Answer:a Explanation: Chorion Is One of The Membranes That Surround The Fetus While It Is Still Being Form

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Human Physiology - “Chemical Coordination and Integration – Placenta”.

1.Portion of placenta contributed by the embryo is the ________

Explanation: Chorion is one of the membranes that surround the fetus while it is still being form.
Chorion is contributed by the embryo.

2. Which vessel transports blood rich in oxygen and nutrients to the fetus?

Explanation: The Umbilical vein is the vein present during fetal development that carries oxygenated
blood from the placenta into the growing fetus.

3. The period immediately after birth to four weeks of age is called ___________

Explanation: Neonatal is pertaining to the newborn period, especially the first 4 weeks after the

4. In which menstrual cycle phase does implantation occur?

Explanation: Secretory phase is the 2nd half of the menstrual cycle after ovulation. During Secretory
phase implantation occurs.

5. Which extra embryonic membrane encloses the embryo in a fluid filled cavity?

Explanation: Amnion is a membrane that closely covers the embryo when first formed. It fills with
the amniotic fluid which causes the amnion to expand and become amniotic sac.

6. Which hormone prevents second pregnancy during gestation?

Answer - d)Progesterone
Explanation progesterone level raises during 2 nd half of the menstrual cycle. Its role is
to thicken the lining of uterus each month. Progesterone prevents second pregnancy
during gestation
7. When is it first possible to distinguish the sex of the fetus?

explanation-during the 3rd month of pregnancy is it first possible to distinguish the sex
of the fetus. Xx leads to a baby girl and xy leads to baby boy

8. Within which extra embryonic membrane are blood cells formed in the early stage
of development.
a) Yolk sac
b) Allantois
c) Chorion
d) Allantois
View Answer-A
Explanation –
Yolk sac provide nourishment . it produces blood cells until the placenta fully forms
later in the pregnancy. Towards the end of first trimester the yolk sac shrinks and can
no longer be seen on the sonogram

9. The structure which implants in the endometrium is termed as _________

Answer: d

Explanation: The fertilized egg begins to develop into a hollow ball of cells called
Blastocyst. The Blastocyst implants in the wall of the uterus.

10. Which membrane plays the greatest role in nutrient and waste exchange?

Answer: b
Explanation: Chorion is the outermost membrane surrounding an embryo. Chorion is
the double layered membrane formed by the trophoblast. It plays the greatest role in
nutrient and waste exchange.
11. The maternal endometrium response to trophoblast invasion is called as a decidual

Answer: a
Explanation: Decidual reaction is the set of changes in the endometrium of the uterus
that prepares it for implantation. These changes are observed in each menstrual cycle
and enhanced after implantation.

12. Human placenta is classified as ___________


Explanation: Human placenta is classified as Haemochorial. A placenta in which the maternal blood is
in direct contact with the chorion is known as Haemochorial

13. The physical function of placenta is to function as a shock absorber

Answer: a
Explanation: The physical function of the placenta is to function as a shock absorber.
It works like a shock absorber protecting the baby from sudden jolts.

Human Physiology -Chemical Coordination and Integration –


1. Gonadotropic hormone is released by ___________

a) Gonads

b) Germ layers

c) Neurohypophysis
d) Adenohypophysis

Answer: d
Explanation: Adenohypophysis is also known as anterior pituitary. Adenohypophysis
secretes gonadotropic hormone and it is released in gonads.

2. Which of the following hormone is responsible for secretion of milk after parturition?



c) LH

d) Prolactin

Answer: d

Explanation: Prolactin is responsible for secretion of milk after parturition. It is also known
as the luteotropic hormone. It is a protein substance.
3. Menstruation is due to _______
a) Reduction of FSH
b) Increase of LH
c) Reduction is Estrogen and progesterone
d) Decrease in LH
Answer: c
Explanation: Menstruation is a regular discharge of blood and mucosal tissue from the inner
lining of the uterus through vagina. Menstruation is due to Reduction is Estrogen and

4. Estrogens and testosterone are steroid hormones and most likely bind to __________
a) Cytoplasmic receptors
b) Membrane ion channels
c) Enzyme linked membrane receptors
d) G protein coupled receptor
Answer: a
Explanation: Steroids hormone receptors are found in the nucleus, cytosol, and on the plasma
membrane of target cells. They are generally intracellular receptors.
5. Which of the following controls the functions of sertoli cells?
a) FSH
c) Estrogen
d) Testosterone
Answer: a
Explanation: Sertoli cells are somatic cells of the testis. They facilitate the progression of germ
cells to spermatozoa. FSH controls the functions of sertoli cells.
6. Testosterone is secreted by ________
a) Sertoli cells
b) Leydig cells
c) Thyroid
d) Spermatogenic cells
Answer: b
Explanation: Testosterone is the key male sex hormone that regulates fertility. Testosterone is
secreted by Leydig cells. Leydig cells are found in seminiferous tubules in the testicles.

7. Corpus luteum secrets _______

a) LH
b) Progesterone
c) Progesterone and LH
d) Progesterone and estrogen
Answer: d
Explanation: Corpus luteum develops from an ovarian follicle during the luteal phase of
menstrual cycle. Corpus luteum secrets Progesterone and estrogen.
8. Aldosterone is secreted by __________
a) Zona glomerulosa
b) Zona fasciculata
c) Zona reticularis
d) Zona pellucida
Answer: a
Explanation: Aldosterone is secreted by Zona glomerulosa. Zona glomerulosa is the most
superficial layer of adrenal cortex. Its cells are ovoid and arranged in clusters.
9. _____is a male sex hormone.
a) Estrogen
b) Androgen
c) Insulin
d) Pheromones
Answer: b
Explanation: Androgen is a male sex hormone. It primarily influences the growth and
development of the male reproductive system.
10. Anabolic steroids are ____ forms of testosterone.
a) Ineffective
b) Natural
c) Synthetic
d) Super active
Answer: c
Explanation: Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances related to make sex hormone. They
promote the growth of skeletal muscle and development of male sexual charactertics.
11. In male reproductive system, testicles are inside a sac called as ________
a) Scrotum
b) Bladder
c) Rectum
d) Glands
Answer: a
Explanation: Scrotum is the anatomical male reproductive structure. Testicles are inside a sac
called as Scrotum.
12. What is the function of LH hormone?
a) Stimulates oxidative respiration
b) Stimulates muscle growth
c) Causes color change in skin
d) Stimulates production of testosterone
Answer: d
Explanation: LH hormone is luteinizing hormone. It is produced in pituitary gland. In female acute
rise in LH triggers ovulation. It stimulates production of testosterone in males.
13. What are female gonads?
a) Ovary
b) Ova
c) Testis
d) Testicles
Answer: a
Explanation: Ovaries are part of the female reproductive system. They produce eggs and
14. A person infected with HIV may not show symptoms for years.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: HIV causes AIDS and interferes with the body’s ability to fight infections. A person
infected with HIV may not show symptoms for years.
15. Semen is the same thing as sperm.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: Semen is not the same thing as sperm. Semen is a male reproductive fluid
containing spermatozoa in suspension. Semen also contains substances from the prostate gland
and seminal vesicles.

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