DLP 2 - TheLittlePrince 1
DLP 2 - TheLittlePrince 1
DLP 2 - TheLittlePrince 1
I. Learning objectives
At the end of the lesson of a 60-minute lesson, the students should be able to:
A. identify the characters of the story.
B. Explain how important it is to respect each other’s differences.
C. Design a school program.
D. Compose a song about the Little Prince’s travel.
E. Role play a scenario in the story.
F. Create a big greeting card with a message promoting respect for differences.
G. Compose an open letter on how to achieve lasting peace.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: The Little Prince
Reference: Department of Education. 2015. Celebrating Diversity through World
Literature. Pasig City: Department Of Education
Materials: Laptop and projector
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Routine Activities
1. Opening Prayer and Greetings
“Good Morning Class!” “Good Morning Ma’am!”
(The students stand up and pray.)
“Dear God,
Thank you for looking after our school. Thank
you for loving us. Please help us to learn, play
and share together so that the world you
made becomes beautiful every day.
“Before you sit down, please pick the pieces (The students pick up the dirt under their
of paper or dirt under your chairs and throw chairs and throw them in the trash can.)
them to the trash can. Do it now.”
“Please sit down. Who are absent today?” “None, Ma’am!”
“Let’s have a recap of what has transpired (The students raise their hand.)
yesterday. What did we do yesterday?”
“What did you see in the video?” “I saw how diverse our country is. We have
beautiful beaches like the famous Boracay.”
“Please proceed to page 410 on your book, (The students answer the activity.)
Task 4: Word Match. These are the words
you are going to encounter in the story The
Little Prince. Please get a ¼ sheet of paper.
Answers only. Match each words to its
corresponding meaning.”
“Let’s answer your activity. Exchange papers (The students exchange papers with their
with the person in front of you.” classmate in front of them.)
(The students ask the students to answer (The students answer the activity.)
each question aloud.)
“I’ll play a video and I want you to pay
attention it. Later, you share your insights
about the video you just watched.
(The video starts.)
“Kindness is free as well as love and care
toward other people. Sometimes, we just
need a little bit of kindness to make
everything fine. Despite of his situation, he
never hesitated to help and give smiles to
other people, even his dog was given the
equal attention.”
“Correct. Kindness is free so might as well
spread it. Do you know that the meanest
people need it? Because they are full of hate
and anger that they forget to feel kind.
Someone cannot give what he/she doesn’t
have. A person full of anger and hate will not
spread kindness because he/she is blinded
with negative emotions. That’s why, be a ball
of sunshine to everyone and spread kindness.
This world needs it the most especially love.
Understood?” “Yes Ma’am!”
“Yes Mark?”
“Why do you say so?”
“Because the Little Prince was still trying to
know the Fox. Also, the Little Prince has to
tame the Fox first before they became
friends and the Fox wasn’t tamed instantly
because they had to go rituals first. “
“Very good. What page number?”
(The students raise their hand.)
“Page 411-413”
“Very good. 2 points for every number. 1
point for the agree/disagree column and 1
point for the page number. Next number.”
“I agree because if the Little prince would
tame the Fox, he would have a friend.”
“Very good. What page number?”
(The students raise their hand.)
“Page 413.”
“Next. The Fox instructed the Little Prince
about the “rite” that he must perform.” (The students raise their hand.)
“Agree because the Little Prince was finally
taming the Fox.”
“Very good. And what page number?”
(The students raise their hand.)
“Page 413”
“Correct. The Fox cried when the Little Prince
left.” (The students raise their hand.)
“Agree. The Fox cried when the Little Prince
was leaving the Fox already.”
“What did the Little Prince tell the Fox when
he said he’s going to cry?” “He said that it’s the Fox fault because he
wanted him to tame him and he never
wished to do harm to him.”
“Very good. What page number?”
(The students raise their hand.)
“Correct. Once a person tames something, it (The students raise their hand.)
becomes special. Agree or Disagree?”
The Fox
The Little Prince meets the fox in the desert.
The fox is a wise creature, which teaches the
Prince about the essence of life.”
“Very good. How important is the “rite” or
“ritual” of taming in the friendship of the
Little Prince and the Fox?
(The students raise their hand.)
“Yes Jacob?”
“The Little Prince and the Fox will finally
become friends.”
“Very good. Next question. Do you think you
have tamed another and have been tamed as
well?” “Yes Ma’am.”
“Give an example.”
(The students raise their hand.)
“Yes Mica.”
“In building relationship with people, we
have to understand them despite of their
individual differences and uniqueness no
matter who they are. We have to know that
everyone is different from each other.”
“Very good. “
“So, how can we relate this lesson into our
lives” “Understanding each other’s differences is
very important in order for us to build
“Right! Isn’t President Duterte visits other relationships”
country to build ties? In building ties, we
have to understand deeply everything about
someone or something. Despite of our
differences, we must have a very good
communication skills so that we will be able
to get information and put them solely in our
hearts and minds.”
“For your activity. Please go to page 415 Task
6 Sensations. You get ½ crosswise and work
on triad. Describe the Little Prince and the
Fox by writing a sentence that would appeal
to the senses. Be sure to use words that will
create pictures in the minds of your readers.
Let the graphic organizer below help you in
this activity.
Little Prince
Hearing Sight
Taste Smell
Taste Sight
“Very good!”
“How about the sense of taste? How do you (The students raise their hand.)
think the little prince tastes like? You can
describe him through his travel in different
planets. If you were to eat or taste the little
prince, how would you describe him?”
“I think the little prince would taste like
“Yes Jimmy?” sweat because of the continuous travelling
and new environment every now and then.”
(The students laugh.)
“Jimmy has a point class. Imagine yourself
always travelling to different planets. Put
yourself in his situation. If someone were to
taste you, what do you would you taste like?
You might as well taste the same, right? Or
you can taste like a fresh tomato since you
are still young.”
(The students raise their hand.)
“How about the sense of touch? How do you
think the little prince feels like when you
touch him? “I think the little prince would feel very
smooth and soft since he is still young.
“How about the sense of taste? Describe the (The students raise their hand.)
taste of Fox.”
“Very good. The Fox might taste awful (The students raise their hand.)
because of what it eats. The Fox eats another
animal which is dirt and that animal might as
well be eating different kinds of animals.
Remember what we take in our body defines
what’s inside our body. For example, if you
eat vegetables then you are going to have a
healthy body but if you eat almost
preservatives then of course there will be
complications in your body. How about the
sense of touch?”
“I think the Fox’s texture might be woolly.
Like the one a sheep has? Because they don\t
“Very good. Since animals in the wild do not take a bath so the tendency the Fox’s skin
take a bath like what we do with our pets. would be woolly.”
That is a very good observation.”
(The students raise their hand.)
“What about the sense of smell? How does
the Fox smells like?”
“The Fox smells like an animal who hasn’t
“Jane” taken a bath for a long period of time
because it’s been hunted by humans. The Fox
just prefers to hide instead of roaming
*Additional materials for the creative