Intrinsic and Extrinsic Aids.
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Aids.
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Aids.
begin with. Considering that Poe was It is similar to legislative purpose. What was
adopted, it presupposes that she is a the evil sought to be remedied. The
Filipino. Otherwise, she could not have problems that the lawmakers identified that
been legally adopted. That’s how the SC prompted the congress to pass a law to
justified insofar as title is concerned. solve that problem.
part of the bill, it merely introduces the bill. It means that there was a construction
Hence, extrinsic. made by the congress in another enactment
Federation of free farmers v. CA or separate law. Legislative construction
There is no ambiguity in the law. But the sc found in the law is not extrinsic but
set aside the expressed language of the law intrinsic. But this one is in a separate law,
and go to the intent. Otherwise, if we limit prior/later enactment.
our interpretation to the expressed
language of the law, it will defeat the Judicial Construction
purpose of the law. What was the Jurisprudence that was decided by the SC is
justification? Look at the explanatory note. a source of extrinsic aids. Judicial
Legislative debates, views and construction is very authoritative.
Poe v. Comelec Doctrine of Stare Decisis
Poe was born in 1968 so the 1935 If today, the SC was confronted with a more
constitution applies. But if look at the 1935 or less similar set of facts applying the same
constitution insofar as citizenship article is principles of law,
concerned, it does not mention foundlings.
SC went into the debates and deliberations if 10 years after, the supreme court is
of the framers of the 1935 consi. SC found confronted with a similar set of facts and
that “basta foundling, Filipino citizen” pero applying the same principles of law, it is
wala nila gi apil sa enumeration sa 1935 bound to decide the same way it did 10
consti kay gamay ra daw kayo ang cases sa years before.
foundling at that time. SC used the debates
and deliberation to aid in their decision. We need to follow precedence to stabilize
Public policy the judiciary system. Otherwise, no one
Usually, public policy is not written in the would believe the SC, if lahi lahi ang
law. It is more of an unwritten law. E.g. Void decision. However this is not absolute
public marriage because against public because there are times when the SC will
policy. Marriage between second degree revisit an old doctrine and say “we did
cousins is not allowed. But why? Because of something wrong there. We are going to
public policy. Unsay naandan, Kultura. It is abandon it”
not in the law but ngil-ad tan-awon. Morales v. CA
Condonation doctrine. If an incumbent
Construction by executive officers mayor has a pending admin case, and was
It is said that it is only the SC that construes re-elected. It is said that if you are re-
the law. That is correct insofar as the SC is elected and has a pending admin case. Your
the final arbiter. However the SC is not the re-election actually erases the pending
first to construe. The first to construe is admin case because the fact that you are
executive department. When the executive re-elected despite the people knowing the
enforces the law, they must read the law admin case means that the people condone
and when they read the law, they must you. This is a 1959 doctrine. For 70 long
construe it. For they could not enforce years, politician always invokes this
something they do not understand to begin precedent
However this doctrine was revisited in the
Executive construction is not binding to the case of Jun Jun Binay. The SC realized that if
SC. However, it must be given respect you look at the law and jurisprudence, it has
especially if it was enforced in the longest no support at all.
time. Executive construction is a source of
extrinsic aid. Another argument raised by the SC that if at
all, the bases of the doctrine is foreign
Kinds of executive construction jurisprudence. While foreign jurisprudence
1. Issue and advisory opinion is a source of extrinsic aid, but it is merely
2. Adversary proceedings – resolution persuasive. Because in another case, the SC
by administrative bodies to resolve said “although our bill of rights was
legal controversies. patterned after the consti of US, we have
cut the umbilical cord”
Legislative Construction Obiter dictum
a mere passing statement made by the analyzed by Jose Churva. His textbook was
supreme court in a case and it does not used as an extrinsic aid by the SC to
address the crux of the controversy. It does interpret the deliberation and come up with
not bind as a precedent a conclusion that foundlings were included
in the deliberations.
There are times when the supreme court
writes lengthy cases, chances are you might Dictionaries
go as far as making a ruling that is not really Wasn’t discussed, prolly was discussed
the main point of the case. When the SC earlier.
makes a ruling that is not really the main
issue/crux of the controversy, it becomes an Foreign Jurisprudence
obiter dictum. CLUE: merely persuasive
If you are confronted with a problem about
as opposed to ratio decidendi, ratio foreign jurisprudence – answer “it is merely
decidendi is actually the reason for the persuasive”. Regardless of the problem
decision. Ratio decidendi addresses the presented about foreign jurisprudence as
main issue of the case. Must be followed as long as you knew that it is just persuasive,
a precedent. you will never be lost.
Morales v. CA
Maquiling v. COMELEC Condonation doctrine. If an incumbent
There was a mayor who is dual citizen. He mayor has a pending admin case, and was
was then disqualified. The problem here re-elected. It is said that if you are re-
was if the first placer candidate of mayor elected and has a pending admin case. Your
was disqualified who becomes the mayor? re-election actually erases the pending
Is it the 2nd placer or is it the vice mayor? admin case because the fact that you are
re-elected despite the people knowing the
Before, the supreme court said that if you admin case means that the people condone
are the 2nd placer, under no circumstance you. This is a 1959 doctrine. For 70 long
can you be proclaimed the mayor. The years, politician always invokes this
reason is simply because you are not the precedent
choice of the people.
However this doctrine was revisited in the
However, the SC in the case of maquiling case of Jun Jun Binay. The SC realized that if
realized that the bases for that ruling is you look at the law and jurisprudence, it has
merely an obiter dictum. It did not really no support at all.
address the crux of the controversy
presented in the case. Now the SC said that Another argument raised by the SC that if at
we are going to reverse and modify partially all, the bases of the doctrine is foreign
that ruling. If you are the first placer and jurisprudence. While foreign jurisprudence
you were disqualified, the 2nd placer can be is a source of extrinsic aid, but it is merely
proclaimed the mayor depending the persuasive. Because in another case, the SC
reason for your disqualification. If the said “although our bill of rights was
reason for the disqualification is that you patterned after the consti of US, we have
are not a candidate to begin with then the cut the umbilical cord”
2nd placer will be proclaimed the mayor. If
the reason for the disqualification is that Doctrine of implications and inferences
you are a candidate to begin with but got Disregard, we’re done with this
disqualified along the way(ex. Exceeded
campaign expenses), then the vice mayor Presumptions in aid of construction
will succeed. e.g. Presumption in favor of
constitutionality. Presumption if favor of
Construction by the bar validity. In other words, if there is a 50-50
Wasn’t discussed doubt as to WON the law is constitutional,
go to constitutionality because it enjoys
Textbook that presumption. The burden of proof
Poe v. Comelec belongs to the one that challenges the
The deliberation of the 1935 consti was constitutionality.