Brochure Material Properties and Impact Insulation EN

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Material Properties

and Impact Insulation

Technical Information

Sylodamp® – an overview The static range of use is the maximum compressive

Sylodamp® is a high-damping polyurethane elastomer that stress deined for stationary loads at which the elastic
has been specially developed to absorb the loads caused properties of an elastomer are permanently retained.
by impacts. Sylodamp® can also be employed as an elastic
component in conventional vibration insulation applica- The material type refers to the compressive hardness at
tions in which, in addition to permanent elasticity, a high 10 % deformation. This is an individually deined measure
level of damping of the elastomer is required. Typical appli- for the load-bearing property of an elastomer, but does
cations can be found in situations where machinery, build- not give any information on the behavior during long-
ing structures, technical equipment or even people need to term loading. For example, the compressive hardness of
be protected. Sylodamp® SP 100 is 100 kN/m2.

The following beneits have been identiied in the area of

impact and vibration insulation: Vibration insulation with Sylodamp®
Vibration insulation uses the principle of mass force
— Reduces the loads caused by impacts compensation to reduce the propagation of mechanical
— Reduces impact-induced structure-borne noise vibrations caused by external forces or excitations. The
— Reduces resonance phenomena principle area of application of Sylomer® and Sylodyn®
— Damping of components or structures materials is in conventional vibration insulation.
— Rapid decay of vibrations
Using Sylodamp® enables even higher levels of vibration
In most cases, Sylodamp® is employed as a pressurised insulation to be achieved, especially when the impulsive
spring, the material properties of which can be ideally loads or strong resonance phenomena that typically oc-
adapted to the application in hand by the careful choice of cur when machinery is being started up or shut down are
material type, contact area and elastomer thickness. present.

The Sylodamp® range covers the following static ranges In addition to the presence of Sylodamp® bedding, a com-
of use: bination of Sylodamp® and Sylomer® springs can also be
used in parallel.

SP Vibration damping with Sylodamp®

Vibration damping is understood to be the conversion of
SP kinetic energy into another form of (renewable) energy
that no longer has any impact on the vibration system.
SP Due to its high level of material damping, Sylodamp® is a
particularly effective way of keeping the resonance phe-
30 nomena occurring in components or structures within the
required tolerances.

1 0.1 0.01 0.001

Speciic load in N/mm2
Fig. 1: Sylodamp® range
Impact insulation with Sylodamp® d
Impact insulation is a special type of vibration insula- s
tion that is used to reduce the propagation of the forces
generated by impacts. Here, a brief exciting force with
a relatively high peak force is converted into a longer
lasting ground force with a lower peak value.
The material damping features of Sylodamp® result in the
rapid damping of kinetic parameters, reducing the decay
time of components and structures.

Examples of impacts
Figs. 2 to 4 illustrate some examples of impacts in which Fig. 3: Horizontal impact – mass moving horizontally
a mass m collides with a structure at a velocity v. The
high-damping vibration insulator made from Sylodamp® is
shown in orange. d

m Sylodamp®

Fig. 4: Oblique impact – mass moving at an angle

m = Mass of the moving body
s d v = Impact velocity of the moving mass
d = Thickness of the elastomer
s = Maximum deformation of the elastomer
h = Free-fall drop height

Fig. 2: Vertical impact – free-falling mass

Degree of insulation Material selection
The impact-insulating effect introduced by the use of elas- There are two ways of selecting the most suitable material
tic bedding can be described by the degree of insulation I. for impact applications:
This is deined as the reduction in the maximum response
loading in an installation with elastic bedding compared to — Computational model (inite element method)
one without: — Using diagrams showing the energy absorption of

1 Fmax, 0 – Fmax Finite element method model

I Fmax, 0 For straightforward impact applications, Getzner has
developed a computational FEM model. The material and
I = Degree of insulation in % impact modelling makes use of drop test stand investiga-
F max, 0 = Maximum value of the propagated tions with high-damping Sylodamp® materials and impac-
ground force without elastic bedding tors with impact velocities of up to 5 m/s.
Fmax = Maximum value of the propagated
ground force with elastic bedding An FEM impact simulation allows the most suitable mate-
rial design from the Sylodamp® range to be selected for
the application.

Principle of the conservation of energy Input parameters for the FEM simulation
The principle of the conservation of energy forms the The following input parameters for the impact simulation
basis for the selection of the appropriate material for an must be known:
impact application. This equates the mechanical impact
energy Ekin (kinetic energy) with the deformation energy — Mass of the moving body
Edef (energy absorption) of the high-damping Sylodamp® — Impact velocity of the body
material: — The covering of the elastomer surface
to be struck by the impactor
— Required elastomer thickness

2 m · v2 3
Ekin 2
Ekin Edef Results of the FEM simulation
An FEM impact simulation calculates the following results:
Ekin = Impact energy (kinetic energy) in J
Edef = Deformation energy (energy absorption) in J — Plots against time of ground force, elastomer
deformation, energy absorption and/or brake
delay during the impact
— Maximum propagated ground force
— Maximum deformation of the elastomer
— Maximum brake delay

Results of FEM impact simulations
Figs. 5 to 8 show the results of a typical FEM impact simulation with Sylodamp®.

3.0 5
Force in kN

Delection in mm
Maximum Maximum delection smax
ground force Fmax

1.5 Recovery

0 0
0 0.005 0.010 0.015 0 0.005 0.010 0.015
Time in s Time in s

Fig. 5: Impact simulation – plot against time of ground force Fig. 6: Impact simulation – plot against time of deformation

1.5 8
Speed in m/s

Energy absorption in J

Maximum energy absorption

Impact velocity v


Reversal point 4
at smax


-0.1 0
0 0.005 0.010 0.015 0 0.005 0.010 0.015
Time in s Time in s

Fig. 7: Impact simulation – plot against time of velocity of mass Fig. 8: Impact simulation – plot against time of energy absorption

Energy absorption of Sylodamp®
As an alternative to FEM simulations, the choice of the most suitable Sylodamp® material for straightforward impact
applications can also be made using the following diagrams (Figs. 9 to 12).

1000 1000
Speciic energy absorption in mJ/mm2

Speciic energy absorption in mJ/mm2

100 100

10 10

1 1

0.1 0.1
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Linear compression in % Linear compression in %
Fig. 9: Energy absorption of Sylodamp® – thickness 12.5 mm Fig. 10: Energy absorption of Sylodamp® – thickness 25 mm

1000 1000
Speciic energy absorption in mJ/mm2

Speciic energy absorption in mJ/mm2

100 100

10 10

1 1

0.1 0.1
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Linear compression in % Linear compression in %
Fig. 11: Energy absorption of Sylodamp® – thickness 37.5 mm Fig. 12: Energy absorption of Sylodamp® – thickness 50 mm

SP 10 SP 30 SP 100 SP 300 SP 500 SP 1000

The impact energy exerted on the elastomer surface

is used as an input parameter when choosing the most
suitable material design.

The impact velocity has no signiicant effect on the spe-

ciic energy absorption of Sylodamp®. The speciic energy
capacities shown in the diagrams can be used for impact
velocities of between 0.5 m/s and 5 m/s.

Ideal deformation ranges Impact force propagation
A corresponding deformation path must be provided for The aim of impact insulation is to dissipate the kinetic
the elastomer so that Sylodamp® can provide the best energy of the impactor with minimum levels of force over
possible absorption of impact loads. as long a period as possible.

We recommend the following linear compression igures The maximum force propagated during an ideal elastic
when using Sylodamp® in impact applications: impact can be determined from the deformation energy
Edef and the deformation path s:
Material type Ideal deformation range
Sylodamp® SP 10 40 % to 60 %
4 Edef
Sylodamp® SP 30 40 % to 60 % Fmax, 0 2·
Sylodamp® SP 100 35 % to 55 %

Sylodamp® SP 300 30 % to 50 % Fmax, 0 = Maximum value of propagated ground force in N

Edef = Deformation energy (energy absorption) in J
Sylodamp® SP 500 25 % to 45 %
s = Deformation path in m
Sylodamp® SP 1000 20 % to 40 %

Tab. 1: Recommended deformation ranges of Sylodamp® under impact loading

In cases where Sylodamp® is being used as the impact-
insulating element, the kinetic energy of the impactor is
The speciied deformation ranges of the individual converted not just by an elastic process, but by damping
Sylodamp ® products result in the energy absorption (dissipation) as well, further reducing the maximum propa-
shown below for the respective elastomer thickness gated impact force. The maximum propagated force in the
values: above scenario can be estimated as follows:

Material type Energy absorption

5 Edef
Thickness 12.5 mm 25 mm 37.5 mm 50 mm
Fmax, 0 ≈ 1,5 · s
Sylodamp® SP 10 0.4 to 0.8 1.0 to 1.8 1.6 to 2.9 2.3 to 3.9
Fmax, 0 = Maximum value of propagated ground force
Sylodamp® SP 30 1.4 to 2.7 2.6 to 4.9 4.2 to 7.9 6 to 11
with elastic Sylodamp® bedding in N
Sylodamp® SP 100 3.3 to 6.1 6.6 to 12 11 to 19 14 to 25 Edef = Deformation energy (energy absorption) in J
s = Deformation path in m
Sylodamp® SP 300 8.3 to 15.7 16 to 30 24 to 40 28 to 46

Sylodamp® SP 500 13.4 to 25.5 27 to 50 42 to 72 56 to 92

Sylodamp® SP 1000 22.5 to 41 45 to 84 76 to 128 110 to 181

Tab. 2: Recommended speciic energy absorption in mJ/mm2 of Sylodamp®

The elastic portion of the elastomer provides soft cush-
ioning of the impactor, whereas the dissipative portion
ensures that after the impact the bulk of the energy is no
longer available to the system as kinetic energy.

Due to the high levels of material damping provided by

Sylodamp®, the impactor only rebounds very slightly
following the impact.

The impact resilience of Sylodamp® is around 15 %, which

means that 85 % of the kinetic energy of the impactor is
dissipated on impact.

Input parameters

Mass m = 80 kg

Impact velocity v = 2 m/s

Impact area A = 15,625 mm2 (125 mm × 125 mm)

Calculation of impact force for an elastic Sylodamp® bedding

m · v2 80 · 22
Impact energy Ekin = = = 160 J
2 2

Deformation energy EDef = EKin = 160 J

Edef 160
Speciic energy absorption EDef, A = = = 10.24 mJ/mm2
A 15.625

Elastomer Sylodamp® SP 100/25 (as per Fig. 10)

Linear compression ɛ = 50 % (as per Fig. 10)

Max. deformation s = ɛ · Material thickness = 50 % · 25 mm = 12.5 mm

EDef 160
Max. impact force with elastic bedding Fmax, 0 ≈ 1.5 · = 1.5 · 0.0125 = 19.2 kN

Calculation of impact force without elastic bedding with the assumption of an elastic
impact with subsoil resilience of 0.5 mm
Resilience of subsoil/max. deformation s = 0.5 mm

EDef 160
Max. impact force without elastic bedding Fmax, 0 = 2 · = 2· = 640 kN
s 0.0005

Impact-insulating effect of elastic bedding

Fmax, 0 – Fmax 640 – 19.2
Degree of insulation I= = = 97 %
Fmax, 0 640

Tab. 3: Sample calculation for a impact isulation with Sylodamp®

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