Edu 533

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1. Who was considered as the Father of Intelligence Testing?

A. Jean Etienne Esquirol

B. Alfred Binet and Simon
C. Wilhelm Wundth
D. Henry Herbert Goddard

2. Which of the following is defined as the process of making value judgements on the
information collected from measurement based on the information collected from
A. Assessment
B. Testing
C. Measurement
D. Evaluation

3. This is the use of assessment to identify the needs of learners in order to modify instruction or
learning activities in the classroom. This assessment is formative in nature and is meant to
identify gaps between the learning experience and curriculum outcomes. What purpose of
assessment is defined above?
A. Assessment of Learning
B. Assessment for Learning
C. Assessment as Learning
D. Assessment in Learning

4. In Bloom’s Taxonomy, which of the following is part of the Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS)?
A. Comprehension
B. Analysis
C. Synthesis
D. Evaluation

5. Which of the following tools is used to determine test reliability?

A. Table of Specification
B. Kuder-Richardson Cronbach’s alpha
C. Discrimination Index
D. Difficulty Index

6. Which type of assessment are cognitive tasks that require a single correct answer?
A. Performance-based
B. Psychological Assessment
C. Non-objective Assessment
D. Paper-and-Pencil
7. What type of validity is used when the components or factors of a test are hypothesized to
have a negative correlation.
A. Divergent Validity
B. Convergent Validity
C. Sampling Validity
D. Concurrent Validity

8. When a teacher makes sure that his/her assessment tools are congruent with the OBE
principle of expanded opportunity. What principle does he/she practices?
A. Assessment is learner-centered
B. Assessment should have clear purpose
C. Assessment is not an end in itself
D. Assessment is ongoing, continuous and formative process

9. Which of these practice speed tests?

A. Ask students to answer increasing difficulty exams in 30 mins.

B. Ask students to answer increasing difficulty exam.
C. Ask students to answer as many questions as they can in 10 mins.
D. Ask the students to answer the test questions while recording how much time was spend

10. If a teacher asks the students to “Which of the following does not belong to the group?”, what
does the teacher seek to measure?

A. Knowledge
B. Comprehension
C. Application
D. Analysis

11. Teacher Ron makes sure to give a test that will measure the mastery of his student’s learning
at the end of every chapter. What type of assessment does he use?
A. Summative Assessment
B. Diagnostic Assessment
C. Formative Assessment
D. Placement Assessment

12. Which type of knowledge answers the question “What is the sum of the interior angles of a
A. Factual Knowledge
B. Conceptual Knowledge
C. Procedural Knowledge
D. Metacognitive Knowledge
13. Teacher Mae wants to measure the student's grasp of the higher-level cognitive skills of the
students. Which written-response instrument must she use?

A. Essay
B. Matching Type
C. Enumeration
D. Fill-in-the-blanks

14. Which of the following is a characteristic of a good matching type test?

A. The descriptions are heterogeneous.
B. There is more than 1 correct answer in each item.
C. Column B has more options compared to Column A.
D. The direction simply says, “Match column A to column B.”

15. Before conducting her test, Teacher Bless made sure that there is no grammatical and
typographical error in her test. Which validity is evident in this situation?
A. Content Validity
B. Face Validity
C. Construct Validity
D. Criterion-related Validity

16. If there are 4 quarters in one school year, the averaging grading system will make add the
grades in all quarters and divide it by 4. How is the grading system different in cumulative?

A. In cumulative grading system, 1st and 2nd quarter grades are paired to create the 3rd
quarter grade.
B. In cumulative grading system, the student’s actual grades are summed to get the average.
C. In cumulative grading system, each grade per quarter has equal bearing.
D. In cumulative grading system, the grade in the last quarter affects the grade of the current

17. Which is NOT TRUE about objective type of test?

A. It is easy to score
B. It promotes student’s creativity
C. It is less time consuming
D. It is free from personal biases in scoring
For number 18, refer to the sample True or False questions below.

18. What is the main defect of this item?

A. All statements are false.
B. Use of absolutes such as always and never.
C. Use of too-short statements.
D. Use of opinion-based statements.

19. Find the median of 8 students if the scores are 9,9,11,13,15,15,16, 19.

A. 9
B. 13
C. 14
D. 15

20. One of Miss Reyes instructional objectives is “Using their own nondigital watches, the
students will tell the time with 90% accuracy”. Which of the following test items matches
Miss Reyes’s instructional objective? Using their own nondigital watches, _________.
A. Explain how to tell the time.
B. Add 1 hour to the current time.
C. Differentiate digital and nondigital watches.
D. Determine the current time.

21. Sir Jethro ensures that his test is fair. Which of the following does NOT ensure fairness?

A. He informed the students about the learning target of the test.

B. He used test questions that do not offend any subgroup.
C. He used assessment to weed out poor and slow learners.
D. He informed the students what method of assessment will be used

22. In which scenario did a teacher probably violate the ethics in assessment?

A. The teacher showed the student’s grade to his/her parents.

B. The teacher did not respond to the student who is trying to fish some answers.
C. The teacher announced the scores of the students to the class arranged from highest to
D. The teacher informed the students that their scores will be used for a Departmental
Action Research.
23. Teacher Joy wants her students to show what part of their allowance is spent for
transportation. Which graph should her students use?

A. Pie Chart
B. Bar Graph
C. Line Graph
D. Histogram

24. What is correct about mode?

A. It is a measure of dispersion
B. It is a measure of achievement
C. It is the 50th percentile
D. It is commonly used for qualitative data

25. Can a teacher-made test become a standardized test?

A. Yes, as long as it has been conducted several times.

B. Yes, as long as it passed the validity and reliability test.
C. Yes, as long as it is similar to a standardized test.
D. No, only authorized persons can create standardized test.

26. Teacher Mina wanted to rate her students in terms of appropriate and effective use of some
laboratory equipment and measurement tools and if they can follow the specified procedures.
What test is appropriate for the situation?
A. Objective Test
B. Standardized Test
C. Performance Based Test
D. Teacher-made Test

27. What is the average of a student if he/she earns 90, 92, 92 and 94 for first to 4th quarter?
A. 90
B. 92
C. 94
D. 92.5

28. Which could be seen in a rubric??

I. Objective in a high level of cognitive behavior
II. Single criteria in assessing
III. Quantitative descriptions of quality work
IV. Qualitative descriptions of quality work

A. I and II
B. II and III

C. III and IV
D. I, II, and IV
29. Teacher Jasper wants to determine student’s attitude and perception towards Mathematics.
What tool should Teacher Jasper use?
A. Portfolio Assessment
B. Observation Technique
C. Table of Specification
D. Likert Scale

30. In selecting a specific type of test to be used when constructing a test, which should be
considered first?

A. Purpose of the test

B. Nature of the subject matter
C. Characteristics of the group
D. Desired Learning Outcomes

31. Teacher Bea wants to prepare an essay for her students. Which of the following guidelines
should be followed?

A. Use essay tests that can also be answered by other types of tests.
B. Present tasks that are fair, reasonable, and realistic to the students.
C. Make sure that each essay question can be answered by 1 sentence only.
D. Require multiple answers for 1 essay question.

32. Teacher Kyle wants to prepare a problem-solving test for his students. Which of the following
guidelines should NOT be followed?

A. Explain the problem clearly.

B. Be specific of the type of response required from the students.
C. Specify in the directions the bases for grading student’s answers/procedures.
D. Use the same problem used in the discussion.

33. Teacher Karen conducted the same test 6 months apart on the same group of students. What
reliability test did she use?
A. Split-half
B. Test-retest reliability
C. Correlation
D. Parallel form

34. The following are questions that a formative assessment can answer EXCEPT ____________.
A. Should a topic be taught again?
B. Should there be more drills and exercises?
C. What are the learners’ weaknesses before I discuss this topic?
D. What are the learners' weaknesses after my discussion?
35. “Assessment should require application of what students have learned to a new situation, and
that demands judgement to determine what information and skills are relevant and how
should they be used”. What principle of assessment is stated?
A. Assessment is both product and process oriented.
B. Assessment must be comprehensive and holistic.
C. Assessment requires the use of appropriate measures.
D. Assessment should be as authentic as possible.

36. Which is one of the major purposes of a teacher’s classroom assessment system?

A. To provide correct feedback to the students

B. To assess a student's native intelligence
C. To rank students according to their test scores
D. To determine which student will represent the competition

37. The criterion of success in Teacher Z’s objective is that “the pupils should be able to spell at
least 80% of words correctly”. Alice and 24 others in the class spelled 40 out of 50 words
correctly while the rest scored 45 and above. This means that Teacher Z _____.

A. Attained his lesson objectives

B. Failed to attain his lesson objective as far as the 25 pupils are concerned.
C. Attained his lesson objective because of the students who got 45 above
D. Failed to attain his lesson objective because the rest got 45 and above.

38. Mr. Ar wants to test students' knowledge of the different parts of the flower, its name and its
function and so he gave his students an essay test. If you were the teacher, will you do the

A. Yes, essay test measures higher order thinking skills.

B. Yes, essay test is appropriate to any learning objectives.
C. No, the use of matching type is more appropriate.
D. No, essay test is time-consuming and difficult to check.

39. Teacher Mary created a test that measures the proficiency of the students in the specific
learning objectives. What test did Teacher Mary create?
A. Diagnostic Test
B. Summative Test
C. Norm-referenced test
D. Criterion-referenced test
40. Who gave the most authentic assessment task for the instructional objective “relate to the

A. Mr. Alvarez required the students to take a photo of the people with different
backgrounds in life.
B. Mr. Gonzalez required the students to organize and implement a community outreach for
the underprivileged.
C. Ms. Ramos required the students to interview 10 different professionals they know.
D. Mr. Fernandez required the students to visit a museum and write a 1000-word reflection

For number 41, refer to the sample item below:

41. To improve the matching type questions above, the following should be done EXCEPT
A. Interchange contents of column A and B.
B. Revise the direction describing the content in the items and how the match should be made.
C. Arrange the names based on the year each person existed.
D. Make sure that the list is homogenous.

42. Which exam question best assesses this objective: Analyze the economic factors that affect
the learning outcomes

A. Students will enumerate the different economic factors.

B. Students will be given a realistic scenario and should write a one-paragraph write-up
C. Students will answer a True or False question about economic factors
D. Students will answer an essay question “What are the economic factors that affect learning

43. Sarah obtained a LET percentile rank of 95. This means that?

A. 5% of the fellow examinees surpassed her

B. 95% of the fellow examinees surpassed her
C. She answered 95 items correctly
D. She belongs to the bottom 5% of her fellow examinees
44. Class A’s scores in the Final Exam got a mode of 75, median of 65, and mean of 50. This implies
that _________.
A. the class’s distribution is negatively skewed
B. the class's distribution is positively skewed
C. the class's distribution is normally distributed
D. the class's distribution cannot be determined using mean, median, and mode.

45. What can be said of students' performance in a positively skewed score distribution?

A. Few students performed excellently

B. Most students performed poorly
C. Most students performed well
D. Few students performed poorly

46. Which teacher best describes the utilization of a paper and pencil type of assessment?
A. Mr. Ric used a multiple-choice test to measure the dancing skills of his students.
B. Mr. Ralf used a true or false test to measure the cooking skills of his students.
C. Ms. Rose used an essay question to measure the writing skills of her students.
D. Ms. Jen used a matching type test to know if students know the capitals of each country.

47. Ms. Fer conducted reliability test using split-half method. What should she do?

A. Ms. Fer gave two forms of a test similar in content, type of items, and difficulty to same
group of students.
B. Ms. Fer administered her test to 10 students. After a week, the same test was given to the
same group of students.
C. Ms. Fer splits the students into two groups and gave each group the same test.
D. Ms. Fer gave the students the same test. After which, she broke down the test results into
halves by “odd-even”.

48. Which of the following does NOT violate the reliability of the test?
A. Different type of test is given to different students.
B. The test was conducted to the honors class only.
C. The test is a 100-item multiple choice test.
D. The test is 100-item enumeration test.

49. Mr. Marvin administered a 50- item mathematics test to his Grade 5 pupils. The scores of his
pupils are shown below. Using Kuder- Richardson Formula 21, he got a score of 0.88. What
does this imply?

A. The test is very good for classroom test.

B. The test has excellent reliability and at the level of best standardized test.
C. The test needs to be supplemented by other measure to determine grades.
D. The test is good for classroom test, but few items need to be improved.
50. When are educational and psychological assessments used?
A. when designing objectives that match with the content of the lesson
B. when giving feedback on how well the students understand the lesson
C. when gathering information at any point in of instruction
D. when tracking the growth of students and marking their performance

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