Activity 1 Shirlena Castillo H

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Characteristics of food packaging materials

Shirlena Castillo Herrera.

(Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, Food Packaging and Packaging - 216006_4)

Abstract— The contact of the human being with food has been evolving, the changes in the lifestyle showed the need to
have packaging that allowed to cover requirements of movement of the product.
Packaging and food packaging play a vital role in analyzing the critical points of their respective production processes.
The freshness and safety of food are a decisive point when selecting a brand. That is why companies always look for the
most suitable packaging, among the wide range of products that the market can offer, to offer their products with excellent
quality conditions.

Keywords: Packaging, Food, Safety of food, Food, Quality.


Packaging is the container of a product, designed and produced to protect and / or preserve it properly during transport,
storage and delivery to the consumer or final customer;
A package is a product that can be manufactured in many materials and that serves to contain, protect, manipulate,
distribute and present merchandise at any stage of its production, distribution or sales process.
The use of packaging together with protection and marketing techniques have made possible the consumption of all
kinds of products.
To eliminate the problems of physical and chemical damage of the product, in general, the containers used for food have
been changing over the years due to factors of different kinds, giving way to new industrial materials such as glass, metal
and plastic.


The importance of packaging in three fundamental points: 1) It is the part or component of the product that makes it
reach the consumer or final customer in the right conditions. 2) It is the component that can help sell the product; first,
making the distribution channel want to distribute it (for example, considering that the product is easy to transport, store and
handle); and second, making a good impression on the end customer so that he wishes to acquire it. 3) It may be the element
that allows establishing a differential advantage over competing products, especially those of equal quality

Packaging Functions

The three most important functions of the packaging are:

Product content and protection: How to contain liquid, granulated or divisible products in some way. In addition, it
allows manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers to sell products in specific quantities, such as liters and their fractions. As
for physical protection, the packages protect the items from breakage, evaporation, spills, deterioration, light, heat, cold,
pollution and many other conditions.
Product promotion: A package differentiates a product from those of competitors and can associate a new item with a
family of products from the same manufacturer. The packaging uses designs, colors, shapes and materials with the intention
of influencing the perception of consumers and their behavior in the purchase.
Ease of recycling and reducing damage to the environment: One of the most important issues in today's packaging is
compatibility with the environment. Some companies use their packaging to focus on market segments concerned with the

The design of the packaging of a product is a delicate and vitally important task, so it is recommended that different areas
of the company participate in this task: marketing, logistics, production, finance, legal area, among others. The objective is
that the packaging fulfills the previously described functions, at the same time that it complies with the laws or regulations
of the industry or sector, and all that, at a reasonable price that does not make the product more expensive to the point of not
being profitable or that is rejected by its target market.


Plastic materials, like all other materials used in the manufacture of packaging, interact with the food they contain.

The use of plastics for food packaging began more than 50 years ago. Most of the time, plastics are chosen for food
packaging, since they provide lightness, flexibility and a wide range of forms that, by themselves or combined with other
materials (paper, cardboard or aluminum) have determined the Appearance of a wide variety of packaging, adaptable to all
types of food.

Plastics are made up of polymers, that is, very large molecules (macromolecules) formed by the repetitively binding of
small molecules (monomers). In addition to being formed by inert polymers, with respect to the products in contact, they
also have non-polymeric components (for example, monomers and additives), which are smaller molecules.

Smaller (non-polymeric) molecules are susceptible to transfer to food. Then, plastic materials, like all other materials
used in the manufacture of packaging, interact with the products. The main interaction from the sanitary and sensory point
of view is the migration of non-polymeric components towards the contained products. Migration is the transfer of these
components from the plastic to the food, in real conditions of elaboration, storage and use of the product, or in the
equivalent conditions of laboratory test.

Generally, substances that confer odor, taste or flavor, migrate in amounts below the permitted toxicological limits, but
produce sensory alterations of the food, rejection by the consumer, and commercial claims between the supplier of the
container and the food producer.

In particular, for sanitary applications (food packaging) migration must be evaluated and controlled. These analyzes are
one of the requirements of a more complete evaluation, which is the determination of sanitary aptitude.

A container or material in contact with food is sanitary fit when:

- It is made of polymers and additives that are included in positive lists;

- Meets the total migration limit;
- It meets specific requirements in some cases (for example, the specific migration limit of some compound or the
maximum content of a component in the plastic material);
- It does not produce variation of the sensory characters of the food it contains, such as: color, smell, taste and
flavor. They should not vary as a result of your contact with the packaging materials (body, lid, other accessories).

There are sanitary fitness standards for containers that will be in contact with food, among which are: ISO 13302: 2003
and IRAM 20021: 2004 define as "taints" undesirable odors and flavors in food, originated by substances that They migrate
from the container.

Migration evaluation is mandatory in the case of food packaging, for the MERCOSUR Legislation, the European Union
and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It constitutes an objective methodology that allows to verify compliance
with mandatory sanitary requirements and also to predict sensory problems.

Any type of container, be it a can, a bottle or a bottle, helps to protect food from contamination by microorganisms,
insects and other pollutants. Likewise, the container preserves the shape and texture of the food it contains, prevents it from
losing flavor or aroma, prolongs storage time and regulates the water or moisture content of the food. In some cases, the
material selected for the package may affect the nutritional quality of the product for example by exposure of the product to

Types of food containers: they are also classified as primary, secondary and tertiary, being the primary container, the one
that has contact with the food.

Glass packing

Glass is a substance made of silica (sand), sodium carbonate and limestone. It is not a crystalline material in the strict sense
of the word; It is more realistic to consider it a frozen or rigid liquid because of its high viscosity for practical purposes. Its
structure depends on its heat treatment.


- Reusable and recyclable.

- Inert and waterproof.
- Completely airtight.
- It is a barrier against temperature changes.
- Allows long life of food.


Glass containers are classified as: bottles, bottles, jars, jars, glasses or conical containers.

Metal packing

Rigid container to contain liquid and / or solid products, they are generally made of electrolytic tin, or chrome-plated, tin-
free. Another material used is aluminum.


- Resistance: They are resistant to impact and fire.

- Inviolability, hermeticism: Perfect barrier between food and the environment, to prevent decomposition by the
action of microorganisms or oxidation reactions.
- Prolonged food preservation.
- Chemical integrity: Minimum chemical interaction between these containers and food helping to preserve color,
aroma, flavor.
- Versatility: Infinity of shapes and sizes.


- Cylinders: Two or three pieces, flat bottom and cover, can be straight or reinforced.
- Sardine type: ellipsoidal base prism shape.
- Case type: they have a friction closure lid. They are used for sweets, cookies, etc.

Plastic packing

Plastics are materials that can be molded by thermal processes, at low temperatures and pressures. They are organic
substances characterized by their macromolecular and polymeric structure.


- They are cheap, they have a low cost in the market

- They have low density
- There are permeable and waterproof plastics.
- They are thermal insulators, although some do not withstand high temperatures.
- Corrosion resistant
- They are not biodegradable, their burning is very polluting
- They are flexible


They are classified in:

Thermoplastics: formed by linear polymers that are softened by heat and can be modified.

Thermosets: They are three-dimensional polymers, which, once acquired the rigidity at a certain temperature, cannot be
Paper packing

One of the most common types of food packaging is the cardboard food container. They are biodegradable containers, like
egg boxes. There are cardboard food containers usually carry an additional protective plastic film that prevents food from
getting dirty or damp, such as cereals and cookies.

Mixed with polymers, cardboard containers are used in take-out foods or beverages, such as milk bricks. Another
biodegradable food packaging is paper, but due to its qualities, few products are packaged in this way. For example, sealed
paper bags protect sugar and flour, since it allows these foods to breathe

Packaging with textile material

The textiles used for packaging and packaging come from vegetable fibers such as jute, fique, hemp, cotton and sisal.
Normally they are used to make bags and sacks, and their purpose is to store products in bulk.


- Low cost.
- High availability in the market.
- Pest sensitive.
- Phytosanitary control.

Packaging with complex or composite materials

Materials formed by 2 or more components that provide some specific quality to the product to be packed. The materials
used to make these combinations are: Paper, aluminum foil and plastics. An example of these are tetrapack packages
containing milk, juices, etc.

In the fairs of the packaging industry, a series of technologies that deserve to be considered are promoted.
Nanotechnologies, bisphenol A-free polymers, plant-based polymers, biodegradable and compostable plastics, ionizing
radiation and high barrier plastics that replace metal and glass are some of the "advances" we read about daily.

That does not mean that all the "revolutions" of yesterday did not have the power to remain in force. The consumer
accepts with total naturalness things like reusable closures, flexible parallable bags, returnable bags and trays, aseptic
cardboard boxes, plastic barrier containers, microwave susceptors, contoured metal cans, controlled preparation of coffee
portions, and polyester bottles, although each of these innovations was once a revolutionary solution. The important thing is
to remember that they were successful in the market because they were solutions developed by dedicated and consumer-
oriented scientists and technologists and that they were introduced as systems and not just as isolated packaging structures.


Some myths that still exist in sectors of society refer to packaging as a pollutant and high consumer of oil. Plastic
packaging consumes only 1% of non-renewable resources and occupies 4% of the landfill space (2). Within the food
industry, the packaging generates about 5% of the CO2 emission and 6.5% of the energy cost to feed a person (3), while the
processes of agriculture, fertilization and food production are responsible for more than 50% of both energy consumption
and CO2 emissions. The different educational actions through the chain –producer-transformer-government-population-, are
changing the negative perception of the packaging to the concept of necessary for the conservation and distribution of food.
Among the advantages of flexible plastic packaging are its lower weight compared to other types of packaging such as glass
and steel and its lower packaging to product ratio, compared to rigid packaging independent of the manufacturing material.

An innovative packaging can also be a tool to improve sustainability by becoming a waste reduction vehicle, energy
consumption and CO2 emissions.

There are several sustainable packaging solutions that you can achieve:

- First, minimize the loss of food and increase shelf time while retaining its inherent flavor and aroma properties
- They can maintain the integrity of perishable products without refrigeration during transportation, in supermarkets
and home
- They allow the distribution of precooked foods avoiding the consumption of energy of preparation in the home
- Increase conversion and packaging productivity, reducing energy consumption
- Minimize the material and weight of the packaging and overpack to reduce fuel consumption during transport.


In the food sector the concept of packaging is increasingly present, and brands are pointing their strategies towards green
and practical. Experts consider that packaging is a crucial part of the perception of the brand, as it is the greatest point of
contact with the consumer.

Specialists detail what are the packaging trends that are betting on the food sector:
Green container

The ecological movement maintains an upward growth trend. In the same way that the client shows a greater concern for the
process carried out on the food we eat, brands must also do it with the packaging and their life cycle.

Experts believe that we are used to seeing packaging made from recyclable or biodegradable materials in supermarket lines.
The brands are already distinguished from each other by means of ecological certificates and the public informed about it,
searches for them. This is a way to create a greater brand-consumer relationship.

Second life packaging

It is a trend aligned with the ecological movement, but it is not so "green". It's about the reuse of packaging, giving it more
than one life. Many brands design their packaging so that they can then be reused with the same product.

Now the trend is directed towards the reuse of the packaging for another purpose, in this way the consumer can keep it for
practical or decorative purposes such as storing personal items or even using it as a pot.

Functional packing

Another trend is functional packaging, both from the point of view of the consumer and the brand. There is a tendency to
customize the packaging and product labels and this translates into a greater relationship with the consumer, in addition to
achieving greater interaction.

In addition, it is sought to be practical, so that the same packaging serves to transport the product without the need for bags,
or used as an element of consumption, without making use of containers such as plates or trays.

Specialists emphasize that food brands go beyond. Its image and interior matter, but its exterior and presentation cannot be


Food packaging is a fundamental technique to preserve the quality of food, minimize its deterioration and limit the use of
additives. The package fulfills several functions of great importance: contain food, protect them from chemical and physical
deterioration, and provide a practical means to inform consumers about the products.

But without a doubt, plastic is the material that offers the most possibilities when it comes to protecting and keeping all
kinds of fresh foods. Plastic food containers allow, due to its great variety and possibilities when adapting, its use to
package different foods. From liquids such as milk, to solids such as meat and fish. This material allows vacuum packaging
of food, usually canned and sausage.

Taking into account toxicity, glass is the best material to use as a container since it is the most innocuous and inherent in
the market; Being the most viscous liquid, it does not deteriorate so easily over time, that is, it is the most durable container.
By this we do not mean that the other materials do not have their benefits; Low cost, resistant, flexible, etc. Only more
emphasis is placed on the low toxicity and denaturation with the food it contains.

In the end, the important thing is that the packaging complies with the regulations for materials intended to come into
contact with food, that are harmless and that do not transfer substances to food that may affect the health of the final

[2] Camara de Comercio de Bogota.
[4] Envasado de alimentos.

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