Class-X Islamiyat

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Dawood Public School

Course Outline 2010-2011
Class X

Text Books:
1. Farkhunda Noor, Edition, Title: Islamiyat for Students, Ferozsons, Lahore, Pakistan.
2. Yasmin Malik, Edition, Title: Islamic Beliefs and Practices, Army Press, (Regd) Islamabad.

Further reading:
1. Dr Iftikhar ul Haq and Maulvi Jahangir Mahmud, Title: O’Level Islamiyat f o r C a m b r i d g e
Examination, BooklandPublisher, Lahore, Pakistan.
2. Ayesha Tariq, Title: Islam in Modern Perspective, Stallion Publication, Pakistan.
• The aims of the syllabus are to enable the candidates to make careful analyses of Islamic
beliefs and to develop rational thinking .
• To explore the teachings of Islam and ways to implement them in modern day life.

Assessment Objectives:
AO1: To recall, select and present relevant facts from the main elements of the faith and history of
Islam. Thus AO1 is primarily concerned with knowledge.
AO2: To demonstrate understanding of their significance in the teachings of Islam and in the lives of
Muslims. Thus AO2 is
Concerned with understanding and evaluation of the material.

The paper is marked out of 50. Candidates answer Question1.Question 2.and any two of the other
three Questions.

Question 1 carries a maximum of 8 marks, and the four other Questions carry 14 marks each.

Syllabus Content:
Important instruction: Candidates should study the whole of the syllabus. Selective study is NOT

Contents relating to Paper 2058/1.

1. Major themes of the Qur’an

Three groups of passages are set for close study. These relate to
themes of: God in Himself
God’s relation with the created
world. God’s Messengers.

2. The history and importance of the Qur’an

3. The life and the importance of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)
4. The first Islamic community.

Content relating to paper 2058/2

1. Major teachings in the Hadith of the Prophet...

2. The history and the importance of all Hadith.
3. The period of rule of the rightly guided Caliphs, and their importance as leaders.
4. The Articles of Faith and the Pillars of Islam.
5. Jihad

Breakup of Syllabus Content:

August 2010:
Relations with Non-Muslims
Muslim states and their relations with other states.
History of Hadith and Ijma and Qiyas

Objectives: To learn about

• Relationships with other communities and followers of other religions in the time of Hazrat
Muhammad (S.A.W.)
• Relations with other states and communities in present time.
• Role of Muslim Ummah in Contemporary times.
. Significance of Hadith and its impact on life. Relation of Hadith with Ijma and Qiyas

How far do you think it is true that living according to Shari’ah makes it impossible for Muslims to mix
socially with a non- Muslim Community?

September 2010:

Revision of Surah’s.
Surah Al-Baqarah. (2:255)
Surah Al-Anam. (6:101-103)

• The meaning and different kinds of Jihad.
• Rules of Jihad.
• The major themes of the Holy Quran that appears in each passage, and the way each passage
presents its theme in a distinctive way...
. Significance of Hajj and its impact on life.

Questions on Jihad and Hajj.

October 2010:
Belief in life after death and Predestination and God’s decree.
Important Personalities of Islam.
Abu Hurairah.
Hazrat Salman Farsi.
Hazrat Abu Sufian.
Hazrat Bilal.
Hazrat AbuTalib.
Hazrat Anas Bin Malik
Hazrat Amr Bin Aas
Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umar
Hazrat Maaz Bin Jabal
Hazrat Abu Zarr Ghaffari

• We will look at the services of the above-mentioned personalities to Islam, the challenges
they faced for the growth of Islamic state and the character and qualities each individual
possessed. Importance of articles of faith in our daily life and their impact.

November 2010:
Imamat and Descendants of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)
Surah Al-Kauser.
Surah Al-Duha.
Surah Al-Nas
Surah Al-Baqarah. (2:30 to37)

• Students will learn to demonstrate the knowledge of the original as well as the translation.
• To make the students recall from memory and further reading carried out about the early life of the
Holy Prophet (S.A.W.), his struggles and the important events of his life.

Questions on the family of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)

December 2010:
Mid-year Examinations.
(Students have to study the whole syllabus).

January 2011:
Hadith No: 6,8,18,19
The life of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)
Surah Al-Maidah. (5: 110)
Surah Al-Anam. (6: 75-79)
Surah Al-Zilzaal.(99)
Articles of Faith.

• To check the understanding of the students to express the correct theme(s) of the Surahs.
• The fundamental beliefs, which serve as a foundation of religion, are called its doctrine or articles
of faith.

Muslims feels the tradition given to the Jews and Christians scriptures t o be unreliable. How the Quran
is thought to be different from these other scriptures?

February 2011:
Hadith. 1-10
Pillars of Islam.

• To know about the teachings contained in each passage about what Muslims should believe and
how they should act.
• To know that the basis of Islamic teachings and way of life are various obligatory acts of
worship, and how these pillars keep a Muslim close to Allah.

March and April 2011:

Ahadith. 11-20

• To check the students understanding of the Hadith and how they should follow its guidance in
their daily lives.

Mock Examinations

May 2011:
Final Examinations

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