Oral Communication Midterm Exam

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Oral Communication

Name: ________________________________________Section: ________________________

Teacher: ______________________________________ Date: __________________________

I. Multiple Choice. Read each statement carefully and encircle the letter of your answer.

1. It refers to certain attitudes that can make communication difficult. Example of this includes certain
emotions that may cause someone to lose focus.

a. Semantic noise
b. Psychological noise
c. Physiological - impairment noise
d. Environmental noise

2. What element of communication completes the loop of communication process?

a. Message
b. Noise
c. Feedback
d. Receiver

3. It is the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or other mediums.

a. Feedback
b. Message
c. Communication
d. Non-verbal communication

4. The barrier that may either be connotative or denotative.

a. Syntactic noise
b. Semantic noise
c. Psychological noise
d. Physiological - impairment noise

5. It is the person’s ability to communicate in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and etc.
a. Attitude
b. Social system
c. Communication
d. Communication skills

6. Who is the proponent of the said claim - Communication is actually a two-way process between the
source and the receiver.
a. Aristotle
b. David Berlo
c. Frank Dance
d. Wilbur Schramm

7. What model of communication asserted that NOISE is an important factor in the process of
a. Linear Model
b. S-M-C-R Model
c. Shannon-Weaver’s Model
d. Helical Model

8. A sound in which the flow of air from the lungs passes through the mouth, which functions as
a resonance chamber, with minimal obstruction and without audible friction.
a. IPA
b. Vowel
c. Morpheme
d. Consonant
9. It is a schematic representation of vowel sound that shows the position of
the tongue and jaw according the vowel sound/s required when speaking.
a. Vietor’s Triangle
b. IPA
c. Articulatory Phonetics
d. Vocal Tract

10. It is the physical location in the vocal tract that a phoneme is produced in, and the kinds of
articulatory movements that are involved in producing a sound.
a. Manner of Articulation
b. Place of Articulation
c. Voicing
d. Jaw Production

11. A sound that is produced by pushing air up from the lungs and out through the mouth and/or nose
in which the airflow is disrupted by obstructions made by various combinations of vocal articulator
movements, so that audible friction is produced.
a. IPA
b. Vowel
c. Morpheme
d. Consonant

12. It is formed by combining two vowels and pronounced in a single continuous gliding sound.
a. IPA
b. Vowel
c. Diphthongs
d. Consonant

13. It is a unit of pronunciation that has one vowel sound, and may or may not be surrounded by
a. Syllable
b. Vowel
c. Diphthongs
d. Consonant

14. It refers to the syllable in a word which receives the most stress in an intonation unit.
a. Emphatic Stress
b. Stress
c. Tonic Stress
d. Contrastive Stress

15. It shows the speaker's attitude. It is by changing the pitch that we can indicate certainty,
uncertainty, enthusiasm, boredom, and so on.
a. Stress
b. Intonation
c. Tonic Stress
d. Emphatic stress

16. If a word has three syllables and end in “-er” or “-ly”, the stress is placed usually on which syllable?
a. Third syllable
b. Second syllable
c. First syllable
d. First and second syllables

17. Nonverbal and verbal communication are interconnected in which of the following ways?
a. Nonverbal cues can repeat verbal messages
b. Nonverbal cues can substitute for verbal messages
c. Nonverbal cues can contradict verbal messages
d. All of the above

18. It is the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the desired goals
a. Regulation
b. Information dissemination
c. Motivation
d. Social interaction
19. An obnoxious driver flips you off, gives you the finger, and shows you the middle digit. This is an
example of _______________________.
a. An illustrator b. a manipulator c. an emblem d. posture

20. A person’s head tilted to one side while listening to a speaker’s talk is displaying his
a. Being defensive
b. Being cold
c. Being in control
d. Being interested

II. Modified True of False. Analyze whether each statement is correct or erroneous. Write TRUE if it
the said claim is correct and if it’s otherwise, change the word/phrase to make it right. Write your
answers on the space provided.

21. Communication can be expressed both in spoken words and nonverbal actions at the same time.

22. Feedback is return process of communication which completes the loop of the communication
process that tells the receiver as to the effectiveness of the message.

23. Denotative barrier is when the sender and the receiver disagree about the definition or meaning of a
word or phrase.

24. Psychological noise is a type of noise where physical conditions such as deafness or blindness
that can hinder effective communication and interfere with the reception of the message.

25. Content refers to how much information a person has about the topic to be shared.

26. In the Shannon-Weaver model of communication, a transmitter may be computers, cell phones or
other devices.

27. At first, the helical spring is big at the top and becomes smaller as communication progresses.

28. Insignificant or redundant information should be eliminated from the communication that will be sent
to the recipient.

29. Clearness in communication implies the use of vocabulary words to express ideas.

30. One word can have two stresses.


III. Transcribe the following words using the IPA symbol.

40. ingenuity

IV. Write at least 3 pair of words of each set. Be guided on the vowel sound presented. An example is
done for you.

[i] vs [I] [o] vs [ɔ]

Seat sit coat caught


V. A. Read each sentence carefully then draw an arrow that indicates a rising/falling intonation.

44.I love to eat pizza, burger, and carbonara.

45.Be careful what you pray for.

46. You were that guy I met before, aren’t you?

B. Put a stress mark on the syllable that receives the stress.

47. bereaved
48. institutional
49. occasionally
50. distancing
51. ceremony

VI. Ask Wh – Questions to acquire information using the response below.

A: My English class is at 8:00 a.m.

A: Bea’s favourite show is on Tuesday at 9:30 a.m.

A: Ramon’s birthday is on Monday.

A: Anna spends her summer vacation in Santorini, Greece.

VII. Writing Prompts. Write what is being asked. Do it briefly and concisely. NO ERASURES!

56. How can you determine the effectiveness of the message in the communication process? Elaborate
your answer.

57. Write a dialogue showing 1 type of noise (Do not include Environmental Noise)

58 - 59. Give an example of an emblem that is exclusively used in the Philippines and explain how is it
being used in our country

60. Do you agree that sincerity is seen in the eyes? Why do you say so?

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