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UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Note: Suggestions for each section are provided in blue text. Delete all blue text and replace it with your own.

Name of Teacher Candidate Pedro Rocha

Lesson Overview
Grade Level
Estimated Time Needed Two 50 minute class periods
Lesson Description Southern Resistance
The student will analyze the types of resistance the south
Content Area Standards

Technology Standards Powerpoint, promethean borad.

The students will be able to explain the types of Southern
Resistance that African Americans experienced during the Civil
Objectives Rights Era.

• George Wallace
• Lester Maddox
• Orval Faubus
• Status Quo
• Southern Resistance
• Southern Bloc of Democrats
Technology Resources Promethean Board
List all specific materials needed, and how each will be used to support
Other Resources
student learning.

Lesson Procedures
A step-by-step description of the
scope and sequence of lesson
activities, with estimated time on
task noted in parentheses for each
step. In other words, completely Describe how each stage of
Cite specifically what
describe the flow of the lesson-the the lesson will be managed,
resources for this activity
content to be presented, and the including role of teacher
will be used, and describe
This template is built on strategies to be used. Include actual and learners (who is doing
in detail how they will be
words you will use and questions what at each point), location
the traditional “Madeline you will ask students. Consider (e.g., classroom, computer
Hunter” lesson structure. Note who will be using the
items such as: parts of the lesson lab, outside), and any
tool and in what ways. Note
that might be difficult, and how you special considerations, such
any safety considerations
will know whether you can go on; as for differentiated
how to ensure that students instruction.
completely understand directions
before releasing them to work
independently; and what students
will do if they finish their work early.
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
While managing the
warmup activity I will be
Warmup activity. When the observing the
students walk into the classroom for students
classroom there will be a who are paying
During the lesson I
instructions for the students attention/raising their
the teacher will be
to have their folders out so hand. If the student
walking around
we can answer the warmup. answers correctly then
helping the students
There will be a question they will receive a ram
Focus/Anticipatory Set with their
asking about Civil Rights buck reward. If the
(motivational hook) assignment. There
important events. Once the student answer
are some readings
warm up is introduced I will incorrectly but if close
that the students
remind the students of the they will receive a ram
could have difficulty
events for example. buck as well. The
Montgomery Bus boycott, learners will be paying
Rosa Parks, Selma March. attention to the warmup
questions because
those answers will be
filled out on their folder.
When the students
get to the processing
activity where they
will read descriptions
of the 3 men who
resisted integration.
Once the warmup is They will then match
complete and we have our the court ruling with
folders filled in. A discussion the men. For
over southern resistance will During the lesson I will example:
be presented on a be making sure Sweatt V Painter
PowerPoint. George Wallace, students are would match with
(Could include content
Lester Maddox, Orval understanding the George Wallace.
outline, presentation,
Faubus, and southern bloc of content. Looking for Because Herman
questioning, modeling,
democrats will be discussed. students to engage in a Sweatt was denied to
How they encouraged discussion regarding go to his school
southern resistance and what Southern Resistance because of his race.
they did to stop for While Wallace
integration. prevented any non-
. white person go to
University of
Then they will explain
how they violated
those court ruling.

Guided Practice Students who have failed to I will continue to walk The students will
(identify students who master the lessons objective around the classroom work induvial on the
failed to master lesson will be asked if they need and monitor students processing activity. I
objectives.) help. If they say they are fine doing their will do 1 of the
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
assignments. If any are
to raise their hands, I
will answer their
question. The students
and understand what they
will be working on their
should be doing. Follow up matching with them
assignment if they have
questions like well let’s see and 1 of the
questions I will answer
how far you are or how you explaining problems
them with regarding
are doing so far? Then I will with them and
information back to the
proceed to help them get gradually release
lesson. Questions like
started and on task? them to the activity.
Who were the southern
bloc of democrats?
Lets talk about status
quo? What is status
The worksheet the students The students are to
Students will be
will have will help them complete this portion of
completing their
understand which court the assignment by
Independent Practice assignments around
rulings were laws and how themselves. But if any
(reteaching and this time. I will be
the people resisted students need help
enrichment) taking any questions
integration were breaking the clarifying what the
that the students
law. questions is asking, I
will clarify for them.
Ask the students what is The notes portion will
At this point students
something we learned today? be put inside their
will have turned in their
What is something we still folder with the rest of
Closure assignments and
are unsure about and didn’t their civil rights
seated back in their
quite understand? Which notes.
leader would you follow?

Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accomodations

In class support is required in the classroom for students who are MOD,
Special Education Students
Accommodations, SPED
English Language Learners
Gifted and Talented

Potential Challenges/Plan B
I am not too sure if class copies were made for the matching portion of the processing activity. If that is the
case I think I will just alternate through the PowerPoint description of the men again.

The worksheet assess to the students what African American people had to go through to fight for their
rights. It also will give a sense of how times have changed, how democrats were the racist then but now
they fight for everyone’s rights/civil liberties.

Notes and Credits

There are many lesson plan ideas available, from other teachers, curriculum guides, and online. You are
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
free to use whatever information you find to inspire your lesson planning, provided:
1. You properly cite your sources;
2. You fit the information into this required lesson format, meaning you will need to add additional
information to complete the lesson; and
3. You modify the lesson to fit your objectives and student needs (You will almost never teach any
lesson as is – even those found in your teacher’s guides. You will always know best what the
individual learners in your classroom will respond to.)

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