List of Foods That Are Genetically Modified

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List of Foods that Are Genetically Modified

retrieved May 31, 2018.

Almost every area in the food production market is using genetic modification to produce foods that taste
better, grow faster, resist disease and improve the amount of nutrients found in the food. At times, the
genetic modification helps to save natural resources because the “new” food does not need as much water
or energy to be processed. Many crops, dairy farmers and meat producers have been genetically altered.
Check the typical genetically modified food list to see if you have known that. 

Corn in many areas of the country has been altered to include an insect killing gene.
Because the corn has this, farmers do not have to spray pesticides that can be
harmful to the environment and those farm workers who spray it. Most American
families are eating corn that has been genetically altered.

Soy is used in the production of many items that we use every day, such as cereal,
chocolate, ice cream and baked goods. Because 85% of soybeans are altered,
nearly everyone is consuming altered soybeans in some way. Most soybeans are
used for livestock and not for humans.

Sugar Beets
On the genetically modified food list, the sugar beet develops recently. Production of a
modified beet began in 2008, but was banned in 2010 because the USDA failed to provide an environmental
impact statement. Beets usually grow very slowly so the modification was made to encourage faster growth.

Genetically modified potatoes were created to be very resistant to diseases, such as
Phytophthora Infestans, that can spread quickly and kill entire fields of potatoes. A
disease like this caused the potato famine in the 1840s. Only 25% of the potatoes
grow today are eaten by people. The other 75% is used in feeding livestock and in the starch industry.
Scientists want to use the potato more in the glue and lubricant industry so they are trying to develop a
potato that is even more modified that cannot be eaten by people.

The first food to reach American markets that had been genetically modified was
tomatoes. Many changes have been made since those first tomatoes were raised
and now tomatoes are modified only to help them last longer so they can be
transported for longer periods of time.

On the genetically modified food list, squash were modified because they are
especially susceptible to some viral diseases. The altered squash were more disease
resistant, but beetles who love to eat squash carry bacterial wilt disease. The squash are less resistant to
this disease. Scientists are also concerned that the altered squash may be growing wild in some areas and
not in controlled fields. If squash grow wild, this could cause serious environments issues.

Oils are used for more than cooking and flavoring. They are also an ingredient in
many foods we consume. Modified oils can be sold as cooking oils, but are also used
for making snacks such as potato chips. Margarine is also made by using oil.
Modifications include oils losing the bitter taste they once had and making the plants more resistant to

Golden Rice
Vitamin A deficiency is a serious problem for over 250 million people around the
world. It may cause blindness or death for those affected with it. Because nearly half
of the population of the world lives on one bowl of rice each day, rice was chosen to
be genetically altered to have vitamin A supplements added to it. This new rice is called golden rice. Experts
also want to create rice with an iron supplement to combat the iron deficiencies many people have. Rice
cannot be altered to have both an iron and a vitamin A supplement together, but it may happen sometime in
the future.

Salmon that has been genetically altered may be available for purchase soon. These
fish will be grown only on fish farms and will be nearly twice the size of unaltered
salmon. They will also grow faster. Experts say this will help the environment and
protect the wild salmon. A big concern is that, although these salmon should be sterile, nature will find a way
to mutate the DNA so that these altered salmon can have babies.

Genetically Modified Food List

Genetically Description

Rapeseed Rapeseed has been made to be more resistant to pesticides and also to be
erucic acid-free.

Honey Some honey comes from bees collecting nectar near fields with modified foods
growing in them.

Cotton Because the oil can be consumed, cotton is considered a food. It has been
altered to produce a chemical that kills many pests.

Sugar Cane Sugar cane has been altered to be resistant to pesticides. Modified sugar cane
cannot be marketed successfully as the public has such a low opinion of it.

Canola Canola oil was altered to be resistant to pesticides and may be in oil products,
baked goods and snacks.

Flax Altered to resist herbicides, flax is in many products that contain flax oil and

Papaya Papayas have been modified to be more virus resistant.

Cotton Cotton seed oil can be in vegetable oils, fried foods, and oil products that can be
Seed Oil consumed.

Tobacco A tobacco has been altered that contains very little nicotine.

Meat Meat is considered altered because it comes from animals that have eaten
modified foods.

Peas Modified peas produced an allergic reaction in mice that could also happen in
humans. They had been altered to make them produce a pesticide.

Vegetable Because most foods that are used to make vegetable oil are modified, vegetable
Oil oil is an altered food. To avoid this, buy only a product that is labeled organic.

Dairy Many cows have been given a growth hormone that can be found in their milk.

Vitamins Vitamins are produced from foods that have been altered, such as corn and

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