Status of Milky Mushroom Calocybe Indica PDF
Status of Milky Mushroom Calocybe Indica PDF
Status of Milky Mushroom Calocybe Indica PDF
The ever increasing population particularly in third world countries is creating problems of
food, nutritional security, health and environment. Increase in crop production is resulting
in generation of huge amount of agricultural waste creating environmental pollution. These
wastes can be used in mushroom production there by producing valuable food with better
nutritional and medicinal values, employment generation and spent mushroom can be used
to produce organic manure for agricultural and horticultural crops. Varied agro-climatic
conditions and availability of agricultural and industrial wastes in India (>700 million tonnes)
offer great opportunities for cultivation of different mushrooms on commercial scale.
Introduction of new mushrooms is important to meet out the increasing public appetite for
new and different mushrooms. In this context milky mushroom (Calocybe indica) has great
scope in our country. Moreover, Indian population being vegetarian, consumption of
mushrooms would certainly augment their diet which is deficient in proteins and minerals.
Mushroom consumption can thus prove a boon to growing children as well as breast feeding
mothers. Mushroom consumption has proved beneficial for the patients suffering from
hypertension, high sugar and heart problems. Among the new mushrooms, milky mushroom
is an important mushroom and is gaining popularity recently. It is fourth most largely growing
mushroom in India and being tropical in nature, the mushroom is grown commercially in
many parts of the country particularly in southern parts of India. This mushroom is most
popular in Tamil Nadu.
potential strain of milky mushroom The energy value of substrates worked out
occurring in a sugarcane field near based on cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin
Coimbatore and was later released as a new content revealed highest energy value of 466
variety called APK 2. The best temperature K Cal per 100 gm substrate in coirpith
optima for cultivating this mushroom are 30- followed by banana trash (435 K Cal per 100
35 °C. Some workers have reported that 32 gm), paddy straw (391 K Cal per 100 gm)
°C was ideal for spawn run and fruit body and wood shavings (380 K Cal per 10 gm
initiation was more at 30 °C and 90% RH. values) (Usha, 2007).
Yield reduction was reported at temperature
below 25 °C. Complete darkness less Nutritive and medicinal value
favoured fruit body formation and diffused
light helped in the elongation of stipe. Nutritive value of milky mushroom is
Strandy and vigourous mycelial growth of comparable with other mushrooms. Mature
fungus was observed when it was incubated fruit body of C. indica contains highest
at 600-800 lux light intensity. Maximum protein (17.2% on dry weight basis), while
yield were obtained when the cased beds young pin heads contain the lowest proteins
were incubated at 1600 lux light. At higher (15% on dry weight basis), 4.1% fat, 3.4%
light intensity stipe length was very much crude fibre and 64.26% carbohydrate on dry
reduced whereas, pileus breadth increased wt basis. Mature fruit bodies contain 4%
substantially. During a survey conducted soluble sugars, 2.9% starch and 7.43% ash.
during 2009-2010 in south west monsoon The fruit body contains 12 amino acids,
season in Koliyoor area of namely, alanine, aspartic acid, glutamine,
Thiruvanthapuram district, Keral, a new glutamic acid, glycine hydroxyl proline,
species of Calocybe, C. gambosa (Fr) Donk was histidine, lysine, threonine, tryrosine, valine,
collected and pure culture isolated. The arginine, and proline. Out of all amino acids
sporophores have bigger sized pileus and gluycine is predominant (10.8g/100g
club shaped stout and elongated stipe. protein). In addition to this, it has all the
Cultivation technology was standardized by mineral salts required by human body such
polybag method on paddy straw and 1:1:1 as potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron and
sand-soil-vermicompost mixture as casing calcium. Due to alkaline ash and high fibre
material. Average fruit body weight ranged content, it is highly suitable for people with
from 250-620g. Farm trials conducted in ten hyperacidity and constipation (Doshi,,
locations of six districts of Kerala indicated 1988). Mushrooms have been reported to
the highest biological efficiency of 137.4% have a therapeutic potential against several
compared to 90.06% for C. indica. First flush age related processes. Sivaprakasam et al.,
appeared early (32day) in C. gambosa while (1986) and Doshi et al., (1988), recorded 20.2%
it took 39.5 days in C. indica. A benefit cost protein in milky white mushroom (on dry
ratio of about 3:1 was achieved owing to low weight basis) while Krishnamoorthy et al.,
cost substrates. (2000) reported 32.2% protein (dry weight
basis) in milky mushroom. It is also reported
Milky mushroom was cultivated on four that milky mushroom contains higher
different agro-residues viz paddy straw, protein than button and oyster mushrooms
coirpith, wood shaving and banana trash. (Krishnamoorthy et al., 2000). This
mushroom has higher dry matter (14.4%) and (Phenolic compounds with sulfur in place of
fiber content (61.1%). Milky mushroom also oxygen) in animal cells is glutathione, which
contains higher sugars and fat (59.9% and exist is both reduced (GSH) and oxidized
0.67%, respectively) compared to other (GSSG) stateThe GSH is essential for protein
edible mushrooms. Saranya et al., (2011) and DNA synthesis, regulation of enzyme
reported that the type of substrates and activities and protection against free radicals
supplements used for mushroom cultivation (Selvi et al., 2007). Mirunalini et al., (2012)
had greatly influenced the proximate and Babu and Rao (2013), have reported in
composition including antioxidants. These vitro antioxidant activities of C. indica
authors also reported increased levels of extracts. The results showed higher DPPH
calcium, phosphorus and iron in the milky scavenging activity, reducing power,
white mushroom. Ragul (2013) reported that chelation, and hydrogen peroxide
chitosan from C. indica sporophores ranged scavenging activity in C. indica compared to
from 2.5% to 2.9% on dry weight basis. The Agaricus bisporus. Interestingly, the stipe of C.
beta-glycans present in dietary fibers of indica exhibited more chelation, hydrogen
mushrooms are reported to have stimulatory peroxide scavenging activity, flavonoid and
effect on immune system with anti- total phenolic contents as compared to its
mutagenic, anticancer and antitumor cap.
activities (Crisan and Sands, 1978). Good
amount of minerals (Ca, K, Mg, Na, and P) Govindan et al., (2014) evaluated the
and trace elements (Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn) from possible protective effects of milky
milky white mushrooms (Mattila et al., 2001; mushroom fruting body polysaccharides
Zahid et al., 2010). (CIFBP) against oxidative stress in
streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats.
Reactive oxygen species and free radicals Diabetes was induced in overnight fasted
causes a number of diseases such as adult Wistar strain albino female rats
rheumatoid arthritis, cirrhosis and life weighing 150-180g by single intraperitoneal
threatening diseases like cancer in the injection of freshly prepared streptozotocin
human body. There are vitamins, (60mg/kg body weight) in 0.1M citrate
compounds and enzymes like vitamin E, C, buffer (pH 4.5) and NAD (110mg/kg body
polyphenols, carotenoids, glutathione, weight). Three days after STZ injection
superoxide dismutase, catalase etc. help in diabetic rats received CIFBP orally at the
neutralizing free radicals in the human doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg daily for 30
system. Milky mushroom contains good days. The effect of CIFBP on glucose,
amount of vitamin A (0.275mg per g) (Alam glycosylated haemoglobin (HBA1C),
et al., 2008), vitamin C (1.03mg /100 g) (Selvi superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase
et al., 2007), vitamin E (tocopherol) (Mattila, (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx),
2000) (2.8 mg/g) and Glutathione (0.025 glutathione–S-transferasen (GST),
nmole/g). Vitamin C is a free radical glutathione reductase (GR), reduced
scavenger and inhibitor of lipid peroxidation glutathione (GSH), vitamin C, thiobarbituric
whereas Vitamin E is an antioxidant that acid reactive substances (TBARS) and
protects membranes, lipids and lipoproteins. hydroperoxide in serum, liver, kidney and
The most abundant non-protein thiol pancreas were studied. The levels of glucose,
HBA1C, TBARS and hydroperoxide were the raised acetyl choline esterase (AChE)
increased significantly whereas; activities of activities, malondiadehyde (MDA),
enzymic and level of non-enzymic hydroperoxide (HPO), protein carbonyls
antioxidants were decreased in STZ induced (PCO), advanced oxidation protein products
diabetic rats. The antioxidant effect of CIFBP (AOPP) level in brain of aging mice induced
was compared with glibenclamide, a well by D-gal in a dose dependent manner.
known and anti-hyperglycemic drug. This
study indicates that CIFBP possesses a In vitro and in vivo antidiabetic activity of
significant favourable effect on anti-oxidant milky mushroom exhibited significant
defense system in addition to its anti- results for its á-amylase (89.49+- 3.54% at
diabetic effect. 1.0mg/ml) and â-glucosidase activity
(67.30+- 2.93% at 1.0mg/ml) in a dose
Govidan et al., (2014b) also investigated dependent manner. The methanolic extract
the protective effect of C. indica crude showed significant activity at tested dose
polysaccharides (CICP) against D-galactose level (200mg/kg b.w.), which was
induced cognitive dysfunction, oxidative comparable to glibenclamide, a standard
damage and mitochondrial dysfunction in antidiabetic drug. The presence of
mice. Mice were subcutaneously injected phytochemicals namely phenols,
with D-galactose (150mg/kg per day) for 6 flavonoides, saponins and tannins may be
weeks and were administered CICP responsible for such antidiabetic activity.
simultaneously. Aged mice receiving Results reveal that milky mushroom can be
vitamin E (100mg/kg) served as positive used as a potential antidiabetic agent (Prabu
control. Chronic administration of D- and Kumuthakalavalli, 2014). Chelladurai et
galactose significantly impaired cognitive al., (2014) conducted studies to evaluate the
performance oxidative defence and in vivo cultivation technology, proximate
mitochondrial enzyme activities as composition, mineral content and spectrum
compared to control group. The results analysis of edible milky mushroom of
showed that CICP (200 and 400mg/kg) Calocybe indica. Moisture, crude protein,
treatment significantly improved learning carbohydrate, dietary fibre, total lipids, ash,
and memory ability in Morris water maze ether extract, pH, nitrogen and carbon
test. Biochemical examination revealed that content in mushrooms were analyzed. The
CICP significantly increased the decreased results were found to be in 89, 14.9, 5.36,
activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), 8.02, 4.6, 7.05, 3.15, 5.4, 3.57 and 33.60% mg/
catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase 100 g, respectively. The values of copper,
(GPx), glutathione reductase (GR), manganese, zinc, iron, calcium,
glutathione S-transferase (GST), phosphorous, potassium and sodium
mitrochondrial enzymes-NADH content in mushrooms were found to be
dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase 0.44, 0.36, 0.05, 0.13, 0.51, 0.38, 1.35, 1.35 and
(MDH), glutathione isocitrate 0.21 mg/100 g, respectively. Fourier
dehydrogenase (ICDH), Na+, K+, Ca 2+, transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR)
Mg2+ ATPase activities elevated the lowered spectrum of the mushroom indicated the
total anti oxidation capability ( TAOC), presence of OH, COOH and NO2 functional
glutathione (GSH), vitamin C and decreased groups. The ultra-violet (UV) absorption
showed at 294 nm with a shoulder at 321 and 2-octen-1-ol; 1-hexanol; decanol and t-
379 nm indicating the presence of aromatic linalool oxide.
nature of the compounds.
Volatile compounds
Investigation of the proximate
composition and mineral content (Ca, P, Mg Mushrooms produce a number of
and Fe) was carried out on milky mushroom volatile compounds varying with the species,
(Calocybe indica) cultivated on paddy straw variety and sometimes cultural conditions
supplement with 5, 10 and 20 per cent (on (Rapior et al., 1996; 1997). The flavor profile
paddy straw dry weight basis) of ragi flour. also changes when mushrooms are dried,
Control was cultivated on paddy straw primarily due to the high level of oxidation
alone. Results showed that the proximate (Morath et al., 2012). These volatile
composition remained largely unchanged. compounds include alcohols, aldehydes,
However, only the five per cent treatment ketones and oxides (Beltran-Garcia et al.,
had mineral contents that were either 1997; Jennings and Shibamoto, 1980; Picardi
significantly higher (Ca and P) or indifferent and Issenberg, 1973). In C. indica, a total of
(Mg and Fe) from those of the control. The 20 compounds have been identified
10 and 20 per cent treatments had their (Chandravadana et al., 2005). 1-octen-3-ol
content for phosphorus only being (58.3%) and n-octanol (17.9%) of the total
significantly higher than the control. Ca, Mg volatile fractions are the two of the most
and Fe were significantly lower than the abundant compounds present in fresh C.
control in the 10 per cent treatment while indica sporophores. In addition, eight carbon
Mg and Fe were significantly lower in the 20 volatiles including 1-octen-3-one, 3-octanone
per cent treatment. The study indicated that and 3-octanol have been also reported.
supplementation with ragi flour does not
enhance the nutritional composition of milky Morphology and molecular characterization
mushroom significantly despite the richness
Calocybe is a small genus of about 40
of the supplement material used. But the
species of mushroom (Kirk et al., 2008),
findings reaffirmed the findings of others
which is edible and is cultivated in India.
that mushroom in general and milky
The name is derived from the Ancient Greek
mushroom in particular is a high protein
terms kalos “pretty”, and cubos “head”
and low fat product (Kamugisha and Sharan,
(Nilson and Persson, 1977). Around nine
species of Calocybe are found in neotropical
Chandravadana et al., (2005) analysed the regions. Sixty accessions of the specialty
volatile flavour composition of dry milky mushroom germplasm maintained in the
mushrooms (Calocybe indica) by capillary GC ICAR-DMR, Solan repository were
and compared with that of fresh characterized using DNA fingerprinting
mushrooms. A total of 20 components were techniques. Phylogenetic analyses based on
identified. Drying significantly reduced the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA
concentration of 1-octen-3-ol, n-octanol and profiles and direct sequencing of 5.8S rRNA
3-octanone and increased the concentration gene region revealed intergeneric, inter and
of n-hexanal; 2,4-decadienol; 2,4-nonadienol; intra specific variations in Volvariella,
Lentinula, Ganoderma and Calocybe groups of lines were classified into the microgenome
the accessions. Multiple sequence alignment and macrogenome insertion types. Notably,
of all the accessions within species exhibited P. florida was genetically distant from the
polymorphism in ITS-1 and ITS-II but not in hybrid lines, while C. indica was
the conserved 5.8S rRNA gene regions. In all phylogenetically the dominant parent.
four types of V. volvacea, two types each of Significant increase in bio-efficiency and ã-
Lentinula, Ganoderma, Calocybe and one type linoleic acid content in these hybrid lines
of Trametes versicolor sequences were indicated quantitative as well as qualitative
obtained (Singh, et al., 2003). Shekar and improvement of the newly developed
Singh (2014) established phylogenetic somatic hybrids .
relationship among the eleven commercially
cultivated edible mushrooms, namely, A. Physiology and biochemistry
bisporus, A. bisporus (Portobello), P.eryngii, L.
Upadhyay and Tripathi (2014) estimated
edodes, H. tessellates (Brown shimeji), H.
the influence of temperature on biomass
tessellates (white shimeji), F. velutipes, P.
production, change in pH, total protein
ostreatus, P. djamor, C. indica and P. florida production, laccase, tyrosinase, aryl alcohol
using RAPD markers. Mushrooms varieties oxidase (AAO), manganese peroxidase (MnP),
were also screened for phytochemicals such lignin peroxidase (LiP) and versatile peroxidase
as cardiac glycosides, anthraquinones, (VP) activity on wheat straw medium,
terpenoids, proteins, flavonoides, saponins, Saborauds medium and modified Czapek Dox
tannins, lignins and phenol. All the samples medium (10g/l glucose) after 6,12,18 and 24
showed positive results for terpenoids and days. C. indica produced versatile peroxidase in
proteins and showed negative result for all three culture medium and maximum
anthraquinones, flavonoides, tannins, lignins quantity was recorded on wheat straw medium
after 12 days at 35 °C. Maximum protein was
and phenol. Most of the samples found
recorded on straw medium and least in Czapek
positive for cardiac glycosides and saponins.
Dox medium. Wheat straw medium produced
maximum laccase after 24 days at 30 °C
Chakraborty and Sikdar (2010) focused
(187.38u/ml). Maximum biomass was recorded
on the production of somatic hybrid on Saborauds medium at 30 and 35 °C after 24
sporophores through PEG-mediated days.
protoplast fusion between Calocybe indica
var. APK2 and Pleurotus florida. They used Raina et al., (2014) determined the contents
NaCl tolerance to screen the hybrid strains. of vitamin D2 and sterols in some wild and
Basidiocarps could be successfully cultivated mushrooms. Four mushrooms C.
generated from eight out of fourteen hybrid indica, G. lucidum, P florida and V. volvacea
lines that were maintained in culture. were grown on two synthetic and three
Hybridity of the fusant lines was established semi-synthetic media. The myselial biomass
on the basis of their colony morphology, of each mushroom was subjected to
mycelial growth rate and hyphal traits, while extraction of ergosterol and its identification
the fruit-body-generating lines were using high performance liquid
demarcated on the basis of nature of chromatography (HPLC). The ergosterol
sporophores, isozyme and RAPD markers. content ranged from 113 to 403mg/g with
On the basis of RAPD profiles of the fusant lowest retention peak was observed in P.
florida showing 113mg ergosterol per gram wheat grains (Joshi and Sagar, 2016).
whereas, C. indica showed 243mg ergosterol Cultivation technology was illustrated by
per gram. Highest retention peak was Theradimani et al., (2001). Milky mushroom,
observed in G. lucidum showing 403 mg Calocybe indica, with its ability to grow fairly
ergosterol per gram of sample. at high temperatures with excellent shelf life
seems to be the best alternative to such
Mushrooms are considered to be natural mushrooms. Due to this promising ability,
nutraceuticals and are cultivated for both an experiment was conducted to find the
edible and medicinal purposes. Many edible suitability of different grains as spawn
mushrooms possess enriched proteins and substrates and their effect on yield
some medicinal properties such as parameters of C. indica (Senthilnambi, et al.,
antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and anti- 2011). The results revealed the supremacy of
AIDs. Based on both nutritional and sorghum grains as the most suitable
medicinal properties, Karuppaiya substrate for early spawn run, yield and
Periasamy (2005) focused on the number of buttons harvested followed by
antibacterial substances and their efficacy. ragi grain spawn.
Antibacterial substances were isolated from
culture filtrates, fresh mycelia, and dried Substrate, supplementation and processing
fruiting bodies (basidiomata) of an Indian
milky mushroom, Calocybe indica. Chandry A variety of substrates were tested for the
(Tricholomataceae) and an oyster cultivation of C. indica (Purkayastha, and
mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.:Fr.) Chandra, 1976; Purkayastha and Nayak,
P.Kumm. (Pleurotaceae) (Purkayastha and 1979). They tried to induce fruit bodies in a
Chandra, 1974). The antibacterial activity number of growth media, including soil-
against some human pathogenic bacteria, sand, soil-sand-maize meal and soil-
such as Bacillus spp. Escherichia coli, Vibrio sandpulse powder. Attempts were made to
chokrae, and Salmonella thiphi, was studied develop suitable substrate for higher
and the maximum activity was observed in production of C. indica. Purkayastha and
the dried fruiting bodies of Calocybe indica, Nayak (1981) grew C. indica on unsterilized,
extracted with the solvent ethyl acetate, paddy straw-maize or wheat bran substrate.
followed by Pleurotus ostreatus. Two different Purkayastha (1984) used chopped rice straw,
compounds of blue and green colour with pre-soaked for 18 to 24 hr in water and put
Rf values of 0.86 and 0.95 could be in hot water for 2-3 hr. Doshi et al., (1993)
separated by thin layer chromatography and evaluated wheat straw, maize stalks,
are worth future analyses by mass spectrum sorghum stalks, maize meal, rice meal,
and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). sorghum meal, and wheat bran as basal
substrates for the production of C. indica. The
Cultivation Technology results indicated that wheat straw was the
best substrate for fruit body production.
Spawn preparation Krishnamoorthy and Muthusamy (1997)
used different substrates viz., paddy straw,
Spawn for milky mushroom can be sorghum stalks, sugarcane bagasse,
prepared following standard technology on palmrosa grass, vetiver grass, groundnut
haulms, soybean hay, and paddy straw and soybean straw (1:1). The highest yield/
compost for cultivation of milky mushroom. kg substrate and biological efficiency were
Paddy straw and maize stalks gave recorded in mixture of straw, followed by
significantly higher yield followed by soybean and wheat straw. Gitte, et al., (2014)
sorghum stalks and vetiver grass. Palmarosa also evaluated the efficacy of different
grass, soybean hay and groundnut haulms substrates such as paddy straw, wheat straw,
gave good yield (94-99% BE). Paddy straw soybean straw, coconut coir pith, cotton
compost was not found suitable for the waste and sugarcane baggase for the
cultivation of milky mushroom. cultivation of milky mushroom. Among the
Krishnamoorthy et al., (2000) concluded that six different substrates, wheat straw
substrates like paddy straw and sorghum substrate was found superior with highest
stalks were colonized more quickly by the biological efficiency 146.3% followed by
milky white mushroom fungus compared to paddy straw.
black gram hay, soybean hay, maize stalks
and finger millet straw. The study also Organic supplements like maize meal,
indicated that substrates like coconut coir wheat bran, rice husk and lucern at 5-7.5%
pith compost, paddy straw compost and saw to substrate at the time of spawning as well
dust did not favor the growth of C. indica. as at the time of casing is reported to
Salam et al., (2004) evaluated nine different enhance the yield in C. indica (Anon.,
combinations using retted, non-retted, 1989,1990,1991,1992). Salam et al., (2004)
composted coir pith in combination with retted, non-retted, composted coir pith and
paddy straw, spent mushroom substrate found highest yield in retted coir pith. Singh
and neek cake in different combinations. et al., (2010) studied the effect of different
They found non-retted coir pith in substrate preparation methods, type and rate
combination with 75% paddy straw. Tandon of supplementation, casing soil and cultural
and Sharma (2006) found wheat straw as the practices for Calocybe indica were
best substrate amongst four different investigated. Kumar et al., (2012) evaluated
substrate tested for the sporophore yield of 11 different supplements viz., wheat bran,
milky mushroom while saw dust was least soybean flour, pigeon pea powder, green
preferred substrate . Supplementation with gram powder, cotton cake, mustard cake,
wheat bran resulted in the higher yield neem cake and lentil powder. Alam et al.,
whereas, soybean meal gave the lowest (2010) have used 30% maize powder to
yield. Geetha et al., (2010) collected a new supplement paddy straw substrate in order
strain of milky mushroom from Koliyoor to increase mushroom yields. More
area of Thiruvananthapuram, Keral. The promisingly, supplements like soybean and
new strain took more time for spawn run and cotton seed cake gave the highest absolute
primordial formation but out yielded the mushroom yields (64.8% and 59.2%
existing strain. Paddy straw and sugarcane increased biological efficiency over control).
bagasse were found to be best substrates
with BE of 140 and 138%, respectively.. Chemical treatment of wheat straw using
According to Jadhav et al., ( 2014) stipe carbendazim (35ppm) + formaldehyde
length, pileus diameter and average fruit (1000ppm) gave the highest yield followed
body weight were high in mixture of wheat by hot water treatment. Substrate
supplementation with 6% pulse mixture (2006) evaluated four casing material for the
gave maximum production followed by C. indica cultivation trials and found FYM
gram husk (4%). Casing mixture consisting +Loam soil (3:1) as the best suited casing
of FYM +RBH+Coir Pith (1:1:1) wasfound to soil. Nagarartna and Mallesha (2007) used
be the best followed by burnt rice husk + vermicompost prepared casing using coir
farm yard manure (1:1). pith, crop residues, horse manure and
analyzed for microbial population, pH,
Sohliya et al., (2011) conducted an nitrogen and organic carbon. Vermi-compost
experiment on the effect of period of as such and in combination with sand and
steaming for pasteurization of straw and soil tested as casing material for milky
gibberellic acid on the growth of milky mushroom. Sand+ soil+ coir pith vermi-
mushroom (Calocybe indica). Direct steaming compost casing mixture initiated maximum
of straw for 1 hr and also for 30 min was number of fruiting bodies with highest yield
practiced with application of gibberellic acid and bio-efficiency followed by sand+ soil+
(GA3) at three different concentrations before crop residues vermicompost casing mixture.
spawning was done. It revealed that Sharma et al., (1997) tried various casing
steaming and GA3 application increased the materials and their combinations. They
duration of mycelial run with reduction in found that spent biogas slurry (100% BE) and
yield of milky mushroom but it increased 2 years old cow dung (98.7% BE) as highly
the protein content of fruit bodies as suitable casing material for milky
compared to control. The yield in the normal mushroom. Use of vermicompost (Geetha et
practice of boiling of straw for 1hr and sun al., 2010) as casing material recorded
drying was found better than steaming. maximum yield and BE (145%) followed by
1:1:1 mixture of sand, soil and vermi-
Casing compost (140%). Kumar et. al., (2012)
assessed the effects of eleven organic
Casing means covering the top surface of
supplements in substrate and casing
bags after spawn run is over, with
mixtures on yield of two strains (CI-6 & CI-
pasteurized casing material in thickness of
4) of milky mushroom. Minimum time for
about 2-3cm. Casing provides physical
spawn run, pinhead formation and first
support, moisture and allows gases to
harvest was recorded in the mustard cake
escape from the substrate. Casing material is
supplemented substrate. Maximum yield
spread in uniform layer of 2-3 cm thickness
was obtained from soybean flour
and sprayed with solution of carbendazim
supplemented substrate whereas maximum
and formaldehyde to saturation level (Doshi
yield was harvested in neem cake
et al., 1993). Use of various casing materials
supplemented casing from strains CI-6 and
during the production of milky mushroom
CI-4, respectively. Among the tested casing
is well documented in literature with
thickness, the 0.5 cm/200 gm took less period
variable results (Sharma et al., 1997, Singh et
for pinhead formation and first harvesting,
al., 2007). Tandon et al (2006) evaluated four
while maximum yield was recorded in
casing material for the C. indica cultivation
casing thickness 2.5 cm/1000gm from strains
trials and found FYM + Loam soil (3:1) as
CI-6 and CI-4, respectively. Gitte et al., (2014)
the best suited casing soil. Tandon et al
evaluated six different casing materials and and it becomes very difficult to maintain
found soil + sand as the best casing material required RH and moisture of the substrate.
in both paddy as well as wheat straw based The changes thus made in environment,
substrate. Wheat straw as a substrate with result in the initiation of fruiting bodies
soil + sand as casing material recorded within 3-5 days in the form of needle shape
minimum days for spawn run (15.67 days), which mature in about a week. Temperature
pinhead formation (28.67 days) and first is considered to be most important factor
harvest (33.67 days) with highest no. of fruit affecting growth and fructification of
bodies (24.33), diameter of pileus (7.66 cm), mushrooms. Evaluation of different
length of stalk (7.86 cm) and biological temperatures for the mycelia growth of
efficiency (146.3 per cent). Jadhav et al., (2014) milky mushroom revealed that 35 °C is the
assessed the effect of nitrogen fixing and optimum temperature under in vitro
phosphate solubilizing biofertilizers and conditions. Experiments regarding light
different substrate for improvement of casing requirements during cropping revealed that
quality and yield in milky mushroom. Out it needs a photoperiod in excess of one hour
of eight treatments of biofertilizers viz. per day (Tandon et al., 2003, 2006). The effect
Azotobactor and PSB i.e. phosphate of plant growth regulators on the sporophore
solubilizing bacteria (Bacillus megaterium + production was studied by Theradimani et
Pseudomonas striata) and their combinations, al., (2001). A uniform size of sporophore with
higest fresh weight (20.52g) as well as dry reduced stipe length, uniform pileus
weight (0.65g) of mycelium was obtained in diameter and increased yield was obtained
consortium of Azotobactor and PSB (Bacillus by spraying with kinetin 100ppm. The
megaterium + Pseudomonas striata) and also the results of the experiment conducted on the
nitrogen content of the casing found to be effect of different light sources and different
increased. The yield of mushroom increased coloured highy density polthene chambers
from 12.89% to 79.81% due to inoculation of revealed that growth chamber with blue
bio-fertilizers. These results indicate that coloured high density polythene sheet
nitrogen fixing and phospahate solubilizing roofing material with blue incandescent light
bacteria could increase the quality of casing significantly increased the sporophore yield
material. of milky mushroom.
individuals per 10 kg of compost, in milky cotton stalks and leaves, sugarcane bagasse,
mushroom (Calocybe indica) by inoculation of cotton and jute wastes, dehulled maize cobs,
the nematodes at the times of spawning and tea/coffee waste etc. It has a simpler
casing. Nematodes inoculated at spawning pasteurization process to kill harmful
did not cause significant mycelial depletion microbes, which can be done by steam or hot
in C. indica. Feeding by nematodes occurred water treatment. Covering the top surface of
only after casing and, thus, significant bags after spawn run with pasteurized
mycelial depletion was observed at pinhead casing material, provides physical support,
formation stage. Total production showed moisture and allows gases to escape from
no significant differences among the the substrate. With a temperature 30-35°C
nematode inocula irrespective of inoculation and R.H. 80-90%, it takes about 10 days for
stage and nematode species involved. The mycelium to reach on top of casing layer
flush pattern in C. indica inoculated with the when fresh air is introduced. Light should
nematodes showed no disturbance in be provided for long time. The changes thus
weekly yield until the fourth week but made in environment, result in the initiation
production of fruiting bodies declined of fruiting bodies with in 3-5 days in the
continuously thereafter up to the seventh form of needle shape which mature in about
week. a week.
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