Opinion Essay

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Ernesta Zvėgaitė IVd

Opinion essay:

Tourism is a fast growing industry. Is this a positive or a negative

development of the country?

Tourism is a wide spreading industry today. Revolution in

communication and travelling gave a boost to tourism. Albeit of its positive aspects
a large fraction of society is holding the idea that, tourism damages the cultural
values and the historic heritage of travelled destinations. This is responsibility of
governments and as well as society to resist the negative impacts of tourism.

First of all, frequent visits by tourist can alter the historic atmosphere of
visited places. To preserve the historic sites into their original shape is a difficult
task. There must be legislation at state level, which can restrain those activities that
are demolishing the often visited areas. For instance in Venice which is a lucrative
destination for tourists, dwellers are obliged by law to take prior permission from
local authorities to start construction or repair to their homes. In this way they are
successfully preserving their historical legacy.

Secondly, visitors bring their own culture with them and with the
passage of time this phenomenon can undermine the specific cultural aura of that
area. Communities of toured areas can play a vital role in preserving their national
heritage. For example, Mori tribes of New Zealand arrange annul festivals for
promotion of their culture. These events not only provide chances for reviving local
customs but also instil a sense of commitment to their national roots.

To sum up everything, in my opinion, in order to preserve our culture

and heritage from travellers it is necessary for governments and local societies to
take plausible measures and if they fail to do so, destruction and damage of tourism
sites are obvious pitfalls of flourishing tourism industry.

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