Syllabus ChE 524 - Seminars and Field Trips

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Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City

Course No. : ChE 524 A Course Name: Consultation Schedule: Department:

No. of Hours/Week: 6 Seminars and Field Trips MW 8:00 – 9:30 am, 10:30 – Chemical Engineering
Credit Units: 2 12:00 nn, 4:00 – 5:00 pm
Term: 2nd Semester, SY 2010 - Prerequisites: TTh 8:00 – 9:00 am Office Phone No.
XU Mission Statement 2011 Industrial Chemical T 10:30 – 12:30 pm 856 3116/72 3116
Schedule: F 8:30 – 11:20 am/ Processes/ Process Design loc 1206
1:00 – 3:50 pm and Project Feasibility/ 5th
Room No.: UO lab Year Level
Xavier University
(Ateneo de Faculty: Professional Affiliations or Involvement :
Cagayan) is a Edwin Richard R. Ortiz Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers
Filipino, Catholic
and Jesuit academic Email: Website:
community [email protected]

NOTE: Adapted from the syllabus prepared by Engr. MTI Cabaraban and Engr. SS Paclijan


The course introduces the practice of the chemical engineering profession primarily through attending professional
seminars and participating in field trips to local industrial facilities. Students learn the various opportunities by which they
can practice their chosen profession. These seminars and field trips occur during the entire semester, with most field trips
done during the semestral break, while credit is awarded in the second semester


Syllabus Template Prepared by Xavier University Center for the Advancement of Teaching 1
At the end of the semester, the students shall be able to:
XU Mission Statement
1. Discuss what constitute the practice of the chemical engineering profession, opportunities in the field, career paths, and
the role of engineers in society
dedicated to the 2. Discuss a chosen manufacturing facility, and
integral 3. Attend at least five (5) seminars that discuss topics relating to chemical engineering.
development of the
person for the needs COURSE MATERIALS
of Mindanao and
the country. Textbook References On-line Data Base
Perry, RH and Green, DW. Perry’s The Internet
Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, Library reference
7ed. McGraw-Hill, 1997 archives (CD-
Austin, GT. Chemical Process ROMs, microfilms,
Industries, 5ed. McGraw-Hill, on-line journals)


Supplementary Instructional Materials Software Requirement On-line Materials

for Access
1. Blackboard and Chalk
2. MS Powerpoint presentations MS Powerpoint

Syllabus Template Prepared by Xavier University Center for the Advancement of Teaching 2

1. Perfect Attendance to Facilities Visited. The class includes trips to local representative plants of the chemical process industries.
As a University, Xavier Extension requirement of 1 local industry facility for every day of plant visit missed; student/s arrange for the visit, which will be
pursues truth and done outside of regular class schedule.
excellence in
2. Plant Visit Reports, which will be evaluated by the Instructor based on the completeness with respect to required deliverables,
teaching, research technical content, clarity, and organization using the Rubric for Written Reports. These reports should reflect comprehensive
and service to information appropriate for the assigned topic, subject to the formatting outlined towards the end of this document. Each student
communities: will be assigned to write the report on one plant visited. Schedule for submission of the printed preliminary reports is on or before
December 10, 2010. A compilation of all the final reports shall be made and submitted to the instructor on or before January 28,

Outline for the Plant Visit Report

Title Page
Table of Contents
Body of Report
Introduction. As the first part of the Introduction, it is preferable to begin with a short paragraph which gives a broad overview of
the specific plant trip taken. The name of the plant, location, type of industry, types of major product(s) of the plant, and the tour
date should also be given.
Company Profile
Company History
Nature of Business and Products (include information on quality specifications of products, economic uses of products, and major
Manufacturing Process (Detailed description of the process)
Detailed Flow Chart of the Manufacturing Process
Major and Minor Raw Materials (include information of quality specifications of raw materials and major suppliers)
Utilities (uses of electricity, fuel, water, steam)
Wastes and Waste Management Practices (where applicable, include graphs, tables and figures that are essential for
understanding the discussion – discusses technical matters of importance)
References to Literature (Bibliography)

Syllabus Template Prepared by Xavier University Center for the Advancement of Teaching 3
XU Mission Statement 3. Attendance to Seminars on Topics in Chemical Engineering or Related Fields. Each student should be able to attend at least
five (5) seminars that discuss topics pertaining to chemical engineering or related fields. The student is required to submit a
it is concerned with certification as proof of his/her participation.
contemporary 4. Seminar Reports, which will likewise be evaluated by the Instructor based on completeness with respect to required deliverables,
problems; it technical content, clarity, and organization using the Rubric for Written Reports. Schedule for submission of the printed preliminary
prepares men and reports is one week after the seminar. Schedule for submission of the compiled seminar reports is on or before 25 February 2011.
women with
Outline for the Seminar Report
competencies, skills
and a keen sense of Hosting Institution
responsibility to Seminar Date and Venue
their communities. Seminar Title
Speaker’s (or Speakers’) Name(s) and Affiliation(s)
The speaker(s). Provide some basic details about the speaker, who he/she is, where he/she works, why he/she is an expert, etc.
The seminar. Write a 350 to 400 word summary of the seminar, i.e., what were discussed, and the salient points of the talk.
Your thoughts. Write a 250 to 300 word discussion of what you thought about the seminar – is the topic interesting? do you think
the learning is important? what questions did you have? etc.


The final grade will reflect the following basic distribution of course contributions:
Participation and Attendance 20%
Plant Visit Reports 40%
Seminar Reports 40%

A final course grade will be assigned on the following basis:

92-100 A; 84-91 A-; 76-83 B; 68-75 B-; 60-67 C; <60 F

Printed reports are graded according to the following criteria:

 Purpose (30%) – Information gathered are from a variety of quality electronic and print sources, including appropriate licensed
databases. Sources are relevant, balanced and include critical readings relating to the thesis or problem. Primary sources are
included (where appropriate).
 Evidence (30%) – Information collected is carefully analyzed and appropriate and inventive conclusions are drawn, supported
by vivid and effective/relevant evidence.
 Organization/Format (20%) – An appropriate structure for communicating is developed, incorporating a variety of quality
sources, Information is logically and creatively organized with smooth transitions.

Syllabus Template Prepared by Xavier University Center for the Advancement of Teaching 4
XU Mission Statement
 Appropriate Vocabulary (10%) – Appropriate communication tools are effectively and creatively used to convey conclusions.
As a Filipino The paper exhibits language appropriate to the discipline and displays creativity and originality.
university, Xavier is
committed to the Policies and Standards
appreciation,  Written work in this course must follow the prescribed format and must satisfy the quality standard set by the Instructor. If it
preservation and does not, full credit may not be given, or a zero grade may be recorded. Presentation of the report must be neat and organized.
 Plagiarism is a serious academic offense. Plagiarism is the unauthorized use of someone else’s thoughts or wording either by
enrichment of the
incorrect documentation, failing to cite your sources altogether, or simply by relying way too heavily on external sources
Filipino culture and (Purdue’s Online Writing Lab. Purdue University; c1995-2003 [cited 2005 Aug 16]. Available from:
heritage as well as Your paper must therefore contain properly formatted citations to the literature. For
the welfare and purposes of uniformity, the Modern Language Association (MLA) style should be used for in-text referencing and reference
sustainable listings. (
development of the  Reports (Seminars and Plant Visits) submitted a day after the deadline will be deducted 20 points. Reports submitted two days
Filipino people. after the deadline will be deducted 40 points. Reports submitted after this time (more than two days late) will not be
accepted and the student/team will be given a zero (0) grade for the assigned report.
 An INC grade is not a student option; it is given only at the discretion of the instructor.
 If in doubt, ask the instructor.

Format for Written Reports

Typeset should be 12 point Times New Roman. Same type font shall be used throughout the text. The body of the report should be
typeset in single-column, 1.5-line spacing on one side of the sheet. Printing shall be made on good quality 8.5-inch x 11-inch white
paper or A4 (210 x 295 mm) white sheets. The text shall be within the print area with paper margins of 1 inch for top, bottom and right
margins. Left margin should be 1.5 inches. Page numbers should be centered at the bottom of the page.

The title should be centered across the full page with the first letter of each major word in capital letters. It should be typed in bold face
using 14-point. Use 12-point for author names. Major headings should be bold faced, capitalized and left-justified. It should include
sections each with separate headings, left justifies and numbered consecutively. The main section heading should be typed in bold and
capitalized on a separate line and should not be underlined. Subheadings appear in lower case, left justified and boldface. Number sub
section as 2.1, 2.2, etc. A single space between main section (and/or subsection) heading and texts is required.

Tables and Figures

Figures should be numbered consecutively and placed within the text at the appropriate place. The same applies to tables as shown in

Syllabus Template Prepared by Xavier University Center for the Advancement of Teaching 5
Table 1. Figure captions should be centered below the illustrations as shown in Fig. 1. The figure labels shall be typeset in 10 points
Times New Roman. Table captions, on the other hand, should be centered above the table as shown.

Figure 2. Temperature versus Time

Photographs and Equations

Figures and photographs should be sharp. Equations shall be centered. The equations shall be numbered and their respective number
shall be given in parenthesis and aligned flush with right hand margin. A single spacing should be used between text, following figures
and their titles.

Table 1. Format

Text Font Type Size Style Type

Paper’s Title 14 pt Bold Lowercase
Author’s Name 12 pt Bold Lowercase
Section Titles 12 pt Bold CAPITAL
Subheadings 12 pt Bold Lowercase
Body of the Text 12 pt Normal Lowercase
Label for Tables and Figures 10 pt Bold Lowercase

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