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Lesson Plan in Module 4 Lesson 2

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Grade Level: Grade 7
Learning Area: English
Teaching Dates and Time: May 16-17, 2019 (8:00 A.M.- 12:00 P.M.)

A. CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of: contemporary
Philippine Literature as a means of responding demands of the global village; various extended
text types; lexical and contextual cues; appropriate and polite oral language, stance, and
behavior; and use of imperatives, prepositions, verbs and wh-questions.

B. PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner transfers learning by: explaining the needs to
be cooperative and responsible in today’s global village; using appropriate strategies to
comprehend extended text types; using lexical and contextual clues to understand unfamiliar
words and expressions; using imperatives, prepositions, and appropriate and polite oral
language, stance and behavior in various information-sharing formats.

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Classify text types;
2. Narrate events;
3. Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the theme of the
4. Identify words or expressions used in a selection that show varying shades of
5. Use verbs when giving information and making explanations; and
6. Compose a capsule biography of a person viewed.

Reading: A Shawl for Anita by Lolita M. Andrada
Viewing: Keeping Abreast with the Changes
Grammar: Verbs
Literary Study: Text Types, (Few) Elements of a Story


A. References: Learning Package Grade 7 pp. 437-457
B. Online Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhlHoH_9dxk
C. Materials: Laptop, power point presentation, video clip, books


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Prayer
2. Classroom Cleanliness
3. Checking of attendance
4. Review of the lesson

B. Motivation:
The students will watch a video entitled, Change.

Process Questions:
1. What does the video tell you?
2. How does the people in the video change?
3. What makes them hopeful?
4. After watching the video, how do you now define change?

Directions: Match the word being defined in each item. Match the Morse Code with the
letters to form the word.

1. The feeling of wanting to have someone else has (envy)

2. Having less than a normal amount of strength (frail)
3. Skillful and clever (deft)
4. Any one of the thick, bony parts in the fingers (knuckle)
5. To make a piece of clothing from yarn of thread (knit)
6. To get with great difficulty (ere)
7. To do something as a special pleasure (indulge)
8. To bother or annoy (irk)
9. To confine in a restricted area (coop)
10. Not feeling or showing any concern about the problems of others (callous)

The Text (A Shawl for Anita by Lolita M. Andrada)

Process Questions:
1. Who narrates the story?
2. Who are the characters in the story?
3. Among the characters, who is frail but never stopped working?
4. What actions did the mother does?
5. In what way did the mother stay the same?
6. Why does Anita keep on requesting something from the mother despite her mother’s decision?
7. What was the most exciting part of the story? Why?
8. As a student, how does changes become essential in your life?

Events on a Shawl. Draw the shawl on your notebook. On the cloth, list down events that
happened in the story. Make sure that the sequence of events is properly arranged.

(Few) Elements of a Story

Characters can be classified as round or dynamic- character changes; and flat static- character
who doesn’t change.

Choose a dynamic character in the story. Using the Character Development Chart below, show
how he or she changes. Specify how the character’s qualities and explain how the change of his or
her views affects the character’s disposition in life.

The theme in a piece of fiction is its controlling idea or its central insight. It is the author’s
underlying meaning of main idea that he is trying to convey.
Writers usually provokes a response from readers, this inspires readers to think deeply on how the
literary work is related to their lives. This is called reader’s response.

Text Types Blast

 Narrative Essays: Telling a Story

In a narrative Essays, the writer tells a story about a real-life experience. When writing a narrative
essay, you should try to involve the reader by making a story as vivid as possible. “I” sentences
give readers a feeling of being part of the story.

 Descriptive Essays: Painting a Picture

A descriptive essay paints a picture with words. A writer might describe a person, place, object, or
even a memory of a special significance. In a descriptive essay, the writer should show, not tell,
through the use of colorful words and sensory details.

 Expository Essays: Just the Facts

The expository essay is an informative piece of writing that presents a balanced analysis of a topic.
In an expository essay, the writer explains or defines a topic, using facts, statistics and examples.
They are based on facts not personal emotions, writers don’t reveal their emotions and never write
in first person point of view.

 Persuasive Essays: Convince Me

The goal of the persuasive essay is to convince the reader to accept the writer’s point of view or
recommendation. The writer must build a case or argument using facts and logic, as well as
examples, expert opinion, and sound reasoning.

Task. Let us check your comprehension on the different text types. Write TRUE if the sentence is
correct and FALSE if not.
True 1. Type of texts depends on its purpose.
True 2. A descriptive text paints a picture in the mind of the reader using five senses.
True 3. An expository text informs the reader based on facts and statistics.
False 4. A narrative text encourages the reader to do a certain action.
True 5. A persuasive text delivers two sides of an issue- the affirmative and negative side.

On a graphic organizer, tell what kind of text is “Shawl for Anita” and write its features.

(May 17, 2019)


Read the following sentences lifted from the text “A Shawl for Anita”. Observe the italicized words.
1. Mother brought us up single-handedly.
2. She looked at her handiwork.
3. Mother sacrificed much for us.
4. I envied Anita.
5. Anita touched my arm gently.

What do you call the italicized words? What do these words have in common?

A verb is a word that expresses an action or state of

Action verbs is a state of being, verbs are also known as
linking verbs. Because action verbs and linking verbs are
strong enough to be used in sentences by themselves, they
are called main verbs.
I love cheese. I am a teacher.
I turned the page. I turned green.

Helping verbs always help either an action word or a

linking verb.
I will play the piano. I should be a teacher.

*Verbs are used in imperatives.

Verbs in Action. Read and answer the following questions:
1. Which word is the verb in the sentence?
“Knitting the shawl might have been an agony for mother.”
A. an B. have been C. knitting D. shawl

2. Which word is the verb in the sentence?

“I was beginning to understand my mother.”
A. I B. mother C. was beginning D. to understand

3. How many verbs are there in the sentence?

“Her fingers had lost flexibility.”
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

4. Every sentence must have a verb.

A. True B. False C. Maybe D. Never

5. A verb never changes its form.

A. True B. False C. Maybe D. Never

Verbs in the Text. Re-read the text “A Shawl for Anita” and look for at least five (5) verbs. List
them down in a table and use them in your own sentence.

Verbs Sentences
1. brought I brought with me my collection of fictional books when I travelled to


A. Read the following excerpts form essays carefully. Then, on the sapce provided
before the number, write N if the paragraph is Narrative, D if Descriptive, E if
Expository and P if Persuasive.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb form to complete the thought of the
sentences. Choose your answer from the box.
1. The man creeps through the alley.
2. The instructors teach the classes as a team.
3. Daphne knew the true meaning of the poem.
4. Stewart’s boat has not sunk since he got it patched.
5. The dog sought as I was opening the can.

6. Even though Marian wanted the red dress, she settled for the blue one.
7. Tag and hopscotch were two of my favorite games as a child; the games keep me in shape
8. Scott gave his wife a huge bouquet for their anniversary, and she took it with her to work.
9. If the television show goes off, then Derrick will be sad.
10. The conversation attracted some very strange people who were dressed in costume.

C. Inspire the Next. Your task is to write a capsule biography of a person who has been
through several changes and difficulties yet living prosperous and happy life now. Imagine that
you are a writer of an inspirational magazine. Your output will be read by people working abroad
and those experiencing home sickness due to a change of environment. Your work will be based
on its content, point of view, development/ organization, language mechanics, and word choice.
(refer to page 455-457)

Read the story, “A Parable of the Rainbow Colors” by Juan M. Flavier.

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