Soal Cause and Effect

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Cause and Effect

1. What is the definition of a cause?

A) The result of what happened in a given situation.
B) The effect of what happened in a given situation.
C) The reason something happened in a given situation.
D) What happened in a given situation.

2. What is the definition of an effect?

A) What happened in a given situation.
B) The order of events in a given situation.
C) The result of what happened in a given situation.
D) The reason something happened in a given situation.

 3.Read the cause in this situation and choose the effect. A child stretched a balloon, put it to
his lips, and pursed his lips around the balloon's neck.
A) The child blew up the balloon.
B) The balloon popped.
C) The balloon deflated.
D) The child took a deep breath.

4. Read the cause and choose the effect. She was in a hurry riding her bike, so she carried her
viola across the handlebars. She failed to see the rock on the street in front of her.
A) The viola did not fall off the bike.
B) The rock did not get in the girl's way.
C) The girl got off her bike to take a break.
D) The girl fell off of her bike.

5. Read the cause and choose the effect. We had a tremendous snowstorm during the night.
Winds gusted to 45 mph. The roads are blocked, even at the bus stop.
A) We were not able to go to school.
B) We went to the store to get some snacks.
C) We stayed inside and made hot chocolate.
D) We decided to make a snowman.

6. Read the cause and choose the effect. I ran as fast as I could, passing all the other runners in
the race. I wasn't even tired, either.
A) I decided to run the last lap of the race again.
B) I won the race.
C) I came in last place in the race.
D) I stopped at the store for a snack, since I was ahead of everyone else.

7. Read the cause and choose the effect. I awoke in the morning and ate breakfast. Then I
pulled out my toothbrush and smeared ADA-approved toothpaste all over the bristles.
A) I left for the bus stop.
B) I combed my hair.
C) I brushed my teeth.
D) I took a shower.
8. Look at the picture and choose the best cause and effect to match the picture.

A) The girl took a nap because she was tired.

B) The girl sneezed because she has a cold.
C) The girl went to her friend's house for the day even though she had a cold.
D) The girl spread her germs when she sneezed.

9. Look at the picture and choose the best cause and effect to match the picture.

A) The janitor went home with his tools because he didn't feel needed.
B) The janitor is getting ready to clean the room because he has the right tools.
C) The janitor didn't have any friends because he was always working.
D) The janitor was tired from smiling all day.

10. Look at the picture and choose the best cause and effect to match the picture.

A) The boy only knew one way to the movies because of the one way sign.
B) We couldn't go both ways on the street because it was a one way street.
C) The one way sign was hard to read because it was dark outside.
D) A one way street is common in our city.

11. Read the cause and choose the effect. Dani held her burger in her hand, even though she
had already eaten a large lunch. Her pup looked up at her with those begging eyes. Sighing,
the dog rested it's head on her lap.
A) Dani gave the dog the burger.
B) The dog whined for hours.
C) Dani ate the burger, even though she wasn't really hungry.
D) The dog took a nap.
12. Look at the picture and choose the best cause for the stated effect. Effect = Everyone had a
great time dancing at the party.

A) The party was a bore. No one enjoyed it at all.

B) The kids went to the party.
C) The chaperones forgot to collect money at the door for all the party goers.
D) The kids dreamed about going to the party.

13. Look at the picture and choose the best cause for the stated effect. Effect = The toast was
ready to eat, since steam was coming from the toaster.

A) I put some bread in the toaster to eat for breakfast.

B) I poured some milk to go with the toast.
C) I got out the peanut butter to spread on my toast.
D) I went to take a shower to get ready for school.

14. Look at the picture and choose the best cause for the stated effect. Effect = Newspapers
contain many advertisements.

A) I don't like to read newspapers.

B) The newspaper in our town is called "The Ledger".
C) Newspapers can sell for reduced prices.
D) The newspaper article was boring.
15. Look at the picture and choose the best cause for the stated effect. Effect = I studied for
three hours for the math test.

A) I don't like my math class.

B) I didn't really study at all.
C) I got an A+ on my math test.
D) I practiced my multiplication tables the night before the test.

16. Look at the picture and choose the best cause for the stated effect. Effect = The cops are
chasing a criminal.

A) The cops forgot their handcuffs at the station.

B) The cops want to beat the lunch rush at the restaurants in town.
C) The cops are driving quickly, using their guns.
D) The cops want to get home for dinner.

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