2021 - Villela-2021-Potential of Two Cover Crops, Sig

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AJCS 15(02):260-270 (2021) ISSN:1835-2707

doi: 10.21475/ajcs.21.15.02.p2958

Potential of two cover crops, signal grass and ruzi grass: suggested allelopathic
effect on some important weeds
André Luís Gnaccarini Villela1, Rodrigo Martinelli2, Thiago Ferreira Zenatti2, Luiz Renato Rufino-Jr.2,
Patricia Andrea Monquero3, Patrícia Marluci da Conceição 3, Fernando Alves de Azevedo*2
Syngenta Brazil, Holambra (SP), Brazil
Instituto Agronômico (IAC), Centro de Citricultura “Sylvio Moreira”, Cordeirópolis (SP), Brazil
Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Araras (SP), Brazil

*Corresponding author: [email protected]


There is evidence that signal (SG) and ruzi (RG) grass have an allelopathic effect on weeds. This study aim to evaluate this effects on
difficult-to-control weeds: hairy beggarticks (HB), benghal dayflower (BD), horseweed (H), sourgrass (S) and tall windmill grass
(TWG). The first experiment was installed in a completely randomized design with 2 donor species (SG and RG) × 4 extract
concentrations (0, 75, 150 and 225 mg ml ) in factorial scheme with four replicates. Weed germination percentage was evaluated
in three-day intervals. In the second experiment, the weeds emerged in substrates previously cultivated with SG and RG, in
completely randomised block design with four replicates. The emergence, shoot growth and root growth were evaluated. The
results were as follows: (i) on horseweed (H), 84% germination inhibition by RG leaf extracts and 38% emergence inhibition by SG
root exudates were observed; (ii) on benghal dayflower (BD), 84% germination inhibition by RG leaf extracts and 37% emergence
inhibition and 4.3 times the SRL values than control by RG root exudates; (iii) on hairy beggarticks (HB) 52% germination inhibition
by RG leaf extracts scored, while SG root exudates reduced 43% of the emergence, 24% shoots biomass accumulation and 11.3%
root length; (iv) on sourgrass (S) 71% germination inhibition by both donor plants and 75% germination inhibition by RG leaf
extracts were measured. Finally, on tall windmill grass (TWG) 69% germination inhibition was observed upon using both donor
plants. It can be concluded that foliar allelochemicals inhibit the germination of: BD > S > TWG > H > HB, while root exudate
allelochemicals, inhibit the emergence and root development of all weeds.

Keywords: Urochloa; cover crops; ecological mowing; leaf extracts; integrated weed management; root exudates.


Plants release a wide variety of secondary metabolites, to the planting line of the grove (i.e., the intra-row) as an in-
especially through living and decomposing leaves and roots. situ mulch. This management strategy, which is called
Studies about the effect of these compounds on nearby ecological mowing, is an integrated and relatively
plants is called allelopathy (Inderjit and Duke, 2003). sustainable weed management option that enhances weed
Allelopathic compounds can be released through several control and fruit yield in citrus groves. The successes of
processes, including but not limited to, leaching, root ecological mowing in citrus groves indicate that signal grass
exudation, volatilisation, or decomposition of their residues, (Urochloa decumbens) and ruzi grass (U. ruziziensis) may
in both natural and agricultural systems (Ferguson and have an allelopathic effect on weeds (Martinelli et al., 2017;
Rathinasabapathi, 2003). Allelochemicals are associated with Azevedo et al., 2020).
inhibitory effects on germination and plant growth, which For perennial crops, cover crop/intercropping species
are of paramount importance to understanding plant management strategies should be exploited as they have
interactions in natural environments and agroecosystems possible advantages while avoiding competition with the
(Fritz et al., 2007). primary crops. Therefore, methods to more effectively
Studies using alternative methods of weed control in combat herbicide resistance in weeds such as using organic
cultivated or uncultivated systems, especially fusing mulches, and integrated physical, chemical and biological
secondary compounds produced by other plants, are methods of weed control, should be further investigated.
important given the economic and ecological limitations of Weeds can be controlled by the allelochemicals that are
conventional weed control practices (Carvalho et al., 2012). released as the biomass in organic mulch degrades, because
Recently, some management strategies have proven even dead plant tissues can release allelochemicals.
successful in citrus such as using Urochloa species as a cover Incorporation of the allelochemicals into the soil can be
crop with a special ecological mower. This management accelerated by leaching from the decomposing biomass
deposits the mowed cover crop biomass from the inte-row (Inderjit and Keating, 1999).

The information derived from allelopathy experiments germination decreased 92%) (Table 1; Figure 1).
contributes to the understanding of the dynamics between Many studies demonstrate allelopathic effects on lettuce
plant species and expands the number of available options and its germination reductions. Exposing lettuce seeds to
for alternative crop management and production strategies volatile substances from the pulverised leaves of some
(Souza Filho et al., 2010). In Brazilian citrus groves, five Brassicaceae species resulted in germination delays and
weeds are the most frequent and most difficult to control: reductions in overall growth (Oleszek, 1987). Aqueous
hairy beggarticks (Bidens pilosa), benghal dayflower extracts of Parthenium hysterophorus leaves and flowers
(Commelina benghalensis), horseweed (Conyza canadensis), also inhibited lettuce seed germination and seedling root
sourgrass (Digitaria insularis) and tall windmill grass (Chloris and shoot growth, whereas roots exhibited more sensitivity
elata) (Alcántara-de La Cruz et al., 2020). to the allelopathic effects than shoots (Wakjira et al., 2005).
Benghal dayflower is considered one of the most important Aqueous extracts of Cyperus rotundus basal bulbs inhibited
weed species in citrus groves. The conditions are highly lettuce germination (Muniz et al., 2007). In addition, leaf
favourable for development of benghal dayflower (BD), extracts of U. brizantha inhibited the growth of the roots
resulting in strong interference with the citrus crops, and shoots of lettuce, garden cress (Lepidium sativum),
especially in young groves (Ronchi et al., 2002). timothy grass (Phleum pratense) and ryegrass (Lolium
Furthermore, benghal dayflower is tolerant of glyphosate, multiflorum) seedlings (Kato-Noguchi et al., 2014).
due to its ability to differentially absorb and translocate this There are few studies demonstrating the allelopathic effect
herbicide (Monquero et al., 2004). Horseweed (H) is another of signal grass on lettuce. One study has reported reduced
difficult-to-control weed. It is capable of producing more germination rates in lettuce, Melinis minutiflora Beauv. and
than 200,000 seeds per plant, and its seed bank can survive Phalaris canariensis L. from exposure to signal grass leaf
in no-till systems, compared to conventional cropping extracts (Barbosa et al., 2008). The growth of the roots and
systems with soil tillage (Bhowmik and Bekech, 1993). In shoots of lettuce, garden cress, timothy and ryegrass
addition, horseweed has more than 60 cases of resistance to seedlings were inhibited (Kobayashi and Kato-Noguchi,
the most widely used herbicides in the world, including 2015). The use of lettuce as an indicator plant has been
glyphosate and paraquat, and there have even been reports confirmed, as it is the species that is most frequently used in
of multiple-herbicide resistance in this species (Heap, 2019). germination bioassays and a robust gauge of the practical
Sourgrass and tall windmill grass are two of the most potential of a given allelochemical for weed control.
difficult to control grasses in Brazilian citrus orchards, with Among the weeds, both Urochloa species decreased the
cases of glyphosate resistance (Heap, 2019) and few germination of benghal dayflower at every extract
effective herbicide options. Thus, it is fundamental to concentration, regardless of the bioassay and Urochloa
understand the relationships between weeds and Urochloa species, with maximum germination decreases values of 72
mulches to improve weed management strategies for citrus to 84%, respectively (d = 0.28±0.03 at 75 mg ml ; d =
and other perennial crops. The present study hypothesised 0.16±0.02 at 150 mg ml ) (Table 1; Figure 1). There are no
that signal grass and ruzi grass have allelopathic effects on previous reports of signal grass and ruzi grass leaf extracts
five of the most important weeds in Brazilian citrus groves, inhibiting benghal dayflower germination. However, there
namely, horseweed, benghal dayflower, hairy beggarticks, are reports of the phytotoxic effects of extracts from
sourgrass and tall windmill grass through (i) foliar Urochloa plantaginea, which contain pure organic acid
allelochemicals that affect the weeds’ germination and (ii) solutions (aconitic acid and ferulic acid), associated with
root exudates that reduce weed germination/emergence reductions in seed germination and root development.
and development. To evaluate the allelopathic effects of Additionally, aconitic acid stimulated the development of
signal grass and ruzi grass on weeds, germination and endophytic fungi (Fusarium solani), which was inversely
emergence patterns, biomass accumulation and root related to seed germination, suggesting that fungal growth
development of some weeds were measured and analysed. adversely affect germination (Voll et al., 2004).
Horseweed was sensitive to the leaf extracts from Urochloa
Results and discussion species, particularly by ruzi grass. Increasing concentrations
of both donor plant extracts decreased the maximum
Response of weed germination to aqueous extracts of germination values of this weed regardless of the bioassay
Urochloa spp. (Table 1; Figure 1). Ruzi grass extract at concentrations of
150 mg ml decreased horseweed germination to 85% (d =
For the germination data as a function of time, there was an 0.15±0.12) and equally signal grass at concentrations of 225
adjustment in the logistic model, in which a significant dose- mg ml to 84% (d = 0.16±0.09). With increased of ruzi grass
response relationship was observed for all species to extract concentration, the germination rates of weed species
Urochloa leaf extracts [Lack-of-fit F-test: lettuce, (P = 0.999), further decreased by 87% (d = 0.13±0.10) at 225 mg ml .
benghal dayflower (P = 0.958), horseweed (signal grass, P = This is the first report demonstrating that allelopathy can be
0.999; ruzi grass, P = 0.999), hairy beggarticks (signal grass, P used to augment integrated weed management and has the
= 0.166; ruzi grass, P = 0.170), sourgrass (P=0.953) and tall potential for suppression of difficult-to-control horseweed
windmill grass (P=0.997)] (Table 1, Figure 1). For all weeds, that has resistance/multiple resistance to herbicides.
germination was negatively influenced by the donor plant Furthermore, the time to 90% germination (t90) for
leaf extracts (i.e., by allelochemicals from the signal grass horseweed differed between the Urochloa species, with ruzi
and ruzi grass leaves). grass extracts increasingly delayed germination by 19 days
For lettuce (indicator plant), germination was negatively as the concentration increased (t90 = 25.95±5.97 days at 225
influenced by the increase concentration of the donor plant mg ml ), compared to the control (t90 =6.76 ±3.5 days at 0
leaf extracts regardless of the bioassay and Urochloa mg ml ) and to signal grass at any concentration (Table 1;
species. Lettuce germination was affected by leaf extracts Figure 1).
from both Urochloa species at every concentration, with a
maximum germination of 8% (d = 0.08±0.02) (i.e.,

This delay in germination and its effects on weed species can benghal dayflower (2017 bioassay: P = 0.999; 2019 bioassay:
provide an important competitive advantage for the P = 0.999); hairy beggarticks (P=0.976); sourgrass (P=0.999);
cultivated species and may be as important as germination tall windmill grass (P=0.999)], where all the plants showed
inhibition (Belz et al., 2007). The germination delay make the an increase in emergence over time, but with upper limits
seedlings to become more established when conditions are (parameter d of the equation) and different times to
less favourable due to climate and/or competition. emergence (parameter t50 of the equation) (Table 2; Figures
Furthermore, germination synchrony may provide a strategic 2, 3 and 4).
time window for weed control. The relative emergence of the lettuce was affected by the
For hairy beggarticks, regardless of the bioassays, the root exudates of the donor plants (i.e. the soils previously
maximum concentrations of signal grass and ruzi grass cultivated with the signal grass and ruzi grass), regardless of
extracts at 225 mg ml reduced the maximum germination the bioassays, showing a decrease in emergence over time
values to 69% (d = 0.31±0.09) and 52% (d = 0.48 (±0.19)), of 44% (d = 0.56 ±0.07) for signal grass root exudates, and
respectively (Table 1; Figure 1). Even though, there was a only 17% (d = 0.83±0.08) for ruzi grass root exudates (Table
high inhibition by signal grass. This indicates a certain 2; Figure 2). We observed effect on the emergence speed, as
tolerance by allelopathic effects from Urochloa on hairy the t90 values for both signal grass (15.98 ±6.57 days) and
beggarticks, when compared to the other weeds studied. ruzi grass (17.27 ±4.75 days) were higher than control (8.72
A recent study showed that the application of 0.5 mg ml of ±2.66 days).
ruzi grass extract affected hairy beggarticks in several ways: The weed emergence responded negatively to the
reduced seed germination, increased root growth with substrates treated with Urochloa exudates. For horseweed,
decreased root biomass, decreased mitochondrial regardless of the bioassays, signal grass reduced emergence
respiration, as well as increased activity of the peroxidase values by 38% (d = 0.62 ±0.05), and to a lesser degree, ruzi
and catalase enzymes (two oxidative stress enzymes). There grass reduced emergence by 16% (d = 0.84±0.06) (Table 2;
were also morphological changes in the cells (Coelho et al., Figure 2).
2019). However, this study did consider osmotic potential as For benghal dayflower, there were differences between
a factor. A study reported a certain level of tolerance of this regression models in the two bioassays. A reduction in
weed by the need for relatively high levels of ruzi grass emergence was observed in the substrate previously
mulch to reduce the germination/emergence processes of cultivated with both ginal grass and ruzi grass (Table 2;
hairy beggarticks, where a decrease in emergence was Figure 3). In 2017 bioassay, only ruzi grass root exudates
observed only with 8.0 t ha of dry biomass of ruzi grass decreased emergence values to 35% (d = 0.65 ±0.05),
(Oliveira-Jr. et al., 2014). The results of the present study compared to the control. In 2019 bioassay, signal grass and
demonstrate the tolerance of hairy beggarticks to the effects ruzi grass root exudates decreased emergence to 31% (d =
of Urochloa, either physically through mulching and/or via 0.69 ±0.08) and 37% (d = 0.63 ±0.07), respectively. This
allelopathic effects. difference between the years for the signal grass and
Another study with different plants demonstrated the benghal dayflower can be explained by the possible
potential of hairy beggarticks control, in which germination, differences between the donor and receiver populations of
growth and development were inhibited by parthenin, a both species. There was an observed effect on the
natural constituent of Parthenium hysterophorus with emergence speed only in the 2019 bioassay, where a delay
phytotoxic and allelopathic properties (Batish et al., 2002). observed, and the t90 value of signal grass (18.77±4.6 days)
More recent study revealed that hairy beggarticks was higher than for both ruzi grass (12.51 ±5.2 days) and the
germination was completely inhibited when treated with control (10.8 ±2.44 days).
Plantago lagopus and P. major leaf extracts (El-Gawad et al., For hairy beggarticks, regardless of the bioassays, signal
2015). grass reduced emergence values by 43% (d = 0.57 ±0.03)
For sourgrass and tall windmill grass, regardless of the and, though to a lesser degree, ruzi grass reduced
bioassays, germination was affected by leaf extracts from emergence by 33% (d = 0.67 ±0.03) (Table 2; Figure 4). These
both Urochloa species at every concentration, with results of hairy beggarticks, as well as for lettuce and
germination decrease of 71% (d = 0.29 ±0.04) for sourgrass, horseweed, made it evident that Urochloa leaf extracts are
and 69% (d = 0.31 ±0.28) for tall windmill grass (Table 1; more efficient at inhibiting germination than root exudates,
Figure 1). This is the first report of allelopathic effects for particularly for signal grass, demonstrating that the strength
these two weeds. Only one study showed that soil cover of the allelopathic effect depends on the source of the
with ruzi grass after soybean harvest reduced sourgrass allelochemicals.
potential for further infestation of the area (Gomes, 2016), For sourgrass, regardless of the bioassays, signal grass
demonstrating its potential for preventive control. reduced emergence values by 27% (d = 0.73 ±0.06) and, to a
Altogether these data demonstrate that the susceptibility higher degree, ruzi grass reduced emergence by 75% (d =
gradient was the same for ruzi grass and signal grass: lettuce 0.25±0.05) (Table 2; Figure 4). The same was observed for
> benghal dayflower > sourgrass = tall windmill grass = tall windmill grass, that regardless of the bioassays, signal
horseweed (with ruzi grass leaf extracts) > horseweed (with grass reduced emergence values by 15% (d = 0.85 ±0.06)
signal grass leaf extracts) > hairy beggarticks. and, to a higher degree, ruzi grass reduced emergence by
38% (d = 0.62 ±0.06).
These results, combined with those from leaf extracts,
Emergence and development of weeds in substrates demonstrate the high potential of ruzi grass for the
previously cultivated with Urochloa spp. preventive control of other grasses, something not expected
because signal grass is the most widespread grass in Brazil,
For the relative emergence data (of the bare soil control), and consequently is known as the most aggressive weed.
there was an adjustment in the logistic model for all species The shoot and root biomass of lettuce, benghal dayflower,
[Lack-of-fit F-test: lettuce (P = 0.999), horseweed (P = 0.999); hairy beggarticks, sourgrass and tall windmill grass were

differently affected by the root exudates of the donor plants 27%, respectively (Figure 5). This highlights the use of SRL as
(shoots + roots) (Table 3; Figure 5). One exception was an indicator of allelopathic effects on roots for some species.
horseweed, which was the only weed species for which The SRL was already shown to be indicative of the inhibitory
biomass accumulation was unaffected by the root exudates effects of root exudates in a study where the germination
of Urochloa species. and growth of bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.]
Again, lettuce was the most affected by the donor plant root was negatively affected by perennial ryegrass (Lolium
exudate treatments. The root exudates of signal grass and perenne L.) root extracts (McCarty et al., 2010).
ruzi grass reduced lettuce shoot biomass per plant by 79 and There was an increase in SRL that was unique to lettuce,
68%, respectively, compared to the control, and the lettuce benghal dayflower and tall windmill grass, with increases of
root biomass was reduced by 52 and 56% respectively for 1.8 times (for signal grass) the control value for lettuce, 2.5
both donor species (Figure 5). It is noteworthy that even times (for signal grass) and 4.3 times (for ruzi grass) the
though the emerged lettuce plants escaped any allelopathic control value for benghal dayflower, with increases of 2.0
effects related to germination/emergence, their biomass times (for ruzi grass) for tall windmill grass (Figure 6). The
accumulation was severely affected (Table 2; Figure 5). opposite pattern that was occurred for low SRL values may
These results coupled with the results of Experiment I, in be related to their low tolerance to the allelopathic effects
which lettuce had the highest germination inhibition values of the signal grass and ruzi grass root exudates.
of the species tested, demonstrating that lettuce was the Interestingly, another opposite pattern was occurred in the
most sensitive to the allelopathic effects of the Urochloa, benghal dayflower RWR (i.e., the relative biomass allocation
and an effective allelopathic indicator (Table 1; Figure 1). to the roots), where ruzi grass caused half of the biomass to
The shoot biomass of benghal dayflower responded similarly be allocated to the roots compared to the control (Figure 6).
to both donor plant root exudates, with increases of 89 and In some cases, a lower allocation of biomass to the roots
178%, for signal grass and ruzi grass respectively, compared (RWR) can be compensated by a high SRL value (Aerts et al.,
to the control (Figure 5). This stimulation not only 1991). However, this compensatory pattern was only
demonstrates the possible tolerance of this weed to both observed in benghal dayflower. In addition, the ruzi grass
signal grass and ruzi grass, but also even indicate that it treatment was the only one that reduced germination
benefits from the root exudates, even though this species and/or emergence in benghal dayflower in the two bioassays
has its emergence levels somewhat affected (Figure 3). (Table 2; Figure 3), which corroborates the negative
These results also offer a possible explanation for why this allelopathic effect among these species. For lettuce, the
weed is one of the most frequent in citrus groves in São RWR was 1.8 times higher for signal grass and ruzi grass than
Paulo, Brazil, since Urochloa and signal grass are very the control, which may explain the severe decrease in the
common (Martinelli et al., 2017). biomass accumulation values observed for this species.
For hairy beggarticks, the signal grass and ruzi grass root Generally, increases in RWR values occur in less favourable
exudates inhibited shoot biomass accumulation, with a environments. For example, a decreased nitrogen supply
reduction of 24 and 11%, respectively, and inhibited root proportionately may increase biomass allocation to the roots
biomass accumulation by 11 and 27%, respectively (Figure relative to the shoots (RWR) of Brachypodium pinnatum and
5). The results indicate a certain tolerance by allelopathic Dactylis glomerate. The same was observed for the
effects from Urochloa on hairy beggarticks, because it was phosphorus supply, but at a lower intensity (Ryser and
the species that had the lowest biomass decrease. Lambers, 1995). Similarly, an efficient nitrification inhibitor
The shoot and root biomass of D. insularis and tall windmill known as brachialactone, was found in the root exudates of
grass responded similarly to ruzi grass root exudates, with a Urochloa humidicola (Rendle) Schweick. The process of
reduction of 13 and 7 times of the control for sourgrass suppression of soil nitrification by the release of root
shoot and root biomass, respectively, and with a reduction inhibitors is known as biological nitrification inhibition (BNI)
of 9 and 8 times the control for tall windmill grass shoot and (Subbarao et al., 2009) and may explain the allelopathic
root biomass, respectively (Figure 5). All weeds, with effect of the root exudates on the two tested species, since
exception of benghal dayflower, showed treatment effects they are of the same genus. Additionally, the high RWR
on specific root length (SRL). All weed species showed values observed for lettuce show that the root exudates of
treatment effects except for sourgrass; and for root weight the donor plants made unfavourable growing conditions, as
ratio (RWR). Only lettuce and benghal dayflower showed detailed above. Sourgrass and tall windmill grass root length
treatment effects (Table 3, Figure 6). was affected by ruzi grass treatment with 13 and 9 times
Horseweed root length was reduced by signal grass decreases, compared to control, respectively (Figure 6). This
treatment by 2.5 times compared to control and ruzi grass. species had the most affected shoot and root biomass
In horseweed, SRL (the root length per unit root weight) was accumulation, with more significant losses than the indicator
affected by Urochloa, with a decrease of 3.9 times, plant, in this case, lettuce. These results also corroborate to
compared to control (Table 3, Figure 6). In hairy beggarticks, demonstrate the high potential of ruzi grass for the
signal grass and ruzi grass caused a 25% decrease in the root preventive control of other grasses with one of the lowest
length and 1.3 times the SRL values. These results germinations of plant extracts and for root exudates (Figures
demonstrate that the low SRL values in horseweed and hairy 1 and 4). Even though, the presence or absence of an
beggarticks may be related to their high tolerance to the allelopathic substance was not directly assessed in this
allelopathic effects of the signal grass and ruzi grass root study. The allelopathic effects were detected and more
exudates since low root biomass allocation for production of realistically demonstrated which would be observed in the
root length (i.e. high SRL values) is generally associated with field. The allelopathic effects of Urochloa species in Brazil
high rates of root proliferation in disturbed soils (Eissenstat, emerged from reports of signal grass among citrus trees, in
1991). To corroborate this high tolerance by the SRL value, which lemon tree (Citrus limon) reduced heights were noted
the root biomass of horseweed did not differ from the for seedlings that were planted in old signal grass pastures
control. In hairy beggarticks, signal grass and ruzi grass root (Souza et al., 1997).
exudates decreased shoot biomass accumulation by 11 and

Table 1. Parameters of the equations and t90 values obtained through the logistic model for the relative emergence (to the control) of
the lettuce, horseweed, Benghal dayflower, hairy beggarticks, sourgrass and tall windmill grass under the Urochloa leaf extracts (signal
grass - SG and ruzi grass - RG) as well as the relative emergence of horseweed and hairy beggarticks under the concentrations of
Urochloa leaf extracts and its concentration values. The t50 and t90 values represent the time required for 50 and 90% of the
germination. ± represents the standard error of the mean.
Leaf Concentration Equation parameters
Species −1 t90
extracts (mg ml ) d b t50
Lettuce SG/RG 0 1.00 (±0.01) -6.36 (±0.30) 10.1 (±5.36) 10.5 (±6.90)
75 0.16 (±0.01) -4.19 (±0.37) 11.6 (±3.66) 12.1 (±1.01)
150 0.28 (±0.01) -7.88 (±1.60) 9.93 (±1.88) 10.2 (±2.41)
225 0.07 (±0.01) -2.88 (±6.06) 10.6 (±3.18) 11.3 (±3.63)
Benghal dayflower SG/RG 0 1.00 (±0.03) -0.79 (±0.11) 5.60 (±0.02) 8.38 (±0.44)
75 0.28 (±0.03) -1.03 (±0.81) 5.81 (±0.59) 7.95 (±1.71)
150 0.16 (±0.02) -0.94 (±0.98) 5.49 (±1.14) 7.83 (±2.50)
225 0.20 (±0.03) -0.83 (±0.70) 5.88 (±0.95) 8.52 (±2.36)
Horseweed SG 0 0.99 (±0.09) -2.99 (±0.23) 6.00 (±0.19) 6.73 (±5.76)
75 0.64 (±0.09) -4.07 (±0.22) 7.33 (±7.86) 7.86 (±8.95)
150 0.27 (±0.11) -2.85 (±0.19) 7.66 (±9.91) 8.42 (±9.98)
225 0.16 (±0.09) -13.1 (±2.20) 7.20 (±1.10) 7.37 (±10.70)
RG 0 1.00 (±0.11) -2.89 (±2.55) 6.00 (±0.25) 6.76 (±3.50)
75 0.70 (±0.07) -3.89 (±2.12) 7.07 (±2.26) 8.27 (±2.17)
150 0.15 (±0.12) -1.80 (±7.61) 7.50 (±6.45) 8.73 (±8.51)
225 0.13 (±0.10) -0.28 (±2.16) 18.13 (±6.90) 25.95 (±5.47)
Hairy beggarticks SG 0 1.00 (±0.57) -2.01 (±0.93) 4.19 (±2.10) 25.25 (±2.32)
75 0.97 (±0.31) -2.46 (±1.28) 6.74 (±2.58) 16.47 (±3.90)
150 0.41 (±0.13) -22.1 (±4.32) 9.38 (±7.26) 10.37 (±9.74)
225 0.31 (±0.09) -23.9 (±2,94) 9.55 (±7.15) 10.48 (±9.68)
RG 0 1.00 (±0.6) -1.98 (±0.98) 8.39 (±1.45) 25.5 (±2.69)
75 1.27 (±0.09) -2.06 (±1.11) 10.12 (±6.98) 29.55 (±3.83)
150 0.62 (±0.10) -22.93 (±10.6) 9.63 (±3.08) 10.6 (±8.05)
225 0.71 (±0.11) -2.43 (±3.60) 12.1 (±16.7) 29.9 (±7.39)
Sourgrass SG/RG - 0.29 (±0.04) -1.47 (±1.53) 4.18 (±1.39) 5.68 (±2.61)
Tall windmill grass SG/RG - 0.31 (±0.28) -1.47 (±4.52) 2.89 (±3.53) 12.9 (±6.92)

Table 2. Parameters of the equations and t90 values obtained through the logistic model obtained for the relative emergence (to the
control) of the lettuce, horseweed, Benghal dayflower, hairy beggarticks, sourgrass and tall windmill grass as a function of previously
cultivated soils with Urochloa (signal grass—SG and ruzi grass—RG) and without exudate (control). The values of t50 and t90 represent
the time required for 50 and 90% of the emergence. ± represents the standard error of the mean.
Equation parameters
Species Year Treatments t90
d b t50
Lettuce Control 0.97 (±0.05) -0.46 (±0.20) 4.00 (±0.09) 8.72 (±2.66)
SG 0.56 (±0.07) -0.25 (±0.14) 7.18 (±2.47) 15.98 (±6.57)
RG 0.83 (±0.08) -0.22 (±0.08) 7.22 (±1.82) 17.27 (±4.75)
Horseweed Control 0.99 (±0.06) -0.31 (±0.07) 12.80 (±0.09) 19.92 (±2.12)
SG 0.62 (±0.05) -0.33 (±0.12) 10.84 (±1.33) 17.45 (±2.87)
RG 0.84 (±0.06) -0.29 (±0.08) 13.34 (±1.16) 20.98 (±2.74)
Benghal dayflower 2017 Control 0.96 (±0.05) -2.68 (±7.00) 23.72 (±2.09) 24.54 (±2.00)
SG 0.99 (±0.05) -4.30 (±18.9) 23.54 (±2.02) 24.04 (±0.29)
RG 0.65 (±0.05) -2.99 (±4.95) 22.69 (±2.29) 23.42 (±2.02)
2019 Control 0.95 (±0.06) -0.55 (±0.26) 6.80 (±0.95) 10.77 (±2.44)
SG 0.69 (±0.08) -0.29 (±12.8) 11.11 (±2.01) 18.77 (±4.59)
RG 0.63 (±0.07) -0.49 (±4.38) 8.00 (±1.70) 12.51 (±5.22)
Hairy beggarticks Control 0.94 (±0.02) -0.79 (±0.25) 3.14 (±0.37) 5.93 (±1.08)
SG 0.57 (±0.03) -0.54 (±0.21) 3.96 (±0.77) 8.00 (±1.99)
RG 0.67 (±0.03) -0.43 (±.14) 4.73 (±0.77) 9.82 (±2.17)
Sourgrass Control 0.95 (±0.04) -1.44 (±0.98) 5.11 (±0.65) 6.63 (±0.8)
SG 0.73 (±0.06) -0.41 (±0.21) 7.16 (1.34±) 12.5 (±3.6)
RG 0.25 (±0.05) -0.67 (±1.21) 5.88 (±2.59) 9.15 (±7.25)
Tall windmill grass Control 0.92 (±0.04) -0.33 (±0.07) 7.71 (±0.78) 14.51 (±1.93)
SG 0.85 (±0.06) -0.23 (±0.05) 11.5 (±1.35) 21.05 (±3.17)
RG 0.62 (±0.06) -0.27 (±0.09) 13.76 (±1.65) 21.81 (±3.7)

Fig 1. Relative germination (of the control) of lettuce, benghal dayflower, horseweed, hairy beggarticks, sourgrass and tall windmill
grass on Urochloa leaf extracts (signal grass and ruzi grass) and its concentration values as a function of time (DAI: days after
installation). The relative germination is represented by the ratio between treatments germination and the control. The parameters
of the equations are found in Table 1. *For sourgrass and tall windmill grass, all concentrations obtained the same result in the
regression model, so only one curve is presented representing the average concentration of 75, 150 and 225 mg ml .

Fig 2. Relative emergence on different evaluation dates (DAS: days after sowing) of lettuce and horseweed, as a function of previously cultivated
soils with Urochloa (signal grass and ruzi grass) and control (without root exudates). The relative emergence is represented by the ratio between the
emergence treatments emergence and the control. The parameters of the equations are in Table 2.

Fig 3. Relative emergence on different evaluation dates (DAS: days after sowing) of benghal dayflower as a function of previously cultivated soils
with Urochloa (signal grass and ruzi grass) and control (without root exudates) in the 2017 and 2019 bioassays. The relative emergence is
represented by the ratio between emergence treatments and the control. The parameters of the equations are in Table 2.

Table 3. Summary of analysis of variance (ANOVA) with degrees of freedom (df) of treatments and Pr>F for dry mass (DM) data of the shoots, roots
and total (roots + shoots), root length, specific root length (SRL) and root weight ratio (RWR) of lettuce (Lactuca sativa), Conyza canadensis,
Commelina benghalensis, Bidens pilosa, Digitaria insularis and Chloris elata as a function of previously cultivated soils with Urochloa. *: P<0.05**:
P<0.01; ***: P<0.001.
Source Shoots DM Roots DM Root Length SRL RWR
Species df Pr>F
Bioassay (A) 1 0.490ns 0.390ns 0.703ns 0.368ns 0.404ns
Root exsudates (B) 2 < 0.001*** < 0.001*** 0.049* 0.031* 0.024*
A.B 2 0.451ns 0.223ns 0.120ns 0.116ns 0.19ns
C. canadensis
Bioassay (A) 1 0.310ns 0.335ns 0.257ns 0.180ns 0.253ns
Root exsudates (B) 2 0.455ns 0.339ns 0.048* 0.045* 0.765ns
A.B 2 0.308ns 0.349ns 0.126ns 0.461ns 0.139ns
C. benghalensis
Bioassay (A) 1 0.230ns 0.196ns 0.593ns 0.678ns 0.690ns
ns ns
Root exsudates (B) 2 0.001** 0.199 0.398 0.008** 0.041*
A.B 2 0.403ns 0.133ns 0.203ns 0.313ns 0.493ns
B. pilosa
Bioassay (A) 1 0.433ns 0.365ns 0.178ns 0.170ns 0.810ns
Root exsudates (B) 2 0.199* < 0.001*** 0.105 0.012* 0.019*
A.B 2 0.112ns 0.300ns 0.274ns 0.996ns 0.556ns
D. insularis
Bioassay (A) 1 0.891ns 0.685ns 0.188ns 0.240ns 0.270ns
Root exsudates (B) 2 0.160 < 0.001*** 0.013* 0.044* 0.897ns
A.B 2 0.876ns 0.280ns 0.854ns 0.126ns 0.560ns
C. elata
Bioassay (A) 1 0.388ns 0.342ns 0.468ns 0.474ns 0.914ns
Root exsudates (B) 2 0.679 < 0.001*** < 0.001*** 0.019* 0.029*
A.B 2 0.109ns 0.333ns 0.144ns 0.952ns 0.896ns

Fig 4. Relative emergence on different evaluation dates (DAS: days after sowing) of hairy beggarticks, sourgrass and tall windmill
grass as a function of previously cultivated soils with Urochloa (signal grass and ruzi grass) and control (without root exudates). The
relative emergence is represented by the ratio between emergence treatments emergence and the control. The parameters of the
equations are in Table 2.

Fig 5. Relative biomass of the shoots and roots per emerged plant of lettuce (Lactuca sativa), horseweed, benghal dayflower, hairy beggarticks,
sourgrass and tall windmill grass as a function of previously cultivated soils with Urochloa [signal grass (U. decumbens) and ruzi grass (U. ruziziensis)]
and control (without root exudates). Means followed by the same letter within each species do not differ (Tukey’s multiple comparison test; α =
0.05). The relative dry mass is represented by the ratio between treatments dry matter (g plant-1) and control dry matter. CONTROL: no root
exudates; SIGNAL: signal grass root exudates; RUZI: ruzi grass root exudates. ± error bars represent the standard error of the mean.

Fig 6. Root length (cm), specific root length (SRL; root length per root dry weight, cm g-1) and (RWR; root dry weight per plant dry weight, g g-1) of
lettuce (Lactuca sativa), horseweed, benghal dayflower, hairy beggarticks, sourgrass and tall windmill grass as a function of previously cultivated
soils with Urochloa [signal grass (U. decumbens) and ruzi grass (U. ruziziensis)] and control (without root exudates). Means followed by the same
letter within each species do not differ (Tukey’s multiple comparison test; α = 0.05). CONTROL: no root exudates; SIGNAL: signal grass root
exudates; RUZI: ruzi grass root exudates. ± error bars represent the standard error of the mean.

There have been additional reports of growth reductions in that contributes to its allelopathic abilities (Kobayashi and
corn (Zea mays L.), rice (Oryza sativa L.), wheat (Triticum Kato-Noguchi, 2015).
aestivum L.), soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], beans The results of this study confirm the hypotheses raised by
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.), and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Martinelli et al. (2017) that signal grass and ruzi grass
grown in soil in mulched with signal grass biomass (Souza et mulches and/or root exudates can control weeds through
al., 2006). allelopathic effects. This study also corroborates that the
Martinelli et al. (2017) have demonstrated several "ecological mowing" management strategy can improve
indications of the allelopathic effects of signal grass and ruzi weed management by integrating control methods and
grass on weeds and citrus. Low weed density values were positively using allelopathy. In addition, the action of
observed on signal grass as a cover crop, suggesting that, allelopathic effects of the Urochloa on different weed
aside from its aggressive nature, signal grass could exert species, makes detection of a unique patterns among
allelopathic effects, either by releasing aerial volatiles or by species difficult, highlighting the inherent difficulties in
root exudates, since as a cover crop it coexists in time and allelopathy experiments. Nevertheless, it was possible to
space with the crop and weeds. In addition, a lower fruit demonstrate a preventive control option for four difficult-to-
yield observed in citrus plants was proposed to be due to the control weeds, horseweed, benghal dayflower, sourgrass
following two effects: (i) the great allelopathic potential of and tall windmill grass, in which there is a certain tolerance
the signal grass mulch and (ii) enhanced aggressiveness of hairy beggarticks, which may explain its high frequency in
and/or allelopathic effects when the weeds were controlled Brazilian citrus groves.
by an herbicide, as when signal grass largely inhibited the
citrus fruit yield.
Several secondary metabolites and various modes of release Further studies must be conducted to test allelopathic
related to allelopathy have been associated with Urochloa effects for additional difficult-to-control/herbicide-resistant
genus plants. The phenolic compound, p-coumaric acid was weed species in citrus varieties and to determine which
extracted from U. humidicola shoots and had allelopathic substance has the greatest effects on weeds and crops.
activity against Desmodium adscendens (Sw.) DC., arrowleaf
(Sida rhombifolia L.) and Vernonia polyanthes Less. (Souza Materials and methods
Filho et al., 2005). The presence of the steroidal saponin,
and protodioscin was described in the leaves of signal grass Plant material and experiments
and U. brizantha, associated with the presence of
allelochemicals in aqueous extracts (Barbosa et al., 2009). In The allelopathic activities of the leaf extracts and roots
a more recent study, the same steroidal saponin was also exudates of the donor plants (signal grass and ruzi grass)
isolated from ruzi grass (Nepomuceno et al., 2017). Three were identified experimentally by their effects on the
allelopathically active substances were isolated from U. germination and development of an allelopathy indicator
brizantha shoots and were identified as (6R,9R)-3-oxo-a- plant (lettuce) and five weeds (hairy beggarticks, benghal
ionol, (6R,9S)-3-oxo-a-ionol and 4-ketopinoresinol, with dayflower, horseweed, sourgrass and tall windmill grass).
(6R,9S)-3-oxo-a-ionol being the most effective inhibitor The laboratory and greenhouse bioassays were divided into
among the three (Kato-Noguchi et al., 2014). In signal grass, two experiments: (Experiment I) the lettuce and weed
(6R,9S)-3-oxo-a-ionol was also reported to be the compound germination responses to leaf extracts from signal grass and
ruzi grass; and (Experiment II) the emergence and

development of lettuce and weeds on substrates previously Where; Galle is the relative germination rate due to
cultivated with signal grass and ruzi grass. The experiments allelopathy, Gleaf ext is the relative germination rate in the
treated the species as independent experiments and the leaf extract bioassays, and GPEG is the relative germination r
bioassays performed in the spring seasons of 2017 and 2019 ate in the PEG-6000 bioassays.
for lettuce, horseweed, benghal dayflower and hairy
beggarticks as well as the spring seasons of 2018 and 2019 Emergence and development of weeds in substrates
for sourgrass and tall windmill grass. previously cultivated with Urochloa spp.

Response of weed germination to aqueous extracts of The treatments in Experiment II consisted of substrate in
Urochloa spp. which the donor plants were grown either in (i) signal grass
(U. decumbens), (ii) ruzi grass (U. ruziziensis) or (iii) without
The experimental design was completely randomised in a 2 × plant donor (control). The experimental design was
4 factorial scheme with four replicates of the lettuce and the completely randomised with four replicates. The lettuce and
weed experiments. The first factor in the scheme was donor weeds (hairy beggarticks, benghal dayflower and
species (signal grass or ruzi grass), and the second factor was horseweed, i.e. the same weeds as in Exp. I) bioassays were
leaf extract concentration (0, 75, 150 and 225 mg ml ). To carried out as independent experiments.
begin, aqueous extracts were obtained from the leaves of Signal grass and ruzi grass seeds were sown (July 2017, 2018
signal grass and ruzi grass, which were collected from a and 2019) in 10 L pots containing washed sand, seven plants
commercial organic citrus orchard. The samples were dried per species per pot, and grown in greenhouse conditions in
at 60 ±3°C for 72 hours and hammer-milled, after which 200 Cordeirópolis, São Paulo State, Brazil. During this period,
g of each sample was weighed, mixed with 800 mL of when the Urochloa plants were at least 30 cm high and in
distilled water and filtered to make an aqueous extract the pre-flowering stage (beginning of panicle formation;
solution with a concentration of 250 mg ml (25% w/v). This approximately 60 days after sowing), the plants were
solution was subsequently diluted to obtain the three test removed, and their rooting substrate was divided into
-1 -1
concentrations, 75 mg ml (30% w/v), 150 mg ml (60% w/v) individual 3 L pots. In each pot, 50 seeds of lettuce or weeds
and 225 g ml (90% w/v). were sown in the Urochloa-treated substrate. The pots were
Germination was tested in Petri dishes, with fifty seeds per irrigated daily with individualized flow drippers (0.8 L h ) for
dish for each species, and each was considered one two periods lasting ten minutes each. The receiver plants
replicate. The Petri dishes were kept in a BOD (Biochemical were grown in a soil in which the donor plant has been
Oxygen Demand)-type climatic chamber at 25°C (±0.5°C grown, while the control is a receiver plant in the soil with
accuracy) with a 12/12 h photoperiod. The osmotic potential no previous donor plant. This can demonstrate allelopathy
of the different solutions was analysed using the Wescor without complications from resource competition (Duke,
model HR-33T microvoltmeter and the pH was measured 2015).
with a pH meter. The number of emerged seedlings was evaluated at three-
Because osmotic potential can influence allelopathy, its day intervals for one month, to calculate cumulative
effects on the germination process of the weeds and lettuce emergence. At the end of the experiment, the root length
were evaluated. A germination test using solutions of was measured, and the shoots and roots were dried
polyethylene glycol (PEG-6000) at predetermined osmotic (60±3ºC; 72 h) and weighed (±0.001 g). The relationship
potentials was set up with the same conditions used for the between growth and root weight was determined, as the
lettuce and weed tests in the previous bioassay (fifty seeds specific root length (SRL; root length per root dry weight, cm
per Petri dish, BOD at 25°C and 12/12 h photoperiod). The g ) and root weight ratio (RWR; root dry weight per plant
osmotic potentials were determined as in Michel and dry weight, g g ).
Kaufmann (1973) to be as follows: 0.0 (control), -0.09, -0.11
and -0.16 MPa (for signal grass) or -0.09, -0.14 and -0.17 Statistical analyses
MPa (for ruzi grass) and corresponded to the osmotic
potentials found in the leaf extracts at the 75, 150 and 225 All data were subjected to ANOVA. The Experiment I
mg ml dilution, respectively. It should also be noted that germination data and the Experiment II emergence data
the pH values of the extracts from every concentration (6.44 were analysed by nonlinear regression (Ritz et al., 2013). A
±0.05) of both Urochloa species were similar to the pH of the three-parameter logistic model was used (Streibig et al.,
control (6.53 ±0.04). 1993; Seefeldt et al., 1995):
The germination rate was determined in four evaluations at [2]
three-day intervals (3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 days after installation - Where; d is the value of the upper limit of the curve, x is the
DAI). Seeds that emitted radicles with a size equal to or response variable, x0 is the value that represents 50% of the
greater than 2.0 mm were considered as germinated. It is variable, and b is the relative slope of the curve. For this
important to note that, to isolate the effect of the osmotic study, d denotes the number of seeds that germinated
potential from the allelopathic effect, the germination and/or emerged during the experiment out of the total
values used for the analyses were adjusted according to the number of seeds sown at the beginning of the experiment
results of the germination tests with the PEG-6000. For each (Ritz et al., 2013). All regression models were compared by
concentration of Urochloa species leaf extract, the ANOVA to determine which of the factors (bioassays, donor
differences in germination rate inhibition, provided by the species and extract concentration) influenced the models.
PEG-6000 germination tests, were subtracted from the The fit of the regression models was evaluated by the lack-
germination inhibition rate of the leaf extracts by the of-fit F-test (α = 0.05), based on the analysis of variance,
following formula: demonstrating the quality of the modelling by comparing
the sum of squares of the regression analysis residual with
[1] the square sums of the residual of the variance analysis
(Onofri et al., 2010; Ritz et al., 2015).

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