Project Part 1

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Name: Id:
Alexandra Martínez Hernández 2820011
Course name: International Professor’s name:
environments and business Alejandro Jimenez

Module: 1 Activity:
Project part 1
Date: January 29, 2020

Bain & Company. (n.d.). Retrieved January 30, 2020, from
Car Servicing & Repairs Canberra: Premium Auto Service Canberra & Belconnen. (2019, January 4).
Retrieved January 31, 2020, from

Bosch por el clima. (n.d.). Retrieved January 31, 2020, from

Your assignment must include:


 Your fictitious business persona.

o Name and current position in the company.

Alexandra Margarita Martínez Hernández, Logistic

o Short bio (two paragraphs) that underscores your

expertise in the international business arena, including
academic credentials, personal achievements, and
professional certifications (if applicable).
Graduated from TecMilenio with a degree in International
commerce, certified in International business management,
logistics and sales.

I help companies to find the best option when they need transport
their products from one country to another.

Also, I used to manage the marketing department from one of the

most important fashion brands in America.

I can do teamwork, be a good leader and help in anything that is


o A mock LinkedIn profile page (create an account in

case you haven’t yet).

 The identity of the fictitious consulting firm you are working

o Name and branding (logo, slogan, social media and
corporate image)

“Results not reports”


o What other consulting firms from the real world you

would be competing with.
1. Deloitte Consulting LLP
2. Boston Consulting Group
3. Ernst and Young

o One “about us” section.

 Mission, vision, values, customer
service/satisfaction, etcetera.
What We Do
We help you see the world differently; discover opportunities
you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge
what is with what can be.

We work with ambitious clients who want to define the future,

not hide from it.

We deliver integrated solutions, complementing our capabilities

with a curated ecosystem of the world’s leading innovators to
achieve better, faster, more enduring results for clients.

What kind of services you and/or your consulting firm

provide, and a brief description of how you do it (up to 4)?
Digital marketing: provides the brand creative, media and
marketing technology expertise that enable CMOs to find and
convert customers through a powerful combination of data,
analytics, and customer experience.

Operating model & organizing design: A well-designed

operating model is the bridge that allows a company to turn its
strategy into results. Bain Operating Model helps you clarify
where and how critical work gets done in the organization in
service of your overall strategy.

Manufacturing: A clearly defined strategy, an aggressive

approach to structural and systems challenges, and an
"outside-in" vision for radical improvement: These are the
qualities that give manufacturing leaders a competitive edge.
Bain can help with all three, ensuring that you conquer
complexity, make faster, smarter decisions, and focus on the
areas with the most profit potential.

Business strategy: We’ll help you make tough choices and

choreograph your transformation journey as you reinvent your
core and build new growth platforms.

o What geopolitical region of the world your company is

mostly focused on, businesswise.
 Could be an entire continent (like Africa), a
subcontinent (like the Caribbean or Scandinavia), a
regional trade bloc (like NAFTA or MERCOSUR), or a
common-language group of countries (like the
Commonwealth or La Francophonie).
This enterprise is mostly focused in America

 Describe the business environments that prevail

in that region (political, cultural, financial, and so on), and
add a brief explanation (3 paragraphs) of why this specific
region or bloc is relevant to Mexican businesses,
mentioning at least three countries as an example.

According to the World Bank, the American economy at market

prices (Purchasing power parity), is the third largest and most
powerful in the world with 6.06 billion dollars. It is based mainly
on a secondary and / or tertiary economy. In recent years there
have been great advances at the political, economic and social
level, producing accelerated development in virtually all of its

The sectors of agriculture, automotive, textiles and a large

exporter of oil, gold, sapphires, diamonds, coal and natural gas,
among other products, also stand out.

The United States is the strongest country economically in the

continent and in the world, it has an economy oriented in
industrial production, whose main partners are Mexico and
Canada (with whom NAFTA forms), as well as China, Japan and

o What industry or industries your company has the most

experience with (select 2)?
 Could be selected from a more specific pool of
industries: chemical industry, petroleum industry,
automotive industry, electronic industry, food industry,
software industry, timber industry, fish industry, paper
industry, entertainment industry, cultural industry, retail
industry, logistics industry, media industry, mining
industry, or any other.
Automotive & Mobility: In this environment, we work closely
with vehicle manufacturers, suppliers, retailers, technology
companies and mobility service providers to develop
breakthrough strategies that help you achieve the full potential
of your business today while ensuring that every facet of your
business is future-ready and poised to seize new opportunities.

Consumer products: From brand perception to supply chain

efficiency, consumer products companies face a long list of
daunting challenges. Retail consolidation, digitalization and the
race to enter emerging markets add growing pressure.

 Add a brief explanation (3 paragraphs) of why

these two specific industries are relevant to the Mexican
economy and its business sector, mentioning at least
three companies or business from real life as an example.
The Automobile sector has become in a strategic sector for the
Mexican economy, these is the second most important industry
in our country.

The geographical position of Mexico has been a important

factor for the development of the sector, the location is
favorable because it allows American and Latin American
companies to buy merchandise, also with these the car
assemblers give work to people that live nearby, and the
incomes to the country grows.

For national brands, competition from imported products has

meant a decrease in their market share. For this reason, the

plans and tactics that you offer to your customers should be

focused on the reality of these consumer trends and how you
can use digital and traditional media to send the right

o Past and current clients that have hired your company,

and how you helped and found solutions for them.
o AutoCo: employees and leaders at AutoCo learn about Agile
and related methodologies through a series of workshops, an
easy-to-access online platform and an Agile primer, in
addition to team training. These tools ensured ease of
replicability and promoted Agile within the company.

o Bosch: Improved product quality thanks to faster error

detection through new camera systems, advanced data
analytics applications, and other digital capabilities.

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