20.say This City Has Ten Million Souls
20.say This City Has Ten Million Souls
20.say This City Has Ten Million Souls
M.A English,Tesol(U.K)
City Postgraduate College
For Women Jhelum.
Ans. The poet has used several numerical as well as urban images.
At the start we are presented with a city with ten million should.
Then there is another urban imagery that some are living in
mansion and some are living in holes. There is no doubt due to
huge number of people, most of the them live in small dark houses
which may be called “Atlas” can also be an urban image because
in an Atlas, most of the countries and big cities are given. Then we
have “one year tree” in “one” village Church yard. Old passport
without new numbers might also be a numerical image. The
committee and the public meeting are also the image of “a few
persons, and large number of persons respectively. The bombers or
fighters in the sky must be a few. The birds must be many.
Similarly, fish swimming freely just “ten feet” away is another
mage. The big buildings with a thousand floors, a thousand doors
are also numerical images. Similarly, ten thousand soldiers
marching to and fro to seek the Jews to deport them is another
interesting image. These images serve the purpose of definite stress
on certain ideas and make the poem forceful. Then, we also
observe urban images such as huge population, passport offices,
consuls, committee’s public meetings, multi storied buildings
which are usually situated in the big cities.