Portfolio Ste

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Ste 3

Submitted by:
Renz Jay G. Salas

Submitted to:
Mrs. Teresita Abuan
Chair, Teacher Education

Giver of All Wisdom and Greatest of all Teachers, Look upon our teachers with

G rant them the resolve

To nurture our eager minds
And to never give up on us who fall behind

Bless their hearts

For they rejoice when we succeed And encourage us when we fail

E ndow them with gentle patience

For the path of learning is never easy

K indle a spirit of passion in them

It is the flame that ignites the love of learning in us

Help them see the potential in each student

Their belief in us means much more than the grade we make

I nstill in them a commitment to keep on learning

It shows us to not fear new knowledge and experiences

Inspire them to touch the future

They influence how big a dream we dream for ourselves

Bless our teachers who have come before for their work endures to this day
Let the light of Your example shine upon all teachers: To build up with their words
To love with their mind To share with their heart Amen.

Olivarez College puts emphasis on the three domains of human development

by educating the mind, body and soul. These words capsulized the Olivarian
philosophy of education: a holistic education committed to the development of the
critical mind capable of intelligent decision-making and analysis; a physically-fit body
that is well-versed with arts, skills, and athletics. A sound mind and a healthy body
make up a total person with a spirit that is in communion with Christian ideals and one
who is dedicated to the service of God, country, and man.


Olivarez College is committed to provide every learner with applicable knowledge,

competencies and field expertise while transforming them to become competent,
productive and service-oriented citizens in support of social, economic and
development needs of the country and the demands of the global society.


Provide a collaborative learning environment where every creative, communicative and

critical thinking learner is prepared for employment and service commitment in the
country and the world.

A quality 21st century global educational institution that advocates relevant inclusive
outcomes - based education toward lifelong learning and sustainable career
development in diverse contexts in response to national and global need.


 I - Integration towards inclusiveness

C - Career-centeredness

A - Academic Excellence

Reflective thinking through high research

R -

E - Empowerment for Leadership and Service


Olivarez College aims to:

 Create a quality 21st century learning environment toward holistic development

of learners through effective instruction and efficient service delivery systems;
 Generate applicable knowledge, skills, and values essential in the world of work
along with sound judgment, critical thinking, and value-laden at attributes;
 Explore possibilities and solutions to address global gaps and need through
research engagement and innovative works;
 Empower stakeholders for extension services toward human and community
development aspirations and social transformations; and
 Provide opportunities for career preparation through linkages, relevant activities,
skills training, and guidance services. 
College of education


Demonstrate research capabilities that would generate solutions and

interventions in responding to the emerging trends and innovations contributory
to the development of the teaching profession.


Produce globally competitive professional teachers for a basic education

schools here and abroad are holistically equipped to fulfil the calling of the
teaching profession.

Develop committed teachers with deep understanding of Christian values,
human ideals and Filipino culture in advocating pragmatic learning in the
community they serve.


Outcome-Based Education is the new trend in today’s curriculum. It is currently

favored Internationally in countries such as Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, and United
States (Milan, 2004, cited by Butler, 2004). Outcome-based education encompasses
learning at the students’ pace to achieve a desired outcome. It is defined as a method of
curriculum design and teaching that focuses on what students can actually do after they are
taught. Basically, it puts emphasis on measuring what the students have learned and
understand after a rouser by not merely giving explanations but rather, activities that
assess critical thinking of the students.

The primary aim of OBE is to facilitate desired changes within the learners, by
increasing knowledge, developing skills and/or positively influencing attitudes, values and
judgment. As a whole, it targets the cognitive, affective and psychosomatic domain of
learning, thus, facilitating better understanding and retention of the topic learned.

Looking back, we are glad that we had the opportunity to have a seminar last
December 13, 2019 held at Olivarez College Audio Visual Room. We gain a lot of knowledge
about OBE and it serve as an eye opener for us students teacher not to stick on a book but
also teach and think outside the box. I got a lot of strategies and techniques in teaching in a
collaborative and engaging way, I applied all that I’ve learned during my internship and it
really help me to be more knowledgeable and competent that why I would to take this
opportunity to give thanks to Dr. Elmer B. De Leon for sharing his expertise and knowledge
to us. We really appreciate his kindness and also thank you to Mrs. Teresita V. Abuan and to
Ms. Susi for conducting this kind of seminar and to all the people behind the success of the

As a future teacher it is require for us to think of something that has a significant

value to learners or to do things that they need to learn. By that, OBE is needed to be
applied in schools and universities to attain good quality students that would help to
change the world. Learning and having this approach means achieving and attaining
positive outcome for learners beneficial and I’m glad that our school is already
implemented the OBE.
Table of contents

Title Page
A Prayer for Teachers
Olivarez College
Motto, Philosophy, Mission and Vision
Core Value and Goals
College of Education
Mission, Vision and Goal

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