Vdocuments - MX - Chapter Astral Body Frances Chapter Astral Body Called Astral Travel

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Edited 6-18,02017

Astral Body
[Insert Graphic Astral Body]

The part of your assemblage that has always been the most interesting is
the astral body. You have all heard of astral travel, the spirit of a dead
grandmother visiting at night, the spirit of a person who is dead hovering
over their grave. All of those references are about the astral body part of
your assemblage. Fascinating! But when someone has seen it, it has been
called a spirit, which has created a lot of confusion.

Modern medicine “looking for” the astral body

If there is excess trauma to the physical body, the astral body loses its
correct association with the assemblage of bodies, and it disassociates
from the rest. This ability is the basis for the process of a near death
experience. Medical sciences are now in hot pursuit of the existence of
the astral body. Too many emotionally stable, non-delusional doctors
have witnessed firsthand the accurate recounting of happenings in the
surgery room by a person with a near death experience.

Now let’s see some characteristics of your astral body before getting into
the stories…

[Box 1]
Your astral body…

-is shaped like the physical body but its shape can shift into any shape
(shape shifting), if you intend it. If your intention is strong enough, your
astral body can look like a farmer, your dead grandmother or St. Gabriel.
That is an issue as it is this particular skill that bad spirits use to trick people
into following their guidance. Who would question the advice of an
angel? No one really, but unfortunately often the “angelic” spirit is not
really angelic but a spirit trying to guide you to the wrong place. Those

spirits can show up during the day but often these malicious spirits come
to you while you are sleeping.

The astral body is truthful and that is a disadvantage for those who
want to trick people. It is not so easy for a spirit or astral body to hold a
shape/look of something they are not. So if you ever see a spirit, I
recommend that you simply watch it for longer than thirty seconds. If you
find that the spirit keeps moving around, changing clothes or changing
shape, then know that spirit is literally lying and not what they are
presenting as. For those who do a lot of other dimensional work,
meditations or dream a lot, this information may help to understand why a
nice looking spirit can tell you information that is literally a lie designed to
upset you or misguide you.

Shamans use this ability to disguise themselves when they meet with
enemies or want to spy on someone and not allow that someone to know
they were there. It is said that when magicians see black cats, that cat is
actually another magician that has shape shifted in order to spy on them.

[End Box 1]

[Box 1]
Your astral body…

-finishes developing at age fourteen and it never dies at which time it

becomes “set”, as set in concrete. We do not know the reason, but
traumas experienced around age fourteen create a huge scar called a
vasana in Hinduism, in your assemblage. This scar sets in place a
generator of an emotional pattern that repeats throughout your lifetime
until you heal the original injury from age fourteen. For example, if you lose
your father at age fourteen, there may be the vasana/pattern of loss of
male figure throughout your lifetime, perhaps a brother or a son. This
pattern caused by a trauma can block your intentions.

I suspect that the rituals many cultures use to initiate children into
adulthood have to do with this knowledge. The rituals generally include
taking a lot of time with the child, surrounding them with a group of wise
adults, and infusing in them the knowledge that culture has. Families
should pay special attention as the 14th year is approached in a child’s life
and ensure they help the child to process any traumas experienced at
that time.

[Mind blowing fact]

When your physical body dies, your astral body separates and waits in
other dimensions for you to reincarnate and then it rejoins your new

[end Box 1]

[Box 1]

Your astral body…

-is made up of particles of emotion that are in constant movement. It can

release globs of these astral particles that move around, hang out or
adhere to others. The release of these particles happens when there is an
excess of emotions. The definition of the word emotion means “to move
out” from which comes the verb “emote”. When we look at the definition
of “emote” then we understand that emotions are not meant to be
contained, they are by definition meant to be moved out, emoting being
one of the ways.

Your astral body needs to emote, or purify itself of negative

emotions or it will disassociate itself from your assemblage.

Most people definitely did not know the definition of the word
emotion or society would have set up effective and elegant ways of
processing emotions, thereby giving much needed relief to your astral
body and your intentionality.

[end box 1]

[Box 1]

Your astral body…

-is the only other dimensional body that is not composed of strings, so your
mind does not influence it from inside. That also means it does not have
any God particles. Your mindstrings try to control your astral body’s
emotionality so you do not end up in jail or thrown out by your bosses due
to disturbing the peace with excess emotionality. That is a very human
issue, the overwhelming of your intentions by the “desires”.

[End Box 1]

[Box 1]

Your astral body…

-is emotionally honest and feels emotions intensely like a two year old
feels emotions. Its main intention is to avoid emotional pain. It can have
many intentions in order to achieve that goal of avoiding emotional pain.
One example is a young person who intends on being independent yet
stays at home with his parents in order to avoid the pain and the fear of
being alone and unprotected by his parents.

Remember that the astral body is your emotional/desire body and it

has the emotional IQ of a 2 year old. What do 2 year olds do?: they
emote what they are feeling, rage, tears, screaming, crying. As you get
older, society, parents and the school system ensure you learn to control
your emotions versus emoting them. Your mindstrings are taught to
strangle the astral body to ensure it does not get you into trouble.

The word emotion literally means to move out and if we look at its
verb emote, then we understand that emotions are not meant to be
contained, they are by definition meant to be moved out, emoting being
one of the ways.
In this book, I offer another more elegant way to process emotions by
repeating in silence, point specific words called mantras. I find that the
clients that learn how to incorporate point specific mantras into their lives
have incredible success in achieving their goals, if it is their intention. You
will witness first hand how those unprocessed emotions block you from
creating the reality you intend.???????

[End Box 1]

[Box 1]

Your astral body…

-is protected by your mindstrings canopy, which should surround it. It is

also protected by your etheric body webbing which acts as a fence to

block spirits and emotions from invading or influencing it. It is also
protected by the Higgs Field in your environment.

[End Box 1]

Your astral body needs protection from excess emotions, such as fear and
depression, and from other astral bodies and spirits. Other astral bodies
and spirits that do not have a physical body can bully your astral body.
This is a huge issue and may be the reason people in cults are able to be
dominated by cult leaders even when they are removed from the cult:
their astral body has fear and is trained to obey through fear and still
following orders.

Throughout the chapters on your astral body, remember these issues that
can take down your astral body as in blocking your intentions:
• Disassociation
• Spirit attachment
• Spirit influence
• Spirit possession
• Electromagnetic addictions and haunting

So throughout the book, be on the lookout for how these issues play out in
your life.


Disassociation, all that activity that separates from the physical body
appears to be the issue of this part of your assemblage.

In the near death experience, you are familiar with how the astral
body can separate from its assemblage. That separation is such a huge
issue that I want to remind you of what I found out about your astral
body’s favorite escape habit: disassociation. For now, I am going to simply
repeat what I said in the chapter on Strings and Religion and Science:

The Lord’s Prayer, as given originally, addresses issues of another part of

your assemblage, your astral body. Read below:

“…And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil…”

The line above is familiar to all of us. Since childhood, we are told to ask
for divine intervention when we are confronted with some evil or awful
event in our lives. If we look at the original meaning of that same line
when the translation does not go through Greek, it appears that what we

need to do is ensure our bodies are aligned! Read below:

‘Help us not forget our Source,

yet free us from not being in the Present.”

Free us from not being in the present means to free us from disassociating
which you will learn is the issue that can be the root cause of your
depression, anxiety, rage, mental illness and even cause you to have a
huge possession issue which is called being a Zombie!

Your astral body disassociation issue is huge because of its ability to

move when it reacts to emotions. When it reacts to emotions and it moves
out of alignment with your assemblage when you really do not want to
feel negative emotions such as when your life is in danger, you are in a
car accident or you are very afraid or so angry you feel you could hurt
That movement out of alignment is described and labeled as
disassociation in psychology. In the next chapter on your astral body and
mental illness you will learn about several different types of disassociation
that are classified as mental illnesses you are familiar with. I will talk a lot
about how your astral body disassociates and also how it fragments and
multiplies itself so that you have more than one astral body. I also talk a lot
about the ultimate disassociation, which is when you are so disassociated,
your assemblage becomes the permanent home of another spirit of the
type that may even enjoy abusing others and killing.

Your astral body can and does separate from your assemblage and
then it is called a spirit. In this book, I also call it your astral spirit. Your spirit is
actually your astral body totally disassociated/separated from your
assemblage. Some say that happens every night while you sleep and is
called astral travel. But astral travel is not limited to nighttime while you are
sleeping. You can astral travel at any time.

Your assemblage can be overtaken by a special type of spirit and

you can become a zombie when your astral body separates from it and
never comes back!

Spirit attachment:

When your astral body spirit attaches to someone, it can harm the part of
their body it is closest or attached to. It interferes with their intention
because the spirit/astral body has its own set of intentions! That astral
body also has astrological influences from the date of its physical body
birth. When the spirit/astral body attaches or stays close to someone,

there is a transference of astrological characteristics that create even
more confusion!
As an example, I worked with a client who was a Taurus. Her father
was very attached to her and when he died his spirit attached to her left
shoulder. But he was an Aries and he influenced her in ways she did not
understand. As a Taurus, she wanted stability more than movement and
he, as an Aries fire sign, loved movement and change. When his spirit was
released, she could feel an immediate change in her moods.

Spirit Influence:

Spirit influence, whether just plain influence or actual possession is the

number one issue in many people’s lives. It is usually due to feeling fear
and pushing away that fear, which means pushing away the astral body.
That leaves a hole in the assemblage. Nothing ever remains empty for
long. So this is the dynamic:

1. Feeling fear
2. Pushing away that fear which means pushing away the astral body
3. Making a hole in the assemblage
4. This hole is then filled with negative astral particles of emotion and
See the importance of knowing what to do when you feel fear? At the
end of this book you will find several tools to help deal with negative
emotions. But why wait till then? You might feel fear right now, fear that
you would not understand this book, or fear you cannot pay your bills.
Let’s give your astral body some relief by repeating in silence the following

Even though I am afraid

I love and accept myself.

Now you have a baseline mantra that will give relief to your emotional
body (Astral body) but you still need to know a lot more about it. In this
chapter, I will deal with why you might be so frightened, and I cover the
two new addictions that open the door to the spirit world, creating fear
and frustration and also increases mental disease.

[Foxen, aquí creo que debes explicar un poco qué es Spirit possession antes de
continuar con Electromagnetic Haunting]

Electromagnetic addictions and haunting

Your astral body uses addictions to help it disassociate so it moves away

from whatever is causing it emotional pain. The addictions that are most
worrisome today are addiction to electronic devices and the addiction to
the vibration coming off of these devices. I have termed this issue
electromagnetic addictions and one of the consequences
electromagnetic haunting. More on this in this chapter and in the chapter
dedicated to understanding addictions and how they came into being
due to their silent influence and social acceptance, becoming another
inconvenient truth.

So there you have the major characteristics of your astral body and
what can take down your astral body as in blocking your intentions.

Now I can share with you actual stories which will help you to
understand how your astral body gets hurt, how to protect and even
more important, how to keep it with you, in one piece!

Astral body and disease

When your astral body feels too much emotion, it can break through the
webbing of your etheric body and become the root cause of a disease.
In medical sciences, the studies of how stress can be the preamble for
disease: psychoneuroimmunology.

If you do not process the emotions from a trauma you went through
weeks, years or decades ago, you can end up living in an emotional soup
of those emotions called miasms. Remember that your astral body is
made up of particles of emotion that are in constant movement and it
can release globs of these astral particles that move around, hang out or
adhere to others. These same astral particles can get stuck together and
create congestions (miasms) within your assemblage and also within your
environment. That miasm is a toxic soup of other dimensional garbage, in
this case negative emotions, thoughtforms and spirits. This is often the issue
in homes that just do not feel good.

Your environment includes your home, your job site, your car and
also the spaces that you frequent, such as your mother’s nursing home.
These same quality miasms can be magnetized to you. Positive astral
particles do not stick to nor invade your assemblage or anyone body else.

Astral body and Law of attraction

It is important to note that astral particles have an interesting quality: they
are magnetic. That means that if you have a lot of repressed anger, you
draw to you people with a lot of anger. Or, you draw out of people the
unresolved anger in them, or you magnetize to you angering events.

Most important, if you have a lot of astral particles in your

assemblage, you magnetize to you spirits with unresolved anger. The
same way we are said to pair off with mates at the level of our
dysfunction, we also pair off with spirits at the level of our emotional
dysfunction. Spirit attachments have a resonance match with your
repressed emotional and mental issues.

Other dimensional dynamics

Imagine that the negative astral particles are like bacteria. They are not
supposed to enter your assemblage nor stick to your assemblage. If your
protective systems are broken, as in broken skin, whether due to surgery or
a trauma, or a broken etheric body, you are susceptible to invasion or
attachment of these particles.

If you have a spirit attachment and you go to places or are with

people with a lot of negative astral particles, you will attract more
negative particles to the spirit. As time goes by, the spirit can get bigger
and bigger.

Sleeping in a cloud of negative astral particles

People would be horrified if they saw the emotional congestions/miasms
over theirs beds and their favorite spot in front of the TV. Recently I took
care of a very curious client who insisted I explain why she needed to
purify her home so she could resolve her depression and rages. I told her
that every time she lay in bed she automatically recycled the same
compulsive thoughts about losing her home. Every time she sat at the
dinner table with her family she argued with her husband and every time
she sat on the sofa to watch TV she slid into exhaustion.
[Insert Graphic man in bed miasm]

She asked how I knew such details of how she felt in those different
places in her home and I reminded her I could “see”, that is why she
contacted me, for help in getting out the black hole she found herself in.
Unless she cleared the toxic clouds of emotions, thoughts and spirits, the
miasms at those particular spots in her home, it did not matter if she
followed my other instructions religiously, she would continue to recycle
the same depression, anxiety and rage. And even more important,
recreate the reality she was trying to get out of.

Unexpressed, repressed negative emotions are what harm most the
astral body and those unexpressed, negative emotions have been the
number one root cause of blocked intention and also disease until now in
human history. Later in the book I will talk about the new electromagnetic
addictions and new enemies, not only to your health but to your ability to

[Title B] Neurotic
It is said that the definition of neurotic is when you want/intend something
and your behavior gets you the opposite! When that happens often
enough, you should suspect you have vasanas involving that intention
and you may even have a separate astral body holding some traumas
related to that intention. If that is the case, then addressing the
trauma/vasana may be the most efficient way to get what you want.
Astral body spirits have a lot of force and when used to block your
intention, that astral body often wins the power struggle.

[Title B] Transfer of astral particles

Further along in this book you will learn that if you pay a lot of attention to
someone, your causal body reconfigures, shooting out a triangle in the
direction of that person or thing. Unfortunately, if you are full of repressed
frustration, that triangle acts as a funnel channeling anger towards that
person who could be your child or your prized possession, your business!

That triangle can pierce through the protective mindstring canopy of

others and even their etheric body webbing, filling them with your rage.
That rage could have been channeled to you by another person as you
can see in the graphic below where the daughter is being inundated with
her mother’s depression. That depression can now diminish the energies
the daughter needs to energize her intentions!
[Insert Graphic Old lady]

This may explain the saying attributed to the Buddha:

“Until the last person is healed, we will all be sick”

[Title B] Evil Eye

The new addictions I will discuss in a later chapter have weakened the
human protection systems to the extent that they can no longer protect
you from others. In the past, you had to really hate and focus that hate to
pierce someone’s assemblage. This issue called evil eye was from the
transference of energies from a person who had an intense gaze and was

ill intended or at least hated you. Today, it is hard to inform a client that
the channeling of negative astral force/emotions that are giving her a
backache comes from her mother who is a helicopter parent with a lot of
repressed frustrations.

[Title B] Society demands emotional dishonesty

A grasp of the concept of emotional dishonesty and what it does to your
health and intentionality is essential, not just to understanding this body
but to understanding how you can block yourself. Lets look at how
negative emotions can make you sick due to what it does to your astral
body. For that, we need to deal with the choice society has made for
you, which is to value not being truthful about how you feel.

Emotional dishonesty: repression of true feelings; not acknowledging to

self-and/ or others our true emotional reactions.

Society reinforces this choice by valuing politeness and repression of what

are considered negative or aggressive emotions.

[Title B] 9/11: disengaging of the astral body from the physical

The 9/11 events caused many people’s astral body to change position
within their assemblage as a reaction to the trauma. The emotional
reaction to the events of the day were too much to bear and many
people did what humans have done through the ages; disassociate from
the fear and rage at the moment of the trauma! Most people chose to be
compassionate and helpful rather than take the time to emote the rage
and fear they felt.
[Insert Graphic of 9/11 astral body]

The problem is that often we never come back to normal; in other

words, after a trauma we do not go back to a normal alignment with our
other bodies. The 9/11 tragedy left a lot of people weaker in this country,
easier to control and less intelligent because they never emoted their
rage. That would have been socially inappropriate and no awards are
ever given to people who emote, unless they are on stage. Obviously, we
need to address that members of a society need to emote in a way that
does not get them classified as hysterics nor damage their assemblage of

The next time you find yourself cool as a cucumber during or after a
traumatic event, make sure you take the time to process your real
reaction, your real emotions. In that way, you invite back into your
assemblage of bodies your separated/disassociated astral body by
accepting your fear or rage. The Fox Purification Mantra for fear,

repeated in silence 50 times a day will work well right after a crisis:

Even though I am afraid

I love and accept myself.

[Title B] Astral truth: Emotionally truthful

Your astral energy body reacts truthfully, unlike your “personality” which
often controls your outward expression of emotions and thoughts. How
you really “feel” about something is how a 2- year old “feels” because
your astral body behaves like a 2 year old. Yet, just because this body is
truthful about emotional reactions, does not mean that you are in touch
with this truth.

While walking with a friend I noticed that her astral body was
horizontal to her physical body! Her astral body was wild with emotions yet
she smiled and was incredibly pleasant. When I questioned her, she
admitted she was feeling a little anxious and then her astral body started
to cry but her physical body did not!
[Insert Graphic of astral leaning forward]

The client comes from a culture where people are well mannered
and diplomatic and do not talk about their emotions. They have a cultural
mask they put so early in their lives they forget it is a mask. When I
checked on the client the next day, her astral body was black, an
accurate representation of the depression she had been carrying her
whole life. The anxiety was gone and being able to feel her depression
would now allow her to process it.

[Title B] Impotence
Your astral body does not like to feel impotent, as in not being able to do
what you desire even if your personality is not in contact with that desire.
Most of us that are in the field of energy medicine know that you can
hold/congest your unprocessed feelings of rage and anger in your liver.
This particular client had an inflamed liver. While looking for the original
injury I found that her liver was full of rage due to her feeling of impotence
when her sister was on her deathbed.

Her rage and impotence was due to decisions she had to make
concerning the sister’s painkillers. If she authorized the morphine
necessary to relieve her sister’s pain, the medication would shorten her
life! If she did not authorize it, her sister would be in excruciating pain till
her death.

When the doctors presented her with the option of more morphine to

reduce the pain, she felt trapped by the choice she had to make. She
could not blame anyone and repressed her rage at the awful choices. As
we gave her liver a healing, it released the rage and also the image of a
syringe! Her rage and the image of the deadly syringe were still in her liver
twenty years later, affecting liver function.

[Title B] Thought forms

The thought of an image of the syringe were energized by her strong
emotions turning them into something that is called a thought form in
metaphysics. Thought forms are often the initiation of the process of
creating reality. I will speak more about thought forms and its central role
in creating your reality in the chapter on Visualization.

[Title B] Astral body awareness

Your astral body can sense what the other person’s astral body is doing.
[Insert Graphic of two people’s assemblage facing each other]

If you are with someone who is smiling, yet you sense they are not happy,
what you are sensing is their very truthful astral body. When you meet
someone and everything is just fine yet you are uneasy, chances are you
are sensing their astral body’s issues.

[Title B] Not emoting can block your intentions

It is important to understand the damage you do to your health and
intentions when you do not process your emotions or allow yourself to feel
them nor express/emote them so as to move them out. But there are
graceful options and I dedicate an entire chapter to the use of mantras
to manage and process negative emotions. In the chapter on the Laws of
Intention and Attraction you will see how females that repress how they
really feel about men, blocked their intention to have a partner!

[Title B] Astral body does not die when physical body dies
Your astral body does not die when your physical body dies. It is often
seen at your own funeral by persons able to “see” into the other
dimensions. In this book I often refer to it as your astral spirit. In some
cultures your physical body is burned so as to ensure your astral/emotional
body detaches from your physical body and continue forward in its

This body stays on the astral dimensions waiting to reunite with a

totally new physical body and continues from one lifetime (incarnation) to

[Title B] Protection of astral body
After reading this story you may find you do not want to go to the hospital
afraid or depressed. I had a friend who was depressed after she had
surgery. It took several days for her physical body to get back to normal
but she did not get back to normal in her personality. She ended up with
a depression that wilted her bubbly personality. When I checked, I saw
magnetized to her a huge spirit that was able to attach to her due to her
depression. Her depressed astral body had magnetized to her a spirit who
was depressed. I suspect the spirit was released from someone who had
been in the hospital and was depressed and wanted to die. Maybe they

I recommended she repeat in silence the Fox Purification Mantra and

within two days there was no spirit attached and she returned to her
normal bubbly self. The mantra I recommended was simple:

Even though I am depressed and want to die

I love and accept myself.

[Title B]
Your astral body can be elusive
You think you know what you are feeling; yet if your astral body (hopefully
you have only one) is detached, you can be clueless about some of your
emotional reactions. If you have a lot of unresolved emotional issues from
this lifetime or previous lives, your astral body becomes a dirty filter to
information. Consequently, these unresolved spiritual and emotional issues
cloud your mind and your decisions.

[Title B] Astral disassociation and multiplicity

Your astral body can duplicate itself many times. Please pay attention to
this aspect of the astral part of your assemblage, as a multiplicity of astral
bodies for the same physical body is a frequent occurrence. This is the
case in autism, multiple personality, disassociate disorder and probably
character disorder. Any time you witness a normally very nice person go
into a scary rage, you may be looking at a person with a second astral
body that they keep separate by disassociating from it. It only reveals itself
when that person can no longer contain their rage.

Multiple personality has to do with an individual being overwhelmed

with emotional reactions and splitting off an entire astral body, which
holds those emotions and also memories of the trauma, in order to survive

or move forward. This splitting off can happen many times, always due to
a trauma that is beyond what the individual can tolerate.

In the case of one child who had been bedridden since birth, her
astral body separates and follows her mother around. The astral body is
the desire body, and this child does not want to be separated from her
mother, even if she is unable to walk. She fulfills that strong desire by
separating her astral body from her physical body that is stuck in bed.

[Title B] The Astral Body leaves, a spirit moves in…

Children with autism often have more than one astral body. Obviously,
that means they have experienced some type of trauma, not necessarily
on the physical dimension. Do not misinterpret this as a pointing of a finger
at parents of autistic kids. There are many ways to traumatize someone’s
astral body, including a past life trauma. Most of the autistic children I took
care of in the 1990’ were traumatized by bad spirits because of the lack
of protection from the spirit world

It is a necessary part of their healing process to heal and align all their
astral bodies. I took care of many autistic children during the 1990’s and
several of them had scary rages. I would ask the mothers if their child was
a really good kid and they said “yes”. And then I would ask if the child
had rages and the mothers again said “yes”. And then I would ask if their
child’s face would change when he was in a rage and they would look
shocked and say “yes”. And then I would say, “isn’t it like it is a different
kid, not your kid?” And they would say “yes”, not suspecting where I was
going with all the leading questions.

At that point, I would deliver the unwelcome news that the child had
an astral body that was split from their assemblage and that face was the
face of the spirit that was controlling that astral body that was full of rage.
The news did not sit well with them but they did acknowledge it felt like
their raging kid was not the same child. I recommend spirit release
therapy, a gentle therapy, which some churches call liberations. The
parents that had their autistic kids purified and liberated of spirits
experienced very positive changes, particularly in their emotion driven
One autistic boy had six different bodies, some full of fear and some
full of rage. The family had to deal with the issues of these bodies: severe
disassociation, temper tantrums, uncontrolled rages, severe depression,
lack of clarity, and inability to sit still long enough to learn. We can call
them mood swings but they are literally very congested astral bodies.

Perhaps, this is the place to reveal why I stopped taking care of
children with my remote viewing skills. You try telling a parent that their
child is influenced by bad spirits and has more than one astral body! I
might as well have informed them their child was a mass murderer, their
reactions were so violent. Yet if society incorporates what many of our
religions have tried to tell us, this information would have been easier to
accept and digest and more of those children could be helped. But we
will get into the influence of spirits and sick astral bodies in the next
chapter, and hopefully this time the reactions will be less violent and the
information at least compared to what religions believe in.

[Title B] Gurus know how to duplicate their astral bodies at will

I was at a conference in Brazil and the main speaker announced he
would give everyone in the room a healing. I was puzzled as there were
five hundred people in the audience. He asked that everyone close their
eyes. After several minutes, I opened my eyes, not really believing he
could give us all a healing. What I saw was a roomful of his astral bodies.
There was an astral body of his standing next to each person in the

To reinforce this information, I want to share another experience I had

at a Buddhist ceremony in Miami. I was anxious and while everyone was
sitting with their eyes closed and chanting, I was looking around. I was
shocked when I saw next to me the astral body of the monk, whose
physical body was sitting on the floor in the front of the room. His astral
spirit said to me, “we know you are bored but this is what you need….”

[Title B] Emotional Congestion: root cause of disease?

When you have a huge emotional reaction that you did not allow to
process openly or move out in other ways, you often repress the
emotional reaction by grabbing the astral particles of emotions and press
them to a part of your body that has something to do with the issue. Or
your mindstrings strangle your throat if you determine it is not to your
advantage to emote what you really feel. Or your mindstrings grab the
emotions and draw them into themselves, a type of shutdown that looks
like the mindstrings are wrapping themselves around the physical and
astral body.

[Title B] Repression of emotions

Your personality all too often controls that truth and makes you think that
you do not feel as much as you really do. This information that is said to be
subconscious, outside of your conscious thoughts is often kept in the astral
body. When you do not accept the way you really feel, you do not

accept one of your bodies, the astral! That is a rejection of an integral
part of who you are and you can start to disassociate and then fragment.
Meanwhile your personality does not have a clue as to the real truth
about how you feel.

[Title B] Shock
If there is too much emotion such as fear during an accident you can go
into a state of shock because your fear severely affected your astral
body. When you draw in your breath, reacting in shock to a movie or an
event, you are in reality pushing your “full of fear” astral body away, the
opposite of emoting. You are neither willing nor able to emote all that
emotion at that time. This overload of your astral body damages it,
causing it to either split and disassociates or fragment and even burst into
the etheric, damaging it.

[Title B] Fear disassociates the astral body: posttraumatic stress syndrome

If we are shocked frequently from watching too many violent movies or
living through too much violence, this body separates and you can be
desensitized; you have chosen not to feel the astral body emotions by
disassociating from it. This is a part of the syndrome called posttraumatic
stress syndrome. When you disassociate, that part of you does not have or
support your intentions.

[Title B] “Sexy” fragment

A client shared that she always felt confused. I noticed she dressed
inappropriately “sexy” even though she was in her sixties. Her confusion
was due to a childhood traumatic event. As she was exploring her
sexuality with a young neighbor, her father walked into the room and his
astral body exploded in rage and confusion, fearing that his daughter was
a sexual pervert! His emotional reaction was so violent that his astral body

The fragment containing the confusion, anger and the fear that his
daughter was a sexual pervert, attached to his daughter. Because of his
fear was now fragmented she now had an attachment! The attachment,
as is usually the case, played out as part of her “personality” as she grew
up. She looked very sexual, had a lot of anger, and was very confused
and not just about sex. The session triggered the memory of the incident.
She was aware that the quality of her life had changed after that incident
with her father. But she was not aware that the event had also changed
her personality and sex life. She will never know what her true intentions in
her sex life would have been if she had not experienced this trauma.

[Title B] Astral fragmenting and disease

When you repress an emotion that is incredibly strong there is a possibility
of an internal combustion that shatters from your astral body into the
etheric. This can be the beginning of a disease state in your assemblage.

[Title B] Medications can disassociate the astral body

Some sleeping pills disassociate the astral body from the assemblage. The
individual takes the pill, falls asleep due to its influence, gets up in the
morning, performs his usual routine, and has an accident on the way to
work. Not such as unusual situation except that the person does not
remember waking up, completing his morning routine and driving to work.
He wakes up at the accident site!

Those types of medications have the ability to put the person to sleep
by separating the astral body spirit from the rest of the assemblage. Is it
possible the person slept so well because they could not “feel” the fear or
anxiety of its astral body?

[Title B] Intention to have a strong economy: Disengaged workers

When you decide to force yourself to pretend to like someone or
something such as a job, your astral body has a lot of options. It is said that
over 70% of our workforce today are disengaged from their jobs. That
means they are disassociated from their astral bodies and from how they
feel about a job they cannot or will not leave. Look at the statistics
Fact #1: 70 Percent of Americans 'Emotionally Disconnected' at

Fact #2: “Currently, 52 percent of workers are not engaged, and

worse, another 18 percent are actively disengaged in their work.”

Fact #3: Nearly one in five hates work so much they sabotage
their employers.

Fact #4: 96 percent of senior leaders report feeling burned out

with a third saying the burnout is extreme.

It is not a stretch to say these same people are frustrated at not having a
job they enjoy. Does this mean 70% of our workforce has this level of
misalignment? It is a possibility that needs to be addressed, as what is
called a disengaged worker is neither a productive nor a creative

1 Steven Rosenfeld, 70 percent of Americans ‘emotionally disconnected’ at work:

Shocking poll reveals workforce zombieland. Alternet, (June 18, 2013).

employee. This weakness in the commitment of our workforce weakens
our economy. In the chapter on The Laws of Metaphysics you will see how
a lack of continuous commitment/intention can cost an employee and
his company income. Seventy percent of our workforce…?

This is just a glance at an executive that intends on higher sales but hates
his job!
[Insert Graphic of failed executive]

[Title B] Severe disassociation

Years ago I was taking care of an older man who was bedridden. He was
aggressive most of the time and had a violent rage that simmered in him
since childhood. During this particular visit I noticed that his astral body
was leaning rather dramatically to his left.

Most of us have some disassociation of our astral body from the waist
up. But this was severe. Unfortunately and unknowingly, I decided to do
him the favor of interfacing his astral body the way it should be. He was
then able to feel his rage and impotence. He reacted by falling into a
deep, deep depression. At that time I was not familiar with the power of a
well-worded mantra as it would have resolved the issue effectively. I
learned never to do that again, as often there is a very good reason to
disassociate from your astral body.

[Title B] The ultimate disassociation zombie

Disassociation is the preamble to becoming a zombie. When you get
violently drunk or do drugs, or take in an excess of sugar, you disassociate
your astral body from your assemblage, often to such an extent that you
cannot remember what you did when you were violent or high. It is the
spirit that took over your physical body that acted out and therefore holds
the memory of the actions.

[Title B] Addictions, which disassociate open the door to spirit invasion and
ultimately becoming a Zombie
The zombie issue referred to in the Bible appears to be a very real issue
today with the behavior we see when someone is addicted to talking on
their cell phone or spending hours at their computer. This issue is so huge I
instinctively knew I might find reference to it in what we consider our
sacred texts. Read below, and please, if that is not a hot cell phone this is
referring to, then please tell me what it is.

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall
depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of

devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a
hot iron" (I Timothy 4:1-2)

There is increasing evidence that this trend is not abating and that should
worry us all. Why? Because when you separate your bodies from their
natural alignment, which happens automatically when you do something
to excess, there is left an empty space.

Nothing ever remains empty. Something will rush in to fill that space.
In the case of your assemblage, what usually comes in is a spirit and not a
good spirit who will help with your intentions. That is the problem with
compulsions, internet and cell phone addictions, drugs, alcohol and
sugar: they help disassociate you from your emotions, your astral body,
and then a space is opened….. Add to that list of factors that disassociate
the 70% of workers who are disengaged…. And you will see why the issue
of zombies is frightening even in its sheer numbers of potential victims!
[Insert Graphic of spirit entering assemblage]

[Title B] Emotions, disease, stress

The studies called Psychoneuroimmunology from approximately 50 years
ago proved that psychological processes, emotions and thoughts do
influence the immune systems of the body, the preamble to disease. What
I do not think they realized was that those same negative emotions can
also make your ability to create your reality, including your prosperity,
more difficult.
Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is the study of the interaction
between psychological processes and the nervous and immune
systems of the human body.

In the field of Psychoneuroimmunology it is believed that stress related

disease affects us at the mental and emotional level. If not properly
processed, the effect on our mental and emotional energy bodies in turn
disorganizes our physical body, damaging the assemblage, not just one
body. But is not only disease that is rooted in repressed emotions, it is also
blocked intention. Let us look at the definition of the word “stress” which
only makes sense if you know about the bodies.

[Title A] Your Astral body and your intentions

[Title B] Stress

Emotions do have a certain power as those who have broken a glass in

their hand while in a rage can testify to. The astral body is considered a
force in Hinduism. The definition of stress is revealing once you are aware
of the existence of the assemblage of bodies:

Stress: a force exerted when one body or body part presses on, pulls
on, pushes against, or tends to compress or twist another body or
body part
[Insert Graphic of


Again, we see that the root definition of a word reveals more than when
we can see the physical manifestation of that word. The root definition of
a word is more revealing of what it means in the other dimensions, as is
the case with the word “stress”.

If we work with the definition of the word “stress”, what does that say
about our intentions? It says that you need to be careful with forces which
could ”pull, press, push, compress or twist” one of your bodies against one
of another one of your bodies. That definition describes the energetic and
willful astral body and the grabby, groping mindstrings.

[Title B]
Your emotions/desires cause grabby, monkey mind-like mindstrings
Your mindstrings try and control your astral body by grabbing it so it does
not emote in the middle of a social setting or with authority figures. They
also grab anything you are over committed to. If you are a helicopter
parent, then chances are you have thousands of mindstrings attached to
your child.

[Title B] Interrupted flow
Those mindstrings often do not allow your relationships or projects etc. to
flow because you are too worried, too focused on them, too wanting it to
happen and so your mindstrings grab…and are often still hanging on well
after the actual relationship ended!

[Title B] Revelations on a call in radio talk show

I want to share what happened in 2001 during a call in a radio show. I
offered to use my remote viewing capacities to tell the caller what they
were going to die of in the future, unless something changed. I believe the
future is elastic and plastic so when I see something in the future I always
remind the individual that can change but the person must change
something, and my expression to reinforce the message is to remind them
that the future is elastic and plastic.

I spoke to a lot of callers who assured me that they understood that

the information I gave might help them to prevent issues. It was a
fascinating two hours show. Caller after caller was moving towards a
future disease whose root cause was a trauma in their childhood or early
teens! And almost all of them remembered that particular incident and
verified the enormity of the trauma. None knew until they called into the
show that their trauma, if unresolved, could ultimately be the reason for
their death. Nor did they know that trauma not only victimized them in
their health but also in other intentions!

[Title B] Emotions and associated organs

The fact that repressed emotions can cause a disease state is well known
in Chinese medicine. They have documented the different organs and
the emotions that can congest those organs. In this case, they are sharing
how negative emotions can block your intention to have a healthy organ.
What I have found is that an excess of those same negative emotions
held in those organs also block other types of your intentions. For example:

• The liver is associated with anger

• The heart with joy
• The spleen with pensiveness
• The lung with grief
• The kidney with fear 2

In the chapter on mindstrings I talk about your chakras, which are places
where many mindstrings knot the causal string, blocking the flow of

2 http://www.pacificcollege.edu/news/blog/2014/09/05/emotions-and-traditional-chinese-medicine

energies. Each chakra is associated with different issues in your life. As an
example, if you have issues with your sexuality or are blocked in finding a
mate, that issue is related to your sacral chakra. You will find ample
information on the Internet on where that chakra is, 2 inches below your
navel, what color it should be, what element it is associated with and
more. With this information you can slowly educate yourself about that
dance between your mind and your emotions and learn to self regulate
and heal through modalities that are generally simple, relatively cost
efficient, surprisingly effective as you will be working deeper in your
assemblage, where change is easier to affect.

[Title B] Talk therapy is often not enough

Unfortunately, you often think you have processed the emotional reaction
you had to an event or trauma when in reality what you did was
disassociate from them by disassociating from your astral body. I find that
too many times in therapy there is a lot of talking about negative
emotions but no processing of those emotions. Talking about emotions is
just that: talk. Talking about how your depression or rage does not address
the needs of your astral body for the movement of those emotions.

[Foxen, si terminamos el capítulo aquí necesitamos uno o dos párrafos de

cierre en los que yo incluiría lo siguiente: “Not being in the present, means
being disassociated and this concept is important because it appears it
may be the basis for the huge augmentation in mental illness we are
experiencing today. This next chapter will widen your lens of why too
many around you are only able to function under the influence of
prescription drugs.”

Casandra there is lots of things that heal the astral

body…I don't want to address that here
Healing the Astral body
Your astral body is healed when you are emotionally truthful and accept
the truth of your emotional life, which means you accept it. But there are
things that can help get you to that place of healing. Your astral body
can be healed with homeopathy, flower essences, contact with the
elements in the proper balance, and more. But the perfect healing
technique, which is also the easiest, and cheapest is the Purification
Mantra. The Purification Mantra focusing on an emotion or emotional issue
you have. You repeat the proper wording and accept that issue, instead
of rejecting your astral body. We talk about this extensive throughout this



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