Ignite Solo Rulebook New Enemy
Ignite Solo Rulebook New Enemy
Ignite Solo Rulebook New Enemy
T he Great War has been raging on longer than I can remember. Looking out across
the ravaged landscape, I see the scars of war mingled with the scars of the forbidden
magic. Race against race, we have fought … battling for supremacy … for survival. Table of Contents
But that survival instinct must now turn enemy into ally. Introduction ......................................................2
A strong and ancient magical force has been at work since the turning of the Box Contents .....................................................3
Setup ................................................................4
previous moon. Our eldest magicians were the first to feel the primeval magic.
Board Setup and Race Selection...........................4
Something deeply, prehistorically evil.
Game Difficulty ..........................................5
We began seeing strange signs from the north, strange colors in the distance, while Card Setup ........................................................6
the rest of our world was blanketed in the darkness of night. Large flocks of colorful Cards to Include/Exclude ...................................7
birds flew from the north, while carrion eaters flew toward it … as though called by Battle Card Changes ...........................................7
How to Win .......................................................8
How to Play .......................................................9
The final sign was the arrival of the water minions, though calling them that is Standard Rounds ........................................9
to belittle them to our trivial level. They weren’t called by us, nor by one of the Player Phase ...............................................9
other races in this war. They emit the same archaic mystical force as the strange Enemy Phase .....................................................9
occurrence to the north, and unlike our elementary minions, these had solid forms, Enemy Movement and Attacking ................12
Destroying Minions ..................................16
able to hold weapons in their watery hands. There are even reports of these minions
The Boss Battle ........................................16
casting spells on their own, completely independent from their ruler.
Elder Dragon ...........................................16
This level of mastery is completely beyond our ability. Something completely Divine Favor Tokens.................................18
beyond our most basic understanding. Power, Apocalypse, and
Enemy Card Explanations .................................18
The races are gathering a special council under the banner of temporary truce. New Battle Card: Dragon Potion ........................19
We must stand together against this force, or there will be no survival for any of us.
1 D6 die
8 +1 HP tokens
8 +1 Speed / +2 Speed
tokens (double-sided)
1 Dragon Potion 10 Dragon Potion 1 Dragon Potion 5 Divine Favor
randomizer card battle cards divider card tokens
Solo & Cooperative Play is an expansion that requires Ignite’s base
game and The Freeze expansion. It is not a stand-alone game. To play
this expansion, you must understand the rules of the base game and The
Freeze expansion, as this expansion builds off of their concepts and rules.
In this expansion, you and your friends all work together to survive waves
of enemy minions and defeat the final enemy boss. Or if you’re playing
by yourself, see if you can save Oshos on your own.
Top of board.
Bottom of board.
Set up the board as you would for a normal 5-8 player game of Ignite, with 16 terrain tiles in the
middle surrounded by the village tiles, and the bazaar token placed in the center of the board.
Note: For solo and cooperative play, the side of the board with numbers is referred
! to as the “top” (this is where enemy minions spawn). The opposite side of the board
is referred to as the “bottom” (this is where players’ units start the game).
Whoever went to bed earliest the previous night gets to choose their GAME DIFFICULTY
race first. When a player chooses their race, that player takes the
miniature(s) of that race. These miniatures are that player’s units.
The player(s) also take the number of divine
The number of miniatures each player takes depends on the favor tokens equal to the difficulty they’re
number of players: playing at (for a regular game, the players
have 3 divine favor tokens total, not each).
• 1 player: 3 miniatures
• 2 players: 2 miniatures per player Easy Mode:
• 3-8 players: 1 miniature per player • The player(s) start the game with 5 divine favor tokens.
Race selection continues counter-clockwise around the table until • Each player gets 8 free turns to begin the game.
everyone has chosen a race. Then, starting with the last player to • Enemies don’t upgrade to level 2.
choose their race and continuing clockwise, each player places
their unit(s) on the board. Units can be placed anywhere in the Sensible Mode:
bottom village. • The player(s) start the game with 4 divine favor tokens.
• Each player gets 5 free turns to begin the game.
Note: Players do not place miniatures in colored
! bases, as you are all one team working together. Regular Mode:
• The player(s) start the game with 3 divine favor tokens.
• Each player gets 3 free turns to begin the game.
Hard Mode:
• The player(s) start the game with 2 divine favor tokens.
4 3
Expert Mode:
• The player(s) start the game with 1 divine favor token.
• Level 2 minions get +1 movement (in addition to what
5 their “upgraded” card says).
Insanity Mode:
• The player(s) start the game with 0 divine favor tokens.
• Level 2 minions get +2 movement (in addition to what
their “upgraded” card says).
6 1
Race Selection
Each player starts with the normal starting hand (5 March cards, Select the set of Round cards that match the number of players (the
4 Dagger cards, 3 Old Wooden Shield cards) and draws 6 cards player count symbol is shown on the bottom-right corner of the
when play begins (unless their race ability says otherwise). card backs). Place these face-down in a stack, with “1” on the top.
Make sure these cards are in order, ascending from 1 to 20.
Shuffle and place the Power cards face-down in a stack. Do the
same for the Apocalypse cards.
Card Number
Player Count
Place the 8 Enemy cards with their Level 1 side face-up. Players
should be able to see all 8 Enemy cards at once.
Choose 16 battle decks to form the market. Most battle decks
can be selected for the market, but there are certain cards that
Movement Health shouldn’t be used when playing solo or cooperatively.
Weapon Dealer Metal Shield Ice Wall Ring Blade Long Bow Large Quiver
Battle Cards to Exclude
from the Market:
Change of Heart Pickpocket
Curse Plagued Rats
Diplomacy Raiders of the North
Lightning Bolt Ring of Fire Unicorn Quick Hands
Disarm Rooted
Earthquake Sabotage
Suggested First Game Market Gladiator Net Stealth Tactics
Hexing Trading Up
Hydro Trapsmith
There are changes to some battle cards when playing the cooperative or solo mode. Necromancer Vine Pull
Daggers – A dagger attack will only do ½ damage to any enemy. Any ½ damage is Kneecapped Warhammer
lost at the beginning of the enemy’s turn. Kraken Water Minion
Healing cards (example: Medicine, Healing Spell) – Players may heal each other Monopoly
with healing cards at a range of 1.
Battle Cards to Include to
Global effects – When cards affect all players other than the current player, these
Make the Game Easier:
cards will affect the other allied players as well as the enemies.
Adrenaline Magic Potion Bomb
Example: Massive Blizzard will affect all allied players as well as the enemies.
Arrow Storm Morale Boost
War machines (example: Ballista, Catapult) – Players may “share” their war Crystal Shard Possess
machines (after they are built), but for a player to use or move a war machine, that
Divine Shield Quick Hands
player must be adjacent to it. War machines belonging to players get placed in
clear bases rather than a colored base. Enemies cannot take control of players’ Ice Wall Quick Shot
war machines. Lightning Bolt Ring of Fire
The win condition for solo and cooperative play is to survive the first
19 rounds of play and defeat the boss revealed in the 20th round.
Before beginning round 1, in player turn order, take the number 2. Resolve Round card.
of “free” player turns specified by the difficulty mode chosen (for a. Draw the Round card. This will show which enemies might
a regular game, each player gets 3 free turns). This means players spawn this turn. Each group of enemies is associated with a
get to play cards for their action or honor for the specified number specific color which represents what type of enemy it is. The
of turns, before beginning round 1. details of the enemy types are shown on the 8 Enemy cards.
Standard Rounds
The first 19 rounds follow these steps: Note: The silhouette’s color shows what type of
minion is spawned if that number is rolled. The
Player Phase
Players take their turns.
! silhouette’s shape shows the type of attack the
minion uses. This tells players what cards they can
use to block that minion’s attack.
Enemy Phase
1. Draw 1 Power card.
2. Resolve Round card.
a. Draw Round card.
b. Roll for enemy selection.
c. Draw any additional Power or Apocalypse card(s).
d. Roll and place enemies.
Melee Attack Melee Attack Arrow Attack
3. Enemies move and attack.
Player Phase
Players take their turns.
Players will, in turn order, take actions using the 6 cards they drew
at the end of their last turn. These turns follow the same rules as Spell Attack Special
a normal game of Ignite. Whoever placed their miniatures on the
board first will take the first turn every round of the game. Play
then proceeds clockwise until all players have taken a turn.
Enemy Phase
1. Draw 1 Power card.
Discard all Power and Apocalypse cards from the
previous Enemy Phase, and draw 1 new Power
card. These have various negative effects that stay
in effect until the next Enemy Phase. If the Power
card you drew has a shuffle icon on it, shuffle
the discarded, current, and unused Power cards
together at the beginning of the next Enemy Phase.
b. Roll the D6 die. The result will show you which group of c. Draw Power or Apocalypse cards for each card symbol on the
enemies will spawn this turn. selected group of your Round card (if any).
Note: Designate the type of enemy by placing a Note: If there is a card symbol at the top of the
! water minion standee in the corresponding colored
token base. ! Round card, you will draw that card no matter
what number is rolled. This means that sometimes
you will draw multiple cards during this step.
*Tool Tip: Because this minion Note: These cards do not replace the original
is in the red base, it’s the fire Power card drawn previously this round. All
arrow enemy type, detailed on drawn cards are active until the next Enemy
the red Enemy card. ! Phase. If there’s a shuffle icon on any card drawn,
you don’t shuffle until the beginning of the next
Enemy Phase.
3. All enemies move and attack. All enemies follow these rules for movement and attack:
Enemy Movement and Attacking Rule 1: Fast enemies (those with additional movement) move/
attack first, then enemies with normal movement move, then
The Enemy cards specify the types of enemy minions the players enemies with war machines move.
will be fighting. This includes their movement and attacking
ability, including damage, range, and type (spell, projectile, or
melee). Note: Within each enemy speed type (fast, normal,
war-machine-carrying), enemies farther “down”
! on the board move first (those closest to the bottom
of the board). If there are multiple on the same
row, the one farthest to the right moves first.
Note: If two units are equal distance away, the 2) Find the “pivot space” (the space adjacent to the obstacle
! player(s) get to decide which unit the enemy
moves toward.
where the enemy will change directions in order to pass the
obstacle) and follow the diagonal line leading to that space.
Rule 5: Enemies will take the shortest path to get to their target.
Enemies will move in a straight line toward the target until they
reach the diagonal line leading to the target. They will then
Not the shortest path
follow that diagonal line.
Rule 7: Enemies will stop at the maximum distance away from a Rule 8: If an enemy has the opportunity to attack 2 different
unit at which they can still do damage. units, it will choose the attack that causes the most damage. If
the damage dealt would be equal, the player(s) may decide which
Example: A regular arrow minion will stop its unit is attacked.
movement as soon as it’s within range of the target
unit. If the target unit is within a forest, a fire
arrow minion will follow the line to the unit, but it ! Note: This only happens when both units are
within attack range at the same time.
will stop as soon as it’s within range of setting the
forest on fire.
Example: A lightning minion (blue, level 1) would
attack a group of two adjacent units instead of
! another single unit within range (because the first
Range 2 attack would damage both adjacent units).
Rule 7 Example
Note: If there are only “non-targetable” units Example: A fire arrow minion (red) would
available for attack, the enemy will move to the attack a forest within attack range with 2 units
maximum range away from the closest unit and ! inside instead of a single unit within attack range
stop there. It will wait there (as long as the unit (because the forest attack would damage 2 units).
stays in range) until a unit becomes “targetable”
! and will then begin moving toward and attacking
that unit.
Rule 9: Enemies avoid snow spaces whenever possible, taking a Rule 10: Enemies will not move onto terrain spaces that would
longer path requiring more movement to reach a unit. Enemies destroy them. However, they will move onto exploding objects
will only enter a snow space if it is necessary to reach the and other delayed effects, not comprehending the danger.
target unit; in that case it will take the path requiring the least
movement to get the unit in range, even though it includes snow. Example: An enemy will not move onto lava
It takes an enemy 2 movement to move into each snow space. or scorched earth as it knows the terrain is
dangerous. However, an enemy will move onto
! a space containing (or adjacent to) a magic
potion bomb even though the bomb explosion will
destroy it.
Move around snow
Note: Acid pools have no effect on enemies.
! Enemies freely move onto and through acid pool
Rule 9 Example Rule 11: At the beginning of round 11, all existing enemies are
upgraded to level 2. Any enemies spawned in round 11 and the
following rounds are level 2. This upgrade often changes their
Must enter snow to attack attack range and type.
Elder Dragon
Roll the D20 die as normal to see where to begin putting enemy
minions. Place 2 units of each color in the following order. If you
Note: Enemies (minions or the boss) do not don’t have enough units of a specific color, place extras of the
! take an additional damage when in the village.
However, players’ units still do.
next color to make up the difference.
1. Black 5. Red
2. White 6. Purple
3. Yellow 7. Blue
4. Orange 8. Green
The elder dragon moves first, before any enemy minions move. The elder dragon follows all of the regular enemy movement and
He takes 3 actions each turn; each action is either an attack or attack rules except for the following:
a movement. Each turn he must sacrifice the 3 enemy minions
closest to the bottom of the board in order to take his actions. 1) Once the boss has spawned, it always moves first, before any
enemy minions.
Note: If there are multiple minions on the same 2) He will move after attacking if he has killed the target unit
! row, he’ll sacrifice the one farthest to the right and still has actions available.
Note: The elder dragon will never sacrifice a war- 3) The fastest path to a unit is almost never obstructed as he is a
! machine-carrying minion. flying enemy type.
Once the elder dragon has taken his 3 actions, the enemy
minions move and attack, following the normal rules. This ends
the first cycle of Round 20, and players begin another cycle of
the Player Phase and Enemy Phase (spawning new minions but
no new boss). Play continues until the loss or win condition is
Ambush Right
Ambush Left
•Discard a drawn Power or Apocalypse card and draw another
(if either the discarded card or the new card has a shuffle icon,
then shuffle the discarded, current, and unused Power cards
together before the next Enemy Phase).
You must do this immediately after the card draw or die roll. You
can do this multiple times, using a divine favor token each time.
Ambush Right: Enemies come from the right side of the board
Power, Apocalypse, and Enemy • When you roll for where to place units, #1 is the top right
Card Explanations corner of the board. Then you count down the right side of
the board until you reach the number rolled (which is where
Power Cards the first enemy is placed). Additional units are placed farther
Hardened: Enemies disregard all negative terrain effects (lava down the board either adjacently (if an even number was
and passable terrain). rolled) or staggered, skipping 1 space between each enemy (if
an odd number was rolled).
• If an enemy ends its turn on lava or scorched earth, it keeps
the hardened ability until it leaves the lava pool (set of
orthogonally connected lava spaces) or scorched earth area. ! Note: Power Cards which increase speed or range
do not affect war machine units.
• This effect only lasts for 1 turn.
• If 19 or 20 is rolled, you place the units in the bazaar as
Ambush Left: Enemies come from the left side. normal, with the additional units placed to the right.
• When you roll for where to place units, #1 is the top left Apocalypse Cards
corner of the board. Then you count down the left side of
the board until you reach the number rolled (which is where Catapult: Place a catapult in front of (on the row below) the last
the first enemy is placed). Additional units are placed farther unit placed. Enemy catapults take the same colored token base
down the board either adjacently (if an even number was as the enemy unit it belongs with.
rolled) or staggered, skipping 1 space between each enemy (if • The catapult’s range is 2-7 and it deals 3 damage. The enemy
an odd number was rolled). catapult follows normal war machine rules (with the exception
• If 19 or 20 is rolled, you place the units in the bazaar as that it’s immediately built). The catapult and the enemy
normal, with the additional units placed to the right. controlling it follow the normal war machine options for
movement (Follow, Push, Roll, Switch).