DLL Science 9 July

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Grades 9 School Grade Level 9

Daily Lesson Log Teacher Learning Area Science

Teaching Date and Time Quarter First

how genetic information is organized in genes on chromosomes
A. Content Standards
the different patterns of inheritance
B. Performance Standards manipulate and perform problems in Punnett Square and explain the data obtained in non-Mendelian
C. Learning Competencies/ describe the location of genes in chromosomes; S9LT-Id-28
Objectives Write the LC code explain the different patterns of non-Mendelian inheritance; S9LT-Id-29
for each
Heredity: Inheritance and Variation Heredity: Inheritance and Variation Heredity: Inheritance and Variation Heredity: Inheritance and Variation
II. CONTENT Activity 4. Boy or Girl? Activity 5. When Gender Matters Activity 5. DNA Modelling Activity 5. DNA Modelling
Part 1 Part 2
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
How important is blood typing? Are What is the probability of having a Which gender is mostly affected with What is the correct pairing of the
A. Reviewing previous lesson you really the offspring based on baby boy or a baby girl? Which colorblindness, lactation in cattle and different nucleotides?
or presenting the new lesson your parents’ blood type? parent determine the gender of a human baldness? Why?
What is a chromosome? How does it Which gender is mostly affected with What is inside the genes? Discussion of the different pairing
B. Presenting examples/
affect the formation of gender? colorblindness, lactation in cattle and *group performance and arrangement of DNA.
instances of the new lesson
human baldness? Why? *group presentation
How do you relate the prediction of What is a sex-linked traits? Sex- Describe the composition and What happens if there is an incorrect
C. Discussing new concepts gender based on Punnett Square limited traits? Sex-influenced traits? structure of DNA. pairing of nucleotides?
and practicing new skills #1 using the concept of sex
V. EVALUATION/ What is inside the chromosomes? Show with a Punnett Square. Manipulate correctly the nucleotides Arrange the different nucleotides
FORMATIVE (Any form of What are the technology in genetic Differentiate among sex-linked, sex- (basic building blocks) of DNA. correctly in order to form a DNA
Summative Test/Performance engineering that manipulates the limited and sex-influenced traits. Strand.
Test). Give a brief description genes? Identify traits for each.
and sample questions.
A. Were all the objectives
attained? Why or why not?
B. What went well? What went
C. Mastery level of the learner.
% of those who did not master
the competencies (80% below)
% of those who averagely
mastered the competency/ies
% of those who proficiently
mastered the competency/ies
VI. UTILIZED LOCALIZED/ Picture of Chromosomes, Genes. Pictures of persons with traits which Cards of DNA nucleotides and sugar Cards of DNA nucleotides and sugar
INDIGENIZED LEARNING is sex-linked, sex-limited and sex- bases bases
RESOURCES (Kindly identify) influenced.

Grades 9 School Grade Level 9
Daily Lesson Log Teacher Learning Area Science
Teaching Date and Time Quarter First

A. Content Standards how changes in the environment may affect species extinction
B. Performance Standards make a multimedia presentation of a timeline of extinction of representative microorganisms, plants, and animals
C. Learning Competencies/ relate species extinction to the failure of populations of organisms to adapt to abrupt changes in the environment; S9LT-Ie-f-30
Objectives Write the LC code
for each
Biodiversity and Evolution Biodiversity and Evolution Biodiversity and Evolution Biodiversity and Evolution
II. CONTENT Activity 1. Index of Diversity Activity 2. Measuring Population Activity 3. Endangered but not Activity 4. Making Predictions
Density Extinct…yet
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
What is an ecosystem? How does a Describe a stable and balanced How do you measure population What are the ways to protect
A. Reviewing previous lesson
changing ecosystem affect the ecosystem based on species density? endangered species?
or presenting the new lesson
organism? distribution.
What is a biodiversity? How does it What comes first to your mind when What is endangered species? Give If two identical islands is to be
B. Presenting examples/ affect the ecosystem? you hear “Manila?” examples of animals. observed, one is occupied by human
instances of the new lesson while other is not, what is your
What happens if the number of an Why do you think there is a large Why do you think it is endangered? What is the contribution of human to
C. Discussing new concepts
organism decline? population in some area while others What are the ways to prevent it from the environment throughout the
and practicing new skills #1
do not? extinction? course of history?
V. EVALUATION/ How can you say ecosystem richness What are the factors that contributes Make a list of endangered species in Make a list of your daily routine.
FORMATIVE (Any form of base on its organism and species to Population Density? the Philippines. For each species, cite Which do you think contributes to
Summative Test/Performance distribution? What is the ideal What are the ways to lessen it? ways to help prevent from extinction. destruction of the environment? Cite
Test). Give a brief description number? ways to prevent or at least minimize
and sample questions. it.
A. Were all the objectives
attained? Why or why not?
B. What went well? What went
C. Mastery level of the learner.
% of those who did not master
the competencies (80% below)
% of those who averagely
mastered the competency/ies
% of those who proficiently
mastered the competency/ies
VI. UTILIZED LOCALIZED/ 1 square meter school ground Picture of Manila Street during rush Pictures of the different endangered Video clip of evolving ecosystem
INDIGENIZED LEARNING hour. species in the PH. reaching species richness without
RESOURCES (Kindly identify) human intervention
Grades 9 School Grade Level 9
Daily Lesson Log Teacher Learning Area Science
Teaching Date and Time Quarter First

how changes in the environment may affect species extinction the structure and function of plant parts and organelles involved in
A. Content Standards
the structure and function of mitochondrion as the main organelle involved in
make a multimedia presentation of a timeline of extinction of representative design and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that plants can
B. Performance Standards
microorganisms, plants, and animals manufacture their own food
C. Learning Competencies/ relate species extinction to the failure of populations of organisms to adapt to differentiate basic features and importance of photosynthesis and
Objectives Write the LC code abrupt changes in the environment; S9LT-Ie-f-30 respiration. S9LT-lg-j-31
for each
Biodiversity and Evolution Biodiversity and Evolution Ecosystems: Life Energy Ecosystems: Life Energy
Human Activities that Destroy the Human Activities that Destroy the Activity 1. What are the structures Activity 2. Investigating the Leaf
Ecosystem Ecosystem involved in the food making process Stomata
Part 1 Part 2 in plants?
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
What do you think will happen to the What do you think will happen to the How organisms obtain energy from How do plants obtain energy? How
A. Reviewing previous lesson
ecosystem if human is not around? ecosystem if human is not around? food? do they produce energy?
or presenting the new lesson
Why? Why? How organisms produce energy?
What are the different human What are the different human Organisms need energy to sustain life Do plants breath like humans do?
B. Presenting examples/ activities that destroy the balanced activities that destroy the balanced in their daily activities. What are the What is inside the leaf? What are the
instances of the new lesson ecosystem? ecosystem? different processes involved? parts that involved in plants’
*ICT Integration. Learning Stations. respiration?
C. Discussing new concepts What are the ways to combat What are the ways to combat LS 1. Plant structure for What is a stomata? What are the
and practicing new skills #1 environment destruction? environment destruction? photosynthesis parts and functions of each part?
LS 2. Raw materials and products of
LS 3. Understanding the process of
V. EVALUATION/ As a student, how can you help in As a student, how can you help in Explain how processes of obtaining Draw and label the cross-section of
FORMATIVE (Any form of conserving and preserving the conserving and preserving the energy are being done by the plants? parts of a leaf which clearly shows a
Summative Test/Performance “Mother Earth?” “Mother Earth?” stomata. Explain the function of each
Test). Give a brief description part of stomata.
and sample questions.
A. Were all the objectives
attained? Why or why not?
B. What went well? What went
C. Mastery level of the learner.
% of those who did not master
the competencies (80% below)
% of those who averagely
mastered the competency/ies
% of those who proficiently
mastered the competency/ies
VI. UTILIZED LOCALIZED/ Video clips of different human Video clips of different human 3 units of computer, possibly from Video clips of leaf and stomata.
INDIGENIZED LEARNING activities that contributes to the activities that contributes to the Computer Lab. Video clip of a breathing leaf.
RESOURCES (Kindly identify) destruction of the environment. destruction of the environment.

Grades 9 School Grade Level 9

Teacher Learning Area Science
Daily Lesson Log
Teaching Date and Time Quarter First

the structure and function of plant parts and organelles involved in photosynthesis
A. Content Standards
the structure and function of mitochondrion as the main organelle involved in respiration
B. Performance Standards design and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that plants can manufacture their own food
C. Learning Competencies/ differentiate basic features and importance of photosynthesis and respiration; S9LT-lg-j-31
Objectives Write the LC code
for each
Ecosystems: Life Energy Ecosystems: Life Energy Ecosystems: Life Energy Ecosystems: Life Energy
Activity 3. Evidence of Evidence of Photosynthesis Evidence of Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration
Photosynthesis Advance Stage Advance Stage
Part 1 Part 2
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
A. Reviewing previous lesson How do plants breath? What are the evidences of What are the evidences of Explain advanced stages of evidences
or presenting the new lesson photosynthesis? photosynthesis? of photosynthesis.
How do plants manufacture their Does temperature, amount of carbon Does temperature, amount of carbon How does a food break down in
B. Presenting examples/
own food? Can you show us how this dioxide, and presence of light affect dioxide, and presence of light affect respiration in cellular level.
instances of the new lesson
is done in various ways? the rate of photosynthesis? the rate of photosynthesis? *word hunt
Oxygen and starch are products of Ideal temperature reading, Ideal temperature reading, Explain the different stages of
photosynthesis, how can you show us abundance of the presence of carbon abundance of the presence of carbon metabolic processes - glycolysis,
C. Discussing new concepts
the presence of these by-products? dioxide and light increases dioxide and light increases Krebs Cycle, and oxidative
and practicing new skills #1
What are the indicators? photosynthesis. photosynthesis. phosphorylation. Where in cell it took
V. EVALUATION/ Devise the experimental procedures Devise the experimental procedures Devise the experimental procedures Explain each metabolic processes.
FORMATIVE (Any form of for evidences of photosynthesis. for evidences of photosynthesis. for evidences of photosynthesis.
Summative Test/Performance Does the presence of light affect the Does the presence of light affect the
Test). Give a brief description rate of photosynthesis? Show. rate of photosynthesis? Show.
and sample questions.
A. Were all the objectives
attained? Why or why not?
B. What went well? What went
C. Mastery level of the learner.
% of those who did not master
the competencies (80% below)
% of those who averagely
mastered the competency/ies
% of those who proficiently
mastered the competency/ies
VI. UTILIZED LOCALIZED/ Test tube, bethadine Video clip for temperature, carbon Video clip for temperature, carbon Video clip for glycolysis, Krebs
INDIGENIZED LEARNING Video clip for oxygen and starch dioxide, light and dark reactions dioxide, light and dark reactions Cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.
RESOURCES (Kindly identify) presence, light and dark reactions. experiments on photosynthesis. experiments on photosynthesis.
Grades 9 School Grade Level 9
Daily Lesson Log Teacher Learning Area Science
Teaching Date and Time Quarter First

the structure and function of plant parts and organelles involved in photosynthesis
A. Content Standards
the structure and function of mitochondrion as the main organelle involved in respiration
B. Performance Standards design and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that plants can manufacture their own food
C. Learning Competencies/ differentiate basic features and importance of photosynthesis and respiration. S9LT-lg-j-31
Objectives Write the LC code
for each
Ecosystems: Life Energy Ecosystems: Life Energy Ecosystems: Life Energy Ecosystems: Life Energy
II. CONTENT Cellular Respiration in Yeast Cellular Respiration in Yeast Activity 4. Power House Activity 5. Let us ReCharge
Part 1 Part 2
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
A. Reviewing previous lesson Explain stages of metabolic How did you perform the activity on What is an ATP? What is glycolysis?
or presenting the new lesson processes. cellular respiration of yeast?
Where in each stages of cellular Explain what did you observe in each Why is the mitochondrion the so- What are the processes involved in
B. Presenting examples/
respiration in Yeast (video clip) does stages of cellular respiration of yeast. called power house of the cell? glycolysis?
instances of the new lesson
each metabolic processes manifests?
Explain the different stages of Explain the different stages of Explain the process of breaking down What are the products of glycolysis?
metabolic processes - glycolysis, metabolic processes - glycolysis, ATP in the mitochondrion. What are How important it is to cellular
C. Discussing new concepts
Krebs Cycle, and oxidative Krebs Cycle, and oxidative the parts it undergoes in the process? respiration?
and practicing new skills #1
phosphorylation. Where in cell it took phosphorylation. Where in cell it took
place? place?
V. EVALUATION/ Perform the experiment on Explain each metabolic processes in Draw and label a comprehensive Explain glycolysis and its different
FORMATIVE (Any form of metabolic processes in the Cellular the Cellular Respiration of Yeast. mitochondrion. processes.
Summative Test/Performance Respiration of Yeast.
Test). Give a brief description
and sample questions.
A. Were all the objectives
attained? Why or why not?
B. What went well? What went
C. Mastery level of the learner.
% of those who did not master
the competencies (80% below)
% of those who averagely
mastered the competency/ies
% of those who proficiently
mastered the competency/ies
VI. UTILIZED LOCALIZED/ Video clip of cellular respiration in Video clip of cellular respiration in Video clip of mitochondrion under Video clip of glycolysis.
INDIGENIZED LEARNING yeasts. yeasts. the process of breaking down ATP.
RESOURCES (Kindly identify)

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