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Paper—A Development of the Blended Learning Model Using Edmodo for Maximizing Students’ Oral

Proficiency and Motivation

A Development of the Blended Learning Model

Using Edmodo for Maximizing Students’ Oral
Proficiency and Motivation

Saovapa Wichadee
Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand
[email protected]

Abstract—The purposes of this study were to develop a blended learning

model using Edmodo as a learning tool in language learning and examine the
effectiveness of the model implemented in an English course regarding oral
proficiency, motivation, and attitude. To achieve these purposes, a quasi-
experimental design was employed to collect data using the tests and question-
naires. The samples in this study were the second-year students enrolled in an
intermediate English course. The samples were from two classes, each of which
contained 42 students. One class was used for the control group; another one for
the experimental group. In the control group, students were only taught in a
face-to-face learning environment using the PPP model whereas the experi-
mental group studied through the PPP model in class supported by online learn-
ing using Edmodo. The findings indicate that blended learning was more effec-
tive than traditional learning. That is, students in the experimental group not on-
ly outperformed those in the control group in oral proficiency, but they also ex-
hibited higher learning motivation. Although students in both groups did not
differ in their attitude toward the PPP model, those in the experimental group
expressed a positive attitude toward Edmodo. The findings of this study have
implications for English language instructors, encouraging them to see how
technology can facilitate learning and help learners produce better academic

Keywords—blended learning, Edmodo, oral proficiency, motivation

1 Introduction

Oral communication is a vital part of language learning [1]. Oral proficiency refers
to the ability to communicate verbally in a functional and accurate way in a target
language [2]. A person with a high degree in oral proficiency is able to apply the
linguistic knowledge to new situations or contexts. People in Thailand have realized
that English oral proficiency is deemed necessary as the country is having more roles

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Proficiency and Motivation

in global community [3]. Especially, when the Asean Community was launched in
January 2016, English competency is deemed necessary to compete with others in the
labour market. Thai students’ poor grasp of communication ability has become a
major concern for educators and policy makers. Several obstacles that hinder oral
proficiency include inadequate exposure to the English meditated environment [4],
the lack of oral practice, the lack of confidence in speaking, and English accent of
Thai instructors [5].
One of the models that has been used to develop speaking skill is the “Presentation,
Practice and Production (PPP)”, starting with introducing the new teaching content,
followed by controlled practice and a free practice. This model aims at moving from
accuracy to fluency, focusing on form. The first step, “Presentation”, is where the
instructor examines how much of the target language the students know. The teacher
will then present the language structure, usually with a PowerPoint or on a board. The
goal of presentation is to “help the learner acquire new linguistic knowledge” [6]. In
the second step called “Practice”, there is controlled practice of the target language
given to the students. This could be in the form of worksheets or oral exercises target-
ed at individual students. The practice provides learners with repetition of the target
structure, followed by generating output including these structures [7]. Practicing
really plays a significant role in learning pronunciation and learning lexical chunks.
Since accuracy is also regarded as an indicator of the improvement, the main target of
practicing is to make learners be able to use the structures to communicate naturally
and correctly in real life situations. The instructor can also check whether learners
understand the item presented in the first step or not. The third step, “Production”,
aims at increasing fluency in linguistic use through autonomous and more creative
activities [8]. In this step, the students start to produce language more
freely. Discussions, role plays and problem-solving activities are sample activities in
this step. The levels of fluency are developed as follows:

! Speak slowly with long pauses and/or a lot of incomplete thought

! Speak with frequent pauses, a few incomplete thoughts
! Speak with some stumbling, no incomplete thought
! Speak continuously without pauses or stumbling.

Since the ‘Production’ step rather takes time and cannot be done much in class, the
present study adopted a new kind of technology called “Edmodo” as a supplemental
tool that allows more natural learning to increase their fluency. It is believed that
students can achieve fluency if they are provided with useful learning resources and
activities. The more they learn, the more they make the selected structures compre-
Edmodo is a social media network designed by Jeff O’Hara and Nick Borg in 2008
available at www.edmodo.com [9]. It looks really similar to Facebook, so it is known
as “Facebook for school.” However, Edmodo is much more private and secure be-
cause instructors create accounts and allow students to access and join the group using
a code to register in the group [10]. In this regard, instructors can set up a virtual class
for students to work together on group assignments [11]. They can share content,
discuss topics, receive their instructor feedback and have access to grades very easily.

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Students who are absent will be no longer left behind since they can do a self-study
from slides, videos, or worksheets. Due to additional features such as media sharing
or socializing, Edmodo can be a replacement of course management system (CMS).
Therefore, instructors can apply Edmodo as an enhanced tool in blending learning for!
course management systems. Edmodo strongly fosters innovation, creativity, active
participation and collaboration [12]. Owing to its similar appearance to Facebook that
students are familiar with, it is very easy to apply to classrooms of all subjects. As for
the attitude toward the use of Edmodo and motivation in learning, a large number of
studies showed positive results [13, 14, 15, 16, 17].

2 Overview

2.1 Blended learning

Blended learning has become a key concept in language learning for quite some
time. Actually, the term “blended” is extensively and differently used within the con-
text of teaching and learning. It can be defined as combining pedagogical approaches
to produce optimum learning outcomes [18] or as a combination of face-to-face learn-
ing and teaching mediated by technology [19] which is a focus in this study. It is
strongly believed that, in a blended course, conventional learning is supplemented
with the use of proper learning technologies. The use of technologies with new teach-
ing methodologies can create innovative learning environments that enable instructors
to organize their teaching in a more efficient way. For instance, classroom time can be
spent to teach the content suitable for face-to-face meetings. Practices and supplemen-
tary resources for the subject matter are offered through the technological tools select-
ed to suit the course contents. Blended learning can remove deficiencies found in the
learning process such as time limit of face-to-face classroom. Previous studies reveal
positive results of blended learning on learners’ performance [20, 21].

2.2 Motivation in learning

For learners to achieve their goals in online learning, one essential element is moti-
vation which serves as a driving force that propels us to become active [22]. Accord-
ing to Olasina, the way learners interacted and communicated socially with other
fellow learners online was closely and affirmatively related with learners’ motivation.
Learners had been increasingly stimulated to learn due to the introduction and de-
ployment of innovations which proved successful [23]. Learners developed a more
favorable attitude toward learning when they experienced blended (or hybrid, or
mixed-mode) learning, a combination of actual class time and online learning, where
they were allowed a certain amount of control over when, where, and how they
learned [24]. Bhatti, Tubaisahat, and El-Quawasmeh [25] found that the less learners
depended on the teachers’ help, the more satisfied they felt with blended learning.
Previous studies were conducted to compare the learning motivation in two teaching

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Proficiency and Motivation

approaches, and the findings revealed that the blended approach produced more active
learning and motivation comparing to the traditional approach [26, 27, 28]
Aforesaid benefits of the blended learning concept strengthened my beliefs and
confidence in creating a blended learning model for oral skill development to be used
in an English course. Individual learning and in-class assignments may not be enough
for non-native students, especially for those with low proficiency of English. There-
fore, the focus of this study was to supplement collective knowledge and web-based
applications to the course as assignments outside class. The blended learning model
was designed based on the course objectives with an aim to help students learn more
effectively. It was also designed to solve the problem of limited learning in a tradi-
tional setting with an expectation that this model could enhance students’ oral profi-
ciency and motivation up to their potential maximum. The results of this study will
demonstrate how students’ mutual learning can occur with the support of technology
and how much group effort on activities in an online learning environment had on
their learning outcomes. If the model leads to better language learning and higher
motivation, it will be a new choice for redesigning the syllabus of future courses.
Based on the literature review, this study focused on the three variables comprising
oral proficiency, learning motivation, and attitude. Therefore, the blended learning
model supported by Edmodo was developed in response to the requirement of the EN
013 course which mainly aimed to improve students’ oral proficiency. The model was
also designed to increase their motivation to learn English and promote positive atti-
tude toward learning.

2.3 Research objectives

1. To develop the blended learning model to be implemented in an English course

2. To evaluate the effectiveness of the model
(a) To compare the students' oral proficiency between those in the control group
and those in the experimental group after the intervention
(b) To compare the students’ learning motivation between the two groups
(c) To compare the students’ attitude toward the PPP method between the two
(d) To measure the attitude toward the use of Edmodo in blended learning of stu-
dents in the experimental group

2.4 Hypotheses

H1: Students in the experimental group had better oral proficiency than those in the
control group.
H2: Students in the experimental group had higher motivation than those in the
control group.
H3: Students in the experimental group had more positive attitude toward the PPP
model than those in the control group.

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3 Methodology

3.1 Participants

2,625 students from a private university in Thailand participated in this research.

They enrolled in EN013 (3 credits) in semester 1 of academic year 2015. The fact that
this research was done at a university made it difficult to randomize each course and
allocate it to control and experimental groups. A more viable option was to apply the
quasi-experimental design, which allows for control over certain factors that may
result in defective experiments [29]. This study employed G* power to estimate the
sample size. Based on an independent t-test with an effect size d of 0.8, the sample
size of each group should be 42. So, the samples comprised two sections with 42
students in each section. One section was chosen to be the control group while anoth-
er one was the experimental group. The researcher taught both groups. As the name of
the course suggests, EN013 (English for Expressing Ideas) aimed to enhance students’
abilities in speaking, conversation, and discussion in a target language. Many activi-
ties were included as practical real-life device. The course required students to meet in
class once a week for 70 minutes. There were 14 weeks in a semester.

3.2 Research design

The quasi-experimental study was designed to compare learning achievement, mo-

tivation and attitude between students in a course being taught with blended learning
model using Edmodo (the experimental group) and those being taught regularly in
class only (control group). Both groups began with a study in a face-to-face setting for
five weeks when there was still no treatment applied to them. Most time was spent on
the content from the textbook. During weeks 8-12, students in the experimental group
were provided with access to online learning called “Edmodo” which was employed
to support face-to-face learning, whereas students in the control group were involved
with face-to-face learning only.

3.3 Instruments

Three instruments including proficiency tests and two sets of questionnaire meas-
uring motivation and attitude were employed in the study. The first instrument was
the tests which were used to assess students’ abilities in discussing and doing role
play in both groups. The first small group discussion test was done in week 6 and the
second test in week 13. Also, there were two role plays students had to perform. The
first one was done as the mid-term score in week 7 and another one was done in week
14 for final grading. Each test contained 10 points. Therefore, there were 20 points for
the pre-test, and 20 points for the post-test.
The second instrument in this study was a motivational questionnaire adapted from
Keller’s Course Interest Survey [30] to suit the Thai context. It consisted of 10 items

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with five rating scale replies (1= strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor
disagree, 4 = agree, and 5 = strongly agree). The third instrument was a questionnaire
surveying attitude comprising two parts: attitude toward the PPP model and attitude
toward Edmodo. The first part contained 10 items while the second part had 15 items
with five rating scale responses (1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree
nor disagree, 4 = agree, and 5 = strongly agree). Both parts were given to the experi-
mental group, but the control group received only the first part. As everyone knows,
the instructor’s selection of software determines the way students interact. Edmodo
was selected to use as a learning tool because it can support collaborative learning and
working together.
The Likert scale items in the motivational and attitudinal questionnaires were eval-
uated for the content validity by means of IOC: Index of item objective congruence by
three experts. The results showed that all items could be reserved as they possessed
proper index (0.66-1.00). In order to determine internal consistency reliability, the
questionnaires were piloted with 40 undergraduate students in another class and cal-
culated to find out Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients. As for the motivation question-
naire, the alpha coefficient value of 0.924 indicated that the reliability of the ques-
tionnaire was high. Attitude toward the PPP model, with the alpha coefficient value of
0.822 and attitude toward Edmodo, with the alpha coefficient value of 0.875 also
indicated a level of rather high reliability of the questionnaire.

3.4 Data analysis

The data obtained from the tests and the questionnaires were analyzed quantitative-
ly. To ensure that both the control and experimental groups were as equivalent as
possible before the study was carried out, an independent samples t-test was used to
determine whether the control group and the experimental group were homogeneous
in terms of oral proficiency. Paired samples t-tests were used to find out the develop-
ment of oral proficiency. When a statistically difference of the pre-test scores between
both groups was found, ANCOVA was used to find out whether the experimental
group gained higher proficiency than the control group. MANOVA was employed to
compare motivation and attitude toward the PPP model between the two groups.
Moreover, mean and standard deviation were used to demonstrate motivation, attitude
toward the PPP model, and attitude toward Edmodo in all items.

3.5 The blended learning model of the experimental group

For the experimental group, after students studied through “the PPP model” they
had a chance to do some activities in an on-line learning environment. The key con-
cept of the blended model in this study was based on Vygotsky’s social development
theory [31], Finocchario & Brumfit’s principles of language teaching [32], and blend-
ed learning approach [33]. The author employed Edmodo as a tool to create a mutual
learning platform for 42 students in an experimental group. All students were given
the code that they used when joining the class.

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Fig. 1. Blended learning model

They received the traditional PPP teaching plus online learning through Edmodo.
Figure 1 demonstrates the treatment given to the experimental group.
In conclusion, certain activities were added in the curricula of the course using
Edmodo as follows:

1. Before doing a role play, the instructor uploaded key words followed by several
examples of role playing in Edmodo system. Then students in groups created their
own script by integrating knowledge into action. When they got stuck on script
writing, they could post questions. Often, other students had answered those ques-
tions before the instructor did. By so doing, students developed the skills of initia-
tive, communication, and problem solving. This transformed the old way of learn-
ing to collaborative and active learning. After each team had posted the clips of
role play in Edmodo, they would receive comments from the instructor and peers.
2. The students in groups of four had to prepare a 5-minute talk on the same topic that
they had discussed earlier in class, recorded themselves and uploaded the clips in
Edmodo system. Those clips could be watched and commented by the instructor
and other students. By getting different comments or suggestions in terms of fluen-
cy, pronunciation, facial expressions, etc, students could improve their speaking
performances, which could hardly be done in traditional large-sized classes.
3. Edmodo enabled the students to realize the topics to be discussed in the next class.
So, they could search the content to support their discussion in advance. Tradition-
ally, questions for next class discussion were written on board. This took quite a
large amount of time and was often in vain because students did not like to take
notes of them or they might forget what they had to prepare.

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4. Before students took the tests of small group discussion and role play in week 13-
14, they had a chance to do the online exercises to check how well they could use
language in various situations. Questions were kind of multiple choices and match-

Fig. 2. Screenshot of instructor’s Edmodo platform

4 Findings

Research Question 1: To what extent did the blended learning model improve
students’ oral proficiency?
Table 1 shows descriptive statistics for the results of the pre- and post-tests for both
groups. The pre-test mean scores of students in the control group and experimental
group were 10.81 and 9.74 from 20 points, and those scores increased to 13.52 and
14.71 consecutively after the intervention. Then, paired samples t-tests were conduct-
ed to see whether each group significantly improved their oral proficiency. From t-test
analysis, the post-test mean scores were significantly higher than the pre-test mean
scores in both groups (P = .001). It is noted that the mean score of the experimental
group improved more than that of the control group with mean differences of 4.97 and

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Table 1. Pre-Test And Post-Test Scores

Group Pre-test (n=42) Post-test (n=42) t p
! 10.81 13.52
SD 1.53 1.73 11.121 .001

! 9.74 14.71
SD 1.94 2.04 24 .511 .001

Then the post-test proficiency scores of both groups were to be compared to test
the first hypothesis. To assure that the samples assigned to both groups were initially
equal since the pre-test mean score of control group was higher than that of the exper-
imental group (10.81, 9.74), an independent samples t-test was run to compare their
pre-test scores. The result showed t = 2.809, df = .82, and P =.003, indicating that the
two groups were not equivalent. It can be concluded that both groups were different in
their proficiency at the beginning of the experiment. This suggested that a comparison
of post-test scores be analyzed using ANCOVA, using the pre-test score as a covari-
The first research hypothesis aimed to find out whether students in the experi-
mental group developed higher oral proficiency than those in the control group after
the intervention. The results show that students in the experimental group had better
oral proficiency than those in the control group after the intervention ( ! = 14.71,
13.52). To test the hypothesis, the post-test mean scores of the two groups were com-
pared by using ANCOVA. The results from an analysis revealed that oral proficiency
of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group (F =
38.961, P = .001). So, Hypothesis I stating that students in the experimental group had
better oral proficiency than those in the control group was accepted.

Table 2. Results Of Ancova Test

Source SS df MS F p
Corrected Model 166.407a 2 83.204 43.091 .001
Intercept 98.530 1 98.530 51.028 .001
Covariate: pretest 136.645 1 136.645 70.768 .001
group 75.229 1 75.229 38.961 .001
Error 156.402 81 1.931
Total 17068.000 84
a. R Squared = .515 (Adjusted R Squared = .504)

Research Question 2: How did the motivation of students in the experimental

group differ from that of students in the control group?
At the end of the course, the motivational questionnaire was given to both groups
in order to assess their motivation. According to Table 2, it is noteworthy that students
in the experimental group had more motivation than those in the control group in
eight items including number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9. There were only two items (no.
8, no.10) that students in the control group had more motivation than those in the
experimental group. These items are the activities and the amount of work in the
course. When considering each item, it is found that the highest mean scores of both

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groups were the same item (no. 2, I actively participate in the activities of this course)
even though the mean scores were rather much different ( ! = 4.19, 4.40).

Table 3. Mean Scores Of Motivation

Motivation Control Experimental
! S.D. ! S.D.
1. I enjoy studying English. 3.79 .72 4.10 .62
2. I actively participate in the activities of this course. 4.19 .74 4.40 .73
3. I think the given tasks are not too difficult. 3.95 .66 4.05 .79
4. I am very satisfied with the course. 3.67 .65 4.10 .76
5. I feel confident that I will do well in this course. 3.69 .68 4.12 .70
6. The content of this course is useful to me. 3.79 .78 4.17 .58
7. The content in this course motivates me to learn. 3.88 .74 4.17 .66
8. The activities in the course capture my attention. 4.12 .74 4.10 .69
9. This course can develop my language proficiency. 3.52 .59 3.90 .69
10. The amount of work in the course is suitable. 3.93 .71 3.90 .73
Total 3.85 .44 4.09 .41

Research Question 3: How did the attitude toward the PPP model of students in
the experimental group differ from that of students in the control group?
After taking the course, students were given the survey of attitude toward the PPP
model. According to Table 4, the overall attitude mean scores of the two groups were
not much different. Both groups had a positive attitude toward the PPP model ( ! =
4.01, 4.05). However, when considering each items, students in the experimental
group expressed more positive attitude toward the PPP model than those in the control
group in six items (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9).
For students in the control group, the third highest mean score fell on item no. 1 (I
am encouraged to speak and interact in English, ! = 4.33), followed by item no. 8
(The PPP model enables me to study English more systematically, ! = 4.24), and item
no. 3 (The PPP model is not time consuming, ! = 4.19). The lowest mean score of
attitude was item no. 7 (The PPP model helps me improve my ability to speak natural-
ly, ! = 3.57).
For students in the experimental group, the highest mean score fell on no. 1 (I am
encouraged to speak and interact in English, ! = 4.40), which was the same item as
the control group. The items with the second highest mean scores were item no. 4 (I
feel comfortable when the teacher uses the PPP model, ! = 4.12) and item no. 6 (I
become more active when studying through the PPP model, ! = 4.12). The lowest
mean score was item no. 9 (The PPP model helps me improve my ability to speak
naturally, ! = 3.86).
The results from MANOVA analysis (Table 5) revealed that there was a difference
in motivation between the experimental group and the control group. That is, motiva-
tion of students in the experimental group was significantly higher than those in the
control group at a significance level of .05 (F = 6.551, P = .006). Therefore, the hy-
pothesis stating that students who studied through the blended learning model gained
higher motivation than those receiving only the face-to-face setting was accepted.

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However, attitude toward the PPP model of the experimental group was not statisti-
cally higher than that of the control group (F = .092, P = 0.382). As a result, the hy-
pothesis stating that the attitude toward the PPP model of the experimental group was
more positive than that of the control group was rejected.

Table 4. Mean Scores Of Attitude

Attitude toward the PPP Model Control Experimental
! S.D. ! S.D.
1. Through the PPP model, I am encouraged to speak and
4.33 .75 4.40 .70
interact in English.
2. The PPP model is an effective way to learn English. 3.98 .71 4.02 .68
3. I think the PPP model is not time consuming. 4.19 .71 4.00 .82
4. I feel comfortable when the teacher uses the PPP model. 3.88 .74 4.12 .77
5. The PPP model helps me speak more fluently. 3.81 .71 4.07 .74
6. I become more active when studying through the PPP
4.05 .88 4.12 .63
7. I have more confidence in communicating in English
4.17 .79 4.00 .73
through the PPP model.
8. The PPP model enables me to study English systematically. 4.24 .73 3.98 .71
9. The PPP model helps me speak English naturally. 3.57 .67 3.86 .68
10. The PPP model makes me have more accuracy in speaking. 3.93 .71 3.90 .73
Total 4.01 .49 4.05 .51

Table 5. Manova Results

Source Dependent SS MS F P
motivation 1.190a 1.190 6.551 .006
Corrected Model
attitude PPP .023b .023 .092 .382
motivation 1324.869 1324.869 7290.757 .001
attitude PPP 1364.880 1364.880 5366.282 .001
motivation 1.190 1.190 6.551 .006
Teaching Method
attitude PPP .023 .023 .092 .382
motivation 14.901 .182
attitude PPP 20.856 .254
motivation 1340.960
attitude PPP 1385.760
motivation 16.091
Corrected Model
attitude PPP 20.880
a. R Squared = .074 (Adjusted R Squared = .063)
b. R Squared = .001 (Adjusted R Squared = -.011)

Research Question 4: How did the students in the experimental group respond to
the use of Edmodo in blended learning?
According to Table 6, the overall mean score indicated that students had a positive
attitude towards the use of Edmodo in blended learning ( ! = 3.84). The highest mean
scores of attitude fell on item no. 7 (improving listening skill through the audio files
uploaded on Edmodo, ! = 4.05), and item 13 (improving their speaking skill, ! =

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4.05).The lowest mean score of the questionnaire was item no.1 (allowing me to con-
tact teacher and peers outside classroom, ! = 3.55). It is interesting to see that students
expressed a positive attitude toward the use of Edmodo in all items.

Table 6. Mean Scores Of Attitude Toward Edmodo

Attitude toward Edomo ! S.D.
1. Edmodo allows me to contact my teacher and peers outside classroom. 3.55 .70
2. Edmodo is convenient to use in learning. 3.64 .57
3. I feel comfortable when interacting online via Edmodo. 3.76 .66
4. Edmodo saves time by doing and submitting assignments electronically. 3.81 .77
5. I can easily access class materials & assignments through Edmodo. 3.93 .71
6. Edmodo gives me a chance to share my tasks with my teacher and peers. 4.00 .66
7. I can improve my listening skill through the audio files uploaded on Edmodo. 4.05 .62
8. Edmodo facilitates small group discussions. 3.81 .59
9. Edmodo increases my motivation to study this course. 3.64 .58
10. Edmodo promotes collaborative learning environment. 3.81 .77
11. Edmodo enhances autonomous learning skills. 3.93 .71
12. Edmodo allows me to get immediate feedback from the teacher. 4.00 .66
13. Edmodo helps to improve my speaking skill. 4.05 .62
14. Edmodo helps to acquire new vocabulary. 3.81 .59
15. Edmodo helps to improve my grammar/spelling. 3.76 .66
Total 3.84 .37
The ranges were interpreted as follows: 1.00-1.80 = very negative, 1.81-2.60 = negative, 2.61-3.40 = mod-
erate, 3.41- 4.20 = positive, 4.21-5.00 = very positive.

Fig. 3. Sample useful video clip on student’s Edmodo page

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Fig. 4. Screenshot of role play clip posted by students

5 Discussion

This study was undertaken to assess, via a pretest-posttest using a quasi-

experimental design, the effect of the blended learning model using Edmodo had on
students’ oral proficiency. The result of the post-test administration indicated that the
students in the blended learning group had a better performance than those in the face-
to-face group. The results can be explained by two major reasons: collaboration and a
blended learning environment which allowed students to learn more actively. Collab-
orative learning is a contributing factor to active learning. This study has a great bene-
fit of using Edmodo as a supplementary tool in language learning. It is a good collab-
oration platform for students to learn and to share knowledge [12]. Each team consist-
ed of mix-ability students, offering the opportunities for those with the low oral abil-
ity to learn from the suggestion of the more capable members. In addition, students
have more chances to watch the sample clips and other clips performed by each team.
Not only they learn what other teams performed, they also had to reveal their
thoughts. The process of providing personal responses in Edmodo can support social
aspect of learning. That is, online communication can be designed to support face-to-
face oral communication in order to serve the context and anticipated learning objec-
tives [33]. In this study, the traditional teaching supported by technology like Edmodo

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enabled students to learn and practice more. They had personal responses, discussed
with others based on the given topics and demonstrated their role plays in Edmodo
which is like a stage for them to improve their oral ability. The higher degree of profi-
ciency implied that they could apply the linguistic knowledge to accomplish specific
tasks which were new contexts and situations. Students were able to transfer the
knowledge gained from the classroom to appropriately use in real-life situations out-
side of class. The effectiveness of the blended learning model was similar to previous
studies which found positive influences on student performance [20, 21].
The survey was carried out to assess learners’ perceived motivation with regard to
the courses. The findings revealed students in the experimental group had higher
motivation than those in the control group. There are several feasible explanations of
why the motivation showed a significant difference between the two groups. First of
all, the functions of Edmodo are practical; it provides a simple way for instructors and
students in a virtual class to connect and collaborate. Students can also share content,
submit homework, assignments and quizzes, receive their instructors feedback, notes.
They realized that Edmodo really helped to improve their oral proficiency. The blend-
ed learning course having a supplementary tool like Edmodo motivated them to learn
when compared to the traditional one [12]. Students became more active when they
were assigned to do several activities in online learning environments [11]. Secondly,
students who had the support of the online supplementary tool in their course were
more likely to practice as well as learn from others. In blended learning, there is an
integration of web-based resources into instructional practice. It is possible that effec-
tive oral communication may come from training and mutual learning in discussions.
Pronunciation, facial expressions and language fluency can be developed through
comments from peers in blended learning while this could hardly be done in tradition-
al classes. Lastly, students were more aware of the advantages of web-based autono-
mous English learning through greater communication, where they can determine
their own learning speed according to the English level and can get more freedom in
the learning process [34]. The finding was found to be similar to the previous study
conducted by Chaiprasurt and Esichaikul [28] which revealed that statistically signifi-
cant differences existed in subjective motivation. The experimental group supported
by the online tools achieved a higher level than the control group unsupported by the
online tools. Blended courses that utilized the form of asynchronous could enhance
students’ attitudes toward learning [24].
In this study, the traditional teaching that was employed with both groups was the
PPP model. It is interesting to see that both groups had a positive attitude toward this
method. The study did not reveal any significant difference between the control and
experimental groups in attitude toward the PPP model. This is probably because both
groups were rather familiar with the three steps of this model which have been used
for quite some time in all English courses. In addition, this may be because the PPP
model provides three steps to achieve the learning goal, leading from accuracy to
fluency. In the first step, functions that learners need to carry out are introduced sys-
tematically such as expressing agreement and disagreement, offering like or dislike.
In the practice step, they are able to use language appropriately in specific situations.
The last step allows them to integrate the functions of language, information retrieval,

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problem solving, and social interaction [8]. They can deliver the messages more
smoothly and fluently. For example, they may be given role play situations to formu-
late and act out or they may create their own situations in order to have more chances
to produce the language they have studied. These useful steps were used to support
the result why both groups rated the highest mean score on the same item, indicating
that they were strongly encouraged to speak and interact in English.
Regarding the attitude toward the use of Edmodo, students in the experimental
group expressed the acceptance of new technology like Edmodo as the finding re-
vealed a positive attitude. This is probably because they believed that Edmodo helped
them improve their language proficiency. The finding was similar to many previous
studies [14,15,16,17] which found that both instructors and students accepted Edmodo
as a great way to get students engaged and organized in learning. It provided various
benefits to educational settings. The finding was also in accordance with the highest
mean score of the response which stated that Edmodo has a great benefit in improving
listening skill through the audio files uploaded. Edmodo is a simple tool for blended
learning which suits educational process of 21st century skills allowing for more par-
ticipation and anytime/anywhere learning. However, it is interesting to see that the
lowest mean score was about the use of Edmodo to contact others. The finding indi-
cated that Edmodo was not much used for interacting with the instructor and peers
outside classroom. Students may prefer to use other methods to connect the teacher
and peers such as LINE or Facebook.

6 Conclusion

This study provides support for oral pedagogy based on technological learning tool
that allows students to actively engage in understanding, remembering, and eventually
being able to apply what they have learned. It also fosters a collaborative learning
environment where students are encouraged to communicate and practice conversa-
tion with peers. Based on the results, blended learning is an effective way to attain
better learning outcomes because students can improve their oral proficiency through
active participation in an online classroom community. The blended learning model in
this study is, therefore, useful for students since it can promote content connectivity
and student interactivity among multiple modes of learning opportunities. With the
use of technological support, the course will provide more collective knowledge and
web-based applications on outside class assignments that will benefit students. Edmo-
do appears to be an amazing learning platform which is so user friendly that data
show a positive attitude and a high level of acceptance by the participants.
This study, inevitably, has a number of limitations. First of all, even though stu-
dents work and perform the oral tests in groups, rubric scores are mostly on an indi-
vidual basis. Knowing this, students do not encourage their peers much before taking
the test. Another limitation is about time spent in class. Apart from oral skill practice,
students have to study other contents to fulfill the requirement of the course. The last
limitation is that the study is conducted in the Thai learning context which is hard to
make broad generalizations to others. Despite the limitations, the results of this study

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reveal an effectiveness of blended learning supported by technology that promotes

mutual learning and collaboration on assignments in an online learning environment.
Since the model is helpful in facilitating language learning, it can be a solution for
instructors who are facing time limit as well as students who cannot catch up with the
lessons in class. However, the issue of digital literacy of learners should be taken into
account. Before the lessons start, to ascertain that no student struggles with acquiring
the essential skills to work well in an online environment, there should be training in
certain skills to facilitate the improvement of their language abilities through the use
of technological tools that they have never experienced before such as web 2.0 or
some kinds of social media.

7 Acknowledgment

The researcher would like to thank the Institute of Research Promotion and Innova-
tion Development of Bangkok University for giving financial support.

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9 Author

Saovapa Wichadee is an associate professor at the Language Institute, Bangkok

University, Bangkok, Thailand (email: [email protected]).

Article submitted 08 October 2016. Published as resubmitted by the author 21 December 2016.

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