Oc 1ST Quarterly Exam

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General Education Department

1st Quarterly Exam School Year 2019-2020
NAME: ______________________________________________________ SCORE: ________
STRAND/SECTION: ___________________________________________ DATE: __________________
GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Encircle the correct answer. Avoid erasures.
1.Which of the following defines communication?
a. communication is repeatable and reversible.
b. Communication occurs between two or more people (the speaker and the receiver).
c. Communication is a process of sharing and carrying message or information from one person to another.
d. Communication is a one-way process reaching mutual understanding.

2. “Lola how many time do I need to tell you not to use my laptop? You’re too old to use this.” What is the group/element
being misrepresented in socio-cultural dimension in the given situation?
a. Social status c. religion
b. Culture d. age
3. Who pertained intercultural communication as communication among people with different nationalities.”
a. Ting-Toomey c. Gudykunst and Kim
b. World Bank d. none of the choices
4. “You sit in a meeting or class where you think the speaker is boring.” What kind of barrier does the situation show?
a. Use of jargon c. Lack of confidence
b. Emotional barriers d. Noisy environment
5. “I was broken and I’ve been broken, lost and broke many times in my life, but the people in my life were able to reach
into the trash can and make me whole again. If it was up to me, I would have never been able to do that. And this is why if
you have great people in your life no matter how broke, how lost or how broken you become they can piece you back
together”. The paragraph is an excerpt from the speech of Dananjaya Hettiarachchi entitled “I see something” in World
Champion of Public Speaking 2014. What is the functions of the communication being showed and expressed in the
a. Information Dissemination c. Regulation and Control
b. Motivation d. Social Interaction
6. “Alex, look at my gadgets! This are from United States only rich kid can have this.” What is the group/element being
misrepresented in socio-cultural dimension in the given situation?
a. Social status c. religion
b. Culture d. age
7. Which of the following defines brevity?
a. clearly states your message and express your ideas and feelings.
b. considers your receivers gender, roles, ethnicity, preferences, and status.
c. the words you use should be appropriate to the environment or occasion.
d. uses simple, yet precise and powerful words.
8. Which of the following shows the correct process of the communication on the Shannon-Weaver Model?
a. source-channel-transmitter-receiver- destination
b. source-transmitter-channel-receiver-destination
c. source- transmitter-channel-destination-receiver
d. source-channel-transmitter-destination-receiver
9. It is the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by the speaker in words or in actions.
a. message c. channel
b. context d. communication
10. The following defines non-verbal communication except one.
a. All kinds of human responses that are not expressed in words
b. refers to an interaction in which words are used to relay a message.
c. Refers to an interaction where behavior is used to convey and represent meanings.

d. none of the above

11. Which function of communication is served when people’s feelings are being invoked?
a. Information Dissemination c. Control

General Education Department
1st Quarterly Exam School Year 2019-2020
b. Social Interaction d. Emotional Expression
12. This refers to communication between and among people and establishes personal relationship between and among
a. Intrapersonal c. interpersonal
b. Public Communication d. mass communication
13. It is __________________ function of communication if it functions to control one’s behavior.

a. Information Dissemination c. Control

b. Social Interaction d. Emotional Expression

14. The communication that occurs between 3-10 individuals.

a. Interpersonal c. small group
b. dyad d. public
15. What Elements of communication is being describe as the factors that affects the flow of communication.
a. barrier c. channel
b. noise d. context
16. The following are types of speech context except one.
a. Intrapersonal c. small group
b. Interpersonal d. public
17. Who says that intercultural communication happens when individual interact, negotiate, and create meaning while
bringing in their varied cultural backgrounds?

a. Ting-Toomey c. Gudykunst and Kim

b. World Bank d. none of the choices

18. The following statement defines communication except one.

a. Communication occurs between two or more people.
b. Communication is the source of information or message.
c. Communication can be expressed through words (verbal), actions (nonverbal), or both at the same time.
d. Communication is a process

19. “You are asked to share something about your day or weekend, but you are hesitant because you are shy.” What kind
of barrier does the situation show?
a. Use of jargon c. Lack of confidence
b. Emotional barriers d. Noisy environment
20. In verbal communication, __________ is defined as to find ways to charm your audience through the use of vivid words
which usually add color and spice to communication.

a. Appropriateness c.Ethics

b. Clarity d. Vividness

21. A feature of an effective communication that eliminates negative impact on the audience.
a. Concreteness c. conciseness
b. correctness d. clearness
22. “You spent the night thinking and analyzing why a student from the other class talked to you on the way home and you
decided it probably meant nothing.” What type of speech context was shown in the situation?
a. Intrapersonal c. interpersonal
b. Public Communication d. mass communication
23. What Elements of communication is being describe as the process of interpreting the encoded message of the speaker
by the receiver.

a. encoding c. decoding
b. message d. channel
24. Which of the following defines ethics?
General Education Department
1st Quarterly Exam School Year 2019-2020
a. clearly states your message and express your ideas and feelings.
b. considers your receivers gender, roles, ethnicity, preferences, and status.
c. the words you use should be appropriate to the environment or occasion.
d. uses simple, yet precise and powerful words.
25.” You are participating in an organizational meeting which aims to address the concerns of
“your fellow students.” What type of speech context was shown in the situation?
a. Intrapersonal c. interpersonal
b. Public Communication d. mass communication

26. Which of the following type of speech style uses professional or mutually acceptable language?
a. Intimate c. Consultative
b. Frozen d. Formal

27. It is a mathematical theory later came to be known as “the mother of all models”.
a. Aristotle mother of communication c. Schramm’s model (1954)
b. Shannon-Weaver Model d. David Berlo’s model of communication
28. It is a type of speech act in which the speaker tries to make the addressee perform an action.
A. Assertive c. Directive
b. Expressive d. Commissive

29. Allegiance to country or flag is an example of what speech style?

a. Intimate c. formal
b. casual d. frozen
30. The following are elements of communication, except _____.
a. context c. noise
b. channel d. barrier
31. Which cues of each speaker refers to the use of specific words chosen and used.
a. Verbal cues c. Audio cues
b. Nonverbal cues d. Visual cues
32. What do you think does the speaker mean when he/she says, “Can you open the door?”
a. The speaker wants to know if I have the ability to open the door.
b. The speaker is requesting me to open the door.
c. The speaker does not make any sense.
d. The speaker is asking me a question
33. A feature of an effective communication wherein the speaker should learn how to consider the mood, background, and
status of her receiver.
a. consideration c. courtesy
b. clearness d. clearness
34. State of the Nation Address of the President is an example of what speech style?
a. Intimate c. formal
b. casual d. frozen
35. “You are having a conversation with some friends when a song was played loudly.” What kind of barrier does the
situation show?
a. Use of jargon c. Lack of confidence
b. Emotional barriers d. Noisy environment
36. “From now on, I will participate in our group activity.” What classification of speech act appropriate from the given
a. Assertive c. Directive
b. Expressive d. Commissive
37. What speech style is common among peers and friends. Jargon, slang, or the vernacular language are used.
a. Intimate c. formal
b. casual d. frozen
General Education Department
1st Quarterly Exam School Year 2019-2020
38. “You are the youngest in the family that is why you can’t understand the situation well.”
a. Social status c. religion
b. Culture d. age
39. Who created the five types of speech style?
a. Joos (1968), c. J. L. Austin (1962)
b. Solomon and Theiss (2013) d. John Searle (1976)
40. What Elements of communication is being describe as the process of converting the message into words, actions or
other forms that the speaker understands.
a. encoding c. decoding
b. message d. channel
41. A feature of an effective communication wherein the speaker should show some respect to his/her receivers culture,
values and beliefs.
a. consideration c. courtesy
b. clearness d. clearness
42. Which among the several reasons on the mastery of nonverbal communication is NOT included?
a. It enhances and emphasizes the message of your speech, thus making it more expressive, straight forward,
and significant.
b.It can communicate feelings, attitudes and perceptions without you saying a word.
c. It can endure the attention of listeners and keep them betrothed in the speech.
d. all of the above
43. “No one makes better pancakes than I do.” What classification of speech act appropriate from the given situation?
a. Assertive c. Directive
b. Expressive d. Commissive
44. Which model depicts communication as linear?
a. Transaction Model c. Shannon-Weaver Model
b. Inventive Model d. Schramm Model
45. It is __________________ function of communication if it encourages people to live better.
a. Information Dissemination c. Regulation and Control
b. Motivation d. Social Interaction
46. This function allows the individual to socialize with the others by having a conversation.
a. Control c. social interaction
b. emotional expression d. motivation
47. It is a type of speech act which brings a change in the external situation.
A. Assertive c. Directive
b. Declaration d. Commissive
48. “You talked to your best friend about your quarrel, but your best friend did not respond to you.” That situation is a
Shannon-weaver model; it shows that this model has no _________.
a. response c. reply
b. feedback d. none of the choices
49. This function is used to to convey information.

a. Information Dissemination c. Control

b. Social Interaction d. Emotional Expression
50. “You are a scientist discussing a certain weather phenomenon with your neighbor who does not know much about the
topic.” What kind of barrier does the situation show?
a. Use of jargon c. Lack of confidence
b. Emotional barriers d. Noisy environment


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