GD Topics

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Type of GD Topics
There are four types of GD Topics for MBA:
 GD Topics on Business & Economy: It includes current trends in business and economy, major
policy initiatives, latest business trends, and their impact globally and nationally.
 GD Topics on Current Affairs: The GD topics on Current affairs may be based on national or
international political development, Policies and issues which are highly debated in media.
 GD topics on Social Issues: Top MBA Colleges are focussing on developing socially responsible
MBAs. Hence, there is a greater emphasis on issues like gender and environment sensitivity, ethics
 GD Topics on Abstract Topics: You may be thinking what are abstract GD topics? These are the
topics which have multiple interpretations and candidates can show their creativity and smart
thinking. Prepare well for these tricky ones!

Business & Economy: Group Discussion Topics

 The IT Industry in India -Will it create more jobs in the future?
 The 2019 Union Budget: A Pathway to Dreams or False Hope for India
 White Revolution in India: How a Milk Hungry Country Became largest Milk Producer
 Knowledge Based Indian Economy: Crucial for Development of India
 Merger and Acquisition of Indian Banks: Is it good for Indian Economy?
 Is FDI Good for Indian Economy?
 Universal Basic Income: Is this a good idea for India?
 Poverty in India: Facts, Causes, Effects, Solution
 Indian Economy in 2018-19: Performance & Policies of Modi Regime
 Agriculture Role in India and Subsidies: Problems & Challenges
 Ease of Doing Business Ranking of India: Will the Improvement in Position really help?
 RBI Autonomy: Is the Government out to Impound its Autonomous Status?
 Renewable Energy: Can India lead Solar Energy, Wind Energy revolution?
 Banking Frauds: Result is Rising NPAs; Better to Prevent now than to run after
 Minimum Support Price: Really helpful or a Political gimmick
 Agriculture Vs Manufacturing Industry in India - priorities for future
 Walmart and Flipkart Deal: Impact on Indian Economy
 Is MBA necessary to be Successful in Business?
 Cashless Economy: Is Society ready for transformation?
 Impact of Technology on Jobs: Will Automation & Artificial Intelligence reduce or increase
 Globalization: An Opportunity or a Threat?
 Crypto Currency: A bright future or just a fad?
 The Fugitive Economic Offenders Bill 2017
 Startup India: Boosting Entrepreneurship
 Merger of Public Sector Banks: How beneficial is the merger of Banks?
 Water Transport Tourism: A shot in the Arm for economic development
 Budget Cycle Change: Only a move of convenience
 Bank Recapitalization: NPA reduction and not bank recapitalization can cure the health of
PSBs in India
 RERA: Will it restore the trust of home buyers?
 Moody’s Rating Upgrade: Will the improvement enhance economic growth of India?
 YONO: One Banking Digital platform for all financial solutions.
 Demonetisation: Success & failures
 Indian Economic Slowdown: A long term problem, how to come out of it?
 GST: Will economy grow faster with reduced rates of Goods & Services Tax?
 Farmers’ Income: Will India be able to double it in next 5 years?
 Privatization of Indian economy: Should India go ahead with the idea?
 High Deficit Financing V/s high interest rates: Both cannot go together
 Union Budget: Merging the General & Railway Budget will save exchequer from
unnecessary spending
 India V/s China: Will India remain way behind China?
 Employment Generation: IT industry will create huge job opportunities in India
 FDI in retail: Good for India?
 Business Lobbying: Make it legal in India
 Corruption in Economy: It is the root cause for Indian Economic slowdown
 Make in India: The idea will make India a manufacturing hub

Current Affairs: Group Discussion Topics

 Space Research Projects: Is it Waste of Money?
 One Nation One Election: Benefits are more for India
 Will India become a Superpower in coming decades
 EVMs Vs Paper Ballots: Which one is Better to Use?
 10% Quota Reservation Bill for General Category Poor Passed
 Statue of Unity: Symbol of Pride or Wastage of Public Money?
 US Trade Policy: Is Trump creating World Trade War?
 Media Freedom: Should there be a limit?
 Fake News will kill Social Fiber of India unless checked
 Individual’s Data Privacy: Protection is More Important than Before
 Mobocracy is led by Fake News resulting in Lynching
 TRUMP-KIM SUMMIT: Will De-Nuclearization Instill World Peace?
 GD Topic: Union Budget India 2018
 Is India ready for Electric Vehicles?
 Modicare: Affordable healthcare or a piped dream?
 Bullet Train: Does India really need it?
 Sensex: Sensitivity has nothing to do with economy and society?
 Companies Amendment Bill: Will it be helpful in ease of doing business?
 Gujarat & Himachal Assembly elections: Implications at national level.
 IIM Bill 2017: Is it really beneficial for the students?
 End of subsidy regime: Step needed to propel the wheel of growth
 Mission to MARS: Can India afford spending a fortune on such projects?
 E-commerce: Discounts are harmful in long run?
 War Kashmir Crisis: War not dialogue will end the Crisis?
 Preponing the General Budget: Is preponing the presentation date a good decision?
 Terrorism: Is this the price we have to pay for democracy?
 Linking of Aadhaar: Is making Aaadhar mandatory a good idea?
 Banking scams
 Impact of technology on Jobs
 Is India ready for cashless economy?
 Poverty in India : Facts ,Causes, Effects and Solutions
 Death Penalties for perpetrators of crime against women .Is it justified?
 Indian economy in 2018-2019:Performance and policies of Modi regime

Social Issues: Group Discussion Topics

 Death penalties for perpetrators of crime against women. Is it justified?
 Free Metro Ride for Women: Step for Women Empowerment or a Political Gimmick
 Travelling: Helps in Generating Ideas and Experiential Learning
 Shortage of Open Spaces and Playgrounds Lead to Negative Tendencies in Children
 Plastic Ban: Economy Vs Environment
 Women Empowerment & Gender Justice
 Swachh Bharat Mission: Success is still at Large
 GD topic: Retirement Homes
 Social Media: A boon or a bane for society and individuals
 Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
 Law should be an instrument of Social Change
 Browsing at Workplace affects productivity
 Social Activism is necessary for survival of democratic society
 India needs a uniform civil code
 Difficulties in implementation of Climate Change Summit Resolutions
 Net Neutrality is essential to make India Digital
 Smart City Project will give wings to growth
 Gender bias in portraying Women in Advertisements
 India needs a uniform civil code

Abstract Topics: Group Discussion Topics

 Friends, Enemy or Frenemies?
 Hard Work Vs Smart Work
 Me Too Campaign: Tool to Trap or Breaking Silence to Win the War
 Your failures can be your stepping stones or your stumbling blocks
 GD Topic: Ethics or Profit?
 GD Topic: Zero (0)
 Black or Grey
 Work- Life Balance is a Myth
 Roses are red, crows are black
 Water or Oxygen
 East or West India is the best
 Patience: A virtue in Business and Management.
 Innovation Vs Invention: What is more important?
 Change is the only constant
 Freedom is a myth
 Fact Vs Opinion: There are no facts only opinions
 Leader or Follower
 Strategy or Execution
 Means or End
 Effective manager or Ethical Manager
 It was a bright, cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen.
 Red is red, blue is blue and never the two shall meet
 Brevity is the soul of wit
 Gender bias in portraying Women in Advertisements
 Red vs Green
 Square
 Dot
 Grey

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