Velscope Oral Premalignancy
Velscope Oral Premalignancy
Velscope Oral Premalignancy
Keywords: Objectives: To improve visualization of suspicious lesions of the oral mucosa and to assess the accuracy of
Oral premalignant lesions Velscope in assessing cellular changes occurring in oral premalignancy for early diagnosis.
Oral potentially malignant disorders Materials and methods: In this prospective, randomized in-vivo clinical study a total of 250 patients who gave
Velscope history of chewing tobacco were screened. The selection of the site of biopsy was taken based on the area of loss
of fluorescence identified by the Velscope within the lesion. Routine blood investigations were done. A biopsy
Non-invasive diagnostic techniques
was performed to confirm the findings of clinical examination. The data was collected and analysed.
Results: Among 200 patients only 110 underwent incisional biopsy. Of these only 89 patients showed neoplastic
changes. Of the control biopsies, none of them showed any dysplastic changes. Out of 106 who exhibited
speckling under autofluorescence, only 89 showed dysplastic changes whereas only 17 showed no dysplastic
changes. Out of these 17 specimens, the histopathological diagnosis of 5 was coated tongue, 3 were pigmented
lesions, 3 were geographic tongue and 2 were mucositis. Of the remaining 4, the histopathological diagnosis of 1
was oral submucous fibrosis, 1 was lichen planus and 2 were frictional keratosis.
Conclusion: False positive findings are possible in presence of highly inflamed tissues, and it is possible that use
of Velscope alone may result in failure to detect regions of dysplasia, but it has its use definitely to improve
clinical decision making about the nature of oral lesions and aids in decisions to biopsy regions of concern. Use of
the scope has allowed practitioners to identify the best region for biopsy. It is much better to occasionally sample
tissue that turns out to be benign than to fail to diagnose dysplastic or malignant lesions. However, poor spe-
cificity is a major limitation for using it as a screening tool.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. Shah), [email protected] (P. Waknis), [email protected] (A. Saha),
[email protected] (S. Setiya), [email protected] (T. Ratra).
Received 27 January 2020; Accepted 10 March 2020
Available online 14 March 2020
2212-4268/ © 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Craniofacial Research Foundation.
S. Shah, et al. Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research 10 (2020) 99–103
1. Distinguishing between normal and abnormal tissues (both benign Fig. 3. Leukoplakia.
and malignant) is enhanced.
2. Benign and neoplastic changes can be differentiated and/or deli-
3. Dysplastic or malignant lesions margins that are invisible to the
naked eye under white light can be visualized.9
S. Shah, et al. Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research 10 (2020) 99–103
3. Results
A total of 200 patients, 175 males and 25 females (age range being
between 25 yrs and 65 yrs) who presented to our department with
positive history of tobacco chewing and/or smoking habits were en-
rolled for this study. After a complete visual and autofluorescence ex-
amination, all those patients who showed either clinically visible oral
lesions and/or lack of autofluorescence (n = 113, males- 99 and fe-
males- 14) were advised biopsy. However only 110 underwent inci-
sional biopsy for histopathological assessment. 3 patients did not agree
for biopsy due to fear of the procedure and socio-economic problems.
Fig. 5. Linea alba. Of these 110 patients, only 89 patients showed histopathological pre-
sence of neoplastic changes like dysplasia, carcinoma in situ and
squamous cell carcinoma(Table 2). Of the control biopsies, none of
them showed any signs of dysplastic changes.
We found that out of 106 who exhibited speckling under auto-
fluorescence, only 89 showed dysplastic changes on histopathological
examination whereas only 17 showed no dysplastic changes. Out of
these 17 specimens, the histopathological diagnosis of 5 was coated
tongue, 3 were pigmented lesions, 3 were geographic tongue and 2
were mucositis. Of the remaining 4, the histopathological diagnosis of 1
was oral submucous fibrosis, 1 was lichen planus and 2 was frictional
keratosis. These were clinically visible lesions under white light ex-
amination (Table 2).
4. Discussion
Fig. 6. Linea alba under blue light. (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this The overall 5 year survival rate for oral cancer has remained low at
article.) approximately 50% for the past decade.10 This in part, accounts to the
failure in the early diagnosis of potentially malignant disorders either
Table 1 due to patient ignorance or lack of access of medical services. Thus,
Disease specific profile of patients. (n-110). there is a strong need to improve the diagnostic approaches of the
primary health care professional and the maxillofacial surgeons, also
No. of patients Gender Mean Age in years Clinical Diagnosis
providing less interventional investigations. This area remains an im-
35 M- 30 F-5 43 Leukoplakia portant part of research agenda. As per primitive research, normal from
16 M- 14 F-2 38 Lichen planus malignant tissue can be differentiated using a system that works on
12 M- 11 F-1 52 Oral submucous fibrosis
optical diagnostics where-in light-tissue interactions can be assessed.
4 M- 2 F-2 59 Candidosis
8 M- 08 30 Frictional keratosis
Light based detection systems have been developed to identify tissue
2 M- 02 29 Smokers palate changes which occur in malignancy. One of such optical mechanization
5 M- 05 46 Coated tongue is called autofluorescence which is available in the market by the brand
20 M- 19 F-1 44.5 Erythroplakia name “Velscope”.1,7–9,11 It is a handy device which percieves alterations
2 M- 02 62 Mucositis
in normal fluorescence (apple green hue) which is analogous with
3 M- 03 64 Pigmented areas
3 M- 03 54 Geographic tongue morphological and biochemical changes during cancer development
producing a dark shadow on autofluorescence. Among the many factors
that influence tissue autofluorescence, are tissue construction, light
looked non-dubious in 5 patients. The data was collected and distinc- absorption and dispersion properties of each layer of tissue, the dis-
tions and coalition between the autofluorescence tests and biopsy re- pensation and congregation of fluorophores in the different tissue
ports were examined. The patients were counseled about stoppage of layers, the surrounding environment of the tissue, and its metabolic
the tobacco chewing habit and were followed up for the next three status, the differentiation from benign to neoplastic tissue is attributed
years. to the tissue autofluorescence patterns that reflect changes in tissue
composition. This in itself is a complex phenomenon.12
2.3. Materials used for data collection Velscope is simple to use and noninvasive. It can be utilized by a
vast range of clinicians after a precise duration training and has limited
➢ Velscope and the accessories operator variability. It has no recurrent cost since no consumable re-
➢ Local anesthetic solution agents are needed. It provides real time results and involves less time
➢ 5 cc disposable syringe consuming procedure. It has a high sensitivity for any oral mucosal
➢ 1 inch needle, 25 gauge disorder. However it has a few limitations like high initial setting-up
➢ BP handle and no. 15 blade cost. It requires a dark environment and no permanent record is
➢ Adson's tooth forceps maintained unless photographed (compatible camera is available) and
also has a low specificity for dysplasia. However, the simplicity of use,
S. Shah, et al. Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research 10 (2020) 99–103
Table 2
Comparison of autofluorescence results and histopathological assessment.
Diagnosis No.of patients Examination under velscope Histopathological assessment sensitivity Specificity
extensive area imaging potentiality, non-requirement of estranged biopsy specimens. Our results show that Velscope has a high sensitivity
means and the capability to note dispersed lesions impart auto- towards dysplastic and neoplastic changes but indigent specificity is a
fluorescence an effective benefit as a superintendence apparatus. crucial constraint for using this device as a screening tool in a para-
The use of autofluorescence screening in vivo for oral cancer dates mount care setup.
back to the 1980s.12 Early studies have demonstrated inconsistent re-
sults, but the studies conducted in the recent years have reported results 5. Conclusion
which prove a significant improvement over white light examina-
tion.13–27 Only a few oral lesions whereas predominantly laryngeal le- To prevent the progression of oral precancerous lesions and dis-
sions were assessed in these studies. It was evaluated the effect of au- orders to later stages requires sound knowledge and education to detect
tofluoresence of four different wavelengths on freshly resected oral oral cancer at early stages. Hence it is imperative to increase the health
tissue and concluded that the supreme contrast was achieved at the care providers’ depth of knowledge of disease and the latest technology
wavelength of 400 nm.16 Then a handy autofluorescence appliance was of non-invasive detection tools available for early detection of this de-
used and successfully displayed the capability to identify new lesions vastating disease to improve patient prognosis and survival.
and enlarged tumor margins that were imperceptible on white light False positive findings are possible in presence of highly inflamed
examination.17 tissues, and it is possible that use of Velscope alone may result in failure
In our study, all our patients who showed speckling on auto- to detect regions of dysplasia, but it has its use definitely to improve
fluorescence, were under taken for biopsy and we found that out of 106 clinical decision making about the nature of oral lesions and aids in
who exhibited speckling under autofluorescence, 89 showed dysplastic decisions to biopsy regions of concern. Where tissue changes are gen-
changes on histopathological examination whereas 17 showed no dys- eralized or cover significant areas of the mouth, use of the scope has
plastic changes. Out of these 17 specimens, the histopathological di- allowed practitioners to identify the best region for biopsy. It is much
agnosis of 5 was coated tongue, 3 were pigmented lesions, 3 were better to occasionally sample tissue that turns out to be benign than to
geographic tongue and 2 were mucositis. Of the remaining 4, the his- fail to diagnose dysplastic or malignant lesions. However, poor speci-
topathological diagnosis of 1 was oral submucous fibrosis, 1 was lichen ficity is a major limitation for using autofluorescence as a screening tool
planus and 2 was frictional keratosis. These were clinically visible le- in a primary care setting.
sions under white light examination. The sensitivity and specificity was
calculated (Table 2). Funding
Formulas for calculating sensitivity and specificity values of auto-
fluorescence8 Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pimpri, Pune.
and None.
Specificity = No. of true negatives/ No. of true negatives + No. of false Acknowledgement
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