Nvac Syllabus Template Education Department

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Panicuason, Naga City


1st Semester AY 2022 - 2023


___________Purposive Communication_____________


Prepared by:

Joan B. Fernandez, M.A., College Instructor

July 2022

Reviewed and Approved by:

Solomon N. Tarala, MS, Program Coordinator, Agribusiness Department

Nora O. Catimbang, MAEd, Academic Dean

July 2022
Naga View Adventist College EMBLEM
Naga View Adventist College believes that God is the SOURCE, the CENTER, and the WAY of true education. True education deals
with the wholistic development of man and in its fullest sense, it helps the person become a better citizen and child of GOD.

Transforming lives by the WORD of GOD

Naga View Adventist College is committed to provide its students with quality Christian education. Its main objective is to produce
graduates who are committed to serve GOD and humanity.

We develop Christ-like integrity, being God-fearing, with love and respect, spirit-filled and faithful to God.

We endeavor to be equipped with quality education, establishing a wholesome influence in life and diligently sustaining the potential to
achieve optimum accomplishments in diverse circumstances.
We are committed to be of service to God and fellowmen, and to inculcate volunteerism among students, faculty and staff and
We advocate and practice responsible management through diligent work and study, ecological accountability, personal and social
responsibility, and institutional loyalty.

We acknowledge the value of humility to influence men and women to be enthusiastic leaders and followers.


General Goals
To achieve its mission, Naga View Adventist College is committed to the following:

1. To exert in the lives of the students a positive influence through the Adventist Christian life style.
2. To inculcate the love of God and show love for self and fellow human beings as Christ has loved the world.
3. To ensure that curricular offering is relevant to the present needs of the society.
4. To provide quality instructions through competent and qualified faculty that would lead students to excellent performance.
5. To lead the students to value and appreciate their talents and develop their potentials for maximum usefulness not only for
self-satisfaction but for service to others.
6. To emphasize the dignity of labor and development of manual skills.
7. To develop in the student’s positive habits and attitudes towards work by modelling and giving them the opportunity to
8. To train students to express themselves well both in oral and written communication.
9. To train and develop student leadership potentials that would prepare them for the future leadership roles and
responsibilities in the church and other organizations/companies.
10. To actively participate in the outreach and community extension.
11. To produce competent graduate, qualified for employment along their field of specification, who will contribute to a better
quality of life.

Specific Goals
In harmony with its philosophy and mission, the College has specific goals. It aims to prepare young people who by the time
they graduate, shall have:
1. Adopted a life style characterized by kindness, patience, unselfishness, honesty, humility, love for all men regardless of creed,
and social origins and other virtues.
2. Promoted a wholesome spiritual atmosphere by habitually engaging in private devotions, voluntarily attending public
religious services, and participating actively in the soul-winning endeavors and other religious activities of the church.
3. Possessed a clear understanding of the Scriptures as demonstrated by intelligent participation in the discussion of religious,
social, scientific and economic world in the light of the Bible Prophecy.
4. Formed habits of critical and constructive thinking resulting in the ability to express ideas effectively.
5. Developed appreciation for the best in nature, literature, music and other fine arts.
6. Observed and practiced a balanced program of a healthful living with emphasis on proper diet, adequate rest and exercise,
abundant water, air and sunlight.
7. Developed respect for the dignity of labor by voluntary engaging in productive manual work with pride and self-reliance.
8. Learned to uphold the principles and standards of the Seventh-day Adventist church in all religious and secular activities.
9. Manifested qualities of leadership by leading out and participating in church and community activities.
10. Learned to respect and give wholehearted service to the government without sacrificing religious convictions.
11. Learned to respond effectively to the changing needs of a developing national development goals.


The college offers the education courses to prepare Seventh-day Adventist young people from the Bicol Region and its
neighboring regions for effective teaching in the elementary and secondary schools in the context of Seventh-day Adventist beliefs
and values.
1. Reflect a lifestyle characterized by kindness, patience, honesty, unselfishness, compassion and love for all men regardless of
creed and social origins.
2. Develop among the students the qualities of a Christian teacher worthy of emulation by the learners.
3. Facilitate learning that will encourage maximum development of the students’ critical and constructive thinking and not
mere reflectors of other men’s thoughts.
4. Provide students with a sound understanding of the fundamental concepts as well as prepare them for the church and
community leadership and workable institutional and denominational objectives.
5. Translate national development goals into viable programs of instruction through a relevant curriculum, effective classroom
strategies, and workable institutional and denominational objectives.
6. Exhibit high standard of behavior, in accord with SDA standard of education.
7. Assist every student to complete adequate program of general education and equip him/her with basic and practical skills.
8. Demonstrate ability to handle classroom teaching effectively treating every learner as a child of God.
9. Develop qualities, skills, knowledge and wider views in educational and related endeavors that will prepare students for
global competitiveness.
10. Provide students practical learning experiences in which they observe, verify, and reflect on actual school settings.
11. Produce graduates equipped with personal and professional competencies of the effective and global teacher.
12. Show evidence of a close relationship with the Master Teacher by regularly studying the Bible and having private devotions.
13. Develop knowledge and skills in research by contributing to the advancement of education and relational solutions to
societal problems.
14. Train students to uphold Seventh-day Adventist principles and standard on music, health, dress and other practices wherever
they go.
15. Train students to be responsible and dependable in various work assignments including the manual labor.
16. Integrate faith and learning in both academics and non-academic activities.

To facilitate the realization of these objectives, the school maintains on campus demonstration schools – elementary and secondary
schools. These provide opportunities for observation and experience in working with the resident teachers.
in Purposive Communication
Academic Year 2022 – 2023
1st Semester

Course Information:
Course Title: Purposive Communication
No. of Units: 3
Class Schedule: Monday and Wednesday, 2:30 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Venue: Academy Room 1
Consultation Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Tuesday and Thursday, 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m.

Faculty Information:
Name: Joan B. Fernandez
Degrees and Schools: Master of Arts English
Office: Publication Office
CP Number: 09504851661
Email Address: [email protected]

Course Description:
Purposive Communication is a three-unit course that develops students’ communicative competence and enhances their
cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them opportunities for communication effectively and
appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or global context. It equips students with tools for critical evaluation of a variety
of texts and focuses on the power of language and the impact of images to emphasize the importance of conveying messages
responsibly. The knowledge, skills, and insights that students gain from this course may be used in their other academic endeavors,
their chosen disciplines, and their future careers as they compose and produce relevant oral, written, audio-visual and/or web-based
output for various purposes.

Course Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the students are expected to:

1. Describe the nature, elements and functions of verbal and non-verbal communication in various and multicultural contexts.
2. Explain how cultural and global issues affects communication
3. Determine culturally appropriate terms, expression, and images
4. Evaluate multimodal text critically to enhance receptive (listening, reading, viewing) skills.
5. Summarize the principles of academic text structure.
1. Convey ideas through oral, audio-visual and/or web-based presentations for different target audience in local settings using
appropriate registers
2. Create clear, coherent, and effective communication materials
3. Present ideas persuasively using appropriate language registers, tone, facial expression and gestures
4. Write and present academic papers, papers using appropriate tone, style, conventions, and reference styles
1. Adopt cultural and intercultural awareness and sensitivity in communication of ideas
2. Appreciate the differences of the varieties of spoken and written language
3. Adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting ideas
4. Appreciate the impact of communication on society and the world
Course Outline
A. Communication processes, principles, and ethics
B. Communication and globalization
C. Local and global communication in multicultural settings
D. Varieties and registers of spoken and written language
E. Evaluating messages or images
F. Communication aids and strategies using tools of technology
G. Communication for various purposes
H. Communication for work purposes
I. Communication for academic purposes

Course Requirements
1. Essay
2. Critique paper
3. Speech performances
4. Business correspondence
5. Academic papers
6. Multimedia advocacy campaign

Grading System
Class Standing 60%
Quizzes 15%
Recitation/Presentation/Reporting 25%
Project/Output 20%

Examination 40%
Preliminary Exam 10%
Mid-Term 10%
Pre-final 10%
Final Exam 10%

Course Policies
1. Attendance is checked regularly.
2. Requirements should be submitted on time. Late submissions will receive deduction.
3. Wearing of proper uniforms during class period is a must for proper identification.
4. Communication between and among teacher and students must be maintained. Teacher should be informed with whatever
concern that concerns the subject and the teacher.
5. Practice honesty at all times.



Wk 1 To discuss the Introduction and Introduction of the Course Syllabus/Outline Diagnostic Test
PMVGO, Course Orientation of the teacher and NVAC College Bulletin My Language
Syllabus, Grading Course students/Orientation Student’s Handbook Biography
System and other
Course Policies
Wk 2  Describe the A. Communication Jesus is the Interactive discussion Laptop, projector Quizzes
nature, processes, center of our Think-Pair-Share Worksheets Watching video
elements, and principles, and communication. See http://www.healthkno clips
functions of ethics wledge.org.uk/public he Role playing in
verbal and althtextbook/organization various
nonverbal management/5aunders communicative
communication tanding-itd/effectivecommuni contexts
in various and cation 3-2-1
 Present
in various
Wk 4  Explain how B. Communication Jesus is the only Interactive discussion Laptop, projector Quiz
cultural and and way to unite us. Collaborative learning Article “flight from Essay writing
global issues globalization Reporting conversation” Collage, poster, or
affect Watching video clips http://www.nytimes.co slogan about the
communication m/201/04/22/opinion/s impact of
 Demonstrate unday/the-flight- globalization on
an fromconversation.html?_r=0 communication
of the impact
of globalization
Wk 5  Determine C. Local and global Sin separates us Interactive discussion Laptop, projector Quiz
culturally communication from God and it Interview Handouts Role playing
appropriate in multicultural separates us Reporting Reaction paper
terms, settings too from each
expressions, other.
and images
 Adopt cultural
awareness and
sensitivity in
of ideas
Wk 6  Demonstrate D. Varieties and The Scripture Video analysis of news Laptop, projector Paper and pencil
understanding registers of provides the Analyzing legal Video clips test
of the concept spoken and best documents Worksheets Assessing
of varieties of written language information Legal documents to be communication
registers of analyzed situations
spoken and Handouts One-minute paper
written See TED talk “ Pop culture in Reflection paper
language the Arab world”
culture_in_the_arab_wo rld

Wk 8  Evaluate E. Evaluating We need to Text analysis Laptop, projector Invitation for

multimodal messages or evaluate Interactive discussion Authentic texts about cultural people to join
texts critically images messages or Small group sensitivity from various media cause-oriented
to enhance 1. What is the images (text messages; email events using
receptive message? 2. What is effectively so messages; social media various media such
(listening, the purpose of the that we may message; newspaper, as email, social
reading, message? 3. How is not be magazine and journal article; media, print and/or
viewing) skills the message deceived. print and electronic electronic
 Convey ideas conveyed by the advertisement) advertisements.
through oral, text and/or image? See sample: Critique paper
audio-visual, 4. Who is the target https://www.kwintessen
and/or we- audience of the tial.co.uk/cultural -
based message? 5. What services/articles/cultural -
presentations other ways of sensitivity.html
for different presenting the
target message are there?
audiences in
local and global
settings using
 Adopt
awareness of
audience and
context in
Wk 10  Convey ideas F. Communication Use technology Lecture Laptop, projector Oral, audio-visual,
through oral, aids and effectively Interactive discussion See https://creatingmultimo and/or web-based
audio-visual, strategies using especially in daltexts.com/ presentations to
and/or web- tools of spreading the “The world’s worst research promote cultural
based technology gospel. presentation” values
presentations https://www.youtube.co
for different m/watch?v=nSGqp4bZY
audiences in
local and global
settings using
 Adopt
awareness of
audience and
context in
Wk 11  Convey ideas G. Communication Communication Interactive discussion Laptop, projector Public
through oral, for various is one of the Speech types Sample text (inquiry letter, announcements
audio-visual, purposes gifts given by discussion police reports, political about disaster
and/or web- God. speeches, letters of preparedness
based appreciation, etc) Editorial about
presentations environmental
for different issues
target Formal one-minute
audiences in speech based on
local and global current issues
settings using
 Create clear,
coherent, and
 Present ideas
registers, tone,
and gestures
 Adopt
awareness of
audience and
context in
Wk 13  Create clear, H. Communication Maintain Analysis of different Laptop, projector Workplace
coherent and for work purposes effective communication Video of “Giving Presentations documents
effective communication materials Worth Listening to”: Gordon Written and/oral
communication in the Writing exercises on Kangas at TEDx Talks presentation
materials workplace. communication (youtube)
 Present ideas materials for the Sample communication
persuasively workplace (e.g. materials from different work
using minutes, memo, place settings (e.g. minutes,
appropriate requests, memo, requests,
language business/technical/ business/technical/incid ent
registers, tone, Incident reports, report
facial letters)
and gestures
 Adopt
awareness of
audience and
context in
ideas in
Wk 15  Write and I. Communication Credibility in Independent research Laptop, projector Analysis papers
present for academic word and in (topic proposal, See http://englsih28payte.w Academic
academic purposes speech must be literature review, data eebly.com/uploads/3/8/ presentations
papers using observed. gathering, data 2/9/38294063/nortonfie Final project
appropriate analysis) ldguide2.pdf Multimedia
tone, style, advocacy campaign
conventions (print, audio,
and reference visual, webbased)
styles addressing current
 Adopt issues tackled in
awareness of previous tasks (e.g.,
audience and good governance,
context in responsible
presenting citizenship, disaster
ideas preparedness,
 Convey ideas preservation,
through oral, poverty reduction,
audio-visual, etc.)
and/or web-
for different
target and

Barrot, Jessie, S. (2016) Academic and reading and writing. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.
Diaz, R.H. (2014). Speech and oral communication for college students (Revised Ed.) Mandaluyong City: National Bookstore.
Madrunio, M.R. & Martin, I.P. (2018). Purposive communication using English in multilingual contexts. Quezon City: C & E Publishing,
Mercado, M.C.P, et. al. (2018). Purposive communication: connecting to the world. Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House, Inc.

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