Criteria - Research PaperDEFENSE

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DATE: _____________________________
RSCH2122: Inquiry, Investigation and Immersion
Prepared by: Ms. Kaye Uy Alejandrino, LPT

Criteria Indicators Outstanding Satisfactory Fair GRADE

 The research is relevant to the SHS track/strand that the

research team belongs to.
 The research topic is appropriate to the level of the
 The research topic or idea is innovative, or presents an
innovative process to understanding a rather common area of Six to seven Four to five of Less than four
Clarity, Coherence, research. indicators were the indicators indicators were
and Creativity (30  The chosen research topic as reflected by the stated met (28 or 30 were met (24 met (20 points
points) research question (or objective) is focused. points) or 26 points) or less)
 The paper, in its entirety, has been written to form a cohesive
 The scope and delimitation of the study is clear and
appropriate to the level of the students.
 The introduction (or background of the study) clearly presents
the gap in research addressed by the study.
 The research title clearly encapsulates the idea proposed by
the study.
 The paper contains enough information to support its idea.
 All literature cited in the paper provide support for the conduct Six to seven Four to five of Less than four
Reasoning and of the study. indicators were the indicators indicators were
Organization (30  All sources are reliable. met (28 or 30 were met (24 met (20 points
points)  Conclusions and recommendations are supported by the data points) or 26 points) or less)
presented and is clearly based on how the data was
 Discussion of results have been organized to convince the
study has significance.
 The submitted paper adheres with the required format in Two or three
terms of font style, table and figure formats, margination, etc. All four of the Only one of the
Writing Mechanics (15  All in-text citations and references agree and are correctly indicators were indicators indicators was
points) formatted to follow APA style, 6th Edition. met (15 points) were met (11 met (9 points)
 Not more five spelling and grammatical errors have been or 13 points)
spotted in the paper.
DATE: _____________________________
RSCH2122: Inquiry, Investigation and Immersion
Prepared by: Ms. Kaye Uy Alejandrino, LPT

 The selected research design is appropriate for the study

based on the stated research question(s).
Three or four Less than
 Instruments used have underwent validation.
Research Design and All five of the three of the
 Statistical tools used to analyze data are appropriate based
Methodology (25 on the research questions and the kind of data. indicators were indicators indicators was
points)  The Methodology part of the paper highlights the important met (25 points) were met (21 met (19 points
data gathered through the study. or 23 points) or less)
 All discussions agree with the presented data and appear to
be unbiased.

Comment/s: _________________________________________________________________________________________

FINAL GRADE: ___________________________

Name of Panel: _______________________________________
DATE: _____________________________
RSCH2122: Inquiry, Investigation and Immersion
Prepared by: Ms. Kaye Uy Alejandrino, LPT

NAME OF STUDENT: __________________________________________________________________

Individual Grading – PERFORMANCE TASK
 body language & eye contact
 contact with the public
 poise
 physical organization

 correct usage
 appropriate vocabulary and grammar
 understandable (rhythm, intonation, accent)
 Spoken loud enough to hear easily
 pertinence
 depth of commentary
 spoken, not read
 able to answer questions

 very interesting / very boring

 pleasant / unpleasant to listen to
 very good / poor communication

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