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Why is understanding culture important?

Culture has been a part of everybody’s life.

Some are not aware that their everyday
decision and movements are part or affected
by the culture. A lifestyle of an individual is
what makes up a culture. Understanding the
culture means recreating the society. By studying the culture, we get to know what really makes
up the person and its society. They get to know mote of theirselves. It can also root some current
problems that can possibly be given a solution in no time. We can get inspired; we can learn how
to upgrade our skills—but if we are not in the right culture, or helping to create the right culture,
we are missing out on our best opportunities.

Culture is a strong part of people's lives. It influences their views, their values, their humor, their
hopes, their loyalties, and their worries and fears. So when you are working with people and
building relationships with them, it helps to have some perspective and understanding of their

But as we explore culture, it's also important to remember how much we have in common.
People see the world very differently, but they know what it is like to wake up in the morning
and look forward to the adventures that of the day. We are all human beings. We all love deeply,
want to learn, have hopes and dreams, and have experienced pain and fear. At the same time, we
can't pretend our cultures and differences don't matter. We can't gloss over differences and
pretend they don't exist, wishing we could all be alike, and we can't pretend that discrimination
doesn't exist.

The world is becoming increasingly diverse and includes people of many religions, languages,

economic groups, and other cultural groups. It is becoming clear that in order to build

communities that are successful at improving conditions and resolving problems, we need to

understand and appreciate many cultures, establish relationships with people from cultures other

than our own, and build strong alliances with different cultural groups.

As you think about diversity, it may be helpful to envision the kind of cultural community you

want to build. In order to set some goals related to building relationships between cultures,

resolving differences, or building a diverse coalition, it helps to have a vision of the kind of

cultural community you hope for.

Each of us can build the kinds of communities we dream of. In our families, organizations,

institutions, and neighborhoods, we can insist that we won't remain isolated from those who are

different from ourselves. We can transform our neighborhoods, institutions, and governments

into equitable, non-oppressive, and diverse communities.


Today, the world is fast becoming a global village, with many countries enjoying a multicultural

environment. Understanding different cultures is not only critical, but it also promotes ample

coexistence. As we learn about diverse cultures, it is worth noting that all of us are individuals.

Rather than generalizing, we should treat each other as individuals. This will go a long way in

creating a better environment where we can all thrive.

In today’s ever-changing world, people world over are fast realizing the importance of learning,

understanding, and appreciating diverse cultures. It plays a

major role in developing communities that excel in

problem-solving and enhancing conditions.

The world comprises of people with diverse cultures.

Where possible, being exposed to different cultures helps

you embrace and appreciate people that are different from

you. Further, the more your children interact with other

children from different cultures, the more they respect and value them. Ethnic and racial

divisions can hurt society. For instance, it could lead to a lack of opportunities,

misunderstandings, and in the worst cases, violence. Communities marred by ethnic and racial

rivalry often suffer from both human and financial resources. These vices distract communities

from finding concrete solutions to their budding issues.


Culture is everything that describes a particular group of people. The group can be; a family, a
religious group, or people from a different town, neighborhood, country, or city. It can also be
people who share a similar ethnic background, life dynamics, or work culture. Many times,
culture is used to describe the features that are exhibited through history, language, food, arts,
geography, family values, and beliefs.

One person can have diverse cultures such as; family culture, religious culture, age group
culture, or work culture. When all these cultures are combined, they give each individual their
personal culture. There are various ways that both children and adults can learn about different

Culture has five basic characteristics: It is learned, shared, based on symbols, integrated, and
dynamic. All cultures share these basic features. Culture is learned. It is not biological; we do not
inherit it. Much of learning culture is unconscious. We learn culture from families, peers,
institutions, and media. The process of learning culture is known as enculturation. While all
humans have basic biological needs such as food, sleep, and sex, the way we fulfill those needs
varies cross-culturally. Culture is shared. Because we share culture with other members of our
group, we are able to act in socially appropriate ways as well as predict how others will act.
Culture is based on symbols. A symbol is something that stands for something else. Symbols
vary cross-culturally and are arbitrary. They only have meaning when people in a culture agree
on their use. Language, money and art are all symbols. Language is the most important symbolic
component of culture. Culture is integrated. This is known as holism, or the various parts of a
culture being interconnected. All aspects of a culture are related to one another and to truly
understand a culture, one must learn about all of its parts, not only a few. Culture is dynamic.
This simply means that cultures interact and change. Because most cultures are in contact with
other cultures, they exchange ideas and symbols. All cultures change, otherwise, they would
have problems adapting to changing environments. And because cultures are integrated, if one
component in the system changes, it is likely that the entire system must adjust.



According to Robert E. Quinn and Kim S.

Cameron at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, there are four types of organizational

culture. Clan, Adhocracy, Market and Hierarchy. Clan oriented cultures are family-like, with a

focus on mentoring, nurturing, and “doing things together.” Adhocracy oriented cultures are

dynamic and entrepreneurial, with a focus on risk-taking, innovation, and “doing things first.”

Market oriented cultures are results oriented, with a focus on competition, achievement, and

“getting the job done.”

Hierarchy oriented cultures are structured and controlled, with a focus on efficiency, stability and

“doing things right.” There’s no correct organizational culture for an arts organization. All

cultures promote some forms of behavior, and inhibit others. Some are well suited to rapid and

repeated change, others to slow incremental development of the institution.

The right culture will be one that closely fits the direction and strategy of a particular

organization as it confronts its own issues and the challenges of a particular time.

A culture has four aspects or four types material and non-material culture and ideal & real
culture. Material culture is related to tangible objects made by man. Buildings, furniture, books
are the products of material culture. Non-material culture is related to the abstract things like
emotions, attitudes, ideas and beliefs which we feel but cannot verify by observation. Peace, war,
co-operation, marriage and lecture are the examples of non-material culture. A book is material
culture but its words are non-material. Man is a material but his speech is non-material. Radio is
material but its sound is nonmaterial. It means material culture has its non-material aspect also.

Real culture can be observed in our social life. We act upon on culture in our social life is real,
its part which the people adopt in their social life is their real one. The whole one is never real
because a part of it remains without practice. How far we set upon Islam is our real culture. Ideal
Culture. The culture which is presented as a pattern or precedent to the people is called ideal. It is
the goal of the society. It can never be achieved fully because some part of it remains out of
practice. It is explained in textbooks, our leaders’ speeches and guidance.

Material culture consists of man-made objects such as furniture, automobiles, buildings, dams,
bridges, roads and in fact, the physical matter converted and used by man. It is closely related
with the external, mechanical as well as useful objects. It includes, technical and material
equipment like a railways engines, publication machines, a locomotive, a radio etc. It includes
our financial institutions, parliaments, insurance policies etc. and referred to as civilization. Non-
Material Culture. The term ‘culture‘ when used in the ordinary sense, means non-material
culture’. This term when used in the ordinary sense, means non-material. It is something
nonphysical ideas which include values, beliefs, symbols, organization and institutions etc.
Nonmaterial culture includes words we use, the language we speak, our belief held, values we
cherish and all the ceremonies observed.

Language. The ability to communicate effectively is crucial to any culture, and language

production varies even within a nation of people who are fluent in the same language. Imagine

traveling to Finland (assuming you are not Finnish) and trying to communicate without

technology, your iPhone, or any other means of translating. As you stand in the middle of

Helsinki, you would certainly feel on the outside of their culture—unable to participate.

The first element that exists in every culture is a variety of symbols. A symbol is anything that is

used to stand for something else. People who share a culture often attach a specific meaning to

an object, gesture, sound, or image. For example, a cross is a significant symbol to Christians. It

is not simply two pieces of wood attached to each other, nor is it just an old object of torture and

execution. To Christians, it represents the basis of their entire religion, and they have great

reverence for the symbol.

Another cultural element is a system of values, which are culturally defined standards for what is

good or desirable. Members of the culture use the shared system of values to decide what is good

and what is bad. Norms define how to behave in accordance with what a society has defined as

good, right, and important, and most members of the society adhere to them.


“Sustainable development can be defined as progress that meets the needs of the present without

compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Concerning relation

between culture and society, culture is a critical means to determine how values, behaviors, and

assumptions influence the inclusiveness, openness and cohesion of societies, as well as the

improvement of people’s rights, health, and quality of life.

Culture creates the thread that keeps society together and gives people the tools to find their way

into that society. Culture is important as a field of creation and for the maintenance of values of

mutual trust, solidarity, respect of law, and democracy. These sets of values provide motivation

for people to work, communicate, create, and respect others. This is the foundation for the

development of society and individuals.

Finally, regarding connection between culture and environment. cultural factors also influence

lifestyles, individual behaviour, consumption patterns, values related to environmental

stewardship, and our interaction with the natural environment. Local and indigenous knowledge

systems and environmental management practices provide valuable insight and tools for tackling

ecological challenges, preventing biodiversity loss, reducing land degradation, and mitigating the

effects of climate change.



By studying society, culture and politics maybe

one will realize that we are survivals of many

thousand years of evolution, and such survival has

improved human being skills bestowed us many capabilities and still imposed us sever

limitations to our possibilities and chances. One who is able to understand shall keep realistic

thinking excluding stupid illusions and still keep taking realistic and profitable chances. In short,

one may learn that the future is not a materialization of our vanities or mental delirium. There are

a lot to learn with the past experiences keeping in mind that we are not better than Rans or

Mongols just because we have computers. Culture has been a part of everybody’s life.

Some are not aware that their everyday decision and movements are part or affected by the

culture. A lifestyle of an individual is what makes up a culture. Understanding the culture means

recreating the society. By studying the culture, we get to know what really makes up the person

and its society. They get to know mote of theirselves. It can also root some current problems that

can possibly be given a solution in no time. We can get inspired; we can learn how to upgrade

our skills—but if we are not in the right culture, or helping to create the right culture, we are

missing out on our best opportunities.

What are culture, society and politics?

Culture is the way of life. It is the general customs and beliefs of a particular group of people at a

particular time. Society is the group of people involved in continuous social interaction. It is also

the large group of people sharing the same social territory. Usually the subject to the same

political authority and same culture. Politics is associated with decisions and agreements that is

usually for the people of a community.

This three words are important to each other. There is a very broad discussion to understand this

three as one. Culture influences the daily condition of the society while the politics govern the

nature and form of culture and has the function and improving and transforming it. With that the

politics plays an important role in deciding which direction the culture is going to develop.

Culture also plays a big part in affecting the society. The culture shapes the human nature and

influences the people’s outlook in life and values.


Culture is what individuals create within their specific group of people. At first when people

gathered they had no significant traits as to which they would be different from the rest, but as

time passed and as groups got bigger, they developed their unique culture that had distinctive

differences from other groups. This can be in the form of a unique religion, language, values, and

viewpoints on life and everything in it. In short, culture is the product of all the shared values

among every member of a society.

Continuing from the former statement, politics is a process aimed at preserving those values.

Politics also aims at protecting, imposing and changing those values. The art of politics is also

about gaining and managing power. In our world today, we usually have politics intertwined

with the culture of its society, but it does not always have to be connected.

Society is what we call a large group of similar or different people that want to interact with each

other and that share a territory. Society is usually hat is being governed in one way or another by

its culture and its politics. With these basic explanations, we can come to a conclusion that they

are all connected in one way or another, but that they don’t need to be all the time. In this day

and age, we have six plus billion people in the world, and it’s hard to manage such a huge

society while preserving everyone’s culture with only the power of politics. Culture will change

once society decides that it needs to change, but that will all boil down to the power politics has

on its society and how much power the society has on its politics. Technology in many forms has

changed our society, and our society is in some dire need of new ways of management as slowly

but surely, we are losing the culture aspect of our society as everything is getting globalized.


Sociology and anthropology involve the systematic study of social life and culture in order to

understand the causes and consequences of human action. Sociologists and anthropologists study

the structure and processes of traditional cultures and modern, industrial societies in both

Western and non-Western cultures. They examine how culture, social structures (groups,

organizations and communities) and social institutions (family, education, religion, etc.) affect

human attitudes, actions and life-chances.

Anthropology and sociology can help break down and analyze these differences in order to paint

a better picture of Islamic society both on a smaller scale in general.

Taking time to study cultures and. People creates a more concrete understanding on society,

whether it be the society in that specific region, or the society in ones own Nation. Therefore, the

most important contribution would be tolerance.


A cultural divide is "a boundary in society that separates communities whose social economic
structures, opportunities for success, conventions, styles, are so different that they have
substantially different psychologies"

A cultural divide is the virtual barrier caused by cultural differences, that hinder interactions,
and harmonious exchange between people of different cultures. For example, avoiding eye
contact with a superior shows deference and respect in East Asian cultures, but can be interpreted
as suspicious behavior in Western cultures.[2] Studies on cultural divide usually focus on
identifying and bridging the cultural divide at different levels of society. When a cultural divide
can be bridged, it can be beneficial for all parties. However, when cultures are vastly different, or
if people are opposed to such exchange, the cultural divide may prove difficult to cross

Being aware of cultural boundaries when dealing with others is important to avoid accidentally
offending the other party and turning the difference into a divide. Educating both parties in the
reasons behind these boundaries would also help foster trust and cooperation between them. This
also has a side effect of creating a virtuous cycle, where the improved understanding between
both parties grants them an advantage when dealing with members of the opposite culture,
encouraging future communication and reducing the impact of a cultural divide.
What is the relationship between culture and society?

Culture and society are co-existent. One does not occur or cannot exist without the other. Culture

and society may have some common elements but the two are not the same; they are not

identical. The essential difference is that society is composed of people while culture consists of

knowledge, ideas, customs, traditions, folkways, mores, beliefs, skills, institutions, organizations

and artifacts.

Society is the combinations of people with different cultures. In the other hand, Culture deal with

the behaviours, language, occupation, dressing, eating and festival of a particular people within a

geographical area. Society is a group of people living collectively. Culture is basically anything

which is subsequently created by said people.

In today’s ever-changing world, people world over are fast realizing the importance of learning,

understanding, and appreciating diverse cultures. It plays a major role in developing

communities that excel in problem-solving and enhancing conditions.

What is better, anthropology or sociology?

Anthropology is the study of humans and the ways they live. Sociology studies the ways groups

of people interact with each other and how their behavior is influenced by social structures,

categories (rage, gender, sexuality), and institutions.

While both fields study human behavior, the debate between anthropology vs. sociology is a

matter of perspectives. Anthropology examines culture more at the micro-level of the individual,

which the anthropologist generally takes as an example of the larger culture. In addition,

anthropology hones in on the cultural specificities of a given group or community. Sociology, on

the other hand, tends to look at the bigger picture, often studying institutions (educational,

political, religious), organizations, political movements, and the power relations of different

groups with each other.

Anthropology majors pursue a wide variety of careers, as do sociology students. Either of these

degrees can lead to a career as a teacher, public sector employee, or academic. Students who

major in sociology often go on to work at non-profit or governmental organizations and the

degree can be a stepping stone to a career in politics, public administration, or law. While the

corporate sector is less common for sociology majors, some anthropology students find work

conducting market research.

What is anthropology and its branches?

The term “Anthropology” is derived from two Greek words, anthropos meaning human and

logos meaning study. So, in the simplest terms, Anthropology is the study of human beings. An

anthropologist tries to study and understand everything that can be related to humans and not

limited by time and space.

Anthropology mainly has four major branches: Socio-cultural anthropology, Biological or

physical anthropology, Archeological anthropology, and Linguistic Anthropology.

Socio-cultural anthropology is also known as cultural anthropology or social anthropology. It is

the study of societies and cultures around the world. How the social structure, norms, economic

and religious organizations, kinship system, marriage system, cultural practices, behavioral

patterns, etc varies around the world. Physical anthropology involves an evolutionary perspective

towards the study of human populations and their diversity. To understand variations, they use

the techniques and principles of genetics, biology, and epidemiology. Linguistic anthropology

studies the diversity of languages among the different cultures in the world and how they affect

or are affected by cultures and societies around the world.

What comes first, culture or society?

Culture consists of the beliefs, behaviors, objects, and other characteristics common to the

members of a particular group or society. Through culture, people and groups define themselves,

conform to society's shared values, and contribute to society. Thus, culture includes many

societal aspects: language, customs, values, norms, mores, rules, tools, technologies, products,

organizations, and institutions. This latter term institution refers to clusters of rules and cultural

meanings associated with specific social activities. Common institutions are the family,

education, religion, work, and health care.

Sociologists define society as the people who interact in such a way as to share a common

culture. The cultural bond may be ethnic or racial, based on gender, or due to shared beliefs,

values, and activities. The term society can also have a geographic meaning and refer to people

who share a common culture in a particular location. For example, people living in arctic

climates developed different cultures from those living in desert cultures. In time, a large variety

of human cultures arose around the world.

Culture and society are intricately related. A culture consists of the “objects” of a society,

whereas a society consists of the people who share a common culture. When the terms culture

and society first acquired their current meanings, most people in the world worked and lived in

small groups in the same locale. In today's world of 6 billion people, these terms have lost some

of their usefulness because increasing numbers of people interact and share resources globally.

Still, people tend to use culture and society in a more traditional sense: for example, being a part

of a “racial culture” within the larger “U.S. society.”

What is politics in simple terms?

The best politics definition is as follows: politics is the activities involved in running a
governmental entity or state. The politics definition may seem broad but this is because politics
itself is broad. It is a huge subject matter. Even if someone spent their entire life reading and
researching politics, they would still have gaps and misunderstanding.

Politics definition was originally developed by great thinkers like Aristotle. He was the
philosopher to begin to classify the many different types of state governments, like monarchies,
timocracies, tyrannies, aristocracies, oligarchies and democracies. Many Americans consider
democracy to be the best political system.

The origin of the word "politics" comes from Greek, and means "affairs of the city". It has grown
to encompass more than just city affairs, but civics, and state affairs. Furthermore, the
development of the international affairs/politics field has given way to even more classifications
and study. Politics can be science or art, in terms of academic pursuit. Much of politics is rooted
in the understanding of law, as well, so many students of law inherently must be knowledgable
of politics. In fact, the political science undergraduate degree is the most common course of
study for those advancing on to a law program.
What are the three types of political system?

The Philippines is a republic with a presidential form of government wherein power is equally

divided among its three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. One basic corollary in a

presidential system of government is the principle of separation of powers wherein legislation

belongs to Congress, execution to the Executive, and settlement of legal controversies to the


* The Legislative branch is authorized to make laws, alter, and repeal them through the power

vested in the Philippine Congress. This institution is divided into the Senate and the House of


* The Executive branch carries out laws. It is composed of the President and the Vice President

who are elected by direct popular vote and serve a term of six years. The Constitution grants the

President authority to appoint his Cabinet. These departments form a large portion of the

country’s bureaucracy.

* The Judicial branch evaluates laws. It holds the power to settle controversies involving rights

that are legally demandable and enforceable. This branch determines whether or not there has

been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part and

instrumentality of the government. It is made up of a Supreme Court and lower courts.

What is David Easton’s definition of politics?

There's an old joke that the word ''politics'' descends

from the Greek ''polys,'' meaning many, and the English
''tic,'' a blood-sucking parasite. While that analysis
certainly merits a good chuckle, it actually raises a fair
question. What is politics? Politics, as a term, has
become something of a catch-all phrase that is
ubiquitously used, yet remarkably hard to pin down,
kind of like ''culture'' or ''swagalicious''. So, how can we
define politics? One of the most-cited definitions of
politics is this: ''the authoritative allocation of values''.

Politics can be defined as the authoritative allocation of values. Before we can begin to
understand what that means, we need to know who said it. That analysis came from David
Easton, a Canadian-American political scientist of the 20th century. Easton was an early figure in
the discipline of political sciences who argued that there was no working definition of his field
and that scholars needed solid frameworks that could be used to concretely and consistently
analyze politics as a scientific discipline.

Luckily, Easton was prepared with a framework. In 1953, he proposed a systems theory for
political science, or a framework in which various human behaviors either create input or are
affected by output within a system of political actions. This five-step system organized political
actions into loops of feedback between the various citizens and leaders in a political system, all
based around human behaviors and human actions. A rough outline of a political system
according to Easton So, David Easton had defined the concept of a political system. Now he just
needed to define politics itself. That opportunity came in 1965 with the publications of A
Framework for Political Analysis and A Systems Analysis for Political Life. In these
publications, Easton offered his now-famous definition of politics.
What is the actual meaning of politics?

1. Politics is the science of government. As a science, it is a systematic body of knowledge (for

the most part, practical) that deals with the government and regulation, maintenance and
development, and defense and augmentation of the state. It also deals with the protection of the
rights of its citizens, safeguarding and enhancement of morals, and harmony and peace of human

2. However, other political scientists prefer to define politics as the art, rather than the science, of
government. It is an art because it involves the exercise of control or authority within the society
through the creation and enforcement of consensus arrived at by the leaders. It involves the
process through which the government skillfully addresses the needs of the society by carefully
allocating benefits, rewards, and penalties. This is what David Easton means when he defined
politics as the “authoritative allocation of values.” Under this definition, politics takes place only
within the polity or the machinery of the government. In other words, only the processes and
events that happen in the government bureaus, departments, and offices are said to be “political”
while those outside, like businesses, religion, and family, are “non-political.” It is in this sense
also that politicians and political parties are said to be “political” while civil society is said to be

3. Politics is the realm of public affairs or the state. Traditionally, “public” refers to the
institution of the state which is funded by the people at large through their taxes to satisfy their
common interest. This is contrasted to “private” which refers to the civil society that is privately
funded to support their own interest. As the Greek used the term, state transactions (public)
characterize the term political. When the Greek philosopher Aristotle said “man by nature is a
political animal,” he means that man is naturally inclined to live in a society. Aside from his
private life, man must have a public life, for this perfects his essence and gives him the “good
life.” In addition, the social theorists even argued that the common good could only be attained
through the active participation of the citizens. Education as well as moral and intellectual
enlightenment, are among the few things that result from the public life. It must be noted that
while there is a dichotomy of public life and private life, these two are intimately connected in
that they mutually depend on each other. And under this traditional sense, politics (realm of the
public/state) is intertwined with ethics (realm of the private/individual).

4. Politics is who gets what, when, and how. This is the famous definition of Harold Lasswell.
The definition underscores the reality of “scarcity” in the society. While human needs and wants
are so diverse and numerous, the resources are always limited. The struggle involved in
allocating the scarce resources, and determining what to produce, how to distribute, and use them
is said to be politics.

The concept comes from Plato's Republic. Plato argued for an aristocracy of philosopher kings.

He thought that philosophers were ideally suited to political leadership. Historically,

aristocracies have been based on wealth or land ownership. But other criteria have been used

throughout the ages.

Monarchies have often flourished alongside aristocracies. Both have been the targets of

revolutionaries, as in eighteenth-century France. Monarchies are ruled by a king or queen.

Throughout most of history, the monarchs' powers were absolute. Today, most are constitutional

monarchs, and they serve as symbols of the state with few real powers. However, Saudi Arabia is

an example of a country where the king still holds great power.

Democracy is "rule by the people" themselves or through their representatives. Today, this is the

dominant form of government in the West. However, many believe that their representatives do

not always act in the interests of the people they represent. For instance, in the United States,

elected representatives often pass legislation that overwhelmingly benefits the affluent classes or

corporations. Another problem with modern-day democracy is low voter turnout.

Oligarchy is "rule by the few," and that often means the rich. Many people believe that the

United States is now an oligarchy rather than a democracy. Billionaires donate huge sums to

candidates and are usually rewarded by the passage of favorable legislation. One way to combat

this problem is by public financing of election campaigns.

What is Aristotle’s definition of politics?

his Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.) describes

the happy life intended for man by nature as one lived in

accordance with virtue, and, in his Politics, he describes the

role that politics and the political community must play in

bringing about the virtuous life in the citizenry.

The Politics also provides analysis of the kinds of political

community that existed in his time and shows where and how

these cities fall short of the ideal community of virtuous citizens. Although in some ways we

have clearly moved beyond his thought (for example, his belief in the inferiority of women and

his approval of slavery in at least some circumstances), there remains much in Aristotle’s

philosophy that is valuable today.

In particular, his views on the connection between the well-being of the political community and

that of the citizens who make it up, his belief that citizens must actively participate in politics if

they are to be happy and virtuous, and his analysis of what causes and prevents revolution within

political communities have been a source of inspiration for many contemporary theorists,

especially those unhappy with the liberal political philosophy promoted by thinkers such as John

Locke and John Stuart Mill.

What is “Who gets, when, how”?

Lasswell viewed political science as the study of changes in the distribution of value patterns in
society, and, because distribution depends on power, the focal point of his analysis was power
dynamics. He defined values as desired goals and power as the ability to participate in decisions,
and he conceived political power as the ability to produce intended effects on other people.

In Politics: Who Gets What, When, How (1936)—a work whose title later served as the standard
lay definition of politics—he viewed the elite as the primary holders of power, but in Power and
Society: A Framework for Political Inquiry (1950), written with Abraham Kaplan, the discussion
was broadened to include a general framework for political inquiry that examined key analytic
categories such as person, personality, group, and culture. His works on political psychology
include Psychopathology and Politics (1930), which seeks the means of channeling the desire for
domination to healthy ends; World Politics and Personal Insecurity (1935); and Power and
Personality (1948), which deals with the problem of power seekers who sublimate their personal
frustrations in power.

In these and later works, Lasswell moved toward a moralistic posture, calling for the social and
biological sciences to reorient themselves toward a science of social policy that would serve the
democratic will for justice. Other features of political science that can be traced to Lasswell
include systems theory, functional and role analysis, and content analysis.
Who is called the Father of Political Science?

Aristotle wrote many books on subjects ranging from Greek

literature to Zoology. But his most famous work is called
Politics from which modern Political Science has grown. Thus
he is called as the father of Political Science.

“Aristotle was the unimpeachable authority on every science

and art known to his day.” (Maxey)

Aristotle was born in 384 BC. His father was Physician. He studied in Plato’s Academy for about
17 years. During the middle Ages, he was simply considered “the Philosopher”. The recovery of
his manuscripts in the thirteenth century marks a turning point in the history of philosophy.
According to Dunning, “the capital significance of Aristotle in the history of political theories
lies in the fact that he gave to politics the character of an independent science.”

He is founder of science of logic. His monumental treatise “Politics” is the most valuable works
on Political Science. The “Politics” is a chief work on the science and art of Government giving
full justification for existing of the institution like the state, slavery and family is calculated to
suggest the remedies for the ill of the body-politic of the city-state. Though it is generally said
that “Politics” is an unfinished treatise and often obscure but the half understood words of
Aristotle have become laws of thoughts to other ages.

Zeller says, “Politics of Aristotle is the richest treasure that has come down to us from antiquity,
it is the greatest contribution to the field of political science that we possess.”
What is the difference of politics and governance?

These two terms involve the people and the process that takes over a particular state. Both of
these terms refer to the system that is in control of the country or state. Government is a social
science term which refers to this certain group of people that takes over a particular nation. The
manner that these governing organizations run the country is very structured and organized. On
the other hand, politics refers to the process in which a group of appointed leaders as well as the
people of the state make a collective decision on various issues in the country. Although the term
“politics” would still refer to the art or science of controlling the state in an organized and
structured manner, politics would still differ in various ways. As aforementioned, the term
“government” refers to the group of people running the country whereas politics would refer to
the process of running the country.

The government is embodied by several appointed leaders that monopolize the decisions in any
situations that would affect the entirety of the state. These chosen leaders can be called the
administrative bureaucracy. These chosen leaders are separated by status apart from the common
people of the particular state. In democratic countries, the government’s decisions may have
some interference from the common people of the country. However, most of the time there is
actually little interference from the people as the final decision in a particular situation
concerning the state would still be in the hands of the government. On the other hand, politics
would be otherwise. As aforementioned, the government would be consisting of the
administrative bureaucracy. But in the case of politics, this term is not actually limited to
government and state affairs only. There is also politics in various sectors of the country. There
may be politics in the school where there are student leaders that are organized to bridge the gap
between the administration of the school and its students. Politics can also be found in the
workplace since there would be executive members of a company. This would come in groups
such as the board of directors and board of trustees. It may also come in individuals such as
managers, supervisors, and other superior positions that would indicate governance in a
company. Moreover, politics can also be found in religious sectors. Whether it would be
Christianity or Islam, politics can still be found in this particular sector of the society.
What are the eight types of government?

Government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.
Government based on Islam, king is head of government and commander of chief of military
Centrally planned government. Government controls all means of production, resources are
owned by entire population.
Government in which a small group exercise control, especially for corrupt and selfish purposes.
System of social organization the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being
ascribed to the community as a whole.
Government where whole population vote and elected representation.
Government where political authority exercises absolute and centralize control over all aspects
of life.
Political theory, which aims to create anarchy, "the absence of a master, of a sovereign." No
What country is oligarchy?

Three of the most well-known countries

with oligarchies are Russia, China, and

Iran. Other examples are Saudi Arabia,

Turkey, and apartheid-era South Africa

Pros of an Oligarchy Oligarchies exist in

any organization that delegates power to

a group of expert insiders so that the organization can function. It's not efficient for everyone to

make all the decisions all the time. An oligarchy allows most people to focus on their day-to-day

lives without too much involvement in the issues that concern society as a whole. They can

spend their time doing other things, such as working on their chosen career, cultivating

relationships with their families, or engaging in sports.

Cons of an Oligarchy Oligarchies increase income inequality. That's because the oligarchs

siphon a nation's wealth into their pockets. That leaves less for everyone else and fosters greater

social inequalities as well. As the insider group gains power, it seeks to keep it. As their

knowledge and expertise grow, it becomes more difficult for anyone else to break in. Oligarchies

can become stale. They pick people who share the same values and worldviews. This can sow

the seeds of decline since they can miss the profitable synergies of a diverse team.
What is exactly an oligarchy?

An oligarchy is a power structure that allows a few businesses, families, or individuals to rule.

Those few ruling members have enough power to create policies that benefit them to the

exclusion of the rest of society. They maintain their power through their relationships with each

other. Oligarchy is from the Greek word oligarkhia, and it means "few governing."

The "iron law of oligarchy" states that any organization or society will eventually become an

oligarchy. That's because the people who learn how to succeed in the organization gain a

competitive advantage. The larger and more complicated the organization becomes, the more

advantages the elite gain.

3 Oligarchs only associate with others who share those same traits. They become an organized

minority, while average citizens remain an unorganized majority. The oligarchs groom protégés

who share their values and goals. It becomes more difficult for the average person to break into

the group of elites.

What is an example of oligarchy?

A few examples of modern oligarchies are

Russia, China, Iran, and perhaps the
United States.


Though Russian President Vladimir Putin

denies it, he functions as part of a wealth-
based ruling oligarchy that had its
beginnings in the 1400s. In Russia, as in
many essentially anti-capitalist countries, accumulating personal wealth requires contacts inside
the government. As a result, the Russian government tacitly allows the billionaire oligarchs to
invest in democratic countries where the rule of law protects their property.

The religion-based Chinese oligarchy regained control after the death of Mao Tse-Tung in 1976.
Claiming to be descendants of Taoism’s “Eight Immortals,” members of the so-called “Shanghai
gang” oligarchs control most state-owned corporations, consult on and profit from business
deals, and intermarry in order to maintain their relationship to the Immortals.
Saudi Arabia

The reigning monarch of Saudi Arabia is required to share his power with the descendants of the
44 sons and 17 wives of the country’s founder and first monarch, King Abd al-Aziz al-Sa'ud
(1853-1953). The current king, Salman bin Abdulaziz has appointed his son, Prince Mohammed
bin Salman as defense minister and overseer of Saudi Aramco, the powerful state-owned oil
monopoly. Iran Despite having a popularly elected president,

Iran is controlled by a religion-based oligarchy of Islamic clerics and their relatives and friends.
The Iranian constitution states that “the One God (Allah)” holds “exclusive sovereignty” over the
country. The Islamic oligarchs took power after the death of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in
1989. His replacement, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has placed his family and allies into high
government posts and controls the elected president.

The United States

Many economists contend that the United States is now or is becoming an oligarchy. In saying
this, they point to the country’s worsening income inequality and social stratification, two of the
main characteristics of a wealth-based oligarchy. Between 1979 and 2005, the incomes of the top
1% of U.S. workers rose by 400%. According to a 2104 study by political scientists Martin
Gilens and Benjamin Page, the U.S. Congress passes legislation benefiting the wealthiest 10% of
Americans more often than measures benefiting the poorest 50%.
What is the difference of oligarchy and aristocracy?

Aristocracy and oligarchy are two types of government systems where the society is ruled by a
few people. Although these two systems share some similarities, there is a difference based on
the ruling party. Aristocracy is a form of government where power is held by the nobility
whereas oligarchy is a form of government where power is held by a small group of people. This
is the main difference between aristocracy and oligarchy.

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