Application of Edmodo

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Application of Edmodo
Edmodo is a portal that presents information in an engaging and motivating way that
becomes a controlled environment suitable for peer tutoring. Edmodo allows students to
post comments, send notes, links, files, alerts, assignments, events, and direct messages to
the instructor. This can be a bridge used by students and teacher in learning process. It can
be used as one of teaching media that helps students in studying for developing 4 skills. It is
a media to stimulate the learners for arranging and collecting their ideas. Edmodo can be
used to improve learners’ skills in language teaching and learning process. In teaching,
teachers design assignments, games, quizzes and so on to help learners review vocabulary,
interact with peers to share ideas about the lesson, about popular issues in daily life.
Firstly, in Speaking, teachers can create certain activities, which were added in the
curricula of the course using Edmodo as follows: Firstly, if the teachers want to design a
role play, the teachers uploaded key words followed by several examples of role playing in
Edmodo system. Then learners in pairs or groups created their own script by integrating
knowledge into action. When they got stuck on script writing, they could post questions.
Often, other students had answered those questions before the teachers did. Through these
activities, students developed the skills of initiative, communication, and problem solving.
This transformed the old way of learning to collaborative and active learning. After each
pair or team had posted the clips of role play in Edmodo, learners would receive comments
from the teachers and peers. Next, learners in groups of four had to prepare a short talk on
the same topic that they had discussed earlier in class, recorded themselves and uploaded
the clips in Edmodo system. Those clips could be watched and commented by the instructor
and other students. By getting different comments or suggestions in terms of fluency,
pronunciation, facial expressions, etc, learnerss could improve their speaking performances,
which could hardly be done in traditional large-sized classes. Then, Edmodo enabled the
students to realize the topics to be discussed in the next class. So, they could search the
content to support their discussion in advance. Traditionally, questions for next class
discussion were written on board. This took quite a large amount of time and was often in
vain because students did not like to take notes of them or they might forget what they had
to prepare. Another stepis before students took the tests of small group discussion and role
play, they had a chance to do the online exercises to check how well they could use
language in various situations. One of the models that has been used to develop speaking
skill is the “Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP)”, starting with introducing the new
teaching content, followed by controlled practice and a free practice. This model aims at
moving from accuracy to fluency, focusing on form.
Secondly, For Listening skills which are the things in life that users can use to their
advantage. Improving listening skills is a sure-fire way to strengthen the personal
relationships and help in their career as well (Universal Class 2018). But for years, listening
practices in class have widely been conducted face to face in language laboratories.
However, learners’ communication and collaboration were not much emphasized because
of teacher-centered instructions. Learners focus on how to answer comprehension questions
correctly without any interactive discussion. learnerss relied on teacher’s absolute role in
language laboratory. Thus, the learners were not independently learning. Promoting online
listening practices and evaluating learners’ outcomes through peer-corrective feedback
learning platform were needed to enhance their comprehension (Refi Ranto Rozak 2016).
Therefore, the decision to focus on improving students’ listening skill is primarily driven by
the needs for improvement using a more adept and readily available technology in teaching.
In blended teaching approach, Edmodo is also used as a flatform in improving the listening

Thirdly, Edmodo is applied in teaching for Writing skills for EFL students. When
setting a writing assingment with Edmodo, there are four typical stages of process writing
namely planning, drafting, revising, and editing. At the drafting stage students would select
and structure the result of the brainstorming session. After discussion, students might revise
the first draft individually or in groups. Students would edit or proof-read the text. Some
researchers investigated the effects of Edmodo on EFL students’ writing performance.
Edmodo in teaching Writing which is implemented by integrating blended learning
program flows into writing. Some studies have also corroborated how Edmodo is
integrated into teaching writing models. Each flows of the integration is discussed and
justified. Edmodo is believed to be applicable in teaching writing. Some studies have
proved how Edmodo works in writing through the adaptation of GBA (Genre Based
Approach) as corroborated by Lara (2013).
There are some steps to set up a writing task in Edmodo for students. Step 1, teacher
can come up with a plus symbol on the right corner to set a writing assignment up. Step 2,
preparing a text or question of writing task and request students to write. For example,
teacher can type into the box with task as”Describe your house specifically by using some
vocabulary about furniture in Vocabulary part, the paragraph must be from 100 to 200
words”. Step 4, teacher assigns it to the students that teacher has just added before. With
Edmodo, developing writing skills, that means developing critical thinking (Bloom 1956).
The writing assignments make students think and develop to higher order thinking.

With The fourth skill, Reading is also a process that involves the orchestration of the
readers' prior knowledge about the world and about language. It involves such as predicting,
questioning, summarizing, determining meaning of vocabulary in context, monitoring one's
own comprehension, and reflecting. Teachers can embed with Edmodo instructional videos,
create learning groups for students, and manage calendar events. Reading one of skill that
can use Edmodo in teaching and learning process because the feature that suitable for
teaching reading comprehension. This task will be discuss about the procedure of teaching
reading. For example, the material are taught for 10 grader. The writer will provide the
material such as picture, and text of biography as well as will do quiz on edmodo. The quiz
is consist of 10 questions of short answer. Using edmodo in teaching reading
comprehension can create interesting teaching and learning activities.

Moreover via Edmodo, teachers can send text (SMS) alerts, messages attached with a
file or a link, reply students’ messages, send out quizzes and assignments, receive
completed assignments, give feedback, assign grades for ‘assignments’, store and share
content in the form of both files and links, conduct polls, maintain a class calendar, and
contact with the whole class, small groups, or even individual students. Students can also
send a message attached with a file or a link, store and share content in the form of a file or
a link, submit homework, assignments, and quizzes, receive their teacher’s feedback,
messages, alerts, and reply to the teacher, vote on polls as well as set their own calendar.
Students can communicate with their teachers, the whole class, and their small group.


A Development of the Blended Learning Model Using Edmodo for Maximizing

Students’ Oral Proficiency and Motivation Saovapa
Wichadee Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand [email protected]
EDMODO as a Platform in Improving the Listening Skills Of Grade 12 EFL
Learners- Kruawan Jatupornpoonsub* Sukanya Thiprak** Jaime A. Paster ,Jr

Balasubramaniana, K., Jaykumar, Vb., Leena, N.F. (2014). A study on “Student

preference towards the use of Edmodo as a learning platform to create responsible learning
environment”. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Retrieved January 20, 2018

The Effect of Edmodo on Students’ Writing Skill in Recount Text Fauzi, A.1 1
Department of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas
Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia. 2017

PupungPunawarman, Susilawati, Wachyu Sundayana, 2016. The use of Edmodo in

teaching writing in blended learning.

Marko Wibisono, Franciska Maria Ivone, Enny Irawati 2019 Integrating

Reciprocal Teaching and Edmodo to Improve the Students’ Reading Comprehension for
Eleventh Graders.

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