DLP23 3Q Hunger in Barok

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Content standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature in the Period of
Emergence as a tool to assert one’s identity; strategies in listening to and viewing of informative and short
narrative texts; word relationships and associations; informative speech forms; and use of direct/reported
speech, passive/ active voice, simple past and past perfect tenses, and sentence connectors.
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of asserting one’s identity;
comprehending informative and short narrative texts using schema and appropriate listening and viewing
strategies; expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings through various formats; and enriching written and spoken
communication using direct/reported speech, active/passive voice, simple past and past perfect tenses and
connectors correctly and appropriately.

EN7VC-III-e-14: Make a stand on the material viewed
EN7LC-III-e-3.6: Follow steps in a process
EN7RC-III-e-2.8: Make predictions about the text
EN7V-III-e-13.8: Determine words or expressions with genus-species (hyponymous) relations in a
EN7LT-III-e-5: Discover literature as a tool to assert one’s unique identity and to better understand
other people
EN7LT-III-e2.2.2: Explain literary devices used
EN7OL-III-b-3: Employ the appropriate oral language and stance in an interview, a panel discussion, in
a forum and in a debate

a. Tell personal experience regarding the picture
b. Deduce the social context behind the story.
c. Predict the next event of the story
d. Understand the effects of the elements used to interpret the story
e. Conduct an interview using a pre-established criteria


Lesson: Hunger in Barok, N.V.M. Gonzalez
1. PowerPoint presentation
2. Chalkboard
1. English 7 Learner’s and Teacher’s Manual
2. Typhoon Tisoy happened in Isabela

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September 27, 2019
Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities
A. Daily Routines
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of attendance
d. Checking of ‘My Day’

A. Motivation
Look at the picture, class. What can
you say about it? It shows someone who is volunteering to
give relief goods.
Yes, that’s correct! Any other
observations regarding the picture. It’s a picture taken last week during the
flood brought about by typhoon ‘Tisoy’
which happened here at Isabela.
Yeah, you are right! This is a picture
which shows generosity or an act of
responding the needs of others

Who among you have done

something like this before? I have a situation before which I gave
some of my used clothes to someone in
need of it, anyways I could not wear
them anymore.
How do you feel doing it then?
The feeling of seeing them smile could be
worthwhile and fulfilling to me.
I agree to that. Hopefully other could
also do that even no one tells.

B. Lesson Presentation
Unlocking of Difficulties
Look carefully on the sentences,
class. Classify the underlined words
according to either naming or action
words. 1. A famine came to their land, and
everyone became so hungry.
Very good! Next? 2. An unexpected phenomenon
happened which made me worried.
Excellent! Next? 3. His shirt was smudged with dirt
because of the mud in the farm.
Brilliant! Next? 4. After cutting the tree, five men
hauled the big tree towards the
Nice going! Next? 5. The muzzle of the horse on getting
in the water while it drinks.
Great! Lastly? 6. There was a sudden drought that
caused all the farms to dry up.
Fantastic work, everyone!

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September 27, 2019
Now, try to unlock the meaning of
the underlined word by looking into
the sentences which serve as your
clue. Match them to the following
 A period of no rain/dryness
 Covering of horse’s mouth
 Pull
 To rub
 Fact or event
 Shortage of food 1. Famine - Shortage of food
2. Phenomenon - Fact or event
3. Smudged - To rub
4. Hauled – Pull
5. Muzzle - Covering of horse’s mouth
6. Drought - A period of no
Terrific, everyone!

While reading
The story we are about to read was
set on the Period of Emergence.
‘Twas the time when Filipinos had
based their literary themes on social
context. Now, find out the social
context of the story, Hunger in
Barok by N.V.M. Gonzalez thru beep
reading. Predict what will happen
next to the story by stopping and
answering the ‘Guess What’ part of
the story.
1. What kind of man is Mang
Cesar? What do you think is the
problem faced by the people? He was rich man and so was able to
manage the drought. This is evident from
the sturdy horse he rides in the story. He
has also a good reputation among the
people because he presents himself as
someone who helps others but
personally he is selfish and ignorant of
the poor people’s suffering. This can be
seen from the line “all these days, I have
not realized the whole country has been
half starving again.” On the other hand,
the problem faced by the people is the
half-famine cause by the drought in two
to three months.
2. What do you think has been
bothering Pare Crispin? How can
Mang Cesar help Pare Crispin? The drought of Barok and the poor
people’s hunger have been bothering
Pare Crispin. Because of this, he now
wants to get back to his old trade as a
fisherman and go to Sumagui and do his
intentions. With this, Mang Cesar helped
him by offering him help in crisis. He
offered his food and comfort so that he
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September 27, 2019
can take care of his (Pare Crispin) family.
Mang Cesar offers him some quantity of
rice seed and financial support so that he
can survive with his family.
3. What does Pare Crispin want
from Mang Cesar? Do you think
Mang Cesar will grant his wish?
Why or why not? Pare Crispin wanted Mang Cesar’s horse,
Potro but in my assumption, Mang Cesar
would not be wanting to grant that wish
of him.
4. What do you think will be the
next action of pare Crispin?
What will be the reaction of
Mang Cesar to pare Crispin’s
action? Pare Crispin would plant the rice seeds
on their plantation because he knows by
himself that he had a good hand in
planting. Upon seeing that moment,
Mang Cesar struck big Banana leaf to
sound like a laughter.

Let’s identify the elements of the
story thru a group activity. Each
group will have to be designated to
several activity.
Group 1: The Moody Story
Group 2: Toning in with the Writer
Group 3: The T-Chart of the Theme
Group 4: Locally Yours
Group 5: Happy to Help!
C. Abstraction
Work with your seatmate and
accomplish the given summary of
the story we’ve read.

D. Application
Form six groups and work on your
assigned task. Group 1: A Collage of Goodness
Group 2: Rapping for Good
Group 3: The Award for the Greater
Group 4: Thank You My Good friend
Group 5: Music=Goodness
Group 6: Sharing Goodness for Others

Task 9: The Blood of a Hero

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September 27, 2019

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