be completed in one
ui(lr " kill "heck may be modified by exists that warrents a Moderate
dice roll. iI its complexity is Ma rgin·
penalty. and another condition calls 01 and iI the result ollhe roll is a
lor a Slight penalty to Ihe BOrne
Good or Amrnring success.
check. the modifier in that case is a One or Iwo Failure results during
+3 penalty. Examples 01 typical situ·
a complex skill check don't count (IS
ation die modifiers are provided In
failures; this simp ly means that the
many 01 the skill descriptions that
character made no progress toward
Table PI6 doesn't represent the
lull range 01 possible modiliers.
Some factors could modify the situa·
tion die by 4 s teps or more in either I:OMPLEX SKILL
direction. as set lorth in a skill de- I:HEl:K§
scription or as determined by the
Gamemaster. £ortd;t;iort!!i Modifier
Critical (worst) +4 ..teps
§ingle V!i. Extreme +3 steps
Complex !ikill Muderate +i! steps
Check.. 5light +1 !!itep
With many skills. a single dice roll Marginal Norte
immediately determines whether a Ordinary - 1 st.ep
character succeeds (and il sa. the de· Good -i! ..tep
gree of SUCCIISS he achievesJ. 1f a Amazing (best) - 3 'Steps
hero wants to jump across a chasm
Or recall a specific piece of informa'
5u c cesses
tian. his success or failure is appar-
t:omplellity Required
ent after a single skill checl..
for complicated, tirne-coru;umi ng
las ks (such as repairing a piece 01

3 or 4 a
equipment or breaking into a se· liood 5 to 7 a
cured computer system) or a t times Amazing B to 10·
whIm the Gamemaster wants 10 • §p .. o:Iflc number decided

62 huild tension and suspense, a com·

plex skill check may be called lor. In
by the liamem....t.,r.
conte. t or when htrgghng ave, 0
busineel tronsaclion, and roleplay·
Ing the outcome isn't leasible, use
this system.

Trainl!d Dr
II a he ro has received o. pUfchtrseci a
b.oad . klll or a speclo:lty sk ill. he's
considered to be trained in Ihe use of
that Ikill_ A hero who Is trained in a
broad s kill can trttempt to perform
any aseoc ia ted s pecialty ekill using
his b.oad s kill llCOr_un le8S the
specialty can't be used untrained
It a herodoesn't have a particular
b road s kill 01 a reloted special ty
skill, he can s lill a ttempt a skill-re-
lated a cllon. [n this cale, the hero is
considered untrained. U" Ihe un-
tra ined acore lor the .elaled Ability
(on .. halt ol lhe Ability Sco.e, round·
ldtvool with the action he just took ing todo: a skill c heck il used tad..
ed up) when a ttempting the ... ac-
Blat II three Failure re.ults are rolled termine on ly the degree o f success.
tions. The bose situation die 101" an
awing the same complex skill cheek, nol wh et her the he .o lucceeds o.
uotrained skill check I, .. d4, just as it
It.. third One inslantly ends Ihe 01· loils. [n such ca ses, a Failure .esult
Is lor the ned use 01a b.oad .kill
Itlnpt. Tha t particula.comple. skill be-cornlll a MarginalsucceSll- but a
cbec:k con't be attempted og<:rin until Critical Ftrilu.e s tllllnd,coles tha t
OOIId.ilions change in some signili- some thing unlortunote has hap· Feat Checks
IXmt wc.y (Ihtt helO improves his skill pened, or may happen in the lutute
Sometime. an action your hero at·
runk, obloin s new ttquipmenl, or (in the lorm 01 a bit of bad luck). tempt' is not directly r.lated to a
brings In some expert assistance). speciJlc Hill. [0 suc h ca...s, luccaBl
A lingle Critico:l Failu.e result im·
l>Idiotely ruins a complex .kill
Character "'!i. o.lailu •• Is determined by Ihe result
of a feat checl. To make a feat check.
dleck. Depending on the sHuation or Character a player rolls a dW (th. control die)
the decision of th e GomemoSler. the In aimOliI every case, only the acilng with a bo le .itu otiou die of +d4. (01
Mro may be able 10 slo rl again tram characler moktts a Ik ill check to d .. course, other condition, ma y modify
It.. btgin ning--<lf it could be that termine the result 01 his attempt to the " Iuction die.) It the dice roll is
1M chance of su~ing at that par· do something . But sometimes the equal loor l...s than the he.o'"el..
balla, complex skill check is gOne outcome 0 1 a situation may depend vant Ability Score. some degree 01
IoJ th. time being, or perhaps gone on wha t happens wh en characterl Bucce.. Ie ac hieved.
forlver. compe la with one another. The
Gamemaster Guide hal mo.e details
Mal'"glnal Success
Wben a bero mak ... tr ,kill chec:1l,
on this. bu t in general here's how Lt !iTRENIiTH
there are live possible resulls a t his Each charecter involved in direct !iKILL!i
OX1lon: Crilical Failure. Failure. Or- compehhon [except for combol) Strength measure_ a hero', physical
dHlory success, Good success, and makee an approprlate ski ll check. power. To de termine the reeull of an
Amazing succau, In some si tuations, Any elwation dia mocIiheri that ap· action Involving Strength that ien'l
tbtGamemasrer may decide lhal tr ply should be ligured into the check directly related to a skill. a hero
iIeIOf;XIn't really toil at what he's try· The charode r who ochieves the makes a feat check (01 deKfibeci
greatet level of suceee.-Amazing earlier on this page).
beat. Good. Good beats Ordinary. Lifting a heavy object is one e_-
TABLE PIS: Ordinary beat. Fall ur. or Marginal, trmpl. 01 a Strenglh leat. The Gam ..
BASE §ITUATION DICE and (I Crl lical failurelndicatel an master doesn't have to be specific
immedia te and significan t 1000s- when he decltr res a leal 10 be at a
"tpo of !ic:n...., wins the compet ition If the contel- certain level of dilticul ty, but he will
4.nlnn BD~. 01" U,... d tantst ie (both roll a Good succese, use the following 0 1 a general rul e:
F.... t . d4 AblllC:~ fore.o mple), then a nothe r check A Marg ina l leal (no modUier) is on.
Unt ... ln .... • d4 \I. Ablllt:~ must be made. that htrndles weight. 01 nO mo.e
Bra.. d !iklll When character. (especially h ..
. dO
. dD
+ Honk
roes •• p .... nted by di lle.enl pl ay·
e ..) 1,1." the sam. skill aga ,ns t each
than 3 tim ... the hero', Strength score
in kilograms; a Slight leat ( .. I penal-
Iy) hondles weightl o .ound:) timn
other, euch as in an arm-w.e stling
Ih. hlllo', Strength; (I Moderateleat llippery. o. a bonus ilthe object hal TABI.E P41: ARMoR On pogo 188 in
(.2 penally) involve. weigh" 01 10 hand l•• Or protrusions thot make il Chapter II: Weo-ponJ: & Armor listl
Ilmellhe hero's Shength !IeOTS In 90Iier 10 hold onto. the vorioul types 01armor availabl. and an Extreme feat (+3 and indlooleS which ones requi re llle
penally) handles weights In the use. 10 lak, an gr;1ion che<:k and
range of 15 tim •• the hero'. Strength A.RMOR OPERATION Des terity r.slslance mooil;", penol·
11«\. & In kilogram&. Feat. Involving ArmOllhafl bulky. heavy, and cum- ty. Und •• the "Skill" column on thai
heovier weights .equl •• on Amazing bersome hinderllhe character uaing table. an entry of"-" means that tb.
succen to achieve and lnUiet lotigue il Thiel' •• lIeeloo by a penohy 10 Armo. Operation skill is nOl nHcled
damage upon the character (aa~· tbe characte,'. action check and the to use the armor .II8C1iv"ly. cmd no
loUed In the' •• Guide). lessening or negating 01 a charac· action che<:k 01 DeJ:lftrity ' esistane.
In this nomp)., lactor. other .han lei, o.xterity .&.iBtan.;& modUi • •. modifier penalty is associated wlth
the weight althe object being lifted Th. Ope.ation broad skill and it. II either" Armol Op: "combert." or
moy gl$Ooliect the situation die; lor
64 Instane.. (I penally it th. objoc;\ i.
Its speciallv skills help to alleviat.
theM penaltiol.
·powered" appears under "Skill:
then the penoity (given in the "AP"
column) doel apply, and thi8 .kill cumbersome armor. Also, an un-
cornel Into play. trained character can't use any type
Having JUI' the brood skill aUow. of powered OnnOr. rrfl(t 10 human, mechalul. ''Sa, and
a he.o to .educe the action check and woren heroes.
Delltelity resi.tance modifier penalty Thl. brood skill provid.. a hero
01 any ty~ 01 (mnor by I step, An ac-
COnlbat Annor with Ihe abilili.. of a natu lal ath .
tion penai!y can be reduced This specially skill allow. a he.o to lel.-o competent level olltlength.
hom .. I to 0, 0 1 ftom +2 to +1 , and so Imp.ove hi. ability to perfonn ac- grace, and physical ptOw"s. This
on-but thl. ~nelit neve r provides a tlons,lncluding ponying wilh a Ik ill is used lodeterminelhelucc:e..
bonu •. A o.lI teri ty resistance modUl· Ihleld, while wearing standard com- of physical aClions .uch as climbing
er penalty can be .imilarly offset. bat armor. by a gradual proceu 01 a tree, jumping over a large hole, or
perhaps ratumlng the characte r'. reo learning to compensa te for the throwing an object al 0 ta.get.
.btcrnc. modifier to its original weight and owkwa rdnesl of th.
value. heavy armor, A character with Ihls
A choractar with the broad skill Ikill at rank 1,2, or 3 is allowed 10 re-
who 11 d.cked out in armor can at· duce the action check and Dellterily This speciolly .kill allow. a hero to
tempi any actions he wants, Ihough resillance modifier penalty allSoclat- Imp.ove Ihi. aapec:t of the Ath letics
IIOfMIltrenuous physical activiliel ad with combat armor (not powered broad skill. With the climb I klll, a
ijumplng, running, climbing, e lc.) armol) by I additional step, hero can ICXIle walls, a_nd moun-
may lequire on Armo. Oparot ion ~ Parrying wllh a Shield: Th. laLluo, or otherwiBfl climb upor ov.. general. an Ordinary relult Armal OparatiOll-<'Omoot ormor skill obstacle •.
on thll ,km check indicates a haH el- applies when a hero tries 10 parry an [n combat $Cenes. a hera can
lect {run 01 one· hall the normal rale, Unarmed Allack at Mele<.! W.,pons climb a cerlain number 01 meterlln
for.~amplel. while a Good resui! or allrn;k. For rules on ponying, ... a phaBfl, depending on the relult 01 a
bette, Indicales 0 full effect (run a t poge 69. .kill check: Cri tical Failure, loll (i!
the normal rate). possible); Marginal. no progr..s thlt
For a helo untrained in Armor Op" act!on; O rdinary. I mater; Good, 2
eration, on action check and Dexte.l-
Powered Armor meler8; Amazing, 3 me'ell.
Iy reilitonce modilier penalty oslo- Thi. dill cun', be used untrained. In challenge $Cenel Or whenever
cloted with any type of armol alwayl Thi. specialty skill allow. 0 hero the Ggmemaster determine. Ihat a
applle •. An untrained he.o can', do to Improv. his proficiency with pow. time unit other Ihan rounds applies,
anything bu, walk and make simple ered combat armat. becoming oble to a climb check is a comple" skill
allaeU while using any armo. that • fliciently employ the ~trenglh en- check (see Table PI7, page 62)•
carriel on action check and res il- hancement. buill inlo powered II a helo gell a Crilical Failu.e on
tance modm.r pell(llty. Simple at- annat. A cholacter wilh thi •• kill al a clImb check. he 10M. his grip and
tach orl just Ihat-Do rank beDe llt., rank 1. Z. or 3 i. allowed to reduce lall. (unless equipment preventslt).
luch as the double-strike benefil re- the action check and Dexterity· II he has any act ions lett in the
lated to the Mele<.! Weapons special- tance modifier penalty a'8OCia ted round, he can al1empt to regai n hll
ty skill., can be employed by On un · with combat armor (not powe red hold by getting an Ord inary succ:e..
trained charactar who il wearing a rmor) by I additional step. or better on a second climb check
with a +1 penalty on top 01 any olhll
modifier. Ihal apply. II th i, attempt
lolls or if Ihe hero ha l no remaining
octionl, he lalls. Damage hom Ihe
loll (see TAlt.£ P15: IMPACT DAMAGtOD
page 58 in Chapter 3: Heroes in Ac-
HOD) i.lessened if the hero makes a
.uc:c:elllul untrained o."terity chICk


01 an Acrobatics-fall skill check: see lor a jump should be adjusted ac·

thedescriplian of Acrobatics-loll for cardingly. ~ a rough guideline.
mOrS in formation. double the given distances in light
gravity and reduce them in heavy
gravity: for Ear!h normal )(2, take
Jump one-half of the given distances: for
1\i. specialty skill allows a hera to Earth normal )(3. use one· third; and
Improve this aspec1 of the Athletics $Olorth.
broad skill. W ith the jump skill, a Increa$ed Di$lance' As a hera
M.a can a ttempt to leap aver obsta- increases his ranks in this specialty
des by performing a horiwntal run- skill. the distance that he can jump
ning or standing jump. or a vertiooJ or leap also inc'ease&. The running
loop jump improves by 1 me ter at ranka 3,
In combat scenes. a hero oon jump 6.9< and 12: the standing jump im·
aoo"ain number oj meter. depend- proves by I meter at ranks 4, 7. and
Ing on the .esult of a skill check. 10: and the verHcalleap improves by
The.e are three types of jumps: Cl.5 meters a t ra nk.. S. 8. and 11.
,tanding jump. running jump, and
venicolleap. On any jumping at-
tempt. a Critical Failure .esult indio Throw
o:Ites that the hero trips and takes a This specialty skill allows a hero to
bard loll. suflering d6 points 01 stun improve this aspect 01 the Athletics
dam\llle. A Marginal result indicates brood skill. With the Ihraw akill. a
thut the hera makes a leap of Ordi- hera can accurately tass balls. darts.
nary distance (see below) but suffers s tones. throwing knives. grenades,
at points of stun damage because of and other small objects 01 a specific
apoorlanding. target.
On a standing jump allemp1. on The accuracy of a throw depends
Ordinary Success means a leap of I an the range (distance from the
meter; Goad, 2 meters: and Amazing. thrower 10 the target) and the degree
3meters. A standing jump is per- of success achieved on a skill check.
formed from a sta tionary starting po_ as shawn an TABLE P'2Cl: ACCURACY 8Y
• Ition. Rf,HGt:. for example, at sharI range .
On a running jump attempt. on any success hilS the target or the tm-
Ordinary success moons a leap of2 gel hex. (The target hex is a 2·mele.·
meteu: Good. 4 meters: and Amaz- diameter he~agon centered an the
ing. 6 meters. A runntng jump re- ta'gel.);'t medium rongo. an Amaz-
quires at least 4 meters of space for a ing Or Good throw hi ts the target; at
running star! before making the long range, only an Amazing result
jump. counts as a dhecl hit . Other results
On 0 vertical leap allempl. an Ot- miss the target by the distance
dinary success means a leap of I shawn. The distance a throw misses
meter: Goad. 1.5 meters: and Amaz- by ian·t important for most thrown
mg. 2 meters. A verticalleop is made ob;ects. but it does matter lor gre·
hom a standing position; the dis· node results. since a grenade has a
lanoos indica te how for above his blast radius.
head a character can leap and reach.
Hoje: In an environment where the
91avily is wooker or stronger than
wrth normal. the distance ligures
On 1:0p of the . 11:uatlon 67
Athletics, HEAVY WEAPDN5
!ipecific !ikill This brood skill prevides a here
A blallk lilla is provided undar Ath· with training in the use of he-avy
le tks on the hero sheet lor a player, we-aponry that isn't pall ef a shi p Or
if he so desiras, to add a specialty a vehicle, including mOllan;, g ra·
skm tha t lits into tha concept he has nade and rocket launchers, s houlder·
lor his herC>-'-lor 8J(ample, a speci fic fired missiles, and heavy lirearms.
sport or a physlcallitness regimen We-apons that ale part of a large s hip
such as weigb tli lting or aerobics. or a single·operator vehicle require
How this skill wOlks in the con text el the use 01 Sys tem Opera1ion or Vehi·
a compaign, and even if it will be 01· cle Operation, respectively.
lowed, is left te the Gamemaster. Heovy weopon .. a.e listed on TABLE P40: HEAl'"! WUPQNS on page .. 182-183
in Chapter 11; Weapons & Armor.
Each one is designa ted as eithe r a
di .ect lire we-apon or a n indirect lirs
weapon. The Heavy Weapons broad
skill allows a he ro to use an y heavy
weapon at the tra ined level. The tWl)
specialty skills da scribed below pro-
vide improved abili ty In the use of
the two types 01 weapons,
Each heavy weapon has a " ' 01
range ligures. Situation die modi·
fiers lor lange, as s hown a bove on
trtDlS, may a p ply when a c.... ta in type
of heavy weapon is used againat a
talget or a location tha t lies within a
particular range category.
In addition, the a ccu racy 01 an in·
direct·li re weapon depends on the
range bet ween the shooler and the
targat location as we ll as the Iype 01
suc<;ess achieved. as shown on TABU
1'20: ACCURACY BY RANGE. Fa. exa m'
pie. a ny Sllc<;eBB (Ordinary or bettel)
hi ls a target a t short range. but at
med ium range an Amazing ar G ood
SUC<;<lSS is necessary. Other results
miss tha targ<ll loca tion by the dis·
tance shown.
A lew direct ·lire he-avy wea:polls
(as well as same rilles and all su b·
machine gunB) are a utomatic weap-
ons capabl e 01firing multiple rounds
of am munition in e\rery attack, Th<l
various auack modes lor a utomatic
weapons are desc ribed On page 74,

Direct Fire
This specialty s kill a llows a helo to
impro\re his proficiency wi th direct·
fire heavy weapons. These weapons
work just like norma l firear ms, reo
qui ring the USer to ai m the m at a
target, Direct· lire hea\ry w<lapons
includ<l hea:vy·caliber fi rearms.
p la sma guns, and .e nders,

Indirect Fire
This specio lt y skill allews 0. hero to
68 Improve his proficiency with indio
recl·H .. heovy weapon ... Th....
.eapon. can lir. over or arOllnd ob-
~IH; Ibey dellve. an areg elleel
attocl: In..,ead at an attack againsl a
lpICiHe lar!jJ.,.lndiree1·fire hlKJVY
.... pon. Indud. g •• nad.launcherl.
,ockellaunch.r.., .. boulder·tired mi ..-
on," on page S7 in Chaplet 3; Heroes
in AClJon). 0 character can use hi.
oil·hond weapon (or .hield) to parry
a Melee Weaponl or Unarmed Attack
akill directed against bim in the
sam. phas. In which he atto<:u. U a
charocter Usel 0 react;on pany (_
d,\!onal abiliti.1I as described in
"Mel. . Weapon. Rank Benefil." on
the prevlou. page.

Powered Weapon
Thl. lpecloity .kill allows a hero to
lilH. and morlall. "Melee Weapon .. Rank BenetiIS"), he Imp rov. his proficiency wilh any
muBl wolt until hi. action cheek powered melee weapon-o chain-
phase cornel up to actually make Ihe sword. gravmac •.• tar IIword. pul,",
MELEE WEAPOI\I§ ottcck, though both .. klll cheeks re- baton, or any otber melee weapon
f.N 10 .n,heyem heroes. ce;ve the appropriate twa-weapon lhat UH. ene rgy to enhance its per
This .~!l provld... a hero with penoltle... lormonce ond damage capability
!mining in Ih. U18 of melee weap- A. a hero och;ev•• higher ranks in
OI!L A mel.. weapon I.. any object a thl' .. peclalty, he gains additional
"".0 use. in a dose-quaI1e ... lIght. Blade abilitiel a. desc.lbed in "Melee
from a blade O:n1le. Iword, ax) loa Thi •• pecloJty .. kill allows a hero to Weapon .. Rank Beoefits" on the pre-
bludgeoning weapon (dub. mace. improve hi.. proficiency with ony vLOul pa!jJe.
rahlelegl 10 a powered mel.. weop- bladed mel.. weapon-Q IwOrd.
on (gravmace. ,,'un baton. lIi·stolO. knife, dogger. WI. polearm. or any
Melee weopon. a,eli.ted on T.uu: olher weapon Ihat InUict. damage U"'ARMED A.TTACK
P38: Ml:Lf:E W&.\roll3on pogel 172--113 by .l1her pi ...;ing or ,lashing on op- fr . . to welen helQll!L
IaChaplel II: Weopons& Almor. ponent wilh It. Iharp edge. As a hero Thi. b.oad skill pravid.. a baro
~ Parry; A charac!.r with a melee achievel higher rank. in th;.s spe- with balic kncwledga and expel,-
weapon can attempt ro parry a clalry. he gain. additional abilities ence in hand·ta-hand fighting. A
M~lee Weaponl or Unarmed Attack aB described in "Melee Weapons helo trained In Unarmed Auack hal
skill used against him. Parrying with Ronk Beneht." on the previoull page. enough know-how to dish aliI dam-
a melee weapon requlrel tbat the oge ond proteet hlmsell in a .treet
marm'!e. make a Mel.. WeapolUl /lgh! To improve hisfighling Iklll ... (J
skIU cbeek (ullng 0 lpeclalty skill if
Bludgeon hero mu.! purchase tha Unarmed At·
IIJlphcable) and compwe hi •• esult Thi•• pecially .kill allows a hero to laek lpeciolty .lrills detailed below
IOthe attacker'1 result. (The Armor implove hll p.oliclency wilh any Damage inmcted by a nonnal Un-
Operation I.kill and III combor amlo. bludgeoning melee wecrpon-o club. armed Attock i .. d4l/d~.lsld~~2s.
specialty ore uMd by a charact.. r 01· mace. quo.tersloll. Or any olhe. plu .. ony bonuse. a hero .eceives lor
...... ptln!jJ to porry with a Ihi .. !d.) weapon lnal inflicts damoge by hi. Strenglh SCOre. This i.
Th .. charac!.., who parri... musl 'triking an opponent with its blum ",ed low Impact (U) damoge for th,
achieve a degr. . olslIccesllhat's lurface. As a hero och;ev.. higher purpose 01 determining the ellee!;ve·
~aJ to QI beUer than Ihe attacker's. ranks in this .peelolly. he gainll ad- ne.. 01 the opponent'. armor
FOI' exomple. 1I 1he attacker achieved
a Good .. uce .... the defender needs
laachiev. a Good or suc-
tIJQ to parry the attack. (A character
"'00;1 untrained or has ju.. t the
broad skill can attempt to parry. but
!hoM wilh lanksln lhe appropriale
specialty have a better chance
o! IlICCHIIlully parrying an auack.) If
the delende. achl.Vfl on equal 01
better than degr.. ol ..ucce.., no
damage I.. Inflicted by the porried
auaek. A character ron only party in
a phase wh.n he ha .. on action
available; a cha racter who achieves
a Good aclion cheek reBult, Jar ex-
ample, ron 't auempl lO parry an at·
lack directed again.! him in the
Amazing phaH. Only one aUack i.
dellee!ed, and no olh.. actions ca.n
be attempt<ld In the same pOOsa in
wbich 0 charo<:ter ouemptl to pany.
.. Characl.,. with Two Weapons
OlOn. Weapon and a Shield, Apply-
mg Ihe normal penoitlel OIsociated
"'ith two weapon. at the same
time (see "Attacking with Two Weap-
4 • o..erpowerlng: Th .. Unarm9d
AUOl:k ,kill I, olso u.sed to determine
bat The hero', r"Bi~l(Jnce modilier
improves by + I 01 rank •. by ,I agoln
pole. When called upon 10 make a
verliculleap. a c;:h(lfoc:ter may UM .. I-

.....tM euccen 01 an attempt to ov•• -

power an opponent. as detailed in
c.-? tho Com.mosler Guide. Brieny. 0Ye1-
01 rank 8, and by +1 again 01 ronk 12.
M a hero achiev ... highe, lank.
in Ihl' .peciclty. he gams other oddi·
the. his Alhletia-jump skm or hi,
Acrobatic. .kill. II the chon;,,;I.. , hal
both ,kills, incrflOJOtl th .. distance
~ pow_nng i, a 'arm of unanned 01· tional ahilllies 08 desc:rib.d In ·Un- noted under the jump description by
tack made Ilmullaneoully by one or armed Anack Rank Benefits" on the I meter. II ,h. character U_ (I pole.
= mo •• ollie. trying 10 grab and ,&-
c.-? I "oin a 'Ingle apponeaLII a lingle
previous pog •. InCleollethe diltance by 2 mete ••.

oUack.r tries to overpower another

cho rocter, hie Unarm&d Attock skill DEXTERITY Daredel/il
Thl. lpecialty sloill enablee 0 hero tel
check Is mode at a +1 penally. (The
AClobotlce-<iefensive martial artll
!iKILL5 Improve hi. ability to perlorm high·
,10m con 0110 be used on on over- Dex te rity measures a hero's agility. risk activIties such aa .kydlvlng.
pawe' attempt; _ the skill descrip- coordination. and leUexes. To deter- KUbo d,ving. hOllg gliding.• urling.
tion Ihat begin. on the bottom of thi. mine the relult of on action involv_ bungee jumping. and whitewaler
page.) Ing o.xterity that isn', directly relat- ralting.
[very additional attackel who ed to a skill. a hero make. a leat The outcome 01 a daredevil at-
takes part in the eame overpowering check las described on poge 63). tempt It determined by a "ill check:
attempt provides a cumulative -I Gmbblng the side 01 a building a. On a Critical Failure. the attempt-
bonul to the .kill check. Overpower· the villain throws you oUlhe rooll. ad action lail. and the character
ing doe. nol cause damage, but it one example 01 a Dexterity leol. Th. could luller stun or wound damage
Immobillwi on opponen t lor <IlL long Gamema.ter doesn 'l have to be lpe- at the Gamemaste r'l discretion. Thll
alone of the attacker. continue. to dUe when he declares a feat 10 be of ou tcome generally involves bad luck
maintain a tight hold on that oppo- a certa in level 01 difficulty. but he concerning eame aspect of the equip'
nenl. The Gamemaster will provide will use thelollowing os a general menl being uSoed-scubo diving gear
more inlormatlon on thi. allock lonn lule: A Marginal feal (no modilier) II . pring. a leak. a parachUle fail. 10
011 it be<;:omes neco:SS<lry. one that more than half of all people open properly, Olld 80 lorth.
should be ab le to accomplish; a Mod- On a Failure. the atlempted action
erale feat (.. 2 penolly) illlOmething doe.n·t .ucc.ed. bul the character
Brawl Ihat athlele, ahould be oble todo In d088 not n""'l<5<lrily .ullerdam-
This specialty skill allows a hero to moat sl1uatiollll; and on Exlremeleal ag.....a porachulist g088 drnSlicoUy
improve his proUciency in brawling. (..3 penally) I. one that lests even the a ll course and lands 0 long diltana
Brawling is the art 0 1 unarmed. greal..t 01 a thletes, Irom hiltarget. perba~ taking darn-
hand·to·hand combot that can be as In thl, ..ample. lactorll other than age 01 well. (For more infonnolion
undl.cipLlned as str_1 fighting at 0111 the ditliculty 01 "simply" g rabbing on ,he ule 01 a parachute. _ pogl
.tudied o. boxing or wrestling. As a the Iide 01 the building may 0180 o f- 58ln Chapter 3: Hertles in Action.)
hera achieve. higher ronks in thi. lect the lIi tuation die.]I the side 01 On an Ordinary succe... the ehot-
lpeciolty. he golnl additional abili- the building hal numeroull protru· acler ie basically able to pedorm the
ties as delcribed in "Unarmoo A1tack sions to lerve all handholds. Ih is action-he can manipulate a hong
Rank Beneil ts" on the previous page, might be worth a -lor -2 bonus_ If glide. 80 that he slays 01011. but he
the sUltace is slippery or extremely hal no conlro\ ovel hiB direct ion of
smooth. a penolty 01 .. 1 or +2 step" Iravel.
Pawer Martial (or more) would be appropr iate. On a Good IUC<;8U. the chornC"t
Arts h<IIL limited control 01 the action-h.
Tllr. dill can'l be u~ unl.a.ned. openll hi, parachute ot just Ihe right
ACROBATICS lime. and 0180 is able 10 u.. it to mao
This .pectally .\rill allows a hero to
learn one ollhe many diJJCiplioesof Free to .R'~heyan heroes. neUVer 10 that helanda only a shOl'! combat toot emphasize lhe This brood skill p rovidell a hero diltonca Irom hiltarget.
UN of muscles and hones for power. with baa\c training in aClobotics. in- On an Amazing succa... every-
Direc:t movements ond oitensiveal- eluding gymnastics. tumbling. voul l- thing goes right-he rides the rofl aU
tacka plooominote. The power marlial Ing. rolling. dodging. balanci ng. the woy through Ihe ropids without
orIs ,klllencompoSlJOa combat atyles high-risk oclivities. and lolling with· domage to himself or hi' equipment
such o. ka rate and toe kwon do. ou t Incurring serious injury, Depend-
A helo wl1h thi. sk ill enjoys im- Ing on the .iluation. the Gamemal-
tet as.lgnll modUlers 10 the action.
proved domage on a successful un·
armed a ttack: d6 ....d6.2sId4w. plu. This .klll i, u.oo when a hero Martial Arts
ony Strongth bonuses. wan" to vault over a lence 01 other Tllj~still can', be used untrained
Re.l.fOnce Modi/ier. AI highet obstaele, dodge out of the way of an Thlllllpecialty IIkili allow. a hero
ranh. thl, .klll providell an improve- immediate danger. or try 10 land 10 learn one 01 the many di.cipllrlfll
mentlo a hero'. Strength resiatonce I(1lely alter a loll. 01 unormed combat thot empha...
modlher. which makes it more diUi- Vaulting is basically 0 verticol tluid and circular movemen ts. ledi-
cult lor opponentll to aUe<.:8sslully at- leap that is enhanced by lOme lorm recUng the force 01 an attacker
70 lack the hero In elose-quarterll COm- 01 a .. ista~ilher apringing 011
another object o. using a vaulting
Training i. olten mentally oriented.
The defensive mor/ia] ods skill en· improves by .. 1 a t rank 4. by .. I again 5istance modilier. which makes it
comp<l! styles such as aikido ond a t rank 8. and by .. 1 aga in at ran k 12. mo.e difficult lor opponents to s uc ·
t(lichi chuan. cessfully a ttack the hero in ranged
Acharacter with this skill can use combat. The hero's resis tance modi/i·
throws.sw<l9ps.llips. and holds to Dodge er improves by .. I at ra nk 4. by ~ I
COUllEl stun da mage to a n opponent. This specialty s kill aHows a hero to a ga in at rank 8, and by .. 1 again at
Domage is d 4s1d 4+ Isld 4.2s, plus any Use acrobatics as a de lense in com· rank 12.
ina&Qse a he ro receives lor his bat s ituations. It·, also used when a
Strength score. This Is considered hero dives for COver Or hits the deck
low impact (Ll) damage lor the pur· when on area-efle<:t attack targats Fall
pose 01 determining the effective· him. This specialty s kill allows a hero to
nHI 01 the oppanen!'s armor. Dodge lets a hero tumble. roll. improva his ability to survive a foil
In add ihon to cau sing damage. d uck, dive, or spring out 0 1 the way by twisting his body. catching near-
this Brill may enable a hero to knock of an attack. One skill che<:k (requi r- by protrusions. Or otherwise slowing
QD opponent to the ground . lorcing ing an acti on) is made at the begin- his descent. thereby de<:reasing the
th(rt (lpponenl to spend an action to ning oj thalirst phose in wh ich the damage he suslains from an impact.
regain his leel or else su ffer 0 penal· hero can act. The resuit 01 tha t che<:k A character withou t the Acrobat·
Iytoother actions he may Iry; see the is applied in that phase and lasts lor ics- fall specia lty skill makes a Dex-
Gamemoster Guide lor details. De· aH subsequent phases in the round. ter ity feat che<:k to determine the
fenslve martial mlS can also be USe· Any addi tiona l actions a he ro takes damage he suffers when he falls. A
luI In an a \lempt to overpower on op· in the round receiva 0 .. 1 penalty as cho.octer with the loll specialty skill
ponent. a s described in the Unarmed he d ucks and rolls to avoid injury. adds his rank in the spec ialty to his
Allock skill description on page 69. Using dodge provides the follow- Acrobatics score and uSeS thai num·
• Block; When a cha racte r reach · ing a djustmen ts to a he ro's Strength ber to make Ihe skill che<:k. with a
es ronk 2 in this skill. he can attempt Or Dextarity resistance modifier (his .. dO base situation die.
Ioblock or counter any unarmed at· delense against Stre ng th-based or See TABU; P15: IMPACT D AMAG& and
l(Ick ogainst him (including an at· Dexterity-based a ll ac k5), a s is appro· the accomponying le xt on page 58 in
lack by on enemy who is also using priate lor the situation: Critical fail- Chapter 3: Heroes in Action lor de·
deleru<;ve martia] orIs). Blocking reo ure. -2 steps; failure. none; Ordi nary. tails abaut tailing damage .
qlIires that the charac ter make a de- .. I step; Good ... 2 s tept;: Am(]%i ng, ..3
fea5ive mortiaf alfs skill che<:k and steps. (This skill can't be combined
compare his result to the attacker's with the pauy or block rank beneli ts Flight
,.lul1. The character who blocks described under Melee Woopons and This specialty skill can only be used
must achieve a sucCess that's equal Ac robatics-defensive mOllial arts.) by a character with Uying ability, e i-
toOl greater than the a\lacker's suc- .. Action Benefit, When a hero thel inna te (as sesheyans have) Or
_ s. for example. ilthe a!lackar ac hieves rank 3. he can dodg .. and obtained through a mutation (&ee
achieved a Good success. the de- perform on action in the some phose. Chopter 13: Mutan ls). or by a charac-
fender needs to achieve a Good or The action is ma de with a .. 2 penalty. ter using some sort 01 mechanical
Amozing success to bfod the attack. .. Reac tion Dodge; When a hero apparatu5 that serves as an exten-
tithe de lende, succeeds. then no ac hieves rank 7, he ca n perform a re- sion 01his body, such as a je t pack
damage i5 inflicted upon him by the action dodge. which allows him to (see Choptel 12; Vehicles ).
blocked attack. A characte r can only defend himself earlier in the round A skill chec k is called for when a
block in a p ho se when he ha s an ac· than his action che<:k caHs 10" In a hero tries an unusual maneuver.
~on available; a character who round when a character makes a re- must fly with particular pre<:ision
IICbieves a Good action che<:k result. ac tion dodge. he can only dodge. AH (through an obstacle course. for in-
for inslance. can't a ttempt to bloc k other actions aTe lost lor the round . stance). or needs to accomplish a
an attack directed agoin5t him in the • Exa mple 01 Reaction Dodge: task while maintaini ng speed and
Amazing phase. On ly on .. attack is Fast Eddie is running out of 5team direction (pulling oul a weapon
CQUntered, and no other actions con and can't aUord to get hi t again, but while swooping toward a foe).
be attempted in the SOme phase in his opponent also looks like he's Impro ved Moveme nt; PJ. a char-
which a choracter attempts to block. ready to drop. so Eddie hangs in acter improves his flight 51";11. he in-
.. Reoctlon Block, When a charac- the re lor one more .ound of combat. creases his flying movemenlrates:
te, leache5 rank 4, he can attempt to He gets a Good ,esult on his action +2 to glide movement a t ranks 3. 7.
block whenever any unarmed attack che<:k- but the other guy gets on and II, and . 3 tolly movement at
is di"";led against him. The block at - Amazing. Eddie quic kly de<:ides to ronks 4, 8. and 12.
tempt uses up the character's next attem pt a reaction dodge. which al.
available action (either in the cur- lows him to make a dodge skill
rent round or the lollowing round ). che<:k immedia tely. He can't do any-
Zero-g Training
Resista nce ModlfJer. At higher thing el,... for the ramainder 01 the This skil1 can't be used untlained.
ranks, this skill provides an improve- round . but he's willing to give up his A hero with the zero·g training
ment to a hero's Strength resistance chance to a ttock in return for a better s kill can lunction in weightless or
moditier. which makes it mOre dilli· chance 01 not being hit himse lf. near-weightless conditions betler
cult lor opponents to success luHy a t· Resis tonce Modifier: At higher than someone who doesn't have thi s
lack the he ro in close·quarters com· ranks, the dodge skill provides an skill. An untrained charader has a
bat. The hero's resistonce modifier improvement to a hero's Dexte rity re- .. 3 s tep penalty to the Use 01 a ny 71
4 Sirength- or Dexterity-based skills in
zero gravity. and a +l siep pellolty in
light gravity. Purchasing Ihis sklll
immediately reduces the ze.o-g pen-
ally \0 +2 steps, and eliminates the
penalty for light gravity.
Impro~ed Trolnlng, For" he.o
employed wilh the assistance 01
\ools of some kind. which provide a
l itm;.lion die bonus depending on
their quality. (See the description of
the lockpick 116\ on JXl90 146 in Chop-
ler 9: Goods & Services.)
Locks that con be affected by Ihis
:::..:::: with this sklll at rank 4, Ihe zero-g skill include IhOM protec1ing doors.
~ penolty is reduood to + 1 step. and sales. and vehicles. as well as hand-
any actions ouempted in light gravi- culls (Ind any o ther physical locking
Iy receive a -1 step bonus. At rank 7 mechanisms. The /od<pid' skill is
the iUl.O-g penalty is eliminated, and useless against a computer-asaisted
at rank 10 any physicol achons 01- lock unless it has 0 physical mecha-
tempted in zero-g receive a - I step nism the hero can manipulate.
bonus. (The bonus for light gravity AlmC>.!lt always. the use ollockpick pocket skill check has no effect On
never improves beyond -I step.) requires a complex skill check (see the immediate result; whether the re-
~ Sesheyan Advantage, Because Table PI?_ page 621. Tho situation die suit was Ordinary, Good, or Amazing ,
oj IhelT familiarity with Ireefall oon- modifier is alfected by the qualily 01 the character succeeded in what he
ditlons, sesheyan charactels without the lock, the quality ollhe tools (il tried to do. But a result 01 Good or
the rero-g training skill can lunction any are used). and anyothoreKter_ Amaring could help to offset any
as though they do have the skill at nallactors as determined by the penalty the Gomemaster might at-
rank l. If a sesheyan purchases Ihis Gamemaster, How long the job takes tach to tepeatO:K! attempts-you were
skill, penalties ore roduced by I step depends on the compleKity 01 the 80 smooth that not only was your at-
and bonuses are improved by the lock and the result(lI) of a character's tempt nol noticed, the target doesn't
same amount. for instance, a se- loc~pick skill check(sl. One check have the slightest flicker 0 1 suspicion
sheyan with rank 41n lhis skill has CIln be made in every phose during that something has just gone wrong.
no penalty in zero g,avity and a - 2 which a hero h<l8 an action, unless It Ta/"u One to Kno w One' As a
step bonu s in light gT(lvity. (The bo- the Gomemaster diclates otherwise_ character improves this specialty
nus for light gravity never improves skill, he becomes mOre familiar with
beyond -2 sleps for a sesheyan.) the tricks 01 the trade, thus making it
Pic"pochet ha.der for othe.s to pickpocket him.
This specialty skill allows a hero to This is shown as on increase to the
Acrobatics, improve his proficiency 01 picking character's Will resistance modill-
!ipecific !i"ill pockets or otherwise removing Db- er-only tor the purpose at spotti ng a
This skill con't be used untroined. jactll 0 person (or planting pickpocket a ttempt. At rank 3, the
A blank line is provided under h;- something on a person) withoutlhat benelit is a d penalty to the foe's at-
robotics on the hero sheet 10. a play- person noticing. tempt. At rank 6, the penalty to lhe
er. if he so dellirell, to add a specialty The bose situation die Is deter- foe is +2 steps, at rank 9 the penalty
skill Ihat lits inlo the concept he has mined by the target's Will resistonce becomes +3 sleps. and at rank 12 it i.
lor his herD-lor example, tightrope modifier, plus any additional penal- .. 4 steps.
walking. How this added skill works ties or bonuses as sel forth by the
in the contexl 01 a campaign, and
On a failure or a Crillcol failure
even if it will be allowed, is lell to
the Gomomaster result, the pickpocketer slips up-he This specialty skill allows a hero to
doesn't get what he was aiter and he become proficient in stage magic,
.s noticed, either by the intended vic- also known as prestidigitation, In
MANIPlJLATION tim or someone else who wi tnessed addition to entertaining olhers, lhe
Free to ISo heroes, the nltempt.ln &ome cases, such as skill con also be used to slip small
This broad skill provides a hero when the target is unconscious and objects out olslgb!. These ore items
with a natural proficiency in manual alone, the Gomemaster may deter- tbat are in plain view befole a hero
dexterity and contlo\. This prolicien- mine that a failu.e result is not pas_ decides to use prestidigitation, such
cy allows a hero 10 attempt such ac- sible, and thus any a tt empt 'esul ts in as on a table. a shell, or 80me olher
tions all picking a pocket without at least a Marginal success. resting place, or even in Ihe hero's
being noticed, performing 0 sleight - Repeated attempts by one pick- hand at the time the skillls put into
ai-hand leat, picking a lock, Or doing pocketer against the Same target are play (thus allowing the hero to hide
possible, but the Gamemaster has an item Irom di&Covery),
onything else that 'equires a steady
hand, a sharp eye, and plenty of ca- lhe linal sayan how oiten those at- The base situation die is modified
ordination tempts con be mode, and he may as· by Ihe opponent's Will resis tance
sign a penalty to lhe IIecond and modifie., and possibly by other lac-
subsequent attempts-trying to pick tOlS as determined by the Gomemos·
Loc"pic" somoone's pocket successlu!ly a ter. On a Critical failure, the hero
This specialty skill allows a hero to number 01 times in succession in- drops the item he is manipulating or
improve his proliciency 01 opening crooses the chance that the charac- otherwise lumbles the lask seve.ely.

72 physicollocks. The skill is usually ter will be spouO:K!.

The degree of succes. on apick-
On a failure, the monipulation 01 the
Item does take place, but the task is
perlormed 110 clumsily Of slowly that becom.. abie to hit a target with
more d.pendobility. Thlllmp.o....- 4
anyone paying att.nt ion can ...
whot hoppened. On ony luc:c:... (Or-
dinory or beu.rl. the trick or task Is
pulled aU wi thout a hitch.
menlln oc:c:urocy translot ..s to a-i
bonul to th9 .ituatlon die for !'my
.iIle attack the hero mokes.
Prwcl,ian Shoollng: When a
helaac hie .ank 6. hi. situation
RANGED WEAPOI\IS, di .. penalties lor making an autoU ••
MooERI\I a ttack ore reduced 100. + I s tep. and
+2 steps.
Thl, broad sk ill pro ... ides a hero with AI a hero achi ...... higher ronkl
tlalning In the uM o f modem langed in thil .pecialty. he galnl othel addl·
weapons. This skill cov.,s piltols. tional obilities: ... ~Ranged Weap-
Illhill. Ihotguns. ond submochine ani Rank Benefits" on page 75.
gunl 01 alilypes. Including projectile
weapol1.l <:md energy weapons.
All modem weapon. have ammu- §M6
nition cllpe. To chan~ a clip during Thi. specialty skill aLlawl a hera 10
a combat IICfIn., a hero mUlt UM on imp,ove his proficiency with modern
available action. I! he wants to Bubmochlne guns at all types.
change a clip and .boot in the lame ALllubmachine gun . (as well as
pha.., a .2 penalty appli ... to the at· some rllI.1 and a lew heavy weap-
tack action. onl) are automallc weapons oopoble
Oth., lactollthat can iDlluenc. 01 tiring mulliple rao.>ndl at ammunl·
th. Iltuation die uled in a mod.rn tian in e ... ery a tt ack. The ... arioul at·
ranged weapon auack are listed un- tack mod9s for a utomatic wliKlponl
der "Ranged Weapon Attack Modi - a •• described in th." Automatic
lie,," on this page. Weapon Attock Modes~ sidehar on
Ille next page.
Pistol .. Rock ·n-Roll: Wh.n a hero al·
tain Slank 3 in th illpecial ty. h.
this specialty skill allowlI a he ro to learnlto chcrnge cLIps mo.e efllclent-
Imp ro ... e his proficl.ncy with mod.rn Iy. The penalty lor changing a clip
pistols 01all t~s,lncluding projec- and fi,ing In the .ame action is re-
iii. and .. n ..,gy weapons. duced to .. iatep.
I! a hero wants ladrow and IIr. Precision Shoollng: When a dice are rolled. {This benefit doesn't
his pistol in th . 110m. phase, th. ac- hela ochle.....s rank 6, his situallon allow th e hero to shoo! 01 mo.e than
lion recei .....s a .1 penalty. die penalliel for making an autofi,. three ta.gels. bow..... r.1 Firing thtl
II> Quick Draw: Alte r a he.o reach· allock with an SMG 0'. reduced taO. .. xtra burll usel up one additiono:l
• s rank 3. h .. can perform a quick .i . tep. and +2 Iteps. burst from the weapon'l clip.
drow with his pillol. This allows him II> I:"'ra 8ul"5l: When a hero otlalnl
to draw his weapon and fire It In the ,ank 9. h. becomes obi. to get all
same ph ase without the + I penally.
four bUTll1 of ammunition. inltead 01
As a h ...oachl...... higher ,anks Ihree. on .....9ry autoti,e attack. He reo PRIMITIVE
in this specialty. h. gains ather addi· c.i..... a 1000,Ill.itualion die. with a Thil b.oad Ikill provld•• 0 hero with
tional abilities as described In ..3 penalty auigned to It. If the auto-
"Ranged Weapons Rank Benelits" on training in the use 01 prlmiti ... e
lir. attack ill directed against mare ranged weapon •. Thll class of weap-
page 75. than one target (as il almost alwaYI onry ca ... e" bows and crOSSboWI.
the cOle). Ihe recipient 01 Ihis exlla slings. 000 e ... en primit l.... lirealm.
RIt1e bUIll mlUlt be lpecilled belore Ill.
Thi' lpecialty skill allows a to
Improve hi, p.olici.ncy with mod .. rn
.illes and shotguns of all typel. TABLE Pi!i!:
Some rilles (as well as all.ubma· RAN6E MODIFIER§ BY WEAPON TYPE
chin. guns and a fe .... heavy weap-
ons) ar. automatic weapons capabl. Weapon §hort Medium "mg
01 firing mulliple rounds of ammunl-

Primi~ive· -I s~ep +1 step +i! steps
lion in e ... ery attock. The ...arloul at- s~ep +1 ..~ep +3 steps
tack modes for automatic weaponl
Rifle -I step None +1 step
or. described In the "Automatic:
Weapon Auac:k Mod.,." s id .. ba, on Submachlne gun -. step +1 step +3 steps
the next pog•. • Bo\". cro .... bo.". sUng pnly; fllnUlIclo.§ u§e tigu",,,
for ph.tol Dr rifle. as appropriate
ImproYed Aim: When a h.ra
reaches ronk 3 in Ihilipecialty. h. 73
bow and a separate action to lire the
weapon. As a hero a chieves higher
ranks in Ihi. specialty. he gains ad·
ditional abililies as described In
"Ranged Weapons Rank Benefits· on
the next page.

This specialty skill covers the use 01
all types 01flintlocks, includiag both
pistols and ,ifles.
h ta kes one actioa to load a flint-
lock pis tol and a seporote action to
flre the woopon--ond it takes two
actions to load" Ilintlock rille. plus a
sepa,ate action to fire the weapon.
As a hero achieves higher ronks
in this specialty. he gains additional
abilities as described in "Ranged
Weapon1l Rook BeneHts" on the ne~t

With the 5ling skill, a hero can be-
C<lme iacreasingly mare prolicienl
with this type 01 primitive weapon.
A sling can be loaded and fired in
the Borne action by any character. As
a hero achieves higher ranks in this
specialty. he gains additional abili-
ties as de scribed in "Ranged Weap-
ons Rank BeneHts" on the next page.

This broad s kill provides a hero with
the ability to hide. sneak. or other_
wise move ahaut without attracting
attention. The base 9itua tion die lor
a skill check is usually altered by tht
opponent's Will r"istance moditiar.
as well as otheI conditions deter-
mined by the Ga:memaster that may
allect the hero·s ability 10 remain un·
noticed or undetected.
How well a hero uses Stoolth 01
any of lis associated specialties de.
pends on the degree 01 suc<:ess he
achieves. This suc<:ess Ironslotes
1Iuch a1l Uintlock pistols and ritles. with th e lang bow and the short bow. into a modilier that applies 10 an abo
Although there are significant dif- A bow can be loaded and lired in
&erver's chance of noticing the hero
ferences between them , _ Chapter the &arne action by any cha ra cter. As with either an Awareness-percep·
II: Weapons & Armor lor more infor- a hero a llain~ higher ranks in this lion, Awareness-intuition. Or Invesli·
mation), all primitive ronged weap- special ty. he gains additional abili- go tll-SOOrch skill check (depending
ons except lIinl loc ks have the IKIme lies as described in "Ranged Weap- on the particu lar Stealth ski!! being
modiHers lor range; see TABU: P22: ons Rank Benefits" on the next poge. employed).
RANGe MOOlfllllS BY WEAPON T YPE on If the hero·s skill check results in (I
fXlge 73.
Crossbow Cri tical Failure. the hero is liable to
be noticed despite his best e!Jorts;
Wi th the crossbow s kill. a hero can
Bow become increasingly more proficient
the observer's skill check is made
With the bow skill. a hero can be· with a - 2 bonus. A Failure result prO)-
with this type 01 primitive weapan.
74 come increasingly more prollcieat It takes one action to load a cross-
vides no modifier to the observer·s
skill check. An Ordinary SuCCess
glYH the obMrver a .. I penalty: whom he·, trying to remain hidden
reach the opponent. Before you can
Good, 0 .. 2 penalty: and Amazing, a
.3penahy, (The Gamema,ler may
decide to maio a hero', -.kill check
~tly, ItO the hero', player doesn't
!mow the relull of the allempl.l
hidto from ItOmeane, Of follow him
without being _no or s.neak up on
him. you U'lt have to be in a litua-
tion o . a poeltlon where the observer
can't immediately _ o. otherwi..
tram, then that character·1 Will ,e,ll-
lane. modilier i, applied to the 'itu-
allan die for the herO'1 -.kill check. If
mare than one characler al1empll to
hide In the lame place, a penalty
Thelollowlng dH<:llplionl of Ihe detect you_ ranging from .\ ,tep 10 .. 3 ,Iepa may
opec:ially Ikilt.. include information be applied at the Gamemalter'l dil'
on bow to bandle a Iklll cbeck made c •• tlon, dependi ng On the situation
lor a particular purpo... The rank Hide A new hide check is required when -
benelll Iha t perlolns to all tbree of HIdIng li the oblH ty to Itay unno- ever the bero does somethIng to
the Stealtb ,peclalty ,killll' de· tlc.d by keeping quiet, by taking ad- cha nge Ihe Iituation (move. lurn on a
ICrib.d on Ihe bottom of thl. PCIge. vantage of cove r or darkness. and by ligh t, make noise, etc.).
OhviOUliy, 0 SI80Hh ,kill can't be remaining totally ,till. Awarene..- perception is the de·
UMd if the he.o i, ple..ntly in plain II a hero i, alone when he hidel. tectlon ,kill u,ed by an opponent
rigblof bi, opponent. or II tbe hero i. no modilier II applied to hi. situa· who Iin't actively IEKJrching for the
'mltting -ound. 0< Imell, that can tion die, If the .e"lOmeone around he.o: Inv"tigale-se<J.rn il u....::! if
Ihe opponent i, lpecifically looking
for the he.o in parliculm or any hid·
den loe In general.

ShadowIng i, tbe ability to follow a
targe l wl1 hout being noticed by that
targel. The target a he ro il Ihadow·
Ing provldBl a Will rBlistanell modi·
fle r to the hero', li lualion dill. Tbll
,kill used by Ihe targello delectlhe
Ihadowing charade. is Awarene..-
The he.o mUll make a new .. had·
ow check every timllihe litualion
chang" (he mOVBl he daea
IIOmethlng 10 attract attention. etc.).

Sneaking II the ahility to move Ii·
lently 10 a.IO avoid being ob&ervoo.
While a hero i, Ineaking, hll can

move at up to one-hall of hli walk he must purchase and improve ecrch vOIY: check with your Gamema.ter
movement .ate_ The ,kill used by an specialty skill separately. bela .. " Iectlng 0 .pecific type.
obaerver to detect 0 I necrkl ng hero I, l'ype, of air vehicles include pro-
AwareneU-p8rcepllon if the observ- peller plane •. helicoptell. privale
er II ellpetting ttouble. or Awole- jels. commercial jets. and jellighters. Water I/ehlcle
ness-intuition II heil nOI. Other typH of air vehicle, may e:rlsl Thi. specialty sklllenahl.. a hero to
The he.o mUll make a new snClO'i. In your Go.momaeter's compoign. become trained In the u.. of a spe-
check In eVilry round during which cific type of water vehicle. If h.
he conlinu," to u.. thi, Stealth 'kill. wantl to be skilled In the operation
In addition. it a hero ,u~ In Land Vehicle 01 more than on. type of water v.hi-
u,ing the .. neoi. Dill to get adjacent This lpecially skill enable, a hera to cle. h. must purchaM and improve
toan opponent (0. to get within 'hort become trained in the \ l i t 01 a lpe- each lpedalty .kill ..porotely.
range, if the hero I, a runged cific type of land vehicle. If he wont. ThilIklllI. also uM4 toeperote
weapon), he can make an attack in to be skilled in the operation of mo.. the helm of larg•. mulUcntwed wote.
the lO1IIe pha" that the .ucceulul than one type of land vehicle. he v.... I•. Oth.r Iyllem. on water vu-
sneak took place--a.nd the he.o .... must purchase and imprOV1!l 9(lch ..I. (such as bottl..hlpl. lub-
ceive, a l itua tion die bonu. to thaI specialty skill aeparately. marines. and oLl tanke ... ) require a
attock, ,>nce he ha l .u.prised hil ap- Type, of land vehicle .. include gU- ve.. 1on of the specialized functions
ponenl, The bonul il determined by lomabiles, motorcycles. race cars_ of the System Ope.ation broad skill.
tbe level 01 success achieved; Ordi- large trucks. and tanks and other Typelof water vehicl.. include
nary, -I step: Good, 2 atepa; Amalt- heavy military vehicles. Other type .. canoe •. rafts and rowboat •. power
ing. -3 steps ollond vehicles may ellist in your boats. jellkl•. sailboall. large com-
campaign. mercial vellOls. large milllary vel-
lO ll. and 8ubmellib le croft. Other
VEHICLE typel 01 water vehiclel may edllin
!ipace Vehicle your Gamemaster's campaign.
OPERATION This skill con', be used untrained.
Free 10 froal. human. and mecha/us Thil s pecialty skill enables a helo
Thl, broad .. kILL provides a hero
to become trained in the use 01 a CON!iTITUTION
specific type 01 space vehicle. If he
wlth a basic undelltanding of and wants to be skilled in the operation !iKILL!i
proficiency with modern vehicle •. of more than one type of space vehl- ConstiluHon mealures a hero's s ta -
U,ing this Ikill. a he.o can attempt cie. he must purchase and improve mina. general phYllcol condition.
to operate mo.t normal land gnd each lpecialty .killseparately. and ability to ahaolb or wlthlland
water vehicles. Some militgry or spe- Thi. skill i. also used to opelate phy.icaltlauma. To determine the
ciali&ed land and ""gter vehlclel the helm, multicrewed space rHult at an act ion Involving Consti·
may have control. thot are too com- velllell_ Other "Ystems on space ves- tutlon thai ilD't directly ..Ioted too
pleJf for the blood IkliL to cover. re- MI. require the speciali&ed func- ski ll. a hero mak.. a leal check (as
quiling 01 19(I$t.c)llle leve l of spit> tions of the System Operation broad described on page 63)_
ciali&cztion bela •• 0 hero II able to skill FLghhng all the .ffectl of nausea
opelate them s ue<:euluLly_ 1'ypn 01 space vehicles include after being exposed 10 on unpleas-
The ordinary operation 01 any na.- spoce lighter. (.nips 0110 durability ant odor Is an ellampl. of a Constitu·
mal land or water vehicle doeln't re- or leu); acout. (lIld light Iroighters tlon leal. The Gomemaller doesn-t
quire a IkiLl check. During cha_. (. hip. 01 11-32 durabilily); medium have to be .pecllic when he declar"
races. or vehicle combat, or when freighters and corvettes (s hips 01 a leat to be of a certain l,v.1 of diUi-
navigating through he.alc obatacl... l3-6O du rability); and capital.hlps cully. but he will u.. the following 01
.kill chech moy be coiled 10' (more than 60 durability). The types a general rule: A Marginal feat (no
When a hera pUlchasel any ollh. that exillin your campaign may modifier) I. on. that rna.. Ihan hall
Vehicle Operation lpeclalty Ikllll_ of all people s houid be obi. to ac-
he .elect. a apaclflc type 01 vehicle complilh; a Moderate feat (.2 penal·
to which the lpeciahy Iklll appllel. ty) I, lomethlng that well-condl-
See the Indlvldual.klll descriptions tloned people s hould be obi. to do in
for more details. mOlt situatlonl; and an Extreme feat
See Chople, 12; Vehicles fa. de- (.3 penalty) I. one thaI t.lIl.ven
tailed Information concerning the those who are In perfect shape.
u" of thi. Ikill in heroic s ituations.

Air Vehicle
This broad Iklll allows a bero 10 in-
This still can-' be used untrained. CIea.. the distance he can travel In
Thl•• peclalty .kliL enables a hero a given time. and also provldel him
to become trained In the u.M of a witb the ability to make a journey
lpecific type o f air vehicle. II he 1_ arduou. lor hlml9l! and hi.
wanll to be .killed in the operation
76 of more than one type o f air vehlcl.,
A h..o with the Move .... "t brood
"ill can engog. In OVl rlond mOve- uncier water too long, are made with ur. r.lull, he lulle" 2 additional
alent lor longer tha n an unlrained a - I bonul ot ronk L pointl of morto.l o.nd on a
charocter can beforl he needl to ~ Impto ..1fd B..o'lhing: The bonua Fo.llurl he luffe,.. I additional point mo.kiDg Slo.mino.-enduronce 100. hero'l Stamina-endurance check of morto.l do.mage. On an Ordinary
chooch. (See "Tro.v.lIng Long Dia· while holding hll breath improves to IUCO:.... or bett.r. hilcondition ill un · c;:)
1QXft" on page S6 in Chapter 3: He- - 2at rank 4, -3 at ronk 8, and -t at cho.nged.
roes in Action.) Such a Charo.C1er
!IICIl:el ch..,ka .very 4 hour. when
rank 12.
Mo .. lment Rotelncreole' As a
The dying chalaC1el makel addl·
tionQI Stomlno. checkl once pe. houl.
whh Ilmllar consequence. applying c;:)
moving QI a IlrOU. every 3 hou,.. he.o achieves higher ranka in the
when marching. Or eVlry 2 hour, awim IpedaltV Ik ill. he improves hi, on any Critical Failure or Failure r.-
wben moving under a forced march. swim and ea.v IIwlm movement lull, until he receives medical aid
The broad IIkill also enable.. a '0181. Bolh ralOl Increale by I meter (lee the Medicol Science--surgery
hero to attempt lrallblozJng, all de- at Tank 4. again at rank e. and again Ikill). The time between these Sloml·
filled below in th. description 01 that 01 Tonk 12. no check. can be lengthened to one
specially IkiJI. per day il the cho.rocle. is helped by
the o.pplicotion of Knowledge-/irat
Trailblazing aid o r Medical SciellCtHreatment;
Race With trallblClZing, a hero learns 10 _ thl d • ..:ription, of those ,km..
nu. dill can't be uaed un/rained. lind pathl through rough terrain or for dltaill.
Thillpecialty .. kill allow .. a hero create path' that othe" can use to ~ Fallgue: When a he.o engoges
to improve hi. ability to move fOlte. move Ja .. ler ond c:aver mO.e ground in cerlaln lotlgue<au.. ing oC1ivih..,
andcover morl ground In a c:ambat during a full doy'l trovel. The IUC- he mu .. t make a Stomino check. Thi ..
.,.ne. A choroCler who purchoses c...ful Ufll olth llllkill reduc.l the check I.. mode afte. Ihe oclivity loke.
ronk 1 in thl .... peclolly .. kill Immedi· adver.. Iffeetl of troveling in condi- ploci. or at set Intervol.. for certain
ately Improve. hi. run movement tions of Good 01 Amcaing difficully typOl of ocUvlty (see "fatigue Dam·
,ate by 2 mellr •. lor the hero and ony companion. age" on poge 53 In Chapte, 3; H"raes
Mo ... rnent Rat. fnc,..",e: A.. a who tro.veli ng with him. in ActJon]. A Critical failure relult
hero achieve .. higher rank. in the Thi. skill check I.. mode once per indicote .. Ih ol the hero sufiers 2
''''''' lpeclo lty .. klll. he improvea hi!! day. at the beginning of 0 doy at poinll 01 tatigue damage; a Failure
l\llIond sprinl movemen t rote ... The Iravel. On a Critical failure resuli. result indica te .. I poin t of domo.g•.
!\II!. .ale goes up by 2 mltl" at ranks the unlucky hero mon"gOll to pick a Any .. ueee ... Indlcatel thot no fa·
~and 9. and Ihl .prlnl rate gae. up route Ihot I.. worse than the olher tlgue damage oor;url all a relult 01
tr,2 mete .. ot ronk .. 4. 7, ond 12. travele .. could have found for them· the oC1i.,i ly just completed.
TheM increase.. apply both to no.- selves, coullng everyone in the
mal movement ond all-out mOve- group to .. utler an additional .. I
_nL Thu ... a cha ract.r with a 'print penalty 10 their latigue checkl. on Endurance
movement rail of 20 and rank 7 in lap 01 ony other penaltiel.lSee TABLE AI a heTo acquiIlltl ranks in the en -
the ,ace . kill con travel 24 meters in P13: OVEIILIIND MoVOQ:NT and "Travel- durance skill. he become. more oble
o lingle pho,", II h, lpend .. un action ing Long Distancea- on page 56 in to wlthstond the eflects of damoge.
toengoge in normol movement--or Chapte, 3: Heroes in Ac/ion.) For a character who has thi lspecial-
be oon cover 24 meter. In 0 number On a Follure ,esult. no help is pro- ty. endurance checks loke Ihe place
ofeonsecUtivl phoselll he declores vlded, An OrdInary luco:eSI providel 01 Stomlna check...
rOOl h.', u .. ing oll",ul movement. an redUC1ion of latep 10 ony penal·
nellhot apply; a Good IUCcess reo
ducel penolile.. by 2 .tepa. and an
Resist Pain
§wim lueee.. reduce. peno.ltiea Thi... kill oon'/ be WIf!d un/rainee/.
freept to de/ermme if a h.rocan by 3 I lepa. ~te that Ihi. reduction ResllI pain allow .. a he.o to func·
f1ead water /0 avoid drowning, this can', be uaed 10 tum 0 penalty inloa lion normolly and ignore lOrne or all
Rill can't be und Un/rained. bonua: Ih. bell pouible result would 01 the .ituation penallieslor .utle.-
Th il.peclol,y .. klllil nec:elllOry be negOling a penally oltogether. lng lorge amounts 01s tun, wound. or
lor 0 hero to be able to UII8 hi .... wim morlo l {but not latigue} damage_
1II0vement rate <1fI8 TABU; P8: COM8AT A chOlacter with Ihlsspeciolly
MOI'DolDIT RAT13 on poge 39 In Chop·
!iTAMII\IA skill may gel on opportunity once
~r 2; Hero Creal/on). Without th is rree to human, mocha/WI_ sesheyan, por combol .cene to chock tho eilee-
pill. 0 hero con only t.ead woter t'sa. and weren heroes. livene .. a t his obihly to resill pain.
ODd paddle In a c lude lashlon. using This broad .kill mOOBures a hero'.. Theli rsl lime during 0 combat 600ne
lwr ""BY .. wim movement rate. phV .. ical fo.tltude with regard to the when thl chorocler hOB receiYed
In oddilion. a hero with thill skill etfeel' of mortal damage and 10- damage equal to mare thon hall of
improvea hi' obili tv to hold bis tigue_ hllstun point. or wound point... Or
breath. (See "Holding You r Bleath~ .. Dring, A character who has suf· when he recalvee ot least I point 01
1;11 page ~7 in Chapter 3: Heroes in fered any omount 01 mortal damage morta l dClmoge. he makes a .OSISI
klion..) AnV Slamlna..ndu.anoo i.. con.. idered to be dying AI the end pain skill check. Thi .. check dOH not
choocka 0 hero mUlt make 10 keep of a _no, a dying charaC1er (wheth· count o. an oclion, and tokea plac.
balding hi .. brea th, or to determine if
be IUlferlSlun damoge from being
e r c:ansciou. or uncon ..<:ioul) makea
a Stamlno. check On 0 Critical Foil-
belore ony charoC1erl a llempl ony
octlonll. The r..ult of Ihis resist pain 77
c"-ek laltllo. the Tftt of the c:ombot
_n •.
Any penahln cauMCi by Ihe dam-
age are applied 10 Ihe c"-ek. For In-
Ilanee, if a lingle atlack eaU"1 a
hero 10 luller 2 pointl 01 mortol dam-
age, .nough Ilun. to ule up mOre
than hal! 01 his stun poln", and
enough wounds to Ule up more than
holl 01 hll wound pointl. then the
cheek la made with a +4 penalty.
(Thllexnmple assumel that the op-
tlonol "dazed" rule lor I tun damage
and wound dnmage I. in .!leet; it
your eampalgn doe.n·t U" that rule.
then the penalty is +2. laking into ac-
coun t on ly Ihe mortal damage.)
Check ,e~u1r" Crilleal FaHur•.
he.oluccumbs to the pain and ean't
act lor 2d4 ph<ael' coilure. hero lui- rnult 01 a ..iIl check. Checka are
fer.trom damage penahi" 01 per made onee eoch day unleu the II\ITELLlGEI\II:E
tbe normal ruin; Ordinary. hero ig· Gomemalt.r determines oth. .... i...
no.e. Illep 01 penalty: Good. hero Skill check ",.ulta: Failure, hero
Ignor" 2 , tepa QI penalty; Amazing. can't acquire bo.ic nece..itie. for Intelligenee i. a viloUy Important at·
hero Ignorn 3 stepi 01 penalty. thia day: Ordinary. hero acquire. tribute lor all heroe_ven thon
Rellsl pain only helps to lellen or enough ba,lc necessities to aUllaln characlers with low KOres in Ihl.
.liminate aituatiQn penoltlel caused himseU lor thi, day; Good, hero ac· ability-becouM the Intelligence
by cumulative damage. The benefit qulle. enough bosic nacesaltlellm KOre determlnel how many skill. a
o receives from a lucceiliul himHIl and up to s ix olhe.. l..,. thl' hero can have atlh, sta rt 01 his ea-
akill ean't be used to turn 0 d<ry; Amo:zing, hero becomn.a fa- reer. A characte r'lln telligence lCOIa
penalty Inlo a bonus. II a herQ only milia. with the locale that survival II is a generollndieatoroi how much
hOla.1 penoltyduetodamage no Ionge. an I..ue unleal the ,itua- edueation h. hal had. bow well he I.
when the check is mode but Ihe .e- tion cha ngel. able to retain and recall information.
ault indicates a reduclicm 012 points The type of terrain or environment his abililY to leorn new Inlormo llon
of penalty. the hero get. no immedi- whe re th e hero is located can pro- through s tudy. and hi s ability to 01-
ote benellt from the extra reduc- vide a modllier to the skill check. as 8IlU a si tua tion and qukkly c:ome up
lion-bu t it might c:ome Inlo play il shown in the ·Survival Situation with the moet appropriate action or
h. luller. damoge la ler In the lCene. ModUlers- Ildebor. respOllle. To determine the result 01
Hoving this skill dOHn', help a an action involving Intelligence thaI
hero alave all dying or death rnulta. isn't directly relaled 10 a skill. a bero
!iur1/illa' Training mak.,. a leat c"-ek (as delCribed on
This lpeclalty skill enabln a hero 10 page 63).
!iURVIVAL improve hIs ability 10 UBe Ihe Sur- Solving a c:ompllcaled mathemat·
Thll broad skill providel a hero wilh vival broad s kill in a certain type 01 ics problem In one'l heod is on ex-
basic general training In .urvlval terrain. II he wantB to improve hli ample 01an IntelHgenee feat. The
lechnique., linding Ihelt.r. procur- skillin mo.e Ihon one type 01 terrain. Gamemosler doesn', have to be ape-
Ing lood ond woler, ond o¥olding en- he mu.. purchalethe specially skill cific when he declorn a leat to be 01
vlronmentol hazard •. Succe.. de- leparalely lor each type. a certain 1....101 difficulty. bUI he
panda On having any olth_ bosic Available terrain Iypal inclooe all will Ule th.lol1Qwing os a general
necellilies availoble, 01 well os the 01 those IIltee! In the "Survival Si tua · rule: A Marginal leal (no madiller) i.
tion Modilie ..- ,Idebor. plu l ony one that mOilt people should be able
other type the Gomemaster allows. to accompU.h without 100 much
Not e thaI the l ilualion modifie r. trouble; a Moderate feat (+2 penally)
given In the Iidebar always apply, is something that highly intelligen t
even lor IJOm$One with a high ronk in peopl e should be able 10 do in mOilI
orcrk lu/vlvol (lor example). bulth, Illua tions; and an Extreme leat (.3
higb rank lllell mlKlDl that the penal ty) is one thaltHtl even Ihoee
II more likely to ' ucceOO on hilskill who haYe genlul-level inteUect ..
This skill provide. a bosic knowl-
edge 01 the theories 01 productIon.

78 distribution. supply and demand, od·

vertising. Inventory control. and

bualness planning. Skill chech are
called 101 whea a want s to play
illicit Business COMPUTER !iI:IENI:E
!he alock mark". apply h;. bu..iness This Ipe<:LaLty .kill allows a hero to Free 10 mechalus heroes.
!mow-how 10 conclud. 0 trode, at- improve his ability 10 lunction in the ComputerB are an Inl89ral part 01
lIImpt<;rn illeg<;rl bulliness tl<;rnaac- under.ide of the businelS worfd Ex- human lQC:iely. and many <;rlien IQC:j.
!ion. detelmlne the value 01 goods in tortiOD. Imuggling. fencing Btolen etl .. a B well. at Progress LevelS and

biaown IQC:I.ty.locat. commodily good •. and deallng with the black higher. (Fo.r much more information
mCllkelpl<n:... <;rnd compute the local market are among th. queslionable on computers and related malerial.
krir market value of good. and ser- trade practie., this Ikill providel _ Chapter 10: Computers.) Moat
knowledge in. PurchaBing ranka in computerl and compuler-asBilied
The Gamemaeter will auign mod - thi' Iklll doesn't nece ...arily lead to machine, are deligned 10 be uler-
UiII" 10 the situation die. laking into a succesBful c:Timin<;r1 career: it mere- friendly In rouline situationl.
=ounllhe cl rcumelancel Ihat e'liel ly provide, the hero with the knowl- The broad Ikill provides a hera
.beD a .kill check II co:lled for. edge to inleraCI with the wrong side with CI haBic understanding 01 C(lm-
no characler u... IK>me aspect 01 of the law. ThIB Is the skill used by pulers and computer l yKteml_(In
!he Business akillto haggle with the white-collar criminal-the em- comparilOn. the Knowledge--oJmput-
toIIlllOne over Ihe buying or aelling beuler. theln,lder trader. the corpo- er operatIon .kill merely givel a
01 a commodity, Ihe othel party'aIn- rat. IPY, and Mllorth_ char<;rcter the ability to u&e a com-
1ItlliIJence realltance modilier II ap- In addition, having this sJcill re- putel effectively. but doel not <;rllow
plied 10 Ihe IUualioll die. II the other due.B the penalty lor attempting an any understanding of how the ma-
party alao hal Buslnell Ikill. the illegal transaction ( _ the BUliness chino don what it does.)
Gamemlllter may elllC:\ 10 handle the nlll dHCflptlon above). depending The Ihr_ primary uBOB lor the
alOlrontatlon a. a "Character VI. on the Ikill rank achieved. When this Computer Science broad skill are in-
Character" . itua tion; lee page 63. nill i. nrst purchased. any illegal formation r9tr;ev<;r1. computer repair.
Optionally. In luch a call1lthe tran.action penalty I, reduced by - I and programming. TheBO UMII are
h,iness skill egn be Iteated aa an 6lep. described below.
,Qcounter Ikll\ (,ee page 97).11 Ihe IncnH; EffKI' AI a characte r Not.: Some computer system.
use Ollhl. sklllrelul'lln a large!"s achieve. higher ranks in Wicit busi- allow UBOrs who dan't have the
altitude being changed to Friendly neu, he or s he il able to disrega,d broad skill to make Ikill checks 01
or bailer. thll co:n provide a bonus on more BO~r. penalties: AI rank 4 the theil baH Intelligence score instood
any 'ub&equenl I kill check to get the penalty reduction Is -2 Bteps: at rank 01 at the untrained score.liluch an
ocher party to cooperate. 1 it is -3 step&; and at rank 10 it be- IlIlist program is installed in a pal'
A ,ilUalion die penahy will llIual- comes""", Btepa. Thi, benefit only r. ticular piece of equipmenl, your
"apply when a hero tIl .. to deal in duces or eliminates a penalty; it GamemOllter will let you know
ROlle, lore, or unlamili<;rl goodl; never provides a bonul- .. In/orma/lon Re/rle ..ol, M06t
trin 10 make an illegal transaction; computers are connected to MIme
orui.. locloMa deal with a mem- !ilnall Business 1I0rehouse 01 raw data-<r large nel-
ber 01 an unfamiliar culture. Any 01 work. a centrailzed storage SYltem,
th_ penaltlel con be Ordinary, This apedaJty ,kill ollows a hero to or the unit's own drives. Uling the
Good. Or AmoUng. depending on the improve his ability to lunction in the Computer SclenC1l skill 10 search lor
specific situation. pursuit oflmall-lIOOle trode and IpecUic In/ormation requires a Bkill
A bonul to the .ltuation die would commerce. Small·b UBiness Owners check only if that Information 1.11 Plo-
IIpply ilthe hero halln. ide inlormo- and merchantl uBO this skill 10 deter- tected in 10m. way (user pallward.
lion that giv.. him an advantage in mine the SUccel. of their business encoded data , etc.) 01 il the informa-
IDOking a trantae\Lon, or if he il activitieB. Thll .kill improves a hon LS obscure and hard to locate. In
cleating with a lamiliar commodity hero's ability to haggle on the con- all but lhe most I.raightforward of
orcul tur •. l umel level. determine tbe value 01 situation •• <;r complex &.kill check {_
goods and Mrvices. and find buye" page 62) is UHd to determine the r.
and ..ner. in a lpecilic area. suit 01 a retrieval altempt.
Corporate In addition. thi l Ikill provides a The broad skill is uBO{ul when 0
This specialty .kill enablel a hero to si tuation die bonul when a character he ro wants to retrieve information
improve hi l abililY 10 lunction in the attempts 10 make deals. haggle. or from ony unprotected LlYstem -but II
r90lm 01 large-scale trade and COm- otherwise bargain In the pursuit 01 the Bystem IB prOlected, only pro-
merce, and 10 deal with stock mar- Imall·buBlnelilinance. The bonul gram. of Marginal quali ly and Mar-
mIl. mergerl, corporate acquisl . storti at -I Itep when a character ginal complexity can be acce.llsed
tIonB, Bpe<:1.rlative bUllness, and the pu.cha19s this Iklll. with the broad .kill.ln order to r.
businelspeople who operate in th_ Increa..d effect: As a character triev. information from a protected 01-0 provides a character achlevel higher ranks in small bu.j· I yslem 01 higher quality Or greater
with an under. tanding of haw big II~"" he 01 she receives a grooter sit· complexLty. the lpecialty skill h<;rd:
bu.ineues and corporationB oper- uatlon die bonu.: _2 s teps 01 rank 4. Ing II needed.
"'-. Corporale pr..ldentB and trade -3 sleps at rank 8, and""", steps at A Cri!iegl Failure result on the
lank 12.

lords who move goodB and &ervices Ikill check ulually means that safe·
011 a global or galactic IIOOle u&e lhil guard, or aloma have hoen trig ·
Hill to determIne the succ.u of their gered. an unretrievoble computer
Od;.;'; ••. e"or occurs. Or the charactltf make.
4 .arne other monumental mistok.
that aborlllhie computer run.
Incr.aHd E:!fect: Ae a character
gainl ranks In this Specially skill .
Prepared charges come In Hveral
imm-.atcbel bomba, min ••. (100

.. Computer Repair. A character
with this skill hal the obility to lill (I
damaged compu ter By_tern, elther by
his ability to perform action. ,.Jened
to hacking improves. Thi.l. reneet-
ad by a -I .lIuollon die banul at
object. ullng phllllic expl08ivo. 10
nome lome typiool onel. A prepared
charge inlllell a speclU!: type and
~ replacing defective parts Or by I .... rank 4. a -2 bonus ell rank 8, ood 0-3 amount 01 damuga on objects within
~ wiring 0 component or a system to Ita explo.iva mdiul. aa detailed in
bonua at rank 12-
~ bypaaa a problem .pot. Repairing 0 ~Pr.paled Explosive." on poge 180 iu
~ t;Omputer oyetem I, olwuys a com- Chopra. II: WeapOlU& Armor.
plex skill check. fo. Inlorm(llion on Hardware &.lllng U p.epc::r.ed charge can be
how altern pl. to 1lIpc::rlr a device are This specialty .ap.esen" a charac- a .imple activity. requiring only one
mode. see the feJXIIr llpecially under ter's knowledge 01 and proflclency skill check If a hero me rely wunts to
the Technical Science broad IIkill with the phYllcal componentilihat pl<lCe an explallive In a readily ae-
(pc::rge 89). make up a computer. Underlltanding e.ulble area. A fallu.e .e.ult on
... Progmmmln9: Computer pra.. how a computer IIYlltem work. being thil .kill check mea.,. th, devie. ilia
groms e"istto hondle almost ony able 10 Ht one up quickly. designing dud and won'te"plod, (II planned.
talk imaginable. Without tfOinlng In and building you. own com put ••. (ThIs Is a co:se wh.n th. Gamema ..
the uM 01 these high-tech lools. th. and '.puirlng computer equipm.n t ler might eiecllo roll a skill check
we<lhh of optlonl and accessories are Borne 01 the tasks covered by lhis secretly. 10 prevent 0 ployer !rom
available can be overwhelming 10 u IIk il!. knowing 80melhing thai hll hero
hero trying 10 employ them. As with Inc ........I Elle<:t, A. a chQraCler would nOI have lound out.) A Critkol
Inlorm<:rtion .el.leval (above). ullng gainl ranklln Ihis lpecialty Ikill, failUIe relull could mean lhalthe
Compute. Sclenoa 10 ncrvigale and his ability to repc::ri. compute. Iyl- devle. explodel prematurely. de·
UTilize a progfOm almost olwar-In- terns (lnd wo.k wilh compute. hard- pending on Ihe Type of eXplolive
valve. 0 complex ,kill check. A hero wore in olher ways improvel. Thil il being used.
with jusllhe brood skill can only mo- ,eflecled by a -lliTualion die bonul II a he .o wunts to set u cha rge 10
nlpulate Ihe .oure. code 01 programs at.ank 4. 0 - 2 bonus (II rank 8, ond (I tha t lt won'l be eoslly dlKOvered. a
of Marginal quoHty ond Marginol -3 bonus at rank 12. compl ... skill check (see perge 62) is
complexity. ManlpulQtlng pragrUml nece,to:ry. The compleXity of Ihat
of belTer quality (lnd grea ter com- check (bow many IU~ are
plenty require. the plogfommiag
Programming needed} Is related to how well the
lpecialty skill. Thl. specIalty skill enable. 0 hero 10 cha'(lCler wunts the device 10 be hid·
for more In lormutlon on how th" improye her ubility to unoly~ cam- den: II he (llIempts und succeeds ata
Compuier Sclene. lpecialty skUll puter programs. modHy existing pro· task of Marginal complexity, Ihe el·
(I" used, _ Cho"ptef III Computera. grams. ond (01 higher fOnlr:s) create plOillve chorge is hidden well
Brief descripUoDl 01 the IIpeclulty prog.ams by wriling he. own code. enough thuT uny opponents' AWOl..
s klill are given below, Having rank 1 in this skill enables neu checlr:s to spat Ih. devk:. are
a chofOcter to modify the 8OUre. made 01 a .1 penalty. Thol penalty
code 01 programs 01 Ordinary quolity increase, lor each lucceeding level
Hacldng and Ordinary complexity. 01 complexily, up to a .4 penalty a t
Thj~ sid" con't be used untrain<'!d. ~ Modify Exlillng ProgKlml: A the Amazing level.
Haclring il the ability 10 break character wilh I<lnk:) in this , kill is In addition. oompleting a complel
computer codes ond bypc::ru comput - able to modify Ih, code of exiSling .kilt check of Good complexity indi-
er lOC\l.ity for Ihe purposes 01 goln- programs of Good quality and Good cates thallhe charge has been...n i.o
ing reslricted dala o. 811- complexity When tbe charuc..r a spat tho!'. nol only well concealed
cure computer .ysTems. Hacking can achieves rank 6, she co:n modily uny bUI v",lnerable--when Ihe explosl ...
be performod ot a compu ter staUon existing program. i. detonuted, il cousel damoge of
Ihal's physically connected to the ~ Creote Ne w Programl: A char- one g.ade belter Ihon normul (Ordi·
dOlO sto.e. In q",eslion. or it can be acter with .ank:) in th is skill i" uble nary dom(lgtl becomes Good dam·
performed Irom a diSlantlocation by to create new progrums 01 Marginul (lge, lor example). FOI 0 su.cceufW
c reohng a link via u network ol80me quality and Marginal complexity. Or- complex skill check 01 Amazing ccrm-
kind II's most ollen used to reuieve dinary prog-.oms can be created 01 plexlty. the damage done by lhe
l!IICurod data, to enter and take con· rank 6. Good program. (II r(lnk 9. and blall improyes by two grades (IrOlD
Irol of a computer system. or to per· Amozlng prog rams at rank 12. O rdinary 10 Amazing). Mar. iniOfmo-
form 80me Iype 01 sabotage such 0 " lion about grade. 01 damage ap-
erasinglilel or Introducing u vir"'l of pegrs on pc::rge 174 In Chcplel II:
.,me kind. DEMOLITIOI\l!i Weapon. &- Armor and 0180 In the
This speciulty uill ullow. 0 hero This brood skill provides a hero wllh Gamemaster GUide.
equipped wilh a computer to perform training In the basics of setting .x-
the previoullly mentioned lasks. The ploaive chargel to demolish a lpeei/-
he.o's own sklll ond any programs ic torgel. A skilled hero has a work- Disarm
being used can help Ihe hero nuYI - ing knowledge of hundling The ditcr.m skill leis a hero altempt
gale computer systems. overcome ... explOllivel. using prime.. (lnd timing 10 render bombs. mines. and olbe.
demolition pc::rckages lnoperotive be-
BO eurity. and even delend ogainst other
operotors hooked into a "YRlem
devie.s, ond placing charges 101:
m<I"imum efleet. fore they ... plode. A hero does not
l1Hd to make a Ikill check to disarm
hlI o.. n wOfk Of ony c:ommon eJ:pla-
u_ A Ikill check il .equi.ed when
for any subl&quenl dlsc'm checks by
olher choroe-tefl. !The hero who built
a device can alwnyl dilJ(ll'm il with·
herd p.eviously obtained (Ihe poss-
word 10. a computer IYllem, the
IICIJesl route \0 terke Jar e~iling a
runei,ol the_nce, il theeJ:plG- ou t needing a skill check.) building, and 10 100Ih). A comple~
lloe J.olunuluol make, OT \I iI hal .kill check (_ page 62) i8 used
*" .i{lged with MC\Irity devices or
booby traps. EJ:cept in the very lim- !iet Explo~illles
when a cherracter wants to expand
hil knowledge 01a 10pic by Iludying
pIes1 01 COSH, a compleJ: skill check Thillpecierlty -.kill erllow, a hero 10 01 doing ,esearch. The particular In·
I- pagl 62) il involved. improve his abilllY to set mernufac- tonnatlon being soughl must be
lured explOltlve charges. Sea the de- spaclfied ahead oltime.
scription 01 th e Demolmons broad For either type 016kill check, the
!icratch-Built skil l lor informal Ion on how this skill Gamemallar determines tha t the in-
Explos'tles Is employed. lo.malion being !IoOught belongl to
Tbil dill eon't be u$&l':l unt.ained. one 01 Iou. IlOtegoriel'
Thl' ,killietl a helo a ttempt to Trh'lol knowledge deals with
KNOWLEDGE ,Imple, obvioul, or readily ervoilable
wild 0 demolition package from
IIrnllcb.. OJ lamper wilh military o.d· F,e. 10 fraol. hUJ1JO'n. mecha/us.".... inlo. merhon. rI'he Uoiled StOles has
IIIIDCIILIf;h 01 a mortar ,hell to make sheron, 1M, ond we'en heroes. two majer, maunlaln rangel, one in
~uobll 01 a dlmoillion cho rge, The This bload Ikill represents a Ihe east and one lolhe W&lIt.)
_allhe 'kill a ..umlSlhallhe hero he.o'l obillty 10 know 01 leall a little GanelO'l knowledge involves only
1m Ibe p'Oper malerloll c;md 1001, bit about any partlcula. lubject. Ihe key featur.. of a lopic, nOI any
onhond: the Ikill check receives a +2 With just the b.oad ,kill, a hero iso't detans o. parliculall. (The range in
peDCIhy IIlhe hero lllor.:.d 10 use considered on e,.perl on any parlicu· the WIlt i, coiled the Rocky Moun-
eammon Item, (,uch a. things found lor topic by any meanl, What it lep· tainl, and It has taller mounlains
aroo.:nd a house), resents II the hero', ab\lity 10 racoll Ihan the range in the east.)
Making a scro tch-bull l uploBive a closs he took, an ortlcle he read, or Specific knowledge coverslpeeierl
device tokel !IoOme tlm......-alleast a a docume ntary he ,erw on the topic fecrtures 01 a ropic, details that only
lew mlnutel and perhapi 01 long as in question, someone inlimate with Ihe lopic
..-..ral houri, depending on the Knowledge skill checks aren't would know (The highest poiot io
_king condltlanl ond the amOLlnt called lor very often, [n generol. a the Rocky Mountains is Ihe peak of
oltimla hlro wantl 10 Inv ... t in Ihe player's own knowledge. imagina· MI Elbert In Colorado)
PfOt'IU- When the maker 01 0 device lion.ond underslanding of the cluel £x,.." knowledge involves a level
declores bi_1ob \0 be linllhed, the at hernd should be used to roleplay of detail that can usually only be ac-
Gamema,ter will aaign er ,iluation lhrough mOlt si tucrtionl. However. 01 quired through expenence,,
dill modifilr 10 Ihe upcoming Ikill timel a character would logiccdly or trolnlng. rI'here are 56 peaks In
check. ranging Irom a lubstantial have mOle knowledge aboul a sub- the Rocky Mounlains Ihal are above
ban ... illhe hero lpent a 10\ 01 time tact Ihan Ihe playerconl.olling him 14.000 feet in elevation.}
OIl the job to er lizoble penerlty if Ihe does_specially in the area of cam- TABU: P24: KNOWl.EDGE CATlXlO!HDS
job done In u t.eme halle, paign tnowledge. Campaign knowl- on the next page summarizes Ihe ef·
Asklll check II then mad .. to de- edge covell eve.ythlng trom whnt fects ollhe ver.iou. types of knowl·
t$mine the dftgree of IUCce61l, which characters who have grawn up in a edge an .klll checks related to those
ildireclly r.. lated 10 tbe potency 01 particular campaign setting might type,. "Modifie. " refers 10 the odjust·, Table P2311'tl Ih .. thr .... poIIibl y know erboul everyday Iile 10 ment merde 10 the .,tualion die on a
lJpHoI..:rn tch·bu ilt eJ:pl".iva de- whal they mighl know erbout de- simple skill check: ·Complexity" r.
ficeI and Iha amoun t of damage tailed hlltOry, politics, and popular lot" to the number 01 successes
taeb ooe cause,. On a Cntical Fail- culture needed 10 complete 0 campleJ: skill
In,lbe bombe~plode. right allhe A Knowledge Ikill check con be check. The Gomemersle, will dete.,
todolthe creation proc:eu, Injuring either ,imple Or compleJ:. A simple mine the ttme units lor a complex
1M maker. A ,kU! check ••• ult 01Or- skilt check con be attempled lode- Ikill check: t"vial inlormahon mighl
diDory, Good, or Amoting also de-- termine il er cher.acter con .ealil a be obtainable within minule. 01
6nat Ihe compluilY ollh. explosive specific piece 01 Information Ihal he even rounds, but specific or experl
inlormaILon might lake hours, daYl,
or monthl 01 rellG'Or<;h 10 discover
TABLE Pi!3: !iCRATCH-BuILT EXPLO§IVE§ The Gomemastet can apply addl-
tional ,ltUOll on modifiers 10 any
!iklll Ch"lI:k _____Typllu:tOf Pt:.... lo;~ Knowledge skill check as he sees lit
Fo. inllance, il call be ditlicult to 'e'
RC!lult l:onll:u ....I\le Fr.. grnl!'ntetlon Inll:endlary
col! even a trivIal bit of inlormation
[rit. Failure d4w d4+3rn d6+i!w in a prellure siluation_u<;h 01
Fallun. Dud Dud Dud when you're being shot ert, or whea
Ordlna".J d6+i!s d4+2" d4w you lind a bomb Ihat's Oboul to e~'
6,uJd d8+i!!i d6+3"" d4+i;!,." plode Any Knowledge check made
Amazing d4.." d4+3m d6+i!1.1I
under such condition" would likely
have a hefty penerhy allached to It.
The Germemaltercan call for a


+1 step
4 stun point. depending on the de-
glee of sur::ce... (Ordinary, Good. 01 Thll application of the
skill only war'" on .a<neone who il
.. Knockou t Recove ry: A knockout,
in game terms, occu' s when a char·
!!iipedfic +if! steps Good octer's stun polm, are used up. A
EJll:pert +3 step5 Amazing luccessfulskill check brings a char-
acter back to consclousne.. OlId ,e-
covers I. 2, or 3 stun points. depend-
Knowledge slrill check or dil5Clllow a mu,atlng disease that lails to.e- ing on the deg.88ol success.
pluye"s 'eqUe8.t lor such a check, de- .pond to ulualtreatments, he <aM .. Heal Wound Damage: The first
pending on the Bilualion. When Ihe this skill to lind another .olut;on. Or. coid skill can be used to heal wound •.
Gamemaster calls loro Knowledge a player may have no idea how a both in comba t lCenes and in non-
check, if, usually done 10 poSi on a stardrive worh, bu t his engineer combat situation•. Healing in a com·
clue Ihollhe charocte .. mlghl nol hero can figure out how to mod!!y batlCene takes place during action
olhe,willEl receive. The Gamemasler one when needed. rounds. while lighting or .orne ath ..
mighl decide to .011 Knowledge Thi•• kill.hould only ba used In d.omatic .itllQlion i. unlolding.
chech in lleCfet.o Ihalthe players situations where the hero know. When lirst cold Is used lor healing
don·' _ Ihe .esults (0'. pe,hapt:. mo.e than the player. and the playe, wounds. the hero must be using el-
don'laven Irnow the check II being i. at a "enulne los. as 10 what to do. thera fir .. old kit 01 0 t'ouma pock,
rolledl. Using the deduce slrill should neve. and a complex .kill check (see page
One. you determine Ihal your toke the ploe. of good. roleplaying 62) is required. The task is one of
he.o has knowledge cone.rntng a ond the player'. Ima gination. Good complexIty wilh a lir~t aid kit,
particular lepic. you can make a nole Ra,l,la nce ModWer. At higher or Ordinary it a trauma pack is used
of thallact on yeur hero aheet. ranks, the deduce skill provides on On a Critical failure, the po lient
improvemantto a hero's Intelligence sulier. I wound instead 01 having
resistance modifier. which makel it any wound. h.o.lad. ond the com·
COlnputer mOTe difhcult for opponents to sue- plex skill check Is immediately ru-
Operation e.... lully uN encounter skills to de- ined_ When the complex ... ilI check
This sbll eon't be used untrained. e.iva tha hero. The hero', resiltane. is completed, I wound \1 healed i!
Thla skill allows a cholocte. to im- modifier improves by .. 101 ronk 4, by Ihe sk,1l was Uled with a lirsl aid kit
P'OY(! hi. abilily 10 make computels .. I again 01 rank B, and by .. I again and 2 wounds are healed il a troumo
perlorm, .pecifirolly hla ablll1y to alronk 12. pock was used.
gel the most out 01 the .aftwore (in- This application 01 the first old
cluding the operating system) that i. skill can be used On a certain char-
First Aid acter oncato heal p.eviously inllict·
in. tolled in a compuler.
The degree of luCCesl achieved on This :d.m oon', be used unlramed. ed wounds. Any wounds tha t remain
a .kill check relates to the quality a. Thi. specialty ,kill repr"'n's alter filS' aid has been applied can
quantity of Ihe tnfermotlon thai i. basic tfOming in first aid lechnique •. only be healed na'urolly or by tha
accessed or relrieved by the opera- including the UIII of trauma pocks, use ollhe Medical ScienC&-ilulgel}'
ta •. til the speed wllh which the oper- Ii.s' aid kit., and other specially skill. New wounds that
ator il able to perform a particular medlcalUems. It doesn't provide 0 OCCU r thereafter can be treated. bUI
task hero with the ability to ullEl a medical no additional application of lilsi a.d
gauntlet Or surgicaltocls. lor In- will heal remaining wounds Irom
atone. (See Chapter 9: Goocb & $er. earlier damage .e.ult._
Deduce vices lor brief descriptionl of med· .. Dying: A choroctel with any
Wilh thil special,y skill. a hera eon ical gear.l amount 01 mortal damage aconslli·
hone hi. abililie. ta UN ,.o..on and Situalion die modilie.. that ca.n ered to be dying. A hero who UII88 ,i·
logic to reach a conclusion. Deduo:e have an eilect on a first aid Ikill the. a Ii..t a.d kit a. a Irauma pack
I, used by detectives and olher in- check are given in the «Medical Sci- and makes a luccess ful first aid skiU
vestigala •• who pie<:e together clues ence Situation ModiHe's" ,idebar on check can stabilize mortal damolJ',
and other InformatIon to .alve a .pe- page 8-4. thUG removing 'ho need tor tho cho.·
clfic myatery.lfs also used by scien- No'e. however. that a hero oon't acter 10 make a Stamina--enduronct
h.I., engirH.>efll. doctor •. lawyers. UIII Ii .. , Qid on a membe r 01 an allen check at the end 01 the current.,...
and olhelilo dillCOve r Ihe (mlWer '0 species unles. Ihe hero has Iha ap- Note, howovar. ,hat/I""t aid doe. 004
o ,klll-raloted problem Or to ligUle propriate Medical Science-llienomed- heal mortal damage-MediaJ! Sci·
out who' lodo through 'he opplica- icrne sklll. (See page 96 fa. detoils.) ence-surgery II necesaary to r_to..
lion of e.-perl knowledge. The Illst aid .kill can be used '0 a dying character to health.
FOI example. a playe, may know accomplish thelollowing tasks: Improved Flnl Aid: As a char
nothing abou' developing vaccines. .. HIIOI StUll Dama ge: A characte r octer achieves higher s kill rank •. be
but hi. hero is a top-notch doctor. can use lir" aid to remOve I tu n dam- becomes more proficient a t provid-
82 When the hero is confrontad with a age Irom himllElli Or someone else. A
succe...lul.kill check , 2. 3, 01
ing aid to in iur~ patienls. This II
lIected by a reduc tion in situatioo
m. penalti..; Illep of ,educlion al Ikilll). AI rank 2 the penalty on an 01- bonul on any subsequent skill check
laDlE 4. 2 steps at rank 8. and 3 sleps tempI 10 comm unicate is reduced to 10 get information or coopeIation out
a1.ank 12.. Thll benefit only reduces .. I. At rank 3 no modifier is applied. a lthe allec1ed ~ndividual.
g peoolty; il never PIOVidel a bonul. Rank 6 pIovides a - I bonus. Iank 9 a With a lucce...,ful skill check. a
-2 bonus. and rank 12 a -3 bonus. hero can ovoid legal enlanglementl.
Specific !ihill Hnowledge,
understand COUIt proceduIes. and
have a working knowledge 01 the "'"
Thill.!:111 can't be u.ed ulllrained. !ipeclfic !ihill
technique. used by a specific 1OCi- .-
This specialty sldl l gives a char- A blank line II pIovided undeI Ihe
ety', law enfarceIs. ThIs skill is n04
ulled If the Gamemaste. decides to "'"
acle. a C9Ilain amount oliluency in Knowledge bIood skill on Ihe heIa play OUI a scene involving a legal
aspecillc language. depending on s heet laI a player. If he 110 desires. to ISlue; In thaI cose. roleplaying
the chaTOcter's rank in the skill. add a specIalty s kill Ihal li tl inlO the s hould be ulled 10 detaImina the aul-
Every hero begins with Iank 3 in concepl he has lor his hero. This skill come 01 a courtroom drama Or the
h;.or her native language, which must ~ one thor. not alr&<ldy cov· luccen 01 an alIest.
""'Y be a language ollhe player's erod by one of the s kills desclibed In Howlvlr. if the lost """<Ie in tm aronl thaI il dlclated ei- Ihis book-torl.ample. a specitic adventure Is on arrest. for instance.
the, by Ihl Gamlmoster's oompoign acodemlcdillCipline luch as history. a Low skill check con be used lode·
Ruing or lhe hero', species. For uny mathematics. ar geography. or a lermlne what happens "all CameTO"
!omguage, rank 3 reprelNlnls a de- hobby or .orne a the, .arl 01 special In s uch a case. Ihe Gamemosler may
f'H 01 fluency that enable1l a char- interelt. 01 opposed to mediool coli 10< a player 10 make a Low check
~er to lpea k and rood the lan- knowledge (an e.isting skill). How on behall of his heto. On a CrillOOI
googe os well 01 0 native_ Lowe. this added skJlJ works in the COOlext Fai lure result. on opposing lawyer
raob indicat. a clude lamiliarity of a compolgn. and even if it will be .eceives a -:I bonus to his skill check.
wjth the bo s ic tenets of the Ian· allowed, I, lelt 10 Ihe Gomemastel. or the he.o losel the case oUlright
guagl. allowing a (:horacler 10 un· A specially skill in Knowledge oon On a Failu re result. the opposing
defSland Ilmple , lalemenIS; higher be brood or narrow in scope: lor ex- lowyel receiveBa -I bonus to hil
,anD improve the character', ability ample. hI"ory knowledge oon be Iklll cheek. If Ihe hero's skill check is
lOuse th.language by vitlue 01 a general (world history) or specilk an Ordlna'y succeu. the opponent"1
knge. voco.bulary. a doeper compre- (United SIOles histaryl. as the player skill check Is made with no modilier;
Mnsion 01obecure Or oomplicoled decides. on a Good SUOC9ll. the opponenl
pa$IOg&II. and a lharpe r sense 01 takes a .1 penalty; ond on an Amaz_
bow 10 put WOld, together 10 cammu- Ing succea. lhe opponent lake1l a .3
Dialle a. ell~ively 01 poaible wilh LAw penalty. or the hero wins the COM
tberecipient 01 the communicolion. Thil mood skill provides a hero with outrighl
lb, Garnemaller will decide what general knowledge of the laws and Thll procedure is a variahon on
"""lItulel a -'peclllc" language in legallystems of her native society, the -Characte' VI. Character" rule1l
rusO! her co:mpoign 8etling-for in· making it potIllble for Ihe hero to oU llined earlier on poge 63. It ditle/l
stance. all the members of a species tunction as an advoco.te in a court- in the respect thatlh" oompeting
II1Ight be able to spea k and under- room IIIuO Uon or to pe rform the character', ,kill checks ale not rolled
rtand ' h, .arne native language, reo balic duliel 01 a law enlorooment simu l1aneously---one character al.
gwdleu of where they Uve. or it profenionol. It a hela wanlSlO im· ways inltlates a legal octian, and the
GOOld be Ihat (:haraClers who live in prove her ablltty to practice law in opponent Ihen .....ponds 10 iI. The 01
diflerenl arao. of a planel (or on dil her nalive lOCiety. or expond her ternahng sk.1I checks conlinue unlil
\erelll planels) oon'l undeIlland one knowledge a llow to cover the legal -omeone gelS ei lher a Critiool Fail-
ODother wlthoul purchallng and system. 0 1o lhe • .acieties and other ure 0< on Amazing success. 01 unlll
IlSiIig this skill types allow. she mUlt purchase the Gomemoster makes a judgment
At tha Gamemalter"s d'lCretian. a TOnks In a lpecllIc Low specially on the outcome 01 the case.
be,a', ,kill (or lack IhereoO with a Iklll. as described below.
.:emlin languoge might provide a Depending on Ihe selling of the
tltuatlan die modltie, 10 the use of compoign, a hero's native socielY
other skills that Involve the UIIe 01 could ba a branch 01 human civiliza· Procedures
IlDIguage to communicate with lion on Earth alan a planel or sla' Lowyors, judges. and others use this
IOmeon_Buslne1l1 and Interaction. Iystem thai has been colonized; It ,kill to interacI in 0 courtroom set-
10 flome jUlt a oouple of many passi- could 0180 be a specilic alien society tillg. Thll aspect 01 the brood Ikill I,
bilities. A character WIth 'ank I in a o . cultu, •. uaed to olgue a case Or a point 01
languog. receivel a ~3 penalty on The Low Iklll con be used in on view in an official proceeding
all such attempts to communioote. attempt to change the altitude 01 on
Impro ..ed Commllnicolion; As a individual with whom Ihe hem is in _
characler achievel higher ,kil l ranks teraclln!jJ.ln such a CO_. it il Ireated Law
iDa ipaciflc language. he 0< she gets a. an encounter , kill (see page 97)..11 EnfOrcement
betrer at employing a lher ,kill, lhal Ihis use 01 the .kUl results In a tar· Procedure§
involve language use (such al en· gel's attItude being changed to
Palic. QllioorB. detectives, bounty
COUDter Ikilll and IIOme Creativity Frlondly or bauer. Ihis con provide a
hunte ... and people in coree"limi- 83
lar to thOM use this ui!lto follow (or Biology, Botany,
bend the rules of) l&gallaw enforce·
mant procedurae.
Top~ covered by this skIllin' Zoology
elude knowing the low. oonc.rnlng These epeeialty .kills mUllt be pur-
surveillance and March and M i.:",e. choeed separalely, but in genoral
propar arrest and datalnment proc .... they work lhelKlme. Thellll . kills are
dun.s.lilling out repc)!ts, and other useful for heroes who oro IIxploTere.
suhjecll a low enforcement agent scientists_ (H doctors.
deals with on a legular basis. BIology ie the "udy 01 organisms.
This aspect althe blood Ildllil It oon be u!ifld to ascertain Informa-
u.secIto determine how good on ar- tion about the hlochemical processes
rest i. (providing ammunition to Ih. In a hving bemg
lawyer. who will try 10 make the or· Borany i. the e,udy 01 plonl. ond
r81illllckJ. oon be used to Idenlify plantlile.
Cenelics is the st udy of heredity
and gen9fl, ond farmelhe balls of
Law, §pecitic genetic engineering and clOlllng (de·
51<111 pend ing on Ih", Progress Level of th",
ThlS skill oon', be uRd unltclinfld. campaignJ.
For each sepa ro te purchase 01 this Zoology illhe etudy of onlmols
Ipeclalty skill, a he.o ..,lectll a llpa- and onimal1i!e. and can be used 10 icol inlarmotion, Or if he'e able to .a-
cific culture or a llpecillc rype allow idenhty animalspeei". March a question and dlscove. on
(marlllme low, IOlvoge low. e te.). As Inc .....nd £flKr, Ae 0 character anllwe., are mode the !K[me way 01
the spedolty skill ie improved, th e ollolns higher ronks in any 01 lhasa Knowledge Ikill chech;.ee th", de-
horo gains a progreasively stronger Ipecloltiel, he receivel 0 Iltuation scription ollhat Iklll on page Biiol
graep on the lowe ond legalsy.tem. die bonus on ,kill checks thot can be detaill.
of that cullure or special discipline. allilled by that .peciolty, The bonus A haro with jUlt the Mediool Sc;i-
Thlstamiliarily han.latol into a il Illep 01 ronk 3, -2 slepe 01 TOnk 6, ence brood ,ldll con', treat charac·
bonus to the use a t the Low brood .:J s teps 0 1TOnk 9, and -4 , tops 0 1 lers who have suffered damage,
skill Qr IIlther Qf !te Qlher specialty rank 12. For example, a scient ist try- however. The Irealment specialty
sld lls (courl procedure" Or law en· mg loenglneel a new, bene licia l skill ie nec&8$Clry to heal stun 0.
/Q/Cemenl procedurell) when Qne 01 el.ain 01 bacteria receiv" a bama wound damage. and reducing a pa-
IhQM Ikills is emplQ)'ed by .amllQne for havmg a high rank in tho gene,- tien t'. mortal damage requi .e. the
practicing low within the legal eYI- Ics specialty surgery speeia lty .kill
lem Qlthe culture In question.
IncntaMd Clleel: Hoving the
Low -s~.I;c skill Qt rank 3 p rQvld"
Xeno'ogy Forensics,
a -I bonue when the Iklll is ullGd In Thll skill can't be used unllainM. Medical
the oondllions described In the previ- This specialty skill is the sludy 01
OUI paragraph. The bonu" imprQves anima1lile forms 01 an alien nature
tQ -2 01 TOnk 6, tQ -3 at rank 9, and 10 and con be to identity or classi- Psychology
-4 01 rank 12, Iy such life forml, mcluding alian These specialty skill. mus t be pur·
The Gomemalle. will docido what pi':'n! life. It allow8 a charocter to chased separa tely, but in general
conllitut" a 'specltlc cultura." lak- make educa led gueuee a. to Ihe no· they wa.k the same Skill checks in·
ing the oompaign Mltling inlo ac, tUle, behovior. and abilities o f alien volving th",ee speciailies ore mode
count. In a cumpalgn Ihal takes liIe forms. in the lOme way 01 Knowledge skill
place en ti.ely on &lrth, dillorent In creased Cflocl: AI a choracter check.; _ the descrlptian a t that
coun tries may reprelOnt specific cu l- allains highel ronks in xenology, he s kill on page 81 lor details .
turel; in a IlarlQr/ng cumpaign. each •eceives a shuanon die bonue on f'arensia ie the Itudy 01 COUSIII 01
planet. ItCIT system, 01 olion IIpllClOII eklll checks that cun be aui.led by death and physical evidence at tbR
could be a differenl cuhule. this skill . The bonus ie -1 eto p 0 1 scene 01 a Clime or aCCident.
rank 3, 2 elepi (It rank 6,:1 steps at Medicol know/fldge iltho study 01
rank 9, and 4 sleps 01 rank 12. medicine and ropresente how up-I<>-
LIFE 5l:IE"'l:E dalo a hero ie on a particu lar med-
This brOCld skill reprelOnle a hero'. ia" lechnique 01: a technique oullide
homing in Ihe hfe ...,iences, Includ-
MEDlI:AL !il:lE"'l:E his uluollield a t p ractice. AI a hero's
ing biology. bolony, gOnenC8, and zo- ThiS skrll provides a he.a with the rank In thlB specra lty Increases, he
ology. Skill choch involving Ihil Iralning needed 10 perform cerlain .e<:eives a si tuation die bonusloolIY
skill and ite aBlJOCloteci epeeialtie. mediool plocedures. including Ih", Medical Sc;ience-lreQlmenl skill
are made In Ihe IIOme way as Knowl- ability 10 diagnOlll common oil- chocke; _I elop 01 rank 2; -2 01 ronk 5:
edge Ikill chocks: _Ihe dllSCTiptian ments. disea.I, a nd wounds. Skill -3 01 rank B; and -4 01 rank 12.
of Ihat skU! Qn page Bl for details. chKks mode to de termine if a chm- Psychology is the study 01 mental

84 ac ter knOWI a certain piece of med- prOClls_ and behavior. and the
Ireatmenl 01 mental aberrations and
Increased £lIec1: AI Q hero (lI , 4
lelnl hlghe • •ank s ln fo.ensics o.
plyChology, he receive. a situQlion
die bonua O!l sldll checks that oon be
eultted by IhQt lpecla lty, The bonus
ll-Ialep a t rank 3, 2 atepa at ronk 6,
-3llepo: ot rank 9, ond -4 stepa ot
ronk 12.

Th .. ,ti/l can'! be u~ unllQlned.
The Medical &;ience specialty
skill ru.gery II used to heal mortal
demage and perlorm other IDVQ81Ve
....dical proc:edu' e •. Any applica tion
01 till, Ikillr&qulles a complex . kill
cll«:k (He poge 62).
Surgery <XIn't be perlormed d uri ng
e rombat& almost alway.
tak.. much mo,e ti~ than me' e
rounds Or minutn. Qnd 111C:Ce!I.Iul
lurgery i, extremely diflicull to per-
Imm In conditiona l uc h as thOle
Iound en the typicol ooUlelield.
The condition. lor IUIgery are
OOAI:idered Critiool 1.4 atep penalty)
w!wn the prOC9dure must be pel_
Imme<! wllh poor hghting. pnmLtive
10011 (or no s urgi<XI1 tools at all). a nd
DO troine<! assistance. MarginQI con-
ditien, (no situation die modiller) a re complox Ikill check. Ihe po tient II patient does receive Ihe benelit 01
toolode rab ly beller than Clitical. but healed ot I pomt 01 mortal damage any mOl1al points and wound point.
11111 below whn t', n_asol)' to be and 2 poin ta 0 1 wound domoge. (A that w.r. regained be lore the proc.-
rllOlOnably Sure 01 s uccess. A Good patient with 5 or mare points 01 mOl· du re was halted
Iltuatlon (-2 step bonuI) is one wLlh tal damagE> is comple tely healed if ~ Cybern.tic Surgory, A Cha raCle.
cond itiona si milar to 0 modern~"y Ihe s urgeon achieves 10lucceSJlea who haa achieved a t leaat rank 3 in
ambulance 01 the sick bay 01" d uring a s ingle sUlgical procedu,e.) su,gery con Use tbi, skill 10 ,epoiror
rpacelhip. Amazing conditions ( 3 As a general rule, one new check heal an orgQniam wLlh existing cy_
Ilep bonus) are thOle lound in (I (to _ how many new aucoo&S61 ale bernetic ,m plan ts. provid,ng such
Itondard hos pit(ll or the sick boy at accumu lated) can be made every technology e:risls in Ihe co mpaign
<IJ! advanced spoceshlp. The belt
hour d uring a surgical procedure. On At r<mk 6. Ihe charactel becomes
poIIlible conditionl tor performing a Cntlcal Fai lure rnult or after thl_ oble 10 Insta ll cybemetlc Imp lants
lurgery- high_tech tooll. traI ned Failu", results have been och,eved. See Chopter 15: Cyoortech lor inlor_
ItIppott"talf, ekilled auistanta. and the potien t'. condition worsens on motion on cybernetic devices.
the mDet advanced medical proce, Ihe ta bl e ond he autlera I pomt ot
dur.s availabJ_p,ovide a ~4 ..ep mortal domage. In oddl tlon. aU BUC-
botlus to the su rgeon'a skill check ceBse" achieved to thla point ole 1,,*1. Treatment
The comple:rity 0 1 a ,urgery 'kilt and the p rocedure mUll be started This dill canOl be used untrained.
tMek dependa on th. amount 01 ove r. H Ih. point ot mortal damage Th .. !teatment specLalty skiJl can
lZH1fIaJ dQmage th. potient i.B ,uUer. causes the patient's lOll mortal point be used to ae<:omplish all the some
Lng hom when the procedure Is to be u sed up. the pa tient diM. taska thQt the litst aid Ikill (poge 82)
b.gun: I point 01 damage is Margin_ A l urglcal prOC9dure typically ia used tor; _ the dellCtl pUon al
al. 2 poin" ia Ordinary. 3 points i" continues lor a s long 01 nl'CeSSClry to that skill lor basic informat ion on the
Good, and 4 or mo.e pointa 0 1 mortal repoir all of a potient's mortal dam· following lopics.
damoge Ie a situation 0 1 AmQzing age. Howe if the procedUIe 's in- ~ H_' Stun Dumag., jU81 as with
eornplexity. If Ihe potient is suffering terrupted Or hailed be lore the potlent firs! Old. (I lueeeuiul skm check re-
ooly Irom wound damage. then 2 is lully healed 01 morta l da mage. the sto.el 2. 3, or 4 atun poln ta to a COn·
paInt, of damage la Q altuatlon 01 potl e nt musl conlinue to make Sla- lICioua patient. depending on the da-
Marginal complexi ty, 4 points is Or- millO-endUrance check. (he's s till g .ee oj aueee"".
dinary.6 point. ia Good. nnd 8 01"
Il)Oft poin ll i. Amazing. For every
lweauCC&sses achieved during the
dyin g)a. described under -Dying
ond Death" on page 53 In Chaprer 3:
He'QGsin Action. In such Q case, the
~ Knoc.l!our Reco •• 'Y: A aueeesa-
lui skill check brings a character
bock to conllC!ousneu and recovers
2.3,01' 4 Ilun polnl.. depending on medicol .. Iudy 01 a speculc alien
the degre. ot .ucc.... lpeeiel. allowing a hero 10 u.. bll
... HeoJ WOllnd l)gmagl: When oth•• medicallklll. on membefl 01
IreO'lmenl !I used 10 heed woundl. Ibot lpeel.,. The skill mUll be pur-
Ihe hero mllil be uling ellh.r 0: Ii."
old kll Of a IraUIfI(I pac:k. 0:00 (I com-
cha&ed ..paratoly lar.acb alien
lpee;. . a bero wan" 10 know (l\::rouL
pie.. "kill chec:k 1_ pCI9" 6l) I. r. A hero witb a11ea:s1 rank 110 thill
quued Th. leDk I. one of Ordhlary 'kill. as well 01 Tlmk I QI" higher ID
complex Ill' with a Hr" old kit, 01 Knowiedg..fmf oid. Medicol Sci-
Marginal II a lrauma poek I. UHd ondlo:r Medlcol Sci-
On (I Critical Failwe. 1M potienl ellal-fllfgery; con cmmip!.I:IO' aid 10
/lUlier. I wound Iflltead 01 haYIng an ohllo cha,acter 01 ct90lure of th.

any wou.oo. healed. 000 Ihe com-
plex Ikill check imm.cUalely 1'\1-
Ined When lhecomplex Iklll check
oppropolate species..iPlliaily. 1n..3
IIOP penally QQOC;a'oc! wltb healing
allen cho.actofl i. applied.
iaeompleled, 2 woundll are healed II /mpro.ed Treatmen l: AI a cho.+
Ibe .... ilI _ used with a 11,"1 aid kH. aClel ochl..,.. higher ranD In a spe-
and 4 wound" a.e bealed II a I.ourna cific opplicatlon 01 renornedrelDe.
pcu:k ar motellOphilticoted equiP- abo becom81 more proficienl a t Plo-
menlilused viding aid 10 potlen ls ollho appro-
Thi. oppHcutlon ollhe llea/rnent priate sped ... When the ho ' o 'lKlch-
lpeclahy eon be uaed on (I ee.IOIII .. lank 31n xenomedlclOe. the initial
cbarooel onee 10 heal previOUlly in .3 penally I. leduced 10 .2; 01 .an1r 6.
Uic1ed wounda. Any wOtind. lba, .e- the penally il . 1: 0\ rank 9, tho pen·
main aher I,ea/men/ hal been ap- oily I, eUmlnoted: and at tank 12. the dO lermln" the occuracy ond 01U·
plied eon only be hooled n(ll lll ally or doclor receivol 0 - I bonul. clency 01 Ih. COU IN Ihot wal p]olted.
by the UN 01 the Ulgery Ipecl01ty SllualloD die madillen thaI mol'
.... il1. New wOUndl lhol oceu. there- opply 10 any 'YJ1'I of NoYlgolton 'kill
oher can be I.eated. bul 00 oddition-
check arelilled in Ih. lidebar on
01 appUculion ollrealrnenl will heol Thll blood ,kill providel a hora witb Ihllpage.
.emalning woundl bam earlier dom- training In novlgollng on a plan&- The optlmum omount ol l]me Ihal
ago ...ulll tory IUrlOce orin space. Sur/ace nov mu.t be 181 o.ldtllo, 0 No"lgotlon
... Drlflg' A chaICJ(:le. wllh any 190/100 Incompa_ plOUlng COWI- o"empl, loavord Incurring a pIInally
omounl 01 mor1al dam~ Ut conlld .. lor Wole, ,, vehicles. lor ,ushing tb4I job. II S mloul... FOIl
o.ed 10 be dymg AMra wllh /,ea' and 0" voblel_ Sysfem carllogalion .".ry mlnul.1en than S Ipllnt on lhe
mem ond ellhe. 0 11111 oid kit Of 0 Involvel piolhng OOUJ'WOIlor ,pace attempl, Ibe navigator mUll tak. 0
troumo poc:k can Iloblll~ ..hlele. movmg through normal .1 penolly for eVllry minute mme
damage. Ihu. incnK1ling Ihe lime lpace--ol di.linctlram d.,vespoce thop S .penl on the attompt 10 0
between Siomina-endurance checkl Cdllogallon. whlcb i.e nol coYored malumum 01 ]0 minut..- th8lK1"Y1·
born one per how 10 one pel dar· within lhe -=ope ollhe broad Iklll 9Otoc ....:..~ a I bonua
... Treal/flg Dileo.., The '''Hrlmenl The NovtgallOllwll 00.. not In·
lpeclolty o;o;In be uHd to idenuly and elude the ability 10 plot a cou •..,lor
Ireal debihloling dilMO"l, wilh .lIu- characten who are movmg overland A§trogatlan,
allon die modlliell dependenl on on 1001; tbat ability is an a~ of Driliespace
howdillkult thedlMO"I. todiog
_ o. how v.ruIenlll II. The Gome-
the lIo,/b1cmnl1"pac;iruly unde. the
MoYement broad lkill.
Th'I dill co,,',
be UI8d unllarned_
This .. peelally Ikl.ll inYOl".. tbe
ma.ler GUIde ha. mo.o mlOlmatlon Tho .... of the Navlgalion .kill 01
.Iudy and periOlmance 01 nCl"lgolion
on th,. lublec:l. any of lIs Ipoc.;Q\lies requires a th.ough drivo.paci. ulually Involv.
/mpro"ed T.-Imenl: N a chal- Ilmplo ,kill check~no dice .olltha l
acte. achlevel hlghe, Ikill ranka, he
hKo..- more proflcienl 01 prOYid-
ing oid 10 Injured pollentl, This i" 111-
!Iecled by a reduction In ,11I101;on
die penollll1l: - Ilitop ot ,onk 3. 2
sto~ 01 rank 6. -3 IleJn 01 .ank 9,
and - 4 lIe~ al lank \2.. NOle tballbil
benehl only ,educes 0 penally: II
nll"el Plo"ldlll a bonua.

!ipecific !ild" 10%

Th1.l H,Il con'l be u..d unlralned.

86 Thilllpecioity Ikill in"o\"" the

mg lDOYementlrom one star system
100nolher within the galaxy, (Drlv ...
IfXlte.ln &etllng. wIth laster-than.
Jighllpace Iravel. il alxIfoliel dl·
llIIa,ion lied 10 Ihe gravity plane 01
lhe galaJ:Y. S&e Chap/tor 12: Vehidto.
!of more detaill.) A he.o wilh thi.
NUl Ottn plot course! for stardrlve_
.quipped Ita",hlpa of all kind,.
Any Ilard.ive-equipped ship has
a maximum distance. In lighl-year •.
that it can trave l every time il dropa
OIIt 01 norma! space and intodrive.
spoc: •. (This proceu i. known as
Il'IIlklng a s tarlaU .] Larger ships have
agl80ter maJ: imum distance pe r
IIodall than smalie, ones. Fo.long
IIlpI. Mveralstarlolls-GOch requi.-
mg tile use of the ddvespace 0"'0'
IIOflon ,kill-mu st be accomplished
before looching the Unal destlnaUon,
The possible lelult, 01 a dlive· mine. how efficient the COUrse il_ mean. 01 the Imooth e.t 01 mOSI dl,
~ as/rogotion .kill check are galling the ship to Itl de"ination red route.
th_ Critical Failu.e. make onothel without running into any obstacles. The pouible results 01 a Naviga'
ch..::k with a +2 penalty and conlult physicol or Olherwise, along the wgy tion "urface nmrigotion skill check
the Drivespace OU Course Results The po&$ihle result. 01 a NQviga· are these: Critiool Failure. make an-
sidebor; Failure, make another check tion-sysrem astlogo-lion s kill check other ch..,k with a +2 penalty and
ond consul t the "Drlvespace 011 are these: Critical Failure. make an- commit the Syxtem/Surlace 011
CourM Result." sidebar On the pr. olhe. check with a .. 2 penally and Courae Result. sidebar; Fai lure, mab
I'inlU: page; OrdInary. arrive at Ihe consult th. "SystemlSurface 011 anothe,chec:k and conlult the Sy.
edge of Ihe destination star sy.,em; Course R.sults" Failure. lern/SuriaceOiI Cour.. Results lid.
Good. arrive inside de&tinalion s tar make anal her check and consult the bar; Ordinary, course il plaited at no.-
sr-tem, d12+2 AUs hom target; "SyetemlSu,iace 011 CO\lrse Resulte" mallravel time plusd4 lime uni ls;
Amazing. arrive inside destination sidebar; OnIinary. is plaited Good, COUrse ill p lotted at normallmv-
.,.tem. d4 AUsuom talget. 0 1 normal travel time plus d4 time eJ time; Arnc:ming. COUIM t. plolled
Not.: This skill may also he uHd uni ls; Good. COUlse is pl Olted at nOr' that cut. tr(lvel time by I Irme unIt
tQ herndle any otherl..,8ter-than-light mal trovlIl time; Ama!mg. co\lrse
cuts Iravel lime by I time unit.
(llIlIogalion syslem (Involving hype •.
!pO,:" wormholel, jump gates. and
10 Iorth) that may .xill in the Gam •• Navigation, This broad skillrepr_nts a hero's
lD(lSter·. compoign. training In Ihe physicaJ Klences.
§urrace which Inc lud. Qst'onomv. chemistry.
Thll specialty s kill is the s tudy and physics, and planetology, Skill
A.!itrogation~ perlormance 01 navigation on a plan· checks involving thil sklll and its as·
§ystem e tary sur:laCo!l. \Ising Ita rs. laod· Iodated specioltie. are made in the
Tht. lpecio:lty skill .ncompo..... the mark, and sJHK.'ioli!ed equipment to IIOma way a. Knowlq. skill
,tudy and perlormance 01 astrago_ pial courses and determine location checks: ... Ihe description of thai
han th.ough normallpace, usually A hero WIth this skill (or with the 5kill on poge 81 fa. details.
iO'lOlving movement hom One place Navigat ion broad skill) Can plot
couraes lor air, wate •. a nd land vehi-
iQ(tnothel wilhin a lIar system. A A§tronon1g~
bero with this skill (ot th. Navigation cles 01 all kinds. p rovided he'slamil-
broad skill) can plot a cou.selor a iar with the planel in queslion. Chen1i§trg,
,to'lhlp that doesn't have Or Isn't Travel aCrO&ll the lur:lace 0 1a Phg5ics~
uaing drivespace technology, planet (0' th,ough 1" a tmosphere) is Plan ..talagy
Travel through normal space Is moo.ured in time uni ls- how long It
lakes to got trom one location loon- These sJHK.'ialty skill' must be pur-
\l5l1Olly measured in hme unlls-
Olher, Dillerent type.ol v.hicles chaHd "parately. bu t In
bow long it takel to gel lrom one 10- th.y work the IIOme. With these
Mlion to another. At Progreas Level have dille rent speed. at which they
operate; fa"er vehlclel use smaller lkills, a hero can improve these as-
7, Ila.ships Can move throllgh nor.
time unilt 10 meaSure how quickly pects 01 th e Physicol Selene. broad
mal spoce at ra lel 01 lip 10 40% 01
they C(rn t.overse a cerlain distance. ski ll. The••• kills or. ulelul to he·
Ught sp8fld, but may nOl alwaYI be
The result of the navigator's skIll rool who or. explo,"rs, K ienUst •.
obi. to maintain Ihat velocity fa. the
lull duration 01 Q journey. The result
01 the astragatar's skill check dote r
check de le.mines how .fficient the
course I'-gelling the vehicle being
navigated to its destination by
lCO\ltS. Or pilots.
Astronomy is the .tudy 01 the uni·
verse beyond a hero's plan.t 01 ori·
gin. eSp&Cially oboiervaliona 01 eele.
tial bodle. and phenomenon
Chemi,hy i l the Btudy 01 the com·
position. _tructure. properties. and
•eacllonll 01 mallei. This ,kill iI; used
to identity the compa.Jlion 01 ob)eCls
and to produce compOunds and
Thill skill .eprallent!! a hero', training
in pmlocllon procedurel 0 1 011 type!! .
It has two prin(:ipal UHS:
~ Secute on Area: With the proper
Thi. brood .klll provides a helo with
bwoic training In the use ol.pace-
lJhip systems other than th. helm or
piloting systemll. (Vehicle OpeIO-
chem ical "toclionll (illhe proper amount 01 lima and coope rat ion, a
V'> equipmen t i. available).
Physics;. the study 01 maner. en-
hero con " 1 de lenses ond aecure an
area to a g ' IIO Ierdeg ' ''' than II wei
lIon-..paee vehicle cove.s the actual
piloting 01 (I .pg.collh ip.) It alto op·
plies 10 olher Iypes of ...ehlcle. or
e lgy. (Ind the interactions between beloro. (Some areas can't be secured
ground-boHd installations lhat use
the two It ron be uaed to IOI ... e prol>- or can on ly be I5e1;Uled .... ilh great dil-
one or more 01 the "pecilic 'y"tems
loms relating 10 lou:e. motion. and liculty. meaning thaI u .ituallOn die
described below in the SYltem Opel'
IT\(TthemaUcs. p&nalty a ppliel lo Ih e "kill check. allan specialty skills. These other ....
Planetology illhe study 01 new The GUmemallor will dedda when hide. ond inl la lla lionl include (but
cele.Hol bodies. sp&cl tlrolly when luch situalionse"isl.)
are not limited to) larga wUler ... a.-
attempting to classify. log. and BCUn The dogr.. of suo:en on the skill
...1. such as baUleships. military
Buch bodies IOf useful inlOimalion. check aftect. Ihe subsequent Awa/.
.uhmann". and oorgo ships: jel
Inc19Gsed Ef!ecf; As a hero ness likill chec k" of e ... eryone guard-
lighters and large comme rcial air-
achie ... es higher ranklln any 01 ing the area againsl inhude rs: On u
craft; and radar outposts and gun
Ihese SpIO;ialties. he recei ... es a situ· Critical Failure. the Awarenea.s
alion die bon\1& on .k,ll checklthat checkl 01 the guord(s}ara mode with
Fo. fun detans on how System Op-
can be autsted by that apeciahy. 0 ... 1 p&nalty; on a Failure. nomodifi·
eration and its relaled specialty
The bonul Is ·1 s tep at ronk 3.-2 er i6 u.w on Ihe Awareness checkl;
skills are uHd. He the MCl ions on
liteps at rank 6. -3 s leps at rank 9. an Ordinary success cau". a-I
"Whars in a Spaceship?" and 'Spuctt
and -4 ltepl at lank 12. bonus; a Good suo:e8l. 2: und on Vehide Combat" in Chap/el 12: Vehl-
Amazing luCceSS.-3.
dea. Briel descriplions 01 the llpecial-
~ Aner/y.e Weerk Pain/a: A ha.o
SECURITY ty .lritls are gi ... en below
can study a l5e1;u.ed onla (onything
Thill b rood Ikill pro ... ides a haro wilh Irom a ... ehicle to a building 10 a
oosic knowledge ofl5el;urlty Iystems neighborhood) a nd look for weak Conllnunicatlon!i
and procedures. (Note Ihat this skill points to exploit This USe ot Ihe skill A communicallonlspeciallst can op.
pertainll 10 security Iystemll that pro.. can aid the hero or another character erale allshipboo-rd and perlOnal
lect physicol objectl Of lpacifically who ia going to 10100 an entry pomt communicalion gear with precisiOll,
delinGd aleas. Secu.ity syltemll 01 Or Iry 10 sneak inlo the secured oreo atlGmpl to decipher coded communi-
the _tlhat prolect Iha Ihelt or COr- by pro ... idlng bonU!le1 to thOM subs. cat ion signal". code ou tgoing mell-
ruption 01C'1mpu leriZGd data ore quenl skill check!. .ages. jam external communication
dealt wilh under the Computer Sei- The analysill check,s modified by and sensor signals. and try 10'1"'''-
ence brood IIkill and itl hocking spe- how well Ihe area is secured, No so- come ;o:mming from on ou tllid.
clahy.) Whal a hero knows or accom- cunty megn. no modiller 10 the source.
plIB.hes in any gi ... en lituation hero'l check. Marginal MCUrily pro-
dep&ndl on the rOllul1 of a s kill check_ ... ide" a ,I p&nal ty; Ordinary... 2;
Fo. the purpose of dotermining the Good ....3; and Amazing .... 4 Derense§
situation die modifier for each seg' Modilielll to lIubsequenllkllI A defen""llpecialist can operale all
ment of a complex Security skill checkiil a.e provided occording 10 ihipboo.d delensi .... sYltems with
check. a .;tualion of MarglOal qua Il- how wellihe hero IIUo:eedl ot ana· precision. atlempllo direct deleOllft
Iy would be one in which (lor ex- lYZIng the weak points 01 a l5e1;ured to part6 ol lhe ship where thay're
ample) the hero is undisturbed while arOO: On a Failu re. no modifier: an mOliI needed. und analyw a nack
he ia examining or manipulating a Ordinary " uccess. - I bonus: Good. pullerns to make beal use 01 the d.
type 01 MCurily system with which 2; and AmaZlng.-3. len ..... hi" Ihlp pos ........ I. In .po<:e
he ill familial, ond IItuallon 01 ... ehicle combot. the delen_ opera'
Amozlng quolily is one in which (for
example) Ihe hera and hil allies are
§ecurity Del/ices to/ can pro ... ide a penalty toan oppo-
nan t"s weapon. Of sensors during
in ... ol ... ed in combo l or are und!!r sa- Using thi . skill. a hero can attampt uny gi ... en attack
... ere time pressure to accomplish 10 bypal" all lyp&S of mechanical or
the>! gool. electroOlc l5e1;urity.lrom Inp wires 10
The comple",ty 01 a . Yltem relates motion .... nsors to electronic locks. Engineering
10 how IIme-canlluming it Is 10 get h-. also ulled to set traps. both alec- An engineeling specialis t monitors a
through any ond all barriers that lie tronic and mechunlculln na ture. 8hlp's electronk a nd mechan!cal
belwenn on inlrudar and lhe object One check oon be mude p&r round. aystama UII a whole. watching for
0< area Ihut Ihe security Iystam is and the haro making the check is fluctuatiOfls and other lign. thaI a
protecting busy tor the en tir-e round (coother oomponenl ill breaking down. He COlI
ochons poslible!. In a situalion Ihat institute ",poi.. to damagecl.ystelDl

aa isn'llaking place in lound •• lhelima

unit changes trom rounds 10 minutOll.
trom his Illa tion. roule power to spa-
t!fie .ystems. and direct hands-on
repolrs at remotelocotlons_ depending on th ... determination 01
the Gamema.te.
A lensora specialist CIln operate aU
shipboard and personal senSOr gear This ,kill enobles a hero 10 make
with precision. attempt to ICOn ship. last. patchwork repa ... in order to
or planets. and analyze thOM .ead. get an e lectronic Or mechanical de-
ings in a short period 01 time. He CIln vice or Iy.t ... m up and running 10. a
..... the dOlo to provide bonu_ to a .ho.t period of time. A jury.ig .epalr,
-.opons or defen .... Operator. ev-... n when .uc.:e.sful. odds dillicul-
ty to the lull ....palrs that must bot
mode late •. but it co.n get a hero
Weapons through a shcky . !luation_
Awec:rpons specialist CIln ope.ate all §pace Tactics A IUfydg .epair can be mode suc-
Ihlpboa.d weapons systems with The spa".. ladies skill coverl bat_ cessfully once on a specilic .yllem
plllCillon.ln starlhip c:ombot, the Ilefieid st.a tegies when spaceship. 01 item. H it breaks down after being
napons ope ra to. pich targets and engage in combat jury.igged, the Iy.tem a. lIem won't
mal" attacks. wo.k agam until if. completely foxed
(using Technical Science-repcJ!/).
lIehicle Tactics Making a jUryl;g .kill check i. a
TACTIC" The vellide tactics .kill cover. bat- single action. but a charactet who
!bit brood .kill provides a he.o with tlefield strategilll when tbe main hUIS to use thil skill mu.t da 10 on
Ixqic t.ainlng in and an understand. component o f the battle II vehicle. his lirst available ot:1ion in a .ound.
mgollaclLcs and tat:liCllI eituation •. other than lpaceships (land vehides. and he can't allempl any alhe. ac-
While tactic. may corne into ploy in water vehicles. and ai. ve hicles). tions 101" the ' elt of the round. How
lDaDy types ol.itucrtion•. irs most long tbe juryrigging lostl. and the
oommonly ullfld during In lantry com. amount 01 dillicuhy added to the full
bat. space combot. and vehict. COm. TECHNICAL SCIENCE .epair •. dopend on the .o.ult 01 the
bat A lucce..ful use 01 the SIll! pro- Th is ,kill represenll a hero'. training .kill check:
fides a penalty to the opponent'. in the technlcallCienCIII. including On a Critical Failu.e. the system check. indiClltlng that you the maintenance.•epair. and inven. o. item becomes unusable and con't
developed a tactical plan and .ue. tion 01 mechanical a nd electronic de- be made functional again without
<:esduUy employed it against him. Vices (not ineluding computer.). and lull .epairs.
Check ,esults: On a Cri lical Fail- tecbnical knowledge. On a railu'e. the ;uryrig ollempt
we. Ihe opponent_s through YOUI Skill chech made to determine iI doesn't work but can be tried agaln_
Intention. and receives a I bonus; a character knows a ce.lain piece of On an O.dinory sueeesa. the IYI-
failu.e. no modi!;e, to the opponent'. technical informotion. <n jf b...·• obI ... tern or Item becames opelaHonallo.
IleI1 Hill check; Ordinary, .. I penalty to research a qu ... st lon and di.cover d6. I time unit •. and 3 mOle IUCC<KS-
lOopponenr, next .kill check; Good. an answ",r. or", mad ... Ihe some way e. me needed (In addition to lhOH
.2;ond Am<ning ...3. a. Knowledge skill checks;..,. the that were already requi.ed. based on
descriptio n 01 that skill on page 81 how severe ly the item was damaged)
fa. de tails. to make lull 'epai,s.
Infantry Tactics This ,kill il n~sary lora charoc. On 0 Good lueeesa. the IyIilem a.
n.emlantl)' tactics skll! cove.s bot- ler to use celtain sophisticated or p0.- item beoomel operatlonallor 2d4 .. 2

t1efleld llrotegie. when the main tentially dangerous tool •.• uch a. a lime units. and 2 more succe.... Or.
IIJIllponen t 01 the battle I. individual Culling larch (,ee poge I~O in Choptef needed to make full .epoi,s.
9: Goods & Services) wi thou t risking
per&onal injury or domoge to the tool.

Illvenl'on fell a hero build an elec.
Ironic or mechanical component or
.yllem horn ICratch, or to modily an
e~iBting device to per/arm a new
Using tbis 'kill require. lime; in.
v... ntion ch"",ks are always complex
.kUl checks. Modilylng an exi.ting
item may be able to be done in
.ounds, und .... th ... right conditions.
but all other aspect. 01 invenlion 'e-
quIre hou ••. days. weeks. or months.
tillld. 01 an individual.mplayee 01
In~n!08ed [fleet, As a hero'.
On an Ama~ing s .. ceo... the IV'- .orne corpDfolion 01
4 lem 01 item becomes operolionol loI
3d4+2 lime .. nlls. ond I more l uceen
i. needed \0 make lull ,epai••.
fonk in Ih i. specialty .kill incfeoSOS.
h ... _Ivno bon ... loony skill
chech involving T&Chnicol Science
such (1 COM. it I, I,.ole<! a. on en-
counter skU! (aee page 97). If the u'"
A. /mpro"ed Juryri;' When a belo or the othel !h,ee specialty skm,,-\
of Ihll. ,kill ,Hults in a h:lI\lol'" ottl·
tude being changed \0 Friendly Q'
V'> reaches mnk 6, hi, abili ty improve. slep aI ronk 3; _201 rank 6: -4 01 rank
ootter. Ihi. con provide a bonus on


as foll ow" .... n Ordinary IUCc:eB8 pro-
duces a Good ,eBul t loa ductlbed
V'> above), a Good success produces an
9: and -4 01 rank 12. ony subsequent sk ilL chock 10 gel in-
formation or cooperolion oul altha
Q.ganizaticm that lsthe emp]aye. 01
Am<ning .esult. ond on Amozing WILL SKILL§ the target.
succeSI means the jU'Y"99in9 wo.1II Will Q he,Q's mentallcrti- Using this skill. Ol ellhe. 01 itlS
110 well thot the -rstem o. Item is tude and intuitive capacity. Although specialties. to gel ,esuits out 01 a bu·
considered to be reperi.ed and in ..g- this Ability is moel ollen associated reaucrat;c organization requi ' es a
ular wo.klng order. with mental activltie •. 0 chOlacter's complex skill checlr.. ln thll cose. the
Will sometimes does have an .. fleet eituatlon modilier 10' CClndihons ••
Qn hi' phylicol capabililies-ior ID- lates to how quickly the chel/acte!
Repair lSlance. givi ng him the determinatiaD using the skill wants to p.oduce r.
Thillekill provides a he.o with train- to pr.... on when his body is in less lSUltS: II's a condition 01 Amazing dil·
ing in the repair and maIntenance 01 than perled condition. Todetermine ticully (+3 penalty) if you need on on·
various types of mechanical and the result QI an a.:lion involving Will swer In I day; Good. you'lIseule lor
eleet.anic technology. that isn't directly related IQ a skU!. 0 d~.l days; Ordinary, yeu = allord
Any ulO8 a t the repoir skill (0' any here mak08 0 leat check (as de- to wait d~.2 days; Marginal. you·.e
u ... 01 the Technical Science brood .cribed. on page 63). resigned to not getting an answer lor
,kill to make a repai.) .equiru a Stoying awake 10' an Imtae night d6+3days.
complex skill checlr As In allauch while on guclTd duty (parHcu]ar]y it The complexity 01 this skill cheek
COII8II. the conditions under which you have 10 remain motionlels and relates to the size 01 the bur""uc.ati~
the Ikillis being uM<! provides a quiet) iB an example 01 an activity system and the ""... with which th,
modllier to each IIIlgment 01 the that might requi.e a Will teat check. Iystem could prac:e.. the reques t·
check Same Bpeclhc madili'rs are The Camemaster doesn't need to be Ma.ginal. Imal1-rstemJe~t.eme]y
g.ftn in "Technicol Science Situa' specific when he declares a leolta eersy request; Ordinory, medium·
tian Modilierg" on the p.eviaus page. be 01 a certain level 01 diUiculty. but sized lystemJroutine request: Good.
The time it takes to perfa.m are· he will use the lollowi ng as a gen"" large syltem/CClmplex .equelt:
pail is determined by the Camemas· a] rule. A Morglnalleert (no modifier) Amanng. extremely large system/II'
te •. who will designate a time uni t 01 is one that most people con occam· llricted or illegal request. {The" two
minutes. hOU'lS. doyl. A. week i. de · plish without too much trouble; a lacto,," can ollsot one onathe.ta
pending on the nature 01 the repalls Moderote leat (.2 pe,nalty) reqllires lOme degree: lor inltance. trying '0
be ing attempted, b&tter than average Will: an Extreme get an extremely bu.eaucracy
The complextty 01 a .epoLl skill leat (.3 pelllllty) ilS one that telts to pracell 0 reu tlne request would
eheck is related to the omount 01 even those with the mo.t powerful b& a leat 01 Good Qr Ordinary CClm·
domage that must be .epaired, fix- Will L5C0tlllS, plexity. depending on the Gamemol"
mg on obioct that has suflered only te". judgment.}
stun domage il a task of Ordinary A tho .acter·s Adminillfalion skill
complexity For an oblect with wound AOMINI§TRATIDN can 01110 be used 10 hinder IOmeo ...
damage. the reperir is 01 Good com- Thll broad I kill provides (I hero with elae's ottempt to goln InlQrmoHon. In
piexity Fi:r:tng an object WIth any knowledge concerning the and such 0 co ... the modiliels 10. CClndt·
omQunl of mortal damage is a job 01 that go In to running on tiona are transposed; It'l a task 01
Amazing complexity. and depending ollice 01 organization 01 almost any Amonng dilliculty (+3 penalty) to
on the extent 01 the martol damage kind. With thla skill. a hero unde .- slow down the p.aceallQr d6.3 doy1;
may .equire more than 10 ,uce_, standlscheduling. pe rsonnel and Good, \I you're trying to gum up th.
Chapter 12: Vehicles cxmtolnl In· equipment mallllgement. and the wo.Jrs lor d4+2 dayl; O.dinary. d~.1
Ioomalion on damage to spaceCJoit regulations and law. that apply to days; or Marg.nal. if you only wan! II>
and other conveyancfl. The Game· such endeavors. Any ]orge o.ganlro- cause a delay a l l doy, Likewi ....
mosIer G •.tide has lutthe. detaill on tions. including governments. agen· comp lexity worJrs the other way
Ih. loughnesl ond durability 01 other cies, and corporatIons. have IIOme a.ound; FOI instance. slQwing down
typel of oblec' s and structures. type 01 administrational bureoucra· on e:d.emely """y requll1lt being
cy thai 0 hero may somedoy be ploce,sed through a small .ystem iI
coiled upon to Interact with. This a leal 01 Amazing complexity. reqUII'
Technical skill allow l hIm to a tt empt to identi- lng a large numbel Qlluoce""B In a
Knowledge Iy the p.oper adm!nist.ato ... to deal .elative ly short time.
ThIs Ikill represents the . tudy 01 with in a particular si tuation. the
technology and Indicates how up·to- proper procedures 10 lallow. and the
date a hero is on techniquel or p.o- belt way to cut through red tape.
cadu... that help him manipulate The Admin'llratlon .. kill con be ThiB specialty skill mealU!es a.

gO 10011 and othel devices. used in on ollempt to change the at · hero's ability 10 greaM (0' clog up)
thewheels 01 bu.eau<;.ocy.lmportanl l(LSt .kill check or. loet. At the
appliCQtions. clea.onc..s . .... Gamemaller.sdillClelion.aninlerrup-
por1l. or other bu.eaucratic .equesls tion of a week Of more could mecrn
am be procossod lallft.ond mo.e el- that the tromlng 01 that animal auto-
tideotly with Ihto UM of Ihie skilL matically lails and any luccesses
Conversely. this skill con be used to that had been accumu lated ore 1",,1.
IKIn thto ..mft bu.eaucrotic pro- If Ihe complex ekill <;hecl:: ends in
_ _ slower 10. othft.s a Critical Fallure. the animal goee
berH.k and attacks 111 train .. r. II the
ManagelFJent check is obarted because ollhree
failure resulls. the animal simply reo
Thil Bkill indicates a hero', ability to fUHS to bot trained (bu t a diff .. r.. nt
maoage both peT8Qnnel and admin· ch a ra<;ler might have bette. result,).
Islralivft dutlftl. A skilled manage. Aher an animal has baen trained.
oon Inc rea.., p.oductlvi ty. lospi.e olhet Iltua tion modiliefl (listed in
worke.s. and supervllft the wo.kings the bottom section of Ihe sidebar)
01 a busineaa o. oUice apply loony atte mpt to have lhe ani·
mal perfo.m a ce.lain taslr. - Unla·
ANIMAL HANDLING miliar animal" rele .s too creature
Ihat hal been lrained by IIOmeone
This b.oad Ikill providftl a he.a with other Ihan Ihe character who'e trying
!be basIc abillly to train animals to 10 make It perlorm. Thi' modifier i.
perla.m a variety a l tash. Including cumulative wllh those Ii_led under
<Ioing lobar. acc.pting ride ... track· "T.ained animal: 110 that trying to
mg. and attacking. Irs 01110 used 10 go t an unfamil iar trained animal 10
liel&rmine il a hero con get a trained perform a Good lask ca.ries 0 +3 though o n animal is not normally
animal to perform a talk. to rld .. on penalty. thoughl of as a vehicle. the same
anima\. Or to calm. captu.e, or othel· Someone wllh the Animal Hao· general ru les apply 10 ride ... of ani-
wUe handle a wild animal Of an un· dling Ik1l1 may be able 10 get a wild mals and drivers 01 vehicles.!
!amilia. domeslic animal. Note thot animal Or an unt.ained domeslic an·
!be method, 0111ainl09 and the com· imal to do .amelhing. bul in no 00,...
..",oh used with di llerenl animal will such an animal perlorm 0 talk
AnilFJal Riding
lpIICie. cun vary widely 01 greatellhan Ordinary difficulty. This lpecialty Ikill enob! .... a hero to lhe broad skill entitles O.dinary tasks include activities improve this Olpeel of the Ammal
abero to selecl one type of animal in re_panse 10 Ilmple. one-wo.d com· Handling broad skill. A chcrracter
!bat he is able 10 I.ain. subjoct In the mands such as - Alla<;k: -Come: with this skill can allempl .a<::ing
appOOV<l[ ollhe Gomemaller. Fa. m· -Sit: "Stay: "fetch: "Speak: and Over dongerous terrain. makmg
rtallCfl. it may be ~,ible 10. a hero "Quiel." A Good task could be a com· jumps o. performing other stunts.
Io ... lect "ho...: o. Ihe Gamemoat .. r bination of two Ordinary tasks (in and engaging in mounted combat.
may dictate that Iftpa.ateapplica. BuccelSion or slmultaneouely)' or it ~ Trick Riding: When a hero
tiona of the skill a .e o*ttded to train could be IIOmethlng more difficult. reache. ra nk 3 In Ihis specialty. he
quarter horses and drafl horses. [n such as a dog pushing a lever with becomos able 10 perform trkk riding
web a COQ. the hero would need to its paw when ditected to do 110. An This allows him to direct his mount
""e the special ty sklll anima/ualo· Amazing task Is just that-BOm .... to jump {encel. leap chasms. or move
iDgo in order to be able to train and thing that very few animall can or backward. On a Critical failwe.e-
b:mdle mote than one type 01 horse. will do on command. luch 08 run· lUll. the anlmollrip. (cousing dam·
Any UN 01 the Animal Handling ning into a burning bullding to .es· age as per an Extremely Short loll fa.
brOCId "ill 10 train a crea ture re- cue a child. 0 1course, the Gome- both mount ond rider); on a Failure.
qulrlS a .:amplex Ikill cheek. De- master hal the lin.alllOy on whether the anima l .el,,- 10 pe.lorm.
ptDding on the Iype 01animal being a talk o.tfLck is Ord inary. Good. or for making horironta! leaps, suc·
worked with. a modilier il applied 10 Amazing. cell on a sklll check adds toan ani-
oat;h segment 01 the complex slrill The broad Iklll 01110 enobles a mol's natural jumping abilily: Ordi·
meek. and certain typel 01 animals character to ride any animal that con nary l ucceSI, animalleops normal
klI:e longer to Iraln (more lucceeses be used for basic g .ound lranspo'la· di,lollee plus I meIer; Go<xl. normal
...ded) than other types. mecrning horses. d1stonce plu. 2 met ..,s; Amazing.
To have a chance 01 luccesslully mUlel. and other large quadrupeds. no.mal dietance plul3 mele ...
training an animal. a character must When an anImal Is being ridden. the Fo. jumping Over obstructionl. the
"",00. al Least 4 houfl a day wo.king c reature moves In every phase. Our· resulle are; O.dinmy. no.mal dis·
"lIh thecr901ure. Allhe end 01each ing a phaM in which the he.o has an tone. plus I me Ier; Good. normal
. .k 01 conllnuous WOflr. a "ill oction. he can UM thll ,lrill in an 01- dislance plull.S mete..; Amazing.
.-ck indicat.. how many SuocesMlS lempl to maneuver the animal. See normal distance plus 2 mele ...
.... achieved towa..d the gool dw· page 198 in Chapte, 12: Vehides IOf For moving backward. an Ordi·
'II!! that week. If th<t training IIChudule information on Ihe typel 01 maneu· nory IUcce.. mean. that Ihe antm(ll
.interrupted by one or mOfedaysol ve.. Routine. Maderare. and Ex· back. up at one-holl 01 its walk
IOwerk. ony day. 01 work since the t.em8--G ride. may allempl. (AI· movement role; Go<xl. animol bach
4 up CIt 11111,111 wolk movemen t III!":
Ama~II'il' onimcd bat"k~ lip a'one
how the general lule on dice roI li ng
appli" to on AI.n:Ium"T ga me: Dice

and one-half times Its walk moll'.
men! 'Clle.
A wllh Ih.trick riding (lbilHy
Ihould only be rolled on a skill check
in a lllllOlion when Ihe Camemalter
needl lodetermillfl if a h.. ro II cupe;!-
Tbli specialty skill represen" a
hero'l olertnesa and powe .. of 0 ....
votlon-the hero notic", .amething
ron also uN his mount lor cover. ble 0 1dOing IiOmething dillicult Of ei ther conaciously 0: on a subli minal
~ This p rovldQ a penalty 10 an oppo- out ol lhe ordinary More a ll en Iha n leve l. While intuilion ila 'eellng or
:><:: nenfs chance 10 hit the rider, de- nOI. heroea wilh rellpecloble 11<'0'''' unexplainable se n .... perceptIon
e.-? pend ing on the result 01 the , ider', in Awareneslor ill specia llies will works on Bignll thai cun be spotted
skill check: O,dlnary.... 1 ste p: Good , automa tically IUCCeed when .arne· by norma l sanses-o broken Iw ig
.2 steps; Amlni ng . • 3 steps, 01 thI ng exls ls Iho t con be noticed or lyi ng in a palh. Ihe click of a g un 'l
course, this tactic doesn", prote<:t th .. perceived-lor instance. it doesn't sofety being re lea sed, th e scent 01
maunlln any way. take a Ikill chee k to de termi ne if a la m Lliar perfume In a crowded bar. a
Trick riding con"' be combined he ro _ a fallen Iree b locking hi, whlilper in Ihe wind . Thi, Ikill can
wi th any oth.. r action; for instance. pe;!th. On the ot her hand. a sktU help de lermine a heros ability to
It's not possible to make an auack cheek may be culled for to see il lhe spot lIignl 01 trou ble, pelceive the
while you're urging YOUI mount 10 hero notice. that th .. fa Llan I." halo true meani ng in o n oUlho:ily IIguII's
leap ave, a wall. hole in ii, trun k where on obiec1 il commen t. or notice a lubl le clue pok.
concealed; or. tbe Gamemaster ing out 01a pil. of leaves.
might o .. ume Ihal a hero who ha, When potentia l danger obvioully
Animal Training ..verer! ran~ in the percephon spe-" in a lituotion. a hero'l IUbean·
Thl•• kill allow. (I hero to become cialty immediately nolices the bole. IC IOUI use 01 this s kill cun help him
ohio to handle. ,id .. , and train a spa- Same p,ecel of sensor equipmen t avoid being caugh t by lurpriM. (The
cilic type 01 a nimaL He must pu. · mo y provide benefils to a hero', Gomll master = 11&for perception
chase and im prove thi s speciall y Awarenesa skill check. as described checkl; players dOn'l requeat Ihem.)
Ikilll18pCIlCl to ly for each type of ani- In Chapte r 9: Goods & Services. Succe" indico tes Iho llhe he ra it n'l
ma l he want. to Irain. Types of ani- l urprised and can oct in the lurpll..
mali include ridi ng onimals. pock phose 01 the upcoming found. (FOI
animal., a nw::k animal •. and gua rd Intuition more informa tion about lurpri.. I lt.
animal •. You. Gomemaster hal the Th is specialty Ikill represents a uationl. see page 58 01Chapter 3;
IinaillOY on how animal. are clall$i- hero'l na turol inltinct_hi, a bili ly HerOO$ 10 Acuon.)
lied. and which ones require sapo- to ..nMdange. when noobvioul
rote oppilcution. ollhis skill. ligns are evident. to ovoid sUlplise.
Or 10 make an inlui tive leap of log ic
without the s upport 01 bard foeti. It'l This skill providel a hero wllh I.aln·
AWARENE55 the abili ty to make a besl gue" m a ing and lalen l (Ol knowledge) in a
r'M 10 III:rol. human. mechalu5. ><e. given Ii!ua tion. variety of creat ive endeavors.
5heYOII, l-.a. and weren herae5- When no obvious signl of dong", A hero with rhe Creatlvlly s kill
This broad ski11lepresen t. a ate evi de nt. a hero's su bconscious hoe a we Ll-deve loped senM lor the
hero'. poweIl 01 observation. percep- use of IMI s kill c:on eno bl e him 10 ae91he tically p leasing. a la clllly 10.
tion, and intuit ion, Skill checks a re OVOid bei ng coughl by IU'Pr ise. (The commun icating with the writte n
culled lor whe n the Gomemas ter Gamemalte. ca lls for 1OfUilion word, a nd the ability 10 convey and
need. to delermin ... il a he.o nol ioo. cheeo; playe .. don't requesl lhem .
.amethlng-heroe. themselvee •• cepl in Ihe ci.cumslances d ...·
n.. ve. cull for a use ollhis skilL acribed in Ihe nex t paragraph.) Suc'
Noticing Klmflthing could be as ceu fndlc:otes thaI the hero iln'l l u.-
simple ae providing a bin i Ihol Ih. p .i Nd and c:on acl in th.. IUlprlse
hero ml..ed in Ihe normal course 01 pha.. of Ihe upcoming rou nd. (fOT
ploy. a. help when the heroappea rs more In lormat ion aboul surprise li t·
tolalLy 10111 orcunfu$8d. uOlionl. see page 58 of Chapter 3:
On a Failure. the hero doesn't na- Heroes in Action.)
lice a thing O therwise. an y success When a hero wo nts to ma ke an In-
provides the hero wHh 0 1 least a tuitive "besl guess." the G ome mas-
small clue. The Gomemas ter can de· tel may a llo w a p layer 10 c:oll iol on
clde Ihat Ihe better the leve l of sue- intultlon IkilL check o n his cbarac·
ce.. achieved. Ihe mare detai ls Ihe te r'l beha lf. In euch a 00110. an y I UC-
tlero becomes aware of. Si luation die C"I yie ldB 0 beneficial result. but
madillell are lilted in the Gomema,· the greer le. the level 01SUC08". the
ler Guidi!. Nale. 100. tha i anolher mo.e accu rate and comple te Ihe con·
chalacler, UM 01 certain skille t.;uch d .... lon. TbI, UM of the wluiljon IIklll
QI Stealth and Securit y-protection to moke a besl guass is only pe rm it·
prolocols)can odd modifiers 10 a ted to helODs who have purchased
belo'l Awa len.,.. check. Ihe 'pIK:!ally skill. and il I hou ldn't

gZ Th. Awarene" broad skill and l1'

IplK:lalll.1 are good exampl... 01
be allowed more Ihan once or tWIce
in an advenlure.
evoke powedul emotions through a The broad skill can be used when
chosen medium, A character with a hero tries to apply logic and .eason
JUst the broad skill possesses all of
these cha.acterislics, but not to such that he's able to make a liv-
to reach a conclusion Or deduce the
solution to a problem; when a hero
wonts to sea rch a specific area 10
ing as an ortist, w rite., or photogra , tum up clues 01 other information; Or
pher. Turning the Creativity skill into when he tries to track a quarry tha t
the bosis of a ooreer (or being able to has left a detoctable traiL By pur·
produce work of protessional quality, chaSing rhe Gpeciahy skills related
"If character has another career) re-
quit" thot the character pursue a
to these uses 01 Investigate, a hero
can improve his chance. of making
lpecialty skill in his chOl!en field(s). specific types 01 skill checks,
Usin" the Creativity skill involves Situation modifiers for Investiga te
a complex skill check, with a situa· are provided in the Sidebar above.
tion modifier based on the condilions Note that the definition of "lime
under which the work is being done units" depends on rhe rype of scene
ond 0 number of suo::esses required being run. In a SCene being played
!eluted to the complexi ty of the task out in rounds, a time unit i. usually a
at band. !Doshing off a cute, four·line phase. In a scene thot uses a longer
poem might be me.ely on Ordinary time Ilome, the Gamemaster deter-
accomplishment, but composing a mines what a time unlt re presen"
Iyrlcol, Shokespoarean-quality son· (usually mlnule!>. hours, or days),
lItIl wo"ld be Amazing.) Some 01 the Any type of success o n a skill
Iituations that can oiled a Creativi' check reveals a s ignifican t bi t of in·
ty skill check are listed in the ao::om- formation. but the ao::nracy and
p:.!nying sidebar. level of detail of that information are
If the complex skill check ends in tiad to the degree 01 success. A Fail·
aCriticol Failure, Or three Failure re- Ure result indica tes that the hero
IIIlts ore obtained before the check wasn't able to reach an accurate COn-
"completed, whatever the chomcter clusion in the rime allowed with the
W<l1 tryin" to produce is scrapped (it information at hand. He may be 01·
just wasn't turning out right). lowed to allempt another check alter rhetoric, and trick queslions to cause
a certain amount of time has passed, the targel to slip up.
or if a new bit of in formation is inllo-
duced into the situation. The
!ipecific 5";11 Gamemaster can also determine
II blonk line il provided unde, the thaI some levels of detail can'l be This specialty skill enables a hero to
C.eativity skill On the helo sheet for achieved without spending a certain develop his eye lor detail and his
aplayer to use if his hero specializes amount of time at the investigation, ability to spot hidden objects. Search
ill lOme aspect of this skill. The or tha t a fully successful investiga· is used when a hero wants to look tor
Gc:Imemaster will determine if a eer· tion may require a series 01 separata clues in a specific alao, lind a parlic-
lain specialty skill is allowable, usu· checks over a period of hme. ular object or person he knows is in
ally bossel on whether it defines a Certain pieces of Sensor equip- the area, or hunt lor important abo-
OIIfIOW enough field 01 intelest. For ment may provide benefi ts to an in· tects in as fast and systematic a
lostant:e, iIIustralion might be 01· vestigator, oS described in Chapter 9: fashion as possible.
Io",ed as a Creativity specialty, or it Goods & Serv,ces. The of suo::ess achieved on
oughl be necilssary for a hero to be a skill check delermines what the
~ specific by singling out COm- hero spots after a oortain amoun t of
ptlter graphics 01 halo art as his area
Interrogate tIme spen t searching, .angtng lrom a
olupertise. The interrogate skill represents a single small item or place 01 infor·
hero's ability to a sk the right ques· motion on a short search to several
tions in order to gain information small items Or a major piece of inlor·
III/VESTIGATE from a specific target cha racter. ThaI motion on a long search
This brood skill provides 0 hero with character's Will resistance madiller
the training and ability to examine is his protection from the probing
things systematically through ohser· questions of a skilled interrogator. Trac"
mllon, inquiry, and altention 10 de· The skill covers the sort of inteTTo, This specialty skill allows a hero to
tail. Unlike the Awareness skills, gation thaI migh t be conducted by a improve his ability to follow a per·
.bich handle the proceSSing of im- seasoned joulnalisl. a low officer, a son, crealure, or land vehicle by not·
mediate observations,lnvestigate lawyer, or a Irainsel torturer--<znyone ing the tracks it leaveB in ltB wake.
tekes time. In lact the more time a who asks tough questions as a mat· Tracks can be anything from aclual
bero .pends in the act of an inyesti· ter of course. [t may include a hint of footprints to lelltole signs such as
gation, the beue r the chance of a violence or actual pain-inducing broken branches, discorded litter,
wecossf,,1 skill check. technIques, but it usually just In· obvious waste materlol, orother evi·
valves calm and reasonable debote, dence of passage. A tracker may not
4 be lallowing physioolevidene. n.,.;- ce.ning.c,JCh a,,~ 01 thia brOCld veals everything the to.IUntI wunt.

anonty. bul may be using detecllve
d,ills. interview techniques. sensors
(ne Chaplet 9: Goods & 5&rvioos), or
ath.r .pecial equIpment
Trocr is used to 10<:018 ond follow
skill are covered in Ihe specially
"Jdll. thaI tallow

Mental ReSD/IIE!
10 know
Failu ••. the hero breaks underlOf-
lu •• and reveals ot leas' One imJlOl'
tant loct.
Ordinary, the he ro withstands''''
~ a lTail. either (I phys ico l one Or a troll ThIs specially skill is used to deter- torture lor d411me unUs (and then
:w::: 01 information. Once a hero spots his
prey, Sl ll(lllh~odow am be used 10
mine a he .o'. ability to cope wilh
emoHonal or menIal "I'IN' 01 all
makes another eh..::k).
Good, the hero withstands the tor·
tallow closely willloul being spotted. kmd •. The higher a hero', tank In Iu •• for d6.2 time unitl (and then
When physlcalt,acking il being .....nral ,esolve. Ihe more , .. illanl he mWM anothe r check).
done. movem... nt is Ilowt<\to half Ih... il to emotionoltroumo. fecII. ponic. Amming. the hero withstandllbo
no. mal movement rate (whethe' madnlHll. insanity. mind oontrol torlure for 2d4+3 time units (ond t_
walking. driving. Or riding on ani- te<::hnlque •. and men tal powe' .' mUll make (lOot her che<::k).
mal). A 'lad; skill checlr OOn be made When a he.o i~ c:anlronted with on PhY'lirol ".solve i~ also u&&d te>
once every time unit. o~ determined eme>tlonal or mentoltrouma tha t has determine when a he ro rec:ave.s Irw
by the Gamemas t.... The potIllhle re- debili ta ting etie<::ts. he con make a damag... Checkl a •• mode as de-
lulls 01 a skill che<::k 010 aslollows: mentol ,e.tOlve check 10 11(11 the IICribttd below
On a C.itic:ai foilure. the t.oi l is mo alide and act without hindranao. .. Knockout Recg".,.,; A he.n w~
c:ampletely lost and oon't be picked The g.eate. theievel 01 leoro. laUI unconldOUl duela knoclrout r.
up again. On a Failu.e .elult. the mo.. the hlghe, Ih ... lituolian die moins in Iho.t sto.te for 0.1l of the
t.ail i.loat but can be rt<\ieeov .... ed. penolty to the cheek. .ound In which the Im oclrouloc·
(Three failure ' .... ul ilin the course Check resul,s: Critical Failure. the eurred and all 01 th ... n...,.t round.
01a lingle trocking attempl a.e he.o eolla pael in me ntol o.ngu lsh Afte. that. h. molres Resolve--physl·
treated like a Critlcal Failure.) On o.n o.nd con't act. or flees in Ihe lace of 001 resolve checkl to legain c:an·
Ordinary success. the tracker locotes ex lreme lear 101 d4 rounds: Failure. sciouBnellS-<lne check per ' ound,at
the t.all and lollowslt lor211me the hero IT_es and lotles on. ac- a time when the cho.racter is entitllC
units before needing to ma ke anolh· lion; O.dlno.y. the h.... o oon ael nor· loan action. On any IUcceSS. the
er ched. On a Good IUC08H. clOolh- mally but leceives a + I penalty to all helo awakens. and he recove'l a c.
er checlr Is 00\ ne<:esllOry un til:l tim... oction, lor I round; Good and Ama~- tain amounl 01I lun cIomoge depead-
unitllotel_ On an Amenin". IUC<;elUl. ing. he pUll oside his negative emo- lng on the degree ollucce&S;
the next ched is nOl mode until" lionl and oon act without penoity Ordinary. recover 211un poina;
time unitllate. (but h. may have to deol with Ihe Good. 'ecov'u " slun points: Amm·
Track oon also be used to obscu.e men loll rouffi<Ilole r), ing. recover 6 s lun points.
a hero', lrai\' Success alleets Ihe op ' ronce Modlffer: At higher .. Na tu ra l Healing; See th... .lid..
poling track .....s siluolion modifier aa ronh. Ihe menIal rewlve skill pro- bar on page 5-4 In Chopl.."r J: Heroes
lollows; Critiool Foilu ••. -3 bonus: videl on Improvement to a hero's inAction.
Failure. -I bonus; Ordinary. + I Will resistance modifier. which .. A.. old lng [ Xha u. lion; When Q\l
penaJty;Good, +2; Ammlng.• 3. mokes It more difficult lor opponents 010 hero's lotigu. poinll are used
When a hero tok61l this lpo'!Cialty to IUC'CeI.fully use encounter skills up. he oon o.Uempl 0. Resolve-phi'»"
.kill. and each hme he goin. a new or mental powell to cha.m or Innu- rol resolve check {using his ne.'
rank. he aelocts 0 specific terrain Iype ene. the hero. The hero'l resiSlance ovai loble o.ction) to try to avoid
to include in his repe.toire. Any 'rack modiller improves by + I at .ank 4. by falling unc:anllClouB due to uhoUI-
skill check attempted when the hero +1 again at lank 8. and by .1 again lion. This check I, mode wit h no
illn luch terrain is made with a-I at .ank 12. pena ll y lor the lo ligue damage tM
bonus. and any check made in terrain hero hall suffered. If this chec k pro-
nolln the hero's repenoire oonies a .1 Physical Reso/lie duces a Foilu.e o. a C.itical Failu.n
penalty. Terrain typellnclude the 101- .esult. the he.o immediately lolls ..
lowing; torest. deM!rt. mountain. arC- PhY.ljroi resolve is used to determin... conscious ond mu.l re~t long enau;I;
tic. jungle. swamp. ocean. u.bonlcity. a he.o·1 ability 10 cope with phYlical to recovel at leolt I lotigu ... pc"nt bt-
u.bon/space .tollon. urbon/space- Iroumo 01gil kinds. It reprnenl~ a lo.e he can perform any a ctiON. I!
ship. orany other spo'!C\alty tenaon the he ro', dele rmination 10 lesist physi· the eheclr sueceed~. he is oble 10
Gumemaslerallows_ ••. to p.e" on though tired keep going 101 a number 01 time
or in g .egt pain. and to bounce boek unlls depending on the deg ...e of
hom pkYllcol damog.... .uccess; Ordinary. I time unll; Good.
RESOLVE When a hero is con f.onted with 2 time unlll; Amming. 3 lime uni"-
free 10 11001 heroes. phYlllcol tortu.e. he oon malr. a At the end of this extra lime. l:rhcmt
Thil broad ... kill p .ovldes a hero phYllioo/ resolve checlr to determine tion ..... ts in no further Resolve
with Ihe inner strength of will neces· h,s .eactlon. The greater th ... level 01 check. are allowed. and the he.oil
.oty to delend ogainl! mentolllIlHII pain and lhe greater the skill 01 the unconscioUl until he '61Itll.
o. a UackB. to Gtond up 10 phYliool tortu re r. the higher lhe IIluol ion die .. f atigul Reco •• 'Y' The IMUlto!
paIn or bounce boclr '.om phyllool penalty. Skill chec l< .esults ale as a Resolve-phy.icol resolve I kill
damage. and to s tick to hIs own lollows; check dllermines how many latigul
g4 mind and conviellonl regordllss of
prellu.e Or temptation. Delails con-
C.Itical Fgllurl. the hero b.eokl
under lorture and immedio.te ly reo
points a he .o recove .. a ite. glum·
cient amount 01 r.." C,i lical faillllt

d. follu.e, no points .eoJvered; Ordl'
wry. I point reoJvered; Good. 2
s kill cheek ca rrie, a .6 penally
Not. thaI not all Illegal good. and
ond Ihe <.:haracter 10 be taught must
have enough paints to purchase the
points; Amazing. 3 point •. (See plge
~ in Chopler3; He loel In AcIran lor
more inlormo tion obol.lI latigue.)
services aTe corTupt Or immoral. For
ellample. thll skill con be used to 10-
<;ote rebe l grOl.l~ on a conquered
skill at lull COB!. The benofit 01 a
leacher on any given occasion de·
pends on the result 01 the teacher's
planet or to acquire prinled Or video skmcheek:
media on a world where free speech Critical Failure. s tudent doesn't
!iTREET !iMART ha l bMon outlawed learn or improvo skill 01 this time;
This broad ,kill provides a hero with Slreet Smorl and its specialties Failure, student must pay lullskllt
genera l knowledge in the protocols belong 10 Ihe group 01ski ll s known COBt: Ordinary, studont pays cost - I;
of "the I treet: Thi s il the world 01 a . encountel skills, whi<.:h a re di.' Good, studen l pays <.:ost -2; Amazing.
gongs and 11ree t peop le. <.:riminal 01' cussed all plge 97 lIear tho begin. studen t pays co8 t --3.
ganlzationl and dealers in Wegcd ning 0 1 the "Personality Skills" se.:- A leacher con't teach more than
~. and servi<.:el. /! measures a tion Refer to thai le~t fa! more one stude nt 01 a lime, only on. skill
bono's a blllty 10 negoliate ond make inlormation on factors that COD allect can be taught a t a lime (usually be·
conlOd with the realm of the blue· a Streel Smart skill check tween a dventures). and only one
collor criminal new "ill or one lank 01 improvemenl
Among othe r thlngl, this .kill can be gained by a sludent during
btlJll' a bero lot;ote illegal goods and Criminal any teaching SoeB.!lion. Also, a teacher
.. rvice.,llet around the local low or Elements can only leach a specialty skill up to
bru"eoucracy. and contact various un· This lpecla lt y s kill represents a one·hall of his ctlllenlronk in thaI
lIe.gTound g.oups 000 o.ganiwt ions. hora's ability to make contact with skill. For ellample, a teacher wllh the
The greater the degree 01success and deal with lhose who are consid· Animal HandJing-animal training
achieved. the benor the hero lalh ered part o f lhe crimlllal element- .kill al lallk 4 can leach someone
the language at th e et rOOls--wherev. organi~d crim e. profossional climi- elM onimal training up to rank 2.
I. thOtra . ts happen to be. na ls. gangs, otc. Whellever a hero Iituationol lac tori Can trieB to locate Or !ntorac l wilh th e ...
come inlO ploy on a ,kill check 01 types, h. usellhls skill.
Ihl. type, in<:luding; tho he.o·, .ela· §pecific Field
IimuIhip (il any) with Ihe perllOn or This skill can't be used untrarned.
IJlOUp he', approaching; the scorci ty. §treet This specialty .kill allows a hero
lIgalily, Or difficulty of the item o. Knowledge 10 ellpond hi' teachIng ability. fOI
..moo he's _king. and whelher or each sepa rate purchase of th is spe·
Thi, sk illenabl" a hero 10 improve
DOt be has any conneelial1Jlllhat his familiarity with the inne r wOl'k· <.:ialty skill. the hero selecto; a prates·
lllighl influe~ lhe deal one way Or sion (Combol Spec, Diploma\. free
ingl of a particular organizalion Or
!be olhe r_(In addition. the low level Agent. Or Tech Op) and becames able
geographical area. To improve his
010 particular IOClety. a. dol ined in knowledge of mOIO lhan ono such or· to tea<.:h ,k ills associated wilh thol
!he GomemoS/(li Guide. may also ganizahon or area. he must purchaae prolesslon in addition to those .kl1ls
tIdd modifiers to lhe cheek.) Situation belongi ng 10 lhe Open group. A hero
lhe skillsopera tely 10' each o no. For
!!>Odlliers are given in Ihe sidebo •. In.tance. a he ro needs to buy thi. who i, specialized in Combat Spec
These modilie.. are cum ulative. so if specially twico In ord er 10 become teaching, lor inlilance. can help on'
ahe'Oll8Oklan item 01 Amazing familior with how things get done in other character learn Or Improve a
_.cily 01 llIegalhy on a planet pro- Combat Spec skill.
the spa<.:eport on Beta IV. and to ac·
lICIed by Good low enforce... the quain t himself wilh the pecking II the optional rules for Mindwalk·
order in theln lerstellm Mer<;ontile erl (lOll Choplor 14; Psionics) me
Union. being uMd. then a Mindwalker who
has the Mrndwolker leachmg spe-

This b road skill repr esenls a hero's
ablllty 10 lnllruc l oth ers in Ihe usa of
a ,kill belonging to tha Open group.
A skill c heck i, required whenever
lhe hero wanlS to teach a ski!! to an·
OIhe. hero or <.:haracter.
Gi!t1ing Instruclion from a leacher
can decrease lhe C08t lor another
cha racte r when tha t character wonts
10 buy or Implove a Ikill. (A leacher
can't leach himself. however. and lhe
00II110 anOlher charactor lor any skill
or ,kill lank <;on never be decreased
10 leBs Ihan I skill point.) A hero can
onl y teach ,kill. that he possesses.

..... §klllCheck
_ _ _ _ _ _ Target's §tartlng AUltude - - - - - -
HO!liltll~ Neut:ral Friendly Channed
Failure Combatl,,~ Hostile Neutral Friendly
Ordinary Hostile Neutral Friendly Chilnned
6~d Neutral Friendly Chl'lnned FanatiC
Alnllzlng Friendly Channed Fanatic Fanatic

Attitude Modifier5: Encounter !iiklll!l Indude:

Cnmbatlve • ____ ___ + 3 UU!llne!l!l (lNT) O~cep1:lon (PERI
Hostile ••• • .•••.••• +i! LP~'O/ liNT) (bribe. bluff only)
Neutral •••••••• •• • • 0 Admlnlst.rat.lon (WILl Entertainment (PER)
F riendly • •• • •• • •• • . •-1 St.reet Smart (WILJ Interaction (PER)
Charmed •••••••••• -i! Culture (PERI Leadl!rshlp (PER)
Fa nath: ... . .......•-3

clahy oon teoch psion ic skil l" 10 an- trouble; g Modergte feat (.2 penglty) are boing communicated dUllng a
other "hornet'll who also hOB p"ioni c requires better thgn average Person- use 01 the Cultule skill (or the uM 01
oblllll ••. ality; and an Extreme leat (.3 penal- one a l II. special ly akill,) mgy pro-
ty) I. one thgt la8ts even those with vide a modifier 10 the skill check:
the beit Pel'llOna!ily 8001es. Simple concepts-ballc mes-
PER!!iOI\lALITY sage. luch as exchanging ngme.,
conveying Iriendly intention., and
!iKILL!!i CULTURE olleling help--give a -I bonus 10
h"Ionalhy measules a hero'slot81- This brogd akill le prasents g hero'. the 'kill chec:k.
pe' lM)no] obll!!i•• a nd chodamo_ ability to unders tgnd and inleract Everydgy concepts-lnlormaliOil
Tbl" Abilily ond the .kills oSlKlCiated with culture. thaI are diflelentlrom that is 80mewhat more dillicuh to
with II can be eXhemely important. his own. Areas al knowledge oove red convey, such as explaining one'.
b.ccIu.M almost any ALnJltlm adven- by the skill include the CWltoms, phi- place 01 origin or occupation-prll-
ture Include. scene. tho:rt req\liIe the losophy, and way ollile 01 a particu- vide no modifier.
heroes 10 intemct wilh other charac- lar culture, as well as a basic lam ll· Complex concepls-delc:ri blng
terl. Making a good Ii",! imp ression I(nily with mgjor hislo.icalligule •. what the hero axpecls to ggln hom
on {I liranger. or being able to per- events, and trands importan t to that thil oon tget. or oonveying a threat 01
auad e SQrneone 10 do what you wont , culture. an opportunity that th e hero wa nt.
oon be tha diUalanca between g suc, In the UBe 01 the brood skill, a he ra 10 make known-provide a penalty
C'$ ... lul min ion and a dismol loilula applie, whgt he knows about cul tu. 01 at least. I and possIbly more. U
To determine the rHuil a l an action al 1tends and , 'u dies to make an ed· the Gamemaster rulel that the C:OO'
IOvolving PerlJ(HKllity th gt isn't di- ucated gue811 about how to interact cept being conveyed i, eXceedillQ'lr
rectly related to a skill, a hero makH wllh a membo. 01 gnother culture. complicoted or esoteric.
a 100' c:heck 1_ page 63), The broad skill providH 01 least a
Some',meaa Personality feat working knowledge 01 what todo
c:heck migh' be requested by the when deahng with any ahen cultu.e
Gamemas'e. 'a determIne a IUppo.t- When Culture o. any 01 its spe· Thi' specigity skill allows a he.ato
ing c:aSI member', inilialreaction to Cialty ,kill, is used in an interactive Improve hi$ ability 10 rtKKh ali""·
a hela. In this oosa, a Critical Failure context with one or mare other char· menta and understandings wlth.ep-
indlc:atel ,hat the supporting cast acte ••. it is oons an encounler .eeentatives 01 different nation .,~·
member wHi never ge l to like 'he skill (see the sidebar). A Ctltiool lures. subculturas gnd speciel.
heta; a MglginaJ ra8ult pravida8 Iha f ailure .esult on g skill check indi-
c:harac:ter wllh a Hostile allilude; on cgtes Ihaltha hero has thoroughly
Ordingry .eault WIth a Naulrgl gUi insulted the individual or group he',
'ude;and g Good or Amazing resul' trying 10 deal with. Other skill check
with g Friendly attitude. ..sultl change the targe!'! gthtude
Th. Gamema.'er doesn', nead to as ,hown on T.... LE P25: ENcooNTlll
be specific when ha declaral a fool Skll.L Etl"ECTS. The greater the degree
10 be of a c:erlain level of diUic:ulty. Ollucc:esa. the mora endearing (:Ind
bul h. will u .. the lollowing as a flallering the hero appe<ll8to the
general rule. A Marginal teal (no membet(.l ollhe cullure he's dealing
modifier) I. one thgt moot people can with.
ac:c:ompllih wi,houlloo much The complexity ol lhe ideas thgt
In genelCd. d,plomacy will come
int o ploy when 0. hero wanta to .each
an aCl;o.d wIth a membto. 01 0. dille'"
en t cullure. The akill can only bto
uaed on a particular target If the
he.o hoa at leaa\ .onk I In the spectl·
ic Cultur_tlquetle skillihat per·
laiDl to the talget's cullu,e.
Interaction and its specialty skill,
are uaually used 10' inlerpersonal
deoHngs between membel$ of the
.arne culture. bullhe Gamemaster
may decide that CUJt\lre-c/lpJomocy
is alao useful In suc h ca..... (II ao. it's
nOI neceucuy lor a hero to have the
e,iquette skill that perloins to his or
her culture in order 10 use diplomacy
on other members 01 thot cultu re.)
Depending on the nature 01 the
luue to be resolved. the diplomacy
skill check moy be a .ingle dice roll,
or II may bto a oompJex skill cheek ,e'
Quiring on ntended ""tied 01 time 10

Specific S"i/l
This skill can', be used ",ntrained.
For each ... parate purchose 01 this
specigl ty .kill, g hero selects a spe·
ci lic c;u!twe. As the specially skill I,
Improved. the hero ggins g prog-rel"
sively atronge. grOllp on the cUltom •.
g!litudel. and btoliefs 01 that culture.
/ncre<;J~ Effect: Gaining rCltlu
in Culture-etiquette alIt pertain' 10
a certain cultu re translatel Into a
oonuslo the ..... 01 Cultu re-c/iplomo·
cy when that Iklll ill uaed on a memo
btor 01 the cullure in question. Having
the eliq",elle .kHl at ronk 3 provides
a - I bonul to diplomacy .kill checks.
The bonus improves to -2 at rank 6.
to -3 0\ rank 9. and to-4 a t ronk 12.
The Gamemalter will decide what
cOlllllt",tes Q "specific culture: 10k·
ing the campaign selling into ac-
count.ln Q campaign that lakes
place enmely on Earth. dillerent
oountries may repreMnl specific cuI·
tur..; in a IlorlaTing campaign. each
pla net. star system. Or alien specl..
cou ld be a dUferent cult ure

First Encounter
Thi•• kiJI can~ be used IInrrained.
This spec-laity skill represents a
hero'l training in the Ihead.. and
protocols 01 mokingfillt canlo<;\. with
a previously unk.nown cullure. With
this skill. a helo can oaseu the men·
to\. physical. o.nd technological ca· g7
4 pabillti.. 01 an unfamiliar spec i".
begLn th. P'~6S 01 estoblishing
Ii" •. or deterri ng a character by d,.-
plaYing e~treme (and probably lin·
runs oul and usually u.quire a

steady now 01 (:ush 01 IOVDa.)
communications and learning each warranted) confidence. On On Amo<ling relult. Ih. bribe II
otheralanguage, and make a pre-
I,mioory IJludy of the strangers" cuI-
lura l and societal habits.
81ull i. used 10 determine the re"
suit of a hero's trick. con. d. bold-
loc.d lie. No mailer what other prop.
OQ;epled. and the largers oUilUde
improves by two grades lot 4d6
hou •• or unlilthe hero doeslJOm.
--' A I"., encounter .kill check i. 01- g hero moy w;e in (1 bluff anempt. thing to change the .elation.hlp.
""" way. a complex chore. and may take
daya, wee". ore"en months to lIue-
the m08! important component i. the
hem', oUilude (lnd verbal iot"rac-
cenlully complete. The Gamemaste. lion. Thi. i. the ability to make an·
will assign the number a ' successes other character believe owmething Thisllpeciahy skill represents a
nece1l&Ory to comple te the .Idll cheek that Isn't true. hero's prolicienc:y at v(lr iOUI gom&l
hosed on the ex tent 01 dille rence ba- On a Criticol failure. the bluilis 01 chance. With each purchase 01 the
tween the two cultures involved. Men lor what it Is. and the torget be· specl(lity skill. the player selectl a
Also, the Gomemaster will deter- comes HOiltile or Combative. On a dilferent game (subj9<:t to the ap-
mine the Initial attitude of the larget Failure, Inltead of hoving a pOIIitive provol of the Gamemalter) for hll
cleature(l) toward the hero. and moy eUee\, the hero's patter is conlidered he ro to be skilled in.
inlorm the hero 01 changel in Ihat ot- to be annoymg and condelCendlng With 0 succel1llul gombJe check.a
titude that take place while th. com- On an Ordinory success. the blu ll hero can estimate the odds. deter·
plex Ikill check;1 undel way. wOlkllor the immed iote _ne, 01· mine il a particulo. game hoi been
Upon the luccesslul completion 01 though no change In attitude occura riggod. count cords.spol a cheaterO!
the first encounter sull cheek. the In the alfllCted chamcteris). On a onother skillod gamble r, ond in·
hero immedlotely gains ronk I in the Good relult. the targe!"a altitude crease hi. Own oddl 01 winning
Knowledge-longuoge and CuHure- towa,d the bluffer imp.oves by one A gambler can improve hi, odds
el/querte Ikillithal rela te to the lor- grade (Nltutrol to Friltndly. Friendly of winning eilher by playing skillful·
merly unknown culture. to Charmod, etc.) for dB .. 1 time un;tl Iy and honestly-or by cheating. II 0
before he figures ou t that he Wol he .o plays honelUy, the winner in 0
tricked. On an Amazing succen. Ihe gambling contest Is the one who
DECEPTION lorgel'. olli1udlt improves by two achieve. the highest success Ie....!.
This brood skill represents a hero'l gmdes lor d12+2 time unlls befole h' with each lie representing on in·
proliciency at deceiving others ligures out thaI he was tricked. crease in the slakes. A gambler'l
through con.,.,.ation and face-Io- skil1 check is made with a -2 bon... ~
lace Interaction. Whether a hero tries he ie ploying against an unlroined
to blulf hil way out of trouble. bribe
Bribe opponent (owmeone who doel not
a sUlplcloul officlal.last·talk dim- Whenever a hero wants la oller an· hove the Deception brood Ikill). "'lIb
witted thug.lnlO confusion. or gam· other charader money, goods. inlor- no modifier if playing against 0
ble hi. way Into a smalilortune. thl, mal ion. or services to get that char- trained opponenl (someone who has
brood ,kill COverS ail verbaltrlch octer to do whot the hllro wuntl, a Deception and P'lrhaps alow gambIt.
and subte rfuges. bribe ~hed i. called for. but ul the IKIme Or a lower rank), 01
Although the use 01 Deception Or On a Critical failure. not only ;' with 0 +2 P'lna lty if playing against
any ollts lpeciolty skills con affeet Ihe bribe reluaod. but the targe t be- a trained opponenl of a higher Iklll
the attitude 01 owmeone who is vic- comes HOlltle or eVlln Combative. In rank.
timized by the Ikill. this shift in atti· all cases. Ihere's no way he', going II 0 he.odecid.. to cheo:t. diUertll!
tude is not neeeisorily long· lastmg to accept the bribe. modille ... opply: a ·3 bonus if play·
Sometimes even the slightest A Pailure resullmeans thallhe ing against an untrained oppon.nt.
chongeia a s"!KIlion will spoil a bribe i, refused, and if the hero a .1 p',lDalty if playing agalnlt a
choloder·lluse. or perhaps require wants to try again he must raise the trained opponen!. and a ... 3 penallJ~
another lirill check 10 ...... if he suc- value 01 the bribe being offered. playing against a trained opponenl
ce«ls In perpetuating his !.idltry. Each subsequent Failure .esult adds of a higher skill rant. Poyoffl are
A hero'l Deceptioa situation die il 10 the .. iut 01 the btibe until the he.a better, however. depending on lbe
modiUed by his larget's Intelligence either rolls a Cdtical Foilurlt (with check result thai eodl the con test:
r(llittanC<il modilier. In a dd ition, the efleets as described ubevel o. On any Crit iool Fuilure.lhe hero
Gamemalter may award benuse. or achiltvel eome degree of IUCce... il cought ch&atl ng . On a Marglnul
panoltlel depending On past deal· An Ordinary success indioo tel success. he wins the pat: on an O,di·
;ngl or other details that may corne thaI the bribe is aceepled. but the at· nary success. he wins the pol plus ~
into play. The greoler Ihe level of titude of the target il unchanged-o aide bet equal to half of the pol;
luccell the hero achIeves. the more HOIItile guard will accepl you. mono Good. he wins the pat plus a Iide bit

convlnclng his deception appoa .. 10 ey and let you pass. but if he_I
you again he'll still be Hostile.
On 0 Good SIlCCeU. the bribe i,
of an equal amount; Amazing, hI
wins lhe pot p lus a lide bet 01 twice
that amount.
accepted. and the large!"s ollitude As on option. you may u.. Ih.
Bluff improYfl by one grade 101 2d6 hours "Characler V"S. Character" .... 1811011
Th;llpeciolty skill represents a 101· or untillhe herocloes owmethlng to pOge 63 to determine the outcome
gS enl for mlslooding or decelvinq
through false bravado or outright
change the relationship. (80ught
friendships only lasl until the money
when heroes gamble agoinll ODlaa·
other. In this case, howevel. Ih. I;'
01 til.. pot i8 agreed upon belor. any
die. g.e rc ll od.

Thil b'O(Id Ikill rep.esent. a hero'l
p.oficiency in the pedo.ming g . tl. A
hero with thllikill is competent
enough tg padOl'm gmg teur theate.
or play 0 1 the equivg lent gt Q high
.,;/u)gl dQnce. while Ihe IlpedaJty
lIaUI allgw Q hera to bec:c>me gli •• t-
,ate performer--<ll even g , tQr.
Techn ical knowledge and training
(I" g(l important po,t a t 111.18 Ikill.
but it also represen tl a hero's ,tage
lIT !Ie.een presence. 11.18 magnellllm ;n ~me 01 Its membels, receives a .\ checks specilicolly made to dote.·
bont of an audience. g nd his abil ity po::I nalty. mine if Ihey can ROO through the dis-
IOplay to tha t audience and .. Ileit an An enlertoiner who hOB on ullerio, guise' a +I po::Inalty for an Ordinary
emotional .esponse. Skill cheeh ore mot ive. who lelrying to stun. Ihack. d,sguise.• 2 lor a Good diagui... 000
P>Qd ,lied by the tg rget'l Will resil- Or d,vert the allention 0 1 the audio +310r an Amazing di&guise.
tnnc. modifier \I the hera trle8 to tool ence Irom 80me othe r occurrence. re·
<II alter the emotions 0 1 hi, oud ience
celves 0 .. 3 penalty. Dance
by entertaining them: 01 by the 10' -
,.t', PersonaUty .esistance mod,lie. The dance Iklll repr...nls a tglenl
Uhe tries to impress a, alherwise Act for moving rhythmicaily 10 music by
aller a lt itude. towa.d him Thl, specialty ski ll repreaenls 0 101· lollowing set .ceps and or
Many larms of performance enter- enl lor p lgying a part or OB6uming 0 by improvi.alion. It allO cove.. the
IOmmenl ed.t. such os gCling. danc- dramotic , 010. It al!1O coveT. impe.· technicol OlipeclB 01 perlormance
mg.linging. a nd playing a mUlir;(ll eonation and the skilll and tec h· dance. suc h 01 choreoglaphy and
iutrume nt. Other apeciolty akills nlqu81l 01 the Itage ond lCleen. the knowledge 01 vo.ious popu lo.
!bat mny be ..lected under this The ocl ,kill il UAOtd to de.e rmine (Ind cultural dance techniques.
blood skill (wIth Ihe GomeO'l(lliter'1 Ihe re6ult. 01 0 hero'l d.amalic po::Ir- Donce r;(In be used 10 entertain. tell a
p',m ia.sion] Indude .tand -up come- lormance or to dete rmi ne his knawl- .cory,ot imp.ols an (Judience. The
dY.luggling. and vent.lloquism edgG or Ik1ll with a tech nicol olpecl greater Ihelevel 01 ,uceell. the mO.e
The greale. the level at IIIen. . ollhe BIage or lCleen (Iuch a, direcl- impres.ive and inspiring the dance
tire he.o achlev81l. Ihe more powerlul ing. mokeup. o. Rtun ts). In mOllI pe rforman~n Amazing reBult In·
bill performance (the betler the 1m- COSOI, (Jcl I. used to .nlertoin. Penal- dicates thallhe dance. is poetry 10
JM'ovementln the audlence's crill- tleslhould be applied il an actor 01' motion.
\Ide]. A Critical Failure mdico tel temptR a role that requi.el him to
lOPIe bit 01 bod luck 11.0' OCCll"ed-<r po::I rlorm outRide the controlled condi-
lIicrophone 0 ' . pea ker goes ou l. cr tions of a lOund s lage.
.t eollapses. an instrument breake. ~ Dlsgu l,., When a hero achieve.
0IId '" torth. rank 4 in Ihe act skill, he become. TIlls shll cun'l be used unl,amed.
M with olher aimilar uses of en- oble 10 employ s toge and film moke- The mU$lcul insrrumenlskill .ep-
mun!er s kills, the begin ning attitude up and technique8 10 chonge 11.1. ap- .eaents a talenl fOI playing 0 porlle-
oIgo audienceloward a pedormet II peorcJOOO or even to look like tome- ulo. muaicol inllrument and reading
.,Iller Hoeli l. (inclined not to like the oneelso. muaic. When a heJo purchruoetl t hi~
10ft 01 act Ihe e ntertaine, does. or In- Applying a disguise require. g skill. he ..lecta 0 specllic mu.iool in·
dined not to like the enle rtalner him- com plelT .kill check. wit h the com- strument. II he wantl to be skilled
.It}, Neutral (unfamiliar with the en· plelTlly 01- the check (O.dinary. Good. with mOre thon one Instrument. he
IInaine, ). or Friendly (conlallllng or Amatingl depending on bo .... ellee- mUlt pu.cha .. and Improve each
_ral membe rs who ore av id Icrn. tlve Ihe hero wontl his diaguiae 10 specially slrill seporalely.
01 the en le.tainer). In addition to any be. The Gamemoster may assign a Musicallns lrumentl include
lIIOdifier 10 ' the o udience's altitud. Illuat ion modUier toeach segment of drums. gultal •. violillll.llut...., IOXQ<
.... T.IJII..E m, ENCOUNTf]\ SmL Er- til., lkill cheek 10 ottOunt lor condi- phones. plonOl, and any other inatru-
ro:r.;). other lactor. con gfleet an En· tions such a. the availobilily of rna· me nl lhe Gomemasler determ;n..
lertai nment .klll c heck. Fa. ine\once' lerlols and whether the horo is able exists In his campolgn
An entelloine. who I •• imply try- to .emain unab&erved whi le he',
III\Ilolbow 11.1. audience a good lime putting on the du;gu lae.
and nOl necellarily tu.n Ihem Inlo If the dl.guiso il applied sucoo..- SIng
Ion receivee a- I bonus. fully. olher characterl who loter ob- Sing represen ts a talent lor carrying
An entertainer who Is ou l 10 moire
e IlOme 10 ' hlmaeU. to Imp._ the
audience ot Ihe ri.k 01 alienating
aerve the hero ,eceive a po::Inglty to
any Awo'en"l-perceplion skill
a note and tinging IOngl- A he.o
with lhilskill is a trained vocolist gg
wllh a s trong and melodious voice. information that the target Is willing
The grooter a hero's sklli rank. the to shore, while in/enagate is used to
groote. the ooliber and quality 01 the extract information from a stubborn
periormance he oon give. or hostile target.
Interview con't be used on some-
INTERACTION one with a Hostile or Combative atti.
tude toward the questioner.
::::::IroiIi:: free 10 human. lraat sesheyan. t'sa.
c,...-, and weren heroes.
This broad skill provides a hero IntllDidate
with the basics of interpersonal oon- This skill represents a hero's abi lity
tact with members of the some spe- to threaten another character, either
cies and na tive culture. Through the by phySical presence Or the weight
use of the associated llpedalty skills. 01 authority,lnllmidore enables a
a hero oon become an expert in the hero to force on opponent to back
arts of interaction and communioo- down, reveolln lormation, or oooper-
tion. While everyone who grows up ate In IIOme other way due to fear.
oraund other people has SOme skill The target's Will resistance modi-
ot interacting with others, those who fier applies 10 the hero's skill check,
purchase any 01 the special ty skillll as does the torgel's attitude and any
are either trained Or naturally proli- other Interaction modifiers. II's not
cient at winning lriends and influ- possible to intimidate a fanatic Or
encing poopfe. Combative characte r. The greater
interaction includes such specilic tance modifier 01 the person On the the degree of success on the hero's
oreas as making bargains, knowing other end 01 the deal and any other skill check, the mare cooperation he
how to question. charm, seduce. or relevant factors from the "Interaction OOn elicit through intimidation.
intimidate another cholocter, and Situation Modiliers" sidebar.
being able to taunt and trode ilUluits This skill comes into play when
with the best of th em. interaction is both parties a re inclined to make a §educe
an encount er skill, meaning that any deol. It helps determine who gets the The seduce skill represents the abill-
skill che<:k tokes into aCalun t the tor' better outoome. It's used by mer- ty to entice or beguile another char-
get's attitude (see TABU; P25: ENCOUN- chants. customers, buyers. sellers, acter through the use of opening
TER SKIll ~"Fl:CT5), However, neither a negotiators, and diplomats of all lines, willy e"changes, playful con-
Combative character nOr a fanatic kinds . The greoter the degree 01 suc- versation, and intIma te behavior. To
character can be influencad by Inter- ce&s, the better the deal turns out to seduce another character is to ma-
action. The target's Will resistance be for the hero making it, nipulate that character's emotions
modifier also applies, as well as any through planned exchanges.
other relevant factors lis ted in the ehann The final goal of seduction is to
"Interaction Situation Modiliers· gain the seduced character's trust Or
sidebar. Note that the modiliers are This specialty s ki ll represents a cooperation through romantic Over-
cumulative. hero's ablHty to change the attitudes tures. Note that seduce oon only be
in general, the chonges in attitude of tho .... he interacts with. By pr... used on targets whose altitude is
that oon be brought about by the use senti ng himself in a likable, friendly Friendly Or better. A choracter can't
01 Inleraction are longer-las ting than manner, a hero with this skill seeks seduce a ta rge t whose attilude is
the changes achieved through the to charm others into giving up SOme- Neutral. Hostile, or Combative. (A
use of Deception or Entertainment thing with kind words, a winning hero migh t need tocharm a charac-
skills, Otherwise, a target's change smile, and a personable attitude---- ter into having a Friendly alti tude
in attitude lasts until the hero does whether it's material goods Or simply before attempting to seduce that
something to alter thot attitude in ei- a change 01 altitude. character.) To actually aCC<lmplish
ther a positive or negative way_ Note that charm Can only be used the seduction, the hero must achievG
When possible, it's better to role- on torgets whoo;e attitude is Neutral on Ordinary resu lt Or belter.
play an Interaction encounter than or Friendly. A charac ter can 't charm A seduced character won't stay
simply roUing dice and deciding on a Hostile or Combative torget. that way lorever. How long the char-
outcome, acter remains seduced depends On
'nterlliew the result 01 the check that led to the
seduction_II the target becomes
Bargain The interview skill represents a Charmed, the seduction works well
This spec ialt y skill represents a hero's ability to get information from enough to lead to serlousleelings
hero's ability to make and close another chara cter. It dille rs hom [n- that will lost it the seducer continUGI
deals 01 all kinds. It provides a hero vestigat_inlerrogale (0 Will-based to feign in terest (ma kes a succe&&lul
with the skills to haggle, negotiate, skill) In the amount of aggressive- seduce skill check at least once per
and bluste r his way through a deal. ness appliad by the questioner and week). If the target becomes f<.rnatic,
Bargain situation modiliers in- the inclination of the in terviewee to the seduction works SO well that the

100 clude supply and demand of the item

In question, as well as the Will resis-
cooperate. In general, interview
serves to provide the questioner with
target lolls in love with [or becomeg
obsessed with) the seducer.
Ew.ry lime the Nduce. OIU 101 a
Iavo. 01 any sort. the Nduced cha.-
octer mo.h. a Willieul check with a
modifier balled on hi, or h&rollltude
(Charmed... / penalry: F'analre... 2
pIIoo.lty). A 'ueeesa on th l.leul check
~ico.t .. thal!he seduced
.·,auilUde is alter&<! by one grade
_o.m N&utral (fanatic to Charmed.
Of Cbarm&<! 10 Friendly). Once the On an Ama:tmg SUC08SI, a l many
Nduced characte!"s amlude I hllt s 10 LEADER§HIP as lix followerl .eceive the lead • •·
F.lendly. he or ahe no longer be- Thi, broad skill provides a hero with shi p bonus1n the remainder ollhis
hav.. oa though seduced. tbe abililifl!I ond lalenlB of a leade. round and all ol tbe lollowing round
Wilh leudershi p t.ainlng. a hero oon
eoordinale a g roup to ge l ilia per-
TiJunt lo.m beller OI 10 9101 k 05 a leam. Command
ThLa lpecially akillrepresenl. a Only one characler oon assume This specialty s kill representa the
be' O'1 abl1lty to trad& Inlul tl with the the role 01 leoderot a lim ... or their hero's ability 10 leod olhe.. by vi.lue
but of them. A auecellllful raunl can c:ontllctlng orde.a cancel eo"h othe r of . heer a Ulhorita tivenes. and per-
OOUH on opponent to become .allied OUI. A leader, by using on action to suasive obil!ty This Is the skill used
Of nen atlempl an aelion be knowl allempt a Leadership ,kill check and by mililary oUiCIJrl . elecled oUicial,.
i1oi<flnat hia bes l inte.elt. An oppo- then achieving a degr_ 01SI>CC<:tQ and lawen/Glee.. to Issue OIde..
Dent's Will resistance modilierand on th .. check. pIovl~ 0 - \ bonus to and _ Ibol they're oorried out. This
CWTent allitude detelmlnes Ihe .ilu- aU actions periol'meet in the remain- Iklll oon't be used on largell who. a ••
ItIion dl& uaed in the cbeck-bul nOle d&r 01 the cu rre nt round ond all 01 Combative: he lore luch targels can
the lpecia l modifie •• for alli lude in tbe lollowing round hy a oortaln be led, their a llll ude must be 'hllted
iaunt Situation Modifier •. " The skill number of 10110w'UI. The check.s (perhaps by th. use of the inspire
bas no e lfocl on 0. largel whose atti· modU ied by tbe oltilude ol lhe la . - skill: _ below).
lUde is Charmed or Fanatic. geta. a ny Il.IClor that applies Ih.
00 0. Critiool Fo.ilu.e, Ihe larget -Leadership Situation Modilie..-
_ t"- launllO con$lructlv&ly luel "debar. plWl any othe,laC1.OIs deler- Inspire
hLa own rage. receiving a -2 bemus 10 mined by Ihe GamemaBler. Nole. Thi. sieHl oon~ be used untrained.
his n&xt acllon if it is m&an l 10 direct- however, tha i Ihe LeadelBhlp b.oad This specialty ,kill represents the
I, aUtet Ih&Ul; 01 Ihe raunl Ikill. skill oon'l be uled on largets who are ability 10 com mand by example. This
On a Failu ... the taunl haa no elleet Combative. Skill check results: skill oon be uNd by mililary ollice",
oa the opponent. On an Ordinary On 0 Critiool Failu ••. Ihe leader .. Ie<;ted officlols. ond law enforcers
~ ... the taunl i, elhlcU,,&. pro- conlulI9tI hi. lollowers. who receive a who olso have the command s!>"Clal-
oic!ing a _/ penalty 10 Ih. largets ., penally 10. Ihe remaindel ol.h. Iy. but inspire i, more allen uNd by
!lext action. On a Good success, the cu rre nt .ound and oil ollhe lollow- those who are trymg 10 lead civil di,-
taunt .atti&a Ihe Img &!. wh o recei"r:ta Ing round. No lurlher Leadership ob&d ien ee movemenls and olher
m.2 penolty to hi. next octlon. On an checks can be made In this scene. types of nonviolenl aClivities.
Amazing auccesB. the launl &nrag&1l On a Fai lure. the 10UaweIB lecei~e This .killis uNd in basioolly lhe
tbeopponent. who recel".. 0 .3 no bon us in the CUllent round. but .orne way Ihal Inte.oction-<;hcrrm is
pooally to h i, next action ond shilt, Iheleader con make another check uBed: to lavo.ably alter Ihe altitud.
_ g,ade in oltilude toward Com- In the next round. 01 the targel(s) toward th .. uae. ollhe
botiv.ln rego.rd 10 Ihe loun t&. (Neu· On an O.dinary success. as many skill. One mo jo. dillerence. however.
lml lOHO$tlle. lor &xompl&). as Iwo followers .ecefve the leader- fs that inspire can he used on largoll
AIt&r a C.iticol Fallur& oro Fail- ship bonus in the remainder ol tMs who are Hostile 01 Combative
WI r•• ull. 0 cho.raeler oon make on- round and all ol lhe following round
oIherollemptto lau nt aorneon& lise. On a Good I Uccess. as mony a l
IIowever, only one .uccesslul taunl lour lollowers r_iv. the leade.ship
am be directed at a large l in a bonWl in the remainde r 01 this .ound
..., Add llional usel ol lhe s kill ond all 01tbe loUowinground .
bove no eUect.

vide. mostly erdvernlerge,- but every
artllacl er180 hera its negall... Ilde.
Same p rovide a constant beneltt;
others ~ thatlhe hero make a
perlr cbeclr to octivol. the aniloct_
An <II1ilact's negohve .. ide con be
o lIow that moDlI ...' 1 when the hero
leal' el(pect. it; the downs ide oon
or JIWPOM; be has 10 diacover exacl- allO be tbe simple loct Ihat alien ar-
ly wbat 1M anlfacl does as the cam- Illactl are extremely rar •. ltxceed-
paign progreS,", lngly verluabllt. and highly COVlttttd-
h a p.rk. an alien artilad pr~ IOmeon. wantlthe on. your hero 103
who have neVer seen a movie 01 ,ead Ihis pe.k in the lOme adventure reo
5 poueun. and (It nothing
to get it a penonality profile 01 the SIOl ceives a cumulative ~ I peoalty. The

Alien or1i1ocls we lilted and de--
8Cl'ibed in the GamemO'!lle' Guide.
Afler you seleclthis perk, the Game-
Check r"ult~ Critical Failure, ce-
lebrity Itatul hacldires and the hero
is mobbed by Ihe crowd: Failure. +2
moment a hera lo ill a perk cheek. he
can'l call upon the benehlS 01 this
perk until the nex. adventure Or thll
malter will design an aUen a rt ifact penalty to any Personali ty-boiled next game .es.ion, aB determined by
:3 lor your hero. skill cheeks mode by the he ro during the Gomemaster.
--' the upcoming scene: Marginal. no With the Faith pe l k. a hera can ap-
modiller; Ordinary. -I bonus: Goad. pear 10 perform mlraelel when the
.......-. Arnbidl!xtrous -2 bonus: Amazing. -3 bonu •. park il uaad In conjunction with a
""'" Co.," DElt Adi ...
A hero with Iha perk can use both
N a celebrity's achievement level
implo"e •. ao does the bonus applied
skill .hat doesn't go agains t the ten-
et. of the hero','alth. For exampl., CI
hands at the some time with mOle 10 the perk cheek: At level~, th. bo .. member 01 the clergy can 0011 an
etllHI than IOOrn&One who L, not am- Iituat ion die lor any Celebrity cheek faith to help him aolve a ploblem,
bide:o:l'QUB. A hero wilhout thll perk bec<.>m" -<14: ot leve l 10 It becomes apply medical old tao character, or
Bulle•• pancdties when using his all -<16: ond a t level 15 it becomes -<Ie. settle a dispute. b\.lt Ihe bene lit.
hand Or when attempting to use two can't be applied 10 Ji ring a weapon
W8<lponl In combat. (See" Attacking ala living loe. The benelits 01 Faith
wilh Two We<rpOns" on pog. 57 in Concl!ntriition depend on a park check'
Chopter 3: Heroes in Action.) With Cosl 3, INT, Conscioul On a Crilica l failure, Ihe hera
this perk. the penally lOT the oclion Thi. park plQVides a hero .. ilh the fails no. only the perk cheek but the
uling the all hand il .educ.<! 10.2 ability to concentrate on Ihe tallk at .kill check Ihallollow. it, and Ihi.
""ps. and the penalty fOI th. primo· hand. Sy ullng II as an actIon. the pe.k can't be ulled again un.i! the
ry bond II eliminated. hero mak" (I Concenlration cheek 10 next adventure 01 game session (a.
Improve a I tated talk that he wants the Gamemaaler determines). On a
to attempt 01 his ne xt action, Failure. the park provides no benefit
Animal Friend On a Fallure resull. the hero'l next and il can't be ulled again until the
Co.l 4. WJL. COlUOclol11 action Is made with no madlfier tor next adventure Or game session (01
Animal. 01 all kind, innately trust Concentration. On an Ordinary sue- th" Gamemalterdelermines). On an
(I hero who hClll thl. perk The hero e.... hi. ability to coocenlrute pro- Ordinary IUCCesS. Ihe resul. 01 the
mn easHy befriend anImal •. ond he yid.. him 0·1 bonus; Goad,-2 bo- hera'llu~uent Iklll cheek ilim·
make. all encounter roll, involving DUI; Amazing. -3 bonus. proved by one degree 01 ,ueees.. On
normal onimol~ with a -2 bonus (use II a hero II diSlurbed in any way a Goad .UCC8SI. the ne~t skill cheek
the l ituatian madiller. fal the Ani- priar'o aHem pling 'he s 'a.ed talk, rllBullis improyed by twodegroel 01
mal Hondllng skill. page 91l. The the Concentration perk bonus is los .. luccess. On an Amazing success, the
helo makes Animal Handllng skill next skill check result is improved by
cheek. with a -I bonu •. in addi tion three degree. ol .uccen. (01 cour...
toother madifiers that may apply. Danger !il!nsl! a result can Deyer be improved 10
Thi. bonus hal Ihe eUO(:I of making Cos. (. wtL Aeliye any deg'_ greater than
il pouible 101lhe helo to Ir(lln an an- Thi. pe,k praYides a hera with the • Example' The weren shaman
Imal in le.s lime Ihan would be innate ability to anticipate daoger Garrarl mu" apply liIlI aid to a
needed by a hero who doe. not have Thistransla.e. as a -2 bonUllo all bodly wounded companion. He call.
thIs perk. The perk ho~ no eUeet On Awarenesi-Intuition cheeks_ an his FaIth park Ilr.,. aehieYing a
..ntlent or unintelligent crao tures. G<Xld succell 00 the perk check. Thll
granls hIm an Improve me nl 01 two
Fait:h dogroe. 01 succell on his/irst aid
Celebrit:y COlt 5. WIL, Conscious chock relull. Tbe dlc::e indicate that
Ca.l 3. PER. Conscious This park provides a hera wllh be· his fi,s' aid check is a Critical Fail·
This park indicotes thol the hero lielln ellher hlm ..U Or a power or ure. bul because 01 his perk it in·
Islomous in certain circles, os cho- agency than him!lell. The stead become. (In O rdinary succa-a.
aen by the player and Comemastet. player mus . .. Ieet what .he hero has
The character con be an e nt erlain' fallh In and the basic tene •• of th at
menl cqlebrity. a renowned scienlist. lal.h. Examplell includll a nollon. a Filt:hy Rich
doctor, or wor hero. or he con enjoy religion. 01 a specific organization. Cosl S, PER. Con.cioul
ce lebrity slalus 10' onOlher .eaaon This faith mus. be st rong and a1l1n· Thi. perk luggests a lot aboul a
thollhe Gamemosle. opproves. The hero mUit truly be bero's background and usually indio
In g circums tance when a hero's fervent in his belie l in this faith. nQt cates a connac1lon 10 a wealthy (and
Celebrily might bave an elleet. the just be a casual ohl;erver of 101m and perhapa Inll uential) lamily.
Gamemaster may call lor a perk nluol A hera wilh this perk who This park inlluen(:ft a hera'lllan-
<;:back allhe slart 01 a scene to dete'- doesn't .how exlreme devotion w.el ing fundi, 01 described in Chapleli
mIne ilthe perk makes any diUer· the benelill it provid... Goods & Se/vice•. If the hera ever
enee in whot's about 10 hoppen. A The Urst lime the Failh perk I, needs to acquire lunds, he can make
movie It or may be odored by lh08<.l called upon during an adventure. the a Fillhy Rich check (with the permis-
hero's base si tuation die lor Ihe perk
104 who watch his films, bUI his celeb-
thy SlotUB means nothing to thOflfl check i. -<1 4. Each additIonal use 01
sion ollhe Comemalter). Failure in·
dicates that the/undl aren'llorlh·
corning; an Ordma.y IUCC... Or bel - Good Luck remember a specific delail (Buch 01
Ie. indica,el ,ha, Ihe lundl he needs a license pla le number or de.ails 01 a
uri available. The more.he hero Cost 3, WIL. ConsciOUI documenl he glanced 01). then a perk
alb lor. howlvel. the gleate r the .iI· A he.o with the Good Luck perk check il mode. An Ordinary BuCCHI
uanon dil penalty_ can make u.. 01 Ihll benelit once il ulually enough 10 provide ..,me of
flnully. filthy Ri<;h he.06I hove during CI ICene. Immediately belore lhe delalll the hero won I•. The
ache< odvo.n tag.. due to their social oltempti ng 'lOme OIher type 01 oclien Gomemaller seillhe situotion die
and linanc!ol.,olu •. Thi. Iranllo tel (usually 0 Ikill c heck, on crction according 10 Ihe Iype a l delail and
in,oa bonlUl to Pe'lOnolily·bosed check, o. a fea, check!. the hero can memory the hero iSlrying to recoil
Ikillll when Ih. deddel to .e- moke a Good Luck perk check. The for example, an a 'lempt 10 re·
'001 hilltatus. A perk check i& made relult 01 .hll check p rovide. a modi· member somelh lng the hero know l
at Ihe lIar. of a scene. Relmltllollow: lier to Ihe nUl activity the hero un· extremely well migh l receive 0-3
On a Crl,lcal Failure. the hero's dertakel: On a CrUlea! Failure. IxId bonulor might nol even require 0
lIOlus backfire., re.ulting in a + I luck occu rs in$lead, ond the hero check ot 011, while recalli ng the
peoahy to all check. related to Per- tokes 0 .3 penalty. On 0 Marginal Image 01 a lace glimpS<.Kl brielly In
tonality Iklll.; Fallu.e, no eUaet: Or· IUCOOII. hll nU l activi.y receivel a Ihe dark might receive 0.3 penalty
dm.:uy, -I bonu.; Good, -2 bonul; - 1 bonul; O rd lnory, -2 bonus; Good.
AmO%ing, --3 bonus, ---3 bonul; and Amazing, -4 bonus.
The Gamemalter can determine
Powerful Ally
that in 'lOme "tuatlenlthe Filthy 6rea~ LoOk!i co.t 4- PER.. Conscioul
Rio;b perk can operot. 01 a naw_s· When .hi. perk II selected. Ihe
pecially among 'hOM who have a COlt 3. PER. AC11v. Gomema.ter ond lhe player ,hould
ltJong dblikelor Ih. weallhy ond
A hero with the Great Laob perk discull the nalure and identity 01
tlwt upper II a hero reveal. receive. cr -I bonul to ony Pe.tJOnoli· thil ally. There migh l alAO be lome
hisltatu sln such a .lluation, perk IY-lxlsed Iklll check made when hil IlOrl 01 COllI Involved for the conlin-
check results become penollies in- crppecllonce could have 0 positive ef- ued Olli,tance of an ally-the ally
Itead 01 bonu..s (or vIce verJlO), lect on an e ncounter. mlghl be th e he ro's palmn, who can
Bear in mind thol a human hero'. coli on .he he ro lor help as ollen 01
great looka might not impress on Ihe hero co ll i on him, Or the ally
Fi!i~!i of Iron alien, and even lOIDe olher human migh ' jUlt collect lovoro and call
Cost ~ sm AeU ... cullure. may have a different idea 01 th.m in 01 'lOme luture time.
Thi. perk provides a hero with a 1- what Greo:t Loub o r_if, a very When in troubl., a hero can call
poiol increa.. to Ihe damage he in· .ubjeC1iv. perk. Th. Gamemasler on his Powerfu l Ally for lavO<I o.
flicts on a l uccelliul Unarmed AI- determinlll when Ihe perk's bonUI il help. A perk check delerminel whol
laCk . kill eh..::k applied ond when .t ila',. kind 01 aid the ally providel, Bear in
The UN oI lhls perk requirel a mind Ihat Ih. hero needs a way,o
perk check allh.llml 01 a combol Heightened conlac, hi. ally. ond the ally need s 0
scen •. Thl' check .equir(llihe hero woy to relpond ,
to'pend oue actiou conoontroting 10
Abilit:y Check .e.suJ/s: Foilure, no oid Is
increase Ihe power 01 hi. punches. COlt 1G, Spedal. Active lorlhcaming: Ordinary, ordinary
A hero with Ihe power martial orl$ Thil perk p rovide. a hero with I help; Good. good help; Amazing,
Ijl8(:lolly skill can spend:; skill e:l1ro poln.ln Ihe Ability Score 01 his omozing help. (ThaS8 terms Ore de-
poinls lor Improved FIlii 01 Iron. The choice. I, ca n't be used 10 increase lined in the Go-m~maste. Guide.)
mull 0 1 ,he check delermine. his any Ability Scor. beyond the hero'l
banUlllor the scene: Critical Failure, species maximum , When thia perk il
IIObeneli.: Marg;nallucce... I-poinl purchased, Ih. ploye. raise. Ihe P!iionic
iDcrease 10 damage; Ordinary, 2- herO·1 Ability Scor. by I point. od- Awarene!i!i
poinl increo..; Good. 3-point in- jusling .he Ahility', resistance modi- Ca.t 3. INT. Active
~se; Amozing, 4-poinl inc.ease. lierond any benu_ if necessary. A hero ....l1h Psionic Awarene.. i •
• !ltomple: A hero normally dilh· entit led 10(10 inleUigeoce leol check
.. au, d4 ....d4+2sld6.2s in damage to determine whether he realize.
wben he mak .. on Unarmed Attack. Ihot a pllonic power il being used In
UIhol 80me hero hal 01 Iron. he Co,t 3, WIL. Acllve hi, vicinity. (Heroes wilhout this perk
lollletl d4tl"d4+3IId6+3s. With Im- Thl. perk provide. a hero wi th ex· are not normally ollowed cheeks to
proved Flltl 01 Iron. Ihe domage can ooptionol powers 01 observolion, giv- determine whelher they con detect
be as high 01 d4t4"d4.6111 d6.6s on ing him a -I bonus to ony Aware- psionic oc li vi ly.) The Gamemaslel
an Amozlng perk ehto<:k r..ull. neu-perceptlon check. will delormine when Buch a cheek
I hould be mode, ond will mll the
Fortitude Photo Memory check M<:retly, on ly giving Ihe player
ol.he hero ooy ,nlormation when Ihe
Co.I4- CON. Actl .... Ca.t 3.INT, Con,dou.
check ISIUCC9S.lul.
A he,O with Fortitude receiVal 0-1 Thil pe.k givel a hero on extraor·
Thll perk can only be selec.ed il
banu, whenever h.;1 required to dinory memory. When a player
make a SIOmina-endutOnce check. wonls'O determi'" what hiB hero re-
membe ... or it he wanll hi&. hero 10
the Gamemaater allaws the use 01
plionla{_ChopterI4). 105
COBt 4. DE:X, AcHve
A hero with the Reflexes perk reo
ceives a +1 incre059 to his Dexte rity
resistance modiHer. So, a hero with a
Dexterity scole of I J who has a resis-
lonce modiHer of +1 step increases
the modifier \0 +2 sleps with Ihis

COi l 3, W ll., A<:live
This perk provides a hero with (I
'epulolion that's knewn for and
wide . Unlike the Celebrity, perk,
which indicates a positive reoction
due to the influence of II hero's Per-
Banality, the Reputation perk helps a
hero by moking otharB fearful of Or
impressed by his supposed accom·
plishmen ts.ln game lanns. this perk
provides (I siluoHon die bonus when-
ever the hero attempts 10 use certain
e ncoun ter skill!l. The ployer and the
Gamemasler need \0 work ou t jUJ;\
whollhe helo's reputation is. and
which encoun ter skills it provide~ a
bonus to.
As a character's achievement
level improves. he becomes better
able to take advantage 0 1 his reputa·
tion: At level 5. the bet"", si tuation die
lor any Reputation perk check be-
comes -<14; at level 10 it becomes -<16;
and a t level 15 it becomes -<18.

Tough iI!i Nail!i

Co.t 4. STR. Active
This perk provides a hllro with a
+ I step increase to his Strength re·
sistance modilier. So. a hera with a
Strenglh scOre alII who has 0. resia·
tance modilier 01 + I step (the penalty
to his oppanen!"s rolls) increases 1M
modilier 10 +2 steps with Ihis perk .

Co. 1 Z/3/4. CON, Active
This perk allows a hero \0 in-
crea"", the amount 01 damage he COJr
For 2 skill paints. a hero can in_
Crease his stun rating by 1 paint.
For 3 skill points. a he ro Can in-
crease his wound rating by I point.
For 4 skill points. a hero can in-
crease his mottal rating and his fa-
tigue .ating by I paint each.
Each of these benehts may be pur·
chaood. onCe. So. if a bero spends 9
106 WUI1dng In zero gra v ity
skill paints. he con increase all of his
d~robihly ";l1ings (slun. wound. mor-
ltd. and lotigue) by I point each.
.21416 Bonul Skill Poinls. INT
FLAW§ A helo with the CluelessUow
Willpowl!r thlah he's prolicienl in a porlicular
Cost 4. W1L Actl .... fla,,,, . §P Ablllt.y lpeciolty Ikill, whan in lact ha'" not
Thi. perk provides 0 hero with a Allen as good os he thinka ha i", The "pe-
.lllep increase to his Will resis· Artifact 5 clally skill is chosen by Ihe Game-
k1nce modifiel. So, a hero with a Will maeler aacrelly-Ihe hero muSI dis-
IICOfe 01 II who has 0 .esistanoo
Dad Luck 6 WIL
!!Ioomar 01 .. I sto p (tha penalty to hie
opponenf. rolls) Increa ..... lhe modi.
Clueh.! ....
Clum!lU 5
cavar th a foct Ihat he'l clueleu over
tha courlJO of the compoign. Clnd he
may nOI eVer rBa lize it al all, The
fier to.2 ste ps wilh Ihi, perk. Cad .. ch088n lpeclalty skill is never one
of Honor 3 WIL Ihal's oSlOeialed with 0 helo's p rO"
Delicate 3 5TR le.. lon: II will either be a skill from
FLAW Dirt Poor 5 PER the Open group O! Irom one of Iha
olher prolenion g IOUps:,
DESCRIPTIONS Forgetful 5 INT For 2 bonus "kill poinl", the hero

flaws ore dilJ(ldvantagu you oon fragile 3 CON rac.ives a .1 penalty 10 Ihe "kill in
.lact lor your hero Ihot provide ad· Infamy PER quellion_
ditionol poinl. 101 lhe pUlchm.e 01 Dbll"lou .. 4 WIL for ~ bonulskill poin ls, Iha haro
Rills. A player oon never select rac.ivelO .2 penalty to Ihe skill in
mofe than flaws IO! his charac·
Ob!!c"!Oe'd i!l4 /6 INT
ter. but additlonalilows may be oe-
"'lined to a horo over the course 01 a
Old Injury
Phobia "'-§TR
"'4'" WIL
For 6 bonus skill poinls, Ihe hero
rocaivas 0 .. 3 penally 10 the "kill In
TAI!u; P2'7: FLAWS IIstl the llaWl!, the
Poor Laok ..
• PER quo~tlon.

bonus sk ill poia tl lh ey p rovfde, and

theoblllly each II a ..ociated wilh,
EnE'm!J "''''6 PER []umsy
Unllke perh, all flaws provide 0
Primitive ","'6 INT .. 6 Bonus Skill Poinls. DEX
hero WIth a conltan t penolty of BOrne SID'" 6 OEX A haro with Iha Clumsy !low hOI
fOrt, Flawl oon be removed when 0 5pinE'le!! ..
"'-WIL poor coordination and an unsleady
heroalloinl ochlevement level 6: see
Chapter 8: Achievement. lor detail ...
"'-WIL hand. He receivel a +1 penally 10 all
Dexterily-based skill checks,

Alien Artif'art oble, 000 highly coveled-someone Code of' Honor

wanllthe one you r helo passasse.,
.5 Bonus Skill Polnls +3 Bonus Skill POlnta, WIL
and thol BOmeone will slop at noth -
An olien arlllocl i. a s trange de- Ing 10 get it. The Coda 01 Honor Haw repreaantl
rice or re lic that the hero doesn'l a 8tonda,d Ihe haro decides 10 live
AIr lor On o rlilael's poli tive side,
know anyrhing about. It could be an that oon range from an unknown perk
by A Code 01 Honor must have reol
objecl 01 aUen origin. or a one·ol~· consaquon008 10 the liIe 01 the hero
that manif8fll$ whan the hero least ax·
kind experimental gadgot. Or even and the compoign in genaral. and
peetllt too slmpla bon"" thaI is con-
QIlup8rimental proc... used On the living up 10 Iha code shouldn'I 01·
stont ly in play even while lhe orlilact
chatncter at some point in the past, ways be eosy or even the right deci-
III penalwng the hero in some mon-
Somewheraln hilltavel ... lbe hero lion. A Cod. of Honor Ihal lequires a
ner, ~ta that a benehl win neV(lr can·
CXlme to pootsen the orliloct Or the hero 10 ottack ony evil alielUl he
001 out a penol ty-Ihe Iwoaspedlol
abililiel it provides_ Any ohen a .ti, meel" isn't Ihal much 01 a burden,
on a llifact will always be unrelmed.
bel that is an item il smoll enough (So, you won't li nd on orliiacl thot prO" but defending all ohens in 0 human-
Iobe_sily oorried around or Warn dominaled goJaxy j",
videsa hero with a .1 penalty to the
(liOn aceenary loa hero's aulfit. The The player and the Gamemostar
use of Dexterity-based skills and a-I
hero doeln't know hil item'l lunction need 10 work oul the hero's Coda of
bonus /0 tha uaa 01 Dexterlly-based
orpurpoae; he has to discover exact- Honor whan this flow is selecled
skills altha lame tim a,)
ly whnl Ihe Orlllacl does as th e cam- Thay "hould 01110 dillcuss Ihe Iypes 01
Alien arlliaCI. ore lisled and de-
lxngn progreSlel. even ts Ihol might lrigger Ihe heto'l
""ribed in the Gamemasfer Guide,
As a Ilaw. an allen artilacl pro- ovarblown sense of duty. honor, and
After you fIOlect Ihil perk, the Gama-
tlde& mostly dlllOdvantages to a commilmanl
master will dellgn an alien arlilact
hero-bul avery arlilaci also has its lor your hero. Idomplel 01 charoclers who have
posllive lide, cod" 01 honor Ihal could be flawl
Some orlilacll p.ovide a COIl"lant include clargymen, lawenforce,,_
penally; oIbe" require thallhe hero Bad Luck govarnmenl ollicial". business ad-
IIIOke a ch..,k to oCllvale the arliloct, +6 Bonus Skill Poials. WlL monillralO", and doclors_
All ar1i1acts. park Or flaw, hava the
Ierne distingullhing lrait Ihey are
.~ramaly rara. exceedingly valu-
A hera wllh thi, flow lullers a
Critical Follure result whenevero 19
Or 20 coma" up On Ihe control die.
The achievement poinls a hero re-
ooives for par1icipoling in on odven-
lure can be reduced iflhis How i~n't
ceremo] hero.. might be ObHued
5 roleplayed 0' part althe hero', basic
with another character, a last vahi-

..... Dl!licate
V"> .3 Bonus Skill Point •• sm
+21416 Bonus Skill Point •• PER
Infamy L, a stote 01 being publicly
known lor an evil e>r cnmlncd Clel
The playe. ernd Ihe Gamemas'et
cIa. Or a type of lood..
for 2 bonu•• klll point •. a hero I,
moderately dislracted by the trigg• •-
lng event. He receives a .1 penolty
: I A hero with the Delicate !law sui- need 10 agree on what the hero I, in- 10 any action, not ... Iated to the ob-
lers 1 point oislu n damage whenev- fomous lor hI could be trumped-up
chorges. o. the hero can have a gen-
H . .ion.
~ or he maket 0 successful Unarmoo for 4 poin t •. a helo is su b, ' anHal·
uinely shady palt) a nd who t Ingge ••
...." Allo(;k ogololl an opponent l! Ihe the flow h could be a phlg" the
Iy dlstractoo by Ihe triggering event
bero 8ulfe•• enough .tun dgmage to He reee;v" g .2 penalty toany ac·
V"> hero olwgYI lIOy •. or the weopon he
:>0:: lea". him with leas \hgn hgll 01 hi. hon8 DOt related to the obHa,lon
. tun point •. helXln·t gttempt an Un·
armed Attock-he must regain a
uses, a. when he·s in the preMnce 01
a particular alien "peeie. or cr mem o
ber 01 cr part icular nat ion. OJ\C8 .ec·
For 6 pOLnt •. the hero i. OlmOit
completely di"tractllKl, He reeeivela
~ number ol.'un pointe euHlcienl to .3 penalty to any action. nOI relaled
bring h,m bock \0 the halfway malk ognized lor hi. Infamy. a hero .u!te.s to the obseulon.
(at least) be lote he can u.. the skill penalties to the UN 01 Per.anolity·
crgmn. bell...d skill' and moy even wiod up
hunted or In a bott le. Did Injury
FOI 2 bonus ,kill poinl". a l1e ro is .11416 Bonu. Skill Points. STR
Dirt Poor lnicrmou" lor a minor crime or la Sometime In the pa.t. the hero suf·
.5 Bonul Skill Poinls, PER known throughout a "mall aleo 01 lered on injUry Now that Old Injury
The Dirt Poor Haw augg"" a lot the compaign .... tling. He r_lv"" a oct. up every 80 olten. inflicting
crbout 0 hero·, background ond usu· .. I penalty 10 all Personality·based wounds on the hero. The player and
ally indicates on impoverilhed up- ~kill chocks. the Gamema.ter . hould og'" on a
bringing Thl.llaw inHuences a For 4 bonu•• kill point •. a hero is 1.lggering event, but in gene.ol it
hero's starling lunds. 08 detoiled in Infamous lor a moderote crime o r is s hould be 80methlng physIcal: An at·
Chople, 9,' Good. & Se.vicea. In add,· known throughout g moderale-s,:&ed tempt to rUn or jump. gelling in·
tion. II adds 0 .. 1 penalty 10 any uN O.eo 01 the compoign MUing. He reo volved in cr clos.quorter. attock,
01 the hero', Personality·bolled skills ceives a .2 penalty to 011 P"8Onoli- and an attempt to dodge are all ae-
when he tries to deol wilh situations ty-based s klll checks. ceptable trig g.... An Old Injury COn
involving charact.... lrom a higher For 6 bonus ,klll poi nts. a hero is be triggered once per scene, though
l5QC:ia lOJ linaneiolltandlng Infamous lor cr severe crime or is the effect. remain until the charaCl..
The GGmemasler al80 determin" known throughout a I=ge area 01 the i. healed.
a charocter (not onathe. hero) to compcrign ..tling. He ,ecelv" a +3 (Note that if cr charocter wonts to
whom the hero owes money. M the penalty to aU Personolity·bosed skill remove thIs !low. a medical prace·
campaign progresses. the h .. ro must checks when this !law is trigg .. red. dure must be included cr8 pa,t 01 the
make paymentllto this character to removol proce... See Chople. 8:
remain in good standing. How this Oblivious Acbievemenllior mOre detaill.)
works In g particular campaign ill Fa. 2. bonus Ikill points. a hero
left to the Gomemollter +4 Bonul Skill Point.. WIL lu ll .. rs 1 point 01 wound damage
A hero wi th the Oblivious How when thlsllaw Is triggered.
has trouble noticing things. sulfeTing For 4 bonus skill point •. a hero
Forget:ful o .. I penolty to all Aworene..-per· .ullers 2. points 01 wound damage
• 5 Bonus Skill Point•. INT ception s kill checks. plus I point of secondary .tun dam·
A hero w,th the Forgetluillow hcr" age when Ihlsllaw Is triggered.
trouble remembering details-his Ob!ie!i!ied FaT 6 bonus skill points. a hero
recclloctlon 01 a nome. lace, or focI sulfetll3 points 01 wound damage
has a tendency to slip away when +1I4I1lBonu. Skill Poin ts, INT pluB I point 01 aecondory .tun dom·
the hero needs it most A Forgetful This now indicoles thot cr hero is c:rge when this flow is triggtlred.
<;horcrcter ._ives (I .1 pencrlty to all ob$essed with a particular pelllOn. Nole: Wearing armor does not alt·
Intelligence-based skill checks. place. or thing. which Is known as aet Or ,educe thl. damage.
the lIigget lor the flow. An Obsessed
hero moy lorgot wha t he'B doing or
Fragile tu.n his ottention to the object of his Phobia
.3 Bonul Sklll Point •. CON obsession even in the middl. 01 (I .'lI416 Bonul Skill Point.. WIL
A hero with the Fragile Ilcrw i. Ie.,.... situOlion. ThiB II"", representl an Irratloool
hompered by a + I penalty to oil Sto· Th .. p loyer and Ihe GGmemosler lear that hampers the hero In 80m.
mino---endu.ance skill checks he need to decide on a higger when this way. The he.o selects a spedlic fear
mok ... as (I reBult of domcrge he has 1I0w is selected. The I.igge. s hould that mayor may not come in to play
lulfe.ed .amehaw be hed .O the hero's bock- in any given . hould he
ground or ptr.anolity. For e",ample. o g .. ne.olleor (moving vehiel..). root
a scientist might be abHased with cr specific one (moving gr_n tcrxi·
exotic inlO8Cl •. Or on engineer w,th
108 new and interesting technology. LeBS
cabs with purple data and yellow
1I0gsl. 10 quol!fy OB crllaw. When the
he.o ie c:onl.cnted by bis Phobia, he ceives e + I penalty whenever he
lulfe.s a penal ty, uses modern technology.
Fo.2 bonus skill points, a he.o f or 4 bcnus skill points, e hero re-
lulfe.s a +1 penalty to all actions ceives a +2 penalty whenever he
while this !law Is in effect. uses modern technology,
Fo.4 bonus skill points, a he.o For S bonus ski ll points, e here re-
111110 •• a +2 penalty to all actiens ceives e +3 penally wbenever he
while this flaw is in elleet, uses modern technology, and he is
Fo. 6 bcnus skill points, a he.o either awed inlo inactivi ty or
Ireezea cr flees as app.op.i"to while floos in terror for d 4+1 time
lhU !I"w is in eUeet, unlls in the face at some tech-
nological wonde r he hasn't
Poor Look!i seenbelore.

+3 Sonll8 Skill Polnta, PER

A he.o with the Poor Looh !law !iID""
suffers a +1 penalty toall Personali-
ty'based skill checks when appea.- A hero with Ihe Slow
anCe could have a negative effect. flaw has reduced rl!Oetion
Poor Looks isn't just a moosu.e of time, which manifests as
physical beauty; it includes manners, a + 1 penalty to his ",:tlon
lJIooming, and ove.all a ppoo.ance. checks.
Beo:r in mind thai a human he.o's
Poo. Looks might not be seen as such
byan elien, end even some other hu- !ipinele!i!i
mnn may have a different +214./6 Sonul Skill
idea of what Peor Looks a.e. The Point.. WIL
Gamemaster determines when the The Spineless flaw hampers a
naw's penalty is applied and when it here by wl!Okenlng his will, meking
isn't. depending on the situation. him fearful, indedsive, and easier to
manipula te. This is reflected in a re-
duetion to the he.o's Will resistence
Powerful Enemy modifie r.
.21416 Sonul Skill Point.. PER f m 2 bcnus skill points, a hero's
A he.o with Ihis flow begins play Will resistance modilier is reduced
with a Pewe.ful Enemy whe's ou l 10 by I slep.
make hislile terrible. This enemy For 4 poi nt s. a he.o's Will res is-
mUSI have a long reach, lots of sub- tence modifier is reduced by 2 stePf!.
ordinates , end the abilllY 10 eUeet f or 6 points,,, hero's Will resis·
Ib, he.o whe.eve. he may be. How tance modifier is .educed by 3 steps.
close the enemy's bose of operations
lIond how often he can aUeet Ihe
beroo.e determined hy the numbe r Temper
of skill points the flaw provides. .. 214./6 Sonul Skill Pelnt_, WIL
Examples 01 powerful enemies in- A he.o with this flaw has a short
dud" a specific la w enfe.eemenl luse. The player and the Gomemes-
agency (especiolly if Ihe hero is a ler must agroo On whe t type of event
rugitivel. a c:orporation, a govern- trigge", the he.o's Tempe r flaw.
men!. 0 ctiminal organization, er an For 2 bonus skill points, the hero
alien c:onspiracy. In "II CIlseS the true becomes gruff and ml!On, Buffering e
tnemy sbould remain unknnwn fm a +1 penalty to ell actions until the
long lime. and direct conlecl betwoon triggering event ends and he calms
Ibe enemy and the hero shouldn't down.
OCCUr wbile the hero is at low For 4 bonus skill points, the hero
achievement levels. reacts wi thout thinking, suffering a
+2 penolty to all actions until the
triggering event e nds and he calms
Primitive down.
.V416 Sonul Skill Point., INT for 6 bonus skill points, the hero
This flaw indica tes that a he.o Ilies into a berserk roge, suUerin g a
b"" c:ome from a primitive culture .. 3 peno lt y u nti! the triggering even t
ond upbringing. which causes prob- ends ond hecalmsdown.
lema for bim when dealing with
modem technology.
For 2 bonus skill pcints, a he.o reo A. Cri1:lcal Failure
linr old .~ol!y lrom the Knowl - prol...ioll.l. so II', allen the warrio ••
edge brood RULln general, Combat whoGle co:lIed upon 10 help the
Specs C(ln with.tand more damage wounded.
than ehOIoct.... belonging to other [l you r he ro can . tan with a s

Signature Equ'plDent
. EqulJIOIIIU Is eapMaai_ GIld - . t ~ Jut MOrtblg 0.1 _ ' t afIant Q
Sotolll.iIl _ - . tt.r _, _ cdIorcI dMi baeIe"--.cIrJ
10 . . . . . pkrr'" c:bw..... ta., bern .. JIIII.acL 'MIcd a-d waUl tl
. . . . btwtdMa'.eo.pideioa ............... ......aldt.ocQIcrw
_ _ _ 'WldIoId a Ra:Ddard .-poe? ww. tile 1aeeDtS. 01 090IdIar tbsII
........ -."ptOWw.d .... .....p&.- .... ....,..,.~,
u.t . . a_e. ,... caD ~ to "'" 110 CI . . . . . . . . . . pcIJIag tbe ....
oat 01 thai beto"1IhIrtIDg 1uaM.1D.-t - . tbIII ~ 01 ~
~ Is" a... eqIMIlIl_ modeIllftdklhh III"""" !aero
dIoWda', III tDp-of.....1lM ddp. 01' willa lIMo __ .-pou.
- . or" . . tumpcdp.
Abo. til. ..,ai,..acal that', cmdlab1II to (I: ~ d.pead.Ii _ dw
PlognM '--1 GQd tJpI oI_polga iw" . . . . ~ r..-Ia c;IN eM-
IOrlbed ... Mtcdlla 1M &nt '"' JoagM 01 CItcrpm • Qoocb a s.t'IicM.
whlcb Is aI.o . . cbapl.r that _tCdD8 n.. 01 the beak: eqalpmeD! -mJ.
OJ. to ___ IU CI piece ofeqlllpmH,t u...d Iora_ ....', ~
t.caa.. 01 .... fMtIletioDII 01 tbe CIIIIDpCdp. JDU'aa....-..wW _
maag. h iar _ ~ I'-1lMrt ftI. bIIobl._pn1p.

AI dMi", cd.-.
. . .
_~ Ia tbt8 cbcIpIw" a ...1I,.lld NIIdD
package"" tbII c:ba:roebor trPt bro q....s..llidacllJ19 tile _ _ oI.w.
,..... -.ded lor !be cbaractw ID acqaIIoe aa.-1ItWa.1D DO _ doe.

or. __ all,
tbe6a.t 01 a..w podIc:Ip ~ 35 pabda. widell. _
dicrI a IMro..w
bern poiatIleft tbat _ be ....... _ otbw Ikl& (uaIetII . .


-'II be taha. t-. tbe_ tbcrt lIN _tioDtd ... tbect..dpdn twat
lor a _ _ or otbM IldII that fib 'fOU _ ce,t_ 01 It. beto ""NO
~_ ... tM,........_·t ....
1M patat--.Ior ..... ~' U" _tbattbe '-obi ~ ..
IIdIk ..... ~Mro _
_ _ . . 11M. F• • wbobeZoapto_ 01 tile . . . . . . . . CIIJtqI
. . 1I8t 0 I - - r uw. aDd tbe uw __ r III"'. F. I I .... .
_II 1,_
c-bat Spec wbo kdIM tile knr eaIorwrUdll pacIIagIo ~"t
u.. 10 pudIaM tile JIeJN WeapoaI brood IIdU. but wW .... kI bay tbe
AIbledm broad. MW If be or ... - n 10 110ft IL
many aa liv. broad ,kill. (In addi- o. bir.d rn ....cle-mean and Itrang.
6 10 add thelnvH ' igate broad .kill to

lion 10 the ODel he Or ahe receive. lor
heel. Re.oJve and Acrobatics 0 ••
qood on •• loadd. Soth ha .... opplioo-
11011.1 and specialties that a Combat
Spec might wanllO hove aptitude in.
H. 0011. improvise in oottle, "'Iing hi'
Own body oDd whatever el.. l, all.
hond 01 0: d_dly woopon. The
brawle. ligh t. for money, honol, to
prove he', Ihe bes\. oS a matte . 01
his .epertol.e. BU$ID." (lfld St reet
Smgrt 0011. 01.0 b. valuable.
Though he', one 01 the mal' WI,,-
bral CamWI Spec heroos, a security
fll<pert oliO need. balll. , kill •. A . .
~ Leader.hip is 0180 worth con,lde.- pride. o r Ju, ! 101..,nive. <:urity expert who con make a OOm-
;ng. 'ince by their nature many Com- Get aa many ranks in th. brawl pute I da trick. but 0011." handle a
<= bat Specs are agg reuive. IIlke- speclolty 01 you can aUord (up to the firearm won't I tay hloOlthy lang
' - ' charge characters. limit 01 3 lor a start ing hero). and 1m· enough to make UN 01 hil s uperior
Belore you dacide on brood skills prove this skill as quiclrly as you brain power.
~ beyond the most important ones lor can. Powered weapons and large • Sig ner tll" equipmen t' Ilmm
<=>- Combat Specs. look Over the career lirearms aren't the browler's style. charge pistol. CF long coat.
delCfiptions that lollow. Merny 01
them oller other choices lor brood
but he's comlortoble wilh the blade
and bludgeon Melee Woapons Ip'"
• SIIJII Paclrage' Modem Ranged
Weapons-pi,/012; Knowledge-de·
Ikilll that might be more lulled to daWes. Though he may not like it. duce; Security-secu rity devices; Syl'
the type of hero you wan t to create. the brawler cou ld probab ly ule Mod· tem Operatlon-cen.orl, delenses.
ern Ranged WoaponB-pistollor those COBt! 30 point..
times when hisli,ts aren't enough.
Bodyguard Street Smart. perhaps supple-
A bodygua:rd hires himNIf out to mented by one oll tl specialty Ikllls.
thoee who require proteetion. A hero can help the brawler in the typel 01 A gunner is a heavy weapons eJ:pel1
with this career might be working lor situations he normoUy Iinds himNIl Or a wa rr ior Irained in the U58 01 v.
another hero. Or he might be ern inde· In.l nteroclion-tount is uNtullor hide or ship weaponl systeml. He
pendent contractor In chorge of a N· gaining the upper hand ergai nst op· likes big weapon_the bigge r the
curUy team that hi res lI NIl ouL ponents who are lusce pt ible to Vel' heller. He uluolly hOI a gi l! for cal·
Bodyguords p.otact the rich. Ihe bal bolting. Flnolly.ln teroclion-in· culerting range ond a great aye lor
powerful. politicians. aimelords. lim/dale Cgn help a brawler Slave all hi tt ing hillarget. The gunne r lilre.
thoee In need. gnd anyone e lN who oil but the mOlit persistent. Ie.. easl· huge. lpectocular eJ:pla.ions. elpe·
can alford their who Iy lrigh tened opponen ts. cierlly il helthe one Nlling them oIL
they're g .. igned \0 protect II they're • Slg .... ,II.. equipme nt: Combo t No sh ip should be wi thaut 0 hecrvy
in Ihe service of othe... knife. truncheon (club). Weaponl expert. ond ony group
This charocter'l first conc.rn il ~ 511111 Paclrage, Melee Weapons: going into 0 major bailie or hostile
the safety of IIOmeone eiN. This Unarmed Allack-brcwI2; Street lerrito.y can cartolnly use One.
doesn't mean a bodyguard Ihould Smort. COIIt: 2() point8. The gunne r s prlmory skill de·
behave passively. wai ting tor lome' pend. on the exoct nature at his co·
th ing bod to hoppen belore he OCtl, reer, If the hero'l always assigned
Sometimes he tak.. lpeclfic stepl 10
Corporate the biggest dealh-deallng weapons
keep his chorge safe. ,,'slmportont !il!curlt:y in the ..... ngl. Ihen purchase H8O"'I"J'
lor er bociyguord to be prepa red, §peciali§t Weapona and lIock up an ranb in
The AcrolxrtiCli b rood skill has a eilherd/leet file Or indirect lire. Be-
This character woru lor o large cor·
couple olspeciolti.. that the body· cause carrylnljj" larljj"e weapons
po rerUon. He handles all of the secu'
guo rd might wan t to consider: de/en· around could slow him down a nd
lity concernl of that corpora tion .
• ive morllol orIS ond dodge. Both merke him mo.e vulnerable to O1tatlu
from securing property to protacll ng
help the hero avoid damerge In one from eneml", thil hero shou ld coi·
employees to 0 variety 01 covert op·
manner Or another. and lhis is impo. · leet as many ranks In endurance 01
eral\ona. Enlurlng the IoeCUrily 010
tont. lince 0 bodyguard who gets po88ible, Armor Ope.otion ond OOB
corporation might include perlorm·
taken aul can't offer gny protection. 01 its specialty Ikilla. combat arlllOl
ing acts 01 Hpionoge. recovering
An alternative in Ihe Dexlertty cale' or powered armor, can also serve tilt
stolen gOO<b. elimin<:rting the campa·
gory Is Slealth-bide. which ollows a heavy weaponl expert well.
titian. or linding solu tions to eecurl.
hero to be incoDllplcuous 01 he The Ihlp's gunner requires a com'
ty·reloted probleml thot ollacl the
guolds his dien t. pletely d illeren t opprooch. He s tafU
oo.porotlon In lome manne r.
• Signa ture eq u/pm em: Ilmm wilh the System Operation brood
The hrood skill Securit y and both
charge plslol. com m gear. CF short akll!. then pu rchoNI ranb in the
=, ~ SlIiII Pacl<age, Modern Ranged
01 Its lpeclalties, protection protocols
ond $ecutlty devices, are obviously
weapons lpeclalty. Since vesHl1
don't get Into lightl all the lime. pw·
handy lor this Comba t Spec: cerr"r.
Weapona-pisto/2; Securl ty-protac· chasing ranu In ano ther specialty-
l'ypicglly. a corporale securtty expe rt
han protocols; Awarene..-percep· perhapi de/enses or sensof$-wOllId
halO higher In telligence lCOre than
lion. Coal; 20 points. be g good fallback, This hero could
mOlit other Combat S~he n_.
also pick up Technica l Sciene:. ond
Ihe skill points prov ided by a high
either juryrig or repair so he con
Brawler Intelligence Kere 10 develop other
keep his weaponl functioning.
A brgwlerspecializelln hand·to- securlty·related akiUs such os Com·
• Sig nalllre equipment: Heavy
puter Science g nd Law.
112 hond lighting and c1ose·qua rtell
bottles. He's 0 boxer. a 8heetlighter. A lacurlty specialist might wont
mach ine gun, hott le ve~t. too lkit.
• SHIJ Perclroge' Heavy Weapon..

cUrect li.e.2; System OpelO tion-de- mIght Instead know a lo.m specific othe •. A me.oono.y ia an ind,viduol-
fellJlN, weapons; TecMieol Science- to on oli ... n species or a style devel- ist who knows how to wo.k well as
ItpOir. Cost: 30 points. oped by 0 p<Jlticulol cultu.e. He port 01 a unit-and usually knows
might olIO be One 01 those martial how to lead Ihat unit
a.tistl who has developed his OWn The me.oona.y needs eve.y ad-
Law Enrnrcer lighting style. vantage he con get. ond thot Itarll
Alow en lorcer il t.a ined In the meth- The mart ial a.tist con be 0 low eo- with the combot skills. Dishing out
tdlol alme p.evention and detee- loreer Or a special agent. a haioed domoge is importaol. but the plale.-
bOIl, and hal the authority to main- warrior _king to righ t wrongs and sional soldiel oleo needs to b. able
Ialn the peace. IQlety. and orde. in a deo! with injustiee. oro spiritual per- 10 withstand damage dished out by
community. A law enlorcer co.n be a son 10leed 10 use hillighllng P'OW- others. Armor Operation and which·
po1i~ oflicer, a government agent a en due to circumltances beyond his evel 01 the lpeclalty skills [combot
member 01 the military police. or a control. Whotever you. hero concept. armOI or poweled Olmor) is na.ded
coostable on a lpace -,at Ion. the maniol ortist is built upon one 01 to operate the protective geo. the
The law enforcer piaYI a V(Jriety t",o primary slrilll. heroemplOYI II a must_
o/.al..,.a we'Ue"'amine the Ikilll If your martial alllil II a t.ained FmoUy. since the me.ceoary ap-
dxneach 01 these roles requilel. lighting mochine, you should pur- p.oaches war as 0
I.eaa toward the role you 1..1 il most challe Unarmed Attack and as many tion ba.gain can moan the diUer-
Important to you r hero concept. ranks in powel mortial OilS as you ence between negollating a good
To fulfill his pledge to "Hrve and can oUald. II your concept is more contract or an excellent one.
protect: a law enforcer IQmetimes along the hnel 01 the poeililt who is ... Signature equlpmenj: AUock
-Uta "'"t deadly lore. h..,d on. lo.ced to light lor either honor. jus- tumor. 9mm SMG .•0110na.
My 01 the combat skilla will help in tice. or survival, then you might ",ant survival geor
lbil a.ea. to use the Acrobotic.-delensive mo. I> Skill Package' Armor Ope.o·
Tha law enlorcer who lun ctions 01'; tlal 0.11 app.<XIch. Ilon-fflmbot armor: Modern Ranged
~delectlve 01 inveetigator should To duplicate Ih e teatl madela- Weapons-SMG 2; Interaction bar-
pIIlchale .ankl in Ihe Awarenels maus in martial orts movies and gain. intimidate. Cost; 25 poin".
spectol ty IkUls. espectally ".rcep- television Ihows. yau'lI olso need to
z-. ond also Knowleclge-deduce. pUlchollEl the Athletic. specialty
lnyntlgol&-SeQ".ch and 1I0d: can lut- skillschmb and jump, and if you
!her daUne a particulOt type allow want yau l he.o to tou throwing stall A soldiel belongs 10 a standing mill-
""'orcer. Some iovestigalore might (shuriken) like an expert. get 0 few tory lorce. He can be a common
~the scientitic lOUie. laking the ranka in Ill/OW, too. The Acrobatics grunt. a mo';nr:. a. even a speciol
Computer Science or Medical Sei- specialties are handy for this career fa.oos opelolive. He can be on enUst-
"_ b.and skill. ond one 01 more of as well. and no martial a.ts expert eel soldier or on ollice •. somOOne who
tb.h<JCking.lolen.ics,. ond JnYCholo- should be without dodge and fall for Walked his way up from the bottom
iF op«Iolt.... long. For lhe mo:ttial ar tist who em- or received the lull benehts 01 on 01·
finally. all law enfo.ce". con ben- ploys exotic weapons. purchase Ihe hcel tro;oing oco.demy. Regardle..
olit from Low ond the low enforce· Melee Weapons b.ood , kilL The 01 how he got to where he i~, he',
ment lpecla lty. as well 01 StrHt blade speciolty cove •• swords like been trained to lig ht. to follow a.·
Smart a nd bot h of its speclaltlel, the katana. while bludgeon hondles de,., and 10 be lOyal to thr: COUIe ond
oiminolelemenls ond lItleel knowl· w80:pans such as quartelltaves and the government he defends.
edge_ And. in the end. a good low en- nunchokllS. The well-Iounded soldiel needs
Ion:ef needs a t least a lillielaclllty The Resolve broad skill Is a mUll alher skill,. The Movement broad
With Penonolity ekills. Charm. inlel- 101 the wen-rounded marllal artilt. sklll and '"Spectolty /Iailblm;,ng
rogate, and intimidate. specialties 01 Ronks In me"ta! rr:5(I/vr: mark the a.e important tools fOl lhe worriar on
the Interaction br<XId s kill , all prove splrltuol hero. physicolle5(llvr: the Ihe go. e~pecially \I he pIons to leod
helpful in theUne 01 duty. pUle lighting machine. othe.s acron hoelile le"oin. Sur-
I> SIgnature EquIpment: Nlght- I> Sigoalu", equipment: Katana 01 vival and survlva/training in one or

1Iid! {dub)..38 revolver pistol. battle

.. SiW Padage: Melee Weapons-

I> Sktll Package: Mel.... Weapons:
Unarmed Attack-powe. maillot 0111;
more eov;,ooments will serve the
t.aveling soldie. well. Sometimes a
soldier has to wOlk with deoth-dely-
bI~dgean; Modern Ranged Weap· Acrobalics-dodgr:; Starnlna...::ondul- Ing equipment. luch os polochute.
_-plrlol; Low; Investlgate-inteuo- once: Resolve-phYlicol lesolve. Cost. ond hong glide'" Ac.olxrtics-dale-
gar •. Cost: 30 points. !)Spalnts. devil will give him a lighting chance
w,th such gear. Ranks III one 01 the
Aworeo.... spe(;\altles also helpe
Martial Artl ..t: Mercenary keep a soldier sholpand alert_ Go
Amallia l is a hero trolned in a A men:enary is a plolel&ianal sol- fOI in/ui/ion II you ..... your he.o os
lI*'ilic combat style. Usua.lly. the dier who se lls his Hrvleeslo Ihe someone who reacts on gul instincts,
styls hos 0 code ond value system highest bidder or to a cause he be- a. perceplian if he', observan t and
IIItoched to it that the he.o tries to lIevesln. He's usually (1 veteron of detail-oriented. Tactics and inlonlry
he by. A mrntiol oTtiit con be 00 e"'- lOme poll war. trained by 0 govern· rOC-lies prOVIde the edge a soldlel
Pllt in any known combotltyle, in-
duding karate. judo. or kung lu. He
ment-funded army ... hodocided to
seve. his ties 101 one 180:SOn 01 on-
needs to su.vive.
I> Signarure Equlpmen" Assouit 113
rille. oottl, jacket. rOtlons. survival are specialties that would need to tit

im;lud. Modern Ranged Weapons
gear• (jul! beeo:uM heroes lend 10 gel in cnKJted fa. the campaign !letting).
.. SHII Pad;oge, Armo. Operation; lighl.), Computer Science (lot IhOM for those cl.r\e$ who want to be a bit
Modem Ranged Weopo ...-rWe; Sur- tim ...... h.n Ihe Diplomat wants 10 more informed abourlhe
viva!; Toelia-intcntlY Ia<:rlCS. COSI; manipulate dala personally). and around them. the Life Science gntl
25 poin t •. System Operation (so that the Dlplo- Physical Science b.oad slrills ate the
~ mot caD con tribute 10 hiB team when way to go-but hold all on the spe-
they're traveling in a v",sei). cialties until you've purc holed Ihe
<= !ipacehand
A lpacehand oon be crucia l to a
group 01 hefOGS with their own lpace Ambas!iador
other skills you. he.o needs.
Will-based specialty slrill. that
come In handy 10. this hero Include
--' v_I. Not only i. Ih. spaceh';lnd de· An amba. .ador is on olliclol •• p ..... intlillian. p8.cepriOll. mental resolve.
<=>- cent in combot. he 0180 hal ClIIe! of .. ntotivelrom one gOV<!Ornmanl Of 01- and Ihe Teach specialti". tied 10'ltl.-
2:: ,kill. that malle him jodlspenllbl. In
th.long hQui. He', CI jock·ol·o]]·
trad..~labore!. bodyguard, repair
mon, oopilot, He's the guy who usuol-
gonlzatlon to another. He hOB the
abili ty and sanction to o09oliole in
good faith, propose and ac«opt
deols. ond speck for the ogeney he
ious proie8Sions. He might olso can·
side. Animal Handling and onimal
Personality-based skills that th
Iy knows how to get things done. represen ts. cleric uses Include etiquettll, charm.
[n addition to the various combot Administ .ation~bureCIucrat")' is on intimidole. and inspire. Clerics who
skills, a good spocehand picks up important skIll lor the ambouadol to operate in a. come hom a primlli"
Vehicle Ope.ation ....pacit vehicle so have_ Law-<ourl procedu.ell helps society might wonl Enlertoinment
he can fly the ship when neceuary this hero maintoin proper decorum and one or mont 01 its specialties.
(though he doesn't consIder himself in olliclal meerings. When the nego- ... Signatu .. Equlpmlln t: Based on
a pilot). Then he digs Into the men tal tialians gel heoted, either Intuition rhe c:lerk', H<;:Ondary profession.
skill. so that he can opGrate the ship or pel<;eption con give the ambos- plus 0 holy item and holy text.
and keep it in good condition. sodor on edge. This he ro also needs I> SHII Padage' Knowledg .... tira!
[n no partIcular order. the space- good doses 01 menIal resolve. bluff, aid 2, religioull dactline; Resolve-
hand also covets the.. skill" Ac.o- bribe. and bargoin_ An app.opriate menIal rellOlve; Teoch: CultW'e--I!lr'
balics-«,ro-g Itaming: Knowledg ..... Culture .pedalty helps. 100. finally. quelle (specific:); Leadershlp-impi",
compuier operation; Computer Sd- a good ambassodor has some Cost: 30 points.
enC9-hamwa...: Navigatlnn: System amount 01 skill in interaclion-charm
Operation and its specialtiel: and and L.eade.shlp-inspue.
Technical ScienC9-juryrig and repair. I> S/gnalure Equipment' formal
I> Signature Equipm en t: Toolkit. clothing with ontiscan weove. data An ente.ta"'er is either on his way
loh e·suit. 9m m ~.o'g charge pistoL sla te. up or has already reoched the topof
I> Skill Padage: Unarmed Attack- I> Skill Package' Law-<ourt pr0C9- his !leld. He's an acto •. a mu.ic'cln. (1
brawl; Modern Ranged Weaponll- dure&; Admlnistral ion-bureauc.aey; comedion. or a singer. He travels th.
Pllltol; Te<::hnical Scienc.--Jury"g; V... Awmene..-perceplion; Cullu •.-cii- world (0' the gala.y) performing IOf
hide Ope.otion-space vehicle. COIIt: plomat")', etiquette (specific II} 2, eti· hillon. and trying 10 moire an ewen
30 points. quet/e (specific'2) 2; Deceptlon- bigger nom. 10' himllO:lll whereve. 1M
blull; [nteraction-chamr_ CosI: 3S goes. He may have reoltalent. Or 1M
points. may jusl be lucky-a ane-hit wandel.
DIPLOMAT Ente. taine.. ca n have attitude. 01
they can be played as lounge lizard.
I:AREER!i Cleric milking a gImmIck 10. all if1 worth
Diplomats are the negotiator. and A hero who', a member 01 the clergy Thls hero IlarlS out wi th the Enle.·
deal-malre.~ of tomorrow Any hero il an olficiol rep.esentotive 01 a IpIt- lainment broad skill and whiche_
.... ilh high Personality and Will eific .eligion. A cleric il a leoche •. a 01 its specialli~. dance. mL1$i-
8COlH. and whoae p.lmary occupa· heole •. and a .eligiousleode. He cal instrumen/. and IIng-ure nppro-
1Ion Is dealing with liable moy actively p.eoch and ol1emptto priate. The Creotivi,y broad skill ODd
to be a Diplomat 01some Irind. And convert the mosses. or he may lim- a specific ereotive specialty con abo
don't neglect the secondary prolel' ply lead by example. ASide Irom hu- be helplul Depending On the enter-
sion that's avaiioble to Diplomats a. man religions. an alien c:leri<: !;ould tainers act. ManipulaHon-pllIstldlg:
part 01 their p rolelslon be nefits. be a se~heyan shaman or a we.en larion might also be sele<::ted.
Dlplomo\s must take advan tage of priest. Specially .kllls associated with
lhei. high Personality and Will Some clertci select Mgnipuiation thllliat of Diplomat b.oad skills
.:0'''' by purchasing th... b.oad to tolre advontage 01 the sleight-oj· given earlie. also serve this hero
slrills gS IIOOn as poaible: Cultu.e. hgnd skills it provides, including well. You should cons ide. sele<:hng
DeceptIon. Leadership. Adminislro- prestld.gltotion. The free Knowledge from IImall bUlinllD. fIKlnogemllllt
tion. Resolve. Busineu. Law. and skillls the "",tewery to a lew Impo.- inluilion. bluff. bribe, gamble.
Teach. Ot he . brood skUll willsug- tantlpec:ialt ies. including 'irlt oid charm. seduce, and taunt.
gest rhemselves based on a paltieu- and specllic areas of knowledge that Finally. lithe pointt me available,
lor diplomat's se<::ondory profession. a teache. an d religious leoder an e ntertolner should consider the

114 A.eas outSide the Diplomat's ex-

pertise that might also be conside.ed
needs. such os history, leligious doc·
trine. and helballore (all ol .... hich
Athletic. special ty skills. Ac.obatict.
and Sheel Smarr
.. Signarure Eq uipment' Perlarm- "'na1l business (and maybe illicit Free Agents, you might wont to pur-
mg cos!ume, musical instrument (ar business), and InteracHon-oorguin_A chase Armor Operation and a ran~
lOme otber prop lor the ac,). trader needs to delend himself, SO Or two in the specialty needed lOT the
.. Skill Package, Awareness intu- you should plck up a combat skill 01 armor he woors. Ranks in both althe
ition 2; Deception-bluff; Entertain- some 1IOrt. Then slarl piling On the Stamina specialties can be helplul,
ment-oct 2, musical instrument (spe- skills that will help the traders busi- as well 08 Law.
ciJid sing 2; Interaction-charm, ness endeavors and create the type I> Slgnoulre e quipment, SMG, at-
!educe 2. Cost: 30 points. 01 merchant you wont to play. Select tack armor, SenSOr gauntlet.
Irom Knowledge-eccnamics. Munip. I> Slei/J Pacltage' Modern Ranged
ulation-Iodpick and pickpodel, the Weapons-pistol; Stealth-shadow; In -
First. Cont.act Vehicle Operation skiJJ 01 cholce, vestigate- trod; Interaction-inter·
[onsul Computer Scienc@- hacking,Naviga- view. Cost: 30 points.
AIirst contact consul is rrained in tion, Street Smart, and as many of
negotiating wilh alien species and the Deception and Interaction skills
specioliring in analyzing, calegoriz- you can atlord. Explorer
~,and op&ning discussions wilh I> Signature Equlpmen/, 9mm An explorOl wants to ...... new things,
new alien species-wha t spacers charge pistol, CF long coot. beat -up discover new places, and
cgll "making first contact." Firs! con- trader ship (and u huge loan lor the visit locations thot no one else has
tact consuls ale assigned to explo- ship that needs to be poid off). ever been to. He's on adventurer-Ior-
"'tion vessels, new colonies, and I> StiJJ Package, Modern Ronged hire, a person driven by wanderlust
cgntact teams, olten traveling to the Weapons-pistol. Business- smoll and curiosily, or a dreamer in search
Tel'! edge al human spoce to make bU8iness, Interaction-borgoin 2. 01 SOme mylhologicol [email protected]
the lirst meetings between species Cost: 2(1 points. er settles down, prelerring 10 keep
<III peacelul as possible. A consul moving- to see what lies beyond the
_rs'o establish friendly relations next hill or star system. An explorer
UIld set up a strong loundotion lor fu· FREE AGEI\IT Can also serve as a scout or guide,
depending on the concept you come
lllre negotiations.
This hero's primary skill is first en-
CAREER§ up with.
coume" though the other Cuhure Free agenls are the independent op- Specialty skills Irom those brocrd
.pedalty skill. can also help him in eratives of tomorrow. Any hero with skills Hs,ed above that ore appropri_
his line of work. The Awareness 8p&- high Dex terity and Will scores, and ate lor the explore. include 8pecilic
dalty skills can't be stressed whose primary specialty i. trouble- terrains under the Survival skill, loll,
Hlough, especially intuition. Under shooting is usuolly a Free Agent 01 hide, snoolt, and trad. Pick up the
lhe Knowledge brood skill, this hero SOme kind. When something really Athletics speciaities whenever pos-
ohould consider first oid and a few needs to get done, the Free Agent is sible,thedmedevilspecialty, Vehicle
special specific fields 01 knowledge, the character who those In power Operalion-1lpace vehicle, Mavement-
ruch asrociology and space /o,e. usually turn to. 'railblazing, the Stamina specialties,
Th, Lila Science and Medical Sci- A Free Agent helO should start out Lile Science and Physical Scienc@.
ence broad skills are important, es- wi th the combo' skill of you, choice; Novigahon, System Operation. and
poo:;ioHy the specialties xenology, alter tha t's out 01 the way, you'll eitherol the Awareness specialty
pey<:hoJegy, and xenomedicine. Fi- know what you've got left to spend skills. For a twist, you might want to
nally, Survival and Investigation can On other skills. Modern Ranged purchase Primitive Ranged Weapons
"!Va a first con tact expert well. Weapons works well due to the lor your explorer, giving him on edge
.. Signature e quipment, Sensor Agent's high Dexterity. but consider on backwater worlds .
gtluntlet, soil e-suit. holorecorder. Unarmed Attack- power martial alts I> Signature Equ Ipment, Bottle
.. Skill Package' Lite Science- as well, Go for all 01 the Athletics vest, llmm charge rille. beat-up
I~nology; Awateness-intuition 2, specialties as soon as you can, and trader shi p (and a huge loon /0' the
pelC'eption; Culture--<liplomocy 2, efi- also consider the lollowing Free ship that needs to be PQid 01/).
Qu!'Ue (!peci!ic), lirst encount81 2. Agenl brood skills when creating a I> Skill Package, Modern Ranged
Cost 35 points. career. Survival. Acrobatics, Stealth, Weapons-rille; Vehicle Ope.atlon-
Securily, Investigate, and Deception. space vehicle; Movemen'- trailbJaz·
ing; Survival- stlrv;val t.aining (sp&-
Trader cillc); Novigalion-surlace novlga-
Atmde' is one 01 the independent
Bount.y tion. Cost: 3S points.
ItIIIrchants operating in every cam- A bounty hunter tracks, locates, and
paign seiHng. Some barely eke out a captures thO'l8 who have !led justice
living. while others seem to turn or are wanted by any legal 01 illegal liambll!r
....'ythingthey louch into gold_A authority-aslong 08 the pay match- A gambler is a prafessional card
trader usuolly hOB some debt he's es the danger involved_ shark, dice player, Or expert at some
_orking oil, he's looking lor the score Specialty skills that most apply to other game 01 chance. He makes a
that will pay 011 big. o. he's a smug- the bounty hun ter include dodge, living by locating the big games and
gler 01 some sort. shadow; protection p.otcx:ols, semc;h, Iinding a way to win. Some gamblers
This be.o needs a var iety 01 skills, trod, interview, intimidate, and ore highly skilled players; o thers are
but ifs good to $tart with Business- bribe. Because a bounty huntel is
one ot the more obviously aggressive
highly skilled cheaters. AJJ know
how to blu!!, chalm, or seduce their 115
way oul ollighl situations. Gamblen, The Intellll1enc::. skills are where

~ SJrW Package: Adminil tration;
ulually have some olho l lalenl 10 C,ecrt;vity-jourlKllism: investigate- the Tech Op .hinH. Depeoding on
loll oock on. They'd rathe, win the trod:: interactIon-interview. Co.!: 20 what disciplines your hero knows
day through willi and skill. bullIOme poin ts. the most about h, should pick up
Learn to Hghllo protect themse lves one Of more oltheae broad IIkm"

duling those limes whe n the game
takes" dork and decld ly tum. They !ipy Compu ter Sclen~. Life Science.
Medicoi Selene.. Novigo\ion. Physl-

~ love to play the odd !l---Ond Ihey don"t A sp y 11 a cla ndestine ngo nt em- co! Science, Syllom Opera tion, and
like to lose played by a governmen t Of sorno Technical Science. Beyond the", In·
'-' Deception i. this hero', primary olherorgonizalion to gathe , in lorma- vesligate, Teach, ond a combal skill
.kill..a pile on rank. in gomb/e, lion. He aecr .. lly walch ... olh ..,a, of yOU! choice can al.a be handy.
~ Since the gambler t. .amelim... a kee.,. .urv.i1i<;rnC<!_ .. nga~. in ... pi·
P- thiel ol.orta, purchaM Manipulation onage, or Invesligate. specific agen-
and all o l illapecialtlel, Computer
Sclenc.-hacking_ and Socurity -secu-
cillfl or peopla 10 unCOver inlalll-
genoo. Some Iplell or.. indepo:lndant A compute r technician, OJ comptech,
.." is a com puter opara to r 01 engineer
rilydevlces. The Awmanesa special- ogentl, ga thering information to lell
ty .lrlll. aerve lhe gambler well. and to the hlghe.t bidder. O thera Ole who's on expert In programming,
thera'. going to be a .ituotion when loyal to an employer, compony men hardware, or .aftwOle operation. A
hide and &Ileal. come In handy. who engage in games of dea th and compteeh know. computers inside
Street Smart, Bu"ines", and Culture deceit lor th .. same organ ization for and ou t-he con Ii. them Or modify
might 01.0 work 10' your gambler aalong a. they Itay in th .. bu.ln..... them o ....... n build th .. m from lICTOtcb
concept. Combatlkilla of all type" "ui1lhe if thofl whe.. hil training lie". He'.
• Sillnature Eq uipment, Flo.hy 'py, who often finds himaell in ax- UlluoUy good with software, gall ing
cloth .... 1110011 pi"' ol. "lucky" token 01 trema dangar_ Tha Ath latics . kUI. the most out 01 tha programs hil IOn·
.ama .arl. Ora in>po.tonT, a. are Acrobatica- chine hal aew.. to OJ improvising
• Skill Package, Mo nlpulatlon- dodga and fall. Manipula tion-lock, something to aceompllsh tha task at
plckpoc/l.el; Deception bluff 2. gam- pick ond pickpocket come into ploy hand.
ble 2.lntaraCllon-<:halm 2. seduce. when mUBt penorm ala This hero's prtmory ,killa are
COIIt )J pointa. thiel, a" doany 01 the Stealth Ip&- Compute. S<;ienl;9--hatdwa.", and
daltie •. pam. a8 well Technicol Scienc.-tepait. He proba·
g" RelCllv_antal resolve and phy.· bly allCl hal ranu in Ihe other Bpi-
Reporter icol r",so/ve. ""rve 10 protect the "py ciglty ,killa ,aloled to thoae brOCld
A .eporter keeps the public informed Irom interrogat ion technique. skill •.
through articles in the print media Or Th. I PY migh t glso tgk" Com puter Other Importa nt .kllla a ssociated
by filing atori... on computer nal- S<;lencB-hgcking, De molitlona-dur' wi th comptec hl or. BUllineSS-COIp<lI-
wOlk. or ovel some othar 101m of aIm and ae! e xplos.ves. Sacurity- ale o r $maU business. Secu rity-secu
brO(ldcalt media. A crusading lour- """"urily device•. BusineBa-COlporal"', rHy devices. Syatem Ope ration ....n-
noUat \" an advocate for th.. peopla. Adminiatration -buleauc.<>cy. the sors. and Knowled~educe.
An inv ... hgahva iournalist _loa to A....aren ..... specialtl.... the Resolve .. Signa l .... Equlpme-n ,: Marginal
uncover conapiraciea Or o therwiae .pecioltlel. ond St.eel Smart. Flnal- quality microcomputar. two MarglllCll
,xpoH the truth obaut governmant". Iy, a "PY ulually hall to pre tend to be programs. on .. Ordincny p rogram
cotpCltatlona, Of product". A .eporler something he'" not. For this .ea.on. .. Skill Package' Computer Sci·
believOlin the heedom 01 the prells, the Cul tur&--etiquelta specia lt y. the anee-hacking. hatdware 2. program·
tha public'. righ t to know. an d the D<x:eptlon and In leractio n special- ming: Technical Sclenc.-repai/,
power 01 the p re .. to infl ue nca. In· Iles. and Leadership can be uaelul. ,echnkol knowledge. Cost: 30 points.
lotm. and entertain. He'll atop at .. Sig no/ure Equ ipme nt: Survall-
nothi ng to get tha story. tisking clan· lance gear. antisco n weava clothi ng,
gel, s, and even death In .ama 9mm cha lge pistol.
co ..... 10 bring the truth to light. • SkU! Packoge-: Athletics ..dimb; A docto. heal. wound., Cur'" Uln.....
Though he's not a comoot-c>riented Modem Ranged Weapons ..piIlOI: Ma- and othe"",i.. provide. medicol aid
character. IIOma form of bailIe .kill nipulolion; Steal th"sneak.-Inte rac· when it'" needed. Eve ry adventuring
con help keep Ihe reporter allve. Hil tion-inle/view, seduce 2. eo.,: 3'> group need. a doctor even tually. A
primary .kills ora Creallvi ty pholog- polnll. doctor (som .. tlm .., called 0 medtechl
raphy ond pumo/ilfm. inves tigat&- tr ias 10 uae the lechnology and sci·
Irack, In teraction-inlervlew. and enee ovailable to him to diagnose.
Street Smart. The Steallh "pecialties TEI:H Up treat. O. cure wha tever CIlia someone
shadow and sneak work In this halO'S elae. A doxtor might "peciali:w in
laVOl, 01 doe. Computer Scienc.- CAREER§ general practice, "urgery, or alien
hackrng. Finally, Admlnillrolion-bu- Tech Ope are "killed in the use, physiology
.eauc,ocy helpl a . cu t red maintenance. and invention of mod- The doctor lIart. with Med icol Sti-
laj», and the Deception specialty ern technology. Anyone with high In- ence and 01 many of its specialtiel
.killll aid in gel"ng to the heart of a telligenoo and Dexterit y !!COle., ond all you think Ora nece.sary. Take
ItOry when pure honeety foill. whOle primary area of eKpe.tiae llealmenl and su.gery !irst.then

116 .. Signat ute Equ lpmenl: Holor ....

corder. data slate.
usaltechnology in a signi Jican t way.
ill probably a Tech Op of soma kind.
forensics. madlrol knowledge. p8y'
"hology, andlor xeoomedicine. de-


pending on the kind 01 doctor you
want your hero 10 be. Life Sdence
cyberspace. In any setling. backerfl
are electronic spies and thieves.
his head. but he's got loads 01 books.
electronic storage devices. ancient 6
ron lurlhe, daline your doctor, 9ape -
cially the biology and genetIcs spe-
OOhi9&. Also. don't naglecl the Inter·
6(l0019U T8, information broke18. cou-
rie.s, fun- loving techios, 0' lebols
oga inst the es tablishment.
parchman !s, and more thoories than
he knows what lodo with . He's an 0.·
den l .esoorcher. able 10 follow leads
""lion spedolty skills unless you
..ont your doctor \0 have <.> poorer
!han overage bedSide monner.
The hac ke r neads Computer Sci-
ence-had'ing to perform the bosi<:
tasks 01 his Career. He's usually also
and find inh.>rltlo lion. sometimes
with only the barest 01 clues. He's
read more about lile than he's lived
.. Signature Equipmen t: Surgical hooked up w ith Business-ccrporate it. but he's ready to Bet out and be- ~
kit.lirst aid kit. medical gauntlet. and illicit business. 5e<;uril y- secu rity come a field researcher.
.. Skill Package; Medicol Science--
medical knowledge, sUlgery 2. Ileat-
III<!nt 2 Coot: 25 points.
devices. System Operation-sellsors.
Adminis tration- bureaucracy. Re·
so lve-mental resolve, Street Smart.
This hero storts with ronks in spe-
cific areaS of Knowledge. or with one
Or mare of the Science broad skills.

An engineer is a hero w ith a flair for
and Deceplion-bluff.
.. Signa tu re Equ ipmen t: Ordinary
quality microcomputer or Marginal
gridca ster a nd nanocomputer. one
depending on the concept you have
in mind. He might have a combat
skill Or two. bu t in general he's an
adventurous know-it-all. He can use


technology. Engi neers usually s trive Marginal program. two Ordinary tho Survival b road skill (for a field
to keep tec hnological equipment in programs. researcher) or possibly Tactic s (for
working order or to repair techno log· .. Skill Package' Computer Sci- the armchair general type) .
ica l equipment that has been dam- enee-hacking 2, hOld wale. p'ogrom- The Awareness specialties. lnve s·
agad or has worn out. An engi neer ming 2: Secu rity protection proto· tigate-sealch. Knowledga-deduce,
oo.n be a specialist----o mechanic. a cols. security devices. Cost: 3S points. Resolve , and C u ltu.e can also be
drivemech. a com pu ter enginea •. or useful to the advenlufOuR IICholor
"" electronics specialist-or a jack- hero.
l1I-all-trades. Some are better at Pilot .. Signature Eq uipment: Ordinary
keeping things worki ng orat juryrig- A pi lot is on adventurer. a thrill-seek- quality compu ter and one Ordinary
ging a temporary solution: ot hers fix eT tra ined in the operation of some program. 9mm pistol, rations (faT
things right the firs t time. even if it type of vehid&--usually one he can field work).
tales a while tn do it. The .e o.e also ope rate without any help. He Ilies .. Slr ill Package: Knowledge-de-
Ingineef8 who design technology. airplanes. jet lig hte rs. I;tor lighters. duce; Li le Science; Physical Science:
inventing new devices. Improving or small space ve8liels. He's a rogue. Technical Science: Awareness-inru-
nisting sys tems. Or pioneering new a blowier. contident of his abililies irion. perception. Cost: 25 point s.
ttchnology. a nd ready to toke On a ny challenge
The eng inear s ta rts wilh the Tech- or risk a ny dore. He can a lso be the
nice! Science brood s kill and it s spa- he lmsman 01 a la rger vessel. !icientist
ctalties invention. juryrig_ 'epair, and This he ro sta rts with Vehicle Op- A scientist is a field researcher. on
IKhnicallrnowledge. Computer Sci- eration-a il vehicle Or space vehicle. inven tor. Or a specialist in a patlicu-
OfIce con be usef ul, oS can Physical He also pic ks Sys tem Operation and lor field of scientific study. Scientists
Science-physics. An engineer should any or all of it s specia lt ies 08 soon oa:ompany adven luri ng leams 10
alae consider System Operalion-en - all he can. The pil ot also needs a per- cand uct researc h. test theorie s and
gineerlng, Awareness- perception. sonol combot ski!! or two. Noviga- new inventions_ or to prov ide expert
and lnvest iga te-search. lion and its specia lties are ;mpor- knowledge to the group when such
.. Signatun! Equipm ent' Compul- lant. oS is Tactic_pace tacti"" Or help is needed. Scientists include hi -
II ~auntlel , l001kit. soh e-sui t. vehicle tactics. Finally, Leadership ologists, geneticists. cyberbionidsts,
.. Slr lll Paclrage: Knowledge-<:om· might be a ppropriate fOT your hero xenobioiogists, astrophYSicists. gaol-
puler operation; System Operalion- concept. ogists. and biochemists.
fD~ineer;ng; Technical Science-jury- .. SIgnature Equipme nt' Jumpsuil, The IICientist storts with one or
ug 2. lepair 2. technicallrnowlecige 2; 9mm charge pistol. small trader (and more Science blood skills and a few
Awareneu- perception. Cost: 30 a huge loan lor the sh ip that needs to specia lt y s kills. Knowl&dge is impor-
points. be paid 010. lant, as is System Operation- sensal •.
.. SHII Poclrage ' Modern Ranged Administration, Knowledga-deduce.
Weapons-pistol; Ve hicle Operation- Invest igate-search, Teach, Culture.
Hacker air vehicle. space vehicle; Know l- and Leadertlhip can also be selected
Ahacker is a computer expe.t who edge-computel operolion; Noviga- by the adven turOUSIi.cientist_
lpeclali zes In using computers in tion-sys tem oslregalion; System Op- III> Signature Equipmen l; Sensor
unique ways. A hac ke r can break erotion. Cos t: 30 poin ts. gauntlet. mic .ocom puter. instrumen t
through compute r security. aa:ess re - pack.
llricted data . log into top-&&cret sys- .. SkJlJ Package: Knowledge-com -
tem., a nd otherwise electronically §cholar puter operation. deduce; Physical
.oom whe re others don' t tread. A scholar specialiuos in a partIcular ScienC9-Cstronomy; chemistry 2.
In futuristic sett ings. the hac ker fie ld 01 s tudy. be it history. ancien t physics 2: System Operation-commu-
bac:omes the g ridp ilo/. in terlacing civilizat ions, archaeology, or even nications. sensors; Investigate. COfIl:
tIuough cybernetic connections to
room the informa tion highways of
supernatural phenomena. He not
only has lots of knowledge Btored in
pkayenI build (I romance into their world around h im. He _ b 10 learn
plrQrollDcb. heroes with pcmmtl or whal drivel a hOOlIlle <:uhure. Or 10
childre. Ill' be.... who _k 10 reo:- dilCOYer .ame order in the _ming -
ooeile Of \111011. "'lIh loved ones Or Iy randomne.. 01 the golo)lY. Th ill
c:IIIMn whOM love they hope 10 win. hero quee!Lonl everyone and e very-
thing to get to the detail s hidde n
~'t6et: below the lu rlac_ he wanls 10 u n·
<:over the rea.anl ior the way thi ngl
Enne.... ore. because he belleves th ai o nol n-
A '-rowlth lhilmoU.ot\on wantl 10 Ing Ihi. underllonding will e noble
-.w-_ Qlueb weol th and al him to be 0 better pelson in the long
_ . -.not po55HIiou a l be ruo.
pa.IIIWy c:aa He wonts It all. and he

....., --.1\0 .nare il with the resl
world. Thil molivation re-
..... tM pta~r and Ibe Gumema ...
Finding 0 <:ura for a deadly dieeaae .
1.,10 QgrM 0I:l the kope of the hero" Or tha rneons 10f fOlter Irove l. Or Ih.
QIMd- -",bot lpeelfleoJly be covets- na",t n'w planetory expansion. o r
• how much IQlliude the player achievlngllOme other tec:hnolog iool
lin 1110 roleplaying , FOT e:.omple. a or lICien tllle brGllkthrough II what
fN'Idy bero who tri" to pockel drivel 0 haro with this mOliva tlon.
_rytblng that he and hil eompan- H. _Iti to odvan<:8 the limite ond
ICIQI c:ome Qc:lOllI is golDg to Q:n.I" front/erl of civilization or lICience.
IroubIot within Ihe group quickly. It's SuclI 0 hero <:on be on ideo lilil. 0
..... to I'IOl'tCIW thllmotivation.., dedicolad doclor. or . ven 0 mod Ki -
dIGt It piHtainllo a specific item or enlill IInk.ring with the fundamen -
C!IItegofy 01 item., cmd to roleplay the tol fon::es: 01 noture_
beroaa baakaUf greedy but not I lu-
pkleQOt19h 10 conatanlly angeT his
Find t:he Truth
ew. betWI, the player .bowd pro- Th.lruth II oul the re, ond Ihi. he ro
ride a I.a.oa lor bt. gteed. Doel he want. 10diKover .,.o<:tly whot it II.
DMd mcmer 10 ot'C!Oa1pliah 50mB-< Thil eon be a brood. general motlvo -
lhiDg or help he ti on. but II worlti be,1 il the hero il
_ t .veryallen artifact he _ki ng a .pacifle tru th. Perho ps he
ecm to COllIer the markel? A good hoe been th e vletlm 01 slander. and
hack cxm caClQthtl motivation inler- h. wontl 10 malre It dfKU. by de mon-
eadQg, _Ingftil_ aM fun to play. . trotlng or proving the lrulh of tha
moU.r. that hi. detroctors are lying.
Or maybe th. bero dlllCOVarl that 0
a. ....r Melllling governmenl or corporotioD h(llUed
TIla ~10lI oompell a helo 10 10 Iha publi<:. oad this hero wontllO
-.II: wWdom <tDd underslOnding in
order to Imploye hllllllllif and the
dispal th. thado .... to find oul wOOf ll
aol. this haro OOn be anything kom
o raging paranoid to 0 free thinker
11 g
7 who genuinely _k. the truth "bout
(I gIven .ub~1.
On a Mission Vengeance
This motivation dellCl"ibel a he.o Someone or IOmethlng--a person, on
with a specllic goal in mind. Ha organization. a corporo tion. or on
... Fun First: seeks something or someone tho.·s allen monster--did IOmething ter-
cr.I A hero with thl. motivation oon be Q Important to him. It's better to think rible to the hero. or his Inendl Or
0 - - hedont.t who lives his HI • .alely to laity thtrn low-the goal,hould not family. In the pall. Now. ev.rythlnll
= 8xp9rienC41 pleasure, a wealthy so-
cialite who wants 10 alway, live in
be SO simple thot it can be ochlaved
In the spon 01 a lew adventures. but
the heradoosl, designed to point
toward and prepare for the eventual
<= the lap 01 luxury. Or a party animal neither should It be impa.llble to day of reckoning-the day the hero
0-- who's alway. on the lookout lor a achieve. Goals could include finding gainl hi. revengel Of cou.N, ven-
= good lime. Everything the hero does
Is delligned 10 achieve o. lustain this
o 10000t loved one, identilying the
pl(lnet 01 origin 01 an andent allen
geance il allow procesl. Th. heto
who aeleell thll motivation shouldn't
lifestyle. Ho wants 10 have iun. feel lpeciel. copluring the mu.derer who be able to aeltlelhe IICOre right away
good, and enjoy life 10 the lulle~1 ex- Immed you. Or locating evid.nce 01 He has to build toward it, Ilowly gel·
tont possible. pomnormal activity. ting closer and cloee. to achieving
hi. goal. Of the Camemrulle. Is cre-
(ltive. he may t....... ventllO IhailM
Helping Others Personal Power hero eventually discoverl he hOI
"To serve and protect" might be Ihe This heroeravel clout, He has a lust been alter the wrong orga nization or
molto of a hero with this motivation. Icr all at the benefits and privileges individual all th is time. Then a new
or the hero could be a human!!o.ion that go with command. wealth. and chose beginl as the hero seek. yen·
_king to HrvtI th. bene. interests the rest 01 the troppingl of power, g_nee on the true "ill(lin.)
of the world 01 101ge. Heroe. oon Whether it'. military rank, political
dedicate themselves \0 military ser· InJiuence. or teehnologlcal power,
this hero wants it (IlL Thil can be a Winning Is
vice becau&e they bellllvel1's right or
because their families hove strong difficult motivation to roleplay in a Everyt:hing
military h•• lIo9es. They can help group setllng. but it can be used if A he.o with thll motivation _kilO
others while following ca..... as handled delicately. The best UI58 01 be the very bell at whot he da.s. HoI
law enforcer •. politicians, dOC1orB, Or thil motivotion il for individu(ll. may w(lnllo be the be,t warrior, the
lICienti.t., They oon serve out of a sm(lll·sco.,. power 01 some sort. as best scientist. the belt athlete. Or the
wnw of duty Or bocOUM they gen- opposed to world dominat ion. bell explorer there is. To be the but
uinely wanl 10 help others In some the hero !(lcetl every challenge head·
manner Some may even aerve the §t.ilying Alive on. He conltantly le811 him..1f and
greater good by becoming advocole. those wound him, especially thOle
lor an;1l'I([1 or(lllen rights, .nviron- This hero wantl to Jive. but there are who htrVe limilor talentl and ohili·
menlaliat., or ploteste.. _king to farces out there that want 10 destroy tiel. He wan t. to prove hilsuperiori·
change the world in some way. him. A hero who leekl to lurvive ty. particularly in ways that mobilis
may be a hunted fugitive. a vision- skill, (lnd abilities (lpparent to thaN
ary with a radical meuage. the I(lit he cares about and thoee whose
Loose End 01 a lomily. or a mu tant with an ohili- oplnionl mailer to bim.
Some action. or events fram the Iy that otherl want to exploit-in
hero's past remain unfinished or un- Ihort. anyone whO!Oe ~urvivalls in
resolved. He needs to complete an queltion due to a spedfic threat Yearn to Learn
old task, solve an old problem, o. (alldahom th. usual throatl that Knowledge lor Itl own sake; Thor.
find a last love. The key here is thai bother every hera). the focus 01 a hero with this motiya·
the un.e.alved past shopn and in· tion. He wanll to learn all h, can
fluences the hero's preMnt and lu· Trust. In Higher oboul a specific lopic. Thil knowl·
turD. This hero might have _n his edge may have value and may be
sister abducted by allens while he Powl!r used lor a variety of purposes alter
was helple.., ond so has dediooted Spiritual conviction can move moun- the heracalteets it. but tbat's jUlian
hlslile to solving pcuonorm(ll mys- tains, and it's certainly one 01 the added bonu., He really jUlt wanta to
teries-with the intention of some- Itronger motivations a hero con loarn about th.lubject for the sim·
day !hlding hi, lost alster. Or this have. This motivation oon monilest pie plealure Ihallearning provides
hero was experimenting to develop a in a number 01 slightly different him. In mony W(lYS. this hero illike
drug to combat a killel disease when .... oys. For .xample. a he ro with trust the absent·minded prolauor. Hown-
the experiment went bad. The drug in a higher power can be on olpiri- .r, information broke.. ond intelll·
poisoned people instead 01 saving tual qU8lt. or he can be spreading gence agentl can be rulhleslln the
them. ond the hero seeks to moke the doctrine 01 a par1icula. laith to pursuit 01 knowledge if they aelect
amends as he continuel to aearch 101 everyone he meets. He can be a de- this motivation.
the cu.e. fender 01 the faith. a crusade •. a
teacher. or 0 clergyman. This moliv(l-
tlon requirel thai the pl(lye. gnd the
Gamemaster work out the basics 01
120 Ihe hero's belie ls.
no paint in being concern~ about Ethical
MORAL onything. Olho •• jusl don't have Ihe Th e e thic"l hero lives by pnnciple.
convic tion. 10 lorm impaTlont opin· Ihal are univeracrlly recognized a.
ATTITUOE ion. or toco ny out im parl ant deci· tight a nd good He .Irlvea 10 do noth
How does your hero approach Iile? s ian.: 11'. 80sier to believe Ihol noth· ing therl il evil or morally wrong. and
What a ra hi. personal values? A ing moilers than it is to take a s IlInd. he leeks 10 help e"e.yone in need.
M.O', mOla l ottllude encompoSlW1 Apo lhetic characters con lack emo- Tho e thicol hero hall a .trlC1 mOfol
his N t 01 beliefs. his principles. hi. li on. inte .... t. and f"ling , Or they con code thai values fail ploy. •espect.
"hic.. and his code of conduct. Il'a wear an ai r of Ind iff.. rence. Some rlU thol lty. and bllng s the great..... t
the way he t.iello live hi , lile. A can be cynlcol. A hero who is apa- benelillo the most poople. Theelhl ·
lI'Iotol attitude I. n', a rigid, ""ruining thetic may have had his beliels shot· cal helo is honest and hard·worklng.
1U1t-. Instead. consider II 011 a guide lered by some past event and only kind a nd wise. H.. con be slem and
and (1 benchmark for play. noed. er new couse to Ig ni te Ihe even d riv.. n by hi' moral a "H ude.
Heroes ore bee-willed individu- spark of emotion .moldering in hi. bU I he is al so lair and good
al •. As such. they COD bend Or set b .ea.l.
qJid. th"ir moral altitud.. as IIIUn Gullant.
lion. diclole. Some may even chonge I:onfunnlst: The gallant hero behevea thotlhe
their beliels as g rompalgn pro- A conformie t i. a 10110wer. He doeen't .trang must protectlhe weak. He has
i'.-. Roleplaying (I hero's mored .tick out. In loct. he work. e xtremely a nobility o l spi.i! a nd a high dog,"
attitude and incorpora ting" inlo th. hard 10 be IUlt another lace in the 01 courage. Thi' hero is quick to oe:·
decl,ions a hero makes and the oe- crowd. The con lormill doeln'l hke to tion, daring in deed. and da.hing In
!ions he takes con ""Tn bonus make waves. He goe. wllh Ihe tl ow, manner and a ppeara nce. He t. les to
oc:bievem,,III\ poin ts 0\ the end 01 k"ping hill head low and hi. nose In right wrongs. but he 01110 enjoys the
lOme adventu ...... On the o lher hand. his own buslneu He vo;lu811 the POP- Iruil. of hilllabo ... He know. he's
o hlro who nevs' follows his morc;d ular opinion. 01 the dery, occepting good. and he like. to have other. ' "
at1itude Or blatantly and cOIIslonlly eve rything and deciding o n nothing. his goodn.s. In ae:tia n . The gallant
act. agoins1 it risks losing ochieve· He's adoptive. lilting ill wilh the hero models hlmllBlf aher the
menl point. that otherwise would crowd as a way of li le. Ho·. accom· knightll of old. IIwa.hbuckleTl. Of lhe
buv. boten earned ill an odvenlure. modating and agreeable, bending lomouslawmen of the O ld Welt.
Every ployel should se lect a moral ove r backward to s tery on everyone'.
attitude for his hero. Thereillo cot t good .ide. He co mplies wi lh the leg- Honorable
lor .leeling a moral allllude. Th. ulations and mares 01 the dery. be· The honomble h... o stie:ka to hi'
Il10101 olllludel Ihal 01. avoi\obl. in cause tho!". whert eve ryone else word olld holdl othera 10 the same
the AL!1lINITY game are described dool. Btondard . He follow. a e:ode of digni·
below. Note thai a hero who hal a ty_ integrity. a nd pride. The honor·
l18gative mOlal altitud. con be bard I:orrupt. able helo I. allen extremely indiv ld·
to Incorporate Into a g roup 01 other The corrupt characte r has a Blriet uonslic. though his pelBOnai code
choraC1era who have moral attitude_ peTlonal code. one thaI promotes a mea ns that he can be truBlod and
OIlenled toward good. For Ihls rea · 'willted. even deviant p rogtom coun ted on to keep hil word. Indeed.
IOn. the Gamemaster may dictate Iha t usually boll te.. hi. goals and his word i. hi. bond. and he SlIlv"
that BOmB ollltud.... are nOl available delire •. He moy .till be honolOble as 10 mak .. hi l action. live up to hi'
choices lor heroes. long as it doesn't inhibit his own laity promisel-Bven If no one elle i.
age nda. H..·• aelf-dilldpllned. UIIual- around 10 witnen hill honor.
Ant.I.aut.horlt.y ly admiring or demanding thalacrme
The onti-authonty choraC1el believe. lIail in othera--c:rlt.. r all, WI thout dis· Jun
Ihal hi, lite il his own and he should clplin... corruption conlumeS itaell in A charac ter with a just moral atti·
be allowed lodo as he p!eo6(ls. H. raging lire. The conholled flame tude doesn't core if a low 1.lntr;nsi
ho, a loose code 01 elhies. one that bum. the Iong<.t&t. and thor. impor· cally good Of evil: he believea thai
lIIually centers on thing. that are lan l to the corru pl heIO. However. he law is the deUning aspec:! 01 modem
good for him. He', an individualist wan', toleIate those who work civilization. Everyone i8 equal unde r
with lillIe rupeet lor onything thaI erga inst hi s goaill. the lerw. and the just·mlnded chamc·
a:mlineB Or hampofllrM will. He con ler worka ,odelend Ihal prinCIple. He
be good or e vil. but usuerlly does De§plcuble protect. everyone'lI opllllons. al long
"hal he p\ea!JOR in o.der to get Ihe A despicoble character i. wicked, a. they don 't break the laws of the
....,., oul oIIU•. Some antl·au thority a mora l. and totally evil. He haa no land. He Is lo ll and law-abiding .
cho raC1efl cao be Ilue ana.chilis. code 01 elhies. He's unp redictable. w\thoul regard to the ethieao l the
_ king to lopple Ihe pilla .. of eru- random. ernd possibly even insane. II lowl he defends.
t/lorily to promole abaolute freedom. he helps someone. I!". only lor pel'
MOIl areo't that fanatic, however BOnal gain-ond he get. g rea l satls- 5etflsh
laction from hurting Ihe same perBOn Th, seiJilh e:hllToete. alwcryl ..ont. later. He d 8lpill8' thOle who me to know who!". in il lor h.m. He has a
An ap<lthelic charoC1er JURt doe8n'I good and honorable. He . neel s 01 high ,ego.d lor life aud Ireedom_. -
w re. Some 01 thOHe who hold lhis discipline. He hales a uthority. He de- peeierlly hi. own. He placell hil own
mo.ol atti1ude beli.. ve that nothing
really moll." in Ihe e nd, BO th .. re·.
IIghtll in e vil ernd enjoy. causing
pOin erlld BOrrOW.
Inlelests abo"e all else. seelrmg a
perBOnal angle belo.e he commitl to 121
anything. II he ag.8fts to somelhing Courageous
(alter securing the personailiake he A eourageoUI he .o i, brave ond retl·
n_lIlo make luch a comm!t mentl. olute. able to s tand fasl in Ihe lac. of
he slicks wilh II. However, ,",If- odversity
preservation and ,",II-aggrandi~­
menl are delinitely the co.nerllone Cowardly
of Ihis hero-s code 01 behavior_ A cowardly characte r diSp]aylleol
in tholczce 01 danger. often slanding
Unscrupulou§ bock 01 even fleeing while othe rR
The unllCrupulous hero il le li-,", rv- move in to conlront il.
ing and depraved_ He's rUlhl.-
he-lIl1lop 01 no4hing to czchleve his Curlou!i
goals. H" has noconllCienc.. and A curious hero con'lleczve well
thus pe.ceives no need to adhere to enough alone. He wonls 10 know
Ihe principles 01 right cznd wrong. II Cellular Imaging who re czround Ihe comer o. behind
h" wczn llsomething. he Iczke. i l. ll a Ihe door. He-I eager 10 czcquire infor·
lie will work czs well as Ihe truth. he bonus achievement point. a t the end mQ1 ion or knowledge. as bollts hi'
opts lor the lie. of some adventures. inquisitive natu re.
Up 10 two charczcte. t rai ts can bo
Virtuous ,elected for a hero. Try 10 combi ne Dependent:
The virtuous hero is righ teous and the two traitl in an interesting and A dependen t character re liel On
good, exhibit ing moralexce!lence in logiool manne •. 11 you do ..]ect two someone or something beaideti him-
word and deed. He a lways lells the widely opposed traits. discuss ways ,",II_ ThiR someone 0. something il
truth. he demonlilra lel gr801 cour- to make it work wllh your Gamemall- ulually needocl orgreat]y dellred.
ag"-lpecia!ly regczrding hi. con- Ie •. As wit h mOlal alti tudel (_ and il Inlluences 01 unduly con trol,
victionl--and he livel 01 czn ex- above). it can prove diflicull for a the hero In BOrne way.
ample to othe •• _He can't be b. ibed Or hero who hall. nega tive hailS to fune-
penlUczded to wo.k against hi. be- tion effectively czs a member of a Egot:I!f1:lcal
hels. H. upholdl his convictions group 01 characlers who don'r have An egotistical character II conc.lted.
even in the lac. adversity. similm trolt •. boastful. and sometimes eveo lotn1ly
The VlrtuoUI hero is irreproachable ,",it-cen tered, He has a tendency to
and unburdened by gullt-unleliB he A.ggresslve lpeak about hlmselt to excess.
g08ll againl! his moral anitude. An aggre""lv(t character i. as .... rtive.
Then he II wracked by guilt and bold. and inclined 10 czct in 0 hosti]e Energe~lc
must _k a way to repoillhe dmn- lashion. An energetic hero is vigoroul. full 01
age he hal done. vitczlity, and pou8ued of a n inten.i-
A.moral ty of expression.
Worldly An amoral charczcter ma ke. no di.-
Materialistic gain ' 1Ilhe goal 01 the !Lnction betw8ftn right or wrong cznd Flippant:
worldly characler. He wants to a wo lives accordingly. A Ilippont chorOCler i. quick to moke
things. especially the 001 things he )okel. olf-the-cuU remarks. and disre-
con li nd. H. will comproml,", his Calm lpectful commentl couched In levity
other beHefli il the ra's lome th ing lor A calm hero ro .e ly ge t. excited or This hero can .ven be Impertloent.
him to gai n by doing so. Mercenczr- agitated. He remains composed eveo
lei, busine" people. and those born while chaos rag .... around him Follower
rich are .xampl.... of characters with A character who Is a lollowe•• ither
worldly moral attitudel. [heert'ul .ubscribes to the teachings of anoth -
A cheerfu l hero Is a lmos t al way. in e •. o. is a servan t or subordinate. Th.
good spi rit •. He's happy. pleasant. follower acc.pts guidance. orde ... Of
CHARACTER and easily po, ..... hi" altitude to simply Ineslo emulczle anothe'
TRAIT!i those oround him.
Molivczl ion defines cz he ro. Mora l an i- [ompa"'lslonil~e A foppish character Is p reoccupied
tude dellCribel his value Sy8tem and A compauionczte cha racte r lee]1 Ihe with his clo.thel, mcznne rs. and ap-
personczlethic•. Character I.czils give sultering of othe.. and hczs o n incli- pearanc.. and he'l usually vain
a hero a personczli ty by provid ing nation to give oid. provide ,upport, about these things as weU
roleplaying hooks Ihal a p Loyer CCln or show mercy
Lczlch on to. Trai ts are dellC. iplive ]cz- Friendly
bels Ihal give direclion on roLep]ay- Confident: A lriendly hero. II warm. com forting.
ing a hero'l perllcmczity. They're in- A confidenl he ro is sell-assured. and likable. H. alWaYR has a Imile
tended to be a Itaning poin t, not a bold. and sure 01 his worth and abili- and a good word faT those he meet ..
limiting facto. li"s.
Good roleplaying 01a he.o·s char- Frhfulou.
czcl",r tral" con resul t in on cz ward of A frivolous characler COn be inappro>
prlately slily. rarely serious. ar over-
Ir preoccupied with trivia] ma1ler.,
or may show "vlden.:. of all th .... of
.... zy
A lazy charade. i" dilpollftd to idle-
A quiet hero i, sofl·spoken or unUIU- 7
thOle behavioral quirks.

neu. He'd rather .elax thon work Or
"xert blmllell. He can be Iluggish by
ally silent. expressing himself wilh
one- OJ two-wo.d statemen ts and ......
A lIenerou. hero ahor.. his good lor-
nature, o. he CClO be Ih. IIOrl 01 per·
lIOn who actively goes out 01 hi" wCly
rarely s tringing mOle !hon <I hondh.l
01 sentence. together at <I time. =
fUne with others, giving f.eely to
1hoM h.likea and to IhOM in need
10 avoid work.
Rash =
A looder II a na tural commander. 0
A ras h character is quick 10 react.
us ually acting with ill -considered
Ahale ful choracte. lee1. anima.lty
OJ ""-tility toward lile in geneml or
take-chorge sort who .eli"hes the .e,
spon.sibiUties ond duties olleoder-
basle olld bc:lldness. He doesn't thrnk,
but imneod immediately responds to

lOIII80n' or som.thing in s pecWc_ ship. He leads by 8Jlampla. word. the actionl a. othe.s.
Thll ha ired can be buried deeply and deed. guidi ng othe •• 10 a ttOm-
and rarely shown. or the character pllsh some porticular lask. ReligiOUS
con wear his hatled like a dark A la1igious haro believes in some·
ahroud lor everyone to _ . Logical thing grealer than himsell. He's
A logica l chOTaclelllmploy& the prln· lailhlu\' pious. and conec:ienlioUA. as
Helpful tiple. 01roosoning to solve probleml well as devoted to Ihe tenets of hll
Ahelpful hero il always ready to and reach conclusionl. belials.
lend a hand. to provld. aid . and to
gene rally be use lulto other&. MY!lterlou.!!l Romantic
A mysleriaua charader .xudes an A romantic he ro ideali_ heroic
Honest air of secrecy. sometimes talking In talel. adventure. and 10ve_ He's en-
An hone.t hero Iitruth iul. Hadi".. riddles. always keeping something thusiaslic. imaginatlye. and even a
plays Integrity. 'airness. and gener' abou t hlmsell bidden from the resl of bit impractical.
ally halo solid repulotlon. Ihe world
Humble Ominous A rude character is iII-m<::rnnered and
Ahumble hero is mooesl. contenllO An ominous character il menw::ing discourteous.eilher due 10 a can-
k"p hi, accomplishments low-key. and IhrOOlening in manne r. appeOr - scious eftort on Ihe hero'l part, or be-
and rarely boastful, once. or deed. cause he locks social graoos.

Humorless Optimistic Selfish

Ahumorl." charader i, unwilling An optlmillic hero __ Ih. besl in A seltilh character i, ma.l COn-
oc unable to _ Ihe oomiool or ab- everything. He's hope lul, expecting carned with his own person<::rl com·
la.d o.pect 01 a si luotion. He may be the best result in eyery situation. lorl and well-being.
pe.petually grumpy. or he simply
may lock the ability to perceive. PiJSlilve Skeptical Or tlxpress things that ore com- A .,a.,I ... ch<::rr<::rct.r acc.pts the ae- A skepHcol hero damonds prool of
icnlOi lunny. tiOnl 01 athe ... without objection .• e· everything. He doubts. he qu.stions.
sillonce, or compla int. H. lends \0 and usually he doean·t wan l to be-
Humorous comply with others' commands or lieye anything at 1000 yalue_
Ahumorous cha racter expreUIII luggesllonl. Ihoug h sometimas he
thmgalhal are comical at funny em a simply re luses to participate. Suspicious
matt.r 01 COU r_. He can be amusing. A suspicioul character Is doublful ot
and he enjoy. being <::rmused. Peaceful other people. He trults no one and
A pll<Ioolul hero Is Ilow to ange r. doesn't requi re proollo beHave thaI
illogical rarely loses his l e m ~r. ODd ia ge ner- someon. has done something wrong.
An Illogical charact. r blatantly con· oily tranquil. Some peaceful heloes
tradictl Of disregards the principl_ are .... n IIIrene. Talkative
oIlogic. often demonstrating a lack A talkallv. nev.r Ihuts up. H.
01 good sense. Pelislmlstlc challeTl incexsan tly. He can be inte,-
A p'!lBlimlltic character _ s gloom esling. annoying, yerbose. glib. Or el
Independent and doom everywhere. believing lusiv •. 01 the player decidGOl,
An Independent il sell·reliont, that every lituo tion i, going to end
.11·,ullicient. and Mil-supporting. in the worst pDflfIible way. Thoughtless
He slriv., to make hi. own way in A thoughtless character I, incon.sid-
the world, "ee 01 thelnlluence or PrecJ.e erale and InaUanlive to others and
con trol of ot hers. A precl," charac ter lollows the prop· thtlir leellngl.
e r lorml and etiquettes 01 his society.
KInd He makes ,"vere and rigorous d. TnJ!Jt.lng
Akind hero hem a w<::rrmhearted na· mands 01 hlm,"ll ond others. A trusting hero is inclined to believe
He's ben.volent. grocioUA. and
Ioleront of olhers.
orconllde In someone readily. with·
out doubt or hesitalion 123
spent ataome later lime. Polnta can lor hi . p(1I1iclpot ion in the adventure
only be .pent between ad .... ntur... tha t !ust .nded. He UI&II t of thOlW
Whton a hero earns on a<.:h.iev.· oamec:\ poin" to reach lII. gQCII.
ment point mark one box on the ma rki ng the box above a circled
ocllievemenl !rock. BelJ\lre to use a number. Alt o. be receive. hi. skill
pencil-you'U be er(l.ling ond mork · point allotme nt a nd erases ali 01 the
ing boxe. on this track often during a mar"', he circles the next hLgher
In Ihe'. emaar. When the box above Dum ber on his aehlevemenl track
.nded. A hero th. circled nurnber rl" in this OOSI) and im mediately marks oillwo
I to 3 ocb l_meDt point. is marked, the hero receiVe!! 0 num · box .... toward his next goal. repre-
ber oj .klll point. equal to Ihe num - se nting th e 2 e xcess ach ievement
ber of box., marked. These point. points be earned.
cern be ..omcl. used to Improv•• xlll-
iDg .klll•. Of used 10 purchase ne w
.lrlU. OT obllltie. USII\IG !iKILL
Alter thai. erole the moth and the
ctn::la. then circl. Ih. next number In POII\ITS
.... quence. Thai number tepresent. Wh a t do you do with the skill pointa
the ach.evementlevel the hero hal you receive when your bero aUoins a
jusl atlamed. Th. proc... 01 earning n . .... a chievement l..... l? You have

.., achi ..... m.nt pointt begins again.

ana conlinuea untllth. box over the
n.w circled number Is marked.
• f.xompJe: A I_I I hero eatllll
severa l option., os autlin.,;! below.

!itore !ikill
enough aehl .....llnent painta 10 mark Points
the box above h1I chcled "' ." He now You can I5tor. s kill points you recelv.
recelvee 6 alti.ll pointe that he am ei- SO thaI you can purc hase an expen·
"!"~~ mAO< ther .Iore or llpand a. b. _ . ftt. He .Iv. ,km or bene lit a t a later time.
:JoODD er069S all of the mark .. circles the "2.-
1 • 3 and alo.1II the achievement proce6ll
QgOUl. NOilCRtbot he now needs 10 Improve !iklll..
the~I:lndl­ earn? ac'hle_menl poinlll to roc.l .... Yau ean . pend the skill points to 1m·
II Th. bis next allocation 01 Bkdl pomtB lin· prove one o. more 01your bero's ex-
d.not •• the Slcoad 01610ra 1.....1 I hero). laling specia lty akills. Note t hat you
HoI., If a hero need. to mark off can't improve a ape<:icdty s kill more
just on. orlwo mot. box•• to reach than one .o nkot o lime. even il you
his achievement goal, b. might wmd he". .nough skill points 10 buy two
up earning more achle .... ment pointt ronks a\ once.
than he needs. In this caH. the . x·
ee •• achievement points QTe applied
to the hero's n ... aebl ..... ment goal. Purchase N e w
• r>campJeo A needs only I !ikill..
i a hero
..pruen'. oDe Bklll poin t that ccm be
achi ..... ment point 10 reach hie ne xt
goal. He eoTIlll3 ocble.... ment point •
You ca n lpe nd Ihe ,kill points to buy
new b road o. s pedo lt y skills lor your
hero. If yQU purchase 0 new 'pecially the achievemenlle .....1the he.o must Ily Score Inclease '1: and 10ltM
akill. you muat buy II at tank I. reach belole he con pUlchase Ihe $(tCQnd lime 11.1 the level given under
benefit. "Ability Scoro Increase 12'-
When a hero purcha...e Ihls bene-
Pun:hase Rilnk Act.lon Check Bonus iii. he ;nCleo"a Ihe apocil!9ci Ability
Benefit:!i Thi. bonehl can be purchased once. Score by I point. SkillacorH and
You can apend point, 10 acquire a It provide. Ihe hero wilh a -I bonus otber chalacteristics ossocialed with
apecially Ikill·, rank benefit 10. your when he makHaction chocks. Sa. a Ihe Ability arf! 01110 increased
hero, a. long aa the hero hoa at leasl hera wilh a +dO action check modili·
rank] in the ,kill in queltion. See er who pUlcha... thi.beneUt im· Fatigue Rating
'Purchaalng Rank Benelitl" an page proves hi. modifier to-<l4 Increase
63 in Chapter 4; Sleills lot delail ... Thia benelit con be purchalflCi orv;e.
Action Check Increase It increasel a helo·.latigue raling by
Till. benefit can be purchased up to I point.
Purchase Last: three times. "arlLng at Ihe adlievo-
Re!iort: Point:s ment level.hown on Table P29. This Mortal Rat:lng
You con purchase 1011lellOrt poinla benefit incleases a helo', aclion IncreaJle
check .o:>re by I point. Thi' benelit can be purchased once.
lor you. hero belween adventuretl i.
It increo5eS a hero·, mortol ra!ing by
Ihelollowmg condition, are met:
... Your hero has a PorllOnallty Ex tra Action I point.
This baneUt can be purchased once.
.o:>ro 018 or higher.
It increase. Iho hero's aCliona per !itun Rating IncreaJle
... Your helo currently haa lewel
round by 1,100 ma,.imumof 4. Thl. bonefit can be purchased up to
10$1 "'lIOrl polnllihan hia mallimum three timea.1! increasea 0 helo',ltun
TABU: pti: lAsT RCSORT Polll1!!, On
page 38 in Chaplet 2; He,o CteaHon, Ability !ic ore Inc rease rallng by I each tlma i,.....Iocted.
aummarlwlthe number ollaat reaort This benefi l can be purchaaed up 10
IWO timel for eoch of the I i,. Ablli· Wound Rating
points a hera ia entitled 10 and whal
Ihe coat 01 eoch losl reaotl poinl ia. li9ll-bul 11.01 II the pUlchase would Increa'l!
raise on Ability Score above Ihe Thi. beneht can be purchalflCi up \0
hero<. speciH mallimum. twa limes. it laisea a hero<s waund
Purchilse The banelil become. available lor rotlng by I time it"s selected.
Achievement: tho Ii'sl time when a heroallainlthe
le ..... l given on Table P29 under· Abil· Monl!t:ary Award
Benefits Thll benefit can be pUIchoaed IIKIch
Ach,evement benehla are lied 100 time a horo attains one 01 the 10110..·
hero's achlevemenllevel. They can TABLE Pi!B: ing achievemenl levela: 3. 6. 9. 12, Ii
only be purchased once a hero 01· 18.21.24. [I repr9leniS a wind/oil 01
tain. a celtoin level Achievement AI:HIEVEMEr\lT LEVEL weallh. A aelentiat mighl receiv. a
benefit. me de8Cribed bllow SUMMARV glonl 10 conduci research. a .oldiel
might get 0 ,aise. Ora merchan t
LvI Needed Earned might elrike it rich. The Gomemoste'
0 0 Guide provides dotaile on how to Te·
word ahara wilh monetary weailh.
BENEFIT!i •3 •
Heroes get belter in IWO w(JyI. finl.
they ahow improvement In aldUa by 4 ., 7

New Pl!rk
Thia henell1 con be purchased it II.
the skill rank, they·ve accumulated. 5 30 g hero purchaeed fewer Ihan Ihr..
Second. they demonslJ(. le overall ex·
petience by Ihe achievement level
Ihey·ve earned. In addiUon. aa a
hero·$level gON up. a~la l achieve-


00 perks otthe staT! 01 his co.eer. (Three
la Ihe limil tOt purchased perk., nol
counting tha.. Ihat may be auigDId
to a hero by the Camemasler.) The

.... ....., ,,..

ment benehla become available to 7. hero muel choose from the perks lill-
him. These benefit/; p rovide a hero 00 gO '4 ed on Table 1>2'3.
with Improvemen ts or bonusea Ihal 005 OS
affect a ..l'aa of a hero', peraona Othel
than hia a1rilll.
" Rl!mo\le Flaw
Thll benalil can be purchased once

,.,. .,. .,
for eoch flaw a hero hal. It allawso
Reading the Table '4 '5. hero 10 eliminate a flow he may hoq
The cOlli lor achievement bone lli. '5 175 ,g ...lected during the hero creation
and when they can be purchased do·
penda on a hero·1 proleuion, aa
ahown on TAlU: P29: ACtOI:YDotUCT BD{·
E:JmI (on Ihe lacing page). "COtIt" lilt.

... ••'9S


process Or one thol Wol aaaigned 10
him by Ihe Camema.ler. Two condi.
lloa. muat be met: The coal thaI must
be paid to remOve a tlaw ia double

126 Ihe pUlchase price in skill poin ts lor

the benehl in question: "LvI" give.
the number of .klll point. II provided
10 Ibe hero. and the 110w'8 removal
mUlt logloolly lit In to the 1I0ry-an knowledge 01 inlluenee that OO n be 01achievement points needed to ot-
Old Injury requires surgery to cor- gdvantogeous \0 the helo and hls toln a «t rlaln nehlevemenllevel. and
,.0;1, getting rid 01on Obsession .e- Iriends. The Gamemoller Guide has the numbe, 01 skill poin ts earned by
q\I"" .. veral sessions with 0 men- more Inlormation on con tUCIS. rising trom a lower level 10 Ih. n""
tal health protessional, tlDd 10 lorth. higher one. Forexample. 0 level 4
chg.ocler needs 10 build up a total ot
Acquire Cont:act: Achievemen~ 21 ac hievement poi nts to reach that
Thil benefit oon be puu;hgl!ed (l.II Level §ummary level. a nd upon alloining level ~ he
many limes os the Gamemoster al· TAl!..[ P28: ACHIl:VEMUIT Inc. SuMMARY receives a d,ill point. to spend (a.
Iows.1t p'ovides 0 heoo with lOme sove. os lhe playe r ....... ti l).
form of new acquaintgn~ who hgs
provides an overview 01 the oehieve'
ment levelslIUC1u re: the total number 127
po .... r when Iheir car....... ol"$"'el
atorting. A8 they (aDd the compaign
they're a part 01) develop and ma-
ture, ' hey aCq\llre their own poQUe-
elon. and reBources and eventually
may be able 10 buy just obou l any
high-tick.t Item they want.

Spending Money
Even IIlhe GQmema eler WlsiglUl all
of you r hero's equipment, your hero
will stili have a small amount of
speoding money at the &1011 allhe
oulilt CI ",lIh 1b.llnest aqulp- game, Refe. 10 TAILE P3O: Motm' OJ!
_IIDon.)' can buy. Ife a good bel HAllDabove to determine how muc:h
fttGt 1M Ofgcml%al\ou ouly iSBOes the c:aeh your c:haroc:ter Blart" Ihe game
. . . NcoUMI Il .llpade tbe charac- with. Roll the dic:e thai oouespond 10
. . to ~rlarm II . .rvlce in ,etum, your hero's profession (for example.
lfa lIot unllllu oliot heroes 10 be at five roll. 01 a d5 for the Comba,
the back aDd call ol llOm. grea le . Spec). add up the lola], and mulllply
log il'l p robably nOI nec.l- Fo. a Dirt Poor hero. u.e the proce-
"""y lor more thon one 01 you 10 buy dure outlined obov. ond sublroe!tllt
a larg. ten t. crppropriote percentag.. lrom hi8
In .ame co_, 0 hero hal 0 piece bankroll.
01 ".Ignolu,e equipment" tho t l• .a Note: A character with either the
cenllol to the basic concept 01 the Filthy Rich perk or the Dirl Poor !low
character that H8 ces t shouldn't Plo- is not ent itled to receive 0 cOle.r
hlbit him irom owning one, A good item (as discussed in the previoul
exomple II the hacker, who moy seclion). A rich choracter;8 .."pected
need a cempute r 01some kind 10 be to be linanelally Independent. and a
able to perform hil prescribed lune· poor choroct .. r must limply do the
tion (And, presumcrbly, if. in the best he can with what little re-
beiit Interelt 01all the olh.r heloel in IOUrC81l he ha •.
the group lor him to have thll equip-
ment.) Even if the GamemOllti IIricl-
Iy administer. a hero's . to rting PR06RE!i!i
funds. h. migh t ollow him to begin
the game with a cereer-o.sociated
signoture Item. See Chaptel 8: Sam· For thoUJl(!ndl of yearl. humanity
pie Career. lor luggestionl ol,lgno· hal been engaged in 0 form of evolu-
lure equipm.nt tho t oe.toin ty,," 01 lion c.nte.ed on technology .ather
charae!ell might have them biolggy. At c.rtain point. duro
ing thai long period of d .. ve lopm.. nt
the humon speele. has learned how
Filthy Rich 10 make bettel use 01 the knowledge
and Dirt: Poor it already had: o t oth.r points. a
Heron who choose the Filthy Rich breakthrough in knowledge. in th.
pe.k Or Ihe Dirl Poor 1I0w Itart with lorm 01 a n.w discovery. hos im'
either more or less lund. Ihan heroes proved the ability 01 our speciello
toot resull by 10 10 lind OUI how without these OOlUlideratiolUl. To de- memipulale the 10leel of the world
much spending money he hOI. termine how much OO$h luch chorac- we live in-otten to the direct advan·
Thi, colh il 0 re8OUlc. you con Ie .. Itart with, whether il repr...ntl tage of t~ doing the manipulat·
use to purchase IJOme inexpenlive spending money Or $tarting lund •. ing. These advancet:, In whatever
thing. to round out YOUI gear. or you u.. TABU: P31: RICH AND POOH In con· lorm they tok •. d.llne and delinect.
con hold on to ilto meet everydoy ex· junction with the resu ll already ob· Ihe d ilfe l.. nc.. between Progress
penses or to buy something later on. toined lor the hero on TAUt.£ P30: Levell;n the ALTERN1T'l' game.
MQHt:f ON HAKO. Simply put. a Progress Level (n11811
Fo. a hero with the Fi lthy Rich abbreTioted PL) lion indication 01
!itarting Funds perk, make a perk check (uling the the stote 01 technology lhal e"i,tlla
II your GamemaSle. wants you to thomcte'-. Personality SCOre with a a particular lCJCiety or civiliwtion
oove more conlrol over the plO<:<I .... 01 +d4 IHuotion die)-counling a Crl tl· (which, in 0 .clenc.liClion selling.
ou tlining you. helo. you wi1lllort by cal Failure a. a Morg inoi re8ul t lor may be located on a planet other
determining your hero's starling the purpose 01 this roll only Find the than Earth). Thi •• tot.. 01 lechnologl
fundi, Refer to rAUU: P30: MONCY ON a ppropriate mu ltiplier on Table P31 col d .. v.lopment gen. rally pervade.
HAIfO (on the prevlou8 poge). Rolllhe ond adjust the h .. ro'l spending al1 OSpectl 01 a cultum. particu larly
dice thcrt correspond 10 your hero', money or I larling funds occoldingly. at higher level. (PL.5 and beyond)
proleuion (for rolls 01 Filthy Rich h. loe. con't buy .xtro when long-long. oommunicaliO!l II
o d810r the Free Agen tl. add up the equipment lor lesslortunote Itarling vittual1y inltcrnlaneoua. Even ot
totol, crnd multiply thot re.ult by 100 choloClell; cr perk Or a !low only ap' lowerlevell. ifI unlikely-bul DOl
to dele, mine your bero's 8torling plies to the cho.oClel who .electa it. impouibl_loro group 01 human.
fund •. (01 other Hn tient creatures) to be 01
Thot flgure representl all the one Progre81 Level in 10m.. re8pec11
money your he ro h08--<1 bo nkroll and crt another on. In other ,e.pect..
thot h. musl use 10 buy who l h. TABLE P31: Progre.... l.. v. l. may vory Widely
own. Ollhe storl of hi. COreer. Wilh RICH AND POOR from plac. to p lace on the IIOme
thlslreedom, however, come. ,.- world or even the wm. cen tinent.
l ponsibility; in order 10 use your Filth~
ConBide.lhe IIQrly 2Oth-cen tury ex-
hero'sllafllng lund. 10 bell .flect, "'~ plorers who linolly pen.trated the
you'U need 10 exomin. oUlh. Iisll §UlI:lI:c"~ Rkh Poor
deepesl reaches 01 the Congo a. tilt
and deecripliolUl In this chopler crnd Marginal >1 0 _90% Amllzon jungl•. encountering nort ...
Ih. n •• lthree chapl(1I1 to decide Ordinary x .o _75 % tribes who ItUl used. Stone Age tecb·
whot to buy. It's a good Idooto con· Guud x SO _50% nolegy.ln a science liction setting i~·
lult wl1h Ihe oth.r plaY.'1 in you r Alnazlng x 100 -~5% volving explorotion. heroes mlly dj,·

130 group loavoid poin tle •• duplica tion;

lor inltonce, il you ."p&C1 10 be work-
ceverenti re pl(ln.ts locked in their
own Stone Age, 8ronze Age, 01
con tinue In a rchitectu re. oommer~.
T A.BLE P3i!: PROGRESS U\lEL!!i metallurgy. and mathematicl. Wider
di .... minatlon of informa tion be.
Human Timellne Progress. Level com... po$Iibl.. thanks to mole ad·
? to -4000 0: !itone Age vonced printing lechniquea. Sea
--4000 to 476 comm unicotlons dominate In .h..
1: Bronze/ Iron Age later part 01this Ilage of develop-
476 to 1453 i!: Middle Ages ment. and .turdy seagoing corraCQ
1453 to lB50 3: Age of' Rea!lon and galleonl ope n the door to th ..
IB50 to 1945 4: Industrial Age next Prog reu Level.
1945 to i!047 5: Infonnation Age AI popula tions increose and
i!047 to i!160 6: Fusion Age knowledge of agriculture evo lves, on
i!160 to i!Si!5 incrltO ling percentage of the popula·
7: Gravity Age tion reloca le. into growing dtie. and
i!Si!5 to i!B14 B: Energy Age townl, Toward th e end of thi. Prog·
i!B14 to 5i!60 9: Matter Age re .. Level. the leudallystem. in
S i!60 to ? 10: Far Future which a .mall daSll of noble. ruled a
large population 01 agril;'ullural
work ..... begira to collap69. Special.
MIddle Ag" perIod" despite the In a Bronzellron Age ..,.,iety. ad. lzed cratt. d .. velop. univer"iti" ap-
bigh le"'el of technology thot charac. vaoee. in pott.. ry. conllruclion. ond pear. and the middl.. closs is horn
ItrizetIthe clvil!:wtion ,"om which ag riculture oLlow for the concentra· The first corporations emer~ In the
the heron originated. tlon 01 populat ions in to larger and lorm 01 trod .. guilds. The evolu!lon 01
larg.. r groups, with (1 corresponding . Irong systems 01 trade and linonce
PL 0: !i~one Age up5wing in th .. accumu lation and tends to dll tribute a uociety's wealth
The mojo. achievements 01 0 Stone sho ring 01 kn owledge. The rise of no· more even ly among its members, dl ,
Age IKIClety a.e the ule oL fire, the lionl. city·&ta tol. and empire" be- lutlng the pow er 01the nohility.
IIomeflticatian 01 anlmoll, and the gins in the Bronze Ag ... Organized e l· Tools 01 worfare undergo a signifi·
mvention 01 allric:ulture. An individ. forti to Improve communica tions cant revolution. Sophisticated chain
ual hvinili n a Stone Aile ..,.,iety is allow r&gionalSOC:ieti" 10 ...ill. and plate armors protect warriors
pnmitive. hut he i&/l·t nec"sarily Golley. and .mall .ailing ve5sel. from harm. 000 elaborate forlUica·
9lllIIble,lIupld. 01 eoilly hightened or.. copoble of rela tlv .. ly long vay· tlons becom.. something 01 on or.
h,-advonced technology, ages. and eome cultur..s may build fonn Toward the end of th .. Middle
Common weaponl in a PL 0 civi- ez tensive rood Oll;'(Ulal networlrs to Ages. the in troduction of simple gun·
lizat inn include the cluh. the dogger. link dillant p lac ..s.lmprovemen t. in powder weapons ligna llthe lm mi ·
the Speal. and the how. Almor made agric:ultural ..fficiency allow th e rise nenl .. nd 01 knights. heavy ormor,
hom leathel or hide II po..ible. 09 of artilOnl. c rollsme n. professional and organized armies of swordsmen.
are wicker shleldl. Communication eoldierl. and olher o<:cupctions that The Middle Ages on Ea rth lOlled
beyond the local tribtr or settlement are not directly concelned with galh. roughly from A.D. 416. when the lOll
doeln't exllt. 1\-avel il aC(:omplished eri ng !oed. Roman e mperor 01 the Wes t was de·
by loot or by sim ple rolll or canoe., Th e Iword comel into use early in posed, until 1453, when the rurh
Simple pottery, .tonewOlking. and the Bronze Ag ... r.. placing th .. club brought on end to the Byzantine Em·
oroodworlring are pttellble. and th .. dagger a s the preferred plre by copturing Constantinople.
Human civilization emerged Irom weapon 01 In lant ry. Chariots briefly Becau.. communicotion Over IouII'
tbeStoue AIJ8 during the period trom domlnat .. warime before cavalry distonc... l. It ill relotively .poradic
5.IXXI to 2.000 BC.. with dlllerent ra- (aided by the lntroducbon 01the Itil. and in ..fIil;'i .. nl d u ring this period. In·
IPOOS and cuhure. making the tran· rup) rend .... chariots obsolete. The dl",lduol dvihzotian. in all ports 01
AUot! ot di llerenlllm". lirstttue mi litary 1011;'" or tact icol the globe advance at vOltly diU .. rent
Iy.tems oppeor. Armor can now be rot ....
PL 1: Bronze/Iron Age mode from &awn plate. or scales.
farly human I;'ivilbotionl hod begun m.. tallinki. or .. ven lorged brltO"t· PL 3: Age or Reason
!omoster the worlrlng oLmetal to- plate., and a vari .. ty of metal melee The Age 01 Reo-lIOn is On ,!to in hu·
Irtird the end of the Stone Age. The wDOponl dominate the bottle li e ld. man hil tory when the deve lopment
mall90biUly 01copper led to ils be· The ancient Egypt ian ond Minoan of Ideol a nd system s of though t
earning the Iirlt metal to be "tamed." cultu rel marked the beginning 01 ta lres precedence Over technological
When tin wal added to copper. the Bronze A~ dvlllzations lor humani. Invention, The ac ientilic method im.
much llronger olloy bronze wal cre. ty. ond the Roman Empire is a 10· prov..s humanlrind'. understanding
mod. Thil advan ~ allowed lor the moulexompl .. of a .uoce""lullron o l lhe world. Experimentation be.
aalting of lools 000 weaponl 01 Age ..,.,Iety come. the meanl by which th .. phys.
great duroblli ty. In turn. those lm. ical properties of nature are system·
proved tooll mode pouibl .. the PL i!: Middle Ages atically .."amined. The s.udy of the
working 01iron. which.oen replaced Maturing civilizations experience a varlou. Ki .. ntifk diaciplines-chem·
brOlll.8 as the metol of choice lor
I00I5 ond wegponl.
period of turmoil and adjus tment at
thil Progr"1 LeveL. Developme nt s
IlIty, e lectromagnetics, medidn ... bi.
ology, and a"ronomy-lIour!"heB.
Instruments luch a. microscopes
g and t&lescopes enable sdentists 10
greatly extend the range of thei r ob·
pistols. and machine guns he<::ome
COmmon. Mechanized war machines
Humanity experienced its Inlor-
motion Age as anxious years full 01

..... Bervotions olld di!;COveriea .

The new reliance on science gen-
erales waves on all levels 01 society.
herald the lirst great change in the
art 01 bottle since the end 01 the
FOI humanity. the transition to on
minor The tension gradually
alleviates through the age. and as
the era ends new superpowers lonn.
Superstition lolls away. and explo-
ration of the world reaches its apex. industrial way ollile COm" tumul- PL 6: Fusion Age
Society begins to experiment with tuously a nd spreods slowly. New sci- The development 01 fusion power
new forms 01 organization. such as ences such as psychology. evolution- provides on emcient. nonexpend-
democlocy. Corporations and eco- ary biology. and genetiC5 broaden able energy source that almost oblit·
nomic alliances continue to evolve. our understanding 01 what Our spe- erates the need lor chemicalluel
Economically, this Progress !..evel is cies is and where it has oome Irom. sources. Advanced space e~plora­
a transition from the conage indus- Economies and societies based on tion and ooloniZlltion become poII-
tri8$ 01 the Middle Ages to the indus - agriculture lode in to history. but sible. Compute. s become even mora
t.ioliwtion of the 19th century. countries such as tbe United Slates accessible. reliable. and powerful.
The cannon becomes the domi- and Russia are ravaged by civil Second·generation Grid computers
nant factor in navol warfare. while wars as the agrarian lilestyle gives adopt the effiCient. though prim-
mQs!l9d musket lire and horse-pulled way to industrialization. The world itive. virtual systems.
field pieces rule the battie lield. Even is wracked by conllict toward the Slowly, society experiences anoth·
the reliable bow vanishes. replaced end 01 this Progress Level. now that er revolution as indiVidual nations
by the tlintlock. Light melee weap- humankind hOG equipped it&eU with are reploced by world powers. Mega·
ons remain common. weapons of mass destruction and the C<lrporations number among these
in humanity's history. this was (I meanS to transport those weapons new superpowers as the line be-
lime 01 9.001 strides. Giants such as on a global scole. twoon national citizen and corporate
Galiloo. Kepler, and Newton rede · employee b lurs into indistinction.
lined the world of physics and as· PL 5: Inl'onna"tlon Age Armed with the moons to eradicate
tronomy. and knowledge in all the The Industrial Age relied on chemi- tbe entire species. the world powe ...
sciences advanced. Most of the cal power; but in the Inlormation keep conflicts to the level of skir·
world was mopped by explorers 01 Age. computer te<:hnology and ele<:- mishing and poIIturing. and in tegra'
thIs period. and the Old World met tronics. along witb the introduction tian 01 the [nlormation Age's im-
the New. 01 "ssion power and weapons. 'e' provements proceeds peacefully.
duce the importance of fossilluels. [n the later years of this age. the
PL 4: I ndu strial Age Instantaneous electronic transler of first crude applications of gravity in·
In the fourth Progress Leve l. the theo · data creotes a Ireadom of inlorma- duction t(l(:hnology appear. in the
retical knowledge of the previOUS era tion. ond tbe lirst primitive Grid ap- lorm of civilian and military vehicl81
maturGli in to widespreod practical paars. Advances 01 the pasttriclrle that can move through the air with·
application. The harnessing of hy· down to individuals. The automobile out using pbysical propulsion orcon·
draulic. steam. and electric power replaces the locomotive as tbe oom- 8umption olluel.
Cleates on explosion 01 commerce mon form 01 travel. The lint steps Chemical-powered explosives
and mdustry. Develop ments such as toward spoce travel involve massive and fi.eorms remain the weapons of
the telegraph. the telephone. and the chemical rockets. unmanned probes choice; tusion technology can't be el·
radiO malre true global communica- and so tellites. and short-term leclively miniaturized lor personal
tinn possible. Breakthroughs in man- manaed missions. combat. Nevertheless. advanced
ulacturing techniques allow the can- The technology 01 the e.a allows chemistry and superoonducting tech
struction of heavy ironclad vessels. greater participation by citiwns in nolegy change the materials and c<:t.
raillransportation. and orchite<:tu.e the decisions of their government. pabilities 01 many weapons. True
01 previously unimagined size. Pio- The eme rgence 01 international cd· spaceships beC<lme possible. pro·
neerS venture high into the atmos- liances begins to dissolve borders pelled by powerful fusion drives . bul
phere and descend into the se<;ls between nations. Corpomtions goth· still require a reaction moSs in order
depths. er power. and begin to threaten gov- to traverse space. The age sees the
Urbanization is oomplete as indio ernment authority. Societal evolution tenuous settlement of other planeta
viduals gather in smaller environ- is relatively slow. because technolo· and asteroids within the same s tar
ments whe .... they <:<In mo.e easily gy has a g'eate' elle<:t on individual system.
exchange goods and inlormation. lifestyles than on society as a whole.
Corporations expond in power. many Many weapons available at tbis PL 7 : liravlty Age
establishing themselves throughout Progress Level me similar to those of As this Progress Level opens. the in·
the explored world. Old power struc· the Industrial Age. Ril les. macbine vention 01 two key technologies hel'
tures based on obligations to the rul- guns. and heovy howitzers a'e still old humanity's climb to Ihe stars.
ing elite fall away. sue<:eeded by used by the world's soldiers. Au to- The mass reoctor systematically re·
governments based on political and matic aiming systems and guided places fusion power as on even more
economic will . weapons ma ke warfare much more elliclent sou rce of energy that can be
The means 01 war change swiltly precise and efficient. Strategic min iaturized with greate r eas .... With
through the period. Aircraft and sub· weapons. tested bu t never used. ex- the use 01 the mOSs reactor. world

132 me",;ibles join Ihe list 01 military as·

sets. Reliable and ae<:urote .illes.
hibit the species' power to extermi-
nate itseliln minutes.
powers explore. divide. and colonize
the enlhety of the local s tar system.
For the moel po ri. Ille on the home PL B: Energy Age gorie •• ond each item is brie fl y de-
plonet II unchanged. Tho continuing miniatu rization 01 lC,ibed in the aCCQmponying text
The .econd Qdvanca 01 the ero stord. ,..,. tech nology allQws power What the cc:>lumn head ings meern
brings pe rho pi Ih. g rOO I681 upheav- plants Ihe Ilu of marbles to harnoSJIL .. PL (Progre.. 1.evel) gives the
al in Ih. hiltory of humon civiliUl- Ihe bosic lorcel 01creat ion_ Powetful eal lioltlevol ot which an item I.
lion. The Introduction and inlegm- pe rlOllallo,ce 1C," n, and energy ayallable. All the items listed on Ihe
!loa of g rovi ly lechnology leads 10 weerpon l domInate the bonlefield. as table are 0110 available at any Prog-
the creolion 01 the Btordrlve, on en- slug-thrQwe rllinolly disappear afler res. Level hlghor tha n the ono Indi-
ime tha t allows IhI ~ to bridgo the ruHng tho bottlelield lor a thQuli<l nd cc:> led-lhough IIOmetimes in dis-
goap between Ihe s to rl_ P(lHtlcal and yeo ... Minio lurtzed &onllOrs. shie lds. tinct ly altered IorIO. (for instonce. a
.oonomlc reorgonizolion occurs as and engines ollow mass production PL6 flashlight may not look much
!be specin spreads 1m tram home. 01 small. practlcalltarfighlers. At the like a Pl.. 4 ve rsion 01 the same item.
Humanity forms Itellm nolions. Imv- oth er end 01 the s pectrum. a dvan ced bU I It'l probably I till oasy enough to
lling be tween the Ilor. in city-siud alnsITuction techniques allow hu - identify it lor what it is.\
ml',," lhi~. manS 10 build the fi rst world ships- .. Mo_. i. rhe mass. in kilograms.
Proiec1i1e Hroorm. are In their lasl mo'liye v_Is the I'ZO ol smol\ 01 a lingle item at itll base Progre..
day" as crude ene rgy weerpons--- planet •. \..4Lyel_ A da.h in this allumn Indi -
lllllde poIlible by Ilord,ive technolo- cate.tha t an item's masl is neglig' -
"-become available. Ma,,,ve a n- PL 9 and Higher ble (less than I kg), bUI that d"""n't
Irgy ICreen IJi!Ineralo.. change the Gene ra lly, thew ProgreSI1.eve ls are nec...a rUy mean thaI a hero can
ohape olspo~ combot. Powered. beyond reoch Of comp.ehension. al- weerr or carry 01 many at these ltemB
IIIIIIOr is available 10 Ihe warriors 01 though illOlated worlds or undiscov- as he wanls. Your GomomaGlor will
!he age. ered. .peel... may e:liat that have ac- let you know \I you , hero becomes
PerllOnol (melee) weapons enJOY 0 cen to thom. In many ca!lOS, the overloaded with so-called ·weight-
!llurgence. due in large porI to a creertion 01 a perlect count e rtochnol- Ie.. " equipmon t. (Seo the rulos on
shill In mllilary laClics-(lTmed con- <>gY cau.e. the . [gna ture technology encLl mbrance on page 56 in Chapre'
met between Indivldual8 .... Idom oc' 01 an oodlerage (fusion power. lorce 3: HelOes In Acrion. for detai ls on a
CUlS on on ormy-vs.-army &Cole. bul screen •. e tc.) to be abandoned in hero'. cc:>nying oopacity.)
lIIOTe lrequen lly involvel engage- la vQrof mare elegan t and ma re pow _ Your Gomemaster migh t decide
IIIIInIl 01 s mall units in cc:>nditio nll erlultechnologiol. Practical alntrol that technologlool imp,ovementl can
..hen ronged weerponl are nol nec- of matter a t the subo lomic level may bring the moslfig!.lIes down IQr ce,-
-.sadlyeUeclive. be possible at thi.stage 01 techno- toin Item •. For inltance, the moll' net-
Computer lechnology Iinh overy logical developmen t. Ie boots Ihat are developed at PL 6
lOCIely, Mlliement. and outpost 01 a hove a molS of ~ kg. but an upgrad-
skli system In a single inlormation ed PL 1 vellion 01 mognetic bootl croatlng the ultimate In the 0:1- EQUIPMEI\IT might have amasa 01 only 2 or 3 kg
dKrngo of knowledge and doto for .. Co. t givos the standard price 01
busi nns, en tertoinment. and re- DE§I:RIPTlOI\I§ an item under 0 "normal " si tual ,on-
_ rch. T~eu: P33: Pr.Hso N ~l. EQUIPMENT is pre- tha i is. wh en a seller for the item il
sen ted. in two ports on pages 135 ond loidy ealY 10 lind. Just as in the roal
136. The goar lil ted on this loble is world. these prlcel con lIuctuote ac-
O' ganized into IOVen general cote- cording to lupply a nd demand. The
ligu ,e_ on the lable rep resen t what a
beginning hero ca n e1:pOCl to pay for
an item 01mid-range quolity (nalh-
lng flas hy. nothing shabby), but any
price Is subject locho nge at the

Clothing ilnd
Wha t the well-dressed ALIT.IlIHTY he ' o
woa ... lor both lIyle and lunction_
Anti _can weavelPL 7): Mic roc;,-
cult t1be .. cc:>n be combined. with ei-
ther ordinary 01 CF (carbona te fiber)
lo brlc 10 creo te 0 cloth that hampers
seyeral types of scanning technolo-
gy. Including infrared. rada •. mag-
netic det&clofl_ X'rays, and weapon
deteclor.. Any detection chedr. Ullng
l uch equipment il made at a +3
penolty when IIOmeone weari ng an- 133
tillOOn W9\'Ive la being targeted. Ca.ugl dr ••, IPL 3): Clothes waIn
AntiSCO'n weove oo n be used in 10rcom10l1. play, 01 ,elaxation. Co...·
cloth ing, backpada. IUitOOse •• and 01 wear Includel jeans. sweot pant..
other itema composed partly 01' eD- 1-,JUrll. 1""lIOle'l. IWllOlshl" •. and
ti re ly 01 labric. The price at any such similar ga.b. FOBhionable. designe.
item illlhr" time. the 00".. COlli 01 cosual d ..... co-ts 2. tim.. the listed
the ordinary ve'lion al the item. prioe.
Backpack (pt 4}: Th il item can be Coat (P L I): A heavy oulergarmllll
a aimple IIOck. g high-tech pack with CO'Iering Ihe body from the shoulden
many compartmen ts mounted on a 10 below Ih. wa ist. Sometlmel a 0001
frome, or 0 "d.. algner" version mode Includel a bood. 01 ."pensive Clolmol Fatigu" IfL S): Thell8 arl gor-
hide. The largest packs can hold up menll de .. igned 10. mgn uallabol Of
1025 kilos at suppliea .;md other gear worn by the Iiondard IIOldier of the
BloboL.ter (pt 6): Also known as (1 age.
IImart hol'ler, thia is Q hip-worn de- Fannal dre .. (PL 3): Clothes worn
vi~ thai ia keyed \0 ita owner'a bio- by men or wom.n IOf formal occa·
electric !leld. When someone olher lion ... eleggnl porties. or a night on
than the weapon'. owner tries 10 toke Ih. town. fashion·conaciou, chalCJC-
th. weapon !foro the hoI Iter. the hol- lers can purchall8 expensive design·
Iter locka the weapon in pl ace, mok- er garm.ntsthat cost up to 10 tim"
ing il impoasible 10 remOVe_ Ihe listed prioo but vi.luolly guolan-
The bioholater includes (1 motion- t. . Iha t onlookers will be imp.esSld
detection release system Ihat gid. (possibly gronting the w ... rera boo
jgBt dmwB: when the user's hand gP- nUl on o.ny Pel.ongllly·based skill
pIQCIche, In the chgmcterillic d mw checks).
motion. the holster reieoses the Glu... IPL 3): In their lim pl",
wectpon lust in time lor the uH. to lorm. glassel consi" 01 a poil oi
cutch gnd aim 11 without br... king lenses mounled in a ham. They (lAl
hil mOlion. The holster thus nll9<l'eB worn to improve vieion, to make a
Ihe . 1 penalty lor dlgwing and using la.hian lIatemen t. a. to do bolh. 0.-
g ....eopon in Ihe .arne phaN. (See .ign•• model. gr. 2 ta:3 limes mati
th e lextlor Ihe Modern Ranged e..penlive Iho.n the li.ted price. At PL
Wegpanl-pjslollki.lI on page T.l in 5. conlact len_ become gvoilabt.;
Chopre. of; Skill•. ) cost is S!iO IOf a eix·month lupply.
Smart holste •• can be modified to GoggLes. protectlv. IPL S): Thl..
curry m.lee weapans. bUI the last· com. in various IQrmllo. dille.ent featu.e onl y walks wIth small purposel. Ihe mOl t com mon bei nga
weapons Buch gl pislOls. knivel. and 1181 al eyepiece.lhal protect the
dgggeri. wea •• ' ham brighlligbt
Boot. (PL 2.), This type 01 fool9ea. The Ilanda.d mooel .edUcel any
cornel in g variety 01 s tyles penalty 10' ope.a ting in brlghllight
8ri.loos" (P L 3): A portgbl" con- by I s tep. bUill thesl gOll'gles arl
lainer olt"n ueed fOl corrying papers, worn by 0 character ....hOle ey.. o~
books. ,mgll per!JQno l ltems, gnd of· .epeciolly senei tiv. tQ light. the
lice supp lies. At PL 5 ond higher. penalty con't be reduced 10 leu
bri.lco..s con have spociallocking than ~l.
mechgnilm •. sec.e t compa.tments. AI PL 7 a special variely 01 prot.e-
hid den oomera. and .8COldi ng de- live gaggl" comel in to.x ietence.
v,oos. gnd other high-tech odditions These are manu lactured IOf ..
10. the corpola te climber on Ihe go. aheyon ... olthough other chorac1e"
Busln..s d .... (PL 3), Th. dotb.. can ....ea. versions of them.""""
an e:leculive wea .s. foo: men,t hi, In· compl.tely negole any penally 10.
cludes Ihe equivglenl 01 a bus;neN brighlllghi. and odluBl LnllonlLy to
luit. collored shirt. II •. and. dr••• chonges in Ulumination. Whetl they
socks. for women. thi.lncludes Ih. are availabl•. these goggle .. COlli a1
equivalent 01 0 woman's bUlin••, leasl Stirn.. the lilted pl ice.
l u lt 01 dress with ma lching acces· Hol.le.ll5CtI bbard (pt I): A hol.le.
.orieR. for the true 10Rhian·conec:louB II! a case 01 leather or similar matiri·
.Ute. dress of .upelior ol.haped 10 hold a pietol.l!"s wain
make gnd style co n be 2 10 10 lim.s eilh.r on 0 woist bell or in a shaul·
mo.e .xpen.iv. Ihan Ih. HSled co-t. der horn....
ThIG IIOrt of indulgenoo marks tbe A l5CtIbbord i .. a Bheo th ollllOther
character os a polenllal member 01 Or eimilor maleriol used to hold n
134 oorlain power circl.s SWOId, dagge •. or kni le. lfs usually
.. om on a waist belt or on a harness the listed cost. as directed by the Business shoes (PL 4) are generally
ac:r .... the back. Gamemaster. For example. {I gold stille r and less sculptured than ath-
A concealed holster or s<:abbard is ring might cost as much as S5IXI. letic shoes. with on emphasis on
worn in a place not usually searched while a diamond ring could go for style at least as much as function.
and not subject to easy spol1ing- the $10Cl0 to $5(X)() or mOre. This group includes all the versions
!mearm. inside 01 the thigh or calf. Pouch CPL 2): This is a flexible or ollootwear ...... n in th e most prom i·
the small of the back. Ot the ankle. hard-covered case worn on a belt a\ nent offices of the campaign setting.
The cooctKlled weapon must be ei- the hip; It includes a lew com part· Formal shoes (PL 4) sometimes em·
!hera small handgun Or knife. The ments a nd zippered poc kets. phasiza s tyle much more than COrn·
ooncealment provides a +2 penalty Shoes CPL 4 or 5): Shoes come in a fort. blll a ' e olten "required- to oom-
toal! but the most intrusive 01 variety 01 styles. dependi ng on lorm plete an olltfit of lormal atlile. The
IIl1Ur~hes. and function. All shoes provide at IIsled cost might be doubled or
Jewelry (PL I): The listed cost is lor least minimal prolecl ion 10' the teel. tripled (at leas l) for deSIgner modeJs.
high-quality costume jewelry- rings. Alhlelic shoes {PL 51 have canvas Stealth doak (PL 8): This is 0 large
fIIrtingS. b racelets. ned laces. pins. or leather uppers and flexible soles hooded poncho made anliscan
and other odornmen ts not made Irom heavily treaded for good traction. WeaVe wilh condllctive fibers. In
precious material~r inexpensive The base price is lor high·quality many military 10r<.:8s. the stealth
n",.ions of the real thing (lor eX- "designer" lootwear. rnanulm;:tured cloak is standa.d issue lor SCOll ts
cunple. a semiprecious steme in a to provide maximum supporllor the and snipers. When activated. the
llmple sel1ing). The price for top- foot and ankle while also baing garment provides the W&are! with a
quality jewelry can be many limes comlortable. ..3 bonus on any skill checks involv· 135
Ing S'9(llth Or i' e specIalty akm •. 11 The e10ak UfleS (] cha rge cell that lonl.imepiece with (I ligh ted display
(In o~rv .. r notice, the we<zr8' any· i, good lor 6 hours 01 opemlion. utI(! and a built-in stopwatch and alallD.
way, the weore. alill ._Iv" 0"\ charge cella cos. SHIO apiece. More ""'pen II... .,..sion" costing up
Improvement 10 his Resl'tance Modi· U,lIl,y ha m ... IPL 4}: Thi,l, a 10 10 limn the li.ted price con be
fier agaln'l a ranged weapon attack. light. ,I,ong utility be lt that p.ovidH adorned with jewels and precioul
The Sleoll h cloak con be worn seve ro] places to ottach pack., 100\' metals and 000 have apecial
ave, aome forms of IIgh. armor: ask kita, 01 similar small del1ice8. 10 mMe lhem wQlerp.oof. shock-
your Gamemasle. if (I certain combi- Walch (PL 4): The listed cost 18 for prool. and preBSure-resistanl.
136 oolion i. parmiuibJe. a .turdy. weU·crof.oo. waier-Iui.-
the Iyltem. These pock.1I contain
.s ignala that provide in,lantaneous
communiegtions between ony and
a ll s hi ps and Inlto11atlonl equipped
with mOSS transceivers. There i~ no
s ignal delay a. log becoU6e 01 dis-
lance. un like with a n inlerplWletary

radio trWlsmlnlon.
A moss transceiver ego·t be used
10 .. nd signals 10 a palnl outside a
&10' Iyslem. becouse Ihe groviton
packets rapid ly loll apalt once thoy
leave a system·. gravity well.
The dev ice require. a portable
generator (see poge 1(0] to be lunc·
tlonol. At Progle... Levels 8 and h'gh·
el. minialuriwtion t<Khnalogy makes
th e maSS transceiver progressively
smalle r and able to be powered by
boneries. bul nol so .moll os 10 be
Orbital uplink (P L 5): Aboul lho
siUt 01 0 dinner pla te. Ihis portable
antenna egn be trained on orbiting
IIOteUit.. s 01 ships Irom g planetary ollows voice communica-
high planeta.y orbit to con tact bo .. tion. telemelry. Or data links to be es·
Communicat:ions 'hips. tablished to any orblllng ItallOn. or
PeI80nal equipment for .hort· and Foran edra $100. an encryption any olhe. planetary stalioo tbat 0110
long.range communications i,ii.ted dovice oon be included 10 scramble has on olbitol uplink. In eflect. it per·
litre. and unscromble &igooll 01 oooded mils a plonetwide communication
Cellular phone (PL S~ !hi. i. a A chorgecellior the device cosll S2S gnd Inlo.matlon hnk. even il the u-r
Iow.power transmiller and reeei ..., and lostllor 30 dayl reggldle.. 01 II not in direct range 01 ground·
!hOt lends radio s ignals to 0 nearby how olten th o comm gear is u&&d. ooled sta tions. At PL 6 and beyond.
lelcry towel. which places the call Comm gear oon be installed in 0 on orbital uplink can be attached to
IIItoa telephone line. computer gauntlet C- Chapter 10; a cellula. phone.
At PL S. the phone is a large hondo Computer.) fOI a price 01 $300 ove r Radio. pe.... nal (PL $~ Mostly used
.., and ha. an effective range 01100 oDd above the cost olthe gauntlet. In military. paramilitary. and rescue
iilometer1l bom the nearest relay Command link (PL $): This il 0 servicel. the personol ladio (also
Iowel Of urbon area. At PL 6. ira a radio tmnJU1litte' " to io terlace known a. a walkie-talkie) is a du.·
~nit the size 01 g credU egrd with g with a computer that halo matching able transceiver with a .ange 01
lcnge of 500 kilometer •. At PL 7, th o receiver. ohout 50 kilometers at PL 5 and 200
cell phone i. a pin. broo<;h. or patch Man tran"".lver (PL 7\: The ulti- kilometers tit PL 6. Unlike the cellu·
,lIh a range 01 1.000 kilometer •. male in communication within a s tar lor phone. no phone chcuits 01 rolay
Cell phone oolloriel ale r<Khorge- system. the mosstran""oiver usel lower1l oro oeeessary. FOlan addi·
able ond Igst lor I day of modelate the crissclOSling lines 01g ravlly lioool 5100. oncryption circuits can
\1M at PL 5 plu. 2 days lor OIQch lormed by a Iystem·s.ta. and plan- be included 10 scramble Or un""rom·
Plogres. Level beyond that. Ertm ots to transpgrt cohellve g ravilOn ble ncure transminlon .. The PL 6
batteli" co.t $25 each. packets to other moss transceiverl in rodlo is much amaller and lighle.
Comm goar (PL 7): !he apeciollre- than its predecessor.
queocy-agile transceiver io.ide this The personal radio·, bottery il
micro- thin head..t cgn covel tho on· gogd lor I day 01 moderale use pe.
t" olowel part 01 the electromognetic Prog.esl Level {6 daYII at PL 6. lOt m·
lpectrum below microwaves (only .Iance\ be lore il needs recharging.
tho common radio lrequencie,. and Addiliongl botteries are $25 each.
DOt the inbared and vl.lble spec·
tlUm •. )Tho unit may also toke tho
lorm 01 a thin cord or 0 Imall pocket Medical Gear
phone. By odj usling the VLF to UHF Knowledge 01 medical ""lence aod
bondwidth. upor down. comm geal tho technology to apply that knawl-
can locate the best frequency for edg(! improve. by leaps and hounds
long.ronge. short·range. Or dir<Ktion- a t every neW ProgreBs Leve l begin-
01 comm un ica tion •. Comm gear ho. ning w ilhPL5.
01.000 kilometer range lor su rloce
communica tion •. and can reach In to
Fi rst old kit (PL <II: No ...Idier Or
ou tdOOIlman should be without a 137
g when its user i.. attempting 10 diag-
DOH a known disoose Of gauge the

..... sevlnity of obvious (visible or detect·

able) wound ... However. II provides
no bonus 10 the actual treatment 01
an Injury or same alhe, malady.
Ph<lrmaceulicol.. CPL 4-11: Several
types of beneficial drugs and medi·
cine.or. available in the ALlll!HITT
game. In almo .. t alllOClell.,.. Ihese
substances can only be legally sold
by ll~.nsed pharmacy companies.
and In most cases Ihey can only be
legaUy purchased and di .. pensed by
characters who have medicallIain·
ing (the Medical Sclene. skill. not
me.ely Knowledge-insr aid).
Recognirlng symptom .. lhot war·
rant treolment and admInistering
the proper dosage of a drug requir ...
a .. ucc. •• lu! Medicol Sclence-Ireat·
hr1lt aid kil. Bandages. ga uze, su rgi- 01 a dying patient. A .. uCCiHl.lul ment .kill unl... otherwise
cal ,hread and needle •. and mOTe Knowledge fns/ aid o. Medicol Sci· noted below.
advanced mooi<;(li su pplies 0 ' " in- ence-Ilea/menl skill check il .e- 11\& luhstanC'@sdescfibedhere(o,
cluded. A Hilt aid kit con lera a-I ql."red to apply the life support pack. PL' 01 PL 5 Ilem .. ) are nor Included;ft
bonus to a usora Know1edg_fi,,., It prevents th e patient from 101lng " standard lirst old kit or trauma
aid akill check. Or Q -2 bonu s on (I any mo.e mortal painta (by eliminat- pack. Also. they ale only guaranteed
akill check Involving Medicol Sci- ing the need lor him to make Stami- 10 be effectiVe when used by (Of on)
ence-treatment. A 1i.1' aid kit IQru na--endUlance checks) lor ClIlong a. characters 01 human .,ock. Atlhe
trauma pock. de.eribed below) il the pack', power supply 10,tl. higher Progress Levels (6 ond up).
n~SlICI'Y il (I Chcllocle. wanl.lo UN Th .. device has an internal powe. dille.ent ver .. ion .. 01 these drugs thai
the Ins! aid Ikill Or the Mediool Sci- ",,11 (ra<:ho'geable but nOI rep lac.. · work on specific ali"n species are
ence-Ilea/menl ,kill to heal wounds able) that la .. ts lor!) days. [j a lile available.
or stabilize mortal dama~. See the support pock runl out of pow .. r. the Anesrhelics (PL 4) a •• used.o pre-
dellCriptions ollhose skill. in Chap- patient's condition will immedlat.. ly pare a perlOn lor .. urgo'fry One injec-
ter 4 lor mo.., iniorrnation on when a begin det .. riorating; h .. must make a tion of anesthetic rendels a patient
Ii•• t aid Int con do. Stamina--endurance cha<:k immadi- unconscious.
A character who il conscious can ately. and once par hou. therealler. to Ullng anesthetic againsl on un·
"Ie a lirst oid ki t on him",,!!, but the determine If he contin ue. to sufie ' willIng target In combot requires 0
Cgmemasltll mIght apply (I penally on increa.. lng amount of mo rtal dam- suC'(:ess lul Unormed Attack. a nd tbe
il he uses .he kit \0 heal wounds Or age. unles. he is treatad by .orne victim is entitled to a Constitution
.tabllize mOrlo] damage. Typioolly, 0 other mean .. feat check to determine the exact el·
li •• , aid kil ia uNd by (I chowcter to Medical gauntlet {pL 11: This de· lect Critieal Failure. opponent is
treot eomeone else. vica cantain. a variety 0 1 medicol knocked out (011 stun pointslosl~
A fl.s! aid kit con tains enough mo· sensor.. and aomplers that oon accu- Failure. opponent sullers d6.2.s; Or·
I,nial to p rovide a bonus on Ih'" at· rately diagnose almost any medicol dlnary. d5e; Good. d6-ls; Amazing.
tempts to haal wounds and up to Ilx condition known by means 01 a d4- ls
attompts to heal stun damage or blood IJOmple and an ultrasonic Anllblotk:s CPL 5) are used to fight
awoken someo~ who has been ICOn. The gauntlet provides a I b0- various typall 01 microblollnlection.
knocked out. It con be used once to nus to Medioo l Science--t.eatment A penan suflering from any oneol a
stabilize mortal damage. Aiter all 01 skill checks when it.. use. Is attempt· variely of diseasel can be trealed
its contents have been exhau ~ted. it Ing to diognOM 0' treat known dis· with an antibiotic. which is adminis·
must be replaced. eases Or wound •. tered el thel orally or by Injection.
Foren.. lc .. kit (PL 5): Mediool exam- Med ical.canne. (PL 6): The lore- The drug give .. the patient a bettel
ine ... and jnvestlgotor .. are olten re- runner of the PL 7 medical gauntlet. chance 01 making a succes. fu l Cnn·
quired to take ..,mple.. hom bodies thi .. brielcaae-I.zed machine has in- Ititutlon teot check in o.der to fight
or perlorm aUlo~i". 1he loren .. lcs pUI5 and d.t.cton, along with the oil th. disease. with a bonus depen·
kit i .. an indi ..pensabl. tool lor th_ components necessary lor some dent on the progress level; - I at PL4.
operation... It conlen a 2 bonus to a basic chemical tests. to help a doctor -2 al PL 5. -3 01 PL 5. and -4 at PL 7.
characte r'. ,kill check~ involvingln- assess a patient's condition and di- Treatment with onllblol!cl usually
vesligate and Medical Science in agnose an mne.... 01 determine the take. I to 8 dayG. and a patient may
matter. 01 forensic madicine. sevo, ;ly 01 the patient'. injuries. The need ..veral day .. thereafler to re-
LiI.luppcr1 pack (P L 1): Thi' IICCInner provides a -1 bonus to Moo- eaver lull s'rength. Anliblotics may

138 emergency device can save the IIle i.,..l Science-lleatment .. kill checks not be effective against rOle Or new
alien or domestic microbes.
Antiradialion serum (PL 6) is a
plasmalike solution administered In·
travenously. Electrolytic solutions
help to prevent cell death_ A patient
gains a -2 bonus to his Conslitulian
loot checks when lighting off the ef·
!eet. of any form of radiat ion. (The
lion leat chock to light 011 the ellocts:
Ordinary. penalty reduced to .2:
Good. penalty reduced to ~1;Amaz·
ing. drug has no elloct_
Stimulants (PL S) heighten aware-
ness and alertness. temporarily off·
setting the effect of fatigue damage

Gomemaster Guide has details on or stun damage or bath. Any charac·

the ellects 01 radiation.) tel. including the one .eceiving the
Antivenom (PL 5) is an an tidote lor drug. may administer a dose at stirn·
a nalural poison. such as a snake ulant. Each dose of stimulant coun·
bite Or a sC<lrpion sting. It the victim teracts SOme damage. depending on
I"""ives a dow 01 antivenom within the result 01 a Constitution feat
the poison'e onset time. he gains 0-4 chock by the character receiving the
bonus to his Constitution feat check. treatment: Critiooi Failure. IrJ points: Trauma P ack I
This bonus is halved Hthe anllven· Marginal. 8 points; Ordinary. 6
om is administered alter the poison points; Good. 4 points: Amating. 2 pack is the size of a paperback book
begins to affecl the victim. Antiven· points. A dedicated computer prDgrom. med-
om may be inelloctive an some alien The damage olloot is lirsl applied icine injectors. appliC<ltors. synthelic
toxins or unusual venOmS. to fatigue. and then 10 stuns if any drugs. and artificial blood and skin
Coagulant (PL 6) causes clotting at points are leI! unaccounted lor_ (II all C<lmbine to create a portable emer-
the point of injury without thickening the point5 can't be used to neutralize gency heatment center.
blood throughoullhe body. A dose 01 either stun or fatigue damage, they The device provides a _2 bonus to
ooagulant gives a dying character a a,e lost-but see below.) While a po. the user's Knowledge-/irst aid skill
-J bonus to his nelIt Stamina-end,u· tient is under the ellect 01 a stimu· check or a -3 bonus to a MediC<lI Sci·
Mea check. mnking it much more lant, he sullers a .. I penalty on any ence- treatment skill chock involving
likely that his condition will not Intelligence. Will, or Personality· any attempt to heal wounds or stun
WOrMn lor at least the next 24 hours. based skill checks. damage_ A trauma pack (or a first
Coagulant can be administered by Alter d4+1 hours the stimulant aid kit. described above) is neces·
any character who makes a success· wears 011. and the amount 01 damage sary if a character wants to use the
luI Knowiedge-/usl aid skill check. points indiooted by the patient's fhst aid skill or the Medical Sd·
Psi·enltancers (PL 1) are only Constitution leat check are immedi· ence-Ileatment skill to heal wounds
IIV(1ilable in a oompaign setting tha t ately applied to the patient, half as or stabili7.o mortal damage. 5eG the
u..... the optional rules for psioniC'll stuns and hall as latigue points. 1I descriptions of those skills in Chap-
(_ Chapter 14). These substances this leaves the character with nO ter 4 lor mOTe information on what a
help Mindwalkers and talents 10 per· slun paints o. no Jatigue points to trauma pack can do.
lorm bener by reducing accumulated spare. he loses C<lnsciousness and A character who is conscious can
psinnic energy loss due to the use 01 must recover by resting. use a trauma pack on himsell. but
mental powers. One dose 01 psi·en· The use 01 a stimulant more ohen the GamemasteT might asstgn a pen·
bancer restores 2d4 losl psionic ener· than OnCe every 48 hours is danger· alty to the attempt if he Is using the
gy points. but also gives the patient aus, Every additional dose of stimu· pack \0 heal wounds or stabilize
(1.1 penalty on the use 01 all psionic lan t that a characler receives in any mortal damage. TypiC<llly< a trauma
Ikillslor d6 hours aiter the drug is 48·hour period provides a cumula- pack is used by a character to treat
administered. tive ~ I penalty to his Cons titution someone else.
II a patient receives a socand dose foot chock (0-1 lor the first additional A houma pack C<lntains enough
within 24 hours alter the first one. the dose .• 2 lor the next one, and &0 on). material to provide a bonus on six
drug's elloctiveness is reduced by 2 Also. the lirst additional dose oouSeS allemptR to heal wounds and six at·
points (to 2d4-2J and the palienl sui· nausoo and disorientation that pro· tempts to heal stun damage o r awak·
fets a .2 penally on all psionic use vides a .2 penally to ony action the en someone who has been knocked
lor d6 .. l hours alter the second dose character attempts in the following aut. It can be used twice to s tabilize
II administered. 24 hours. Extra doses beyond the sec· mortal damage. Allet all 01 its medi·
Sedatives (PL SJ are used ro oolm ond one cause wound damage: d4 .. 1 cinal contents have been exhausted.
people who might be dangerous to lor the third dose. 2d4.210r Ihe tlley must be replenished by install·
tbemselves or thoS(! around them. laurth doS(!, and so on. ing a refill. which C<lsts $100.
Sedated individuals suller a ~3 SUrgical kit (PL 6), A backpack is Trauma pack II (PL 7): Basioolly an
penalty to all action checks and ac· required to contain this portable op· intelligent, autonomous version 01
tions. That penalty is reduced by I erating Iheater. 11 includes all the the trauma pack J, this device is de·
Itep pel hour (or same other time equipment necessary to perlarm any signed to be used with body tank
unit. as determi ned by the surgical procedure shorl of a cyber· armOr and some cybernetic body en·
Garnemaster) until the effect of the netic graft. The kit is nec""sary if a hancements. When installed. the
drug wear. aU. characte r wants to a\!empt a Med· pack monitors the vital signs of its
Using a sedalive against an un · iool Science-surgery skill chock on a user and activates ot the first sign 01
willing target in combot requires a mortally 'nimed character without a damage. When activated. it provides
successlul Unarmed Attack roll. and lull medical lacllily. one althe lollowing benefits:
the victim is entitled to a Constitu· Trauma pack I {PL 6), A trauma Knockout lecavery: When th e
weare, sullers enough domtlge to
u" up the 10SI of his . ,un points. the
pClck dispenses (I drug th a I im mfldl-
(Italy reS\OleS enough slun points 10
leave the weare r with damage equal
10 on ly holl. o. one Ie •• than holl. 01
hi. 10101 ",un poin t •. For inslan~. If
thing (J character needilO blow
somethong up is included in th. de·
malitian. JXI<;k. The mojo' leo:turo i"
(I pall ol IO- kg IKItchel bu t

20 mel ers of primel cord . rodlo deta.-

nator., and wife detonator, 0'9 01 110
included. Thl.l is enough to
Having tools is a favorgbl. condlliOll
01 Ordinary quality. providing (I-I
slep modilie, to the liluolloo die .
Toolkit. s peciallzed (P L $): This i8 a
\oo lk ll designed 10 s upport one spe-
ciHe spedolty ski ll under Tech nical
Science. either lovenrron. juryrig. QI
= a helo (I .Iun rating of 1310llH bring down on overoge-sizo building mpai •. The special iMd loolkll giv8I;
a ll 01 his slun pain lS. lhe Irauma
pack Ins tnntly 7 01 those
.... bridge. il Ht up oorrec:11y. Addl·
ti onal .... tchel chlllges cost S200
the uMr a -2 banus to skill check. In
tho t apecUic field .
pain ts. leaving him with 6painls 01 each. Walker (PL 6): The precursor of
......" s tun domnge. A hero wh o be ne fits
bQm Ihis opplicot ion 01 the t.a umo
pack II receives a .2 step action
Generator. partable (PL 51: Th e
p<>rtable gono.oto. uses on ollicient.
sell·oxidizing chemlool fuel!Q dnve
pawe.t'(\ armor, 0 walko. Is a heavy·
duty conatruction and corgo han·
dllng mac hine tho! iI wo.n by ita
check penol ly In Ihe lollowing round
Wound recovery: The momonllh.
a oomOOstlon eng,ne oDd p.oduce
oleclrlcily. At PL 7, the gene.otor con
use. lik. a huge exoskeleton. Its so.·
'loa ond pistons raise the weorllr'slIf.
wearer aul/era enoug h wound dam· produce enough pawe. 10 moet Ihe fectlv .. Strllngth 10 18 lor purposes of
og .. 10 use up more than hall 01 Ills needs 01 an outpos t rontaining 10 lifting, carry ing. 01 perlQ'ming heavy
wound points, the pack dispenses a people. 01 well n$ recharge any labor Thi. increases the charo(:!(u'.
drug that immediately restores d4.2 hand·held or portoble device. At PL th ·bolKKl dnmage a dluslment
WQund paints to tho character. 8. the partable generator iso maIlS but doe,n·t allec:1 his other Strength·
MOl/ol dom~: Th .. momenl th. reacto. cupablo of providi ng powe r bolKKl.kill scores.
wearer suffer. ony morta l domoge, 10lag.oupolloopeople The walker is ... clumsy ond owk·
the pock dispensel a drug thaI im- Instrum .. nt pm:k (PL 6); This item ward thaI action check. and rombat
medialely slabilizos Ihe dnmago ..... Cornel in several ve .sions. each do· actions are mnde with a .3 penalty.
moving Ihe need 10' Ihe woore. to s igned to. u.e with 0 porliculal sei- The walker·, pawer lu pply 01l0ws8
make a Stomina-endutance check enli!ic skill.lnslrumen t pocks ore houri 0 1 heavy wo.k or 16 hours of
All oc;t ionl allempled by the woorer avai lablo lor Iho Ufe Sc,ence spe· ltgh t work be fore it needs to be.1f-
ahe. r_lving the stabilizing drug dolly skills brology. botany, ond:w- charged (which tok ... ~ hours). Wallr-
are made wilh a .3 penalty until his ology. as well as the Physical Sci· era of PI. 6 design .equire the u&or ID
mortal damage il healed. ence R~lalty sk ill. chemIstry. have Ihe Vehide Operolion land ....
Ea~h pack ronlainR drugs lI ulli · physic... a nd planetology. (AI PI. 7 hid., akill. At higher Prog •••s Ll'tv·
dent for two applloollons of each this ilem is alao ava ilable for the LHe ell, Ih e d .. vice hn Ba lighlor e xoskel·
lunction: no more than One 01 the.. Science specia lly s kill xenology.) e tan a nd oon be used without the
packs oon be rigged on an ind ivld· When a ecientist is engaged in need lor , kill checks.
ual at a trme. !leld work and needs to make a rom- Weight neutrulizer (pI. 7): This ilo
pleJ: skill cheek 10 determine 11 he handheld gravity inducer aboul the
uncovOIS a piece 01 knowledge. hav· size 01a hardoover book. 11 has a
Professional Ing an insuument pock lessens th e magnetic damp o n one fa ce and a
Equipment complexity 01 the skill check by one ront .al pane l on the oppasi telace.
Every profession has atTIC"n lools of grade; for Ina tance. the cha.acter can The neulraliw. measurelthe weighl
It, trade. Here are somo common obtain Experl knowledge by making of aD object It is allached Io-which
items used to perform particular a sk ill cheek of Good comple.i,y in· mus' be made 01 a lubelonce that a
tnsks. slead of Am<p:ing complexity. is attracted by a magDet-ond IlMIn
Chain holsl (P L~); This is a heavy· Reacue pock (PI. ~I: This 1x:rckpack. generales a perfecl oounte .. lield.
duly lilting device that uses pulleys, sized Unil indudes a numbel of use· Unde r the neu tralizer·slnfluence. ob-
hClOki. ond dompa . It noads a 8110ng 11.11 dovic.,. including two SQ- me tor jects become gravity·neut ral-large
anchor poi nt overhead, and whon ny lon ropes: a genera l tClOlki!: a lirs! oonlalnerl. metal c .ale,. or pollets
p.operly set up oon 1111 as much a. aid kit: two doses 01 coagulant: a wilh heavy loads oon be moved
1000 kg folding s,.etcher; Iwo in s ulati ng a .ound and plac:.d in a desi red Spol.
CUlling IOl'Ch (PL 5): This high- a lighl·duly culling torch The neu tralizer's endurance i.
powered, selt-oJ:idbing torch can (hal! as powerful as Ihe cu tllng larch 10.000 kg· hou rs. For oJ:am ple, an ob-
slice through steel up to 10 atnllme· described obovel: a powmed grap nel ject w .. lg hing 10.000 kg cun be neu·
ter. thick. The Technica l Science launche r: o nd a hnll·doze n piton". t.alilted lor I hour, Or a 1.000·kg ob-
b.oad skill ;s necea.... ry for a charac· pulleys, a nd other auachments. jec:t lor 10 hQUts. Whe n It. power iB
tel 10 use a cutting rorrect ly Toolkit (PI. 4'; This rollec:1lon 01 im· depl .. ted. it musl be lully recharged
Someone wilhout the skill must plements oon to ins a homrne •. pl iers, (requi ring 6 hours' before it cun be
make an untrained check. wilh a adjustable wrench. screwdrivers. used again.
Failure resull indicating somelhlng nails. bolts and screws, smail Workshop, portable (PL 6): AI a
unlortunate (the larch is broken, th e clamps. and any othe r OOmmOn too l mass 01 100 kg. this Hem may not
charactor Bu tt ers wound damago. the lhe Go:memaslol approves, seem 'lory portable. b utlhe work·
tarch·s lIome cu lS in the wrong place) A toolkit is use lul. it not downright shop can be stowed In many vehi·
ot the Gamemoste.·s du.cretiQn. necessary. lor skill checks Involv;ng cles. It Includes heavy work surlace&.
140 Demolitions pack (PL 51: Every- Technicul Science or themvention.
juryrig. and tepau specialty skills.
a muillpu rpose mill and
powered table .... w ond mltel. and a
locoted hundreds 01 kilometers lrom
its actual aKls of rota lion. Also, lmge
three-dimensional nature of hologra-
phy. at least two of these devices are g
ferrous masses near a magnetic
compass can creOla local distortions.
The inertial compass developed at
n .... dod 10 record a scene. Holore-
corde rs range in si~ hom _houlder-
mauntGd cameras to palm-held units
PL 6 uses a small. powered gyro- to optiool implanls.
scope to indicate trua north. This de- Microphone, JXI.abolic \PL 5~ This
vice cosls $100. Its bo l1ery lasts lor I device allows Ihe user to eav(lsdrop
month 01 con tinuous use. after wh ich on distant conversations. It's com-
It must be replaced at a price of $25. posed 01 a hand-held microphone
Using a compass provides a-I .inged by 0 transparent plastic dish
bonus 10 Navigation-sutlace naVlga- obout 30 centimeters in diameter.
lion skill chec ks when applicable. The parabolic mike amplifies sounds
Goggles. imaging (pL 51: This de- by a factor 0125 so that 0 converso-
!iped illb:ed Toolkit vice galhors and intensifies existing tion 250 meters away sounds as if iI's
light in order to improve night vision. only 10 meters distant_The user re-
variety of othe r tools. Its principal Imaging gogglas reduce penalties ceives a -2 bonus to Awareness-per-
p.... pose is to allow a character in a for conditions 01 low illumination or ception checks on atlempt~ to pick
lemote areo to perform major vehicu- obscurily by 2 steps, However, they up sounds using the microphone.
la. I(lpai.s a. fab.kot(l smoU Slruc- don't enabl(l the wearer to s .... in Psi-detector (PL 61, This device is
lu." o. devices. tolal darkness. and he must toke a only availabla in 0 campaign that
The workshop is most useful in ,1 penally on Awareness checks due uses the opti onal rul@son psionics
conjunction with the Technical Sei- 10 the limited lield 01 vision provided (s" Chapter 14).11 is concealable
ence b.oad skill and the reparr spe- hy the goggles. and portable. resembling a small
cinhy. Any complex skill check in- Goggles_ Inlrared (pL 51: Thesa radio. It s anlenna is capable of d@·
V<llving either 01 those skills is gogg les convert inllmed light 10 tecting and pinpointing psionic ac-
CQIlsiderad to be 01 Ordinary com- visible light. allowing the user to see tivity within 100 mete",.
plexlly if the workshop is being well in conditions of low illumina- Use 01 a psi-deteclor requires a
[t tokes I hou r to set up o. take
tion or total darkness. The goggles
provide a 3-step penalty reduclion in
success fu l System Operation-sen-
SOlS skill check. An Ordinary success
down Ihe portable wOlkshop. and il conditions 01 darkness or obscurity Indicates whelher mental powers
requires a power supply such as the a nd also grant a -1 bonus to Investi- are bei ng used within the detection
battery 01 a vehicle or a generato •. gate-search or Awareness-percep- radius. A Good success further clari-
tion checks when the object sought fies which 01 the four psionic broad
might be spol1ed by its temperature. skills (Biokinesis. ESP. Telekinesis. o.
§en§or!i Hot targels m e b righter and clear- Telepathy) is being used. An Amaz-
To enable characters to allain a er than cold ones, and items at the ing success allows Ihe user to pin-
greater understanding of the world, same temperature are hard to distin- point the exact source of the mental
a V<lriety 01 tools are available for guish separately. An inanimate ob- emissions. A Critical failure may
gathering Or s toring inlonnation. je<:t handled by a living creatura re- fail to give any reading or give 0
Audioacorder (PL 5}: A device lor tains a heat signature for up to I lalse reading. targeting the WlOng
r!!Co.ding sound waves. either on hour, depending on the temperolure individual.
CCBs&tte tape, compact diak, 3D crys- 01 its surroundings. Radar gaunUet (P L 1): Resembling
101, or optical chip_ The recarder Anyone wearing in frared goggles a n elbow-length glove of laugh plas-
IOnges io size Irom large units the when a bright light is activated is lic and syntheHc materia\. the radar
1119 of a man 10 mlcrorecorders thai temporarily blinded. losing any re- gauntlet is a powerful sensor that
Iii in his pocket _ maining actions in the round and con tains a small phased ar.ay radar
Binocula.. (PL 4), These devices laking a +2 penally On his next ac- system. With a successful SyStem
come in many shapes and sizes; this tion check. Operalion-sensors skill check, the
de&eription aSsumes a fairly small GPS receivar (PL 51: The global p0:>- user oon detoct vehicles. oircrall. or
and concealable inslrument. Binocu- sitioning satallite raceiver uses sat- characte rs in powered armor. Only
Ion magnify distant images 2S ellita lrignal~ to compute tha user's metallic Or rocky objects can be spot-
limes, so an object 5IXJ meters distant eltact position and alevotion on a ted. ~ince radar signa ls poss through
may be examined as ,I it were only planet. It's phenomenally accurate, most crganic and plastic materials,
20 mete.s away. Advanced models provided the world it's used on has 0 Terrain obstructicns such as hills or
born higher Progress Levels have im- satallite network 10 link into_It op- mountains block lhe radar ~ignal.
proved range and odded lealures. pears as either a cellular phone or a The radar's range is S km tor sur-
Compou (PL 31: The early com- piaceal comm gear, depending on face vehicles and 100 km lor air vehi-
pass relles on the principle 01 mag- Ih e Progress Level. cles. In conlined areas such as urban
oetillm. The needle in a mognetic The GPS receiver provides 0-2 zones or the passageways 01 a ship,
romposs aligns it self wilh the plane- bonus on Navigation-surface novi- int(lrferance prevents the device
tary magnetic Held to indicate mag- gal;on chocks. from operating,
net ic north and magnetic south. This Holorecorde. (PL 1): A device to, The gaun tle t is an active sensa ••
i_n'l necessarily true north and
lIOuth; the E:orth's magnetic pole is
recording holographic images, either
on a disk or a 3D. Because at the
mooning that it (lmils a signal in-
stead cf merely receiving input. AIry 141
device capable 01 picking up elech~ .pot than Imall. slow-moving ones. boo's remain in contOC1 with the
mognetic lIignal" that ill within twa Usuolly. the hacker i. set to liller out magnetic surlacel.
hmel the 9Ountlel'lI eliftClive ran!,J1ll anything except responses ooused Th. electromagnet . in the boots
may detect the gauntlers signal. hy animal, 01 mooelllte to lize. o..e powerad by a battery thai last~
Seasor boom (P L 51, Tbis il a te le- A charactor usIng a tracker gaIns a lor 24 hou rs 01 operal\on belo.e it
scoping pole that adlust ~ from I to 5 - I bonus to Awa.eness sklll check.. must be replaced (lor 125) or re-
mete ... in length It oon lupport a 7'tocelll ore tiny devices about the charged (lor 2 hOUri). Turning the
video pickup. a Ilalhlight. a minor. size 01 a coin that transmit a signal power on or 011 requires on OC1ioo.
or a similar item at the extreme encl. that con be localed and tallow..:! Cabin. por1able (PL 71: this device
allowing the uso, to scout very small within 12 km. Afte. 12 hours ot con- lits on a large backpack'lty le frame
"paces or peer Qlound comers wIth- stant tlllnsmillion. the power cell orcan be s lowed in a vehic le. The
out risking life and limb. bums out. user only bas to lay it down and pull
Senior gauntlet (PL 1}: A standard Vid eoreco.d.r (PL~): A device to. a cord to de ploy a cabin 4 meters by
peraonol detector and analyzar de· recording video imagos. ei ther on 3 meter. laIgO with a 2-meler ceiling.
Vice. the sonllOr gauntlet appeo .. all tope or sam.. olher medium. Video- The QQbin Is made from semi rigid.
a heavy. open-lingered glove that ex- .ecorderll range ia size hom shoul· inllating plastic and Includes a
tends to the elbow. Senaerll and elec- der-steadled units to palm·held camping unit and two bed.olls.
tronicsline the arm and palm 01 the recorders 10 mlcrorecorders that con The unit I,n't alr1;ghl. bUlthe
hand. and collected data is viewed be mountad on a shoulder Or helmet built-In camping unit can heat or
on a acroon loca ted on the back 01 to leave hands free 10. other activity. coal the In terior 01 the cabin to keep
the h(llld just above the wrist. Weapon del ector tPL 6); This hand- it comfortable in any H2 env iron-
The SOOIlO. gauntlet combinetl held devle. use" a magnetic resonat· ment. Becuuse the cabin doesn't
several im portant pieces 01 equip- ing Held to KUn a person for con- have a lot 01 slructural Integrity. it
ment. First, ir. a mood·band elftClr~ cealed objecls and a chemlcallnlUer isn'l usoble in any environment with
magnetic scanne l that oon de tect to detecl traces of explosives. The g.avity higher thon G3 or otmosph...·
and classify any kInd of radia ted detector mu,t be used ot a IIInge a t I ic pr .. lllure groo ler than Pl. The unit
electromagnelic energy. Second. it meter or lesl. Sconning a pe rson re- can be dellated. stawed. and laler re-
,"cludes a spectrometer and on cui quirell 00. round. at the end 01 which inflated II Ills connected to a hesh
vanced chemicalsnilfer that oon de· the UHI must make a success lulln- tank of compressed air (eo-t S50).
term ine the elemental composition vestigat&-Hcl'Ich skill check to lpot a Camping unit (pL 8~ Combining c
01 any DOImot. unshie lded object. Fi· weapon or device on Ihe IIUS~'. portable 1II0ve. hootel. all conditloc·
naliy. Ihe senaor gauntlet con link body. with a -2 bonus lor dense ob- er. and .efrigerator in one -conom i·
with a radiO Or comm gear to trans- jects composed of metals 01 hard cal package. the camping unit in-
mit data or oon record lis linding. on plastics. Buch 01 most IireQrml. An clud" its own oonying Irame for
a dota disk 10. later retrieval and de· Item made with antiscon woove oon weal 01 a backpack Its power cell
tailed examinatIon. Uling a senaor deleat a weapon detector. works lor 2 weeks 0 1 normal 1,1.108. Of I
gaun tlet giv" a -I bonWl to Lile Sel- week il the unit is lorced to heat Of
ence. Physical Selence. Awa lene... air-condition the interior 01a struc-
and Investigate skll1 checks.
!iurvi\lal liear ture In oxtreme temperalure,. h ,
Surveillance gear (PL 5): Hera ora These or. itemato help heroes cope cold load .torage capacity Is 10 kg 01
just a lew examples 01 the types ot with the groot outdoors or persevere hiking or survival rations. Extra
lIurveillance gool available starting In hostil. conditionll. power ce lli COlli $50 8<lch.
at Progress Level 5. The Gomemasler Bedroll IPL 2.}: Depending on the Candle (PL I}: This is a cylinde. 01
determines the actt1(Jl costs and Progresl Level. bedrolls longe from tallow. wax. or some other Ilow·
availabilily 01 diUe.ent itemll. using o simple pair 01 blankets 10 I leeping burning combWltihle ma lerial. The
the lillted COIIt all a balKllor Ihe mO.e bags to inflatable. battery-wormed
elaborate iteml. bod •.
Microphones include contact mi· Boots. magnetic (PL 6): This loot-
c rophones that tlOnslate vibrallonl wear provide. the use r with the abil-
Into sound: Ileldble. lubular mkr~ ity 10 function without dillicuhy in
phones that lit in cleVtces and pick zerO gravity (aslumiog. at course.
up IIOI.Inds up 10 10 meters away: and that hisleet are In contact wilh a
wifeless microphones that ore oo~lIy surlace that allraC1B a magne t). By
concealable and pick up sounds alterna tely actlvating and deactivat-
within 4 mete... ing each boot In lum. Ihe wearer COn
ScramblelS in todere with radio stride haltingly ocrossthe .urtace to
transmissions wilhin 3 meters 01 tho which the boot. are attracted. The
wearel. magnets are strong enougb 10 hold a
Sonic fl<J1;ke •• u .... lubtle changes mass at 200 kg in place in Earth·nor-
in air 10 loca te moving ob- malg.ovity
J8Cts. This device;1 usetul for spot· Running or lumping while wear-
tlOg reclusive creatures or hidden Ing the boo",l" impossible. In com·
th.eo ts in oondltion. of bad visibility bat any penalty associated with op-

142 or heovy cover Object~ that are

large or fast-movlOg a.e easier to
erating in zelo-gravity conditions is
reduced by I Itep (assuming the
luminollty 01a rondle is quite weak,
extending only 2 or 3 mete.s in all di-
rectIon._ Candln vary widely in size
0IId longevity. Thfough PI. $, 0 lCM:m
candle 10111 0 lew hOUfl; 01 Pl.6 and
higher, 0 rondle of Ilmilaf aiz.o bUIDs
lor 1 or 2 dOYI.
prellure a t P4 o. lowe •. It oiters po.-
tial protection in H4 heat condition •.
It doel not comple tely protOCl a hero
againlt radiolion level. higher thon
R20 although .orne benelit is realized
in mOle e. treme radia tion condi-
tioO&. In an atma.phere ra ted at A4

ClImot. w...... (pL 7): Microcircuil Or A$, tl\e suit provides temporary
fibe .. are combined wilh eilher ordi- protec1 ion at best. (The Gomemosler
!>Dry or Carbona le flber weave to Cle- Guide hal more Information an the
ct, n cloth containing pauive hool- etfoct.ol YOriOUI enyironmenlS on
ing and cooling elements thai can 110ft e-sultl.)
either 8901 in or reflect heat without £-Iull, hard (PL 6): The hmd e nvi-
Ibe \lie of a power aQU'ce. It keeps ronment IU it wlthllonda halsh pun·
lbe WllOrer comlortable In tempera· ilhment In the loughesl 01 planetary
Iu.... from -to"C (-to"F) to 60 C environments, II replm:8iI most of the
'140'Fl, and allow, lurvival in tem- male rial ulled in Ihe IIOlt e·suil with
perotur•• 35'"C (60 fl holter 01' colder pial'" 01 polymere. and crllO tes a
\ban thOlll e.tremn. tully independent and ventilated e n-
Climbing gftClr (pL 4): Climbing vironment The hard e-Iuit ollows itl
gear conlilll of 0 !iO-meter rope. a woor•• loope.ole normaLLy in heot
piton I\ammon, 20 pitone, a rappel· condition. of H4 or fowel and atmos-
bog belt cramponl. and 0 climbing pheric preu ure of P4 or lower. It doea
ox, Using lull climbing gear provides not compl.te ly protect 0 hero against
Ibe uler with a 3 bonul \0 Athlet- .odiation levell higher Ihan R3, al-
kl-d!mb skill check •. though IIOme beneU I Is reolized in
A more modell ..t of climbing more ex t,eme radialion conditions.
geal Ihat Includes lOpe, a pilOn hom- [n an atmOlphe le rated at A4 OJ
mer, and pitonl i, priced a t $.50. This lower. the Iult II dependable as lnng
pn"!ai gllOf give. the U&lll a ~2 bo- 01 it il properly mainloined; in an A$
DWI toclimb Ikill checks. atmosphere, the luit provides only
Cooler (PL 4): A Imoll. porloble re-- temporary protection. (The
hige.ant unit. the cooler pleaervK Gomemaater Guide hc. more inlor·
modesl amountl of medicalluppli ..., motion on the eUec1s of environ·
..,;shabl.... or Ihlrst-quanching bev- ments on hard e-Iuils.) can be powe red by a port- no.. (PL 41: A lIa.e il 0 smoll lig·
able gene rator or a battery tl\a l lasts nal rocket visible lor aboul 10 10 20
lor 48 hours. EXira botterie. COlItl $25_ kilometerl, depending on Ihe condi· exillent almOfl phere and heat condl-
Enuorgeucy b60con IPL 5): This is 0 tionl,lt a lIore II flIed di rectly at a tionl ranging lrom HO to H4. The
powerful,long·endurance transmil · living cloo ture. the action is Ireated dome;1 about 4 meters in diameter
ter tha t b roadcastl a homing lignal (II a Modern Ranged WeaponB~pjstol and 2 mete.. tall in the ce nter, It s
wbon activa ted. 11 transmi tted from sk!1L check wi th a .. 2 penalty. It in· door II oct ually a small oillock. The
tbe lurfa ce of 0 planel. the 11gnal Ilietl domage 01 d6s1d4wld4+ I w. dome includel an emergency b60.
caa eal ily be detected by Ihlps in nOlhlight (PL 41: Most portable, can, oW meal. worth of ralionl. and a
co-bll. The beacon', banery oUows up battery·powered lights o t PI. 4 can· waler puriller.
103 monthl 01operation A replace- nQt illumina te more than 20 meters Heal • •. por1able (PL 4): In cold, orc-
ment battery $.50, but the power ohllOd 01 the user, AI PL $ and higher, tic. ond spac:e-chilted envirOnmentl,
1IOUrc9 can 0180 be recharged in 12 flashllghll are available thol project a portable heater Qr hoo!e,. ore nec:-
boo .. . ither a pinpoint beam 01 light or ul- .nary for lurvival. Unless il'l used
E-suil. .oft (PL $~ The e-llul!. or en· troviolel rOYI to mark a target. A Inlide an enc:lOflule, a hllOter laBel
Yironment IUIt, II the I tondard work- Ilalhlight battery lostl for I week of 1" .Uectlvene... and only improve_
Ing garment of lpacer_specially UN, and COStl S.5 to .eplace. th. tempe.ature by a lew degree! in
engineers ond "".o-g construction G~ppltng hook (PL 21: A grap· itl immediate vicinity A hllO ler'. bal'
specla li stl, The 10ft e·eui t il a fairly pling hook II uHd. to 8<,K;uro 0 rope tery has enough power for 48 houri
bulky and awkward garment made for cli mbing. Mo" grappling hooks 01 ope ratlon. Extra batterie. co.t 525
oIl11tveroJ layers of Insula led. teor- can be folded Ilallor eosy carrying. each, 01 a depleted one can be reo
"",iltont labric, The collar ond culls A grapplln g hook wilh 0 rope charged In 4 hours.
Il10110 glovel, boot!, and helmet to qualliin 01 portiol climbing gear. Jumpsuit (PL 6): The stando rd
plovide complete prolection from providlOg the u&llr with a -2 bonus Ihlpboald or Italian jumpsu" is un-
litany ha.tlle environmen ts. on any Alhletia-<:/imb skill check. remarkable In appearance. being a
The lull includes a porloble life- Hab llOl dome (PL 6): The habitat one-piece coverollln a neu tral Or
tupporl unl! that providel air and 0 dome il limilal to the portable cabin uni form color. Included with the gar-
comfortable temperature for the
WlIOre. in any heat conditions of H3
or lower and under any atmospheric
In mOillelpeetl. bul it II completely
ai.tigM and inlulated lor surviva l in
environmenll w1th 0 lparse or non-
ment or. a vacuum mask (Me be·
lowl. beavy glovel. and 1IlKJ1. mound
Ihe collar and culle that plovide Ihe
g weg'e' wilh prOleclion againat de-
colIlprellSion. The go rmenl is mode
attempt depend. on Ihe r.... ult 01 an
Acrobatic:e-<la,edevil l kill check.
gen Irom the wa ter around tho SWLm·
mer.1t 0]110 collects and recyclos the

..... a! e!imale w&aWl (He above). and aa

such can be u.ed In open space lor
up 10 one hour bel"." II x treme lem -
and an whether the ollempt I. a low-
risk or hlgh-lilk jump. See "Using a
Parachu le" on page sa in Chapter 3:
user'. own e"halahon,. eliminating
the characteri .. tic bubble trail. This
unit welghl only 5 kg and allows on
perature begin. 10 oUeel the wearer. Heroes in Ac/ion for deta il •. underwater excurslan 01 up to ]2
The suit will protect Ita weare. Indef- Ra lt In fla table (PL 41: Inllatoble hours.
initely in a temperoluro-<:on ,.olled ralt. allow unpowered travel over Ski, (PL 4): Crou-country and
vacuum (such as inside a damaged water. A typicol ralt con hold fOUl downhilllrave l through snow olten
or d<J<;Omp'"led s hip or space sto- adul1 humonl. and comes with a poir requlrelthe use ol.kll. bootl, and
lion). The luit (11.0 Includes a built-in 01 paddles. wrger ve.slonl are polel. The li6ted price coverl only
web harn9aR 10. holding 10018, and available 01 a higher COllI. .kls and polel: boola mu" be pur·
numerous poeke.8. Ra ll onslPL 4): Soldie ... explorers. chased Mparalely.
wntem (f L 3): A variety 01 energy and outdoorlmen corry ration. for SIO'Ie, porloble (PL 4): Since m"'"
MlUu:es can provide a 10ntern'. pow. bolh reglliar suslonance and emor- lOCieti.,. roly on cooking as a prepa·
e r. combusliblellquida at PL 3and gency_ The load is nourishing but ration 01 lood.Iho portable stove is
PL 4, ond also e lectricity 0 1 PL'[' ood generally not tasty; rations fail to another .Iep tn bring com lortslo dil-
higher. A lanlern can be filled wilh (1 moot any standard. of culinary taste lanl environmonll. A pottable Itove
lens Or a hood to dirac. Hs illumina- until PL 7. 11 powered by a gene.a tor Or a bat-
tion. A high-quality lontern (:on p.o- Respirator mask (PL 41: This de- tery. Rechargooble ba1terlellast for
jecl light up 10 SO meier •. A lemlern vice pravld.,. a means lor brealhing 8 hourI and cost S25 each.
ballery 105t8101 2 weeks 01 UN and in A.:l environmanll by lilte ring toxic SUrY\va l gear (PL 4): This Is an os·
COIII6SIO to repioce. luboiolon.:.s out al tho okl!"s only e l· sortm,nt of uselul male rials pocked
Ugh!• • (Pt 4): This ia" hond·held l!!Clive in an atmOilphere with an Into a be lt pouch. illnclud.,. a mag·
mechanical or electrical device used oxygen contont and a pial. ilia 01 P3 nelic compols. a lignol minor. a bu·
for atarling a fire. Or P4. Tho malk require" no power. tone ligh ler. 30 met(tJl olW-kg t&st
Machete (PL 3): The mach... t... ls buIltH tIlter cartridge mUlt be re- lil hing line and 2 hooks, 20 water-
uA8lul lor cutting through alea. of placed olter 48 to 96 hours 01 UA8, de- proof matches. and a lightweight In·
thick veg ... tation. rMlucing penal tle. pending on the condition of the local .ulatMl blanket.
by I step lor character. moving wr. Extra cortridges cost S25 each. TentlPL 3): Whothe, composed 01
through terrain featuring heavy veg_ Rap" (PL I ): AI lower Progrell l.av- colton, nylon. corbonate tiber. poly.
e tation, .uch o.lungles.lor.... ta. or ell. rope. are mode 01 homp or lOme mere. Or climate weave. the tonI
I wamps.1f used ae 0 weapon. a ma- othe r na tllrallubstance. At PL:i ny- se rves the purpoSI 01 providing a
chete doe. damage a. a cutlal'. lon ropel ale availablo. and at PL 6 a primitive shelter against weath(tr
Match •• (PL 3): Easily carried and carbonate liber (Cf) composite II and the envi ronmant. Th. Ilanda.e!
conCQllled, ma tches are slender used. Synthotic lin.,. me Itronger tent iiI. only two indIviduals. but
pieces aillammoble material chemi- ond lighter thon natural ropes 01 large, modols con houM a dozen 01
colly treated to Igmte when heated similar size. The Itrong.,.t synthotic more.
by IricHon. ropes con Illpport more than SOO Torch (PL I ): Prim itive to'chalo"
Mirror IPL I): A portable .elledive kilol 01 mall. s imple bundles of wood cooted In oiL
device is usellli for .Ignoling. reflect· Scuba g_r (PL 4): A character bllt 01 PL 6 and higher. the Iypical
ing low_powered la$8r Il&!:urily de- equipped with KUba gear can make torch doe"n't burn a t all. Chemicals
vi.:.s. e"omining around COII>el. or dive. as deep Q.l2S0 m... ters lor up to In thelorch's cylinde r mix when oc:11·
ca<l.lLned area •. 000 viewing one'. 2 hour .. Replacoment oxygen lanks valed to shed light in a 100meter fa·
own.mage. (which con b8 refilled) COlt SISO dlu s around the torch .
Parac hute (PL 41: A parachute i. a each. At PL 611Cuoo gear improves Vocuwn mas k (PL 6): Every exper!.
device used to .low free-falling rna- d rama licolly with the introduction 01 e ncad apoce hand hos thil emergen·
lion. Tho outcome of a parachuting an oxygenator that can extract oxy- cy device somewh(u e CiON hy. The
vocuum ma.k i, a soil, cleor plastic
open ing visor that htl over GOrs. eyos. nose.
and mouth. It con be donned In an
Inltanl to p rotect the uMrogainst
decomp'O!ilion. A .mall con trol unit
worn on the belt. lleev •. Or chell
con talnl an oxygen candle that .....
Ir.. hes the usa r's air supply lor 8
hou ••. The device s tows easi ly intoo
pockot aboutlhe "ize 01 a paperback
Combined wilh a jumpsuit. the
vacuum mall: ollerl complete pro-
tection agaln ..t dooomp'elsion and
permillthe user to wo.k in vacuum

144 Survi val 6ea r

or hOlltiJo atmospheric preslme (PO.
PI. P2. and P4 conditionl) lor as long
as the orygen holds out. Without a
jumpsuit. the mask allows s urvival.
but tbe character lu lfel""l Ik in bruis-
1lI9. bad sunburn or Ira. tbite. and
other ill e Ueets. Ext.a o:r;ygen
a:mcIl" coat $2.5 each.
Water cond...... IPt 5): Use lul in
meal ..·lIh 110m. amount 01 atmoa-
pberic water. the UIJ(IS
bam-1!xchange technology to ootch
<mel trap wate . from the air. It pro-
dUC<lI enough water to BUppor1 lour
people in humid a leas. tw o ~pJe in
normal a reas. or one person in a rid
arans .1f no atmoapha.ic water er-
lib. the condense r Is usel_.
Wate. purl.lia. (PL 4): The pun tier
IIlIMd. to p.oduce dr inkable water
from tainted or
to\lfC8S.ltl power l u pply (coat S50,
~ rechargeable) laltllo. I mon th 01
beary w;.u or 2 month. 01 light use.
W""tbe. monilo. IPL 6): A lavo.ite
alouldoorlmen and &cou ll .very-
where. Ihi. device track, otmospher-
il:pressure, hum idi ty. tem perature,
<mel electroalatic c harge loe rea te on
IICC"Urate plctu,e 01 CUfTen t weather
!rends. Most wea the , phenome na
am be predicted 12 to 48 hollIS in ad-
00DCe with a successlul Knowledge
wI] check; the weathe, monitor
giTe$ the use. a - 2 bonus all. this
check. For unique local conditions
IDCluding HI or A3 environmen ts. tho
_ . 101181 hil bonusellor the devic:e.
Zef01J _b IPt 6): Thi. i. a light
thruster and stabilize r that a ttaches
klthe hips and I houlde.l. Itlolda
inloo Bmall pouch about the size 01a
.::da can. When de ployed, it permi ts
the user to move and change course
tlCf06B open spoces.
Combined with an e·s uit or a vac-
uum mask a nd jumpsuIt. the zero-g
w.b allows a cha'acter 10 maneUver
!reely outBlde a ship or s talion. pos.
sibly 10' emergency esoope o. mak·
irtg 'epairB.

Other items that may be 0 1 use to
]'OUr A LTERNm bela a re preoonled
Animal, guard (p t I): In mOitt hu·
man regions. thi s relers to a trained
crttack dog. A characte. need, the
Animal Handling broad skill Ln order
kI have a good chance of controlling
"guard animal with preci'ion. The
Gamemo:!l'er Guide h(ll more Infor-
Jlalion about gua rd animal ..
Marine. approac h a n IIlIen port:el 145
g AnimaL mount (PI. I): Generally.
this refe •• loa ha•• aracama l. A
back: \I hi. hands are bound in h ont
01 hi' body. any celiona he il ropa-
ability for qUi<:k appiicgtion but lal'
fOldecod • .

...... character needs the Anlmol Hon-

dUng broad skill 10 have a good
chane. 01using a mount eUactlvely
bl. of (JllempUng race;v., (I .3 pencl!-
Iy.ln sithe. oose, a bound charoc1er's
Strength and Delderi ly rulltancto
Lodrplc:1I ..t (PL 41: While g d'.iJ!.d can u" anything 1.0111
""i,e to l(!f40ty p ina, a set of special-
~ In a pressure situation. The Com.,.. modili6l1 oro . tKlucOO by I point . iz.ed Jockpicka is a hlg advanloge.
'-' moster Guide has details about HandcuUs can be picked (by an· Electrical leads. Noaa. maska. and

moun t•.
Animal. pack {PL 11: On humon
other character) with a Mon tpule -
tion-loctpid , kill c hock. They oon
o ther 1001. 10. opening e lectronioollr
locked doorl are Included. The quczli·
~ worldl. mule. and burro. are the 10' be elipped (by Ihe cuffed characler) Iy ollhe Ht conlerl a bonWi la the
cr.I vored pock animal •. The Gomemas· .... lIh a Manipulalian-prestidigilalion characte'e Manipulation-Iod,pici
...." ref Guide hal more in lormalion on "ill c"-ck. The qua lity of lhe r.. and SecuritY-Meuliry devices Iklll
cr.I pack animall. Itralntl provklee a penal lY to either chech: Ordinary 1001 •. - I: Good
Animal pel (p L 0): A variely 01 type ollkill check:: Ordinary culil. 10011. -2; Am~i ng toole.-3.

= Imall to mediuln'li~ animal. con

Hrve as pets, includ ing doge. cats,
<-=> lena ls. lizards. and blrdl. To leach a
... 1; Good cu ll.. ... 2; Amazing cull •. +3.
The q uali ty of Ihe c ulls 01&0 de!in~"
Ihe complexity of the lockplck Iklll
The li.ted COlt il lor tool. of (hdJ·
nary quality; multiply the co.t by 3
lor Good 10011. and by 10 for "mal'
pel 10 doa Irick. Ihe Animal Han· check. ing tools.
dUng Ikill is required. Th,nated COIl i.lor cull. of Oldi· Magnetic clamp (PL 6): Th ia bot·
Blolock (Pl 6): A large and Itu rdy nary quali ty: multiply the COIl by 3 tery·powered deviOIlI creates a pow
keyl.,... padlock. the biolock recog· lor Good cull•. and by 10 lor Amal' erlul magnetic lield. adhering too
oiMs itl owner'1 bioelectric ligna' Ing cuili. metallic lurloce .... ith an e lledi...
ture. much in Ihe lOme way althe Slarting 01 PL 6. lougher hand· Strength lCOfe 0120 A normal viNe.
amort holater work.. A blolock il ex· cuili. known 01 bi ndera. become clamp on the upper surlace allow.
tremely difficul t 10 pick, requiring a available. Binder. of O rdinary quoli · all kinda 01 fOlleningl Or device. to
I UCcelBful complex skill check of ty p rovide a +3 penalty to the bound be ot\ached to the clomp a nd held ill
Amazing complexity ull ng the Secu· character and cost 10 timel lhe lilted place. The ba ttery In this item 10Iti
rily-secUflty devjce~ I kill. wit h a ..3 pri.,. 10< normal handcuH •. Good for SO hourI, a tl" whlch time a bad·
I Uuolian die modi li,,_ The deviOIlI qualily binde,. provide a .. 4 penally up battery automatically acti"",!.. to
eon be destroyed by cutting lools or and coal W times nor mo l; and Amal' proride another SO hou rs 01 power.
flrealml. bU I it hal on armor rati ng ing quali ly prorides a ..5 penalty lor Th_ batteri.. con be recharged.
01 d6-1 (Ln. dS-1 (HI). dh3(En) and a 30 tim.. the listed price. MUllc gauntlet (Pl 71: The oll·pur·
durability roting of 811un/8 woundl4 Holo.. le we . (PL 7): The Itandard pose mualeallnatrumen t 01 Pl 7.IM
mortal. holoviewe r appears 01 a O.5-meter· mu.1e gaun llet appea" as on 0IMII'
Duct lape (Pl 51: Duct. e l&elricat diomelerdisk that rests on a floor or fingered glove Iha l ex lends to the
reflective. phosphoreKent. and ,ahle. The developmen t o f eally lorce elbow. Elechonlci lining the a rm 000
double'lided lOpe 01 various wid ths He ld technology a t Pl7 atlall al· palm of the ha nd creale a .oo .... errol
are available. The lilted caet ja for a lowl practical u .... 01 holographiC im· synlhesiwr copabJe 01 duplicalillV
mUZO meter$ln le ngth. ages tranlmitted in to Ihe dynamle the sound 01 010_1 any other inlll\l-
Ear pluga (PL 4): Charao;:le,. who ... medium 01 air. Image quality Il ion· ment A chorocter u..,. the En letloiD-
&Orl are Hnsilive to .aund or who lallic; from a dilltance grealer Ihon I menl-mU~lccrl ,"Illumenlikill toop-
find themselvel expoMd 10 high·i n· I, impossible \0 dillingulah erate Ihe music gaun llet.
tenai ly or high~ecibel &On lc vibra· a three-dimenalonal holograph Mu sical Ins trume nt (Pl 3): Musical
I\on l can use ear pluge to get &Orne image from roolity. The p rojection ra· instrumen ts evolve throughout all
,eliellrom the condition. Ear plugs dil'l 01 the averoge peraonal holo· ProgreBs Leve la. and it is impoalible
reduce any penalty a ll«lo led wi th viewer II about 3 melerlln all dlrec· to lill ali lhe lorma of percuBiion.
&Ound waves by 2 aleps. bu l they tiOnl. AlmOit all holoviewer.lnclude stringl, wind, keyboard. alien. and
0.1&0 make it impos.lble lor Ihe wear· audio, and advanced models have other inslrumen tl. Price. mag. and
er to distinguish normal COnverSO' canlrolled odor emillerl. qUality 01 instlumenll varies widely.
lion unless the lpeaker il standing The holovlewe r co n receive holo- Padlock (PL 4): The padlock. ini·
rlghl neXI to the wearer. leed. Ilgnala and lune in 10 any pro- tially primitive ond obIuse. becolMl
f ire exlinguis he , IPl 5): The Iyp;· graml broadcall over cable or an inSlrUmen l ollimp]e yet elegont
cal lire exli nguisher il portable and through the air. The de vice can 0 1&0 design. A key. a combination. or 0
contains a sufficient chtuge to put be used 10 wa lch pre recorded holOi. mix 01 both may be required toopen
ou t ollIe 01 small to moderale aiw. Th r..~imenlional cryalals (301) are a padlock. The quality 01 the lock 1m·
Until PL 6. fire exlinguilherl wea r the rtlOII cammon lann 01 inlocma· posel a penally on o llernpls 10 pick
down over lime and requi .. bequenl lion Itorage al Pl 6 and 7. l inee Ihey iI, Ordinary.• 1, Good. +2 ,Ieps;
Hrvice and upkeep. At PL 6 and be- con be uaed lor data s torage. pro- Amazing ... 3 ateps. Unless the lock is
yond ...Iinguishers 0 .. capable 01 g raml. moviel. oc music. integrated Inlo a larger s lructure, il
dousing anything Iharl 01 a p lalma Ins ta nl lJlue {Pl.!l~ Early verllonl il possible to deltroy the loci: witb
lire. and they con be dorman l lor of qulck-drying glues, eslerl. and CII' cuttar or loser to gain access.
yearl w,thout losing Ihel r charge. mente ha ve Ihe advan loge of drying PI I·relitol nt (PL 61: Thil dev\c;& I,
Ha ndculls (Pl 4): These reltrainlS in secondl. but t hey lend 10 degrade only avo liable In compaign sellinga

146 prevenl a character Irom ullng his

handl \I they ate culled behind hi,
afte r a le w mon ths. AI PL 6. organ ic
epoxies and r",ins poise.. Ihe I(llne
thaI use the optional rules 101 psion·
ica (see Chapter 14). [n luch sellings.
mony orgonizgtion~ovemment8,
corporotions. crime gongs. lowen·
optional.ul.llor [_
Chopt.r IS). An implonl at the 00811
plOCH. c."oln 8IIrvic.I may be
limply unavo!\oble. Check w,th your g
lorcement agenci_have acceu to
IOmelorm 01 dam~nlng device do·
signed to deprive 0 pliooic choraclel
ollh. Ikull reguiotellh. use 01 men·
tal pow.... The Implant has a vorl·
ohle _Ilingthot con impose up to a
GamelTKfltel on the ovailabilily of
ony 8IIrvices you. he.o migh t want to
01 his menlol powell. Poweriul • S penalty on the 1,1811 01 m.ntal pow. Ambu lance CPL 41: In civiliz.ed
Mindwallrer. hove been Irnown to e ... 01 no ~nalty 01 all. Adjusting aleal. ombulonce service is eolily
tighlthIOugh Ihe eflm;ts 01 the psi·re- th" level of neu.allnt.rlerence On contocted through 0 limpl. comm or
shoinl. Three looms 01 psi-Ieslloint Ih. Implont without Ih. proper Irey o. rodio coli. Once called to
come inla U8ll; all 01them are rare code requirel a Security-seculity de- on omhulance service provides
and dlllicuU lor 0 privole citizen ta vice~ skill check wi th 0 +2 penalty. hasty deliv.ry Ollhe wounded ond
(lequire. R.moval 01 the implonl .equires suc· dying to 0 nearby modicallocill ly.
The pli·r.slraint h.lmet has a cosllul Medicol Sci.nce-sulgery Ambulanc. lechnicions alwoYI
blanlr laceplo le to lorc. 0 losl 01 vi, skill check. Th. psi·restraint implonl hove ot lealt Ih. Knowledge-firS! aid
sian. and istiUed with a locking 001- is 0 lovorit. meonl of mony mgoni· Iklll, and mony 01 th.m a.e tloined
lor 10 that the prilOner can't remove zalionllor conlrolling Mindwalkefl. in M8>dieal Sclence-Irea-Imenl. ThaI
il w,thout alliltance. Withoullhe Sultea.. IPL 41: Th.listed cost is \roining, olong wi th their ..cellent
conect electronic key or code, a sue· 10' 0 lIandard suitea8ll, equipmenl. enablelthem to stabilize
cetlilul Security-securily devices opp,oximotely 100 em x 60 cm x 20 mortolly wounded patients ond
.kill check with a .2 penalty il reo em. for additional COlt, a lalse bal· begin the healing prO<:ellll on Ihe in-
quirod to remOve the helmet. The tom. hidden pockell. cmd an ,iscan jured. MOlt arnbulonOll services will
helmet's neurol interference circuitl weave can be added relu.. to .nte. combat zones, and
odd a +4 ~nalty to the U811 01 any Vldeovl.w. r CPL .!IJ: The video- Ihose tho t do ven ture into luch oreal
menIal and a +1 penalty to viewer. once called 0 con a.e likely to choIge much more thon
olilotelligenee·based checks. The receive video signalll ond tune in to the lilled COlt.
psl-relltoln! helme! III mOlt ohen any pragroms hroodcost over coble Car r. ntal (PL .!I): Most urban c.n·
",sed In Jaill and corporot. d.tention Or through the oil. Th. user can 0110 I... have locillties where herooB con
lacilitlell. wotch pr.recorded videol. Throo-di· ohtain t.mporary use 01 automobiles
The collar is 0 limple m.nslonol cryllalll (:lOs) ore the com· and oth.r personal v.hicles. Sur.
necklace oppclrenlly compoaed of mon meanl 01 inlormation s torage O! chalg.' lor long-dillonce trov.l. in·
iroo or 110m. other heovy meto!. PL 6 ond 7, sinee they enn be used lor luronce. and luel o.e BUle to apply
While the colicl[ Impose1l the IIOme doto l'OrOg •. program., movie., or Chorl .red tronsporiatlon IPL 41: II
penolties a. the helmet. il can be mUlic. heroel can't Or don't wont to use
concealed beneolh many forms of Weapon hloll.y CPL 61: Thil il a moss \lOnlporiotion, it might be pos.
clothing. RemO'l'al 01 the collor with- lmart ..nlOr that con be installed in sible for th.m to cho,tera boal. on
out the conect key Of code requir •• a the hondle of a fi.ea.m to prev.nt it airplone. a Iyst.m line, (which \lOV'
lucceiliul Secur!!y $\ICur,'y devices lrom liring •• wh.n held by its .llirom one plan.tary IJY1item toano
Ikill check with 0 .2 penolty. foilure owne •. Th. biok.y .eli.1 on the same other within 0 1110' system). or a
to luccelsfully r.IUOV. Ihe collar or bioelectric H.ld recognition tho! ,he drlv •• hip (a 11ardrive-equipped v.,·
selthottrOVefl\lll in terslellor dil'
oll.mpllng 10 r.move it 10roolul1y oe· smort hoiller and th. biolock us •.
tivot.1I 0 IOI.ty mechan;'m. causing 10ne.I). Pric•• o.e high. reflecting
the collor to either explode or s.nd the loct thol 0 charter v.ssel (includ·
our 0 lodio .lgno1 Th. psl·r.ltraint !iERVICE§ ing the servlc.. 01 a pilot) willtranl'
collar i. WI8d by many odvonced.!IO· Sometlmes you, needs the help porI cooroclerl wherever and when·
ci.ti.. thot di.doin or restrict the use 01 on ellpert or rhe use 01some other ev •• th.y wont to go-within retfllCln
01 psionic pow.rl. service. Doctors, lawyers.•entol COli, Comm call (PL.!II: Planetary comm
The psi·restralnl implont il only t.ovel auongementB, ond lodging colli include long-distance t.1e-
ovoilobl.ln compoignl Ihot use the or. just a I.w ollh. thingl heroel phon •. videophone. ond holophono
might need to ocqu". Over the colli tho' connect one locahon an 0
COU ' 811 01 0 compoign. pIOn.l. moon, or asleroid to any
The COlli on TABU: P34: SERVtCrs Olh.r locotion on the IIOme lIellar
01. ~sic guidelines only. In co,," body. At PI. 60nd highe •. thil com·
wh.r. 0 grade 01 quality is nol men· munlcatlon Is chea p. oommon. and
tioned. the COlt appli.s to the lion- inltontoneous.
do rd. no-l,llI, vorlety 01 thot serv ice. Syst.m calls ollow communico·
The cost 01 0 hOlpiloleloy. 10' in· tion to ony location in the Itor IYS-
etonce. would be coneide.obly high· lem. Meanl 01 communication in·
er lhan the Hlted p.ic. ilth. pati.nt clud. radio. loser. ond pcIrlici. wav•.
wal housed In 0 private room or an •. linc. all of these means 01
Int.nliv. core word. communicolion tmvel 01 light speed,
The price 01 a service may vary Instanloneoul ellchoDges are imp""
widely lrom one compaign setting to lible until the Invention 01 the mOIl
anothe •. and even from one ploce to tlanscelv.r at PL 7.
another in th.lIOm. 811l1ing. In 110m. Interetellor communicotions reo
main plaguod by deloy .ven ot PL? 147
g e:lamples 01 Diplomats who have e~·
pertiN in the 00 01 the deaL

...... Free Ageot lor hire (PL 2): Bounty

hunlers, e:lplo.era. spies. private in·
.... Ugalor •. a nd smugglell ans
the coIL lor work on the edges 01c;v;·
liz.otion and its rules. The higge, the
jab. or the gIeater Ihe risk. Ihe highel
the pay a Iree agent will demond.
HD'lpUol stay (PL 3): MOIIt medicol
lacilitios chargo a lIatlee lor each
day spen t in a hospital bed. The COIl
010 hospital s lay doesn't Include
lurge.y Or I.ealmen!.
Lawyer (pL 41: Lawyers provide
legal reprUllOnlalioo both Inside and
oullide 0 court.oom. The speciolizo
Uon. skill, moral allltude. and IOlary
ollawyerl vory widely. Criminal at·
toroeys coo provide both herOHOnci
villoinl wllh a well'ro(tOlOned de·
fen&e. and civil attorneYI offer an
gb illty 10 sollie grievanoollegglLy
Fomoul and estabilibed lowylll are
sure 10 d emand e:lorbitonl payment,
or a s ignilicont percentage 01any U·
LImousine (PL 5): While a taxi III
ren tal f:(Ir might .uWee 10. the pur·
pose 01 mera traosportatlon. a limou-
sine ollell opulent comlor! and
makes a IItatement obout itl pelueo·
gers s tyle ond wealth_ The costin·
eludes the wages 01 a drivel_ Li/llOll·
sin" that a re espgc.olly 10lge or
Inelude oC'Celsories s uch 01 a jaCUZZI
or delenae syste ms COlt much mors
than the lis led price.
LodginSl (PL 3): This con be ony
50'101 nightly accommodgtions.
whether at an inn. hOlte l. molel, or
hotel. Cheop lodging II gene rally
devoid 01 amenities. olten w;lhO\lI (I
private room Or a s howe •. Avelog1l
accommodations co n prOVIde fine
private chombers equipped with a
phooe, room service, and.orne lorm
01 electronic entertainment. Opuleot
lodgings range Irom a hOlellu\te to
and Pt. 8. inlennellor communicolion II the only means to achieve an 01>- o live·slDI penthouae a nd p rom!..
mull follow th . so m e rules as in t<.n- ~tiv •. Profe ... ionolIlOLdie.s, body- all the comlort gnd SOIYICQ onyons
.telluT Im"eL: driv\HKIts "",nd cap- guard •. ond mo,m:enories wilh (1 yod· mlgh l wish lor.
lules into drive.pace to transmit ety of skills and morel attitudes may Meal (PL 1)< As the quality of lhe
their meuagea to o noth erdrivesot. be ovoUchls to m .... ' this dem<;md meal rises. the price t'.lnd, to lollow
Moat drlve.ats have a range 01 SO Most mercenaries demand odditlon- Of 1I100d is desired .imply
light-yet",. Eleven hour. (1ft •• Irons- 01 oompenlKltlon for hoz(udous duty. gS a molter 01 susie nonce. any num·
mluion. the target dnvesol receives insurance. medical care. and death be, 01inellpensive .eltauran" cote.
the message and either deliver. it Or benelits. 10 the needs ollhe masse •. An aVe!'
reltly. it to another ru, vesal. The ra- Diplomat lor hire (PL 3): Lile's ;nlll- age meal is delined by both 1111 taWl
turn of (1 Iftply tokes onolher eleven cole complicotions olten require the and by the slo li. An opulent Ol •• ot\e
hours. A dnvesClt i. extremely expen- ,"tervenllon 01 a skilled negOliator. meal i. olten an e ntel10 inJnenl ""III
lIve to build and operate. Puhlic· relations e:lperts. admini.tra- '" Itself at a restaurant where eXCflJ·
Combat Spec lor hire (PL 2): At tors. o..l.tont •. enteoa.oer •. ond len l CUISine is matched by tlawleu

148 limes. judicious applioo tion of force bu.ine.. consul1ants ale just a lew service_
Medlcgl. psychiolry CPL 51: Treat·
ment ior addiction. an>:iety. depres- valved. these prolesslonals olten re-
lion. phobia. amnesia. and other quire equipment and supplieR.
lorms 01 mental illness is possible which the employer musllurnish.
with counseling. thempy. and occa- Travel (PL 3-71: Travel over stan-
lionaily the use of behavioral drugs. dard commercial moons takes the
1111 patient is undergoing regular lorm 01 passenger veh icles dedicat-
prlliessional treatment. th e doctor ed to the task of transporting human
prllviding Ihe I.eatment is allowed cargo. Schedules lor commercial
"",iodic Medical 5<:ience-psycholo- trovel are sel oS much as a year in
gy skill cheo::ks (once per monlh. or advance. and it is olten necessary to
any other Hme unit the Gamemaster reserve tickets well ahead of time.
ipecilies) to see if the patient's COn- Ai, travel (PL 5) reli .... on commer-
dition improves _The Gamemas!er cial airlines and airbuses. Most com·
Guide has more information on men- mercial planes have a soo ting co·
Ial illness. pocity of atloost 100. Smaller cities
MedicaL , urgery (PL 4}; A patient may not be served by commercial
<ulfering Irom mortnl damage re- airlines. especially in the early years
quires Ihe Intervention of a profes- ahe, a socie.y develops air t,avel.
lianalsurgeon. A doctor working in Bus trovel (PL () involves all fonns
II stale·of.the·art medical facility re- 01 land travel that employ individ-
calves a - 3 bonus III his skill checks ual. independently powered vehicles
10. being in a lovorable situation of over a ,oad. Most buses seat 50 to 100
Amazing quality. possengers. When it's available. bus
Medical. lreatmenl IPL 3}: Patients travel is the choopest but also the
luttering from wound damage. dis- slowest form 01 moss transportation.
.,,88. radiation. and polson can be skilled Mindwalkers are in constant Ocean travel (Pl 3) by liner. sail·
t'\KIted without surgery. A doctor demand. Still. most Mindwalkers boat. or yach t is (I common moons of
wllrking in a s late-of.the-art medical refuse to risk violating the lows of transport in settings where water
fllcllity receives a -3 bonus to his the society in which they dwell. covers a large percentage 01 a plan·
.kill checks lor being in a favorable News service (PL 5): Depending on et's surface.
~i1uation 01 Amazing quality. IntersreJ!al travel (PL 7) roquires
the teo::hnology 01 the CIvilization.
Menage service IPL 41: The prima- subi!~iption to a news service pro· Ihe use 01 a s tardrive and remains
ry lunction 01 a message service is to vides the subscriber with print. fairly e>:pensive even at PL 7. Com-
take messages lor a client when he radio. video. electronic. andlol halo- mercial driveships serve a variety 01
i. not available. Usually. but not al- gmphic media. Whotevor lorm the purposes. Smaller vessels. capable
ways. the opelotor 01 the messoge news upda tes come in. the result is of covering S light-years in a single
service knows how to contact the to keep the subscriber upda ted on all journey. serve to link stor sYlltems
client in order to poas on messages even ts 01 nole in his areas 01 inter- that oro close to one anotho r and
immediately. When coupled with a est: local.. planetary. Or inlerstellar corry only a few dozen passengers.
cellular phone or other portable com- news. or events in a specilic !ield On the largest commercial cruisers
munication device. a message ser- such as madicine Ot business. with a range of 2!ilighl-yoors. the
vice doubles as a &eeretarial service Security servlco (PL 4): A security number of possengers may exooed
ClIpoble of screening calls. service provides round·the...:;lock pro- 1.000. The high cost 01 crossing the
Mlndwalker lor hire (PL 6), In com· tection of a residence or place 01 void be tween the stors limits the
paign .... lIings that use the optional business_ Alarms, patrols. and cam· availability of the service.
rules lor psionics (see Chapter t4), eros may be includad. Increased lev- System travel (PL 6). 01 in terplane-
els of p rotection require the services tary travel, begins at PL 6 but only
of a Combat Spec with experience as becomes highly popular 01 PL 7
a bodyguard. when full-scale exploration of the
Ta>:i ride (PL 3), In almost all ur- stars gets under way. Because this
bon aQd suburbon environments. lorm of transport fs limited to sub-
taxis are avallable for immediate ligh t velocities. travel hum the inner
transportation_ Often. ta>:i drivers to the outer planets 01 (I system reo
double as tour guides and fi>:ers. full mains relatIvely e>:pensive.
of information on places to visit or to TWin !ravel (PL 4) is an excellent
avoid. Of COUlse. the d . iver is likely alternative lor the fiscally conscious
to e>:pect on ex tra reward lor direct- traveler and lor cargo shipments. At
ing toulists to places that provide Pl 6 ond beyond. the velocity 01 a
lodging.lood. orentertoinment. passenger train or a cargo train can
Tach Op for hire (PL 5), Numbered exceed the speed of sound. light roil
among Tech Ops are medical doc- systems. such as urban mass transit.
tOf!!. engineers. pilots. hacke.s. and are in constant operation and use a
alilorm" of specialists who deol in llat pricing structure in which a one·
high te.:h. Depending On the task in- time lee allows a rider to stay on
board liS long oS he wishes.
A character .... ilh hackIng doesn'l
11M computer openl'l/OlI: backing THE COMPUTER
a llo•• a ehal(lcte. 10 O'CCOmplish
everything Ihot computer operation
eo~ and more, f or ga m.. p Ulpoee., a compute r con·
Hardware "'pm,.."t, a eharQcte.s al, ta 01(l p roceuor, active mem ofY-
kDowled~ and proliciency with Ihe atored memol)', and various inle lface
phpleal COnlponenhl that make up 0 devlcn. Th is ballc model holds true
COUIpuler, Underltanding bow 0 eom- 10. a ll eom puleu; th rough 1.1119<1111
puler ayB1.m worb, being able to 181 Progr... Level 1.
_ up quickly, d .. lgnlng and build·
lag your own computer, and (at hlgh -
_ rallb) being abl. to repair COm'
putMcompoa.enl. arB all covered by The p~ de l.. rmin ..... a comput-
tIu. apecicdty Ikill. e •• ~" ... pr.... nted asa s itua lion
Pnlgrammmg provtd.. a chmac- bonul to action chech when a char·
ter witb!be t.o lning and .. xperti,.. acte r II lpecl lically operating th ..
...dtd 10 ....u. computer codes and compute •. Th l, bonu .. rang ..... frQm " 0
modily ex\.rlng plogram. to ochleve bonu. for MQ.glna l processors, to - I
a dealred .Ue<:t. IO!' O rdinary. - 2 for Good . and -310'
prQCellBOr. ro le d " . Amazing .
.. A co-procen or can be added 10
Dna Bucca • • or a computer to p rovld.. a - I bon ua to a
Manlli' u..r'.computer operQtian 01 hack ing
~ wtth many other Iypes 01 skills in
uiU eheeh when specilicolly oper-
the AI.1EIIXm' geme, wccesa when aling thl compu ter.
uaiDg a compute, c:cm be detennined
ill OD. of Iwo WOYI5. Memory
FOC' IJImple to.h or In . Ituations
Th e quollty of a com puter'.. procellOr
wbe:a the Gomema,ler wanta to keep
al so de te rm ines ill memory capacily.
the cctj0D Inst and /ullou., he con
A procellO!' divides memory (it. d ata
can Ioia cha.acter to make a .ingle
s lora ge capoc1tyl belween active and
niU checJr:: the better the IlIlull. the . to.ed me mory.
gllKltw the degree of . ue........
... Acl/". memory determines the
Pm time-con&uming taul or in s it-
numbe rol plog m ms that con be in
1ICrti0Dll wh.n Ihs Gomemaal"l
wants 10 build tension and SUSPOIDI8.
u" (II a glv .. n time. Ev .. ry progra m
hOll a specific .. ize. equal 10 th .. nu m·
heCDll leqW'" a complex skill check
ber of a ctlv. memory .Iots it lake.
WM paIJe 62\; he aaligns a specific
up; alb.. 3 for .."(lmpl........
nWlilbe.r of ~ that mtat be
qui ..... 3 . 1011 of acli"e memory.
~ tooomplele the tern.
... Stored m ..mOl]' •.,p ........nls !hOlM
program. and tIola files slored in a
oomput.. r that ar .. nol currently in oc·
tivI memory. Fo. game pUrpoaell,
ItorlllCl memory iln't a major concern.
Betw~n hard drivel and dilks. a
character can atore all ollhe pro'
gmml and datalil" Iile might want
10 carry around.
SIOfed memory comes into play
when a character wants to download
dolo 10 her computer (S~ the de·
~ption ollhe tronsfer program on
page 166 for more information), and
when Ihe character wants to load
programs Into acllve memory.
.. Loading Pmgrom.. It requires
an action to move a alngle program
bom stored to active memory. Or 10
replaC1ll a progmm in active memory
with one from alo ,ed memory.

A computers operoling .y.tem, or
OS, provides the baaic parameters lems. Wha!". available depende on Iystem 011 colonies and resea lch 110·
under which the machine ope rates. the Progres. Lovel of Ihe campaign tionl elfpand 10 other planets. Be-
Every processor comea with a hulll- and what the Gamem".ter allows. lides developing to Incorporate vir-
in OS thot matchu Ihe qualily 01 the GIDI (Grid Interlace devic.I). a tual ulIII......-calied "gridpilo"--the
hardware Though the OS is cansid- lpecial type of equipment lor use Grid becomes an important inter(lc,
ered 10 be active, It doesn't use up with computers of Plogrel. Levels 6 live communl«rtion medium. Every·
any active memory slot •. and 7. 0 •• dOllC.ibed in delail under one in this era uses the Grid.
Every OS Lnclude~ the following "Users in the Grid" on page 159. In oddition to male powerful veI-
basic lunctlons: copy, delele, ellOl llon. 01 PL 5 computer. (deligned 10
.ecognihon, 1I1e 1f1(I"nagemenl. p.o- handle the new program. ond tech·
tecllon. pro.ocol. and save.
Copy ol1oWII a user to replicate
COMPUTER§ nology). now typel of computers ap-
pear: the grldcoslel, the microcom·
files and programs. Delele allows a THROUIiH THE puter. the nanocomputer. and the
user to remove unwanled mes and dOla.lale.
progroms lrom memory. £rrol lecog· AIiE§ Progreu Lewel 7, the Gravity Age.
nillon identifies .".hware or hard· Progrelll.evel 5. the Information u.hersln on advancernent in COm'
wore problem •. but doe. nOI provide Age. i. defined by an eqll08ion in puter miniaturization and pOwer. The
Ihe mean. to solve th_ problem •. com puter technology. Every yeal. Grid continues to evolve. A, humani·
File monagemenl enables a user 10 smalle •. laster. and mOle powerful ty travels loathe•• Iar
organize theliles in memory in any pIIr.".nal compulefll hit the market takes the Grid along-every star IIY8"
way desired. making it pollaible 10 ond influence the way lIOCiely works lem wilh major human sett lementl
easily locate any partieular piece of and ploy •. Neallhe midpoint "llh. constructs i" own Grid. With theod·
information. P.olec1ion warns 01 Information Age. the lint Grid ap- vent of drivespaC1ll commu nications.
viruses and other Intrusions. Protocol peara.l!"s basically IUlt a computer gridpilots can send theil .. irtua!
olloWII Ihe computer to Interlace with r>fItwOlk alXessed via modems. tel e- .alves (called -shadow.-, 10 Grid. In
other computer •. eithe r via a network phOneR. and cable lines. other .ystems to per form pro-
or by translaling dOlO from diUerenl The basic computers 01 PL 5 are grammed lunctionl.• uch 01 picking
operahng IYltem •. Save allow. 0 the supe rcomputer. the mam/rame, up or delivering news and data.
user to store liIeslo. later use. th. desktop. and the notebook. Though computers advance by
Progreu Le ..eI6. the FUllion Age. leap. and bound. in this era. the per'
experienC1lls a number of technologi· centage 01 gr\dpilotl among the pop-
Int.l!rfacl! Ol!vlcl! ca:lleaprl that move it well beyond ulation at large remains roughly the
Every compuler come. with an inter- the copabilitles 01 theln lormation & Most human. just aren't wlll-
face device. Thi. deviC1ll allow. Ihe Age. In the realm 01 compulera. ing to undergo s urgery and accept
uselto communicate with hi. ma- breakthroughs include three-dimen- mechonical implants in order to
chine. inputting data and retrieving .ional cry.tal hologram momory . Ior- make lu!l use of the Grid. Instead.
it in .".me way. age systems (30.). imp roved proces· nonin.",.sive machinery i. develOJ*l
Standord interlace devices in- sors. and cytronic circuitry that to allow uselS to experience at least
clude monitors. keyboarda. track· allows u~erB 10 experienC1ll virtual le- a fraction ollhe virtuol Gtidscope.
ball •. styluses. voice recognilion ality in the Grid. Thil technology employs sensory

technology. and neural cannection. The Grid evolve •. growing to caver luits and virtu·aeU gogglllil to sirnu·
that allow charocter. to plug th eir the planet and the resl 01 the IO la r late the .... nlOtion. available to
mind. dlleclly into computer sys-
wired gridpilots whose shadows
rOOm the Grid.
Most of the compute", introduced
0\ PL 60re still available, but the
bulky. outdated mochines 01 PL!)
bave all but disappeared. lnsteod,
new technology hrn; led to the devel-
npment 01 tbe compute r gauntlet
worn over tbe larearm and band. In
additioa to its computing capabili-
!ies. each gauntlet has a specialized

The descriptions below detail com_
puters Os they exist at the Progress
Level in which they Ore limt ia tro-
duced. Consider them to be tbeulti-
Illata machine" of the age. It such
llIachiaes are still available In late r
l'Jogre"s !.evels. they have been up-
graded to handle the new technology
<Old progroms 01 the age.

Data !ilatl!
A dota slate is the fusion Age (PL 6)
answer to pen and paper. mplacing
tbese antique items in almost all
everyday function s. Basically a
!latscreea a nd inpul slot. a da ta slate
(or "d-~late") lits in the palm 01 the
hand. By placing a 3D in the slot, the
user can review data on the SCreen.
With a stylus or a neural interfaoo.
the user can manipulate data .
Files and prog ra ms that 0 data
&Iate accesses aTe otten stored On
30ri (see "Peripherals" below), sinoo
the stored memory is extremely limit-
ed in these devices. A d-slate coo be
connected to a iargercomputer or
workatotion to download data as
necessary. A da ta "late has no Grid
interface device.

The desktop compute, ill the stan- gauntlets at the some time, hut they
dard personal camputer 01 P,ogres" 6auntlet!i
can't be used simu ltaneously.)
levelS. It isn·t easily portable, but it The basic computers 01 Progress All gauntlets are equipped with
oon be lugged around if a9C9ssory.ln !.evel? gauntle ts come in a Variety built-in co-processors. which pro-
auch a situation, a desktop can·, be of specialized models. Worn over the vides u .... rs with an automatic- I
used. ualil irs reas .... mbled and con· lorearm and hand, all gauntlets leo· bonus on any action related to the
nected 10 a power lIOurce. ture touch·pads on the upper lorearm use of the gauntlet.
A desktop includes 0 proceSlIOr. a panel and on the palm. a Ihinscreen
keyboard and mou ..... a CD-flOM On the back clthe hand. drive slcts Comput:er Gauntlet
drive. on internal disk drive. a mo· for in putling 308 or X3Da (see "Pe- The basic oomputer gauntlet is the
dern. and a monitor. ripherals" below). and various jacks personal computllr of the Gravity
lor connecting the gauntlet to a com-
pu ter intllrlace mechanism. (lI"s pos-
sible loro c hmoc ter to wear two
Age. [t rllplaces the notllbooks and
data slates 01 earlier ages. The com-
puter gauntlet's Grid in terlace;s can·
worn over the head ond plugged di-
rectly into the user's NlJocks,
Optionally, 0 grldcoster can toke
the form of a pair of minorshades (or
some othel .lmHar type of eyeweor)
with a built·in heads-up display.
This device enables 0 grideaste. to
main tain a levlII of awarene.. of
what'. going on around him. inlleod
a . being vllually cut 011 from his sw-
roundings inllde a helmet.
All gridcosta,. a.e considered to
be smart GIDs.
Sae '1'he G.ld: pages 156-1:)9. Ie.
Cotnpun!r liau"!:lel: male details on GlDs. gridcosterl,
and the gI idpi lots who uooe them.
sidered to be 0 dumb GID (_ 'Uooers the Knowledg&<ompuler ope.ation
in the Grid: page 1:)9). or Computer Science-hac~;ng skIlls. 6rid!iuit.
The gcmnttets have dumb GIDs.
liridcastel"" (gauntlet) A proles.sionalgauntlet p.ovides a The vi.tual sellAOry suit. or grldsuil,
The most popular gridrolter 01 PI. 7 -I bonus to a charactel's related skill appeon in the G,avlly Age lProg._
com.. packed in a gaunttet.1t cun be chedu when the gauntlet is used in Level 7). It is dellgned to allow thOM
connected by loads to a gridpilot's conjunction with a sp&<;ilic applico_ who don', have Internal nanocomput.
neurallnterfaeil jack. (Nljacu), Or tlon of those skills. eT>l and NlJach to experiance the
plugged direclly inlO subdermol Common professional gauntlell Grrd. The use, w_.. a lull-body ..~.
Jack. that connecl 10 Ihe pilaf. cy- include the lollowing itelns' sory suit. virtu-sell full.spectrum
t.onk circuilry system wlthoul the The pliot gauntlet aids In Vehicle gogglel, and total ·sou nd oarphone •.
need lor loads or cubl". The grid- Operation...,,, vehicle Or space vehi- When the lull"s Interface coble il
cusler gauntlet i. 0 smot' GID. cle.k1l1u_. plugged into the the woore!".
Set! "The Grid: pa9" The navigator gauntlet provides a mind and body plungetl into tbe vir·
more detoils on gridpilots ond dumb bonus to Nuvlgation skill checks tuol GridSl;Clpe.lfs not OS "real" on
and smort G[Ds. Op_ (Ope.ations) gauntlets a uilt e~rience as being a true grid pilot.

Sy.tem Operation skill uses. but it's as dose as most peaple are
Medical liilunt.let A aclene .. gauntlet aid!! in Li le. willing to get. (Fun-fledged gridpi·
The medicul gauntlet. one of the PhysIcal. or Tochnieal &;ience skill lots require the Ins tallotion of a vn,l.
most amazing devices 01 Progreu uses (aile blood skill per gauntlet). ety 01 invasive devieils, including
Level 7. I. a dedicoled medicul COm- SecurIty gauntlets assist Security nanocomputers, cyltonic circuitry.
puter with speciolized diognoeis skill USH. and Nljcck interface..)
~uipment built in. In oddillon to the While wearing 0 gridluit aad b0r-
,tondard computet interlOCft locat- ing plugged Into the Grid. the use.
ed On the top foroarm ond hand pan - must remain at the locotion of hi,
.1•. powerful sellAO.. ore built in to The gridcaster. which lilst appeall at connection. In addition. as the Grid
the palm of the glove. Frogre.. Level 6. is a specialb.ed de- sensotiODS overwhelm him, all
While the normal computer func- vice designed to plovide a virtual Awareness checks involving phe·
tions can be used by onyone wilh the link to the Grid. It isn't a stand-alone nOmena of the real world recaive a
Knowledg&<omp'der oplltation o. computer. but an integrated interfoeil +3penahy.
Compute. Sciene+-had,;ng skills. device that allows a use. to acceu
the medicul diagnosis ha.dware and and manipulate the Grid. A ...... Mainframe
-oltware requir .... the Medicol Sci· must Unk to the glidooster through a
eneil bnx.d .kill. In addition. depend· cytlonlc neorol interface, and mUlt A mainframe is a aophisticated com.
ing on the circumstance•. most 01 the then connect the unit t(l the GIld to puter designed to rUn powerful wOfk
Medicul Scieneil 'p&<; ialty ,kills oon fully utilize the devi~. stations in the home Or olllce, The ul·
be und with the medicul gauntlet. Fully portoble, a gridco8le, moa- tima te version 01 this machine.
The mediculgauntlef. Grid inter- sure. about 25 cm aquale and S cm which ILl" appear' late ;n Progleu
lace Is considered to be (I dumb GID. deep. In addition to a sp&<;iallzoed !.evel S. il a compact. powerful com
p.oces-or and memory slot •. it loa· pute. conllgured al a tower to fit un.
PI"Dfi!sslonal Gauntlet lUres a built-in keyboard. a In· dernoath a typk:al desk. All main·
The prolenional gauntlet is a com- lerlace: link, and a cytronic neulal frame computer.leoture a pracellOl'.
puter gauntlet with dedicoted p.o- link (lor the u..... to connect tol. a keyboard and mouse, a CD· ROM
g.amming to aid itl user in a chosen At Progr ..... Level 7. the gridcaster drive. an Internal disk drive, a mc-
field. The bonuses provided by the comes in two model!l--tho mOre pop_ dam, and a monitor.
quality 01 the gauntlet are applied ular gridco.ter gauntlet (see above) A mainlram. iln't conlidered to
when using a sp&<;ilic brood skill and the le.s common gddcaster hel- be portable. This machine is larger

154 and lis related sp&<;ialty s kills, Dot to met. The helmet is a stylish device and heavier than a desktop, and
oon'l be currIed around without great
dLlhcullY. As .... ith a desktop. it a
lDOinlrame is moved. It 000'1 be.a«l
untill!'s '8<lll88mbled and connecte d
lOa power .ou r~.

Micr ocom pute r

This minlatu.l zed computo r Iirst ap- -.::I
peerl in the Fusion Ago (PI. 6). r.
placing Ihe notebook computet. It
lIIet1surfHI anly 1:1 em by 10 cm. Con-
,;sling of a lllp-open trunKfee n, a VR =
.oiee.act lvated intedQee, a n Internal
power supply. a dumb GID. and an
'nput drive. it feo a powe. ~ll
that prov idel a Hmited amount of en-
"gr. usually enough for 6 hou.s 01
continuous use. A depleted 0011 can Not: ebuu k PER IPHE RAL !i
be techarge d in 2 hOUri. Extra pOwe. Appearin g 0\ PI. 5 ond remainin g Various d .. vices ar.. availobl e to .. ~­
cells COIIt $200 each. popular until the introduc\ lon 01 th .. pand or .. nhance the capabilit y 01 a
data "late and microc:ompulor 01 PI. comput... in IIOme way. Only Ihoee
I\!an ocom put.e r 6.0 nat .. book is a sell-conl ained. ex- item' that are unusual or Ilnique to
tremely parlable pananal computer . th .. ALTEIINm gam .. ar .. deKfibed ;
Thellrll fully .ecllized cybetnet ic- With a Ilip-up display sereen. built-
o;on"ol compute r is the nanocom- .e(d-wor ld devi~s are only men-
In keyboard . battery lupplylre charg- tioned in brief. and theliat is by no
puter. maklOg its debut In th. Fu.lon er, hard drive. disk drlve, CD-ROM
Age (PI. 6). Basioolly_ a nanocom puter meons .. xhaustiv e.
drive. and modem, a notebook goes Standard periphor al d .. vic .... 01 PI.
!tan e~tremely Imall proceB8or im- whereve r illl user goes..
planted inside the User'1 heod. The 5 include the digItal comOla, digiral
Battedes provide a limBed supply reco.det. prlnrer, IC'Qnner, and. sly/uS.
price olth. nanocom puter includell 01 power (up to 4 hours 01continuo us
o;ylfOn;C circuil ry that connects the The technolo gy 01 PI. 6 introdUCe"
Ull8). and addItion al ballery packs new d .. vicos. Inclllding th .. Nllact,
compute. to the neu.QI netwO/k 01 ill can be carried. This is the
\!.Mr. (For a nanocom pute,to be 3D. and X3D.
personol COftIputerQvailable in Ihe Furth.. r advancfHI in Ihe G,avlty
available in your campoig n. you. In lormatio n Age, though spec!QlLzed
Gomema ste. must be uling at Least Ag .. {PI. 7llead 10 th .. dev ..lopm .. nt 01
.. Iectronic d ..vices such as .. Iectronic improved NlIacks. including a sub
g scaled-do wn version of the option
appointm ent books do com.. in dermal and wlfele5ll' version. oad the
Cl1rul.. in Chapter 15: Cybellee h. See smaller pockago s.
"CybernoliC1ll and. PI. 6 Cemputors~ int.oducl ion 01 the memory hor_
on Ihie pogelo. mo.e deIQils.) for use with the new AI (mh!lcal in-
§upe rcom pute r teJligeoco:ol program " (See ~A.hhcal
Intelligen ce" tin page 161 lor mor .. in-
A lupercom put.. r, about Ih"li~ 01 a
large ca bine t m bookca..., il packed
with hundred s olt...abyte. 01
ry and proteasin g powor_ These com- Neu ral Inter faCE !
pute.s ar .... xtremely rare at Ptog.e.s .Ja<:k (NUa <:k)
IAveiS. Qnd I.. w people have QCC .....
to Buch computin g pow .. r_v .. n at The neurolla torlace ttlck. 01110
work 0< via modem connecti on •. kntlwn oa a a plug locxrled
tin the outsid.. 01 a cha.act.. r's body
A BUpe.COmputer controls and
manilo", Iyslems within bUllneSB. This plug connects ttlCftron lc cileuit-
scien~, 0. manu iacturing compl .. x-
ry Insid .. th .. body. allowing data-
el, in oddilion to providing manlv .. cabl&& ttl link the IlI8r to cybernet ic
machinery. The mc-t common tlppli-
amount" of storago and computin g
pow .. r All Inlerfaci ng with th .. IUF8'r- cation lar CI NlJack is to ollow Q grid·
compute t aceu", using either a dedi, p,lotto link (til jack) Into his gndca"t·
cated workstat ion or via a networke d er and. in tum, lata the Grid Without
a N!lack and cyt.ank Cllcu,try. a
p ..",onal com puter.
characte r can't tully operate a
~ Acti ... memory: Fo. gam .. pll"
po89I_ a supercom puter has an un- caster
limited amount 01 actlv .. memory. NIJacks and other Grid interiace
though limits may be Imposed by the techntllogy Ole h ..1 d .. v.. loped ot PI.
worll&tQtlon or the n .. tworked p8 • ..on- 6. wi th vast improvem ents being in-
al COmputela chamcle r u_. troduced 01 P1.1.

scaled-down vers ion at the program
can be loadoo into 0 memory hor- THE GRID
nesl 10 provide at least portial aasi.- The world .. ide computer network
tone. out.ide 0 ,hip or com plex that that comes to be known a s the Grid
norm ally hOUl101 0 full AI (See "Artl - expanda and improves as tima gOft
lidollnlelligence- on pogo 167.\ by Though they shore many limik",-
The hamen can be con nected 10 0 tiel, the Grid 01 a porlicula r Prog reu
compute r ga untlet IK> thallhe limited Level has lis own charactelist ir;&.
AI can Interact with the wOOrer, The
home.. oon e~n be equipped wllh
llenaors and Bpeakers 110 tha t the AI
At. Progrl!!is
000 recold data and obllOrve condl- LevelS
hoos, os well as communloote vel- The worldwida compule. net ..orkof
bally with the wearer the Information Ag. connects com-
3D puters via modem. and Biml1ar link ..
§ubdennal making extensive use 01 telephone
hnea, IIOtellita Hnh, and other com·
3D .. and X3D .. NUack munication media. As the !n!ormll-
By the lime 01 the fus ion Age (PL 6L In the Grovily Age, leads a nd oobles tlon Age moturel. many network
magnetic I!orago devices have been orO no longer nec.StlClty lor the grid- _rvers Ilppenr MOIl hllve !lilt. to
replgced by three-dimensional c:rya· pilot on tha go. Connectionl con be each other, bUl each has its own
tal hologram 1\0'011'0 dov;c..s· com- Installed in the wrist or forearm IK> roles, protocols. ond araoa a t Intel·
monly 0011. . 3Os. A 3D conloin& a that 0 gridcaster gauntlet can be •• t. In general. an access provider
huge amount 01 s~ within il& crya- pluggoo direclly iota a UMr'S cytran- (:hargel a !lot lea for unlimited ulOl
10\11118';0" .lnce dgla con be record· ic circuitry system without tho need Most activity on the net (which
ed In three dimenllionainsleod 01 for running oobles to NI/ach lnc:cued comes 10 ~ called the Grid 01 the
one. in the neck 01 head, {l1te subdellnal oga nearS il. condu.ionl Involve.
01 course, p rogram complexity Nljoek, as on itom a t cybernehc entertainment. newl gatheling. and
and size hOB increand to Hl1the equipment, is 01.0 men!ioned In In lOlmoUan s holing. Grid.,tes exist
newly o1loi\oble spctce. While this Chaptell5:Cyooltech.} that arfI dedicated to almosl evart
mok. . new l&Chaota- SUb)8C1 Imaginable, and Interested
11'.01 possible, it doean', provide the uselS meat constant ly to trade inlor'
unlimited amount 01 storage spoce Wireless NI.Jack motion and oproions on 0 wlda van·
thai WOI predicted neo. the end o j The wirelen neum!ln tedm:e jock il ety of topics, A hoeker can ollemp. to
Ihe Inlormauon Age. The program. a llensor localed on the outside of a aabotage ar accen remote comput·
neoded 10 (lCOOBS the v;r!Ual reality ch<Iloc:te r"s hood. usua ll y high on the er. connected to the Grid, but thiB is
aspec;t 01 the Grid ond otherWIse run side or back 01 the neck where it cao dillicult and otten tlme-<:onauminll·
the machinery 01 thiB age Ore Ilupen- be hidden by hair. Getting Information out 01 the in·
doully complex ond Incredibly 1a.go. When a(:ltva led, a wireless NlJack formation Age Grid is a cumbersome
A huge number 01 PL S progmms comp le tes a da ta link wi lh a compu t- proc:en, since a ullOr olten has to
can be IItared On a lingle 3D. bu l no er or gridoostel that has a similar _k 01,11 and vilit many litnlOoctU-
C\lltlng-edge computer operolor or 5OnllOI A w;,e lns Nljock pedorml mulale data. One use lulleo ture i.
g.idpilot 01 the age u,es the ou tdat- all 01 the functions a .egulor NlJack, the ability 10 poIIt a request tor infOl'
ed. outmoded, and outclassed pro- exc:ept It requi'" nO hard· wired con- motion Though this takn lime.
grams of th. e(tllier Progleu Level- nection: data ilnanslet1'ed via radiO eventually anothe r 1,1"'" may read
they use upda ted, PL 6 version. 01 emIssions. Ihe posti ng and provide the In forma-
tho,e some program., versions that A cha racte r equipped wi th a wlra- tion being sought
IrlCOfpo!o.te the newnt programming leas Nljack mUlt be in hne o l aight Every Grid use' has on online
technique. and mako use of the new- and no farther Ihan 10 me ter" from name to Identity him without giVIng
e,t technolOgy the .ystem he',lnterfaclng with. (The away his tlue identity. This online
Eacb removable 30 can hold pro- wirele.. NI/ock, (UI aD Item of cybe.- nome Is aasocio led with the user'.
gram, totaling 2 ,lOll of memory; netic equipment, is a lso mentiOnOO Grid addreu and access account
larger 30.. called X30., can hold up in Choptef IS: Cybertech.) HackefS ca n employ fala.e addre .....
to 5 ,lOll 01 memory and accoun ts. thoug h such lubler-
luge II guarded agoinal by extreme-
Memory Harness ly pOwerlu! watchdog program •.
Developed in the Gravuy Age (PL 7}. Places In the &.-Id
a memory hamn. is a belt and lull The Grid consis .. 01a VOlt numbel 01
body melh that contclH." 0. Itorogo .ystems lin ked by communico tions
systom lor an orlllldol intelligence Ji nes. Each system i. a group ot
(AI) progrom A choracle. weofllh. lInkoo computer nodes connected to
hornon 10 carry 0 K'Oled-down AI. the Grid, The Ih ree types olsystenu
AI programs don't lit in pOrtabh,
156 computers -they're 100 lorge. A
are public. ptivo'e, and ,estticted.

Interaction at WDrk: Bt:rlklng a dl!'al t'or comput:er component.

A public system C<ln be accessed uc<;eu , Muny privute systems are Acce5'l service networks are com·
byanyona with a computer and connected to restricted systems that mercial computer lI8lUpS that provide
modem. Thase systems include alec- protect only the privute system's accounts and usage packages that
Ironic mail services. public dotabas- most se nsItive datu. while other re- incl ude e-mai!. research services.
lI,electronic shopping and banking strided systems have no low-securi- commercial reservation applications.
Mrvices. chat cnd bulletin board sys- ty connecti ons. These systems in- and olher common services. Most ac-
tems. corporote information boards, clude high-level corparate and coss service systems are private and
and topic-specific Gridsitas open to government computer systems. such have at least Good pmtection.
lhegoneral public. as utility and communica tions com· Corporare networks have many
Public systems 0,0 considered to mond centers. bonk account files. 8uhsystem5 devoted to occounting.
beunprotected.though the quality 01 personul data records. billing datu· administration. pell.onne!. public Ie-
me ayalem determines how mony bases. pe rsonnel mes. research and lot;ons. and .esearch and develop-
layer!! 01 defense it has (see "'nfor- development sys tems. and cI"ssilied ment. Medium-size and small busi·
l!l(ltion Retrieval: oboval lor when (I government or low enforcement ays" nesses follow this model. though
backer attem pts 10 Oe<::OS8 nOn public tems. In addition to prot&<:tion pro- theil systems are smaller and less
<ITll(IS of the system. grams. 0 restricted system has" diversified_ Regardless of its si~e, the
Privata ayatams make up the rna- greoater number of loye rs of defense typical corporate network is restrict-
joTI!y of the Grld. These systems re" than the quality of its processor ed and has OrdInary p,otectlon_
quire passwords to be accessed, and might indico:te. usually from 3 to 12 FinanCial networks include those
records are kepi on the number of mOre (3d4, or as determined by the found Ln s tock market and commodi-
IlSers. who the U${ITS cra, (lnd what Gamernaster). ty exchange services. oonks. and
partB of a system they visit. These other linancial institutions. Actual
If.lems include private databases. TypEl'!!ii of' l\Jetwork!!ii datas tores of accounl information
\ee-based en tertainment. news and FollOWing are brief descriptions of can't be accessed through the Grid.
business services. and pay-to-play the most COmmOn types 01 computer and no hacker of this uge oon break
"'mpu ter games. Private systems are networks connected to the Grid . into these systems. All such networks
OOI1sidered to be proteded. meaning Academic networks include coL· have restricted access ond Ama~ing
that they have protection programs Lege and unLve,slty computers. and protection.
beyond the basic layers of defense va rious libraries wi th Grid sites. Government networks include bu-
that exist in a public system.
Restricted systems CITe specially
designed to prevent unauthorized
These systems aTe generally open to
the public ond have (at besl} Margin -
a l protectIon.
reaucratic siteD that handle red tope
and track data on driver's licenses.
birth and death certificates. and
building permits; judicial (lnd law
10 enforcement si l es; leglalo:tive ait ••
that Ira",k ond record CUllent law ••
.A. vote. regislrotion inlormatlon. ond
en recorda concerning cou rt decisions.
c::c MOil 01 lh911(1 network . a •• privot ...
and hove Margined protection.
Military netwolks or. concerned
with .uppii.... logflllic •• and the ad-
ministrative moUe.s of a branch of
the military. These networh are gen·
erally privata with Good protection
Thl' COlll9ory does nOf include nel-
works that con1.0] Or ave .... weap-
ani and o ther militory technology.
Open millwork, ale the po.1;ons 01
other networks thai Can be occessed
by the general public. The.. contain
odverlhNlmenla. shopping catalogs,
dl-'Cuuion groups. Or olhe. public .e- wo,ld Ihaf. oonnecleci to a telephone nanocomputer and a gridcaster. With
lollola areaS. Most of them have 0.- line can be y;slled by a oomput.r Ihese lools, UHrS con genemte grid.
dinary prol(l(;lion Of lellll.
user Moal connectiona allow only ... Iyes to explore and manipulate tM
Operotional networks monoge 01 limited visitors. Ihough virtual GridllCOpe. High-end use, ..
control phyaioollacilllill.-oulomal_ one. inside. a hrn:.:ker can get into all called grldpiloll. generate superior
ed laC10Iia!;. talophone .witchboards. kinds 01 troubl". It all depend. on the grid·aelyel known as shadowi.
and air traUic oontrol systems fall progroml he corries. the power of his
undel thia category. AC<;(IN 10 these machinery. and his own skills-not The lirldscepe
to mention the capabilities and the
net wall... i. reBIIIcted, and Ihey 01·
ways hoy" Amcaing protection.
number 01 defense layerl ollhe
tem he'slnyading
.y._ When 0 grid pilot links ioto his grid·
coster and connects to the Grid. a
PotloJ oetwa,ka ployid" oonnec- portioo ot hi. oon.ciousne&s ente •• a
honshom one pa,l!an 01the Grid to newly genemtlld shadow. which
another, u.ually lor a I.... Th_ net· At: Progress plunges into the virtual datas'team
worka are priYala and have Ordinary The cyber wind II tOw and exhilorat,
Le\lel 6 ing ..... nding tingling senaotianl
U" r asecu"~ networks deal wilh in· The eXlensiye computer network ot lxrck 10 the gddpilol as the ~hadow
formation and oparaliana that con'l th. Fuaion Age covers not only the rushes along. It lakel nanose<:ond.
be acee...oo by the general public. Earth. but 0110 any other linked ailel to troyelln the Grid. but the gridCOI1
Intelligence ogene,". delcll8e aya· throughout the .alar system (permo· er and ita buill·in programs slow lhe
11m., and olhe. highly $/in•• tiye dolo nent space .talions and frn:.:iliUes on percepllon of Ihe trip 10 a pace th,
10UI into this category Most ulrrase· Ihe Moon and other syslem bodies). mind I:(IIIlallaw and enjoy.
cu.e networks have reltrlC1ed aCC4.111J1 Technology improves by leo.,. and The electron "ream empli•• inloa
unu Amoi<ing protection. bounds. and a true virtual reality is .oging dolololllhot leads directly to
User networkl ore compuler.ln establilhed inside Ihe Grid the Grid. From Ihls pe'spech"e. the
private homes thul tempolarHy oon- UHr. ron work the Grid /rom re- Grid oppearl 01 a lallicework at
nect to the Gnd_ A service p rovides mote workltations as though II were glowing Unes ond lights suspended
e lectroniC muil and olher du la os a PL 5 netwOl'k, but to get the mo.t in a field ot inllnlte white. This i.!h,
peut of a monthly ulI(lge package that out ot Ihe technology. a user need. a tirst "jew a shadow sees os illinks 10
moat Gud-connected UHr •• ubscribe
10. ACCIIM to auch a network i. pri -
yate. and it hns Marginal protection.

Navigating the Grid

The Grid 01 the late lnlormahon Age
I. a rellftarch ond lact-gathering tooL
It oliowl a USoer 10 make many con-
tactl, though without on accura le
Ideo of whom he'. dealing with
ocrOl.lh ... OOtalln.....
An accomplished hacker can gel
I[\to .arne reatriC1ed sy.tem •. though
th ... proceas is difficult. Law en lorce·
ment agencies are olway. watching
lor thORe who alter. tamper with. or

158 sleal restricted dOlo.

Eyery computer aystem In the
!be dimolUlion 01 dala. The lillml rep-
,_"I the billions 01 path. Ihol oo •• i-
a' ,1gna]s oon take; the Hghls. the
countleu number 01computer Bya-
lems linl:lKI into the Grid.

Users in 'the Grid

the connection. the shadow di..ap-
pears. II th e shadow WOI retrieving
or deliveri ng doto. the data also dis·
oppe<..... The Ihadow mull actually
reach a d9lltlnal ion to deliver wha l'
ever data it cauie1l (a lthough a g rid-
pilol con IICQn d oto in 0 system It bts
Compu ter programs. o. IOftware. are
seta of instructions thot, when loaded
into active memory. enable 0 com-
puter to perform a speciUc lunctlon.
Every proglOm belonglto one ot
Anyone oo.n use the Grid. There OtB shadow decides to risk 0 look). throe cutegorl~lalian, bock-
two basic: Grid ;nleo1o<:8 device. Virusea. protection programs. IYS- ing. or uli/ily-and II ei ther Margm·
(010.) designed 10 accomplish th is, tern usertl. and othe r shadows aLL al. O rd inary. Good. or Amazing in
dumb em. and amorl G[Ds. Regard- paM threatl too gridpllot and his quality. (A lew proglOms are not
.... of the type 01 in terlace device shadow. Even 10. the rush 01 the ex· a:voilable in Mcrryinal-quali ty ver-
being used. II alway. requires an oC-- perience and the poteni!ol rewords liOnl. 01 se t forth on TABU: P31: COM-
lion to engage contact with the Grid are enough 10 lure mOlit grldpilol& ~ PflOCRAMS.)
or 10 d iaconnec;1. Into the virtual Gridscape.
Dumb Cio. don', allow a user to The nanooom put9f. complete with
\Dletad wllh the Grid exoopt in the cylron ic cirCUItry. is the advance in Progrilm
mo.! ."partidal way •. A telecomm. techaolQgy that makel the gridcaste. Descriptions
the PL 6 equivuient 01 the telephone. poni bl e. This blowiring (included In The descriptionl below detai l o;om
allow. ils use, to call Grid codes to the price 01 the nanocomputer) per· puter programl as they exill 01 the
c:onverae with othe, UM'. or speo;ial- mits electronic s ignall to travel be- Prog ress Level in which they a re IifSl
t:ed Grid-.ell personalities. A grid- tween neurol pothwoys (lnd cybe, - Int rod uced.. Nower. updoted versions
Ilatlon, another lonn 01 dumb GID. netic machinery. allowing computer 01 earlier programs exill at lote.
allows a use. to view the virtual componentl to merge wllh human Progress Levels.. TheM hove been
GridlJ<XJP8 on a Kleen and interact Ilesb.. The circuitry 01.0 provides the modilied to wo.k with and lake ad-
Ihrough the use 01 prompt •. loundation fa. other cyberwa re. it th e van tage of the new tec-h nalogy. but
A. nanocomputer ond (I NUocl: ore optlonal rulel in Choprer IS: Cyber' the bosic function 01 each program
IlOl nec::essary to make use 01 dumb lech ore being used In the campoign. romains unchanged
CII>., becou.. th ....... who operate Eac-h prog ram dellCnption boglns
Ihem don't actually enter the virtual w,th tw o important pie<::el 01 Inlo.-
Crldli<Xlpe.lnatead. they Inte roct vlo
At Progress
motion-the Progr9lls Level in which
mmonitor. lICl". .n. or holographic pro- Level 7 the program lirst Opl»QfS. and the
)lCto. and some manually operated Each civilized, technological sto. numbe r 01 I lots 01 achve memory Ihe
IIIterla<:e 1Iuch a1l a keyboard or a Iystem 0 1 rhe age has ill own Grid . p.ogram to ke1l up when in use.
.cnce-activalecilnle riace. The varioul Grid. are connected via
Smart GII>. in<:lude the computer drivalpace communicat ion relays.
'latem1l 01 the age and the 1Ipecial- although (01 with 011 drlver;pace
1Md gridcaster. These dev ices allow rrovel) it ta kel I I hours to tran smit a Programs
lull Interact ion with the Grid. though me1llJOge or a computer program to An operator program helps a usel ac-
g u"",r dec.ked out with cytranic clr- another I tar IYltem. for this realOn. complish a given 101k. The situotion
witty and a grldcasler con experi- cuttlng-edge gridpiLoll use the I had - die modilier provided by the quality
ence sa much more by actually "ea' OW lorm 2 proglOm.\t ollows a grid- 01 the progrom is applied to the
II'rlng" the Grid. pILot to generate shadows thot can u.ser"s KnowJedge--computer opera-
Most usera who enter the Grid operate. within programmed para· tion or Campu ter Scilmc... hacJr,ng
with low-end Grid-sell programs Ore metertl. without di.aC! connection .klll check. which determines how
mrely in any .eal danger. Tho pro- back to the pilot Otherwise. the PL 1 weJl the IOltwore lunclionHduring its
'Puma and aafaguards koop all but Grid i, just an extension 01 and a cUllent use. A Marginal program pro-
the masl persiatent th realsat bay Il(I tural improvement 0Ye1 the Grid 01 vides no moo:bller; on Ordinary pro-
Crldpilotl. however. operate ou tside Ih. f usion Age_ gram gives a I bonus; Good. a-2
the parameter l ol lhe no.-malllOl&- bonus; and Amozing. a -3 bonul.
guard s. for this reason. their shod- Activity In me Grid
OWl expe. ienc. real danger-danger AI PL B and beyond, the Grid gener- Application
that IOmetime. linda its way back to aiel a virtual reali ty In which grid- Various general-purpoM ...,/lwore.
the g rid pilot hlmselfl pilots a nd other ulartl caa interoct. An a ppllca lion prog ram cun be a
So. a prepored grid pilot gene ra t" (Challenge. combat, and encounter word proceslOr. graphic design utili-
the best shadow be can (by using the lames cun all take place within the ty. spreadsheet. OO,ln911 program.
high9llt-qua lity shadow form pro- GrldJ sys tem diagnosticI, Or olhe .
gram he can obtain or create). a.m e II C haracters Interacting only by 0 dOllgned to accomplilh a specilic-
with the best weapon and defen.. manual int erlace are never perlOnal- task. Any application that can be
programs available. and has 0 Itore Iy endangered. It isn', unul a uH ' imagined il probably ovoiloble.
01 other important progroms woiting adda a NUock and a nanocompu ter With an application program run-
to hondle ony situation. and connectl via a g . ldcaster that ning. certai n tasks may receive a s it·
In the f Ullon Age. a I hadow .. Isis persona l donger becomes posslble_ uation bonus. as determined by the
cmly 011 long as it1l grldpilOl rem(lins Camemasler.
hnked to the Iystem. When he breaks
menu 0110 Includ8flthe type. and
.i:ur. ol .tored files. An Amazing ,uc-
ceu allO reveal. when tbetile wa.
crea ted. when il wa.lall occened.
ond who accessed it (II thelile a part
01 a networked .. ystem).
U.lng a datascun program lako a
certa in number 01 round •. depending
both on Ibe quality of Ihe proce..o r
being HO:rc:hed (Marginal or Ordi·
nary "' I; Good .. 2: Amozlng . 3) ond
on the quali ty ollhe dolascan pro-
gram: Marginol program. 4 round. "
ploce,"'r's quality; Ordinary plo-
glom. 3 round. " proceslOr'. quol!ly:
Good program. 2 10Und. " proc..•
lOr', quality: Amozing plogram. I
round" proceslOr'. quality.
for example, the numbllr ot
round. m.eded to _",,::h an Amazing
p.ocenor with on Ordinary datalCCm
program i. 3 " 3. Of 9 rounds.
A datallCan program can bII uNd
10 examin"lOmeon .... I. .•• computer
aya tem. II the system ia n't open, it
muat be accessed by means 01 a
brook-In prog ram (a hacking pro-
gram. described on page 162).

Used 10 UMCramble an encoded iii•.
Thi. proglam is deaignecl to de-
loot compuier passwords in OI'da. to
Da1:adoc or program •. Any deglee of S\ICCe$' gain OC«IBS to :restricted computer
UISed ro fe[XIj, file. and pu:.gram& on a Knowl6<ige-compure/ opera lion
IYllellll.1t also umavel. encoded
Datadoc rutoru damaged data- Or Compute r Science-hac.tmg .kill
datolilel and Itanslol8llb.. m inloa
liIo. ond •. On", .kill chock ch...::k call. up a menu; the bIItter Ihe
lorma t the user oon accea •. Se. Ihe
can bII mode lor each domogoo iii",. degree ol.uCC1t ..... the more elllen-
description 01 th .... ncod .. P' OO,am .
The level ol .. utte.s determines • ive the information.
on the ne,,1 page. lor in lormalion 00
the quality 01 data '6COvered. whLch On an Ordinary succe"", the data- how the decode and ancade pro-
might not "- the scme a .. the quality scan simp ly produces a menu lisling
grama interad.
ollhe original p.ogram Or file. for In· Iile nome •. On a Good succe"", the
"an~.11 datadoc i. run On a dam·
aged program 01 AmoZlng quality
ODd the opllrator get. an Ordinary
'U(lCeI' on hi•• kill check. the pro-
grom becomel functional again bul
rl only 01 Ordinary quality. R6g0.d-
1_ 01 the .kill check result. a .uc-
~ ..lul run 01 datadoc can't produce
a progu;:rm o. lile 01 bllller quality
Ihan Ihe origmal.
On a failure '8.ull, nO data i. re-
covered Irom Ille damaged liIe Or
program. One oddltional skill check
con be mode, bUI with a +1 penalty.
On a CrUical Failure result. no
doto i••ecovered and no lurtberal-
tempt. to res tore the file or program
may be ollemptoo

AlloWIO usel 10. dalal/lea.
A datoKOn program ellamine.
160 sto.oo memory fo. Bpecilic dotalile'
Used to create access passwords and
lClamble dOlo.
This program allow. a user 10 es-
krblish access passwords lor a com·
putlT systlm or 10 scramble dOlO
fillS so that they can't be read. The
quality of success the user achieves
prov ides a penally (Ordinary. • 1;
Good. +2; Amazing, +3) 10 the skill
thed 01 an intruder who Iriello u ....
"decode program to acceu the sys-
lem or the liles.

PlOvides skill bonuses 10 cybemelic
This program is only available il
the wmemaster is using th e option-
"I rules lor cybernetics. Page 244 in
Chapter 15: Cyberlech contains com-
plete information on how enhance
programs work.

Plovides fun and divelsion.
An ente rtainm ent program usually
lakes the farm 01 a game. puzzle. or
interaclive story. The beller the qual-
Ity 0 1 the program. the more sophisti-
ooted the entertainment value. Many
t otertainment prog ra ms can be
loaded on two Or mare netwo,ked
oomputers. so that a number of users
000 engage in a real·time centest.

Used to hOlm shadows.
This program attach a grid pilot 's
ihadow lorm. weakening it by de·
fi!toying programs the shadow is
uaing. A grid wipe can be used in ,eal
time. Or II can be delivered by a virus
as a trap for an inquisilhre shadow.
A grid wipe program app9(lrs as a
swirling twister of energy Ihol locks
onto and rushez toward the shadow
who has been targeted Or who trig·
gered the gridwipe by opening a
rirus shell.
When used as an active attock by grid wipe remains active until it runs 10) damage lor each grade 01 quality
itB operator, the grldwlpe program its cou rSe. The oon attack a Ihat should have been reduced ac-
provides a bonus 10 the u.ser"s Knowl · number of times equal ta its quality: cmding to the user's skill chock.
edga-compuler operation Or Comput- Marginal. I; Ordinary, 2; Good. 3; Programs damaged by gtidwipe
er Science-hacking skill check. The Amazing. 4. Use the skill sco.e of Ihe can be repaired using a daladoc prG-
degree of SUCC8S!! achieved reduces virus the program is housed within. gram. provided the damage wasn'l
!hI quality ollhe target program: Or- Each skill check. whether it resu!!s in severe enough to deslroy Ihem.
dinary. one grade; Good. two grades; a failure or a success. is a separate
Amazing, three grades. For example. attack. On a Criticol Failure. Ihe R eliE! ... e n ce
gn Ordinary program Ihat is reduced grid wipe program deleles itsell. Plovldes accumulaled l:nowledge on
by one grade becomes a Marginal Gridwipe COn damage a gridpi- a specific subject.
program. Any program reduced be·
low Marginal i. deslroyed and can't
be repaired.
lofs shadow. II no active programs
are available lor the gridwipe to al·
lock, a shadow sullers I point of mar-
A ref8JenC8 program contains a
store 01 inlormation in an easy-Io'use
lormat. Plenty of reference programs
When delivered through a virus,
exllt comme rcia lly, and a the .. con Trace Hacking
be accessed nel-conn.cled uni· Allowl user /0 Iract a hac.l:er.,ignal.
.,...ih_ and newl OI'gani:ra1ianl. A IIae. p.og ram i.s used to loco!e
The qualily of Ihe program pro- the .aI.Iree of the carrier lignalthat A hocking program illpecilicolly
vid_ a bonus to Ihe ......,..1 Knowl· con talnlthe break·in progrom em· designed 10 help 0 uNr perlorm
..:Ige Or other In telligence-based skill ployed by 0 remote operator (Iuch 01 Compuler Sele nce-hac.l:mg skill
chec k whom se<'lk ing informalion on a the lignall cri..crossing compu ter chech. Any lituation die modilio, ,.
topic covered by Ihe progrom: Mat· networh}. !t co n also be Ulled to 10- lated to the quollty of the program II
gino\. no modifier: Ordinary, - I bo- cote a who has been mGI on 0 oppJied to Ihe hacking ~kill check 01
nu.: Good. -2: Amazing.~. computer ne lwork. Thil program oon a charaCI.r who II attempting to
Reference progroml incl!,lde ony only be used against on operator hack inloa computer Iystem.
toplCllhol could conceivttbly be reo who hOI otherw iae been noticed.
M(lreiMKI. as well 01 the lapia coy· Perfo.ming a troea requirn 0 com- Break-In
e red by such Jn lelligene. Ikilll as p ie", Iklll check. The number o l luc, Used 10 gam occeu /0 a system.
Bu.ine... Computer Selene., Law. ee .... ' 8{fulred depend. on Ih. quol· A break·ln progrom i.s used to in·
Ufe Selence. Medical Science, Phy~i­ ily 01 the lo rget'.. p,oca,sor. See iX'ge vode onother compu tar sYltem. In·
col Science, Tacti.,.. and Technicol 62 In Chapter 4: Skills. vading another system ,equire. 0
Science. The diffe rence when uBlng 0 troee complex skill check. The numbot, of
progrom. however. il tho t ony Foil· successe. needed depends on th,
§u~e ure .null end. tbe trae. oUempt. quality 01 the Iyllem's delenl&L
Used loarract gridpiJoIL II 0 traee program is used IUcce..· A computer Iy.lem COn only bot ~
Thi. program conceall coded mo· fully. th. operotor kno_ th.ltXOtlon ces.sed vio 0 blealr·ln program il il'l
chme·longuage instructions in the tram which the s ignal origi na ted. In CODneclvd too netwOlk of some kllld
commun icati on between the hOllI the Inlormotion Age. thillocation il (.uch a. the A hacker con 0110
computer and an Int ruding .yetem. "",prelled al a telephone number ma nually ollempl to occess a com·
TheN ins tructi ons direct the int rud- The opera tor may have 10 do IUl1he ' puter. but he mull rely on hil OWn
Ing . yllem 10 spike unpred ictably in 'elearch to Iranalale Ihe number into aldlls when phYlicolly manipulollng
power. A computer opera tor .... ln9 a a Itree l add.e ... il &0 desired. a p rotected compu ter.
fill/ad to operate the intruding 'YI- At high.r Prog re .. 1.e...11. the In· The protection lunction of Ihe
tern con .uffer damage from Ihe formation goined from th" 'UCQHIlul stondord operating I yatem (OS)
Ihort-ci rcuiting of hi, in.lalled ......, 01 a troce progrom tokel thelOl'm it. UH' of a b leak'in a ttempt
nanocomputer_ 01 an octualeleclronic odd.e... only il the hacker ochleve. a Critlc:o!
The amoun t of damage cou!Kld by which moy 01' may not (dependi ng on Failure relult. Otherwiae. a mOle.
a ,!,Ilge program dep06nd, on the how the networ k in quesHen i. at.uc- phi.ticated delenN, .uch os on
quality of tha program and the relult lured) be a lpaclfic or even 0 uni que alarm program. II required to notlc.
01 the use"s (01 virus'l} Ikil l check: loco tlon. for iostonce. a PL 6 t.oe. o hocker'l octlvlty.
program could tell the use r the phYI' Once Inlide a ,ystem. on intruder
Program 1001 oddre.. which the hocker'1 con employ dotalCOn or decode pro-
Quality I)Qrnoge aignol orig lnaled (inside 0 pol1lculo r grams. or he oon downlood hIes to
Marginal 4. 2IId6.2s building), and a1 PL 7 0 tro<:. would hi. own computer
Ordinary dS.2tJd4w/d4.2w yield the p.eciN ItXOtion (the vice- An intruder must be expelled 0<
Good d8.2IId 4. 2wld4.4w pr•• ident'. olliee on the thi rd floor 01 leave on hil own. At Progre.. Level
Amo' dI2.2.td6 .. 4w/d4m that building). ~. simply turning off the compute, or
dillCOnnectlng the network link ex·
pe ls the Int rude r.

Used /0 damage slored p rogram•.
This program ottoc.i:a othe. pro-
groms in Ilored memory. corruptinq
the da to and lendering the tiles ......
lesa.1t oon't be u!Kld. howeve •. unnlg
user hOI golned aCCflSll to a Sfltem
with (I break-in proglam. Or by deU.·
ering Ihe canup. proglom inside g
virul program (He page 166).
Aga,nal mo.t programs. 0 corrupl
program ei th.r domagel or destlO'(l
its torgelLl1 oon on ly taTget pro-
grams Ihot Oro In Itored momory_
When used 01 an a ctive oll ock bf
ils ope rator. the corrupt p.ogrom p.g.
videlo bonul to the ope rata". Com-

162 puter ScIence hocking skill check.

The IUcceSI (lchieved reduces the
quality 01 the torget Ordi- Shadow Armor elal armo., and Amazing appears all
nary. one grade: Good. Iwo grades; P.ovldes a .hadow wilh protection. o body lank.
Amazing. Ihree grades. Fo. example. A Ilhodow ormer program builds a The protaction provided by the
aGood thol i. reducOO by wall 01 p.olective dalCl Clround a lIhodow Clrmar 2 agoinsl
two grades b.comes CI Marginal pro- shadow. laking on a specilic appea.- lIhadow WOO:pc:lOll depends on the
'lfCIm. Any p.oglam reduced below ance within Ihe vlrlual Gridscope, program', quali'y. a. shown below
Marginal quality i. d ... t.oy&d and Whil. the virluol armor's ClpJHKIran<;e The modllle.11 applied to ather typ..-
can't be reperlred. can be modilied by the gridpilol. the 01 program. (Including from .hadow
When delivered Ih.ough a viml. a image crealed muSI be based on how weapc:lnl) uted against a shadaw
amupt program remain. activo unlil eflec:t;ve 0 type of armOr ill Clgam&1
II runl ill co"r"". The program <XIn weapon. Ihat do damage. Armo. Quality Protectloo
attack a number 01 limel equal to ill which ae rves al a rough indicalor 01 Marginol d41.1 penalty
quality: Marginal. I: Ordinary. 2; the program'l quality (See Chapter Ordinary d6.11.2 penalty
Good. 3, Amazing. 4. U.e Iho Ikill II; Weapon.$" & ,.hmor lar detaib Good d6.2/.3 penalty
scor. oilhe vimllhe program ill about armo._) Fo. example. Ma.ginal Amazing dS.3/.4 penally
boused wilhin Each Iklll check. shadow armor could appear as a CF
whether It resultllin 0 Failure Or CI 1lhQr1 coot. Ordinory armOr as a bat- Shadow Weapon
luccell. il a .. parole attock. On CI lie ..... t. Good armor all a bailie jack- ProvI~ a shadow WIth a dedicated
Critical Failure result. Ihe corrupl et. and Amtu:;ng Clrmor all luil 01 at- allact fo.m.
program deleles il..1t lacka.mor, The Ihadow w80pc:ln program p.o-
Files domCl"od by a corrupl p.o-- Th. p lotKtlon provided by ..hod vldes ollen.ive pc:lwer 10' a grid·
gmm COn be repaired uling a dolo- ow armor o .. a,nll .hadow weapons pilot'•• hodow lonn. The weapc:lll
doc P'oglam.1! Ihe damage walln't depends on the program's quohty. as takes on a lIpecific appearance with·
severe enough 10. desL.oy Ihe file •. Ihawn below The modifier il ap- In Ihe virtual gridllC<lpe. Ihaugh it
plied to olher Iypel of program. (In· can be modified by Ihe gridpilot
(rash cludlng from shadaw weapons) used within Ihe pO.omele.s set by the
Used 10 halm a computet"i ci.cuitry. againsl a shadow. quality af Ihe progrClm. Fa. example.
Thil program attach Iho proces· a Marginal 01 Ordinary program
lOr, abutting down 01 locking up 0 Armor Quality Prolection geno.ole, a .mall weapc:ln of some
romputer IYltem and deltroying ony Marginal d6--21 No modiller sorl; a Good program generates a
program, In octlve memo..y. A c:rosh Ordino.y d4 /.1 penally weapon; and an AmOZIng pro-
program co.n·1 be employed until a Good d4 .1'.2 penalty generales 0 heavy weapon
_ . hal gamed aocela 10 a Iyllem Ama~lng d6.I'.3 penally The deg... of .uccess a lbadow
wllh a break-in program. Or by deliv- ochleves when uBing a shadaw
enn .. the crCl,h p.ggram ilUlide a Shadow Armor i! weapon 10 onack anolher shadow (or
riru, program ( _ page 166). Provides a.hadew WIth SUpe.LO. pro- some other program) depends on the
When uted al an oct;ve atlack by lectio.n. .8IuU of the grid pilot's Computer Sci-
.tl opera lor. the c.aab pro- Thill plogrom operate. just like enc»-hactlng skill check. The quali-
oide, a bonu, to the operotor', had:· Lho PL 6 Ihodow a.mor p.ogrom. ex- ty althe p.ogram can p.ovide a litU-
ing Ikill c:heck. The luct:e.. achieved cept Ihot It plovldes better defense ollon die bonus to the grid pilot'. skill
reducel the quolhy of the largo. againllt Ihodo.W weapons. Fo.lhls check. and is direc tly lied 10 Ih. dam-
p,oconor: Ordinary, 0110 grode; vellion of Ihe program. Marginal oge the .hodaw weapon is capable
Good. IWO grades: Amazing, three armOr appeall a. Ihe equivalent 01 a ollnflicling upon othor Bhadow. and
gladel. For exomple. an battle jocke" O rdinary as attack program. in th .. Grid:
p.oce~so. ledUCed by two grades b9-- armor. Good lake. the form 01
c:omes an Ordinary processor. As the Quali ty Bonu. 0......
number of aClive memory 11011 d. Morg;nol 0' d4s1d4+2aldS.a.
trea&ell. p'ogroml;n (!Clive memory Ordinory -I d~ .2ald~wld~.2w
ale d ..troyed if there ill no room for Good -2 d4wld4+2 ....ld4m
them 10 reside. The Gamemaster ran- Amo~lng 3 d4+2wld4m1d4+2m
domly determine. whic:h programs o.
lilol a.e d8ltroyed Shadow Weapon i!
Any p.ocessor reduced below Mo r- Provide. a shadow with
ginal quailly I«k. up and must be weaponry.
•elnitialiUJd.ln addition. all p.o- Thl. p.og ram operates iust like
gram. in aclive memory when Ihis the Ihodo.W weapc:ln program. excepl
OCCUri a.e de".oyed thaI the domage that Ihe virtual
When delive.od through a vinul, a weopon Inllictl i. greater.
crash pfOgram al1ac:k. once. Use the As with th(lle~1 powerlulshodow
IkilllCO.e ollhe vlrullhe p.ogram is weopon program. the quality of the
housed wllhln 10dele.min.. sUCC8llS. .hodow weQpc:ln 2 program can p.o-
A P'oe8IBO. lbol ha. been dam- vldeCl "tuation die bonu. to the
(lged by (I crash mull be .e·
paired uling the Compute. Science-
hOldwa.e ,kill
gridpilolll CampullI. Scie...,..bact-
Ing .kill check, and i. directly tied to
the domog .. the shadow w80pc:ln I.
... Fortres.
CIlpoble of 'nmetlng upon othe r that might have to be used by UD-

10 abodow. ond program. In the Grid:

quality Bo n". Da mage

trained opera torl, An auill program
II a basic help utility tha t walles the
user through the process.
Protects a system /rom inllulion.
A lortresa program delends a com·
put .. r syslem from intrusion. A. IYI'
Margined no d6-.1d6.2"dS .. 2s Typical aulst programs allow an tem delended by a lortress program
~ untrained character to attempllO use must be overrun by a break·ln pto-
dSw/dS .. 2w/d8+2w
d6+2w/d4m1d4 .. 2m
dS .. Zwfd4.2midS.2m
a skill IlIIthough he has the broad
skill (usi ng the character's hate Abil-
gram befo.e an invade. can gain ac·
ceu. Invading a computer .ystem r.
ity Sco.e 101 the Ikill in question).
Even so. only th. most ballc opera-
quife8 a complex skill check, If tho!
skill check is luccesafully completed.
2 : Utility Program!i tions can be handled with the help of thelortreu program inc.eo ... the
B A utility program perlormalt. lunc- on auist program-Ilying a sbip. o~ defensive caperdty 01 the Iystem by
non wilho.. ! guidance Q' Cluistance eraling a comput.... plotting a limple inc.easing the number of luCCesses
from a computer operator. Such a cou.s ... operating a ship system. or needed to break Inta iI, depending D.
program eithe r responds to specific making a minor reperlt. the quality ollhe prog ram: Marginal.
condition. or corries Qut a task alter The quality of an assist program .2 IUccet!.S8S: Ordinary.•~: Good, .6:
being gcli..-oted. Some ulil1ty pro- provides addltlona] help in the way Amazing, .8 SUcce5seS.
gram. prolec:! g a>mpute. system by olskillranles. making It easi •• to Also. the quality of th.IOTI ....
providing a penalty to Intrude •• achieve a IUcceU score. A Margina] p.ogram cun pravide a penalty 10 Ihe
_king confidential do lo, Such pen- asaist program allows a character to skill checks ollhe hader a ttemptmg
alties depend On the quality oj the use a skill al though the character to Invade th. protected system: Mm·
program' Marginal. no modilier; Or· posses&litl the b road skill (bose Abili- gintrl. no maciliier; Ordinary. _I;
dinory, .] penahy; Good .• 2; Amaz- Iy Score) An Ordinary program adds Good•• 2; Ama:tlng .•3.
ing.• 3. one rank {Ability Score .. ]). A Good A fart .eu can be uHd to
program provide_ two ranks (Ability boosllhe durability rating 01 any
Alann Score .2), and an Amazing oth... that can be protected
Alel!$ (I use. to intruder Clcl/viry. program provid ..sthree .anb (Abili- but doe. not have a specific durabill·
An alarm program g'lKItiy im- ty Sco"•• 3). ty toting given in 118 description<-
prove. tbe chance Iho l the pI.senee As_ill! programs can be placed on "Program Durabili ty· on page ]63).
01 an intruder in (I computer 'ystem 3Ds and used by characterl with ex- The quality 01 the fottreu program
will be nolic:.d. ternal data slols and nanoo;gmputers. augments the other program', dura·
With on cllcz.m program in active Th .. skills tha t can be placed inlo an blllty raling al follows: Marginal. 2
memory. an Intruder's skill checks auist program Include BUliness. stun/2 woundll mortal: Ordinary.
when using a break-in prog ' llm re- Computer Science. Demo]itlonl. tl4I2; Good, 61&':1; Am< 81814
ceive a penllhy bcrsed on th. qUlllity Knowledge. Navigation. SYltem Op-
of th. ala.m, IlS de!ICribed abov •. eralion. Tactics. Techn ical Science, lirld Log
Any Fallu ••• eBulted achieved by the Administration, Animal Handling. Used to record a run through the
Intrude. sets ol! the alarm Ilnd alerts Creativity. and Entertainm.nt. Grid.
thtl computer system's operator to the A Grid log program in active mem-
inV(lJlion r:::on~rol ory makes trn accurate copy of a
Used 10 .un automated maell1rlery gridpilat'l tlek through the data-
Ant.lvlru!I and s:y:stem.. Ilream. fl con be used 10 letrace
f;nds and deslloys vilUs programs. A contral program a utomatically slep. tbrough the Grid Or to look for
An Ilntivilus program defends a operates a .Yltem within lpecilic per- anomalies in m!s~lons that turned
c»mpute r system from Iln lnvllding lametell. Con lro] prog raml aren'l out bodly.
virus program. The penalty provided usually run on persona] comPUters in The accuracy of the Grid log'l
by Iln antivirus iSllpplled to all virus thil Progress Level. Instead. Ihey're copy is d .. temuned by the quality of
skl1l checks. used to operate au tomoted faclory the program. with penalties applied
li the use r of th .. virus program Iystems. securi ty .ystems, air condi· lor any defenlelln ope rat ion that
Ilchieves a failure or tr Critical ftri!· tloni ng. a nd hea ting systems in af- might hiDder Its ull& (such a8 lIahc\.
UTe result on hil skill check, th .. anti- lice bui ]dingl or othel Itrc\li tiel.
viruslOCCltes tbe virus and desl.oys Of cou.... mere ly htrving a control lirldlock
the program insid .. il. See wVirus' on program Isn't enough to operale trn Used fa hinder .hadow•.
perge 166 for more details. trir condilloning system. for example. This program inhibits o. trap. a
Th .. p II wo rthleu without the grid pilot's shadow form. A .ucc.ulul
AsslH automated IYltems colUlecled to il- .... 01 the gridlock proglam cau_
ProVIdes expert assisttrnc. 10 the un- Iyltems uluolly C06 ting thousandl 01 Ihe affected shadow 10 luUer a pen·
trained. dollars Or mote. alty to itl action chech, depending
An aullt p logram p.ovldel cha. · The amoun t 01 active memory .... on the result ollhe proglOm user',
act"'1 with help wh .. n tbey a tt empt quired to run a con trol program de- s kill cheele: Ordinary.• 1 penalty:
to u •• a computer system, Aulat pro- pends on the qUtrJity of the program: Good, .2: Am<n.lng .• 3.
grams ore '( u&&d In personal Ma rginal. ] Ilot: Ordinary. 2 1]011: An inhibited shadow lull ..... a
compute..... but thoy can be lound in Good. 3s]otl: Amazing, ~ Ilots. penalty to ill actian check •. wbicb

164 public com pUler systeml.ln vehicle

compu t.r•. and in othe l compu t.. rl
Tequiras Ihe shadow to take more
lime to periorm a certain lalk A

shadow I. trapped if it achieves only

a Marginal result on il& action ch-=k.
Ia thai round, th ••hodow con toke
DOoella.... Any data a shadow cop-
ies while on a Grid run mus, be Car"
rled bock to the gridcw;I,". ItO (I
its user. Good and menace
programs.:an ~ ordered \0 seek and
attack a specific UM'". shadow or
olner prog ram. loose in the Grid.
Once set free. a menace COn only
oct in its prescribed mClnner-iI a\-
Grid. Without a .hgdow lorm pm-
gmm. a gridpilol con', make UM of (I
gridco:ster or experience Ihe virtual
reolity 01 the Grid.
A .hodow hgll th ... Abllily Scor.. ~:
Strength. DeRlerHy. and Constitution.
trapped ,hodow', dolo i. delayed or tocks. A meno<::e ellher ottacks what· While in the Grid, the •• characteri."
even 10at if it 0011'\ return to ill ever is nearby Ihol doesn't belong 10 Ilca replace the ones uted by the -.:::>
The grid lock program «In be ueed
it, use" or i1 _ks out and a ttacks a
specific target (as specified at the
gIld pilot In the teal world. Th.
ICQre. are tied to the quality 01 the
<Ell an ottoek. or It «In be imbedded time the menace Is generated). Men· progrom being UMd:
Wlthin 0 virus as a lrap or for de- ace. have Ihe lollowlng stalislics: Marginal-STR 6. DO: 6. CON 6. 0/>
Iayed dillivery. Ordmary-STR 8. DEX 8. CON 8.
When actIvated, a gridlock pro- Marginal GoocI-STR 9, DEX 9, CON 10.
gmm appears allhick. clinging hltl All Ability Scorel 8: Durability 8flII4: Amazing-STR 10. DEX 10. CON 12.
01 light or great balls and cholnl 01 Action cheek sca.e 9+181412: Actions Thesescorel are modUied accord·
ener\lY Ihal ottoch to a 6hadow to per round I: Attack score 101512; Dom· Ing to tho numbe r 01 rankl the user
hamper lis movement through the age d4sJd4 .. 2ald4w has In Computer Sei.nee--nad:ing;
dotOBtream. Increase each Ability Score by One·
half the number 01 ranklthe charac·
UJIfId ro del.nd a sIlodow Or system.
All Ability Scor.. 10; Durability
IDlI~: Aclion check IOOre II ~IlDl5l2;
ter pa.seues (round down). for el{'
ample. a cooracter with 2 ranh In
A guardian ptogtam gene rat., a Actions pe r round 2; Attock scor. hacking Increasel his shadow', Abil·
tompute rized "pet" who delends a IV613; Damage d6I11d6+2ald4+ l w lty Scoros by + I. {Note: This rank hen·
specilic location or program (, uch as elit cannot be purchosed early.)
a shadow) In the GrId. The abject 01 Good Since the gridpllot controle his
thl guardian'. defensive effort is All Abili ty Sooresl2: Durability shodow directly. hle mentol chorac·
JpeCilied at the time the progrom is I2I12JS; Action check IOOre 13+112J6I3: terl,tic, (Intelligence. WlI\, ond Per·
run. The pet detects intruders Or ath· Actions per round 3: Attack llearo .anality) ale unchanged,
II dangers. alert. its user. and bat - 141113: Damage d4wld4+2wldS .. 2w Th.llhadow lorm·s resislane.
lin to protect ils charge. Gucndians modilie .. are dille.minoLly normally
hove the following lIatistics: (see WResistance Modili..." on pagu
ALL Ability Seor.s 14; Durabillty 32). using Ihe Ability Scor.. a . deler·
Marginal 14114fl: Action check IOOre 15+/141113: mined above.
AU Ability Seares 6: Durability 61613: Actions pet round 4; Attock score The shadow's action check score is
kHan chec k lCOfe 9+18i-tJ2: Actions 161914; Damage d6wld6+2wld4m the lOme as lis grid pilot's 5OOre. A
~r round I: Attock loore 81412: Dam- shadow's durability IS l1un _ CON.
"lie d4I11d4. l lIId4+2s MIrTOI'" Image wound _ CON, and martol • ]12 CON.
Used /0 eon/UM other programs. When using a IhaOO .... lorm pro-
Ordinary A minor image program creotes gram. 0 grid pilot «Intlnu.. to use his
All Ability Scores 8: Durabilily 8/814: dupli«lte versions 01 a user·s shod· CompUler Seience-n(I("Jring Ikill to
Action check IOOre 11+111)'512: Action. ow and «Irri •• signol. moking Ihe use programs and lake actions .... ith·
per round 2; Attock sco... ]DI5I2: Dam· user more diUicult to attack or de· In the Grid.
age dh2I11d4w/d4+2w lend against. The dup!i«lteB don·t
hav" any abili ti.s or lunctions nther !ihadow FOl'"m i!
Good than moving around and p roviding An advanced Ihadow gen810101.
All Abi]ity Scores 10; Durability addilionol target. to toke lome 01 the Thi' progrom generat.. an im·
II)'IDlS: Action cheek SCOIeI3+11216I3; heat all the true shadow and its «Ir- proved shadow that's diI.igned to op-
Actionl per round 2; Attack scor. rier sigDOL e ra l. indilpendently 01111 gridpilofe
!z.v.l: Damag. d4wld4+2wld6.2w A mirror image program provide. direct control. This allows the shad-
a pencdly to attades direcled at either ow 10 travel to and acc:e.. Grids that
Amating a shadow or oorrier s ignaL It al.a may lie light·years away,
All AbLl1ty Scor..s 12; Dmability hinders the use 01 the trace p rogram. Unlike the ba.ic Ihadow form.
1211216: Ac1ian check lleare 17 .. /161814: p rovIding a penalty 10 the hace- shadow form 2 provIde. a complete
Actionl per round 3; Attock lcore use r's Bklll check commensurate wIth set of six bose Ability Sear..
W1I3: Damag. d4.2wld6+2wld8+2w the quality of the mirror image p ro- (Strength. De"tarity. Constitution. [no
glom: Ordinary. + I: Good. +2; Amu:, temgence. Will, and Per.anolLty) and
Menace ing,+3. olher Chataclerislic" dependIng
CrealH aCrid WQ"IIior ally. UpOn the quality ollhe program;
The menae. progmm generale, a !ihadow Fonn Marginw-STIl8, DEX 8. CON 8.
Grid warrior that can be «ILled upOn Generale. a grldpl/ot'i virtual·self. INT 9, WIL 9, PER 9.
to repel an Invader. to fight along· This progrom Is ...entiallor the Ordlnwy-STR 10, DEX 10. CON
lid" a shadow, or 10 room the Grid characl"r who wanlS to be a gridpi· 10, INT 10. WIL 10. PER 10.
cauling trouble, A menace program
will not attock other programs tied to
lot. I! genera te. a shadow. which Is
the grid pi lot's virtual.ell insid" th..
...10 lion. Ptograms that con be pierced
with ,n a virus-only one program
per shell-Include corrupt and crash.
When a virul;1 created. the user
delerminlHl the eondilion that re leas-
es III hidden programming. Thll con·
dition can be a speeilic date and
lime at which Ihe program Islooll8d:
the acti vation 01 a specilic program
type: or when a .pocilic command is
Illued (either unknowingly by the
IYltem opera tor or purpc.elr by a re-
mote hackerl.
To introduce a virus into a Iystem.
the crealor of Ihe virus mUBI leave it
where Ihe target ope ra tOf oon lind il
and download il. or send il to the tar·
gel and hope It doesn't appear don·
geroul. Thereatter. the virus llsell
does the work. al outlined below
A virus must make a skill check.
IIsing a base situation die 01 .cKl. 011
Amaung- -5TR 12. DEX 12. CON 14, Static any occalion when the virul could
INT 12. Wn. 12. PER 12. Used 10 hinder programs. be activated (Illch 01 when the Usel
Thallll ~rel are modilietd accord- The static program creol" nOIse
01 the syslem 00111 up a particu lar
ing 10 the number of ranks lhe use r In the Grid lines. hindering ce rtain
program or Iilel. The sitllation dieot
has in Compu tE" Sc:ie nc... hod'ing: programs. The generated noi.. hin·
thil skill check II modified by the
incroolHl eoch Abil ity Score by one- de .. traces o:nd dalascans. and
p ....nee ot an antivirus p rogram-a
half the number 01 ran ka the thenoe- makes a Grid log record ineomplete
.1 penally foran Ordinary antivirul,
ler ha", (round down). For example, 0 01 best. The penalty p rovided. by I l a t ·
.2 101 Good. or .310. Amazing.
ehonIct&r wi th .l Tonka in hochng in- Ie. according to the quality ollhe p ro-
lithe vlrul', Ikilt check relll ltS in
eroose. hll ahadow's Abillly Soo' efl g lam(Ord inary. +1: Good . • 2: Amaz·
a Critical fa ilure. the virus and It.
by ... 2. (Nole: This ronk beneli! oonnot Ing . • :1), il applied to the UN 01
hidden program Ole both d"trayed
be purchased program, dlr.ct.ed allhe operator or
even il no anllvirul program il run·
The shadow lorm'. ,eaillance at wo. k in Ihe operalor'l vicini ty.
nlng. On a FaUu re rasu ll. the virus is
modilier. 0'. determinally normally
destroyed it a n antivirus prog ram II
[He "Reali lance ModiUe.a" on page Transf'er
presen t. bllt limply remaina dormont
32 inChap1er 2: Hero Creolion) USin g Regulate. download .peed.
Ih. Abili ty Score. as given above. A tran.ler program processes dOlO
The ahodow', oction check KOre i. being downloaded or copied inlO a
the IKImft aaltl gridpilot'. KOle. Be· compute •. The number 0111011 01
cause ahodaw. can be sen t out inde- dOlO thaI can be download&d or
pendently 01 their gridpiLo tl. the copied per round depends on the
number of actions per rQund ia deter- quality at the program. Wilhout a
mined by the program'. quahty: MCIT- Iranslol program. da ta mUll be
ginol. I o<:tLon per .ound: Ordinary. 2 down loaded 01 Ihe e_ceedingly . Iow
actions per round; Good, 3 actions rote 0111101 every 2 rounds.
per round ; Amaung. 4 action. per Wit h a Iranller program active.
round . (See "Th. Grid " on pages data can be down loaded a t a ce rta in
156-1~9.) A shadow'l du rabili ty is rO le, dete .mlned by Ihe quality 01 the
ItUll _ CON. wound _ CON, and mor· prog ram: Marginal. I slot per round;
t<:d _ ll2CON O rdi nary. 2 .lotl per round; Good. 3:
All.ho:c!ow lorm 2 programl have Amazing. 4.
the eqUivalent 01 2 ranks In Comput·
er Science-hacking 10 un programs Virus
and take actions. (Highe. quo:li ty pra- Deadly program conlain.o In harm·
gloms have (I higher eflective lntem· leu dlell.
gence Ability Score. giving them a A viru. il a harmlell·looklng shell
better score In the hacking d:i lU that containl a potentia lly danger·
When a shadow form 2 prog ram Is ous program. The s hell it self a pp8<lrs
sent into the Grid. it oon't receive as any Innocuoul program. from an
spocilie direction from iI. grid pi lot entertainment program to a reler·
M a r"ull, th •• hadow form oon'l ence. opplicotion. or datam. pro·
use Ih. gridpUofs Compu ter Sci· gram. When the virus activat... the
166 ence-hactlng .kill. program inllde il perlorml itl !unc'
(pelhapi activallng at a later time) If plex Ik!ll checks in .uch a cose,
the IYltem doesn't have an antivinul
proglam running (in active memory).
Ihen the defen"lln a clOfIlKi a. pro·
tected sYltem simply add penalties
A virul her. 0 Ikill8COr., hosed on
'18 quality: Marginal. 8; Ordinary, 12;
to Ihe user'. ,kill check.
Layered delense. simulate g hock· An anilidal intelligence (All pro-
Good. 16; Amazing. 20, er's crawl through a computeISY.' gram provides a vehicle Or complex
A vilu, plOQ'ram'••ize I. equal to =
Ih. program In.ide It, plll.l whatever
tern, esomining file •. ove.coming
protection program., and evenhmlly
with a ..II-owa.. computer a u illani
Or operations superviaor At Prugre.. =
eXIra memory Ihe virul .hell n""'O'.:
MOlginal. 0, O,dinary, 0: Good, +1;
reaching Ih e dota he's looking for. A
computer Iystem has g number 01
Level i>_ AI prOlJlam. a re new. expen-
live. and not inlegrated ;nlo every- =
Amazing, .2. ~
day lIIXiety.ln other words, they' re
In addlllon, the quality of the virus
musl match or exceed the quality of
laye.. based on the .iM! of its pro-
cesaor- MQrginol, 2: Ordinory, 3 01 4;
Good. S 10 1; Amazing. Bto 10. Thil
rgre and lIill lomewhat experimen·
10.1. YoUI Gamemaster may decide
the program hidden within it So. a numberolao repre""n!. the number that Ab are unavai labl e in your com-
Good cla,h program can only be hid- ol.ucc..... needed to penetratll P<':"'iln seiling, even If the campaign
den wlth'n a Good or Amazing virw; every lay.r 01 the dlliense •. i. set 01 PL 7.
program. Same programs , .uch os alarm. An Al program can't be loaded
Here'. an example of a virus in ac· can add penal Ii .., moking it harder InlOO peraonol compuler ,,.Iem The
lion; II on Ordinary vi",. (lICOte 12) lor a hacker 10 invade a compuler progrom II limply too lorge and too
iDvgdes a Iy.tem protected by a Iystem. The 10,lr.., program addl complex to operate outside either a
Good anllviru. (+2 penalty). a result laye.. 01 delense, Increasmg the l peclally d..igned institutional or
oJ 12 Or leu on d20.d6 i. n..dedlor number olsucc.._ needed to pene- vehic le dedicated ,upercompulllr
the vi",. to ,uCCfl;slully lounch ils trate a compute r .ystem. IYltem. A ICCIled-down vel sian can
hidden proglam. Then the progrom • ["amp/e: Quentin, a hackel. a t- be loaded into u memory hamelB .
functionl g. delalled In the gpproprl- tempts to loco!. specific data in a Th. quality of the supercomputer'.
atedeflCription. A vlru. can con tain a protected computer .ystem he hal protelaor provides a situation die
Ihodow weapon proglam for use aCC$esed through Ihe Grid. He has a madill91 101 all actions on AI might
ogainsl a shadow lorm. hacl::ing ,killllCore 011 4. a Good pro- a ltempt. The modifiers are 0.1 101·
celIO, (- 2 bonul to action checks), 10wI: Malginal processor, .. d4: Ordi·
Writing and an Amazing break-in program nary...dO: Good, -<:1.4; Amazing. -<16.
(-3 bonulto skill checks). The procelsor', qualily 0110 deter-
Programs The compute, system he's hacking mines the number 01,1011 01 octive
CbaraC1efl with Ihe Compuler Sci- into a lBel hal a Good p rocelUlOr. memory on AI h<HI ocoess to; MargiD '
.nce-programmlng"'iIl can wrile which means he needs to achieve at 01. 4 IloCI; Ordinary. 7; Good, 10;
their own programs Writing a pro- leall S or 0, many 011IucceS..... to Amo,ung. 13. An AI uses Ihe"" slot.
vrOTn i. a complex skill check, with breach the Iyllera {t he Gamemostel to run prog,gm, thot emulole broad
one check being made each time unit decides on 6 luece.IJ9.). An Ordinory ond lpecial ty .kills. A broad skill
I_below). fortre .. program protect. the By.tllm, progrcrm lilll ] memory Ilo\. for .pe_
In general. wrlling all bu t the sim· providIng an additional +4 successes dahy Iklll programs. <:lOch rank le-
plest program. takes time; time units needed, for a tOlal olIO. quire, It I Own .lot (in oddiHon to th.
fm wrihng programl can be days. So, Quentin wind. up with a -2 gC· Ilot nec.llary lor the broad sklllJ.
monlhs, or even years. It i.n't until tion check bonue and 0 --3 skill check An Al hal three Abilities: Intelli·
higher Progre.. Level •. ohe. the in· bonu •. He needs to roll a 14 01 leIS on gence, WlIl. ond Personality. The
b'ociuclion of "smart- computets, as· d2O-dB and achieve 10 successes to quality of the Al proglam determlna.
ml programs. and neural Interface •. overcome Ihe delen"l and lacote il. Abillty Scores, as follows:
!hut the tim. unit. can be reduced to Ihe sy"em'. dOlastore.
round., minules. Or hour • . If your Gamema.ter wont. to .. t· Quality INT WIL PER
Th. Gamema.ter determines the tIe on Information letdeval action Morginal L2 IO 8
Ord inary

""" "" "

tim. units when a character wan .. to with a .ingle .kill check, then simply 9
..nte a p'og,gm. hosed on the type opply the modlfie" lor the quality of Good I2 IO
and compl".lty 01 the the plogtam. In use Ihal can affect Amazing
• ["omple: [n a slngle-eheck silu· An Al can ut!llze user programl thai
Information al ion, Quentin must roll 14 or lesa On contain broad or specialty skill, 01-
Retrieval a d2O-<li>. Siort ing Irom a base situa- IOClo!ed with Intelligence. Will, OJ
Aceelling a etore 01 inlolmation tion die 01 .dO. hil-3 bonus (lor Ihe Peraonality.
born on open compul" system does quality 01 his Ama,ung break·in pro- for intelligence skills, the AI COn
001 require 0 ,kill check Cloeed gram) II modilied by the target $1'1' make checks to plov ide advice or
system" 01 Iy.teml othelwise pro- tern', .1 penalty (for il. Ordinary operole computer-cont rolled Iyl-
tected !rom unoulhorised u""". forl.e .. program). teml (,uch as the 'ylleml hondled
have layell of defensel that can by the Sy.tem Operation skills ). Aa
only be navigated by 0 selies 01 Al couldn'l aclually perlorm .urgery.
,kill checks. Or. lithe Gamemollter lor example, 1101e.. it hod manlpu-
lotors of lOme !KIll. ond even then a
decid ... not to UN the rul ... lorcom.
penalty might be applied. 167
10 Thelollowing Will "kill. oon"C be

.... looded loto a p rogram: Awa.en",,,-

In/UI/JOn, Reso/ve-menlol o. physi-
cal. The use 01 Creativi ty leeei" •• a
.3 penalty. in addition to (loy other

V':> penalties thot moy apply.
~= The lollowing pennlliel 018 ap-
plied 10 the appliootion of th ••• Per-
<=>-sonality s kills, ~epUon .• 1; In ter-
action.• 2; I.eoderahlp.• 3.
= To determine the number 01 ac-
~ lion. per round Clnd the Clellon check
.cor.IOI an AI, cfoal-rele.ence the
quality 01 the p.og.grn with the
quedity 01 the proce..or;

P''''II'l'Gm M 0 G A
MllllllooJ 1110 1/12 VI< V16
Ordinary tIll V" VIS YI1
Good Vl2 ' I ' YI' 41tS
Amazing VI' YIS ~17 .19

When on AI is downlOClded into a

memory harness. it, Itoli.tiCI (lr.
cut In hal! (round up). Any informa-
tion thaI an Al in a memory harnen
goth••• iso't aulomotlcalJy I,onl-
terred 10 thalull AI. The harness
data must be download..:! back into
ths Allor full integrotion to OCCUr.
An AI hasa pe..onality, which con
be suggested by the players Or de-
signed by the Gamemal ter. An AI
JUnCtlonl 01 a member 01 0 hero'.
supporting east, usually ecntrolled
and roleplayed by Ihe Gamema'ter.
Whot does an AI program do? ThaI
depend. on where ill computer IYI'
tern ilInltalled.In an inllllu ttonal
facility, on A1 monilorl outomaled
functlanl, handles securily. ond 01-
,I,tl with r05eOfCh ond dev. lopment
pro}ects. On a spaceship, an AI monl·
tors basic ship iunctions, wa tches lor
ond alerts creWI to molntenonc:.
probleml, ond oon IiIllo lor crew
members at varioul I tation.-hher
.. hen the crew I. relting Or otherwi..
involVed, or when a crew member
can'l perform his dulies for one rea·
lIOn or anothe r.
An AI conslanlly monito" the ship
U', o ..lgned to, wOlching lor prob-
leml nnd Iystematically running d i·
agno.tlcslo make ~ure the ves..1 is
operating In pec;rk condilion. It keeps
track 01 all crew and pa_ngers, an·
Iwe" queltions with dOlO lIored in
its memory, and provideslogieol ad.
vice when called upon lor an opin· An AI can operate allllhip systems a time. If the ship hal dedicated eom.
ion. [n concert with a remote robot at ill base Intelligence Kore. though puter sylteml, the Af can a pply the
'lee below), an Al can initiate mtnor whan called upon to actually pe r. bonuses gran ted by those dedicated
repairs Or examina places where its form al a member 01 the craw II COn compu ters 10 hs Intelligence leat
16 B senllO.. normally con', reach. only operate one of Ihase systems at check.
ory. UIM!O' plograma designed to emu.
ROBOTS lole b.oad s kills OCI::upy 1 alai each; !iPACESHIP
Practical robotl< appear at Progress specialty skills requ ire a numbel of
LevelS, Tbe5(l are basIcally olltomal- SIOII equol to the Ikill's rank. plul I
lid machine. eitber controlled by a I lOilo. th e a SSOC ia ted broad skill. While the explOration and explolta·
remote ope,at or or by a dll(!icol&d Ire poBsi bl e to load part of 0 spe_ tion 01 the solar system ligu.e proml·
romp ... program. The.. robots cialty IIkill progrom In to 0 rabat in nently into many PL 6 campglgnl.
<nn', uluglly mUltipurpoee. bul dad- order to I.... ve memOly ovoilabl.: for most space trav.l is accomplilhed
lOOted 10 petlonning (I lingle IOlk a. iratance. 0 robot with the Demoli. by space· to-ground shuttles ond
led" 01 ,elated lasks. Exomples 01 tiana-<iisa.m 6 p rogram can have a slow-moving apace transpartl. Th...
PI. 5 robol.lnclude the lInlta uaed in reduced. version. such as disafm 3. vehides rarely lind thei' woy Into a
Dutomat.d factories gad machines loaded and th en use ather memory hero's POSlellion except 01 a meon.
buil110 be scientific reHCIrch aids, .101. lor dil ferent programs. to get fram one place to another at
ruth 01 deep &eel probe, To determine the number 01 ac- Ihe behell of a governmenl 01 COIPO-
A. Ptogresa Level 6 dey"lopl:. pro- tion. per round and the action check ration.
llrammClble. human·siMd robot. be- accre lor a robot. CIa.I-reference the Spac:eahlp& 01 Progress Level 6 ole
come male .alined. Few ar. con· quality 01 the proceQOr with the at<><:k modela. aa de",,;bed in Chop·
. tructed In humanoid form; moat are robo!"1 Dexte rity acore: Ie. 12; Vehldes. All oahip lunctions
buill 10 perform dedl cQted fUnctions ond systeml make use of the comput·
and con..rve energy- II (I I-meter- Dext.rlty er that comes with the cammond
lall .obot wlll accomplish it. task. 0 1 PToc...o, 1-' 6-10 ll-15 16. compartment. Thll is a moinlrome
..ell 01 a 2-meter·lallroboi. then it Margined 1m I~ VIO Y12 with 0 Malglnal proc:euor; it pro-
mIght 0'8 well only be I mele. tall. Ordinary In 219 Yll ." vides no modiliera.1t doe •. however.
Robot. of PL 6 per/arm ..rvices Good I~ YlO Y12 4114 monilor oil ship Ir-teml, operate all
ranging from IIOnitatlon and rapoir \0 Amu~ing 219 ~11 ~13 4115 outomated functions, and allow the
oonllruc1ion and securlty du ty. As ro- ship·, crew to Interact wilh the shlp
bots become more adept. they are PL 6 Robot and operote the various 'ysteml
placed In jobe that humana lind dis. to- T·Kot: Thia amuil. box-Ihaped Irom the command deck.
IOStelul. tediou .., or dongerous. robot comes in hou..hold 01 indultri- Dedicoted computer 'ylltems con
At PL 1. malerio]s and technology ol'ltrength modell. It·, designed to be added to other compartments in
btcom. odvanced enough to allow keep halls dean and aid in pelt con· the ship. though only Ordinary quali.
lor mar. multipurpalle robo". In ad· trol, using low-powered sonks and a ty models are ovailable at PL 6. An
dillon. the adven t 01 true ortiflciol in- vaeuum·lwoeper 01 it campleles its Ordinary 'pedalized computer pro-
1.!ligenCCl creates compulers thot o.e pre-progrommed drcuit. vides 0-1 bonus to cerlain Iklll
1Il0n like pgrtners than toola. These STR l. DEX 8. CON 2,lNT 12, WIL 4. checks. as detailed. below
programs. 100 lorge to house within PER I ; Durabili ty2l2l1; Movement_
humon·;l .abots. mob use 01 walk 6 (wheell): Action check SCOr&- Type 01
IlIloll robots to se",e os their 8IInllO'1 8.nl3ll: Actions pel round I; Mas. 47 Computer AfflK"ted Skill,
IXlen,lonl in to the world. kg; Size 45 em; ProcellOr quality_ Battle SO-weapons
Ordinary (5 octive I lots): Stored pro- Comm SO-<;ammunic:arions
g<ams--operating Iyslem. pIIst iden· Delense ~efenses
Robot: tilication utility. eradication ulility. Enginoering SO-enginee,ing
Characteristics hou.aekeeping utlllty...",ice map; No" Navigolion-$}'srem
IIobota 0 •• equipped. with computer Ca.t SB,OOJ. and d.jvespac:e
plCleHlIOra. Th. quality 01 the Pfocetl- Science Lile Science. Medicol
lOr providel a situation die modifier PL 7 Robot Science. Physical
lor oll action. a robol might a tl empt. ... A,Eye., Thil ImolllM!OnlJOTY robot Science. or Technl·
The maditie •• ore oa follow ..: Morgin- la cont rolled by an orliliclalinlelll· cal Science
al prlX.llIOr.•d6: Ordlnory, .d4; gence program hou8ed In a ship or Sensor So.....nso.s
Good, _dO; Amozing. -d4. Inatallatlon computer. The a-eye (-SO- Ktondl lor System Operallon.!
The ptocenor also determln.a the Iloatl and moves Clbout uaing 0 tiny
~umber 01 octive memory alola a grovitonic inducer, tranllerring All spaceship dedicated mainframe
robot can use lot running programs. whatever II sees and hears back to compu te. systems of PL 6 are ovoil
Progre.. Level 6 pr<><:eSSOTl are the the Al program. oble in the Gravity Age (PL 7). Fur-
equivalent of desktop computers. STR 2. DEX 6. CON 4. [NT 13. WIL 8, Iher. all qualltlel are now available:
while Progress Level 7 proceuars PER 2; Durabilily (/4/2; Movemenl- Ordinary. Good. and Amaxing. In ad-
we th. equivalenl of mainframes. Ily 4; Action check scoT_9.181412; dition, one IlIIw dedicated. syllem ap.
A robofa Intelligence ..::o.. la also Actlora per round I; Mala 10 kg; Size pears in Ihi, oge:
diclated by its prO<:eQOI' Marginal. 30 em: Processor quality-Morginal An Allupercomputer providlll the
12; Ordlnory. 13; Good. 14; Amodng, tl active Ilols); Stored programs-op· memory ond ay"eml necessary to
15. Other Ablllly Scores are dicta ted .rating system. System Operation- house on artil!clallnlelligenee pro·
by the robot'a luncHon and fo.m. sensors Ii program, control utility. Ac· gram in a ,hlp. Without this dedicol·
A robot can only utillg programs robatlc.-dodge 3 program. Awale- ed system. an AI program oon·t be
IIIot can be "ored in ita actlv. mem- ness-perception 4 program.lnve,li· used on a ahlp.
gat....arcb 4 program: Cost 118,lXlO.
PI. II .wu:allran Age Nunchaku.: A nunchaku consi"t. of
........ oI_lteo. quality begin to two wooden or metal bot' joined by
app.qrlD th .. age. including metal 0: chain or a hinge. It (;(tn Itrlke pow-
ftftIou, 01_ ~li ..r wacpon •. e rlul b low •. but It "elptlCially good nu. weapon i. a metal when used to parry Incoming auacks
Ib.rth that lit. over the ou tside 01 (-I bonUI to parrying checks).
u-.bcmd. pfO'l'ldlog sHubtl, beUer Pol.ann.: Polearm. aIR a ciall 01
dcm:Iclge potlMltlal io a flstllgbt them weapon. conlilting 01 a long .hah
OM" ~e 1lauckl9._
'IIaaId _ A tool that beeame a
with an edged weapon mounted on
one end. The.. weapon. require two
...apaa. the h<md ax coo.itt. of a handltou ...
tbart.uodea handle with a P.avy.
~ cuttlog bad. Primitive PL 3: Age of' Rell!lon
_ _ be mad, trOll! oorved ,,\ane. Variation , on the IWOrd grow popu-
but 1M DI<ltority of ca .. a1 bighor lar. while developmentlD other pel _
~ ~1a bant =t1al head •. IWno:l armillowl becou.. of the ad·
..... A _ _ I. a dub with a vent of fbearm" .
...., . . . or !roo bMd fitloo to ane CuUan'The weapon mode fa- Some of the btod.lJtDy be stud- mau. by pirat .., tbe cutla.. featurel
ded. Ocmg.d. or aplbd. Q curved. slngl..-.dged blade WIth a

.... ....a: Tba abort "word eoo- heavy ballket hUI.

"" =.longer
KcI\O-Q1l! Thi lis the .word of the blade I. eUghtly curved.
with a chisel poi nt and a email rlng-
ehaped guard. The kato:no: ilforged
hom Ihe fln ..t ,teel. and painllaklng

COle yieldfl a blade 01 greal strength

K" ::;~~::~~~::~:wo~
and i1e:lliblllty.
Rapier. Wilh the deml .. of armor
appear. (II w.u ena DOW ealegory ol on the battlelleld . the rapier oome

into use WIthe gentleman's w.apon.
ar.:r«i ...... Tba heavy. doubl.· A long.• traight Iword with very little
edg.d braod: awonI t.otutfl (I meter- cutting power. the rapier II primarily
iOIIIg blaU""gned for both culling used 0& a thru,Ung weapon. olten In
duel. and f'm cing competition•.
..... 'l'haeoUUDon th~,hlng flail. Sabar. The lavored hand ·ta-hond
IIDOdiBecI b war. II 0: potent weapon. weapon of the cavalry. a lobar has a
.~01 a sturdy woodeo baDdle sligbtly curved. double« blade
ClhlldMdbr a chain to 0:0 iron rod. a that giv ... maximum I IQ.lhing power.
IPItIId nrd. or a spiked Iron ball.
G..-_Tblll WeapDD COlLfl'lIIol PL 4: Indu.trllli Age
a IIIOu1 wooderI shoft. 2 mete" long. The dominance 01 gunpowder weap·
wUIt.. CIIrNd. Blngla-edg.d. blade at
. . . . . . . . . . Imprustv.damcrg.
bat ..... hm bands to Wield.
0011 I. Hlahlished. and the only lig-
nilicant advance In parlOno:l weap-
ODs i. an occeuory 101" Ihe rilla.
Weapun Skill
Progre!l!l Level 0: Stone Age

Range Type Oamage 10/ 6lA)

= 0 Per5onol LVO
= Uub Melee-bludgeon d4 . 1a1d4",, 'd4. lw

0 Pe~onal'

d4wld4 ...... ,d4 . i!'w
d4.I...rd4t3 .., d6w
d4 .., dd4. i!'w/d4ln
c--> Unium"d 0
Unonned Att ...:k Personal Ll/ O d4s1d4. 1a1d4.i! ..

ProgreJiO. Level J: Bronze/ Iron Age
G .. unUot Un .. nncd Atta ck 0 Per.. onal ,va d4. lsld4.i!sld4-1w
Hand a ..
Per.. onal ·
d4 . 1 ...·Id4.i!' ...." d4. 3w
d6 . d4. 1 ....,d6 . 1 .....
:3 5hort .. word Melee-blnde> 0 Personal LVO d4" 'd6~"'ld6. i! ...

Progress Le1te1 i!: Middle Ag~.

Brood ....·Drd Melell'-blad£! 0 Per.. Dnal LVO d4 . i!wld6.i! ...'Ili4m
FI.. n Melee-bludgeon
•• PeriiDn .. 1 LVO d6 . i!sld4. i! ....'1d6 . i!' .....
Gruot Oll
Nunc h .. ku
Per.. onal
d6 . ,.,dd6.i!wld4.1m
d6~d6.i!sldB +3 ..

Pole.. nn Melee-blnde
Progre!l!l Level 3: Age of' Rea.on
•• Per50nal lIlO d6 . ,wld4. 3 .... , d4.1m

Cutl .. ,." Melee-blnde

-. Pe~onal lIlO d4. 1 ...,d6. 1 .... ld6 . 3 ...

Katana Mclee-blndp Personal LlIO d4 .. i!"ildS .. i!wld4 . 1 m
Rapier Mclce-blnde Personal lIlO <I4.....,d4 .. 1...../d4 . i!w
5aber MeleOi!-biode 0 Persunal ,va d4 ..' ·Id4. i!!d4 . ' ..'11
Progress Level 4: Industrial Age
B .. ~onet Melee-blade
Progres!'l Lel/el S: Int'ormatlon Age
•• Personal l ifO d41.'11ld4 . i!",,'ld4m

Combat knife MeleL--biode 0 Pc ....ona'· LVO dA.I.,, 'd4 .. i!wfd4.3...

5t .." b .. ton Melee-po."ered 0 Pc~onol E",O d4 . 151d4+ 3§/d6+4..
Progress Level 6: Fusion Age
Choln .. word
Pul .. e botDn
Melee-po .. ~rvd
Pe .... onal
dS . h"tdS.i!wfd4 . 1m
dS .. fd4+i! .... fd6 . i!w
Progress Level 7: liravity Age
fir;:t\lnlaCe Melce-pD.. erE~d 0 Personal L110 dB . i!~/d6.i!,.. ldB +i!'1I

P n .,... er Ce .. tu .. Unanncd·bra ... 1 0 PersDnal lI10 d4 . i! 8fd4 ... fd4.h..

Progress Lel/el B: Energy Age
0 Pe ..... on .. , EwO d6 .. h,,· ~d6 ....Id4.3.n
5tar "''''':lm
Trl · .. ".ff
Melee-powered -. Pe ..... on.. 1 EwO dS . i!1."I3d4.h... ld6m
• Weapon tnn .... th~n Ullin') thD Ath'Dtlt ... thr......kill , • .,., ~ ThI'U"n ' \·l> .. p n n .. . - Pl"1J" 5 7.

Ikryone l' Originally a dagger leatu le" A I mall compasl can be in· the use. from accidentally shocking
crudely atta ched 10 a rille's muzzle, l(lid In 'he handle. O r a hollow ha n- himself. Wi thout g lov••, th. u..r .1If·
the boyonet e ventually becomes a dl, can con,ain me ter. 01 fer. Ordinary damage (d4 ... ls) If hll
s ta ndard (l1I(lchmen t.ln e lfect. a lilhingline a nd a hook, a dozen M"l" Attack-powered weapon ,k1l1
boyonet tu .nll a rille into a spea r ma tches, or lome oth er s uit ably check resu ll is a Crit ica l Failure.
.ized piece 0 1 surviva l gear.
PL 5: Infonnatlon Age Stun botan, Thislow-powe recl Vel' PL &: Fusion Age
Whlle fi rearms contlnue to develop, lion 01 the pulse baton is aome times Personal arms gain respect again 01
' ...... rch inlo mel .... weapons I.a 01 ill known 01 a tase •. Above the insula t- new technology-resulting In the
10WH' poln, ever ed handle, illIlIUrla 09 clackles wLth (I first pOworad mol" woopan_.·
Combol knlle, Thi. weapon is a high-vol tage,low~urrent elect,icol pond, the scope 01 whot a close-
hIgh-tech version 0 1 'he s,a nd ard charge that can temporarily short- quarters weapon can do.
dagger or knlle, compo&ed 0 1 tem- Circuit the humoo nervous I~tem Chains w on:!: This device con,illl
pered I,ee!. aophla lica,ed polymers, Inlula led gloves (one pair included of (I meto r·!ong blade ei t"', builllnio
0 1 ceromlc blends. A combo, knile il in the listed COlt; sse lor a re place- a heavy forearm gaun tlet and POWII
172 typically equipped wi th add itional ment pai r) are necessory to prevent lupply Or a standard woopon hilI.
Weapon At:tlons Clip Size Clip I:ost Hide MiIIss A\lull Cost .......
Prog~ss Lell'el 0: Stone Age E
• •• •
Club Any ~

Dagg"r 4 .3 AnU '"

.0 =
Ouartc .... t .. ff
•• •

os =
Unarm"d 4
Progress Let/el ,: B,.onze/lron Age
6 .. untl"t
Hand iltr.

•• •
An~ '"
50 =
!ihort "'"'om

•• •• Com
Progress Let/el ~: Middle Age!J
Broad "word
• 4 Con .00
• 4 Com OSO
6n!ilt ....
•3 5 Cnm .00
•• •
Progre§§ Le"el 3: Age
Cutla ....
K .. tan ..
o~ Rcu50n
..•• 3

•• •••• •
Progre§s Le"el 4: Indu§trial Age
B .. uon"t

5tun baton

p,.og,.ess Le"el 5: 'nf'o,.,natlon Age
Cum bat knif£! 4

Progress Lelfel 6: Fusion Age

.0 so




• 5 •.s 5 Mil 1500
Pul.. " baton • '" 75 •• • Con SOD
p,.ogres§ Le"el 7: 6,.alfity Age
6rilVITI ...:"
Po,,'er l'"stu ..
• 4
Progre§s Le"pl B: Ene,.gy Age
'" .. 75


Star .. ~"Drd
• 3 '" 12

A" ..

The blade is edged with (l molecule- sullers Ordinary domoge (dBs) II hls con&iSIS 01 an elbow-length gQuntlet
Lhln raZOr 01 s uper-tough arlilicial Melee Attock-powered we<rpon skill 01 CF (eo rbonate liber) weave. end ·
tty'tals_ driven in chainllQw fashion check ,Hull ill Q Critical Failure. ing in a heavy fighting glove that
IIlong the weapon's edge. This pro- covenlhe usa,'s hQnd. Gravity teo;h·
",des a powerful culling edge Qnd Q PL 7: Gravity Age nology allows Ihe wielder 10 strlk.
particularly lethQ) mel.. woopon. Powered weapon. 0ppecIr in increas- blows 01 Q.tonllhing pOwor wllh Q
Pul .. boton, The first powered ing variety Qnd power. The personol gloved hondo
melee wecpon capable 01 inflicting weapOn is reborn Q' more Qnd more
letha l damage. the pulse boton is Q combclI OCCurS belween units Qnd PL B : Energy Ag e
hall-meter-long rod that delivers a small groupsln"ead 01 Q.mie •. Melee weapons 01 the period ap·
c:oncentroted energy diKharge when C ...... mQce: Th. grovmoce conilitl proach and even el<ceed th. copabil-
il hits a target. While the boton QP- of Q meIer-long hondle with a g'avj- ities of mQny ranged weapons. The
pea.. 10 be Q simple Ua Bhlight. the tonic capacitor inllde a Itriking minialuriwllon 01the mQ... reactor
operator must wear a pair ollnsulQI- head. Poworful cupacltors manipu- to a petsonallevel ollows lor the c •• -
.d gloves (one pair included in Ihe lale lhe weapon'& mall, making It ation ollonla.tic new weapons.
~.ted eo.t; $.SO for Q replacemen t
pair] to preY$nt Qn Qccidental dis-
dKr rge_ WIthout glove.. th. wielder
st,lke like a sledgehammer while
beIng Iwung like a wlUow Iwitch_
Power ceslu., The powerceslus
SIO;u Iword: The .Iar .word gene,-
"te.acomp!el<. phQHed. mQgn8tlc
field in the rough .hape of a sword



blade. and !hen fills the interior of (dS+ lw). A trainad wielder sulfers Or-
thislield with white-hot plasma. On dinary damage on CI C ,itiool Failure. RAI\IGED
con tact, the containmen t Held .oleos- Tri-slnll: This ?-meter-long stall is
...s a " t'(!(Im of plasmo thai con burn lopped by a three-pronged b lade .
Or cut through olmost anything. When the stall is activated, an inter- As early as the dawn of civilization,
A slaT sword is dillicult to use and nol power source suffuses it with Q the ability 01 lOnged wl!'Oponslo ne\>'
olleo damages an untrai ned wielda •. IIOh glow. This aura acts as a defen - lIali~ enemies from aim W05 recog.
An untwined character who gets (I sive force field that Im p roves the nized CIS an Cldvan lage. The pmjec-
Critical failure when using It sullers Strength and Dexterity resiston<::9 tiles that ranged weo:pons expel

174 Good damage (2dSw).and On Q Poil-

ure resuh tokes Ordinary damage
modifiers of its wielder by I slep. become increasingly mom lethal 01
technology takes its strides. The
powerlul energy weapons dev.loped
crt bigh Prog re .. Levels bear virtual·
ly DO resemblance to their humble
<m<:eIItor, the bow and anow

PL 0: 5~one Age
""ide from thrown weapons original·
ly intended for use in melee combot, =
thstKIrly bow a nd sling rep re8fln t Ihe
!irst use 01 longed weapons.
Bow, s hort: This is a simple bow c.r.>
lIKIde !rom a single pieceol wood
Beeause alchery and bowhunting ""'"'
exUlt a •• portl. Iharl bows mQde 01
lugh·tech materials may be readily
(1VQilable a t hi gher Progress Level •.
SUng: i hls weapon i!l a simple
looped slrap in which a s tone Is
.. hir led and then let lIy. Small.tonH
OI'igmally ... rve as ammunition. but
Ibe .liQg a t PL 2 (lnd highe' u ....
met(l\ bullets, wh(1$9 (lerooynamlc
slwpe inc,eallU Ihe .Iing'. range by
JO meter. in each ooleg(lry

PL 1: Bronz.ellron Age
Whlle existi ng ra nged weapon. Im-
p<oved In quality (lnd genera l use.
!rU. development remained &care..
10.elln: A IIghlthrowing spear,
DIletimes fashioned from melal. the
;:.velin wo. otlen used in hunting It.
Inlonce and ma .. make it an ideal
thlowing weapon. increasing the
.. ielde . 's normal throwing la nge by
:;(] percent In each category. (lhrown
Weapons- on P<lge ~7 in Choptel 3:
Heroes;n Action explains how lor a
~bo.acler <:an Ihrow on ob)OCtJ

PL i!: Middle Age!l

Improvem.nts in bow d.sign bring
about th.long bow and lhe cr0SI'
bow, whll. specialized Ihrowing
weapons such as the shUll ken alae PL 3: Age of Reason os the same weapons imp,oved in
oppeor The signilicon t odvancement olthll IOphisticol ion (llld stopping power.
Bow, long: A lamoua weapon, the Prog.ess Level il the development 01 Derringer. ihe sm(ll1est piliOls
long bow actuolly exceec\s the PL 3 hm(l"rms, typified by tl.." flint lock. ever made. these weaponl oppecrred
Hintlock ,me ( _ below) In range, Musk.t. flin tlock! The musket wos with mntlock actionl early In 'h~
accuracy, and ,ate of fire and d ... the most suCCtisful of the block pow· 19th century but didn·t become popu
Dearly (L8 much damage. The long der weopon •. By later Itandords il il lor until the IB70..
bo .. '.mained the weepon 01 choice inoccur",te (lnd unreliable. but 11s.!>O Pistol..32 coUber .e.-olv.r. Light
10. m(lny IIOldler.long after the ad· 10.SO ooliber bullet deserves respect ,evolve... ond small handguns o,e in
vent oillrearms. Pi Blol. llI ntlock: The flintlock pistol common use 101 celltu,ies oUe, thei'
Croubow: Consisting 01 a bow employs the lOme mechanism and Invention. The small size 01 the .32
moun ted crosswise on a wooden or muule-looding powder and shot (II caliber make!l it Ideal 10' canceal-
OIeto\ slock, Ihe c.ossbow is li".d the flint lock musket. mentln 0 hidden hol~tl'f 0' pocket
much like a gun Although slower Rill., lOng": All() known as a Ken PiitoL .45 caliber ....olv • ., A heav·
and clumsie l than a long bow. ,I QUt- tucky rille, Ih,sfhntlock weapon was ;N plslOl. irs not quite 08 easy 10
ICmgel Ihe bow (lnd has superlo. mare occurote thon the musket. but conceal as Ihe .32. but dellverl greet
Itriking power. lired a smalle, ],gIl. er domoge and hoi longer range.
ShurikeD! Though these «throwing Rifle, .30 C<lliber bolt-octlon: A
'tors" are IlOt extremely letho!. the PL 4 : IndU!rtrlal Age common mlantry weapr>o. the bolt·
metal. sharp·poln ted disks are eesy The age ot industriolilm saw tire· action rille IS accuwte. but tonds to
(lrms go l" tO mOBl p,oouchon even be s low·firing ond heavy
= crossbow



RUla, .44 caU be , l. v..... a cUo n: In-
11 troduced ear ly ;lI lh, Indu.t ried Ag •.

..... repeating nUes.uch as tllli weapon

we •• COmmOn in tha Old W....,. main-
ly among hun l." gnd lrontiellmen
= Shotgu n. 12 goug ..: Shotgunl come

in seyeral d, U••• nl lorm •. m<;ludlng
pump-o.C1 ion. bolt-o.t1ion. ling le-Ihol.
ond double-banel. The 12 gouge lao
lOilly Typical pump-action shotgun
Damoge Irom (I shotgun i. hig hly
:z:: dependent on l ange. At &horl .ange.
= damage i. doubled. AI long ra nge.
=- down.Suhm(l(:hlne
all damage ,"ulla cu. h(livod (round
loa mlDtmumol l pomd.
.45 collber: Pop-
3 ularly known 01 th, »tommy gun:
th ill weapon 0011\9 inl0 UM neo. the
end of the Industrial Age_ II wallha
fi'll of the persona l Qutomotic W9Clp'
ana, w ilh the ability 10 domo ge mora
than one Imgel in (I Single ot1rn:: k
That property made It a hIghly dUir-
able Ii rea rm despite it, re lative ly
Pis to!. 9mm: S maller but dead lier tamily olsmalt but dead ly a utomolic
poor accu racy_
than the .39. Ihe 9mm is on e xtreme ly weapons w,th astou ndIng ralesol
popu lo. handgu n in the second hall hre lal1lnlo Ihla oo logolY. The BUi>-
PL 5: Information Age
01the tnlorm a tion Age . A hig h-oopac· machine gun il on ou ls tandlng
In a ddition to It, ather Clchlevemo ntl.
ity a mmo chp Clnd a tClp id .Ole 01 lire weopon In a c1oae·ln Iigh l, bUI con't
the IniOlmCltion Ago w,1I a lwayB be
comhine to produce o n approxima- match a nile lor range 01 accuracy.
remembered al the elO when a uto-
tion 01 au lolire, although the pi.rol is
ma tic weapOn, are deve loped, for
Ihe Iir8t time. an Individual can
incapable ollully aulomCllic action. PL 6: Fusion Age
Rille. 7.62mm: The main bo l1l e rille The Fusion Age bring. Clbout a n.w
wield a weapOn that hoathe ability
a ltho mid ·2Oth centu ry, the 7.62 re- vanety 01 rClnged weapons-charge
to dumage mo.e than one ta rge l in a
marna a lavonle 01 mo. ksmen long weapons. wh ich collecti vely havosu·
aingle attock
o lter lighter, lull-outomatic weapons perio. range and damage capabili·
Pis lol. ,38 rollber rnolve", Thi,
supe lsede It on the battlelield tl91 OVer their PL!I ancellors.
medium .evolve. oom" Into wid..
Rill e, o ...Clull: The o'UJOuit rifle- weapons u . . celli
spread taA because ollll.e latively
the Ii .., li ,O(ulII oopoble 01 bath bu rs' tha t become exhausted aile' It nng
low 00II1 01 well 01 its slightly Im-
mode and autoli,e-isthe s tand(IJd iour di~ A cell costs SIOO and re,·
p.oved ran9<'.
mili tary weapon 01 the e ra . 11. ,ange qU lfel on Qellon 10 leplace.
Plltol, .44 mQ9num ",,,olve r: The
Qnd domQge are superior 10 onylhing Pi. taL 9mm charge: In ,hiS weap-
mOlit powerful handgun 01 the 20t h
tha i has come beloIB it on, the hnng pin and chemical ••·
century. th .. lormldable weapon II
SubmQchine gun.. 9mm: A whole plolnve combrnahon 01 a PL!I " ' 901111
renowned lor ,ts hIlling power
'S replaced by a powerlul contact dt-
livilling a maBlive shock to the COr-
trldge, which I. powered by an . lee:·
trochemicol propeJlant. On filing. tIM
propellant II convelted ,nlO a whit ..
hot pl aama thai exponds more pow-
erlully and smoothly tha.n a chemrca\
exp lOSive. The relul t i. a weapon
that Ihes a slug with much highe,
m U 1~le velocity tha n ea rl ie r h .eo ,ml.
Pis tol. 9mm H .O·g: Thia charge
pistol hoa a IJOphlatica led cr nh· reeoil
Iystom to neutralize the gun'. mov ..
ment. It a ll ow. Ihe user to li ' e th.
weapon In weigh tl9ls condition.
wllhout th .owing hi msell ;ntoow k·
word tumbles or lu m s.
Pis to\. Ilmm chQTg e: Thi. is II
heavier ver.ion of the 9mm chorga
piltol, "rIng Cllor!J9 ' round
178 RIfle. II mm charge: The standal1i



lImm ch<l'gG .. Oe leaIU!" the elec- autaflechette gun OOn a1ao be used in rol charga technology with lull outo-
trochemlc(,j hflng ayalem described tull automatk moda with a IOta 01 matkaetian
obove 10. Iha chorge piRtOI, bul In- h'e equ<.ll to that of mOllt Bubma<:hine
cludea on oulomohc moda_ gun __ thua. II ron dean aUI a .OOm- PL 7 : Gravity Age
Rill •. llmm ~ero'g: ISh the ;&8.o-g ful at to.geta with a law bUIStS. Pe •.anol weapona expand in
pislol. Ihis, oIle luel slandard Lika tha atanda.d "hotgu n. dam- Iy lhonka to th" udvent of mo~~ te<:h-
rounda with a apociol <mlhacoil sy,,· aga the outollacho t1a is highly nolngy and the continued relinement
tem 10 neutralize lis kick dependen t an ronga. At short range. o f dialribution. In thia age.
Shotgun. autollachelta: The auto- domoge ia doubled. At long ronga. the firat true ene rgy weapona rome
nachette gun tll" <.I 25mm .aund that domago rolla o ra holved [round Into use- weapona Ihat don't expel
rontain" a bundle at hny .• mar-sha.p down. tao mtmmUm 011 poinl). phYllrol projectiles and thus are nat
aerololia. A smgie hit 0011 COIve an SubmCl<:hin. gun. 9mm <:h(USla: aubject 10 the lowaal ine.tio. Ranged
unarmo.ed pe • .an to nbbona. bul tha Thia weapon rombin. . electrochem.- energy weapona ron be used In Irght
grav It y 01 zero gravity without caus-
ing problama to the user because of

........,.... ..,.......,.
. ·M ·
.......... QC.aI._:3 .ecoil. (The Gamemaste. Gurde hal

......... ..,.... ...... 01' • .............--
ID"01 .........
S ,


'l'l!fI.,...."IIId............ to . . . . . . . . . . tIOIID .......... '"'-

mote informOlion on the poqibla CId-
ve... aUKla at ope ral iag in a light-
gravity 0' zero-g- envi.anment.)
Th" new lonthonid., capacitor i,
the balla for energy <:ella tOt weaponl
.......... ,...... .................. ~ . . . LG.lrill.. ot thi , Prng'''811 Lavel. These pawe.
01",_,,) ',,, .............., _ _ .... ,....... . packs It ill )ost lor tour clipa' worth 01
........ 'M!" .......... .111 .................... _ . . . . ammunition. but c:oat S20J oo<:h

I....................,. .., ............

.u.""s-t • , ' ........ 01 ...... _ .. - - .
... , : 1 , •• : iLl" $ ...,... . . 1 1 ' 1 1
PI,tol. ISmm aabot: Thia amall .
handheld e leclromugne hc u~lera­

........ ... -
I. . . . . . . . . . . liI ...- . I to. hurla a apec:ial. d,acordrng-roclr.el
• '1 . . . . . . . . . . . . ·1 11 •• _ a1ug al i<: velocities .
.............. - ....... 'po•• t ........ Tha round I"ed by Ihis weapon il
• _I ='"
* _ 0 1 . ' ., II ,
................. I'LL ..... ..., . . twD _ _ _ . . . .
a miniature ac:ramjet that ignlt..
soon aJter leavmg Ihe mw::zlo and
qukk ly aC'<:elerotes to in<:reclible
speed_ Due 10 ilS exltemeiy hlgh_
10<:lly. the rocket round ia d~i9ned Ie
.plauer against any app.eo;:ioble ,e-
slstance to tranlferas much kinet\c
energy U5 poasible to the target
PistoL laaer: Anoth.nopplioouon

01 electrochemical technology. tile
10&8r woopOn use~ an electrical
chlI/ge to IOlse a chemical meNlO
brilliant fiUOI.KOIle<>. Thl.light i,
loeuaed through precisely machl"'!
c-? ortilicial crysIO\. and expelled trOll!
= the weapon 01 a whila-hot beam_
c::>- Pistol, mas., Utili~ong Ihe gravIty
indU(;tion technology also employed
in shipboard weaponl ~y.l.m •. the
::3 mag pistol throws an oltiticial.
short-lived mo.. singularity al it.
tOlget. This gravity point cause. hor·
rible damage through lido! .lIeels to
both animate ond Inanimote objed ..
but" is shorHanged and cQnu","
an enormous amount olene'gy
Pistol sluller: This hand-held
woopon u ... sonic
08 a loud, low-hequency mmbl_to
incapacitate a ta.get Sine. the ~yt·
Ie. pi8tol delive18 81un damagl, ,I is
lovored by riot lelpon.. looml and
those who seek 10 pacify .other thaa
la.minal\! opponents. The 8IU\tOI PII'
tal doesn't iynction in a vaCUum.
Rille. LaM" The lase. rille i8 a
ICllger. hIlKlVI'" improved veliionot
.h. lose. pistol_very bit 01 accu·
rote as the Bmalle. woopon. and obit
to hit a la'get from as 101 away 010
full kilameter_
RiEl •• mUS; The II1OS8 rm. WOI'Q
on the ""me pnncipLe as Ihe mau
piBla\. bul i. hoovie. and hOi a
Longer range,
RUl •. quanlum: This weapon It a
peraonal v,nlion 01 the 8hip·mounled
particle beam It u'" a Imall aa.L.
erOIOI 10 lue lubalomic pCllllc"'(t\o
lo.gel, All perllOnaL quantum weap-
0'" are e>:tremely e>:penalve and
highly re8tricted, making Ihem mIt
and allen Lllagalla awn and operot ..
Rifle, rend." Thi8 woopon UILl...
gravlly induction .echnology 10
ItrObe th,ough a lighlnlng-qulck
cycle 01 aliIaction and .epul~!on
ogomsl Ihe to. get. Thil ocllon caul-
e8 malleT 10 lilelalLy lear 11..1110
piecel. A lUoCky talgBl may &Boo!",
wllh bad b.ul .... surface ablaaians.
and a Iho.ough ballering. bul a well·
centered hil by the ,ende. c.ealelL
maSSive body houma_
Submachln. guo. 101-Or: The IOMr
SMG does mole damage. hal glealel

180 accuracy. and more ahotl per

clip than previous SMGs_



Sub ma chine gull, . Iutler: The au- damage. Maser technology. malring
lOmalic .... r.ian of the "utter i. use 01 microwaVe radiation. 11):lend. HEAVY
the range 01 pe.sonal firearms.
a favored weopon ot riot-control po_
lice and olher. who need to knock Aul Thl. lubmachine gun
out a large number at people wllhout ia a heervy maMr pialol (100 below) for d8lllUclive powe •. heo.vy wenp·
inllicting le lhal ;n)U/le•. The stUllel capable ot lull automatic hre. It U!lel uns are unmatched. This mIlitary·
SMG doean'tlunction in a vacuum. a small mOBS tOOCIO, and an internal grode weoponry grows in popularity
ante""a anay to create a brood· a. tha agea pou. given il8 odvon
PL B: Energy Age band blast 01 electTomagael ic ener- tages in the abili ty to penel.ato
Energy Age ronged weapons become gy. combtning the nastier lea lu.e. at o.morand gene.olstopping power
subtle and accurate wIthout Burren- a lall&r ond a microwave beam.
dering the ability to deal Oul lethal Plalol. heo...., The heavy PL 4 : Indu!i1:rlal Age
moser piltol harn_ Ihe power at Although heo...., weapon. such oa the
, a miniature rna ....&acto< 10 creote oom,to. cotopult. and connon exial-

Aa DCIIM 1Il Chapt.r 3;

Ja Actfoa. _ _ who tau.
H._ deshuctlve bolt. at b.ood-band elec-
tromagnetic radialiOn. Thi. result. on
a beam wllh the cutting Or penollal
ed previously. the Industrial Age
sees the development 01 the pe •.
aonal heavy weapons.
"-alDg dcmaage from em at- iag powel 01 a·g.ade lase •. cou· Flamethrowe r: This device can·
tacit IIIUt - - . d _ a Staml- pled wilh the sea/ching and chaning sists of on incendiary fuel tonk (worn
- . l u _ . a W cbeck to 01 a microwave burst. slung aCrOSS the back) and a gun hire
In'OkIIoUIAg _ 1 _ .. It'. Pislol. mO'e r: The maser pistol- Ilo~le and hall<>. The weapon pro-
lIIIportaDt 10 twmember lbert One 01 Ihe mOIlt accu rate weapons jecta a at ream of Ignited fuel that can
tIWt nile CIJ.o appUet to kIxu,. ever ploduced ,. a leas powerlul hila targel CiS 101 away as 30 me ter •.
......... "-_Hect ve •• ion 01 the heavy mailer piSIOL firep.ool Or heat·shielded objects
..apooa1Nda_ gnaacIe. cmd Rille. h••n·y moser: This weapon lufie. holt or nO damage depending
.....,antd.xpJam_dwzr· wOlka on the SOme pnnciplea as lhe on Ihe level ol thei. protedion. f1om·
act. wbo'. rIobt DQt 10 a maser pistol. bul adds g.enter rouge mabie objects igm te and continue to
. . . . . . . . . . "IJOM oft 1101 and lull ou locopability. burn tal d6 rounds. d4-2
aaIt' ...... becr9y--"" but Rille. mOHr. ThiS i. 0 smallel. POlO ts at wound damage each .ound
-spt be bcM::Ud OUI 01 ar;Iicm mora accurOIO. and lel8 powerful o. \lnul the tile is extmgulshed. A
lor the ..... oIlbe_. ver.ion 01 the h8<'lvy mO ... r .ilie. (lamelh.ower weighs 6lrg when II.
lank 11 empty 1B1
....... Weapnn 5kill Ace Md Range Type Damage IOIGJA)

Progress Le1/e1 4: Industrial Age
FlaInethro",er HvU-d/rctt 0 F """",0 . . .0 d6wld6+3wfdS+3w
= 6renade, trag.
Athl-rhrow F P",rSTR Hlf6 d4wfd4+i!'~",'d6+i!w

= Machine gun•• 30
Rocket launcher

0 A
""" Progress LR'I/e' 5: Int'onnatlon Age
lircnade launcher Hvy--Indlren: 0 F 50fi!ODl350 Alllo ..d A.lo ..d

lirenade. concu!'l. Athl-rhran'
•••• F
Per "iTR LUO dli+i!'sld4wld4+I~"

lircnade. Incend.
6rcnad", ... moke
•• F
Spedal Spedal
:3 Hvy .....chlne gun Hvy-dlrett 0 A 100140011000 Hi/li d6+ Iw/i!iI4+i!w/dBm
SAM. handheld Hvy--/ndlrvn: 0 F 1000fi!000l40DD HUE d4wld6wld6+4w
Progress LRlIel Ii: Fusion Age

SantaIn ' ..uncher Hvy-/ndlr..t t 0 F IOD/S00l400D A .. luad A .. load
BantaIn. ilntlalr H"Y--/ndlrcn: -" F All launcher HUE d4wfd4+i!wId4tn
B ..ntam. anti per. Hvy--/ndlrvn: 0 F All launcher d6.Md6+i!'wldU+i!'w
Bantom, antlveh . Hvy--Jnd/rett -" F All launcher HUE d4+i!'~.../d4+4wld4+ 1m

lirenade, pl.. sma Athl--thruw

•• F Per STR
'''''' d4+i!!,,,/d6+~....Id4m

liren ...tun Athl--throw

••-. F Per 5TR
'''''' d6I11dU~dB+i!! ..

Hvy mach gun, ch

Ran gun
Progress Level 7: 6ra1llty Age
Hvy--dlrect -. A i!00f6DOI1i!!OO
IUA 1501500l15DO

An: gun
Cannon ...tuner
-.-. F
d6+i!sldU+3s1i!!d6+3 ..
Cannon. i!!5mm ..abot Hvy-d/rert 0 F 100000DOfi!ODO HUE dSwld4-+1m1d6+i!m
lirenade, pul.. e
6renade, tracer
Per !!iTH
d4+i!w/d6+i!'w/rl4+i!'m gun Hvy--dlrcrt 0 F 4O/BDIi!!DO 'W6 dSw/dU+3t.....ldli!+3w
Uuantu...... Inl Hvy--dlrect 0 F""A 100fi!501S0D 'W6 dU+lw/dB+3w/d6m
Progress LR'l/e1 B: Energy Age
Uantam, ..tarload
(annon. m
Hvy_dl....r t
-.-. F
A .. I ..uncher

-.•• 'w6
6 ..... nilde, In...... Athl_thl'Dw F Per !!iTR d6+i!sld6+i!!w/d6rn
M ...... launcher Hvy--/ndJrert F i!OI3DDI1000 Ew" d6+lw/d6+31Md4+lm

The Gamemasler Guide has de· Machine gun •. 30 caliber. This lair- PL 5: Inrnnnat.ion Age
tailed information on the d urability ly light. air,cooled machine gun Advances in thlt lnlormotion Age en·
and flammability 01 variou s types of came 10 prominence on battielields hance Ihe abilities 01 heavy weap'
objects. which are the major factors 01 the era. The mechanism behind ons, and the sophisticated use 01
In dehHmining whether something is the machine gun is brillianl and grenades. o. handheld bombs. be·
capable 01 ca tching lire. simple; propellanl and energy lell oomes standard
Grenade. Iragmenta tian: Tho ear- aver Irom e xpending a round 01 am- Grenade launcher. While there
liest ve.sion 01 this explosive device munition is used to load the next are grenade launchers that mOlln. on
is difficult to th.ow acculOlely. but it round into the chamber. It fires Its lltles. this item is a separate woopo:!
cen do lo!midable damage 10 nny- bullets in rapid succession-much specilically designed to fire &mal!.
thing thaI's when it goos all faster than a character could empty (I explosive shells. The standard
All targets Within 2 melers of a single-shot gun. launche r can erc<:o.nmoderle (I variety
frog glenade's expiooion suflor Rocket launcher: Inlloducoo as an 01 loads. The two basic types 01
Amazing damoge (dS .. 2w); targets infantryman's antitank weapon, the launchers are the4(lmm hand morto,
within 6 motors sulfe. Good damage shoulder· lired rocket launcher is also and the 6x40mm six-sbert lerunche.
(d4+2w): and t(lrgets within \0 meters uselullor busling bunkers and heavy The hand morlar resembles a
sufler Ordinory damage (d4w). Any, lire support. Many PlS variations of simple breech·loading. single'bar·
thing la.thel than \0 metltlS away this weapon (th e LAW rocket. the reled shotgun The s;x-shollooks lil:e

182 isn't aflected by tho blast. RPG-1. etc.) ohIO exist. an oversiwd .evolver mounted on If
Progre5!J Leltel 4: IndU5trlal Age
lin.nadc. frftg.

.00 ..
ArtlDn~ Clip 5i~c Clip Cost Hide Ma!lo!!

•• ..



Mal[hlne gun• . 30
ROl[kct IDunr:h.,r
4 --<50 500
50 5
Progres5 Lel/el S: Inf'ol"lJlat'on Age
Grenade Ipunch""r 3 ,
Vurl., .. • M" 1000 c:;.-.

6renodn. lI:on(:u ... .3 0.5 M" 75 =
6renDd... In",end.
• .3 0.5 M" . .0
Grenade. "moke
• .3 0.5 Cun 50
H\IY machine gun
I§AM. handheld , , 4 --<50 500

Prugre55 Level 6: Fu§ion Age
Santa", Inunr:hcr
• 4 A.load
.,., 7 M" 4000
Bantpm "ntlotr • 3 Ro" 1000
Santam ontlper.
Bantam antl""h .
•• ., 3
Grenade, plnllmn
• .3 0.5 Reo 400
lirenad.. , .. tun
Hvy much gun I:h
•4 --'50 3000
.3 0.5
Rail gun
PrDgre!i. Level 7: Gravity Age
An; gun
Cannon, stutter



. .0
.0 Reo


Cannon. i!!Smm
• .0 .00 '0 M" IDODO
6rcnRdl~ . pul ...
• .3 0.5 Ro" 350
6 .... n ..d ... trOl[er
Pl ....m .. gun
Quantum mini 4
• ..0

Bantam 8tillrload
Level B: Energy Age

m .... .,r
lirenad.". m ......

•• .. .00
3 Ro.
M ..... I ....nch.,r
• 5 SOD .s Ro, SOUU

.boIgun s,ock. Unlike 'he hand mo.- damage (d4w); !Olge'S !rom 4 10 6 me- wound damage each .ound 01 unhl
ta •. 'he six-ah". oon hold a,,, g.e- te •• away lulle. Ordlna.y damage the Il re i, lI"ti ngu ist...<l_
nades ", once (bu' oon only /ire .hem (dS .. 2s); and 'Olga'S beyond 6 mete ... The Gamemoster GUide has de-
one ot o,,,nll). It 0180 a.tslou. !InNIS tuen', damaged by .he blast. laUod inlormohon on the dmobilily
the hsted puce. In other ways .• ,'s Grenade. IncendIary: This g.e- ond llammability of va rious types 01
iden.iool." .he hond mo.tOl node .elea_ a hIghly combushble objects. which ore the major faclors
Grenad •. ooncus.lon: The concus- chemlcol lhOI ignltet! and throws in delelmming whether sometblng II
linn g.enade is basloolly a haJJ-kIlo- shrapnel wlthin a 6·mele. radius. (;(Ipoble of (;(I tching h re. block 01TNT In 0 cardbomd Allta.getl within 2. matera 01 on Grengd •. s moke: This grenade re-
w.appo •. It haso p", ondarm moch- incend,o'y grenade's e"plosion sui· leases a thick cloud 01 smoke that
anism. bu, no hagmentahon ma'eri fe. Amazing damage (d4 .3wl; thOll8 fill, (In Olea In a 6-meter radius
aL Tbe coneunion g.enade is con· ham 2 10 4 meters away rece,ve Good alound the explOll;on site. The smoke
lidGfed on allenRlvlI weapon. since " damoge (d4~2w); and thOll8 Irom 4 to laBta fOI dS .. 4 rounds_ It provide.
oon be thrown by hoops '" opon .er- 6 mete ... away receIve Ordinary Good COver 1_2 penalty to opponents'
111111 w;,hou' learol caUllllg 'hem- damago (d4w). f'i,ep.ool a. heat, auemp •• to attackl and applies a .2
IIIlv,,", Ih,opnel damoge. shlolded obJ4lds .ull"r haU or nO penalty to Awaren ..... chocks for all
AII,tllge's w"hin 2. metli'rs 01 a damage dppending on the level 01 cha ractera w,lhin ,he area of ellect
COllCll8llon g.enade·. explollLon suI·
t... Amazing damage (d4+lw); targe's
hom 2'0" mete.s away sulfer Good
thell protection f'Iammoble objeCt.
ignite and c:ollhnue la burn to. d6 .. 1
.ounds_ lullenng d4 -I points at
50ma amoke grenades a.e lillad
with teal gas. Too. gos wmksjusl
hka .moke WIth the added benelit 01


pau ially in<:(IpOC llahng unprotected PL 6 : Fusion Age r«lrel delive.s a low-level rodialion
character •. ta.,h Individual in the Heavy w""pon de ve lopm .. n l in Ihe bu' s l des.gned \0 IOl lL el max im um
area of ellee! mnk81l a Constttu\lon rus;on Age coocen lrole. on IInpIOV- damoq8 on peop le wbile lecrvlng va-
teo! ",heck to try to counter the elf....,! ing el.;61lOg .... eaponry Ihe hiel.,. a nd buil dings inlocl AmCDing
of The gas: C.,hooi F<:rllure. helpl_ lech nology advances ollhe pell nd dOllloge(d8+2wl il . ntiicled w ilh ",4
lor 2d4 .ounds; FaLlure, +3 penalty to Bantam laun cher: This porlable melell 01 im paC1; Good da ma ge
clll ac tion chocks and actio"s 10. 2<1 4 lo uneher lires minio lu.e barL!o m (d6+2wJ up to 8 me l ell; a nd Ordina.y
lou nds: OrdinOl y_ .2 pena lty: Good. .ockels. B.oced o n Ibe shoulder a nd damage (dS w) OUI to 12 me le.s_
.] penalty: AmaZing. gas has noef- fired ILke 0 baKOO ko. Ih., ban lom Bonlom on livehicular rockel: Tbil
teet . Characters wearing e-suils 01 launche r •• lighl and easy 10 use II weapon ill design.d 10 hinder o r de
using .esplra tor mosks Or oxygen hOI Iou. chamber. Iha l oon hold 0 III.oy onomad ve hicl.,.. bUI oon ohIO
tanka ore unaUocloo by tea. go.s_ vcrriely 01 ban lam rockel loads. The be u&ed ogoinsl bu n ke.1 a nd o lhe,
Heavy mac hin e g un: This weapon p.slol gnp h08 lou. Ili ggell. alOe 10 hardened in810 1l01\onll. It causes
type includes any of the lorge aUla· OCI,,'OIO DOch ol lh e 10UI load cham - Amazing damage (d 4, 1m) to the tal-
m«t,,; weapons d'(li u""lorge...::o UI)e, be .s. though o nl y One I. iggo. eon be get .t . mpacls; Good damage [d 4.4w)
rounds and r&qui re (I mounllo con- dep ......,.. 01 a lime. Th .. built-In wilh.n 2 melers: a nd O.dlnory dam·
1.01 the recoil. W.thoul 1he Ulle a t gu,da~ Iy.tem make. Ihls weapon age (d4.2wl oullo 4 metell a way.
such a moun t , pena lhos 10. USIllQ au acculate toex h eme .ong.,.. erenod .., plas ma: nils il a more
10mollc fi.a ole doubled 1.21.. " ..6 .n· Bantam anlia ircrah rock .. l: Thill pawedul ve" ; ion o l lhe mcendlo ry
stead althe usual ~1{.2f.3). the US81 projeclile. abou t 0_5 mete r long. hall grenade. All lm ge l8 w .lhm 2 me ten
mus' toke an add ,tIonal.] pena ll y odd itionoll!!1 a nd g u idance sys le ms 01 n pla sma gre nade ', exp los io n luf
tor lock at accuracy. and mu st make 10 lock o nlO and Irock 10w ·llylng o i.- ler Ama~ i ng damage (d4 m); thOl8
a lIuC(;esstul Slreng lh leal chl!l('k 10 c.olt It con b. triggered 10 _ k a hom 2 to 4 motel. away lu ffe . Good
keep h om being knocked down heat eource ltK'h as a 1"1 eng. neal 10 damage (d6.2w :: and Ih".. hom 4 to
SAM. hand he ld, Thllill 0 shoul- lollow Ihe oommonds olliS UHr. who 8 melOIl a way to ke O .d.nory dam·
der-fired s urfoco-Io-oi. missile wllh a con dLfect il with II lru;e. SIght The oge (d4+Zw). f u ep.oo! or hool·shield
hool-_king head. When used blosl IOUiels AmozlOg dumoge (d4m) ad obl"'Cls suffe r ha lf o. nO damage.
ogoinsl an al.bome loryel Iho1"8 glV w it hi n 4 molers ollhe explosion. dopending o n the leve l o lillei . PIa.
lng off a signilieonl amounl 01 heal. Good damage (d4+2wlu p 10 8 mele.s lection. flamma ble objecllign ite
the missile will cirde a.ound 10' Q away: and Ordinary damage (d4w) and bu.n lor d6+ I .ounds. la ki ng d4

184 ..cond alla<:k ane round 10ler If 11

m ,_ Ihe 10.g ..1 on II.IIISI po ...
oullO 12 me lers_
80nlOm onli pe. sonnel roc kel: Thi.
pomllol wound d amago per round
or unlilt he h.e i, extlnguished_


The Gamema.,e, Gwde ha" de- a powel llll elecl/omagneuc accelera· Connon. rail, A rail cannon con·
tailed iniormahan on Ihe du.ability tor Ilia lli les a st.eam of "man pro- sisti 01 0 backpack and al\oched
and Ilammability of va.iau" Iypes of jucule, at .. t.tlmely hIgh velocity. gun The backpaclc canlains on elec·
object". which are tile mojo, facton; \lOmagnelte accelerator thatreleal'
In de termining wheth(1J .IOmelhing i" PL 7 : lira\llt:y Age es a powe.ed 2!imm pro)8Cllle wllh
ropable 01 ca tchi ng Ill e. The Glov ily Age I tands Q$ a crown· amazi ng .peed and force. The can
Grenado . • tun: The .tun grenade Ing e.u tor heuvy woupon s. us more non', energy cell must be replaCO<!
CJaute" a ooncu8!I]ve wave Ihal Btllns allicle nt power sources and signiti aile, Ihe weapon has tired two clip".
those with in the blas t rodius. Alita,· can t a dvance. In miniaturization Grenade. pul. e This grenade "",n·
gets w l/hin 2 mete,,, 01 the impact
slI!ler Amazing damage (dS.:z.);
technology made larmelly unprece-
dented d.., tructlve pow .. r available
,I." of a powerful capaci tor oad a
.pecial caromic shell tbat lunelions
Good damage (d8.) Is inilicted ootlo to ind, v.dual •. as a IpheI/cal an lenno a,ray. When
a dislan<;e 014 mete I": and Ordioory An: gun: a weapon capable It delonatel. the copacitor leleoses a
damage (d6,) eJtlend. 10 thOM u p to 01 deltveflng 0 powedul e lectrical pul .. 01 elec;l romagnelic ene'9Y In
10 meten away &hod: in Ihe form of a lighlning bolt Ihe ,mmediole aroo. This pul .... can
Hea.y machlnogun. "hOl'go' Thi. The ore gun uses 0 bui lt·in. low· stun unprolected humans. bUIll'.
heavy mochine gun makes use 01 paW(lIed laMr beam to iOOtZQ th e air more u ..lullor damagmg electrOniC lechnology to .ubRla ntiaily between the weapon ond its targel, eqUtpmenl -computers..... nsa ••. ve·
.m p. ove upon tho henvy mach, ne Ctootlng 0 path 10. the elec trical Orc. hicle COnllolsyslems. se,vomololl.
gun 01 the prev iou. e .a; Ih. s weapon Bec:ouse it require. oi. 10 operale, the und th e like. The dischorge cou,,"
bos belte l range .•Ioppmg powe •. wO(!lxm is u/l<lle5s in a VoCIIU," Anluzing da,"age [dIH-2s) within 2
ond occurocy, Wllhoul the II .... 01 a Cannon. . Iu lt er: A s tulter cannon metor,,; Good darnoge [d6.2s) out 10 4
moun!, penoltiesla. outoma lic lire i, a heuvy weupon thol con6i615 01 a mete.s; and Ordinary damage
010 doubled {.21.4,.61. the uOOr must boc kpack o nd attached gun. It i, de- (d4.2,1 alit to 10 meters,
roh on addllional .1 penalty 10' ..gned 10 di~ l)8rse or otherw ise han Greoode. tracer: ThiR iR a smart
lack at ac;cu .ncy (Of d.sregard llie die a crowd w.thout the u .... of lethal .haped·chalge g.enade. Though .t
weapon', o<:O:t/lacy baml •. il lhe cp. lorce. The Ituller connon prodUCf!1 eon hIo manually tcued or huded by
110001 .ulo l. bemg uNd). and must camplessed IIOnlC wavestllal deliver a launche •. once il .ouches ilsla'lI"t
make a SUC<:ell.11I1 51.engtll leot
deck 10 ovo.d being knocked down.
Rail gun: Tlltl weapon consIsts 01
hammerlike blow. againsttmgel",
Each pul" otlects olllmgelS in a 3-
metet IUdlUI.
aroo itll8Orcheslol a movmg larget
tamake con tact .. ilh. Upon impact,
the g reqode 8l<plodes und reletll'.'
ita fQwr-shalp l'09men, •. Amozing holslered aideorm it'a an mdlcatloo
damage (d •• 2m) is suffered by the thallhe indIVidual ... pect. 10 shoot
torgalllimpacts with (if any): Good (lnd get shot at.
damage (d6.2w) extend" out to 2 me-

le.l; and OrdmalY damage (d4+2w) PL 0: St.Dne Age
<= extend. t04 melerl.1t no large l is Stone ago armor makes Ulle 01 ,800"
wllhm '2 meier' of ill Landing point.
the g .enadelalla to the ground Clod (eotrlf~lly
Iy CfV(liloble material (which I. hmlt
ed). and armO! technology ulmalnt

woHI up to '2 rounds for a target 10
approoch within Ita detecllon range
armed fuse
s hrapn e l
p rimihvelor cenlu ,i.,.,.,
Hid .. a r mor: This (llm OI utilizes Ih,
012 meier•. It Ihe&e '2 rounds go by IUT. and skinS of animo I•. whIch Ol a
V"> without 11 being approached by a lor- .tltc hed 011051"0<><.1 together to
= get. lhe IrCloor grenClde Clulomalicaliy roughly lit the body 01 the individuol

deactlvatel. In l uch CI CClSll. it CCln be
..,lvClged and reused.
PICll mCl gun: The plasma gun con·
Tracer 6rena de
wooring It_ The protection It provldel
II minimal. and its use during the
era il uncommon. Thi, <:Clteg'Ol)' CIllO
:3 liall 01 a backpa<:k and aUa<:hed mdudes weaves allhick vegalallon
gun Using a pawerful ele<:tromog' mode into prate<:live gormen".
Mo.. launcher: Thil indirect·h.e
netic att4!lera tar. it Ihlawl blasls 01
weopan oon on ly be usod on a plan...
sup,,,heoted plosrn<! generated by PL 1: Br-onzeJ1r-on Age
tory lu. face. a . in an arhlicialentfj.
the dellve.y 01 an ele<:triool shock to The firll manufactured de lenllve
ronment wilh at leost light gravily It
a 1019e electrochemical shell. armarappeo. during thil early peri.
IClun<:h... a wove 01 gravity energy
Quontum minlgun: This woo!X>n od in hlltory.
Into Ihe air and relies on Ihe g.avity
add. a badpack accelera tor to th e t..olhe. onnar: Thi. prote<:lIon il
well of 0 planet to both return tho en·
quontum rUle. producing partlde ealy to crall a nd mmntam. and doe.
e rgy to th e g round and magnify Its
beaml with longer range and more a decent job 01 prote<:ting Ihe woo'el
powe •. Aillorgets within ~ meter. 01
lethallor<:e. All p<:Irsonal quantum born Ihe wea!X>ns ollhe day
the blast suite. Amazing damage
weapons are extremely expensive Helm: The center 01 the ..,n.o.y Of
(d4.l m}: targ ets within S mete...ul-
and highly r.strldOO. making them gans il treated toe.tro prolechon. A
ler Good damage IdS-t3w}: and tar-
rote and ohen illegal to own and op· helm can't be used with olher armol' d
get' wHhin 12 meters suUe. Ordinary
orat •. Uk. Ih. rille. lhe minigun is the armor contain" on integral hel~
damage IdS.l ...).
copcrble 01 bu •• t mode and autohre_ Or hoed. The Gamemlllltar co:n detfl
Th. domage ligures given above
mine that a helm·, protection l"n'I'ig-
and on Table NO auume Eallh-no.-
PL B : Energy Age nUicont in .arne siluotiollJl. espedolly
mol gravity conditions. In light gravl- ,I it I. the only anno< being WOln
Energy Age heavy weapons continue
ty IG I). damage tram the mall
thelrend of the post. adding new Shleld. small: A smClU,hield IS
louncher is halved (round up}. In
mathodB of delivering energy. uBually round. about a hall· meter 10
heavier gravity (G3. G4. and G5).
Bantam . tarlood rocket: This pro' diameter. and worn On the forearm ol
damage Increases by -t I far every
j&<:tile us." a miniaturo moss reactor the secondary hand.
gtade 01 dillerenoo between
10 power an explosion. creating a
normal (G2) and the current envi ron-
blast thol tatgels people and vehi- PL i!: Middle Ages
ment. (FOI mOre information on dil·
de. with leroclous punishment. The Thl. I, Ihe age of the knight. when
lerentlevei, of gravity...... "Action.
blast doe. Amazing damage (d6 +lmJ armOI goes beyond being a delen-
and the Environment" on page 52 in
to anything within 6 mele.s: Good sive deVIce and also becomes a Itc-
Chopr., 3: Heroes in Achord
damag.(d4.]m)ou t to 12 mete..; tua symbal and a sign 01 rank
and Ordinary domoga (dS.2w)aut to Chain mail: Varioul types 01 ]oml-
20 mete,s_ nClIed. ICOle. brigondine. splinl. and
Connon. mOH,., The mClS8' cannon
ARMOR banded armor fall under the brood
emplOYI a mlnialure mou reactor JUl' 01 weapons improve ave. the calegory of cham mail. Formed by
and requires tha use 01 a heavy mlllenmo. vallaus Iypes 01 armO! linkIng Of sewing meta) lings toa
backpack acce lera tor to supply the emelga aver lime to prolect the vul· plaIn lealher backing. chain moll
ono r9Y 101 moHr blasts. ne.oble hero Irom the deadly arrayal plovides eKcellant protection ogOlnlt
G.enade. rna..: Thi& grenada del armS he might encoun te •. Armor isn't slashing /low impact} ottach_ The
onates 0 liny mass reactor. resulting imperv!ous. but it's better than nOlh chain moil suil includes a col! to pra-
In a lew cub,c melers 0 1cosmic co.ta- ing. and a complete suit 01 onnOl can le<:I Ihe head.
strophe Heat. light. and oillorms 01 guard Its against all bur the Plate armor. lull: Full plate ma,l il
blood-bond electromagnetic radio· mall well·almed blows. mode tram shaped and lilled metal
lion s log anything in the general Thelln..t armOr types aflhe high plates nveted and intetlacked III
vicinlly at the grenode_ Alllorgeis esl Progress l.evel Ole sell-c;ontained such a way as ta<:ov&r the ent".
WIthin 2 meters of the e.-plasion suf- tanke. equipped wrth onbo(ud Hn - body. GauntLels. boots . and a vl.oead
lei Ama:Ullg dOrn<!ge (dSml; Good so... compute... and weapoDs sys· helmet Dre included. as well asa loy·
damage (dS.2w} il .nlhded on th.,.. tems. and are appropriate only on e. ollhick paddmg under Ihe armor.
within 4 mele..; and Ordinary dam· ehe botlle lield. In civiliz«i areal. Plata armor. partiaL; This armo.

186 age (dS.2s} II sulleted by those with-

in 10 meters 01 the bl06t
most people v,ew unconcealed armor
in much th e some way they view a
combines a melal bleastplole With
eilher cho'n or b.igandme OImor A
lew meta l plates pratoct vital partB 01

Diplomat: Ha.-oes
the body. bUI not as many are used
as in lull plale armo •.
Shield. medium: A medium shield
is hoovier than a smoll shield. and is
usually a meteror more in diameter. E
It can be round or squa.e. though ~

mo&t looked like rounde<! triangles. =

PL 3: Age of Reason =
As h,earms arrive on the scene, ear - c.-?
lie. lorms 01 a.mor- largely ineUoc - .......,
live against high impact damage--
disappear at this Progress Level.
Lea the r coal: The cuir bouilli =
("boiled leather") coo t isn't the best
almor, but it's beller than nothing in =
battle. Leather coots have an advan-
tage in bemg innately conceolable:
in many societies, the rugged coot is
on it&m 01 style.

PL 4: Indust..-ial Age
While the increasing power and ac-
curacy 01 Ii rearms limit the advance
01 armo" the first attempts to shield
ogainst the bullet are developed .
Flak jacket: While unable to Iully
ohwrb the blows of the weapons 01
th e period, the flak jacket is the lirst
armor to seriously inhibit the pas·
sage of high impact damage to its
wearer. The armor's bulk and mass
are its disadvantages.

PL 5: Infonnat.ion Age
The era produces severol new pra--
t&ctive devices to ward aU firearms,
lor both militory and law enforce'
ment personnel.
Auault gear: This is a suit of mod ·
em armor, made up 01 heavy pad-
ding. kevlar, and plastic plates. In
later oges, kevlar is replaced by car-
bonote libe •.
Battle veal: This category includes
011 the varieties 01 bulletproof vests
that come into use during the lotte.
h,1l1 01 the 20th century. A normal
ballle vest Can be worn under very
bulky clothing. but generally it's
moon t to be pulled Over anylhing
else a pelson might happen to be
wooring. Ligh t vel8;on8 are designed
wi th concoolobility and comlort in
mind , The vest uses strong ceramic-
alloy plates sandwiched in a weave
01 kevlm or (at a higher PL) carbon·
Clle fiber to protoct the wll(lrer's torso.
Riot helmlll: The riot helmet
has a dear plostic visor, oflering
protection while preserving vision.
Riot Ihillld: This is a high-tech,
door plastic, lull-body shield, u9ual ·
ly used in conjunction wi\h riot gear, 1B7
.A. Armor '"kill AP Type Ll I Hl l En Hide M ...... A~ ..II Cn.-. ..
<= Progress Level 0: !itone Age
= Hide annor Annor Up 0 ••
d6-3 I 014-3 I d~
Progress f.ellel r: Bronze/Iron Age
OD ""y ODD

= LeathE"r .. ""Dr 0 0 d6-i!' I d6-4 I d6-4

•• Any

7 .50
...." H AnnorDp 0
•• 0 0
•• 4 Com .00
Shield, 5 ...illi AnnorDp 0
•• 0 0
•• 4 75

."., Anti
= Progress Lel/el i!: Middle Ages

Chain mall
Plate. full
Plate, partial
§hield, medium
Progress Level 3: Age of' Real"lon
d6-1 I d6-4 I d6-4
d6+1 I d6-3i I 016-3
d6 I dB-5 I d6-4

•• 0 •• •• ,

lR-ath.,.r coat 0
Progress Level 4: Industrial Age
0 d6-3 I d4-3 I d4-i!
•• 5 Any 500

flak Jacket
Progress l.ellel
0 ••
Infi;rnnatlolJ Age
d6-i! I d4-1 I d6-3 OS Con BOD

A ...... ult gl!ar combat •• 0 d6-1 I d6-1 I dti-l OD Con 150D

0 0
•• , •• ,,
d6-3 I d6-i! , d4-C!
•• • .00

Bilttl .. \/ ...... 5 Con
Riot helmet Armor Up •• 0 0 Con .00
Riot: .. hield combat
PrDgress Le"'el 6: Fusion Age
•• 0
•• •• 4 Con SOD

A ...... ult gear, h"Y COlJlbBt

•• 0 d6-1 I d6 I d6-1
•• M" i!50Q

Attack ilrnlor cumbat 0 d4.-11 d6.-1 1 d6_J OS Con 3000
Attack armur.
Darr'.. jaQ ..r
po~'\I POONVnnl
•••• 6
d6.-1 I d6.-ii! I d6
d6-1 1 d4+1 1 114-1
I:F long cuar 0 0 d4 I d4 I d6-i! 4 Com 1000
I:F ..hurt coar
Progre!iS Level 7: lira",ity Age
0 0 114-1 I d4-1 I d6_3
•• • Com 750

Dudy rank pO''\Iv~d .4 6 ii!d4.-' I ii!d4 .. J I ii!d4 .0 ••• i!5000

Dody rank. recon
Dudy rank. z .. ro_g
I:cramera. armor
I:F soft.!>ulr
Ol'!flect;lnn harness -
combat ..
i!d4 I ii!d4 I d6 .. ii!
3014 ' 3d4 I ii!d4 .. '
d6.-1 ' dB.-1 1 d6
d6 ' d6 I dEi-1
see de!>crlptlun

Progress Level B: Energy Age
AblaUv .. hanu...s
Dody rank. O\ll'!r. po",e~d
Sl'!" dl'! .. criptlun
ii!d6.-1 I ii!d6.-11 ii!d6
•• • 40
msplacer !Ooftsul1: 0 0 see d .... criptlun .4
•• • Res 7500
En"rgY·"'l'!b 0 0 dEi-I I d6-1 I d6 ..i!
• Mil 4000
§rl'!alth suft.. uit 0 0 ...... dv"criprlun .4
• ••• 10000

PL 6: Fusion Age Anault gear. he<:rvy: This ormOf and helmet of Jightwaigh l palymme
As tochnology improves. new moterl· ,esembles PL 5 assaull gear in gen- guards tho users vital a,oos. while
als (lIe invented for use in protective eral appearanoo. but bulletproof CF flaxible CF weaves cove r his limbs.
devices. including oorbonate fiber weave and polyme,e plates replace Attack armor. powered: Powe,ed
and polymere, Carbonate fiber (eFl. much of the padding. [I includes a attack a rmor includes a sma ll but
crOOled by the application of atom protective hood and attachments for pawarlu] computer to manage a
faser tochnology (developed al PL 5 an opt ional hip·worn ,espifO tor, Se· simple sensor and oommunication
but not immediate ly PUIIO pracHcal cu<ily [orces and pa ,amllltary groups suite. Built-in exlm devices include:
use) is a weave of nanoenginoored oitan w ee r armOJ of Ihis type. Tmge!ing system: Binoculars ra·
corbon chains tha t are deliberately Attock armor: Tho eadiest [arms 01 dUe<! long mnge panaltia8 by I step.
arranged for strength and resistance. tru e aH a ck anna. are impmvements Image enhancement syslem:

IBB Polymere is microengineered plastic. 01 typical assault gear. A breastplate Night ·vision and in l,ared goggle . ...
cool cornel down to the waist and
con be .... om as pent of a luit. Or 01 a
simple jackel.

PL 7 : Gravity Age
As energy weapons begin to reploce E
projectile weoponl. the hrs' nrious
allempts 01 counloring them appeal. --.:> =
The new Klence 01 gravitonicR. com·
bined with preexisllng atom laser
technology. provides the means. ."
Using th.lntense. controlled g .av1la- "....,
tionalfield. made poulble by the
gravity inducar. tungllen melal il
campreued al the a tomiC level. A =
melh 01 dilQssociated neutrons Is
then p.eued into the metal. The
olloy,lr.nown as ne ... uonite. has a
densi ty ..verailimel that of deplet-
ed uranium. Not only Is ne ... lronite
extremely hard to pterce. II tends to
rapidly dluipate energy. Naturally,
neutronite cmnor I. e~hemely heavy,
110 a perllOnols ... it requires numerous
power·olliit 68rVOll and pistons in
order to ollow movement.
Body tonk, The invention 01 I, ... ,dy.
small. and powerl ... llMlrvOll makel
the powe.ed "body tonk" ormor poe.
sible. MOIIt 01 the onnor coosists 01
neu tronite alloy plate. with only a
lew awkward joints mode oillaxible
carbonate liber. A body tanlr. is just
that--a hoovy. luUs ...1I of arma. that
turns the IIOldier wearing It inlOO
mobi le lort.eM. Systems Included In
a body lank are:
Targering system: Binoc... lars re-
duce lang range penolUel by I slep
Image enhancemenr system;
Night-vilion and infrared goggles ,e-
duce penal1ies due 10 poor lighting coal uses e~ten,ive weaves 01 relil' duce penalties due to poor lighting
Or visual conditions by I step. tant carbonate libers to delaatslaah- Or visual conditions by I step.
Communioolion lulle; Signal Ian. ing weapons and projectiles. CommLlnicolion ""Ire: SIgno110Rr
and comm gear allow communica- The long coot almo.ttouches the and comm gear allow communica-
tion over long distances ond lupervi- g.ound. and it can pan lor a duster tion over long distances and supervi-
lion of remota nnllOr devices o. overcoat 01 some kind. The shorl sion of remote son.ardevices.
Trauma pod Iype I: Two trauma
packl ore attached ollhe thigh poc::k-
at and In the small 01 the back_
Bonl. jack.t, A mar. complete ver-
lion 01 the boule velt. this go.mant
Includes pone ll for the thigh. ond
(urns. as well 01 an open· laced hood.
II aile.. signi lioontly more coverage
than the vest. but il correspondingly
b_vier ond mor. awkward. Ma.l
bonle jockets feature face-sea;], and
allachmenls for respirators 01 heal-
Ing elements.
CF long and Ihorl coat: [n situa-
lions when it iln't wise to display
heavy armo •. a bulletproof COOl can
be a lilesov",r. Designed 10 resemble
a well-mode duster or jacket. the CF
Ihan Ihe normal body lank, It olao in·
cludeR Ihe followIng leatu r..,
Alr/lpo:ce r(ldor: A .moll but pow .
e rlul radar 'YI' l m allowl a aoldler
10 keep a n eye on enemy (lircr(llt or
spoc:ecrafl moveme nt •. Con.sidellhi.

(I " hII;1JI(l1 «>dar a'(ltem,
In.lead 01 a ban lam louncher, the
pUlchaHr 01 a zero·g body tonk can
include (lny one 01the lollowing'
...., Grenade launcher: Two rnago ·
unel hold Ilx grenad.. each, The
= magaxln.. IMd Into the launcher in·
c::>- dependen tl y, ao the UHr oon c~
.. hleh magaune to lood and liIl,
Dllecllire heo:vy w.apon: Choice
=:3 01 h.avy charge machine gun. arc
gun, roil cannon. a t plalma gun.
CIOIIe-combol wecrpon; Choice 01
chotnlword , gravmace, mall piltol
or autollechell e Ihotgun,
Ceromltal annor. Thl, I, one 01
th lla" developmentl 01 heavy, un·
powered (lrmor, Cllame tal technolo-
gy combine. lightwe ight I:$ r(l mic
we<Jve, with male I t(lndard armOr
m(lleri(ll •. Th e cer(l meta l platel
COver most 01the body, Including the
head. The protection 1.lantaltic by
previau. "(lnd(lrdl, bul can'I malch
tha t of a body tonk ,
CF IIOlt.uil; Thl CF IIOh l uit repre·
"nt. the hlgheltlevel 01colbanale
liber advancemenl. It con be woven
inlo lighlweight clothing Ity l.., prg.
vidlng protection that doean'I look
like protection at all ,
Trauma padc type II One of two Body tank. ntCOD, The.acon body
DeUlClinn hamill: The del1ectiaa
Iroumo poc:h (1(:1;"0\0 when the tonk II lighter and more expe nsive
barn... Cleo.t.. (I powerlul nondifec-
luiI'. occupant . ",Uelll damage: th. than the regular version, but 8Ome-
lional gravilon field around the
other one il a lpat•. Morlol wounds what more common. The racon body
WlOrer. PhYlical objec11 ate del1ec1·
are outomo:ti(;(l:lIy staunched: Ihe tank leatures the some onboard I,.. ad away Irnm the protecled ch(lroc'
wearer doesn', need to mok. a 51(1- teml 01 the standard body tank,
te l, and e ven enelgy-ba Nd anacn
mlna-endu.ance c heck. Body tank. zel'O-9: The heavi • • 1
may be bent enough ta min the Uler.
Threol,eceiv." A.n eleet.omag armot available 01 PL 1 il equi pped The dellectlnn home.. I, buill in
neticliniro .ed I513nllO' deh'tC::ll aellv. with olllhe features 01 the s tandard
..ver01 diUerenl "yl... including 0
lire control oad mny.hndlng ,ys· body lank in a RUit slightly la rgar
pail 01 bracelelll or wril tbandl. me-
lema directed 01 the, who
gain a 0 -2 bon us 10 Awa.en...
checks to detect such threol "
Sma,' display: Geomopping ays-
te rn provide. a view a t th. I UHound·
ing 0100, 9.onling th. UN' (I - \ boo
nus \0 Tactics checks., designator: Helmet-mounted
device o ll owl the IIOldler \0 lnltantly
relay requesta lor Ii •• s upport or ai r
st rikes through hi' datil uplin k.
Bontom launcher: A built-in bon -
tom lount"he' contoin l a magazi ne 01
loul loud •. Tb.lOlld. <:on b.- 01a ny
type. or mult iplel alone Iype, but
on<;<t Ihe lau ncher II loaded Ihe order
at launch o:In', be ch(lnged without
manually ,eloading the rocketl.
dallions, 0' belts, [t's no. possible to
combine tI htlrneaa with olher almor,
The dellection harn.., improve!!
the UNr's app[iooble r.. iS'(lnee mod·
ifiel {either Strenglh Of Delrterityl by
_2 s teps. A char(lcter us ing (I datlec· E
tion ham..s auller, lrom tI ~2 pen(l[-
ty when Mui.s to (I"ock someone =
outside the field due to thelKIma da-
flection effect.
The homo.. consumes (I lot 01
powe r, ond 0 charge pack lasllior ""'"
only 10 rounds of use. The w"""ra r
must UIIQ an action 10 turn the hor-
ne ... an or off, but oon toke another
actioo in thelKIme phase wi th a .. I =
penolty ==>
PL B: Energy Age
N practiool, pef$)nol energy weop-
ODS become eommon in thi. oge of
wonder, defensivetechoology under-
goe. gr80t advancement.
Ablotl,..e horn .." The dillCOvery of
controlled mass-energy lIonslorma-
HOD leGds to Ihe InventIon of ellee-
tive [orce field •. The oblglive h(lr-
ness makes ule at a held of quantum
port icles that ... pond to force Or en-
ergy by spontaneo.... ly trgnsforming
inlo Mmitangible virtu(I[ malter. The
do, consists of (I Iturdy belt wilh
represents the high..1 achievement En ..rgy web; Th.. energy ..... b il a
an tllt~hed hlp-canied power ,up-
in heovy powered armOr. The over- Cf .oIIlUil with an interwaven eoer-
ply. Small power leadl run tllong the
19nd body t(lnk hcq all the leoturel gy dilpefSflment web. While lo~ly
usor'slim}q; (lnd torlO (lnd fasten 10
at (I :wro-g body t(lnk .... ith even high- in.. llectlve against physical (l1\(leks,
oonceo.l(lble culls at wrist and anklo.
e r protect ion value" bu t lotains g it p.ovides elro;el1ont protection from
The ablative h(lrne.. provides 50
ligh t and st reGmlined look reminis- ene rgy WeGpons by dispersing Ih..
poin ts of protective energy when
cent of the .ecan body tank. energy and directing it harmleSlly
fully chorged, Every point of morlal
The body tonk a dds 0 a W(ly. The eno'gy web dOtlsn't re-
damage reduces the lield by 3
linal touo;b-c;r flIght-oopoble, g r(lvi· quire 0 powe r source, bec(luso it
poin"; every point 01 wound damage
ty-based engi ne, tlilowing ilS usor l 'l workllike (I Iigbtnlng rod to g.ound
reducel the lield by 2 points: and
IIOOr metera Over Ihe g .ound at up to and disperse the energy. The energy
every point of stun damaga reduces
100 kllometen per hour for gs long tI. web oon't be u¥O<l wilh other armar.
lhe field by 1 point. When tha h(l,'
8 hou .... St_l th MIft l uit: The oombin(ltiOll
nH's is reduced to 0 poinls,
msploo;er IOflluil; This i. (I Cf of a Cf MIllluit .... Ith energy technol-
the protective Ileid colltlpae... Abl(l-
.oliluit .... Ith grovllonio; drcuilry thtlt ogy, th .. "ealth IOftsuit ronderalt,
live haroo ..... oon be .echarged via
makes thelmtlge at the user tlppenr wea rer tllmoel invisibl ... Th.. IteoJlh
any st(lndord power source, but the
to blu. and Ihilt. This provides pro- MIltiult oon't be used with other
recholging process r&qui r... 1 hom
tection lrom weapon' tha I require a armor, ,Inee the luit must bo near
pel 10 points of fie ld energy.
direct ta'get, bUI doesn't provide any the body (100 upool'.'d loope'ot..,
Since the field produced by the
protection (lgoinlt weapons with (I The primary benelit is 10 Ihe U..,'I
home.. huglthe body, It doesn't til-
blalt rodiul. The dlsplacel soltsull Stealth 'kill (0. the user's untrained
feet the Use,'1 abltlty to uso w"""pons
oo n't be used with otber grmor, be- Dexte rity leGt cheek, if he or she does
Ihe way the deflectIon h(l'nesa does.
oouI5o the IOf t8Uit must be neer the nol possou tbe skill); (I ~3 penolty to
Also, it Is ~I i ble to wear other pro-
body and upoaed to operate. all obeerver, attempting to spot the
t&etlon (lIang wi lh an ablative h(lr-
By phas Ing the wearer and pro- uH •. 1I (In ohJr.erva. notices Ihe wea. -
nel8, 08 (lSO'iegua.d (lg(lin.tlhe pas_
je<:ling his image (lbout a meter e ' , the wea lar s till receives (I ~ Ire-
,ibilily thot the hom...·,
oway Irom wbere he really i., the siltance modilie! inc,ease on 01-
could be exhausted. The only types
di'plaeer IfOltsuil providas g +3 step ttlch dlre<:too agamst him or her.
01 armol that can', be combined with
i""reose to the wear.. r's Strength and The steolth IOftsuit h(llll a limited
an ablgllve h(lme.. (I.e the various
Delrte.ily modifiers. power lupply. Al ter 2 hours 01 use, itl
body t(lnkl, po.... e .ed attack IlImor,
Alte. 10 rounds. tho di.pltlcar .olt- charge cell mull be replaced Extra
tbe deUectlon halD"s, tlnd ony othel
s uit', o;OOrge cell must bo replgced. cells eoel SIOO.
PL80rmo •.
ExIra celli COllI 5100,
Body lank, o.. e rlond; Thi' device
lui b mm.portlDg pas..ngers OJ Propelle r plane, Th .. type 01 ai.-
CIIrVO ckntnI riftOn. 011 a . hallow crah come. In many .ty'". but all
m.t. tlw opeIVtOfCClll UN a pole to make use 01 the oerial propeller to
IIIIIDMIftOI' lbe rutl aehl..... a nd mainta in fligh t
IIowbocdI A 10W.bocn worke much Speec1bOC1l: No .leeping facilities
Uk.. a ecmoe, though It•• Ize and a re p.ovlded on a small speedboat.
lIbaplO glv.IM rowboat morestabiU· unlike Ih. robin cru;""r. [t ha s an ef-
If. l.oc:omotkla it provided by OCIn. A fllCtiv. rgnge of 100 kilcmelers belore
tarvu _ I pow.-J by red requiring relue llng.
_ - ' d haWI Unproved durg · Tanir: A mili tary development to
bW.ty, at ~ IWI<» 1M values given re place cava lry, the lank serves the
..... taba., PurpoM 01 heavy as.eault on the
e.u.1'bM C01egory Includes any modem ba ttlefield. The standard
..mJ. boat powered by wind roughl ta nk of PL ~ is equipped with a 7'6mm
LA a.aU. A atCUldord v_ I coo hold cannon: d6wfd4. I mld6.1 m, HlIG.
_peop"; large, lOlling ve.sell.
.adr CH tbe Spcmlah ~lIeon, have
a nd moderate alloy armor: d4 .. \ (U).
d4. I (H[), d4 fEn).
~ lIJNIIfer dlllabllLly and can be A PL::' tank i l even more heavily wUh weaporu. (lrme d a nd a rmored, wilh a l20mm

Im.protoementa lA rI(JV(I;l vessel,. OC(:ur
ca nnon: d 8wld6.lmld6. 3m. HilA. and
much thicker a lloy armor: d6. I {Lit
d6. l (HI). d6 (En).
d.&rlAo timage. but IhelJMCrlesl ad-
_ I s til. appecmmce of the lint PL 5: 'nfonnat:lon Age
~and airvehiel... Thi. e .a achieves relinement. and
1IcJocJ.1Wo-wheeled vehlel.. Improvemenls Over the previous
com. in maD,
IllY'" with varioua asJIt'S developmeots. Jet engine •. de-
~. n..
ta.ble describes a veloped lote in PL 4. came into wide-
aimplIo. ~ multi-speed b ike, sp.eadu...
Catacn&lMr. Thi. wM.r ve...1 Compact car. This is a sm(lll.inex·
tJplcGlly pnmdetl bunking for up to pe nsive au tomobile. At PL 6. the
.u !*'PIe, and can h(JVel SOO kilo- compact car runs on eillCtricity in-
_t40n bekne NqUlr'lng rlllUllling. stead of 10uU lue l8.
MotIll1!Cll'l Thellr" (lUtomobile. En.:ullv. \. t: A jel aircralt with all
WbUelacklng any IlICI:lu.... 01 ae ro- th e accout rements of a modern 01-
dynamic. o:r comfort. cm1I quickly re- flee. Corporations. governments, and
place anlmal power (l51he popula r weal thy busi nessmen purchase ex·
bIn of transport. IICIIUV.!et. to move quickly and in
MoIoIr yacht: boat C(lm- comfort.
bUws _ e 01 the be., leaT\lles 01 the Flghte r }et: The military jet pro-
IIP"dboat and !he rgnge o f a cabln vldlll rllCOnnail;.ll(lfK:&. a ir defense.
cruI.., \0 create a beautiful ve_ ' and bombardment 01 ground targets.
ogpable oJ day. of tra vel at a re- A bat ic PL S lighter has air-to-air
spectable . peed mis.lI.. (d8sfdS.lw/d6m. HUG) and a
Semi: A powerful cob and engine
that con pullialge Irailell 01 valious
lengt h o.nd co.poci ty.
Snowmobile: Like the jet skI. Ihe
snowmobile is used fa. both lecre'
atlon o.nd tranlporlo.lioo. The ItOn-
dard vehl<;le hold. two people. and
con on ly be u..o over lII!aw.0<;0gerec;l
Or Icy lenaln.
Sport u!lilly nhicle: A powerlul
and ruggedly .tyll~h oll-wheel-drive
vehicle. the sport utility rOVel over
many typel of terrain.
Spo rts <;ar: A small, $Iook automo-
bile with a powerlul engine ond an
aerodynamic design.
Ultro light: A hong glider with a
tiny engine oUached, the ultmlight
Is handy beenu.... it weighs only SO
kg o.nd can be Slowed in a large
bockpack-Slyle 00 ...... The ultralight
hal a longe of 2tXl kilometers.
Va n: The ponel vQD usuo.lly has
HO tllor the ope.ator and one pos-
Hnge,. while the open .oor of the in-
lerior compartment has rOOm for
cargo. o.livery vans fallin lo this

PL 6 : Fusion Age
G.ayity induction technology, devel-
oped late In this era, bringl pantonal
air travel and space
tmvel in la Ihe reach of many indivld-
uals. PL 6 spo<:e vehiclel may uM 0
rna.. reactor. but the stardrive hOI
yel to be Invented
All pe.lOnal ground and air vehi-
cles of this age are poweled by lan-
than ide <;apocitars that mURt be
recholged after 24 hours 01 UM. A
25mm chain gun (2d4w/3d4w/2d4m. Piclrup tru<;k: The Iypic:ol !lathed lulllechorge takes 1 hour. and can
HUG), pi<;kup lruck hold . On opero lor and bot oblained th.ough the Ulle 01 any
Helicopter: Thil category includes up \0 two po ..... ngers. plus room for uternalllQUrce 01 electricity_
YariOUI aircrolt thot rely on rolory corgo. Electric car. Technology improve.
lorett lorlllt and movement. The PrlTOle jel: A I moll jet aircraft. to the point that the electriC cor be-
bolic model II 0 light ulilily heli- usuoily with enough room 10. a pilot <:om.. (If/ordable ond functional.
copter that holdl a pilot and lix pos- and Ihree \0 eight po_ngers. Silent and easy to handle. Ihe elec·
.... nger., capoble of Itoveling up 10
500 kilomelers on a load 01 lueL.
'el .lrl: A form 01 recr9llrion on
most world •. tbe jet ski con cony two
people overa body of wa ler. III
rongell 100 kilom ete rs.
Luxury <;ar: Thi. <;alegory relels 10
any 101ge. expansIve automobile
with lOll 01 occelsorlel and !Lauri-
M.ld·.lwei cor: A medium-sized au-
romobile of Ihe type ulually o ... ned
by ordinary lommes.
M.otol'q'cle: Thi.two-wheeled, >nO-
toriHd vehicle hOI rOOm for Ihe oper·
ator and one poMenger.
Corgo 61613; C4 _ Possengel hold
12 41412.
Random damage: \-2 _ CI; 3-5_
C2; S-12 _ C3: 13---20 _ Ct.
SYIlem Unar: Thia v_I ecm'len-
Ie, a planef a almOllphe ,e. b ... t it oon
.....1 a .l.... nle in orbit ond then oony
cargo or passengers 10 other p\O<:e1
In Ih. lIar -rslem.1t ia driven by a
IUllon lo.<:h engine with 0 !"'Iion
genero tor power plant.
At PL 7, a syslem liner oon be oul·
fitted lordrivespooo 01 a c:ost of
5 k ycnr Stali.llca: Hull size 32, 8 <:omport·
menll. Weapon: CHE miasile ra<:k.
Ide COr ,\Ins lor 24 hour. before re- The capsule may run out 01 ai. be- dSsfdS.'w/d4m. LI/A. Armor: light
quiring recharging; recharging takes lorelt hoa time 10 c:ome down from 0 alloy. dS-1 (LIl. dS-1 (MO. d4-i (En).
one houl_ By adding a turbo-ccpoci- very high orbit. and all kinds 01 Drlvelpace: s.
to. (2SK). the electric ear'. accelera- Ihingl can go wrong in reentry oron ComPOltments,' CI_ Commond
tion h> .... to60--though it must landing-bul lIMo devi<:e ol\easl oi- \0I11V5; C2 _ Engineering 1(f14l7: C3
be recharged aher 12 hours due to tera 0 fighling chance. - Engineering 1211216; C4 "' Auxiliary
the ine,ea.-<i power drain. Skyblh: This single-per8Qn lIying 101101$; C5 _ Cargo -tl4/2; CO _ Calgo
,_Ipack: Relying On advanced low- mo<:hine ... sel grovity indU<:lion tec:h- 61613; C7 _ Cargo 41412; C8 _ Cargo
heat. high-thUl'! engines, the jel- nology to achieve 0 high velocity. 41412.
pock ollowllllghl 01 sp&eds 01 up to Tronaparent polymere shielding Rondomdomage: l_CI;2_C2;
300 kph. with a range 01 about 500 (equivalen l 10 otta<:k ormor) prevents 3-1 • C3; 5-6 _ C4; 7-9 _ CS: lG-12"'
kilomete,s.1t weigh. about 25 kg and Ihe pi lot 01 thil maneuverable vehi· CS; 13-IS", C7; 17-20 _ CS.
's worn like a backpack on a secure cle Irom being buffeted by Ihe air he
harne... A hand-held remote and tlovel. thro PL 7: 6l"ilvft:y Age
.mort body·~ilion ,",OSOft! make Skyror: The Ikycar. in trodu<:ed The Glovlty Age <:ontinuea 10 u••
up the "'pock'. comlo! system lolt in PL S oJler grovity induction many older vehidet<. wilh new com·
A ,pu~-(XJpabl. version is com- I&<:hnology was developed. I, on air ponenl.ladded-more emdent
monly refelled to as CIIhrusler.In vehkle that c:omes in a variety of power plants c:oupJed to PL S en-
space, Ihe thruster', practical maxi- alyl"s and mok ....; a Bport <:oope II a ginea. lor inslom:e. The true odvance
mum.pM<!. 1,1,000 kph-<mce Ihe two-MOter with higher speOO and in IrOnllportution is the propogalian
vehlde has boon (o;(:(lle.oled up to betler hondling. while 0 luxury of velsels that Iroverae the space be-
that velocity, exactly holl of its luel ledan can lea l aix c:om lortobly but Iween the stara.
hos been u&ed The other half 01 lh. ean'llravel as fosl and is less ma- CuIlO" The Iypical c ... rtor. a smoll
luel lupply i, typloolly, and wisely. ne ... veroble (maximum speed 2.0IXJ worship designed lor high IpeOO
laved to bring the thruster 10 a halt kph. no Drv bonua). and long end ... ronce. has an lnd ... <:·
gl Iha end of itl journey, (Higher ve· Skytonk: Thil vehicle performa oil lion ong in .. powered by 0 rna.. reac-
iocltlel gr., <:erlalnly possible. buI 01 Ihe luncllons of heli<:oplera ond jell. lor ond guided by a slobi1lzer thai
Ihe expense 011>01 having enough b ... t It also aerves os the backbone of gives 0 -I bonus to the helmsmon',
1... .,1 10 00lJl., 100 8QI., .Iop laler on.) gro ... nd OQCIult•. A l20mm roll <:an' Vehicle Operation-sp<J<:e vehicle
R. .nlry «IpSul.: Thla ia a peraon· non (dS.\wldSm/dI2.2m. HI/A)ond .kill <:heck •. Slardrive-capable <:1,11·
01 eme.gency eKO'1* devic:e Ihal 01· heavy pJotes 01 celamelol ormor (dS te ••. known a. d. ive cut/era. COIl
lowllhe "'lel 10 leave 0 ahip 01 atg- (W). dS (Mil. dS (En)) ora Itnndord. IDOr. thon the lilled pri<:e
lion ond survive the Irip 100 planel STG ,b ... ttle: The space-I"'"'Jround StolllllCS: Hull.ize 20. 4 <:ompalt·
01 moon below. Th. <;upsule is Oboul Ih ... ttle is a last. relotively inexpen- menls. Weapon: plosrno oonnon.
Ihe •• ze 0 1 on oi.<:lolt eiedion 6(l(Jt. live meonl of gelling people and dS.2w/d8 .. 2wldS.lm. FnlA. Armor.
with a 48·hour lupply 01 air and .0· Ctlfgo from n planet 10 ships or aln- moderate neulrorut .. ds .. 1 (Ln. dS.l
liona. Alte. ejection, Ihe user can liona in planetary orbit. Powered by (HI). d6 (En). Defenses: do lloction in·
drill through apace hoping lor rescue a planelary Ihruster engine and 0 fu- ducer (.. 2 penalty to any ollaek).
(Ih. cap .... le incl ... des on emergen<:y ' Ion generalor. Ihis vehicle doesn't DIlvespace: 10.
beoc:on ond II survival kill. or he can req ... ire sepa. ole rocket. 10 o<:hieve Compcnlrnents: C I "' Command
H.e braking rockel. 10 s low the <;up- orbital ve loci ty. working mu<:h like 111B14; C2 _ Engineering 20l'20I10: C3"'
sule and bring it 01,11 01 orbit. A paro- o n olrplane. The STG shuttle il in<:a' Weapon 61613; Ct _ Auxilinry 61613.
<:hul. c:on be deployed 10 alow the poble ot deep spaC<.! trovel. Rondom dornage: 1-2 _ CI; 3-S"'
<;upsule'a delleenl to a pionefa sur- Slalistio:s: HuU,ize IS. 4 c:omPOlt- C2; 6-12 _ C3: 13---20 _ Ct.
laee. but thla leal ... IliII. useless in a men'l. Weapon: none_ Armor: light EKO'pe pod: A Smallipher. Ihal
vacuum OJ 0 thin atmosphe re. finol- polymerl<:. d4-1 (I./}. d4-1 (HI!. d4-2 can hold up 10 eighl people, on ..-
Iy. Ihe capsule Inclu<HIs on outomotic (En) cape pod. OJ emergency pod, haa
lIol01l0n ring 10 make 0 serviceable Compo/tments: CI _ Commond lood. wo ler. ond environmentlup,
llIe 101t If It c:omes down in woler. 61613: C2 _ Engineering 1611618; C3_ plies ,ufficienllo lall up to !our
nology ) is powered by a ma$S '6oc- C5 . Passenget quarters SI6I3; CS .
tor. A drive trader requires em addi· Crew quarteTS 41412: C7 . Carg" 61613;
tional inveslment 01 $750.000. C8 - Cargo 6/613: C9 • Cargo 61613;
Statistics: Hull size 24. S c"mpmt· Cia _ Cmg" 6/613.
ments. W6Opon: mass cannon, dS .. 2sJ Random damoge: \ . CI: 2 . C2: 3
dS.1 w/dS+3w. LliA. Armor: modera te • C3: 4 . C4: 5-6 . C5: 7- 8 . C6: 9-10
cerametal. d4 .. 1 (LI). d4+ I (HI). d4 .. 1 • C7: 11- 13. C8; 14- IS . C9; 17- 20 .
(En). Delenses: point·delense gun cIa.
(destr"ys incoming missile before il Yach t: One of the ultimate aym·
con detonate). DrivespCIce: 5. bois 01 wealth and luxury. the yacht
Compartments: CI _ Command is a small spo.<.:eloring palace. Irs
8f8J4: C2 _ Engineering 1611618: C3 . small ond usually minimally armed.
A. ",:iliory 81814; C4 _ Weopons 6I6I:l; but many yachls ale equipped with
C5 . Cargo 6/613: CS _ Cargo 4/412. the linest engines ovailable and me
Random domag ..: 1- 2 . CI: 3-4 _ very losl. Facilities ore provided lor
C2: 5-7 .. C3: 8-10 . C4: 11-15 . C5: o small crew "I space hands. cooks.
IS- 2O _ CS. valels. Or olher servants, and four to
Tra naport: One olthe most Com - eight JXlIIsonge rs in very comfortable
mon spacecraft encountered, the privale cobins. The typical yacht"6
tronsport oon be handled by a two- induC1ion engine is powered by a
10 lour·peroon crew and carries up to grov-fusion cell. Most yachls do nOI
a dozen passengers. The transport is corry s tardrives. but a drive yacht
typicoUy powered by a mass rooctoT can be purchased for an oddil;"nal
with on ion engine (PL S technology). S7SO.0CXI.
weeks. It has no engine. but it does F"r an extra SI.OOO.OCXI, it con be Slolislics: Hull size 24, S c"mpart-
have a continuous-broadcast beacon equipped with 0 slardrive. menlS. We<lpon: X-roy laser, dS+ lsi
that oon be traced. Transporls ore typically used lor d4+2wld4m. En/A. Armor. moderate
Slafisrics: Hull size 2. 1 compart· corrying high·density corgo. or carg" cerometal. d4+1 (Lil. d4+1 (HI). d4 .. 1
ment. Weapon: none. Armor: light Ihat commands a high value lor a (En). Drivespaoo: 10.
polymeric. d4- 1 (LI). d4-J (HI). d4-2 1i1tle apace. Comportments: Cl • Command
IEoI. Stahs!;cs: Hull size 40. 10 <.:"rnpart- 1011015: C2 . Engineering 10I1OJ5; C3
CompaHmenlS; Cl • Command menls. Weapon: IR laser. d4+ IB/ • Auxilia:ry 10110/5; C4 • Passenger
"<n. d4.1 wfdS .. l w, EnlA. Armor:moderate quarters 61613: C5 _ Passenger qUol -
Launch: Sometimes re ferted to as alloy. Mo.l (LIl. d4 .. 1 (HI). d4 <En). ters 61613; C6 . Cargo 6/613.
a lileboat, a launch is a light spaC<!- Drivespace: 5. Rand"m damage: \- 2 .. CI; 3-4 .
only vehicle suitable for short inter- COmpartments: Cl _ Command C2: 5-7 . C3: 8-10 _ C4: 11-15 . C5;
plane lary runs "I 100 milli"n kilome- 61613; C2 . Engineering 1811819; C3 . 1620 . CS.
tersor 00. Auxiliary 1611618; C4 • Weapons 6/llJ3;
Around space industrial facilities ,
launches of various types are work-
horses. A launch con be coniee! in
one compartment "f a larger ship
nnd provides accommooati"ns 10' up
to 12 passengers and crew. The typi-
cal launch's ion engine (PL S techn"l·
ogy) is powered by a mOBS racclor.
launches aren·t usually lilted with
Statistics: Hull Bize B. 2 compart-
ments. Woopon: nOne. Armor: light
polymeric. d4- J (LI), d4-1 (HI). d4- 2
(En). Drivespace (if opplicable): 5.
Compartmenls: C J • Command
6ISJ3: C2 . EnginO<lring 10l1CV5.
Random damage; 1-1 . Cl:8-20 _
Trad ..r: A OOmmon spacecraft is
Ihe trader. "r tromp Ireighter.lrs
$mol1er and faster thon a transporl,
and is usually the ship "I ch"ice 01
spCIcelaring heroe8. One or two ex·
perienced space hands can handle a
Irader. olthough it con curry up I" iO
odditioDal pCI!.lsengers or crew. The
typicol troder·s ion engine (PL S tech-
PL B: Energy Age its weapons (if it has weapons) and nilicant ways. First, a vehicle In mo.-
While vehicle forms remain lamilia., operating any built-in equipmen t, in- tion oontinues to move in each phas.e
miniaturization of previous technolo.- cluding oommunicatians. sensors , 01 the round. Second, regardless 01
gies allows for wider dist ribution 01 navigation. oomputers. and defen· whether he has an action available.
vehicles to the masses, and for sivegear. the driver or pilot oon control his ve-
smaller vesseb. Vehicles are treated much li ke he- hicle in every phase by performing"
Space Ught .. r: This is a small. per- roes and other characters. They have Routine maneuver. (Maneuvers ora
sonal tighter. piloted by only one Or their own game statistics. their own e"ploined In mOre detnil in the fol·
two individuals. The lirst appe-ar- advantages and disadvantages. and lowing section.l
anceS 01 drlvewave units and anom· sometimes even their awn personali- During a phase in which the oper·
a ly inducers allow the smali croft to ties thai make them unique charac· ator 01 a vehicle is entilled to an ac·
both traverse the s tars and e ngage ters in their own right. Some heroes tion. he 000 a ttempt to perform a
in comba t. The typical space lighters become so attached to their vehicles Moderate or Extreme maneuver, try
anomaly inducer engine is powered and so identified with them that the to employ vehiculo r systems such as
by a matler COnvener. The drive vehicles take on greate r signilicance we apons or deten!les. or attempt a
lighter has an e"t.a oost 01 SI.OOO.OCKJ. over the course 01 a oompaign. Tactics check.
Stauslics: Hul1si>:e 10,2 compart- Characters riding as passengers
me nt s. Weapon: kinetic lance. in a vehicle can also perform action.
d4+lwf2d4wld4 ... 3m. HUA. Armor:
Vehil:le V!i.
according to their action check re-
moderate nanofluidic. 2d4 (tI), 2d4 Vehicle sult. The options open to passengers
(HI), 2d4 (En ). Delenses: displacer (+3 When singla·operator vehicles such are: pedorming an action with a ve-
penalty to any attack). Drivespace: as cars, helicopters. speedboats. and hicle system. using a piece of per-
25. jets engage in combat, use these sonalequi pment Or a weapon. or
Comparrmen.s: Cl _ Command rules. making a Tactics check. The results
8/814: C2 _ Engineering 1211216. 01 oll actions and any penalties as·
Random damage: 1- 7 _ Cl ; 8-2(l _ The Battle Dr socia ted with those actions are ap-
C2. Chase Begins plied at the end at each phase, just
The Gamemaste r sets the opening like normal. so a weapon that strikes
distance betw .... n the vehicles. de- in the Good phase may destroy a ve-
VEHICLE pending on the needs of the scene hicle before its operator can do any·
and the nature 01 the situation. thing other than use a Routine rna ·
i:OMBAT Throughout the scene. the most im· neUver.
In vehicle combat. two or more vehi · porta nt consideration is where the The SC"<Ine continues for as many
c1es battle or chase each other. Or a vehicles are in relation to each rounds a s necessary until ona side
vehicle takes on a character On loot. other- how for One vehicle is from wins the oombat or chase. bath vehi·
Vehicle =mbat scenes revolve the other in any given phase. Their cles stop moving due to damage. or
around high·speed attacks and high - surroundings ara only important be- one or both vehicles get away. suc-
speed chases- usually both at the cause 01 the obstacles. hazards. and cesslully hide. Or simply decide to
s ame time. conditions they migh t presenl. end the combat or purs uit.
Heroes use Vehicle Operation and
its specialty skills to operate ve hi- The Rounds of A.ctlon Maneuvers
cles. U (I vehicl(l requires more tha n Vehicle comba t work s much like per- A maneuver is an activity undertak·
a single operator. such as sonal combal. in that activi ty takes en by a vehicle operator to control or
spaceships and ocean vessels. Vehi· place within rounds that ara divided direct hia moving vehicle. Every rna·
cle Operation is the skill used. by the into lour phases. and every round neUver is rated WI e ither Routine.
pilot or driver. and other operators starts with an action check. Moderate. or Extreme, depending on
use IIOme aspect 01 the System Oper- But vehicle cambat dillers from its comple"ity or innate difficulty.
ation s kill. persona l oombat in a couple of sig. The opera to. of a moving vehicle oon
Some vehicles can·t be ope.a ted
untrained.. This includes all air and
space vehicles. and 80m(l military
land and water vehicles. (Depending
on the campaign, some vehicles that
require trained operators may have
computer-assistance programming
to talk a hero through the P'QC@ss.
Com puter programs can also be
used to operate some vehicle sys·
tems. including the ac tual driving, in
luturistic settings.)
For vehicles that can be operated
by a single character. the Vehicle
Operation skill oovers not only driv-
ing or flying the crall but also firing
per/arm one Routine maneuver in forming a Mode.ate maneuver while
every phase. even if his aclian check using a vehicle syst em or making a
indica tes that he's not enlitled to an Tacti~s check in the same phase.
action in thaI phase. To pertorm a Also. an Extrome maneuver is re -
Moderote or Extreme maneuver, he quired loran opera lor 10 pedorm a
must spend an action during a phase Routine maneuver in a ny Situation
in which he is enti lled 10 do so. when his s kill check carries a situa-
.. Routine maneuvers are simple liOn penally of +3 or more. (See "Ve-
course changes and reflexive aclivi· hiclo Opera lion ModUiers" on this
ties such as accelerating, d&eelerat- poge. and also lake into account
ing. braking. swerving. turning. tak- other possible modifie rs such as for
ing all. landing. hovering. or diving. theop"rotol being wounded .)
In its simplest torm. a Routine mo- If no other penalties a pply be-
neuver allows on operator to tollow cause of the situation, a tte mpting an
a road or fly slraiglll and not run into Extreme maneuver automatically
anything. catries a +3 penalty 10 the Opa'CltO!'S
.. Moderate maneuvers are mOre skill check_
dillicult. requiring concentration and
thoughl. To perform any Moderate Range and Int:ent:lon
maneuver. a driver ar pilol must For purposes 01 these vehicle comba t
make a Huccesslul Vehicle Operation rules. everything you need to know
skill ch&ek_ Modewle maneuvers in- abou t who's chasing whom and
clude such activi ties as maktng a which way they're going is repre- ba ttle at a range 01 several thousand
light lurn. stalling or r&COvering Irom sented by two factors: the ronge sep- kilometers. The ronge between the
a s lall. reversing dir&etion. pulling arating the vehicles. and each vehi- Iwo vehicles changes each phase-if
out 01 a dive. attemplmg to ram an- cle's intentions regarding Ihe other. a COt moving at 200 kph is chasing
oth er vehicle. s]ammmg on the The range between two vehicles is another car traveling at only 100 kph.
brakes. Or hying to regain control 01 determined by the Gamemaste. at the lasler car will close the gap al a
a vehicle in a skid or spin. Using a the beginning 01 the scene. The se l· .elative speed of 100 kph. a. 100 me-
vehicle syslem or making a Tactics ting and circumstances of the ba ttle lers per phase. II the Iwo cars Wete
ch&ek while perlorming a Routine govern the initial range of Ihe fight: 600 meters aport at the beginning 01
maneuver to guide a vehicle is a]so two cors in a cl0$8-quarters chase the round , Ihe Jaster oor will reduce
considered a Modorato maaeuve •. might only be 50 or 60 meters oport. this to 500. 400. 300. Clnd !ina11y 200
Attempting to change intentions (see while two sJXlceships might open the melors in the Amazing. Good. Ordi-
Ihe next section. "Range and Inten-
tion") is a Moderate maneuver. Finol-
ly. a Moderate maneuver is requi red
to. an operator to pedorm a Routine
maneuver in ony siluotian when his
skill ch&ek curries a siluation penal-
For example. it's easy--<l Routine
moneuver tor the driver 01 a car to
top the brakes and make a .ight_
angle turn 0\ a reasonable rate 01
speed if the road is smooth and dry.
But if he trios to do the san'e thing ot
high speed (+ I penalty) on a slippery
surface (another +1 penalty). he'l1
most likely have to perlorm a Moder-
010'1 maneuver (using on Clclion and
making a skill ch&ek}10 have a
chance 01 pulling if all.
n no other penalty applies be-
cause 01 the situalion. attempting a
Moderate maneuver aulomatically
carries a +1 penalty to the operator's
skill check .
.. Extreme maneuve ... are the
most dilficult 10 perform. They in-
c lude a vari"ly of special stunts such
as rolls. loops. and Z1gUlg driving :
high-risk defensive driving such as
scteaching 10 a halt and doing a 180-
degree lurn simultaneously; and per-
II> Close va. open: The dislance J:,e.

12 tween the vehicles change. by the

dille.enee in their .peed.. The dil-
lance decrea_1I the closing vehl·
cle i. moving la st0•. at it Inc.eo ..... It
V> the cla.lng vehicle is the I lower 01

< •> the two .

.. Hold ",. bold: Kochange in .el·
alive di stance.
• •> .. Hold VI. do.. or ope n: Tho di.·
tance between the vohiele. chang"
QC(:OIdlng 10 the .peed 01 the closing
01 opening veh icle .
.. B.ecrk VI. any' If succe..lul. Ihe
break ends the comoolllCBnB.
A drive. or pilot may decioo to
shi h his inlonllon Irom time to lime
during an encoun ter with another ve-
hide. Doing Ihi. i. a limple m<!lIer
01 using manBuyerslochange the
nary. and Ma."inal phCl... 01 the ac- option. It two vehide. a.e , lugging it speed of his vehicle or the di rection
tion round. out In the open with no caver or com- in which irs movIng.
plicgtions. there really Iln·t much 0:
However. not all vehicle combol.
01 cuc..,nd-dried a. (I .,m plahn-
eCJrchoH on a straight highway.
pilot a. drive. can do to gel out 01
range. Your Gamemaster will let you
Prevailing Condl~ion!l
Prevailing conditions relerl to the
What it tho first oor suddenly S]OWI know on a ,ituation-bY·lltuation terrain gnd onvironmont in which 0
down CInd mgk•• a hairpin turn, or basi" 11 a break attempl could wo.k. chgse or vehicle battle tgke. place.
ve.fII all in anolherdirectlon? What Note that any Oltem ptl o change ulually involving Inctors that could
happens then? This is where eoch in len tions (trom close to hold, 10' In· hamper visibility or make travel
combatant's intentions come in to "lance) is considered a Modera le mo.e dangeroul. FaT game purpoMl.
ploy. The four basic intentions are maneuver. which require. the vehi· the lour types 01 prevglllng condi·
dOR. hold. open. and breo~_ cI. opera ta. to .pend an achon dur- tiona are: clear, normal. c.owd@d.
Close indicate'lhat the drive. ing a pha .... in which he il enlltled to and hazardous.
wonlllO reduce the dillonce be- do so. .. Clear ~ondltlon.lnelude a
tw. . o hI.. vehide and hi , quarry. The combinat ion 01 bolh drive.,· bright .• unny doy; a moonlit nighl: a
Maybe he want_ to get into w9(lpon intenlion" .hould make the CU'TOJnt s llolght. well·paved. emply .oad A
range. HI up a ram Of (I sideswipe. " tatu l of the battle lairly obvious highway, clecrr Ikie •. and smoolh.
or IUlt make Iu.8 the otbe' lellow from phaso to phase. He.e·" how in _ open water a.e clear ~ondition •.
doesn't gel away. Uluolly thill mGan. lentionl affectlhe range each pho ..: .. Normal CODdiHonl include typi·
that he', driving lowold the Olher ve" .. e IOlle.a. <:I.....: The di.tane. col driving condition. luch 011 what
hicle, Of loking on inter~pt OOU'88. betwoon the vehide" drape by Ih. would be oxpe,ienced on a mOlltly
Open mean. thaI the drive. Or lum of thai •• peeds. empty. gently winding road with the
pilot I, Irying 10 ill(:flKJ" th" di., .. Open .s. open: The di.tgnce be· ~ionol polhole o. wayward
tance belwtMIn him ond hi. puflluer. tween Ihe vehicles increase. by the pedestrian. Light SBOIond portly
perhopllo gel oul of weopon range .um 01 Iheir .peeds. cloudy skie.lall into thll category.
or 10 e.cape the lighl altogether. .. Crowded ~ondillon . oc:cur when
Generally, thl. mean. thaI the vehl- traffic is heavier: road condit ions all
cI. operator is driving or tlying away slightly hazardOlls; vi.ibility i, im·
[rom Ihe olhe. vehicle. polred by winding rnods. darkne..,
Hold i, an in·between category for at b.lght sunligh t; or weather (light
thOle time. when if. nol clea. if the raln,log.OI light snow) makes travel
operalo. i. moving lowo.d Or awo:y more difficull. Overcast .kies gnd
Irom his odverllOry. [fl alao u .... ful fa. high seas fall into th is category. Fat
.emoining al a range where your space vehlclel. asteroid belts and
weapon. Ole beller Ihan your oppo- moon-.ized gravity well. constitute
nenfs.OI when you wanltocontlnue crowded conditionl.
lollowing an opponenl 01 the same .. Hgzardou" <:oDdltlons include
dlstanee for whatever reason. congested city I treeta 01 the height
Brea.!: .ignifiel an in lenllo get oul 01 .u.h hou., all-road travel 01 pel'
of the combot vlg some unu"ugf 0. i10us road conditions. lotol dorkn_
abrupt maneuver-duc king behind a and 10VO.O weather .uch as·
po •• lng asteroid. veering onto the tial rain, bliU(rrd. heavy log, OT higb
exll ramp at Ih.lost moment. pulling wind •. For space vehicle •. plonele",

200 youro:ircralt into 0: steep dive. Break-

ing cantact I,n·t glwgy, an available
gravlly well. loll inlo this category
Cruising !ipeed
A vehicle's cruising speed is the TABLE P43: CRASH Al\fO COLLISION DAMAGE
lastest speed at which the vehicle
can be salely controlled in a combat Chm::k Speed of Impact (kphJ
OI chase si tuation. If an ope ra to. de-
cides to push his c.a!t beyond its
cruising speed, a penalty is applied
Cri1:_ Fallu","
i!1- 60 61 - 1i!0 li!I- 300
d6 .. i!w d6 .. i!m dB+4m
dli! .. Bm
Fallurt! d4w d4+i!,'11 d4+i!m dB+i!m dli! .. 6m
to his Vehicle Operation checks: .. I if
cruising speed is exceeded. or ~3 i! Ordinary d6. d4w d4 .. 1m d6 .. i!m dB .. 6m
the vehicle is pushed all the way to Gaad d4. d4+i!§ dB .. i!w d4+i!m d6+4m
its maximum speed. Amazing d4-ii!§ d6 .. i!"" dB+4w d'i!+6w
The Gomemaster may decide to
invoke this .. 3 pena lt y even i! a ves-
sel isn't literolly traveling at its max· elUtion check). and all characters in in the curren t phase, the driver can
Imum speed, For instance, although the vehicle-including the opera· attempt to ram his opponent. He bas
a sports car's maxim um speed is 320 tor~suUe r a .. 2 penal ty to any aC- to succeed in a Moderate maneuver
kph. an opeIator should not be able tions they attempt. in order to strike his target~if he
to avoid the .3 penalty by having the II the operator of a vehicle thaI's fails his Vehicle Opera tion check, be
CaI do "only" 300 kph fOI an indefi· already in a spin Or spinout fails an- misses and continues on his way.
nite length of time. other Vehicle Operation check and Obviously, some rams are easier
then gets any outcome on rAS!.E P44' Ihan others; bitting a stationary lor·
Failing a Vehicle LoGlNO COImiOL or A VDIlC!.Eother get, Or a target so big you just can't
Dpel"atlon Check than "Under control: the vehicle miss it, mIght be ruled on automatic
In addition to possibly nol moving crashes. success by the Gamemaster.
occOIding to his inlenbon, an opera- SLid or yaw; The vehicle slides at If a tam occurs, the rammed vehi-
ta. who achieves a Failme or Criti· on angle to the right or lelt while cle's driver makes a Vehicle Opera·
cal Failure Iesult on his Veh icle Op· continuing to maintain forward mo- lion chock and consults TAau: P43:
erotion skill check could lose control. mentum. Roll dS to determine which CRASH AND COLLISION DAMAGE. The cal-
He must immediately attempt a sec· side the vehicle slides toward: 1-3 . umn is determined by the velocity 01
and Vehicle Opemtion skill check tight. 4-5. left . the ramming vehicle-slaw-moving
(applying any appropIiate bonus o. The skid or yaw continues until vehicles inflict a lot less damage
penalty) and consult TAI!!.E P44: LoG- the operator's next available action, than fast-moving Ones. Use the rela-
It-IG COtfTFtOL or A VDllCu:. The pos· at which time he can end the sk id tive speed to govern .am damage; if
sible outcomes are described below. Immediately by using that action (no two vehicles strike bead,on , add
In addition 10 whars d iscussed here, skill check is required) to bring his their speeds togelher!
the Gamemaster may decide that vehicle under control. Alternatively, If the ramming vehicle is consid-
when a vehicle gOEJS oul of con trol. It he Can attempt a Vehicle Operation erably largel or smallel than its lor·
su lleIs some sort of mechanical check w ith a .. l penalty (in addition get, shift the damage Bu llered by the
hIeakdown that could pIevent it from to other penalties tbat may apply). 11 victim One colu mn in lavoref Ihe big-
functioning pIOpe Ily or even rendeI Ihis check succeeds. he ends the skid ger vehicle-in e/tecl, increasing the
it useless un til repairs are made. and Is able to perform a Rouline rna· lamming vehicle's speed. For ex·
CIash; The vehicle stIikes any neuver in the same phase. II this ample, a semi moving at 100 kph
nearby barrier Or obstacle in spec· check fails, the vehicle crashes OJ rams a sports ca •. Normally \he
tacular fashion, suffering impact stalls. sports car would take damage as in-
damage as appropria te for its speed. Under comrol: The operator either dicated in the 61 -120 column, bul
A spacecraft in deep space can't expo rionces nO trouble ond contin- since it was flattened by a much big-
crash; it gOEJS into a spin instead, but ues On hi" way, or manages to gel an ger vehicle, you'll move up to the
the pilot sullers a .. 4 penalty on all oul-<>I-.<:on\tol vehicle back on track. 121-300 colum n (which should WIeck
attempts to regain control. the sports cor pretty thoroughly). 11
Spin 01 spinOll!; The vehicle gOEJS Ramming and Cl"ashing the situation were reversed, the semi
wildly out of control. A car spins out; 11 a vehicle with the inlention 10 would sustain damage On the 21-00
a plane s talls and begins to lose altj- close can reach or pass its opponen t column.
tude. The spin Or spinout continues
until the operator is able to make a
successful Vehicle Operation chock.
Roll dS to determine the direction the
vehicle ends up facing when the
spin ends: I _ forward: 2 • forwardl Skill Chet::k Result: Dut.t::ome
right; 3 _ right; <I .. bacl<wardlright: Critit::al Fai lure Cl"ash
S _ bockward; 6 . backwardllell; 7. Failure Spin Dr spinou1:
le ll ; B. forwardllell, The operator Drdinal"Y Skid 01" yaw
can't do anything else until he man -
Good Under I:ontrol
a ges to regain control 01 the vehicle
Amazing Under control
(by mal<ing a sucoossful Vehicle Cp_
12 The ramming vehicle oleo 8UIl&11I
damoge_ The driver 01 pilot 01 the

ramming vehicle must roll on Tobl •
P43 a. well. bul he gains (I -I alap
bonus to his .kill check sinee'"
~ imtia ted the ram. he'. able to pT.
~ pare hlmsell (I little botte •. Rernem·
'-' be. thot the relolivB size 01 the vehl-
del may IOlce the rammer \0 .011 On

= a worse colu mn than his vlC1 im .11

IU8' do.,,;n', pay 10 drive you, sport .
COl 1010 (I 6O·ton battle tank.
A crash---one vehicle hitting a 110-
lLonory object-is tle<:lled OOoloolly
the it(lm8 08 (I 'om. To determine
damage 10 the vehicle. the drive, 01
pilot must roll a Vehide Operohon
.kill check and .ele. to TABLE P43
CI!ASII,o.m) Cows.Iotf DAMAGl;. U.. Ih.
eo'urnn mdicmoo by Ihe vehicl ••
,~, (II the driver woan', hying to
crash. he doesn', gellh8 -I "ep
bonus lor inmating the colli'ion)
In addit ion. if Ihe ob}ect that th"
vehicle crashes into isn't as lmgeol
as dUlable 09 the vehicle. ,hilt the
column to the lel1--Qne column lor
obj9Ct. thaI ole smaller. two columns
lor objecls that are made aile..
durable motenalthan the vehicle.
and three co]umnslot objecl. that
are smaller. less dUfable. and nat
anch<Hed In place (pede"uata usu
ally lall inlO Ihi. la.t category).
Crash damage 10 Ihe vehicle that
Clashed CUn neve. be Jell than the
amount indicuted in the::' 20 oolumn.

Damage to Dbjert5
The damage sufie"xl by on objoct
that's .huck in a crash Is determined
by esaontially Ih e BOrne procedure
outlined above lot damage to vehi·
cles. The Gomemasrer Guide hWlln·
formation on Ihe toughnetll and
durability 01 many d,llerenl types 01
abjeCl. and shuclures.

Damage to
When a vehicle sufiell damage. any
passengers inside Ihe vehicle can
also Buflerdamage.
Haw much damage the ponan-
gets suslain when a vehicle take.
damage fram a woo-pon. collilion. Of
cralh depends on the type 01 dam-
age and whelher or not Ihe pa&&en
gerl are properly using IKIlety eqULp-
ment such 01 seat belt •. a" bagl.
harne..-. or alher ,.81,alOts_
A strapped·in cha,acler lulle,.
primary damage one g.ade leu tho:a

202 the primary damage his vehicle sul-

le.s_ 11 the vehicle SUS loins maltal
domoge, he lufferl an equal number vehicle. If h.foil., he must proc:<.>ed g ,I penalty to all Vehicle Operation
of waundl: If it tak.. wound dam- to TAlIl.£ PH: LosrNG CoHnIot. Of' A Vr;- check •. wch lime a vehicle .ull"rl 1
ag .... Ih. atlopped 'in chalacter tokea ItlCl.t. M tong a. the vehicle remain. at mOre point. of mottal domage
, Iun damage: and alun damage 10 in this condition. the operator mu. t from a .Ingl. attack, the drive r must
the vehicle has no .Uect 00 him. toke a ,I penolty on 011 Vehicle Op- gUempt a Vehicle Operation I kill
Befor... ony dornoge ia QlMl&sed. eraILon checks (including the one check to keep oontro! 01 the vehicle
Ihe vehicl.a armor and the armOr ju.t mentlonad). a. described obove. gnd g dLlrabiliry
being worn by a characler are lakeo When a vehicle runl& Oul oll&tun check must be mode lor the vehicle.
Into account. it 0 lpaOllship ill hit 10' points, a dLlrability check must be A vehicle·•• killllCore 101 this check
7 wOUndll bu t illl armor Itops 4 01 made lor the vehicle, A vehicle's skill I. equal to lis origioal wound point
thQ118 wound •. the IItlopped-in pilot .core lor this check ill equo lto itll total. 100 mld·sized cor with 10
inside only lullerl 3 poinll 01 stun original atun poin t tOlaL so (I mid· wound palntl needs a 10 or le.s 10
damog~1 moat. The character's sized Car wi th \0 stun paints needs a po •• its check. Add a .. I penalty tor
parlOnal armor may reduce Or oe- 10 or I... to pas. il' check. Don't lor· each poinl 01 mortal damage the ve-
gote ony damoge thaI getslhfOugh get to includ. the modili'HI& fa. ex· hicle ha. lu.tained, and don't to.get
the vehicl.·, armor cHsive stun Or wound damgge. to include Ihe modifiers to. exceqive
An unharneaaed character iso't II 1M vehicle pa ...... ilS durahillty Slun Or wound damage. too.
using gny IOlety equipment. Or he', check. nethin';! hoppens..1f the vehl· II the vehicle poue. it. durability
using il improperly. Such g cho:rgcter cle laill, it conk. out gnd can't be check. nothing happens. II lhe vehl-
gel. thrown oround when his vehicle .tgrled ogoln until I!". repaired or el. fails. II conks aut and can't be
lakea damgge. receivmg injuries as juryrigged. (Moel aircra ft begin gn . tarted again until iI's repaiJ"ed.
he smollhllllinia Ihe vehicle', interi· abrupt and unplanned descent at (Mast airCJgit begio on abrupt and
or. He .u,loinll domoge equol to the thi. point.) unplannad descent 0 \ this point.) Ii a
damage the vehicle suffers. Hi. per· Stun damage to a ve hicle oon be vehicle ,uller. a Critical Failure an
sonal armor may oU..t some or all 01 repoired during a combat scene by It. check. damage to the tuel tonk or
this damage. A motorcycle rider is use 01 the Sy.tem Qperalion-engi- powe r .ystem couses the vehicle to
considered unharnessed. needng Or Technical Science-repair explode. The vehicle is a totol I08S.
skill. provided the repoi.e. oon r80ch and any po..engen. inside luffe.
The Use of' Tactics the problem are<:!. d8 .. lm 01 energy damage. Anything
A vehicle operolor oon make 0 Tac- whhln 6 meters at the exploding ve-
tics check by ual ag an action io order Wound Damage hicle rec.ivel 2d6.. 1w 01 energy
to goin an adfflnlage over hi. oppo- Wounds lep ...... nt .ignilicant dam· damage. and objects o. characte..
nenl. A po_nger oon moke 0 Tac- age thot olleclSlhe overall perlarm- from 6 to 12 meten. owgy sultel
liCi check by ulling an oclion, but il anc. 010 vehide. When a vehicle d8-lw 01 energy damage. Again. per·
only helps If he can communioole his 10II8lI more than halt 01 it. wound .anal ormor provide. normal protec·
obsef\la tlons to the vehicle operator points. or when it runs out of wound tion ogoinst .xplosion damoge
and the OperotOI is inclined to listen. point., the procedure oullined undel For every 2 points at mortal dam·
ToctiCi c hech are made oocord· "Stun Damage" ooove i. followed. age a vehicle autterl& io a si ngl e at·
ing to the Tactic. skill description on Domoge that Inllicts woundl& on a also .uller. I point 01 .ec·
page 89 in Chgprer 4. Skills. A sue- ve hicl. gilD COUll"'" lecoodary Itun ondary wound domage and I point
ceulul use of the .klll provides a damage. For every 2 point. of wound olll8COndorv stun damage (di...·
penalty to your opponent', next skill damage a vehicle lullers in a single gam the leftover point of mortal
check. indicating that you developed attack. II 0110 .uller. 1 poiot 01 stun damage. If applicable). Thi. wound
a Itrgtegy ond employed it ogain.t darnoge (dilleg<:lrd the leltover point damoge doe. nol ol!lO oouse.uc·
him. ot wound damage, it applicable). ondary stun damage. a. described
Wound domage can be repai red above In VWaund Damoge"
during g combat tcene by use 01 the
Effect.. 01' System Operation-engineering Or
Vehicle DamilQI! Technical Science-repair skill. pro· Vehicll! !icall!
AU vehicles are rated lordamage vlded the repalr ... r con r8(Ich the MOIIt vehicle oomoot takes ploce be·
just 01 chaT(lcterll ar •. but the elfect, problem Or8(I. tween vehicles 01 a similar natute
01 damage on vehiclHl1 defined (ca" VI. cars. jet fighterB 'os. jet fight-
aomewhat dllferently. Mortal Damage e r•. etc.). Bu r it oon happen that two
Mortal damage represents critical vehIcles that are significantly differ·
!il:.un Damage problem. thot actually destroy po •. ent In sile or s peed, or both. will find
Stuns represent OOImetic damage tinn. at 0 vehicl •. Mortal damage r... themselves in opposition. In .ueh a
and sometimes minor damage 10 a quirH tim. and extreme ellort \0 reo case. 10000le each vehicle rype on
vehicle'l In terngllYl teml (electrical. pair. ond thele repair. usually can't TULE P~5: Vfl!ICL£ ScALES {on the 101-
fuel delivery. etc.). When a vehicle be acccrmpll.hed during a combat lowing poge). When 0 vehicle from
10118. more than hall 01 its s tun _ne. In lOme 00 ....., mortal domoge higher up on the loble meel. g veht·
point., It. operator mUl&tlmmediote- ia 10 bad that It con only be caunter- ele at a lower acaIe. they oon engoge
in ju,r 0 ....ound ot combat. Theo the
Iy (with hi. nelt avoUobl. action)
make 0 lucc..sful Vehlcl. OperalLoo
acted by replacing the destroyed
portion of lhe v... hicle. tallet. higher-lCOle vehicle .peed.
check to avoid l08ing control 01 the For each point 01 mortal damage a
vehicl. ,uller l, It I operator receive.
Th. fOl ter vehicle can return for 203
gels a character On loot. use Ihese
Because vehicles are on a higher
Space Vehicles: scale than characters. one round 01
combert can occur belore the vehide
§TIii shuttle Cutter Lt.. frelghmr
speeds away. The vehicle Can ,etum
Trader Yacht lor another round of combot alter a
Air Vehicles: number 01 phases. as shown on
Helicopters Jet aircraft Prop. aln::raft TableP46.
§kyblkes Skycars 5kytanks In the round 01 combot. the vehicle
con make as many as lour attacks on
Surface Vehicles:
Ihe character. '.>Oe per phase. plus a
Motorcycles Automobiles Trucks ram in the Marginal phase. Of
Boats liiroundcars Utt..alights course. characters in the vehicle
Tanks §nowmoblles Jet skis must have available actions to use
Personal: all of these a!lacks. Assume that the
Characters Armor Jetpacks vehide will end the Ordinary phose
.ight at its target. and overshoot in
Bicycle!!! Animals the Marginal phose. For eKomple.
let's !lOy a car that"s moving at 80
TABLE P46: VEHICLE §I:ALE RETURN TIME kph. or 80 melers per phase, starts
the scene 240 metels away from a
Number of Phases pedestrian. At the end of the Am=-
Scale \IS. Scale Until Re-engagement ing phase. ifs 160 meters away; at
the end 01 the Good phase. SO mele,s
Pe ..sonal \IS. Surface 3 awoy; ot the end 01 the Ordinary
Pe..-sonal ~. AI .. 6 phase. 0 meters distant; and 01 the
Pe ..sonal \IS. Space g end 01 the Marginal phase, SO melers
!liurface \IS. Ai .. 3 distant and now driving away Irom
Surface vs. Space 6 the pedestrian it attacked.
AI .. vs. Space Many vehides are targets of Good
or Amazing toughness, which means
thai personal weapons just oren·t
another round 01 combert in a number more. II bolh vehicles have Ihe inten- very elleclive a gainst them. More in·
01 phases, according to T,I,lIU; P46; tion to open and both drivers Or pi - formation abaut weapon lirepower
VOnCLE ScALE ittruRN TIME (on this lots decide they don·t want to press and toughness grades appears in
poge). For example. if a jet lighte' the light, the scene ends. They·ve Chapre/ 11 .. Weapons & Atmor and in
stl afes a car, it con return in 6 phas· both had enough. the Gomemoster Guide.
es. or approximately IS seconds. Not· Finally. a vehicle COn decl=e the
urally. these time limits <He highly in tention to break in order to get Ramming a Cha ..acter
variable; the numbors on the table away from a pursuer who isn·t ready wlt:h a \lehicle
should be considered as minimums. to give up the chase. Break isn·t al- Running over a pedestrian who·s tI'(·
assuming a situation in which the ways available as o n intention; ing to get out of the way ian·' alwayll
operotor 01 the laster vehide tries to there has to be some unusual condi· easy-the victim add/; his Dexterity·
reestablish contact as quickly as tion Or ploy invo lved for a vehicle to based resistance modifier to the dri·
possible. bo able to change its intention to ver·s Vehicle Ope.ation check when
break. Typically. the Gomemaster the driver adually t.ies to execute
6ettlng Away will ask you to describe the tri ck the ram. and he can olso attempt an
There are three ways lor a vehicle your hero is trying 10 pull at! before Acrobatics-dodge skill check. I! the
combat SCene to come to an end. he'll let you altempt a maneuver thaI pedestrian can·t get out 01 the wcry.
First. the destruction or incapacita- will break contact: there·s not much he suffers damage based on the
tion of either vehide usually ends that a car racing across th e Bonne· speed ollhe vehicle that hi ts him.
the scene. II your hero makes the ville soh flats could do 10 suddenly The victim must make a Dexterity
tight turn while the bad guys skid all get away trom a helicopter gunship. leat che-ck (or Acrobatica-fall skill
the r<)ad into a di tch. they're out of Being laster than the fellow chasing check) and refe r \0 TNlt.£ PO; CE\ASH
the scene and your hero con go you and opening the distance laster AND COIJ.ISION DAMAGE. This leot checl:

about his business. 01 course. ave· than he can close it definitely counts or skill check is modified by the type
hicle comballlCene thai ends Ihis as a condition in which your hero 01 vehicle that strikes him:
way might be immediately lollowed con break contact.
by a personal combot scene, il the Vehicle Modliler
MOlorcyde -2
heroes circle back 10 caplure Ihe vil-
lains who are lIeeing on foot.
Vl!hicle V!i_
Compoclc= -,
Second." vehicle combat lICene
ends if nO one wants 10 light any- When a single-operator vehicle tor -
Mid-sized car
Large cor. van
Truck Or tonk

Every hero d reams about owning his
Own starship. With (I ship, (I hero no
lange. has to .ely o n predictable
schedules of commerclallinerl, the
vagaries 01 working lor passage on
freighters. or the command Siructuu.
of military transports . He's the
moster of his own destiny. able to
come or go as he p looses. A ship can
become (I crucial member of a hero
party, especially i\ i\ has boon
equipped with Ihe linest device. that
money can buy.
The Typi=1 Trader Record Sh .... t
printed on page 206 provides IIssen-
tial inlormation lor tho modes! sort of
space vehicle that mig ht come in to
the possession of (I hero 01 the start
of his coleer. The Gamemostel
Guide has a mo.e deloiled record
sheet designoo to be used in con-
junclion with Ihe rules in thaI book
concerning cUBtomizing 01 ships and
constructing diUerenttypos of space
vessel •.

Every spaceship has a certain num-
ber 01 compal1ments. ra nging from
only one in the smallest of vessels
up to a dozen or more. (The largest
stock vehicle described in this chap-
ter. the transport. has ten compart-
also COmmon lor the command com- avoilable at PL 6 ond PL 7. and the
men ts. The GamemaSle, Guide has
partment to cony a delensive Or Gamemaste, Guide has more intor-
detailed information on how to con-
waopons system. motion on how to cleole 0 ship outfit-
struct ships of this size.)
In larger ships with four 01 mOre ted with these devlces.
Each compartment is dedicated to
compartments. tha command com-
a certain purpose. or multiple pur-
partment is the ship's oontrol center. Command !
poses in smaller ships. When the
All crew s tations are here. and all The ship's commander works Irom
purpose of a compor tment is directly
major oontrol statiOnli (computers. this station, USing Tactics and Laad-
re lated to the operation of the ship or
BOnsors, communications. engineer- ership to get the mO!!t out af hi s crew.
one of the ship's systems. that com-
ing. weapons. defenses) are central· Successlul Tactics checks apply pen-
portment will contain a s tation de-
ized in this comportment UnlaliS alties 10 an oppone nt's Vehicle Opar-
voted to that task.
specifically placed elsewhele. ation checks. as described aorlier.
To supplemenlthe informa tion
The ship's main compu ter moni· Laadership-<'Cmmand is used to
given here. the Gamemaste, Guide
tors ship systems. opara tes outomal· improve the overall effort 01 the Crew
has full rules lor constructing ships
ad functions. and generally allows by encouraging laomwork. providing
and customizing e~isting models.
the Claw to interact with tha ship and direction. and inllpiring conlidence
its systems, with a commanding. forceful air. See
Command On ships that ore speciolly con- page 101 01 Chapter 4: Skills lor de-
Compartrnl!nt structed- not the stock models da- tails on how this skill is used in ploy.
sc ribed in this chapter--dedicated. By making a successful Tacticll
Every space vassal must have a com- specialized computars can be added space taclics skill check. Ihe com·
mand compartment. lt contains a to a spacili<: station or compartment mander con provide tha rast of the
ship's main compu ter. a Gansor pack- to enhance Ihe performance of that crew with a warning thai translates
age. the helm control. ond a commu-
nications systam. Among ships with
less than lour comportmentB, it is
port 01 the ship. Pogas 153---156 in
Chople, 10: Compulers contain infoT-
motion an tha types 01 computers
as a modifier to their action checkB
in the nexl round. Skill check resuits:
Critical Failura. +2 penal ty lor all
.... Typical Trade r Recor d S heet ....

Ship Nnme'LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ -'1 Ship Type I I(nptnln-s Name I'c:::-:c--:c:c:--- J

DlJro/:llllty: Hull Size 24 Compartments 6 We<:IIPOn: Mas s cannon d6+2sld6+ Iw/d6+3w LIlA
S~ : Ace .03 Mpp Cruise 0.1 AUfhr

Orl~: No modifier oer"n",,",,,: Point-defense gun (success destroys incoming missile)

Armor: Moderate Cerametal d4+1 (Ll). d4+1 (HI). d4 +1 (En)
5tardrl~" Yes Orlve!!ipiJC": 5 light-years/starfall

Station Operator-", Systl!m Skill

!ihlp !inltlons lor: .. Uon N.. m e Loc.. Uon More
Command CI CI LJ-,-,
Pilot CI CI LJ-'-'
Copilot CI CI LJ-,-,
Communications CI CI LJ-'- '
D<:Imaga Control C2 LJ-'-'
Defenses CI C2 LJ-'-'
Engineering CI C2 LJ-'-'
Sensors CI C3 LJ ~-'
Woopons CI C. LJ-'-'


00000000 • • • • • • • •
00000000 • • • • • • • •

il 6
000000 • • • •
000000 • • • •
Mortill 4 0000 • • • • Mortil! 3 DO 0 • •
Random dilmage: 1-2 Random dam<oge: 11- 15


0000 • • • • • •
DODD • • • • • •
Mortill 8 00000000 Marta! 2 DO • • •
Random damage: 3-4 Random damage: 16--20


ffi C7: _ _-:=:_ __


Random damage: 5-7
00000000 • • • • • • • •
00000000 • • • • • • • •
0000 • • • •

§ 0000000000
Random damage: _ __


il 6
000000 • • • • • • • • • •
000000 • • • • • • • • • •
C8: _ _

-:=:_ __

§ 0000000000
MOrtill 3 0 DO • • • • • Mortnl DOOOO
Random damage: 8--10 Random dnmage: _ __
by +1 or -I: GQod, adjust by +2 or -2:
Amazing, adjust by .3 or-3.
Finally. he can help the defenses
operator protect the ship. providing a
modifier to that operator'. <::heckslor
the rest 01 this round and all 01 the
next round. Skill <::heck .esult.: Crltl·
001 Failure, +2 penalty: Failure, no
modifier: Ordinary, - I bonut: Good.
-2 bonus; Amazing, -3 bonus.

The hero otlhe <::ommunioolions sta'
tion operates a ship'. communicatioo
transmitte rs and receivers, and the
compu ters associated with them.
During combot, he can Bend mel-
sages to ships Or other distan t loco·
tions, encoding them if desired. The
.esult 01 a Syslem Operalien-<:am-
muniootions <::heck may provide a
modifier to decoding a ttempts mode
by others: CrHical Failure, -2 bonus;
Failure. none: Ordinary. +1 penalty:
Good, +2: Amazing. +3.11 the opera·
tor wonts to jam the transmissions 01
other crew members: Failure, no Sensors consist of sophisticated enemy ships, his check results pro-
modi/ier; Ordinary, -1 bonus for one fodor systems. in frared detectors. in· vide penalties to the apponent"s COrn-
other crew member: Good, -I bonus stantaneous mass detectors. and muniootions checks.
foroll other crew members: Amaz- similar devices. Sensors e<:>me in two II tha enemy sends <::oded trans·
ing, -2 bonu6 for all othe"., classes: passive and a..,live. m\6sions. 01 if the opponent uses on
PassIVe sensols have a longer alien language, the hero a t the com-
Pilot:'s !it:at:lon range and don't give away the ahip's munkations station <::an attempt to
The pilot mes the ship, determining position, but they don't provide a de<:ode OJ translate the messages by
speed, selecting maneuve rs, plotting very ac<:urale fix on the target. making a sU<::Cllssiul e<:>mplex skill
cournes (il he has the Navigation Ac/ive sensors require power and <::heck (Bee page 62 in Chapter 4:
skill), and deciding on destinations, OOn pin down On enemy tor on exact SkHb). The oomplexity at the code, in
In combat, a pilot makes Vehicle Op- firing solution. but they also reveal addition todetermining the number
eration-space vehicle skill checks to the ship's looo1ian, A ship can't lire 01 suc<:eBseB needed, also provides a
perform maneuverS and operate the accurately at its opponent until it ob- modilier to eo<::h segment 01 the COm·
vessel's primary weapon (i f no othe r tains a sensor fix on the target. plex check: Marginal code, -I bonus:
character is controlling it), In addi1ion to scanning and ana- Ordinary code. none: Good code, + I
lyzing da ta Irom a ll ship sensing de- penalty: Amazing <:ooe, +2 penalty.
Copilot' s !itatlon vi<::es. the sensors operator has a lew Finally, certain weapons systems
The copilot's station can handle any opportunities to make a diUeren<::e (su<::h as missiles) and torgeting seo-
or all 01 the duties 01 the pilot. In ad- during a <::ombat S(;ene. sors are suS(;eptible to jamming, The
dition, if a copilot USIIS an action to He <::an use on action to help the result of the e<:>mmunioo tion opew-
assist the pilot. this assistance may weapons operator hit enemy vessel",. tor's skill <::heck may provide a modi·
provide the pilot with a modifier on A System Operation-sen so's chock lier to the weapon or targating sys-
his next skill check; Critical Fai lure, OOn provide a modifier to the weap ' tem as follows: Critical Failure, -2
+2 penalty: Failure, nO ellect: Ordi- OnS operator in his next available bonus: Failure. none: Ordinary, +1
nary, -I bonus: Good, -2 bonus: phase: CIHical Foilure. +2 penalty: penalty: Good, +2: Amazing. +3.
Amazing, -3 bonus. Failure, no modifier: Ordinary, - I
bonus: Good, -2 bonus: Amazing.-3 Enginl!l!ring
!iensor-!i !itation bonus.
Typically, sensors are located in the Or, the sensors operotOI <::an target Cornpartml!nt
e<:>mmand compaltment. though a specific <::ampartments on an enemy Every powared space vesse l must
hero may choose to add a more s0- vessel. thus dire<::ting where damage have an engineering compartmant.
phisticated SIInSOI systems pod to a from a specific weapon is applied. The ship's engine i8 Ioco.ted hele.
dedicated ele<:tlonics compartment Skill <::he..,k results: Critkal Failure, and olten its power plant. A drive
when he customizes a vesseL With - weapon miSses: Failure. random da· unit. ilthe ship has one, is also here.
out senSOrS of some kind, a storship termination as usual (roll d2Ql: Ordi· Although a ship's power planttyp-
208 can't see its enemies or delend itself. nary. adjust random delermination ically resides in the engineering sec·
tion. some Ita.lhlps place Iheir pri- lenaes Itation is u~uaJly Ioco.ted ei- contained here. While rare among
moI}' Or 0 -.condOI}' power ~y.lem ther In lhe weapons compartment o. I mallel v_Is. the electroniC'll com-
in on auxiliol}' compartment. the command compartment. partment tervel in larger velaels to
Some delen"s a re passive. re- Ir.. up s pace in the command ond
Engineering SUltlon quiling no special action on the part weapons compartments. At PI. 1 or
The he.o monning the engineering of the delenael operator. OIhe... can PI. 8. a compartmen t ollhis eorl is
. tolion can have an enOrmOUS ellect be e nhan<:*i by the operator. making oltln u.Md to house a ship's AI com·
on how h is ve...1 ~rlorml during it even ha rder fOl on auacker to dam· pute r ba nk, il the ves .... l ha. One.
combot. Th. obvioul Il101 of the Sla- age the velNI they',. prolecting. de- (See page IS1 in Chaptet JO: Comput-
lion include other ship pend ing on the reau1l 01 a System eu lor more Information on artificial
sysleml, tra;:king damage. and init io Operation de/eQlse~ ,kill check: Crit- intelligence unit~.)
aling .epairl. ical Failu re, -2 bonus to opponent:
from the e ngIneering stat ion. a failure. no modl!!er: Ordinary, .. 1
hero oon .epalr slun damoge to any pena lt y 10 attacker: Good ...2 penal-
Ihip compa.tment The hero w;aa the ty; Ama~ing .• 3 penulty Compartment:
Syslem Operatlon-engin.... ring skill The Gamemastel GUide has com- The cargo compartment plovidu the
lor this type 01 remote repair. with a ple te Information on defenses avail· l pa<:. n.cellOry 10 carry anything
bonus il he also hos the Technicol abLe a t each P.ogre.. .... vel. other than the cr.... and minimal
Scienc.-repah Iklll .onh 1-3.-1 provisions ond l upplies.
I;tep; ronh 4-6, -2 .teps; ronkl1- 12,
-3 steps. The engIneering Ikill check Weapons
result determines how mu~h damage Compartment: Crew
is repa ired: Critical failure. com- Smaller veueLI are lorced \0 use Compartment.
partment sulfell d4 pointl of I t un commond compartment space lor The c rew compartment providesliv-
damage: fallu.e, no eHeeI; O.dinal}'. weapons systems. but many large r Ing lpace lor crew members or pal'
I s tun point repai red; Good. 2 stun ships devote a lull comportment to senge... Depending on the amount
point. repaired; Amazing. 3 stun weapon l. A weopon500mpartment 01 space allotted to each individual.
points repalled. olten also holds a delensive system. accommodatlonl range from . par tan
A hero 01 the e ngineering stalion The weapons operator hal per- to luxurioul. Specialized areaJlluch
con also aid heroes making handl- haps the most "raightlorward job 01 al labora toriel. lick bays. dining
on repairl in a damaged compart- all crew membe ..: He targets enemy chambe ... and ballrooml are olten
menl. The relult of a Sy.lem Opera· vuaell (poulbly with the help 01 a loeated within a crew compartment.
tian-engineering check may provide II&nSO ... operoto:r) and lirlll the ship'l
a modifier: Critical Failure...2 penal- weapan •. These weapons work just
ty; FaUu.e. no modUler. Ordlnary.- I like any other ranged weapon. ex- Ot.her
bonus; Goad. -2; Amazlng.-3. cept the action is related to the Sys· Compartments
tern Operation- weapons Ikil\. The On large Ihlpl, compartmen ts con
Damage Control SUroel1 01 an a ttack and the damage
A character o.. igned to damage con- be added lor mare cargo space. addl·
the a ttack causes depends on the tional enginel, backup pawer plan".
trol doesn't have a . tation , He'l the weapons ope ra tor', s kill check.
pe rson who headl to a damaged special passenger q uarte ... hanga r
Actions 01 the opposing crew. de- bay •. medical facilities. lobi. or any
compartment to InltiOI9 hands-on re- le nsive Iylteml. and any damage
pairs. The e ngineering SICilian inter· other purpose the ship'. designer
Ihe ope,rator or hi. I hip has laken _ I as necellOI}' or duirable.
acls with the damage conlroltoom. may add modifie.. to this check.
A hero u_ the Te-c;hnical Sci· MOlt weaponl can be fired whenever
en.,..ju.yrill' s kill to perform on·the-
spot lepai .. to Iysteml or compart-
the OJ»ratOl' hal an available action. !iPACE
ments that have gone oll·line or; a
Auxiliary VEHICLE
result 01 laking damage. Th_ re-
poirl are temporal}'; Technical Sci· Compartment: COMBAT
enc.-tepai. II}' to fully re- Sometime. refened to 01 the sec· Space vehicle comoo t worh almost
sto.e functionality to damoged ondol}' engineering e<>mpartment. exactly like the vehide Vl'. vehicle
flylteml or<:amparlment~, the primal}' lunction 01 an au xiliary combat desc ribed earlier; the only
compartment!, to moni tor lile IUp- ~llI'n i licanl differences are Ihe range

Def'en!ie po ri and $(Icondol}' power systems. at which a bottle can take place. thl
way In which damage is assesaerl.
Compartment and the . Uecl 01 damage.
Many spa<:. v.hides have special Elettronic!i When a s pace vehicle hos multi·
delen_ in addition to their armor. Compartment: pie Itationl and rOOm lor more than
All de len_ are cont rolled by a sta- An electronics compartment. on a QnliLoperato.r. then the .e·1 something
tion in the delenN compartment (or ship large enough to have one. Is to- lor everyon.lo do. Specifically. char-
01 the pilot's or copilot'l Itation il no
crew member II avaUable).1I a ship
hQ.l no delenae comportment. a de-
aerved lor hagile. valuable systems
luch 01 e<>mpute.. and sensa... E1ec-
tronk defente I Yl tema may also be
acte.. UM System Operation sJr:iIl
checks. How the various System Op-
eroBan akUla aI. used is desc:ribed
In the pre<:$ding section. In a combat
Kene. rommunioolion", engineering.
senso.", defenses. and weopa"'l'
Il.killl are likely toromelnto play. as
well (Q Ihe pilol'lI Il.kill in Vehicle Op-
e.ation-spo<:e vehle/ell.

Maneuvers and
All the guidellnel diKuued lor vehi·
cle oombat apply. bUI the IIpeedl and
rangel of a baltle in lPOOl lend 10 be
much greater. Most spacKla!! at PL 6
maneuver a t Speedl 01 IOO.OIXI to
1.0IXI.0IXI kilometerl per ha"r during
a space banle. Even this II only a
fraction of the spe«! a hlgh·tech
.pacecraft ill capabla ai-but II'. so
difficult to intercept 0 ship moving ot
a ."boItantial parlion of light apeed
thot ballies don'I talre ploc:e In open
IIpace. Battles ora lough t near plon-
et. or in the conIIne. 01 a moon Or
ring ayltem, and vellala mUI ' travel
much . lower in thele plocal.
Typically. PL 6 spocec.al1 can en-
goge each other at range. 01 aeveral
hundred to a lew thou.and kilome-
len. Moving 01 apeeda of aboul
JOO.OIXI 10 UXJO.OIXI kph (or 0.1 to 1.0
megamete •• per phoae). it talr.. 0
long time 10 significantly cha nge
range laTopen-space encounterll.
Spacecral1 01 PL 7 design can en·
gage each other 01 greater rangel
and higher speeds. Typically. Ihey're
dueling at a range ai5,0IXI to 10.000
kilamete.., and tbeir apaad.. range
from 1.000.000 to 10 million Irph (or I
to 10 mega mete .. per phase). Hawev·
e •. In confined areaa. evan PL 1ahips
have 10 tight at the lpoteda and
ranges COmmOn to PL 6 balliel.
.. Rammlng' Given Ihe apeed.
and distances involved. trying to Ily
a spaceship into onolhel one is ne,,1
to ImpOl:aible--unleu both partiaa
want toc.ash into each othe.

Doing Damage
To destroy a spaca vease!. you hove
to de"roy each 0\ Its comportments.
When a ahip;s struck by weapon.
lire, the damage;1 not applled to a
.Ingla aet ol ltuo. wound. or mortal
points.ln$tead. the damaga i, local-
IZ40d in ana of the ahip', COmpart-
manti Ira poesiblota do,troy ana
compart ment while leaving the rest
01 the .hip largely "nollected.
Ect'h 'hip oompartment hal a sep-

210 arate durability roling. M081 .pace

v _l. thot h.. roos hov@ace.... to
con toin two to .. ight comporlmentL
Th .. early port 01 this chopter d ..
scribe, mony common IpoC. v.... II.
indudingthe t,oder.<:las8 craft de·
toi led on poges 206 and 'JJJ7.
I! tho attackor is not using HnllO'S
to targot a "J>6Cilic loco.tion. or II the
Hnsor. operator fOils in hi, a ttempt.
thon damago is applied to 0 com·
portmenl determined at random by a
d20 roll . Tho ship doscriptionl eadler
in thil chapter indudo random dam·
ago tillingsior ooch type 01 cral t

Stun Damage
Whon 0 oomport menlloses mole
than hall 01 illl slun poin ts. then 011
.tOtionll ol llys temll housed in that
comportment r..,."ive 0 .. I penoity
When all 01 0 <»mpartmenl'lI Ilun
points c... used up. Slun domage lui·
tered In any Ilngl.. allack rolla over
to wound damag .. a t th .. mt. of I
wound for eve ry 2 points of addition·
al stun (disregard the lo ftovor poin t
of s tun damage. If applloobl.).

Wound Damage
When a comportmenlloees more
tbon balf of Its wound poiotl. itl sy,·
terns function with 0 .. 1 penally (cu·
mulallve with other damage pen·
a ll ies). for .very 2 poin ts 01 wound
dama ge a oompattment luff ..... In 0
.inglo o ttock.1t also tako. I point 01
sacondory . tun damage. Wben oil 01
It, wound pO,nt. are used up. the
oomportmentlustainl I point 01 mor·
ta l damage lor every 2 points of ad ·
ditionol wound domage (disregard
the leltover poin t 01 wound damoge.
II applicable).
lered up to that point. as well 01 When a oompartment hal no mo.·
Mortal Damage penaltiel lore.eel,lve s tun and ta l points le ft . II's del troyed and no
For each poin t 01 mortal domage a wound dama ge. long.. r counts 01 a valid hIt location.
oomporlmenlllustains. any Iys tems If the componment posses ill duo If a f(mdam roll indlca t" damage 10
oon loined within th is compartmenl rab ility check. there is no a ddUional a wrecked comportment.• imply
receive a .. lltep penalty (cumula · ellect. II lhe compartmenllaila. a ll apply the nOw attack to the Dest
tive with other damage penolties). Blations within itltop working until lower·numbered camportment thai
For every 2 pointl of mortal dam· it'l poI!lible to make elftensive reo has mortal points le ft (wlopping
age a comportment l us tainlln 0 pairs. ;'It hough the Techn iool Sci· from the lowest·numbered oompall'
lingle ol\ock. the <;ompo,tment also ence-jurylig8kill may allow a chor· menl to the highes t·numbered one il
suller'l9<:ondary dama ge 01 I point actor to kee p the compartme nt's needed).
of wound domage and I point oi llun slations working for a s bort ti me. • [,xample: It the heroes decidll la
damage (disregard the leftover point (One stat ion can be affected lor each contin ue the light aga i.,.t the piratol
of mortal domago. if applicable). succe..lul appUootion of the luryrig (see "E.>:ample 01Spoc. Combo t"
Each time a comportment 1.. lIerl skill.) II Ihe comportmen t fa ils ill above!. compartmont 4 of their sbip
mottal damage lrom a single weap- durabihty check with a C.itical fail· Is now eo;pecially vul".rabl_ilthe
on attack. a durabihly check must be ure. irs deslloyed. and d4 other com· pi ratos gel a '88ull 01 8 through 15 an
made 101 the compartment. as de· partmenls (random ly rolled) sustain a random damage loll. the heroes'
scribed under vEifecls of Vehicle 2d4w each due to decompression. weapons oompa rt ment will take the
Damage" on poge203. Apply a .. 1
penalty lor each point of mortal dam ·
power fluctuatLons, electri<;al firel.
and 80 lorth.
hit. beeou,*, comportmen t 5 hal al·
ready been knocked out.
age tha t the compartmen t hal luf·
• • • • •

•• • •
• • • • • • • ~~ .
• .6.
• • •
• • •• i· •

. . •

• •

• •

• • •

• I
• • •
• • •
• • •
• •
• • • • •

• • •
• •
hero is that the mulont'l special ad· g rlCl \ deal 0/ promi .. tor many in·
MUTAI\IT ..anlag_ aren't predelined by hli dllllrial purpoan.
Ln the futllIe CProgTUI LevelS and
HEROES race; evary Plutant in 0 ca mpallJll
may bave unlqu. po_rs and capg' h igher,ln game t.rml). genetic mo ·
In gome Cerml , a mutant i. a charae- bililies. No two mutants uu. neees· ni pula tlon may allow the c::reatlon or
ler .~ieB derived from hll!TIon 1KIr11y alike, 01 detailed. in tho rul.s a lteration of entire lpec::lel of highly
.Iock. Juat a. other nonh\lman chor· loter in tbi. chop'eT oovering how organ ized and complex CTlCllur.. s-U
ette" do, (I mutQ.D\ gmn. cer10lil mutants' obilitiee or. determined your Gamemalter determines that
.pecial abLlitiu and poWWll JLlt! lor luc::h technology la righl tor his cam-
being 01 a dlllelllnl&peciea. paign, This can '-ad to humana lpe·
After (l pkryftr ematfHI a mutant clallzed lor living and wOlking in
bern and d.lennin.... the cbarac1e(. nonlenutrial envilOnments, engi-
.pecial abilities. he lake. Ih. he ro A mutation Is 0 c hange to the basic neered tar better comba t tralu., or de-
tbf'Q<llJh 1M real 01 the creation p ro- blueprint 01 an organh.m. Thi s m<:ry .lgnod 10 relist d isease and biologi-
ce.. UI the *<Ime lmrnion 01 for any be an acciden tal aT random p roce ls, cal agents. The ethical questions
other hero; _ Chapler 2: Hero Cre- eith.r naturedly oe<:unlng through lurround ing Ih iBtopic ala unouR
ahoD tor a full description 01 that onu. but ainc::e w.'re dealing with
.-..!be INPPMtllelikU boIro 1bMt.
evolution, or a chang. brought about
by manufactured conditions such aa
a nuclear aec:lde.nt. expolUfe to lO U'
imaginary leience In an Imaginary
wOlld, your Gamemasler C'(!n give
printed ltal Clhead 01 the hero -,-, tagenic c:ompoun<h. Or de liberate g.- genetic:: engineering any liont he
at Itt. boc:k of thl. book. hal ~ •• netic eoglneerlng. When you <;Ieate IIi1M-it's hi. campaign.
110 r-u a muteDl hero', dIo:foettrl.. a superstrong mutant who wal ~iuat Regmdle.. 01 whether a mutant il
Qc: •. W other porta 01 the suppltomen· boln that way." you're o/l.Sumi ng tha t a natural implovement on th .. hu·
tol hero IJb.eI cn.n', being !.lad in the helo's mutation is a random. man model (random mural ion) or a
JIOUI' campaigll, lOme oIlhol apoce more or lelll natural event. ptodetlgned spec:: imen of gonetic
<:a:II. be UHd 10 bold addtttonoi d .. While the evolullon at organlll'" tech llo logy (engineered muterl/on).
talk oboul YOUT hero'. mutatiorud bas been a na lUlal pr~" thlough· he m<:ry or may nol be alone in the
Although eQry rn",kml onginol.. out tb. Earth's e xilt. nc.. humanlt., unIYflr .... Some envi.onmental con-
bom bwaon .tock. each 0 ...•• 1::XI:.1c haa been linkering with thiB proc... ditio ... ma y indoce aI/the people
~p hQII been altered "llT'ih ever since the eo:riieoi;l ganeticlstl livi ng in a partiCllla r region \0
ocmdy .'l<.>IIgh that he I. c.ulSidered di.r;covured th<rt BUch tinkering i. change in the IKIme way_
011 alien 101 tbe P1llJ>OB8 01 d",ermln po8lIi1>le. Th . ..led iva creation of fOI .xumple, hardy colonlill who
lag lbe Hill. he pos...... Clilbe '-- animal and plont breedl ia an excel· H ide a high-gravity world may
gbmiag 01 hi. C(IlHT. Mulcml bera.. lenl example oj the Impact of huma n even tually. ove r Ihe OOUTI8 01 many
_. TABU PS: KDlo STARTUIG Snu. Inflll.nce on natllral ..lect!on. How' gene rat ions, develop abnormally
PoIIrm C_ pgge 34) to deterllliM tbe .v.~. the prOC8lJI 01 breeding lor de· Itrong .lIelolon. and mUlICuloture. A
~r 01 pUl poI..DlS, broad skilla, lirable tralll requile. many genera- hero who comoallOm a Mlling Iiko
ODd ~allJ sklU. ther ~ w.tb. tions to produce lignihcant r81l ult •. thi. WQuld be a ~mutant" compgred
!They don't 1_,,,
the skill 00n1ll Recantly. adYO:ne. in genetic tech- to Ihe standard human found .1....
tJaat popmulant human "baraetels nology how opened ,h. d OO<" to the where In the galaxy, although he'. a
dG; _ page 30 in Chopter 2: Heln crecrtlon at eutlom..d. aigned organ· perfectly nonnal repre..ntat;ve of
Cr-orion.J lima that can be . haped a. needed hli race. It'1 posalble thai the adap-
On. 01 the major diUerenees be·
tween a mu tant aDd an allen
within a lingle generation. Already,
engineered mleroorganlBms s how a
tive process of the colonlill may be
a c::celera led by gene tic engineering 213
ba lo.e Ibey .each their new world, to

.... mgk. them mo ... lo!erant of the con-

ditions when they olTive

c.-. Common
,. Ability Score Rang. , The l o n g e
Ordinary mutatlun lUI" Slight drawback)
Guod mutation lUI" Muderate dnn'llbackJ

01 Abili ty Score810r a begin ning mu-
ton i heroi. the same as lor humans:
Amazing mutatlun (Ul" E:JCtreme drawbillck) 4
= a m i nimum of 4 and (I maximum of

= 141neach Ability.
No K:OU, COn be auigned a volue
greole. than 14 during the..:.,]y
You ha ... e two choie.. for delel-
mi ning yO"" he .o'. mu tGtion- .an -
dam generalion or pe.sonalselec-
(member 01 a oommllnity oro unique
indi ... idual).

pho.. oj the hero CUKl1 ion place .... [t tion . Both of these oplions are Random Genel"at::ion
Is poQ,ible. how ever, 101' one at more a ... a!lGbl. unle". your Gamema. ter If you "'a Wllng .andom generalion,
01 g mutant's Abili ty Sco... to exceed sayll alhe.wi".!n both 00_. you first .011 dS and .ele l 10 T.uu: P48:
Ih. maximum after a ll 01 the chm oc- ha .... 10 balance the ad ... an tages by MI1TAtrr ORIGIN. You w1ll discove. that
ler'. mu ta tions have been de ler- 0 1&0 taking mutant d ra wbacks, a s your hero II "ilh\l r an engineered
mined. (Some muta tion. allow Ablll· dellCrlh&d below mutGnt O. a nalura! mutant.
ty Scores to be 'QisOO permone nt ly; Natulois lend 10 be mare powerful
OIber. provide an increall8 to a score than engin"red mutants, though
in particular lituotions.)
Mutant Origin they also ha ..." more extensi ... e draw·
" f ree Broad Stills:: A mutant hero The origin o f a hero·s mutation has a backs.. Ahel determining you r he.o',
"0111 play wllh thelKlJne Ir_ brood direct ellac:t on the extent 01 hi' pow- origin, .eler to the appropriate sub-
.klll. 01 a human hero! Ath letic •. Ve- e ... Th. maximu m power 01any mu · tabla (A or B) and roll dB again to
hicle Operolion. Stami na. Kno wl- ta lion. and the numbe, of mu tation. lind out whether he Or ahe is a m\Jm,
edge, AWClrlm8as, and inle roction . the he .o poIIleliel. are determined ber 01 a community 01 mutants or an
.. Spadcd A/)iJiUes: All mutant he- by the hero', origin. Start by corUoult· isolated indl ... iduol
roe1l pone.1I a t 16<1,t o~ Gd vGnla- ing TABLE P4S, MUTANT OIucm, either An indi ... iduol mutant of eith\JI
geou, muu:nion and ontO mutGtion se lecting Ih. oplion tha t litll mo.t Iype tends to be mme poworful and
drawback, all dellcribed be low. cloHly wi lh your hero C:Onc&pt (II have mare significant drawbacks
yOll l Gamemasle. permits such N' than a membe r 01 a commun ity.
lection)ol rolling a die lor random
DETERMII\III\IG d.termlnatlon.
!\lumber of'
MUTA.TIOI\I§ Personal !ielect:lon Mutations and
The detining characleria lic 01 a mu· If your Gomemoste r a llows hee N - Drawbilcks
tant he.o i. a special powel, ability, lection. yOli ge t to decide YOli' mll-
One. you' ... e determined the natufe
o. imp.ovement that a human he.o toni'. origin (engi neered 01 natural)
01 your hOlo'. mutotion{s), you',e
doe.n'l ha ... e, and the un iquenen 01 hll; mutation
.eady to ligUf. ou t how many mu ta,


dB Origin 01' Mut:atlon(!'I1

Engineered mutatlon(s); roll on Table P4BA b.,!'IOli"
Niltul"ally uccurring mutatlun(s); roll un Table P48B bl'llDW


Mutation Drawback
dB Uniqueness of Mutatlun(§) PI•• Pts.
Belong§ to mutant community
Individual with unique mutatiun(s)
d .....


Mut:ation Drillwback


Uniqueness of Mutatiunls)
Belung§ tu mutant; r::ommunit:y
Individual with unique mutatlon(s)
hone he or she has. Along wilh Ihe
number of mutations, you']] ohIO de-
termine how powe rful these mu ta- UJOQrhero ..... _ dIaa 1 __
_ ..... _-
tions will be,
. . . . poIId.JOa . . . ~ ....
Reier to Ihe line on eithe. 1ABI£
P48A: ENGINlDIED Mtrr,o,,,OtIs Or 1 A81£ IDaDJM : 11011'''''''''"' =
dw::t ' ....... GDIlbow ~
N8B: NA'ruflAL MlIT,o,TIONS t hat idenl;-
lies Ihe origin 01 your mutant he ro, .....
1III1 . .., .... wIIl ........... --<
The result 01 a roll of d4, plus (in
most cases) the addition of a con-
stant. determines the number 01 mu-
talion poinrs you receive, Use these
points to purchase mu tations lor
..... ,..........
. . . . . . . . . . . _ _ of ......
Hoa . . . . .

o...,.... __
' n' 11'*' ....... _ .. 111.
tw. u. ... CIppIs. to draw-

your hero. The origin 01 you r hero

sets the range lor the points you'll be
generating-the smallest range lor a
member 01 an enginee red communi·
ty, the grootesl range fa. an individ-
. . . . . . . .. , . ...I ! .....
.......... 100II: .........
. . . ~ . .w's+ . . . . _ . .

ual with a na tural mutation.
Immedia tely a fter you lind oul
how many mutation points your hero
gelS, roll d4 again to determine the
oedN:: t ' ... _ .... _
I r. __

......... or two IIIIgId dtowt. '

number of dlCJwback poinls you musl
spend On drawbacks.
Then, before you proceed any far- Advant.agE!OU§ Ordinary mutations ale low·pow-
Ihe. with the hero crootion process ered allelations and minor improve-
dOllCribed in Chapter 2, determine§ ments that require little in the way of
exactly what your he.o's advanta- Advantageous mutations are .ated physiological .edesign of the human
geous mulations and drawbacks are. lor powe.-el1he r Ordinary, Good, Or form. A mutan t can'l have more than
If any 01 tho characler's powe.s have Amazing- which is a measure 01 Ordinary mulalions.
a permanent offect on his Ability bolh potency nnd how extensively Good mutations are mid-powered
Scores. make those adjustments be- the muta tion varies Ihe human form. alterations and major improve ments
fore conti nuing with the crea tion The costs fnr these mu tations me that push the human frame 10 its
p,ocess. shown on TABU: P47: MUTATION CosTs. moximum potenlial. somotimos <e·


Good d,D
d'D Ordinary Amazing

, Adaptation. Environment
Adaptation. Gravity
Add Toul:h
O",nnal Annor
Chameleon Fle .. h
O",nnal Plating
3 Adre"a! Contrul EI",rtric Aura Energy Absorption 3
4 Biorhythm Contrul Enhanl:",d CON En"'rgy R",fl",ction 4
5 Dennal RelnfDn:ement Enhanced OEX Flight 5

Impruv",d CON
Impruv..d OEX
Enhanl:ed Durability
Enhl"llnced "epllng
Hyp",r CON
Hyp",r OEX
• Impruved Durability Enhanl:ed Immunity Hyper Durability

• Impruved "",;:IIing Enhanl:ed INT Hyp",r H",,,"ling


Impro"ed Immunity
Improved !NT
Improved PER
Impro"ed Reflexell
Impro"ed 5em'les
Enhano::ed PER
Enhanl:ed Refle,u!1"II
Enhanl:ed 5en!!!e!!!
Enhi.,u:ed "iTR
Enhanl:ed WIL
Hyper Immunity
Hyper !NT
Hyper MortaboU ..m
Hyper PER
Hyper Reflexes


OS Impro"ed STR Hyp",r Senses

Inl:reased Metabolism
Impro"ed WIL Natured Attack Hyper !iTR

,." Night Vision Pslonll: Power Hyper WIL

Psi 5ensltl"lty Radiation Tol",ram::", Imp: Natural Attal:k
Toxin Tol",ranc", R",dundant Vital Organs Poison Attack
Va!Ocular Control Thermal Vision Psi R",sistanc'" ••
suiting in an alteration that is visi-
ble ordetectoble. A mutant can't
have more thon twa Good mutolions .
Amazing mutations eHhe. drasti·
c,-, cally change the human form ar odd
>- capabilitiesol tremendous power. A
= mu tan t can'! have more than one
Amo:ting mutation.


= (on the p~in9 page) lists all of

Ih ll po$$ibililies of <l'(lch type and as-
signs each mutation a number lor
use in randomly determining wh ich
one(11 your hero has.
The purchase or selec tion of Ca r-
loin mutations oon prohibit a hero
born having cerlain other mulcllions.
II a die roll yields a resul1 lh ot is not
allowed be<::ause 01 a mulcHan the
he.o already has. disIl190.d that re-
sult and roll again.

AOVAI\ITA6EOU!i mosphere, and thick atmosphere. A

character can't select twa enviran·
wao.:thar withou t the need lor bulky
protective clothing. cr may be able to.
MUTATlOI\I ments that are apposites; far in· extract enough oxygen for strenuous
s tance. a mutant can't be adaptoo to. aC1iv lt y from a thin atmosphere (such
DE!iI:RIPTlOI\l!i both hot climates and cald clima tes, as thatlound atop a high mountain
Each advantageous mutoti()n has a hut one o::auld possess this mutation on Earth).
dilleren! game alted. A mutation far hat climate, thick atmosphere. When the character is in an envi·
may conler ccmbat. survival. Cr in· and arid climate at the same lime. ronment tied to the mutatian, any
teracticn advantages to the hero. The range far all these enviran· penalties Clssociatoo with lunction-
Each advan tageous mutatian is men ts must be within human to.lera- ing in such an envircnment ara reo
tied. to on Ability. When a mutant tion; the mu tant is not able to. with· duo::ed. by 2 steps, and tha character.
needs to see how effective his power stand lethal environments, he or she S tamina-endurance checks receive a
is. he makes either a skill check (if is just mare CQmfortable in a particu· -2 bonus.
he hos the sktll in questian) or an un· lor anvironment than a human
trained check using one· half 01 the wauld be. He Or she might not be Adapt:at:lon. 6ravlt:y
related Ability Score with a base si t- hampe red. by heo t and humidity, Or IOEX Dr !iTRI
uation die of ~d4. The related Ability mol' be able to. function in CQld The mutant is able to. function mOrD
lor a mutatian, when it's not self·evi· easily than a normal human in a
dent. is identified in the heoding that gravitaticnal field that's either less
leods off the mutation's descriptian. than or grao.:ter than the normal
gravi ty 01 Earth. The adaptation ap-
plies to light gravity (as light as one·
Ordinary sixth 01 Earth normal. such as that
Mutation!i lound on the Moon) Or to high grovity
Ordinary mutations are the mast (up to two Urnes Eart h normal). A
cammon form af mutaticns in most cho racter can select only one type 01
campaigns. Each Ordinary mutatian adaptation; additional purchases 01
costs I muta1ian paint. A mutant this mutaticn aren't a!!owed, be-
character can't hove more than three cause a charader capable of func-
Ordinary mutati ans. ticning in light gravity can't also
handle high gravity CQnditions (and
Adapt:at:lon. vice versol.
Envl.-onrnent: (CONI A light gravity mutation produces
Changes in the mutant's physialogy a tall. thin. athletic body and is tied
make him camfartable in an inhos· to Dexterity. The mu tant re<;eives a
pitable environment. For each point temporary I-poin t Dexterity score in·
spent on this mutatian. a character crease in light gravity CQnditions.
Can have only one type af adapta· Also, the penalties aasociated with
tian: additional adap tat ions require performing actions in light g ravity cr
multiple purchases of this mutatian. zero gravily ora eliminated. (See

216 The available types are hct clima te,

arid climate, ccld climate, thin a t·
"Operating in Ze ro Gravity' an page
56 in ChaptDr 3: Heroes in Action.) In
Eo:lthlike gravity, the mutant re-
ceives no benefits. In high gravity, he
suffers a .2 penalty in addition to
ony Qther penalties thQt may apply,
A high gravity mutatian produces
a shorter, stacHer, muscular body
and is tied to Strength. The hero re-
applies the more lavorable result
(&Oe "Layering Armor" on page 190 of
Cherp'e' II; Weapons & ArmQr),

Imp ...oved Constitution

A charac ter with Ihis mutation has
his Constitution score permanently
ing, recovar 3 stun points and I
wound poIn t

Imp ...oved Immunit:y

A character with this mutation ra·
celves a -2 bonus tQ ConstitutiQn
ceives a temporary I-point Strength
SCOre increase io Ear1hlike gravity,
increasod by I point. leat checks mada to counta. the ef-
fects 01 disease, infection. Or biologi-
but also takes a temporary I-point Impl'"oved Oenel'"lt:y cal agents. When the mutant is C/O
reducliQn to his Dexterity SCOre. Pen- This mutation permanently raises a being treated to heal damage from
alties associated with opera ling in character's Dexterity score by 1 point. disease, infection. or biQlogical
high gravity are reduced by 2 steps. agents. tha character providing the
In light gravity Or zerO gravity condi· Improved DUl'"ilbility treatment receives a -2 bonus_
tions. the mutant suliers a .. 2 penalty ICONI
to all actions involving physical ac- A character with this mutation be- Impl'"oved Intelligence
tivity, in addition to any other penal- comes more resistant to damage This mutation permanently raises a
ties that may apply, wilhout visibly ohering his form. His character's Intelligence score by I
stun rating improves by 3 points. point.
Adl'"enill Contl'"ol (WILl
A character with this mutation can Improved Healing (WILl Impl'"oved Personillity
boost his adrenaline production at This mutation manifests as a physi- This mutation permanently raises a
will. gmn ting bursts of exceptional cal improvement that helps a char· characters Personali ty sCOra by I
strength and speed. When boosted, acter repair damage his body has point.
the character raceives a - I bonus to sustained, Once per day, the charac-
the lollowing skill checks; Athletics, ler can consciously activate this mu- Improved Reflexes
Mel ..... Weapons, Unarmed Attack, lotion. To do so requires a lull found. ,DEX)
Acrobatics, and Movement. He also in which no other actions can be a t- This mutation makes a charocter's
gains a I-point increase to any dam· tempted.lithe character is uncon- naturalrefiexes mOre acute, grant-
age inllicted Qn a successlul Un- scious, the mutation activates onca ing a -I bonus to hIS action check.
armed Attack Or Melee Weapons per day anyway, provided Ihat heal -
skill chock. ing is needed . Impl'"oved Senses (WiLl
Each adrenaline boostlasls for This mutation provides a cer1ain A character with this mutation gets a
dhl rounds. At the end of this time, amaunt of healing without medical - I bonus on Awarenes&-perception
the character loses llatigue point. A assislance, determined by the result orlnvesligate skill checks (or W1l1
character continues to lose fatigue of a Resolve- physical resolve skill feat checks) in which touch, tasta.
points fram ecch use 01 the mutation check: Ordinary, recover I s tun point; small, sighl. or haaring playa part.
in the same he becomes ex- Good, recover 2 stun points: Amot-
hausted as a result oj this fatigue
damage, he must wait lor 24 hours
belore using the mutation again.

Blo ...hythm ~ntl'"ol

This mutation enhances a charac-
ter's ability to light of! adverse physi-
cal ellecls. He gains a -I bonus to
checks involving Stamina (oreilher
of its sp&cialty skillsl or Resolve-

Oe ...mill Reinful'"cement
Layers of tough tissue exist just be·
neath the mutant's skin, providing
the benefil QI armor with a rating 01
d4+ I (Ll), d4 (HI)' d4-1 (En). The rein·
lorcement is nol Q complete covering
and re tains a normailleshlike re-
silience. SO the appearance of Ihe
chmacte"s body isn't obviously de·
lormed by the added protection. If it
is used in oonjunction with actual
armor. the character makes an armor
roll for each type of protection and 217
Improved !!itrength stricting and then re'OUI,ng blood
keep track 01 damage suffered by
This mutation permanently raises around damaged oleos. If a chamc· inanimate objects.)


character's Shenglh scole by I point. ter with Ihis mutation suflers mortal This power can be used for One
damage. that damage is reduced by
Improved Will
This mutation permanently raises a
I point. This has no effect on second-
ary damage. however.
round [four phases) in every 24-hoUf
period without causing harm to the
mutant who possesses it. II it's used
= character's Will score by I point. For example. on injury that inflicts mOre than once per doy. the chorac·
~ 4 points of mortal damage is reduced ter loses d4 fatigue points at the end
= Night Vb. ion (WILl to 3 points of mortal damage instood. of 90ch la ter round in which Ihe rna·
= A character wilh 'his mutalion has
eyes thai ara extraordinarily sens;-
The chamcler still takes 2 wound
poin ts and 2 stun points of secondary
lallon is activated (whelher Or nol it
caUflOS ony damage). Acid must be
live to ombienllight. which reduces damage. used immediately after it's ploduced
obllCurity penalties he would other- This mutation also provides 0-1 (in the SOme round). o. else it dries
wise Buffer by 2111eps. This mutation bonus to all Stamina-endmonce out; it con·t be saved lor later use.
provides no help in 10tol darlcneu. checks related to mortal damdge.
Dermal Arma.- (I:ONI
Psi !!iensltivlt:y (WILl liood The mutant is protected by tough a.·
This mutation can only be selected H gonic plates that are located just be.
the Gamemoster uses psiooics (see Good advan tageous mutations ale neath the surface of the skin. The
Chapter 14) in his campaign; il this ro.e in most campaigns. These muta· plales are not visible. bUI ore obvl·
is not the cuse, disregard any die rol! lions push the human form to its lim· ous to anyone who touches the chot·
tho! corresponds to this mutation its, possibly even altering it in some acter·s bare skin or leels his body
and roll again. mojo' way. Each Good mutation through light clolhing.
A mutant with this power has (I costs 2 mutation points. A mutant The protection provides the effect
special sensitivity to psionic energy. character can't have more thcm two of OrmOr with the following statis·
He may be able to dete<:t the use 01 Good advantageous mutalions. lics: d6+1 (L1), d4+ I ILl), d4 (En). II thl!
mentol powers in his immediate vi- character is wearing actual armor.
doily. depending on lhe result of an Acid Touch (I:ONJ he Or she makes on armor roll tor
Awareness-intuition check. The sHu· The mutant has glands that allow ooch type 01 protection and applies
ation die for the check may be modi· him to secrete a corrosive substance the more favorable result (see "lay·
lied according to the distance be· from the pores in his fingertips. The ering Armor On page 100 01 Chopte.
tween the mutant and the source 01 power itself is activated on demand II: Weapans & A.mOl).
t he psionic energy: at the beginning of a round: the char·
acter doesn·t have to spend on action Elert.-ic Au.-a [WILl
Distance Situation to start the acid secrehon. ACId is This mutation alters a character·.
lmele ... ) Die Modifie r considered an energy allack lor pur- nervous system. giving him special
02 -3 poses of armor protection. copaci\arJike organs that p.oduce on
3-6 -2 Against on inanimate and stotion- electrioollield along the surface of
7-10 -I ary object. the use 01 a single aelion his body. This electricity is capable
11- 14 none enables the mutant 10 touch the ob- 01 damaging objecls Or beings that
IS-IS .1 ject and Slay in contact with it as come in contact with it. The power is
19-22 .2 long as desued. activated on demand at the begin·
2>-25 .2 Making contact wilh an inanimate ning of a round: the chomcter doesn't
25. can't sense pslonics object in motion requires a success' have to U&e an action 10 "turn it on.·
ful Dexterity feat chack, alte. which Against an inanimate and slation·
The Gamemaster should make this the mutant may be able to stop the oryobject, the use of a single action
check secretly. inlormi ng a p layer if objec!"s motion and remain in con· enables the mutant to touch the 01>.
his or her character suc<:eeds in tact with it.lBeing able to do this de- joet and Slay in contact wi th it as
&ensing anything pertinent pends p rimarily on the nature at the long as desired. The mutan!"s EIIlC"
object: the Gamemaster will deter· tric Aura o[m short out or otherwise
Toxin Tolerance (I:ONl mine ilthis is possible.) damage the circuilry of elecllonic
The mutant's body is able to p rocess Making contact with a living be· equipment. but Ihe power can't in·
toxic substances wHh mOre eUicien- ing requires a successlul Unanned flict phySical damage on objects (in
cy. thus rendering many poisons and Allack-browl skill check. The mutant the way that a bolt 01 lightning con
drugs harmless. or at least greatly receives a - I bon us to this check be- damage a llee. 10. instance).
reducing their lethality. It provides a cause he just has to touch his target. To use this power tn comlxrt. the
- 2 bonus to Constitution leat checks Domage inflicted On any type 01 hero must make a suc<:essful skill
made lor the purpose of comba ting target is tied to the resuit of a Consti· check using Unarmed Attack-bmwl
poisons o. drugs. tution leat check mode by the mu· (if he's not wielding a w9Opon) Or
tonto C.itical Failu.e. the caustic Melee Weapons lif he·s holding a
Vascular Cont.rol (WiLl agent causes d4w damage to the mu- weapon capable 01 conducting elec·
The mojo. hlood veasels in the mu· tant: Morginat d4s to the target; Or- tricity). He gains a - I bonus to this
tonI's body are able to limit danger- dinary, d4w: Good. d4 .2w: Amazing. check because he just has to touch
d6+2w. [The Gamemasler Guide has
21 B ous blood loss due to injury by con·
information On how to assess and
his opponent instead 01 a
solid punch Or weapon strike.
Domage inmcted on a Hving be- counter the eIJects of disease. inlec· must eat-ood he m ust eat twice the
ing depends on the rH ult of a Will tion. or biological agent •. When Iho amount ollood someone 01 hi. liw
feat check mode by the mu tan t: C.ill-
ca l Failure. the mu ton t shocks him-
mu tant Is being treated to heal dam.
age from disease. in lection. or bio-
a nd build uluo ll y ,equires. Without
thillood. IOI t la tigue points 018 re· .....
"",U lo. d4.; Marginal. d4lto target;
Ordinary_ d4 .. 2s; Good. d9.2II; AmOl:-
ing.d4. lw
logiool agen tl. the character prOvid-
ing the Ireatme nl receives a---3
covored hal! 01 quickly 01 normal.

Natural Attack (STRI

When this power i.activated. it
remains in eHectfor 2 round •. during Enhanced Int.elligence
This mutation provides a character
with a na tura l allack form. u.ually
whkh time the mutant ca n use it as This mulation perma ne ntly raises a claws. longl. s pikes. homl. or some -<
olte n 01 he a esirel or il ab le to. At c hara cter's In tellige nce scote by 2 similar alterat ion. A natural weapon
lhe end 01 that period. the power point •. II made 0 1 bono, hair. or some othe r
shuts a U and the mutant loses I 10- naturally toug h matedaJ.II the play-
tigue point. Enhanced Personalit.y er so deai re •• Ihis mulation can be
Th il muta tion permanen lly raises a hidden. usually by making tho natur'
Enhanced Constitution c horacte r·1 PerlOnality score by 2 01 weapon retractable.
This mu tat ion permanently raises a point.. A Natural Attack uses the Uo-
character'. Con.titution score by 2 armed Attack-brQWllLkill. Damage
polnt._ Enhanced Reflexes inllicted i. d6.2s1d4wfd4.2w. plu.
(OEX) any increaHfor high Strength. Thl.
Enhanced Dex:terity This mu ta tion improves a character's is conaldered low impoct (l.I)dcrm-
Th i. mutation permanently raises a nalulalleilex8I. g ranling a -2 bonus age lor pUrpose!l of determining Ihe
charocter s Dexterity scor. by 2 to hi, action check elleet 01 armOr protection. If the
point •. weapon la re tractable. the damage ,t
Enhanced !ien!ie!i (WILl can inllici is reduced by 2 points {too
Enhanced Durability A cha racte r with this mu tat ion re- minimum 01 O. so th ai il becomes
(CONI ceivel a -2 bonus to Awareneu-per· d6s1d4-2wld4w.
A chalacter with this mulation be- ception Or Inveltiga te Ikill c her:h in
comes mote .ell.tanl todamage a t which louch. talte. Imell. light. or Psionic POlNer (varie!l)
the COIIt of s l1ghtly alte. ing hi,lorm. hea ring playa port Thl. mu tatiOl'l oon only be selected il
(Othe. cha ' QCters have a -I bonus to the Gamemalter uses psioniCi ( _
Awalene.. checklta He if lhey oon Enhanced !itrength Chaptel 14) in hilcompoign; illhi.
detect anything unulua l aboul the A cha racte r .... ith this mutation hal tl n01lhe 00118, disrega rd any dIe loll
mutant.) Hi, wound rating improves hi. Si rength lICote permanenr ly in- thaI corresponds to this mutation
by 3 point •. creased by 2 point •. and roll again.
A characler with this mutation i.
Enhanced Healing (WILl Enhanced Will able to ull8 any &ingle psionic spe-
Thb mutotian speeds up cell regen- Thla mu talion pelmanenlly raisea a ciahy skill at rank 3. The skill". rank
e ration and otherwise belps a chen- chorOCler·, Will score by 2 point s. cao never be improved. The lelaled
acter repoi. damage his body has Abill ty for this mulation is the lame
RUltained. Onc. per day, the charac- Increased Metabolism as the Abillty (CON. INT. WIL. Or PE:R)
ter oon institute tMs im- IWILI lied 10 the 'pecially skill. A character
proved heal1ng_To do -a "'quirel a Thi. mutalLon ollowl a character to with thl. mutation is considered to
lull round. In which no athe r act ions cont rol hil metabolic be a talent ( _ pogo 228 in Chaptet
oon be a llempted. II th. cha racle. is ra te. ~I lng It a s he He fil. When 14' Psionia) 101 purposes 01 deter'
unconsciou •. the mutahon manifests boooIted. the characlor receives 0-2 mlnrng hi. psionic energy point ..
once per doy onywoy. provided that bonus to the lollo .... ing , kill checks: IIi. possible lor a ch=ler With a
healing i, needed. Thll mutation Alhleticl. Melee Weapon •. Unarmed .uUicleot number 01 mutation points
prOVides the lollowing bene hts; Anack. Acrobatic •. and Movement. 10 have two dillerent psionic pow....
~ A - I bonulto all Siamina-en' He 01110 gains a 2·point increase to
dUlOnce check. ",Ialed to mortal any damage he InUicll on a succeSI· Radiation Tolerance
damage. lu i Unarmed Anack 01 Melee Weap- (CONI
~ A certain amount of healing ana sk .lI check. Thll mu tol10n provides a 3 bonul to
withou t medical au il lance, de ter- The metabolic boost lasts 101 dS. 1 Srami" a_ndumnce checks for pur·
mined by the result 01 a Resolve- rounds. At the end 01 th is period. Ihe posel 01 overcoming the harm lui el-
phyaiooJ rel/OJve ,kill check: O rd i· character lQt;oa d4 .. 1 latigue poinl •. lects 01 rad iation. (The Gamemastel
nary. r<)COver 2 sl un poin ts; Good. 3 A characte, continues ro loae latigue GIl/de contains in formation 00 who l
Itun point, and] wound poin t; with each late. uH of the mutotion happena when horoe. oro exposed to
AmOl:ing. 4 I tun point&. 2 wound in Ihe lOme day, porhapoi even tually radIation.)
poinls. and I marla] point e:o:hoU$ting hi. body to the point 01
unconsciou.n.... Redundant
Enhanced Immunity In addition, IncreoMKI Metabohsm Organs (CON)
This mu tntion provides a -3 bonus to
ConslLtut ion leal checks made to
mokesthe mutant Olrt rao.dinarily
huogry AI soon aa possi bl e after
using th . mutation. tho character
Thi. mulaliOl'l protectl a cha,acter'.
vilal HIe systems -<:(lrdiovo$Cllla..
respiratory. nerVOUI, and digestrv_
21 g
by pro\riding backup organs thai oon begio with because of obSCUling fac- rol! for each type 01 protection and
13 function and mointoin lile if the pri· tors such as darkness or log. or applies the more lavorable result

...... mary sys tems ore damaged. This is

reflected in game ploy by reducing
all mortal domage in hall (round
against a good na tural background
such as found in a lungle or lor est.
(see "Layering Armor" on page 19001
Chopret II: Weapons & Armorl.
0-- down).]n addition, Ihu_ mutaHon pro- Modifier to Energy Reflection
vides a -3 bonus to all Swmina-en -
durance chach related to mortal
Oppo. ing
This mutation is similar to Energy
This mutation doesn't reduce sec-
. 4 ...... Poor visibility. good
nalural baclr:ground
Absorption (...... abovel. giving a
character the ability to neulrali~e
ondary damoge. A charader who (jungle, rock. loresl. etc.) d4+1 points 01 energy damage (botb
suff"' .... 3 points of mortal damage .3 ...... Good visibility and primary and se<:ondary damage) in·
and has il reduced 10 I point still ,e' good na tural back- flicted On any attack. In addition. the
ceives I wound and I swn as sec· ground. or poor visi- amount 01 damage tha!"s neutraliZ<.!od
ondmy damage. bUity and poor natural is reflected back a t the a ttacker. So,
background iI a mutant with this power is hit 101
Thermal Vision (WiLl .2 ...... Good visibility. poor 5 points of energy damage and the
This mutation allows a characte r to background playel gets a result 013 on a roll of
see inlo the infrared spec1rum. spol- -1.. . Hiding character in d4+ I. then the mutant takes 2 points
ting objects by the heat they radiale. motion 01 primary damage (plus secondary
As long as Ob}&ctB and other charac- -2. Hiding charac ter's body damage, it applicable) and 3 points
terll oren', the same temperature as half covered by clothing of the damage are reflected back
the sunounding area, the mutant re- -3 ..... Hiding character's body against Ihe attacker (who can then
ceives a :I-step reduction to penalties covered normally by make an armor roll if he's wearing
related to obscured situations. in- clothing (shirt. pants. protection against energy).
cluding total darkness. shoesl When the mu tant is wooring ac·
tued armor. energy oon be absarbed
Dermal Pla1:lng (1:01\1) but not reflected. and the beller of
Amazing This mutation prov ides a character the pIOte<:lions (d4 ... 1 from the muta·!i with the most extensive form of nat- tion or wha teve. the armOr provides)
Ama~ing advantageous mutations ural ormOI. 11 manifests itself as takes precedence.
are the rarest 01 all mulatians in largo sections 01 chitinous Or semior-
most campaigns. Some of these mu · ga nic plating that grow over 0 chor- Flight: (OEX)
tations change the humao lorm SO acter's skin. Such a character may A mutant with this power has a 100ga
drastioolly that it is impm;sible for appear to be vaguely blubbery. in- and powerlul pair of wings attached
the mutant to conceal his Itue nature sectile. or crustacean, depending on to his back. Tho wings oon be what-
from onlookers. Each Ama~ing mu ta- the form at Ihe armor. eVer the player chooses: ba t wings.
!icon cosls4 mutation points. A char- ~rma l Plating permanently re- leathered wings. gossamer wings,
acter can't have mare than ooe duces a cbaracter's Dexterity BCore e tc. The mutant'", body is uception·
Ama~ing mutation. by I. but olsa provides armor protec· ally light-harned. with hollow bonl!ll
tion with the lollowing characteris- and ellicient musculature to operate
Chameleon Flesh 11:01\11 tics: dS ... 2 (LI). dS. I (HI). dS~ I (Enl. II the wings; she permanently loses I
This mutation grants a character the cbamcler is wearing octual ar- poinl from her Sltength score and 2
the ability 10 oller his skin color and mor. he or she makes a n armor roll points from her COnslLtution score,
texture so that he can blend into lor each type of protection and ap- while adding I point to ~~telity.
most backgrounds and seem to dis- plies the more lavoroble result (see The mu tan!"s wingspan is about 6
app9<lr "Layering Armor" on page 190 of metelS, SO irs nearly impossible 10
A character using this mulat ion Chopler II: Weapons & Armor!. conceal her wings.
must concen tra te con changing the The character is oble to use Ihe Uy
appemance of his flesh. and it ta kes Energy Absorp1:ion and glide movement rates, as given
an entire round to change. (During (1:01\11 on TABlE PEl: COMBAT MOVt:MENT RAm;
the change. any other actions a chm- This mutation gives a character a (see page 39 in Chap''''' 2: Hero Cre-
acter makes receives a .2 penalty.) n(llmol enecgy conduit- in e ll eet. a ation). By purchasing ranks in the
Once the change is complete. the "lightning rod" _t hat redire<:ts and Ac.obatice-llighl sk1l1. she oon im·
characte r be<::omes harder 10 spot: ao drains off 2d4 points of enorgy dam· prove her ability to mOve through the
opponent suUers a penalty to skill age inflicled. on any allack. Primary air. For a character who does not
checks involving Awareness-percep- damage and secondary damage are have at least the Acrobatice broad
tion. Investigate-search. or any absorbed. for e~ampfe. if a mutant ski!!. the success at any attempt to
Ranged Weopons skill. wi th this power is hil lorS wound fly is determined by the result 01 an
01 course, this mutation works points 01 e nergy damage and his untrained skill check using one·half
best when the character io BC<'IIItily playet rolls a 4 on 2d4. the cha ractet of the character's De~terity score See
clad. e~poaing more 0\ the camou- receives only 2 wounds 01 primary the description 01 the lIighl skill on
flaged !lash. It also helps to be in damage and I s tun of secondary page 71 in Chapler 4; Shlls lot mOle
conditloos where visibility is bad to damage. If the character is wearing information.
actual armOr. he Or she makes a die

C /.>

l' I

MU1:anbl: 11: 1:uke!lii all kindS

Hyper Cun!i1:lt.uClon hoollng isnaad&d. Thi 9 mu tallon Hyper Met.abolism

This ml.ltalion permanently raiaes a proyides the following benefits: (CON)
characte(. Constitl.ltion Kare by 3 .. -2 bonus 10011 Stamina-en- This powerful mulcnian odapl.ilthe
points. durance chacks laiolod 10 morlal character's major muscles and or·
damaga. g<lIIS 10 utilize high-energy biachomi-
Hyper Dexterlt.y .. A cerlain amounl of hooling cal luels lor shari periods 0 1 lima
A charactar with thi s mutation ha s without madical a U is tonce, deter- When the cells of the characte(1 body
his [)ex tt>rity score permanently in- mined by the r•• ult 01 0 Resolve- brook up thaae compounds. the char·
cr.,..fI8d by 3 points. physical resolve sk ill chacko O rdi · actel gains much mOre energy lhan
nary. racover 3 I tun points and 1 he does during normal cellulo •• espi-
Hyper Durablllt.y (CO"'l wound poin t; Good, 4 81un points and ration. When his metabolic super.
A cho roclOI WIth this mu tation be- 2 wound poinls: AmazlOg. 4 stun charger klch In, Ihe choracter galnl
come. mare resislant to damage 01 poin ts. 3 wound poin ls. and I mortal o-J bonus to Iha lollowing skills:
the COlli ollubslanlit.I1ly alto ring hil poin t. Athlet ics. Melee Weapons, Unarmed
lorm. (Olher character. bave Q-2 Attack. Aerobotici. Siomino. and
bonua to their Awarene.. checks 10 Hyper Immunlcy (COI\l1 Movement. He gains a 3·point In·
see it they . ucceed in detecting any- A charOC1ar with Ihil mul<I1ian re· erooae to any domage he inllielS on
thlng unusual about the mutant.) The ceives a -4 bonua 10 Const itution an Unarm.c! Attack or Melee Weap-
mutant's mortal raling ImprO'fel by 3 leal chOj::ks made against disease. ons s kill check. Finally. the charac-
poinls. inlection. or biolog ical agents. When le"s action chack raceives a I bonua.
the mUlanl is being tlooled 10 h.,..! A supercharged me tabolism usos
Hyper Healing (WILJ damage inillctad by disooae. in fac· a grool dool 01 energy. The mutant
Thl. ml.llation speeds up ao\l regen· lion. Or biological agents. th e charac- can lustain Ihis candition lor d4.2
eralion and olhorwillS helps a char- ler rendenng hootmanl laceive. 0-4 round •. buI Immediately loses 2d4.2
acter repcm damage bis body has bonul. loligue poin,. (perhaps causing him
sustoinod. Once per day. Ihe charac- 0 1 her 10 fall unconscious) when Ihis
ter can consciously Instttule Ihis im· Hyper Int.elligence pe riod ends. He or Ihe muer wail 3dB
prayed hoo li ng. To do.a requires 0 Thil mutation permano ntly raises a hours balore trying to UBQ Ihe powal
lull round. in which no other oclionl; characler's Intelligence IICOre by 3 again. during which lima Ihe body i.
can be attempted IIlh. charaC1er is poin ts. replenishing itslupply 01 biochem-
unconscious. Iha mutotian monifost. icalfuel.
once pel doy anyway. p rovided thaI 221
Hyper Personality An m&inual,va delivery aystem in-
13 A character with this mutation has JB'CIs the poison direct ly '"to the lor-
that correspond. to Ihis muta tion

ond roll again
hi. Personality lCOI'e permanently ge I'I bloodatreartl through the UM of A charact.. wllh this mutal ian has

.,..., increased by 3 point •.

0-- Hyper Reflexes (DE")

a natural weapon such a.langs.
claw •• or a llinge •. A chara cter can
only have thla type of delivery Iyl-
on e",t'aordinary abili ty to withltand
the effect. of pllonic powe,a.1t pro-
videl a .2 Improvemen t to the mu-
This mutation increases (I "horae'
te,'. natural rellell"e •• granting 0...,3
tern 1I h. also has the Natu ral Allack
mutation (see page 219). A BUCCGBl lul
tant'. Will re"i"ta nn modilie. when
psionic abililles are being usad di·
bonul 10 the character', action check. Unarmed Attack- bmw} skill check Is
requi.ed to inllict damage on a tar-
tectly against him.

HypeI'" §ense!li (WILl get with th is type of poiaon

Thi. mutation impro.... a chmocter'", Inhaled poisonll a re delivered vio MUTATIOI\I
Mn_. groat,ng him a -3 bonull to o 'harp eBhalahon of bleath Or a
Awareness-perception 01 [nv8ltiga te bUllt 01gal released from an inle.- DRAWBAJ:K!i
Iklll cheds in which touch. taBle. nol bladde r. The range a! a sp,a y of Even the least lig nilico-nl mutntianl
tme ll, .ight. or bearing play (I part inha led polson i, 4 mo tora in the di - have some negative e lleel associat·
,ectlon the mutant is facing. and the ed wilh them. A mulant has not only
Hyper !it:l'"ength poison ' emalns ai , borne fa . I round points to "pend On advantageous
TblS mutation permanent ly raise .. (I al tGl ira released. mutation •• but poin la that mUlt be
character', Strength Il00'.
by 3 Hemalo&ms dan't dama~ a larget apent on mutation drawbacks. Bcued
pomt .. unlll ~ raunda alter they are int.o- on their pow... drawbacks a .e ,a t.,;l
duced. but during that Hme they pro- ns either Slight (the leasl powerfull.
Hyper Will
Thi. mutation permanen tl y '(lises a
vide a .1 penalty to all acl iona at-
tempted by the targe!. On the hlth
Moderate. or Exlreme. * "How to
Spend You. Palntl" an page 2lS lor
charm;,er. Will IICQre by 3 points. round after 1111 introduced. the poi· the waylln which mutat ion poinll
son ooo.l&Oelho following damage. may be a.slgned to drawbacks.
Improved Nutural depending an the result of a Con-
Attack (!iTR) stitution feat check made by the ta.-
Thl' mutolion proyldeso character get C,itical failure. d4.2m: failure. !ilight Mutation
WIth (I powerlul natural QUod, form. d~m; Ordinary. d6.. lw: Good. d~w; Drawbacks
ulually claws. fangs. spikes. horns. Ama:Ung. dS,. Slight drawbacks aren·1 'eadily np-
Or SOme simi lor ahe.otion. A nalural Neurola .... tns don·t damage a largel parent to the oosual observer. but
weapon is made oj bone. h(llr. or until the .ound alter they arelnl.O- they mani!eslln wealrnessel that
some olher naturally tough material. duC<XI.. bUI during Ihe remOlnder of <.:<In hinde, a mutant character in
If the player desire •• thiB mutat ion the cune nt round Ihey provide 0 .. 1 some 11lualionl.
<.:<In be hidden. usually by making penalty to oil actions attemptoo by
the natural weapon retractable. the to.get during thai time. On the Environment:al
An Improved Natural Auock u&Os l"sllu11 round after it is introduced. 5enslt.lvlt:y. slight:
the Unarmed Anack browl.kill. the poiaan eou ..... Ihe Jallaw;ng Select one allhe following environ·
Domage i. d4w/d4+2w/d4m. plus any damage. depending an Ihe ' e .... 1t 01 ments: waler. tight gravity. inhos-
increase for high Strength_ Thi. i. a Consmution leat check made by pitable climate (hat. cold. or arid).
considered low impact {Li)damage the to ' get C.iIIcol failure. dS .. lm; high gravity. In that particular envi-
lor purpose. of determining ormOr failu,e. d4 .Im: Ordinory. dB . lw: ronment. the mulant apera tea with n
protect ion. II the noturol weapon is Good. dS .. lw: Amazing. .2 penalty to all s kill and a clion
retractoble. damage is reduced by 2 luiranls havo the lollawlng e il ects checks he nltempIB. This penalty i,
poin ts (to a minimum 01 I). so that it beginning in the pha&O after they ale cumulative with any olher penal","
becomes d4 2wld4w/d4 2m intraducod. depending an the relult that may apply_
of 0 Constitution lea t check made by
Polson Attack (5TH) the talgel; C,;ti<.:<ll Failure.• 3 penal- Ught: 5enslt:lvit:y
Thil mutohon glYol a cha.acte. the ty 10 all octlanslar 2 rounds; f ailu re. Thil drawbaclr. monilGBls WI.YU
ability to produce a to""n and use it .2 penalty taall actions lor 2 rounda; that a,e le nlilive to ligh!.ln ony
al o n oUack lorm. A character with Ordinary... I penalty 10 a ll actlonllor lig ht tha t's brigh ter Ihan twilight. t'-
this mutation receive. one 101m 01 2 ,ounds: Cood 01 Amazing. no e ilec t. chnra cter l ulle .. penalties to any nc·
polson and one method 01 delivery: A mutant can p.oduce one dose 01 tians he atto mpts. In Ordinary light.
these attributes may be aelected by hemotoxin. two doses 01 neurotoxin. he receives a . 1 penalty: in Goad
the playe •. decided by die rolla. o. or four doael of an irritont du,ing the lig ht. Ihe penally inc' eClaes 10.2
a"'gned by the Gomemaate •. The cour.. 01a lingle scene. and ie un - steps: in Amazing light. he r8Ce;V"
mutant la ImmuDfl to his own poison. able to use his Poison Attock more a ~3 penalty. (Page S9 in Chaptet 3:
tho:n twice In any 24-OOul period. Her~ in Aclion contains brief inlOl·
Polson Type Delivery Sptam motion on typel 0 1 illum inat ion. Th,
Hemotoxin In9inuotlve P.I Re!iil!iit.ance (WILl subject il covered more fully in the
Neurot{)J,;n lnsinuotive or inhaled This mutati on can only be selectod !l Gomemasler Gu;d~.)

hrltant Inhaled the Gamemastel usos psionic. (aee Note that p rotective goggles (_
Chapter I~) in his <.:<Impaign: if th is Chap rer 9: Good, & Services) <.:<In be
III nat the <.:<1&0. dlsregord nny die roll
poI(lry weakneu that laslS kn (I cer-
TABLE PSD: MUTATION DRAWBACKS loi n omounl 01 time olle r the use 01 13
, Slight
on aovo.nt(lgeous mU laHon. Find Ih •
AblH ty rela ted to the mutation on
TABU: P51, Ril.ATlll ABIUTrES. The COne-
Environmental 5en!lltlvity. &Iight lpond ing Ability Score is temporori- :::0::
•• Ught S.,.m.lth,lty Iy reduced by 2 points. starting in the =
Reduced Ability Score • • lIght
!iound !ien&ltlvlty
round In wh ich the mutalion il octl-
vo ted a nd la sting for the rest of the
scene or lor d4 hours. whichever -<
5 Temporary Weakne.... .. light Con
mo kel more sense to the story.
6 Thermal Intolerance
7 TOldn Intol.,.rance Thermal Int.olerance
• Weak Immunity Th i, drawback sodd les a character
with a poorly developed tempera-
tUla· regulating system. This makes
dB Moderate
Environmental !ill!n!lIUvlty. mDderate It hard lor him to e ndure tempera-
tures that mOll t humans would find

Inef1'icl.,.nt Met.aboll .. m
comlortable. The charader lullera a
Minor Physical Ch .. nge .2 pena lt y toony Stamina Or Sur-
4 Reduced Ability 5core. moderate vlval.kill checks made in hot or cold
5 510w ReflelU!!I condltiQlla.
6 5u!lceptlble to Damage Nola that wearing a n e-suit (_
poge 143 in Chaple! 9; Goods & ~,.
7 Tempor.. ry We.. hnes ... mod.,.rate
vices) elimi na tes the need lor these
• Wild Immunity chec k•.

dB Extreme Toxin Int.olerance

Deadly Immunity Thi, drawback indicola, that 0 char·

• Environmental Sensitivity. extreme acter has trouble processing loxic

aubatancea. The charader r_ivasa

Highly !iu.",:.,.ptlble to D .. m
Major PhY!lical Change
.2 pena lt y 10 any Constitulion leat
checks made lor the purpose 01 de-
5 Reduc.,.d Ability Score. extreme leating poi.ansor drugs.
6 Temporary We.. kne ..... .,.J<tr.,.me
7 Weak Metaboll&m Weak Immunlt::y
Thil dra woock indicates Ihat the
• Wild Mut.. tlon
mutant ha. (I weak imm une system
The character receives; a .. 2 penally
worn 10 reduce Ihese penalties. Even Note thaI protac tive aa rplugs (sea to Constit ution leat checks made
with gogglos. however. the penalty Chaplet 9; Good$ & Services) can be agalnll d lsea .... in fection. and bin-
can never be reduced to leu than .1. worn to reduce thele penalties. Eve n logicol ogen ta. When the mutant II
wi th plugs. however. the penalty can being treated to heal damage inlllct-
Reduced Ablllt:y Score. nev .. r be reduced to Iltse Ihan +1 ed by luch condit ions. the chaIllc1er
slight. rendering t,eatment raceivea a .2
Select one 01 your choracter·s muta· Temporary Weakness, penalty.
tions. Find the Abillty related to tbat slight.
mutation On TIIII...£ P~I: RE:L.ATlD ABw· This drawback manilests as a tem· Moderate
TIES. The cone.ponding Ability
Sc:(IIe Is permanen tly reduced by I Mutation
point. TABLE PSI: Drawback!i
RELATED ABILITIES Mooarata drawbacks "han have
Sound Senslt:lvlt:y some vilible lign 01 their presence
Thi, drawback manUesta aB ears and great ly hinde r a mutant In cer·
that Ore senahlve to sound. A ~ound Mut..tlon R.,.duce taln situa tions.
louda' than a whisper causes the Ablllt!J Thl .. !icon.,
chaIllc1e' 10 lutler penaltlel to any STR
• "'IT Envlronment::al
actionl he attempl" Ordinary sound.
•• STR 5en!lIt.lvlt.y. moderat:e
• I penalty; Goad sound .• 2 penalty;
Amazing !IOund... 3 penalty. (Page 59
in Chapter 3; Heroes on Achon COD- ,...

Select one 01the following environ·
men ts: woter.lighl gIllv,ty. inbOtl·
pt tahle climate (hat. oold. arid). high
lain. brlel inlarmallan on types of
sound. The sub)llCt Is covered mare
•• W'L CON gravily. In that par ticular envi ron-
ment. the mu tan t operate. with a .3 223
lully in the Gameonasler GUide.) penal ty to all.kill and adian checks
ru:s. The corresponding Abllily Score nity behavel. the Gamemalt'. se·

13 is permonenlly reduced by 2 poinll. cretly roll. d6 whenever the draw-

bo<::k come. IntO ploy. On a relult of
!ilow Reflexe5 1-4. the penalties apply; on a r,sull
Thi l drowback decroo se" 0 cho roc- of >-6. Ihe bonuses apply. The condi·
c,,-, ter'. noturalrellex". causing him 10 tion indiooted by this die .011 per·
>- suUer 0 + I penalty to all action .i.l. unlilthe mutant hallought of!
= checks he mak... the III eflects. unUi he 01 5he hal
been .ue<::ellfully treated to cure the
!iuscept.lble t.o
,fleclS. or until the Gamemaslel dl-
termines that (lor the time being) lhe
Select 0 type 01 damage: energy. low Wild Immunity has run itl <::ourse.
impoct. or high Impact. Whenever
the mutanl ia hit by that type of dam- Ext.reme
age. increase Ihe primary damage
by 1 point. So, il a mu tanl is . uacepli·
ble to ene rgy damage and gets hit Drawbacks
lor:l wounda. the primmy damage;a E>rtreme drawbacks have a clea rly
incroosed to 4 wounds before any visible appeoronca al they greatly
armor protection isoccounled fOI change the humon lo.m. ln addition.
Secondary damage il not aUected. the llBlla w8 lignilioontly hinder a
so that Un this example) the mulant mutant In certain 5i tU(ltiOll'.
au!lers I Ilun 01 wcondary damage
inltood 012 stun •. Deadly Immunity
This drowback can ba .-alected (01 Thi. mUlation man,!e'" as on im·
indicated by a die roll) more than mune system that Wal k. to a11ack Or·
h. 0. ,h. aneropl •. This penalty la once. II It com" up 0 second lime. ganisms oUls,dl Ihe mU lant'. body
comulon" ... will> any olh., penohies thi. meonlO thot either the mutan t il Once pe r day. the mutant makes a
that mOf apply sUflCBptible to more than one Iype 01 Con"i\ution leat check with 0-2
oomage (chOCNlB anothe r typel. 01 he bonus. The relult determine. the pa-
Inefficient "uHerl on extro 2 points of primary tency 01 the infectiouS diseallB the
Met.abollsm domoge on aoy attack involving the mutant produce. that day.
Becau .. Ihe mulont'. metabolism Iype 01 dnmage that wa s pre~iously Sometime during tha t day. at a
works inelficientiy. the chon;,,; le. Bul· selected moment determined by the Gam.·
ters (I .2 penally to the following mailer and lasting lor d4 hours. the
• kill checks: AthleH<:&. Melee Weap- Temporal'"Y Weakness • mutant becomes contaglou •. DuriDQ
ons, Unarmed Attack. Acrobatic.. moderat.e that period. whoever cornel in can·
(lnd Movement. In addit ion, for every Thi. drawback manilestB a. a tem- tact (wi thin 2 meters)olthl mutant
phose (Of other time unit, oa selected porary weakness thollasil lor a <;fIr- must make a Conslilulion loot check
by the Gamemosler) in which Ihe tain amount of time erlter the use erl a to ruilt the d illBaH (wi th the modlli·
choract.ronempla (I physlcol oelion. mutant ability. Find the Ability lelat· ellisted balow). A Failure on the port
he iOll8tl Ilatigue point. ed to the mulaILon on TABU: P~ I : RE- of the potential victim Indiootel that
LATtll ABIUTUS. The corresponding the disease infect. thaI chalact.r. a
Mlnol'" Physical Change Abihty Scou. i. temporarily reduced Clitiool Failure indioo les that the
The mutant haa an obvious though by 3 point". starti ng In the round in disease inject. Ihe victim and the el·
minor phy.icol alteration that menu which the mutation I. activated and leet is doubled.
him 01 nOl quite human. This chonge lasling lor the reSI 01 the scene or lor Disease poten<::y: Critiool Failure.
Inflict. (1 .. 2 penolty to oil chach in- 2d4 hours. whichever makes more Ihe disease infeets the mulant. mak·
volving Personality ,kill, (md any sense to Ihe cunen t Slory. ing him ill lor the next 24 hours (.2
other ,kllls ufI8CI to interact with penalty to all ,kill check, and actiQIL
olher choracla.s. Wild Immune !iyst.em <::hech); failure. the potential Victim
Minor phys icol changel include This drawback indlootes thai the receivel a - I honu. to hi' Conalitu·
Ilronge skin color, -,range eye coLor mutant'.lmmuna syslam run. wild. tion feat chec k \0 ,"ilt the disease:
or shope. stronge I kin tOKlure Uhin Sometimes it help. him by proViding Ordinary... l penalty 10 vlctlm'l
pel!. sca les. etc.). tapered ears. vis- a -3 banuslo Con.titution leat check; Good. +2 penalty: Amazing •• 3
ible natural wecrpo')nry. webbed lin· <::heclcl made again.t di.SBQse. infec- penalty.
gers. s trange hail colo •. o. IIOme sim- tion. or biological ergenll. and granll During the contagiOUS period. the
Uor alteration to Ihe normal human a character treating luch condi lion. mUlant'. body changes grotesquely.
form. In him a..J bonus. At other time •. the leaving little doubt In any ohllBrve,·.
Wild Immunily turns on the cham<::- mind that this is a perlOn to stay
Reduced Ablll~y !icol'"e, ter. p.oviding 0 .:1 penalty to Stami· away from. Boil, Or dillBOse·lilied
model'"at.e na and RellOlve checks. and a .3 .etcs may develop on hil body. or di ..
Se lect one 01 your choracte" muta- penalty to a <::haro<::ter t.eating .uch ease.infected fluid might be exuded
tion". Find the AbIlity related to thot <::ondiHofl]j in Ihe mutant.
224 mutation on TABt.E P~l: RD.AnD AsnJ· To determine how the Wild Immu·
lrom the por.. o f hl,fle.h

Th. diaea.. begins to affect itl Movemen t 'k ill checks_ In addition.
viclimls}24 hou ' l alter oonl=t. Dur- fareve<y phase (Olather lime unit as
ing ths HCOnd 24 houls oltel contact.
Ih. inlecled charader suite... tram
the ilIn"s, ,eceiving 0 .. 2 penalty to
determined by the Go"",maller) in
which Ihe chalaClel attempls a phys-
iool act ion. be sulle .. 2 points of la-
atlskill checks and action checks, At tigue domag •.
th9 .tgrt a t th9 third day, the vlc:tlm =
mgkel a Constitution teot check (the Wild =
+2 penalty applies to thil check a.
On a Critical Failur".the vlc:llm
One of the chara<;ler', advantageous
mutations is 'wild: meaning thai he
hall 00 control ovel when II activates.

tal." a turn lor the wor. .: th. pen- Whenever tb. mutant lace. a dra-
alty taall hi, ,kill checks and odion malic or tense ,iluolioo (ulually 0
(:heck. InCIiKUleS by I step. On a combat scene or challenge scene.
Failur. resul t, there is no (:ho ngs In though some encounter scene. oon
the victim's cond it ion. On any suc- be deemed lense), there'l a chance
ceulul relul l. the disea.. has run ill that his m ulation kick. In-whether
cou.s. and the victim is back to nor- he wonts it 10 Or not.
mal, Unlll he gets a succu...,lul rs- This drawback may be used in
suit. a victim is allowed addilional conjunction only with th.following
Constitutlan leal checks once per advantogeous mUlations. Ordinary:
day la light oil ihe di-. ... Adrena l Control. Good; Acid Touch,
Electric Touch, IncreaHcl Metabo-
Envll"onmll!nt.ill lism. Of Natural Attock. Amazing:
SlI!n!liiIt.lvlt.y. ext.reme Chomeleon Flesh, Hypel Melabo-
Select one of the following environ' lism, or Im proved No turol Attack.
me nt " wote ., lighl gravity. inhos· When Ihe mulant to.:.. a I I.e~sf ul
pitable climate (hal, oold, or arid), li tuo lion. Or when the mutant thinks
high gravity In that part icula. envi. he', in danger. he mull make a Will
.onmenl. Ih. mutanl operates wi lh a leat check.]1 the check loils, hi. mu-
.4 penalty laaUskili cbecks and oc- tant ability is activated_ The wild
tion checks he ottempls. mu tolian simply means thai the con-
ditions of the mutonl ability go inlo
Highly Suscept.lble than humon·siwd. ar same similar effect whether the CharaCler wan ts
t.o Damilge major alteralion to the no rmal hu- them 10 or nol-Ihe character's me-
Select 0 type 01 damage: en.rgy. low man lorm. tobolism become' ao:aleloted (per-
impact, or higb impact. Whenever haps causing him 10 loae tatigue
the mutant Is bit by that Iype 01 dom- Reduced Abllit.y Scare, points); his natural weapons (illhey
age.lncreo.. Ihe primary damoge ext.n!me ale retractable) ,pring out of their
by 3 point •. So. il a mutant Is suscep- Se lect on. of your character's mula- sheaths and becom. his preferred 0 1-
tibl. 10 ene rgy damage and ge" hit lion •. Find the Abilrty rela ted to that lack lorm: his fI"h chang" 10 match
101 3 wounds, the primary damogsls mutat ion on TABU: P51: RJl.AlID MILl- hLl surroundings, etc.
Increased to 6 wounds before any TlIS. The con"pandi ng Abili ty Sco.e IIlhe Will teat check .uc:ceeds, the
grmor protection Is ao:oun ted lor. il permane nlly reduced by 3 points. cha/octer retain. COnllOI of his muta-
Secondary do mage is not alfected. tion and can a cti vate it or not as he
SO that (In thl, example) the mu lan l Tempol"ary Weakness, _slit.
IUIl. .1 I s tun olllGCOndary domoge ext:l"emll! If Ihe result alibi check i, a Criti-
instead 013 stuns. This disadvanlage manilests 01 a cal failure. the mutation oot only ac-
temporary weakness that iasl8lo< 0 tivates_ hut if possible It mull be
Majol" Physical Chilnge certain amounl 01 lime alter Ihe u" used agoinllthl nec"'sl alher char-
The mutant halon obviou... major of a mutant ability, find Ihe Ability acter-friend 0. 1011.
physlcol alte.alion Iha t marks him re lo ted 10 the mutation on TABU: P51: A mula nt who loaes control 01 his
as distinctly dillerenl from humans, RELAnD ABIUT1~. The corresponding power is allowed a Will foo:\ check
This chgnge causes 0 .. 4 penalty to Ability Score i. tempOiarily reduced once per round to ..e \! he regains
a lllklll checkl involving en(:(lun!Sr by 4 poln ls.stalling in Ihe round in oontlo] of his power. Any .uo:esslul
'kill, (_ poge 'iJ7 in Chap'e, 4: which the mutotlon I, activated and resull negates the ~wild' aspect 01
Skill.}and any othe. skill. ulled to lasting lor the r.,..1 of Ihe lICene Of 2d6 the mUlotion. bul dOl'8 IIOt deactivate
interact with OIhe. charocte.s. hour., whichever mak" male &ense il. so the mutant oon conlloue 10
Major physical changes include to the eurrent ,to.y, make use 01 it In a controlled manner
rocky skin. shell-li ke protective II he SO desire •.
glowths. alterat ions in the humonoid Weak Met.abollsm
lorm, altera tions to mol.. Ihe mUlanl Beoouse the mulan t's metabolism II
look mar. onimallike or reptilian or weak. th" chorocte. sullern a .3
birdllkl .• igniflcontly larger Ihon
human-sized. significantly smallel
pena ll y 10 Athlelic •. Melee Weopons.
Unarmed Attack. Acrobatics. ond 225
P<*llble MIndwolker t'XIreer. inc:lud. The palonlc broad "kill" are Blokl,
bioklnellci ~t, biow<;urior, ESPion, ne"ia (Canlltilulion), ESP Ontolll-
mYlllc, 1,lekmellelll, pligucm:l, lele- gen.:.!. Telekio"i" (Will). and Tele'
path,ond mind knight. The .... careers pathy (PerlOoallly). No paionic brood
are detailed lote, In thla chopter, .kill can be used untroined.

PrafI! • • lon Speclalt:y Skill..

Mlndw<;lIke' I.e a prolehlen, lUl l a s Ps ionic "pedQlty skills provide 0
Combot Spec:, Diplomat. free Agent , MindW<llker with detailed knowl-
and Tech Op me, Mlndwallr.ers are a edge Qnd training in Ihe m;e of 0 group of chcuocters who are lpecific Qlpect 01 the brood skill"
gihed with greel menial powon; ond they're auot'!ated with. Some paion'
trained to u.. them, ')'M. . individu- Ic lpec:lalty akiUI ron ba ulled by a
als mal be ,.hemely rare, depend- chQl'Qcter .... ho only poou!8slIelthe
ing an 1"- "lIlng, and some may be broad "kill, whi le other specialty
heroaheet, trained In a particular tradWan, &killa can'l be \lied untmined. Each
lbIo bero.heet Hera Mindwolkerl must have Ihe rank purchoaed in a specialty skill
book, has !Ip(lOH Iollowlng IIOI.ue. or greater in Ihe" Incr_lelthe pote ncy 01 that skill,
hIoroa t;barocter' AbllItlell' Will II. Intelligence 9, Can· mcking 11 _Iller 10 use and gene ral·
altha Imullon 9. Iy more powerful.
MlndwaLtera have these beneill., A cample te list 01 psioniC "pecic],
.. Actio" Sca,, /"creo',e' A Iy "kll l"llI prelented on TABU: P52,
MiDdwalker's action ched BOOre ill PsioNIC SllUS on page 229.
lncr.oaed by I polnl.
.. SJruall"n 80"11'" ChooIJe one Rank Beneftts
pliOlllc brood Ikill. Thill brood lkill Severol paloolt' specialty lI!dlll pro-
and aU of I.. lpec:ialty akills r.cei ..e vld, IpeciQI benefill to chQl'Qctera
a ai tuallon dl, impmvfHDont all whoQcblo ..e higher I'Qnlr.a. However,
step. The broad IkU! nnw haa a ba.. none ollhen rank benefit" can be
Illuaiion dl, 01 +dO, ond all 01 ils pUIt'haaed oh_d of lima. 01 indicat·
~III IIY skilll hove 0 base liluatlon ed by the -®" aymbol preceding
dleol-d4, Ihelr descri pti on", (See "Purchaling
Note: Dlplomatlln a campaign RQnk eenent." on page 63 In Chaple,
thaI Qllow. Mlndwalkerl can woe 4, Skills for more informolion.)
thl& p rolonion (II their secondary
profeulon (_ page 3\ In Chapter 2:
Hero Creation). Purchasing
P"lonh:: Skill ..
BrDIIII Skill.. A. p l<tyer mUll u.. hill Mindwolker
hem'" "tQrling aliot'aHoo 01 "kill
PIIlonic broad .kill. provide a Mind· point" to plIIt'ho.. pIIionic broad and
...mker with a bo"it' Imowledge 01
Qnd prolld,1KY in the 118801 menlQI
lpecialty , kill., as weU al Qny other
I klll" he WQntl the hero 10 have. The 227
14 !;COre_ A Diplomol with the Mind-
walke. MO;ondary pro/au ion h(lS
basi.. ilthe character is willing and

able to spend I psionic enorgy poinl
psionic energy points ttquol to one- to keep It going Thil decision 10
hall hi. WiII""',e. There'. a plaoe to keep the .kill acUve 01 'olellhe
V':> mark this ln lormalion on the suppl. powor lapse mUlt be made at the
<-> mental hero sheat printed in the sta.t of a round -before any action
back of Ihia book. checks a'G .ollod.
V':> Psionic Energy
=- MENTAL RE!covery
A Chamcler con allemplto recove.
ABILlTlE!i psionic energy poin ts 01 Ihe eDd 01
I'8ionlc akma work juallike otlJe. any hour In which he did not UM a
..kill. In the ga me. A player can d~­ psionic skill. The OUlcome of Ihe at-
cide thot hie hero is going 10 uso a tempt depend. On the result 01a Will
psionic skill In ploce of any other oc· leat check Or a Re.olvo-mentalle.
Ilon (auuming he ha .. psionic ene'- $Olve skill check, Critical failure.
gy points available). chomctor lose. I point (Buffering la.
Wh~ther a psionic skill cheek .uc·
tigue damage il h. had no points);
ceed.. 0' not. tbe cb<UClcter sulle,. a failure. no point. recovered; Ordi-
lou 01 psionic energy poinls wllh nary. I point recovered: Good. 2
ev.,y att~mpt ed me ntal action points; Amazing. 3 points." a char.
octe. 6pendl8 hours resting and not
Actl on
Crilical fallur~ result
Ene rgy Lo, t

B.ood skill. success or lailule

, allempting to use menial abilities.
all of hi .. psionic e nergy poin ts a .e
recoveted (no chock nece&sary).
SpecLOlty skill. ,UC089S or lailure I
II a cha.acter runs oul 0 1 pslonic
energy points. he can·, use his psion-
Mental AbilitiE!s
ic abilities until he recover. at 18( U a men tal ablllty I, directed a t an·
.om~ 01 his polnls. (See ~Psionlc En- olher character. tha t chamcter·s Will
e rgy Recovery" bootlow.) resillanco modiller ie Ilgured in to
II 0 character uses a psionic obill- Ihe psionic-use"s s kill check. AI..." (I
Iy and 10'" more poin ts than he has large t'lBkillln R..alve-mentalle.
available (10. Instance. gott ing a $(lIve can provide additional modi·
Cnticel fallu.e .etlult when th. cho.· fiers. as detailed In the .. kill delClip-
act.r only had I poinlloft). b. sulfer. lion on page 94 in Chopter 4: Skill•.
I poin t ollollg... damage fa. each
point that wa ...·1 avwlable 10 .pend
Mlndwalker must ma.kaltOme hClid A ch(Jlact.r must have 2 poin ts P!iIONII: !iKILL
c:holc.s between slrills thai will help available to attempt tbe U"", 01 a
him In Ihe physicol world olld those b.ood skill
that will take advantage 01 hi. men- The lour p.ionlc broad skill. are
Ial abllities_ Ext:ended Durat:lon Bioki ....i •. ESP, Telekinesis. and
The ·Cos," column on Table PS2 Many psionic .klll ...emain in effect Te lepathy_ Each broad ,kill hos a
gIVes Ihe full price a MondwaUu:u la, a lime alte. Ihey are activa ted. number of psion ic specially s kills 08.
mUII)XI)' 10 acquire a certain skill. wi thout Ih. need 101 the chwacter to aocialed. with II No psionic broad
All other rules conc:.rning the pur- make more skill c hocks to keap the skill cun be uM<! unl,alned..
chase of lkills, (II detClited in Chop- powo. ·an."'n the dellCl"iplionSlhal
te. 2. must be adhered to. lollow. Ihe.. ,kill. are idenllfled by
Ihe hne "Extended duration." I:ON!iTITUTION
P!iionic Energy If a charac ter a tt om pling to u ..
one 01 the.. skills makes a SUCC41S.·
Becuu.. th. use of ~lon ic .kills re· lui skill check. the power Or benelil The following plionic b .oad .kill
quires a lot 01 mental energy, (1 of the skill goes inlo elleet a t the (lnd its specialty .kllls a.e connected
lKionic ehomcter is not able to use sian 01 the phase immedialely 101· to a characte,'s Cons titution sco.e.
hi. special skills all the lime. This lowmg Ihe skill check_ It remains in The brood ,kill ha. a base situa tion
limitation is .eUected in the numbe r effecl aulomatioolly lor the .emo;n- die o f +d4; each ollhe specialty
of pIIionie energy points (1 chomC1er d,,,, ollhe cunen t round and th.oug h- skills has a ba.. die 01 .. dO.
out all ollhe nex t .ound .
Em;h Mindwalker Ilarts with psi-
The ollecl of the ski ll can be lur·
onic energy points equal to his Will
the. ex tended on a round-by-round
Tllil d:iII oon', be u;red untramed.
Thi, Iklll allow. a character to
hameu the power a t hi, mind to en·
hance hi. body'. function •.
Wi,h ju.t the broad .kill. a charac·

Constitution Skills
Skill Name Co .. t
dependl On Ihe result 01 a Ikill
check: Ordinary, I wound point
Good. 2 polnll; Amozing, 3 poinTI.
For d ilOOlO. the lollowing resuhl
apply: Ordinary, .educe the degree
01 Illneu by one grode (tram Good 10
Ordlnory. for inSlanCe); Good. redU('ll
te. oon allempt to UBI a ny of the.e- ............ 6 by two gradel; Amazing. reduce by =
lated apecialty ,k ill8 exoopl those
that can't be used untrained. The dif·
liculty ot luch an aellon II rellected
Blol1iVRpon .......... :3
three gradel. (The GamemaS!f!r
Guide ha.full information on di,·
eo .. , ond their grades 01 Beve"ty,)
metabo"tom .••. i!
in the increoeed pllonic ene rgy co~t .................. 4 Psionic healing requi .el time. The
and Ihe hight! bose lituation die lor relultl are immediate. bu t the body'l
..•••••••••••••• 4 just the broad Ikill. reoctlon to the use of the .kill faits
Rejullenate ........ :3
one hou r. For th is .ooson. the hool
Tran .. l'er damage i!
Biaweapon ,kill can'l be attempted more than
once pel hour. even il lhe check r.-
[",tended durallon. Intelligence Skills IUIt II a Fallu.e.
When employing thi. skill. a char· Skill Name CO!it HlIG l tng MarlO/ Domoge; At
acter generate. a .tall Or club 01 b io- ...................... 5 ronk S. a character becomes able to
kinetic energy that e,.tend,lrom hl8 ........ 4 hlKJI mortal domage. Skill check r.-
hand and oon bot um o.s a melee '\lltl change 10: Ordmory. 2 wounds;
Clairaudience ...... i!
weopon. The bloweopon requires the Good, 3 wounds or I mortal; Amc:rz·
ClaIrvoyance ...... i!
Melee A llack~blLldgeon s kill to be lng. 4 wounds or 2 mortals,
wielded e !lectlvely. Empathy ............ 1
The bioweopon hal a damage ra t· Mind reading ...... 3
ing of d4fd4 .. 21dS.2 (pluB a ny adjust· ...... 3 Murph
mentlor Stre ng th. ,f applicable). de· Pa~tcognlt'Dn •••• 3 Th,~ ~kilJ con', be u.wd untramed.
pending on the result 01 each Melee Precognition ...... 4 By uling tht .. Gnll, a cha racter can
Anack-bludgeon sklll check. The in i· P~ycho",etry ...... 3 alter hi' phYlicollecturea 110 oa 10
tial_kill check used to genera te Ihe 5en~/rJ"'ty •••••••• i! diaguise himself or to accomplilh
weopon determin.. the type of dam· somelhing h" wouldn't be able to do
Og<l the weopon does lor 01 long a_ Will §kill~ In hll normal form, such 01 JJqueew
the cunent weapon II maintained: in to (I .mall hole. flKJch higher than
Skill Nam.. Cost
O rdinary. "un; Good. wound: Amaz· his height or a rm length normally 01·
,ng,monol. .........•.. 6
lowi. or Ihift hil body maB8 to slip
.. 3
100M of bandl.
.... i! Morphing requile& an entire round
Control L .. "ltatlon •••••••••. i! (4 phOSel) 10 comple te. from the mo-
Metabolism Phutol&lnetlc5 •.•• I ment Ihe .. kill il octivated to the mo·
Extended duratfon P5uchol&ln ..Uc5 •• :3 ment Ihe alterat ion il linished. The
Through the use olthil Bkill. a ...... 4 characte r con do nothing elee while
character COn ..gulat. hll melabolic thi. prace" il taki ng place.
processel, Tbleollowa him 10 lu r· Per~Dnillity 5klll~ The Inltlal.kiLl check determine_
v've longer without lood and wale r. Skill Nam.. Cu .. t how long Ihe morphed form 10111: Or·
in extreme climales. and in other dlnary, I round; Good. 2 rounds;
.............. 5
hoetile conditione. He oon 01110 slow Amozing.:3 .aundl. Thereafter. a
Contaa .............. 3
hil bodily tunctionl too point where character con ",xlend his morphed
..•......... 4 lorm by lpending I pGionic en"'rgy
he con pretend 10 be deod. Ihould he
need to tool other. in IIOme gitualion. IlIu,.Ion ••.•.••••••••. 3 poinl per found (or other time unit al
A check il mode when a characte. ..•......• 4 deaignated by the Camemolter)
entera a hasUle environment Or oth· Mind . hleld •••••••• i! Morphing doe,,,m't allow a charac·
erwise won l. to employ Ihis 8kill. 5uggefOt ••.•••.••••• 3 ter to alter the maSI of hil body. but
In thft case of a hosule e nviron· Tire ••••••••.•.••••••••• 3 he can change the opporent volume
men t. the relult of a sk\ll check de- by compreuing Or expanding the
!\jDI,,: .... m. print"" In
tllmlnel the type of proteclion a IpaCO between molecules.
con'l b", u~"''' lDlt.... lnl>d.
A morphed body part retainl its
character COn limulote by manipu'
laling his own body. Ordinary. vocu· original characleri.lics; no game
urn malk; Good. jumplull; Amazing. lIatil licl change. except lor th,.. d,·
soil e·luit. (See Chop'er9: ~ III Heal rfletly reloted to Ihe morphing. For
Serv,ce.lor dlKr'phons ollhe&e Thl~Ikill con't be ulliOld' ,mtrained. example, a hera with elongated hn·
item •. ) After Ihelmhol use at the By concen1roling. 0 charac!er gers mighl gel a ~I honusto hi' Mo,
• kill. the level 01 proleetian con he
maln lained every hour thereafter at
(I coet 01 I psionic energy point.
using thil.klll con heed h,mself 01
wound domage or disease,
How much domage con be healed
nlpulahan~pjckpocket skill checks .
Morphmg hal noelJect on a char·
octer's clothing or possessions,
14 A character can only oe<:omplish
certain types 01 form changes, de·
la tigue points, or SOme 01 each. "Re-
juvenation points" that con't be u""d
ter can attempt to use ony of the re-
lated specially skills except those

...... panding on his rank in the ski!! and

the forms he has chosen to specialize
in. These changes <:an'j be usoo in
immediately me lost.
""ionk rejuvenation requires
time. The results are Immedia te, but
that can't be used untrained. The di!-
Hculty ot such an action is reflected
in the increased psionic energy COIIt
combination unleu otherwise notoo; Ihe body's reaction to the use of the and Ihe higher bose si tuatian die lor
one change must be undone before a skill lasis one hou,. FOI this reason. using jus t the broad skill.
diller.,n! one C<ln be activated. the rejuvenate skill can't be al1empt-
Rank Benefits, At mol< I ODd ad more tban OnCe per hour.
again at rank 3, seiad one 01 these Battle Mind
forms: Extended duration.
Elongate fingers. adding one-half
TransfEr This skill can't be used unt,ained.
meter to leach. Damage To use this skill. a heTo tOCU8eS On
Elongate arms. addi ng I meter to By Joying hands upon anal he, char- the ba tt le a t hand and makes a skill
reach. acter and making a successtul skill check. The SUC<:llSs achieved indi-
Elongate legs. adding 1 metel 10 check. the hero alleviates that char- cates the benefit he receives while
height . acter's damage o r disease byabsorb- the cunent application of the skill'e-
At skill ranks 5 and 7. choose one ing it intohimsell. mains active.
of these forms: The damage that con be absorbed A suc<:esslul skill check gives the
Disguise: alter one's laclal loo - i" tied to the result 01 a skill check: hem a bonus to his action check!!:
lures to hide identi ty (+2 penally to C.itical Failure. chmacter suffers I O,dinary. - I; Good. -2: Amming.-3.
Awareness checks involving an at· wound; Failure. no eUect; Ord inary.
tempt to reoognioo lhe characte r). hero abso,bs I wound; Good. hero
Elongate arms and legs simuHa-
tlbsorbs 2 wounds: Amazing. hero
neousiy. absorbs 3 wounds or I mortal. With this skill. a hero selects a loca-
Elongate entire body and alter An Qrdintl ry result reduces the tion and plOjects his mind to that
bone construction to allow passage pa1ient's illnellS by one grude (from spot. hearing sounds as though he
through small openings (as small as Amazing to Good,lor inslance), si- was physically there .
one-half meter wide). multaneously inlecting the hero wi th Clairaudience does n't SCreen out
At skil! ranks 10 and 12. choose that one grade of disease; a Good re- noi .... mound the user. so h ... migh'
one of these forms: ault reduces the patient's disease by hove trouble hearing what's going
Improved disguise: alter one'" 10- two grades, trunslerring the ailmenl on at a distance. [t p,ovides no help
cial and body leatures to hide iden ti- into the hero: and an Amazing result in interpreting unknown languages
ty (+4 penalty to Awareness checkll). transfers any illness lrom the patien l or recognizing unfamiliar sounds.
lessen damage: body become" "0 into the hero. !The Gamemasre' and the mental earcan't move tram
flexible and malleable as to reduce Guide has lull information On dis- the location it's projected to. Because
the eHacts 01 low impact damage. A eases and their grades at severity.) the user remains conscious within
skill check is made (at nopsiank en · Once the hero absorbs the dam- hi" body. he is aWOfe 01 what's hap-
ergy cost) to determine how much age or diseose. he must ei ther uSll pening around his body_
damage is radu~: Ordinary. d4: the heal specia lly s kill. hll<ll natural- The better the resul t of the skill
Good. d4+2; Amazing. d6+2. Note that ly. 01 receive medical or psionic at- chllCk, Ihelonger the ability lasts:
this benefit isn't rll«lived. if the char· tention to aileviatethe damage or Ordinary. I round; Good, 2 rounds:
acter is wearing armOI. cu re the disea"" he now sullers trom. Amazing.:1 rounds. This duration coo
Morph control; activate any two be extended. by spending I p,sionic
forms simu lt"ly. energy point for every additional
I NTELLIIiENI:E ,ound. Situation modifiers for the fa-
miliarity of the location and the dis-
Rejullenate SKILL!i lance at which clairaudience is
When using thi" skill. a charac ter The lollowing psionic broad skill being used Ofe as tallows:
can offset fatigue or stun damage. Or and its specialty skills are conne<;ted
sOme af each. that he has "uflered.. to a character's Intelligence lICO.e. S ituation/dis ta nce Modifi er
The sklll does nothing to alleviate The broad skill has a base situation Familiar location -I
psionic energy loss. die of +d4; each 01 the specially Unlamilim location nOne
A successlul skill check provides 1- IOmete.s ~1
skills has a bose die of . d O.
the character with a certain number 11- 100 melors none
of "rejuvenation points." It costs 2 of 101 m - I km .1
these points to restore I point of to· EXTRA§EI\I§ORY 2 10km .2
tiguedamage,and I at the"" points PERCEPTION (E!iP) 11- 100 km .3
to restore I point at stun damage. On 101- 1.000 km (low orbit) .4
This sHIi can't be ured un/rained.
an Ordinary "uc<:ess. Ihe character 1.001- 10.000 km (high orbitl +S
This skill allows a charac ter to ex-
teceives 2 "rejuvenation points": on a
perience his envi ronment Ihrough an
Good success. 4 points: and on an
Amazing suc<:ess, 6 point". The char-
agency beyond the normalsenSlls. Clainloyance
using the power 01 his mind.
230 actor can uw thew points in any
combination to restore stu n points.
With iust the b road skill. a charac-
To employ thie skill. a hero solectca
location and projects hi" mind to thot
6POl. He can then see everything
going on arou nd that spot as th ough
he WOB physically there. Th is projec-
lion must be to on unobstructed loco- .....
tion, not (for instance) to a place in-
side a solid object.
The USfl of the skill doesn't block

the users nor mol vision, SO he sees =

double images unless he closes his =
eyes. It also provides no help in see-
ing through obscuring elements, Con
such 08 walls, closed doors, or dark-
ness, and the mental eye can't move
from the selected spot. Because the
user remains conscious within his
body, he is a ware of what's
ing aTOund his body.
The bellet the resull of the skill
check, the longer Ihe abili ty la5t-=
Ordinary, I round: Good, 2 rounds;
Amazing, 3 rounds_ This d uration
oon be e~tended by spending I
psioniC energy point 101 every a d -
ditional round. Situation modi-
fiers lor the lamiliority 01 the lo-
cation and the dis tance a t
which c1a;rvoyanoo is being used
a re the IIOme os for cloiraudience,
given in the deSCription above.

This skm allows a he,o to "read" the
surface emotions of another charac-
ter. This abi lity assists the user in
encoun ler situations. (See TABLE P25:
ENCOUNTER SKlIJ. Ern:cts on page!ll in
Choplel 4: Skills.) The skil l user must
be in visual contact with th e tal get.
A successful use of empathy pro-
vide, a character wilh an under-
standing of the targe l's emotional
state (Combative, Hostile, Neutral.
Friendly, Charmed, Or Fanatic) and
pTOvides a bonus when using en-
counter skills upon Ihallargel char-
ader (- I , -2, or -3 stops, depending
on the degree a! success achieved),

Mind Reading
This skill enables a hero 10 "read"
the surface thoughls of another char-
acter wilh wham th e uw' is in vis ual
contact. The menial contact remains
in efledlora lim ited lime and oon't
be eXlended by the use 01 psionic en-
ergy points. The better the degree of
success achieved, the lange. the con·
lact k'SIS and the clearer the impres-
sions of the thoughts being read:
On on Ordinary success, the con-
tact lasts for I phase alter Ihe skill
check is mode. Only random and dis-
jointed thoughts are perceived, such
as the target's nome Or the identHy of On a Good success. he olsc re- brieillashes 01 coming eveots thot
someone or something he is thinki ng ceives briell1ashes of even ts th at mayor moy oat make sense to him.
obout 01 looking at. moyo. moy not moke sense to him. 00 an Amazing success. he octu-
On a Good success. the contact On (In Am(lzing success. he octu- oily experiences (I briel encounter 0$
lasts for 2 phases alter the skill ally experiences (I briel encounter os though he is ot the scene wheo Ihe
check is mode. In addition to random Ihough he we.e ot Ihe scene when e vents trans pire.
thoughts 01 the SOlt described above. Ihe events occurroo. In general, a <;hara<;le. ~an see a
more detail a nd mare coherence is One successful skill check can be number 01 hours o. days into the lu-
received. such as why Ihe torget is mode in 0"/1 o ' e(l. a nd only recent ture equal to his skill ronk. (With the
thinking about someone or some- even ts can be revealed. In genero!. a broad skill. less thou one hour Or day
thing. or why the target iB in his pre· chorocter OOn ...... 0 number 01 time is available to the charocler.)
sent location. units (usuolly hours or doy~ ) ioto the If (I character wonts to lorce (I p.e-
On on Amazing success. the con- post equal to his skill .onk. (With just cognitive 1I0sh. the COllt io psionk
tact lasts for 3 phases alter the skill the broad skill, less than one time energy points is doubled- 2 points to
check Is mode. Complete surface unit Is available to the charoct!!r.) use the specialty s kilL 4 points il he
thoughts ca n be rood- the sorl 01 in· This skill can be used by a player hos only the brood skill. and 6 points
formation thars recovered on on Or- to goin clues for his hero. Or it can be il the check ,esults in a Crilicol foil-
dinary or Good success. plus some used by the Gamemaster to provide ure.ln (ldd.\ion. a +3 penalty is ap-
key fact thafs Ullotoo to what the clues or direct story elemenls in 0 plied. and whether the <;heck suc-
psionics -user hoped to discover. certain direction. The Gamemoster ceeds or not. the skill con't be used
con automatically aClivate this s kill ogoin consciously for 2d6 days.
(no psionic energy point cost) to pro-
Nallcognition videciues.
This skill con'I be used untroined. P§gcholDetrg
A chalacte. who uses this skill This skill gives 0 hero the obility to
can instinctively determine hi, p re- Precognition read psychic impressions Irom inani-
sent location and mentally plot a This skill is the abili ty to receive im- mate objects. The character must
course 10 a distant locahon. This can pressions about possible future touch the object to gain insight into
be accomplished on a planetary aur- eveuts-what th e psionics-use. >'(Ies who hos used it and in what oonlext.
lace, in normal space, and even will p.obably happen iI he takes no Whot 0 character senses depends on
through drives pace. depending on oction to change it. A chorocte. usu- the result 01 a skill check:
how the character applies this skill. oily doasn't consciously employ Ihis On on O .dinory success. 'he cho,-
This mental ability replaces the skilL Instead. the Gomemastercolls octer receives simple emotions OS$(>-
use 01 the Navigalion skill (if th e for 0 charocler to moke 0 skill check eioted with the object.
character has it) whenever the char- wheoever 0 precognitive 110sh mighl On a Good success. he """eives
acter decides to spend psionic ener- OCCUI. 1/ the characler is uot willing simple images oSBociated wilh the
gy points. All the modifiers tha t per- to spend psioniC energy points to object_
tain to the use 01 the Navigation skill make the sklll check. nothing hop- On on Amm:ing success. he expe_
apply (see tbe "Navcognition Situa- pens aud the scene continues. riences a briel encounter os though
tion Modifiers· sidebar on this page). Whol a charocter senses depends he is 'he person using the object or
except the character doesn't make on th e result 01 a skill check: its owner.
use of charts. Instruments. or cam- On 00 Ordinary success. the char- To be ot!ected by thi s skill. an ob-
pute.s to determine his location and acter pe.ceives vague imoges 01 a ject must be an item thaI th e charac-
plot COUrSeS. future event. ter con hold and manipulate to pick
At ronk I, the charoc ter selects On 0 Good suC(:ess. he receives up psioniC impressions. Tools. weap-
one specialty a t Ihe Navigation skill ons, clothing. jewelry. books. other
to which to apply this mental abili ty. personal ilems. and even dead l:xxl-
either sur lace navigation. system as- ies can be studied using psycbom-
rrogotion, ordrivespace ostlogation. elry. Livmg people ood crealures
EJtlro Specialty Sltills: At ron k S. can'\ be studied w ith this skill.
a second Navigation specialty coo Dirt. the ground. dust. Or othe, co-
be selected. At ronk 9. th e remaining suoHy encounte,ed objec ts aren't of_
specialty becomes (lvoilable. I ..<:t .. d because people don', make
the sorts 01 connections with these
objects Ihat resul t in psioniC reBlduR
PO!!ltcognition being lef t behind [though postcogni-
Wilh this skill, a characler can sense tion picks up impressions left in on
the mood 01 On areo ond even "soo" oreal.
events that happened there in the re- The Gamemaster Can outomoli-
cent past. What a characler senses cally aclivate this skill (00 psionic
depends On the result of a skill energy poin t cost) \0 provide a clue
chack: or otherwise direct a story.
On on Ordinary success. the char-

232 acter senses general emotions that

hove been lelt in 00 orea.
Thil dallenables a hero to ra<Jlize
whon a pllonic skill is being used In
hlsor her vicinity. Unlike the Psionic
AW(lfene.. perk, the sensitIvity spe-
cially is conllCiously invoked by the
hero whenever h. or she deaires 10
do ao, and the check to determine
&Uct;8SS is made by tho player 01 the

hero, not by the Gamemaste',

Activating the .klU '&qul.ea the
hero to U$8 2 psionic energy points.
The sensHivity persi~IS lor I minute.
and oon be kepI oCl ive In .ubse-
quent minutea by u.pending 1 psion-
ic energy point per minute thereafter.
The skill check made when the spe-
cialty ls lirsl invoked dete.mines Ihe
e,.tenl 01 whallhe he ro learns during
all the lime when lhe specialty .e· UH'
On an O.dinary succeaa, the hero
boce>mea aware that one e>r more
p.ionic skills a.e being emple>yed
wi thin a .ango of 20 mete.a, ond can
tell which character(s) Ihe paionic
energy il emanaling tram. A Good
success 01.., .nobles the heTo te>
identity the brood ski11(.) being used,
ond an "ma~zng .ucce.. h,lI. the
hero Ihe e.aCI specialty skill(.) being
used. (The uH al.senll!lvl1y oon itsell
be delected by onother characler
who .ucceulully employs tho skill.)

The fe>llowing psionic broad skill
and ils specialty s kills ate connected
to a chaIOctor'. WUllICare, The b.ood
skill has a base .iluo lion die of ~d4; P.!Iychometry .!IDlve.!l II crime
eoch 01 the specialty .k,ll, has 0
base die at .. dO up in Ihe air around him, and he con thl. skill, he Is oble to couse damage
direct thot charge up to 16 metorl of dh2sld6.2sld4w.
oway (fonge 418116). delivering 0 Increo:sea Domag.., At rank~,
TELEK'NE§'§ shock to 0 lingle torgolt damage becomes d6.2sld4wfd4~2w
ThIS st.1I oon', be u.5t'd un!!Olned. DUling the phose in whIch the "I lank 9, the damage caused by the
Thi. skU! allow. a hero te> monip-- choractor moke. a sUe<::esJIlulskill .kill goes tod4.2wfd6+2wfd8.2w
ulate hi. phy,ioolenvironment with check, the charge builds up. [t con be
only the power of his mind. releosed (lor nO added paint COIl) in
Wilh fustlhe broad skill. a chorac· a"y phaH alte. thaI during the cur·
Hinetic !ihield
ter con attempt to use any of the re- rent round or the neXI one, but dis· Cxtended duration.
lated specially skills except those charging the energy requires on ad· This stili oon', be used un.rolDed
that con't be used untroinoci. The dil· ditlonal ,kill check. lithe charge i. Thislkill allows a character to
liculty of such on action Is rellected not .eleosed, illimply dissipate •. creo le on invisible defenSive bonier
in the inCleased pllonic energy cost The character can't initiate any other thaI move. with him and provide.
and the higher base situation die lor psionic skill while the charge is protec1ion from physicol ollack.
using juat the b rood Ikill. pl_ttt al0und his body, (high impact or low impaC'! damage)
The omount 01 energy damage by manipulating the air molecules
cauNd by Ihe shock depends on the around him. The barrier is 10 cI~ to
Electro"inetics r..ult 01 the .kill check made in the hi. body thaI it doesn't hrnder olhel
Th,!I' sk,ll co,,', be used u,,'ramed. phase when It is dillChalged and the actions the hero mighltoke.
WlIh this skill, a character can
cau" an electricol charge to build
character's .onk in the skill.
When 0 character lirst acquir81l
The qua lity of the .hield depend.
on the .elult 01a skill check, Ordi- 233
nary. HI .. IIL1.2; Good. Hl.2ILI.3; cha,acter oon lilt object. thaI weigh 10 S mele.1 away hom the blalt OWl
Amozing. HI .3ILI .. 4.11 Ihe s.hiekled a number olkllogrom. equal 10 his. be hu,t. but the li,e Is I"u intense.
choroclel wonl. 10 perlonn other ac- Will SCOre x 10. or push objects thol The primary and s.econdory damage
tionl while malnlCllning th ...hie ld. weigh hiB WilllICO.e Ie 20 in kIlo- Irom thIs use of pyrakmeocs. as indi
tho~e actions. receive a .1 penally grams. So. a cha.acter with a Will COlee! by the psioniu-user'l rank and
due to the choracte'·. need to con- IICOre of 14 oon lift an objecl Ihat skill check. Is reduced by 2 points 10.
centrale Qn mointoining th ...hield weighs as much CUI 140 kg. o. he eon ta.gell within 2 metels ol lhe biasl.
pUGh an objecl that weighl a. much by 3 point. lor target. OUI to 4 mel....
aB2BO kg away. and by 4 points lor lo.gel. out
LevitatiDn How high and how lasl on objec! 106 metef'l away. lit i, pouible tOf
Ext .. nded duration. can move while being influenced by thle reducllon lacauee a lalgel to
This. ollowl 0 chomcler. wilh psychokinlltkt dapends On tha ro.ul! Bullar no damage at all.)
only the power of hil mind. to lilt of a s.klll check. The first en lry is how II a choracter or object II ta .geled.
him.s.ell into the air and propel him· many meterl an object con be lifted. Iher... ull inlense bUIn Irom lhe
.s.eU os IhQugh he were lIying. the &eOOnd i. the speed 01 whICh it Initial damage and the poulbililr 01
How high ond how fOilt a charac- enn be pushed. bath in meIer. per the character 0, object ootchlng lire
lereon mOve whilelevilaling d .... phase. Th ..... ligures. are doubled ,n ond taking male damage in every
pondl on the ,e.ult 01 a s.kill check. g,avity condltionslighte. than Earth phale the.aolter until Ihe Ihe goes
01 shown below. The linl entry ,I normal and holved in grovity condi- OUI or I, extinguished
how many melers he con oscend 0' tions. heavier Ihan Earth nOl mo!. The Gam .. maste. Guide hos de-
d.-cend per pho... the &eOOnd il Ihe lailed inlormation on the durability
s.peed 01 which he con lIy. These fig-
u,el are doubled in grovity condi·
I ,
Pu.h and flammability 01 va,ious. IypetI 01
Ob[IICIs.... hich ore the mojo. laclan
tlon.lighte, than Earth normol ond
holved in g,ovity conditions heavier
than Earth normaL
3 ,• in determining whether IIOmething i.
CQpable 01 catching Ii.e.
Th.lnl"nsily 01 the lire depends
II a character chooses to stop using on the ,elult 01 o skill check and the
Ordinory 2 meters.!walk Ie psychokrnetlc. or runs oul 01 psionic chcrrocler'1 tank in the skill.
Good 4 mete,s.!wnlk x 1.5 energy points ",hile the objed he'. When a chamcte. flf'lt aequires
Amazing 6 mele,s.!wolk Ie 2 manipulating i. aul ollouch w,th the this skill. he is able lOcause damage
ground. the object immediately lolls at d4+2wldS .. 2w/d8.2w
It 0 charocterchOOle. to .top levUot· and lulle'. domage as indlCQted on Increased Damage: At rank 5.
Ing or runs. oul 01 plionic energy TABU: P15: IMPACT DAMAGI: (see poge domoge becomes dS.2wldS.2wld4m.
pointB while he'. out of lauch with 58 in Chapter 3: Heroes in Actionl. AI rank 9. the domage C(lu.s.ed by the
the g,ound, he .ullerl domage hom The Gamemaster Guide hal detailed s.kill goes. 10 d8.2wld4m1d4 .2m.
a fall as indicaled on TA.RL.f. P15: 1..- inlonnalion on the durobilily 01 vorl
!'ACT DAMAGE (see poge 58 in Chopte, oustypel 01 objecls. which has 0
3: H..roes in Action). boaring on how Ihey a.e PER!iOI\lALITY
Perionnlllg on odditionol action aUacted by impoct damage.
while levitoting plovides 0.1 penol- SKILL!i
ty to that action. The tollowlng psionic broad skill
Pyroll.inetics and ilslpecialty akills a.e connected
This 51,,1/ oon', be used untramed loa character'1 PerlOnalily IICOre.
PhDtall.inetics This skill allow. a character to ex· The b,oad ,!rill hos a base liluatioo
WlIh this s.kill. 0 cholor;te. oon excite cite molecules wilhin an object o. die at .d4; each 01 the epeclally
the molecule. 1II an object so thot even in the all until enough heat is skills. hal a base die 01 .dO.
they give ollllluminotion. gene.ated to oouse Ihe object a. area
h lakes one phase 10' the object to to bu,s' Into lIame.
,each maximum luminosily, 000 the In the phcrM lollowing a IUce...- TELEPATHY
moleculeli .emoin excited lor the real lui skill check. Ihe target CQlcheslire ThIS dill C(ln·t be uNd untrained.
01 Ihe currenl round and all althe and sustain. energy damage. It may Thillkill allow. a charar;ter to
nex, round. oontinue 10 bum in laler pha.... open hi' mind to Ihe thoughts 01
The object provide6 Ordinary light Armor prov,des protection ogoi."t othe.. 0. lend hie own thought& into
('oughly the IIOme as. normal day· Ihis attack 101m. ,he mind" 01 othe'H.
light) that illuminates an area 01 up The Imget mu.t be within vilual Wilh just the broad skU!. a charac·
to S meter. in diamele', depending conlact ol lhe UMr and up to 30 me- te. con attempt to use any 01 the re·
On the reault of a .kill check: Ordi· ters. away (range 1!ll2lY.Xl). The skill lated specially skills exClflpt lhoote
nary, 2 meterl; Goad. 4 metef'l; Amo7;' check carrie. a .1 penalty \I pyrakj· Ihal oon't be used unlramed. The dif·
ing. 6 meter •. nelia II us.ed at medium ,ange. and liculty olluch an action II ,eflected
a .3 penalty at long range. in the Inc'lI<J&oo psionic anergy cost
l! the user targels the air around a and Ihe highe, base siluu\ion die 101
Psgchall.inetics characler or object. the ro.ult I. a using jus.tlhe broad skill
Extended dura/ion. lIash lire Itorm that has an Illloct

234 This skill ilthe ability to move ob-

jects uslOg the power 01 the mind. A
similar to thot alan incendiary
grelKlde. Objects and charac1erl up
Pyroklne1:lcs make . v ictim . mrt or enemh~!I

CDntact ouas lul Wilileot check Or a Resolve- stream without uSing 0. neu.ol inter"
memal resolve "kill check. with a laou lack Or grldealler. or to ..amin.
["Iended dUlo/ion. penalty (.1. <2. or +3) depending on compule. dOlo by mentally acanning
With this akill. a character co:n tbe pslonic,,·w;e ' ·K degree 01 success . the I tarage unit
.... nd and receive thought. !oond Once inlld. the dalaSI ream. a cy .
bom onolh~u choroele •. uaually lor Sltu01\ollldi.'ance Madill ... be.linked mind can I.avellhrough-
the purpose 01 exchanging inlorma-
han. Madill.... may Clpply. c;lepend-
f(lmiliar mind
Un l(lmi\i(lr mind
-, oul a networked computer .y.tem To
imhale the link. howeve •. the u ...
ing on the ronge.lomilla.ity, and Combative mind .2 m..,.1 be a . ho.t dl.,ance aW(lY lrom
w,lhngness 01 th .. target mind 10 be
con tacted ,
HOIIhie mind
10 mete'"
, tbe compute •. inlerlace pori. 0. other
piece 01 m(lchinery Ih(l l ...v ... 01 a
The type although t. thai CXJn be
••chonged depends on th..... u] I 01
11- 100 mellns
101 m ·1 km .,
none point of enlry II thilloootion I. mOf'"
than 2 m ... te" (I"'OY. the u ... r". Ikill
(I skill check,

On an S\lC.'C.:eIh, simple

con<;epll (blie' questions and one-
2-10 km
ll - Iookm
10 1-I.OOOkm(lowOlbit)

., check il made with a .1 penalty. The
penalty goo" up to .. 2 illhe IOCOlion
i" more than' meters awoy. and the
word answers) con be ."changed. 1.001 10.000 km (high orbit)+S "kill can·, be ull8d It no pomt 01 entry
On a Good iucxe ... moderate dis' II wilbln 6 meters 01 the cha.acter.
cussion (paBe note~ bock ond IOT1h, A com puler·. normo] delen .... p.o-
one nol. pel 2 phosesl oon oceUI. Data/in" lect il (l9(1;nll (I dOlalink. providing (I
On an Ama2.lng IUCCfI". th. com- extended dmalian. penally 10 the,._ulflr·. s klll
municating cha loe1.,,, oon hove II Th,s skill can·t be used unhained. chock. Olherwlse. dal(1l1nk con b9
de /oiled discussion. as though Iboy Thi" 8kill is th ... ability to link ullfld to mpl1 l1h any lask lb(ll cern
we •• conversing vocally. an ... ·• mind with a com puler (0' a cy· be perlormed wit h the u" 0.1 ony
II the p>lionica-uM'" Intended 10'- bern ... tic machine. il lh... optional compuler.
gel isn't willing to commu nicole. the rul .... for cybarlech me being used)
la.gol'8 Will resi.tance modlh •• l. without using a physical connection
applied as a penalty 10 th. ,kill 01 any kind
che<:k. in addition 10 any otber "itoo- The dalallnt skill can be used to extended durOlion.
tion modiliel1l. II contact I"
Ii"bed anyway. an unwilling mind
con e:rpe! tbe UH. by making a .uc-
opera te compule.. 01 cybernetic rna-
chine.y wilh menIal commands. to
PI\">;ec-t one·s mmd into the data"
Thi. skill enabl... (I charo::rC1l!1' 10
1001 (I 1(I.gel"s mind by projecting an
ilIu"ion into it An illusion can be 0.
14 light or a tQund. but no other IUInlltl' any of the abovementionoo slIill •. Tire

.... can b.- c Uected. An illusion i , not ca·

pohle 01 dirac!!y <:<:lulling damage.
but might do.o indirectly-Io. in-
c.-> 11(l1l(:8. lithe torget ill fooled Into be·
<-> lIeving thatlhe terrain up ahead I,
Th. omoun t 01 th .. penalty depends
all. the .elull 01 the UHr', Ikill check
Ord inary... I, Good. ..2; Amazing, ~3,
The.. penolliesorecumulative w,lh
ony other 'Hi"lances or protectIons
Thl, .kill inlliclalOligue domoge
upon 0 ta.gel. perhaps prompting
that character to decide thaI he 1.1 in
need 01 rell. The target mus, be wllh
Imoolh, when actually (I deep Cre· In viluol contact and. no mo •• than
= vasH .phls the ground only" law
o character might have (Will ,eai.-
lane. modifier. Resolv .... menlal re' :J() mete •• away (range 10l20r.l0). Pen.
pa~. away. The .kill i. uwble only IOlve. etd. altie. lor medium and long range
c.-> agalns! target. the character can ore .. 1 and .. 2 resp<t<;lively.
s::>- 114M. and It has a maximum range 01 The ahle ld created by thia .kill re-
maina in place lor S-8 hours (d4 .4) or The amount at damage inflicted
5 meters per skill rank of the uaer. until it tail a to stop a psionic power depends on the result 0 1 a s k1l1
Any actions the user attempts while directed against it, at which point il check: Ordinary. I fatigu e point;
maIn taining an illusion receive a + I collapMs. Good. 2 poin t,; Amazing. 3 pointa.
The result 01 the character's skill
check determinel how powerful the §uggest MINDWALKER
IIlulion ia, which prOvides a penalty This specially skill allowa a charac-
\0 the torgers Awareness-inlLwion ler to mesmerize ODothercharacTer. If
Ikill checlr 10 realiw he's seeing an auccnllu l. • uggest planTS a though l Moal Mindwalkera lollow a similo.
illusion Ordinary... I; Good .• 2.: Into another person', mind and con- cour.. tn the practice ollheh pralel'
Ama~ing ... 3. vin.,.. tha t person that the thought il sian. Some 01 the various carMra
Multiple to'91Its can be aelected 10 her own. lumma,iUKI here have Ihadel 01 d.l·
receive 0 lingle illusion. but each No luggesllon con have a permo_ terence that many non·Mindwalh ••
additional ta.get beyond the lirst nent Or immediately detrimental I'll· lind hard to fathom. The training a
one provldel a cumu lative .. I penal- lect on the character II's directed at. mlndwalker undergo&S otten has a
ty to the pllonics·uaer"s skill check. A l uggestion lasts lor as long aa I. 2, lotto do with altitude and general
Each ta rget i. entit led to malre on or 3 houri. depending On the deglee outlook. Train ing can boo obtained in
Awareness-lnluH,on chec k to see II a l lue.,... of the user's skill check one 01 three baSic ways: at an ocad.
the mUlion i.effective againlt thaI {O rdinary. Good. OJ Amalling).1t my. at a temple. or aa a rogue.
Individual. could expue before its time limit is Academy.fraHled MUldwalke ..
reached. but it co n't be exte nded be· are laught a scholarly a pproach to
yond Itl limit without another lue- plionic abi liti.... Study. praC1ice. aod
Mind Blast ce..lul appl ication of the .kill a t pr... the pursuit of Mindwalke. knowl·
Thl" "11/ canl be u~ unltomed ciaely the ti ..... when the OrigInal edge are the mg.edients 01 an acado
This akm ollowl the U.... r to direct lugg.. hon il due to run out. emician's We. After a character
a pawerful blast 01 pure mental ener· The Gamema~ler will a ss ign a graduates lrom the academy (bacorn·
9Y at another mind. The ta.get must banus Or a penalty 10 the uaer'sskill ing a level I hero). h'9 career could
be w.thm vilual contact and no more check to leflecl how extreme the .ug· involve at least part-timo service to
than ~O motera away (range 10l20I40). geltion is. En ticing someone to pe r. t he government aT corporale entity
Penolties for medium and long range fOlm an act ~he would be inclined 10 that spanRO.s the aoodemy.
a.e + I and .. 2 respectively. do anyway might cany a -I Of 2 Temple,'rained Mindwalkerl ap"
Damage depend s on the re~uh of bonuI, whilo a suggestion to do p.ooch the cralt 01 mental dilKipline
a Iklll check and the use"~ rank in tomething entirely opposed to Ihe with a fervor. To the.. characters.
the skill. Armor doesn't protect character's nature would p rOVide a being a Mindwalker isn't JUlio pra-
againlt a mind bla.l. ..v• •• penalty of .. 3 or more I_iou; ifI a way of liIe that ahapes
When a Cha raCler fillit acquires II the Gamemaster allows it. the all then athtudes and baliet.. Disci-
this skill. able tocauae damage target character is entit led to a Wl1l plme. devotion. and mind expansion
01 d4.laldt..2sldS.2s. feat eheck alter the suggestion hoa remain with the templa. forever
Inereosed Damage, AI rank S. worn 011. to determine whether the olter. and he often retains contact
damage becomes d4 .. 2a1d6 .. 2sldS .. 2•. character realizes thaI he or she was with the order that trained him
At .ank 9. the damage caused by the the victim of a 8uggestion . Thisleat Rague Mindwalkera began thel.
,kill goes to 2d4+2sJ2d6.2s12dS.2s. ChKk corrin a bonus 01 " penalty training in one of the above aystem.
that Is the reverse of Ihe si tuat. on die but lelt the university Or the order be·
Mind §hield madiller used for the sknt check. FOI lore the training was complete. For
example, If a luggeslion was suc· this ' 8080n. rogues ore more tndlvid·
This skill allows a chara cter to ea· ce.. lully implanled despite a .. 3 ualillic. sell-reliant. and hardOI to
lablish a menta l delenH against penally. the victim 01 thaTSugg8lllion predict. They"e also leu dilKIphned.
psionic pawe,.. Mind shield prOlects receives a -3 bonus to his or her leat leu dedicated to lorm. and more
aga,nsllh_ psionic skilla: contoct. check. Or. ilthe nature of the sugge.· open to trying new tochniqUft$ to per
emporhy, illUSion. mrnd reading. tlan proVided a -2 bonus to the U!le(1 lorm old hmchana.
mmd bla.t. BUgge.t. and tire. Ikill check. then the vict;m'B feat Below a.e a lew 8Qmple oo'ee ..
A mind Ihield provides a penalty check la made 0 .. 2 penalty for Mindwolkers. Any ot the apec.hc

236 to the skill check 01another psionic

character who', attempting to uae
lnlormation given here may change
depending on a horo's campaign and
chorocter concept os well 06 th~ gule. Deception. Interaction. ond netic shield 2. levitation. p"Ychoh-
woy 0 player decides his choracter even Cullure can prove very useful nelics. pyrokinetics; Mcxiern Ronged
was trained. to choTOcters who pursue this coreer. Weapons-pistol. Cost: 35 points.
Tho ESPion oHen a dds Ihe Telepa·
thy broad skill to her Mindwalkar
Biokinetici!it repertoire. The spec ioity skills asso·
A biokineticist concen\rotes on the do ted with it. especiolly conlocl. il- In ellect 0 bodyguard or securi ty ex ·
Biokinesis broad skill ond its sp&- lusion. and suggest. provide impor ' pert with a specioi. psychic "kick:
dolly skills. This is the psionic hl.K1l · tant abilities not covered by ESP. the psiguard provides both offense
er, the character who takes domoge ~ SIrJJJ Package: ESp..·doi,voy· and defense of formidable levels.
ond disooso upon himseli ond allevi· ance 2, empathy 2. mind ,eo-ding. To make beat use of this career.
a tes it through concentration. p,ecognilion. psychometry 2: Knowl · the psiguard combines Telekinesis
The biokinetidst usually aug· edge-deduce. Cost: 35 points. with ESP. Batt!e mind makes this
ments his psionic abilities with 0 hero more formidable in combat.
tew mundane skills . He enjoys sci- while the detection skills under ESP
ence-reloted skills, but avoids diplo- MY!itic oHow her 10 spot ottack.s before they
matic skills because biokineticists The mystic cloaks himself in an air occur or uncover evidence that might
o.e generally introspective ond self- o t mystary and arcane knowledge. elude mundone invesligo tors.
absorbed . Among the o th er pSIonic There is so mellmes a religious or su- ~ SIdJJ Pockage' Telekinesis-elec-
skills. ESP is often a h iokineticist's pernatural flavor 10 the mystic. as he trokinetics 2. phololrinelics 2< levita-
second choice. plays upon the fears and confusions lion: Modern Ronged Weopons- pis ·
~ Skill Paclr.age: Biokinesis_hea/ of those with little Or no Mindwalker 101: Security-protection protocols.
2. rejuvenote, trans/e, damage 2; experience. Mystics serve as odvis- Cost: 40 points.
Medical Science-treatment. Cost: 35 ers. diplomats. and sometimes even
points. templar warriors. using ESP to look
into Ihe past. present. and luture for Te'epat:h
answers to life's many questions. The telepath has 0 mix of Mindwalk·
Biowarrior The mystlc oflen adds Biokinesis er and Free Agent qualities. His obil·
The biowoHio(s primary Mindwalk· a nd ils specioity skills to his psionic ilies serve many funclians: he can be
er focus is the Biokinesis skill. He repertoire 10 incre<:lso his apparent a psionic communications l peciolist.
storts with the bioweopon specialty. power and control of mysteries. Con - providing mentollinks by which dis-
th,,,eofter quickly adding heal, con - Irol metabolism. morph, transior tant agents can keep in touch. With
trol metoboJism. morpho and 'ejuve- domoge. ond hea! ate the speciolty the ESP skill. he can be on ellective
note to his psioni(: repertoire. skills most useful to a mystic hero. spy, bounty bunter. trocker. or inves -
As a psionic soldier. the biowar· .. Skill Package, ESP-doiraudi- tigator. Toking Telekinesis increases
rior seeks comoot-oriented mundoae ence. dairvoyonce, poslcognirion 2. his offensive and defensive skills.
skills at the first o p portunity. Since precognition 2. Cost: 25 points. moking him 0 formidable 801dier. as-
he prides himself on never being sassin, or &BCurity opelotive.
withou t a weopon (he Can alw<JYs Telepoths tend to shun mundane
creote one born his own psychic en- Telekinetici!it skills. preferring to rely on their
ergy). he oltea leoms Melee Weap· Th", telekinelicist coreer often ap' psionic obililies to get the job done.
Ons oad Unarmed Attack. The blud- pears to be the most powelful of the .. SIr!ll Package, Telepathy-con·
goon specialty skill is virtuolly opportunities open to Mindwalkern. loet 2. illusion. sugge-si 2: ESP- mind
BBsen tiallar USing bioweapon. especially from a stondpoi nt of high- reading. Cost: 30 poin ts.
When tbe bioworrior decides to ly visual abilities.This character
expand his pSionic hose of skills. he serves as a psionic sol dier. His abili-
oUen adds ESP sa tho t be can take ties can cause lOIS of damage, and
Mind Knight:
advontage 01 boltle mind. empathy. most non·Mindwolkers think twice The mind knight is a Mindwalker
oad mmd reading. about tangling with a character who warrior who uses notbing but mental
~ Sid" Packoge, Biokinesis-bio- con fire ligh tning bolts or command obilities to provide bis offense and
weapon 2. control metabolism. reju- the very air to bUlsl inlo flame. defense. Like the tele-path. the mind
venote: Melee Weapons · bludgeon. Any Combat Spec skills are ap- knight storts with the Telepathy
Cost: 30 points. plicable \0 the telekineticiat. Usuolly. brood skill ond disdoins mundone
the chorocter'" psionic obililies serve physical skills. In fact. many mind
as 0 hockup or to pun 011 a surprise knights refuse to take any Strength.
E§Pion aUack; a telekineticis! doesn't like 10 Dexterity, and Constitution 8kill~ be-
The ESPion walks among the ~hod ­ weor himself o ut BOrly in a bailie. yond thOH they receive for tree. in·
ows ol.ociety, s tayi ng inconspicu- When the telekinetidst seeks on- s tead. the mind knight quickly adds
ous SO as to mak", the best use 01 his other menial discipline. he often the o ther psionic brood skills to his
ESP obililles. ESPions act as spies. looks to Telepatby. which provides a repertohe. slarting with Telekinesis.
advisers. and investigators of all few o ther men tol ollock forms. 0 then ESP. and finally Biokinesis.
types. using their vorious psionic psionic defense. and the ability 10 ~ Skill Packoge: Telepathy-con'
abilities to discover information and mentally communicate with ollies on lact 2. mind blast 2. mind shield 2;
reveal secrets.
Mundane skills such os lnvesti ·
other parts of the battlefield.
~ Slrlll Package: Telekinesis- kj ·
Telekinesis- psychokinetics. Cost 35
points. 237
• • • •
• •

• • • · u~
• • • • • 6
• •
• • ~
• • ~
+ • •
• •
• • • • •

• • •
• • • • •
• • ~

. • •

both be OVG lIabl. from .... hich to p ur- akill.eore. ranging from 13 to 16.
INIiTALUI\I& chase (Inc! ha ve cy~r gea r installed. Thew loem ti.... Or. mOre common
I:YBER &EAR tbough each hal it l own COlli" and
tha n Good locilitiel. but you won',
lind one on ."ery street eome r.
Alar Iioriag ceutw. <XIn bo QutJiltad A reputable cyber 8urgeon i, more A ehop "hop ',much I,.. expe n-
wttIa qober o-ca:. TQr. are ' ..A im- u:pen~iY" but hOB 1001, and lac lll- Ilvl, but au bl tondord toolB ODd locll-
portaDl tlUap to 1'QI.~r obout de. raled Good (- 2 bonu.. to ,kill mea provide the a\lrgoon with (I +2
crber ~ 1M Inltlal alrill polnl COlli check). Good cyber l urgeona ha ve penalty 10 hie aklll check. TypiCtlI
til trala a cl:laract.r III. the use of the 11I1g-ery,pill -eor•• ranging from 17 chop lhop aurg90n8 have surgery
. . . . . . . .1, aad tb,limI. UJlpoMCi \0 19. 01 oour. .. Good fadlitie" o nd Dill acorn ranging hom 6 to 12.
Coaatltlltion.. thOM who work In them or. !rue. A cyber aurgery procedure la con-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . OWl!
A . . . . .I_ I . .ad Uill RepulClble but I _ , eyber Bur- alder.d a lingle sk iU check il the
........ ~h!m.Uforcyber hero purcha ... cyber gecu during
..-iDRIIJaIkID. Tbecoat IsIOskill
....... 1ftIraUW poUlt cbarge? Be-
geon. hO'VI Ordinary i(ICmlies H
bonulto skill check), and s urgery the he ro creation praceSl or between

to do, CJnd ..... n

15 adventuletl. If onothe, herOClUempts

to Inltall a character's cyber geel,
th. Gamemosler might o;onaide, il (I
eamplel( skilt check requiring multi-
ple luc:cesae •.
In .cene. in which (I eyller surgery
Inttallotion is played ou l, remember
to oppiy .ituotion modUierl baaed
on tbe quality ollhe facilities bemg
used and tbe numbe r 01 Items being
inSlolLed during the same procedure
(each additional item provldfltl a cu-
mulative.1 penalty).

5urge~ Re!'Jul~!I
[n eyber surgery, Ihe po"lble results
of the IUlgeon's .kill check are as
Crilico:l Failure: Installation nol
lua:e..lul, patient lulfers d4 points
01 marlal damage.
FaUll .." Installation not .ucc:e...•
luI. patient sullerl I point 01 mortal
Any success: Cyber geo.r Installed.
In some circumstonC.1 (S" ·Cyber
Tolerance- below), the pctienl may
be required to immediately make a
Conltitution leot che<:k to determine
II hi. body accepll a, ,ejeclilhe Im-
plc;ml_llth l' che<:k lail •. the implant
don nollak. hold. ond the r..ull 01
the lurgery is c:onside'ed a fallur.
Even illh. surgery re.ult. In a
failure or 0 Critical failure. Ihe l ur·
geon will almOlit certainly demand
paymenllor his Or her aerv!r:e •.

I:ybl!r Toll!rancl!
The Supplemental Helo Sheet has 0
Mellon for lisling r:yber geor and a
aet 01 boXBI for keeping track 01a
hero'. r:yber tolerance 1C0re. This
number, which la the some 08 his
Conlhtuhon ICOre (exceptio r mach-
olul characters. who use CON '''), i.
a meolu.e 0 1 how much r:yber g80r a
~hara~terCClIl have, how eo.y it i.IOI"
th. characler's body IOOCQ)mmodate
a new piece oi geor, and how a ~har­
acter who's loaded with cyberne tics

iJI oU.cTed by damage he Or Ihe 11,11-
le'l (lee The section on -Damage TO 15
A chomcTer'1 cybe. tolerance
IC"Ore il recorded on The Supplemen-
tal Hero Shoot in thi,losmon:
• Inlide the small bo". TO thelelt
nlThe hrst slash mark. write one·ball
the character'. Consmulion score,
rounded down.
• Belwoon Ihe two slash mark •.
write one-quW1er 01 the charact....
Conilitulion fICO ... rounded up.
• To the right 01 the MCClnd . Iosh
mork, write the number thaI makes
the 10101 01 all th ,ee numbers equal
to the character's Conslitution fICOre.
• In ecrch MClion 01 OO"es (Ielt.
center. righ T). blacken enough OO"e.
to leave open 0 numooro! boxes
equal to the corresponding number.
(Se. "How to Record Cyber Tolerance
Scor. ." on the previOUI poge.)

Every time 0 Ch'1I0Cler has a new

piece of cyber gear lnl talled. mark
all a number of OO"e, equal to the
li:ce 01 the equipment (lee T....I.I: p~:
CYBDIIOETIC GUJll. moving from left to
right through the dillerent sectionl
When 0 surgeon IUcceeds in the
inllollotion 01 a new device that
wou ld cause more Ihan hall 01 the
charaCTer's cyber tolerance box.. to
be morked. then the cha racter mutt
moke 0 Con81;tullon lea t check 10 de-
termine if hi, Or her body can oecom-
modote the new gear (lee ·Surgery
R..uhs- on the prevlow< poge). Thi'
check i. modllied by the quality 01
the , u'geon', focilitles (-2. - I. or .. 2).
the numberol item. being in,tolled
In Ihe current procedu re (cumulollve
.1 penalty lor.very item alter the
Il •• tl. ond lhe degree ollucce..
achieved by The surgeon (-1. -2.-3
bonus on Ordinory, Good. 0. Amw:·
ing re8ult). No,.: Mechalul ch(lloc-
ters ore exempt born having to moire
thll Constitution check.
• C:rompl.: The cybered·up hera
Taylo. Wlnd50f hal a cyber loleronce
score 0112 (61313). He II oheady
equipped with a rellex (Iize 2) and
Good body plating (11ze 3). He gael
through anOTher lurgical procedu ..
to have MusclePlu, (Iize 2) in. tolled.
Thelurgery IUcceeds. 10 he hal now
used up more thon holl of hil cyber
tolerance bo~", (7 out of 12). Thll
means he hal to make a Cons titu tion
feat check to _ if hi, body accepts
or reJoec1llhe new ~ •. liThe ched
lail l. the sUlgery relult become. a
Follu re inslead-Wind!JOr lufierl I 241
15 point 01 mortal damage. and the Budy Plating

.... MusclePlus doesn't get instolle<!

alter oiL II Ihe check succeeds. the
MuscleP]us is now part of his body-
but since he has used up more than
hall 01 his cyber toleranc:tl boxes.
Body plating combines metal and
plastic armor, which is then bonded
to a character's body. Even the best
camouflaged body plating is obviouB
On close inspection, and mony char-
he'll have to make Constitution leat acters who opt 101 this protection
checks from now on eve ry tim", he don't bother to try to hide it anyway.
has a new piece of gear added. Body plating doesn 't require a
Nole: When all 01 a character's nanocomputer, but skill points must
cyoor tolerance boxes (lIe marked. be spent to learn to mOve with the
he or she i. unable to receive any protective covering.
mOre cybernetic enhancements. Ordinary body plating provides
protection ot d4 (LIt d4 (HI). d4-J (En).
Dilmage to Good body plating providell pro-
An O rdinary BauleKlaw (damage te<:tion ot d6 (U), d4.t (HI), d4.1 (En).
Cyber Gear d4w/d4+ I w/d4.2w) is fixed in posi · Amazing body plating reduc@sthe
Damage to a cyber~quipped hero is tion, either attached to living bone Or character's Dex terity score by 2
recorded normally, ond ,,~paired nor- a cyberlimb. points and provides prote<:tion of
mally, as long as Ihe hero has not A Good BaUleKlaw (damage de+l (tl), d6 .. t (HI), dS.1 (En).
had a signiticant amount 01 cyber d4+2wld6+2wld4m) is retractable, ei·
gear installed. But the ci rcumstances ther auached to living bone or a cy- I:F !iklnweavl'!
change when a hero haJI enough berlimb. cr skinwllOve ill carbonate liber
gear installed 10 use up more than An Amating BattleKlaw (damage woven logether WIth living flesh to
hall 01 his cyoor tolerance boxes. d6+2wld4m1d4+2m) requires an exo- provide hidden protection against
H one or more boxes in the (:enter skeleton and a cyberlimb to use. damage. The level of protection is
seclion 01 the line are marked. ony The cost, mass, and si::e listed on determined by the quality of the CF
mortal damage Ihe hero sullers is Table PS3 is for a single BallleKlaw. skinweave:
considered damage to his or her If a character adds a second Batlle- Ordinary, add 2 stun points to
cyber gear-il remains (and all pen- Klaw to his body. the cosl. mass, and durability rating: Good, add 2 stun
alties associated with the damage size are doubled. poin ts and 1 wound point; Amo~in9.
continue to apply) until it is Success· add 2 stun points. I wound point, and
fully repaired by a cyber surgeon, BiuArt: I mortal point.
If one Or mare boxes in the right BioArt is a sulxlermal nOOn implant No nanocomputer is required tor
section at the line are marked, any that produces a glowing talloo on CF skin weave, and no IIkill points
morlal damage or wound damage to the surface althe skin (irs lit from must be spent 10 have it installed_
the hero is considered damage to his beneath). It can also COme in the
or her cyber gear, with restrictions as form of Hber-optic filaments in the I:yber-limb
noted above. hair, eyelashes. Or boord. BioAr! ill A cyberHmb replaces a limh lost to
!J a cybernetic character sullers purely decorative. The beller the damage Or disease. or is installed
damage amounting to mare than quali ty, the flashier the design. simply as an "improvement" Over the
half at his tolal mortal.ating in a BioArt requires no expense in skill originatllesh and bone. Cyberlimba
single bailie, then the Gamemaster points and no nanocomputer, and it can have other equipment installed
oon declare that some or all of the can't be rejected by the reci pien t (no within them- weapons, hidden com ·
characte r's cyber geur has been de· Constitution feat check ne<:essory). paltments, computer gauntlets, and
stroyed. Destroyed cyber geal must SO forth- for additional cost. tn addi·
be replaced, as described in "Inslall· BiuWa~ch tion , a cyberlimb adds to a chatac·
ing Cyber Gear" on page 239. A BioWatch is allulxlermaltime· ter-s Shength, all detailed below
piece, either analog or digital. that An Ordinary cyberlimb adds +1 to
shows the current time and has a va- Strength; a Good cyberlimb odds .. 2
[:VDER IiEAR riety of other iunctians. including to Strength and requires on exoskel-
day and date, alarm, and time wne eton: an Amazing cyberlimb adds +3
DE!!iI:RIPTlOI\I!!i memory readout. A BioWatch is hid· to Strength and also requirell on e xo-
Thelollowing cyber gllOr may be den beneath the flesh. invisible until skeleton.
available in your campaign, Check a fingertip or some olher IImali ob- The Strength increase applies
with your Gamemaster be lore pur· lect is lapped against it. Then the only to the cybe, limb being used FaT
chasing any cyber gear. glow IIhines through the flesh, show- instance, a hero with an actual
ing the time and other inionnotion Strength ot 12 has a +1 increase to
BattleKlaw on the surlace 01 the aldn lor a lew damage he inflicts on an Unarmed
A BnttleKlaw is a cybernetic weapon seconds. The beller the quali ty, the Attock . If he has an Amazing cyber
that improves the damage a charac· more iunctions the timepiece has. arm installed, his eUective Strength
ter can inllict on a normal Unarmed A BioWatch lequites no expense with that arm rises to IS, and any ot·
Al1ad:: II appears as a single metal in skill points and nO oanocompu ter, tack he makes with that arm now

242 talon that ends in a sharp point. and it can't be rejected (no Constitu-
tion ieal check necessary).
has 0.3 increase to damage .
The cosio man. and sUe lilled on
Table P53 relers 10 purcha,mg and
inltalling CI 'ingla cybarlimb.

CyberapliC'l replaces a living eye-
bo ll or adds an exIra sensory devie.
10 a cha racter. It can be allachod to
anal he' parI a l lhe body. such 01 the
band. thelorehaad. or Ihe back 01 the
neck, or mou nled 10 Ihe side a llhe
hltCld, inltecrd 01 being placed in an
The Ordinary version ol lhls de-
vlee provide. normal vl.lon and a lso
operates (II (I dig-llal ca mera, record -
ing imagel into a character', nano-
compu ter 01 neurol3O.
A Good cybe roplic davice pro-
vid.. extended vilion (opera t..
01 a XlOx zoom lens).
An Amazing cyberopllc de-
vice provide. e"'endod vision
(operale, a. a SOOx worn lens)
and Improved vision, allowing
the cho racle r 10 IJh ih belween nor·
mal. nighl. and Ihermal villon,

Dat:a s l ot:, passive

A pauive dOlO slot i. an e.terncd
" Iorage locili ly lor a 3D Or other dolO
medium MOIl are d esigned to be
hidden. Clnd are used by cau,ie" a nd
otheraseeklng 10 move dota without
Ihe knowlodge 01 olhe". A data ala I
Is considered to be possive becousa
it isn't connected to a nanocomput-
e. the character can' t acceal Ihe
data Itoreel wIthin him but can on ly
Ironlpo.lit 10 it. deslination
No nanocom puler is n~ry 10
add this gea •. and naskill point.
need 10 be spenl.

Eft S l ot:
An E:R s lot (shorllar "emergency
room") Is an attachment de.lgned to
contain (I trauma pack 11 (see page
139 in Chapter 9: Goads & Services).
With Ihe pock and Ihe ER sial, Ihe
pack', <;Qn lenls or" automatically in-
;.clecl inlo Ihe Cha rnCI". when he
lolls unconscious due to knockout.
The ER , lot can also be manually ac-
Uvat&d by the character 01 any time.

ER S l ot:, passive
The passive ER slot works just like
the .egular ER SIOI, excepl II con'I be
manually activated by Ihe character.

An exoskele ton provideR rei nforce-
ment ond s tI\lctural integrity \0 0:
charact...s natural skeleton. Cyber Free Age"t Herne§ 43
15 geo:r tho! anabl," the body \0 per-
form beyond lt8 normallimita re·
qu;retl an exoskeleton; without such
reinforcement. the cyber-equipped
body can lecu II..,U apart when pow-
erful Hrvomusclel inte ract wilh rei-
allveiy lrogUe natured equipment.
In addition to anchoring powerful
cyber gear. an el<oskeieton increa ....
II character'. durability relling. de-
pending on th. quality 01 the im-
plan!: Ordinary. odd 2 stun pointa;
Good. add 2. 11un points and 2. wound
points; Amazing. add 2 stun poin ts. 2
wound pointl. and 2 morlaL points.

Fa§t: Chip
A lost chip Is g device that bas been
bo.nned In most civilized locales due
to lh. dong .... auocioled wilh lI.
UN_ A chtlrQcle. ~uipped with a
nonocomputer. a las' chip. ond rell",
operot.. 01 a level above most olher
people. Th.tas! chip provides (I bel-
nUllO the chortlcler'. Clclion che<:h:
-1. -2, or--J depending on the quality
01 the chip (Ordinary. Good, Amaz·
Ing). The lasl chip must be acce5sed the Strength improvement granted from nutside the body: an open Ilot
10 provide III beneli t: once aceelsed. by 0 cybe rlimb (lee poga 242), but Is visible whe.e a 3D or other dota
ilremoin. active lor a number of note that a choracter's bonus 10 dam. 11aroge medium con be placed
rounds related 10 the quality ol lhe age because 01 high Strength con An nteIDol oeu.al3D data slot
characte,'1 nanocomputer {Margined. never be mare than .5 (lee TABU: P9: provides exeess memory lor a grld-
I; Ordinary. 2; Good. 3; Amazing. 41. STIIOiGlll It DAMAGf;on page 40 of coste. and slorage spac.lor Impor.
Or until the character Ihuls il all. Chaprer 2: Hero Creation). lan1 dala liles. With an installed
",hleheve, comelli"l. At the end 01 nanocomputer. a data slot provldel
a ~riod of use. the character sullers Nanocomputer limited acce~ to programs without
I point of lotigue damage. A character who wants to use a grid· the use of a gridcaster or olheT eX1e'-
The quality of the fast chip oiso coster or most iorms 01 cyoo, goor nol compule r,
delerminel how many hours be· must have a nanocomputer syatam An Ordinary data sial can u..
tween U8el a charactar must wail Instolled in his body. In addition to 30.: 0 Good or Amazing slot con un
belore reactivating the device: Ordl· the computer Itsell, the installation both 3Ds and X30..
nary, I: Good, 2: Ama:tlng, 3. Activot· includes a cytronic circuitry system
ing the chip belorelhe alloUed down This biow;re allows eleclronic sig· I\IUack
time inflictllougue domaga on the nalllO travel betwoon naural path- A neural interface jack. or Nl/ack, Is
charocter' Ordinory chip, d4-l points ways ond cybernelic mochinary. The a plug located in the neck Or head
(minimum 01 I): Good chip, d4 points; nanocomputer features an internal Ihot allow. data cables to be con·
Amazing chip. d~+ I points. 3D drive and a memory storogG sys- nected too character's cytronic cir-
This devlee has its downside. tem. [tl power IIOU rce is the body's cuitry system. A NlJack Is required to
though. Useola last chip leads to natural bioelectric field. UIID a gridcaster. All NlJacks a •• 01
the condition known as cykosis (_ An [nteIDa[ 3D prOVides computeT Ordrnary qualily.
the .Idabar on this pagel. memory space inside a cboracter's
haad or other body cavi ty. operating Dpl:lc !!icr-een
MU!lclePluH much like an inte rnal hord drive. An optic screen is 0 lens atlached 10
MusclaPlus raploces HYi ng mllSCie (See Chapre, 1fJ: Compute.. for more a Hving eyeball or cybaropUc g&or. It
wllh strong, highly duroble synthetic Information.) acts as a heads·up display, showing
material that increases a character's dala Irom a nanocomputer or other
normal Strength score in those Iimr,. Neural 3D Data !!ilol:. computer source. The optic screen
thatl_ive the treatment. Ordinory ext:ernal doesn't interlere with a character's
MusclePlul provides a .1 Strength An external neural 3D is cyberware normal vi.ion (or the vilion pfO'llded
increa..: Good provides a +2 that con be added loa cha.at1e. who by the cyooroptiQ[; th. images it
Strength increase but requires on ex- has already had a nanocomputer P'Ojectl are translucent Ond .. 1out
o.keleton; Amazing provides a .3 and cytronic circuitry installed. An of the direct lield of view All optic
Strength increa.. but requires both externol neu ral data slot p.ovic:les an scr.... n. are of Ordinary quollty
244 an elfoskeletan and a cyberlimb.
The.. lnCreallel are cumulotive with
Input drive that con be accessed
high planeta.y orbit to contact a ship
Or IPOoe s tation, provided an unob-
ahucted path ezilll betw.... n the reo
celve. and Ihe Mnd".
All Ollhls gear is 01Good quailly
Subdermal NUack
The.. moslly hidden N[Jaclrs are in-
atalled in the wri.1 o. lo.earm 10 that
a gridooster gauntlet OOn be plugged
inlo Ihe orm without the need lor
running exposed cables to lhe neck
and head.
AlIlubde.mol Nlla<:ke ole 01 Good

Subdermal Weapon
Subdennol weapons are oUenslve
device. hidden within 0 choracler·.
bady Ihot can be expotled to inflict
damage. MOIIt weapona at the cam-
paign'. base Prog,ell Level eon be
purchased 10 be mounted as lubder-
mol weapons.
Weapon lthal weigh I Irg Or leu
require Ordinary mOunt •. They can
be in~ talled in naturall1mbeor In cy-
Weapon l Iho t weigh up 10 3 kg re
qu i.e Good mounts. These mUlt be
inslulled in cyberlimba
Weapon. that weigh more than 3
Refle" raw material inlo components and Irg and up 106lrg require Amo%ing
Reflex il _pecialized cyt.onleci' CI.lit- begin repairing damaged cyber mounts. These mUll be inllolled
I}' that oon be added tao bady'l gear. Iltalres the nanites I hom 10 re- within cyberlimba thaI are uuached
cy1.oniccircuill}' Iptem 10. the e_- pair each poinl of wound damage to eZOOllreletanl.
preu pu.J>OI'J 01 allowing that bady and 2 hou.. 10 .epai. ooch point 01 Weopon~ Ihot weigh ma.e than 6

to mulre use 01enhance programl. morlal damage that 1,1 cybernetic kg oon'l be made Into lubdermal
Enhunce, u\iliw the ren.z componenl ha.s suflered. equipment
wiring toallow the bady to perlorm The amount oj ruw material OOn-
lalte., more accu.ately. und with bet- toined in 0 sell-repai. unit depends Wireless NUack
ter control. (See the sidebur on tbi, on the quallly 01 the goo" An Ordi- The wire Ie.. neural Interlace jaclr il
puge lor more details.) nal}' unit contoins enough to repair a Mnsor located on the out.ide 01 a
There is a downside. howeve •. for up to 4 wound points Or 2 monul chalocle t'l head. ulually high on the
evel}' round 0. portion thereallhat a points; a Good Wlil can liz up to 6 Iide 01 baclr at the nec:k whe.e it can
churacter activates hi. rellelr circuit- woundl Or 3 mortals; and on Amaz- be hidden by hair ilthe chalixlellO
I}'. Ihat cha.acter sulle •• Itun dam- Ing uni l oon ,epoir up to 8 wounds or delirel.
age based on the quality of th e en- 4 mortols belore ils Bupply must be When activated. Ihe wlrel... N[-
hance program (Ordinary. I point; replaced Replucement rOW material Jack eomplere. a data link With a
Good. 2 points; Amazing. 3 points). COlts $1000. S2OOO. 0. SJOOO. depend- compute. or grldooller Ihat hal a
On a Cri tical failure. the Gamemal- Ing on the quality 01 the unit. simllat 18nlor. A wire Ie.. N[Jock
te' may alsa call lor a cykoei. eh...,1r perlarm, all 01 the functions a regu-
(see the Bldebaron page 24~). Subdermal Comm 6ear 11,1' NlJock. except It requlrel no hard-
All reflex i. 01 Good quality. This il standard COmm gear tha ra in- wire connection: dOla illranelened
Itolled In the th loot and head. pro- via IUdio emilllioni.
Self'-Repalr Unit. viding Q character wilh a hidden A characte r equipped with a w!re-
The cybernetic lell- repalr unit I. an eommunicationllystem. No one can Ie.. NlJoclr mUll be within line oj
intemal plecfl 01equipment Ihal In- hea, incomlng coJI" and a whisper Ilghl and no jurther lhan 10 melers
elude. a lupply of raw material und II all thut's needed 10 send baclr a from the IYltem he's interlacing
a horde of nanite robol •. Thi. piecfl message. wllh.
01 equipment requires a nanocom- Subdermul comm gear has a
puter. When commanded via the range a t 1.000 kilometel'l for IU rfOce
nanocomputer. the naniles tum lhe communioolionl. and Can reach inlo


,. ~ ~I
Sr::IenclI! Fiction Roleplay i ng linme

Damilge Every 2 poi nt. of Siun damoge be· o le marked all, choraCie r i. UAcon·
come I poinl 01 wound damage. scious.
!iummilry ~ Heory Wound: Addilioroal
Siun Damage: Lighl damage; bumps, Wound Damoge: Injurie.lhat cou.. wound damo~ after al181un boxes
brul. ., (md mild abrasians. 10811ng harm to the body. are marked all becomes mortal dam·
~ DaMd (op,iono/i, Damage ~ SKondo'l' Oomog<!' for eve ry 2 age. Eyery 2 poin tll o f wound domoge
amounllng to mare than half 0110101 wound point. 8ultered. also mark all becomes ] poinl of mortol damog41
stun poin t. re.ults in 0 .. 1 penalty 10 I -,un. (Armor does not absorb He·
all aClions andary damage.) Mortal Damage: Seyere troumo ond
~ Knoclrout, II a!lstu n boxes a le ~ Doled (oprionol): Damage deodly domage.
marked a ll, character iB unconsciou8. a mounlln g to mare than hall 01 total .. S<JCondary Domoge: for every 2
~ Heovy Stun: Addilional siun wound poinl. rellult" in a +I pena lty mortal poin ts s ullered. 0 1.., mark 011
damage o tler a11.lun boxell on. 10 all achon •. I wound and 1 stun. (Armor doe. nOI
marked aU becomes wound damage. ~ Knoclrout: II all wound boxes absorb .econd clIY damage.J
~ DaHd: Each point of mortal
damoge results in 0 cumu\oli .... +1
penalty to all actions.
.. Dying and Dearh: AI the end 01
a ny 8C(Ine in which morlo! damoge is
. uffe.ed. make a Siamina-endu.ance
check to _ it condition worsena'
C.it1C:'al failure. lIulie r 2 additional
pointa of mortal damage; Failure.
lu ller I additional poin t of mOrlal
damoge; o ny uucceus. no cho nge,
Check ogain hourly. a . doily if
he lped thlough Knowledge -flrllr oid
o r Medical Sciene&-Ireormenr.
II all mortal bo"'e. are marked all.
a chorac!er dies.

Fatigue Damage, Eorho:u.IItion.

~ Doled: Eacb point of latigul
doma ge resu!tll in a Cumu!oh ..... 1
pena lty to all actions .
.. KnoctOllt: When all ta tigue
bo",e. are morked. make a RelQly....
phy$lcal resolve check to ovoid loll·
ing unconacious.1I IUCCellS lul. char-
acter .emains conscious untilautler·
Ing any further fa tigue damoge,

Amollng Damage, II a charactor luf

fe .. domage Os the rellu\t 01 on oppa-
nen!". Amazing s ucc8s8 d unng com·
bot, the character make. a Stamlna-
endurance cheek 0$ soan a. the clam·
age i. applied. fcrilute on thi. check
,elults in a character being knocked
out; allatun boxell are ma.ked. and
the character is unconsciou. until 01
18011 I lItUn point is regained.

Recovery from Damoge' See pagel


Chloe" 5~\I~rlty at' Impact: HEAVY WEAPONS

Re"ilult Ex 5 M L T
Crlt. FailuTU d6w d6+i!,,, d6+i!m dB+4m dli!+Bm
FaliuTU d4w d4+i!.... d4+i!m dB+i!m dli!+6m Range Direct: Indirect
OrdinanJ d6s d4w d4+Im d6+i!m dB+6m Shon: _I §t""p .. ~ ~teps
6aod d4. d4+i!.. dB.. i!,,, d4+i!m d6+4m Medium None -C! .. tcp"
Am",zlng d ....... d6 ..i!,,, dB .. 4"' dli!+6"" Long +1 §tep NDne
3D 153. 156.240,243.244 Allocklng wllh Iwa weapons 57. sa. Compute... generol 152-153
Ahility Scorn 32-J3 to. spocaship lsa. 169
aUigning 32
increasing lOS, 126.2113
AII"butes 36, 119-123
Automollc weapon ottock modes 74
Concentrahon perk 104. 127
Conshtution 32
Constitution leal 76
hmits33 ~

reducing 225. 242
Auxiliary comportmflnt 209
Awaronosa broad skill 92. ICl4. 105. 100
COnshtution increaoo 127
Conlhtution skills 76-78. 22S--23O
Achievlmenl beneHtl 12&-127 Bad luck 49 Contact specialty 235
Achievement levellummury 126. 127 Bad Luck UtlW 107 Contact. acquiring a IV
Achievement points 12S Bargain specia lty 100 Control die II
Achievemont track 41. 125 BUIe "itual'On die 12.47, 5() Control metabolism speciulty 229
Acrobatici brood Iklll 70 Bau/e mind s pedulty 230 Control program 161. 164
Acrobatics, specillc skill Bpeciulty n Biokinesi' broad skill 229 CopLlot's s lation 208
Acl lpeclalty 99 Bio/ogy specialty 84 Co-processor (computer] lSI
Achon check 38. SO Bioweopon specialty 229 Corporate lpecialty 79
bonUI 126. 127 Blade specIalty 69 Corrupt program lSI. 162
incrllKlMl 126, 127 Blocking 70 Call" procedures specially 83
order 01 play SO Botony specially 84 Cove. mociLtier 49. SO
Action round 12 Bow specialty 74 Cralh prog ram 1131.163
Actions. allllilng SO Bludgeon specialty 139 Crashing (a vehiclfl) 201
perlo.ming 49 Bluff specialty 98 C'lIKItivlty broad skill 92
postponing 51 Brow/specialty 70 CreatIVity, SpeclftC skIll specialty 93
twoatonce51 Break-In prog ram lSI. 162 compa rt meot 209
Actlonl per round 38.126.127 BlIb<! specialty 98 Criminal elements specialty 95
Achve memory (computer) 151 Broad sklll. 61 C.itical faLlure 49
AdminislIollon brood skill 90 BUlsl (atlack mode) 74 on CIcHon check II, 5()
Adventure 45 Bu.eaucracy specialty 00 Croubow specialty 74
Al program 1137 lsa BUBine.. broad skill 78 Cruilinl1speEKi 201
A,ming57 Culture broad .kill96
All vehicle specialty 76 CUJlency 130. 134
Co.'... r. goneral30 Cybe. gear 239--245
Alarm program 161. 164 Cargo compor tment 209
Alien OIl1locll03, 107 COlt 01 239, 240
Celob" ly perk 104. 127 Itarllng239
Alieni' Abihty Scores 28 Challenge SCEtne 45
Aliens In armOr 189 Cybe' loleranca 240
Character templates t4-17
Aliens' ,kill poinls 28 Cybernet ic surgery 85. 239--240
Choractertraits:n. 122-123
All-out movemen l ~ Cykoeis ~44
Character VI. charocte. 63. 79. 83. 99
Amazing damoge 53, lal ChOlgfl cells 140 Domage 51-53
Ambidoxtrous perk 104. 127 Charm speCIalty 100 toarmol191
Anlmol friend perk 104, 127 Chemlslry specialty 87 to cybo. gear 242
Ammal Handling brood sk ill 91 C/a;rOlldienCf> spacialty 230 degrading 190
Animo/ ridinl1specia!ty 91 C/ol1voyonce Mpecialty 230 fatigue 53. 78
An'ma/llamlng specialty 92. 104 Climb specialty 66 heavy stun 52
Antivirus progrom lS I. 164 Clothing and accauories 133-136 heavy wound 53
Appliootlon program 159. lSI C luele.. Uow 107 Impoct .!oS
Armor. generalU. 501 C lumsy Ilow 107 mortal 53
uliens in 189 Code 01 Hooor !low 107 to ob,..:ls 202
domag. 10 191 Combal oclions S5--S8 to passengers 202
ducripllans (PL O-PL 21 18&-187 Combor Ormar lpeciruty 66 and shadows 166
.a.aipllons (PL 3 PL 51 187 Combat movement ~ to 'pacelhi~ 210--211
dellCl"iplions (PL 6) 188-189 Combat movement ralflS 39 Strength adjustment 40
descriptions (PL 7) 189-191 Combat scene 46 slun 51
descriptions (PL 8) 191 Combat Sf 44 to vehicle. 200
layorlng 190 Combat Spec 10. 30 wound 52
Armor Ope ration brood skitl64 Combat Speccoroo ra lll-114 Damage control (spaceship) 209
ArtWciallnlelligence program Command comportment 205 Donee speciulty 99
167-lsa Commond .pecialty 101 Dange. Senle perlr 1Cl4. 127
Auilt program lSI. 164 Comma nd stOllon 20S Daredflvt/specialty 70
Astroootion, drjvespoce lpecialty B6 CommUnlco lionlequipmentl3S,I:n Data slate 152, 1S3
Astrogotlon. f)'S"tem lpeciuity 87 CommlllllCOIIOna speciolty 88 Datodoc program 160. 161
Astronomy specialty 87 CommUnlCO llonll1lrtion 208 Data/ink specialty 235
Athletics broad IklJl66 Computer components 153-154 Datascan program 160, lSI
Alh/eriel, specific .kllI specialty sa Computer gaunt ....1 166 fatigue domage 53
Almo.phe,ic composit ion 52 Complllflr opera lion lpeclalty 82. 151 morlal damoge 53
Atmo.pherlc presaule 52 Computer Science b road skill 79. lSI penailies 53
Attack forms 4() slundamagfl5 1
Filts 01 bon perl< lo:i. ITI Insplle specIally 101
wound damage 52 Intelligence 33
Deception brood skill9B flaws 36. 107-109. 126. ITI

..... f"g'" specialty 71 Intelligence leut 79

Decode program 160. 161 Intelligence increa~e 127
Deduce specialty 82 flmtlod spec!olly 74
foren,icslpeeiolly B4 Intelligence skills 78-90. 230-233
~l.nae compollmenl 209
Infenhans (vehicle combat) ~
De/ense. 8ped.;llty 88 Forgetful tlaw 108
ForHtude perk 1~. 127 [nte.action broad sk,ll 100
Delens/ve martial O"S spklnl1y 70
Deglodinll'oomage 190
Delioote flaw 108
FOllresl program 161. 164
rraal21 2:l
Inlerlace dey ice (compule.l1~
Inrerrogate specialty 93
Fragile tlaw 108 Interv.ew lpecialty 100
Demolitions brood akill80
Free Agent 10.31 Inrult,on Ipecially92
ne,klop(c;ompuler) 152, 1S3 (n!lmldofe specia]ly 100
Dexterity 32 rree Agent ooreer. 115-116
Inv"nfion lpecialty ~
!)elllen!y leol70 Gamble lpecialty 98
[nveshgafe broad pill 93
Dexterity inCleaae \27 Gountlel.computo. 152. 1!13
[)erlerily resIstance modiller 64, 66, gridcas!el 152. 153. 154 lump specIalty 67
lOS medicul 152. 153. 154 Juryl,g specialty 89
[)elllenty ,kill. 70-76 prolelsiongl 152. 153. 154 Key concepts 9
Dice rolling 47. 63 Cenetics speciglty B4 Kinetl<; shIeld lpecialty 233
DiplomgllO.31 GIOs 158 Knockoul rank benefit 69
Diplomat coree!s 114-115 Goggle•. protective 134. 135 Knockout.fotlgue damage 53
Direct/i,e specialty 68 Good Luck perk lo:i morlal damage 53
m.l Poor !low 100.130 GRAPH system S2. 142 recovering hom 82. 84. 94
Di$(Jlrn specialty 80 Gravity 52..107.2\6 IIun damage 52
Di~84 Grctlnty induction te<:hnology 133 wound domage 52
DiaguiM 99 Groot Look, pe.1< lOS Knowledge broad skill 81
Dodge modihe, 50 Grenades S7. 182-HI6 Knowledge, specifiC skill lpecially 83
Dodge lpecialty 71 Grid (PI. 51 156-IS7 Land mine 180
Double-atrike 68 {PI. 6) 1571~ Land vehrcle specially 76
Downloodinll' 166 (PL 7) [S9 Language specialty Ikill83
DllvI'space OSlfogolion specialty 86 Grid log program 161. 164 l.asl lelOOrl points 38. 59. 126
Dumb GIDs 158 Gridcaster IS2. 153. IS4 Law broad skill B3
Durability 39--40, lOS. 126 Gridlock program 161.164 Law enlolcement p,ocedUI8S spe-
Dying ond deo lh 53, n. 82, 84 GridluillS2. 153.]5-4 cialty 83
Dynamite 180 Glidsuit shadows \58 Leade.. hip broad skill 101
Electrochemi«11 wecrponll 118 Gridwipe program 161 !.ev,falion specialty 234
Elecrrokmenc:s specialty 233 Guold,an progrom 16!. 165 Life Science booed skill B4
Electmnica compal1menl 209 Hocking specialty 00. ]SI Lackpick lpeclalty 72
Empathy specialty 231 Hacking programs 162-163 Mainframe 152. 153. 154
Encode p.ogrom 161 Hardwarelpeciolly 00. LSI Managflment lpecially 91
Encounler acene 46 Heal8peciahy 27.9 MoneuY"". vehicle ]98
Encounter skiLls 46, 79, 96, 'fl. 231 Healing notu<I:o\ly 54 spcJCfI1Ihlpa 210
Encumbrance 56 Healing s tun damage 82. 94 Manipulation brood skill 72
Endurance specialty n. 10!i. 108 Heahng wound damage 82. 84 MOlginalluccel;l!l 14.63
Engineering oompartment 208 Hea l S2 Marlial orIs 71)
Engineering lpeck,) ty 88 Hoovy .. tun damage 52 Mecholul2:l·~
EnglA"ring Itahon 209 Heavy woapanl {PL41181-]82 MedIcal gaunUet \52. 153. 154
Enhance program lSI. 245 (PI..:oj 182-194 Mediool gear 135. 131-140
Entertainment brood .111<11199 (PI. 6jl84 ·I~ MedJ(:o/ knowledge specially B4
EnieIlalnment program 161 (PL 71185 186 Medical Science brood skill 84
Equipment II. 4\. 111.1~ 130 (PL 81186 Medlool IkiUs 149
Equ,pment. acquiung 139 Heavy Weapons blood skillS7 Melee weaponl (PI. O-PL 4) 171. 172
ESP broad 11<1ll230 Heavy wound damage 53 (PL.:o)l72
E-sult 136.143 Heightened Ability perk lo:i (PL61172-173
Exhaultlon, avoiding 94 HeroconcepI19 WL 7) 173
El<plorahon Sf 44 Hero creal Ion proce.s 20 (PL 8) \73- L74
ExplollvellBO Hero ,heell 19.253-256 Melee Woopans brood skIll 69
ExtrasenlOry Perception broad sl<iI! Hide lpeciolty 75 Moloo Weapons rank benolit. 68
2>1 Holding your b.eath 57 Memory. compule. 151
faith perk 104 Honor SF 44 Memory harness 153. 156. 168
Fa!! specialty 7! Human heroel 30 Menace program 161. 165
fatigue damage:>3 /IIfc.f business lpecialty 79 MenIal re.l/ve specialty 94
feat che<:h 63 Illusion specialty 235 Microcomputer 152. 153. Is.:;
Filtby Rich perl< 104. 130 Impact damage 58 Mind bias' specially 236
Firepower 174.190 Indued life specialty 68 Mind reading specIally 2:l1
Flrl! aid kit 135. 13'1-138 infamy tlaw 108 Mind .hield speclolty 236
FIfSf a,d lpeeially B2 Inlan'ry f=ficsspeciolty ~ Mindwalkel229
250 fllsr encoun'''' lpecialty 97 Informaflon .ellievo\19. 157.167

Mindwolkor careers 236-237 Poslcognirion specialty 232 So tchel cholge 180
Mme (expIOlOive)180 Po,.,.,r mar"al OII.specierlty 70 Scenes 12, 45-47
Millo' imoge progrom 16 1, 165 Powered armor speciolty 66 Sc,a'ch·buiJr explosive" specialty 81
Miaceiloneoul gea r 136, 14$---147 Powered weapon specialty 69 Search specialty 93
Modern Ronged WeapolU brood skill Powerlul Ally perk 105. 127 Secondary damo~ 54

Moneto.yaward 126,127
Powerlul Enemy lIaw 109
Precognition apeciolly 232
mortal !io3
wound 52 =
Money on hand 129 p.epo.ed (to avoid surp.ise) 58 Securily b.ood skill 88 ~

Moral ollllude ':fl. 121-122

Morph lpeciolty 229
Pleporod charges (explosives) 80, 184
Prestid.g.rorion lpec:ialty 72
Secur,ty device" spec:iolty 88
Seduce specialty 100
MOltol dom~ge!i03 Prevoiling conditions 200 Senso.s (equipment) 136, 141-142
Motivation ':fl, ] 19-120 Primer cord (e",pIOll!ve) 1110 Sen.oors speciolty 89
Movement broad .. kill7'S Primtlivel1erw 109 SenllOrs ..tertion 208
Movement. oll-out 5-5 Primit ive Ranged Weapona bload Services 141-149
combot 5-5 akill T,) Seaheyan 25-26
ovedgnd 56 ProceslIOl (compuler) 151 Set expJO$,v8S ~pec ialty 81
Multislrike 68 Professional equipmen t 135, 140-141 Shadow specialty 75
Mu'ieol instrument lpecialty 99 Professional gaun tlell52. 153, 154 161,163
Mulanl origin 214 Prolessions 10,30-32 Shadow armOI 2 program 161, 163
Mutantl, typel 01213--214 Programming lpeciol ty 80.151.167 Shodow foon program 161.165
Mutation drawback .. 222-225 ProgrerIlU. computer 159-167 Shadow loon 2 program 161. 165
MutghOn point .. 214-21.5 Program •• loading 152 Shadow weapon program 161, 163
Mulotion •• odvantogeolll 21$---222 Progress Level, 44. 1:J)...133. 162 Shadow weapon 2 progrcrm 161. 163
Nonocomputel I.S2. 1!i03. ]55.240,244 Ptoteclion plotocols specialty 88 Shadow.., grids"it 158
Natural haoling 54 Psionic Awarene.. perk lOS Sideba rs, genelal note 7
Naveognirion specialty 232 Psionic energy points 228 Signature equipment III
Navigation broad s kill B6 PSionic skill, 228-236 Smg specialty 99
Nav/garlOIl, 5urface specialty 87 Psychokinetic" specialty 234 Situation die II
Nelworks, computer 157 Psychology lpec:ialty 84 Siluation die modifiers 47, SO, 62
Nllac:k 1!i03, 15-5.24(.245 Psychometry speciolty 232 Situation die Itep!! 12. 48
Notebook (computer) ]52, 1!i03, 15-5 Pyrokinetlcs specially 234 Situations. types 01 59
Race speciolly 71 Skill checks 62
Obh .. ioullIgw loa comp[ex62, ]5]
Ob.ervant polk lOS. 127 Radiation 52
Ramming (with er vehicle) 201, 204 lingle 62, 151
Obseased lIaw loa Skill costI6]. 64-65
Old Injury now 108 Range between vehicles 199
Range modllier 49. SO, 73 Skill pockerges (c:aree.l) III
Open Iklll,64
RWlged Weapon attock modilie •• 73 Skill points 34. 61
Operating sY8111m 152 Skill points, spending 36. 125
OperOlor programs 159-162 ronk benefits 75
Ranged weapons (Pl o-P(4) 175, 178 Skill scores 10, 62
Optionol rulel 33
(PI. 5) 178 Skillsitugtion modifier SO
Ove. land movement 56
(PI. 6) 178- 179 Skills, broad 61
Overpowering 69
(PI. 7)179 181 1r_34.61, uling a 58 improving 125
(PI. 8) 181
Ponying 69 Rangod Weapons, Modern brocrd purchru;ing 34, 125
Penalty reduC:liollll 216 SllIIg specioJty 74
skill 73
Percoprion specialty 92 Slow flaw 109
Ranged Weaponll, Primitive broad
Peripherola(compUler\153,1s.5-156 Smerll business specierlty 79
Perks 36,103-107.126 Sma.t GIDs 158
Rank bene lit s, pUlchasing 63,126
PerllOnaUry 33 SMG specialty 73
Reaction pony 68
PerllOnerlity leat 96 Sneak specier lt y 75
Recovery (Irom damage)!)4....s.5
PelllOnerllry Increase 127 Spoce tachc" specierlty 89
Igligue 505, 94
Penonohtyskills9li--IO].234 236 Space vehicle combat 209-211
Phormaceuticolsl38--l39 Space vehjcle specialty 76
I tun 54
Phobia llaw 108 Space vehicle slatlstlci 197
wound 54
Photo Memory perk lOS, 127 Spaceship compartments 205-209
Reference 161
Ph%tine.ics specialty 234 compute'B 168. 169
Rellexel perk ICJ6, 127
Phy,,;co/ reJfOlve specialty 94 engines 210
Reiuvena.e spedolly 230
Physical Sc ience brood akill87 syslems 205, 208
Repail specialty 9:)
Phy",cs specialty 87 Repoir, C"<lmpule. 80 weapona 209
Pic:kpocket specialty 72 Specialty akilll35. 61
Repulation perk ICJ6, 127
Pilofa alation 208 Spending money 129
Resiat IXUn specially 71
P;"rolspeciolty 73 Splnelesallaw 109
Resistance modUie. 32. 49, SO
Plonerology apec,olty 87 Staminer broad Ikill71.I05, lOll
Resistance modilier vi. skills 51
Plasma ,elly (explosive) 180 Slardrive 86, 210
Resolve brood skill 94
Plastic explOlives 180 Slarting lundsl30
Rifle llpeciglly 73
Player's role 9 Stalic progfOm 161. 166
Robots 169
POlson 222
Poor Looksllow 109
Roleploying Ityle 43 Stealth broad Ikill7~
Stealth skills rank benell! 75 251
SIored memory (com puter) 151 Tech Op 10.32 Vehicle scole 203. 204
Sf/eef knowledge specially 9S Tech Op careers 11 6--117 Vehicle taclics specialty 89
Street Smart broad skill 95 Technical knowledge specialty 90 Vehicle vs, character combat 204
Strength 32 Technical Science broad skill 89 Vehicles (PL O-PL 5) 193, 195
Strength and damage 40, 69 Technothriller SF 44 (PL 6) 195-196
Strength feat 63 Te lekinesis broad skill 233 (PL 7) 196-197
Strength increase 127 Telepathy broad sk ill 234 (PL8) 198
Strength resistance modifier 106 Temper flaw 109 used 197
Strength skills 63--70 Temperature extre mes 52 Vigor perk 106
Stun damage 51 Throw specialty 67 Virus program 161. 166
Subdermal NIJack 153, 156,240,245 Thrown weapons 57 Water vehicle specialty 76
Success, automatic 48 Tile specialty 236 Weapons, general 41
degrees 0112 Tough as Nails perk 106, 127 Weapons compa rtment 209
marginal 12,63 Toughness (01o bjects) 174, 190 Weapons specia lty 89
Suggest specialty 236 Trace program 161. 162 Weapons. attacking with two 56. 68.
Supercomputer 152. 153. 155 Track specialty 93 104
Superconduclor tech nology 179 Trailblazing specialty Tl Weapons. e lectrochemical 180
Surface navigation specia lly B7 Trained vs. u ntrained 63 Weapons. spoceship 209
Surge program 16t. )62 Transfer damage specialty 230 Weapons, thrown 57
Surgery specialty 85 Transfer program 16t. 166 Weren 28-30
Surgery. cybernetic 85. 23&-240 Trauma pack 135. 13&-140.243 Will 33
Surprise 58 Travel 148. 149 Witlfeat 90
Survival brood skill 78 Treatment specialty 85 Will increase 127
Survival gear 136. 142-1 45 ']'wo weapons. attacking with 57 Will resistance modifier 106, 109.230
Survival training specia lty 78 Types of s ituations 59 Will s kills 90 95, 233-234
Swim specialty 77 Typical trader record s heet 206 Willpower perk 107. 127
System astrogation specialty 87 Unarmed Attack broad skill 69. 105. Wireless NlJack 153. 156,240.245
System Operation broad skill 88, 166 lOB Wound damage 52
T'sa 26-28 Unarmed Attack rank benefits 69 X3D 153, 156. 244
Tables, general note 7 Untrained 63 XerlO iogy specialty 84
Tactics brood skill 89. 203 Uti lity programs 164-1 67 Xenomedicine specialty 86
Talents (pSionic) 228 Vehicle combat 198-204 Zero gravity 56. 216
Taunt specialty 101 Vehicle mane overs 198 Zero·g training specialty 71
Teach broad skill 95 Vehicle Operation brood skill 76. Zoology specialty 84
Teech. speciliC field specialty 95 198-20 1

T AS' F§ (PI P53)

No. Page No. Page
I: Profession Require me nts...... ..................... 30 2"' Achievement Level Summary ........................................ I26
2: Resistance Modifiers ............ ......... 32 29: Achievement Benefits...................... ......... ,.... ,.... 127
3: Ability Score Limits .......................................................... 33 30, Money on Hand ......... ,.. "."., ................. ,............... 129
4: Free Brood Skills for Heroes .................... .......... 34 31: Rich and Poor .,............................................. ................ 130
5: Hero Starting Skill Points .... .......... ........... .......... 34 32: Progress Levels ......................................... ............... 131
6: Last Resort Poi nts ................................. ,........................... 38 33, Personal Equipment ................................................ 135-136
7: Actions Per Round ..............................................................38 34: Services .............................................................................. 148
8: Comba t Moveme nt Rales ............................ _...................39 35: Active Memory .................................................................. 152
9: Strength & Damage .... ,...... ,...... ,....................................... .40 36, Computer Costs .................................................. ,..... ,.. ,... ,)53
10: Skills & Resistance Modifiers ................. "....... ......... 51 37: Computer Programs ....................................... ,................ 161
11 : Combat Movement Effects .... .................. ........ ,... ,55 38: Melee Weapons .. ........... ,........... ,.. "." ..... ,...... ,.......... 172- 173
12: Encumbrance .... ,........ ..... .. ...................................... 56 39: Ranged Weapons ....................................... ............... J76-177
13: Overland Moveme nt ............ .............................................. 56 40: Heavy Weapons ........................................................ \82-183
14: Throw Situation Modifiers................. ,.............................. 57 41: Armor .................................................................................. 188
15: Impact Damage .................................................................. 58 42: Vehicles .............. ,............................................................... 194
16: Situation Die Modifi ers ....................................................62 43: Crash and Collision Damage .......................................201
17: Complex Skill Checks ... ................................. ....... 62 44 : Losing Control of a Vehicle ................... ...... ................. ,201
18: Base Situation Dice ................................. ,......... ....... ,......... 63 015: Vehicle Scales ................................. ,.... ... ,.. ,............. 204
19: Skill List ............................................................ , .... 64 65 016: Vehicle Scale Re turn Time ........... ,.............. ................. 204
20: Accuracy by Range ............................................................ 67 47: Mutation Costs ......... ............................. .. .......... ......... ,.... 214
21' Heavy Weapons Range Modifiers .................................. 67 48: Mutant Origin .......................................... .................... ,.... 214
22: Ra nge Modifiers by Weapon Type ..................................73 49: Advantageous Mutations ..............................................215
23: Scratch-Bui lt Explosives ..................................................81 50: Mutat ion Drawbacks ......................................................223
24: Knowledge Categories ......................................................82 51: Related Abilities ..............................................................223
25: Encounter Skill Effects ...... ............................... ........... 96 52: Psionic Skills ,...... ................... ............... 229
252 26: Perks.. ........ ,........... " ............. ,.. 103
27: Flows ........... .................. .... .. ....................... ,.... ,............ 107
Cybernetic Gear ........................................ ,240
~ ALTERN lTV'" Game 5upplemental Hero 5heet ...

HE!rn's Name _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Player's Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5 e ttl n gIPmgress l eve ilmE!ma e'


Psionic Energy Mutant Origin UniquenE!55

( ) 00000000000000000 0 00 Mutation Points - - Drawback Points - -
Action Psionic Energy L055 Ordinary Mutations
[rltlcal Failure result 3
Broad skill u!!iE!. success or failure
Specialty skill USE!. !!iUCCE!!!i!!i or failure "I
Good Mutations
[ON 5klll!!i () Rank Scar-e
Bioklnesls L-I_'--'
BioweBpon -- L-I_'--' Ama zing Mutation
Control metabDIi~m
-- L-I_ '--'
-- L-I_ ' __ I
Murph -- L-I_ ' _ I Slight Drawbacks
Rejuvenate -- L-I_ '--'
Tfclnsfer damage - - L-I-----1--'
-- L-I_ ' _ I
Moderate Drawbacks
INT Skills
() Rank Score
L-I_ ' _ I
Battle mind -- L-I_ '_ I Extreme Orawback
Clairaudience -- L-I_ '_ I
Clairvoyance LJ_'_I
Mind reading
-- LJ_'--' "
-- 1_ '_'--' [YBERTECH
Navr::ognlt/on -- 1_ '_'--'
Postcognition -- 1_ '_'--' I:yber g e ar- In!it.alled
- - '-'- '--'
- - 1_ '_ '--'
Sensitivity - - 1_ '_ '--'
- - '-'- '--'
WIL Skills () Rank Score [ybe.- tole .-am:::e I ,, ,
Teleki n esis L-I_ '--' O DD DO 0 0 DO/ DO 0 0 D/OOO 0
Electroklnetlc!i - - L-I_ '_ I
Kinetic shield -- ' -'-'--' [ykosis 0 0000000000
-- L-I_'--'
Photokinetlcs -- L-I_ '--'
PsychoKlnetlcs L-I_'_I £:OMPUTERS
Pyroklnetlcs -- L-I-----1--'
-- L-I_'--' [omput:e.- Model
Pmc esso.- Ouallty _ _ Active Memo.-y --
PER Skills () Rank 5co.-e
P.-ograms A ctive Sto.-age
Telepathy L-I_ '--' 0 0
Contact -- L-I_ '--'
Datalink 0 0
-- '-'- '--'
- - '-'- '--' 0 0
Mind blast - - L-I_ '--' 0 0
Mind shield -- L-I_ '--' 0 0
-- L-I_ '--'
T're -- ' -'- '--' 0 0
-- 1-----1_'_ 1 0 0

.. ALTERNIIT" Science Fiction Roleplaying Game ..

Weapon Skill A« Actlofl!ii (lip SI<zelAmmo l..I!oed HIde M_
----1 --
----1 --
----1 --
----1 --


Skill R~nk Sc;ore
- - '---1--.J----.J """
511111 R~k

-- '---1_ ,-----'
- - '---1--.J----.J -- -- '---1--.J-----'
-- - - '---1--.J----.J -- -- L-'- '--'
_ _ '---1--.J----.J
__ '---1--.J----.J
-- '---1--.J-----'
- - '---1_,-----'
-- - - '---1--.J----.J - - -- '---1--.J-----'
-- - - '---1--.J----.J -- -- '---1--.J-----'
-- - - L-'- 1---.J
- - '---1--.J----.J
-- '---1--.J-----'
- - '---1--.J
- - '---1--.J----.J
'---1_ ,-----'
-- - - '---1--.J_' -- -- '---1_ ,-----'
-- - - '---1--.J----.J -- -- '---1_ ,-----'
-- - - '---1--.J----.J
- - I- ' - '---.J
-- '---1--.J-----'
- - '---1--.J- ,
-- - - '---1--.J----.J -- -- '---1--.J-----'
-- -- '---1--.J----.J
-- - - '---1--.J-----'
'---1--.J----.J '---1--.J-----'
'---1--.J----.J '---1
, ,
' -'
'---1--.J ,
.... AlTERNITY" 5clem:e Flct:ion Roleplaying Game Hero 5heet ....

Hero's Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pli'lyet"s Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5pec1~ _ _~---- 60._, _ _ _ _ ProfesSion _ _ _ __

(.~ ------
Atl.rlbuU~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UtsLReSOrt.s; _ _ _ _ DODOD

Setting EiBmernaster La5t Resort. Cost

AB IUTY !;cnn, UntralnL>d Res . Mud. ACflON CHECK SCORE

Strength D 0 Margina l




Dexterity D 0
Constit utIon D 0 Ol E O ACfIONS Pf:R ROUI\O 0
Intelligenc e D 0 C0'\18AT MOVEMENT RATES

P e rsonality

88 Sprint_ _ Run- - W a lk
Ea!iy Swlm _ _ Swlm _ _ 61100_ _ FI, , -

Stun ( ) OOOOOODDODOODOOOOOOO Fo Ugue ( ) 0000000000

Wound ( ) ODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Marte l ( ) 0000000000



Age Height We ight

6ANI( DATA Appearance

5pl!cl a l A bilities Allegianc e

Social Statu!I

P e rks Fla ws ConttJCl!!iI

Othe r


ATTACK FORMS 5o:ore Base Ol e Type Range ISIMIL) Da mage:

I,Jnarmai ----1----1_ _ I.I!Y es:rtiOftg! ~~--
----1__,__ ----1__,_ _
__ ,----1__ ----1----1__ ~--,--
'----I ----1----1__ ~--,--
----I , ----1---' ~~

.... ...


ACHIEVEMENT TRACK Skill Polnt!li Spent Stored _ _ __

o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hero ~ Level i! 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 Ii! 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 i!O i!1 i!i! i!3
'ifR t;h!U.. R.1I1" xare "T Skill'!! "~, 5<~. WIL 5kill.. R....... 5<:0",
Ann~--",", 1 I ,-.1 Ou§lne!l!l LJ _ I 1 Admlnl!itrllt!oo' 1 I I 1
er.,tbut '--'--1 _I c:-pari'lIU LJ_ , 1 BurelJuc;rlJCy '--'-1. )
pr'''''rLod 1 ' --1_1 Illicit bo!o/,te!f§ 1 1 '.......J
'-' '--'-'_I
Athlet""" '--'--1_1 5mlJI1 bu§1"e !i!i _ _ 1 ' -1_ 1 Ani ...... HlIndling LJ~_ I
O/",b '--' --1_1 (ompulllr Scll!nCe '-1-1. I Anlmm riding LJ- '---'
Jump L.....1--1_1 lfuc:l.'"y LJ-I. I Anlmit/trltlnlny __ LJ- ' _I
",,~ [ I 1--.1 HardwtJre '-I 1 1 Awarllnl!!i!li I-I~_I
1.-'--1~ ProgrftmnJlng LJ- '---' InW/!/an _ LJ--'_ I
H l!eV\lWl.~ 1.--1--1_1 D e mollUon!li 1--1_1 1 Perception _ LJ- '---'

Dlrert flm 1--1_ 1_ 1 DI_ m LJ-1_ I (reativity LJ- '---'
,._rf!Ct ffre 1--1_ -' .I "i<l"lurr'_OOIIt
__ LJ---'. I _ LJ- '---'
Ililtlll.' e WeepoO!!l 1--1 I~ Set c"pIosl..-- __ LJ.. 1 I '--'--1_ 1
1--1_ J 1 Kn .....'iedge L J.. -' I Inveotlgete 1 1_' I
81udg1..00n [--1--1_1 COI""UIl" 0#1. LJ 1.1-1 Inlerrt:1fll"l e LJ- '---'
Unermoo Attack
L/--1_1 """"".
Fl, .. , aid
LJ- '---'
1 - ' - '-.1
LJ- '---'
'--'--1_1 '''''g'''''' RC!iOlve 1- '-1----..1
LJ- ' _I Menllll - '-'-'_I
,,~.,·tI,", nrtc.. L L J---' LJ- ' . 1
' - '_ 1 I
Stn.el "irrnlIn.
_ LJ- '---'

"." "'"..
01-11.""11 ..

(Wf. I ~Iu·
.... "!I,.I drt ..

_ ,

LJ '---'

1 '--1~ ure Sclene !.!

LJ- '---'
LJ_ 1--1
1- 1 - ' _1
1- - ' - ' _1
Crlmfntrl e/etn.
- '-'-'~
LJ- ' .
LJ- '---'

Oodge 1--1--1_1 BlolutJlJ LJ- I _I


FIJII 1--1--1~ Batm>y LJ- '--' P(R Ron" Score:
FI/gtII, '--'--1. I ~tlc. LJ_ I 1 (ullure LJ_ I.......J
JPn Q I,. "'9 -- LJ
'--' 1 _I ,,,,,,,-, LJ- ' I ,,-" LJ-I. I
, I LJ- ' I IOtlqo ...UfiO
I_ I -'---1 111~lk:a l Sc.:ien<:e '- 1 , 1 I--'-I.......J
IIllalllpulatlon LJ- '---' FOI"etl!ilc. 1-'--1_1 1-'--1_1
Lor:/tpld. 1-./ ,~ fi.100/c1ll IInm ... LJ- '---' ' - '- ' _I
Plcllpocllet [--1-'~ P!oyctKJIOfJ'J LJ- '---' Flr .. t en<.OIU1,e, __ '--'---'_ I
Pre!olldlglliJUOn I 1--1~ SaFf}f'nJ 1 J - ' _l D.:.ce:pUon LJ- '---'
Ri'lf'Igcd Wpn!i. 1\100. 1--1--1~ "_t,,...., 1-'--1_' Bluff 1--1--'---'
PI_wi LJ , I \ ..............lIclnu 1---'_ , ) B""" 1-.1 I I
Rifle LJ- '---' N""~Ji:.t.lon LJ- ' I ..".,..
LJ- '---'
LJ_ ,~ L .....I-'--'
Rangcd WpIl§. Prim . 1 I '_ I !iy§tem
LJ_ '--'
'--' -'--'
1 ..1--1 1
1--1--1---1 1--' I I 1-'-.1. 1
Cl'05§bow 1-'--1~ Science 1 ' --1--' IUU!IOlliJI I, ... , . LJ--1_ I
FllnlJor:II I-'-'~ A!i(ronan,y ' -I~-.J Sing LJ- '---'
SIIIIY , I '_ I Chcml!i(ty 1- - ' - '-.1 LJ--1_1

SlelOllh I-'-'~
pt'!J'1'Ic. LJ- ' I InterlOct.lon LJ--1_1

H"*' '_ '-'_1 "" ,--,_ , I Bargain LJ- '---'
'--'_ .1--' Se<:.... lty LJ- '---' Chwm LJ- ' _I
LJ '-' ProtecUon 1- ' . -' 1 Int.,......,... .. 1- 1 - ' I
1-' ' _I Sec. dtwlcf!!f ' -'_ I I InUfTlkklte ' -'_ '--.1
'" 1--1 '_ I C. ."mUlllcltl/ol, _ _
1- ' - 1 I >educe LJ~ __ I
'-' 1--1-'_1
LJ--1_1 lJere,.,;e!li
,- ' - ' _ 1
LJ- '---'
1- ' - ' _1
Witter 1---'--1 1 EngineerIng
LJ- '
LJ- '
I C_""" LJ---'_ I

I 'f'I"oIJlrr '--'-I. I
lD"Ij ~kill ... Ro,," W,-..apon!f LJ. , 1
!Io\ovemo_ " nl LJ- '---' Toclle. I I , 1 NO£e, !iklll!li prlntl..'tl In blue can't
H , LJ- '---' Inf"llntry 1_ '--'--' be U!ied UflI.T"'nl!d.
.. 1111 1 ' - '.......J LJ- '---'
rtlJllbklz/ng 1--1-'_1 \IeI,1c1e LJ- ' _I
SUI/nina 1_ '- '-.1 T.:.chnlcnl Scien ce ' - '--'_
Endurance ,---'-'. 1 Invent/ol' '-'-'_I ""-....." .. " "V""~"" u ......""'"
R,' 01 .. , , ....1" I 1--1.......J Juryrly 1- ' - ' 1 .,.,..., (>,I I "Il. " -
Ol'l9l.! T<;Il ... .... '''''~ ~
Survival I I I I RI..'(MJlr 1--'-1 .I "' ... '......n>~ .D~
Survlvm train. L '- '--' Technlctrl kno.... 1- ' 1--' Jtr"...,... ... .....,

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