1-Minute Speech
1-Minute Speech
1-Minute Speech
This activity aims to test learners’ ability to talk about a certain topic. This also aims to let them
formulate ideas and share their understanding about the determinants of Demand with a twist of
stuffing it into one (1) minute.
Determinants of Demand
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Content Statements are Statements are Statements are Statements are
appropriate and appropriate and mostly inappropriate
with elaboration adequately appropriate but
developed undeveloped
Comprehensibility Sentences are Sentences are Sentences are Sentences are
clear, requiring no clear, requiring mostly unclear vague, barely
interpretation on minimal requiring comprehensible
the part of the interpretation on interpretation on
listener the part of the the part of the
listener listener
Fluency Speech is Speech has Speech is choppy Speech is halting
continuous with hesitation but and/or slow with and uneven with
few pauses or manages to frequent pauses, long pauses or
stumbling continue and few incomplete incomplete
complete thoughts thoughts
Correctness of All data are Some data are Most data are All data are
Data correct and up to incorrect incorrect incorrect
Prepared by:
This activity aims to test learners’ ability to talk about a certain topic. This also aims to let them
formulate stand on certain historical issues with a twist of stuffing it into one (1) minute.
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Content Statements are Statements are Statements are Statements are
appropriate and appropriate and mostly inappropriate
with elaboration adequately appropriate but
developed undeveloped
Comprehensibility Sentences are Sentences are Sentences are Sentences are
clear, requiring no clear, requiring mostly unclear vague, barely
interpretation on minimal requiring comprehensible
the part of the interpretation on interpretation on
listener the part of the the part of the
listener listener
Fluency Speech is Speech has Speech is choppy Speech is halting
continuous with hesitation but and/or slow with and uneven with
few pauses or manages to frequent pauses, long pauses or
stumbling continue and few incomplete incomplete
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Prepared by:
1-minute talk
This activity aims to test learners’ ability to talk about a certain topic. This also aims to let them
formulate stand on certain historical issues with a twist of stuffing it into one (1) minute.
Prepared by:
1-minute talk
This activity aims to test learners’ ability to talk about a certain topic. This also aims to let them
formulate stand on certain historical issues with a twist of stuffing it into one (1) minute.
Prepared by: