Criminology Exam

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The key takeaways from the document are that it discusses different types of crimes, theories of criminology, and schools of thought in criminology. It also mentions laws related to criminology in the Philippines.

Some of the different types of crimes mentioned are political crimes, victimless crimes, white collar crimes, situational crimes, and complex crimes.

Theories of criminology discussed include positivism, classical school of thought, Lombroso's criminal anthropology, and chicago school.

Test I. Identification.

Instructions: Write the answers on the provided answer sheet. Observe correct spelling. Please avoid
_____________1. The link between human behaviors in relation to criminality.
_____________2. A study of the role of victim in the commission of crime.
_____________3. The connection between criminality and population.
_____________4. A link of environment and criminality.
_____________5. The relation of criminality to spatial sharing in a community.
_____________6. A relation of criminality in relation to physical constitution of
______________ 7. A crime committed by an individual from a lower social class.
______________ 8. A crime committed by individuals of a higher social class.
_______ _______9. Refers to crimes committed either by a corporation (i.e., a business entity having a
separate legal personality from the natural persons that manage its activities), or by individuals that may be
identified with a corporation or other business entity.
______________ 10. Are groups or operations run by criminals, most commonly for the purpose of generating
a monetary profit.
_______________11. One involving overt acts or omissions (where there is a duty to act), which prejudice the
interests of the state, its government or the political system. At one extreme, crimes such as treason, sedition,
and terrorism are political because they represent a direct challenge to the government in power.
________________12. Crime which involves acts that interfere with the operations of society and the ability
of people to function efficiently", i.e. it is behavior that has been labelled criminal because it is contrary to
shared norms, social values, and customs.
________________13. Crimes that result from the relationship between the policies of the state and the
policies and practices of commercial corporations.
________________14. a behavior of an individual which is forbidden by law, but which neither violates nor
significantly threatens the rights of other individuals.
________________15. An act committed or omitted in violation of public law forbidding or commanding it.
________________ 16. A branch or division of law which defines crime, treats of their nature, and provides for
their punishment.
_______________ 17. The lowest form of criminal career, they engage only on conventional crimes which
require limited skill and they lack organization to avoid arrest and convictions.
_______________18.These criminal has a high degree of organization to enable them to commit crimes
without being detected and committed to specialized activities which can be operated in large scale business
such as racketeering, control of gambling, prostitution and distribution of prohibited drugs.
_______________19. They are highly skilled and able to obtain considerable amount of money without being
detected because of organization and contract with other professional criminals. These offenders are always
able to escape conviction.
_______________20. Those who earn their living through criminals activities.
_______________21. Those who commit criminal acts as a result of unanticipated circumstances.
_______________ 22. Those who continue to commit criminal acts for such diverse reason due to deficiency
of intelligence and lack of self- control.
_______________23. Those who are actually not criminals but constantly in trouble with legal authorities
because they commit robberies, larcenies, and embezzlement which are intermixed with legitimate economic
_______________24. Those who commit crime in an impulsive manner usually due to the aggressive behavior
of the offender. Such attitude is clearly shown in crimes of passion, revenge and resentments.
_______________25. Those who commit crimes because they are pushed to it by inducement, by reward or
promise without considering its consequence. They are called “ulukan.”
_______________26. Those who are normal in their behavior but merely defective in their socialization

Test II. Multiple Choice

Instructions: Select the best answer. Letters only
1. Criminology is a broad field of study that encompasses the study of the following, except:
a. law making b. law breaking c. reactions to law breaking d. above the law
2. The US has ____ pillars of criminal justice.
a. 5 b.4 c. 3 d. 2
3. The study of criminal things or the sum total of the application of all sciences in crime detection is
a. evidence b. crime investigation c. criminalistics d. criminology
4. It is sometimes wrongly called as Ballistics. This is
a. Firearm Identification c. Fingerprint Identification
b. Question Document Examination d. Lie Detection or Polygraphy
5. Determination of person’s characteristics, traits and personality by the way a person writes his/her letters
and shapes of letters and words is called:
a. graphology b. handwriting analysis
c. photography d. a and b are correct
6. Classical School believes in the scientific explanation of crime. This statement is
a. true b. falsec. either yes or no d. May be
7. The external and internal explanation of crimes is the theory of:
a. Schools of Thought b. Theories of crime
c. physiognomy d. positivism
8. Physiognomy means:
a. criminals can be identified by interpreting the face
b. criminals should be punished to jail
c. criminals have distinct skeleton than non-criminals
d. criminals are born
9. Who advocated utilitarianism and fair treatment of animals that influenced the development of liberalism?
a. Cesare, Marquis of Beccaria-Bonesana
b. Jeremy Bentham
c. Rafaelle Garofalo
d. Enrico Ferri

10. People have free will to choose how to act. This is true in
a. Beccaria’s theory
b. classical school of thought
c. chicago school
d. a and b are correct

11. Positivism can be broken up into three segments which include the following, except:

a. biological b. psychological c. social positivism d. physical

12. Empirical evidence is insisted by
a. positivism b. Classical c. Lombroso d. a and c are correct

13. Empirical evidence means:

a. experiential b. experimental c. observed d. all of the above
14. Eugenics means:
a. improvement of human population through Hitler’s principle
b. controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable
c. improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable
heritable characteristics
d. all of the above
15. Lombroso’s explanation of criminal behavior is attributed from the following, except: .
a. Atavist b. Insane criminal c. Criminaloids d. Murderers

16. Crime is against the penal law of a state. This statement is

a. true b. false c. neither d. partially true
17. Sin is against the spiritual or divine law. This statement is
a. true b. false c. neither d. partially true
18. Immorality is against the unwritten social norms in locality. This statement is
a. true b. false c. neither d. partially true
19. The term describes too many laws is
a. over criminalization b. under criminalization c. hyper criminals d. too criminality
20. As to the plurality of crimes, a single act constitute only one offense. This refers to:
a. single crime b. simple crime c. complex crime d. combine crime
21. Under Classical school, the basis of criminal liability is human
a. reasoning b. negative decision c. free will d. cognitive
22. The purpose of penalty in classical thought is
a. retribution b. deterrence c. a and b are correct d. none of the above
23. When the offender acquires something as a consequence of his criminal acts. This is called:
a. Extinctive crime b. Acquisitive crime c. Destructive crime d. Theft
25. An act and omission punishable by law specifically revised Penal Code is
a. misdemeanor b. offense c. felony d. infraction
26. Crimes committed only when given the condition conducive to its commission are
a. Seasonal crime b. Situational Crime c. Rational d. anomie
27. The crimes committed by a series of act in a lengthy space of time are
a. Instant b. Episodic crime d. Circumstantial d. Multiple location
28. Those crimes committed in several places are:
a. Static crimes b. Continuing crime d. Circumstantial d. Multiple location
29. Those committed by person of respectability and upper socio-economic class in the course of their
occupation activities is
a. White collar crime b. Blue collar crime c. Crime of the upper world d. Occupational crime
30. RA 11131 is also known as:
a. The Criminology Profession Act of 2018
b. The Professional Criminology Philippines Act of 2018
c. The Philippine Criminology Profession Act of 2018
d. The Act of Philippine Criminology Profession of 2018
31. What is the provision of section 1 of RA 11131?
a. Title b. Statement of policyc. Objectives d. Definition of Terms
32. Article II of RA 11131 is about:
a. Professional Regulatory Board for Criminologist
b. Practice of Criminology
c. Examination, Registration, Certification and Licensure
d. Privilege of Registered Criminologist
33. According to RA 11131 Criminology is defined as the scientific study of crimes, criminals, victims with the
a. prevention and solutions of crimes b. investigation of crimes c. imprisonment of criminals
34. APO refers to:
a. amendment of provisions organization c. accredited professional organization
b. association of professional organization d. anti- pilipino organization
35. Commission under RA 11131 refers to:
a. Commission on Higher Education c. Commission on Human Rights
b. Professional Regulation Commission d. Commission on Election
36. The Act Governing the Board Examination of Criminologist in the Philippines is
a. RA 5605 b. RA 6056 c. RA 6506 d. RA 6560
Test III. Enumeration
Instructions: Observe correct spelling. No erasure allowed.
34-37 Applications of Victimless crime
38-50 Sources of Criminal Law
51-60 Theories of Crime

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