Planet Webquest

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Inner vs.

Outer Planet WebQuest

• The planets of the solar system are divided into two groups: the inner and
outer planets. These 2 groups have different characteristics.

• It is your task to identify the general characteristics of the inner &
outer planets in our solar system.

The Process
• You will search the Internet to complete the worksheet. Here are a few websites
to get you started.

Credits and References

• list the Web site(s) you used to find the information about your planet.
Inner vs. Outer Planets

1. List the 8 planets in order from the sun.

2. List the 4 inner (terrestrial) planets

3. List the 4 outer (jovian) planets
4. What lies in between Mars and Jupiter?
5. Collect data about the planets:
Planet Distance Revolution Rotation Is it an Does # of What is the Is it Does it have
(fill in-with from the period Period inner it have moons temperature? made of a THICK or
planets closest Sun? (time to go (time to or rings? ? (If (high & low rock or thin
to sun & go out) USE around the spin on outer none temp.) gas atmosphere?
astronomical sun) axis-1 put 0)
units (AU’s) day)


Analyze your planet data:

6. Which planets are closest to the sun? inner or outer (circle the answer)
7. Which planets have a short Revolution period? inner or outer Which planets have a long Revolution
period? inner or outer
8. Which planets have a short Rotation period? inner or outer Which planets have a long Rotation
period? inner or outer
9. How many planets have rings? List them
10. Are these planets with rings inner or outer planets?
11. List the planets with more than 3 moons
Are these inner or outer planets?
12. Which planets are made of rock? inner or outer Which planets are made of gas? inner or outer
13. Which planets have a thin atmosphere? inner or outer Which planets have a thick? inner or outer

14. List 4 characteristics that all of the Outer Planets share

15. List 4 characteristics that all of the Inner Planets share

Pluto –no longer a planet??
1. Pluto is no longer considered a planet. What is its new category?
2. Describe Pluto’s size as compared to the other planets.
3. Pluto’s orbit around the sun is very different than the other planets. Describe how it is different.
4. Pluto is in an area of space called the Belt and astronomers believe that Pluto is a
belt object (KBO). Is Pluto the largest of the KBO objects? (use windows to the universe website)
5. What is Pluto made of?
6. Does Pluto have an atmosphere? If so what is it made of?
Is it thick or thin?
7. How many moons does Pluto have?
8. Does Pluto have rings?

9. Pluto is no longer considered a planet because it is very different than the other outer planets. Write a
paragraph describing 5 ways Pluto is different that the outer planets ( compare size, what it is made of, #
of moons, rings, atmosphere, orbit, etc..) Use the data on the other side of your paper.

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