For example:
Good afternoon. Thank you for attending this presentation.
Imagine you have to work…. This is the reality for most … in India. According to statistics, …
This means that…. in Chile, globally,… there have been many discussions about this, especially
in the workplace and in politics.
One reason to support…. is that everyone should have…, no matter their…
Another argument is that more…
However, in a study published in 2023, 75% say that… because…. Some companies argue
In conclusion, …While there are… I believe we must continue…
Rubric - Oral presentation
Criteria - Level of achievement 1.0 0.5 0.25
Content and organization It covers the topic It generally covers the It does not cover the
clearly and the topic and although the topic clearly and/or
arguments are well- arguments are the arguments are not
structured and structured some are structured and are off
relevant to the topic. off topic. topic.
Argument quality The arguments are The arguments are The arguments are not
well-balanced and well-balanced but balanced or are too
strong. The reasons weak. Some reasons weak. The reasons
for/against are clear for/against are clear for/against are
and logical. and logical. unclear or lack clarity.
Language use Vocabulary is Vocabulary is accurate Vocabulary is accurate
accurate and and effective. The and effective. The
effective. The sentences are sentences are
sentences are grammatically correct. grammatically correct.
Intelligibility Speech is clear and Speech is generally Speech is unclear,
easy to understand, clear but may be making it difficult to
with appropriate difficult to follow at understand the
pace and times. message.
Voice volume and tone Voice volume and Voice volume and Voice is too soft or too
tone are well- tone are generally loud, making it
modulated, appropriate but may difficult to hear or
enhancing the lack variation or understand.
overall delivery. expression.
Interactions and use of notes Eye contact with the Some attempts at Limited or no eye
audience is present interaction with the contact with the
all the time and audience but could be audience. Reading
notes are not used. more engaging. Notes from notes reduces the
are used occasionally. presentation's
Time management Time allowed for Time is respected The presentation
presenting is generally but may lack exceeds or falls short
respected balance in allocating of the allotted time,
time to different impacting its
sections. effectiveness.
Total ______/ 7 points
Topic numbers and speakers’ name