JoA CORE Rulebook ENG v13 PDF

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Rule Book

BOX CONTENTS ............... 4

COMPONENTS .................. 6
Miniatures & Units - 6
Game Board - 8
Dice - 10
Resources & Player Board - 10
Cards - 10
Battle Board - 11
Other Tokens - 11

SETUP ............................... 12

GAME OVERVIEW ........... 14

Council Phase - 14
The War for the Throne of France Player’s Turn - 14
Camp Phase - 15
will last 100 years!

Take part in the secular conflict of a world

ORDERS ............................ 16

tinged with Myths and Legends.

Playing Orders - 16
Order Types - 17

ACTIONS ........................... 18

In Time of Legends: Joan of Arc, players

Unit Actions - 19

are the protagonists of battles and adventures


taking place during the Hundred Years

Recruit Civilian

War, a medieval universe of incessant

Character Actions - 22

conflicts where Myths mingle with reality.

Using an Equipment

Thus, witches, ghosts, dragons, and angels

Upgrade a Character
Skill Actions - 24

meet with Joan of Arc and the heroes of



Depending on the chosen scenarios, you will

Player Actions - 25

be able to recreate real historical battles, but

Play a Legend card
Trigger an Intrigue

also conduct investigations, track down a


werewolf, make a pact with the angels, or

Gigantic Creatures - 26

embrace the cause of the Devil to better crush

Flying Units - 28
War Machines - 29

your opponents.
SKILLS ................................ 30

GLOSSARY ......................... 32

Get ready to rewrite history!

CREDITS ............................. 35

Box Contents

2 Booklets

Battle board

15 single hex tiles

4 triple hex tiles

4 double hex tiles

Game board
hex tiles

4 Player boards

20 Activation Order 12 Charge Order 12 Reactivation Order 12 Interrupt Order

cubes cubes cubes cubes
3 Gigantic dice 1 Doom dice 20 Combat dice
John Fastolf The Garrison of Saint-Loup Citizen
3 A
“ Good master, clearly you are
a person of influence. Could
Mounted Knights you introduce me to the lord of
this domain? ”

Back in action
Rally all allied destroyed
or Disrupted Peasants. B
“ Fortune favors the brave. Is fortitude one of
your qualities, master?”

” You have the ugly face of someone

Counter Attack who regularly frequents the brothels.
Give me the location of your favorite
Gain 1 house of ill repute. ”
and play it immediately.
” Master, I see your good faith is
Charge displayed in your kind face. Do you often
Retaliation - Dodge Reinforcements give alms to the poor? ”

When defending: 1 Gain 1

Roll 3 :
for each .

when John Fastolf suffers a

result, you may move him up to
2 areas.

24 Equipment 52 Legend 36 War Council 20 Round cards 2 A 1

cards cards cards
31 Troop cards 72 Character 11 Intrigue 42 Discussion
cards cards cards

30 Legend 30 XP tokens 20 Intrigue 30 Wound 8 Rally point 10 Barricade 10 Fire 5 Damage 4 Reroll 20 Scenario
tokens tokens tokens tokens tokens tokens tokens tokens tokens
First Player

61 Unit bases
4 Building & rubble overlays

Big house 2 Small houses

80 Colored base rings Church
Joan La Hire Gilles Du Guesclin Jean John The Black John John John Hero Hero with
of Arc de Rais de Dunois Fastolf Prince Talbot of Lancaster Chandos with Mace War Hammer

2 Mounted heroes

The Witch

The Werewolf The Unicorn

16 Mounted Knights


The Tarasque
6 Mounted
18 Foot Knights Bowmen

30 Bowmen

4 Angels 18 Pikemen 9 Crossbowmen

12 Wolves
12 Halberdiers 12 Sergeants at Arms

15 Skeletons 6 Ghosts Soothsayer Priest Merchant Girl Citizen Blacksmith

12 Peasants

2 Bullock Wagons
7 Stakes


5 Bushes
5 Walls 4 Rocky Outcrops
10 Trees

M iniatures Characters are Legendary heroes
or Mythical creatures of medieval
times who have their own base.
Over 230 miniatures are included in the core

game. These represent a wide variety of medieval
characters, from lowly peasants to devious Civilians are units that are not
witches and noble knights. controlled by either player. Often, a
unit that begins a scenario as a
Civilian can be recruited by players
to join their army. If this is the case,
it is then considered as belonging
to the player who recruited it.

In all cases, the miniatures have an integral base

to allow them to stand on their own. However,
only heroes and other unique Characters enter
battle alone, so rank and file Troops and Civilians
are attached to larger bases to fight in groups.

Each larger base or individual Character is called

a unit. Units that belong to the same side (or
player) are called “allied“ units. Units that belong
to an opposing player are called “enemy“ units.

There are three broad unit types:

Troops are the most common type of unit in a

player’s army. Each unit base represents a small
group of soldiers or monsters. A base of Troops
has usually either three infantry miniatures, two
cavalry, one war machine with two artillerymen,
or one or two flying miniatures.

U nit cards
The Black Prince
5 D

Each unit is represented by a card showing its various values and

statistics, or stats:

Faction: This is who the unit fights for. Some level 2

A Characters can have 2 factions.
B Name: The name of the unit. E
Terror 1 - Charisma

Level: Some Characters begin the game at level 1 and can units in the same area as The
C be upgraded from level 1 to 2. Each star represents one
Black Prince gain Haste 2.
When The Black Prince is
level of experience. K
activated, you may move one of
your Rally points to a free or
H 2 allied area.
1 1 I
L evel up cost: The number of XP tokens a player needs
D to spend to upgrade the Character to level 2.

Attack stat: The icon represents the type of attack: Bowmen
Melee or Shooting. Shooting attacks also indicate their
E type and maximum range in hexes. Below the icon is
the number and colour of attack dice.

F Defence stat: The number and colour of defence dice.


When attacking:
Type of Unit: The type of unit can be infantry, cavalry,
G war machine, or flying.
At start of the game, receive 1 stakes.
As a bonus action, you may place 1
 it Points (HP): The number of Wound tokens the unit
H stakes in the Bowmen’s area.

can suffer before being destroyed. Units with no display

H HP stat are destroyed if they suffer a Wound. A Character’s
remaining hit points are the difference between their hit B
points and the number of Wound tokens received. Blacksmith L
 Command stat: The command range and number of
I allied Troop units that can be commanded (see
Command, page 23).

Skills: These are common abilities available to the unit. E G

J Some provide special actions (see Skills, page 30).
Peasants in the same area as the
Blacksmith gain Retaliation and
K Powers: These are unique abilities, specific to the unit.

 Discussion icon: This icon indicates that the unit is one

L that can be spoken with (see Discussion, page 22).

French English Scottish Burgundy Walachian Ottoman Holy Unholy Mercenary Civilian


G ame Board
Hex Tiles

Checked areas are adjacent to area A.

Crossed areas are not adjacent to area A.

Each area has a capacity, expressed in spaces.
Each space can accommodate 1 point of size, so
The game board is made up of large hexagonal the total size of units, building or terrain elements
two-sided tiles that can be assembled like a may not exceed the capacity of the area.
puzzle. Each tile is identified by a tile number to
guide their arrangement and orientation. • A hex with 1 area has 8 spaces.

• A hex with 2 areas has 6 spaces per area.

• A hex with 3 areas has 4 spaces per area.

Most units have a size of 1. Some creatures and

war machines have a size of size 3, if they have
the “Big“ skill.
Each hex is subdivided into one, two, or three
areas. An area where all spaces are occupied is
considered full. A unit cannot enter an area
Each area contains a single which is full or does not have enough space left
type of terrain: plain, field, to accomodate it.
village, forest, hill, rocks or

Each type of terrain has

features that can give bonuses
or penalties to units within
them (see page 20).

An area can only contain one

player’s units at a time, plus
Civilians. If it contains units
from your side, it is called an
allied area, and an enemy
area if it contains the units
of an opposing side. If it
does not contain any units, it
is called a free area.

Areas are adjacent to each other if they share a

border. If the areas only meet at a corner, they
are not considered to be adjacent.

Terrain Elements & Buildings A unit can only enter a building if it is located in
the same area.

A building interior overlay is the only

area that can contain both allied and
enemy units. Those units are
considered adjacent to each other.

Example _____________________

Terrain elements (ruins, shrine, well, tree, bush,

and rocky outcrop) and small buildings (small
houses) have a size of 1.

Unless otherwise indicated in the scenario, one

tree is always placed in each forest area.

Area A is full. Its 4 spaces capacity is occupied by

the 3 units and the shrine.
Area B is not full. Only 3 spaces are occupied by
Big buildings (church, big house) have a size of 2. the 2 units and the tree. There’s still one space

Building Overlays Area C is full (small farmhouse, well and 2 units

occupy 4 spaces) but the building interior is not:
There’s still one space left since its capacity is 2.

Walls and Stakes


Walls and stakes are not terrain elements and
do not occupy any space in an area.

A small house with its building interior They are always placed in an area along one
and rubble side of its borders and serve as markers to indicate
combat modifiers for units in that area if they
Only an infantry unit can enter a building. When are attacked through that border (see Table on
a unit enters a building, the building miniature is page 20).
replaced with the matching interior overlay.

When the last unit exits a building, the building Barricades

miniature is placed back on the overlay. When
the building is destroyed, the interior overlay Barricades are not terrain elements
is turned over to show the rubble overlay. Each but they have a size of 1.
interior or rubble is considered an area, with its They are placed in an area by an Engineer skill
own capacity indicated on the interior overlay ( A ). action (see page 25).
An interior is adjacent to the ground area
surrounding it.

D ice

Players use 4 types of combat dice, determined

by the attack and defence stats of their units.
When a player gains resources, they are taken
They use the Doom dice to resolve the from a common pool (see Set-Up, page 12) and
fate of Disrupted units. stored on their player board.

When Legend or XP tokens are spent to pay

The gigantic dice are only used the cost of a power or card, return them to the
by gigantic creatures (see common pool. Intrigue tokens remain on the
Additional Rules – Gigantic triggered effect of the Intrigue card.
Creatures, page 26).

C ards
R esources & Player Board
Each player collects and spends 4 different
resources in order to achieve their goals: Round Deck
Orders, divided into 4 types (Activation, Charge, The Round deck is the timer
Reactivation, and Interrupt), are used to activate for the game. Each Round card
units. The Orders are represented by coloured also shows how many Activation
symbol banners in the rules, and wooden cubes Orders are collected by each
in the Core box. player at the start of a round.

War Council Cards

War Council cards offer tactical options

like extra resources or cards.

Orders (from left to right): Activation, Charge,

Reactivation, and Interrupt
Legend Cards
These cards have the same back but
a face of different colour according
Legend tokens are spent to activate to their type: green
certain powers. for the Tactics type,
ochre for the Myth
Experience tokens (abbreviated XP) type. Each scenario indicates
can be used to upgrade Characters what type should be used by
and must be spent to maintain their the players.
upgraded level, and to pay the cost of Tactics (green) and
some powers. Typically, historical scenarios Myth (ochre) cards
will use Tactics cards, while
Intrigue tokens are used to trigger fantasy scenarios will use Myth cards.
specific scenario events.

Discussion Wound
“ Good master, clearly you are
a person of influence. Could
These cards represent dialogue options
with certain Civilians encountered Whenever a unit with hit points
you introduce me to the lord of
this domain? ”

by the player's Characters during a suffers a Wound, place one Wound

“ Fortune favors the brave. Is fortitude one of
your qualities, master?”

” You have the ugly face of someone
who regularly frequents the brothels.

scenario. Players may incur bonuses token on its card.

Give me the location of your favorite
house of ill repute. ”

” Master, I see your good faith is
displayed in your kind face. Do you often

or penalties depending on the options

give alms to the poor? ”

Rally Point
Intrigue These tokens are placed in
an allied or free area of the
The Garrison of Saint-Loup
Intrigue cards are specific to the game board to indicate
Back in action
Rally all allied destroyed
scenarios which they are associated where a player’s Disrupted
with. They trigger beneficial events units return from the
or Disrupted Peasants.

Counter Attack
Gain 1
and play it immediately.
for their side if players put Intrigue Infirmary.
Gain 1
Roll 3 :
for each . tokens on them.

Equipment After a dice roll, this token allows
the player who uses it to reroll
Equipment cards can be obtained one or more dice. The token
through Discussion cards. Up to 2 returns to the common pool
Equipment cards may be assigned after use. A player can only have
to each Character. Equipment can be one Reroll token at a time.
either Tactics (blue gem on back) or
Myth (yellow gem on back).
B attle Board When placed in an area, the Fire token
causes a new terrain effect. It can
inflict Wounds on units and damages
buildings in the area (see page 25).

Barricade tokens reinforce the
defence of the areas where
they are placed by Engineer
The battle board keeps track of Round and War actions (see page 24).
council cards, and collects Disrupted units from
all sides.
O ther Tokens Damage tokens are used to track the
destruction of buildings.

First Player Token
Various generic tokens are used to
The First player token is given to the mark the location of specific
starting player, according to the rules points of interest, or specific
of the scenario. items of each scenario.


Setup Players
All players receive a player board ( ), and the cards
To set up a game, choose a scenario from the Scenario and miniatures of the units ( ) allocated to them
Book and follow the instructions. by the scenario. If Characters have different levels
dispatched on 2 cards, place their level 1 unit card on
Read the scenario, special rules, and victory conditions. top of the level 2 card.
Choose your sides. Give the First player token ( A ) to
the player whose side is designated by the scenario. Each player attaches faction colour rings to their units
and places them on the game board, along with their
Next assemble the game board with tiles, terrain Rally point token ( ), according to the scenario.
elements, buildings, and scenario tokens, as shown in
the scenario ( B ). Place one tree terrain element in Each player receives the resources, Legend cards, and
each forest area and one rocky outcrops in each rocks Reroll token ( ) indicated by the scenario and places
area unless the scenario says otherwise. them on their player board.

Unless the scenario specifies otherwise, each player

Battle Board also receives the Intrigue card ( L ) for their side.

Place the battle board ( C ) next to the game board. Other Elements
Shuffle, then place the following decks of cards face
down: Place the remaining resources as well as the Wound
tokens, the Legend cards, and the 2 Equipment decks in a
• War council ( D ). separate location (called the common pool) within each
• Round ( E ). Use only the Round cards indicated player’s reach ( ).
by the scenario.
• Legend ( F ). Use only the Myth or Tactics type, Place all Civilian miniatures on the game board as
as indicated by the scenario (M for Myth, T for indicated by the scenario, and place their unit cards
Tactics). near the common pool ( ).
• Discussion ( G ). Use only the Discussion cards
corresponding to the units with Discussion Place all the building interior overlays ( ) necessary
bubble icons present in the scenario. for the game near the common pool.


Declare this before the English Player’s

success, the English player must reroll

Until the end of its activation, one of

When attacking in melee an enemy area

Wagon roll. If the Wagon roll is a
Rally one allied Troop that was

to your attack roll.

your units gains Haste 2.

Muddy Terrain

who contains stakes:

On the double!

once more.
La Brossinière






after the attack roll and attacker’s
all attacker’s

William de la Pole
modifiers, replace

When defending:


Pikemen gain Retaliation.
When defending against


A 1

token located in the Peasants’ area or
Instead of performing an action with
in an area adjacent to the Peasants.

the Peasants, you can remove a Fire


Mounted Knights



Once per round, when Ambroise de

Loré is activated, gain:
Ambroise de Loré

At the beginning or end of their
activation, Mounted Bowmen
may be replaced by Bowmen.

Mounted Bowmen

Haste 2
At start of the game, receive 1 stakes.
As a bonus action, you may place 1
stakes in the Bowmen’s area.

When attacking:




La Brossinière
When defending : One of your units

During your turn, you may place

in an area containing stakes, add

a stakes in an area containing

Rally one allied Troop that was
automatically successful.

an opponent’s attack roll.)

(Play this Intrigue before

Adaptive Defense
Your Wagon roll is

to your defence roll.

Hold On!

Stick hit


Priest A
Soothsay“erWhich saints
Amust I S
my arm during
upon I call
to guidesaints Amust for
“hard waiting
QUESTIONS the upon tobattles
guide my arm during time,
you suffer all thefor will
Blacksmith A
at the
hard battles waiting
” “Don’t
me? the
knowing in advance
arrives me? ”come?”
“ When the war A
of the city, do you intend
at the
gates war arrives Did it
“ When the men?
lord’s A” in veryB bad shape.
to join the of city,adolotyou
the are intend in “ The church seems ” it
gates “ There men? ”of books suffer from the currentin very bad shape. Did
to join the lord’s In
this cabin. what language “ The church seems strife?
B ”
they written? ” the suffer from the current C alive from
are creations B are you will come back
if Idilapidated! you
“ Which one of your the “Can you tell me
church is sotheC beast of the Doforest?”
proudest of? ” creations are you ”myThis
fight against it as
dilapidated! Do you
God can really consider
“ Which one of your B ” This” church is so
believe it as His
proudest of? ” C Do you believe God can really
house? C consider
home reeks of brimstone!
poor-quality house? ” come from ancient
”“ AYour
barely warm furnace,
C with the Devil? Is” ”If your powers
D but a heathen?”
an agreement skinny arms…
iron, withfurnace,
find poor-quality
a decent Is gods, are you nothing
of your church isa
” A barely
warmi may
chance arms… ” The atmosphereD I pray
Can church is
thereiron, apprentices shop?with”C skinny to contemplatio n.your
weapon in thischance i may find a decent conducive
” The atmosphereback D toofwar?n.”Can I pray a
before Itogocontemplatio
Scoundrel, this do you”often copulate
shop? while,
conducive you have some ” medicinal
weapon in ”I see thatI go back to war?
what you know
with Lucifer? D ” before
told me one day gifts, too. Do you share
” An old craftsmanD forge D techniques with fellow human
some age-old one day
me better
about craftsman
old East, fightwere beast, in the
from AnI intend
” the” Far tothat a demonic
forge ” techniques or
ours. some youage-old
Dofuture. know them?
Do werehavemuchpotions
than from near
the Far East,heal
ours. Do you know
if the” fight goes
me,them? Guide Bonesetter
wrong? ”

1 .
When defending: Cancel
Once per turn,
During Camp if you spend 3 , search for the
spend 2 : Phase,
Once per round, if you
in the Guide’s area
Doom dice for reroll once the card of your choice
in the Legend
move all units located two
to an adjacent area. Disrupted units.allied Deck. Shuffle the deck

1 .
When defending, gain

C ouncil Phase
Game  F lip the first card of the Round deck ( A  ). Each

player takes the number of Activation Orders
indicated on the Round card ( B ) and adds
them to their player board.

Draw the first 3 cards from the War council deck
The game is played in a series of rounds. During ( C ), and place them in the river ( D ). The 3
a round, each player takes a turn, starting with cards must be different. If a duplicate is drawn,
the first player, who then passes to the next player discard it and draw another card until the river
indicated by the scenario's turn order. When all contains three different cards.
players have taken their turn, the fate of Disrupted
units is checked and the round ends.  S tarting with the First player, each player must
designate one War council card from the river
A round is divided into 4 phases as follows: and apply its effects. Multiple players may
choose the same card if they wish.

1 - Council Phase
Upkeep is not mandatory, but required if a
• ROUND CARD player wishes to maintain a Character upgraded.
• UPKEEP For each level 2 Character they own on the game
board, a player must spend 1 XP token. A Character
in the infirmary doesn’t need upkeep.
2 - First player’s turn
If the upkeep is not spent for a Character, it reverts
• ORDERS PHASE back to level 1. The level 2 card is replaced by the
• RESERVE PHASE level 1 card.

When a Character reverts back to level

3 - Second player’s turn 1, its hit points stat may decrease. If
the Character’s Wound tokens equal or
• ORDERS PHASE exceed its current hit points, it is
• RESERVE PHASE immediately destroyed.

4 - Camp Phase
P layer’s Turn
• FIRE DAMAGE Each player’s turn consists of 2 phases, in which
they do the following.

More Than 2 Players Orders Phase

In a 3 or 4 player game, add extra player turns
after the second player. A round begins with the The current player chooses an Order
First player and continues following the turn order from their player board and places it in
specified by the scenario. an allied area of the game board (for a
detailed description of Orders, see page 16).
In the case of a team game, players on the same All units in the area are activated at the same
side will alternate their turns. time, but their actions are resolved in an order
chosen by the player. For each unit, declare the
action(s) it will perform and resolve them (for a
description of actions, see page 18).The current
player continues to activate friendly areas of their
choice until they run out of Orders or decide to
end their turn.


1 1

1 1


Reserve Phase
The current player removes spent Orders from
the game board and returns them to the
C amp Phase
common pool. When all players have completed their turn, the
Camp phase begins. This determines the fate of
They move unused Orders from their player board all Disrupted units.
to the appropriate reserve areas, if there is room to
do so (see page 17).

Return all unused Orders that cannot fit in Casualties Check

reserve areas to the common pool.
Rally each unit in the waiting section ( A ) of
the infirmary (see next page, Rally a Unit).

Graveyard D After that, and starting with the

First player, each player rolls the
Doom dice ( B ) for each of their
units in the Disrupted section ( C )
and applies the result. The player must state
which unit each roll is for, before rolling the
Doom dice results:

Death: The unit is destroyed. (See

C next page, Destroy a Unit.)

Disrupted: The unit is disordered and

unable to act. It stays in the Disrupted
section ( C ) of the infirmary.
Rally: Rally this unit. (See next page,
Rally a Unit).
A Delayed Rally: The unit loses time as it
recovers from the horrors of combat.
Battle board - Infirmary Move it to the waiting section ( A ) of
the infirmary.

Other victory conditions are checked during this
Destroy a Unit phase by the First player. If any player has fulfilled
When a unit is destroyed, remove it from play the victory conditions of the scenario, the game is
by placing it in the graveyard ( D ) above the over and that player is declared the winner.
infirmary. In some scenarios, destroyed units

may award the opponent XP, Legend, or victory

Rally a Unit

P laying Orders
When a unit is rallied, place it in an area
containing an allied Rally point, if the following
conditions are met:

• The area with the Rally point is a free or During their turn, a player takes an Order
allied area. (a cube) from their player board and places it in
an allied area they wish to activate.
• The area with the Rally point has enough
capacity left to hold the unit (see Area • Players must use at least one Order on each
capacity rules, page 8). of their turns, if they have at least one. Each
Order must be resolved before moving on to
If these conditions are not met, the unit is placed the next one.
in the waiting section ( A ) of the infirmary.
• Reactivation, Charge, and Interrupt Orders
Only units in the infirmary can be rallied. may also be played as if they were an
Activation Order.
Rally point • An Activation, Charge, or Interrupt Order
A Rally point token marks cannot be placed in an area that already
the location where units in contains an Order.
the infirmary from this side
can return to battle. The • Playing an Order activates all units in the
initial location for each selected area, regardless of whether a unit
side’s Rally point is was activated earlier in the turn.
determined by the scenario.
French Rally point • The player declares all the actions that
token During the game, Rally units in the activated area will perform (see
points can be moved using Details of the actions page 18).
War council cards, skills, or powers. Rally points
may never be placed in an enemy area. • Multiple units can participate in the same
action. Units moving to the same area are
A Rally point token occupies no space in an area moved at the same time.
and cannot be destroyed.
• There can only be one movement action to
Some units have the Rally skill and are treated the same area from a single activation (i.e.,
as additional Rally points for their side. They one Order).
cannot be moved by the effects of cards, skills,
or powers that affect Rally point tokens. • Similarly, there can only be one attack
(melee or shooting) per target area during
Fire Damage a single activation. Each unit can only attack
once during an activation. It is not possible
Resolve the effects of the Fire tokens on the to attack an area with some units, and then
game board (see page 25). to decide to attack it again with more units
that were activated as part of the same
End of the Game & Victory Order.

If the Round deck has no cards left, the game Aside from these restrictions, a player may
ends at the end of the round. activate units in an area to perform different
Each scenario has its own victory conditions.
Some of them trigger the end of the game as After a player resolves the effects of an Order,
soon as the conditions are met. and before they play another, their opponents
have the option to play an Interrupt Order.
Storing Remaining Orders Reactivation
The Reactivation Order can be played
during your turn in an area that
already contains an Order (and only
one). This allows the same area to be
activated twice in the same turn.

Otherwise, a Reactivation Order can be played

as an Activation Order instead.
Orders can be kept in reserve from one round to
the next. The maximum number of Orders that Interrupt
can be stored on the player board is 3 of each type.
The Interrupt Order is the only Order
At the end of a player’s turn, all Orders left on which is played during an opponent’s
their player board that cannot be put in reserve turn. It is played after the active
are returned to the common pool. player has resolved an Order and
before they play another. This means
a player must always complete an

O rder Types
Order before an Interrupt Order can be played
in their turn. This Order cannot be played in an
area already containing another Order.

• Between activations, a player must ask their

Activation opponents (starting with the player with the
First Player token, and following the turn order)
whether or not they want to play an Interrupt
The Activation Order is played Order. The First player to play an Interrupt
during your turn to activate an area. It Order is the only one allowed to do so.
cannot be played in an area already
containing another Order. • Only one Interrupt Order may be played after
each of the current player's Orders.

Charge • After resolving an Interrupt Order, return it to

the common pool.

The Charge Order can be played Otherwise, an Interrupt Order can be played
during your turn to activate infantry during a player’s turn as an Activation Order
and cavalry units that have the instead.
Charge skill, and it allows them to
perform a Charge action. This action
allows activated units with the Charge skill to
move 1 area (infantry) or up to 2 areas (cavalry)
and to perform a melee attack as a single
activation (see Skill Action – Charge, page 24).
Units in the same area without the Charge skill
are activated as normal.

A Charge Order cannot be played in an area

already containing an Order, and units within
a building interior cannot perform the Charge
action. It becomes a regular Activation Order.

Otherwise, a Charge Order can be played as an

Activation Order instead.

Playing an Order in an area activates the area The available actions are:
and all allied units within it. Before activating
units, the player must decide which actions to
take and which units will participate in each
Unit Actions
The player can choose to have different actions
performed by units in the activated area. Each These actions are available for all units:
unit can, however, take part in only one action
per activation, plus as many bonus actions as • MOVE
the player wishes to perform. • ATTACK
A bonus action is an action that a unit performs • WAIT
in addition to its normal action, and it is done
either before or after the normal action.
Character Bonus Actions
These bonus actions are only available for


Skill Actions
These actions are available only for units
with specific skills:


Player Actions
These actions are performed by the player
and do not require an Order or Activation.



A player may choose to have units in an activated

area take different actions or the same action.
Each unit can be involved in only one action per
activation, plus any possible bonus action.

Each area can only be attacked once per

U nit Actions

All attacking units add their attack dice to the

attack roll.

All units in the target area add their defence

Move dice to the defence roll.

A unit may only move from one area to another Melee

by crossing the border between two adjacent Only units with the melee attack
areas. Note that hex tiles which only meet at a icon can perform a melee attack.
corner are not adjacent.
Melee attacks are declared
Most units move from one area to an adjacent against an adjacent enemy area
area on a move action. and are never blocked by terrain.

A unit can only move to a free or allied

area, and only if it is not full. Certain Shooting
types of terrain may be impassable or Only units with arcing or direct shooting attack
impose movement restrictions (see icons can perform a shooting attack (see below).
next page).
A shooting attack is declared against an
A level 2 Character, with an additional faction adjacent area, or an area up to a maximum
banner, cannot move into an allied area if it number of hexes away, as determined by the
contains a level 2 Character with an additional range stat. This is located above the shooting
banner indicating an opposing faction (see attack icon.
Upgrade rules on page 24).
Shooting attacks are divided into two categories
according to the shooting attack icon on the
Movement into a Building unit’s profile card: arcing shots or direct shots.
Building interiors are never considered enemy
areas. They can therefore accommodate units The type of terrain in the target area may modify
from opposing sides, and also level 2 allied units the attack and/or defence rolls. In addition,
with opposing faction banners, as long as the some terrain types may block shooting attacks
building has enough capacity left to hold the completely (see next page).
unit entering it.

Arcing Shots can target any area

Flying Units within range.
To move a flying unit, see the additional rules for
flying units on page 28. Direct Shots can target any area within
range, up to and including the first
blocking area (forest with a tree
Attack element, village with a building, hill).

A unit may perform a shooting attack against

There are two types of attacks: melee and a building interior area only if this unit is in a
shooting. Both follow the same rules of ground area adjacent to this building.
declaration and resolution. The only differences
are the range of the attack (the distance in
hexes that you can attack) and the possibility
that terrain may be an obstacle.

Declaring an Attack
Start by declaring which enemy area is targeted by
the attack. Note that an attacker can only designate
an area and not a specific unit in this area.

All activated units designated to attack this area

must then take part in this single attack.

When the dice have been rolled, resolve the
v PLAIN / FIELD attack following these steps:
- When attacking, each cavalry unit
that performs a charge through only
those areas may reroll 1 dice. 1. The attacker checks and applies any effects
triggered by skills or powers from their units.
FOREST (only with tree) After all effects have been resolved, discard
- When defending, you may reroll 1 dice. any remaining blank results from the attack
- Direct shooting can reach the area but roll.
not pass through.

2. The defender does the same with their

VILLAGE (only with building) roll, checking and applying skills or power
- When defending, you may reroll 1 dice. effects triggered by the units involved.
- Direct shooting can reach the area but
not pass through.
3. For each Shield result the
SWAMP defender rolled, they may
- When attacking, you may remove one discard one of the attacker’s
Shield obtained by the defender when
resolving an attack action. results, by first choosing from
- Charge actions cannot be performed into the Kill results, then Disrupt,
or out of a swamp. then Push.

HILL / ROCKS 4. If any attacking results remain, the

- When defending, gain the Retaliation defender allocates each one to a defending
skill with one dice result, chosen after the
defence roll. unit starting with Kill, then Disrupt, then
- Direct shooting can reach the area but Push results. Continue until the dice
not pass through. run out, or all defending units have one
- When performing a shooting attack, add
1 hex to the units’ range. result allocated to them. If there are still
BUILDING INTERIOR unallocated results, a unit that has more
- Units in a building may only attack other than 1 hit point remaining must receive an
units in the same building or in an adjacent additional result per remaining hit point
ground area, and can only be attacked by (but never more than one Push result).
units in the same building or in an adjacent
ground area. Excess results are discarded.
- When defending against attacks from an
adjacent area, the player add 1 black dice Apply the effects as shown in the list below:
to his roll.
- When defending against melee attacks,
each Bowmen unit gains 1 white dice. Kill: If the unit does not have any hit points on
- Attacking units cannot Follow-up after combat. its card, it is destroyed. Place the unit in the
- Remove the stakes if an enemy unit crosses graveyard. Otherwise, place a Wound token
on its unit card. If the number of Wound
WALLS tokens on the card is equal to or greater than
- When defending against melee attacks, the number of hit points, the unit is destroyed.
cancel 1 Push result.
- Attacking units cannot Follow-up after combat.
Disrupt: If the unit does not have any hit
BARRICADE points on its card, it is Disrupted and placed in
- When defending, each unit gains 1 white
dice. the Disrupted section of the infirmary. If the
- Attacking units cannot follow up after combat. unit is a Character with only 1 HP remaining,
- Remove the barricade if an enemy unit moves that Character is Disrupted and placed in the
into the area containing it.
infirmary. Otherwise place a Wound token on
its unit card.

Resolving an Attack Push: The unit is Pushed back. The attacker
All attacking units add the attack dice listed on chooses an adjacent free or enemy area
their stat card to the attack roll. Collect these where the unit must move, observing the
dice and roll them all together, unless one or rules of capacity. If it cannot move to any
more of these units have skills or powers that adjacent area, then the unit suffers a Disrupt
can affect the results of the roll. In this case, result instead.
make separate rolls and declare which units are A unit with multiple hit points may decide
concerned before each roll. to remain in the area by receiving a Wound
token instead of being Pushed, before the
The defending player does the attacker chooses the destination area. If the
same with the defence dice of all number of Wounds on the unit’s card is equal
units in the target area. to or greater than the number of hit points,
the unit is destroyed.

Retaliation Skill
A unit with the Retaliation skill can apply any
Kill, Disrupt, or Push results from their defence
roll to any attacking melee unit (chosen by the
attacking player). The player must roll the dice
of the retaliating unit separately to distinguish
them from other units. The attack and the
Retaliation are considered to be simultaneous.

The player suffering the Retaliation cannot use

Shield results from their attack roll to cancel
Retaliation results.

Following Up After Combat

After melee attack and defence rolls have been
resolved, if an adjacent target area no longer The defending units get pushed back, but
contains enemy units, the attacker may move thanks to their Retaliation skill, they can kill
into that area with some or all of the attacking a unit from their opponent’s attacking force.
units. Only units that contributed with dice or The defending player decides to have his
bonuses to the melee attack may Follow up, Bowmen and Sergeants-at-arms Pushed back,
observing area capacity rules. while taking the last Push as a Wound on his
Character to prevent his opponent’s army from
Example______________________ marching forward. The Mounted Hero has only
1 HP left. The attacking player assigns the Kill
result from the Retaliation to his Pikemen, who
are destroyed and placed into the graveyard.

The French player (blue) activates the area

containing a Mounted Hero and Pikemen.

They declare a melee attack against the

adjacent English area containing Bowmen, With the same activation, the attacking player
Sergeants-at-arms, and a Hero. uses the Command action (see page 23) of
his Mounted Hero unit to have the adjacent
They roll 2 red dice and 1 white dice: Mounted Knights attack the lone English Hero.

Using their 2 red dice, they roll:

They get 3 Push results. The defending player rolls 1 black dice:

The defending player rolls for defence using 1 This will negate the Kill result but won’t be
black dice, 1 white dice, and 1 red dice: enough to protect his Hero: The Hero suffers the
Disrupted result and is placed in the infirmary.

The attacking player can then have his

Mounted Knights Follow-up after their attack
Sadly, he doesn’t get any Shield results. and occupy the English Hero’s previous
However, the defending Sergeants-at-arms location. He may, if he wishes, attack the
who rolled a Kill possess the Retaliation skill. fleeing Bowmen and Sergeants-at-arms by
activating his Mounted Knights again.

Recruit Civilians (BONUS ACTION)
When a player’s unit moves into, or starts its
activation in an area where there is at least one
C haracter Actions
Civilian, the player may choose to recruit all the
Civilians in that area. These actions are only available to Characters:

For each Civilian recruited, the player takes the

corresponding unit card and places it with his Discussion (BONUS ACTION)
unit cards. This Civilian is now considered as
a unit belonging to the player, no longer as a Citizen
Civilian. Citizen “ Good

a persomaster, clearly
you intro n of are

If a recruited Civilian is no longer in A B this dom du ce Could

ain? ” me to the lord of

an area with an allied unit, it is no “ Fortune B

your qualifavors the brav
ties, mas e.
ter?” Is fortitude one of
longer considered to be an allied unit C
” You ha
and becomes a Civilian again. Its card who reguve the ugly face
Gi larly fre of someo
house ofve me the locatquents the brot ne
is placed back near the common pool. ill repute
ion of yo he
ur favoritls.
” Maste D
displaye r, I see your
give almsd in your kind facegood faith is
A non-recruited Civilian never goes to the to the po
or? ” . Do you often

infirmary. When a Civilian receives a Disrupted When a Character is in

result, they are destroyed. the same area as a unit
with the Discussion icon
Wait ( A ), it can perform a
discussion action with
Once per turn:
that unit. Its owner then takes the
Units stay in their area and do nothing. 4 Discussion
gain 1 cards corresponding to the level
1 unit (one star: B ), with the questions side
visible, shuffles them, and draws the card from
the bottom of the deck.

• From the questions side of the card, the

player chooses a question with no faction
banner attached to it (neutral questions A
or B), or one with a faction banner matching
their Character’s (questions C or D). A
discussing Character with the Charisma
skill can choose any question. Warning:
questions printed in red imply a risk for the
Character, but their effects are likely to bring
them greater benefits.

• The player reads the question aloud, then

hands the card to their opponent, indicating
which option they chose (A, B, C, or D).

• The opponent reads aloud the answer that

corresponds to the chosen question from
the back of the card.

• Any effects described by the answer are then

applied to the player who performed the
discussion action. Those effects can trigger
a test by rolling a dice.

A Discussion action either ends or is followed-up

by a level 2 (2 Stars) Discussion card, if certain
effects are triggered.

A Character can only perform one discussion

action per turn.

• Number of units X ( B ): X is the maximum
Once the discussion action is resolved, number of units within the command value’s
remove the Civilian unit from the game range that can be activated.
(both its miniature and unit card).
The player activates units designated by the
command action, to make them perform an
Example______________________ action as if they had been activated by an
A player performs a discussion action between Activation Order.
level 2 Joan of Arc (French and Holy factions)
and a Citizen Civilian located in the same area. The command action can only target units
outside the area occupied by the commanding
The drawn card offers 3 questions : A, B, and D Character, never in its own area.
(2 Neutral + 1 Holy).
If several commanding Characters are activated
in the same area, they cannot perform a
QUESTIONS Although command action on the same Troop unit.
“ Good master, clearly you are question A is
a person of influence. Could
you introduce me to the lord of risky (printed in
Using an Equipment
this domain? ”
red), the player
decides to readB it before
“ Fortune favors the brave. Is fortitude one of
handing the card to
their opponent,
your qualities, master?” who turns it over and reads (BONUS ACTION)
answer A. C
” You have the ugly face of someone
who regularly frequents the brothels.
Give me the location of your favorite
Equipment cards are obtained as a result of a
house of ill repute. ”
ANSWERS The player who discussion, and may be placed on the Character
” Master,“ YouI see
are anyour
ambitious faithsir!is
performed the who performed the discussion as a bonus
displayedI will
give alms
in your kind face.
see what
to the” poor? ”
I can do you often
your action is then action.
OR 1 .
: IF Gain 2
invited to do a
ELSE discard a Legend card and 1 .
- Spend 1 to ask a level 2 question. test: he rolls a Equipment can be either Tactics (blue gem on
B white dice. If he back) or Myth (yellow gem on back).
gets aenough
to survive inhe can
“ I am as crafty as the fox in the fables. It’s
challenge this world. ” gain either 2 Intrigue
Draw a War Council card and benefit from
its effects ORorgaina2 Reactivation
. Order, but any other
result will force C him to discard 1 Legend card When a Character receives an
Isabel 1
hasLegend token.
“ Between us, sir, the bathhouse of mistress
a tolerable reputation. ” Equipment card, place it near
Gain 2 OR 1 Legend card.
- Spend 1 to askhappens,
a level 2 question. he can then spend 1 XP their unit card. A Character cannot
token to draw D a level 2 Discussion card and have more than 2 Equipment
ask a new I care question
“ They say it’s impossible to redeem one’s own
soul. Nevertheless, deeply for that oformy he can simply end the cards at any time.
neighbour. ”
discussion (and
Retrieve your Reroll token
OR rallyremove
one of your the Civilian from the
Characters may discard Equipment cards at any
Command (BONUS ACTION) time, or give them to another Character in the
same area.
Characters with a command value
can perform the command action Once placed, the Equipment card provides a
on allied Troop units. The command permanent or one-time bonus to the wearer,
action is a bonus action, which depending on the effect described on the card.
B must be declared and resolved
before or after the normal action When a Character is destroyed, their Equipment
performed by that Character. cards are discarded.

In addition to allied Troops, the command

action can also be used to activate allied
Characters possessing the Mercenary Skill.

The Command stat is broken down into 2 values:

• Range X ( A ): If X is an A (for adjacent), it

means that the range of command is limited
to any adjacent allied area. If it is a number,
it indicates the range in hexes covered by the
command radius.

Upgrade a Character (BONUS ACTION)
S kill Actions
Some Characters have 2 levels of
experience indicated by the level These actions are available only for units with
ohn Fastolf A
icon ( A ) on their card. To upgrade the specific skills:
to the second level, spend the
3 required number of XP tokens ( B ).
When the player spends the XP This action is only available for units with the
tokens to upgrade, replace the Haste X skill. The unit may move through several
Character’s level 1 card by the level 2 consecutive areas. The X rating of the Haste skill
card, and transfer any tokens from it is a value representing the maximum number
to the level 2 card. of areas that can be moved through during this
To upgrade to level 2, flip the level 1 card. If
there is a level 2 card with two sides, the player
decides which side to use and places it with Jump
that side face up.
This action is only available for units with the
Each side has different features and Jump X skill. When the unit performs this action,
adds an additional faction banner remove its miniature from the game board and
(Holy or Unholy). Once the player has place it on any allied or free area that is not full,
chosen a side, even if the Character within X consecutive areas of its starting area.
drops back to level 1 (by lack of upkeep
for example), it will never be able to
choose the other faction of the level 2 Charge
card if it is subsequently upgraded.
aliation - Dodge A player cannot upgrade a level 1 This action is only available for units
Character to a level 2 version with a with the Charge skill who have been
faction banner opposed to the banner activated by a Charge Order.
hen defending: of an allied unit in the same
area. The player will have to
n Fastolf suffers a wait for this Character to be When performing a Charge, cavalry units can
in an area that does not move up to 2 areas AND make a melee attack.
u may move him up to contain any other allied unit
2 areas. with opposing banners When performing a Charge, infantry units
before they can upgrade it. can move 1 area AND make a melee
A 1 Upgrading to level 2 is
not permanent: At the Units cannot Charge into or from a building
end of the Council interior, nor into or from a swamp area.
phase, each player
must pay upkeep
to maintain their Prayer
level 2 Characters
(see page 14), This action is only available for units with the Prayer
by spending 1 skill. When a unit uses this action, its owner may take
XP token per 1 XP or Legend token from the common pool and
Character. place it on their player board.

This action is only available for units with the Heal
skill. The Heal action removes 1 Wound token from
the card of a Character located in the same area
as the unit performing the action.

Engineer Actions
Engineer actions are only available for units
P layer Actions
with the Engineer Skill. There are two possible
Engineer actions: These actions are performed by the player, not by
units, and do not require an Order to be played.
Place a Barricade token in
the same area as the unit Play a Legend Card
performing the action. This
action can only be
performed in a forest, village, building interior
area, or in an area containing a building.

There can only be one Barricade token per area,

and it takes up 1 space in the area.
When an area containing a Barricade token is B
attacked, it provides one extra white defence dice
against both melee and shooting attacks to all
units in its area and and prevents Follow-up after A

Attacking units with the Engineer skill ignore this Legend cards are acquired by players from War
restriction. Remove the Barricade if an enemy council cards and certain other powers. They are
unit enters the area containing it. drawn from the Legend deck. If this deck runs out
of cards, shuffle the discarded Legend cards and
assemble a new deck.
Set Fire
A unit may : A player may play any Legend card from
• place a Fire token in its area and their hand by spending the number of
perform a bonus movement action Legend tokens indicated on the card( A ).
afterwards After the effect of the card ( B ) has been
• or remove a Fire token from its resolved, it is discarded, face up.
The Legend card’s power description indicates
There can only be one Fire token per area. when it can be played.

During each Camp phase, after the casualties

check, each area that contains a Fire token is Trigger an Intrigue
affected as follows:
The Garrison of Saint-Loup A player may choose to trigger any of
• Remove every tree, bush, stakes and the effects listed on their Intrigue
Back in action

barricades. card at any time during his turn

Rally all allied destroyed
or Disrupted Peasants.

Counter Attack
Gain 1
and play it immediately.
(unless stated otherwise by the
• Each unit present in the same area suffers Reinforcements card) by putting the required
1 Roll 3 :

1 red dice attack roll and cannot roll their number of Intrigue tokens on the
Gain 1 for each .

defence dice. dedicated slot.

• Place a damage token on a building The tokens remain on the Intrigue card
or building interior located in this to indicate which effect was triggered,
area. If the number of damage as each effect can only be triggered
tokens equals or exceeds the once. (unless stated otherwise by the
capacity of the building, it collapses: Remove card).
the Fire token and flip the building interior to
show its rubble side. The rubble is not a terrain A player may exchange at any time
element but it occupies 1 space in the area it’s and as many times as they want one
put in, and it’s considered as a building interior unused Intrigue token for one XP or
area, but without any defence bonus. Legend token

When a building collapses, all units located in

that building suffer 1 red dice attack roll and may
roll their defence dice. Place surviving units on
the rubble overlay.
Gigantic creatures are very powerful Characters
who have gigantic dice and dashboards instead
of unit cards to distinguish them from other

Rules Gigantic Dashboard

Follow these rules if the scenario includes units The gigantic dashboard has the following
with uncommon skills or features (gigantic characteristics:
creatures, flying units, or war machines).
A Faction of the creature.

G igantic Creatures B

Name of the creature.

Unit type of the creature.

D Activation cost: The number of Orders

required to activate the hex ( 1 ) in which
the creature is located. This cost may vary if it is
a sky hex ( 2 ).

Number and type of dice the creature rolls
for melee and shooting attacks.
F The gigantic dice type which is used to make
gigantic attacks.

G Fixed defence: Gigantic creatures do not roll

for defence, they have predetermined results
when they defend themselves.

H Hit points (HP): maximum Wound tokens

the creature can receive before being

I Command Value: The command range and

number of allied Troop units that can be

J Skills of the creature.

Gigantic Creature - The Beast chasing John Fastolf
K Powers of the creature.




Orders and Movement may Follow up, if the target hex contains no
units, buildings, or terrain elements.

Gigantic creatures are never placed in an area If the gigantic creature is also a flying unit, it
but always in a hex, fully occupying all areas and can perform its gigantic attack from a sky hex
free spaces of that hex. to any ground hex (see Flying Units’ rules next
To activate a hex containing an allied gigantic
creature, pay the number of Orders indicated by
its activation cost: If this number is 2 Orders, only
1 Order is placed in one area of the creature’s
hex while the other Order is discarded.

When performing a move action, a gigantic

creature can only move to an adjacent hex if the
destination hex contains no units, buildings or
terrain elements.

Gigantic Attack
Gigantic creatures can perform a type of attack
action called a gigantic attack. This is a melee
attack targeting all units and buildings in an
adjacent hex.

To perform this attack, the

player controlling the creature
rolls as many gigantic dice as
there are areas in the target
hex. Once the dice have been
rolled, the player can assign
each dice to an area within the target hex.

Each assigned result is multiplied by the number

of enemy units in the target area.

Units in a targeted area may make a defence

roll unless the assigned result is Trample.

If a Kill result is assigned to an area with 3
units, those units must defend against 3 Kill

Attack results that are not cancelled are treated

as follows:

A Trample result is treated as an

automatic Push that applies to all
units in the affected area with no
possible defence roll.

Kill, Disrupt and Push are applied as in a normal

attack resolution. Moreover, Kill and Disrupt
remove one terrain element or building that is
Size 1 or that has previously received 1 Damage
token, or they inflict a Damage token to a Size
2 building. After a gigantic attack, the creature

F lying Units
Flying units are indicated by the
flying type icon on their card.

The presence of at least one of these units in

a scenario involves creating a second game
board called the sky board, consisting of sky
hexes. The standard game board is called the Placement of the first 2 sky hexes
ground board in the following rules, consisting with placement of additional tiles
of ground hexes.
Sky Board Sky hexes have only one face and
behave just like a ground hex for
capacity and adjacency rules.
If the scenario does not include a plan for setting
up a sky board, assemble it during setup, after Only a flying unit can move to or
assembling the ground board: from an area on a sky hex.

• Place all the available sky hexes face down An area on a sky hex is considered to be adjacent
and draw 2 at random. Draw 1 additional to all areas on a ground hex for movement
sky hex per gigantic flying creature involved. actions. An area on a sky hex is never considered
Discard the remaining sky hexes. to be adjacent to a building interior.

• Place the chosen hexes face-down, as per A unit that is Pushed back from a sky hex is
the diagram. After all the hexes are placed, placed on an allied or free sky area of the
flip them face-up. attacker’s choice.

Sky hexes have their own types of terrain, with
their own rules: W ar Machines
No effect. A war machine unit is indicated by the
war machine type icon. War machines
are subject to the following rules:
When defending against shooting
attacks, gain 1 black dice.

Limited Movement
When attacking from this area, A war machine can never move more than one
Holy faction units gain 1 black
dice. area during a turn and, not being infantry or
cavalry, is not eligible for any skill or power that
can move it more than 1 area.

Crew Dependancy
Flying Unit Rules
Trebuchet, Ballista, Culverine, and Bombard are
When performing a move action, instead of deployed at the beginning of the game with 2
moving to an adjacent sky hex, flying units may Artillerymen attached to their base and are size 1.
move from a sky hex to any free or allied ground
hex, or vice versa. Each flying unit may only do Those war machines can only be activated if there
this once per turn. is at least 1 unit with the Crew skill attached to
their base. Those war machine bases can only
When activated on a sky hex, flying units can receive units with the Crew skill (see p30).
perform a melee attack against an adjacent sky
hex area, but not to a ground hex area.
Structural Damage
Flying units activated on a sky hex can perform
a shooting attack against any enemy ground Some war machine attacks can
area, if they have a range 1 or higher shooting cause damage to buildings. For
attack. each damage inflicted, put a
damage token on the building.
Flying units on sky hexes can be targeted by
enemy ground units with range 1 or higher If the number of damage tokens equals or
shooting attacks. exceeds the capacity of the building, it collapses.
The building interior is flipped in its rubble side.
When they are attacked on the ground, flying The rubble is not a terrain element but it occupies 1
units are always Pushed back in a ground area. space in the area it’s put on, and it’s considered as
a building interior area, but without any defence
Flying Characters with Command may command bonus.
from a sky hex to any area of a ground hex if
their Command range is at least 1. When a building collapses, all units located in
that building suffer 1 red dice attack roll and
may roll their defence dice. Place surviving units
on the rubble overlay.

Skills When a unit with Charisma performs a
discussion action, the player may choose any
question regardless of faction restrictions. In
Some skills are followed by an “X“, which is addition, if the chosen answer involves a dice
usually a number indicating a value such as roll, you can reroll the dice once.
range or power rating.
Big If at least 3 units of the same name with this
This unit has a size of 3 spaces and is immune skill are in the same area, add 1 white dice to
to Terror skill effects. your defence roll.

Bodyguard Crew
After attack results have been allocated to units When defending, this unit must suffer a Kill or
in the same area as a unit with Bodyguard, the Disrupt for any such result allocated to the war
defending player can reassign 1 Disrupt or Kill result machine it’s attached to. The unit is removed from
from another unit to the unit with Bodyguard. the base when it suffers said result. When it’s
rallied or deployed, it can only be placed on an
empty slot of an allied crew-dependant war
machine (see page 29).
When a flying unit with Carrier moves from a
ground area to a sky area, it may take an allied
infantry Character in the same area with it. The
base of the Character’s miniature must not be When defending, if a unit with Dodge rolls a
bigger than the base of the flying unit. blank result, it may immediately move to an
adjacent free or allied area of the defender’s
The transported Character moves with the choice. This move occurs before the attack is
flying unit. Place it next to the carrier unit to resolved.
indicate this state. This move is the only action a
Character may perform while being transported.

• The transported Character cannot be

activated while it is being transported, Units may perform Engineer actions during
nor can it use any dice or skills. their activation (see page 24).

• The carrier can drop a transported

Character into its destination area after
moving from a sky area to a ground area.
When attacking, this unit can reroll 1 dice once.
• Until it is dropped, the transported unit
cannot be attacked, only the flying unit
carrying it can be attacked.
• If the carrier is destroyed or Disrupted This unit is immune to Fire token effects.
while transporting a Character, the
Character falls into an allied or free
ground area chosen by the attacker and
suffers 1 Wound.
Haste X
When a unit performs a Haste action, it moves
through several consecutive areas. The X
determines the maximum number of areas that
Charge can be crossed during the action.
When cavalry or infantry units with this skill are
activated by a Charge Order, perform a move
action then a melee attack as part of the same
activation. When moving, infantry travel 1 area If a unit performs the Heal action during its
and cavalry up to 2 areas. activation, remove one Wound from a Character
located in the same area.

Immortal Retaliation
The unit is placed in the Disrupted area of the When defending against melee attacks, this
infirmary when it suffers a Wound that would unit can apply Kill, Disrupt or Push results
otherwise destroy it. obtained with their defence roll to one attacking
The unit treats any Death result on the Doom unit, chosen by the attacker (see page 21).
dice as a Disrupted result.

This unit is also immune to the Terror skill.

When attacking, the player may spend a Legend
token to change a Disrupt result obtained by
Impetuous this unit to a Kill result.
The unit must Follow up (see page 21) after
combat if possible.
When attacking, the first Kill result assigned to
Jump X a Character from this unit counts as 2 Kill results
When this unit performs a Jump action, remove on the defender.
its miniature from the board and place it on
any free or allied area which is not full, within X
areas of its starting position.
If at least 3 units of the same name with this
skill are in the same area and are attacking
Mercenary together, aiming at the same area, add 1 white
The unit may be activated for free at the dice to your attack roll.
beginning of the Orders phase, before playing
any Order, if you get a Shield after rolling a
black dice (Roll a dice for each unit with the
Mercenary skill).
When attacking, dice results obtained by this
These units can then be activated with any unit can be assigned to enemy units of the
Order, just like all other units. attacker’s choice within the target area.

The unit can also be activated, once per turn,

through the Command action of a Character.
When activated, the unit can also use its own
Terror X
Command action, but only on other units When an attack is declared against an area
possessing the Mercenary skill. containing at least one unit with Terror X, roll
X yellow dice before the attack. For each Push
result, an attacking unit of the defender’s choice
performs a Wait action instead of attacking.
When defending against melee attacks, this unit If several units with Terror are located in the
can reroll 1 dice. same area, only take into account the unit
with the highest Terror value.
Prayer Attacking units with Big, Immortal, or Terror of
If a player’s unit performs the Prayer action equal or superior value (X) are immune to Terror
during its activation, that player gains either effects: Those units cannot be chosen by the
one Legend token or one XP token. defender and suffer from Terror effects.

Rally Tough
Units with Rally are considered to be additional When defending, if this unit receives a Kill result
allied Rally points. They cannot be moved by after being attacked when having only one hit
powers or effects that can move the Rally point point left, roll a black dice and cancel the Kill if
token (see Rally a Unit, page 16). the result is a Shield.

Once per game, when a player activates this unit,
they can choose to retrieve their Reroll token.

no faction allegiance. During the course of the
game, they can be recruited by players who move

units into areas occupied by the Civilians.

COMBAT DICE: Combat dice are rolled to attack

and defend with units. There are four types
represented by different colours, and the number
FIRST PLAYER: The First player is determined by and type rolled is determined by the cards of
the scenario, and always takes the first turn in a units involved in the combat.
game round. The First player receives a token as
a reminder of this status. COUNCIL PHASE: The Council Phase is the
first part of a round, in which Round cards and
ACTION: An action is performed by units that War council cards are drawn and revealed, and
have been activated. upkeep on level 2 Characters is paid.

ACTIVATION: When a player puts an Order in DEFENCE: Defence is a dice roll carried out in
an area during a turn, all units in that area are response to an attack against units in an area.
activated to perform actions. Results on the defence roll can be used to cancel
or offset results of the attack roll.
ALLIED AREA: All areas that contain one or more
of your units, or of another player on your side. DESTROY: Destroy is a term used for units with
no hit points that receive a Kill result in combat,
ALLIED UNIT: A unit controlled by you or another or units that receive Wound tokens that equal or
player on your side. exceed their hit point value. Destroyed units have
their miniatures placed in the graveyard.
ANSWER: Answers are read from Discussion
cards by the active player’s opponent, based DISCUSSION: A discussion is an action that can
on the question they chose during a discussion be carried out by a Character, when they are in
action. They may incur bonuses or penalties for an area containing a unit or Civilian with the
the active player. Discussion bubble icon. A discussion is performed
using Discussion cards, and the questions chosen
AREA: An area is a section of a hex tile, into and answers given determine the outcome.
which units, buildings, and terrain elements may
be placed. DISRUPT: Disrupt is a combat result
which represents the unit being
ATTACK: Attack is an action in which units target demoralised and rendered ineffective
an enemy area and roll dice to try to inflict in battle. Disrupted units are sent to
casualties. There are two types of attacks: melee the infirmary until they can rally or are
and shooting. destroyed.

BATTLE BOARD: The battle board keeps track DOOM DICE: The Doom dice is rolled to determine
of Round and War council cards, and collects the fate of units in the infirmary.
Disrupted units from all sides.
ENEMY AREA: An enemy area is any area
CAMP PHASE: Camp Phase is the last part of a containing enemy units.
round, in which casualties are dealt with, and
victory and end game conditions are checked. ENEMY UNIT: An enemy unit is any unit belonging
to your opponent(s).
CAPACITY: Capacity is a value representing the
number of spaces in an area. Each space can EXPERIENCE: Experience, also known
accommodate 1 point of size from units, terrain as XP, upgrades and maintains certain
elements, or buildings. The number of areas in a Characters. It is represented by tokens
hex determine what the capacity of each one is that can be spent to upgrade a
(see page 8). Character, and to maintain the
upgrade via upkeep.
CHARACTERS: Characters are a type of unit. They
are usually heroes or individuals represented on FACTION: Factions are the groups that different
the game board by a miniature, and a card listing units fight for. On their unit cards this is
their stats, skills, and powers. Some Characters represented by a faction banner, and their
have a level 1 and level 2 version. miniatures are attached to bases that are colour
coded by faction. Level 2 Characters may be able
CIVILIANS: Civilians are units that belong to to choose an additional faction.
neither side at the start of a game and have

FLYING: Flying units have special move and attack INTERIOR OVERLAY: An interior overlay is a tile
rules. When flying units are present in a game, representing the inside of a building. When units
there are two game boards: one, the normal game move to enter a building, transfer their miniatures
board, is referred to as the ground board, and the onto the interior overlay. An interior overlay is an
other is the sky board, comprised of sky hexes. area that may contain units from opposing sides,
and allied Characters of opposing factions. When
FOLLOW-UP AFTER COMBAT: Follow-up is a move a building is destroyed, you flip the interior overlay
that can be made by the attacking units after and use the rubble overlay for the rest of the game.
combat if they destroy or Push back all enemy
units in the target adjacent area. Units with the INTRIGUE: An Intrigue is a player action
Impetuous skill must make this move if they can. that triggers an effect or bonus from
their Intrigue card. Each Intrigue card
FREE AREA: A free area is any area on the game has several effects listed on it, which are
board that does not contain any units belonging paid for with Intrigue tokens. Each effect
to a player. may only be used once per game.

FREE ACTIVATION: Activation that doesn't need any KILL: Kill is a combat dice result. Units
Order to be spent or placed on the game board. that are assigned a Kill result are
destroyed and go to the graveyard if
FULL AREA: A full area is one in which all the they have no hit points listed. If they
spaces are taken up by units, terrain elements, or have hit points they receive a Wound
buildings. Units may not move into areas which token instead.
are full.
GAME BOARD: The game board is the main play are cards drawn from a Legend deck
area on which units move and fight, and various during the course of play. Players can
game tokens are placed and removed. It is made up trigger the effects of Legend cards they
of hex tiles and terrain elements, set up according hold by paying the corresponding
to the scenario. amount of Legend tokens.

GIGANTIC: Giggantic units take up all areas of MELEE: Melee is an attack using hand-to-hand
hexes they occupy, and may make special gigantic weapons. Units that perform melee attacks can
attacks. only target adjacent areas.

GIGANTIC ATTACK: Gigantic attacks affect all units MYTH CARD: Myth cards are a type of Legend card
and buildings in the target area and are rolled on that feature supernatural events. The scenario
gigantic dice. usually determines if Myth cards are used in the
Legend deck.
GRAVEYARD: This is an area above the infirmary
on the battle board for collecting destroyed units. ORDER: Orders are used by players to activate units
In some scenarios, players earn victory points from in an area to perform actions. They are represented
enemy units in the graveyard. by coloured cubes, and different Orders allow units
to perform different actions. The standard Order is
GROUND BOARD: The ground board is an Activation, and all types of Order can be used as if
alternative name for the game board, used in they were Activation Orders. The other types are
scenarios with flying units. Charge, Reactivation, and Interrupt.

GROUND HEX: Ground hexes are an alternative PLAYER BOARD: Each player has a board on which
name for hexes on the game board in a scenario they store and keep track of their resources.
with flying units. The name distinguishes them
from sky hexes. POWER: Powers are unique abilities or actions
available to units.
HEX: Hexes or hex tiles are large, card hexagons
depicting terrain. Each hex may be subdivided into PUSH: Push is a combat dice result
one, two, or three areas. Hexes are the components representing defending units being
that make up the game board. forced to give ground to attackers. Units
assigned a Push result are moved into
INFIRMARY: The infirmary is an area on the battle an adjacent allied or free area by the
board used to store Disrupted units of all sides, until attacker.
their fate is determined by the Doom dice.

RALLY: Rally is a Camp Phase action in which STAT: Stats are values printed on unit cards
eligible units are moved from the infirmary to a providing information about the unit’s
Rally point on the game board. The Rally point is capabilities and status, such as how many hit
usually a faction specific token in an area. points it has, how far it can move as a single
action, or what is the maximum range of its
RESOURCE: Resources are collected and used by shooting attacks.
players to perform various actions in the game.
These are Orders, Legend tokens, XP tokens, TACTICS CARDS: Tactics cards are a type of
and Intrigue tokens. Legend card that feature non-supernatural
events, and which usually occur in historical
RIVER: The river is where War council cards scenarios. The scenario determines if Tactics
drawn during the Council Phase of a round are cards are used in the Legend deck.
placed. All cards in the river must be different,
so duplicates are discarded and replaced. TOKENS: The game includes various tokens to
track values (such as Wound tokens), resources
ROUND: A round is a period of gameplay during (such as XP tokens), or mark the positions of
which cards are drawn, upkeep is paid, all points of interest on the game board (such as
players take a turn issuing Orders and resolving Rally point tokens).
actions, casualties are dealt with, and victory
and end game conditions are checked. The TROOPS: Troops are a type of unit. They are
game plays out over a series of rounds. usually infantry or cavalry, are represented on
the game board by miniatures, and have a card
SHIELD: Shield is a combat dice listing their stats, skills, and powers.
result. Shields are generally used by
defenders to cancel the effects of TURN: A turn is a period of gameplay during
attack dice. which a player issues Orders and activates their
units to perform actions, and clears away any
SHOOTING: Shooting is an attack using ranged resource tokens used during the turn. Each
weapons that allows attackers to target enemy player gets one turn per round, starting with the
areas up to a maximum number of hexes away first player.
determined by a range stat. There are two types
of shooting attacks, arcing and direct shots. UNIT: Units make up the armies of players,
Arcing attacks can ignore most types of blocking and any other factions present in the scenario.
terrain, but direct shooting attacks are blocked They are represented on the game board by
by some terrain types. miniatures, and their stats and abilities are
recorded on unit cards. There are three types
SIZE: Size is a stat that determines how many of units: Troops are infantry, cavalry, flying, and
spaces a unit takes up in an area. war machine; Characters are named individuals,
and Civilians are neutral parties who may be
SKILL: Skills are common abilities that different recruited to join any player’s army during game
units may possess. They apply certain effects play.
during gameplay, or allow units to perform
certain actions. XP: XP is an abbreviation for experience points.

SKY BOARD: The sky board is a special game WAR MACHINE: A war machine is a type of unit
board used in scenarios that have flying units. which requires a crew to operate and attack.
It is made up of sky hexes and is separate from
the main game board, which is referred to as the
ground board. Flying units can move and attack
between the sky board and the ground board,
and units on the ground board may target sky
hexes with shooting attacks.

SKY HEX: Sky hexes make up the sky board in a

game that has flying units.

SPACE: Spaces indicate capacity in areas. Each

space can be occupied by 1 size point of units,
terrain elements, or buildings.

Acknowledgements from the author:

The brilliants and generous ambassadors Mike Monnier, Ben and

Peps, Romain Delavie, Vincent Thierry Savidan, Andy Cahard, Mathieu
Giroux, Pascal Vanpée, Nicolas Lamberti and everyone I didn’t had the
Game Designer: Pascal Bernard chance to meet; Léonidas Vesperini who ever believed in Joan of Arc,
Game Developers: Patrick Receveur & The Mythic Team Patrick Receveur faithful companion in the creation of the battlefield
of Normandy, Julien Borne for his active involvement. Laurent Levi
Historical Army Lists Developer: Hervé Caille for all his prototypes miniatures, and his unstinting support, Hervé
Caille for his fabulous miniatures game “L’Art de la guerre”, Julien
Artwork: Bayard Wu, Stefan Kopinski, Stéphane Gantiez,
Marty great alderman of the video Game Montjoie! and Joan of Arc,
Christophe Madura, Nicolas Jamme, David Demare, Solène
Chastang, Juliette Pompanon Guillaume Bouilleux Mr “Hex Rules“ for his support to the historical
and cultural cause, Charlie Delacretelle and his family for his norman
Tile Artist: Charles “Carl Art” Salom evenings, Docteur Mops for his humanism, Christophe Barthelemy
alias “the holy man of the prog“, Fréderick Condette super hero
Sculptors: Arnaud Boudoiron, Irek Zielinski, Olivier Thill,
Grégory Clavilier “Mr Chronicles“, Mathieu Saintout and Fabien Marteau the
troubadours of Role-Playing Game, for listening me for hours tell
Studio Miniatures Painter: Sébastien Lavigne the story of the game JoA, Guillaume Gigleux for his love of games,
Mr Phal for his frankness, Stéphane Hilbold for his vision of Game
Tour of Legends Contributors: Andy Cahard, Pierre-Alexandre
Design, Olivier Carlo a truculent collector of Kickstarter projects, Tristan
Vigor, Vincent-Thierry Savidan, Ben & Peps, Romain Delavie,
Mike Monnier, Pascal Vanpée, Gaël Taché, Mathieu Giroux, Alexandre for his illuminations and expert advices, Yann and Clem
Jérôme Petit, Rodolphe Chambonnaud, Olivier Côte-Petit, long-standing playing companions, Alexandre Bonvalot great painter
Loïck Grimaud, Nicolas Lamberti, Stéphane Gérard, Florian of armies, Claude Amardeil passionate about history games and “Alien
Rambur Menace“, Frédéric Romero alias “the Emperor“ for his contribution
Communication Manager: Az Drummond to napoleonic games, Guillaume Leguyader one idea per minute
from Victoria Game, Philippe Papoux Le Pape “the true Duguesclin“,
US Press Manager: Jenny Bendel Florent Coupeau veteran of the Brittany wars, Nicolas Stratigos for
his irreplaceable magazine Vae Victis, Dominique Sanche for his
Art Directors: Stéphane Gantiez, David Rakoto
great articles, Pierre Pinaud “the king of Cellules Grises“ veteran of
Graphic Assistants: Julien Fenoglio, Jean-Luc Bernard, Montjoie! François Haffner the memory of games, PO Barome “Major
Sandra Tessières, Laurent Lucchini, Louis Guillon, Arnaud Scott“ the maestro of fine-tuning for cards games. Paolo Tidu for his
Marchand, Juliette Pompanon passion for the Lord of the Ring, Emmanuel Perez great storyteller
of the Joan of Arc saga, Yvan Roche alias “lord of the guitar“ when
Rules Editors: Pascal Bernard, Patrick Receveur, Julien Borne,
Yves Bernard, Jake Thornton, David Rakoto, Ben Clapperton, will you do a anime about Joan of Arc? Pierre Ortolan alias Davout
Mark Brendan, Ben Hodgson, Anne Vétillard “long live the Emperor!“ and companion of Joan, Laurent Pouquet and
Nicolas Courtellemont the tests barons, Michel Pinon “when I retire, I
Playtesters: Nael Evain, Matthieu Mignon, Chloé Cheillan, will design games!“ and he did it, Cédric Nemintius games trader great
Inès Jérôme Chouqi, Léa Lescuyer, Louis Guillon, Phillipe Villé,
master, Stéphane Grandazzi “winter is coming“, Théophile Monnier
Erwan Guellec, Pierre Soriot and over 2000 people during our
Tour of Legends! “the guide“ without whom none of this would have began. Gary Chalk
and Tony Webster for having created Cry Havoc that rocked my cradles,
Translators: Sylvain Broche, Anne Vétillard, Julien Fenoglio, Buxeria and les Edition Historic One for relaunching the Cry Havoc
Jean-Luc Bernard, Erwan Guellec serie, Cédric Dominique old comrade in arms always faithful and for
Proofreaders : Ben Hodgson, Christopher Dearlove, Norbert
his beautiful 15 mm knights miniatures, Stéphane Gallani travelling
Schmitt, Francesco Mariottini, Mathew Somers, Laurent games vendor, Nicolas Jamme great illuminator of johannic chronicles,
Mussot, Marc Caldéré, and all of the backers who helped us Olivier Caira mad scientist, Club Achille, Jérôme Javelat mad collector
proof read the rules! of miniatures, Nicolas Favre for his advices on miniatures, Erwan
Griffon master at arms and faithful companion from the beginning,
Scenario Writers: Pascal Bernard, Patrick Receveur, Ben &
Peps, Inès Jérôme Chouqi, Romain Delavie, Vincent-Thierry Catherine Randrian Tseheno great puller of teeth of Bordeaux, Fouzia
Savidan, Phillipe Villé Receveur for her patience and for lending me Patrick, Thank you to
the nice Octogones fair, Michel Lalet who teached me so many things,
Flavour Texts: Patrick Receveur Philippe Despallières for his inexhaustible eloquence, Nicolas Lamberti
Miniature preproduction: Laurent Levi, Aurélien Diot
faithful Corsican knight, David Burkle and Damien Coltice for Pushing
the Joan role-playing game, Arnaud Leclerc for his knowledge of the
Production Manager: Erwann Le Torrivellec military question and his precision, Pierre Le Pivain old comrade in
arms, alias Mr Comic Joan of Arc, Philippe Chanoinat last “Tonton
Sculptors and Artists Supervisor: Stéphane Gantiez
Flingueur, Sylvain Garet first knight of the Round Table, who supported
Publishers : Benoit Vogt & Léonidas Vesperini me since Montjoie! Camille Camaret for her love, Julie and Axel the
demons of the house.
A huge thank you to our 11,195 backers To the historian Jean Favier who introduced me to the Hundred Years’
who made this project a reality! War 20 years ago.
My thanks to all the team of Mythic Games.

© 2018 Time of Legends: Joan of Arc, and related logos and distinctive likenesses are trademarks or registered trademarks of Mythic Games.
All rights reserved. Time of Legends: Joan of Arc Miniatures Board Game © 2018 - Mythic Games

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