DLP26 3Q G Active and Passive Voice

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Content standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature in the Period of
Emergence as a tool to assert one’s identity; strategies in listening to and viewing of informative and short
narrative texts; word relationships and associations; informative speech forms; and use of direct/reported
speech, passive/ active voice, simple past and past perfect tenses, and sentence connectors.
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of asserting one’s identity;
comprehending informative and short narrative texts using schema and appropriate listening and viewing
strategies; expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings through various formats; and enriching written and spoken
communication using direct/reported speech, active/passive voice, simple past and past perfect tenses and
connectors correctly and appropriately.

EN7G-III-c-2: Use the passive and active voice meaningfully in varied contexts

a. Utilize the passive and active voice in a correct manner and in varied contexts.
b. Display emerging skill in scriptwriting with the employment of the voices in sentences.
c. Appreciate the importance of the proper use of active and passive voice in communication.

Lesson: Active and Passive Voice
1. PowerPoint presentation
2. Chalkboard
3. Sample Objects
4. Copies of the Rubric
1. English 7 Learner’s and Teacher’s Manual
2. Scriptwriting rubric retrieved from


A. Daily Routines
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of attendance
d. Checking of ‘My Day’

B. Motivation
Task 1: Say What I Did!
Directions: Five representatives will be selected from the class to be the actors of the day. Using
the objects given to you, you will have to make an action using it.
Student 1 Chalk
Student 2 Bottle of Water
Student 3 Ball
Student 4 Handkerchief
Student 5 Broom

1|Page Prepared by: Marc Ryan M. Salvador

November 21-22, 2019
Your classmates will be called to describe what the actors portrayed. In describing, you must
state first the name of their classmate.

For example: Ryan wrote the chalk on the board.

The actors will once again act in front using the same objects. Afterwards, you will also describe
what they did. However, you must start your sentences using the name of the objects.

For example: The chalk was used by Ryan on the board.

C. Lesson Presentation
Introduction: Most of every sentence has a "voice." This term refers to how a subject, object,
and verb interact within a sentence. Their order will determine if a sentence is in active or
passive voice. The tone and focus of your writing can change completely depending on which
construction you use.

Active vs. Passive Voice

The relationship of the subject to the verb in a sentence is called the voice. A sentence is written
in the active voice if the subject is doing the action of the verb.

Example: Mr. Reyes donated the X-ray machine.

The active voice is straightforward and clear. It focuses on the subject doing the action. A
sentence is written in the passive voice if the subject receives the action.

Example: The X-ray machine was donated by Mr. Reyes.

The passive voice is only effective if the person or thing doing the action is unspecified or
unknown. It is also effective if the receiver of the action is to be emphasized.

 The hospital was built in the 1950s. (The person behind construction of the
hospital is unknown.)
 A donation worth ₱1M was received by the organization. (The receiver of the
action is emphasized.)

D. Abstraction
Task 2: I Remember!
Directions: Using the Venn diagram, differentiate how statements are formed for both active
and passive voice.

2|Page Prepared by: Marc Ryan M. Salvador

November 21-22, 2019
E. Application
Task 3: Script A Scene!
Directions: With your own group mates, create a 5-minute dialogue about the common scenario
happening in each of the public place below. The dialogue must employ active and passive voice
in the sentences. Afterwards, shoot the scenes around Tayabas. The group will be divided
according to the following roles:

1. Leader
2. Narrator
3. Cameraman
4. Scriptwriters
5. Actors

The leaders will choose one place which will serve as the setting of their dialogue:

Public market A local karinderya Streets during fiesta

Church Grocery Store School

F. Evaluation
Task 4: Work It Out!
A. Directions: Rewrite the following sentences into passive voice.
1. Fr. Eamon gave a speech on the Mayohan festivities.
2. Dr. Nadres treated children with leukemia.
3. A group of artists from LPNHS Special Program for the Arts donated paintings to the
children‘s museum.
4. A reliable source revealed some shocking information.
5. The journalism students sponsored a benefit show for street children.

B. Directions: Rewrite the following sentences into active voice.

6. The ferry was whipped by a strong gust of wind.
7. Karaoke was invented in 1975 by a Filipino named Roberto del Rosario.
8. The female workers were advised by Mrs. Luces.
9. The spaceship has been seen by many of our neighbors.
10. The beautiful story was written by Jose Garcia Villa.

3|Page Prepared by: Marc Ryan M. Salvador

November 21-22, 2019

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