The Three Princes Final DLPPPPPP

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Grade 8
Quarter IV

Grading Period: FOURTH QUARTER

Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: South and West Asian
literature as an expression of philosophical and religious beliefs;
information flow in various text types; reality, fantasy, and opinion in
listening and viewing materials; word decoding strategies; and use of
information sources, active/passive constructions, direct/reported
speech, perfect tenses, and logical connectors in journalistic writing.
Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by composing a variety of journalistic
texts, the contents of which may be used in composing and delivering a
memorized oral speech featuring use of properly acknowledged
information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making,
persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance,
and behavior
Learning Competencies EN8V-IVa-15: Use various strategies in decoding the meaning of words

EN8LC-IVa-2.5: Predict what is to follow after a segment of a text

listened to

EN8LT-IVh-3: Explain how a selection is influenced by culture,

history, environment

At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1. Recall important details and information;

2. Accomplish differentiated tasks;
3. Define unfamiliar words;
4. Develop understanding and mastery of unfamiliar words;
5. Predict events in the story;
6. Describe the characters in the story;
7. Analyze significant concepts highlighted in the story:
8. Complete a story map;
9. Formulate an alternative ending; and
10. Construct a reflection paper.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide NONE
1. Learner’s Materials PAGE 630-633
2. Textbook pages NONE
3. Additional Materials NONE
from Learning
Resource (LR)portal
4. Other Learning NONE
A. Reviewing previous The teacher conducts preliminary
lesson or presenting the new activities to prepare the students
lesson for discussion.

Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!

Is everybody present today? Everybody is present today


Please make sure that you are Yes Ma’am.

on your proper seats

Are you now ready for today’s Yes we are Ma’am!


Very good. Sit properly, keep The students sit down and pay
quiet and pay attention. attention to the instruction of the


The teacher tells students to recall

their previous discussion about
the Arabian culture and traditions.

Before we start our lesson, let Yes Ma’am.

us first review our discussion
last meeting. Can you still
remember our topic?

Very good. What was our topic Our topic was about Arabian
last time? culture and tradition Ma’am.

Correct. Last meeting, we had

discussed many things about
Saudi Arabia, most specifically
their culture and traditions.

For me to ensure that you really

understood our topic, I want
you to recall significant
information or details through
an activity called “What is on
your mind?”

The teacher explains how the

activity is done.

What is this class?

Do you post status on your

timeline? A facebook timeline Ma’am.

Yes we do Ma’am.
How often do you post or
update status? Almost every day Ma’am.

I post or update once in a while

I’m sure that you have facebook
accounts. Using this class, I
want you to share your
thoughts about Saudi Arabia.

Just simply answer the

question. “What is on your

Is everything clear class?

Yes Ma’am.
What is on your mind
Rogielyn? Arabian culture is unique and

Mary, can you share what is

also on your mind? Islam is the main religion in
Saudi Arabia.
How about the others?
Saudi Arabia is importing sands
and camels from Australia.

Saudi Arabia has a 20 feet


They discovered the 20 foot

mushroom in Saudi Arabia.

The most commonly used name

is Muhammad.
Well done class. I am glad you
remembered some important
details and information.

How about mine class? Do you
also want to know what is on Yes ma’am.
my mind?

What is on your mind Ma’am?

Al Baik is a delicious dish from
Saudi Arabia.

It looks delicious, right?

Yes it is Ma’am.

If I’ll have another status

update, it will be “I am feeling

Are you wondering why I’m

feeling excited? Yes Ma’am.
Our lesson for today makes me
feel excited.

To also make you feel this

excitement, let us have another

B. Establishing a purpose Activity 2: TREASURE

for the lesson HUNTING

The teacher introduces the lesson

by giving the students an
engaging activity called the
“Treasure Hunting”

The teacher lets her student pick

one map in the treasure box and
find all the hidden treasures
needed. Then follow all the
activities written in the maps.

Our next activity is treasure The students proceed to their

hunting. For this activity, your respective groups.
class will be divided into five.
Please assign your leader. Your
leader will come forward and
get a map.
The leaders pick their map to find
The map contains tasks that the hidden treasure.
will help you find the treasures.

Your group name is also

indicated in the map.

Princess Ma’am!
Group 1, what is the name
given to you?
King Ma’am.
How about group 2? What is
your name?
We are the First Prince Ma’am
How about group 3?
Second Prince Ma’am!
What is your name group 4?
Third Prince Ma’am.
Group 5, what is the name
assigned to you?

You group must successfully

accomplish two tasks for you to
find the hidden treasure.
Yes we are Ma’am!
Are you now ready?
The students start the treasure
The teacher signals the students to hunting.
work on the first and second





The teacher gives the last task to The students do the first and
the students. second task.

You have one more task to do.

Please follow the given

After finishing the task, shout
the name of your group. The
first group to finish will be
given extra points for the

The most disciplined group

shall also receive extra points.
Yes Ma’am.
Is everything clear class?
The students looks for the treasure
The teacher continuously guides
the student in the treasure

I think everyone is finished.

Kindly show your classmates

the puzzles that you have TREASURES:





Yes Ma’am.

Very Good class! You have

perfectly solved each puzzle and
you have finished the tasks Yes Ma’am.
given to you.
Yes Ma’am.
Did you enjoy the treasure

Now take a look at the back of

your puzzles.

Are there numbers at the back?

How about the other groups?

Can you see the numbers I am
talking about?

Very well. Let us now start

decoding the numbers.

C. Presenting examples/ ACTIVITY 3: DECODING

instances of the new lesson NUMBERS

The teacher gives and explains

the instructions needed in
decoding the numbers.

Decoding the numbers is easy.

Each number is equivalent to a
letter. Just simply change the
numbers to letters. By doing so,
you can identify the hidden

Please use this as a guide. Yes Ma’am.

The teacher posts the guide on the The students decode the following
board. numbers into words.

1 = 6 = 11= 16= 21=


2 = 7 = 12= 17= 22=


3 = 8 = 13= 18= 23=


4 = 9 = 14= 19= 24=


5 = 10 = 15= 20= 25=

26= Yes Ma’am.
The students post their works on
the board.
Are you done?

Post your works including the

words you have decoded on the
board. Prince 1 - THE
Prince 1, what is the word you
had decoded?

20 – 8 – 5
Prince 2 - THREE
Correct. Prince 2, what is the
word you got?

20 – 8 – 18 – 5 – 5 Prince 3 – PRINCES

Prince 3, What is your answer?

King – SAUDI
16 – 18 – 9 – 14 – 3 – 5 – 19
How about the king’s group?

19 – 1 – 21 – 4 - 9
Princess – ARABIA
Princess group, what is the
word you had decoded? THE THREE PRINCES SAUDI
1 – 18 – 1 – 2 – 9 – 1
This time I want you to put
those words together.

Today, we will read and discuss

a story entitled THE THREE
PRINCE. The story’s setting is
Saudi Arabia.
Yes Ma’am.
The story, The Three Princes,
revolves around love. Of Course Ma’am.

Have you ever fallen in love?

Do you have your crushes?

I am sure that every one of us

will be able to relate with the

Before we further proceed, let

us first unlock some difficult
words ds illustrated in the
pictures you have found during
the treasure hunting.

D. Discussing new concepts PRE-READING

and practicing new skills # 1
The teacher guides the students in
unlocking the meanings of
difficult words found in the story.


Let us define the given words.

You need to fill the blanks with
the appropriate pictures.

Take note that you must us

context clues in giving the
meanings of the words.

Prince 1 kindly read and

answers the first sentence.

1. The king was

____________ when he Our answer is PERPLEXED.
heard their explanations
and gave them a puzzled

Yes, you’re right. The answer is


Here is the meaning of the word


: Unable to understand
something clearly or to
think clearly.

How about prince 2? Please

work on the second sentence.

What is your answer?

2. Princess Anna has three

_________each of her Our answer is SUITOR because
admirers has different it is about admirers.

Great answer!

The word suitor means.

: One who courts a
woman or seeks to marry

Prince 3, read and answer the

next sentence

Please share you answer.

3. The second prince wiped

his dirty hands in his dirty
_________, his robe CLOAK is the best answer for
serves as his protection for the third sentence.
the cold weather.

: A piece of clothing that
is used as a coat, that has
no sleeves, and that is
worn over the shoulders
and attached at the neck.

King’s group, please give your

answer for fourth sentence and
Princess’ group read the 5th
sentence and then answers the
last 2 sentences.

4. There is only one

medicine that can heal the
princess and it is inside
the ____________. Our answer is VIAL.

: A very small glass or
plastic container used for
perfumes and medicines

Princess group, please work on

the last sentence.

What is the answer?

5. The third prince was
______, He was so proud Our answer is VAIN.
of his looks.

: Too proud of your own
appearance, abilities,
achievement, etc.

I’m so impressed with your

participation class. Very good.

To ensure that you really

understood the meanings of
those words, let us have a
simple game.


The teacher lets student spin the

vocabulary wheel.

Class, I have here a vocabulary
wheel. It is divided into four
parts. We have spell it out. If
you got this part, all you need to
do is spell out the vocabulary.
Define it, give its meaning, For
synonyms and antonyms, just Students raise their hands.
give one word with similar
meaning and one word with The wheel stops at act it out.
opposite meaning. Lastly, act it
out. You need to act out the
word using facial expressions
and body movements

Who wants to try?

Yes Jian, Come here and spin The student will show his her face
the wheel. in a perplexed way.
You need to act it out. The wheel stops at spell it out.
The teacher picks one word from
the treasure box.
The word is perplexed.

The student spells the word.

Vial is V I A L.
Next to answer is Ana. Come
and spin the wheel.

The teacher picks another word

from the treasure box.

The word is Vial.

The activity will continue until all

the words are used.

Great participation class. We

will now read the story The
Three Princes

E. Discussing new concepts READING

and practicing new skills # 2 Activity 6 : DRTA (Directed
Reading and Thinking
The teacher instructs students on
the reading and discussion of the
story. The teacher uses DRTA in
the reading process.

The strategy enables students to

give predictions before
proceeding to the next part of the
story. The teacher also gives
questions to check students’

The story is divided into five parts

so the teacher divides the class
into five.

Each group gives predictions and

later reads the part assigned to

The teacher reads the first part of

the story.

Are you ready now ready to

read? Yes Ma’am.

Sit erect, hold your copies and

read with me. Yes Ma’am

We are all reading the story and

your team will be your
character. I will be the
narrator. Right after reading
every part of the story, you will
give predictions on the next



Arabian Peninsula, merchants
traveled in caravans to carry
spices, almonds and dates along
major trade routes that
crisscrossed the desert. Where
trade routes crossed is where a
number of cities flourished. In
one of those cities there ruled a
king whose daughter had come of
marriageable age. Three princes
of nearby cities came to court
her. But the princess looked at
them with alarm. One prince was
bossy, the second prince was
unclean in his habits, and the
third suitor was conceited.

Where did the story start? A student raises his/her hand to

It started in the Arabian


Who are the initial characters The characters in the story are
in the story? as follows; the king, the princess,
the 3 suitors.

How many suitors did the There are 3 suitors Ma’am.

princess have?

Can you describe her suitors? The first prince was bossy,
The second prince was unclean,
and the third prince was vain.

The story looks interesting Yes Ma’am, we are very excited

right? to know the next part of the

First Prince, what do you think The first group gives predictions.
will happen next in the story?
We think that the princess will
marry one of her suitors even if
she doesn’t want to marry one of

The teacher instructs the students

to read very well their assigned

Pay attention and listen very

well. The student reads their assigned
part very well.

PRINCESS: "Father, I beg you,"
she cried, "don't make me marry
any of them!"

NARRATOR: The king loved his

daughter. But he didn't want to
offend her suitors and risk
angering his neighboring city-
KING: "I'll think about it, Come
back tomorrow."

NARRATOR: he said to the three

NARRATOR: The next day, he
summoned them and the princess KING: "Each of you is a perfectly
to his throne room. worthy suitor for my daughter's
hand," the king said. "Therefore,
to make the correct decision I
have determined that the three of
you must venture into the world
for one year and a day. Whoever
returns with the most wondrous
item will win my daughter's hand
in marriage."

NARRATOR: The princess was

glad for the one-year extension.
And the king was also glad to
postpone the matter. Who knows
what might happen in one year
and a day? Perhaps, he silently
hoped, none of them would

The teacher asks questions about

the second part of the story.
No, Ma’am.
Did the princess marry one of
her suitors?
They need to venture the world
for a year and find the most
precious gift for the princess.
What did the king ask them to

The princess is very happy

because she has given a chance
to think very well.
What was the reaction of the

She hopes that none of them

would return.
What was the wish of the

Very good! You have

understood very well the second
part of the story.
The teacher guides the next group
to give prediction on what will
happen next in the story. The Second prince group gives
Second Prince, what do you
think will happen next in the
story? Can you predict? We think that none of them will
return to the princess because
they will encounter a great

Let us see if your prediction will The students continue reading

happen. their assigned characters.

The teacher continues to read.

NARRATOR: The three princes
set out together. After traveling
for one week they came to a well
that was located by a fork in the
road. At the fork, the road
branched into three separate
paths. PRINCE 1: "Obviously, this is
where we should part," stated the
first prince with great authority.

PRINCE 2: "Don't you think we

know that?" said the second
prince, wiping his dirty hands on
his cloak.

PRINCE 1: "What you didn't

think through," said the first
prince, the bossy one, "is that we
should all plan meet here one
week before we return to the
palace, to compare what we

PRINCE 3: "I only hope the

maidens don't slow me down by
falling in love with me," said the
third prince, throwing back his
hair. "It can be such a nuisance."

NARRATOR: And so the three

princes agreed to the plan, and
they went their separate ways.
When the time came to return to
the well, each one followed his
separate path that led back to the
well. PRINCE 1: "You look a little the
worse for wear," said the first
prince to the second.

PRINCE 2: "I'm fine," said the

second prince, blowing his nose
onto his sleeve. "Tell us, what did
you find?"

PRINCE 1: "Only a crystal ball

that shows anything you want to
see that's happening anywhere in
the world."

NARRATOR: said the first

prince, as nonchalantly as he
The other two were impressed
(and a bit worried). PRINCE 1: "What wondrous item
did you find?"

NARRATOR: From under his

PRINCE 2: "A flying carpet.
cloak the second prince unrolled
People who sit on it can be
a carpet.
transported anywhere in the world
they wish to go in minutes."

PRINCE 3:"If they don't mind

sitting next to you,"

NARRATOR: said the conceited

prince, holding his nose. And now PRINCE 3: "This vial holds a
it was the third prince's turn to magical healing ointment. One
show what he had found. dab of it will restore the health of
anyone, no matter how sick. And
they say if it's rubbed with true
love, can even restore youth."

NARRATOR: said the third The first prince found a crystal

prince. ball.

What are the items found by the

three princes? Can you give
one? Ma’am the second prince found
a flying carpet.

How about the second prince?

Yes Ma’am. He found a vial with
magical healing ointment.

What about the last prince? Did

he found an item?

Very good class.

The students in the third group
The teacher tells the third group give their predictions.
to predict the next events.

What will happen next in the The three princes will return to
story? the princess and present their
gifts so that the princess will
choose one of them to marry.

The students continue to read the

Let us see if your predictions next part of the story.
will happen.

The teacher tells the student to

pay attention and continue PART 4
reading the story.
PRINCE 2: "Speaking of health,
since you have a crystal ball, let's
take a look at our princess and see
how she fares."

NARRATOR: The first prince

waved his hands over the crystal
ball; its cloudiness disappeared
and was replaced with an image
of the princess lying in her bed, KING: "Isn't there anything you
as still as death. Her father and can do?"
the court physicians hovered over

PHYSICIAN: "Sire, we have done

everything, I'm sorry, but she has
very little time left."
NARRATOR: they heard the king

PRINCE 3: "Alas!" cried the
third prince. "My ointment would
heal her, but we're too far from
the palace - we'll never get there
NARRATOR: Said by the head in time!"
court physician. The three princes
leapt up, alarmed. PRINCE 2: "Quick, everyone on
my magic carpet, we’ll be there in
a flash!"

NARRATOR: Said the second

prince. Indeed, moments later the
three princes were standing in the
very room they had viewed
through the crystal ball only
minutes before. Everyone was so
distraught they didn't notice the
three princes had suddenly
appeared in the room. Without a
word, the third prince stepped up
PRINCESS: "I feel better,"
to the princess' bed and with his
finger touched a dab of ointment
KING: "It's a miracle!"
on her forehead and set the
ointment by her bed stand. She
blinked and seconds later opened
her eyes. Then she moved her
head, and sat up.

They went back to the princess

because they saw in the magic
crystal ball that she is suffering
NARRATOR: Cried the father. from illness.
He embraced his daughter with
joy. They rode on the flying carpet
found by the second prince.

What did the three princes do?

The third prince rubbed his
magical ointment to the
princess’ forehead.

How did they arrive in the Yes ma’am.

princess’ place?

What happened when they have


Did the princess heal from her
sickness? Predictions are given by the fourth

Excellent class. I’m so amazed

with your reading
comprehension. We are getting
near to its end. Yes Ma’am. Maybe she will
choose the 3rd prince because his
The teacher helps the fourth magical ointment healed her.
group in predicting the next
events in the story.

After what happened, do you

think the princess will choose
one of those princes?

Let us see what will happen

next. Let us continue reading.

The teacher instructs the students

to read the part assigned to them. PRINCE 1: "Your majesty, each
of us may have located a magical
PART 5 item. But there is no doubt that my
crystal ball is the most wondrous
NARRATOR: Later that night, item of all. Without it, none of us
the three princes appeared before would even have known the
the king. princess was sick in the first place.
I submit that mine is the most
wondrous item. Therefore I
deserve the hand of the princess."

PRINCE 2: "With all due respect,

while it was informative to learn
that the princess was sick, had we
had not been able to travel a
week's journey in a blink of an eye
NARRATOR: Said the first on my flying carpet, that
prince. knowledge would have done us no
good. I submit that mine is the
most wondrous item. Therefore I
deserve the hand of the princess."

PRINCE 3: "Good sire, while it

may have been useful to learn the
princess was sick and was helpful
to arrive here as quickly as we
did, had we not had my magical
ointment, all that knowledge and
all that quickness would have been
NARRATOR: said the second in vain. I submit that mine is the
prince. most wondrous item. Therefore I
deserve the hand of the princess."

KING: "I'll think about it, Come

back tomorrow."
NARRATOR: said the third
prince. The king was perplexed.
Each of the princes made a good
argument. And since the question
was so close, no matter which
prince he selected, he was sure to
raise the ire of the other two and
their neighboring city-states.

NARRATOR: That night, the

king summoned his advisors,
called in those land viziers, to ask
their advice. "Sire," said his head
KING: "Excellent thought,
vizier, "there is a wise old man
Summon him to court tomorrow."
who lives amongst us who hails
from very far away, a distant
country called Russia. He is well
known for his sage advice. If we
allow him to make the decision,
the communities of the princes
The princess might not marry
who aren't chosen will get angry
one of them because of their
at a country far away, and not at

The teacher tells the last group to

predict the ending of the story.

How will the story end?

KING: "As far as I'm concerned,
NARRATOR: said the king. The
each of these fine young men has
next day when the three princes
an equal claim to my daughter's
arrived to hear which of them
hand. And so," he turned to his
would be selected, at court stood
guest, "I am interested. You come
a very old man. He hobbled on
from a faraway land and it is said
his cane and spoke in a whisper.
you give wise advice. What is your
The three princes repeated why opinion?"
they thought they deserved the
hand of the princess.

OLD MAN: "You’re Majesty, first

allow me to say that it is an honor
to be in your court." He raised a
shaky hand toward the princes.
"There's no doubt that each of you
brought a wondrous item that
saved the life of the princess. But
in my country, when it comes to
marriage, there are those who say
NARRATOR: The old man that the young woman, whose
coughed and cleared his throat. happiness is at stake, should have
a say in the matter. And so I would
ask our Royal Highness." He
turned to her. "Princess, whom do
you wish to marry?"

PRINCESS: "Each of you saved

my life and for that I will always
be grateful. Yet this old man is the
only one," she said, looking at the
Russian, "who understands that
the choice is one that should be
mine to make. And so, Father, if
you please, "I choose him."

NARRATOR: The princess was

silent a moment. She raised her
head and faced the three princes.

KING: "But, can't!"

NARRATOR: and here the

princess stepped toward the old
man, Gasps of shock ran
throughout the court. Some ladies
fainted and were carried out. The
king blustered,

NARRATOR: The princess KING: "Each of you will have

picked up the magic ointment, large tracts of land to rule,"
took the old Russian's hand, and
with a dab of the ointment rubbed
the back of his hand. Instantly a
haze surrounded him. When she
removed her hand, incredibly, the
old man had straightened up to KING: "We will never forget what
become tall and dark, with the you did for our royal family."
lines of an earnest young man
chiseled on his cheeks. Restored
to the strength and handsome
stature of his youth, he smiled at
the princess.

NARRATOR: The king quickly

said to the three princes.
ALL: And so they all lived happily
ever after, as may you.

Yes Ma’am but we didn’t expect

that the princess will marry the
old man and the old man will
turn to a handsome prince.
NARRATOR: The three princes,
of course, still had in their
The princess used the magical
possession the magical items of
ointment to turn the old man
the crystal ball, the flying carpet,
into a young man.
and the vial of healing ointment,
and it wasn't long before they
attracted fine princesses to marry
from neighboring lands.

Were you able to predict the

ending of the story?

What happened in the end?

F. Developing mastery ACTIVITY 7: FACEBOOK

(leads to Formative PROFILING
Assessment 3)
The teacher tells students to
further analyze the characters
using the FACEBOOK
PROFILING Also, the teacher
guides the students in identifying
traits and giving information of
the characters.

Let us further analyze the The students identify important
character of the three princes, information and traits of the
the king, the princess and the characters.
old man. Fill out the pyramid to
identify the major traits and
important information about
the main character.


Name: Princess
Role: Daughter of the king,
Traits: She is wise in her

Name: Prince 1
Role: Suitor of the princess
Traits: Bossy

Name: Prince 2
Role: Suitor of the princess
Traits: Unclean in his habits.

Name: Prince 3
Role: Suitor of the princess
Traits: He was vain.

Name: King
Role: Father of the princess
Traits: A great father, He only
wants the best for her daughter.

ACTIVITY 8: Like, Heart, and


React to each of the character

using the emoticons given to The students react to the

you. characters.

Those emoticons were placed on

your desks a while ago.

The teacher asks some questions.

Why did you use the heart

I used the heart emoticon
because I love the princess. She
did not look on the physical
The teacher and students continue appearance of a person.
the activity.

G. Finding practical Activity 9: Q AND A

application of concepts and
skills in daily living The teacher asks the students
questions that are connected with
day to day life and real life

Class, let us have some Q and


What is your ideal suitor? Student raises his/her hand to


For me ma’am, my ideal suitor

is tall, dark and handsome.

You are pertaining to the

physical looks or features of a

How about the boys? What are I want to court a girl who is
the characteristics of a girl that clean, kind and most of all very
you want to court? caring.

Do you want to have an No ma’am. I want to marry the

arranged marriage? Why or one I love.
why not?

H. Generalizing and ACTIVITY 9: SEMANTIC

abstractions about the lesson MAP

A semantic map Ma’am.

Courtship and marriage.

The teacher gives and explains
the instructions of the activity to
the students. Yes Ma’am.

What is posted on the board


What are the words in the

semantic map?

Courtship and marriage were

highlighted in the story. Right
class? Yes Ma’am.

For this activity, I want you to

describe courtship and
marriage using the story and Courtship and marriage are
your personal experiences as important Ma’am.
They could be traditional or
Do you understand class? modern Ma’am.

Courtship and marriage are

Now that you are done, please reflections of our culture and
share what you have written. tradition.

Courtship and marriage should

be taken seriously.

I. Evaluating Learning ACTIVITY 9: STORY MAP

The teacher asks students to

synthesize important events and
information using a story ladder.

Fill out the story map to

synthesize the story. Answer the
questions being asked. For the
solution part, write the
alternate ending that you wish
for the story.

The students accomplish the given



The teacher asks the student to

make a reflection paper about the
story the three princes.

Class, I hope that you were able

to learn important things from
the story.

For your assignment, I want

you to write a reflection paper.

Your reflection paper must

contain the lessons you have
learned and the realizations you
have gained from the story.

Write your reflection paper in a

short bond paper.

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Checked by:

Head Teacher VI

Noted by:

Principal IV


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