Metrology Part 2

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Gratings are used in connection with

A.Flatness measurement
B.Linear displacement measurements.
C.Surface texture measurement
D.Convexity/concavity measurement
183. The method of fractional coincidences in interferometry techniques is used for
A.Measurement of end gauges
B.Flatness of surface
C.Linear displacement measurements
D.Convexity/concavity of surfaces

184. An optical gauge works on the principle of

A.Reflection of light rays
B.Polarisation of light rays
C.Interference of light rays
D.Refraction of light rays

185. Involute fnnction of a gear is defmed as

A.(cos a ? a) radians
B.(sin a ? a) radians
C.(tan a ? a) radians
D.(cot a ? a) radians

186. The pitch circle raidus rp and base circle radius rb of a gear are related by the following
relationship (a = pressure angle)
A.Rb= rp cos a (b) rb? cos a
B.(c) rb = rp sin a (d) rb = rp tan a (e) rb= r, (tan ? a).
C.18.224. The undercutting in case of 14-1 degree full depth involute teeth occurs when the
number of teeth is less than
D.(a) 10

187. The undercutting in case of 14-1 degree full depth involute teeth occurs when the number of
teeth is less than

188. During the gear tooth cutting operation the undercutting may occur, due to the corners of the
cutter biting into the true involute curve on the flank of the tooth. This is called interference. It
can be avoided by
A.Increasing the addendum on the pinion and reducing on the gear wheel
B.Increasing the addendum on both pinion and gear wheel
C.Reducing the addendum on both pinion and gear wheel
D.Reducing the addendum on the pinion and increasing on the gear wheel

189. A sine bar is used to measure

A.Surface roughness
B.Gear profiles
C.Internal tapers
D.External tapers
190. The normal chordal tooth thickness of a gear is the shortest distance from the
A.Tooth crest to the point of the chord
B.Tooth crest to the mid point of the chord
C.Mid point of the constant chord to the tip of the tooth
D.From the tooth crest to any point on the chord

191. Addendum of a gear is equal to

A.Pitch p
B.0.3 p
C.0.3183 p
D.0.3683 p

192. Optical flats are used in conjunction with

A.Angular measurements
B.Surface flatness
C.Surface parallelism
D.Interferrometric measurement

193. In the phenomenon of optical interference, the two beams of light, both originating from the
same source, can cause interference patterns when the path difference between them amounts to
A.1 micron
B.1 mm
C.One wavelength of the light being used
D.An odd half-wavelength of the light being used

194. A 20 mm diameter international metric thread will have a pitch of

A.1 mm
B.2.5 mm.
C.1.50 mm
D.2.0 mm

195. Wear allowance is provided on

A.Go gauge
B.No Go gauge
C.Both Go and No Go gauges
D.When both are combined in one gauge
196. Which of the following gauge is of full form
A.Go gauge
B.No Go gauge
C.Snap gauge
D.Thread gauge
197. Taylor's principle is cocerned with
A.Pneumatic comparators
B.Interferometric measurements
C.Gauging measurements
D.Angular measurements

198. Accuracy of setting a sine bar

A.Is poor for smaller angles
B.Is maximum when angle of measurement is 45?
C.Decreases appreciably with steep angle
D.Is dependent on accuracy of outer dimensions of sine bar

199. The radius of curvature of tube in precise spirit level is of the order of
A.10 cm
B.50 m.
C.1 m
D.10 cm

200. Profile of a gear tooth is to be checked. Which one of the following device would ? you
A.Optical pyrometer
B.Optical projector.
C.Sine bar
D.Telescopic gauge

201. Clinometer is an instrument concerned with

A.Temperature measurement
B.Angular measurement.
C.Linear measurement
D.Roundness measurement

202. Auto-collimator is used for measurement of

A.Small angular differences
C.Linear surfaces

203. Optical square is used in connection with

A.Alignment tests involving two surfaces at right angles
B.Measurement of flatness of surface.
C.Angular measurements
D.Circular division
204. According to Indian standards, the slip gauges according to accuracy are graded into
following categories

205. In which of the following inspection system, the inspection keeps pace with the production
A.Sampling inspection
B.Cent percent inspection
C.Cage inspection
D.Centralised inspection

206. In inspection by attributes

A.Good quantities are separated from bad
B.Quality under consideration is measured on some scale expressing it quantitatively
C.Variations due to assignable factors are determined
D.Variations due to chance factors are determined

207. The square of the standard deviation is also called


208. In an interferometer experiment, following pattern of fringes was observed. The surface
being tested is
A.Fig. 29
B.(d) ridge/valley in the middle
C.(b) convex
D.(c) convave

209. If the interference bands with optical flat are as shown in Fig. 30, the surface would be
D.Progressively convex

210. A scale in which the distance between graduations is proportional to the value of that
graduation is called
A.Equidistant scale
B.Regular scale
C.Linear scale
D.Scale with a constant value of graudation
211. Profilometer is an instrument used to measure
A.Gear involute
B.Thread profile
D.Surface roughness

212. The value of a set of data at which the greatest number of cases is concentrated is called
D.Standard deviation

213. If the correctness of profile of a thread is to be checked, which instrument would you choose
A.Bench micrometer
B.Optical projector.
C.Sine bar
D.Telescopic gauge

214. The more sensitive instrument

A.First oscillates more
B.Oscillates more slowly
C.Has no oscillations
D.Is never stable

215. Frequency of oscillation of an instrument indicating device is a function of

D.Both damping and sensitivity

216. The lost motion of the spindle in micrometer screw gauge when the rotation of the thimble is
changed in direction is referred to as
B.Least count
C.Total error

217. Stick micrometers are used for measuring

A.Depth of holes
B.Longer internal lengths
C.Longer external lengths
D.Height of parts
218. All the working surfaces and the cylindrical surfaces of the rollers of sine bar have a surface
finish of the order of
A.0.2. micron
B.0.5 micron
C.1 micron
D.5 micron

219. The effect of errors in spacing of the rollers, or height of slip gauge combination is a
function of the
A.Sin 0
B.Cos 0
C.Tan 0
D.Cosec 0

220. Sine centre is used for measurement of

A.Included internal angle between two faces
B.Height of projected parts
C.Semi-angle of taper of a job

221. Clinometer is used for

A.Angular measurement
B.Linear measurement
C.Bore measurement
D.Measurements of environmental conditions

222. Pick up the correct statement. The effect of pitch error and angle error is to
A.Increase the simple effective diameters of a bolt and decrease that of a nut
B.Decrease the simple effective diameter of a bolt and increase that of a nut
C.Increase the simple effective diameter of both bolt and nut
D.Decrease the simple effective diameters of both bolt and nut

223. If 0 is the included angle of a screw thread then change in simple effective diameter due to
change in angle error is proportional to
B.Cosec 0.
C.Cos 0
D.Sec 0

224. The best size wire for ISO metric thread for measuring pitch diameters of screw
A.Thread in terms of its pitch p is
B.(a) 0.5 p
C.(b) 0.6 p
D.(c) 0.75 p

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