Berman Complaint Against China

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Miami Division


on behalf of themselves, and all those
similarly situated,

CASE NO. __________________





CLYNE, and THE PITCHING LAB LLC d/b/a TBT TRAINING (collectively, “Named

Plaintiffs”), on behalf of themselves and all those similarly situated, and by and through

their undersigned counsel, hereby sue the PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (“the




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GOVERNMENT OF CITY OF WUHAN, CHINA (collectively “Defendants”), for

damages, and further allege as follows:


1. This is class action brought by the Named Plaintiffs, individuals and

business owners in the United States and State of Florida, for damages suffered as a

result of the Coronavirus pandemic, against Defendants, the People’s Republic of China

and its various government entities overseeing the response to the Coronavirus

pandemic in China generally and within Hubei Province and the City of Wuhan.

2. The world has been devastated in recent days by the ongoing march of

the new strain of the Coronavirus, more commonly known as COVID-19. The virus

began in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in December 2019, and has quickly spread

throughout Asia, Europe and, North America.

3. The PRC and the other Defendants knew that COVID-19 was dangerous

and capable of causing a pandemic, yet slowly acted, proverbially put their head in the

sand, and/or covered it up for their own economic self-interest.

4. The conduct of Defendants has caused injury and incalculable harm to

Named Plaintiffs and Class Members, and such injury and harm will only multiply in

coming days and weeks. The Defendants’ conduct has caused and will continue to

cause personal injuries and deaths, as well as other damages.

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5. Logan Alters, is a resident of Miami-Dade County, Florida who has been

injured and damaged by Defendants’ conduct, as described herein, and is otherwise sui


6. Marta Reyes, is a resident of Miami-Dade County, Florida who has been

injured and damaged by Defendants’ conduct, as described herein, and is otherwise sui


7. Lawrence Wood, is a resident of Palm Beach County, Florida who has

been injured and damaged by Defendants’ conduct, as described herein, and is

otherwise sui juris.

8. Stephen Clyne, is a resident of Palm Beach County, Florida who has been

injured and damaged by Defendants’ conduct, as described herein, and is otherwise sui


9. The Pitching Lab LLC d/b/a TBT Training (“TBT Training”), is a Florida

limited liability company that has been injured and damaged by Defendants’ conduct.

10. Class Members are those individuals and entities similarly situated to

Named Plaintiffs, and will number in the millions.

11. The People’s Republic of China (“the PRC”) is a foreign state.

12. The National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China is the

administrative government body/executive department under the PRC which is

responsible for formulating health policies in Mainland China.

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13. Ministry of Emergency Management of the People’s Republic of China is

the administrative government body that coordinates emergency management within

the PRC.

14. Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China is the

administrative government body responsible for social and administrative affairs.

15. The People’s Government of Hubei Province (“Hubei Province”) is a

foreign province and administrative head of Hubei Province in the PRC.

16. The People’s Government of City of Wuhan, China (“Wuhan”) is a foreign

city and administrative head of the City of Wuhan, China


17. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this class action pursuant to

the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 (CAFA) and 28 U.S.C. § 1332(d). The matter in

controversy, exclusive of interest and costs, exceeds the sum or value of $5,000,000,

there exists minimal diversity between parties, and there are millions of putative class


18. This Court further has jurisdiction under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities

Act (FSIA) of 1976, 28 U.S.C. §§ 1602 et seq., and particularly the exceptions of §

1605(a)(2) (for acts outside the territory of the United States in connection with a

commercial activity of the Defendants, that cause a direct effect in the United States),

and § 1605(a)(5) (for money damages for personal injury or death, or damage to or loss

of property, occurring in the United States and caused by the tortious acts or omissions

of Defendants, or of any official or employee of Defendants while acting within the

scope of his office or employment).

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19. There is no “discretionary acts” exception to jurisdiction under the FSIA,

as Defendants have acted clearly contrary to the precepts of humanity, and/or their

conduct is prohibited by the internal laws of the PRC and its provincial and municipal


20. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendants because Defendants

have caused tortious harm to Named Plaintiffs and Class Members, in the United States

and Florida and this District and have sufficient contacts in Florida and this District to

render the exercise of jurisdiction by this Court permissible.

21. Venue is proper in this District pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b)(2) and (c)

because a substantial part of the events or omissions giving rise to Named Plaintiff’s

and Class Members’ claims occurred in this District.

22. All conditions precedent to the filing of this lawsuit have been met and/or

waived by the conduct of Defendants.


The Outbreak of COVID-19

23. As of March 12, 2020, there are over 140,000 confirmed worldwide cases,

nearly 5,000 deaths, and an exponentially larger number of undiagnosed cases. These

numbers are expected to continue to explode in the coming days and months.

24. As of March 12, 2020, there are over 1635 confirmed cases and there

have been 40 deaths. These numbers are expected to rise exponentially in the coming

days and weeks.

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25. The exponential rise in cases, even reaching people like Tom Hanks and

his wife Rita Wilson, and a professional basketball player Donovan Mitchell of the Utah

Jazz, as of March 11th, demonstrates that COVID-19 spreads easily and rapidly.

26. The virus causes cold and flu like symptoms, that lead to pneumonia and

severe respiratory distress that can be fatal.

27. The World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a

pandemic in recent days.

28. The news from countries like Italy has demonstrated how easily and fully

COVID-19 has and will bring countries to a halt, causing not only injuries and deaths,

but devastating economic impacts.

The Effects of the COVID-19 Outbreak and China’s Role

29. Because of the rising threats, the United States has barred plane travel

from China, the European Union and other countries. The New York Stock Exchange

has suffered its worst losses since the 2008 “great recession.” Public functions and

events are being cancelled one after another, including the shuttering of sporting

events, Broadway shows, and other gatherings. Hotels have shuttered, several cruise

lines have suspended operations for the next two months, and the travel industry overall

is being gutted by cancellations. Businesses are suffering because of both disruptions

to their supply chains and a scarcity of patrons and customers. The public is in panic,

wiping out stocks of toilet paper, hand sanitizers, face masks, and other items. And it

will go on and on.

30. The PRC and other Defendants, acting from their own economic self-

interest and looking to protect their place as a super-power, failed to report the outbreak

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as quickly as they could have; underreported cases; and failed to contain the outbreak

despite knowing the seriousness of the situation.

31. Among other acts and omissions, Defendants, or some of them:

a. Censored eight doctors on January 1, 2020, from speaking about the

outbreak and its dangers.

b. Even after the first death on January 9th, they continued to downplay the

dangers and assured the public that the situation was not serious and that

everything was under control.

c. It took 17 days from the time Chinese researchers discovered the COVID-

19 genome sequence for Defendants to report the findings to their world-

wide peers.

d. They knew COVID-19 was spread human to human by January 3rd, but

told the public otherwise, and would not confirm the ease of human to

human transmission until January 20th, after the virus had already spread

beyond China.

e. China President Xi Jinping originally stated that he directed officials to

contain the virus on January 7th, but it has since emerged that he did not

do that, and that he actually waited until January 22nd to do direct

containment, and still did not make any efforts public until it was too late.

f. Despite early January deaths, they would only attribute the deaths to

pneumonia, instead of the virus, and continued to downplay its dangers.

g. Wuhan’s leaders held a public dinner for over 40,000 families on January

18, despite knowing the ease of human to human spread of the virus.

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32. Furthermore, there are only two known Chinese government bio-weapon

research labs in the PRC and one of them — the National Biosafety Laboratory at the

Wuhan Institute of Virology — is, at its name suggests, in Wuhan, and is close in

proximity to the marketplace where COVID-19 allegedly originated. It is considered

China’s only “level 4” microbiology lab – meaning it deals with the deadliest of viruses.

An alternative theory here is that COVID-19 escaped from the Wuhan lab because of

lax controls, or that Chinese researchers sold lab animals to the marketplace in

question, as researchers have been known to do in China, instead of cremating them as

PRC law requires. In either case, such conduct, as an alternative theory, has caused

the pandemic.

33. Defendants’ conduct has set off a world-wide pandemic assault that is

triggering community by community and causing widespread injuries and damages.

34. In short, Defendants’ conduct has been egregious and clearly contrary to

the precepts of humanity, and/or their conduct is prohibited by the internal laws of the

PRC and its provincial and municipal governments, and never should have been

allowed in the first place.

35. Because of Defendant’s conduct, as described herein, Named Plaintiffs

and Class Members have or are virtually certain to suffer physical illness or death, as

well as emotional distress, and its physical manifestations, from the effects of the

outbreak, and other damages.

36. Because of Defendant’s conduct, as described herein, TBT Training and

Class Members who own or operate businesses have or are virtually certain to suffer

injury and damages from the effects of the outbreak.

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37. This pandemic is likely to injure a substantial majority of all persons and

entities within the United States and the State of Florida.

38. The personal injuries being sustained are universal and not linked to

individualized factors.

39. Any condition precedent to the filing of this lawsuit has been satisfied, met,

and/or waived.


40. The Named Plaintiffs with claims against Defendants assert National and

Florida Non-Commercial Tort Classes pursuant to Rules 23(a), (b)(1), (b)(2), (b)(3)

and/or 23(c)(4) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, on behalf of themselves and

those similarly situated, against the Defendants for whom they have standing. The

Named Plaintiffs define the National Non-Commercial Tort Class as follows:

All persons and legal entities in the United States who have suffered
injury, damage, and loss related to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus.

And define the Florida Non-Commercial Tort Sub-Class as follows:

All persons and legal entities in the State of Florida who have suffered
injury, damage, and loss related to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus.

41. Plaintiff TBT Training also asserts a National and Florida Commercial

Classes, pursuant to Rules 23(a), (b)(1), (b)(2), (b)(3) and/or 23(c)(4) of the Federal

Rules of Civil Procedure, on behalf of itself and those similarly situated, against the

Defendants for whom they have standing. TBT Training defines the National

Commercial Class as follows:

All persons and legal entities in the United States whose businesses have
suffered injury, damage, and loss related to the outbreak of the COVID-19

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And defines the Florida Commercial Sub-Class as follows:

All persons and legal entities in the State of Florida whose business have
suffered injury, damage, and loss related to the outbreak of the COVID-19

42. Excluded from the Classes are the following: (1) the Defendants, and any

parent, subsidiary or affiliate organizations, and the officers, directors, agents, servants,

or employees of same, and the members of the immediate family of any such person;

(2) all persons and entities who timely opt out of this proceeding; (3) all persons who

have given valid releases releasing Defendants from the claims asserted in this

Complaint; (4) all persons who, prior to the filing of this Complaint, have filed a non-

class action claim against the Defendants (or any of them) for the claims asserted in this

Complaint; and (5) the judge(s) to whom this case is assigned, their employees and

clerks, and immediate family members.

43. The Classes are sufficiently numerous such that the joinder of all

members of the Classes in a single action is impracticable. The population of the

United States is over 327,000,000 and the population of Florida is over 21,000, and a

substantial majority of those persons and related entities have been or will in the

immediate future be affected by Defendants’ wrongful conduct.

44. There are numerous common questions of law and fact that predominate

over any questions affecting only individual members of the Classes and/or Subclasses.

Among these common questions of law and fact are the following:

a. Whether Defendants’ conduct was negligent and/or reckless;

b. Whether Defendant’s conduct was clearly contrary to the precepts of


c. Whether Defendants’ conduct violated established laws within the PRC;

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d. Whether the PRC’s bio-weapons labs are ultrahazardous activities, and

caused the release of the virus;

45. The claims of the Named Plaintiffs are typical of the claims of each

member of the Classes and Sub-Classes in that, among other issues:

a. The Named Plaintiffs’ claims arise from the same course of conduct of
Defendants giving rise to the claims of other Class Members;

b. The claims of the Named Plaintiffs and each member of the Class are
based upon the same legal theories;

c. The Named Plaintiffs and each member of the Classes have an interest in
prevailing on the same legal claims;

d. The types of damages incurred by the Named Plaintiffs are similar to

those incurred by the other Class Members;

e. The defenses asserted by Defendants will be very similar, if not identical,

as to all Named Plaintiffs and Class Members.

46. Named Plaintiffs are adequate representatives of the Classes in which

they participate because, together with their legal counsel, each will fairly and

adequately protect the interests of Classes. Named Plaintiffs and all Class Members

have a similar, if not identical interest in obtaining the relief sought. Proof of the claims

of the Named Plaintiffs will also prove the claims of the Class. Named Plaintiffs are not

subject to any unique defenses. Named Plaintiffs have no known conflict with the Class

or Subclasses and are committed to the vigorous prosecution of this action.

47. The undersigned counsel are competent counsel experienced in class

action litigation, mass torts, and complex litigation involving such widespread harm.

Counsel will fairly and adequately protect the interests of the Classes

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48. The various claims asserted in this action are certifiable under the

provisions of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 23(b)(1) because prosecuting separate

actions by or against individual Class Members would create a risk of inconsistent or

varying adjudications with respect to individual Class Members that would establish

incompatible standards of conduct for the party opposing the Classes; or adjudications

with respect to individual Class Members that, as a practical matter, would be

dispositive of the interests of the other Class Members who are not parties to the

individual adjudications, or would substantially impair or impede their ability to protect

their interests.

49. The claims for injunctive relief in this case are certifiable under Fed. R.

Civ. P. 23(b)(2). Defendants have acted or refused to act on grounds that apply

generally to the Classes, so that final injunctive relief and/or declaratory relief is

appropriate respecting the Classes as a whole.

50. Plaintiffs’ legal claims are properly certified pursuant to Rule 23(b)(3) in

that: (1) a class action is superior in this case to other methods of dispute resolution; (2)

the Class Members have an interest in class adjudication rather than individual

adjudication because of their overlapping rights; (3) it is highly desirable to concentrate

the resolution of these claims in this single forum because it would be difficult and highly

unlikely that the affected Class Members would protect their rights on their own without

this class action case; (4) the disparity between the resources of Defendants and Class

Members would make prosecution of individual actions a financial hardship on Class

Members; (5) the prosecution of separate actions by individual Class Members, or the

individual joinder of all Class Members is impractical and would create a massive and

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unnecessary burden on the Court’s resources; and (6) Management of the class will be

efficient and far superior to the management of individual lawsuits. Moreover, currently,

the undersigned counsel is unaware of any other pending litigation regarding this

controversy with respect to the claims asserted here.

51. The issues particularly common to the Class Members’ claims, some of

which are identified above, are alternatively certifiable pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P.

23(c)(4), as resolution of these issues would materially advance the litigation, and class

resolution of these issues is superior to repeated litigation of these issues in separate


52. Named Plaintiffs have retained the above counsel to represent them in

this lawsuit, and are obligated to pay said counsel reasonable attorneys’ fees provided

recovery is obtained.

(Named Plaintiffs and each Class and Sub-Class; Against all Defendants)

53. Named Plaintiffs adopt, incorporate by reference, and restate the

foregoing allegations in paragraphs 1 through 52, as if fully set forth herein, and further


54. Defendants had a duty to persons in the United States, including Named

Plaintiffs and the members of the classes, to not act negligently in their handling of the

COVID-19 outbreak, such that COVID-19 did not spread as it did.

55. Defendants breached their duty to Plaintiffs and the members of the

classes, by, among other breaches:

a. Failure to admit their knowledge of the dangers of the virus, its lethalness,
and the ease of human to human transmission;

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b. Failure to contain the virus in its early stages when they knew or should
have known of its dangers and ease of transmission;

c. Failure to contain the virus more quickly when the spread was apparent;

d. Failure to restrict a public gathering of more than 40,000 Wuhan families

when they knew or should have known of the dangers of the virus and
ease of transmission;

e. Failure of the governmental entities to adequately and reasonably

supervise the outbreak and contain its effects;

f. Failure to provide adequate and reasonable warning to Named Plaintiffs

and members of the classes when they knew or should have known of the
dangers described herein; and

g. Dissemination of materials and statements that provided the wrong

information to people within and outside China.

56. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants’ breaches as described

herein, Named Plaintiffs and the members of the classes have been injured and

harmed, and have suffered damages and economic harms, and seek actual, special,

and compensatory damages.


(Named Plaintiffs and each Class and Sub-Class; Against all Defendants)

57. Named Plaintiffs adopt, incorporate by reference, and restate the

foregoing allegations in paragraphs 1 through 52, as if fully set forth herein, and further


58. Due to the negligence described herein, Named Plaintiffs and the

members of the classes have suffered discernable physical manifestations and injuries

of trauma from the negligent conduct, including, but not limited, to physical pains,

headaches, anxiety, and insomnia.

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59. These physical injuries and manifestations have been directly caused by

the by the psychological trauma suffered due to Defendant’s egregious conduct and its

effect on themselves and their loved ones.

60. Named Plaintiffs and the members of the classes have been in close

proximity to the negligent conduct causing their injuries.

61. Named Plaintiffs and the members of the classes have a close personal

relationship to the directly injured persons if it not themselves who have been directly


62. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants’ conduct as described

herein, Named Plaintiffs and the members of the classes have been injured and

harmed, and have suffered damages and economic harms, and seek actual, special,

and compensatory damages.


(Named Plaintiffs and each Class and Sub-Class; Against all Defendants)

63. Named Plaintiffs adopt, incorporate by reference, and restate the

foregoing allegations in paragraphs 1 through 52, as if fully set forth herein, and further


64. Alternatively to the negligence described herein, Defendants acted

intentionally and/or recklessly out of their own economic self-interest, and knew or

should have known that emotional distress would likely result from their conduct.

65. Defendants’ conduct, as described herein, was outrageous, going beyond

all bounds of decency, and is utterly intolerable in a civilized world.

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66. Defendants’ conduct has caused severe emotional distress to the Named

Plaintiffs and the members of the classes.

67. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants’ intentional and reckless

conduct, as described herein, Named Plaintiffs and the members of the classes have

been injured and harmed, and have suffered damages and economic harms, and seek

actual, special, and compensatory damages.


(Named Plaintiffs and each Class and Sub-Class; Against all Defendants)

68. Named Plaintiffs adopt, incorporate by reference, and restate the

foregoing allegations in paragraphs 1 through 52, as if fully set forth herein, and further


69. Upon information and belief, the only two registered bio-weapons

laboratories in the PRC are located in the City of Wuhan, and one of them, the National

Biosafety Laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, is the only declared site in

China capable of working with deadly viruses, and handles, according to various press

accounts, covert military applications of viruses.

70. In February, after the PRC’s President Xi Jinping finally began speaking

openly about the outbreak and its spread, it was reported by the media that the Chinese

Ministry of Science and Technology released a new directive titled: “Instructions on

strengthening biosecurity management in microbiology labs that handle advanced

viruses like the novel coronavirus.” Clearly, Defendants knew or should have known

about containment issues within their microbiology labs, such as the ones operating in

Wuhan, and that those labs handle viruses such as COVID-19.

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71. The Wuhan laboratories are in close proximity to the “wild animal”

marketplace where COVID-19 is alleged to have originated.

72. Furthermore, it has been reported in the media that some Chinese

researchers are in the habit of selling their laboratory animals to street vendors after

they have finished experimenting on them, instead of properly disposing of infected

animals by cremation, as the law requires.

73. The conduct of Defendants in connection with activities at the National

Biosafety Laboratory constitutes an ultrahazardous activity under US and Florida law


a. The conduct necessarily involves a risk of serious harm to the person,

land or chattels of others which cannot be eliminated by the exercise of
the utmost care;

b. The activities at the lab are not a matter of common usage; and

c. the activity is not of substantial value to any community.

74. The harms alleged herein are the result of Defendants’ ultrahazardous


75. The harms suffered by the Named Plaintiffs and members of the classes

are within the abnormal risk of harm posed by Defendants’ ultrahazardous activity.

76. By conducting this ultrahazardous activity, Defendants’ acts and

omissions demonstrate a conscious disregard or indifference to the rights, welfare, and

safety of Named Plaintiffs and the members of the classes.

77. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants’ ultrahazardous activity, as

described herein, Named Plaintiffs and the members of the classes have been injured

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and harmed, and have suffered damages and economic harms, and seek actual,

special, and compensatory damages.

78. Because Defendants engaged in ultrahazardous activity that caused

damages to Named Plaintiffs and the members of the classes, Defendants are strictly

liable to them for their damages.


(Named Plaintiffs and each Class and Sub-Class; Against all Defendants)

79. Named Plaintiffs adopt, incorporate by reference, and restate the

foregoing allegations in paragraphs 1 through 52, as if fully set forth herein, and further


80. Defendants, and more specifically the PRC, Hubei Province and the City

of Wuhan, had a duty to the public at large, including Named Plaintiffs and members of

the classes, not to use the property where the Wuhan Institute of Virology is located,

and/or create a condition that harms public health.

81. Defendants, and more specifically the PRC, Hubei Province and the City

of Wuhan, had a duty to the public at large, including Named Plaintiffs and members of

the classes, not to use the city and province as, essentially a giant Petri dish, continuing

to conduct extraordinarily large public gatherings, knowing of the dangers of the virus

and the ease of transmission.

82. Defendants, and more specifically the PRC, Hubei Province and the City

of Wuhan, breached that duty through the conduct described herein, including by

allowing COVID-19 to escape into Wuhan and/or flourish in Wuhan and Hubei, and

thereby become a pandemic.

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83. Defendants’ conduct has created a nuisance that violated rights,

subverted public order in the United States and Florida, is indecent and immoral, and

has caused annoyance, inconvenience and damage to the public, including Named

Plaintiffs and the members of the classes.

84. Defendants’ conduct and created nuisance has resulted in unreasonable

injury to Named Plaintiffs and the members of the classes.

85. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants’ nuisance, as described

herein, Named Plaintiffs and the members of the classes have been injured and

harmed, and have suffered damages and economic harms, and seek actual, special,

and compensatory damages.


Named Plaintiffs, on their own behalf and on behalf the Classes and Sub-

Classes, demand a trial by jury on all issues so triable.




and as putative Class Representatives, demand judgment against Defendants, and pray

for relief as follows:

a. Certification of the Classes under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23 and

appointment of Plaintiffs as representatives of the respective Classes and
their undersigned counsel as Class counsel;
b. An order appointing Named Plaintiffs as Class Representatives of the
National and Florida Non-Economic Classes;

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c. An order appointing Named Plaintiff TBT Training as Class Representative

of the National and Florida Commercial Classes;
d. An order requiring that Defendants pay compensatory and other damages
to Plaintiffs and the Class Members, for their economic and non-economic
damages identified herein, to the full extent permitted by the law;
e. An order awarding all damages allowed by any governing statutes;
f. Statutory pre-judgment and post-judgment interest on any amounts
g. Costs and expenses in this litigation, including, but not limited to, expert
fees, filing fees, and reasonable attorneys’ fees; and
h. Such other relief as the Court may deem just and proper.

Dated this 12th day of March, 2020.

P.O. Box 272789
Boca Raton, FL 33427
Telephone: (561) 826-5200
Fax: (561) 826-5201

By: /s Matthew T. Moore

Matthew T. Moore, Esq.
Fla. Bar No. 70034
Primary: [email protected]
Secondary: [email protected]

Vincent J. Duffy, Esq.

Fla. Bar No. 82151
Primary: [email protected]
Secondary: [email protected]


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