BSBPMG511 Assessment 2 Part 2 Scope Management Plan

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The key takeaways are about developing a Scope Management Plan for redesigning an intranet facility for a large state government department.

The project is about redesigning the intranet facility for a large state government department called the Department of Transactions (DOT) as the current intranet is old and needs improvements to be more effective for the increased data and users.

The key components of the Scope Management Plan include the project background, scope definition, work breakdown structure (WBS), schedule, resources and budget planning, risk management planning, change management planning and stakeholder sign off.



Business Unit/Work Group Management Studies

Qualification Code BSB51415
Qualification Title Diploma of Project Management
Unit Code/s BSBPMG511
Unit Title/s Manage Project Scope
Assessment Task Title Assessment 2 Part 2: Project Scope Management Plan

Student Declaration I hereby declare that the material herein submitted for assessment is my own
work except where specifically acknowledged and referenced.
Student Name
Student SIS ID
Student Signature
Assessor Name


Overview of Assessment The Project Scope Management Plan is included as one of the sections in the
overall Project Management plan. It can be very detailed and formal, or loosely
framed and informal depending on the communication needs of the project. It
provides guidance on how project scope will be defined, documented, verified,
managed and controlled by project management team.

It includes:

 Scope definition: A process to prepare detailed project scope statement

based on preliminary project scope statement
 Create WBS: A process that enables creation of WBS also establishes how
WBS will be maintained and approved
 Scope Verification: How formal verification and acceptance of the
completed project deliverables will be obtained
 Scope Control: A process to control changes to project scope, it is directly
linked to integrated change control

Using the various activities that you have completed and saved earlier in this
unit, including the feedback you gathered from the meeting with your Project
Sponsor, use the template below to complete a Scope Management Plan.

Task/s to be assessed Using the research and feedback you gathered from your Project Sponsor in
Assessment 2 Part 1, complete the Scope Management Plan template below.
Each component of the Plan must be completed.
Time allowed This is a written task. Consult your Study Guide for suggested timeframes for

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RTO CODE 41026 | CRICOS 00092B
Location This assessment will be completed by the student during self study time. This
may be on Campus, at home, at work or wherever the student completes
Decision making rules To receive a satisfactory outcome for this assessment you must complete the
Scope Management Plan Template in full and follow the instructions for word
count and other metrics under each component heading of the Template
Assessment conditions Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered
demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the
management and leadership – project management field of work and include
access to:
 workplace documentation used to document and manage project
 examples of feedback from project stakeholders regarding
management of project scope
 case studies and, where possible, real situations
Interaction with others
Resources required  Using word processing software (ie MS Word or Excel) and submitting via
electronic device (ie computer)
Results/Reassessment When and how will the student be advised of the assessment outcome?
Provide information about reassessment process.

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1. Project Title

State Government design and implementation of an intranet facility

2. Project Background

A needs analysis was completed for a large fictional State government department (Department of
Transactions or ‘DOT’) as the intranet facility which is being used, is a bit old and it needs to be improved to
be effective and proficient for the department, due to the new added dataset and users. Also there had
been some complaints about lack of information and confusion by end users, lack of communication
amongst staff, low morale and stakeholder commitment. However, the current system need to be updated
to use

However, a business case was outsourced and developed by ACME Consultants and approval for the
project was given by the project Sponsor.

Scope management approach

3. Roles and Responsibilities


Project Senior Senior

Manager Executive 2 Executive 1

Suppliers Team Leaders

Porcurement Engineers

The Minister of the Department is required to sign off on the proposal and on the finished product. She is
also requiring regular reporting on the project. The Project Sponsor is identified as a senior staff member of
the department, has given approval for the project to start. However, a detailed scope plan will need to be
established then signed by the sponsor. Also, the Project’s Sponsor is needed to give authorities to expend
the fund.

4. Scope definition

The solution of the complaints problem in the department was to design and develop an intranet system
with the ability to communicate and report within the Department and to other government departments
as well as provide a service to the community.

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RTO CODE 41026 | CRICOS 00092B
5. Objective(s)

The objectives of the State Government design and implementation of an intranet facility project need to
have a system which is included

 An information/communication portal for in internal staff

 A financial transaction portal for customer use (Bill payments) with a finance reporting system
 An extensive database of suppliers and contractors for ease of procurement

These objectives will be provided to the department in 12 months starting from 10 th of Oct 2019 with a
budget of $1,000,000.

6. Outcome(s)

 An information/communication portal for in internal staff

 A financial transaction portal for customer use (Bill payments) with a finance reporting system
 An extensive database of suppliers and contractors for ease of procurement

7. Outputs/deliverables

Success of the project will be measured on the uptake of the new system by staff, the ease of transactions
by external end users and the reporting function for the finance department. The specific requirements of
the system will be developed by the subject matter experts, the finance department and some key
supervisory staff.

8. Acceptance Criteria

The specific requirements of the system will be developed by the subject matter experts, the finance
department and some key supervisory staff. Furthermore, New equipment and infrastructure will need to
be considered, as will training staff on the intranet and financial transaction processes so they will be able
to answer questions by external end users. Feedback will need to be gathered during the pilot phase to
make sure any changes are approved before implementation.
In addition, as a testing stage in the scope, it could be noted to the communications across the team which
will need to be carefully examined since the team members are located in different areas of the
department and across functions. Because this project will have a function for internal communication and
information sharing, it is very important to make sure the project team is fully aware of the objectives and
outcomes of the project.

9. Scope exclusions

The department has several contractors and sub-contractors who deliver different kinds of the database to
the department. Their data are in different kinds such as paper, maps, digital file and so on. However, there
is not any defined platform to unify these data to upload in the system and also it does not mention in the
project to use any specific procedure to use different data. So in this project, we are doing our tasks based
on the former database, which is already used.

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RTO CODE 41026 | CRICOS 00092B
10. Assumptions and Constraints

Assumptions are the things that are assumed to be true, but may not be true. Some of the assumptions of
the project are related to the project team members such as their availability, performance and skills. Also,
the HR department has advised that some resource will not be available during all of the project schedule.
In addition, the following are a few other assumptions in the project:
1. The technical context of the project such as platform that is used in the department.
2. Facilities that will be available to the project such as the shared drive. The department has a shared
drive which has been used by all staffs and end users with some specific access criteria.
3. Infrastructure that will be available to the project such as the current network. The intranet facility
that was implemented and developed by ACME.

The department has a risk management policy and risk adverse. The triple constraints of all projects are
time, cost and quality. Higher cost, delay or any differences in the level of the quality of the deliverables in
the project are some of the risks in this project. If these will happen, project change documentation will be
provided and will need to be approved and signed off by the sponsor. Change can involve the schedule
(deadlines), costs, quality requirements, etc.

11. Assumptions:

One of the main assumptions in this project is having access to the shared drive of the department. Also,
another assumption of the project is the specific qualifications of the project team. The project manager is
going to ask the HR department to consider that in the selection of the team. Furthermore, the HR
department has advised that some resource will not be available during all of the project schedule. The
project manager is having to negotiate with the sponsor for these resources.

12. Constraints:

At this stage, the budget has been set at $1,000,000. And the project will have 12 months to design, pilot
and implement the new system. Also the Department does not have existing repository for project
management documents and does not have a Project Management Office. Furthermore, the department is
not working on the holidays and the working hours during week days are limited. This means that the
project team members have a quite limitation to access the platform in the DOT.

13. Work Breakdown Structure

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RTO CODE 41026 | CRICOS 00092B
Department Intranet

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.5
Monitoring and
Initiation Planning Execution Closeout

1.1.1 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.3.1

1.3.2 1.3.3 1.4.1 1.5.1
Develop Bussines Perform Primary Perfirm Supply Manage
Manage Porcurement Execute project tasks Monitoring platforms Document Closeout
case Planning Planning Communications

1.1.2 1.4.2 Manage 1.5.2
Assign project changes
Develop WBS Plan Risk Mana. Build subsystem A Transfer Project

1.1.3 1.4.3

Initiation Plan Schedule Plan Change Build subsystem B Perform Facility
Plan Resources and

14. Scope Control

Control Scope is the process of monitoring the status of the project and product scope and managing
changes to the scope baseline. The key benefit of this process is that it allows the scope baseline to be
maintained throughout the project. The scope control process is as follow:

1. Setting standards
2. Measuring performance
3. Evaluating deviations
4. Correcting

Tasks of the projects need to be added with proper adjustments to schedule, cost, or resources, to reduce
the scope creep. The project sponsor can establish acceptable parameters for scope changes at the project
planning stage.  Then, the scope statement should be inspected and verified weekly by the project manager
in terms of physical, financial, information and human resources. However, the control scope statement
need to be approved by the sponsor of the project. Furthermore, the use of variance analysis as a Tool and
Technique of Scope Control is introduced. Schedule variance (SV) and Cost variance (CV), two monitory
values that show the differences between the actual and planned schedule and cost.

15. Change Control

Several steps are required to develop a change control in the project; define, document, and communicate
a structured approach to requesting, evaluating, and approving change requests. any change that has the
potential to impact expectations should follow a formalized change request, approval, and communication
process. Scope, budget, schedules, and risks are typically interdependent and directly influence our
stakeholder perceptions. Taking a lean approach to scope change request documentation can help
influence acceptance of this sometimes painful but vital process for capturing change. Determine early that
what the tripwires and associate levels of authority are for approving a requested change.

In this project, a change with an impact of, delay for more than a week or budget of more than a $10,000
needs to be escalated to the sponsor of the project to be approved. However, with less that these impacts
the project manager’s approval is enough. On the other hand, a change in scope and risk need to be
approved by the key stockholders and sponsor of the project.
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RTO CODE 41026 | CRICOS 00092B

Project sponsor approval

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Date:5 Oct. 19 Date:7 Oct. 19 Date: 10 Oct. 19


Include 5 potential issues affecting the scope of the project in the table below. Include the impact of the change
on the scope, the recommendation for an effective resolution and what lesson can be learned from this issue

Issue Constraint Impact of Recommendation for Lessons learned

effected change to the resolution
Delay in Time The project may Reschedule other tasks to Communicate early
contractor be behind lessen the impact on the and often with
availability schedule schedule contractors to ensure
affecting other no delays
Low Quality Projects may be Appropriate quality Need to control and
performance or standards behind the standards should be assurance the quality
delay in the schedule written into the project throughout the
project management plan project
More cost Cost the rest of the action should be taken to Check regularly the
expended than project will be recover and limit actual cost against
planned affected propagation effects plan
Delay in project Project The cost and Project team are spelled Communicate early
team budget will be out the roles and and often with team
affected responsibility member

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RTO CODE 41026 | CRICOS 00092B

Satisfactory ☐
Not Satisfactory ☐

Reassessment Details
(if applicable)
Date of reassessment
(Attach supplementary observation checklist/s used in re-assessment)

Reassessment Outcome (if applicable)

Satisfactory ☐
Not Satisfactory ☐

Feedback to Student

Student Name
Student Signature

I have been advised of the outcome of this assessment.

Assessor Name
Assessor Signature

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RTO CODE 41026 | CRICOS 00092B

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