MCOT 008 WL Crude Receiving 18 Inch
MCOT 008 WL Crude Receiving 18 Inch
MCOT 008 WL Crude Receiving 18 Inch
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Amendment Summary
Reference Documents
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 Procedure
Appendix A Checklist
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01 Central Control Room MCOT
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MY SKO O 07016 Rev.1 April 2010 MCOT Operating Procedures Manual
MCOT CIMAH Safety Report PCSB MCOT CIMAH 2009 Rev 131109
SKO Rev. 0 November 2009
MCOT Rejuvenation Project Phase 2 Piping & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)
Process Drawing (Rev. No. 6)
Section 1
Content Page
1.1 OBJECTIVE/PURPOSE................................................................................................ 6
1.1.1 This operating procedure outlines normal activities required to execute the task and actions to
be taken in event of abnormal situations that may arise during the execution of the task.
1.1.2 The task is to prepare MCOT for receiving crude from offshore TK/SI/WL/4B platforms.
1.4.1 MCOT to be informed minimum 24 hours prior to receiving offshore crude for preparing the
receiving facilities
1.4.2 Communication is established with TK, WL, BE, BO and BN CCRs.
Hazards and The table below lists job hazards and the precautions that should be taken
precautions for safety, environmental, quality, ergonomics, Good Manufacturing
Practices, etcH before beginning this procedure.
Hazard Precaution
Tools and The tools and equipment listed below are needed to do this job. List any
Equipment special tools required in addition to hand tools.
Tools and/or Equipment Use
ESD / ESD will close ABV-9230 Beach valve besides shutting down the Terminal.
Interlocks SDV-1010/20/30/40
18’ WL crude PAH-9232 7.5 Alarm will be activated. Crude oil will Find out the cause of the high pressure
trunkline barg enter Surge Relief Vessel V-6310. alarm and rectify any fault found.
18’ WL crude PZALL- 1.38 Beach Valve ABV-9230 will trip Find out the cause of the low low
trunkline 9231 barg when pressure drop to 1.38 barg. pressure, rectify if possible and re-
open back beach valve ABV-9230.
18’ WL crude PZAHH- 9.3 Beach Valve ABV-9230 will trip Find out the cause of the high high
trunkline 9231 barg when pressure reaches to 9.3 barg pressure, rectify if possible and re-
Associated upstream offshore open back beach valve. ABV-9230.
facilities trip on high high trunkline Seek expert help if unable to rectify
pressure. fault.
V-1010 / 20 / PIAH- 7.5 Alarm will be activated. Find out the cause of the high pressure
30 / 40 FWKO 1011/12/13 barg alarm and rectify any fault found.
Vessels /14
V- PIAL- 0.3 Alarm will be activated. Inlet SDV- Find out the cause of the low pressure
1010/20/30/40 1011/12/13 barg 1010/20/30/40 and outlet SDV- alarm and rectify any fault found. Open
FWKO /14 1011/21/31/41/12/22/32/42 will trip. the inlet SDV-1010/20/30/40 and outlet
Vessels SDV-1011/21/31/41/12/22/32/42
V-1010 / 20 / PZAHH- 9.3 PSV-1010/11/20/30/40 will be Find out the cause of the high high
30 / 40 FWKO 1012/22/32 barg activated. pressure alarm and rectify any fault
Vessels /42 found. Re-calibrate PSV-
V-1010 / 20 / PZALL- 1.5 barg SDV-1012/22/32/42 will trip. The Find out the cause of the low low
30 / 40 FWKO 1013/23/33 liquid remain stagnant as there is not pressure alarm and rectify any fault
Vessels /43 enough pressure to push it out. found.
Start-up FWKO Vessels (refer to
FWKO Operating Procedure).
V-1010 / 20 / LZAHH(I/F) 75 % SDV-1012/22/32/42 will trip.Water Find out the cause of the high high
30 / 40 FWKO - carries over to wet tanks and interface level alarm and rectify any
Vessels 1012/22/32 reduces the water draining efficiency fault found.
/42 of MCOT.
V-1010 / 20 / LZALL(I/F)- 50 % SDV-1012/22/32/42 will trip. Find out the cause of the low low
30 / 40 FWKO 1013/23/33
Section 2
Content Page
2.1.2 Ensure the following valves are as per Appendix A, item 1.1, Table 1. Panel man 2/
Area operator
2.1.3 Ensure the Surge arrestors SPR-13250/51 are ready for operation and Area operator
Surge Relief Vessel V-6310 is lined-up for relief operation.
The surge arrestor is set at 7.6 barg (110 psig ) and relief to the Surge
Relief Vessel V-6310
2.1.4 Ensure the FWKO vessels V-1010/1020/1030/1040 are ready to receive Panel man 2 /
crude from the incoming line. Area operator
2.1.5 Ensure the nominated wet tank is ready to receive crude from FWKO. Panel man 2 /
Area operator
2.2.2 Slowly open MOV-9231 the incoming line isolation valve to full open. Area operator
2.2.3 Activate the operation start-up override key switch at the push buttons Panel man 2
panel to override the low low pressure trip.
Description Tag Barg Psig
Low Low pressure trip PZALL-9231 1.38 20
Low pressure alarm PZAL-9232 2.0 29
2.2.4 Slowly open 2” VG the start-up throttling bypass isolation valve to Area operator
pressurise the downstream system.
2.2.6 Open MOV-9232 the main inlet valve downstream of ABV-9230 Area operator
2.2.7 Close 2” VG the by-pass start-up throttling valve which was opened as per Area operator
2.2.8 Confirm all parameters are normal (Refer to SOL). Panel man 2
2.2.9 Return the operation start-up override key switch to normal position, when Panel man 2
the pressure is healthy.
2.2.10 Inform WL OS once MCOT is ready to receive the crude. Panel man 2
Case 1: FWKO vessel is empty (e.g. DOSH inspection)
2.3.1 Ensure all related upstream and downstream manual valves are lined up. Area operator
2.3.3 Set oil/water interface level (LIC-1010) at 80% of range in DCS. Panel man 2
2.3.5 Ensure LCV-1010 water outlet control valves are closed in manual mode. Panel man 2
2.3.6 Ensure PCV-1010 inlet control valves are closed. Panel man 2
2.3.7 Confirm that the following valves are in the following position as per Area operator
Appendix A, item 1.2, Table 2.
2.3.8 Open inlet valve PCV-1010 to introduce crude from the distribution header. Panel man 2
2.3.11 Normalized SDV-1010 and put LCV-1010 on auto after the interface level Panel man 2
reaches 80%.
• Baram and West Lutong are not producing.
• All FWKO V-1010/1020/1030/1040 have shutdown and full of liquid
2.4.1 Ensure the following valves: FWKO V-1010/1020/1030/1040 is as per Area operator
checklist in Appendix A, item 1.2, Table 3.
2.4.2 Manually close PCV-1010/20/30/40 FWKO inlet control valve and manually Panel man 2 /
open SDV-1010/1020/1030/1040 the inlet shutdown valves via the reset Area Operator
2.4.3 Manually open crude outlet SDV-1011/21/31/41 via the reset button. Panel man 2 /
Area Operator
2.4.4 Manually open water outlet SDV-1012/22/32/42 via the reset button. Panel man 2/
Area Operator
2.4.5 Slowly open the PCV-1010/20/30/40 FWKO inlet control valve manually to Panel man 2
introduce crude into the vessels one by one.
2.4.6 When the process has stabilised, set PCV-1010/20/30/40 FWKO inlet and Panel man 2
LCV-1010/20/30/40 water outlet control valves on auto-control.
Normal shut down of FWKO V-1010 for maintenance (e.g. DOSH
2.5.1 Close water outlet SDV-1012 manually to displace most of the crude to
Panel man 2
2.5.4 Carry out depressurise and draining as per respective Work Method
Area operator
Manual (WMM) to depressurise V-1010.
When an operating upset occurs, the appropriate safety shutdown devices
will automatically act. Refer to Appendix A, item 1.4, Table 4: FWKO
Shutdown Causes and Effect.
2.6.1 When all FWKO’s are isolated by their SDVs, the incoming crude can be Area operator
diverted to the receiving tank via interconnection line with hand valve (HV- / Shift
1004). supervisor
2.6.2 If only 1 out of 3 FWKOs are isolated by their SDVs, the remaining 2 Area operator
FWKOs are able to cope with the incoming crude flow. However, need to / Shift
monitor the flow rate and pressure of the incoming crude flow. Line-up the supervisor
standby FWKO if required.
2.6.3 If 2 out of 3 FWKOs are isolated by their SDVs, pressure build-up may Area operator
occur in the incoming trunkline. Line-up the standby FWKO if required. / Shift
Content Page
1 CHECKLIST ................................................................................................................ 17
2 DIAGRAMS ................................................................................................................. 21